Two wanderers encounter an elephant on their journey through the Savannah.
As you can imagine, a very impressing experience to have an animal of this
size standing in front of you for the first time. The two wanderers approach the large contemporary from opposite directions, thus with one of them moving towards the tail and the other towards the trunk. Deeply moved, both describe from their position what they are seeing. No other person hearing the two wanderers’ tales will be able to guess the elephant’s nature. So, if we only take on one stance, we will never be able to comprehend the whole. We have to set forth, because movement changes the perspective.
In order to understand biestmilch, you have to set
forth and leave the beaten tracks. The story I would
like to tell you is the one of the orbit in the universe of biology that biestmilch is moving along. It is a long
Fresh biestmilch contains everything a newborn child re-
story, one I can only touch on here. It is one thing to
quires. It contains sufficient fat, bacterial microflora, im-
analyse biestmilch as a substance and break it up into
munglobulins, hormones, vitamins, minerals, micronu-
its individual parts. However, that would be like hav-
trients, mucopolysaccharides and a large number of cell
ing “reckoned without our host”. Rather, approaching
communication molecules. In the first five to six days after
biestmilch also means occupying yourself with your
birth, it is slowly converted into milk and then loses its
own body, with the physiology holding us together
unique character. Although it is possible to break down
deep inside. You could compare this process with an
biestmilch into its individual parts, we will not, however,
learn its great effects by doing so. The way Aristotle put it also applies to biestmilch: “the whole is greater than the sum of the parts”.
Up to the first third of the past century, biestmilch was to be found in the kitchen and was recognised as a cure. Even today, recipes can be found for dishes containing flour made with biestmilch. People who have tried them go wild about them. There is nothing better than baking the plaited bun, for example, with biestmilch. At the beginning of the past century, it was still easy enough to get fresh biestmilch. Today, it has to be declared as a foodstuff and processed accordingly. However, I’ll get to that in a minute. For our ancestors, it was a valuable foodstuff and cure. It was valued and reserved for offspring, the ill, the elderly and ailing children. The knowledge about its potency has become lost to us today. There are now only a few isolated cases of people who bear the knowledge of its distinctiveness within themselves. In our latitudes, many farmers dispose of it as soon as the calf has received its share. WE ARE MAKING THE MISTAKE OF WANTING TO BREAK DOWN THE WHOLE IN ORDER TO UNDERSTAND IT
One discovery that could turn out to be ground-breaking for further research into food and that could initiate a reversal of trend in nutritional science is the observation that all of our cells carry sensors for the molecules of the foods. In this way, food initiates varied communication processes and effects in the organism.
Modern times and the increasing dominance of natural
This theory is very similar to that of allocating precisely
sciences have pushed this substance aside. Its diversity
such a sensory system to the immune system that the
and its broad spectrum of active molecules are difficult to
organism allows the perception of microorganisms and
tackle for most research approaches. For this very reason,
to communicate with them. If a sufficient number of mol-
published studies rarely give justice to it, for everything
ecules interact with the corresponding sensors or recep-
that breaks out of linearity proves difficult for Western
tors on the cells, then signalling pathways in the cell are
natural science to tame.
activated. This results in the cells changing their activity
This is why we also find it difficult to understand the ef-
status and their function. In this way, metabolic process-
fects of foodstuffs in all their complexity: to understand
es, for example, can be switched on or off, immunity pro-
how they nourish us and guarantee our wellbeing and
moted or impaired and even the activity of the nervous
to comprehend what in the end constitutes its quality.
system can be influenced.
This also has to do with the fact that our knowledge of
My preliminary conclusion from the initial research results
physiology of the healthy organism is still very limited
is that, on the one hand, we need to regard our food as
because, for many centuries, we only occupied ourselves
one unit and, on the other hand, as a composition of
with pathology, i.e. the sick body. It wasn’t until recently
biologically active molecules that interact with our body
that scientists started to look at food from a different per-
cells. Food is thus much more than merely a source of
spective, to see them rather as a multitude of bioactive
calories; it modulates the regulation processes of our or-
molecules that interact with our body.
ganism. Research has now taken the first step towards rethinking. Nevertheless, the complexity, texture, form and function of our food will confront us with unanswered questions and contradicting scientific models for many years to come.
