BiestmiLch TUMOR See the opportunity |
In order to understand Biestmilch, you have to set forth and leave the beaten tracks. The story I would like to tell you is the one of the orbit in the universe of biology that Biestmilch is moving along. It is a long story, one I can only touch on here. It is one thing to analyse Biestmilch as a substance and break it up into its individual parts. However, that would be like having “reckoned without our host”. Rather, approaching Biestmilch also means occupying yourself with your own body, with the physiology holding us together deep inside. You could compare this process with an expedition. FOR OUR FOREFATHERS, BIESTMILCH WAS A FOODSTUFF AND A CURE Fresh Biestmilch contains everything a newborn child requires. It contains sufficient fat, bacterial microflora, immunglobulins, hormones, vitamins, minerals, micronutrients, mucopolysaccharides and a large number of cell communication molecules. In the first five to six days after birth, it is slowly converted into milk and then loses its unique character. Although it is possible to break down Biestmilch into its individual parts, we will not, however, learn its great effects by doing so. The way Aristotle put it also applies to Biestmilch: “the whole is greater than the sum of the parts”.
TUMOR – See The OppORTUniTy
TUMOR See the opportunity Susann Kraeftner, MD
If you would like to pluck up the courage to make your
own decisions; if you don‘t want to let the opinions of
others make you doubtful, those presented to you in the outside world and inside clinics and health care
You may find that sounds like a provocation. I would
centers, inside the territories of science where one be-
now like to tell you why that is not the case and why
lieves to have entered the realm of truth, if you have
this scientific observation uncovers great opportuni-
realized for yourself that the only right way is the way
ties for you.
you have chosen for yourself, then give in to reading
Scientists have now also recognized that the opinion
the next pages.
of a tumor comprising an accumulation of malicious cells, which have withdrawn themselves from growth
control, is not true. This scientific insight is thus to be discarded and become history.
Here, you can find texts I wrote about a natural remedy that in my opinion cannot be topped when it comes to
the strength and diversity of its effect. And note: Biest-
milch is not harmful to you, doesn‘t hurt you. In order to understand Biestmilch, you will have to say goodbye
Cancer cells give evidence of defects in the regula-
to conventional ways of thinking. There‘s no need to
tory circuits which control cell proliferation and the
distance yourself from scientific knowledge but you do
balance between growth and stagnancy or guide re-
have to move along the borders of science where re-
generation and the dying-off of the cells. This process
thinking takes place and new things come to life.
of maintaining the balance is so varied and can be disturbed in so many places meaning that today, we can differentiate between more than 100 types and subtypes of tumors within one single organ. In other words, no one type of cancer resembles the other. How many regulatory circuits in a target cell need to be broken to stop a tumor from growing and whether the same or similar regulatory circuits in every tumor cell are affected in the various tumors remains unknown to this day. Which regulatory circuits in the cells run independently from the environment and which are coupled to signals from the micro-environment is likewise unexplored. Whether the large number of cancer-related genes can be tied to certain regulatory circuits also needs to be researched.
Tumor cells lose their ability to communicate.
Tumor – see the opportunity
A characteristic cancer cell:
1) Self-sufficiency of growth signals 2) Insensitive towards the growth of repressive signals
It can take decades for a tumor to reach a size of medical
3) Infiltration of cell termination (apoptosis)
significance, i.e. until disorders become evident. Tumors
4) Endless potential for proliferation
usually grow very slowly and, in addition to that, a series
5) Maintaining the formation of vessels
of unfortunate circumstances must concur. A defect in the
6) Penetration into the tissue and metastasis
DNA is not sufficient to make a tumor develop and that is why a tumor is not simply a collection of malicious cells
whose growth proceeds in an aggressive and uncontrolled
way. And because of this fact, a suitable lifestyle can very much prevent the development of a tumor.
In science, one speaks of epigenetic processes, which play a central role in the development of tumors.
