"The Victim" by Sergio Hernández

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B​U​L​L​Y​I​N​G Do not hide​, be brave​, ​report bullying

Table of contents 1. Introduction ………………………………………....3

2. Types of bullying …………………………………... 3

3. Effects of bullying…………………………………....4

4. Are you bully?..........................................................5

5. Why do people bully?...............................................6

6. The victims of the bullying…………………………...7

7. Advertising techniques and catchy phrases………9

8. Conclusion …………………………………………….10

9. Bibliography……………………………………………...11

1. Introduction ​Bullying is unwanted, aggressive behavior among school aged children that involves a real or perceived power imbalance. The behavior is repeated, or has the potential to be repeated, over time. Bullying includes actions such as making threats, spreading rumors, attacking someone physically or verbally, and excluding someone from a group on purpose.

2. TYPES OF BULLYING Verbal Bullying​ : The Bully saying things to you ● Name Calling, not just calling you names but calling your loved one names this can be very hurtful. ● Threatening you, by saying an older brother or sister is going’ to hurt you, or they are waiting for you after school. ​Physical Bullying ● Hitting, kicking, biting, scratching, pushing, tripping you up on purpose. Anything that hurts you by touching you is physical bullying. This is also a criminal offence and ​nobody​ is allowed to hit you. Indirect Bullying ● Ignoring someone, leaving them out or not allowing them to join in a game. ● Spreading Rumours, talking about you behind your back and saying things that are not true. ● ‘The bad eyes’, someone glaring or giving you threatening looks, this is very difficult to prove but can be just as distressing.

Technological/Cyber Bullying

● Internet abuse:​ Using social networking sites to show pictures, ​ embarrassing others, ​ setting ​ up groups and ​ encouraging ​ others to take part in bullying online. This can be ​VERY DANGEROUS​ as sometimes people give out personal information that can get into the wrong hands. ● Instant Messenger:​ Bullies can come into your home. ● Chat rooms :​ using chat rooms to spread gossip and hurt people's feelings. ● Abusive text messages:​ nasty text messages, these can be particularly scary when you don't know who they are off. ● Happy Slapping:​ this is when you use a phone or a video camera and film someone being slapped or attacked unknowingly. ● Silent or abusive phone calls :​ these too can be quite scary and worrying.

3.​ Effects of Bullying

The effects of bullying can be devastating for all involved. Below are just some things that could affect you because of someone else's actions or words. ● Physical pain ● Distress ● Low Self Esteem ● Depression

● Stress ● Anxiety - Panic attacks ● Developing an eating disorder ● Self harm ● Difficulty in making and keeping friends ● Feeling lonely and isolated ● Acting out of character ● Feeling sick - having an upset tummy

REMEMBER it is not your fault, it is the person who is bullying you who has the problem, not you.

4.ARE YOU BULLY? Do you ever make fun of others to get other people to laugh? Physically hurt someone? Hitting people is assault and is a criminal offence; do not think that hitting people makes you look hard or clever. Talking through problems takes more courage and shows you are growing up. Have you damaged or taken other people’s things​. If you take things from people this is stealing and also against the law. Do you Ignore people or leave them out of things you and your mates do? If you see this going on report it If you think you are a bully ask yourself ; Would I want someone else to do these things to me? If the answer is No, ​STOP …. Apologise for what you have done and then start each day as you mean to go on.

5.Why do people Bully?

Bullies sometimes don’t understand how bad they make the person feel​. If you are skitting someone or playing silly jokes on them you may feel it is all a good laugh, it may have started out that way, but over a couple of days or weeks it may start to upset the person you are making fun of. REMEMBER you should never have to say, “I was only messing” they should already know!

They may think that picking on people makes them look cool or hard , if you see someone bullying others, don’t stand and laugh or cheer. Walk away and go and get help. If you stand and watch and laugh you are just as bad as the bully because now you give them an audience to urge them on. They could be jealous of who you are or what you look like. Maybe they are used to getting a lot of attention and if someone takes their lime light then they don’t like it so they hurt them instead. They do not know how to be a good friend​, if everyone was a good friend to others, bullying would not be happening. It is very rare you find a truly happy bully!!!

6​.The victims of the bullying We want to put ourselves in the victim’s shoes , ​more and more people commit suicide because of​ ​bullying in the school, in the park, in the social networks. The victims of the bullying suffer from anxiety, distress,​ ​fear to go ​ to ​ school Diego Gonzalez 11 years old committed suicide​, He wrote this letter to his parents.

“I am telling you this because I cannot stand going to school and there is no other way not to go. Mum, Dad, these 11 years I have spent with you have been very good and I will never forget them as I will never forget you,” he wrote to his parents. Alone the two of you are incredible, but together you are the best parents in the world. I ask you not to split up, Mum and Dad, only seeing you together and happy will I be happy. I will miss you and I hope that one day we will be able to see each other again.” ​This child must have suffered a lot to get to this situation. For him, going to school was a torture. His school companions insulted, hit and marginalized him , for this situation the child decided decides to commit ​ ​ suicide. The director of the school said ​that hadn’t seen the slightest sign of bullying, nor any problem with the boy. The scary of telling the problems of bullying is very serious, people have to be brave and talk about these problems and not to keep silent.

Bullying video:​https://youtu.be/yFknG5heyPA In this video Holly talks about her day a day in the school.

7.​Advertising techniques: We are going to use transfer because ,we use images to persuade people. We are going to use the slogan ​technique ​because we are going to use catchy phrases about bullying.

8.​Catchy phrases: Are you brave? Report bullying.

You can’t rewind words so remember to be kind

9​.Conclusion We talk about the victims of bullying because the most important is to know them , how they live, their day a day in the school and at home and how they feel to commit suicide . This problem is very important.

STOP BULLYING!!!! Sergio HernĂĄndez Rocha

10.​Bibliography ● U.S. Department of Health & Human Services​; What is bullying?; stopbullying.gov;


[Accessed 2017-02-21; 13:41] ● David Mcnamee;What are the adult health consequences of childhood


<​http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/283042.php​> ● Pilar Alvarez ;Madrid to revise case of 11-year-old’s suicide after note points



<​http://elpais.com/elpais/2016/01/21/inenglish/1453383982_326930.h tml​> [Acessed 2017-03-05] ● Anonymous; Stop bullying <​https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/7a/98/d8/7a98d83a429 d878a260bcb70c526de3f.jpg​ [Acessed: 2017-03-05] ● Loly lago; Working as a copywriter, Group work project <​https://www.edu.xunta.gal/centros/iesfene/aulavirtual2/pluginfile.php/9728/ mod_resource/content/2/WORKING%20AS%20A%20COPYWRITER%20%20Group%20Work.pdf​> [Acessed: 2017-03-12]

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