THE QUALITY OF BIESTMILCH AS A FOODSTUFF OR THE ATTEMPT AT CLARIFICATION In contrast to earlier centuries, biestmilch is defined today as a foodstuff and no longer as milk. Correspondingly, it must be manufactured and declared in line with regulations applicable to foodstuffs, which are defined by the respective health authorities of the countries. In Europe, there is a harmonised codex of rules and standards. The quality criteria applied no longer differ much in the industrial countries of the Western world. The earth has shrunk, even where precautionary measures regarding quality assurance are involved.
One can only understand biestmilch if one comprehends the organism as a regulatory system that, in every moment of our lives, works on maintaining the equilibrium (homeostasis) of the organism. Being in balance means feeling well. Biestmilch increases the sensibility for our own body and helps us to understand our physiology better.
We stumble across two discourses, which unfortunately intermingle where the assessment of the quality of biestmilch is involved. The first one is a quality discourse that relates to the safety of the product. For foodstuffs, generally set hygiene regulations apply, which biestmilch has to fulfil. Hygiene has, however, nothing to do with the second requirement of the product, which relates to the effectiveness. All seals of quality to be found on the market and which various institutes and institutions around the globe award refer to the problem of hygiene and the danger of contamination and can be regarded as a kind of proof that a product is clean and safe.
The other aspect of the discourse relates to the effective-
ness. With foodstuffs in particular, it is difficult to provide evidence of the effectiveness using classic research stud-
If you would like to understand biestmilch in depth, you
ies that are randomised, double-blind and placebo-con-
have to accept it as a substance that, thanks to its richness
trolled. In this case, what I have already mentioned holds
of varying bioactive molecules, can communicate with the
true: that the complexity of each individual foodstuff usu-
corresponding sensors/receptors on the surface of the
ally eludes our scientific methodology.
various cells. With that, the positive effect of biestmilch
If the safety of a foodstuff is guaranteed, this does not
on the immune system is merely one aspect. Biestmilch
necessarily respresent a problem as, in the end, it is every
stabilises all mucosal membrane surfaces, which, in turn,
person’s own responsibility to find out what is good for
facilitate, filter and promote our communication with our
him. But what I myself find problematic is to feign that
environment as required, depending on the context. Biest-
quality in the meaning of product safety can be put on a
milch promotes the regeneration of all rapidly replicating
par with its effectiveness.
tissues. It belongs to the immune system as equally as it does to the nervous system and endocrine system.
With biestmilch, the efficiency discourse is currently dominated by the immunoglobulins. This is probably the case because the immunoglobulins – also called antibodies – count among those the general public is mostly aware of out of the many immunmolecules. But more about that later.
First of all, I would like to describe and elaborate why biestmilch is a safe foodstuff. In the case of new products, it is often difficult to differentiate between quality and efficiency and thus judge it extensively. The following lines are to contribute towards making the decision-making process easier for you.
Meanwhile, biestmilch from cows from Germany and Aus-
The first sip of biestmilch bonds the offspring with the
tria is back on the market. However, as only small quanti-
outer world, nourishes it, peps all apparatuses and equips
ties of raw colostrum are available and the quantities do
the offspring with the immunity it needs until its own is
not permit the production beyond laboaratory scale, the
efficiently active. Its content of fat and other nutrients is
second source of raw colostrum is mainly New Zealand.
high; it contains both cells and microbial flora, hormones
New Zealand is known for its cattle and sheep breeding.
and thousands of communication molecules.
It has more than 40 years of tradition in collecting and
At present, one differentiates between two different pro-
processing biestmilch. The way cattle are kept in New Zea-
duction methods that enable biestmilch to be offered as
land as well as the quantities of biestmilch gathered by
a foodstuff.
that allow for production in full scale and in line with the standards of milk products.
