ESSENTIALS Training – Race – Recovery |
The organism only talks one language. All elements are connected in a multidirectional way.
If you want be able to retrieve your personal best or just to cross the finish line without struggling too much, your body has to be in robust equilibrium. The following article picks up the rather vague term of balance and tries to elucidate in brief how balance can be achieved and maintained. To stay balanced is the secret for keeping yourself healthy despite strenuous workouts and competitions. Biestmilch can help.
Training – Race – Recovery
BIESTMILCH ESSENTIALS Training – Race – Recovery by Dr. Susann Kraeftner
Perceive the world with your body
or the signal transmission comes to a halt with the same consequences, namely jeopardizing the body‘s balance.
Before you start browsing through this broshure, just
Training should always remain within the borders of bal-
imagine your body being a densely woven network in
ance. The connections between the knots should be
which all elements are communicating. A current of sig-
highly dynamic and flexible. If they become rigid, then
nals is permanently rushing through our bodies connect-
the connectivity might break down in certain areas of the
ing all the knots (cells, organs, organ systems) with each
body, where the strain is extra high. Training has to in-
other. This very dynamic process is holding together our
crease the flexibility and stability of the network connec-
bodies and is responsible for keeping the balance.
tions of the body. This applies to the body as a whole not
BIESTMILCH is a physiological cocktail of signal mole-
only to the muscles and the metabolic pathways. If you
cules stabilizing the network connections. During periods
keep these picts in mind, then BIESTMILCH, the science
of severe stress signal transmission is either increasing
and the thought concept behind will be easy for you to
to an extent that overburdens the control mechanisms,
1 Training preps for your biggest race The training preps for your biggest race of the year are hard times. During these weeks of preparations you have to permanently push the limits without destroying the continuity of balance. You have to abstain from a lot of sweet things to receive the reward in the end. This drives your body into a delicate situation. For peaking on time a bunch of conditions have to coin-
The more you push your body to exertion, the more stressed
cide and emerge a state of harmony. Staying balanced by
it gets. The processes that smolder underneath the surface
pushing the limits at the same time over the long months
and are in the end responsible for the frail conditions you
of training may be a shaky walk along a thin red line.
may drift into during the training are systemic inflamma-
As an athlete who has to combine the preps with regu-
tions. The control mechanisms that contain your body‘s in-
lar working hours the task of being optimally prepared is
flammatory states are therefore challenged at all times. If
even more challenging.
you manage your training within the limits where the train-
Due to the training stress your body is floating in an in-
ing stress is not harming your immune system, autonomic
flammatory state of varying degree beyond the normal.
nervous system and/or your hormone regulation, then the
To control this condition and not tilting over the edge
reward will be a body that can endure a lot. If you do other-
is the tricky part. Don‘t risk your hard work by getting
wise and drive your body permanently over the edge, then
sick or injured. Sufficient recovery, a reasonable tapering
inflammatory processes may take over and lead your body
phase, abstaining from processed foods and considering
into a state of a chronic systemic inflammation.
BIESTMILCH as a supporter to make your body more ro-
Then training does become inefficient. You are lacking
bust and tolerant for strenuous workloads are the pillars
the motivation for the workout, the training feels mo-
of balance.
notonous and gets on your nerves. You feel permanently fatigued and stressed, and you may call yourself lucky,
Controlling the inflammatory states
if you don‘t come down with an illness, an injury or the
in your body is essential for
worst an overtraining syndrome.
staying fit and healthy. BIESTMILCH makes you more stress-resistant Regardless which training program you follow the con-
and modulates the inflammatory processes
tinuity of the training is essential. No injuries, no infec-
in your body
tions, no bouts of allergy and sufficient recovery times are the preconditions for a successful build-up. You are
You can take BIESTMILCH as a preventive measure and
well familiar with the fact that endurance training means
as a therapeutic agent. As BIESTMILCH is natural food
stress for your body, positive in the case of decent over-
produced under highest quality parameters, the intake
reaching, negative in the case of overtraining.
is totally harmless. You cannot overdose it. You will always benefit from it, as you do from other quality foods. BIESTMILCH has anti-inflammatory effects, strengthens your immune system and balances the activity of your autonomous nervous system.
