EAT IT – Nutrition for your Body and your mind

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Biestmilch is also known as Colostrum. The word is of indogermanic origin and has survived until today. It is likely the most powerful food and constitutes the livelihood of all mammals. Immunity, nerves' activity, muscle movements, digestion, metabolism etc. start their harmonic interplay to a bodily whole with Biestmilch. We do not know a more amazing product of nature to create and sustain endurance and well-being, be it in extreme situations such as a competition or in everyday life. Please try it out yourself. Get BIESTMILCH online at

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Nutrition is called the 4th discipline of triathlon. This may infer a very misleading connotation of the importance of food for all well-being. I consider nutrition as the foundation on which our well-being and our ability to perform and adapt to environmental conditions is built. Food makes us what we are from an evolutionary standpoint and from an individual perspective. If we go back in history and evolution respectively it was men‘s skill to be able to cook and thus create food that endowed him mostly with the independence of the place, climate and vegetation. ... WHAT CHARACTERIZES FOOD THAT ULTIMATELY NURTURES US? Food as we understand it finally alters into nutrition by being processed from the organic, either from an organism as a whole or from an organism’s derivatives. We eat plants and meat, both have been living organisms. We eat eggs, cheese, potatoes, flour, drink milk, juice etc. – all are life derivatives. What all of our nutrition has in common is in fact that they are composites, be they processed or not. Within the broad spectrum of foods salts as minerals may take a special place. But you never eat them alone, they are an essential component of our cooking recipes. You never eat them solo, that is not healthy at all and tastes terrible. So nutrition is always a composite, never a monosubstance, the composition makes the taste and the efficacy. As I mentioned before, processing food which in the end means nothing more than cooking is a delicate skill. It needs experience to create tasty and healthy meals that nurture our body and mind instead of harming it. Our Western culture suffers tremendously from bad nutrition encouraged by the wrong scientific assumptions. Yes, food can make you sick and it can be your remedy. Cooking is an art, it is intuition and experience, a tradition carried on from one generation to the other. Many of us are alienated of the value of the different ingredients of quality cooking. That’s not trivial, you can so easily turn good food into bad nutrition by destroying its texture and its ingredients and make it inefficient for your body, not to mention the inadequate treatment and use of ingredients.


WHY BIESTMILCH SHOULD BE PART OF YOUR DAILY DIET? Biestmilch is a composite, it is complex and organic. It is food. It is modulating, it is not about replacing x amount of something. It is not a supplement designed in a lab. First to mention, for the offspring Biestmilch is the essential sip into life. It truly nurtures, it gives all to the offspring it needs. It’s the first nutrition we get in touch with. It turns all the organ system into functioning mode – the metabolism, the immune system, nerves, locomotion, blood vessels etc. BUT WHAT IS ITS USE WHEN WE GROW UP? Biestmilch is able to nurture you your whole life through. It is preventive helping you to build year by year a more solid base on which your performance can prosper. Also in adults Biestmilch influences all the organ systems from metabolism to cell regeneration, from immunity to stress susceptibility. Of course, Biestmilch cannot move mountains. It is like with all foods, it is a build-up process throughout life. Compare it with endurance training. If you want to stay fit or even increase fitness you have to work for it on a regular basis your whole life through, you can never stop. If you decide yourself for Biestmilch, you should stick with it, and consider it as integral part of your diet plan. The science behind Biestmilch is as vague as it is behind all nutrition. So, rely on your very own experience, explore yourself. Try to find out what it means to feel well, and see whether Biestmilch can help you. It’s such a powerful nutrition independent of age. •

MOTIVATION AND TRAINING One of the strongest motives known, if not even the strongest, is hunger. All of you know very well the saying “you need to be really hungry, then you can achieve whatsoever goal”. As an athlete I assume you know what I mean. Hunger is a motive so absolute that it washes away all other feelings, be it doubts, fear or illness. Body and mind merge. We just go for it, hunger moves us in only one direction, reckless, self-centered. ... MOTIVATION MOVES YOU “The significance of the immune system for motivation” was the headline of an article I was going to write about a few months ago, when I sent my topic list to an editorial office where I publicise. Back then I had a rather vague idea, on how I was going to tackle this interesting subject. When the date of the publication came closer and I finally began to think about the topic more and more thoroughly, I realized that it was moving me towards an intersection of different sciences and thought models connected to the most controversial and antagonizing viewpoints. Quite a messy subject I had to admit to myself. I knew I had to commit myself to strict constraints not to produce a wishy washy text nobody really needs. Looking at the roots of the word “motivation” is very elucidating. It refers back to the Latin word for moving {movere and motus}. It describes the state of an organism that influences the direction of the energy flow. Motivation gives the content to the organism’s energy, it turns it into behavior and makes us pursue goals. By motives energy gets a direction, by motives energy gets fed, it can expand and grow. Before I plunge into the topic I want to underline that I am not taking the position of a psychologist but more that of a biologist.

