BIESTMILCH & Race Nutrition

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ever since nutrition became part of natural science

This proposition seems very similar to our knowledge

it has been coined as a calories supplier and energy

about the sensoric system our immune system

provider. This is quite an ambiguous and not very

expresses by which our body recognizes micro-

precise scientific statement after all. I think this

organisms. if a sufficient amount of ligands connect

vague terminology opens the way for the many diets

with the receptors, then signal pathways within the

based on a broad spectrum of different mindsets and

cells are activated. As a consequence the cells change

beliefs. Considering them all together, distilling the

their activity and function, e.g the metabolic processes

essence out of them and then individually remixing

are switched on or off, immune functions are altered

them may be one option to show us the path to the

and the nervous system’s activity state alters too.

most suitable diet. And once and again it’s our very

The preliminary conclusion from these first decent

own experience that counts most.

research results is that we should look at food as

Until today it is difficult to understand the effects

a whole and on top of this should consider it as

of food in all its complexity. Our knowledge about

an assembly of biologically active molecules that

the physiology of the non-diseased bodies is still

interact with our body cells. Food then is much more

rather limited have we been focusing for decades

than a donator of calories but actively modulating the

the pathology of bodies only. Very recently scientists

body’s regulatory processes. Research just did the

started to look at food in a slightly different way. They

first step. Nevertheless the complexity, the texture,

see food as an assembly of bioactive molecules that

the form and the function of food will confront us

interact with all bodily systems. One discovery that may

with lots of unanswered questions and contradicting

turn out to be revolutionary for the studying of food is

scientific models for many more years.

that our cells display receptors that sensor food.


Follow the rhYthm oF Your nature

by dr. susann kraeftner

biestmilch is Food consisting oF

biestmilch introduces PhYsiologY

a huge VarietY oF bioactiVe molecules

into race nutrition

If one wants to comprehend BIesTmIlCh’s

In endurance races the body faces mainly two

potency one has to see it as a substance that

critical conditions, one is fatigue and the other

interacts with its rich variety of bioactive molecules

are gastrointestinal issues. Both phenomena can

with the respective receptors on the surface of the

have serious consequences for the performance

most different cells, by far not only with the ones

and may finally lead to the total exhaustion. Brain

attributed to the immune system. BIesTmIlCh

and gut are tightly connected by hard-wired nerve

cannot be understood, if seen as an energy or

connections that are essential for well-being during

calorie source. The following two paragraphs

endurance performance. Besides, thousands of

explain why BIesTmIlCh and the BIesT BOOsTeR

messenger molecules are flowing through the body,

in specific bring physiology into race nutrition.

transmitting their signals and connect all bodily systems, the nervous system, the immune system, the metabolic pathways etc. If you become aware of these multidirectional highly active interrelations, you won’t be amazed that all kind of stress factors can jeopardize the fragile bodily balance athletes’ find themselves in during a competition.

Fatigued connections between

The protective effects of Biestmilch have not only

the brain and the muscles

been observed in athletes but also in in-vitro gut cell

Brain activity and neuromuscular recruitment are

lines. The harming effect of temperature rises on the

interdependent. During racing your brain has to

cell functions could be buffered by Biestmilch. It

be fully present and awake to guarantee optimal

was also able to increase the stress resistance of the

muscular recruitment. If the control circuits of the

epithelial cells. The cells became more temperature

signal transmission from the brain to the muscle and

resistant and cell death was significantly reduced.

back are fatigued, storms of signals can reach the

In conclusion, the findings underline that in a

muscle without being filtered. The weakened signal

physiologically relevant sports model, Biestmilch

control from the brain leads to muscle cramping.

appears beneficial in maintaining the gut stability.

The fatigue is thus located in the central nervous system not in the muscle. Consequently, you need

The BIEST BOOSTER in specific can delay the onset

your brain working at full capacity to retrieve your

of fatigue and protect stomach and gut. Firstly,

personal best.

the BIEST BOOSTER with its 4000 milligrams of Biestmilch and 500mg Guarana helps keeping

The synergy of Biestmilch and Guarana is

you alert and focused, exactly what is needed to get

refreshing the brain and helps you to regain your

your muscles going. It supports the bidirectional

focus. The Guarana’s principle of action is relatively

communication between the brain and the muscles.

easy to explain as it binds to the caffeine receptors we are all familiar with. For Biestmilch the

Secondly, the power of BIESTMILCH unfolds its sta-

explanations are far more difficult to give. Deeper

bilizing effects along the gut by making the cells

knowledge about the stress system and its way

more stress- and heat-resistant. Since brain and gut

of functioning is required. Overall Biestmilch

have hard-wired connections and are influencing

with its numerous messenger molecules helps

each other to a great extent, a balanced gut helps

buffering and neutralizing the many stress inducing

that fatigue kicks in later or is less pronounced. The

molecules that are released by the stress system

gut gets more stable, if you integrate the BIEST

during the competition.