As immunity is one essential pillar of performance BIESTMILCH is able to stabilize performance and support recovery.
Training – Race – Recovery
Here are some cues how you can find out whether you are still balanced or already over the edge: Deep and recreative sleep. No mood swings, emotionally stable. Extent and duration of fatigue within the scope of your training exertion. Duration and extent of muscles soreness not longer than 3 days. Good appetite, no craving for sweets, body weight stable or controlled weight loss respectively. Normal temperature sensation, no bouts of sweating in the cold and no freezing in the heat.
Be generous in your use of BIESTMILCH during taper, don‘t risk all the hard work. Biestmilch supports immunity and the nervous system with the impact of improving healing and being preventive when you start struggling while tapering.
Training – Race – Recovery
2 The tapering phase Keeping the balance under the fragile pre-race conditions For all of you who are competing tapering is a key element of the physical preparation in the last 2 to 3 weeks up to the race. Prof. Timothy Noakes, the author of “Waterlogged“ and “The Lore of Running“ gives the following advice for this critical period of time: «Once you decide to taper, do as little training as your mind will allow you, but do that little at a fast pace!» Tapering needs lots of experience as it is a very individual thing. It‘s about finding the right duration of the taper, the right volume, intensity and frequency of the specific training sessions and about finding the most suitable pattern of tapering for yourself. Besides all controversial discussions around this topic there is an agreement about the fact that the tapering phase is a very critical part of the preparation period. The body then is very frail and traveling long distances adds up negatively to this anyway difficult condition. The body‘s susceptibility for illnesses and injuries increases tremendously.
“My very own way of tapering changed quite a lot since I began with this sport. The fitter you get the faster the body tends to recover. But this doesn‘t mean that my taper periods became shorter, no they became different.“
An incomplete recovery that you were dragging from the
Sebastian Kienle,
intense training to the tapering phase can worsen the
Triathlon World Champion 2014
negative effects appearing during taper. During tapering the activity of the autonomous nervous system and the immune system should not decrease dramatically be-
The high frequency of stimuli imposed during the pre-taper
cause otherwise the inflammatory conditions in the body
overload training phase that ensures an optimum of adap-
spread and become more severe.
tive effects declines in the taper phase. This slow-down of the training leads to a drop of the activity state of the autonomous nervous system and the immune system. If one does not succeed to taper by maintaining a certain activity state of these two systems, then it can happen that the body loses its tension and falls into the “holiday”. It is common knowledge that illnesses often appear in phases of relaxation. Instead of the fact that healing is fostered inflammation thrives. The gateways for stress-related effects are open. The range of phenomena is broad and ranges from sleep disturbances, prolonged fatigue, lassitude, pain symptoms, to infections. One of the main goals of the recovery during the taper should be to keep autonomous nervous system activity and immunity in balance, and not to turn lethargic.
3 Race
Peaking on a solid base In endurance races the body faces mainly two critical conditions, one is fatigue and the other are gastrointestinal complications. During a race you meet all kind of stress factors that can jeopardize your under these conditions rather fragile balance. Fatigued connections between the brain and the muscles Brain activity and neuromuscular recruitment are interde-
pendent. During racing your brain has to be fully present and Tapering: When fatigue kicks in, signal control becomes weaker and weaker. Then storms of signals can reach the muscle without getting filtered anymore.
Chewies or Capsules
S ta r t
and awake to guarantee optimal muscular recruitment.
This lack of control of the signal transmission from the brain to the muscle and back may lead to cramps followed by exertion and finally exhaustion. This fatigue is located in the central nervous system not in the muscle. Consequently, you need your brain working at full capacity to retrieve your personal best. Leaks in the stomach and gut Endurance performance affects the integrity of the intestinal barrier. The prolonged strenuous exercise per se, heat stress, mechanical shearing forces, oxidative burst, reduced blood flow, too high an intake of carbs or painkillers such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents are only a few of the many stress factors that may induce an integrity loss of the intestinal barrier. Integrity loss regardless of its cause is associated with an increased intestinal permeability. Stomach and/or gut start leaking. The selective absorption of nutrients from the gut stops. On the other hand bacteria and toxins penetrate non-selectively into the body‘s interior and harm its balance. The symptoms you are then bothered by are cramps, diarrhea, bloating, nausea, vomiting, pains or/ and stomach bleeding.
