Pacha Magazine August 2009

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“We needed a poster with a white background for publicising announcements for events and parties. So I dared to print 5,000; back then for large parties we'd usually print 300. The incurred costs caused me to use the cherries much more than we had intended, but at the same time unwittingly imposed this image on the company. Without a design guru, as nowadays would be the norm, and without conscious intent, we abandoned the psychedelic eye (Pacha's original logo) and replaced it with a fresh and simple image, which was easily integrated into the marketing materials of the period. Neither the designer Yvette Montsalvatge nor I assumed or imagined that that little quick project would one day become a world-famous logo. We never gave much importance to who had actually designed the cherries; the trajectory of a brand is the trajectory of the company. For me, it was always Ricardo Urgell and his team who elevated the brand.” “Necesitábamos un póster con fondo blanco que nos sirviera para imprimir convocatorias a eventos y a fiestas. Para ahorrar costes me atreví a una tirada de 5.000 ejemplares cuando entonces para una gran fiesta se utilizaban unos 300. Mi iniciativa me costó una gran bronca. El gasto producido me hizo utilizar las cerezas mucho más de lo que deseábamos, pero también sin quererlo fuimos imponiendo esa imagen corporativa. Sin ningún gurú, como se haría ahora, y sin quererlo abandonamos el ojo psicodélico, primer logo de Pachá, sustituyéndolo por una imagen fresca y sencilla, fácil de acoplar en los materiales publicitarios que usábamos en la época. Ni Yvette ni yo supusimos ni imaginamos que aquel trabajillo rápido fuese un día un

logo conocido mundialmente. Nunca le dimos importancia a quien había diseñado las cerezas, la trayectoria de una marca depende de la trayectoria de la empresa. Para mí quien levantó esa compañía siempre han sido Ricardo Urgell y su equipo”. Words by Carlos Manchón Grimalt. Taken from the new book 'Pacha: 40 Years of History' by Toni Riera

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Editorial BEN TURNER E D I T O R I A L D I R E C T O R , PA C H A M A G A Z I N E Pacha is again at the centre of a musical explosion that is sending ripples around the world at a rate faster than the spread of swine flu. David Guetta from Paris, France, has been building his F*** Me I'm Famous brand for a decade, and has been making waves in Ibiza at Pacha for seven years. Right from the start the personal touch and glamorous allure of David and partner in life Cathy has been a magnet for celebrities. But now it's gone supernova. Thanks to various chance meetings - many in Pacha Ibiza - his new productions have projected him to the top of the biggest stage possible, America, with a new album featuring the likes of Will.I.Am, Kelly Rowland, Akon and Ne-Yo. Finally, dance music might unlock the door to American chart and mainstream success. As a result, Guetta is the probably the most celebrated DJ in the world. Indeed, he is the first DJ to appear twice on the front cover of Pacha magazine; in the seven years of our existence, that's some testament to his career. In 2005, we created a much-talked about cover with fake-photographer Alison Jackson, using look-alike celebrities. In 2009, we don't need fake celebrities. Instead there is one star and that's David. In the last month we have witnessed chaos on the island with the appearance of the male members of Black Eyed Peas joining Guetta at Pacha on a Thursday night. The group took over El Hotel, Gran Hotel, Blue Marlin and the Pacha VIP, embracing dance music much in the same way Diddy did all those years back. They enjoyed it so much that female vocalist Fergie was on the phone demanding they "return to work". The interest in and success of Guetta has put Ibiza back at the heart of global music again. Electronic music is maybe about to experience its greatest days yet. Go Guetta indeed.

Pacha es una vez más el centro de una explosión musical que está enviando su onda expansiva por todo el mundo a un paso tan agigantado como el de la gripe porcina. David Guetta de París, Francia, lleva una década impulsando su marca F*** Me I'm Famous, y triunfando en Pacha Ibiza siete años. Desde el principio el toque personal y atractivo glamoroso de David y su compañera sentimental Cathy han sido un imán para celebridades. Pero ahora se ha convertido en un supernova. Gracias a varios encuentros casuales - muchos en Pacha Ibiza - sus nuevas producciones le han proyectado al escenario más alto posible, EE.UU:, con un nuevo álbum presentando a gente como Will.I.Am, Kelly Rowland, Akon y Ne-Yo. Finalmente, la música dance quizá abra las puertas a las listas de éxitos americanas y consiga un éxito comercial. Como resultado, en estos momentos Guetta es probablemente el DJ más celebrado del mundo. Es más, es el primer DJ en aparecer dos veces en la portada de la revista Pacha en los siete años de nuestra existencia; eso sí que es un testamento para su carrera. En el 2005, creamos una portada muy comentada con la fotógrafa de dobles Alison Jackson, utilizando dobles de celebridades. En el 2009, no necesitamos dobles. Por el contrario, tenemos a una estrella, y ésta es David. En el último mes hemos sido testigos del caos que se ha creado en la isla con la aparición de los miembros masculinos de los Black Eyed Peas, que unieron a Guetta en Pacha el jueves por la noche. El grupo pasó por El Hotel, Gran Hotel, Blue Marlin y el VIP de Pacha, acogiendo la música dance del mismo modo que P. Diddy lo hizo hace ya unos años. Se lo pasaron tan bien que la vocalista Fergie les llamó por teléfono exigiéndoles que "regresaran al trabajo". El interés por Guetta y su éxito han puesto Ibiza una vez más en el centro de la música mundial. La música electrónica puede que esté a punto de experimentar sus mejores momentos hasta la fecha. Ánimo Guetta.

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EDITORIAL DIRECTOR Ben Turner ( ART DIRECTOR Hjordis Fogelberg ( ASSISTANT EDITOR: Jenna Good SUB EDITOR Kieran Wyatt TRANSLATOR Sally Riera ( EDITORIAL ASSISTANCE: Daniel Stevens, Simon Astall WORDS Jessica Johansson, Juan Suarez, Judit Carcasona, Martin Davies, Mathew Clayton, Nick Clayton, Ruby Warrington, Ralph Moore FOTOS Adrian Batty, Jordi Gomez, Maria Simon, Noam Ofir, Robert Astley Sparke FOTO RESEARCH Kali Dhillon ADVERTISING Massimo Shadi Saab ( PRINTER Jiminez Godoy, SA PACHA OWNERS La Familia Urgell PACHA FOUNDER Richard Urgell MAGAZINE FOUNDER Ben Turner / Graphite Media MAGAZINE PUBLISHER / FOUNDER FOR PACHA Danny Whittle MAGAZINE ENQUIRIES SPECIAL THANKS TO: Mark Jones, Mark Netto, Monica Recchia WWW.PACHA.COM. WWW.GRAPHITEMEDIA.NET

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JESSICA JOHANSSON Freelance writer

PLACES Amante, Cala Llonga Aura, San Juan Cafe Mambo, San Antoni Gecko Beach Club, Formentera La Ventana, Dalt Vila Nassau Beach Club, Playa d'en Bossa Panorama, Sa Punta Sirocco, Playa d'en Bossa Ushuaia, Playa d'en Bossa White Horse Labiza, Dalt Vila

• Having a pedicure in Mariluz Beauty Salon in Sant Carles • Flower Power music in La Fiesta de Sant Jaume, in Formentera • Hanging out in the new hotspot Bazaar outside Santa Gertrudis • Enjoying my fave Swedish dessert Gino at La Masia, Formentera • Lunchbreak under the trees at La Paloma Café, San Lorenzo • Homemade breakfast at the rocks at magical Es Caló, Formentera • Treating myself to that hot pink dress by Ibiza-based Deva Allen • New killer heels from wicked shoe shop La Zapateria, in Santa Eulària • Butterflying with best mate Tanya, starting at charming Cardamom Club • Long lunches under the olive tree in my garden outside Sant Llorenç

EVENTS Carolina's Birthday at Can Tong, Ibiza Black Eyed Peas after-parties at Gran Hotel and El Hotel Dan Williams birthday party, Amante, Cala Llonga F*** Me Im Famous, Pacha, Ibiza. Every Thursday without fail High Voltage at Reclaim The Dancefloor, Eden, San Antoni Luciano at Ushuaia, Playa d'en Bossa Michael Jackson tribute at Flower Power, Pacha, Ibiza Ochobazaar, Ocho, San Juan Pacha Model Awards, El Hotel, Ibiza

• Una pedicura en el salón de belleza de Mariluz en Sant Carles • Música Flower Power en La Fiesta de Sant Jaume en Formentera • Frecuentar el nuevo local de moda Bazaar en las afueras de Santa Gertrudis • Tomar un desayuno casero en las rocas en la mágica Es Caló, Formentera • Disfrutar de mi postre sueco favorito Gino en La Masia, Formentera • Almorzar bajo los árboles en La Paloma Café, San Lorenzo • Darme el capricho de un vestido rosa de la diseñadora establecida en Ibiza, Deva Allen • Los nuevos taconazos de la fantástica tienda La Zapatería en Santa Eulària • Pasearme con mi mejor amiga Tanya, empezando por el encantador Cardamom Club • Largas comidas bajo un olivo en mi jardín en las afueras de Sant Llorenç

RESTAURANTS Can Pilot, San Rafael Can Salinas, Salinas Cicala, San Juan El Bistro, Dalt Vila El Chiringuito, Es Cavallet Kasbah, San Antoni Sa Punta, Talamanca Sushi Lounge, Pacha, Ibiza Taste, Jesus Trattoria del Mar, Marina Botafoc MUSIC (LIVE) Busy P & DJ Mehdi at We Love, Space, Playa d'en Bossa Calvin Harris at Pure Pacha, Pacha, Ibiza Dizzee Rascal live at Ibiza Rocks Hotel, San Antoni Luciano at Ushuaia, Playa d'en Bossa Luciano & Ricardo Villalobos back to back at Cocoon, Amnesia, San Rafael Marco Carola at Monza, Privilege, San Rafael Sister Sledge at Carwash, El Divino, Ibiza The Kooks at Ibiza Rocks, Ibiza Rocks Hotel, Sant Antoni The Wailers in San Francisco, Formentera Will.I.Am at F*** Me I'm Famous, Pacha, Ibiza MUSIC (RECORDED) Bent - 'Best Of...' (Godlike & Electric) Boy 8-Bit - 'Baltic Pine' (This Is Music) DJ Hell & Diddy - 'The DJ' (Radioslave Remix) (IDG) DPR JCS Feat Patsy FUller - 'Undecided´ (Wring Remix) Jamie Jones - 'Dont' You Remember The Future' (Crosstown Rebels) Jose Padilla - 'Bella Musica 4' (Cool Division/Energy) MJ Cole - 'Sincere' (Nero Remix) Secret Cinema - 'Kurzweil' (Coccon Recordings) Smoke Fairies - 'Frozen Heart' Sub Focus - 'Rock It' (Ram Records) ONLINE NOW AT WWW.PACHA.COM Magazine - download every issue, whereever you are in the world. Finally! News - see an up to date list of what's going on at Pacha Pacha TV - rummage though a special selection of YouTube music videos Pacha Radio - stomp to Pacha DJs while you are getting ready to go out Free stuff - play the Pacha fruit-machine and win a Pacha prize Pacha DJs - get the low down on our DJs before seeing them in action

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RUBY WARRINGTON Freelance writer • Winter Ibiza. The ultimate chillout • A Bloody Mary for a starter. Who needs gazpacho? • Scallops the size of saucers at Aura • Dizzee at Ibiza Rocks. Bonkers! • Living la vida Lon-Za, one day • A massage from George in Dalt Vila. Celestial • Feeling the fear and driving up Sa Talaia anyway • Discovering Paula's, still going strong • The women of Ibiza - constant inspiration always • Ibiza weddings. Another excuse for a visit, thank you! • Invierno en Ibiza. El mejor chillout • Un Bloody Mary como aperitivo. ¿Quién necesita gazpacho? • Vieiras del tamaño de platos de café en Aura • Dizzee en Ibiza Rocks. ¡Será una locura! • Vivir la vida Lon-Za (Londres-Ibiza) un día • Un masaje de George en Dalt Vila. Celestial • Sentir miedo y aún así seguir conduciendo hasta Sa Talaia • Descubrir Paula's, todavía pisando fuerte • Las mujeres de Ibiza - siempre son una constante inspiración • Bodas en Ibiza. Una buena excusa para una visita, ¡gracias!

MASSIMO SHADI SAAB Advertising director • Launching Simar Ibiza, my media and marketing company • Still impressed by the IMS Grand Finale party • Looking forward to more winter dinners with the D.O.I. • The fries and tomato salad at Can Balafia - more please • Hanging out with my dad at Es Vedra • Staying out of trouble - yes we can! • Dubfire set at Pacha - can't wait baby • Keeping up with my fitness regime put together by superman Kev Grant • Marathon partying with Ben Turner after Pacha magazine deadline • Watching Barcelona's six goals against Real Madrid again and again • • • • • • • • • •

Lanzar Simar Ibiza, mi compañía de marketing y publicidad Sigo impresionado por la Grand Finale del IMS Con ganas de más cenas en invierno con D.O.I. Las patatas y la ensalada de tomate en Can Balafia - más por favor El tiempo que pasé con mi padre en Es Vedrá No meterme en líos de fiestas - ¡podemos! Continuar con mi régimen elaborado por superman Kev Grant Un fiestón con Ben Turner después de terminar la revista Pacha Sesión de Dubfire en Pacha - no puedo esperar Ver al Barcelona marcar seis goles ante el Real Madrid, una y otra vez

Pacha Navigator IBIZA

CLUB DIRECTORY: Amnesia, Ctra. Ibiza a Sant Antoni, km 5. Tel: 971.198.041. Capacity: 5,000. DC10, Sant JordiSalines Rd, KM1 Boho, Aveda de Portmany, Los bojos piscis park, San Antonio, 07820. Capacity 1,000. Eden, Salvador Espriu, Sant Antoni de Portmany. Tel: 971.803.240. Capacity: 4,000. El Divino, Puerto Ibiza Nueva. Tel: 971.190.176. Capacity 1,000. Es Paradis Terrenal, 07820 Sant Antoni de Portmany, Salvador Espriu, 2. Tel: 971.346.600. Capacity: 3,000. Le Masque, C/ Alcines 17, Playa den Bossa. Tel: 971. 303. 603. Martina, C/de la Mutra 5, Playa d’en Bossa. Tel: Pacha, Av. 8 d’Agost, s/n, 07800 Eivissa. Tel: 971.313.612. Capacity: 3,000. Privilege, Ctra. Sant Antoni, km 7. Urbanizacion San Rafeal. Tel: 971.198.086. Capacity: 10,000! Space, S.A. Playa d’en Bossa, Apdo. 132 - 07817, San Jorge. Tel: 971.396.793. Capacity: 3,000. Underground, Ibiza a Sant Antoni. Word of mouth! Xueño, Pujol, Formentera. Tel: 971.329.160. www.xueñ IBIZA RADIO DIRECTORY: 89.1 Cadena 100 • 91.7 FM Europa • 93.1 Kiss FM • 93.7 IB3 Radio • 95.5 Catalunya Radio • 97.2 Cadena Dial Ibiza 97.6 Ibiza Global Radio • 98.1 40 Principal, Ibiza • 101.6 Radio 1 102.8 Cadena Ser • 105.0 Flaix FM • 105.7 Radio 3 • 95.2 Sonica TRANSPORT: Airport taxis: 971.395.481 Discobus: 971.192.456 Taxi Ibiza Town: 971.398.483 Taxi San Antonio: 971.343.764 Taxi San Jose: 971.398.340 OTHER NUMBERS: Ambulance: 971.393.232 • 971.191.009 • 971.342.525 Guardia Civil Ibiza Town: 971.301.100 Guardia Civil San Antonio: 971.340.502 Ayuntamiento Ibiza: 971.397.500

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your Ibiza i mages, Tus iMagenes de ibiza...


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Welcome to Pacha Lifestyle 2009...

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CLUB MONDAY EVENT: SWEDISH HOUSE MAFIA PROMOTER: SHM / AMY THOMSON / THE SHOP ESTABLISHED: 2009 RESIDENTS: AXWELL, STEVE ANGELLO, SEBASTIAN INGROSSO SEASON REPORT by AXWELL "The last month has been great. It's always weird when you go back to Ibiza after nine months of absence. You think you remember how the island was but it's ever changing and your memory is not always the best. So it feels like it's a fresh start every year. Now, the party vibe is definitely there, especially in the middle of July and into August, when it seems like the people are getting to know all the different nights and what the big tracks are. I'm very happy with how our night has been going so far. I guess the big vocal track for us is 'Leave The World Behind' - there's a new Daddy's Groove Magical Island mix that's really working it on the dancefloor right now. At the time of talking we've only had four dates and we are now definitely rock solid. And looking ahead, I know it's going to get even better!"

TOP TEN SHM ANTHEMS by AXWELL 1 TV Rock feat Rudy - 'In The Air' (Axwell Remix) (Axtone) "This one is building and becoming a huge anthem!" 2 Denis the Menace & Big World - 'The First Rebirth' (Axtone) "Getting big response on this one - the breakdown is just magic!" 3 Steve Angello - 'Monday' (Size) "When Steve dropped this at Mambo, I threw him out of the booth cause it is so good!" 4 Sebastian Ingrosso & Dirty South - 'Meich' (Refune) "They don't come sexier and funkier than this!" 5 Black Raw - 'Auntie Agony' (Daddy's Groove Magical Island Remix) (Nettwerk) "Ame/Rej-ish style but who the fuck cares - massiveness!" 6 Axwell Ingrosso Angello Luke - 'Leave...' (Daddy's Groove Magical Island Remix) "The same production team bangs us in the ass with this amazing remix." 7 Sebastien Drums & Avicii - 'Even' (CD-R) "Massive party tune that's just pure house piano madness." 8 Mark Brown & Adam Shaw Vs The Face - 'Needin U' (Norman Doray Remix) (Cr2) "Big tune in our night at Pacha, needless to say!" 9 Gui Boratto - 'No Turning Back' (David Tort Remix) (Kompakt) "Tort manages to keep the melodic stuff in there together with his trademark sound." 10 Martijn Ten Velden - 'Together' (CD-R) "The guy with dance music's most complicated name gets it right." HAPPENING OF THE MONTH by AXWELL "There is not much time in between all the gigs we're doing and I'm curious to see how it all goes. It really is a massive run in August and I can't wait to see how I do. But on the rare day I get off in August, I hope I get a chance to hang out on the beach at Formentera with some close friends. It really is the best way to relax and unwind.¨ FULL DATES FOR AUGUST August 3 - Axwell, Steve Angello, Sebastian Ingrosso, Chris Lake, Sarah Main - Global Room: Circus with Jodie Harsh, Ladyhawke, Mo Funk August 10 - Axwell, Mike Snow, Sebastian Ingrosso, Roog, Sarah Main August 17 - Axwell, Sebastian Ingrosso, Goodwill, Sarah Main August 24 - Funkagenda, Steve Angello, Sebastian Ingrosso, Sarah Main August 31 - Axwell, Steve Angello, Sebastian Ingrosso, Dirty South WEBSITE

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WHY SWEDISH HOUSE MAFIA? by PACHA'S DANNY WHITTLE "Axwell had four or five gigs at the club last year and we had a couple of Swedish House Mafia takeovers - and that coupled with what they're achieving worldwide meant this was an obvious step. Plus, their sound is very Pacha and it's all about the future. They bring a lot of energy to the table and a connection to a younger crowd. They're living in the electronic world - Facebook, Twitter, the list goes on - and of course that's part of the future of promotion now. It's not just about posters anymore. They also bring a huge amount of energy and both the clubbers and the VIPs are really attracted to that. They're going to have a very successful series of parties. They weren't concerned about the competition; they were like, 'what we do is very different!'. They have tremendous confidence."

FEATURED GUEST: DIRTY SOUTH INTERVIEWED by AXWELL A: What vibe/sound can we expect from a Dirty South set in 2009? DS: "I normally play bigroom type house music and that's exactly what I'll be bringing to Pacha and everywhere else I play this year. There will be lots of my productions, edits and live a capella mixes that I'll be testing out, and of course some of those new productions are things I did with you and Sebastian while I was visiting Stockholm earlier this year." A: Have you been working on tracks tailormade for Ibiza? DS: "The things I did with you guys in Stockholm are definitely summer/Ibiza/anthem/massive type tracks and they have been working so well on the dancefloor everywhere else, so I really can't wait to test it out on the Pacha crowd." A: Where in the world have you had your best club experience? DS: "There have been many amazing places and it's always hard to pick the favourite one. As far as clubs, I will mention three that come to my mind: Pacha New York, Ministry Of Sound London and Vanguard Los Angeles. For festivals, I would have to say that 2009 Ultra Music Festival in Miami gave me the most goosebumps ever!"



CLUB TUESDAY EVENT: FLAMINGO NIGHTS PROMOTER: KAI HORSTMAN ESTABLISHED: 2009 RESIDENT: FEDDE LE GRAND SEASON REPORT by FEDDE LE GRAND "It's been so busy! Everything at the party has been really good and the island in general has exceeded my expectations. I wasn't sure how we would do at Pacha but I'm happy to report that the night has been really steady and we've had good numbers - even on the night I was sick! Of course, I must also mention that we had a live show from the Stereo MCs - they played for 20 minutes which was a short set but it was really great. They're my oldschool heroes and they played two new tracks and of course 'Connected'. As for me, I would say my sound is somewhere between house and tech-house at the club. I'm quite happy with what I'm getting to play - but I should also give props to Chus and Ceballos, Funkerman and Tocadisco. I just did the new Sensation party which was great and I had a trip in between to the US. A very busy month!"

TOP TEN FLAMINGO ANTHEMS by FEDDE LE GRAND 1 Fedde Le Grand - 'OUTPUT' (F.L.G. Edit) (Flamingo Recordings) "This is the next release from my upcoming album 'Output'." 2 Fatboy Slim vs Fedde le Grand - 'Praise You' (F.L.G Mix) (CD-R) "A remix I did of what was an amazing track!" 3 Super Flu - 'Shine' (Original Mix) (Monaberry) "Loving Super Flu at the moment." 4 Gavin Herlihy - 'Train Dodging' (Original Mix) (Cadenza) "Huge fat snares and so much percussion in one tune - this has amazing energy." 5 Youri Donatz & Frankie Rizardo - 'This Sound' (Original) (CD-R) "Cool new track of two young DJs/producers from the Netherlands!" 6 Jordy Lishious - '1UP' (Original Mix) (Blackbird) "Great release on our Blackbird label, the sister to Flamingo Recordings." 7 Moritz Piske - 'Can't Keep' (Original) (Opossum Recordings) "Massive build-up and then a really flipped-out, shaking breakdown." 8 Fedde Le Grand feat Mitch Crown - 'Scared Of Me' (Flamingo Recordings) "This is the first single from my first artist album, 'Output'. Mitch Crown did the vocals." 9 Hardwell - 'Display' (Blackbird) "Hardwell is really very promising!" 10 Cosmophunk & Jay Lumen - 'Yes' (Matteo DiMarr Remix) (Dataworx Digital) "Huge new chunky tech-house. Matteo for me is on fire right now." HAPPENING OF THE MONTH by FEDDE LE GRAND "August is the first time I'm actually staying on the island - up to now it's been one day and then I've had to leave! I'm looking forward to chilling out in general but the one place I have to visit is Casa Colonial. First of all, the place is stunning. The ambience is great, you overlook the island, it's outside and, of course, the food is amazing. Those are the main reasons you go to a restaurant, right?" FULL DATES FOR AUGUST August 4 - New Life with Fedde Le Grand, Funkerman, Francesco Farfa. PA Mitch - Global Room: Retro with Paul Taylor, Matt Peverell August 11 - Fedde Le Grand, Martin Solveig, John Dahlback, Angel Linde. PA Ida Corr - Global Room: Retro with Paul Taylor, Andy Baxter August 18 - Fedde Le Grand, Tocadisco, Francesco Farfa, Andy Baxter - Global Room: Retro with Paul Taylor, Matt Peverell August 25 - Fedde Le Grand, Chus & Ceballos, Funkeman, Angel Linde. PA Mitch - Global Room: Retro with Paul Taylor, Andy Baxter WEBSITE

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WHY FEDDE LE GRAND? by PACHA'S DANNY WHITTLE "As with other new DJs to the club, I tried Fedde Le Grand on four Fridays and all the numbers stacked up. He's a good producer and again these are the guys who are the next superstars. Fedde has already had hits and he has good attention to detail and a really huge fanbase. This is a night we have to build - let's not forget that F*** Me I'm Famous was built up over several summers - and so to bring someone in and go instantly weekly is something to build on. Even Sven Vath would say it was hard work at the start of Cocoon. A long-term commitment to building up a night is what you have to be prepared to do now. Fedde has a style all of his own. At the opening, the crowd loved it and the dancers loved it too. It's a tougher sound but translates really well. He brings a lot of energy and he is professional."

FEATURED GUEST: CHUS AND CEBALLOS INTERVIEWED by FEDDE LE GRAND FLG: What's your favourite memory of Pacha and why? C&C: "It was a long time ago! We will never forget the first time we went to Pacha - we were stunned by the club, the people, the charming, friendly and festive atmosphere and the connection between the crowd and the DJ. We remember that Pippi was playing that night as a resident - it was incredible, amazing music, everything was magical! This magic is why we have felt in each one of our gigs at Pacha." FLG: What can we expect from a C&C set in 2009? C&C: "Everybody who knows us knows that our sets are laden with drums and groove. We base our sets on the energy and the rhythm, therefore we will try to adapt our own style and to approach it as closely as possible to the essence of our Flamingo Recordings nights. We believe that we can be a good complement - 100% pure Iberican house music!" FLG: What's your favourite way to kick back after a big gig? C&C: "We like to switch off every moment we can to spend time with our families - Pablo with his girlfriend and me with my wife and daughter. We love the Portuguese Algarve and the south of Spain. Granada is another runaway place. Life there goes with another pace."





CLUB WEDNESDAY EVENT: SUBLIMINAL SESSIONS PROMOTERS: ERICK MORILLO, HELEN COATES ESTABLISHED: 2001 RESIDENT DJ: ERICK MORILLO SEASON REPORT by ERICK MORILLO "I'm proud to say that Subliminal Sessions are running the most credible night at Pacha - people are still coming to our party because we have one of the best musical nights on the island. Now when I go on, the guests have done such a good job that the vibe feels like a concert. That coupled with our production for the 'Be Bad' theme means that people truly are letting themselves go. We've really converted Pacha this year, including a laser machine production we've worked on all winter. Pacha looks like a truly different club. I can only imagine that other nights are enjoying what we've done as they are now following suit at Pacha - I take it as the highest compliment that our production team must be doing it right! I'm also really happy to see the Swedish House Mafia take a night at Pacha. They really are the stars of the future. I also have to give big props to Ricardo Villalobos and Luciano for an incredible back-to-back set on the Amnesia terrace. My hats also go off to DJs Todd Terry and Derrick Carter - you guys pioneered the new techno sound back in the '90s!"

TOP TEN SUBLIMINAL ANTHEMS by ERICK MORILLO 1 Red Carpet vs The Face - 'It's Alright/Needin U' (CD-R) "What a bootleg! One of my favorite vocals with one of the hottest piano riffs of now." 2 Fedde Le Grand - 'Lunchbox' (CD-R) "Got this from Sebastian Ingrosso and it rocks!" 3 Erick Morillo feat Deborah Cooper - 'I Get Lifted' (Gray & Danism Mix) (Subliminal) "Great remix, great vocal. Brings me back to the great vocal days!" 4 La Roux - 'In For The Kill' (Dave Spoon Remix) (Universal) "Hot! Hot! Hot!" 5 Milk & Sugar - 'Let The Sun Shine' (CD-R) "This gets all the hands up in the air." 6 Daft Punk - 'Around The World' (2009 Remix) (CD-R) "Wow!" 7 ATFC - 'The Conversation' (Defected) "Another great remake!" 8 RenĂŠ Amesz & Baggi Begovic - 'Renegade' (CD-R) "This is a demo that works my dancefloor." 9 Simian Mobile Disco - 'Audacity Of Huge' (Maxine Dangles Remix) (Wichita) "Tough sound, this is where I go at 6am." 10 Sandy Rivera - 'Whatever' (Andy Daniel Remix) (Defected) "Groovy with balls." HAPPENING OF THE MONTH by ERICK MORILLO "I'm looking to have my entire New York City crew coming to invade Ibiza during the first week of August. It's always fun when the New York posse comes together because you know that there's a three-day party ahead! There's a Kiss & Fly day party at Sands on August 5 and also look out for the 1 Oak crew doing a special party at Amnesia." FULL DATES FOR AUGUST August 5 - Erick Morillo, Frankie Knuckles, Juan Diaz - Global Room: Pacha Live with Goldfish, Tuccillo, Sneaky Sound System August 12 - Erick Morillo, M.A.N.D.Y., Andy Baxter - Global Room: Pacha Live with Goldfish, Tuccillo, Young Punx August 19 - Erick Morillo, Mark Knight, Juan Diaz - Global Room: Pacha Live with Goldfish, Tuccillo, Caged Baby August 26 - Erick Morillo, Mark Brown, Juan Kidd - Global Room: Pacha Live with Goldfish, Tuccillo, Sneaky Sound System WEBSITE

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WHY SUBLIMINAL? by PACHA'S DANNY WHITTLE "Erick is Erick - he's an institution. He's had his own night at Pacha for eight years - he played for Ministry Of Sound and then for two years with Underwater and then he took on his own night. Even when you stick FMIF on the night after, he still pulls in a really big crowd. It's a slightly different crowd - he's playing great music and is at the top of his game. This year they have great decor but still very Subliminal - minimal that's just well done. Erick's been around a little while - it happens to all of us - but he's a still a young guy and well behind Sven Vath and Carl Cox so he still has a huge future ahead of him. Having heard him play several times this season, I still think Erick is one of the hottest DJs out there and the one thing he does is he delivers. And he's playing at Mambo again this year. It's important to connect with the kids and that's why he still smashes it."

FEATURED GUEST: M.A.N.D.Y INTERVIEWED by ERICK MORILLO EM: This is your first time playing for Subliminal. What is your perception of the night in general? M.A.N.D.Y: "Of course, my partner Patrick and I have known about what you do pretty much since you started with Reel 2 Real. Everybody was into this kind of house at this time and we loved the stuff too. We remember meeting you backstage at DC10 and at Sven's house in Ibiza and we had very good talks and fun. You always wanted us to play so we're glad this year it has finally worked out." EM: Describe your sound for people coming to hear you play at Pacha. M.A.N.D.Y: "Wow - that's always a tricky one as we don't just stick to one style. How about melodies with emotion? We also play some stuff from our own label, Get Physical." EM: You're playing two dates for me at Pacha - although we've wanted you to play for a while! What's made it possible? M.A.N.D.Y: "Well, we had exclusive obligations in other clubs, so that was the main reason that it hasn't been possible before. We don't want to be exclusive anymore as it doesn't really make sense for us and in general we are not big fans of this approach. These are gonna be good nights for sure!"


CLUB THURSDAY E V E N T: F * * * M E I ' M FA M O U S PROMOTER: CATHY GUETTA. ESTABLISHED: 2003 WITH OTHER NIGHTS 2007 FORTNIGHTLY 2008 WEEKLY. RESIDENT DJ: DAVID GUETTA S E A S O N R E P O R T b y D AV I D G U E T TA "I'm trying to enjoy the moment but I'm so busy I don't get to realise what's going on. I have a Number One record with 'When Love Takes Over' around the world - and that feels very good! I've been doing a lot of interviews and promotion. I also played the Stade Du France in Paris, which was incredible. Cathy organised the party and we had Sven Väth, Armin Van Buuren, Swedish House Mafia and myself playing and it was very exciting. We don't have huge events like this in France but it was incredible 40,000 people. I feel very proud - that's always what I wanted from this music. I think it's fantastic that there's an underground scene but after 20 years of music, it's good for this music to touch more people. But you know, I'm a DJ first and this will never change. I'm a DJ before I'm a producer. Yes, I have had some pop success but I don't think of it like that. I like to keep the balance."