Thus, for a tumor to start growing, a number of factors
As you know, the cell comprises one cell nucleus in which
must concur. - There are disorders of the cell biology on
chromosomes, the DNA, the genetic material so to say are
the level of the cell core, the cytoplasm, the receptors, the
located. Cytoplasm, in which a large number of accumula-
extra-cellular matrix and the neighboring cells. The under-
tions of molecules form structures that are necessary for
lying processes are arranged on a time basis in 3 phases:
the cell to live and to become what it is and what it does,
1) the initiation of the DNA,
surrounds this cell nucleus. The cell as a whole is surround-
2) the promotion in the intra- and
ed by a membrane just like the cell nucleus is. All struc-
tures that form this kind of cell have, on the one hand, An-
extra-cellular environment and
3) the progression through tumor-specific
teile which have a very flexible shape (receptors, ligands)
and continuously send and receive signals. On the other
communication processes beyond the primary tumor.
hand, they fulfill certain tasks in the cell such as cell resFirst of all, the cell experiences a genetic change, it is initi-
piration or protein biosynthesis. Thus a stream of signals
ated. It can linger or pause in this state for centuries on
flows through the cell, which leads from the cell nucleus to
end. This means a tumor never grows. So, as you see, a
the environment surrounding the cells and back. In simple
genetic defect does not suffice to produce a tumor. How-
terms, it is a never-ending loop. The resulting changing
ever, if such a cell experiences an irritation such as the in-
signal patterns influence the specific functional state of
fluence of a carcinogen or a chronic inflammatory change
the cell. Irrespective of what function a cell has, in prin-
to its environment, then the genetic defect manifests in
ciple, all cells work according to the same principle, and
the development of a tumor. A chronic inflammatory envi-
because they all work in this way, the cells on the various
ronment gives this genetically weak cell a growth advan-
levels can be influenced in terms of both place and time.
tage over other cells.
Cell growth is thus not a phenomenon that is controlled solely by the cell nucleus and its genetic material. The cell
is closely connected to its environment, exchange is narrow and intensive. Not only do signals/impulses/messages from
No cell can multiply itself without the stimulating signals.
the interior of the cell reach the cell‘s surroundings, thus
In contrast, a tumor cell grows independently; it loses its
changing the cell‘s state, but signals/impulses/messages
coupling to the environment. Many oncogenes function by
from the environment likewise inlfuence the cell‘s and the
copying normal growth signals.
nucleus cell‘s function and activity. In this way, the cells and
The bridging molecules (connexins) are molecules that are
the space between them form an entity of brisk exchange.
essential for the communication between cells. Stem cells are characterized by not carrying such connexins on their surface. Thus, they have no bridges for communicating with other cells. These bridging molecules are significantly involved in controlling the growth of cells and tissues. Communication is thus an important control process.
inflammatory ENVIRONMENTS
Virchow saw a correlation between inflammation and tumor back in 1863. Ever since, research has been changing
One hypothesis reads as follows: The cell reveals a gene
in such a way that can barely be compared to those times.
defect that can no longer be repaired. For this reason, the
And yet, this postulate gained more relevance than ever.
external appearance of the cell deviates from that of the
In the meantime we know from some chronic viral infec-
normal cell. Such a cell no longer divides itself up asym-
tions that they can make the way for tumors to develop.
metrically into a cell with a function (effector cell), which
And the same applies to chronic inflammations like rheu-
depends upon which organ or apparatus it is allocated to
matism or chronic inflammatory gastro-intestinal diseases.
and into a stem cell but symmetrically into two cells with
Inflammations are usually self-limiting processes. With a
functions. Yet, it is not a tumor cell. As long as the environ-
fine-tuned immune response, the immune system makes
ment surrounding the cell suppresses cell proliferation, a
sure that inflammatory and anti-inflammatory processes
tumor does not yet develop.
