"Right to work"

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The human right to work

sabela y sara 2ยบB

Table of contents: Â

1-Introduction 2-The right to work 2.1-Spain 2.2-Peru 3-Conclusion 4-Bibliography

1.Introduction: We are going to talk about the human right to work in Spain and Peru, because neither Spain nor Peru respect this human right. We this human right because it seemed us interesting.

2.The right to work: There are many countries that don’t fulfill the right to work, for example: Peru, Colombia, China, Haiti, México, Argentina, India and most African countries. This human right is very important for people, because everyone has right to a worthy work and to decide where to work.

Article 23 ● (1) Everyone has the right to work, to free choice of employment, to just and favourable conditions of work and to protection against unemployment. ● (2) Everyone, without any discrimination, has the right to equal pay for equal work. ● (3) Everyone who works has the right to just and favourable remuneration ensuring for himself and his family an existence worthy of human dignity, and supplemented, if necessary, by other means of social protection. ● (4) Everyone has the right to form and to join trade unions for the protection of his interests.

2.1-Spain Our country is one of the countries with the largest risk of poverty, ​ for the unemployment that touches 6 millions ​ people. By the lack of work, the 21’6% of the spanish people are in poverty, and the 16’9% have difficulties to get to the end of the month.

2.2-Peru In recent years, Peru has experimented unprecedented economic growth. The main cause of poverty is social inequality, because not everyone has the same resources that the more important people of Peru.

In Peru there is one ONG, named​ “Grupo Humana”​ . This company is twenty-three years old and it has worked here for seven years. There are also more ONGs. To solve this problem of lack of work in Peru, we will travel and we will talk to people about the solutions of lack of work. We will encourage people to fight for their rights, mainly to fight for a decent job. Also we will talk to the women about their right to be respected as men.

3. Conclusion Sara:​ I think that every person has the right to a decent work without taking into account the physical conditions of the person. Also I think that no matter whether workers are men or women, for me they would have the same rights. Sabela:​ I think that everyone is entitled to have a job to survive. It isn’t necessary to have a very complicated job, only to be able to earn some money to buy your food and keep your home. The issue of gender equality must also be fulfilled, men and women should have equal rights, the right to work or any other.

4.Bibliography: Information: -(Accessed 7/3/2015) http://www.un.org/en/documents/udhr/ -(Accessed 7/3/2015) http://www.semana.com/nacion/articulo/colombia-es-un o-de-los-peores-paises-para-ser-trabajador/388902-3 -(Accessed 7/3/2015) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Right_to_work Spain: -(Accessed 7/3/2015) http://www.huffingtonpost.es/2013/12/05/articulos-const itucion-no-se-cumplen_n_4384451.html Peru: -(Accessed 7/3/2015) http://www.monografias.com/trabajos96/pobreza-causasy-consecuencias-peru/pobreza-causas-y-consecuencias -peru.shtml#causasycoa

-(Accessed 7/3/2015) http://trabajo-seguridadsocial.blogspot.com.es/2012/11/l a-historia-y-evolucion-del-derecho.html

Ongs: -(Accessed 7/3/2015) http://www.computrabajo.com.pe/empresas/ofertas-de-tr abajo-de-grupo-humana-soluciones-integrales-en-rrhh-04 571F568F744084 images: flag of Peru: http://www.bestfon.info/banderas/banderas/bandera-002 4-peru-flag-3738.html flag of Spain: http://enraizados.org/2014/12/08/8-d-inmaculada-concep cion-patrona-de-todos-los-espanoles-pon-la-bandera-de-e spana-en-tu-ventana/ unemployment office: http://vozpopuli.com/actualidad/36695-el-paro-registra-u na-bajada-record-en-diciembre-107-000-personas-menos

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