WHY FUCK ME I'M FAMOUS? by PACHA'S DANNY WHITTLE "David Guetta - what can you say? Busier than ever, more hysterical than ever, rocking up with Kelly Rowland and having Number One records in the UK and in America - he can't put a foot wrong. And his night is a great party. The VIPs love it and the crowd love it. That night is teamwork - David Guetta on his own isn't F*** Me I'm Famous. The magic is when you stick them together - that is F*** Me I'm Famous. And David plays in a certain style - that's F*** Me I´m Famous, too. I know when he plays for FMIF it's about the party. And Cathy is a great promoter. Anybody who wants to say something negative about the night has got their head up their arse!"*

TOP TEN FMIF ANTHEMS by DAVID GUETTA 1 Guetta, Ingrosso & Dirty South feat Julie McKnight - 'How Soon Is Now' (FMIF) "This is a classic-style house record and a genuine club killer I made with my friends." 2 David Guetta feat Akon - 'Sexy Bitch' (Virgin) "My next single from 'One Love' features Akon." 3 TV Rock feat Rudy - 'In The Air' (Axwell Remix) (Axtone) "Already one of the summer anthems at Pacha this year." 4 DMS12 - 'El Vigilante' (Robbie Rivera Remix) (Juicy Music) "Rivera delivers a monster remix for Miami's DMS12." 5 Diplo & Laidback Luke - 'Hey!' (Original & Foamo Mixes) (Southern Fried) "Big party beats from two of the rising stars this year." 6 Wippenberg - 'Chakalaka' (Original Mix) (High Contrast Recordings) "Perfect for those 6am moments on the dancefloor." 7 MPHO - 'Box N Locks' (Armand Van Helden Dub) (Wall of Sound) "AVH follows up from his mix of Bonkers with an equally bonkers mix of MPHO." 8 Mauroizio Gubellini - 'Insane' (Vocal Mix) (We Love Muzik) "Filthy energetic electro at its best." 9 Adam K & JELO - 'The Good, The Bad & The Funky' (Original Mix) (Hotbox Digital) "Big electro beats and something slightly different from Canada's Adam K." 10 Kings Of Leon - 'Use Somebody' (Paul Rogers Remix) (RCA) "Kings Of Leon updated for the festival season - has already been massive this summer." HAPPENING OF THE MONTH by DAVID GUETTA "Everybody knows that August is a crazy month but I am having a crazy year! Right now I am so busy that I am finishing remixes in my hotel room - and then I fly to the next gig! So I don't have much of a life. But as you know, I have my wife and my kids and when I'm in Ibiza on a Friday afternoon, all I want to do is go to the beach or hang out by the swimming pool at the house. That's a luxury!" FULL DATES FOR AUGUST August 6 - David Guetta, Chuckie, Sarah Main. PA Kelly Rowland and Chris Willis - Global Room: Pachatronica with Andy Baxter, Jonty Skruff, Rodrigo Farrari August 13 - David Guetta, Bob Sinclar, Sarah Main - Global Room: Pachatronica with Andy Baxter, Timmy Vegas, Alex Schmitz, Onefour August 20 - David Guetta, Martin Solveig, Sarah Main - Global Room: Pachatronica with Andy Baxter, Damien Wilson, Dan Williams August 27 - David Guetta, Laidback Luke, Sarah Main - Global Room: Pachatronica with Andy Baxter, Jimpster, X-Ray WEBSITE

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FEATURED GUEST: CHUCKIE INTERVIEWED by DAVID GUETTA DG: Is this your first time playing at Pacha Ibiza? How do you feel? Excited? Nervous? C: "Last year actually was my first time at Pacha Ibiza. It was also the first time I was on Ibiza, so I actually didn't have a clue of what to play. I just followed my instinct and did what I felt was best for me at that moment. The crowd went nuts, so I guess my music worked! To me, it's a tremendous honor to appear on F*** Me I'm Famous. I honestly think F*** Me I'm Famous is the hottest party on Ibiza and to be able to play there with the Number One house DJ in the world is a big milestone for me personally." DG: Tell us about all the music you have coming out this summer. C: In September a mash up of my track 'Let The Bass Kick and LMFAO's 'I'm In Miami B*tch' will be released worldwide. And I have another track with Silvio Ecomo called 'Moombah!' which will be released on own label, Dirty Dutch Music, so I've got a lot more music coming!" DG: What's next for you after Ibiza? Can we expect to see you in the UK and around Europe as well for example? C: "I just joined an international agency called IMD and we are currently working on a tour which includes South America, Australia and the USA. But first I will do a tour in the UK, starting at Cr2 Records' street party at the infamous Nothing Hill Carnival."



CLUB FRIDAY EVENT: PURE PACHA PROMOTER: PACHA ESTABLISHED: 2003 RESIDENTS: SANDER KLEINENBERG, CALVIN HARRIS (MONTHLY) SEASON REPORT by SANDER KLEINENBERG "It's been really good. Calvin Harris came in and tore the club a new asshole and Sister Bliss played an amazing set - tough, driving, proper music with no compromises. The club's going really well and my new track, 'This Is Our Night', is becoming an anthem on Fridays too. The lyrics speak for themselves. When we're in the club, that's our church or our mosque, where we can be ourselves and gather our energy for the week. A lot of Brits came to the club to hear Calvin Harris play but the crowd is very across the board, from A-List stars to VIPs; it's a real balance and juxtaposition. Sasha came down to the club with me the other week and commented that the music I was playing was precisely the music that should be played at Pacha - and that's a real compliment. I'm so glad to be a part of it. And can I just say that I am the best DJ in the world and that I'm saving house music one record at a time!!"

TOP TEN COMEDY MOVIES by SANDER KLEINENBERG 1 The Big Lebowski (1998) "All men in the world would essentially like to be The Dude." 2 Dirty Rotten Scoundrels (1988) "Steve Martin's masterpiece." 3 The Wedding Crashers (2005) "Will Ferrell's short but historical cameo as Chaz the 'originator' is heaven." 4 Pick Of Destiny (2006) "Jack Black's best movie, I think. Although School Of Rock... OK, a tie." 5 Monthy Python's The Meaning Of Life (1983) "Of course - all is said and all is true. Classic!" 6 The Pink Panther (1963) "Brilliant - totally destroyed by the later attempt." 7 This Is Spinal Tap (1984) "Brilliant road movie. Goddammit, I wish I was there." 8 Anchorman (2004) "Go fuck yourself San Diego! Funniest man alive?" 9 Annie Hall (1977) "New York equals Woody Allen equals funny." 10 Tropic Thunder (2008) "Tom Cruise's best cameo ever. G5 baby, G5." HAPPENING OF THE MONTH by SANDER KLEINENBERG "August is the biggest month of the season - it's when all of the French and Italian night clubbers come to the island. Ibiza might feel the pinch but it's a bit like weeding the garden - you clip the flowers and what's left blossoms even better. Personally, I can't wait to see Anders Trentemøller play as he always comes with records you don't often hear at Pacha. We know each other so there's a real recognition there." FULL DATES FOR AUGUST August 7 - Toolroom with Sander Kleinenberg, Mark Knight, Sarah Main - Global Room: Trevor Nelson, Andy Baxter August 14 - Sander Kleinenberg, Sharam, Angel Linde. Live Goldfish - Global Room: Trevor Nelson, Andy Baxter August 21 - Renaissance with Sander Kleinenberg, Calvin Harris, Hector Romero - Global Room: Trevor Nelson, Mucho Muchacho August 28 - Club 75 with Justice, Cassius - Global Room: Trevor Nelson, Andy Baxter WEBSITE

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WHY SANDER KLEINENBERG? by PACHA'S DANNY WHITTLE "Sander is doing a great job at Pure Pacha. This year the guests include Calvin Harris four times and a returning Faithless and even though we're following Monday, Wednesday and Thursday and it's tough act to follow, we still keep doing it and believe that the Pure Pacha sound is the making of a big night. It's quite VIP on Fridays - it benefits people coming for a long weekend - and Sander has definitely made it his own so I'm very happy with how it's going. Not only is Sander a super-nice guy, he's also a great DJ and rarely puts a foot wrong. And he watches the dancefloor and sometimes runs into it to see what the vibe is like out there and will change his set according to what he's told. I'm also excited about Justice and Cassius playing on August 28. It's called Pure Pacha Presents Club 75 - it's what they do in Paris and they just asked if they could play. Funnily enough, it's the only night Sander's got off all summer!"

FEATURED GUEST: PHILIPPE CASSIUS INTERVIEWED by SANDER KLEINENBERG SK: Bonjour! Do the French really do it better? PZ: "Not for everything - and bonjour back! First, thank you for letting us play. You know, I was in a restaurant the other day and there was a man in there who had a certain manner and I just knew he was French and he was - he was an old-school French gentleman. Anything else? Bread! And pasta! And talking." SK: Tell us about Club 75 at Pacha. PZ: "We are taking over the two rooms at Pacha and have lots of slow-tempo disco in the little room. Xavier from Justice was playing for the BBC at Amnesia last year and we played together and we wanted to do it again. I am good friends with Danny Whittle from Pacha and I love the club so we thought this was a good way to bring together friends who want to play. Some people really care about the A and B room and so we're doing our own night, Club 75. It's an idea I came up with many years ago with Pedro Winter, Xavier and Gaspard. It's just a name!" SK: You worked with Pharrell Williams on your last LP - what was that like? PZ: "I didn't expect it to be so cool - he's a big star. But he was just doing it for one reason - and it was honestly because he liked the track he'd heard. I asked him to sing on it and then I was in the studio and he was up for it. I was hoping he would be like this - very down to earth and exclusively music orientated."




EVENT: DEFECTED IN THE HOUSE PROMOTER: SIMON DUNMORE ESTABLISHED: 2006 (ON TUESDAYS) RESIDENTS: JUNIOR JACK AND KID CRÈME, THE SHAPESHIFTERS, ATFC, COPYRIGHT, DAVID PENN, SIMON DUNMORE AND SHOVELL ON PERCUSSION. SEASON REPORT by SIMON DUNMORE "The last month has been great - we've been really busy and there have been really good vibes at the party. Plus, the numbers are up on last year, which I think is pretty significant news when you consider the climate. All in all, it confirms that people won't sacrifice having a good time. It is also not always just the superstar DJs who have rocked the house. ATFC has been around a while and doesn't enjoy the profile of some of the other DJs but he's definitely brought the party to Ibiza and he's been getting such a great reaction and challenging the hierarchy. He's just remade 'The Conversation' by L'il Louis and the new version rocks. And then The Martinez Brothers came and played, mixing up new records with classics that they have no right to know about! They also played on July 4, American Independence Day. Great vibe, great energy and very fresh. Roll on September!"

TOP TEN DEFECTED ANTHEMS by ATFC 1 ATFC - 'The Conversation' (Defected) "Yes, I know, shameless promotion - but this rework of the old L'il Louis number rocks!" 2 TV Rock - 'In The Air' (Axwell Mix) (Axtone) "Big, ballsy and ever so Axwell. Credit to the Aussies, too!" 3 Mark Knight & Funkagenda - 'Good Times' (Toolroom) "The muscle boys squeeze into their hotpants." 4 Benny Royal - 'Pada Pappaya' (Spinnin) "Quirky, swinging electronic groove with sing-along Latino vocals - a Pacha cert" 5 Michel Cleis - 'La Mezcla' (Roog Edit) (Strictly Rhythm) "Will this be the mix to do it?" 6 Klement Bonnelli & Brahms - 'Los Chicanos' (Back To Fundamentals) "No chamber ensembles here - just a hot'n'horny sax-led groove." 7 Spencer Parker - 'The Beginning' (Michel Cleis Mix) (Buzzin Fly) "Trust Spen, the king of Croydon cool, to bring in the man of the summer to remix." 8 Sandy Rivera & Andy Daniel - 'Whatever' (ATFC mix) (Defected) "Had to lock the kids out of the studio when remixing this!" 9 Inner City - 'Good Life' (Kim Fai Mix) (Size) "Another oldie but goodie. Found just under 'Good Times' on the sample pile." 10 Noir - 'Disco-nected' (Noir) "I'm proud to say I named that sample in one. Disco is back and badder." HAPPENING OF THE MONTH BY SIMON DUNMORE "I'm actually looking forward to the Italians arriving in August. I love the sights you see opposite Pacha - the car park is full of Italians drinking out of bottles - which must be a Mediterranean thing as it doesn't happen in England. They are so good at clubbing too and the intensity of the party is always notched up a few levels when they arrive. And I know they hugely enjoy going to see old school masters such as Kenny Dope, so we've tailored our line-up accordingly." FULL DATES FOR AUGUST August 1 - Kenny Dope, David Penn, Phil Cheeseman. PA Ultra Nate - Global Room: Fiasco with Andy Baxter, Mo Funk August 8 - Def Mix with David Morales, The Shapeshifters, Kiko Navarro - Global Room: Fiasco with Mucho Muchacho, Tony Touch August 15 - ATFC, David Penn, Graham Sahara, Shovell - Global Room: Fiasco / La Bomba with Jose Luis, Julian Mr M August 22 - Def Mix with Frankie Knuckles, The Shapeshifters, Tuccillo - Global Room: Fiasco with Teddy-O, Mucho Muchacho August 29 - Junior Jack & Kid Crème, Simon Dunmore, Graham Sahara, Shovell - Global Room: Fiasco with Mucho Muchacho, Cooking Soul WEBSITE

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WHY DEFECTED? by PACHA'S DANNY WHITTLE "Defected had hosted several nights at Pacha and they have remained incredibly consistent. Now they've moved to Saturday - which is a notoriously difficult night and also a transitional day for Ibiza with tourists. And because Monday is now a big day, it's tough. But I have to say that Defected have done brilliantly. I think we needed to try to freshen things up and because they market their product so well, what they do at Pacha complements that. Just as important is that they bring a genuine Saturday night Pacha sound to the table. It's all about proper vocal house music. Who do I rate from the team? They have a lot of great house DJs but I have to say that Simon Dunmore always rocks it. And of course he's loyal to the sound that is Defected."

FEATURED GUEST: JUNIOR JACK INTERVIEWED by SIMON DUNMORE SD: We've heard you've been working on your album, do you enjoy teasing people and making them wait? JJ: "No, I don't think I like to tease! The only thing is that there are many changes in dance music lately and it takes quite a lot of time. I want to find a few more vocalists and I won't let the music out of the studio until it's ready to play." SD: Have you collaborated with anyone on the new record? JJ: "I have a few people but I'm not going to name any names. It's too early and I don't know which ones I am going to pick. Plus I would like it to be a surprise." SD: You live in Belgium, speak French and have an Italian name. Where is your heritage? JJ: "I moved to Belgium when I was 14 but I consider Europe to be my home. In London there is too much stress but Ibiza I love because everyone loves house music in the summer - the party, the beach, the sun. But I've never been there in winter!"



CLUB SUNDAY - GLOBAL ROOM EVENT: PACHA CLASSICS PROMOTER: PACHA ESTABLISHED: 2007 RESIDENTS: PAUL TAYLOR, SEBASTIAN GAMBOA, ANGEL LINDE SEASON REPORT by PAUL TAYLOR "For me, the island has a better vibe than last year. Everyone knows now that there is a worldwide financial crisis continuing and I feel that Ibiza is attracting 'real' people who have been before and are re-visiting the magical island for all the right reasons. It is becoming more personable for me and there is a sense of camaraderie amongst friends of the island. I play for Pacha over the two nights - the Pacha Classics on Sunday night I feel is one of the best crowds of the week. It's a party night and you can feel this as you walk into the club. The shows are both extreme and exciting and the night is certainly busier than last year so everything is cool! My Retro shindig on Tuesday in the Global Room always has a great atmosphere, up there at the top level. That room is like an amphitheatre - you can feel the excitement in any part of what was the original Pacha."


TOP TEN PACHA CLASSICS by SEBASTIAN GAMBOA 1 Rasmus Faber - 'Always' (Studio Apartment Museum Mix) (Farplane) "One of the best productions of the year, I love it." 2 Sebastian Gamboa - 'Feel It' (Purple Tracks) "Old school inspiration with a new vision." 3 Hardsoul - 'The Dutch Talent EP' (Hardsoul) "Really good sound and energy." 4 Grant Nelson - 'Brave New World' (Swing City) "Classic feeling, perfect for the dance floor." 5 Snap! - 'Rhythm Is A Dancer' (Tom Novy Remix) "Amazing power with a new feeling." 6 Sebastian Gamboa - 'Muevelo'(Purple Tracks) "New mix from my Spanish hit from last summer." 7 Roberto De Carlo - "You Are The One For Me" (Purple Music) "Perfect combination between the past and the present." 8 Copyright feat. Jazzie B - 'Roots' (Copyright Remix) (Defected) "Amazing groove. Pure quality." 9 Jamie Lewis feat. Kim Cooper - 'Mo' Butter' (Purple Tracks) "Perfect production and sound, fantastic work." 10 Mr. V - 'I Can Sing'(Sole Channel) "Sexy feeling to move the body." HAPPENING OF THE MONTH by PAUL TAYLOR "Yes, the big 52 is upon me! I feel as young and enthusiastic about life and music as I did way back in 1976. I have a full army of friends from all over Europe coming on August 5 for my birthday and my plan is to cram them all into Savannah club room behind Savannah sunset bar in San Antonio. Aside from this we will be taking time out to relax, visiting Formentera for good food and visiting one of my favourite restaurants, Sa Cappella. A busy week indeed." FULL DATES FOR AUGUST August 02 - Paul Taylor, Sebastian Gamboa, Angel Linde - Global Room: Ibiza Sonica FM with Jimpster, Igor Marijuan, Cris 44 August 09 - Global Room at Flower Power with Sebastian Gamboa, Angel Linde August 16 - Paul Taylor, Sebastian Gamboa, Angel Linde - Global Room: Ibiza Sonica FM with Valentin Huedo, Hofer 66 August 23 - Global Room at Flower Power with Sebastian Gamboa, Angel Linde August 30 - Sebastian Gamboa, Angel Linde - Global Room: Ibiza Sonica FM with Andy Baxter, Gioele Brizio WEBSITE

38 PACHA / IBIZA 2009

"On Sundays, we host six Flower Power parties in the summer and two of those are in August and two are in July. So in between we have started Pacha Classics, where Paul Taylor spins, Sebastian Gamboa plays and we keep the place relaxed like Flower Power but the music is classic house. It's a cool, easy party and essentially we fit these parties around Flower Power, which has been running for nearly 40 years. We're not trying to compete here. Space is always going to be a tradition and an institution so what we offer is a cool alternative party at Pacha. Paul and Sebastian are incredibly eager and Paul knows how to read a crowd - he never stops looking at the dancefloor. He and Sebastian really care about the crowd and there are an awful lot of smiles on faces." FEATURED GUEST: PAUL TAYLOR INTERVIEWED by SEBASTIAN GAMBOA SG: What are your thoughts about the extravTUESDAY NIGHT HISTORY agant shows that featureBY PACHA'S MARK NETTO on Sunday night? "Back in 2000, Tuesdays at PT: "I have been playing on Pacha was Gatecrasher but the island for 12 years now there was a debacle with the and it is most certainly a registration of the name - and worldwide DJ magnet for allleft by July of that year, they'd the right Ibiza andreasons. we hadI've to been re-prolucky enough to play all gramme the night. We instarted of the Sounds major clubs on Darren the Global and got island butwith for me has Emerson fourPacha days' notice become my spiritual plus David Morales and dancefloor!" Paul Oakenfold - people who became residents years to in 2001, was Perfecto. SG:inThere arecome. two Then themes on a itSunday night: We thebrought Fetish in Pete Tong and for the thatHouse OakieMusic couldn't do and that developed to theme thedates Classic theme. Pete his own night. parties After that Defected, which PT:getting "The Pacha Classics for came me have been my own worked personal success story. Back in 2000 I kickstarted my UK Retro parties at Eden but we are now into our third season with the Classics theme at Pacha - and we have pulled it off!" SG: I notice you and Angel love playing back to back - do you plan your sets together and how often do you talk about your passion for dance? PT: "The music policy on Sunday has to be different to the other nights. Take a look at Flower Power for instance. Its uniqueness is the music. With the Pacha Classics theme, having a 1990s classic house policy ensures that it is different from all the other nights at Pacha."



CLUB SUNDAY - MAIN ROOM EVENT: FLOWER POWER PROMOTER: PITI URGELL ESTABLISHED: 1980 RESIDENT: PITI 2009 VISTO POR PITI "Vamos a ver cómo se presenta este verano, con toda esta historia de la crisis. Lo cierto es que si no fuera por las discotecas, esta isla sería un muermo total, no habría juventud ni nada, o sea que espero que las instituciones se pongan las pilas. Estamos un poco a la expectativa de ver si el turista europeo se va a quedar en su casa ahorrando, porque si es así, la bofetada va a ser grande. Por mi parte, sigo con las mismas ganas de divertir de siempre. Esto año estamos renovando decoración para la Flower y también estoy buscando go-go's que sepan bailar música de los 60, que no es nada fácil. Pero me he empeñado en que la gente vea cómo se bailaba entonces, que sientan la energía de esa época. Para que os hagáis un poco la idea, os recomiendo que echéis un vistazo a las go-go's que bailan con las chicas de The Ronettes en sus vídeos. ¡Eso es lo que estoy buscando!"

TOP TEN FLOWER POWER ANTHEMS BY DJ PITI 1 The Ronettes - 'Be My Baby' "Una canción muy pop, enérgica, de esa época en que no había alcohol ni drogas". "A very uplifting pop song, from a time when there weren't drugs or alcohol." 2 Lowell Fulson - 'Tramp' "Soul puro, limpio, simple". "Pure soul, clean and simple." 3 Ray Charles - 'I Got A Woman' "Me gusta esta canción porque es soul negro puro". "I love this song because it is pure black soul." 4 Bob & Earl - 'Harlem Shuffle' "Esta canción normalmente no la pone nadie y eso que es muy bailable". "Nobody ever plays this song yet it is really danceable." 5 Blues Channel - 'Hey Baby' "Pop muy para chicas, sobretodo para las más jóvenes. Totalmente bailable". "Very girly pop, especially for the younger ones. Totally danceable." 6 Del Shannon - 'Runaway' "Pop de los primeros años, una canción muy alegre". "Pop from the early years - a very cheerful song." 7 Shocking Blue - 'Venus' "Es una canción muy conocida, casi de los setenta, y sigue sonando muy actual". "It is a very popular song - and dates almost from the '70s - but it still sounds new." 8 The Doors - 'Roadhouse Blues' "Sonido California, americano puro. Gusta sobre todo a los hombres". "California sound, pure American. Men especially like it." 9 Jimmy Hendrix - 'Highway Chile' "Es una canción que, pese a ser de los sesenta, tiene un lado muy glam". "It is a song that, despite being from the '70s, has a very glamorous side." 10 The Kinks - "All Day And All Of The Night' "Un rock enérgico, de la primera época" "Uplifting rock from the early years." FULL DATES FOR AUGUST / SEPTEMBER August 09 - Flower Power with Piti and guests - Global Room: Pacha Classics with Sebastian Gamboa, Angel Linde August 23 - Flower Power with Piti and guests - Global Room: Pacha Classics with Sebastian Gamboa, Angel Linde September 13 - Flower Power with Piti and guests - Global Room: Pacha Classics with Sebastian Gamboa, Angel Linde WEBSITE

40 PACHA / IBIZA 2009

"Let's see what this summer brings, what with all these stories of a recession. The truth is that if it wasn't for the clubs, this island would be totally boring - there wouldn't be young people or anything - so I hope the authorities get their act together. We are waiting to see if the European holidaymakers are going to stay at home to save money; if this is the case then the slap in the face is going to be painful. However, I am as willing to entertain as ever. This year we are renewing the decor for Flower Power and I'm also looking for dancers who can dance to '60s music, which it isn't easy. I'm determined to show people how we used to dance then, so they can feel the energy of the time. Just so you can get a bit of an idea, I recommend you to take a look at The Ronettes dancers in their videos. That's what I'm looking for!"

FLOWER POWER PACHA: LA HISTORIA "A finales de los sesenta en Pacha Sitges ya organizábamos fiestas temáticas: del oeste, de la playa...Llegaron los 80, la época de gran esplendor de Ku. En ese momento en Pacha creamos la fiesta "Remember Music", en la que pinchaba música de los 60. Fue un poco el inicio de todo. Posteriormente le cambiamos el nombre, aunque en realidad el verdadero Flower es la música TUESDAY HISTORY BY en PACHA'S MARKloNETTO que se NIGHT hacía en California los sesenta, demás son imita"Back in 2000, Tuesdays at Pacha was Gatecrasher but there was a ciones. Y hablando de imitaciones, resulta bastante molesta la debacle with the registration of the name - and by July of that year, proliferación de fiestas Flower Power por todas partes, que nos they'd left Ibiza and we had to re-programme the night. We started han copiado hasta el nombre. Pienso que deberíamos actuar Global Sounds and got Darren Emerson with four days' notice plus contra esto. Para mi los 60s son pura energía y corazón, son la David Morales and Paul Oakenfold - people who became residents in creatividad personas que luego convirtieron en genios. El years to Then in 2001, it wasse Perfecto. We brought in Pete gran la Oakie música fue entre y 1970, lo que Tong for momento the dates de that couldn't do 1965 and that developed to se Pete hizo his luego ya night. venía heredado los talentos anteriores". getting own After thatde came Defected, which worked well for us as we wanted to bring that classic house sound back. And they PACHA FLOWER THE HISTORY held the Tuesdays untilPOWER: now. In 2009, the sound will be somewhere "At theMonday end of and the '70s we usedFedde to organise parties in between Wednesday. playedtheme monthly for Pure Pacha - western,again beach on. Then '80s Pacha last Sitges year, illustrating howand everysoresident has the played with other DJs onwhen otherthe nights. The guys to know room!"It was arrived, splendour of need Ku was at itsthe height.

then at Pacha that we created a party called Remember Music, where I played music from the '60s. It was the beginning of it all. Later, we changed the name although the real 'Flower' is the music they used to produce in California in the '60s - the rest are just imitations. And talking about imitations, the proliferation of Flower Power parties all over is quite annoying, particularly because some have even copied our name. I think we should act against this. For me, the '60s were pure energy and my passion. The night is about the creativity of people who later became geniuses. The great moment of music was between 1965 and 1970 - what came later was inherited from previous talents."



HOTEL TYPE: HOTEL NAME: EL HOTEL LOCATION: PASEO MARITIMO, IBIZA TEL: 971.315.963 WEBSITE: WWW.ELHOTELPACHA.COM Walking into El Hotel is a bit like taking a stroll into the future. Even though it has already celebrated a fifth anniversary, the strong minimalist character enriched with arty decor and clean white spaces still creates a modern impact. A short stroll from Pacha nightclub, the hotel is handy for those needing five-star luxury after a hard night of dancing in the Funky Room. The reception leads off to the bar which marries sophistication with comfort. Other services include a meeting lounge, terrace, spa, restaurant and a small decked pool area from which cocktails and beers can be delivered straight to your lounger. On the upper floors of the building are special suites with Jacuzzis and incredible views of Ibiza. The hotel has 53 junior suites and two superior suites, for which prices vary depending on the time of year. All rooms are bright with a functional and minimalist design. Winter season runs from October 6 to April 30. Prices range from €90-340 for junior suites and €770-1,100 for superior suites Entrar en El Hotel es como darse un paseo por el futuro. A pesar de que ya ha celebrado su quinto aniversario, el fuerte carácter minimalista enriquecido con decoración artística y amplios espacios blancos todavía crean un impacto moderno. A tan sólo unos pasos de la discoteca Pacha, el hotel es muy útil para aquellos que necesiten un poco de lujo de cinco estrellas después de una dura noche de baile en la Funky Room de Pacha. La recepción da paso al bar, que fusiona expertamente sofisticación y confort. Otros servicios incluyen una sala de reuniones, terraza, spa, restaurante y una pequeña zona de piscina donde los cócteles y las cervezas pueden ser servidas directamente en tu tumbona. En las plantas superiores del edificio están las suites especiales con Jacuzzi e increíbles vistas de Ibiza. El hotel tiene 53 junior suites y dos superior suites, los precios varían dependiendo de la época del año. Todas las habitaciones son luminosas con un diseño funcional y minimalista. La temporada de invierno va desde el 6 de octubre al 30 de abril. Los precios varían entre 90-340 € por una junior suite y 770-1.100 € para la suite superior.

WELLNESS ROOM El Hotel's Wellness Room is now looked after by the professionals from Ibiza Massage. They offer everything from manicures, pedicures and facial treatments to hairdressing, waxing and make-up before a big night out. It's the perfect treat for both hotel clients and anyone wishing to be pampered. A Wellness relaxing massage after a long day or night of clubbing also comes highly recommended. La Wellness Room de El Hotel Pacha ahora la dirigen los profesionales de Ibiza Massage. Ellos ofrecen de todo desde manicuras, pedicuras y tratamientos faciales, además de peluquería, depilación y maquillaje para una noche de fiesta. Es el capricho perfecto tanto para clientes como para cualquiera que desee que le mimen un poco. Un masaje relajante después de un largo día o una noche de fiesta es muy recomendable. Tel: 971.194.447.

42 PACHA / IBIZA 2009

FORTHCOMING ART EXHIBTIONS AT EL HOTEL FRI JULY 24 - FRI AUGUST 7 Artist: SERGIO SAEZ Exhibition: Música Painting Details: Born in Bilbao, Spain. Music, space and the passage of time are the basis of Saez's artwork. His work focuses on the worlds of fantasy, sensation and music. The artist has created a personal world of his own language with which to communicate and pass on the feelings that music gives him.

AUGUST 14-28 Nacido en Bilbao, España. Música, espacio y el paso del tiempo son la base de la obra de Saez. El arte atraviesa un mundo de fantasía y sensaciones, expresando los sentimientos de la música. El artista ha creado un mundo personal con un lenguaje propio para comunicar y pasar los sentimientos que la música le transmite.

Artist: MARC LAGRANGE Exhibiton: Desire Erotic photography Details: Based in Antwerp, Belgium Lagrange is a photographer who mixes eroticism, sensuality and a longing for decadence. He has developed his own peculiar and recognisable style in which he captures female beauty. Lagrange brings sensual femininity to a higher level.

Exhibición: Desire Fotografía erótica Marc Lagrange: Establecido en Antwerp, Bélgica Lagrane es un fotógrafo que mezcla erotismo, sensualidad y un deseo por la decadencia. Ha desarrollado su propio estilo peculiar y reconocible en el que captura la belleza femenina. Lagrane lleva la sensualidad femenina a un nivel superior.




The stunning candlelit Pacha restaurant and sushi bar is a must-see when visiting Ibiza. As well as being the perfect place to dine or sip a cocktail (try the Capisaki) before going to the Pacha nightclub itself next door, eating in the restaurant is an experience in itself. Decorated in modern white crisp lines, with huge redlit balls, the atmosphere in the restaurant at the beginning of the night begins with a chilled intimate ambience before moving more uptempo after midnight. As you tuck into the popular tagliatelle with lobster and havana chilles, look to your left where a Pacha DJ or celebrity could well be sitting nearby, enjoying one of the restaurant's unique dishes, such as the omelet in tempura or the Pacha salad. For more of an outside vibe ask to be seated in the sushi lounge area, where you can watch the sushi chefs as they work their magic, creating hot tuna rolls. With both private corners and bigger tables for glamorous circles of friends, the eatery makes everyone feel comfortable. Booking is essential, as island faces and music industry moguls love to dine here before hitting the club.

44 PACHA / IBIZA 2009

El impresionante restaurante de Pacha iluminado por velas y su sushi bar es una visita esencial en Ibiza. Además de ser un lugar perfecto para cenar o tomarse un cóctel (prueba el Capisaki) antes de entrar en la discoteca Pacha justo al lado, comer en el restaurante es una experiencia por sí misma. Decorado con líneas modernas en un blanco impoluto, con enormes bolas rojas iluminadas, la atmósfera en el restaurante al principio de la noche empieza con un ambiente relajado e íntimo antes de subir el tempo después de medianoche. Así como le echas un bocado al popular tagliatelle con langosta y havana chillis, mira a tu izquierda donde un DJ de Pacha o una celebridad podría estar sentada disfrutando de uno de los originales platos del restaurante, como la tortilla en tempura o la ensalada Pacha. Para un ambiente más al aire libre puedes ver a los chefs de sushi trabajar su magia, creando rollitos de atún calientes. Con sus rincones privados y sus grandes mesas para glamorosos círculos de amigos, el restaurante hace que todos se sientan cómodos. Reservar es esencial, ya que los rostros de la isla y los magnates de la industria musical cenan aquí antes de dirigirse al club.

R E S TA U R A N T ( H O T E L ) T Y P E : R E S TA U R A N T N A M E : E L H O T E L R E S TA U R A N T L O C AT I O N : E L H O T E L , PA S E O M A R I T I M O , I B I Z A T E L : 9 7 1 . 3 1 6 . 5 5 1 O P E N I N G T I M E S : 1 . 3 0 - 4 P M A N D 8 . 3 0 - 1 1 . 3 0 P M W E B S I T E : W W W. E L H O T E L PA C H A . C O M

With its ever-changing and exciting lunch menu, El Hotel's restaurant is the perfect place to eat during the day, either by the pool or inside the cool restaurant itself. A gourmet lunch menu is served from Monday to Saturday, with dishes ranging from tortelloni de ricotta to succulent hamburgers with all the trimmings. The menu changes every week and is a very reasonable €20 for a starter, main meal, dessert and glass of wine. The eatery is also an ideal place to enjoy an evening meal before a night out. Chef Iñigo Rodriguez offers a fixed-price menu for dinner, offering a range of soups, pastas, meat dishes (try his speciality, the suckling pork with caramelised spring onions) and fish fare, as well as a mouthwatering dessert menu. Dishes range from €12-28. Service to your sun lounger by the pool is available from 7.3011.30pm.

Con su siempre cambiante y excitante menú, el restaurante de El Hotel es el lugar perfecto para comer durante el día, ya sea junto a la piscina o dentro del restaurante mismo. Hay una carta gourmet que se sirve de lunes a sábado, con platos que van desde tortelloni de ricotta a suculentas hamburguesas con toda su guarnición. La carta cambia cada semana y cuesta 20 € por un primero, segundo, postre y copa de vino. El restaurante es también un lugar ideal para disfrutar de una comida antes de salir. El chef Iñigo Rodríguez también cocina una carta a un precio fijo para comer y cenar, ofreciendo una variedad de sopas, pastas, platos de carne (prueba su especialidad, cerdito lechal con cebollas caramelizadas) y una gran variedad de pescados, además de una deliciosa carta de postres. Los platos cuestan desde los 12-18 €. El servicio a tu tumbona junto a la piscina está disponible de 7.30 a 11.30pm.



BAR TYPE: BAR NAME: SUITE BAR L O C AT I O N : E L H O T E L , PA S E O M A R I T I M O , I B I Z A T E L : 9 7 1 . 3 1 5 . 9 6 3 O P E N I N G T I M E S : 8 . 3 0 P M - 2 A M W E B S I T E : W W W. E L H O T E L PA C H A . C O M

The decadent Suite Bar at El Hotel is a minimalist's dream, and is frequented by the gorgeous movers and shakers of Ibiza. It oozes sophistication thanks to bright white decor, stylish space-age stools and couches and low wooden African tables. It's a comfortably cool environment in which to hang out with friends or to walk around perusing the art exhibitions. Dress to impress and sample one of 40 delicious cocktails. Scattered with the odd celebrity, DJs and can-doers, it's a superb place to network. You'll often see TV people spreading their storyboards across the tables, or sitting on the casting couch surveying a steady stream of new talent. The terrace is open for chilling out, Pacha's just across the road and there is an amazing cuisine to try out in the main restaurant next door.

