"No Discrimination"

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TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Introduction

2.Right to express your position 3.Conclusion 4.Bibliography

1.Introduction Nowadays most human rights are respected by a majority of

the ​

first­world countries. For instance, in Spain, U.K. and Peru rights are respected although, actually, the taboo ​ ​ still​ ​ continues. Naila: ​ It doesn’t seem right that some people disagree with homosexual people, because there is nothing wrong with the fact ​ that you like someone of the same sex. Raúl: I chose this right because the taboo ​ on ​ homosexual people is still present Gays or lesbians are hidden or people discriminate them.

2.Right to express your opinion In most countries the right of homosexuality is violated, in others is accepted; the countries where the right is most respected are: Mexico, the Netherlands, Spain, Belgium, South Africa, Portugal, Canada, Norway, Sweden, Iceland and Argentina. Homosexuality is respected in Spain, there are laws that defend it. although the tabu continuous present and because of that discrimination still go on.

In the United Kingdown there is more or less similar but a little bit less. The homosexual relationship in Peru is accepted and It wins importance therefore of the media. A lot of important cities of Peru have gay pride parade , like​ ​ Lima​ ,​ Arequipa​ ,​ Trujillo​ ,​ Chiclayo​ ,​ Piura​ and​ Cusco​ . Although there was a project in favour of the homosexual marriage in 2003, there are laws which penalize the discrimination to sexual orientation. A lot of native tribes accepted homosexuality before the arrival of conquerors​ .

3 Conclusion Naila: Before doing this project, I thought I knew enough about homosexuality and thought it was quite acceptable but right now ,is that it is not. The wise religion , which was not accepted in many places and now, is not it still is. In this project , I have learned that there is no reason to discriminate anyone for their opinion, race or religion although if I do not like it. Raúl: homosexuality isn’t a problem in countries like Peru and U.K. This idea is respected ​ enough. Because of it I haven’t travelled there. ​ The mayor problem is in Spain, in our own country, where the taboo is the cause of discrimination. It’s actually the problem. However the answer ,it isn’t laws or talks to students (the students are the main reason of the problem). The answer is in ourselves, we must accept it like something natural and we must include it in our daily.

4 Bibliography Films about homosexuality: http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Milk_%28pel%C3%ADcula%29 Book about homosexuality: ​ “​ Small g: Un Idilio De Verano” http://aventuraenlaisla.blogspot.com.es/2012/02/small­g­un­idilio­de­veran o­de­patricia.html information about human rights: http://blog.piratasdeextremadura.org/?page_id=422 http://www.pdhre.org/rights/discrimination­sp.html Information about homosexuality of Peru: http://peru21.pe/actualidad/pulso­peru­70­no­quiere­union­civil­homosexu al­2153327 http://onu.org.pe/noticias/onu­union­civil­no­matrimonial­en­el­peru/ Information about homosexuality of U.K. http://www.elpais.com.uy/mundo/legalizan­matrimonio­homosexual­inglat erra­gales.html http://www.elmundo.es/elmundo/2013/07/17/internacional/1374048766.ht ml http://www.huffingtonpost.es/2013/07/17/matrimono­gay­en­reino­unido_n _3610756.html Images: http://curiosidades.batanga.com/4247/la­homosexualidad­en­los­animales http://www.forosperu.net/temas/parejas­homosexuales­y­adopcion­de­nin os.710432/ http://es.dreamstime.com/im%C3%A1genes­de­archivo­libres­de­regal% C3%ADas­homosexualidad­image13161379

http://trabajemos.cl/2013/12/pastillas­que­curan­la­homosexualidad­son­r etiradas­del­mercado/ http://peru21.pe/2011/11/23/mundo/cinco­anos­carcel­homosexualidad­20 00495 http://aventuraenlaisla.blogspot.com.es/2012/02/small­g­un­idilio­de­veran o­de­patricia.html http://decine21.com/peliculas/mi­nombre­es­harvey­milk­14943 http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Milk_%28pel%C3%ADcula%29

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