BOOSTER into your race nutrition.

Leaks in the stomach and gut Endurance performance affects the integrity of the intestinal barrier. The prolonged strenuous exercise per se, heat stress, mechanical shearing forces, oxidative burst, reduced blood flow, too high an intake of carbs or drugs such as non-steroidal antiinflammatory agents are only a few of the many stress factors that may induce an integrity loss of the intestinal barrier. Integrity loss regardless of its cause is associated with an increased intestinal permeability. Stomach and/or gut start leaking. The selective absorption of nutrients from the gut stops. On the other hand bacteria and toxins penetrate non-selectively into the body interior and harm its balance. The symptoms athletes then are bothered by are abdominal cramps, diarrhea, bloating, nausea, vomiting, pains or/and stomach bleeding.


For basic training If you feel fit and well 1 x 1 BIesTmIlCh Chewy Tablet (900 mg Colostrum) a day suffices. For intensiVe training sessions If you enhance the intensity (volume and strength)

Immunity and exercise are essential for wellbeing.

of your training, then you may increase the amount

Regular workouts stabilize immunity and balance

of BIesTmIlCh by 3 to 4 times of the standard

out your body-mind entity. But if exercise turns

amount (900 mg). Preferably you take 2 to 3 of your

into a stress factor then wellbeing is jeopardized.

BIesTmIlCh Chewy Tablets in the morning, and 1

This happens especially then, when stress factors

to 3 after the last training session. In case of feeling

accumulate. For amateur athletes this can easily

slightly ill increase the amount. It is recommended

happen, when job, family and training exceed a

to take 4000 to 8000 mg. here the BIesT BOOsTeR

certain stress level. Biestmilch is amazing because

is an excellent option. It contains 4000 mg of

it definitely widens the margins within which you can

Biestmilch and 500 mg Guarana extract which equals

move without tilting over the edge.

100 mg of natural caffeine. BIesTmIlCh strengthens immunity and makes you more stress-resistant.

BIesTmIlCh (bovine colostrum) is a natural product

Guarana levels increase smoothly and therefore

with an outstanding immune modulatory power,

last longer compared to coffee, and Guarana

it can dampen an overactive immune system, and

works as a cognitive enhancer.

foster immunity under conditions of suppression and weakness. Due to its natural complexity BIesTmIlCh

In case of a lactose intolerance, please read the

works from both ends affecting performance and

article on Biestmilch and lactose intolarance on our

recovery. Our experience over the last 12 years tells us


that one chewy tablet Biestmilch (900 mg) every day is

There you will find experiences of our users,

all you need to stabilize your body. But please, keep

the basics about BIesTmIlCh and the scientific

in mind, take it regularly. During high intensity training

background information.

your body may ask for more. Try to find out the quantity which agrees with you best. each organism is different. For amateur athletes and pros applies the same: use Biestmilch at least during the critical parts of your training, and when stress factors accumulate. You can take larger quantities without any reservations. Biestmilch is well tolerated even in large quantities. Always keep in mind it’s food not medicine. here’s some general advice to help you make the first step in experiencing the power of Biestmilch for training and racing.



Finish 42,2KM Fatigue Muscle cramps Abdominal cramps Aches (Joints, Ligaments, Muscles) 20

GI issues Pain 1/2 OR Fatigue 1 BOOSTER Focus Tonus Stride length Coordination 1/2 OR 1 BOOSTER Hectic rush & chaos

4 180KM 170


130 GI issues Fatigue Muscle cramps Abdominal cramps Aches (Joints, Ligaments, Muscles)

Fatigue Focus Cadence Watts



Nausea Dizziness Breathless

15 3,85KM

Rhythm Coordination Focus s ta r t

Nerves Doubts Sleeplessness Panic




Appetite loss GI issues Hyperventilation Tiredness

biestmilch distributed exclusively by america

europe & middle east and asia

biestmilch usa, llc

biestmilch seven gmbh

1129 East Shorewood Court

Luxemburgstrasse 9


Coeur d窶連lene, ID 83815

65185 Wiesbaden, Germany

Phone +1 (208) 699- 4911

Fon: +49 (0) 611 97651-0


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