Training – Race – Recovery
Early morning Biest booster
1/2 or 1 Booster
Booster on the Bike
F i n is h
Take a Booster
1/2 or 1 Booster
Chewies or Capsules for Recovery
Here’s some general advice to help you make the first step in experiencing the power of Biestmilch in training and racing.
FOR BASIC TRAINING If you feel fit and well one BIESTMILCH Chewy Tablet (900 mg Colostrum) a day suffices.
In case of a lactose intolerance and if you like to learn more check out our website. There you will find experiences of our loyal users, the basics about Biestmilch and scientific background information.
FOR INTENSIVE TRAINING SESSIONS If you enhance the intensity (volume and strength) of your training, then you may increase the amount of Biestmilch by 3 to 4 times of the standard amount
(900 mg). Preferably you take 2 to 3 of your Biestmilch Chewy Tablets in the morning, and 1 to 3 after the last training session. For a race the BIEST BOOSTER is an excellent option. It contains 4000 mg of Colostrum and 500 mg Guarana Extract which equals 100 mg of natural caffeine. BIESTMILCH (Colostrum)strengthens immunity and makes you more stress-resistant. Guarana levels increase smoother compared to the caffeine in coffee and therefore last longer than coffee, and Guarana is a cognitive enhancer.
Muscle adaption process
Microlesions Inflammatory Environment Catabolic Process
Repair Process Adaptation of Muscle Fibres Anabolic Process
BIESTMILCH supports healing and adaptation in a condition of inflammation: BIESTMILCH works as an anti-inflammatory agent and the growth factors it contains influence the cells‘ regeneration. Cell lesions are manifold after intensive training sessions and races. BIESTMILCH‘s molecules foster muscle growth and repair processes within the disrupted mucosal linings of all outer surfaces be it the gut, the bronchi, or the stomach etc. 10
Training – Race – Recovery
4 Recovery
Healing processes demand a strong and balanced immunity The immune system is steering the inflammatory and subsequently the healing processes. An intact immune system can heal micro-injuries within 3 to 5 days. If micro-injuries do not heal well, due to a weakened immune system - this may be for example because of an insufficient recovery Recovery - time for build-up,
time - then muscle ruptures and injuries to the sinews may
inflammation control and healing
be the result. Any form of inflammation pays its toll, be it an injury or an
Recovery is the highly active phase for the body build-
infection, by consuming energy and consequently lead-
up. If you see this part of the training through these
ing to a drop in performance. Due to the fact that never
eyes, it may be easier for you to accept taking a rest
all muscle fibers are activated at once - studies speak of a
without feeling bad. BIESTMILCH as an inflammatory
maximum of 50% in competitive athletes - the muscle can
modulator is a real asset during this time of your train-
tolerate an overload for quite a long time. Different fibers
ing program.
are activated by a kind of rotary principle. The pattern of active fibers even changes during one and
Muscle injuries cause inflammations
the same training cycle. Parts of the muscle can find time
and are the precondition for
to regenerate, even if the muscle is not given the proper
muscle adaptation
recovery time.
It is common knowledge that endurance strains always go
Efficient build-up processes
hand in hand with micro-injuries in muscles, sinews, con-
need the recovery times
nective tissue and smallest blood vessels. These tiny injuries are required in order for the muscle to adapt to a
Training and racing are situations in which degradation
higher performance level. The injuries can affect only mus-
processes prevail. The metabolism becomes consump-
cle membranes, certain fibers or the whole fiber bundle.