46 PACHA / IBIZA 2009

El decadente Suite Bar en El Hotel es un sueño minimalista, y es frecuentado por los personajes más influyentes de Ibiza. Emana sofisticación gracias a su brillante decoración blanca, elegantes taburetes de la era espacial y asientos y mesas de madera africana. Es un entorno confortablemente "cool", donde uno puede reunirse con los amigos o pasearse observando las exposiciones de arte. Vístete para impresionar y prueba uno de sus 40 deliciosos cócteles. Frecuentado de vez en cuando por alguna celebridad, DJ o personalidad. Es un lugar magnífico para establecer contactos. A menudo verás a personalidades de la TV extendiendo sus guiones sobre las mesas, o sentados en un casting supervisando un arroyo constante de talento nuevo. La terraza está abierta para relajarse, Pacha está al otro lado de la carretera y la cocina en el restaurante de al lado es deliciosa.



HOW CHERRIES WERE BORN In the '70s, everyone did everything. I was in public relations but also took on jobs in marketing and design. I was in charge of creating various logos for future companies with fruity names: Morello, Banana and Cherry. The logos were intended to help distinguish between various internal bureaucratic activities. A constant stream of freelancers (psychedelic painters, airbrush specialists, plastic artists, etc) worked with us, producing a broad spectrum of graphic material. I eventually settled on Yvette Montsalvatge. Her work had an elegant simplicity, was the most descriptive and had a schematic style that was very original back then. She was able to interpret ideas quickly and ended up designing many posters for us. Because she loved her work, her prices were very reasonable for the fledgling company. For three logos with two or three treatments each, we agreed on a price of 5,000 pesetas (about 30 euros). After a few days Yvette brought along her work. We studied the number of inks to be used and chose three logos which the Big Boss, in one of his comings and goings, examined. They passed with neither pain nor glory. The new companies were approved by the registry and little by little, with the logo printed on office stationary, we familiarised ourselves with the cherries until the accountant, with the Flash of artistic inspiration from someone wanting to cut costs, told me: "Why don't we use the cherries more? We've already paid for all the lithographs." Although the idea was to reduce expenses, it was also true that we needed a poster with a white background for publicising announcements for events and parties. So to save on expenses I dared to print 5,000; back then for large parties we'd usually print no more than 300. My initiative got me quite a scolding. The incurred costs caused me to use the cherries much more than we had intended, but at the same time we unwittingly imposed this image on the company. Without a design guru, as nowadays would be the norm, and without conscious intent, we abandoned the psychedelic eye (Pacha's original logo) and replaced it with a fresh and simple image, which was easily integrated into the marketing materials of the period. Neither Yvette nor I assumed or imagined that that little quick project would one day become a world-famous logo. We never gave much importance to who had actually designed the cherries; the trajectory of a brand is the trajectory of the company. For me, it was always Ricardo Urgell and his team who elevated the brand. But we should not forget a great friend, Juanjo Alonso, who contributed to elevating the brand by hand, quite literally. He was assigned with hanging the logo (mounting it on all kind of structures) all over the place. Unfortunately, Juanjo is no longer with us. Carlos Manchón Grimalt

This extract was taken from Toni Riera's book 'Pacha 40 Years of History'. The book is available from Pacha's El Hotel, opposite the club in Ibiza, priced €50

COMO NACIERON LAS CEREZAS En los 70 en Pachá todo el mundo hacía de todo. Yo era relaciones públicas y también asumía tareas de marketing y de diseño. Me encargaron varios anagramas para futuras sociedades que se querían con nombre frutal. Guinda, Plátano, Cereza. Los logotipos debían ser para distinguir distintas actividades en la burocracia interna y no era un encargo extraordinario, continuamente los free lance (dibujantes psicodélicos, especialistas en aerografía, artistas plásticos, etc) que trabajaban con nosotros producían muy diverso material gráfico. Escogí para este trabajo a Yvette Montsalvatge, cuyo trabajo, de elegante sencillez, era el más descriptivo y tenía un estilo esquemático entonces muy original, interpretaba rápido las ideas y ya había hecho muchos pósters para nosotros. Como ella adoraba su trabajo sus precios eran muy razonables para la Casa, que entonces no era grande. Por tres anagramas con dos o tres propuestas para cada uno pactamos el precio en 5.000 pesetas (30 €). A los pocos días Yvette trajo su trabajo y coincidió mi gusto con el suyo, estudiamos el número de tintas que se deberían usar y escogimos tres logotipos, que el Gran Jefe, en una de sus idas y venidas, vio. Pasaron sin pena ni gloria. Se aprobaron en el registro las nuevas sociedades y poco a poco, por el material de oficina con el logo impreso, empezamos a familiarizarnos con las cerezas hasta que el contable, en un ramalazo artístico propio de quien quiere recortar gastos, me dijo:"¿Porqué no utilizas más las cerezas? Que tenemos todos los fotolitos pagados". Aunque la idea era ahorrar también era cierto que necesitábamos un póster con fondo blanco que nos sirviera para imprimir (además de también hacerlos de inmediato a mano) convocatorias a eventos y a fiestas. Para ahorrar costes me atreví a una tirada de 5.000 ejemplares cuando entonces para una gran fiesta se utilizaban unos 300. Mi iniciativa me costó una gran bronca. El gasto producido me hizo utilizar las cerezas mucho más de lo que deseábamos, pero también sin quererlo fuimos imponiendo esa imagen corporativa. Sin ningún gurú, como se haría ahora, y sin quererlo abandonamos el ojo psicodélico, primer logo de Pachá, sustituyéndolo por una imagen fresca y sencilla, fácil de acoplar en los materiales publicitarios que usábamos en la época Ni Yvette ni yo supusimos ni imaginamos que aquel trabajillo rápido fuese un día un logo conocido mundialmente. Nunca le dimos importancia a quien había diseñado las cerezas, la trayectoria de una marca depende de la trayectoria de la empresa. Para mí quien levantó esa compañía siempre han sido Ricardo Urgell y su equipo. No quisiera olvidar a uno de sus componentes, un gran amigo, Juanjo Alonso, quien contribuyó también a levantar la marca, pero a mano y no en un despacho, literalmente: era el encargado de colgar el logo (montado en todo tipo de estructuras) por todas partes y que por desgracia ya no está con nosotros. Besos, doctor. Carlos Manchón Grimalt Este extracto ha sido tomado del libro 'Pacha: 40 Años de Historia' de Toni Riera. El libro está disponible en El Hotel Pacha, a 50€ WWW.PACHA.COM 2009 47


' PA C H A C L A S S I C S F E T I S H ' M E R C H A N D I S E





PACHA MERCHANDISE: WOMAN From top left: Black Shoulder Bag, €48. Sunglasses, €25. Black Dress, €69. Purple Sequin Evening Bag, €25. Sparkling Cherry Belt, €24. Cherry Necklace, €17.40. Sparkling Cherry T-shirt Jacaranda €69. Clutch Bag Gold, €39.60. Black & White Stripe Bag, €35. Pearl Top, €49. Azalea Twisted Back Top, €49. Psicodelic Perfume Tin, €30. Oversized Cherry Clutch, €36.60.

50 PACHA / IBIZA 2009


PACHA MERCHANDISE: MAN From top left: Sunglasses, €25. CD Holder, €33.30. Black Helmet, €129. Green T-shirt, €39. Belt, €30. Canvasco Bag, €169. Shivastar T-shirt, €69. China Baseball Cap, €18. Red big Pacha T-shirt, €69. DC Empire Shoes, €119. Brown Man Bag, €45. Perfume & Deodorant, €30. Towel, €45.

ALL AVAILABLE IN PACHA SHOPS: IBIZA - Puerto de Ibiza, C. Tur y Palau, 20. Tel: 971.313.535. - Playa d'en Bossa, Av. Pedro Matutes Noguera, 77. Tel: 971.311.270. - San Antonio, C. Vara de Rey, 6. Tel 971.340.056. - Santa Eulalia, Paseo S'Alamera, 17. Tel: 971.319.894. FORMENTERA - Formentera, C. Punta Prima 15-17 Ed. Mar de Pujols Local 4. Tel: 971.328.952.


PASSPORT APPROVED • David Guetta's global chart takeover. Set to take dance to new heights • Black Eyed Peas' invasion of Pacha, Gran Hotel, El Hotel. Go Guetta! • Can Pilot, Sant Rafael. Cheap'n'chic dining in Ibiza is all the rage • Underworld to play Cocoon's We Party Like 1989 bash at Amnesia, Aug 28 • Hotel Garbi refurbishment - further boss news for Playa d'en Bossa • La Bomba's Latin parties in Pacha Global Room. Check DJ Jose Luis • Wedding of Abel Matutes Jr to Linda Scaperotto. Recession? What recession? • Ushuaia beach parties capturing the early Circo Loco spirit. Go find • Michael Jackson tribute parties at Flower Power and Matinee. Spirit of Ibiza • BBC Radio 1 Weekend at Ibiza Rocks Hotel, Mambo, Amnesia. Back once again... PASAPORTE APROBADO • Triunfo global de David Guetta en las listas de éxito. Dispuesto a llevar el dance a nuevas alturas • La invasión de los Black Eyed Peas en Pacha, Gran Hotel, El Hotel. ¡Arriba Guetta! • Can Pilot, Sant Rafael. Está de moda cenar bueno y barato en Ibiza • Underworld pinchará en la fiesta We Party Like 1989 de Cocoon el 28 de agosto en Amnesia • La reforma del Hotel Garbi - más buenas noticias para Playa d'en Bossa • Las fiestas latinas La Bomba en la Sala Global de Pacha. No te pierdas al DJ José Luís • Boda de Abel Matutes Jr. con Linda Scaperotto. ¿Recesión? ¿Qué recesión? • Fiestas en la playa de Ushuaia capturando el espíritu de Circo Loco. Pruébalo • Fiestas de tributo a Michael Jackson en Flower Power y Matinee. El espíritu de Ibiza • BBC Radio 1 Weekend en Ibiza Rocks Hotel, Mambo, Amnesia. Regresan una vez más...




The Hotel Garbi and Spa's recent 14m € refurbishment is further proof of the seismic resurgence of Playa d'en Bossa. Flying in the face of the credit crunch, the hotel has transformed itself from a three-star to a four-star hotel, complete with brand new spa facilities. The hotel's owners have cleverly reacted to the way in which most people travel to Ibiza - non-package - and have renovated the whole building during the course of the past year. All 298 rooms are now fully booked for the summer. "We saw the changes in how people travel and we have more people on low-cost flights and they look for different things," says hotel director Fernando Ruiz. "All the hotels that have not changed are not full - but we are fully booked." The Garbi, which originally opened in 1989, is now barely recognisable compared to its self-catering past. Kitchenettes in the rooms have been removed to make more space and literally everything is new from the ceilings, brand new spa and swimming pool to Jacuzzi, bar and restaurant. "The atmosphere is completely different, it's much cooler," says Ruiz. "The people that come here like to go to places such as Yemanja, Space and Pacha. We are a young person's hotel." All the rooms are the same size and all come with a sea view. Room prices range from €180 in July (including breakfast) to €240 in August. Hotel Garbi, Playa d'en Bossa, Ibiza. Tel: 971.300.007.

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La reciente reforma de 14m de euros del Hotel Garbi y Spa es otra muestra del resurgimiento sísmico de Playa d'en Bossa. Ignorando la crisis, el hotel ha sido transformado de un hotel de tres estrellas a uno de cuatro, completo con nuevas instalaciones de spa. Los propietarios del hotel han reaccionado ingeniosamente a la forma en que muchos viajan a Ibiza - por aire - y reformaron el edificio entero durante el curso del año pasado. Todas las 298 habitaciones ahora están totalmente reservadas para el verano. "Vimos los cambios de cómo viaja la gente y tenemos a más gente que viene en vuelos de bajo coste y buscan algo diferente", dice el director del hotel Fernando Ruiz. "Los hoteles que no han cambiado, no están totalmente llenos pero nosotros sí". El Garbi, que originalmente abrió sus puertas en 1989, ahora está casi irreconocible comparado con su pasado de auto-catering. Se han quitado las pequeñas cocinas de las habitaciones para crear más espacio y literalmente todo es nuevo, desde los techos, el nuevo spa y la piscina al Jacuzzi, bar y restaurante. "La atmósfera es completamente diferente, es mucho más moderna", dice Ruiz. "A la gente que viene aquí le gusta ir a sitios como Yemanjá, Space y Pacha. Somos un hotel para jóvenes". Todas las habitaciones tienen el mismo tamaño y todas vienen con vistas al mar. Los precios varían desde los 180 € en julio (incluyendo desayuno) a los 240 € en agosto.

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Ibiza-based photographer Jordi Gomez and artist and sculptor Jeff Mourmans are currently presenting their joint exhibition, 'No Rush'. In a shared celebration with the one-year anniversary of the Miguel Young Gallery, Gomez's pop culture and comic photos will be on display until September 15 alongside Mourmans' oriental-inspired sculptures. Gomez is one of Pacha magazine's main photographers and his work has appeared in magazines all over the world. 'No Rush' showcases images taken in Ibiza, London and Miami. "Life is my inspiration," he says. "I always try to show passion and character and create vivid and alive scenes in my productions. My images are a mirror of how I feel and how I face life." El fotógrafo establecido en Ibiza Jordi Gómez y el artista y escultor Jeff Mourmans actualmente presentan una exhibición conjunta, 'No Rush'. En una celebración compartida con el primer aniversario de la Galería Miguel Young, la cultura pop y fotos de cómic de Gómez se exhibirán hasta el 15 de septiembre junto a las esculturas de inspiración oriental de Mourmans. Gómez es uno de los principales fotógrafos de la revista Pacha y su obra ha aparecido en revistas de todo el mundo. 'No Rush' muestra imágenes tomadas en Ibiza, Londres y Miami. "La vida es mi inspiración", dice. "Siempre intento mostrar pasión y carácter y crear escenas ricas y vivas en mis producciones. Mis imágenes son un espejo de cómo vivo y cómo me enfrento a la vida". Miguel Young Gallery, Cana Negreta Km 5, Santa Eulària Road. Tel: 659.124.727.


P S I C O D E L I C You have the Pacha T-shirt, bag and scooter helmet - now you can literally ooze the brand with the new Pacha perfume, Psicodelic. Inside the bottle - which is shaped like a planet - is a fragrance that creates an "escape from daily reality to a new world of freedom". Psicodelic is the fourth Pacha fragrance to be launched; the first came out back in 2006 and was called Pacha Ibiza Man and Pacha Ibiza Woman. The perfume - developed by Puig for Pacha - will be on sale in perfumeries all over Ibiza, in Pacha stores and at the airport. Prices range from €25-40.

Tienes la camiseta, el bolso y el casco Pacha - ahora literalmente puedes oler a la marca con el nuevo perfume Pacha, Psicodelic. Dentro de una botella - con forma de planeta - es una fragancia que crea una "escapada de la realidad diaria hacia un nuevo mundo de libertad". Psicodelic es la cuarta fragancia de Pacha; la primera surgió en el 2006 y recibió el nombre de Pacha Ibiza Man y Pacha Ibiza Woman. El perfume desarrollado por Puig para Pacha estará a la venta en perfumerías de toda Ibiza, en tiendas Pacha y en el aeropuerto. Los precios varían desde los 25 a 40 €.

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Jenson Button will be burning rubber next to Pacha's very own racing champion in a few years' time if the youngster's current performance is anything to go by. Seventeen-year-old Joseph Reilly, the son of Pacha London owner William Reilly, started driving a 50cc Comer Cadet at the age of eight. Nine years on and he has just won the European Rotax Max Championship. Reilly anticipates that he will be going on to race in the 2009 winter series for Formula Renault UK and then spring through the ranks to race in Formula 1 alongside Jenson Button and co by the time he is 23. It's a dangerous game but the Pachasponsored driver has a cool method of getting around those fast corners without stopping. "I just put my foot down and close my eyes," he says. "It's hard to explain but when you get into that car, it's the adrenaline rush that makes you want to win all the time. When you see the chequered flag you just want to put your foot down." And despite the odd scrap, he's raring to go. "I've had loads of accidents. A gocart is open-wheeled so it's easy to clip a wheel. I've been thrown into air ambulances before." He says it's not really about the money or the fame (although he admits that fame might be "nice") and reckons it's more about the buzz of racing. "The fame looks pretty good but it's not just the money or the fame. I love driving and I love winning and the adrenaline rush. That's why I want to do it - I love the speed." Getting this far has already taken a lot of dedication and self-discipline. "I don't eat any fast food, so no McDonalds, and I stay off the sweets. I tend to eat a lot of protein, steak and pasta to get the energy and loads of fruit and vegetables. I also train three days a week."

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Jenson Button quemará neumáticos junto al propio campeón de Pacha en unos años si nos guiamos por los resultados actuales de este joven. Joseph Reilly, 17 años, hijo del propietario de Pacha Londres William Reilly, empezó a pilotar en el 50cc Comer Cadet a los ocho años. Después de nueve años acaba de ganar el Campeonato Europeo del Rotax Max. Reilly anticipa que participará en las series de invierno del 2009 para Fórmula Renault del Reino Unido y luego irá subiendo de categoría hasta competir en Fórmula 1 junto a Jenson Button y compañía para cuando cumpla 23. Es un juego peligroso pero el piloto patrocinado por Pacha tiene su propio método de pasar las curvas rápidamente sin freno. "Simplemente piso el acelerador y cierro los ojos", dice. "Es difícil de explicar, pero cuando subes al coche, es la adrenalina lo que hace que quieras ganar todo el tiempo. Cuando ves la bandera de cuadros, sólo quieres pisar el acelerador". Y a pesar de algún que otro accidente, se muere de ganas de subirse al coche. "He tenido muchos accidentes. En los go-kart las ruedas no tienen arcos, así que es fácil que la rueda se quede enganchada. He sido transportado en ambulancias de aire anteriormente". Dice que no es por el dinero o la fama (aunque admite que la fama no estaría mal) y opina que es más el golpe de adrenalina cuando corre. "La fama me atrae pero no es sólo el dinero o la fama. Me encanta pilotar y me encanta ganar y el subidón de adrenalina. Por eso quiero hacerlo - me encanta la velocidad". Llegar tan lejos ha supuesto mucha dedicación y auto-disciplina. "No como comida rápida, así que nada de McDonalds, y no pruebo los dulces. Suelo comer muchas proteínas, carne y pasta para obtener energía y montones de frutas y verduras. Además entreno tres días a la semana".



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Rental Chaos

Summer Solstice

There are around 4,000 less cars on the island this year, and those wishing to hire a vehicle are being encouraged to book ahead. The toughening up of lending criteria by banks prompted nearly all of the rental firms on the island not to renew their fleets this year. This also means rent-a-car companies have maintained fairly stable prices with few offers. Hay 4.000 coches menos en la isla este año, y se recomienda a aquellos que deseen alquilar un vehículo que lo reserven con antelación. El endurecimiento de la política de préstamos de los bancos ha causado que casi todas las casas de alquiler de la isla no renueven sus flotas este año. Esto ha hecho que las compañías de rent-a-car mantengan unos precios estables con pocas ofertas.

Nine bonfires were lit during the Sant Joan Fiesta on June 23 and 24, a festival that sees people jumping over the fires to symbolise leaving the old year behind. The festival also signifies bidding farewell to the demons of the last year and welcoming a new better life to come. Crowds were also treated to rock band Can Raia, folk dancing and a macaroni tasting competition. Se encendieron nueve hogueras durante las fiestas de Sant Joan el 23 y 24 de junio, unas fiestas que ven a gente saltar sobre las llamas para simbolizar el paso de los años. Las festividades además indican la despedida de los demonios del año anterior y la bienvenida de una vida nueva y mejor. El público también pudo disfrutar de la banda de rock Can Raia, bailes folclóricos y una competición de macarrones.



Penalty Shootout

Don't Stop!

Football stars Javi Casquero and Roberto Soldado from Getafe, Santi Denia from Atlético de Madrid and Dimas from Numancia visited inmates at Ibiza Prison to answer questions about the game. The prisoners especially wanted to know about Casquero missing his last-minute penalty against Real Madrid in April. Las estrellas del fútbol Javi Casquero y Roberto Soldado del Getafe, Santi Denia del Atlético de Madrid y Dimas del Numancia visitaron a los presos de la prisión de Ibiza para responder preguntas sobre el deporte. Los prisioneros especialmente querían saber por qué Casquero había fallado su penalti de último minuto contra el Real Madrid en abril.

Drivers beware - the 20-minute drop-off point at the entrance to the airport is no longer valid. The blue lines were changed to yellow and new warning signs were installed to inform drivers that it is now an offence to stop in the area. Police were forced to send out a press release after hundreds of fines were handed out in the few weeks following the changes. Atención conductores - la zona de párking de 20 minutos frente al aeropuerto ya no es válida. Las líneas azules fueron cambiadas por amarillas y se colocaron nuevas señales de aviso para informar a los conductores que ahora es una ofensa detenerse en el área. La policía se vio obligada a enviar un comunicado de prensa después de emitir cientos de multas en las pocas semanas posteriores a los cambios.

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New Club In keeping with the resurgence of the new hip'n'happening Playa d'en Bossa, Le Masque nightclub opened with a masquerade ball at the end of June. DJs Seb Fontaine and David Moreno kept the crowd on their feet until the early hours. The new nocturnal alternative has been completely refurbished and now has four clubbing spaces, including main and middle rooms, a rooftop terrace and masquerade bar. Siguiendo el resurgimiento de la nueva y animada zona de Playa d'en Bossa, el club Le Masque abrió con un baile de máscaras a finales de junio. Los DJs Seb Fontaine y David Moreno mantuvieron al público en la pista hasta altas horas de la madrugada. La nueva alternativa nocturna ha sido completamente reformada y ahora tiene cuatro zonas de clubbing, incluyendo la sala principal y la sala mediana, una terraza superior y un bar de máscaras.


Thrilling Tributes The news about Michael Jackson's death sent shockwaves across the world and Pacha showed its respects by holding a Jacko tribute show at Flower Power on July 5. Meanwhile, Amnesia also held a night in the entertainer's honour; if punters wore a Michael Jackson outfit to their People From Ibiza night, they got in for free. Las noticias sobre la muerte de Michael Jackson enviaron escalofríos por todo el mundo y Pacha mostró sus respetos al presentar un tributo a Jacko en Flower Power el 5 de julio. Mientras tanto, Amnesia también celebró una noche en honor al artista; si los punteros iban vestidos como Michael Jackson a la fiesta People from Ibiza podían entrar gratis.



Club Expansion

Blazing Night

El Divino has begun its expansion outside of the island by opening a club in Palma at the end of June. El Divino Mallorca opened its doors on the promenade in the capital, home to many of the most popular nightspots on the island. It will initially be open four days a week. El Divino ha empezado su expansión fuera de la isla al abrir un club en Palma a finales de junio. El Divino Mallorca abrió sus puertas en el paseo de la capital, el hogar de muchos de los locales nocturnos más populares de la isla. Inicialmente abrirá cuatro días a la semana.

Three hundred tourists had to be evacuated from an apartment complex in Sant Antoni after a small fire in one of the rooms. Firemen were called to the Es Calo Playa de Formentera in es Caló des Moro after the fire began in the kitchen of one of the apartments on the ground floor. Nobody was injured. Trescientos turistas tuvieron que ser evacuados de un complejo de apartamentos en Sant Antoni después de un pequeño incendio en una de las habitaciones. Los bomberos acudieron a Es Caló Playa de Formentera en Es Caló des Moro después de que empezara el incendio en la cocina de uno de los apartamentos de la planta baja. Nadie resultó herido.


Boating Accident Two experienced sailors were injured last week after their catamaran hit a rock in Sa Boca and capsized off the coast of Ibiza. The area just off the beach of Cala d'Hort is one of the few black spots on the island's coast and is renowned for its shallow waters. The two injured men were said to be experienced sailors and had been returning home after spending several days at sea. Dos experimentados marineros resultaron heridos la semana pasada después de que su catamarán chocara con una roca en Sa Boca y volcara fuera de la costa de Ibiza. La zona justo frente a la playa de Cala d'Hort es uno de los puntos negros de la costa de la isla y es conocida por sus aguas poco profundas. Se dice que los dos heridos eran marineros experimentados que regresaban a casa después de pasar varios días en el mar.



On The Waterfront The owner of Tagomago, the island in front of Santa Eulària, is looking to build a kiosk and extension to the jetty - which was destroyed in 2001 - to enable eight boats to dock there. The project will cost an estimated €184,000 if given the go-ahead. El propietario de Tagomago, la isla frente a Santa Eulària, quiere construir un quiosco y extender el embarcadero - que fue destruido en el 2001 - para permitir que ocho barcos puedan amarrar aquí. El proyecto costará unos estimados 184.000 € si le conceden el permiso. WWW.PACHA.COM 2009 61


If you think you've got what it takes to be the next Gisele Bündchen or Kate Moss, then the Pacha Model Awards 2009 could be for you. Pacha and Fashion TV have come together to create the ultimate beauty contest in Ibiza. Every Tuesday (79pm) until September 18, models from the best agencies in Europe will compete with local beauties as part of a weekly casting at El Hotel. From these castings lucky models will be invited to go forward to a weekly ceremony at El Hotel on Fridays, from which a total of 21 models will be selected to take part on the final of the Pacha Model Awards 2009 on September 27. The winner will receive €2,000 and a publicity contract with the Pacha Group to represent the brand in merchandising, clubs and television. Si piensas que tienes lo necesario para situarte al lado de Gisele Bündchen o Kate Moss, entonces los Pacha Model Awards 2009 podrían ser para ti. Pacha y Fashion TV se han unido para crear lo último en concursos de belleza en Ibiza. Cada martes (7-9pm) hasta el 18 de septiembre, modelos de las mejores agencias de Europa competirán con bellezas locales como parte de un casting semanal en El Hotel. De estos castings las modelos afortunadas serán invitadas a continuar en una ceremonia semanal en El Hotel los viernes, de las cuales un total de 21 modelos será seleccionado para formar parte de la final del Pacha Model Awards 2009 el 27 de septiembre. La ganadora recibirá 2.000 € y un contrato de publicidad con el Grupo Pacha para representar la marca en merchandising, clubes y televisión.







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Why was this century important? Because during this time Ibiza changed from being a Muslim to a Christian territory. How long had Ibiza been Muslim? For 400 years it was ruled by the Moors; part Arab and part Berber, the Moors hailed from present-day Morocco. At the start of the century a faction called the Banu Ghaniya controlled the island but in 1203 the far stronger Almohad took over, with Ibiza now part of a vast empire covering north Africa and southern Spain. They were fierce fundamentalists who did not approve of alcohol and thought women should be veiled. How did they lose power? The Christian Spanish kingdoms began fighting back. In 1229, Jaime I of Aragon headed a fleet of 100 boats and 15,000 soldiers, sailing to Majorca to lay siege to the island. On December 31, after three months of fighting, his army defeated the Moors. Jaime I's intention had been to go on directly to Ibiza but he was called away. It took another six years before the Spaniards returned. Was it Jaime I? No - he sent his friend Guillem de Montgrí, who landed his soldiers on the beach at Figueretes on August 8, 1235. They made their way to Dalt Vila where - legend has it - they were let in by a Moorish traitor. The city was controlled by two brothers one controlled the old town and other controlled La Marina. The brother that ruled the lower town is said to have betrayed his brother as he stole one of his wives. Where did they enter Dalt Vila? A plaque at Capilla de San Ciriaco marks the spot today. Is there any Moorish influence still on the island? Many place names have their origins in Moorish language and a recent survey showed that Ibiza's gene pool more closely resembles North Africa than mainland Spain.

¿Por qué este siglo fue tan importante? Porque durante esta época Ibiza pasó de ser territorio musulmán a cristiano. ¿Cuánto tiempo fue Ibiza musulmana? Durante 400 años fue gobernada por los moros; parte árabe y parte bereber, los moros procedían de la actual Marruecos. A principios de siglo una facción llamada el Banu Ghaniya controlaba la isla pero en 1203, Almohad que era muchísimo más fuerte - asumió el poder, Ibiza pasó a formar parte de un vasto imperio que cubría el norte de África y el sur de España. Eran fundamentalistas que no aprobaban el alcohol y pensaban que las mujeres debían llevar velo. ¿Cómo perdieron el poder? Los reinos cristianos españoles empezaron la reconquista. En 1229, Jaime I de Aragón encabezó una flota de 100 embarcaciones y 15.000 soldados, navegando a Mallorca para asediar la isla. El 31 de diciembre, después de tres meses de luchas, su ejército derrotó a los moros. La intención de Jaime I era la de ir directamente a Ibiza pero fue llamado para otra misión. Pasaron 6 años antes de que los españoles regresaran. ¿Fue Jaime I? No - él envió a Gillem de Montgrí, que desembarcó sus soldados en la playa de Figueretas el 8 de agosto de 1235. Se abrieron paso hasta Dalt Vila donde según cuenta la leyenda - un traidor moro les dejó pasar. La ciudad la controlaban dos hermanos - uno controlaba el casco antiguo y el otro La Marina. Se dice que éste último traicionó a su hermano porque le había robado una de sus mujeres. ¿Por dónde entraron a Dalt Vila? Una placa en la Capilla de San Ciriaco marca hoy el punto exacto. ¿Queda alguna influencia morisca en la isla? Muchos nombres de lugares tienen sus orígenes en la lengua morisca y un reciente estudio mostró que la genética se asemeja más a la del norte de África que a la de España.





Ibiza Idyll for tennis No1 Nadal

Missing Briton found off Ibiza

Daily Mail - UK The world's Number One tennis player, above, is building himself a luxurious holiday home in Ibiza's sought-after south-west corner...

Typically Spanish - Spain The sun had only been up for some two hours on Saturday when a group of Britons on holiday in Ibiza alerted the authorities...

Rafael Nadal's troublesome knees might have ended his chance to defend his Wimbledon title in June but his new swanky Ibiza pad should keep him smiling. The 23-year-old will be staying in the Sant Josep region near trendy Cala Jondal beach, just down the road from Dannii Minogue who has a house in Es Cubells.

Authorities were alerted by a group of British holidaymakers who said one of their friend's had vanished after going into the sea in Playa d'en Bossa while drunk. The friends took a pedalo to try and find him and were later joined by lifeguards on jet skis. He was finally found, 45 minutes later, resting on a small island.

El tenista Número Uno del Mundo, Rafael Nadal, se está construyendo una lujosa casa de vacaciones en Ibiza en la solicitada zona sur-oeste de la isla... Puede que la lesión en sus rodillas le haya impedido defender su título en Wimbledon en junio, pero su nueva y elegante casa en Ibiza debería mantener la sonrisa en su rostro. El joven de 23 años se hospedará en la región de Sant Josep cerca de Cala Jondal, el lugar de moda, justo cerca de Danii Minogue que tiene una casa en Es Cubells.

Folding shoe man plans US launch BBC News - UK The pumps are already on sale in Ibiza superclubs Eden and Space. Now Mr Horan, 27, from South Gloucestershire, is taking his product to clubs in Los Angeles and New York... An entrepreneur who used his redundancy money to start a business selling foldable shoes from a vending machine is set to launch the product in America after already having success in Eden and Space in Ibiza. Matt Horan's 5 Rollasole is an emergency flat shoe women can buy from a vending machine.

Los zapatos ya están a la venta en los superclubes de Ibiza Edén y Space. Ahora el Sr. Horan, 27, de South Gloucestershire, llevará sus productos a clubes de Los Angeles y Nueva York... Un emprendedor que utilizó su sueldo de despido para empezar una compañía que vende zapatos plegables en máquinas expendedoras va a lanzar su producto en América después de haber saboreado el éxito en Edén y Space de Ibiza. 5 Rollasole de Matt Horan es un zapato plano para mujer que se puede comprar de una máquina expendedora.

Mistry pays homage to Ibiza club scene in new documentary - UK Rocknrolla star Jimi Mistry has shot a new documentary about DJing on holiday island Ibiza. The actor has spent the last three years making And The Beat Goes On... Actor and DJ Jimi Mistry has filmed a documentary called And The Beat Goes On, which chronicles DJing in Ibiza over the last three years. The movie premiered at the Ibiza Film Festival. He says: "I hope people will get out of the documentary that Ibiza is a very spiritual place."

La estrella del Rocknrolla, Jimi Mistry, ha rodado un nuevo documental sobre pinchar en la isla de Ibiza. El actor ha pasado los últimos tres años haciendo And The Beat Goes On... El actor y DJ Jimi Mistry ha filmado un documental llamado And The Beat Goes On, que hace crónica de los DJs en Ibiza en los últimos tres años. La película fue presentada en el Festival de Cine de Ibiza. Dice: "Espero que la gente saque del documental que Ibiza es un lugar espiritual".

El sol tan sólo hacía dos horas que había salido el sábado cuando un grupo de británicos que veraneaban en Ibiza alertaron a las autoridades... Las autoridades fueron informadas por un grupo de turistas británicos de que uno de sus amigos había desaparecido después de meterse en el mar en Playa d'en Bossa cuando estaba ebrio. Los amigos cogieron un patín de mar para intentar encontrarlo y luego se les unieron los vigilantes de la playa en jet skis. Finalmente se le encontró descansando en un pequeño islote.

Friends catch swine flu during holiday in Ibiza Aberdeen Evening Express - UK Robert Urquhart was on holiday in Ibiza with friends when he contracted potentially deadly swine flu... Six friends from Montrose, in Scotland were on holiday in Ibiza when they believe they contracted the potentially deadly swine flu. Robert Urquhart and friends had spent a week in Ibiza taking in clubs including Eden, Amnesia and Privilege. On their flight home, 40 of the 60 passengers told the cabin crew that they felt ill.

Aberdeen Evening Express, Reino Unido Robert Urquhart estaba de vacaciones en Ibiza con amigos cuando contrajo la potencialmente peligrosa gripe porcina... Seis amigos de Montrose, en Escocia, estaban de vacaciones en Ibiza cuando creen que contrajeron la potencialmente peligrosa gripe porcina. Robert Urquhart y amigos habían pasado una semana en Ibiza yendo a clubes incluyendo Eden, Amnesia y Privilege. En su vuelo de vuelta a casa, 40 de los 60 pasajeros dijeron a la tripulación que se sentían enfermos.