Livestock breeding is an integral part of life in New Zea-
land. The climate allows the animals to stay out at feed all year round. They only move slowly to the milking machine
The cow as the original source for quality biestmilch must
once a day. They then wait patiently until it is their turn.
be healthy and its natural environment must be main-
During this peaceful, quiet process, the farmers examine
tained. Cows are very sensitive animals. The moment the
each individual cow to see whether it shows any signs
meadows are no longer rich in grass and herbs, the qual-
of health problems. If a cow is unhealthy, it is separated
ity and the amount of biestmilch given decreases, the
from the other cattle and kept on its own meadow until it
content of nutrients is equally reduced. The same hap-
is healthy again. Neither antibiotics nor hormones are fed
pens if weather conditions change, it is either too cold
to the cattle for prophylactic reasons or for faster growth.
or too hot, or if an animal falls ill. Every cow requires the special attention of the farmer every day. This is the only
In New Zealand, calving is synchronised across the en-
way to guarantee the quality of biestmilch.
tire island. The cows calve twice a year, in spring and in autumn. Then it is biestmilch time. Each farm has its own aluminium container in which the biestmilch is collected
The first milking is always kept for the calf. However, the dairy cow produces an excess of biestmilch. Instead of disposing of the rest, as is common practice in many parts of Europe, it is collected for further processing.
and cooled. The biestmilch is cooled in this container to 4-7°C until it is collected by special trucks. It is not deepfrozen at any point. The first step of processing comprises the extraction of the fat fraction. The liquid biestmilch is pasteurised in line with international standards (72°C for 15 seconds). After that, the liquid is concentrated by means of vaporising. A large proportion of the lactose is extracted from the low-fat colostrum by means of filtration, leaving approximately 5% lactose behind. After this production stage, the biestmilch is spray-dried at a low temperature. Samples are taken from the raw end product, the biestmilch powder and it is tested. The entire production process is optimised such that the result is a safe foodstuff with a unique and consistent combination of bioactive molecules.
Another aspect to be noted is the fact that biestmilch is a living substance. The quantity of immunoglobulins not only depends on the day of being gathered but also on the state of health and the feed of the cow. The immunoglobulin content can thus vary from batch to batch. With smaller batches, it is far more difficult to adjust the content to achieve consistency from one batch to the next.
European biestmilch has a different background. Calving
In recent years, it has increasingly become the trend
is not synchronised like in New Zealand. This means the
among suppliers of biestmilch to emphasise the content
biestmilch has to be collected from one cow to the next.
of immunoglobulins implicitly as the criterion for the ef-
This implies that biestmilch has to be deep-frozen. The
fects expressed by biestmilch. The figures varied from
farms that fulfil the criteria for biological raw colostrum
20% to 45%. It goes without saying that the immuno-
are located in the Alps region and scattered afar, which
globulins are an essential part of biestmilch, but they are
would make the logistics of collecting every time a cow
by far not the only molecules that explain the diversified
has calved very time-consuming.
effects of biestmilch. It is also discerning to merely state the content of a biological molecule, as the quantity does
Another difficulty in Europe comprises obtaining suffi-
not reveal anything about the activity of the molecule.
cient quantities of biestmilch at all, as the herds are com-
Furthermore, an evaluation and comparison of the val-
paratively small. The large herds are mostly factory farm-
ues without knowing the test system used to measure is
ing and do not fulfil the criteria for raw colostrum with
impossible. There are methods that measure the quantity
bioquality. In Europe, the production process of biestmilch
and others that provide evidence of the bioactivity. They
as a fresh dairy product to a foodstuff is differentiated by
are two completely different things. In order to be able
the much smaller quantities available alone. The deep-
to assess the amount stated, one must also have to know
frozen biestmilch is first defrosted and the fat removed.
whether the measurement was made in the liquid or firm
Fat is the lightest fraction and thus forms the uppermost
phase. In the liquid phase, the amount will always turn
layer of the liquid. The liquid needs only to be drained
out to be lower than in the firm phase after all humidity
from the bottom. After the fat has been removed, the
has already been vaporised. Whether the immunoglobu-
next step is the felling of casein, which is done by means
lins, as they are measured at that moment and presented
of fermenting lab (lab is an enzyme that denatures pro-
to us, as a criterion of effectiveness really fulfil this pur-
tein). This step is essential, as casein would block up the
pose, requires further research and discussions.