tive, the cortisone and catecholamines levels in the
The reasons for these micro-injuries are not only due to
blood increase and the inflammatory components of
mechanical forces but are also due to a rising and falling
the immune system are activated. In contrast recovery is
temperature in the tissues, disturbed blood flow, shift-
dominated by build-up processes. Now energy is used
ing of the pH, flooding with free oxygen radicals and/
and needed for protein synthesis. The adaptation of the
or missing energy supply. The injuries can be as tiny that
muscles to achieve a higher level of performance can be-
you don‘t not even notice them or so bad that long last-
gin. Muscle build-up only happens during recovery and
ing muscle pains arise (DOMS, delayed onset of muscle
is the actual goal of the workout. You may have a bad
conscience not training, but your body is not lazy, it is
Creatinkinases and myoglobin levels above normal are
working hard.
typical in such cases. All these injuries induce inflammatory processes in the body regardless of where they may be located. The initiated inflammatory processes are the foundation for all healing and adaptation processes that finally bring about the training effect as desired.
No Endurance sports without biestmilch
Lose Focus
Heavy Legs
Training – Race – Recovery
Stomach and Gut
BIESTMILCH is all natural and stands for a balanced immunity, more focus, better muscle coordination and a more stable stomach and gut.
RT, Ryan AJ, Gisolfi CV: Effect of
running intensity on intestinal perBIESTMILCH - COLOSTRUM
meability. J Appl Physiol 82:571-
Biestmilch Seven GmbH
576, 1997.
Herderstraße 31 65185 Wiesbaden, Germany
Antonio J et al.: The Effects of Bovine Colostrum Supplementation
Korhonen H, Marnila P, Gill HS : Bo-
on Body Composition and Exercise
vine milk antibodies for health. Br J
Performance in Active Men and
TRIXSTERS GmbH Herderstraße 31 65185 Wiesbaden, Germany
Nutr, 84 Suppl 1: S135-46, 2000.
BIESTMILCH USA, LLC 112 9 East Shorewood Court Coeur d‘Alene, ID 83815
Kuipers H et al.: Effects of Oral
United States
Fax +49 (0)611. 97651-25
Women. Nutrition March 17(3): 243-247, 2001.
Fon +49 (0)611. 97651-0
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Publikationen, die Sie bei uns auch
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et al.: Inhibition of Helicobacter
„My CV is the contrary of straightforward. I have experienced what it
pylori and Helicobacter mustelae
means to work in intensive care, and psychiatry, in the Civil War of Le-
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binding to lipid receptors by bovi-
banon, and in the pharmaceutical industries. For many many years I was
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ne colostrum. J Infect Dis, 177(4):
looking for escaping medicine and find a way to get involved with a
ence Stress Responses? Integrative
955-61; April1998
more creative way of working. Since 2000 I pursue my life experiment to resuscitate Colostrum. We call it Biestmilch.“
Permissive, Suppressive, Stimulatory and Preparative Actions.Endocri-
Borrow P, Evans CF, Oldstone MBA:
She successfully worked together with some of the worlds top athletes
ne Reviews, 21(1):55-89, 2000
Virus-induced Immunosuppression:
in triathlon such as triathlon world champion Chris McCormack and Se-
immune system-mediated destruc-
bastian Kienle.
Tracey KJ: The inflammatory reflex.
tion of virus-infected dendritic cells
Nature, Dec. 19/26, 420: 853-859,
result in general immunosuppressi-
Find further information and toughts about Biestmilch on
on: Journal of Virology, 1059-1070,
1995 Wood JD: Enteric neuroimmunophysiology and pathophysiology.
Brandtzaeg P, Baekkevold ES, Far-
Gastroenterology, 127: 635-657,
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tion in the mucosal immune system: What happens in the microenviron-
Gundy D, Schemann M: Enteric
ments? Immunology today 20:141-
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in Gastroenterology, 21: 176-182, 2005
Kaufmann StHE, Schaible UE: Antigen presentation and recognition in bacterial infections. Current Opinion in Immunology, 17(1): 79-87 George AJT, Stark J, Chan C: |
Biestmilch is bovine colostrum from New Zealand – 100% natural.
30 Chewie Tablets
90 Capsules
Flask à 125 ml,
9 Chewie Tablets
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