Netanya aims to be Middle East's Ibiza Ynetnews - Israel To this end, the city's Council Member for Cultural Affairs Zuzi Zilberberg is currently studying up on the branding steps taken by Spanish island Ibiza... Natanya has an idea that it wants to become as much like Las Vegas as possible. The city's council member for cultural affairs, Zuli Zilberberg, is currently examining the branding steps taken by Ibiza in a bid to make Natanya into the "Ibiza of the Middle East" and attract young people from all over the world.

El miembro del Consejo de Cultura Zuzi Zilberberg actualmente está estudiando los pasos de desarrollo de marca seguidos por la isla española de Ibiza... Natanya tiene la idea de que quiere convertirse en algo lo más parecido posible a Las Vegas. El miembro del consejo de cultura de la ciudad, Zuli Zilberberg, está actualmente examinando los pasos de desarrollo de marca tomados por Ibiza en su empeño de convertir Natanya en la "Ibiza del Oriente Medio" y atraer a gente joven de todo el mundo.

Ibiza Chocoholics Ibiza Spotlight The Guardia Civil's Organised Delinquency and Antidrug team made an enormous haul of drugs in Ibiza this week and all thanks to the sweet tooth of two lorry... Two truck drivers were bringing chocolate to Ibiza from Madrid when hunger got the better of them and they decided to sample some. They later ended up in hospital because the chocolate contained hallucinogenic magic mushrooms.

La división de Crimen Organizado y Antidroga de la Guardia Civil se incautó de un enorme alijo de estupefacientes en Ibiza esta semana y todo gracias a dos golosos camioneros... Dos transportistas traían chocolate a Ibiza de Madrid y cuando llegó el hambre decidieron probar uno de los chocolates. Acabaron en hospital porque el chocolate contenía setas mágicas alucinógenas.

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Brit award-winning singer and DJ Sonique diagnosed with breast cancer Daily Mail - UK From 1997-1999 Sonique was the resident DJ at Ibiza superclub Manumission. It wasn't until 2000 when she hit the big time with her song It Feels So Good ... Brit and Novello award winner Sonique - resident DJ at Manumission from 1997-1999 - has been diagnosed with breast cancer, which has now spread to her lymph nodes. The singer, famous for 'It Feels So Good', is now facing a second operation.

Desde 1997-1999 Sonique fue la DJ residente en Manumission, el superclub de Ibiza. No fue hasta el 2000 cuando logró su éxito con la canción It Feels So Good... Sonique - la ganadora de los premios Brit y Novello y DJ residente en Manumission desde 1997-1999 - ha sido diagnosticada con un cáncer de mama, que ahora se ha expandido a sus nódulos linfáticos. La cantante, famosa por 'It Feels So Good', está a punto de ser operada por segunda vez.

Ibiza's Changing Flight Patterns Ibiza Spotlight - Spain The latest figures from Ibiza airport demonstrate how the low-cost airlines have revolutionised how we travel and book our holidays. Today's travellers no longer need the cocoon of safety provided by big tour operators; instead, they prefer the freedom to travel where they want and find their own accommodation. That's the findings from a new study by Ibiza airport that also shows the number of passengers arriving on the island via low-cost flights has increased by 51% on last year, even though the Ryanair winter flights did not exist last year.

Las últimas cifras del aeropuerto de Ibiza demuestran cómo las aerolíneas de bajo coste han revolucionado la forma de viajar y reservar nuestras vacaciones. Los viajeros de hoy ya no necesitan la seguridad que les proporcionan los grandes operadores; en cambio, prefieren la libertad de viajar donde quieran y encontrar su propio alojamiento. Esas son las conclusiones de un nuevo estudio realizado por el aeropuerto de Ibiza que además muestran que el número de pasajeros que llegan a la isla a través de vuelos de bajo coste han aumentado en un 51% respecto al año anterior, aunque los vuelos de invierno de Ryanair no existían el año pasado.

Ibiza Park'n'Ride Ibiza Spotlight - Spain Parking in Ibiza has always been a problem. Particularly in summer when the world and his wife wants to sample the balmy, cosmopolitan evenings in the city... The nightmare of trying to find a car parking space in town could now be a thing of the past as a new park'n'ride scheme means that cars can now be dropped off at either the Multicines or Gorg car parks and drivers shuttled into town on a regular free bus service every 15 minutes from 7pm to 2am. There will also be security guards on hand to look after all the cars parked there.

Aparcar en Ibiza siempre ha sido un problema. Particularmente en verano cuando el mundo y su mujer quieren probar las suaves y cosmopolitas noches en la ciudad...

La pesadilla de intentar encontrar aparcamiento en la ciudad ahora podría convertirse en cosa del pasado ya que un nuevo programa de aparcamiento y transporte significa que los coches ahora se pueden dejar o bien en el Multicines o aparcamientos Gorg y los conductores serán transportados al centro en un servicio de bus regular cada 15 minutos de 7pm a 2am. Además habrá guardas de seguridad para cuidar de los coches aparcados allí.





DJ AWARDS NOMINEES 2009 The world's best DJ talent is highlighted once again at the twelfth annual Ibiza DJ Awards. Public voting is open until August 10 at and the winners will be announced at a star-studded awards ceremony at Pacha on September 24, 2009. As an added incentive for public voting, everyone who votes is automatically entered into a competition to win a trip to the DJ Awards themselves. The prize includes flights, luxury accommodation and VIP entry. Big-name DJs are among the nominations, including Erick Morillo and David Guetta (House), Richie Hawtin and Carl Cox (Techno), Sasha and Sander Kleinenberg (International DJ) and Tiësto (Trance). There is also exposure for less well-known talent, with nods for Joris Voorn and Matthew Dear (Breakthrough), Ellen Allien and Minilogue (Newcomer) and Cristian Varela (Techno). There are also a number of special awards, including Best Ibiza Set and Outstanding Contribution, plus a Lifetime Achievement award, which in previous years has honoured Frankie Knuckles, Danny Rampling, Cesar de Melero and Dr Motte (Love Parade). The Pacha after-party is open to the public and ticket details will be announced closer to the time. It will be hosted by F*** Me I'm Famous. The awards are run by Lenny Krarup (Ibizarre Records) and Jose Pascual. A double-CD package to accompany the awards has also been produced, featuring the best tracks of the 2009 season in their original, unmixed, DJ-friendly form. Los DJs con mayor talento del mundo son galardonados una vez más en la duodécima edición de los Ibiza DJ Awards. La votación popular permanecerá abierta hasta el 10 de agosto en y los ganadores serán anunciados en una ceremonia de premios llena de estrellas en Pacha el 24 de septiembre, 2009. Como incentivo añadido para el público votante, todo aquel que vote participará directamente en un concurso para ganar un viaje a los DJ Awards. El premio incluye vuelos, alojamiento de lujo y entrada VIP. Hay DJs de gran renombre entre los nominados, incluyendo Erick Morillo y David Guetta (House), Richie Hawtin y Carl Cox (Techno), Sasha y Sander Kleinenberg (DJ Internacional) y Tiësto (Trance). Además se destaca el talento menos conocido, con nominaciones para Joris Voorn y Matthew Dear (Breakthrough), Ellen Allien y Minilogue (Newcomer) y Christian Varela (Techno). Además hay un número de premios especiales, incluyendo Mejor Set de Ibiza y Gran Contribución a la Industria además de Premio por Trayectoria Artística, que en previos años fue otorgado a Frankie Knuckles, Danny Rampling, César de Melero y Dr Motte (Love Parade). La after-party de Pacha está abierta al público y los detalles para conseguir entradas serán anunciados cuando se acerque la fecha. La fiesta será presentada por F*** Me I'm Famous. Los premios los organizan Lenny Krarup (Ibizarre Records) y José Pascual. Un CD doble que acompaña estos galardones también ha sido producido, presentando los mejores temas de la temporada 2009 en su forma original y sin mezclar, perfecta para DJs.

House Laidback Luke Erick Morillo David Guetta Steve Angello Sebastian Ingrosso Axwell Fedde Le Grand Bob Sinclar

Electro House Deadmau5 Benny Benassi Sander Van Doorn Sebastien Leger Eric Prydz Mark Knight James Zabiela Layo & Bushwacka!

Techno Richie Hawtin Pig & Dan Carl Cox Ricardo Villalobos Cristian Varela Umek Sven Vath Luciano

Tech House M.A.N.D.Y. Laurent Garnier Funkagenda Dubfire Steve Lawler Marco Carola Radio Slave Marco V

Trance Ferry Corsten Paul Oakenfold Armin Van Buuren Tiësto Above & Beyond Markus Schulz Paul Van Dyk ATB

Minimal Michael Mayer Steve Bug Matthias Tanzmann Adam Beyer Loco Dice Guy Gerber Magda Anja Schneider

Progressive House Nick Warren Sasha John Digweed John Dahlback Hernan Cattaneo Lee Burridge Danny Howells Eddie Halliwell

Deep House Vincenzo Phonique Milton Jackson Efdemin Ben Watt Charles Webster Jimpster Dennis Ferrer

Downtempo & Eclectic Mixmaster Morris Jose Padilla Nightmares On Wax Gilles Peterson Jazzanova Thievery Corporation Rob da Bank Dj Ravin Best Newcomer Anderson Noise Minilogue Riktam & Bansi Popof Gabe Andy Moor Ellen Allien Hervé Breakthrough Joris Voorn Marcel Dettmann Valentino Kanzyani Dixon Jamie Jones Matthew Dear Kaskade Nick Curly International DJ Armin Van Buuren Sander Kleinenberg Sasha Tiësto David Guetta Carl Cox Sven Vath Erick Morillo

IBIZA LIVE - AUGUST Sat, August 1, Defected Pacha, Ibiza PA by Ultra Nate Sun, August 2, Privilege Privilege, San Rafael Orbital, Mick Jones, Queens of Noise Tue, August 4, Ibiza Rocks Ibiza Rocks Hotel, San Antonio The Enemy Wed, August 5, Pacha Live Pacha, Ibiza Town Goldfish, Tuccillo, Sneaky Sound System Thu, August 6, F*** Me I'm Famous PAs by Kelly Rowland and Chris Willis Thu, August 6, Full Moon Party Nassau, Playa d'en Bossa Paco Fernandez Sun, August 9, We Love Space, Playa den Bossa Grace Jones Tue, August 11, Ibiza Rocks Ibiza Rocks Hotel, San Antonio Dizzee Rascal Wed, August 12, Pacha Live Pacha, Ibiza Town Goldfish, Tuccillo, Young Punx Tue, August 18, Ibiza Rocks Ibiza Rocks Hotel, San Antonio Vampire Weekend Wed, August 19, Pacha Live Pacha, Ibiza Town Goldfish, Tuccillo, Caged Baby Tue, August 25, Ibiza Rocks Ibiza Rocks Hotel, San Antonio MGMT Wed, August 26, Pacha Live Pacha, Ibiza Town Goldfish, Tuccillo, Sneaky Sound System Fri, August 28, Cocoon at Amnesia Amnesia, Sven Vath, Underworld, Mr.C, Josh Wink


I B I Z A :






THE GREAT SNOWFALL, 2 FEB 1907. (C) AUTOR DE LA FOTOGRAFIA. ARXIU D'IMATGE I SO MUNICIPAL D'EIVISSA (AISME). A rare snowfall transforms Ibiza into the White Island, complete with sailing boat straight out of Peter Pan. In fact, this merchant vessel is probably loading up with salt for Scandinavia's fishing industry or possibly Brazil. To its right is the massive outline of the Santa Lucia bastion, with the garrison's powder store (Polvorí) sunk into its centre, and it's now an exhibition space. The tiled roof, bottom right, belonged to Casa Corsari Vell (Old Corsair's House) and was converted by a German countess in the early 1950s into the Hotel El Corsario (the roof disappeared during refurbishment). The absence of buildings around the bay is striking, with only the abattoir still standing, far left and roughly where McDonalds now has its water-

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front franchise. Beyond stretch the irrigated kitchen gardens of Ses Feixes, and left of centre an angled road marks a group of curious buildings. These now house a tyre workshop, the Grial Bar and Radio Èxit, but in the early 20th century they comprised a general store and warehouse, Ca S’Arenest, selling almonds, carobs and salt. On the other side of the (angled) Santa Eulària road was another building, the Casa Vermella (Red House), now occupied by the Edificio Fiesta Girasoles and Bar B.For. The curving shoreline has since been replaced by Avenida 8 d'Agost on which Pacha itself stands, roughly at the end of a line of trees visible beyond the Casa Vermella. This unusual panorama was taken from a

north-facing balcony at Calle Mayor 6b, next to the Torre del Canónigo hotel. The painter-photographer now has his own Dalt Vila museum very close by. Other memorable snowfalls on Ibiza occurred in February 1956, January 1960, December 1962, January 1985 and (in Santa Eulària) early in 2005.


I B I Z A : Una inusual nevada transforma Ibiza en la Isla Blanca, completa con un velero sacado directamente de Peter Pan. De hecho, este velero mercante está probablemente cargando sal para la industria pesquera escandinava o posiblemente para Brasil. A su derecha está el masivo perfil del Baluarte de Santa Lucía, con el polvorín hundido en su centro y que ahora sirve como espacio de exposiciones. El techo entejado, abajo a la derecha, pertenecía a la Casa Corsari Vell (La Vieja Casa del Corsario) que fue convertida por la Condesa Alemana a principios de los años 50 en el Hotel El Corsario (el techo desapareció durante la reforma). La ausencia de edificios alrededor de la bahía llama la atención,


donde sólo queda el matadero, lejos a la izquierda y donde ahora el McDonalds tiene una franquicia en primera línea de mar. Más allá se extienden los jardines irrigados de Ses Feixes, y a la izquierda del centro una carretera angulada marca un grupo de curiosas edificaciones. Éstas ahora son el hogar de un almacén de neumáticos, el Bar Grial y Radio Èxit, pero a principios del siglo XX eran parte de la tienda y almacén Ca S’Arenest, donde se vendían almendras, algarrobas y sal. Al otro lado de la carretera de Santa Eulària había otra edificación, la Casa Vermella (Casa Roja), donde ahora se encuentra el Edificio Fiesta Girasoles y Bar B.For. El curvado litoral ahora ha sido reemplazado por la Avenida 8 de



Agosto donde se encuentra Pacha, aproximadamente al final de una hilera de árboles más allá de la Casa Vermella. Esta imagen inusual fue tomada desde un balcón que daba al norte de la Calle Mayor 6b, junto al hotel de La Torre del Canónigo. El pintor-fotógrafo ahora tiene su propio museo en Dalt Vila. Otras nevadas memorables en Ibiza tuvieron lugar en febrero de 1956, enero 1960, diciembre 1962, enero 1985 y (en Santa Eulària) a principios del 2005. Taken from page 35 of Eivissa-Ibiza: Island Out of Time / La isla de antaño (Barbary, 2005). Thanks to Félix Martínez for original use of his print, and to Ibiza Town's Arxiu d'Imatge i So for this panoramic version




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The summer of 2009 is now in full swing and believe me when I say I have a El verano del 2009 está en pleno desarrollo y creedme cuando os digo que first-hand report on how it is doing. In the few last weeks I have been from LA to tengo un informe de primera mano de cómo está yendo. En las últimas semanas he Tel Aviv, Miami to Ibiza, London to Hanover and basically seen summer in every visitado desde LA a Tel Aviv, Miami a Ibiza, Londres a Hanover y básicamente he corner of the world. So, how is it? Remarkably good! Recession? Not on the danvisto el verano en todos los rincones del mundo. Así que, ¿cómo va? ¡Increíblemente cefloor. And with that in mind I did some analysis on what I think is going on in bien! ¿Recesión? No en la pista de baile. Y teniendo esto en cuenta, hice un análithe world (after a few bottles of good red wine and some Hierbas con hielo, of sis de lo que está ocurriendo en el mundo (después de unas botellas de buen vino course), and I have come to the conclusion that these times are not strange or off tinto y algunas Hierbas con hielo, por supuesto), he llegado a la conclusión de que the scale. No, it was the years before this that were; the crazy mindless oversestos tiempos no son extraños ni tampoco se salen demasiado de lo habitual. No, pending of consumers, the real-estate bubble, the stockmarket frenzy and the dotfue el año pasado el que fue malo; el gasto excesivo y sin sentido de los consumicom hoax. Anyway, what I'm saying is we are actually on the way back to normadores, la burbuja de la industria inmobiliaria, el frenesí de la bolsa y los engaños de lity, and the world's economies are merely adjusting and hopefully while this hapInternet. De todos modos, lo que estoy diciendo es que estamos volviendo a la norpens, we can all have a good think about what is really important for us. I mean, malidad, y las economías del mundo se están ajustando y con un poco de suerte a third car? We all know where our real priorities lie, so we should use these times mientras esto ocurre, todos podemos pensar bien en lo que es realmente importanto reset our values. Does that mean no more fun? Hell, no! I say more fun! te para nosotros. Quiero decir, ¿un tercer coche? Todos sabemos cuáles son nuesI heard Ricardo Villalobos and Luciano play on the terrace at Cocoon and I could tras prioridades, así que deberíamos utilizar estos tiempos para reajustar nuestros not help but smile - good old-fashioned house music played by two very enthuvalores. ¿Significa esto que se acabó la diversión? ¡Cielos, no! ¡Yo diría más diversión! siastic, warm souls. Or Busy P and Mehdi in the main room at Space a few He oído a Ricardo Villalobos y Luciano pinchar en la terraza de Cocoon y no podía Sundays back, doing something so straight from their musical hearts. Or Calvin dejar de sonreír - buena música house clásica pinchada por dos almas entusiastas y Harris at Pure Pacha, playing a set sprinkled with fun. And I should not forget the cándidas. O a Busy P y Mehdi en la sala principal de Space hace unos domingos, memorable night I had at the Blue Marlin with haciendo algo que salía directamente de sus coramy family. Paco Fernandez was doing his zones musicales. O a Calvin Harris en Pure Pacha, SANDER KLEINENBERG - AUGUST TOUR DATES famous Sunday night musical gathering, which pinchando un set salpicado de diversión. Y no AUGUST 1 - GLOBAL GATHERING, ST PETERSBURG is a truly Balearic experience. What I'm trying to debería olvidar la noche memorable que pasé en AUGUST 2 - TRIPOD, DUBLIN AUGUST 5 - OCEAN CLUBBING, KNOKKE-HEIST say is that the values and hopes I expressed earel Blue Marlin con mi familia. Paco Fernández AUGUST 5 - HEINEKEN.NL WEBSITE LAUNCH, PARADISO lier are already reflected in some of today's tocaba en su famoso encuentro musical de los AUGUST 6 - CALYPSO, HAMMAMET music. If life imitates art, we are in for a real domingos, que es una experiencia verdaderamenAUGUST 7 - PACHA, IBIZA AUGUST 8 - LOVELANDS, AMSTERDAM treat and I'm inspired by the future if it holds te baleárica. Lo que intento decir es que los valoAUGUST 8 - BARCELONA SUMMER WEEK, FIRA DE BARCELONA more 'real' music moments. res y esperanzas que he expresado antes todavía AUGUST 13 - DREAMERS, MARBELLA AUGUST 14 - PACHA, IBIZA Now I have to mention food because it is such se reflejan en gran parte de la música de hoy. Si la AUGUST 15 - EH1, EDINBURGH a passion of mine, I think next to music and vida imita el arte, pronto vamos a ser muy afortuAUGUST 16 - MINISTRY OF SOUND, AYIA NAPA AUGUST 21 - PACHA IBIZA women it is the most important thing in the nados y yo me inspiro en el futuro si éste trae más AUGUST 22 - PALACE, LAKE BALATON, HUNGARY world. I want to tell you about one of my favorimomentos musicales 'reales'. AUGUST 23 - CREAMFIELDS, KIEV te foods: the tomato. And not just any tomato Ahora, tengo que mencionar la comida porque es AUGUST 24 - CLUB MATRIX, UKRAINE AUGUST 29 - SW4, LONDON but the tomato from Ibiza. I could write poetry tal pasión mía, creo que junto a la música y las about this tomato. I could start a war over this mujeres es lo más importante del mundo. Quiero tomato, for it is the best tomato in the world. So juicy and tasty because it comes hablaros sobre uno de mis alimentos favoritos: el tomate. Y no cualquier tomate, sino el from an honest background, usually the back garden of an elderly Ibicencan grotomate de Ibiza. Podría escribir poesía sobre este tomate. Podría empezar una guerra cer or his family. Not some mass-produced red water bomb that you find in por este tomate, ya que es el mejor tomate del mundo. Tan jugoso y sabroso porque su supermarkets all over the world. A tomato with soul. Make a nice Ceviche with procedencia es honesta, normalmente el huertecito de un viejo payés o de su familia. some red union, cilantro, lemon juice, three kinds of tomatoes and some raw salNo es cualquier bomba de agua roja de producción masiva que puedes encontrar en mon. And wash it down with some champagne, such as Pacha's new Grand los supermercados de todo el mundo. Un tomate con alma. Haz un buen Ceviche con Cuvee De Pacha by Guy Charlemagne, one of the world's best champagne un poco de cilantro, zumo de limón, tres tipos de tomates y un poco de salmón crudo. makers. At the moment the bottles are being produced and the logos created, so Y tómatelo con un poco de champagne, como el nuevo Grand Cuvee De Pacha creavery soon you will see it on the champagne menu. You can never go wrong when do por Guy Charlemagne, uno de los mejores productores de champagne del mundo. two of the world's best unite for a new adventure. En estos momentos se están produciendo las botellas y se están creando los logos, así Now I'd like to go a little deeper into the world of Pacha by telling you a story that que muy pronto lo verás en las cartas de champagne. No puedes equivocarte cuando happened to me a few weeks back. It was Saturday night and I had a booking in dos de los mejores del mundo, se unen para una nueva aventura. Barcelona's Discotheque (part of the Sonar weekend fun). I checked in at Ibiza airAhora me gustaría profundizar un poco en el mundo de Pacha al contaros lo que me port and the lady behind the desk told me I was one minute late for my flight. (It pasó hace unas semanas. Era sábado por la noche y tenía que pinchar en was 11.16pm and my flight was at midnight). I was a little perplexed since I had Discotheque de Barcelona (como parte del fin de semana de Sónar). Fui a embarcar no luggage and was booked on the first flight out of Barcelona at 6am the next moren el mostrador del aeropuerto de Ibiza y la chica me dijo que llegaba un minuto tarde ning. But she simply said that this was my problem and rules were rules. So there para mi vuelo. (Eran las 11.16pm y mi vuelo era a medianoche). Me dejó un poco perI am, no other flights to Barcelona and it's now 11.45pm. Renting a jet at that time plejo ya que no tenía equipaje y tenía reservado el primer vuelo de vuelta de Barcelona on a Saturday was out of the question. So not knowing what to do next, I went to a las 6am de la mañana siguiente. Pero ella simplemente dijo que era mi problema y Pacha's VIP entrance. They greeted me and asked me what I was doing there on a que las reglas eran las reglas. Así que ahí estoy, ningún otro vuelo a Barcelona y ya Saturday night. I explained my story and after 25 phone calls and the help of Lady eran las 11.45pm. Alquilar un jet privado en sábado era totalmente imposible. Así que Luck, I'm suddenly in a nice Citation 2 on my way to Barcelona. And the best sin saber lo que hacer, fui a la entrada VIP de Pacha. Me saludaron y me preguntaron thing? I was back in Ibiza at 7am. I definitely learnt my lesson for the summer: que hacía allí un sábado por la noche. Les expliqué mi historia y después de 25 lladon't be late for flights. But what I also learned is that the people working at Pacha madas telefónicas y la ayuda de la fortuna, de repente estoy en un magnífico Citation are a team and stand up for each other. It's a great team to be part of. Enjoy your 2 de camino a Barcelona. ¿Y lo mejor de todo? Estaba de regreso en Ibiza a las 7am. summer and remember - don't take it all too seriously. Definitivamente he aprendido la lección para el verano: no llegues tarde a tus vuelos. Pero lo que también aprendí es que la gente que trabaja en Pacha es un equipo que se ayuda mutuamente. Es fantástico formar parte de este equipo. Disfruta de tu vera'This Is Sander Kleinenberg 2' available now in Ibiza retail shops no y recuerda - no te lo tomes todo tan en serio.




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The Pacha Princess

This month I have been really thinking about how beautiful Ibiza is and the Este mes he estado pensando mucho en lo bonita que es Ibiza y en que Dalt way Dalt Vila was declared by UNESCO as a Patrimony of Humanity, because Vila fuera declarada Patrimonio Cultural de la Humanidad por la UNESCO, porque they said it has a special magic. That means the people of world and this pladicen que tiene una magia especial. Eso significa que la gente del mundo y de este net recognise that Ibiza is beautiful and full of history. planeta reconoce que Ibiza es preciosa y que está llena de historia. Many people are going to come to this island to see all this beauty and all Mucha gente va a venir a esta isla para ver toda esta belleza y toda esta cultura this culture and I think we should all give something back to the people who y creo que deberíamos darles algo a cambio, como un buen servicio a los turistas. come, in the way of good service to the tourists. I bought a newspaper the other El otro día compré un periódico y creo que no me trataron con educación. Yo siemday in which I thought I wasn't treated very politely. I always try to smile and pre intento sonreír y opino que siempre debería ser así. think that's the way it should be. Recientemente también me he dado cuenta de que la isla no está lo suficienteAnd I have found recently that it's not clean enough and we should all keep the mente limpia y todos deberíamos mantener las playas limpias - todos deberíamos beaches clean - we should all give a bit back to Ibiza because it gives us so much. aportar algo a Ibiza porque ella nos da tanto. Estamos en estas impresionantes plaWe are on these stunning beaches enjoying ourselves and we should give back yas divirtiéndonos y deberíamos darle a la isla algo a cambio. something to the island. No es que crea que los humanos seamos malos. Entiendo la importancia de estar It's not that I think that human beings are bad. I understand the importance en la isla y construir edificaciones; por ejemplo las que hay en Ibiza nos protegieof us being on this island and creating the buildings; the ones in Ibiza protecron de los piratas. Además podemos verlas como bellísimos monumentos histórited us from pirates for example. We can look back at them as beautiful histocos. Creo que todos deberíamos asegurarnos de preservarlas bien. rical landmarks as well. I just think we all have to make sure it is well kept. Es nuestra responsabilidad, no tirar basura al suelo. Si veo a alguien tirar ceniIt is all of our responsibilities, not to throw za desde mi terraza en Pacha les digo que no garbage on the floor. If I see people flicking lo hagan. Además me he dado cuenta de que ash from my terrace in Pacha I tell them not la gente bebe demasiado y hay muchos accito. I have also noticed people are drinking too dentes en las calles. Pero afortunadamente la much and there are a lot of accidents on the policía realmente está controlando los constreet. But thankfully the police are really ductores ebrios y las medidas ahora son controlling the drunk drivers and there are mucho más estrictas. very strict measures in place. Estaba leyendo un blog sobre Ibiza el otro I was reading a blog about Ibiza the other día y el hombre hablaba de lo mucho que se day and the man was talking about how divierte en Pacha. Dijo que Pacha era la much he enjoys Pacha. He said Pacha was disco más increíble. Me gusta leerlo porque the most incredible disco. I liked reading it sé exactamente lo que quiere decir. Siempre because I know what he means. You always encuentras a alguien que conoces en find someone you know in Pacha. I love Pacha. Me gusta Pacha todas las noches Pacha every night because you can find porque siempre tienes algo que te apetece anything you want to listen to there. escuchar. I've been going out to parties nearly every Este mes he estado yendo a fiestas casi day this month. One was for the birthday of cada día. Una fue por el cumpleaños del Duke Leopoldo; his wife Sylvia was also Duque de Leopoldo en Santa Eulària; su there in Santa Eulària. They styled it in a mujer Sylvia también estaba allí. La decoravery nice way. Princess Maria Gabriela de ron maravillosamente. La Princesa María Savoy, daughter of the former king of Italy, Gabriela de Savoy, hija del antiguo Rey de was also there. Italia, también acudió. At Pacha there have been many celebrities En Pacha ha habido muchas celebridades as usual. Naomi Campbell came and she loocomo es habitual. Naomi Campbell vino con ked very beautiful and she was there with her su novio y estaba muy guapa. Siempre nos T I F FA N Y T H E L E R , R O S S E T TA , B E N E D I C TA T H E L L A boyfriend. We always say hello to each other saludamos, ya que nos hemos visto muchas as we have met many times now. Skin from Skunk Anansie has also visited. And veces. Skin de Skunk Anansie también nos ha visitado. Y luego estuvo Jordan then there was Jordan - aka Katie Price - who was absolutely out of her mind. We Katie Price - que se le fue totalmente la cabeza. Ni siquiera sabemos quién es, didn't even know who she is apart from seeing her in some of these gossip magaa parte de verla en algunas revistas del corazón. Todavía nos debe 500 €. No zines. She still owes 500 euros. She didn't want to pay anything at all and I said quiso pagar nada y yo le dije: 'Si te vas sin pagar, te vas con la policía'. Me pidió to Jordan, 'If you leave without paying, you leave with the police'. She asked me que le devolviera su tarjeta de crédito y dijo: 'No voy a pagar'. Y yo le dije, '¿De to give her back her credit card and said: 'I'm not paying'. And I said, 'What are qué estás hablando? Pediste las mesas y las botellas. Así que tienes que pagar'. you talking about? You asked for the tables and you ordered the bottles. So you Nos debía 2.000 € y al final la gente que estaba con ella reunió 1.500 € - así have to pay.' She owed 2,000 euros and in the end everyone around her, about que todavía nos deben 500 €. 20 people, gathered 1,500 euros between them - so they still owe 500 euros. Muchas estrellas del fútbol han visitado mi terraza también y todos los DJs han Many football stars have visited my terrace as well and all the DJs played trirendido tributos a Michael Jackson. Erick Morillo pinchó una de sus canciones butes to Michael Jackson. Erick Morillo played one of his songs and it was very y fue muy emotivo. Pinchó 'Billie Jean' y todo el mundo en la discoteca se puso emotional. He played 'Billie Jean' and all the people in the club were screaming a gritar y muchos tenían lágrimas en los ojos. Y David Guetta también pinchó and there were some people with tears in their eyes. And David Guetta also plauna canción - de hecho casi todos los DJs pincharon algo suyo esa semana. En yed a song - actually almost all the DJs played something that week. At Flower el Flower Power había un bailarín de Michael Jackson. James Blunt estuvo en Power there was a Michael Jackson dancer. James Blunt was at Flower Power el Flower Power - había muchísima gente y para él era su primer Flower Power. it was so busy and it was his first time at Flower Power. I love James Blunt, I Me encanta James Blunt, me encanta su forma de cantar y cómo es como perlove the way he sings and the way he is as a person. He is really great, it doesn't sona. Es fantástico, no se comporta como si fuera famoso, es una persona de feel like he's really famous, he's so easy going. See you next month! trato fácil.


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P H O T O G R A P H E R : M A R I A S I M O N . W W W. M A R I A S I M O N P H O T O G R A P H Y. C O M P H O T O A S S I S TA N T: J I L L M AY A V I N A G R E M O D E L S : C H A N D R A S A M M I E T E I X E I R A A N D N ATA L I E P A G E L O C AT I O N : O C H O R E S TA U R A N T, S A N J U A N R O A D , I B I Z A F O R M O R E I N F O R M AT I O N : O C H O B A Z A A R E V E N T O N F A C E B O O K



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Set Point





"EvErybody tElls you how incrEdiblE thEsE islands arE and i was looking forward to coming back. in my thrEE days hErE i havEn't had timE to sEE many of thE covEs, dalt vila or thE countrysidE, but i'vE lovEd EvErything ElsE and i'll bE coming back soon." - fErnando vErdasco



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ehind the façade of a tennis player who seems permanently happy and who enjoys the image of both a bachelor and elite sportsman hides an unassuming, joyful 25-year-old youngster who is serious about sports and daring when taking decisions about his life and his image. The hero of the Davis Cup final against Argentina, Madrid-born Fernando Verdasco is a natural-born sportsman who also likes to look after his looks. How has your brief experience in Ibiza and Formentera been? "Very good. I've loved it. I've had a very nice time relaxing and two unforgettable days on the beach in Formentera. In general, I'm leaving the island very pleased." You've had the opportunity to meet Ibiza regulars such as singer James Blunt and actor Gary Dourdan. "We met at a dinner organised by Roman Fortunato in El Ayoun. We had a great time and later we went on to Pacha. I've made the most of every night and had dinner in different restaurants. I've wanted to get to know the gastronomy of the island." Does your experience reconcile with the image you had about the islands? "I came here for the first time six years ago, but just for a day. I was only 18 at the time. I came to do a job for my sponsors. Everybody tells you how incredible these islands are and I was looking forward to coming back. In my three days here I haven't had time to see many of the coves, Dalt Vila or the countryside, but I've loved everything else and I'll be coming back soon." It seems you couldn't get enough of Wimbledon this year? "It is a very important championship and it is always very special. The match I lost [against Ivo Karlovic] left me with a bad taste in my mouth because I was playing really well. But a player that doesn't give you rhythm and serves so powerfully limits you a lot because he doesn't let you develop your game. If I had played against any other I would have had more options to go further. I felt really strong and I was playing really well." Was Rafael Nadal's absence noticed much? "Yes - lots of people even sent me regards for him and that cheered him up. Rafa, as everybody knows, is an irreplaceable person in the world of tennis today and he has been the world's Number One. Here in Spain, we want him to return as soon as possible." Tras la fachada de tenista inaccesible al desaliento y de su imagen de soltero de oro y deportista de élite, se esconde un joven de 25 años sencillo, jovial, serio en el terreno deportivo y atrevido a la hora de elegir su vida y su comprometida imagen. El héroe de la final de la Copa Davis frente a Argentina es un deportista nato que cuida mucho su aspecto físico. ¿Cómo ha sido su breve experiencia en Ibiza y Formentera? "Muy buena, me ha gustado mucho, he pasado unos días increíbles descansando y dos días inolvidables de playa en Formentera. En general, me voy muy contento". ¿Incluso has tenido la oportunidad de conocer a personajes asiduos de la isla como el cantante James Blunt o el actor Gary Dourdan? "Coincidimos en una cena organizado por Roman Fortunato en El Ayoun. Lo pasamos muy bien y luego nos fuimos a la discoteca Pacha. He aprovechado todas las noches para cenar en diferentes restaurantes y conocer la gastronomía y lo máximo de la isla". ¿Coincide su experiencia con la imagen que tenía de las Pitiüses? "Estuve por primera en Ibiza hace seis años, sólo un día, entonces tenía 18. Vine para hacer un trabajo con mi marca deportiva. Todo el mundo te habla de lo increíble que son las islas y tenía ganas de volver. En tres días no he tenido tiempo de ver muchas calas, ni Dalt Vila o el campo, pero me ha encantado todo y pienso volver pronto". ¿Su paso este año por el torneo de Wimbledon le supo a poco? "Es un torneo importante y muy especial siempre. En el partido que perdí con Ivo Karlovic me quedé con mal sabor de boca porque estaba jugando muy bien, pero un jugador que no te da ritmo y saca de esa forma tan potente te limita mucho porque no te deja desarrollar tu juego. Si me hubiese enfrentado a cualquier otro jugador habría tenido más opciones de llegar más lejos. Me encontraba muy fuerte y estaba jugando muy bien".