IS MOTIVATION GROUNDED IN BIOLOGY OR PSYCHOLOGY? OR BOTH? In the following article I don’t intend to explain the different methods of motivational training, but want to elucidate in greater depth the biological background and coherences that characterize a state of motivation. Motivation does not only include a state of mind, motivation also stands for a certain activity state of the body-mind unit. A specific body-mind state is mainly generated by the super systems of regulation – central nervous system, immune system and hormones. True motivation feels like what is called the embodied mind. MOTIVATION DESCRIBES MY RELATION TO THE WORLD AROUND ME Motivation always describes a relationship to something. A motive is something that gives one an impulse to act. Hunger is a very strong and stable motive, hunger motivates you to eat. The motivation is so strong that the action is carried out without greater effort. This needs not always to be the case. ...

People that go into a hunger strike are motivated so strongly by an ideal, that the motivation to eat decreases or even disappears. A similar situation applies to very ill people. If eating causes them too much pain they prefer starving. So starving turns into a stronger motive than eating. This is the case in anorectic people as well.

MOTIVATION, SELF PERCEPTION AND BODY FEEL CAN BE SEEN AS EMERGING FROM THE QUALITY OF YOUR BIOLOGICAL STRESS RESPONSE Motivation has to do with our self perception (self esteem), how we perceive our environment (goals) and how we see ourselves within that environment (expectations). Depending on how you locate your bearings within this framework, your condition (behavior, mood) can range from highly motivated all the way to deeply depressed. Motivation can be defined as an internal condition that embodies an activity state of the nervous system, immune system and the hormones. If one accepts this biological notion, then motivation can be seen as strongly influenced by the body’s stress response. The biological stress response determines the body’s behavior under influences of stress. It is primed very early in life, but it can be trained up to a certain extent. The quality of our relation to the environment is markedly influenced by our ability to react to stress factors. The biological stress response holds the organism’s dynamic balance by constantly registering, comparing and adapting target value and actual value. Actual values are aligned with the target values (blood sugar). Target values can be shifted by training and the levels of balance can change (e.g. blood pressure, heart rate) within a certain range. The degree of tension between target- and actual value influences our motivation. Regulatory dysfunctions and too pronounced discrepancies between target and actual value can lead to demotivation and frustration. Just remember a race that you had to discontinue. STRESS SYSTEM AND ITS RESPONSE DON’T CARE WHETHER A STRESSOR IS PHYSICAL OR MENTAL The same dilemma accounts for a discrepancy in self perception between real life (actual value) and expectations (target value) such as success, failure, performance, fears, self-evaluation, self-esteem etc.


These factors can be stress factors just as a disease or an injury. If you measure the stress response parameters, the measurements are nearly the same regardless whether the stressor is of unconscious physiological origin such as a drop in the blood sugar level, a physical stressor such as extreme muscle strain or from a mental stressor such as fear of failure. LACK OF MOTIVATION RESULTS FROM A FRUSTRATED COPING WITH STRESS Stress system and stress response are right in the center of concern, if it comes to analyze motivation. The stress system keeps the body in balance. A stress response is induced when adjustments to the constantly changing inner and / or outer situations are required. The stress system consists primarily of cortisol and catecholamine circuits and the central nervous system. It works by strict rules – rules that organize and structure the processing of stimuli and stressors respectively. The stress response consists of an array of circuits that are closely intertwined with the immune system and other organ system as there are blood circulation or respiratory functions etc. The stress system controls and coordinates all body functions, and in the same time it executes and initiates adaptation processes by comparing the current state with the required state. Like this body and psyche are held in balance. It is this balance that goes along with the feeling of well-being. The overall-goal of all these actions is the maintenance of a dynamic equilibrium. Thereby it does not matter whether the stimuli are received on a conscious or unconscious level, or the stressors originate from the inside or the outside of the body. GENETIC OUTFIT INFLUENCES THE QUALITY OF STRESS RESPONSE The genetic outfit differs from individual to individual, so do their experiences and their ability to deal with stress situations. This is the case right from the beginning of