filter system being used, in order to make the biestmilch whey developing in this way safe according to hygiene
After this quite pragmatic, dry part, I would like to move
standards. The whey is filtered so that it fulfilfs the food
on to the much more interesting but more difficult and
standards from a microbiological point of view. This tech-
more extensive aspect of the effects of biestmilch. I can
nique, however, does not enable the removal of lactose.
only touch the surface of this topic, but maybe this small
In liquid biestmilch, approx. 5%-8% lactose per 100 ml
excursion will still suffice in piquing your curiosity.
thus remains. In the firm phase after being frozen-dried,
In order to understand biestmilch with its diverse effects
the proportion of lactose is approx. 30%. The liquid form
on our well-being and on the many chronic diseases, one
is more sensitive than biestmilch powder. If liquid biest-
has to grapple the phenomenon of inflammation. The
milch is stored in a cool, dry and dark place, its storage
scientific picture of an inflammation is currently under-
life is two years. What happens during this production
going change. The inflammatory processes in our body
process is nothing other than the result being whey made
are regarded as a physiological happening today. It is
from biestmilch.
not until they exceed a certain threshold that states of disease develop.
»NOURISHING« WITH BIESTMILCH EQUALS PROPHYLAXIS AND PREVENTION If we regard biestmilch as food, then it does what other good foodstuffs or food also does: prevent and keep healthy. All foodstuffs, and thus biestmilch likewise, pass the mucosal membranes in the mouth, stomach and intesINFLAMMATION IS THE KEY TO
tines. In the course, they interact with the gigantic immune
network of the gastrointestinal tract, which acts as a kind of filter system. All foodstuffs are processed such that they
According to this, inflammations run their course in
can be funneled into the overall communication of the or-
our body even if we feel totally well. When these gen-
ganism by means of active transport mechanisms. If this
eralised inflammatory processes, which are always ex-
system functions smoothly, we then feel well.
istent predominantly in the area of all mucosal membrane surfaces on the borders between inside the body
If we follow a certain objective with a preventive strategy,
and our environment, take place in a well-controlled
we speak of prophylaxis. In this case, it is seemingly easier
manner and thus do not endanger the equilibrium of
to provide proof of the effectiveness of an agent even if
our organism, then they indeed continue to fester in
the causality of the events may also be questioned. If, for
our body without causing any symptoms of an illness.
example, you have eluded the annual flu epidemic, then
They are, as previously mentioned, an integral part of
this is attributed to the means of prophylaxis. The provi-
a “healthy” organism and its physiology.
sion of proof has thus been successful. If you are ready to follow this logic, then the study conducted with biest-
The processes of inflammation connect us with our envi-
milch* reveals without any doubt its effectiveness in the
ronment and they keep us in a dynamic equilibrium with
prophylaxis of of influenza infections. As oral immunisa-
the world. First and foremost, these inflammations are in-
tion, biestmilch outmatches the flu shot significantly and
fluenced by what we eat. Likewise, but to a lesser extent,
has no side effects whatsoever. Biestmilch not only unfolds
are exercise and sleep. Obesity, diabetes, atheroscerlo-
its effectiveness in a large number of flu viruses. It is equal-
sis, cardiovascular diseases etc. all have a pronounced,
ly effective where the prevention of other virus infections
deregularised, inflammatory component, which strongly
is involved, because virus infections are predominantly
influence our well-being and our life expectancy.
controlled and prevented by an intact immune system.
Besides the genetic disposition, chronic inflammation processes play a key role in all chronic diseases including cancer. Keeping inflammations under control and preventing them from developing into chronic processes should thus constitute a priority objective if we would like to reduce the risk of suffering from the diseases just named. Biestmilch can make its contribution towards this. After all, it is a substance that is able to modulate inflammatory processes by supporting all systems of the organism that trigger, regulate and control inflammations. The
It is our food and not medicine that keeps our organism in balance and makes it more resistant. Our food gives us robustness and equips us with the immunity enabling us to coexist with the immense number of microorganisms surrounding us.
supersystems of regulation with which biestmilch interacts are the nervous and immune system as well as the endocrine system. On a cell level, biestmilch modulates the inflammatory microenvironment of the cells. Depending on the state of activity of the inflamed cell environment, biestmilch either activates or suppresses this environment and thus promotes the establishment of a new state of equilibrium. All effects I will now touch on are based on the principle of inflammation modulation.