The physical strength of the competition and the number of games being played are taking their toll on the players more than ever? "There has always been a very tough agenda, but the Spanish players rarely played on the fast indoor courts or on grass and now we're used to playing on all surfaces. In fact, Rafa, Ferrer, Tommy Robredo, Feliciano and other Spanish players win games on any kind of surface and this made the agenda harder and longer. It is a full year of tournaments and there is a moment in those 11 months when you have to breath, because you're moving around constantly. There are weeks when you play six matches. Travelling also takes its toll on you physically and makes you mentally tired. It is very hard and from time to time you have to stop, even when you have to miss a tournament." Sport and publicity is very profitable for tennis players but it is invading your privacy. "It is very difficult to combine sport, image and publicity without affecting you in some way. It is clear that it's part of our world and you cannot have privacy like a normal person, but in my particular case I always do what I want and when I want. I rarely think if anybody is recording or taking pictures of me. Sometimes it is uncomfortable because I would like them to allow me to relax and stop talking about me and making things up." What is worse: losing a match or losing your temper because of the press rumours? "I hate it when people say things that are not true about me and they are totally without foundation. Nobody likes it when they make up your life. You have to accept that it is part of your life as an elite sportsman but you don't feel comfortable with certain kind of news, although I never lose my temper." If we listen to the rumours aired on the press, you would have more girlfriends than Julio Iglesias? "I have only had four girlfriends in my life but according to the press I've had 400." What do you think about paying €94m to a footballer such as Cristiano Ronaldo who plays with other ten people to obtain a victory? "The world of football features more money and supporters than tennis. This is the big difference. The more popular a sport is, more money matters. Cristiano Ronaldo is the best footballer in the world - or at the very least he is among the three best players. He can play good or bad in some matches, but he is usually the best and that is why he is paid so much. It is a ridiculous amount of money if you think about it, but he is also a player with an amazing image, one who is adored by millions of people. If Florentino Pérez has signed him because he is going to profit from Tshirt sales, friendly matches, merchandising and so on, then I guess it must be a good investment for the club." Do the multinational sport brands dictate the fashion in competitions? "The multinational brands are the ones that set the new trends within the tennis world and they have designers that work especially on it. There are some players - including Nadal, Federer, Serena Williams and some of the other girls - who can choose whatever they like. Serena, for example, designs her own clothes and plays with the clothes she likes." In your case, does Adidas determine what you have to wear? "Adidas tell me what I have to wear and what it is best for the brand." Does this aspect bother you? You seem to follow the fashion. "I don't have many issues regarding this aspect, because I like fashion in general. I buy clothes from many different brands and I like to combine Armani, Gucci and Dolce & Gabanna with more modest brands such as Zara. I love the American brand Abercrombie, especially in summer, as well as the surfer style and the new T-shirt, swimming trunks and short brands. From the Spanish brands I like Custo." What are your goals for 2009? "I'll try to end the year among the world's first eight players to be able to play at the London Masters. I have many challenges for 2010, including being among the first five ATP players." What about beating Nadal? "Beating Nadal is not an obsession or a challenge. For me it's more important to get a final victory in a great tournament, no matter if I beat Nadal, Roddick, Federer, Murray or whoever. I'm not bothered about beating a particular player. I'd rather win important competitions such as the Davis Cup." This interview appears courtesy of Juan Suárez and Diario de Ibiza

¿Se notó mucho la ausencia de Rafa Nadal en ese torneo? "Sí, incluso mucha gente me daba recuerdos para él y le animaban. Rafa, como todo el mundo sabe, es un personaje irremplazable en el mundo del tenis actual y ha sido el número uno del mundo. Los españoles queremos que vuelva lo antes posible". ¿La dureza física de la competición y el número de partidos está pasando factura a los jugadores ahora más que antes? "Siempre ha habido un calendario duro, pero antes los españoles no jugábamos tanto en pista rápidas indoor o en hierba y ahora estamos acostumbrados a jugar en todas las superficies. De hecho Rafa, Ferrer, Tommy Robredo, Feliciano y cualquier jugador español gana partidos en todo tipo de superficies y hace que el calendario sea más duro y más largo. Es un año de torneos sin parar y hay un momento en esos 11 meses que tienes que respirar, porque te desplazas constantemente y hay semanas que juegas seis partidos. Los viajes también desgastan mucho física y mentalmente. Es muy duro y de vez en cuando hay que hacer un parón, aunque te tengas que saltar algún torneo". El binomio deporte-publicidad es muy rentable para los tenistas pero está invadiendo vuestra intimidad. "Es difícil combinar el deporte, la imagen y la publicidad sin que te afecte de alguna manera. Está claro que forma parte de nuestro entorno y que no puedes tener tu intimidad como una persona normal, pero en mi caso particular hago casi siempre lo que quiero y cuando quiero y no pienso si alguien me está grabando o fotografiando. A veces es incómodo porque me gustaría estar más tranquilo y que no me agobien tanto hablando de mí e inventando rumores". ¿Qué es peor, perder un partido o perder los nervios por los rumores del corazón? "Me molesta cuando dicen cosas de mí que no son verdad y no tienen fundamento. A nadie le gusta que inventen su vida. Por una parte has de aceptar que forman parte de tu faceta como deportista de élite pero por otro lado, no te sientes cómodo con cierto tipo de informaciones, aunque no pierdo los nervios por ello". ¿Si hacemos caso a los rumores mediáticos, usted ya tendría más novias adjudicadas que Julio Iglesias? "Sólo he tenido cuatro novias en mi vida y me han salido 400 en la prensa". ¿Qué le parece que se paguen 94m € por un jugador de fútbol como Cristiano Ronaldo que juega, además, con diez más para obtener una victoria? "El mundo del fútbol mueve más dinero y aficionados que el tenis. Eso ya marca la diferencia. Cuanto más popular es un deporte, más mueve su entorno. Cristiano Ronaldo es el mejor jugador de fútbol del mundo o por lo menos está entre los tres mejores. Puede jugar mejor o peor algunos partidos, pero por regularidad es de los mejores y eso se paga. Es una barbaridad de dinero si te pones a pensarlo, pero también es un jugador con una imagen increíble que mueve a millones de personas y si Florentino Pérez lo ha fichado es porque lo va a rentabilizar con camisetas, partidos amistosos y demás, y seguramente supone una buena inversión para el club". ¿La marcas deportivas multinacionales están marcando el dictado de la moda en la competición? "Las multinacionales son las que marcan los nuevos modelos, las tendencias dentro del mundo del tenis y tienen diseñadores que trabajan para ello. Hay algunos jugadores como Nadal, Federer, Serena Williams y otras chicas que pueden elegir lo que quieren. Serena, por ejemplo, diseña su propia ropa y juega con el modelo que le gusta". ¿En su caso, Adidas le marca qué tiene que ponerse para jugar? "Adidas me dice lo que debo ponerme y lo que es mejor para la marca". ¿A usted no le debe molestar este aspecto porque parece que le gusta mucho la ropa y vestir a la última? "No tengo demasiados problemas en ese aspecto, porque en general me gusta la ropa. Compro prendas de muchas marcas y me gusta combinar un Armani, Gucci o Dolce & Gabanna con prendas más normales como las de Zara. Me encanta la marca americana Abercrombie, sobre todo en verano, también el estilo surfero y las nuevas marcas de camisetas, bañadores y bermudas. De las marcas españolas me gusta Custo". ¿Qué objetivos se ha marcado para el año 2009? "Intentaré terminar el año entre los ocho primeros del mundo para jugar el Master de Londres. Para el año 2010 me planteo nuevos retos, entre ellos, estar entre los cinco primeros de la ATP". ¿También ganarle a Nadal? "Ganarle a Rafa no es una obsesión ni un reto. Para mí lo más importante es lograr la victoria final en un gran torneo, ya sea ganando a Rafa, Roddick, Federer, Murray o a quien sea. No me importa el hecho particular de ganar a un jugador, sino lograr competiciones importantes como la Copa Davis".







biza is famed for its gastronomic adventure and huge selection of cuisine, all usually served in magnificent surroundings. However, eating on the island is also well documented for its high cost. So Pacha magazine has taken on the job of tracking down some of the best food on the island that is also among the most reasonably priced. You should put at least one of the restaurants on your to-do-list when visiting Ibiza, if not all of them. Ancient People, Can Caus, Can Pilot, Joanne and Darren's (JD's), Bella Napoli and David's Pizzeria are all places that will neither break the bank nor let you go hungry. They have been recommended for their uniqueness, taste, quality, service and attention to detail. In fact, they are so good that despite not costing the earth, they also attract the rich and famous. So put the right amount of money where your mouth is - and bon appetit.

Ibiza es famosa por su gastronomía y enorme selección de cocina, todo normalmente servido en magníficos entornos. Sin embargo, comer en la isla también es conocido por sus altos costes. Así que la revista Pacha se ha puesto a trabajar para buscar algunos de los mejores restaurantes de la isla que además ofrecen precios muy razonables. Deberías poner al menos uno de estos restaurantes en tu agenda cuando visites Ibiza, por no decir todos. Ancient People, Can Caus, Can Pilot, Joanne y Darren's (JD's), Bella Napoli y David's son todos lugares que no dejarán tu cuenta temblando o te dejarán hambriento. Han sido recomendados por su singularidad, gusto, calidad, servicio y atención al detalle. De hecho, son tan buenos que a pesar de no costarte un ojo de la cara, también atraen a ricos y famosos. Así que reúne la cantidad necesaria de dinero para saciar tu apetito - y buen provecho.



Jo and Darrens Name: Joanne and Darren's (JD's) History: Joanne Scaife and Darren Potter moved to Ibiza from England in 2000 and ran the restaurant for someone else for two years before taking it over themselves in 2003. This is now their sixth summer. The clientele are generally: A mixed crowd of DJs, families, tourists, locals, footballers. Boy George popped in last year and Charlie Chester and Jo Mills are regulars. Surroundings are: Modest and comfortable with a huge TV showing major sporting events. It's situated just 8m from the water's edge, faces Formentera and can hold up to 60 people. Signature dish is: Their fish'n'chips and Sunday roasts. Dining here will cost you: Around €14 for a Sunday roast and a couple of pints. Chef and owner Darren Potter says: "It's a relaxed family atmosphere, great prices, good value. Come and try a Sunday roast before Space. It will set you up for the night."

Nombre: Joanne y Darren's (JD's) Historia: Joanne Scaife y Darren Potter se trasladaron a Ibiza desde Inglaterra en el 2000 y dirigieron el restaurante para otra persona durante dos años antes de tomar las riendas ellos mismos en el 2003. Éste es ahora su sexto verano. La clientela es generalmente: Una mezcla de DJs, familias, turistas, gente local y futbolistas. Boy George vino el año pasado y Charlie Chester y Jo Mills son habituales. El entorno es: Modesto y confortable con una TV enorme desde donde se emiten los eventos deportivos más relevantes. Está situado a 8m del mar, mirando a Formentera y puede dar cabida hasta 60 personas. El plato más popular es: Su pescado con patatas y el asado los domingos. Comer aquí te costará: Unos 14 € para un asado el domingo y un par de pintas de cerveza. El chef y propietario Darren Potter dice: "Hay un ambiente relajado y familiar y buena relación calidadprecio. Ven y prueba el asado antes de ir a Space. Te pondrá a tono para la noche".

Address: El Paseo de Playa d'en Bossa (where the Formentera boats leave). Tel. 971.307.062. Open: 9.30am-12midnight

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Can Caus Name: Can Caus History: The restaurant opened in 1998 by Companatge as a means of displaying the brilliant meat produce - especially goat - from the land they cultivate. The clientele are: Generally relaxed locals and tourists from all over the world who have been recommended to visit or are just passing through on the way to Santa Gertrudis. Surroundings are: Rustic with green plants, very open and spacious. Cutlery and napkins come in a paper envelope. Signature dish is: Meat. They specialise in goat and cook amazing steaks. Also try their delicious goat's cheese and tomato salad. Dining here will cost you: €30 for a starter, main and a couple of drinks. Chef Osualdo Ceranter says: "We cook great meat which is so tasty there is no need for any sauces. We specialise in goats and make anything from goat's cheese salad to goat ribs."

Nombre: Can Caus Historia: El restaurante abrió en 1998 por Companatge como medio para mostrar sus fantásticos productos de carnicería - especialmente cabra - de la tierra que ellos mismos cultivan. La clientela es generalmente: Gente local relajada y turistas de todo el mundo a quien se lo han recomendado o simplemente pasan de camino a Santa Gertrudis. El entorno es: Rústico con plantas verdes, muy abierto y espacioso. La cubertería y las servilletas vienen en un sobre de papel. El plato más popular es: Su carne - se especializan en cabra y preparan unos entrecotes increíbles. Además prueba su deliciosa ensalada de queso de cabra y tomate. Cenar aquí te costará: 30 € para un primero, segundo y un par de bebidas. El chef Osualdo Ceranter dice: "Preparamos una carne excelente que es tan sabrosa que no es necesario ninguna salsa. Nos especializamos en cabra y hacemos de todo desde ensaladas de queso de cabra a costillitas de cabra".

Can Caus, Ctra San Miguel KM 3,5. Santa Gertrudis. Tel: 971.197.516. Open: 12pm-1am (July/August)



Can Pilot Name: Can Pilot History: Opened in 1989 by Carmen and Juan Pilot. The restaurant started off as a small bar. The clientele are generally: A mixture of locals, young people and families. Surroundings are: Typically Ibicencan with a homely feel - think marble tables and comfortable cushioned seats. It is situated next to the road and is candlelit in the evenings. Signature dish is: Iberian-cured ham for starters and ox T-bone steak from Denmark cooked by yourself on small independent barbeques. Meat heaven. Dining here will cost you: €30-40 per person. Chef and owner Juan Pilot says: "This is a place lots of regular people, locals and tourists come to enjoy. We started off very slowly and have steadily built up the business through word of mouth over the years. We pride ourselves on good food and service."

Nombre: Can Pilot Historia: Abierto en 1989 por Carmen y Juan Pilot. El restaurante empezó como un pequeño bar. La clientela es generalmente: Una mezcla de gente local, jóvenes y familias. El entorno es: Típicamente ibicenco con un ambiente muy acogedor - piensa en mesas de mármol y confortables asientos con cojines. Está situado junto a la carretera e iluminado por velas por la noche. El plato más popular es: Jamón Ibérico de primero y chuletón de buey de Dinamarca que lo puedes cocinar tú mismo en pequeñas barbacoas independientes. El paraíso de los carnívoros. Cenar aquí te costará: 30-40 € por persona. El chef y propietario Juan Pilot dice: "Éste es un lugar para clientes habituales, gente local y turistas para que vengan y disfruten. Empezamos muy poco a poco y hemos ido extendiendo el negocio a través del boca a boca durante años. Nos enorgullecemos de buena comida y buen servicio".

Can Pilot, San Rafael. Tel: 971.198.293. Open: 8am-4pm and 8pm-12midnight

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Ancient People Name: Ancient People History: First opened in Playa D'en Bossa as a bar in 2000 and then reopened as a restaurant and bar in Ibiza Town in 2006. The clientele are generally: A young local crowd but also people in the know. Anyone from an 18year-old taking his girlfriend out for a date to a couple who have just stepped out of a Hummer. Surroundings are: Very traveller looking, with cushions on the floor as well as tables. Chilled with Asian drapes and beads. The music is relaxed and there is a strict 'No House' policy. Signature dish is: Chicken Tikka Masala: delicious melt-in-the mouth pieces of chicken in a succulent curry sauce. And the naan breads are huge. Dining here will cost you: €12-16 for a starter, main and drink. Chef and owner Robert Glans says: "It's good Indian food with a nice atmosphere. I like to see people leave satisfied and relaxed."

Nombre: Ancient People Historia: Primero abrió en Playa d'en Bossa como bar en el 2000 y luego reabrió como restaurante en Ibiza ciudad en el 2006. La clientela es generalmente: Gente local joven pero también gente enterada. Cualquiera desde un chico de 18 años que trae a su novia a cenar a una pareja que acaba de apearse de un Hummer. El entorno es: Un lugar con aspecto de viajero, con cojines en el suelo además de mesas. Relajado con telas y cuencas asiáticas. La música es ambiental y hay una política estricta de 'nada de música house'. El plato más popular es: Pollo Tikka Masala: deliciosas y tiernas piezas de pollo en una suculenta salsa de curry. Y el pan naan es súper popular. Cenar aquí te costará: Entre 12-16 € para un primero, segundo y bebida. El chef y propietario Robert Glans dice: "Hay buena comida india y buen ambiente. Me gusta ver a la gente irse satisfecha y relajada".

Ancient People, Avenida España, 32, Ibiza Town. Tel: 971.306.687. Open: 1pm-12midnight




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Davids Name: David's Pizzeria Restaurant History: Fabrice and Nancy Gunillon, from the south of France, opened the restaurant 11 years ago. They came for a holiday in Ibiza, fell in love with Sant Antoni and decided to open a restaurant. The clientele are generally: A completely mixed crowd of young people, clubbers, families and older patrons. Surroundings are: Rustic and wooden with places to sit indoors and out. There is a real buzz in this eatery and a very friendly atmosphere. Signature dish is: Duck with mashed apples and honey and goat's cheese salad - and, of course, David's pizza. Dining here will cost you: €12.5 for the set menu, which is a salad, main, drink, dessert and chupito. Chef and owner Fabrice Gunillon says: "It's a great place to come and enjoy a delicious meal with friends at a good price with a great atmosphere."

Nombre: David's Pizzería Restaurante Historia: Fabrice y Nancy Gunillon, del sur de Francia, abrieron el restaurante hace 11 años. Vinieron de vacaciones a Ibiza, se enamoraron de Sant Antoni y decidieron abrir un restaurante. La clientela es generalmente: una mezcla completa de jóvenes, clubbers, familias y viejos clientes. El entorno es: Rústico y de madera con sitio para sentarse dentro y fuera. En este restaurante siempre hay mucho jolgorio y un ambiente muy agradable. El plato más popular es: Pato con puré de manzana y miel y la ensalada de queso de cabra - y, por supuesto, la pizza David's. Cenar aquí te costará: 12,50 € por un menú, que está compuesto por ensalada, segundo, bebida, postre y chupito. El chef y propietario Fabrice Gunillon dice: "Es un lugar fantástico para venir y disfrutar de una comida deliciosa con amigos a un buen precio y con una atmósfera fantástica".

Restaurante Pizzeria David's, C/Madrid 12, Sant Antoni de Portmany. Tel: 971.340.470. Open: 1pm-12.30am



Bella Napoli Name: Bella Napoli History: Gennaro and Nunzio opened the first two Bella Napoli restaurants in Figueretes and Ibiza Town in 1987. Both are now closed and the owners have been concentrating on bringing their Italian flavour to the port for the last two years. They also own another branch in Playa d'en Bossa. The clientele are generally: Very mixed with many footballers enjoying a sizeable pasta feed, especially Real Madrid players. Although Bella Napoli is in a prime tourist location, they pride themselves on having a raport with the locals, who keep them company during the winter. Surroundings are: Clean, modest and comfortable, with seating both inside and out. Their new grill area means you can watch the chef work on grilling meats and vegetables. Signature dish is: Try their delicious homemade pasta or pizza primavera with buffalo cheese (flown in from Napoli) and Serrano ham. Dining here will cost you: Around â‚Ź20-25 for an appetiser, main meal and glass of wine. Chef Peppe says: "This is an authentic Italian restaurant a place where you can eat proper homemade food as you would in Italy."



Bella Napoli

Nombre: Bella Napoli Historia: Gennaro y Nunzio abrieron los dos primeros restaurantes Bella Napoli en Figueretes e Ibiza ciudad en 1987. Ambos ahora están cerrados y los propietarios se han concentrado en traer el sabor de Italia al puerto durante los dos últimos años. Además poseen otra sucursal en Playa d'en Bossa. La clientela es generalmente: Muy mezclada con muchos futbolistas disfrutando de generosos platos de pasta, especialmente los jugadores del Real Madrid. Aunque Bella Napoli esté en un lugar muy turístico, se enorgullecen de tener una gran cantidad de clientes locales, que les hacen compañía durante el invierno. El entorno es: Limpio, modesto y confortable, con mesas dentro y fuera. Su nueva zona de grill significa que puedes ver al chef preparar carnes y verduras a la parrilla. El plato más popular es: Prueba su deliciosa pasta casera o la pizza primavera con queso de buffala (traído directamente de Nápoles) y jamón serrano. Cenar aquí te costará: Entre 20 y 25 € para un primero, segundo y una copa de vino. El chef Peppe dice: "Éste es un restaurante italiano auténtico, un lugar donde comes verdadera comida casera como lo harías en Italia".

Address: Av. Santa Eulària Des Riu 10, Ibiza. Tel. 971.310.105. Open: Daily 12pm-2am

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"We Were all running aWay from the establishment, from money, from grandeur, from poWer, from the police. We got here and then they all caught up With us." - John moon

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ometimes fate delivers a strange symmetry. An assortment of events, forces and processes come together in a way that nobody would wish, but in retrospect feel almost as if they were meant to happen. So it's been with Bambuddha Grove and the three moons in its orbit. Its founder and guiding spirit John Moon is a reluctant businessman, although perhaps not quite as unwilling as he sometimes makes out. He first came to Ibiza in 1974, then just another stop on the global hippy trail. "We were all running away from the establishment, from money, from grandeur, from power, from the police," he laughs. "We got here and then they all caught up with us. They all came after us, the power and the Rolexes and the cars - all the stuff that we weren't interested in. Well, except for me - I had a V12 Jaguar. I wasn't the real thing," he deadpans. It took him another 25 years, aged 55, to start what became Bambuddha Grove. Ibiza's nightlife may not be ageist, but it requires vigour and stamina from its hosts. Many far younger people have fallen by the wayside, worn-out by the 24-hour party lifestyle. The Buddha Bar, as it was then called, was in the middle of nowhere, on the Sant Joan road halfway between Ibiza Town and Santa Eulària. This was long before dining destinations such as Aura, Ocho and Cicale were stops on what's become Ibiza's culinary superhighway. Moon's many friends thought he was crazy to try and drag people there.

A veces el destino nos depara una extraña simetría. Una serie de eventos, fuerzas y procesos que se unen de una forma que nadie desea, pero en retrospectiva es como si éstos tuvieran que ocurrir. Así ha sido con Bambuddha Grove y las tres lunas (Moons) en su órbita. Su fundador y espíritu John Moon es un hombre de negocios reacio, aunque quizá un poco más dispuesto de lo que quiere aparentar. Primero llegó a Ibiza en 1974, entonces era otra parada en la ruta hippy mundial. "Todos nos alejábamos corriendo de lo establecido, del dinero, de la grandeza, del poder, de la policía. Llegamos aquí y entonces todos nos alcanzaron. Todos nos siguieron, el poder y los Rolex y los coches todo aquello en lo que no estábamos interesados. Bien - excepto yo que tenía un Jaguar V12. Yo no era de los de verdad", dice sin ninguna expresión en el rostro. Le llevó otros 25 años, a la edad de 55, empezar lo que es ahora Bambuddha Grove. La noche de Ibiza puede que no tenga edad, pero requiere vigor y energía de sus anfitriones. Mucha gente mucho más joven ha abandonado, cansados del estilo de vida de 24 horas de fiesta. El Buddha Bar, como se llamaba entonces, estaba en medio de ninguna parte, en la carretera de Sant Joan a medio camino entre Ibiza ciudad y Santa Eulària. Esto fue mucho antes de que restaurantes como Aura, Ocho y Cicale fueran paradas en lo que ahora se ha convertido en la carretera culinaria de Ibiza. Muchos de los amigos de Moon pensaron que estaba loco al intentar arrastrar a la gente allí.

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"I lost my abIlIty to walk. I gaIned a lot of thIngs as well. I feel a lot more mature than I was. I feel wakIng up In the mornIng, It's really nIce. It's a whole dIfferent IbIza". - Jon Jon moon They continued to question his sanity as his construction plans became ever more grandiose, plans that culminated in the importation of an authentic Balinese Banjak with attendant workers to reconstruct it as a spectacular restaurant. And still it grew. With shops and lounge bars, Bambuddha Grove started to issue maps for visitors to find their way round its labyrinthine routes. The resulting apparently chaotic confusion of Asian and Ibizan architecture and decor was beautiful and memorable, but it was the parties that were legendary. No A-Lister could visit the island without eating under the enormous chandelier before dancing next to walls covered with glowing paintings modelled on explicit ancient erotic Indian temple carvings. In every way it seemed that Moon had created a stunning culinary, aesthetic and social success. But there was a price to pay. For the host with the most there's often a fine line between affability and abuse. Financially things weren't as rosy as they seemed either. That was until nearly three years ago when Moon stopped indulging in excesses. At the same time he brought in Cesar Salvador to help ("either accountant or manager, I'm not quite sure"). Moon says he tries to "activate dreams" while Salvador makes them a reality. "He put the numbers to those dreams." Between them they turned the business round. Costs were controlled, staffing was stabilised and the food became reliably good. Both Moon and Bambuddha Grove were healthy. The biggest question was: what next?

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Continuaron cuestionando su salud mental cuando sus planes de construcción pasaron a ser aún más grandiosos, planes que culminaron en la importación de un auténtico Banjac balinés con trabajadores de Bali incluidos para transformarlo en un restaurante espectacular. Y todavía siguió creciendo. Con tiendas y bares lounge, Bambuddha Grove empezó a repartir mapas para que los visitantes encontraran su camino a través de rutas laberínticas. La resultante confusión caótica aparente de arquitectura asiática e ibicenca y decoración es preciosa y memorable, pero fueron las fiestas que lo han hecho legendario. Ningún personaje de la A-list podía visitar la isla sin comer bajo una enorme lámpara de araña antes de bailar junto a unos muros cubiertos por pinturas brillantes modeladas en estatuas de templos indios con imágenes eróticas explícitas. Parecía que Moon había creado un éxito culinario, estético y social. Pero había un precio que pagar. Para la mayoría de los anfitriones a menudo hay una pequeña frontera entre la afabilidad y el abuso. Económicamente las cosas no eran lo que aparentaban. Eso fue hasta hace tres años cuando Moon dejó de sucumbir en los excesos. Al mismo tiempo que trajo a César Salvador para que le ayudara ("contable o manager, no estoy muy seguro"). Moon dice que intenta "activar sus sueños" mientras Salvador los hace realidad. "Puso cifras a esos sueños". Entre ambos transformaron totalmente el negocio. Se controlaron los costes, se estableció el personal y la comida empezó a ser siempre buena. Ambos, Moon y Bambuddha, estaban sanos. La gran cuestión era: ¿y ahora qué?


"He perdido mi Habilidad de caminar. pero He ganado mucHas otras cosas. aHora me siento mucHo más maduro de lo que era. despertarme por la mañana es un sentimiento muy agradable. es una ibiza totalmente diferente". - Jon Jon moon Approaching the age that most people retire, Moon had two apparent choices. He could either sell the business he had lovingly built up or he could hand it on to one of his children. Obviously keeping his legacy in the family was more attractive, but it didn't seem that practical. Sasha, the Ibiza It girl, appeared every bit as footloose as her father while son Jon Jon was on the verge of an inverted act of rebellion as he prepared to start a degree in business and finance at Oxford Brooke University in England. The restaurant was just a summer job. Then in the early hours of July 13 last year everything changed. That night, Bambuddha Grove had been hosting a 21st birthday party for one of the international horse-racing dynasty, the Sangster family. After closing up Moon had gone to bed, leaving Jon Jon to drive the last of the staff home. At around 5am, as Moon was falling asleep, he received a call from one of the Sangsters' drivers. "He said, 'You'd better come. Your son's had a bad accident.' I got there and, oh, what a mess. The car was all over the road. The first thing Jon Jon said to me was, 'Dad I can't move my legs'." A year later it's obviously still painful for Moon to tell the story, remembering how he watched his son being cut from the tangled remains of the car. Jon Jon has no recollection of the events at all. "He's so lucky to be alive," says Moon, "lucky to have lived out of that one and lucky not to have severed a vertebrae higher because that would have meant paralysis of the arms and lucky a lot of it's healed. He's able to move legs, but he can't walk yet." This is where fate's strange symmetry comes in. The accident gave Moon the opportunity to retire, leaving a successor and a purpose for Jon Jon. Nobody would have wanted it to happen this way, but the fit seems perfect. It would not, however, be possible without Jon Jon's amazingly positive outlook. Jon Jon is now at John's old desk at Bambuddha Grove. This is part of his dad's "trial retirement", which entails moving to another office, coming in later and paying less attention to the figures which probably isn't too much of a privation for him. Whether he really does take his hands off the tiller remains to be seen. At the moment Jon Jon is in the restaurant during the afternoon and evening. Every morning he has three hours of physiotherapy. The hours are a contrast with the island lifestyle, a juxtaposition many would find hard to deal with. "I get up when people are still partying or going home from partying. Seven in the morning. It's nice, it's fresh," he says. "I lost my ability to walk. I gained a lot of things as well. I feel a lot more mature than I was. I feel waking up in the morning, it's really nice. It's a whole different Ibiza." "Jon Jon's such an inspiration," says his sister Sasha. "I've never heard him complain once. He's living with my dad for the first time and they seem to be getting on really well together. Our relationship's better than it's ever been. It's brought everyone together." Jon Jon thinks carefully before tentatively proposing changes to Bambuddha Grove. But he has grand schemes. "If the right opportunity came along we could look at expansion into something like Atzaro would be good. I think our brand's strong enough." There's no paternal objection to these ideas, but some of Jon Jon's other ambitions meet with a little less enthusiasm. "The organisation and management of Bambuddha is good now so I don't think it would be too difficult to expand internationally. Because of the number of tourists who come here word about our reputation travels quickly. "As my dad says, because of the short season it's like starting a new business every year. So we've started ten new businesses already. Why not try it somewhere else?"

Acercándose a la edad en la que la mayoría se jubila, Moon tenía dos elecciones aparentes. O bien podía vender el negocio que había construido con tanto cariño o se lo podía ceder a uno de sus hijos. Obviamente mantener su legado en la familia era más atractivo, pero no parecía ser muy práctico. Sasha, la chica It de Ibiza, andaba con rienda suelta al igual que su padre mientras que Jon Jon estaba a punto de revelarse cuando se preparaba para empezar una carrera de empresariales y económicas en la Universidad de Brooke en Oxford, Inglaterra. Trabajaba en el restaurante durante el verano. Entonces a primera hora del 13 de julio del año pasado todo cambió. Esa noche, Bambuddha Grove había celebrado la fiesta para el 21º cumpleaños de uno de los herederos de la dinastía internacional de la hípica, la familia Sangster. Después de cerrar Moon se había ido a la cama, dejando a Jon Jon llevar al último miembro del personal a casa. Alrededor de las 5am, cuando Moon estaba a punto de dormirse, recibió una llamada de uno de los conductores de los Sangsters. "Dijo, 'Será mejor que vengas. Tu hijo ha tenido un accidente muy grave'. Llegué allí y vaya desastre. El coche estaba destrozado por toda la carretera. Lo primero que Jon Jon me dijo fue, 'Papá, no puedo mover las piernas'". Un año después es obviamente doloroso para Moon contar la historia, recordar cómo vio que sacaban a su hijo de los restos del coche. Jon Jon no recuerda nada del suceso. "Tiene tanta suerte de seguir con vida", dice Moon, "suerte de haber salido con vida de ésa y suerte de no haberse dañado la columna más arriba porque eso habría significado parálisis en los brazos y suerte de que se haya curado en su mayoría. Puede mover las piernas, pero todavía no puede caminar". Aquí es donde entra lo de la extraña simetría del destino. El accidente ha dado la oportunidad a Moon de jubilarse, dejando un sucesor y una meta para Jon Jon. Nadie habría querido que ocurriera así, pero el ajuste parece perfecto. No sería posible, sin embargo, sin el punto de vista increíblemente positivo de Jon Jon. Jon Jon está ahora en el viejo escritorio de John en Bambuddha Grove. Esto es parte de la "jubilación de prueba" de su padre, que consiste en trasladarse a otra oficina, llegar tarde y prestar menos atención a las cifras, cosa que probablemente no supone demasiada privación para él. Todavía queda por ver si mantiene las manos apartadas del timón. Por el momento Jon Jon está en el restaurante por la tarde y noche. Cada mañana tiene tres horas de fisioterapia. Las horas son un contraste al estilo de vida de la isla, una yuxtaposición que muchos podrían encontrar dura. "Me levanto cuando muchos todavía están de fiesta o se van a casa después de la fiesta. A las siete de la mañana. Es agradable, es refrescante", dice. "He perdido mi habilidad de caminar. Pero he ganado muchas otras cosas. Ahora me siento mucho más maduro de lo que era. Despertarme por la mañana es un sentimiento muy agradable. Es una Ibiza totalmente diferente". "Jon Jon es una inspiración", dice su hermana Sasha. "No le he oído quejarse ni una sola vez. Vive con mi padre por primera vez y parece que se llevan muy bien. Nuestra relación es mejor de lo que ha sido nunca. Ha hecho que todos estemos mucho más unidos". Jon Jon piensa con cuidado antes de proponer cambios para Bambuddha Grove. Pero tiene grandes planes. "Si se presenta la oportunidad adecuada podríamos expandir y convertirnos en algo como Atzaró. Creo que nuestra marca es lo suficientemente fuerte". El padre no tiene ninguna objeción en cuanto a estas ideas, pero algunas de las otras ambiciones de Jon Jon son recibidas con menos entusiasmo. "La organización y dirección de Bambuddha ahora es buena, así que creo que no sería difícil expandirse internacionalmente. Porque por el número de turistas que vienen aquí, la voz se corre rápido. "Como dice mi padre, porque la temporada es corta es como empezar un nuevo negocio cada año. Así que ya hemos empezado diez nuevas empresas. ¿Por qué no probar hacerlo en otro lugar?"