Central Nerves System





Spinal Cord








Within milliseconds billions of stimuli from the body inside and from the environment received through the various senses are send via the spinal cord to the brain.

life. Stress may be stress for one and none for the other. Some people tend to panic faster than others. You can train your stress reactions, but basically the behavior pattern is there right from birth. If the stress system is weak, and processing of stress situations is insufficient, then acute stress may easily turn into harmful chronic stress. The stress system is constantly active without being able to neutralize the stressor, the immune system as integral part of the stress system gets out of balance as well. The first symptom of such a chronic stress condition may be the loss of motivation and energy accompanied by feelings of pressure and the fear of losing control of the own living circumstances. In case there is more stress added to the situation like a disease, an injury, too much training and insufficient recovery a depression or an overtraining syndrome respectively may develop. IMMUNITY INFLUENCES EMOTIONS The immune system patrols permanently inside our body and along the mucosal linings of gut and lungs, a huge area of the size of a football field and a tennis court. It permanently works on maintaining the balance of the milieu. There is a steady multidirectional signal flow between all the components of the stress system of which the immune system is an integral part. Under normal conditions the autonomic nervous system as another integral part of the stress system controls and dampens immune activity*. If endurance training and racing becomes a chronic stress condition for the athlete, then stress and immune system start struggling. Performance decreases first imperceptibly, then it drops, aside lack of motivation and moodiness may develop into a depression. Insufficient recovery, injuries and infections make things worse, and a full-fledged overtraining syndrome may be the final and worst result. Overall, the condition of your immune system influences sleep, appetite, mood, motivation and body temperature. Therefore it is so very important to care about immunity.

In the brain all these stimuli are processed and compared with the given target values. The computational difference between actual and target value initiates the respective correction and adaptation.

PEAK PERFORMANCE: MOTIVATED DESPITE ENORMOUS PAIN Most of you have probably experienced that the motive “peak performance” (not necessarily only in sports) is far less stable than hunger. If the path ahead of you is characterized by the uncertainty of whether you chose the right means to achieve your goal respective doubts may lead quickly to fluctuating levels of motivation. The more options you have, the more self-confidence and self-esteem you need to make your own choices, without experiencing a situation as threatening to your motivation. Beside your state of mind it is the body that can give you doubts. Interpreting body signs is not easy, they can incredibly mislead you. One of these difficult conditions to assess adequately is fatigue. Fatigue is a phenomenon on the edge of balance. It is such an ambiguous feeling, that may lead you to the peak but into the valley as well. In situations of fatigue motivation becomes a critical factor. And now your experience plays the essential role, it helps you to locate yourself. To cut a long story short, whether you find yourself on the path to a peak performance, nobody can tell except you. Motivation is closely connected to self-assurance. Training and motivation are definitely the pillars on which your performance stands. Ideally, if you are ready to retrieve your best the body-mind fission vanishes, so do the irritations of your environment. Then you are able to embrace the pain. ... We can learn to influence our stress processing abilities by training. Breathing consciously for example, visualizing or anticipating situations that might occur during a race can be a tool to loosen stress. Nothing should catch you by surprise, be prepared. Everybody knows how weak you can suddenly feel, if you imagine your adversary coming closer from behind. It is possible to

If the stimuli originate from muscle and joint impulses, then the induced action is the respective course of movements. This cycle is permanently reiterated. Unremittingly sensoric stimuli are converted into locomotion.

train dealing with stress – coping with stress situations should be part of a good training program. Of course, it is not enough to be mentally strong alone, the immune system has to work properly as well, therefore there has to be time for recovery, healing of injuries and infection has to be complete. Supplements may help. But essential is good food and an appropriate self-esteem. •

* The immune system of healthy individuals oscillates between the inflammation promoting and suppressing states. It is normal that a healthy body finds itself in condition of a low-grade systemic inflammation, a state of controlled balance.