* Cesarone R, Belcaro G, MD, Di Renzo A, et al.: Prevention of influenza episodes with colostrum compared with vaccination in healthy and high-hisk cardiovascular cubjects: The Epidemiologic Study in San Valentino. Department of Biomedical Sciences, G d窶連nnunzio Chieti-Pescara, Pescara, Italy. Clin Appl Thromb Hemost, 13: 130-136, 2007 |
For more than 100 years, we have been used to regarding
the immune system as a mere apparatus for defence and control. This image of the immune system cannot explain
Preventive effects are far more difficult to assess. As the
the many diseases of immune regulation we see ourselves
future is uncertain, we will never know what would have
confronted with today. On the contrary, this view displaces
happened if we had taken other directions in our life.
our perspective for new therapy approaches. Our immu-
Today, we have empirical data from field studies of other
nity has an impact on the most varied physical and men-
cultures and societies that show how our lifestyle can in-
tal phenomena such as pain, appetite, sleep, tiredness,
fluence life and death. We can look at our own statistics
exhaustion, motivation, fever, inflammations, healing,
that now go back approx. 50 years and alarmingly prove
metabolism, allergies, atopical eczema, asthma, multiple
how chronic diseases spread. This includes cardiovas-
sclerosis, chronic inflammatory intestinal diseases and
cular diseases, obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes,
many more. This potpourri of symptoms, feelings and di-
tumours, allergies, multiple sclerosis, chronic inflamma-
agnoses can only be comprehended in relation to the im-
tory intestinal diseases etc., a list of diseases that do not
mune system if we consider the immune system as a regu-
necessarily have to be fatal, but do have an enormous
latory system and immunity as a physiological state. Then
influence on our quality of life.
we will find it easier to understand the chronic diseases of our times and the reason why biestmilch would deserve a firm place as a remedy.
As previously mentioned, these diseases are based on a genetic disposition and chronic inflammatory processes. The quality of our food and the amounts we eat are of great significance for our well-being, for our life expectancy and prevention of chronic medical conditions.
STRESS HAS A NEGATIVE IMPACT ON IMMUNITY – DISTURBED IMMUNITY GENERATES STRESS. Besides the phenomenon of diseases of immune regulation, today, acute and chronic states of stress make a significant contribution towards our quality of life suffering. All diseases dominating in our society mostly also have a component dependent on being exposed to stress, because handling stress situations is very exhaustive for the bodily systems involved. When the point is reached where
Our lifestyle, according to studies, seems to have much
the burden of stress makes you ill, then there is always a
more influence on the course of our life than we had pre-
chronic inflammation involved. People in a privileged po-
viously supposed. We therefore not only inherit how we
sition to escape the environment of stress are rare. For this
live and die. The way we eat can increase the probability
reason, the only option that remains for us is to influence
of living a better and longer life and of dying in less mis-
our lifestyle. Biestmilch has the strength to have a long-
ery. Biestmilch has the great potential of having a posi-
term positive effect on our quality of life. This is where
tive influence on the quality of life and the aging process
treatment meets prevention.
by helping prevent a dysfunctioning of the inflammatory cell environment and thus the development of chronic
Otherwise, the same principle as already mentioned
states of inflammation.
applies: Biestmilch modulates chronic inflammatory diseases and influences the course of chronic diseas-
es in the long run. It is one of the few substances with
a holistic healing approach to immunity as well as the stress system, a remedy and a foodstuff of which no
At this point, a new chapter that belongs in a different
side effects have been recorded to this day.
context actually begins. For this reason, it is merely a mini sketch for the sake of completeness, as biestmilch is an excellent therapeutic agent for all chronic diseases. This fact should not remain unmentioned here, either.
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„My CV is the contrary of straightforward. I have experienced what it means
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