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"Todos nos alejábamos corriendo de lo esTablecido, del dinero, de la grandeza, del poder, de la policía. llegamos aquí y enTonces Todos nos alcanzaron. Todos nos siguieron, el poder y los rolex y los coches - Todo aquello en lo que no esTábamos inTeresados. bien - excepTo yo - que Tenía un jaguar V12". - john moon It's at this point in the discussion that it becomes clear that letting go might not be that easy for Moon. "To be off the island is a big step," he says, before muttering that it's not up to him. It also appears that this is not the first time overseas expansion has come up as a family discussion. Later, Sasha says: "I have a lot of faith in Bambuddha and we've had a lot of franchise offers in the past. If I could choose to franchise anywhere it would be Los Angeles. It's got that same vibe and they love Asian food." She lived in the city for a year during her short-lived marriage to DJ/producer Adam Freeland. This summer Sasha has launched her own business, Virgin Market, in Carrer de la Verge, a street in the midst of reinvention. Formerly wall-towall gayville, now a string of straight-friendly restaurants, art galleries and boutiques are taking over many of the leases, with Sasha and her business partner Barbara Boner leading the way. Upstairs is a breathtakingly bright and airy space filled with vintage pieces, Sasha's Asian-made designs and Barbara's Italian-manufactured leather bags and floaty frocks. Downstairs is a compact art space. It's not hard to see the venture as a sort of distant cousin to Bambuddha, which may be where Sasha's heart really is. She already claims some credit for, among other things, its tantric sex shop which she says was a joint idea with her father. She's also worked in every other part of the business. "If my dad genuinely does step down I'd really like to get involved in Bambuddha. Me and my brother are really good friends, you know. I'd love to work with him. The great thing is we're good at different things. "I like the public relations side more. Most of the people who come in to the restaurant I know. I used to live there and I'd like to work on the creative side, whether it's designing the furniture or the decor or the clothing for the shop." The problem is she's too similar to her father, a fact they both accept. Jon Jon is quieter, more thoughtful and takes his time before jumping into a conversation. Sasha's more a reflection of Ibiza, the island where she's spent most of her life. Her brother's accent still reveals his Netherlands upbringing. Together the siblings could make a formidable combination. At the moment it's clear that Jon Jon is the one who knows where he is going. "I've got two things to focus on: walking and working. I may not be going to university, but Bambuddha's my university now." Moon is more ambivalent. "I just want to return a bit to the Buddhistpirate lifestyle I used to have, but a little older. I want to go where the wind blows, to do the sort of things during the summer that I haven't been able to do in the past. To go to the Alps, go to the Himalayas or even go to England." Bambuddha Grove: 'Blacksheep Tribe Volume 6' is out now Bambuddha Grove. Tel: 971.197.510.

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Es en este momento de la discusión nos damos cuenta de que no va a ser fácil para Moon dejar el negocio. "Salir de la isla es un gran paso", dice, antes de murmurar que no depende de él. También parece que ésta no es la primera vez que el tema de la expansión internacional se discute entre la familia. Después, Sasha dice: "Tengo mucha fe en Bambuddha y hemos tenido muchas ofertas de franquicia en el pasado. Si pudiera elegir un sitio para abrir una franquicia sería en Los Ángeles. Tiene un ambiente similar y les encanta la comida asiática". Vivió en la ciudad durante un año durante su corto matrimonio con el DJ/productor Adam Freeland. Este verano Sasha ha abierto su propio negocio, Virgin Market, en Carrer de la Verge, una calle que está viviendo su reinvención. Antiguamente los locales gay iban puerta con puerta, ahora una serie de restaurantes, galerías de arte y boutiques para todos los sexos están tomando las riendas de muchos alquileres, con Sasha y su socia Barbara Boner liderando el camino. En el piso de arriba hay un espacio aireado y claro lleno de piezas vintage, diseños de Sasha fabricados en Asia y bolsos de piel y vaporosos vestidos fabricados en Italia por Barbara Boner. Abajo hay un espacio compacto de arte. No es difícil darse cuenta de que la aventura es una especie de primo lejano de Bambuddha, que podría ser donde realmente yace el corazón de Sasha. Ya se atribuye un poco del éxito, de entre otras cosas, la tienda de sexo tántrico que dice que fue una idea creada conjuntamente con su padre. Además también ha trabajado en otra parte del negocio. "Si mi padre genuinamente se jubila entonces realmente me gustaría involucrarme en Bambuddha. Mi hermano y yo somos muy buenos amigos, ya sabes. Me encantaría trabajar con él. Lo bueno es que somos buenos en aspectos diferentes". "A mí me gusta más el lado de las relaciones públicas. Conozco a la mayoría de gente que viene al restaurante. Solía vivir allí y me gustaría trabajar en la faceta creativa, ya sea en el diseño del mobiliario o la decoración o la ropa para la tienda". El problema es que es demasiado similar a su padre, un hecho que ambos admiten. Jon Jon es más tranquilo, más pensativo y se toma su tiempo antes de entrar en la conversación. Sasha es más un reflejo de Ibiza, la isla donde ha pasado mayor parte de su vida. El acento de su hermano todavía revela su educación en los Países Bajos. Ambos hermanos podrían formar una combinación formidable. En este momento está claro que Jon Jon es el que sabe adónde va. "Tengo que centrarme en dos cosas: caminar y trabajar. Quizá no vaya a la universidad, pero ahora Bambuddha es mi universidad". Moon es más ambivalente. "Sólo quiero regresar un poco a mi estilo de vida budista-pirata que solía tener, pero siendo un poco más viejo. Quiero ir donde el viento me lleve, para hacer el tipo de cosas durante el verano que no he podido hacer en el pasado. Ir a los Alpes, a los Himalayas o incluso a Inglaterra".

F * * * M E I ' M FA M O U S / D AV I D G U E T TA

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F * * * M E I ' M FA M O U S / D AV I D G U E T TA

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F * * * M E I ' M FA M O U S / D AV I D G U E T TA

"[DaviD] DiD something specific to 'When Love takes over' - it has so much emotion in it anD so much passion anD so much Life. it sent me to tears." - keLLy roWLanD


avid Guetta sits in a windowless conference room on a blustery day in downtown New York. It's 8pm and he's just wrapped an onair appearance for the city's biggest dance radio station, WKTU, capping off a two-week whirlwind that has taken him on a crisscrossing journey around the globe. First there was Luxembourg for a DJ gig, then to Los Angeles to shoot the video for his Number One single with Destiny's Child star Kelly Rowland, 'When Love Takes Over', already the hit of the summer and, if buzz is any indicator, the beginning of his crossover career as a pop star. Then it was to Egypt for another gig before heading back to the US for a quick three-city club tour and promotional appearances like this one. Now he's about to head to the airport for another long red eye, back home, finally, to France. But if he's exhausted, he doesn't let on. With a smile as wide as the one he beams from the DJ booth, and eyes just as bright, he tells his story with all of his usual gusto. "A lot of DJs try to make a statement to other DJs and that's not what I do," he says, sitting forward in his chair. "I'm trying to have a party with the people. And when I make my music, I make songs. That's not because I want to speak to more people, but because I love songs. I love music, I love notes, I love harmonies. So for me, just a kick and a bassline is not enough." No one would ever question Guetta's talent. The DJ/producer hit the international scene with tracks such as 'Just A Little More Love', 'Love Don't Let Me Go' and 'Love Is Gone', all instant dancefloor anthems that expertly combined elements of American rock, French house and minimal electro, all wrapped up in the universal appeal of great pop music. And they wouldn't doubt that he's a promotional genius. F*** Me I'm Famous, his legendary Thursday night Pacha soiree with wife Cathy, caught fire in Ibiza and is now an international institution. It's also the biggest party at Miami's Winter Music Conference, a compilation series, an acronym and a lifestyle. Guetta has DJed in every corner of the world, graced every magazine cover (including this one, an unprecedented two times), and set attendance records in the toughest of markets - including at Pacha New York. But ask people in the business of music, clubs or media, and they'll tell you that he's conquering the world not through unnatural brilliance or savvy; rather, it's good old-fashioned hard work. And an effusive, honest charm that works its magic on clubbers and celebrities alike. "I just fell in love with David," says Kelly Rowland, who hopes to have him produce her next solo album. "His spirit, his aura, everything. He was just so cool." The relationships he's forged from the booth have brought Guetta from DJ superstardom to the brink of something much greater: an international pop career, with a strong footing in America. His fourth artist album, as yet untitled but slated for worldwide release on EMI in August, is packed with high-profile collaborations - including Rowland, Black Eyed Peas', and R&B sensation Ne-Yo - most of which were first inspired by a dancefloor connection. "We met in the south of France," says Rowland. "[Beyonce's sister] Solange and I were listening to David's record and were like, oh my God, this is such a hot sound. I remember a friend of mine saying that he was going to be at La Palais that night and I was like, really? I wanted to get a chance to meet him." "Kelly had no idea about my world," says Guetta, "and I had no idea about hers, but we both love music, and we're moved by music if it's good, no matter what genre." Guetta played some of his new tracks for his new friend, one of which was the basis for what would become 'When Love Takes Over'. "When he played that, it was just like, I don't know what happened," says Rowland. "I always tell him, you did something specific to this, because it has so much emotion in it and so much passion and so much life. It sent me to tears to be quite honest with you. And I just remember feeling like I wanted to do something to this track. He was like, you really like it? And I was like, I love it."

David Guetta se sienta en una sala de conferencias sin ventanas en un borrascoso día en el centro de Nueva York. Son las 8pm y se ha envuelto de un halo radiofónico para una de las estaciones de radio más grandes de la ciudad, WKTU, poniendo fin a dos agitadísimas semanas que le han llevado en un trayecto entrecruzado por todo el mundo. Primero estuvo en Luxemburgo para un evento como DJ, luego Los Ángeles para rodar un vídeo para su nuevo single 'When Love Takes Over' con la estrella de Destiny's Child, Kelly Rowland, que ya es el éxito del verano y, si el rumor es un indicador, el principio de su carrera como estrella del pop. Entonces estuvo en Egipto para otro evento antes de regresar a los EE.UU. para una gira rápida por tres clubes y apariciones promocionales como ésta. Ahora está a punto de ir al aeropuerto para otro largo viaje, pero esta vez de vuelta a casa, Francia. Pero si está agotado, no lo parece. Con una sonrisa tan amplia como la que brilla desde la cabina de DJ, y unos ojos igual de brillantes, nos cuenta la historia con su entusiasmo habitual. "Muchos DJs intentan mostrase de cierta forma ante otros DJs y eso no es lo que hago", dice, apoyándose en el respaldo de su silla. "Intento crear una fiesta con la gente. Y cuando hago mi música, hago canciones. No es porque quiera abarcar a más gente, sino porque me encantan las canciones. Me encanta la música, me encantan las notas, me encantan las armonías. Así que para mí, un simple kick y un bassline no son suficiente". Nadie cuestionaría nunca el talento de Guetta. El DJ/productor llegó a la escena internacional con temas como 'Just A Little More Love', 'Love Don't Let Me Go' y 'Love Is Gone', todos grandes éxitos instantáneos en las pistas de baile que expertamente combinaban elementos del rock americano, house francés y minimal electro, todo envuelto de un atractivo universal de buena música pop. Y no dudarían que es un genio promocional. F*** Me I'm Famous, su legendaria noche de jueves en Pacha con su mujer Cathy, prendió llama en Ibiza y ahora es una institución internacional. Además es la fiesta más grande de Miami en la Winter Music Conference, una serie de recopilatorios, un acrónimo y un estilo de vida. Guetta ha pinchado en todos los rincones del mundo, salido en todas las portadas de revista (incluyendo en ésta dos veces, algo inaudito), y batido records de asistencia en los mercados más duros - incluyendo Pacha Nueva York. Pero pregunta a la gente en la industria musical, clubes o medios, y te dirán que está conquistando el mundo no a través de genio innato o inteligencia; más bien, debido a su trabajo duro. Y un encanto efusivo y honesto que funciona con los clubbers y celebridades por igual. "Me enamoré de David", dice Kelly Rowland, quien espera que produzca su próximo álbum en solitario. "Su espíritu, su aura, todo. Es simplemente genial". La relación que se ha forjado entre ambos ha llevado a Guetta del súper estrellato de DJ al inicio de algo mucho más grande: una carrera pop internacional, con un pie firme en EE.UU. Su cuarto álbum artístico, todavía por titular pero que será publicado internacionalmente con EMI en agosto, está cargado de colaboraciones con grandes artistas - incluyendo Rowland, de los Black Eyed Peas, y Ne-Yo, la sensación del R&B - la mayoría de las cuales fueron inspiradas primero por una conexión con la pista de baile. "Nos conocimos en el sur de Francia", dice Rowland. Solange [la hermana de Beyonce] y yo estábamos escuchando el disco de David y pensamos, Dios mío, este sonido es muy caliente. Recuerdo que un amigo mío dijo que iba a estar en La Palais esa noche y yo pensé, ¿de verdad? Quería tener la oportunidad de conocerle". "Kelly no tenía ni idea de mi mundo", dice Guetta, " y yo no tenía ni idea del suyo, pero a ambos nos encanta la música, y nos mueve la música si ésta es buena, sin importar el género". Guetta pinchó algunos de sus temas nuevos para su nueva amiga, uno de ellos era la base de lo que se convertiría en 'What Love Takes Over'. "Cuando lo pinchó, no sé lo que ocurrió", dice Rowland. "Siempre le digo, hiciste algo específico con esto, porque tiene tanta emoción, tanta pasión y tanta vida. Si te digo la verdad, me hizo llorar. Y recuerdo sentir que quería hacer algo con este tema. Él me preguntaba, ¿realmente te gusta? Y yo le decía que sí, que me encantaba."

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"Kelly [Rowland] had no idea about my woRld and i had no idea about heRs, but we both love music, and we'Re moved by music if it's good, no matteR what genRe." - david guetta

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"Kelly [Rowland] no tenía ni idea de mi mundo y yo no tenía ni idea del suyo, peRo a ambos nos encanta la música, y nos mueve la música si ésta es buena, sin impoRtaR el géneRo". - david guetta So Rowland took it back to London, holed up in a hotel room with Australian songwriters Mim and Liv and wrote the final song - an anthemic, ecstatic expression of romantic love - in a mere two hours. For Guetta, collaborating with American artists is utterly natural. "My musical culture comes from America, so even though I was born and raised in Paris, all my roots are from American music," he says. "[My next album] is very exciting because it's exactly in the middle of that European culture and American culture. It's those electronic crazy beats, but with those fantastic urban singers and hip-hop artists." Ne-Yo, who some might call an heir apparent to Michael Jackson's throne, just happened to pass through the studio one day while Guetta was working with Rowland. "He was just coming to say hello and to support Kelly, but he asked if I had some other beats," says Guetta. "I had only one other beat and it wasn't even finished. I had no harmony. It was just a bassline and a beat and this guy starts improvising. I was like, I cannot believe where he's going with that. He's a genius songwriter." Also on the album: Black Eyed Peas leader The production guru phoned up Guetta himself to invite him to produce 'I Gotta Feeling', the band's follow-up to smash 'Boom Boom Pow'. "Pacha is that magic place where everybody goes," says Guetta "When called me because he wanted me to produce some songs, I said, 'I will, but do you know who I am, do you remember?' And he was like, 'What do you mean?'. And I told him when I was playing at Pacha one night that he came into the DJ booth and we jammed together. And he was like, 'Oh my God, that was you! I did not know that was you!' He didn't make the connection. For him it was just a DJ from Pacha. "But that is the magic of Pacha. He came to the DJ booth to say hello, he took the mic and we just jammed forever. It was so good. It was magic. And this is the kind of magic you get in Ibiza, because everybody is just there to have a good time." Guetta and Rowland debuted 'When Love Takes Over' for the throng at Miami's Ultra Music Festival in March and have teamed up to bring it all over the globe since. There were a string of club performances in Eastern Europe and a full-scale video shoot in Los Angeles - a seaside party that ends with Rowland and Guetta serenading a beach full of lovers. Rowland even performed a confident acoustic version during BBC Radio 1's Big Weekend, showing the strength of the song and the singer. "David knows what people love to feel when they're on a dancefloor," says Rowland. "He knows how to take them up and keep taking them higher. When they're on a dancefloor they trust him, and I trust him. When I'm singing this song, it's a newfound freedom, and I appreciate and thank him for that." The next and most natural stop was Ibiza - a place Rowland had never visited before. "David always told me about how much energy Ibiza has and my first show at Pacha was incredible," she says. For Rowland, the track represents a new sound, a way to define herself in a crowded urban pop landscape. For Guetta, it's the realisation of a dream - one that started in Ibiza. "We have a cartoon in France about when the Romans were invading France, and only that little village was resisting. This is how I feel about Ibiza, it's that little village, where DJs are bigger than celebrities," he says. "But the village is getting bigger now, and that culture is really crossing over, and that's always what I wanted. Underground music is very important, and I take my inspiration from the underground scene, but I always wanted to share that with more people. And that's what I'm doing right now. I'm so happy."

Así que Rowland se lo llevó a Londres, se encerró en una habitación de hotel con las compositoras Mim y Liv y escribieron la canción - una expresión de amor romántico extasiado - en tan sólo dos horas. Para Guetta, colaborar con artistas americanos es totalmente natural. "Mi cultura musical viene de la música de EE.UU.", dice. "[Mi próximo álbum] es muy emocionante porque está exactamente en el centro entre las culturas europea y americana. Son esos ritmos locos electrónicos, pero con aquellos fantásticos cantantes urbanos y artistas de hip-hop". Ne-Yo, a quien algunos describen como el heredero al trono de Michael Jackson, pasaba por el estudio por casualidad un día cuando Guetta estaba trabajando con Rowland. "Simplemente venía a decir hola y a apoyar a Kelly, pero preguntó si tenía otros ritmos", dice Guetta. "Sólo tenía otro ritmo y no estaba ni siquiera acabado. No tenía armonía. Era simplemente un bassline y un ritmo y el tío empezó a improvisar. Yo pensé, no puedo creer adonde está llegando con eso. Es un genio de compositor". Además en el álbum está, el líder de Black Eyed Peas. El gurú de la producción llamó a Guetta para invitarle a producir 'I Gotta Feeling', la segunda parte del gran éxito de la banda 'Boom Boom Pow'. "Pacha es ese lugar mágico donde todo el mundo va", dice Guetta. "Cuando me llamó porque quería producir algunas canciones yo le pregunté, 'Lo haré, pero ¿sabes quién soy? ¿me recuerdas?' Y él me dijo, '¿A qué te refieres?'. Y le dije que cuando estaba pinchando en Pacha una noche se acercó a la cabina de DJ y cantamos juntos. Y me dijo, '¡O Dios mío, ése eras tú! ¡No sabía que eras tú!' No había hecho la conexión. Para él era simplemente un DJ de Pacha. "Pero ésa es la magia de Pacha. Vino a la cabina a decir hola, cogió el micro y cantamos juntos. Fue tan bueno. Fue mágico. Y ése es el tipo de magia que encuentras en Ibiza, porque todo el mundo está allí para pasárselo bien". Guetta y Rowland estrenaron 'When Love Takes Over' ante las masas en el Ultra Music Festival en Miami en marzo y se han unido para llevarlo por todo el mundo. Hubo una serie de actuaciones de club en Europa del Este y se rodó un vídeo en Los Ángeles - una fiesta en la playa que acaba con Rowland y Guetta cantando una serenata ante una playa llena de amantes. Rowland incluso cantó una versión acústica durante el Big Weekend de BBC Radio 1, mostrando la fuerza de la canción y la cantante. "David sabe lo que quiere sentir la gente cuando está en la pista de baile", dice Rowland. "Sabe como llevarlos alto y mantenerlos aún más alto. Cuando están en la pista de baile confían en él, y yo también confío en él. Cuando canto esta canción, es una libertad nuevamente encontrada, y le aprecio y se lo agradezco por ello". La próxima parada y la más natural es Ibiza - un lugar que Rowland no ha visitado antes. "David siempre me habla de la mucha energía que tiene Ibiza y realmente quiero ir", dice. Para Rowland, el tema representa un nuevo sonido, una forma de definirse en un paisaje abarrotado de urban pop. Para Guetta, es la realización de su sueño - uno que empezó en Ibiza. "Pero el pueblo es cada vez más grande, y esa cultura realmente está cruzando fronteras, y eso es lo que siempre he querido. La música underground es muy importante, y me inspiro en la escena underground, pero siempre he querido compartirlo con más gente. Y eso es lo que estoy haciendo ahora mismo. Estoy tan contento".

David Guetta's new album is out August 24 on Virgin France / EMI worldwide. /

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DAVID GUETTA ON INTERNATIONAL CHART SUCCESS "We have a Number One record in the UK, in China, in Switzerland - it feels very good! What we're doing is making music known to the public and what's even more exciting is that people in the US tell us there is no scene in America, that it's only for people on drugs or at raves. But I just played in Los Angeles at the Colisseum and there were 110,000 people there and this is the city of hip-hop and rock. The way I feel is this: there was a big smokescreen and all the media was saying what exists doesn't exist. And it's happening everywhere! What's been surprising? I guess it's all about the whole music industry in America. 'Love Is Gone' was very big but on a club level rather than mainstream. It's unique and I'm so happy. And not only to have Number Ones - my album is out end of August. Kid Cudi, Akon and Estelle are so talented. I'm living in the moment. I've produced tracks for Akon and Estelle and done a bit with Usher and P Diddy but it's also having the opportunity to work with such talented artists. And I'm in the studio with other DJs I really like, such as Laidback Luke and Dirty South. I love making music with people but more than anything I like to share my passion with other people." DAVID GUETTA SOBRE SU ÉXITO EN LAS LISTAS INTERNACIONALES "Tenemos un récord en el Número Uno en el Reino Unido, en China, en Suiza - ¡es fantástico! Lo que hacemos es música conocida para el público y lo que es más emocionante es que la gente en los EE.UU. nos dice que no hay escena en América, eso es sólo para la gente que toma drogas o las raves. Acabo de pinchar en Los Ángeles en el Colisseum y había 110.000 personas y esto en la ciudad del hip hop y el rock. Siento que había una gran pantalla de humo y todos los medios decían que lo que sí existía no existía. ¡Y está ocurriendo en todas partes! ¿Qué es lo más sorprendente? Supongo que todo lo relacionado con la industria musical en América. 'Love Is Gone' fue muy grande a nivel de club en vez de comercialmente. Es único y estoy muy contento. Y no sólo de tener Números Uno - mi álbum sale a finales de agosto. Kid Cudi, Akon y Estelle tienen tanto talento. Estoy viviendo el momento. He producido temas para Akon y Estelle y hecho algo con Usher y Puff Daddy, es fantástico tener la oportunidad de trabajar con gente con tanto talento. Y estoy en el estudio con otros DJs que realmente me gustan, como Laidback Luke y Dirty South. Me encanta producir música con otra gente, me gusta compartir mi pasión con ellos".

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DAVID GUETTA ON LIVING IT UP WITH BLACK EYED PEAS "Black Eyed Peas had a night off so they flew to Ibiza and we had so much fun. It was Will, Apple and another guy called Poet who is a producer. Fergie wasn't there - she doesn't go out - so they took a plane just to party. It's very funny - the first time I met with Will was a year ago he was there for the Fedde Le Grand party and he came with me and we just vibed. That night he recorded 'I Got A Feeling' which is now Number One in America - but when he called, he didn't even remember I was the same guy in Ibiza. When they came to Pacha, I was playing with filters, and then he came in the booth with a crazy hook and now we're going to make a track - not for me or for BEP, something different. And now thanks to 'LTO' and BEP, I have a lot of big American artists calling me. And everyone in America is excited about the European sound. Lots of electronic producers will benefit there will be a wave of it, I think." DAVID GUETTA SOBRE PASÁRSELO EN GRANDE CON LOS BLACK EYED PEAS "Black Eyed Peas tenía una noche libre así que vinieron a Ibiza y nos divertimos muchísimo. Estaban Will, Apple y otro chico llamado Poet que es productor. Fergie no estuvo aquí - no sale - así que cogieron un avión sólo para salir de fiesta. Es muy gracioso - la primera vez que conocí a Will fue hace un año cuando estuvo aquí para la fiesta de Fedde Le Grand y estuvimos de fiesta juntos. Esa noche grabó 'I Got A Feeling' que es ahora Número Uno en América - pero cuando llamó, ni siquiera se acordaba de que era el mismo de Ibiza. Cuando vino a Pacha, yo pinchaba filtros y él se metió en la cabina con un gancho muy loco y ahora vamos a hacer un tema juntos - no para mí o para BEP, algo diferente. Y ahora gracias a 'LTO' y BEP, tengo a muchos grandes artistas americanos llamándome. Y todo el mundo en América está encantado con el sonido europeo. Muchos productores de música electrónica se beneficiarán - habrá una ola, creo". F*** Me I´m Famous takes place every Thursday at Pacha Ibiza. Visit page 32 for full details of guest DJs and live PAs


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HIP HORSE HANGOUTS • Caprichosa and Carajo hang out at Rancho Can Dog, Carretera Eivissa-Sant Joan. Tel: 971.325.284 • Ninja resides at Cuadras es Puig in Sta. Gertrudis. Tel: 971.197.166. But she's very choosy about who rides her • Xaloc, who can be hired for photoshoots and weddings, can be contacted via Karin at Noah's Garden, San Juan. Tel: 971.337.302 Where to go: three rides to rock your world • Wait for the full-moon and gallop across the fields from Santa Gertudis towards Sant Miquel • In low season the long beach ride from Ses Salines to Es Cavallet is perfect for prancing in the waves • Pack a picnic and hack up into the hills outside San Lorenzo where a manicured wilderness awaits



LUGARES FRECUENTADOS POR ESTOS CABALLOS DE MODA • Caprichosa y Carajo frecuentan el Rancho de Can Dog, Carretera Eivissa - Sant Joan KM 14,300. Telf.: 971.325.284 • Ninja reside en las Cuadras Can Puig en Santa Gertrudis. Telf.: 971.197.166. Pero es muy selectiva con quién la monta • Xaloc, que pude ser alquilado para sesiones fotográficas y bodas, puede ser contactado a través de Karin en Noah's Garden, Sant Joan. Telf.: 971.337.302 Dónde ir: tres lugares que te dejarán alucinado • Espera la luna llena y galopa a través de los campos desde Santa Gertrudis hacia Sant Miquel • En temporada baja el largo paseo desde Ses Salines a Es Cavallet es perfecto para brincar entre las olas • Prepara un picnic y sube las colinas fuera de Sant Llorenç donde un perfecto paisaje salvaje te espera

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Ninja Age: 6. Height: 1.65m This pneumatic Palomino is quite the island beauty queen. Ibiza born and bred, Ninja turns heads wherever she goes, thanks to her flaxen mane (which she insists on having groomed by hand to maintain its silky condition) and bodacious curves. She's even perfected the supermodel strut. Home is the stables at Can Puig, just outside the chi-chi Santa Gertrudis, where she hangs out with best friends Sacha and Sparkle, and while she won't reveal the location of her favourite beach, Ninja raves about the surrounding campo. "You can see every different shade of green when you ride out in these valleys," she says. One memorable island experience was a five-day trek taking in Sant Joan, Sa Talaia, Sant Llorenç and Portinatx - with an overnight stay at the luxurious Can Poullet thrown in, while "me time" is a morning meditation session with owner Katja.

Edad: 6. Estatura: 1,65m Este Palomino es la reina de la belleza de la isla. Nacida y criada en Ibiza, Ninja hace girar cabezas dondequiera que vaya, gracias a su crin rubia (que insiste que se la peinen a mano para mantener ese aspecto sedoso) y marcadas curvas. Incluso ha perfeccionado el pavoneo de las supermodelos. Su hogar son los establos de Can Puig, justo a las afueras de la popular Santa Gertrudis, donde se codea con sus mejores amigos Sacha y Sparkle, y aunque no quiere revelar cuál es su playa favorita, Ninja habla maravillas del campo que le rodea. "Puedes ver todos los diferentes tonos de verde cuando montas en estos valles", dice. Una experiencia memorable en la isla para ella fue una excursión de cinco días recorriendo Sant Joan, Sa Talaia, Sant Llorenç y Portinatx hospedándose una noche en el lujoso Can Poullet, mientras su "tiempo para mí" significa una sesión de meditación con su propietaria Katja.

Xaloc Age: 13. Height: 1.52m Named after the south-easterly wind that blows in across Spain from Africa, Xaloc is the island's celebrity stallion. Classically trained in equestrian dance, he is also one of the last remaining pure-bred Spanish Cartiyanos horses and hails from the acclaimed Son Menut stud farm in Mallorca. Petite but perfectly formed, Xaloc's flowing mane and tail are the stuff of pure unicorn fantasy, and there's even a dent in his forehead where you once would have found his horn (or so the legend goes). A well-travelled sort, this pro-performer has appeared in shows all over Spain and Germany and regularly visits his personal trainers in Andalucia and Stuttgart. But he enjoys his work in Ibiza just as much. A regular at weddings and in photoshoots, he is also the "face" of garden centre, Noah's Garden. Look out for him on a billboard near you.

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Edad: 13. Estatura: 1,52m Con el nombre de viento de sureste que sopla a través de España procedente de África, Xaloc es el semental más célebre de la isla. Entrenado clásicamente para la danza ecuestre, además es uno de los últimos pura raza de Cartiyanos españoles y procede de la aclamada caballeriza de Son Menut en Mallorca. Pequeño pero perfectamente formado, la cabellera y cola de Xaloc se asemejan a los de un unicornio fantástico e incluso tiene una marca en la frente donde una vez se podría haber encontrado el cuerno (o así cuenta la leyenda). Un trotamundos, este artista ha aparecido en espectáculos de toda España y Alemania y visita regularmente a sus entrenadores personales en Andalucía y Stuttgart. Pero también disfruta de su trabajo en Ibiza. Un habitual en bodas y sesiones fotográficas, además es el "rostro" del centro de jardinería, Noah's Garden. Buscadlo en vallas publicitarias.


Caprichosa Age: 9. Height: 1.75m Born on the Sant Llorenç ranch of Herman the Horse Man (famous for his one-time live shows in Pacha, when his horses pranced with human Flamenco dancers in the club), they nicknamed Caprichosa's mother "mysteriosa" because nobody knew she was even with foal before this feisty filly came kicking out into the world under the cover of dark. As fast and powerful as she is elegant, the redhead is the Ferrari of Herman's horsey harem and known for her particular skills in jumping. Trained in both English and Western-style riding, Caprichosa loves nothing better at the weekend than a trip to the sands of Salinas. "I love to go walking through the waves in the winter time," she says, and cites the coastal climb up to the watch tower of Es Cavallet as one of her favourite on all the island.

Edad: 9. Estatura: 1.75m Nacida en el rancho de Herman the Horse Man en Sant Llorenç (famoso por sus antiguos espectáculos en directo en Pacha, cuando sus caballos brincaban con bailarines de flamenco en el club), apodaron a la madre de Caprichosa "misteriosa" porque nadie sabía que había estado con un potro antes de que esta luchadora potra salió a patadas al mundo bajo un manto oscuro. Rápida y potente al igual que elegante, esta pelirroja es el Ferrari del harem ecuestre de Herman y es conocida por su particular habilidad en los saltos. Entrenada tanto en la monta inglesa y occidental, a Caprichosa le encanta darse un paseo hasta las arenas de Ses Salines los fines de semana. "Me encanta caminar por las olas en invierno", dice, y cita el paseo por la costa hasta la torre de vigilancia de Es Cavallet como uno de sus favoritos en toda la isla.

Carajo Age: 11. Height: 1.65m Another of Herman the Horse Man's pack, Carajo is quite the ladies' man, thanks to his naturally gentle nature and tendency to affectionately nuzzle up to all who ride him. Of English, Spanish and Arab blood, this Western-schooled steed is also popular at weddings and has been a "Just Married" horse on more than one occasion. One memorable time he met a newlywed bride off a speedboat from Formentera before carrying her into her reception in El Divino. His services were also required at a male marriage at Cap D'es Falco, an occasion he describes as "very Brokeback Mountain". A fan of long-distance cross-country riding, Carajo's gentle ways disguise a stamina that can see him trekking out for hours at a time, lost in the beauty of the island he calls home.