ENDURANCE AND IMMUNITY PEAK PERFORMANCE NEEDS THE IMMUNE SYSTEM FUNCTIONING Not in a good mood? Your day was stressful? You got up at 5 a.m., went for a run in the dark, dashed around at work all day and went for a swim late in the evening? Then you didn’t sleep well, got up at 5 a.m. again the next day, etc, etc... Are you often confronted with either having a bad conscience for not training enough or filling your day up so much that you are worried you might collapse? ... Do you suffer from similar problems every year: head colds, a flu, pains in the groin, in the back, knee and no one knows where they come from? And on top of it all, training is not showing any progress? And your motivation is going through the floor? Horror scene? Exaggerated? Maybe. But some of you have certainly gone through the whole range of horrors. To always feel great as a triathlete on the edge of your performance limit is quite tricky. It is a balancing act where you can easily loose your balance. Counting calories, dividing these up into carbohydrates, proteins and fats is one thing, but the distribution of energy is another. The distribution of energy that is produced in the metabolic processes is not regulated by the intake of calories but by a number of regulatory processes. ...

THE MAGIC WORD IS REGULATION When the performance limit is constantly provoked, the body is permanently challenged to remain in balance. To achieve this goal, perfectly well trained regulatory systems are required. It is a difficult task not to overexert or underchallenge body and mind. Beside regular training, body and brain have to be given the necessary time to recover, which is a very individual thing. Triathlon is often pure stress merely due to the training volumes it requires. Thus it demands an optimal biological stress response. The best athlete is the person whose stress response is best optimized. If immune system and nervous system, as well as hormones, are at the peak of their performance, then regulation is robust, and your body is performing well. That means that each system itself works optimally and the cooperation between them too. What does that tell us?



It is well accepted that physical activities, meaning moderate workouts, activate the immune system and thus prevent illnesses. Yet as a triathlete, you belong to those athletes who are under physical stress and thus often present dampened immune activation. Endurance training always goes along with minute lesions of the muscles and other tissues. Torn muscle fibers trigger inflammatory reactions that need healing. Inflammatory and healing processes are both domains of the immune system. If recovery periods are insufficient, then healing of these micro-injuries fails. If flawed healing becomes a chronic condition, then immunity turns weak. The known consequences are proneness to injury, pains without physical substrate, delayed healing processes or increased susceptibility to infections.

Again, above all, the immune system is a regulatory system. In the scope of endurance performances and stress, it influences the metabolic regulation to a great extent and thus the energy allocation. During the recovery phase, it coordinates the healing processes and contributes to the build-up processes by influencing metabolic adaptation. At the same time it fulfills its well known tasks as defense system, and cares for wound healing. As a triathlete, you should pay attention to the warning signs of a weak immunity. You shouldn’t push your body any further if you notice the following: prolonged recovery, unusual fatigue, lip herpes, sleeping disorders despite being tired, lack of appetite, weight loss despite sufficient intake of calories, pain symptoms without any obvious injuries (typical are back pain, pain in the groin or knees), badly healing wounds or increasing susceptibility to infections and injuries. These are only a few of the phenomena indicating a weakened immunity. The high art of training is ultimately to find one’s own rhythm by switching from training stress to recovery when needed.



The regulatory systems guarantee that the heart, cardiovascular circulation and respiration, the skeletal muscle etc. adapt to the requirements. They also guarantee that energy stores are activated, that blood sugar levels remain stable, as well as body temperature and blood pressure. The regulation processes ensure that the muscles can do their job, and that enough energy is provided for all vital organs. The immune system is activated within the first minute of stress. It releases a large number of factors, which induce the adaptation of energy distribution within the body according to its needs. If there is an ongoing healing process – healing having top priority when it comes to energy distribution – then energy is lacking for other processes. That is why already minor health issues draw enough energy to make you feel weak and tired during a workout.

In the case of endurance athletes it may happen that the condition of the immune system resembles that of tumor patients. The immune system may then run into a situation of complete exhaustion. An overtraining syndrome, a chronic fatigue syndrome or a viral infection such as glandular fever can develop. Metabolic regulation, wound healing, or preventing infections are not the only domain of the immune system, so is our behavior. It is also influenced by the immune system and its release of immune factors such as the inflammatory cytokines. They force us to slow down. Who would be able to understand this phenomenon better than an athlete trying in vain to access his / her best performance. A simple cold can prevent someone from unfolding his / her full potential. Listlessness, exhaustion, sleeping disorders, loss of appetite and weight are typical symptoms that can be triggered by the effect of immune factors on the central nervous system.