ultimately lead to healing. Characteristic of the immune situation of tumor patients is the fact that the immunity
If, however, a carcinogen or a chronically inflammatory
is weakened (suppressed). When a tumor start to grow or
changed environment affects the cell to the extent that
metastasize, then it has usually already infiltrated the im-
the brake preventing cell proliferation is released, then the
mune system with its monitoring strategies. An intact im-
cell begins to proliferate in an uncontrolled manner. The
mune system patrols the body and removes the cells that
result is a mass of cells such as polyps in the colon or pap-
are no longer behaving properly.
illoma in the skin. For a so-called malignant tumor to de-
Dvorak recognized the similarities between wound healing
velop, a number of additional genetic or cellular changes
and tumors back in 1986. In contrast to a tumor, a wound
must occur. It‘s not until now that the step towards the
heals itself. In a tumor, the process continues by factors
tumor becoming malignant follows.
being released unremittingly, which maintain the inflam-
Another hypothesis - worded by Potter back in 1978 - ex-
mation. As is the case with wound healing, the formation
plains the emergence of a tumor as being a blockage of
of vessels in the scope of a tumor emerging plays an im-
cell development on their way from the stem cell, where it
portant role for a tumor that measures more than one to
still carries a large number of possibilities, to the cell that
two millimeters, blood vessels are vital.
is equipped with the function determined for that cell. An interruption to this development can happen at any stage
of this process. Influences from the cell‘s environment can speed up cell division and prevent the normal death of the
In order for a malignant tumor to start growing, an external
cell. You have probably often come across the term onco-
or internal trigger, an inflamed environment and damage to
gene. More than 100 oncogenes have already been identi-
the DNA must concur. An improbable event for an individu-
fied. Oncogenes are DNA parts that serve as the template
al? Many malignant tumors are triggered off by infections. A
for the synthesis of protein substances with differing tasks
history of infection can be assigned to more than 15% of all
like growth factors, receptors, signal-transferring mole-
tumors worldwide; that is more than 1.2 million cases a year.
cules. The tumor suppressor genes have a quasi contrary
Thus, tumors develop as the result of a multi-leveled process,
task to the oncogenes. They form the template for the
which leads from an initial benign change to the cells to an
growth of inhibitive factors such as bridging molecules.
invasive and then metastasizing disease. This process takes
These are structural proteins in cell membranes that form
many years until it has fully developed. The long period this
channels for the direct transfer of small molecules and ions
process requires strongly implies that it has to assert itself
between the cells. The bridging molecules between the
against a background of strict and diversified control mecha-
cells are central structures of monitoring growth and differ-
nisms that are supposed to prevent anarchical cell behavior.
entiating normal cells. If a gene-defect cell still has bridg-
It is thus probable that a certain environment tied to a genet-
ing connections, it is still able to develop in its target cell
ic disposition changes the cells to such an extent that they
to a certain extent. Its direct contact to the other cells in
become more receptive for endogenous and exogenous car-
the network inhibits uncontrolled proliferation.
cinogen influences. It may depend on whether the carcinogens can actually trigger off tumor growth and how long it takes until the process is clinically proven. 6
Tumor – see the opportunity
In tumors, the bridging molecules are usually missing.
That means that the cell loses an important component for
its networking with the environment. An activated onco-
gene and an inactivated suppressor gene can permanently stimulate growth.
The inflammatory response should actually contribute towards removing the tumor cells. However, in the case
The objective of the research is to make tumor treatment
of humans with tumors, the inflammatory response is un-
that is currently very poor more specific and targeted.
productive. Inflammatory and anti-inflammatory processes are no longer in balance but have displaced towards the
chronic inflammation. It is typical for the environment of
the tumor for receptors to become insensitive meaning no effective antitumor response is generated.
Because no tumor is alike, neither in the same organ nor
Today, the therapeutic challenge principally lies in nor-
past organ boundaries, it can be concluded that targeted
malizing the deregulated inflammatory network in such
therapeutic approaches are complex and require a case-
a way that the result is a regular inflammatory response.
specific approach.