Edad: 11. Estatura: 1.65 Otro de la cuadrilla de Herman the Horse Man, Carajo es más bien un mujeriego, gracias a su naturaleza gentil y su tendencia a coger cariño a todo aquel que lo monte. De sangre inglesa, española y árabe, este semental educado al estilo occidental también es popular en bodas y ha llevado el cartel de "Recién Casados" en más de una ocasión. Una vez se reunió con una novia recién casada que se apeaba de una lancha rápida procedente de Formentera antes de llevarla a su banquete en El Divino. Además requirieron sus servicios en una boda homosexual, una experiencia que describe como "muy a lo Brokeback Mountain". Fan de paseos largos por el campo, la forma gentil de Carajo esconde su gran energía que puede verle caminar durante largas horas, perdido en la belleza de la isla que considera su hogar.

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"As long As I'm InspIred to get up In the mornIng And do thIs then thAt's whAt It's About for me. when It becomes About somethIng else, I'll open up my cAndle shop. It wIll be cAlled four cAndles And wIll be In benIrrAs." - mArk Jones


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MARK JONES, EL DIRECTOR DEL SELLO WALL OF SOUND ESTÁ INVOLUCRADO CON IBIZA DESDE LOS DÍAS DEL PRE-ACID HOUSE Y FUE PARTE DE NOCHES LEGENDARIAS QUE PASARÁN A FORMAR PARTE DEL FOLCLORE DE IBIZA Tell us about the first time you visited Ibiza. "OK look, memories I just don't really have. My first visit to Ibiza was 1983, it was a kind of a lads' holiday and my musical tastes had evolved into electronic and dance music. I can't remember much about it but I do remember clubs like Extasis being open then. I remember travelling around the island a bit but it was a different place to how it is now, more untouched. It was very much a Sant Antoni affair. I was there to party and do that thing you do when you're that young. I was old enough to know better, but not. There are some things I'd much rather not remember but there are things in my mind that have just gone. It's quite sad actually." So what can you tell us? "I was working with Nicky Holloway, Paul Oakenfold, Jonny Walker, Danny Rampling in the UK doing the visuals for Special Branch parties. I had the Pop thing going on, which was the visuals company that I had before those guys went to Ibiza and came back. I did the visuals at the first ever Shoom [pioneering London acidhouse party], using what they brought back, that influence and vibration from the island. Alfredo also played. It's very well documented as part of the acid house revolution. I was on the other end of it, so from an influential point of view it was all from that moment. I was making music at that time and was in a band called Perfect Day." What kind of influence did Ibiza have on you? "It was that evolution, that cyclical musical revolution of electronic dance music, which was very commercial and for us it was about something more than that. I had an enormous connection to that Balearic vision from the beginning from people such as Alfredo. There were no qualms about him playing the Rolling Stones or different forms of music and that is what we were trying to do with dance music at the same time. It was very much a fluffy bra culture, that's what it was then. We were trying to throw everything in the mix with that, with guitars and different forms of music." What year would you say was a real highlight for you? "The beginning of 1997 when we were the residents at Manumission and were taking that music back to the UK and bringing something that was pushing things on and challenging. It was a cool time all round. The Manumission Motel evolved a little bit after that. All those stories of us with Derek Dahlarge going over there... we had a record out with Derek in the UK and then we went over to do a show and he just never came back. Those are legendary Ibiza stories. I went out there and put 'Wanted' posters up around the island. And the stories of a dildo stuck to his head when he woke up one morning are all still in the folklore of club culture."

Háblanos de la primera vez que visitaste Ibiza. "Bien, realmente no poseo ningún recuerdo. Mi primera visita a Ibiza fue en 1983, eran una especie de vacaciones de chicos y mis gustos musicales habían evolucionado hacia la música electrónica y dance. No puedo recordar mucho sobre ello, pero me acuerdo de que por aquel entonces abrieron discotecas como Extasis. Recuerdo recorrer la isla un poco pero era un lugar diferente de cómo es ahora, más intacto. Fueron más unas vacaciones en Sant Antoni. Vine para salir de fiesta y hacer lo que se hace cuando uno es joven. Tenía la edad suficiente para saber lo que hacía, pero bueno. Hay algunas cosas que prefiero no recordar pero hay cosas que se han borrado de mi mente. De hecho es bastante triste". Entonces, ¿qué puedes contarnos? "Estaba trabajando con Nicky Holloway, Paul Oakenfold, Jonny Walker, Danny Rampling en el Reino Unido produciendo los visuales para las fiestas Special Branch. Tenía Pop, una compañía de visuales que tenía antes de que toda esa gente fuera a Ibiza para regresar más tarde. Hice las visuales para el primer Shoom [fiesta pionera de acid house en Londres], utilizando lo que trajeron, aquella influencia y vibraciones de la isla. Alfredo también pinchó. Está muy bien documentado como parte de la revolución del acid house. Yo me encontraba al otro lado de todo aquello, así que se puede decir que saqué todas mis influencias de ese momento. Hacía música por aquel entonces y estaba en una banda llamada Perfect Day". ¿De qué forma te influenció Ibiza? “Fue esa evolución, esa revolución musical cíclica del dance electrónico, que era muy comercial y para nosotros se trataba de algo más que eso. Tuve una enorme conexión con aquella visión baleárica del principio, con gente como Alfredo. No había ningún reparo de que pinchase a los Rolling Stones o formas musicales diferentes y eso fue lo que nosotros intentamos hacer con la música dance. Era una cultura muy en el aire, eso es lo que era. Intentábamos echar de todo en la mezcla, guitarras y otras formas diferentes de música". ¿Qué año dirías que fue el más destacado? "El principio de 1997 cuando éramos residentes en Manumission y llevábamos esa música al Reino Unido y traíamos algo que empujaba las barreras y era desafiante. Era una época genial. El Manumission Motel surgió poco después. Todas esas historias sobre nosotros yendo allí con Derek Dahlarge... teníamos un disco publicado entonces con Derek en el Reino Unido y luego fuimos a hacer un show y él nunca regresó. Estas son historias legendarias de Ibiza. Salí una vez por Ibiza y puse posters de 'Se Busca' por toda la isla [para Derek Dahlarge, que había desaparecido]. E historias de un vibrador pegado a su cabeza cuando se levantó una mañana todavía forman parte de la cultura de club".

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How would you describe the relationship between Wall of Sound and Ibiza? "WOS and Ibiza came together because of the energy. There is an energy about the island that I find very difficult to put my finger on. It's like when you go to Jamaica. The only thing I can relate it to is that the island vibrates with energy - I don't know where it comes from or what it is, but it's there. Jamaica is the only other place on the planet that I've actually found it. Maybe it's the way the world is plotted - they say that when the world ends Ibiza is going to be the only place to survive. There was an energy from the people who went there in the '50s and '60s. But more recently, over the past couple of years I was helping Manumission out by being their musical director. That was a whole new world. And I was still putting line-ups together in Amnesia last year. I brought lots of people to the island for that." What is it that makes Ibiza so special for you? "The beauty for me is discovering the other side of the island. Beaches such as Benirras and the spiritual side of the island are still massive things for me now. The clientele of people who are going to the island has evolved and changed - there's still a beauty there. It is still one of the world's secrets because people have a certain vision of what Ibiza is and until you visit the island and see the places, you can't really tell how beautiful it is. You wouldn't know it." Why have you decided to hold your Wall of Sound 15th Anniversary party at Space? "We're having a lot of parties everywhere, but one big party for the anniversary will be with Grace Jones at Space. We've been working with Grace and we released her new album, which has done fantastically well and she also has a very spiritual connection with the island. When this idea came up of us doing a party on the island, Grace - despite being very busy - was really up for it. Amazingly it got confirmed. That is going to be a special event. I would never call myself a DJ, but I will play records randomly; I'm sure they'll give me a slot in the toilet or somewhere. We've got Areoplane, the hottest remixers in the world right now, plus Ocelot and Lottie." How have the changes in the music industry affected WOS? "We're not just a record company - we are a communications company and it's not just about selling CDs anymore with the digital revolution and the changes that have happened. The deals I do with artists now are completely different compared to ten years ago. To me it's about putting a value on music and making people realise there is a value to it. Young people don't have that value to music but it is something I'm going to stand by. As long as I'm inspired to get up in the morning and do this then that's what it's about for me. When it becomes about something else, I'll open up my candle shop. It will be called Four Candles and will be in Benirras."

¿Cómo describirías la relación entre Wall of Sound e Ibiza? "WOS e Ibiza se unieron por su energía. Hay una energía en el lugar que me cuesta mucho describir. Es como cuando vas a Jamaica. Lo único con lo que puedo relacionarlo es que la isla vibra con esa energía - no sé de dónde procede o qué es, pero está allí. Jamaica es el único lugar del planeta donde también la he encontrado. Quizá es la forma en que el mundo ha sido formado - dicen que cuando el mundo acabe Ibiza será el único sitio que sobreviva. Había una energía de la gente que fue allí en los años 50 y 60. Pero más recientemente, durante los últimos años estaba ayudando a Manumission como director musical. Eso fue todo un mundo nuevo. Y todavía programaba las noches para Amnesia el año pasado. Traje a mucha gente a la isla para la fiesta". ¿Qué es lo que hace Ibiza tan especial para ti? "La belleza para mí es descubrir la otra cara de la isla. Playas como Benirrás y el lado espiritual de la isla son muy importantes para mí ahora. La gente que va a la isla ha evolucionado y cambiado - todavía hay belleza en ello. Sigue siendo uno de los secretos del mundo porque la gente tiene cierta visión de lo que es Ibiza hasta que visitan la isla, realmente no se puede describir lo bonita que es. Jamás podrías imaginártelo". ¿Por qué decidiste celebrar el 15º aniversario de tu sello Wall of Sound en Space? "Tenemos muchas fiestas en muchas partes, pero una de las fiestas más grandes para el aniversario será con Grace en Space. Hemos estado trabajando con Grace y hemos publicado su nuevo álbum, que está yendo fantásticamente bien y ella tiene una conexión muy espiritual con la isla. Cuando surgió la idea de hacer una fiesta en la isla, Grace - a pesar de tener mucho trabajo - se mostró muy entusiasmada. Increíblemente lo pudimos confirmar. Va a ser un evento muy especial. Nunca me llamaría a mí mismo DJ, pero pincharé algún que otro disco; seguro que me dan un espacio en los baños o algún sitio parecido. Tenemos Aeroplane, los remixers más calientes del momento, y a Ocelot y Lottie". ¿Cómo han afectado los cambios de la industria a WOS? No somos sólo una discográfica - somos también una empresa de comunicaciones y con la revolución digital y los cambios que han tenido lugar ya no se trata de vender CDs. Los tratos que hago con artistas ahora son totalmente diferentes comparados a los de hace diez años. Para mí se trata de darle un valor a la música y hacer que la gente se dé cuenta de ese valor. Los jóvenes no valoran la música pero es algo que yo voy a atenerme. Siempre y cuando me inspire levantarme por la mañana y hacer esto, entonces de eso es de lo que se trata para mí. Cuando se trate de algo más, abriré una tienda de velas. Se llamará las Cuatro Velas y estará en Benirrás".

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"We were making Manumission: The Movie in 1997 and we loved Wall of Sound's 'sound' and wanted some of their artists for the soundtrack. By chance we met Mark in a pub in Ladbroke Grove. He was with Derek Dahlarge. Derek introduced himself and said I looked like his favourite porn star. He then introduced us to Mr Jones. It was just meant to be. My first impression of him? Well, I immediately bonded with both Mark and all of his artists. Mark is a kindred spirit, full of life and loves to party. He was wild, fully charged and great fun. All of the Wall of Sound posse were like that, all extremely creative, talented, solid, streetwise and cool. Good people with good ethics. We bonded with them all. Mark, Jon Carter, Stuart Price, Theo Keating, Dan Peppe, Derek Dahlarge. Mark was the head honcho, he pulled everything together. In 1998, the year of The Manumission Motel, Mark hosted the Insane Asylum [the back room of Manumission], back in the time when you could party forever. He brought in different guests from Wall of Sound and the music was revolutionary for Ibiza. We brought over Wall of Sound and Skint to Ibiza and they brought with them an amazing fresh sound, which was great for partying. At Carry On in Space they transformed the terrace. In the beginning no one even knew how to dance to the music. They soon got into it and it was an amazing summer. In 1998 at 'Murder at the Manumission Motel' (it may have been Mark's birthday) the theme of the party was 'Desire at The Eat Me Out Diner'. We blindfolded Mark and Johnny The Dwarf and took them on stage in front of 7,000 people. It was back in the days of the infamous sex shows. The girls and I were dressed as waitresses and Mike was the chef. All the girls lifted up their skirts and literally laid eggs and Mike cracked them into a frying pan and presented them to Mark and Johnny for breakfast. It was 6am and the sun was rising though the enormous windows of the club. Mark's favorite colour is pink and he loves deserts. He has been a staunch friend throughout Manumission. We consider Mark part of our mastermind team. We often call him to talk about new ideas and concepts. Wall of Sound have done some of the best nights in the back room of Manumission. It was where you would find us and the real party. Carry On would not have been the same without the Wall of Sound spirit. We started Manumission in 1994 and they started Wall of Sound the same year. We have been through a lot together both here in Ibiza and with them in London or Brighton or where ever the party was. We have spent many days and nights in pubs, clubs and hotel rooms together, talking until the sun came up and went back down again. I don't think people realise how influential Mark Jones and Wall of Sound have been. Mark signed Stuart Price in his school uniform. Stuart was playing for us when he was 18. When we first brought these DJs over to Ibiza they were great but nobody knew who they were. We have had a great adventure with Mark, he is a great friend and now that we are making movies we are sure we will be working together in the future."

"Estábamos haciendo Manumission: La Película en 1997 y nos encantó el sonido de Wall of Sound y queríamos algunos de sus artistas para la banda sonora. Conocimos a Mark en un pub de Ladbroke Grove por casualidad. Estaba con Derek Dahlarge. Derek se presentó y dijo que me parecía a su estrella de porno favorita. Entonces nos presentó al Sr. Jones. Fue cosa del destino. ¿Mi primera impresión de él? Bien, inmediatamente establecimos un vínculo afectivo y con todos sus artistas. Mark es de espíritu amable, lleno de vida y le encanta la fiesta. Era salvaje, lleno de energía y muy divertido. Toda la tropa de Wall of Sound era así, todos extremadamente creativos, con talento, sólidos, espabilados y geniales. Buena gente con buena ética. Nos llevamos todos muy bien. Mark, Jon Carter, Stuart Price, Theo Keating, Dan Peppe, Derek Dahlarge. Mark era el jefe, él ataba todos los cabos. En 1998, el año del Motel Manumission, Mark celebró la fiesta Insane Asylum [en la sala trasera de Manumission], cuando todavía se podía salir de fiesta eternamente. Trajo a invitados diferentes de Wall of Sound y la música era revolucionaria para Ibiza. Trajimos a Wall of Sound y Skint a Ibiza y ellos trajeron consigo un sonido fresco, que era fantástico para la fiesta. En el Carry On en Space transformaron la terraza. Al principio nadie sabía cómo bailar la música. Pronto aprendieron y fue un verano increíble. En 1998 en 'Murder at Manumission Motel' (podría haber sido el cumpleaños de Mark) la temática de la fiesa era 'Desire at The Eat Me Out Diner'. Le pusimos una venda a Mark y a Johnny el Enano y los llevamos al escenario frente a 7.000 personas. Era en la época de los infames shows sexuales. Las chicas y yo íbamos vestidas de camareras y Mike era el chef. Todas las chicas se levantaron la falda y literalmente pusieron huevos y Mike los rompía en una sartén y se los presentaba a Mark y Johnny para su desayuno. Eran las 6am y el sol entraba a través de los enormes ventanales del club. El color favorito de Mark es el rosa y le encantan los postres. Ha sido un amigo incondicional para Manumission. Consideramos a Mark parte de nuestro equipo creador. A menudo le llamamos para hablar de nuevas ideas y conceptos. Wall of Sound han creado algunas de las mejores noches en la sala trasera de Manumission. Era donde podías encontrarnos y donde realmente estaba la fiesta. Carry On no habría sido lo mismo sin el espíritu de Wall of Sound. Empezamos Manumission en 1994 y ellos empezaron Wall of Sound el mismo año. Hemos vivido mucho juntos aquí en Ibiza y con ellos en Londres o Brighton o donde estuviera la fiesta. Hemos pasado muchos días y noches en pubs, clubes y habitaciones de hotel juntos, hablando hasta el amanecer y hasta que anocheciera de nuevo. No creo que la gente se dé cuenta de lo influyente que han sido Mark Jones y Wall of Sound. Mark firmó a Stuart Price cuando todavía llevaba el uniforme de escuela. Stuart pinchaba para nosotros cuando tenía 18 años. Cuando trajimos a estos DJs por primera vez a Ibiza eran fantásticos pero nadie les conocía. Hemos vivido una gran aventura con Mark, realmente es un amigo y ahora que estamos haciendo películas estamos seguros de que trabajaremos juntos otra vez". / Wall of Sound celebrate 15 years at We Love at Space on Sunday August 9 with Grace Jones, Aeroplane, Ocelot, Lottie and Mark Jones

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CAFÉ MAMBO: 1994-2009

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CAFÉ MAMBO: 1994-2009

Mambo Number One



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CAFÉ MAMBO: 1994-2009

"The fuTure is going To be beTTer Than ever, even in The crisis. We are Working harder Than ever WiTh even more qualiTy. good qualiTy drinks, good food, good music, TreaTing all our clienTs as kings." - Javier anadon


n 1994 Javier Anadon had a business idea, one that would change his family's life forever. Already the owner of the Bucanero bar in Sant Antoni, Anadon decided to do something quite controversial and open a new sunset bar next to Café del Mar. At the time, the world famous Café del Mar was the sunset strip, period - it was a huge risk for anyone else to open a bar nearby. But Anadon felt the fear and did it anyway. And in June 1994 Café Mambo was born. "I wanted to do something completely different and I knew more or less what the British people liked and Sant Antoni is 70 per cent British," says Anadon. "My aim was to play good music and have a happy fun place to hang out, during the sunset and later on." But no one could have predicted what happened next. Anadon, his wife Caroline and two sons Christian and Alan were now in for the ride of their lives. "It exploded into my dad's hands really," says Christian. "We didn't know what was going to happen. We offered something different and something magical soon did happen. I remember my dad thinking about opening the bar and everyone used to laugh at him because there was Café del Mar and they were the king of what they were doing at the time. What is now Café Mambo just used to be an old house." It wasn't long before DJs were literally flocking to play at the bar, which was growing organically through friendships, great vibes and good music. DJ Jason Bye, who has worked with the family for 17 years and DJed at Café Mambo since it opened, would be in the DJ booth with a fridge full of chilled Heineken beers while hundreds of hedonistic funseekers were dancing, hanging out and digging the grooves. By 1995, every DJ imaginable - from Danny Tenaglia, Pete Tong and Erick Morillo to its most famous former full-time resident Steve Lawler - were coming to play at the bar, some even for six-hour sets. "We used to literally have to pull them off the decks because they were having such a good time and someone else wanted to have a go," recalls Bye, AKA 'Uncle Jason'. "It was more like a Western in those days someone would come into town and come straight here."

En 1994 Javier Anadón tuvo la idea de abrir un nuevo negocio, una que podría cambiar la vida de su familia para siempre. Siendo ya el propietario del bar Bucanero en Sant Antoni, Anadón decidió algo bastante controvertido y abrió un nuevo bar para disfrutar de la puesta de sol junto al Café del Mar. En esa época, el mundialmente famoso Café del Mar era el café de las puestas de sol - era un gran riesgo para cualquiera abrir un bar cerca. Pero Anadón sintió el miedo, pero lo hizo de todos modos. Y en junio de 1994 Café Mambo nació. "Quería hacer algo completamente diferente y sabía más o menos lo que le gustaba a los británicos y Sant Antoni es 70 por ciento británica", dice Anadón. "Mi propósito era el de pinchar buena música y tener un lugar de diversión que la gente podía frecuentar durante la puesta de sol y más tarde". Pero nadie podría haber predicho lo que pasaría después. Anadón, su mujer Caroline y sus dos hijos Christian y Alan estaban a punto de experimentar un cambio en sus vidas. "Realmente le estalló en las manos a mi padre", dice Christian. "No sabíamos qué iba a ocurrir. Ofrecíamos algo diferente y pronto ocurrió algo mágico. Recuerdo a mi padre pensar sobre la apertura del bar y todo el mundo solía reírse porque estaba Café del Mar y éste era el rey de la escena en esa época. Lo que ahora es Café Mambo antes era una vieja casa". No pasó mucho antes de que los DJs literalmente acudieran en tropel a pinchar en el bar, que iba creciendo orgánicamente a través de amistades, gran ambiente y buena música. DJ Jason Bye, que lleva trabajando con la familia 17 años y pinchando en Café Mambo desde que abrió, estaría en la cabina de DJ con una nevera llena de cervezas Heineken frías mientras cientos de hedonistas en busca de diversión bailaban, se paseaban y escuchaban los ritmos. Para 1995, todo DJ imaginable - desde Danny Tenaglia, Pete Tong, Erick Morillo a su más famoso DJ residente Steve Lawler - venían a pinchar al bar, algunos incluso para sets de seis horas. "Literalmente teníamos que separarlos de los platos porque se lo pasaban tan bien, pero siempre había alguien más que quería pinchar un rato", recuerda Bye, conocido también como 'Tío Jason'. "Era como un Western en esos días - cualquiera que viniera al pueblo, venía directamente aquí".

C H R I S T I A N , J AV I E R A N D A L A N A N A D O N

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CAFÉ MAMBO: 1994-2009

"El futuro va a sEr mEjor quE nunca, incluso En época dE crisis. trabajamos más duro quE nunca ofrEciEndo aún más calidad. bEbidas dE buEna calidad, buEna comida, buEna música, tratando a todos nuEstros cliEntEs como rEyEs ". - javiEr anadon Anadon says he was lucky and "in the right place at the right time". Back then his sons were just young boys and couldn't wait to get back from school to join in the fun and meet the DJs. "1995 was the best year," says Anadon. "Everybody was here, celebrities and all kinds of people. A magazine even wrote that Café Mambo was the best bar in the world." Over the last 15 years the Anadon family have made great friendships with the DJs, so much so that Christian says they are like an extended family. "I remember meeting Sasha for the first time when I was 13 years old. I didn't even really know what a DJ was, but I waited for hours to meet him. And I would always be mucking about with the likes of Jeremy Healy behind the DJ booth, playing Nirvana tracks. It is very different these days. The DJs used to stay for two-week holidays - now they're very in and out." Meanwhile younger brother Alan showed his dad's entrepreneurial streak from a young age. "I would come home from school and try to charge people for using the sun beds, which were actually free to use anyway," he remembers. "I loved it when big DJs came to Mambo and I still love the hype throughout the day. The anticipation was euphoric. Junior Sanchez, Armand van Helden - they were always very nice to us." Groove Armada are another internationally famous music act whose early foundations were influenced by this scene. "We're very good friends with them," says Anadon Snr. "Andy and Tom are brilliant DJs and even better people." "They used to come in here and watch me play and ask for a job!" recalls Bye. "They used to live in a camper van. They don't change at all. Andy mixed the Mambo album last year. They are always happy and understand the music in the bar. We never had to worry when they played they just totally get it." The bar's opening serendipitously coincided with a music explosion in both Ibiza and England. While historical Ibiza anthems were being played in Ibiza - Solution's 'Feels So Right', Mighty Dub Katz's 'Magic Carpet Ride' - the Brit Pop scene was taking off in the UK. And at Café Mambo the two sometimes came together. Kate Moss, Liam and Noel Gallagher and Boy George were just some of the celebrities to party at the beach bar. But even though it has always been a popular haunt for famous faces, Anadon says the secret to the bar's success at that time and now is largely due to their friendly-toanyone service. "We have always focussed on good quality and looking after people, not just the celebrities," he says. "We have a great relationship with all the DJs. When they come over, sometimes we all go out on a boat and enjoy ourselves. The business was founded on great relationships, with DJs and customers. We have always prided ourselves on treating everybody who comes here really well. Some people come up to me and say hello from 12 years ago and I feel a bit bad if I don't remember them. But I love that people come back here because they've had a good time. Everyday is special here."

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Anadón dice que tuvo suerte y "estaba en el lugar adecuado en el momento adecuado". Entonces sus hijos sólo eran chicos jóvenes que no podían esperar a regresar del colegio para unirse a la diversión y conocer a los DJs. "1995 fue el mejor año", dice Anadón. "Todo el mundo estaba aquí, celebridades y todo tipo de gente. Una revista incluso escribió que Café Mambo era el mejor bar del mundo". Durante los últimos 15 años la familia Anadón ha establecido gran amistad con los DJs, tanto que Christian dice que son como parte más de la familia. "Recuerdo conocer a Sasha por primera vez cuando tenía 13 años. Entonces realmente no sabía lo que era un DJ, pero esperé horas para conocerle. Y siempre pasaba el rato con gente como Jeremy Healy en la cabina, pinchando temas de Nirvana. Es muy diferente hoy en día. Los DJs solían quedarse para unas vacaciones de dos semanas - ahora vienen y se van". Mientras tanto, su hermano menor Alan mostró su vena emprendedora desde muy tierna edad. "Venía a casa de la escuela e intentaba cobrar a la gente por utilizar las tumbonas, que de hecho eran gratuitas", recuerda. "Me encantaba cuando los grandes DJs venían a Mambo y todavía me gusta el ambiente que se cuece durante el día. La expectación era de euforia. Junior Sanchez, Armand van Helden - siempre eran muy simpáticos con nosotros". Groove Armada es otro grupo internacionalmente famoso cuyas primeras producciones fueron influenciadas por esta escena. "Somos muy buenos amigos", dice Anadón padre. "Andy y Tom son DJs brillantes y mejor aún como personas". "¡Solían venir aquí y verme pinchar y pedirme trabajo!" recuerda Bye. "Solían vivir en una caravana. No han cambiado nada. Andy mezcló el álbum de Mambo el año pasado. Siempre están contentos y entienden la música en el bar. Nunca tenemos que preocuparnos cuando pinchan, entienden el ambiente totalmente". La apertura del bar coincidió casualmente con la explosión musical tanto en Ibiza como en Inglaterra. Mientras que históricos éxitos de Ibiza se pinchaban en Ibiza - 'Feels So Right' de Solution, 'Magic Carpet Ride' de Mighty Dub Katz - la escena de Brit Pop despegaba en el Reino Unido. Y en Café Mambo a veces los dos se oían juntos. Kate Moss, Liam y Noel Gallagher y Boy George eran algunas de las celebridades que venían de fiesta a este bar de playa. Aunque siempre ha sido un lugar popular para rostros famosos, Anadón dice que el secreto de su éxito en aquel entonces y ahora es debido a un servicio cordial igual para todo el mundo. "Siempre nos hemos centrado en la buena calidad y cuidar bien de la gente, no sólo de las celebridades", dice. "Tenemos una gran relación con todos los DJs. Cuando vienen, a veces todos salimos en el barco y nos lo pasamos bien. El negocio se basa en fantásticas relaciones, con DJs y clientes. Siempre nos hemos enorgullecido de tratar a todo aquel que viene muy bien. Algunos vienen después de 12 años y me saludan, y yo me siento mal por no recordarles. Pero me encanta que la gente regrese porque significa que lo han pasado bien. Cada día es especial aquí".

CAFÉ MAMBO: 1994-2009

DJs will never miss a set here. "Roger Sanchez has been here every single summer Monday for nine years," says Christian. "Even when he had his big hit in 2001, he still made his gig here." The bar undoubtedly has that special edge because of the family feel that Javier, Caroline, Christian, Alan and Jason bring to the mix. "Working as a family is great because I know my sons will never do anything wrong and they love the bar," says Javier. "Everybody looks out for everybody. And Jason is part of the family." Their enthusiasm for Café Mambo still continues today, with Christian happy to put up posters, help out behind the bar and do anything that needs to be done - especially when it comes to giving the DJs a hand with partying. Meanwhile Alan has had a big hand in promotions; the most recent success has been sending girls out on Sedgeways. "Everybody realises we are a family business," says Alan. "It's not so structural, it's more about the relationships we've made, especially with the DJs and clubs such as Pacha, which we think is the best disco in the world. We work all together. We have people from all over the world working here - all the staff have magic in them. We look for personalities when employing people." Café Mambo might have opened in the pre-internet era - when booking holidays through a travel agent four months beforehand was cutting it fine - but like much of the island has confidently evolved with the times. "The food has changed a lot," says Christian. "There used to be a lot of deep-fried crab claws and Tex Mex and deep-fried jalapenos. It has moved with fashions but we tried to keep it Mediterranean. We've given it an international and Spanish touch and we make a fine Mambo burger as well." Music has changed over the last decade and a half and DJs have got older, but according to Bye the music at Café Mambo is just as good as it has always been. "Styles change like everything. Now music has become so elaborate. The sound you will get from the DJs is a good cool Balearic vide, deep house music, which is timeless. We might even play rock'n'roll, the Beatles, anything that makes people happy. And that is what is true essence of being Balearic - being able to play two completely different records next to each other and create an atmosphere in the bar. But you don't actually know it until it happens. You have to let it happen." They have also embraced new technology with a webcam on their website and a radio station upstairs. The bar currently has its own show on Galaxy FM in which resident DJ Alex Wolfenden interviews the DJs. Listeners can hear the Mambo vibe live from 9-11pm every Friday night. Despite looking to the future, the bar radiates nostalgia and Anadon openly admits that he misses the underground days but is determined to keep the impulsiveness of those times of the '90s alive. "I would still like to be a little underground and I think this lies with the direction of the bar, the staff and the people we attract to come here will determine this." In September the family will celebrate 15 years of Café Mambo with probably around a thousand or so of their closest friends. And Javier is confident that the success of the bar will continue. "The future is going to be better than ever, even in the crisis. We are working harder than ever with even more quality. Good quality drinks, good food, good music, treating all our clients as kings."

'15 Years Of Mambo', mixed by José Padilla, is out now

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Los DJs nunca se pierden un set aquí. "Roger Sanchez lleva viniendo aquí cada lunes desde hace nueve años", dice Christian. "Incluso cuando tuvo su gran éxito en el 2001, no se perdió su evento". El bar indudablemente tiene ese sentimiento familiar tan especial que Javier, Caroline, Christian, Alan y Jason aportan a la mezcla. "Trabajar como una familia es genial porque sé que mis hijos no harán nunca nada malo y les encanta el bar", dice Javier. "Todos cuidan el uno del otro. Y Jason es parte de la familia". Su entusiasmo por Café Mambo todavía continúa hoy, con Christian contento de pegar los carteles, ayudar detrás de la barra y hacer todo lo que sea necesario - especialmente cuando se trata de echar una mano a los DJs con la fiesta. Mientras tanto Alan ayuda con las promociones; el éxito más reciente ha sido enviar a las chicas en Sedgeways. "Todo el mundo se da cuenta de que es un negocio familiar," dice Alan. "No es tan estructural, se trata más de las relaciones que hemos creado, especialmente con los DJs y clubes como Pacha, que pensamos que es la mejor disco del mundo. Trabajamos todos juntos. Tenemos gente de todo el mundo trabajando aquí - todo el personal tiene algo mágico. Buscamos a personas con personalidad cuando empleamos a gente". Café Mambo puede que haya abierto en la era pre-internet - cuando se reservaban las vacaciones a través de una agencia de viajes con cuatro meses de antelación - pero como gran parte de la isla ha evolucionado con el paso del tiempo. "La comida ha cambiado mucho", dice Christian. "Solía haber patas de cangrejo congeladas y jalapeños fritos Tex Mex. Ha cambiado con las modas pero intentamos que siga siendo Mediterráneo. Le hemos dado un toque internacional y español y además hacemos una fantástica hamburguesa Mambo". La música ha cambiado durante la última década y la mitad de los DJs han madurado, pero según Bye la música en Café Mambo es igual de buena que siempre. "Los estilos cambian como todo. Ahora la música es mucho más elaborada. El sonido que escuchas de los DJs es un ambiente baleárico, deep house, que es siempre eterno. Quizá pinchemos un poco de rock'n'roll, los Beatles, cualquier cosa que nos haga felices. Y ésa es la verdadera esencia de lo baleárico - poder pinchar dos discos totalmente diferentes uno detrás del otro y crear atmósfera en el bar. Pero de hecho no lo sabes hasta que pasa. Tienes que dejar que ocurra". Además han acogido nueva tecnología con una webcam en su sitio web y una estación de radio en el piso de arriba. El bar actualmente tiene su propio show en Galaxy FM cuyo residente, DJ Alex Wolfenden, entrevista a los DJs. Los oyentes pueden escuchar el ambiente de Mambo en directo cada viernes noche de 9-11pm. A pesar de mirar hacia el futuro, el bar irradia nostalgia y Anadón admite abiertamente que echa de menos los días del underground pero tiene la determinación de mantener viva la impulsividad de los años 90. "Me gustaría seguir siendo un poco underground y pienso que eso va con la dirección del bar, el personal y la gente que atraemos aquí determinará esto". En Septiembre la familia celebrará el 15º aniversario de Café Mambo probablemente rodeados de aproximadamente mil de sus amigos cercanos. Y Javier tiene gran confianza en que el éxito del bar continuará. "El futuro va a ser mejor que nunca, incluso en época de crisis. Trabajamos más duro que nunca ofreciendo aún más calidad. Bebidas de buena calidad, buena comida, buena música, tratando a todos nuestros clientes como reyes".

Cafe Mambo, San Antonio. Tel: 971.346.638.