Training means balance on the edge. Each training session goes along with minute muscle lesions that lead to inflammatory processes. The healing of all the tiny ruptures takes place during the recovery phase. These injuries are necessary, they are the stimuli the muscle needs to grow and over time adapt to a bigger workload. Moderate exercise is fostering well-being, but if you train more than 1.5 hours per day you may run the risk to weaken your immunity and diminish the healing capacity of your body. The healing processes may become insufficient and your training efforts may miss their goal. Performance doesn’t get better anymore, and recovery remains incomplete.

Immunity and exercise are essential for well-being. Regular workouts stabilize immunity and balance out your body-mind entity. But if exercise turns into a stress factor then well-being is jeopardized. This happens especially then, when stress factor accumulate. For amateur athletes this can easily happen, when job, family and training exceed a certain stress level.

is that your brain has to be fully present and awake to guarantee optimal muscular recruitment. It’s the central fatigue that induces the cramps, the exertion and finally the exhaustion up to a point where you quit the race. The saying that a race is won in the head does also apply to you as an age group athlete. You need your brain working at full capacity to retrieve your personal best.

The spectrum of health issues arising can be manifold, and range from asthma, allergies to infections or injuries etc. Biestmilch is amazing because it definitely widens the margins within which you can move without tilting over the edge. ...


BIESTMILCH AND THE BIEST BOOSTER IN ENDURANCE TRAINING AND RACE In endurance races the body faces mainly two critical conditions, one is fatigue and the other is gastrointestinal complications. Both issues have serious consequences that may finally lead to a DNF. Brain and gut are tightly connected by hard-wired nerve connections that are essential for well-being during endurance performance. If one is aware of this close interrelation, one won’t be amazed how much stress factors may intervene at this point and jeopardize a balance that moves already on the edge. FATIGUED CONNECTIONS BETWEEN THE BRAIN AND THE MUSCLES Fatigue and neuromuscular recruitment are interdependent and the companions of all endurance athletes. Studies suggest that only 50 % of all muscle fibers are being activated during a long distance Ironman race, even in elite athletes. All endurance performance is never anaerobic but aerobic. You never can refuel the stores during the catabolic state of racing. All carbohydrate stores are empty after the bike course even though you can finish the a race in a great time. The conclusion for us

Our 12 years of experience with Biestmilch gave us the evidence that it is increasing stress-resistance and improves motivation. The BIEST BOOSTER with the Guarana does it even more, helps keeping you alert and focused, what is needed to get your muscles going. It supports the communication between the brain and the muscles and unfolds its effects along the gut, two organs that have a hard-wired connections and influence each other to a great extent. Fatigue kicks in later or is less pronounced and the gut gets more stable, if you integrate the BIEST BOOSTER into your race nutrition. LEAKS IN THE STOMACH AND GUT During endurance performance athletes are exposed to several stress factors that affect the integrity of the intestinal barrier. The prolonged strenuous exercise per se, heat stress, mechanical shearing forces, oxidative burst, reduced blood flow, to high an intake of carbs or drugs such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents – a common painkiller used among athletes – are only a few of the many stress factors that may induce an integrity loss of the intestinal barrier. Integrity loss regardless of its cause is associated with an increased intestinal permeability. Stomach and/or gut start leaking. The symptoms athletes are then bothered by are cramps, diarrhea, bloating, nausea, vomiting and bleeding. The absorption from the gut stops, the fluids wobble around in the belly and make you feel sick. You cannot eat or drink anything more. On the other hand