Thanks to its diversity, Biestmilch as one of the very few
Here is an example from experimental research on how
substances available has this potential. Furthermore, it can
the appearance of the cell and thus its behavior can be
stabilize the immune system for chemotherapy to such an
changed by changing the cell‘s environment:
extent that subsequent metastasizing can be influenced.
With certain cell growth factors (colony-stimulating factors), tumor cells can be reprogrammed in such a way
so that they re-integrate into the tissue network with its control mechanisms, even if they do remain genetically
You should take Biestmilch every day. Make it part of your
changed. This result isn‘t actually surprising after what
food plan. You don‘t interrupt the intake.
was said about the significance of the environment for the
Take 900 mg every day. If you are taking Biestmilch as
emergence of a tumor.
preparation for chemotherapy or in addition to that, increase the amount to 3 x 900 mg every day. After chemo-
therapy reduce step by step to 900 mg or 600 mg. In the case of a repeat chemo-cycle, please increase the dosage
Because most tumors develop slowly over decades, prevention should stand in first place today. By prevention, we mean influencing the environment of the genetically altered cell. Prevention comprises healthy and good quality food. Eating is the most important environment modulator, closely followed by regular exercise, i.e. sport, because physical exercise activates the immune system and suppresses inflammatory processes that are smoldering in the body. It is also very important to not eat too much, i.e. restrict calories. Biestmilch belongs to the food plan (it is a foodstuff). It is a kind of immune serum, a substance that is able to calm down chronic inflammatory tissue.
Tumor – see the opportunity
again to 3 x 900 mg.
Dr. Susann KrAEftner „My CV is the contrary of straightforward. I have experienced what it means to work in intensive care, and psychiatry, in the Civil War of Lebanon, and in the pharmaceutical industries. For many many years I was looking for escaping medicine and find a way to get involved with a more creative way of working. Since 2000 I pursue my life experiment to resuscitate Colostrum. We call it Biestmilch.“ Find further information and toughts about Biestmilch on
Sources of literature Coussens LM, Werb Z: Inflammation and cancer. Nature, 420: 860 – 867, 2002. O‘Byrne KJ, Dalgleish AG: Chronic activation and inflammation as cause of malignancy. British Journal of Cancer, 85 (4): 473 – 483, 2001 Shamgar B-E: The promotion of tumor metastasis by surgery and stress: immunological basis and implications for psychoneuroimmunology. Brain, Behaviour and Immunitiy, 17: 27 – 36, 2003 Lotem J, Sachs L: Epigenetics wins over genetics: induction of differentation in tumor cells. Cancer Biology, 12: 339 – 346, 2002 Trosko JE: The role of stem cells and gap junctional intercellular communication in caringenesis. Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 36 (1): 43 – 48, 2003 Trosko JE: Chang CH-Ch, Upham BL, et al.: Ignored hallmarks of carcinogenesis: stem cells and cell-cell communication. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci., 1028: 192 – 201, 2004 Hanahan D, Weinberg RA: The hallmarks of cancer. Cell, 100: 57 – 70, 2000
Impressum / IMPrint
Biestmilch Distribution
Biestmilch Seven GmbH Herderstraße 31
65185 Wiesbaden, Germany
Herderstraße 31 65185 Wiesbaden, Germany
BIESTMILCH USA, LLC 112 9 East Shorewood Court Coeur d‘Alene, ID 83815 United States
Fon +49 (0)611 - 97651-0 Fax +49 (0)611 - 97651-25
Concept + Text
Dr. Susann Kraeftner Design designrs frankfurt
W WW.BieStMiLCh.CoM/Store
30 Chewable Tablets
90 Capsules
Flask à 125 ml,
9 Chewable Tablets
à 900mg Colostrum
à 300mg Colostrum
Only available in Europe
à 4000mg Colostrum