bacteria and toxins may penetrate into the body interior and harm its balance. Generally spoken all strenuous workouts activate the stress response; the activity levels of the autonomous (sympathetic) nervous system, the stress hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol, and those hormones that regulate the fluid balance (vasopressin) as well as the immune system undergo massive changes that can lead to mild up to severe gastrointestinal problems or a fluid imbalance that cannot and should not be compensated by drinking. THE BIEST BOOSTER IS PROTECTING THE MUCOSAL LINING OF STOMACH AND GUT In 2010 Raymond J. Playford, University of Tasmania, and his co-workers have published a new study that gives evidence about the effects of orally administered bovine colostrum on gut permeability, exercise-induced temperature rise, and gut hormonal profiles for subjects undertaking heavy exercise. To gain greater understanding as to how any protective effects of colostrum are elicited, they also performed studies examining the effect of temperature rises on cell functions by using gut cell lines in vitro (similar to those seen in athletes undergoing the in vivo studies) in the presence and absence of Biestmilch. Biestmilch is particularly rich in immunoglobulins, antimicrobial peptides (e.g. lactoferrin, lactoperoxidase), and other bioactive molecules including growth factors essential for cell regeneration. Therefore the proposition that Biestmilch could be helpful was very likely. The results have been amazing and hopefully encourage others to seriously continue studying this substance. Biestmilch was able to increase stress resistance of epithelial cells. The cells became more temperature resistant and cell death was significantly reduced. In conclusion, the findings show that, in a physiologically relevant sports model, Biestmilch appears beneficial in maintaining gut stability. Biestmilch has got the ability to protect stomach and gut, stabilize the mucosal lining and increase the epithelia’s stress resistance. •

BIESTMILCH IN TRAINING AND RACE Here’s some general advice to help you make the first step in experiencing the power of Biestmilch in training and racing.

FOR BASIC TRAINING If you feel fit and well one BIESTMILCH Chewy Tablet (900 mg Colostrum) a day suffices.

FOR INTENSIVE TRAINING SESSIONS If you enhance the intensity (volume and strength) of your training, then you may increase the amount of Biestmilch by 3 to 4 times of the standard amount (900 mg). Preferably you take 2 to 3 of your Biestmilch Chewy Tablets in the morning, and 1 to 3 after the last training session.

For a race the BIEST BOOSTER is an excellent option. It contains 4000 mg of Colostrum and 500 mg Guarana Extract which equals 100 mg of natural caffeine. BIESTMILCH (Colostrum) strengthens immunity and makes you more stress-resistant. Guarana levels increase smoother compared to the caffeine in coffee and therefore last longer than coffee, and Guarana is a cognitive enhancer. In case of a lactose intolerance and if you like to learn more check out our website. There you will find experiences of our loyal users, the basics about Biestmilch and scientific background information. WWW.BIESTMILCH.COM

A VIEW ON OUR BIOLOGY This is the story that wants to take you on the trajectory Biestmilch is moving along since several years. Honestly, it took us a long period of time to understand and then discard our traditionial scientific mindset and replace it by a modern systems biology view. ... We ventured out on this path without having alliances, not knowing what this would mean for us. Today we know that you have to be very patient, dogged and robust, because strong winds are blowing into your face. A scientist, a friend of mine who really meant well, said to me: “Don’t give up. Time is working for you.” Today I am not yet able to assess whether he was right. I hope so. I write this paragraph because I´ve stumbled over two posts in the MX12 VIP group (MACCA’s facebook group) – they dealt with immunity and nutrition. The immune system was introduced once and again as huge war machine attacking and defending. This image dates back to the turning of the 19th to the 20th century. Paul Ehrlich, a famous German chemist, was one of the protagonists launching this metaphor. Infections have been the crucial and lethal problem in those days, and therefore focus of concern. Besides, the first world war was already in the air, and so were pictures of war penetrating society of which natural science is an integral and powerful part of. This metaphoric picture of the immune system (the term immune already indicates that) as a defense system is prevailing until today, unbelievable in the days of computers, worldwide communication systems and the internet with the social media as its latest protagonist. Networks are everywhere, connectedness is a term that’s in everybody’s mouth. Even modern warfare follows network concepts, decentralized, no big armies, no large battlefields – small, tightly over far distances connected mobile units fight the wars of the 21st century ... Nowadays the importance of infections in the Western hemisphere has decreased, allergies, atopic eczema, autoimmune diseases, tumors, and many other chronic illnesses became the central health issues of the 21st century. The old view of the immune system as a sheer defense apparatus is no tool anymore that helps us to explain and treat these illnesses. In this text I want to outline the role of the immune system beyond being a defense system but a regulation system highly connected with all bodily parts, hard or soft-wired. The defense approach definitely falls short, not only when it comes to fully comprehend the power of Biestmilch / colostrum, but also if you want to get an idea of what health and disease are about, and how they are related. The majority of our medicinal therapeutic concepts is based on the old mechanistic view of the Newtonian universe. In this world linearity is the ruling paradigm, connectivity, feedback loops, circuits of regulation that make up complex systems, are not located in this realm. One looks for the one cause, the cause gives the solution. I think one could not be more wrong.

Conventional biology and medicine in specific are unfortunately lagging behind (reasons for this situation fill books and are therefore not considered here) upfront scientific development. The walls are scrambling in upfront biology, but until now neither medicine nor sports science or the views about nutrition and health have changed accordingly yet. The regulation of energy distribution is taken care of by the immune system, the autonomous nervous system and heaps of soluble factors such as hormones. THE TRANSITION OF METAPHORS: FROM A WAR MACHINERY TO A REGULATORY SYSTEM Data of recent research doesn’t support the metaphor of the immune system as a defense artillery where hoards of cell armies fight the invaders. Data went beyond this mindset and forced scientists to find other metaphors that were able to explain the results of their studies – too many observations have been contradicting the war metaphor. Here are some of the questions the war metaphor is not able to answer: Why do some tolerate certain foods and others develop allergies, how come that we coexist with our bacterial gut flora, how do we explain the healing process, how do we explain autoimmunity, and immune tolerance phenomena, how is the immune system recognizing the context and then working accordingly, why do some get sick and others don’t e.g. when influenza viruses spread everywhere, how does the immune system contain viruses that remain in the body a life long ... and many more.

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The immune system is not seen as inactive anymore when not attacked but as active at all times. The new approach in upfront science sees the immune system as collaborating with all bodily systems guaranteeing balance and thus survival. Regulation is the key term of this new concept. This frame of reference positions all body system, be it organs, cells or systems like immune or nervous system, as regulatory components. It seems quite obvious to me that we don’t need an artillery for body regulation. The view of the body as a complex network of regulatory processes indicates a paradigm shift not yet officially announced but infiltrating the standard of mindsets. Regulation processes are no linear events, they are made up of sensors and locomotor responses


connected to feedback loops and / or circuits – they range from simple relay stations to the most complex intertwined circuits for which the brain is the best example. The immune system has an integral part in all the mentioned processes. Each stress factor that jeopardizes body balance involves the immune system, so the new systems biology approach. The immune system releases large numbers of messenger factors (cytokines, growth factors, cell differentiation  /  proliferation factors) that initiate and sustain the communication within the body and its various components. Initiation, control and finalizing e.g. of healing processes, dampening inflammatory processes etc. are the task of the systems that guarantee the integrity of our body and mind. These systems, that connect all bodily elements with each other, are first of all the nervous system, the immune system and the hormones (adrenalin, cortisol etc). A CHANGE IN METAPHORS CHANGES THE PATTERNS OF INTERPRETATION: FROM WAR TO COMMUNICATION The new metaphor explains processes that occur during a workout in a healthy individual, without even touching the topic of infection that is best covered by the war and defense metaphor. Under physical and mental stress immune performance may become deficient. The story tells as follows: Training always goes along with minute lesions to the muscles and other tissues such as tendons, vessels and connective tissue. Torn muscle fibers trigger inflammatory reactions. This stimulus is needed because only then training is progressing. Otherwise the muscle cell remains passive, does neither proliferate nor grow in size. These effects alone can already challenge the immune system in a way that it is not fully able to initiate, control and close these multiple inflammatory processes, especially if workouts take more than 90 minutes a day immunity may get weakened. Phenomena of this kind can only be explained if the immune system is seen as communication and regulation system. Training induces thousands of tiny lesions within the muscle tissue. Lesions bring about inflammatory reaction that need healing. This is first of all the task of the immune system. This other way of looking at immunity also changes our interpretation of the metabolic regulation, and allows us to understand symptoms such as listlessness, lack of motivation, exhaustion, need of sleep, elevated body temperature, loss of appetite and weight, and even infections etc. The many soluble factors that are released by immune cell are circulating through our body, they are signals that the receiver (certain cells) interprets. If enough signals are send, and a critical amount of receivers responds, you experience a specific body feeling be it good or bad – the transitions between states are fluent. Only this way of looking at immunity made it possible for to start to understand the mode of actions behind Biestmilch. But as this is not yet common sense, as I mentioned in the beginning of this text, the path we are walking on is still windy and challenging. •

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