CAFÉ MAMBO: 1994-2009

ALL-TIME CAFE MAMBO TOP TEN BY JASON BYE 1 NY's Finest - 'Do You Feel Me' "One of the first records I got when I started DJing. I bought it at Record Village in east London. I was in that shop all the time - I got all my early Mambo tunes from there. Proper US house music." 2 Massive Attack - 'Safe From Harm' "The whole 'Blue Lines' record is amazing - it truly defines the sound of the bar and still gets played all the time. 3 Nightmares On Wax - 'Smoker's Delight' "Brandon Block gave me this in 1995, I remember the artwork on the sleeve was really cool. I only just met George [Evelyn, Nightmares On Wax] last year. Wicked album." 4 Dire Straits - 'Private Investigations' "I don't where this record came from, it just appeared from nowhere on 12-inch vinyl. It was my first real sunset track that I played at Mambo all the time - it had the name Jose written on the inside of the sleeve. I always used to say that it had walked over from Cafe Del Mar one evening and never went back. 5 Cloud 9 - 'Do You Want Me' "I never had this track - I was always nicking it out of Roberto's record box. He was the resident DJ in Mambo when I first started playing there. I have my own copy now though and it still gets played in the bar." 6 U2 - 'Lemon' (Perfecto Mix) "I had this record on lemon-coloured vinyl. What a tune. I remember the first time Jeremy Healy came into the bar when I was playing this record. I remember thinking that I'd never seen anyone dressed like that before. He was standing at the bar on his own looking over and jigging about." 7 Frankie Knuckles - 'Your Love' "This is my favourite tune from the old days when I first started going out in London in 1989. I got Frankie to sign my copy for me a few years back. I love it when he plays in the bar - his tunes and the mixing are incredible. Living legend." 8 Marvin Gaye - 'Inner City Blues' "I play this record just after sunset. The way the piano drops in at the beginning is very powerful and the voice is absolute magic." 9 Brother Brown - 'Under The Water' "I can't remember what mix it was but I used be on Pete Gooding's case to play this record all the time. I remember a few years back Pete trying to be all cool while walking through the bar and then he slipped and hit the deck. He still managed to keep the rum and coke in the glass though. I couldn't stop laughing at him. In fact, I'm laughing now."

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10 Nirvana - 'On A Plain' "I love Nirvana - their sound was so heavy and raw yet their MTV unplugged performance is a masterclass in music. 'On A Plain' and 'Come As You Are' are my favourites." 11 Rolling Stones - 'Under My Thumb' "Another great track to play after sunset. When I first started DJing I never thought I'd be playing tracks by the Rolling Stones. Really cool music." 12 Four Tops - 'Still Water Runs Deep' "I bought this record when I was 14 - I used to listen to Motown and Atlantic soul music all the time. When John from Def Mix comes into the bar I always play it for him and he sings along to it - it's great." 13 The Cure - 'Lullaby' "I'm nicking this out of Wolfboy's [Alex Wolfenden] box as we speak - the 12-inch mix is mine fella." 14 Logic - 'Blues For You' (Hard Dub) "This record is on Strictly Rhythm. It was the best label by miles for US house in the early '90s. I still love playing this record. Beats.' 15. Jay Shepherd - 'Pipes'n'Sneakers' "Wolfboy give me this record a couple of years ago. It's so well produced and sounds amazing in the bar. A classic tune already." 16 Deep Dish - 'Stay Gold' "The whole Deep Dish/Junk Science production was a kick up the arse to a lot of other producers at the time and this record stands out the strongest of all." 17 Martin Landsky - 'Let Me Dance' (Sebo K Remix) "Andy Baxter gave me this tune. We've got a special dance that goes with it too. It's like waving but with more of a flap." 18 Groove Armada - 'Lazy Moon' "I was lucky enough to be their tour DJ in Australia and New Zealand. They made me feel like I was in the band. Truly inspirational - this song gets better when heard live, if you ever get the chance." 19 The Police - 'Bed's Too Big Without You' "Another of my favourite bands - they made so many good records. This track is so deep you can't see it. Dubrock, probably." 20 Bob James - 'Angela's Theme' "This song is the theme tune to the television show Taxi. It chills the bar like no other. It's amazing how it can affect the atmosphere in Mambo when I play it. Some people shout out 'Taxi!' every now and then. Ha ha!"

CAFÉ MAMBO: 1994-2009

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“I went to a party at pacha and felt there was somethIng more Inner spIrItual than you'll get from some relIgIous words." - rabbI yoel Kraus


ew people in Ibiza manage to dress in a way that causes a genuine stir. Transvestites in eight-inch heels, bare-breasted models, clowns on stilts - we've seen them all. But a man in an old-fashioned wide-brimmed hat, sporting a bushy beard and a long black coat - well, that really is unusual. Those are serious clothes in a place where frivolity rules. It's a strict dress code with roots in Eastern Europe, one that emphasises modesty and symbolises passionate religious devotion. This is not what you would wear for a quiet relaxing holiday in the sun, let alone for some of the other more decadent island attractions. The only Hassidic Jew on the island must be ready for a challenge. "The normal rabbis, they are looking at me," laughs Rabbi Yoel Kraus in his heavy Israeli accent. "Of all the places in the world, what are you doing in Ibiza with your family? It's, you know, Sodom and Gomorrah. Just look at how the people dress - or don't dress." Despite his own appearance he is less concerned about what he calls the "technical" aspects of Judaism. "I went once to a party at Pacha and felt there was something more inner spiritual in that place than you'll get from some religious words." We are talking around the long plastic-covered table that dominates the large living room of a house he's recently moved into near the road from Ibiza Town to Sant Joan. In one corner a sideboard has been turned into a makeshift altar with a menorah (a Jewish candelabra). On the walls are a series of portraits of elderly men in stiff poses. They offer a stark contrast to this manner of this joyous and passionate rabbi, who talks as if every phrase ends in an exclamation mark. Not only that, but look closely and he seems far too young to have grown such an impressive beard. "I am 29 and a half," he says, smiling, as he does almost perpetually. Actually, his youth is not so unusual in Chabad, the fast-growing organisation he represents. It has emissaries in countries all over the world, often reviving Jewish communities in places where there were no leaders to provide education and perform religious services. It was a Chabad house that was attacked by terrorists in Mumbai last November and he's the same age as the rabbi who died there. Both men trained at the organisation's headquarters in Brooklyn, New York. Afterwards, they were both guided to their destinations by the spiritual leader of Chabad, Menachem Mendel Schneerson (who they call "the Rebbe", the Yiddish word for rabbi). The unusual part of this arrangement is that Schneerson passed away in 1994, officially mourned even by then-president Bill Clinton. The Rebbe's followers, however, believe he is the Jewish messiah who continues to communicate through his book of letters. "This is the way we do things when we don't see the Rebbe physically," says Rabbi Kraus. "We write a letter to ask the things we need to know. Then we meditate and put the letter in the book. Wherever it opens up is the answer. Exactly." Three years ago he was pointed in the direction of Ibiza after 15 more conventional suggestions had been rejected by the Rebbe's book. It was a decision that didn't meet with universal acclaim within Chabad. "Officially, we didn't get the okay from the organisation to go," admits Kraus. Having sold all their possessions, Kraus, his then-pregnant wife and young son set off for Ibiza. They knew nobody on the island and had barely enough money for three nights in a hostel. "We do have strong faith," he says. His unwavering optimism is based on an absolute belief that we are entering a messianic age when evil simply won't exist. "Everything is good. Everybody is good, even someone who is not good now. Focus on his good part and this is going to come through." Where others would see setbacks, he finds positive messages. He tells of how, after surviving in Ibiza for around a year, he returned briefly to Chabad's New York headquarters. While there he wrote a letter to his deceased spiritual leader asking how he was going to develop his activities on the island. "The Rebbe said you're going to get a house, a centre, and in that place is an old micvah, you've just got to fix it. It didn't make much sense," he says.

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Poca gente en Ibiza consigue vestir de una forma que cause serio revuelo. Transvertidos en tacones de diez centímetros, modelos semi-desnudas, payasos sobre zancos - lo hemos visto todo. Pero un hombre con un sombrero anticuado de ala ancha, una barba poblada y un abrigo negro largo - bien, eso es realmente inusual. Estas ropas son muy serias para un lugar donde rige la frivolidad. Es una vestimenta estricta con raíces en Europa del Este, una que enfatiza modestia y simboliza ferviente devoción religiosa. Esto no es lo que llevarías para unas vacaciones relajantes y tranquilas al sol, y aún menos para cualquiera de las otras atracciones decadentes de la isla. El único judío hasídico de la isla debe estar listo para un desafío. "Los rabinos normales, me miran", se ríe el rabino Yoel Kraus que posee un acento muy israelí. "De todos los lugares del mundo, ¿qué estás haciendo en Ibiza con tu familia? Es, ya sabes, Sodoma y Gomorra. Simplemente mira cómo viste la gente - o no se viste". A pesar de su propia apariencia no le preocupa mucho lo que él llama los aspectos "técnicos" del judaísmo. "Una vez fui a una fiesta en Pacha y sentí que había más espiritualidad en aquel sitio de la que encuentras en algunas palabras religiosas". Estamos hablando sentados en una mesa larga cubierta de un plástico que domina el gran salón de una casa a la que recientemente se ha mudado y se encuentra cerca de la carretera de Ibiza ciudad a Sant Joan. En un rincón un aparador se ha convertido en un improvisado altar con una Menora (un candelabro judío). En las paredes hay una serie de retratos de hombres ancianos en rígidas poses. Ofrecen un absoluto contraste al comportamiento de este alegre y apasionado rabino, que habla como si cada frase acabara en un símbolo de exclamación. No sólo eso, pero si miras de cerca parece demasiado joven para haberse dejado una barba tan impresionante. "Tengo 29 años y medio", dice sonriendo como hace casi permanentemente. De hecho, su juventud no es inusual en la Jabad, la organización de rápido crecimiento que él representa. Tiene emisarios en todos los países del mundo, a menudo revitalizando comunidades judías en lugares donde no había líderes para proporcionar educación y ofrecer servicios religiosos. Fue una casa Jabad la que fue atacada por terroristas en Mumbai el noviembre pasado y él tiene la misma edad que el rabino que murió allí. Ambos hombres fueron instruidos en las oficinas centrales de la organización en Brooklyn, Nueva York. Después, ambos fueron guiados a sus destinos por el líder espiritual de la Jabad, Menachem Mendel Schneerson (a quien llaman "el Rebbe", el término judío para rabino). Lo inusual de este plan es que Schneerson falleció en 1994, incluso el entonces presidente Bill Clinton lloró por su muerte. Los seguidores del Rebbe, sin embargo, creen que es el mesías judío que continúa comunicándose a través de sus libros de cartas. "Así hacemos las cosas cuando no vemos al Rebbe físicamente", dice el Rabino Kraus. "Escribimos una carta para preguntar las cosas que necesitamos saber. Luego meditamos y ponemos la carta en el libro. Dondequiera que se abra, allí está la respuesta. Exactamente". Hace tres años el rabino fue apuntado en dirección a Ibiza después de que 15 sugerencias más convencionales fueran rechazadas por el libro del Rebbe. Fue una decisión que no recibió el apoyo universal dentro de la Jabad. "Oficialmente, no recibimos el visto bueno de la organización para venir aquí", admite Kraus. Después de haber vendido todas sus posesiones, Kraus, su mujer entonces embarazada y su joven hijo partieron para Ibiza. No conocían a nadie en la isla y casi no tenían dinero para pasar tres noches en un hostal. "Tenemos una fe muy fuerte", dice. Su inquebrantable optimismo se basa en una creencia absoluta de que estamos entrando en una era mesíaca en la que el mal no existirá. "Todo es bueno. Todo el mundo es bueno, incluso alguien que no es bueno ahora. Céntrate en su parte buena y ésta saldrá". Donde otros verían desventajas, él encuentra mensajes positivos. Nos cuenta cómo, después de sobrevivir en Ibiza durante un año, regresó brevemente a las oficinas centrales de la Jabad en Nueva York. Mientras estaba allí, escribió una carta a su difunto líder espiritual preguntándole cómo iba a desarrollar sus actividades en la isla. "El Rebbe dijo que encontraría una casa, un centro, y que en aquel lugar encontraría un viejo micvah, y que sólo tenía que arreglarlo".


“Una vez fUi a Una fiesta en Pacha y sentí qUe había más esPiritUalidad en aqUel sitio de la qUe encUentras en algUnas Palabras religiosas". - rabbi yoel KraUs A micvah is a specially designed ritual bath. Its presence would show that the house had belonged to a Jewish family. This isn't as unlikely as it might seem. Large numbers of Jews have lived in Spain since biblical times, but for centuries they had to keep their existence and religious activities hidden to avoid persecution. Indeed this is the background of Rabbi Kraus's wife. She was brought up a Catholic in Spain and her family has only recently uncovered its Jewish roots. It was in Israel when she was "making aliyah" (claiming her right of return to the Holy Land) that she met and fell in love with the rabbi - not through a matchmaker as orthodoxy recommends, but on a bus. Nobody really knows how many people in Spain have Jewish blood. Their secret was kept for so long that recent generations may be totally unaware of their ancestry. There be may be many in Ibiza as Jews seem to have suffered less than others on the Iberian Peninsula. Large numbers fled to the island in the 15th century to escape the Spanish Inquisition. Once here, their existence was more of a secret to outsiders than to many Ibicencos whose tradition of tolerance goes back a very long way. Locals apparently ignored the presence of an underground synagogue beneath the convent of San Cristòfol in Dalt Vila. This is close to the "Street of the Jews" which was closed a century ago for being structurally dangerous. Not surprisingly this is a quarter of the Old Town to which Rabbi Kraus feels a powerful attachment. So you can imagine his excitement in New York when he received an email and photographs showing a property for sale in Dalt Vila exactly as the Rebbe's letter had predicted - or so it seemed. "I'm looking at one picture and I'm seeing that there's a tunnel and there's three steps to go inside. It's exactly the way a micvah is built. So I know we have to buy that place, but we don't have money because it's almost $2m. I start to raise money. Then somebody gives me $170,000 for a down payment." In a dream the Rebbe tells Rabbi Kraus to put down the money as a deposit so he can move into the house. This is a real act of faith as he'll lose that initial payment and his home if he can't come up with the rest of the cash within three months. But it seems he won't have to worry that long. "The next day I'm getting a phone call and a guy's giving me a $2 million cheque to buy the place. It sounds like a crazy story," he laughs. "Then after three months the cheque came back. The guy had a big bankruptcy. All the money has gone. There's not one dollar. We go from $2million one minute to on the streets - me, my wife and two kids. Now we need to show that we have faith," he laughs again. The Rebbe, he says, then told him he is being tested by God. "If I see the money I'm relaxed and if I don't see the money I'm pressured. I'm not in the right place I'm a slave to something." There is perhaps a more prosaic background to the story. Pacha Magazine recently spoke to the owner of the property who never doubted the sincerity of Rabbi Kraus but did carry out background checks on the $2 million benefactor. A victim of the Florida property crash, it seems unlikely he was in a position to cover the cheque even as he signed it. None of this has deterred the rabbi in the slightest. He has plans for a kindergarten, filled at least partly by his own children, the fourth of whom was born just two days before our visit. His house will become more of a centre with meetings and Sabbath meals for Jews and non-Jews, "revealing the inner light" and discussing Kabala, the mystical Jewish teachings followed by Madonna. (He welcomes her support and that of other celebrities as a sign of growing world spirituality.) Never does he regret his decision to move to a small Spanish island he'd never heard of. "When you believe in something it's endless light that you have inside yourself. If I'm doing something great in Ibiza it's affecting the whole world. As soon as I set foot in Ibiza I felt some energy, some spiritual energy, that I never felt anywhere else. "When I'm walking round I don't see any separation at the biggest parties in Pacha or Amnesia between holiness and spirituality. When people are having happiness and joy they want to be able to be better people as well. They want to be bringing more life and more joy to the world.¨

Un micvah es un baño ritual especialmente diseñado. Su presencia mostraría que la casa había pertenecido a una familia judía. Esto no es tan insólito como pueda parecer. Muchos judíos llevan viviendo en España desde tiempos bíblicos, pero durante siglos tuvieron que mantener su existencia y actividades religiosas en secreto para evitar ser perseguidos. Es más, éste es el pasado de la mujer del Rabino Kraus. Ella fue educada por la fe católica en España y su familia sólo recientemente ha desvelado sus raíces judías. Fue en Israel cuando "hacía aliyah" (reclamando su derecho de regresar a la Tierra Sagrada) que conoció y se enamoró del rabino - no a través de una celestina como recomienda la ortodoxia, sino en un autobús. Nadie sabe realmente cuánta gente en España tiene sangre judía. El secreto fue guardado durante tanto tiempo que puede que generaciones recientes no conozcan su pasado judío. Puede que haya muchos en Ibiza ya que los judíos parecen haber sufrido menos que otros en la Península Ibérica. Grandes números se trasladaron a la isla en el siglo XV para escapar de la Inquisición. Una vez allí, su existencia era más un secreto para las personas de fuera que para muchos ibicencos cuya tradición de tolerancia se remonta muchos años. Los locales aparentemente ignoraban la presencia de una sinagoga bajo el convento de Sant Cristòfol en Dalt Vila. Ésta está cerca de la "Calle de los Judíos" que se cerró hace un siglo por ser estructuralmente peligrosa. No es sorprendente que éste sea un barrio del casco antiguo por el que el rabino Kraus siente un fuerte cariño. Así que puedes imaginarte su emoción en Nueva York cuando recibió un email y fotografías mostrando un inmueble en venta en Dalt Vila exactamente como la carta del Rebbe predijo - o así parece. "Estoy mirando una foto y veo que hay un túnel y tres escalones para entrar a éste. Es exactamente la forma en que se construye el micvah. Así que me doy cuenta de que tenemos que comprar ese lugar, pero no tenemos dinero porque cuesta casi $2m. Empiezo a recaudar dinero. Entonces alguien me da $170.000 para el depósito". En un sueño el Rebbe le dice al rabino Kraus que ponga el dinero como depósito para que pueda mudarse a la casa. Éste es un verdadero acto de fe ya que perderá el pago inicial y su hogar si no puede conseguir el resto del dinero en tres meses. Pero parece que no tuvo que preocuparse durante mucho tiempo. "al día siguiente recibo una llamada de un hombre ofreciéndome $2 millones para comprar el lugar. Suena a locura", se ríe. "Entonces después de tres meses el cheque es devuelto. El hombre estaba totalmente arruinado. Todo el dinero se había esfumado. No nos queda ni un dólar. Pasamos de $2 millones en un minuto a estar en la calle - mi mujer, los dos niños y yo. Ahora tenemos que demostrar que tenemos fe", se ríe otra vez. El Rebbe, según nos cuenta, entonces le dijo que Dios le estaba poniendo a prueba. "Si veo el dinero estoy relajado y si no veo el dinero me siento presionado. No estoy en el lugar correcto - soy esclavo de algo". Quizá la historia tenga un fondo más prosaico. La Revista Pacha recientemente habló con el propietario del inmueble que nunca dudó de la sinceridad del rabino Kraus pero éste portaba un cheque de $2 millones de su benefactor que fue devuelto. Una víctima del crash inmobiliario de Florida, parece improbable que estuviera en posición de cubrir el cheque incluso cuando lo firmó. Nada de esto ha desalentado al rabino. Tiene planes de una guardería, llena en parte por sus propios hijos, el cuarto de ellos nació dos días antes de nuestra visita. Su casa se convertirá en un centro para reuniones y comidas Sabbath para judíos y no judíos, "revelando la luz interior" y discutiendo la Kabala, las enseñanzas místicas judías seguidas por Madonna. (Él acoge su apoyo y el de otras celebridades como una señal del crecimiento de la espiritualidad mundial). Nunca se ha arrepentido de su decisión de haberse trasladado a una pequeña isla española de la que nunca había oído hablar. "Cuando crees en algo es una luz eterna que tienes dentro de ti mismo. Si consigo hacer algo grande en Ibiza, esto afectará a todo el mundo. Tan pronto como puse un pie en Ibiza sentí la energía, la energía espiritual, que nunca he sentido en ningún otro sitio". "Cuando paseo por ahí no veo diferencias entre la santidad y espiritualidad en las grandes fiestas de Pacha y Amnesia. Cuando la gente está feliz y contenta también quieren ser personas mejores. Quieren traer más vida y felicidad al mundo".

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Class of 2009


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Dizzee Rascal

NAME: DIZZEE RASCAL PACHA CREDENTIALS: The grime star's debut album, 'Boy In Da Corner', won him a Mercury Prize in 2003 and his follow-up albums, 'Showtime' and 'Maths + English', have also been critically acclaimed. The rapper has two Number One singles, 'Bonkers' and 'Dance Wiv Me'. PACHA PROFILE: Dizzee played at Pacha in 2005 in the Global Room. He also performed at Ibiza Rocks in 2008, which proved to be one of the biggest gigs of the season. PACHA CONNECTION 2009: The London rapper has always been a fan of the crowd at Pacha and of the island in general, so when his booking agent offered him the chance to play again this year he jumped at the opportunity. Rascal says: "It's a great place to play - it's like a rapper's dream." IMPACT ON 2009: Dizzee had grown hugely as an artist during the last two years and his career continues to gather momentum. His Michael Jackson tribute was the talk of Glastonbury and he draws larger crowds every time he plays. It could be something to do with his unique way with words. When asked why he called his record label Dirtee Stank he said: "The name came from one of the first lyrics I had: 'Going on dirty/Going on stank'. So I thought 'yeah, fuck it, Dirtee Stank'. I had Dirtee Stank before I had my record deal". FAVOURITE PACHA IBIZA APPEAREANCE: "I liked playing at both Pacha and Ibiza Rocks. The atmosphere is always brilliant and everyone is up for raving." WHAT DO YOU BRING TO PACHA IBIZA? "Playing at Pacha is going to be bigger this year than ever before. I've got a lot more party music and I think the vibe of the music is really suited to Ibiza. In my new single 'Holiday', I talk about Ibiza and places such as the Blue Marlin." 152 PACHA / IBIZA 2009

NOMBRE: DIZZEE RASCAL CREDENCIALES PACHA: El álbum debut de la estrella, 'Boy In Da Corner', le ganó un Mercury en el 2003 y sus siguientes álbumes, 'Showtime' y 'Maths + English', también han sido aclamados por la crítica. El rapero también tiene dos singles que han llegado al Número Uno, 'Bonkers' y 'Dance Wiv Me'. PERFIL PACHA: Dizzee actuó en Pacha en el 2005 en la Sala Global. Además actuó en Ibiza Rocks en el 2008, que demostró ser uno de los grandes eventos de la temporada. CONEXIÓN PACHA 2009: El rapero de Londres siempre ha sido fan de la gente en Pacha y de la isla en general, así que su agente le ofreció la oportunidad de actuar otra vez este año y no se lo pensó dos veces. Rascal dice: "Es un lugar fantástico para actuar - es el sueño de un rapero". IMPACTO EN EL 2009. Dizzee ha crecido enormemente como artista durante los dos últimos años y su carrera continúa adquiriendo velocidad. Su tributo a Michael Jackson fue lo más comentado en Glastonbury y atrae a grandes audiencias cada vez que actúa. Podría ser debido a su forma única con las palabras. Cuando le preguntaron por qué llamó a su sello discográfico Dirtee Stank dijo: "El nombre vino de las letras de una de mis primeras canciones: 'Going on dirty/Going on stank'. Así que pensé, 'sí, que le jodan, Dirtee Stank'. Tenía Dirtee Stank antes de firmar con una discográfica". ACTUACIÓN FAVORITA EN PACHA IBIZA: "Me gustó actuar tanto en Pacha como en Ibiza Rocks. La atmósfera siempre es brillante y todo el mundo tiene ganas de fiesta". ¿QUÉ VAS A TRAER A PACHA IBIZA? "Cantar en Pacha Ibiza será más grande que nunca. Tengo mucha más música de fiesta y pienso que el ambiente de la música realmente encaja con Ibiza. En mi nuevo single 'Holiday', hablo sobre Ibiza y lugares como el Blue Marlin".

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Calvin Harris

NAME: CALVIN HARRIS PACHA CREDENTIALS: Born Adam Wiles back in 1984, allconquering Scottish chart topper Calvin Harris has cannily been snapped up as a monthly resident for Pure Pacha in 2009 - and he's loving every minute of it. PACHA PROFILE: "How did it come about? Well, I was DJing for a while and then stopped and then started again. Everyone thought I was a pop guy so to play a legendary club such as Pacha seemed like a good idea, especially if it went off!" PACHA CONNECTION 2009: "I just did the second one, which was a lot better than the first. It's nice playing after Sander Kleinenberg, who's really accommodating. Pacha is obviously famously a house music club and I sometimes play stuff you won't hear in your front room. The first one I toned down and played piano house but this time I played what I usually do - some Tiga, Fake Blood and Dizzee Rascal instead of piano house and it went off!" IMPACT ON 2009: After initial success with 'Girls' and 'Acceptable In The 80s', Calvin smashed his way to the top in 2009 with trance-pop anthem 'I'm Not Alone', following last year's smart'n'savvy 'Dance Wiv Me' collaboration with Dizzee Rascal. His second studio album, 'Ready For The Weekend', is due on August 17. FAVOURITE PACHA IBIZA APPEARANCE "Last night [July 17]. I've noticed a lot of DJs hang out at Pacha too - so I met Sebastian Ingrosso and Trevor Nelson and the month before I met Sasha. These are all dudes I used to read about!" WHAT DO YOU BRING TO PACHA IBIZA? "I still have youth on my side. I play a party set, I'm not concerned about what's current - it's a mix of everything that goes off in dance in the past ten years."

NOMBRE: CALVIN HARRIS CREDENCIALES PACHA: Nacido como Adam Wiles en 1984, este conquistador de los primeros puestos de las listas de éxitos ha sido astutamente contratado como residente mensual para Pure Pacha en el 2009 - y está disfrutando de cada segundo. PERFIL PACHA: "¿Cómo surgió? Bien, pinché durante un tiempo y luego lo dejé y volví a empezar otra vez. Todo el mundo pensó que era muy pop así que pinchar en un club tan legendario como Pacha parecía una buena idea, ¡especialmente si la cosa iba bien!" CONEXIÓN PACHA 2009: "Acabo de pinchar por segunda vez, que ha ido mucho mejor que la primera vez. Está bien pinchar después de Sander Kleinenberg, que realmente se acomoda muy bien. Pacha es obviamente un club de música house y a veces pincho cosas que no escucharías en una sala principal. La primera vez bajé el tono y pinché house con pianos pero esta vez pinché lo que suelo pinchar - un poco de Tiga, Fake Blood y Dizzee Rascal - ¡en vez de house con pianos y arrasó!" IMPACTO EN EL 2009: Después de su éxito inicial con 'Girls' y 'Acceptable In The 80s' Calvin se abrió camino hasta la cumbre en el 2009 con su éxito de trance-pop 'I'm Not Alone', siguiendo la colaboración con Dizze Rascal en 'Dance Wiv Me' del año pasado. Su segundo álbum de estudio, 'Ready For The Weekend' saldrá el 17 de agosto. TU ACTUACIÓN FAVORITA EN PACHA IBIZA: "Ayer por la noche [17 de julio]. Noté que además había muchos DJs en Pacha - así que conocí a Sebastian Ingrosso y Trevor Nelson y el mes pasado conocí a Sasha. ¡Solía leer sobre toda esta gente!" ¿QUÉ TRAES A PACHA IBIZA? "Todavía tengo la juventud de mi parte. Pincho una sesión de fiesta, no me preocupa lo que es actual - es una mezcla en la que pincho todo lo bueno de los diez últimos años del dance". PACHA / IBIZA 2009 153

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Fedde Le Grand

NAME: FEDDE LE GRAND PACHA CREDENTIALS: Having played at Pacha in previous seasons, Mark Netto and Danny Whittle decided that it was time for the 'Put Your Hands Up For Detroit' star to step up to the plate and show the club what he's really made of. PACHA PROFILE: 2009 is Dutch star Fedde's first year as a weekly resident for Pacha - and his Flamingo Nights party features guests such as Funkerman and Chus & Ceballos. He's also got lots of new music incoming. With 'Scared of Me' out now and 'Let Me Be Real' on the horizon, Fedde's other big track for '09 is 'Output', the title track from his forthcoming debut album. It's already proving to be one of his biggest anthems at Pacha. PACHA CONNECTION 2009: "I was ill one Tuesday but I'm still really happy. This is my first year as a fulltime resident and I have to say that every appearance is special!" IMPACT ON 2009: The key to Fedde's success is his blend of energy, unique New life production and live guests, which this year includes ever-'Connected' '90s dance icons the Stereo MCs. FAVOURITE PACHA IBIZA APPEARANCE SO FAR? "Last year there were four, and the one with Will.I.Am from Black Eyed Peas of course stood out. But my favourite party this year was in the middle of July - it was so good! The Flamingo Nights presents New Life production is there and we're rolling! And I'm sure it will get even better in the coming weeks." WHAT DO YOU BRING TO PACHA IBIZA? "In a literal sense, I bring my best friends because it's great to share the experience of having my own nights together with them. And what else do we bring? Good spirits, loads of energy, amazing visuals and great music and lots of new Flamingo releases. And not to forget sun cream, sunglasses, swimming trunks, beach towels and beach balls for the day after! I think that's it!" 154 PACHA / IBIZA 2009

NAME: FEDDE LE GRAND CREDENCIALES PACHA: Después de haber pinchado en Pacha en previas temporadas, Mark y Danny decidieron que era hora de que la estrella de 'Put Your Hands Up For Detroit' diera un paso adelante y mostrara al club lo que realmente vale. PERFIL PACHA: 2009 es el primer año en que la estrella holandesa tiene residencia semanal en Pacha - y su fiesta Flamingo Nights presenta invitados como Funkerman y Chus & Ceballos. Además tiene muchos temas a punto de ser publicados. Con 'Scared of Me' ya a la venta y 'Let Me Be Real' en el horizonte, el otro gran tema de Fedde para el '09 es 'Output', el tema que da título a su próximo álbum. Ya está demostrando ser uno de los temas más grandes en Pacha. CONEXIÓN PACHA 2009: "Estuve enfermo un martes pero seguía contento. ¡Éste es mi primer año como residente semanal y tengo que decir que cada actuación ha sido muy especial!" IMPACTO EN EL 2009: La clave del éxito de Fedde es su mezcla de energía, la producción tan singular de New Life y sus invitados, que este año incluye los iconos del dance de los años 90, Stereo MCs. ¿ACTUACIÓN FAVORITA EN PACHA IBIZA HASTA LA FECHA? "El año pasado hubo cuatro, y la actuación con Will.I.Am de los Black Eyed Peas por supuesto destacó. Pero mi fiesta favorita este año fue a mediados de julio - ¡fue tan buena! La producción de Flamingo Nights presentando New Life está allí y nos va fenomenal. Aunque estoy seguro de que irá mucho mejor en las próximas semanas". ¿QUÉ TRAES A PACHA IBIZA? "En sentido literal, traigo a mis mejores amigos porque es fantástico compartir la experiencia de tener mis propias noches con ellos. ¿Y qué más traemos? Buen espíritu, montones de energía, increíbles visuales y música magnífica y muchas publicaciones nuevas de Flamingo. Y no os olvidéis la crema solar, las gafas de sol, el bañador, la toalla y las pelotas para el día después. ¡Creo que eso es todo!"

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Mark Knight

NAME: MARK KNIGHT PACHA CREDENTIALS: DJ/producer Mark Knight lives life to the full. He loves fast cars, leads a fast-paced globetrotting lifestyle and his hot UK label Toolroom is the biggest and fastest selling label on Beatport in 2009. "We're working and releasing tracks by people such as Underworld, Faithless and Fatboy Slim and most exciting of all, I've just written a track with Underworld called 'Downpipe'. We'll drop it at the Radio 1 Weekend." PACHA PROFILE: Mark has been coming through the ranks at Pacha's Ibiza and NYC branches for quite some time now. "I'm now a monthly resident at Pacha New York for Toolroom Knights. I was there for my birthday last month and it was ridiculously rammed but with an open-minded crowd. Both are clubs with great legacies." And last year, Knight's cover of Laurent Garnier's 'Man With The Red Face' was the saxhouse sensation of the season. "How good was the reaction to '...Red Face'?" he asks, rhetorically. "It was voted Pacha's tune of the summer!" PACHA CONNECTION 2009: "At the beginning of the year, the plan was to crack America so as well as Pacha NYC, I also play Vanguard," he explains. "As for Ibiza this year, I got requests for everyone across the board, from Erick [Morillo] to David Guetta and Fedde Le Grand. I'm doing six parties in total!" IMPACT ON 2009: The key to Knight's success is a slew of new productions - next up is a cover of Chic's 'Good Times' - and his refusal to stick to one camp. "I'm doing lots of moonlighting. Why not - no one else is doing it!" FAVOURITE PACHA IBIZA APPEARANCE? "A Pure Pacha party in August last year with Cassius - they left it wide open for me to smash it. I ended with U2's 'With Or Without You'." WHAT DO YOU BRING TO PACHA IBIZA? "It's fun, it's energetic and there are always lots of 'moments'." Distilled to one word? "Ballsy."

NOMBRE: MARK KNIGHT CREDENCIALES PACHA: El DJ/productor Mark Knight vive la vida a tope. Le encantan los coches veloces, lidera un estilo de vida rápido y de trotamundos y su sello discográfico de moda en el Reino Unido, Toolroom, está siendo el más grande y el que más rápido está vendiendo en Beatport en el 2009. "Trabajamos y publicamos temas de gente como Underworld, Faithless y Fatboy Slim y lo más emocionante de todo, acabo de escribir un tema con Underworld llamado 'Downpipe'. Lo pincharemos en el Radio 1 Weekend". PERFIL PACHA: Mark lleva trabajando en Pacha Ibiza y Pacha NYC mucho tiempo. "Ahora soy residente mensual en Pacha Nueva York para Toolroom Knights. Estuve allí para mi cumpleaños el mes pasado y estaba hasta los topes con un público muy abierto. Los dos son clubes con grandes legados". Y el año pasado, la versión de Knight del 'Man With The Red Face' de Laurent Garnier fue la sensación de sax-house de la temporada. "¿Fue buena la respuesta que recibió '...Red Face'?" pregunta retóricamente. "¡Fue votado el tema del verano de Pacha!" CONEXIÓN PACHA 2009: "Al principio del año, el plan era triunfar en América así que además de pinchar en Pacha NYC, también pinché en Vanguard", explica. "En cuanto a Ibiza este año, todos me han pedido que pinche con ellos, desde Erick [Morillo] a David Guetta y Fedde Le Grand. ¡Hago seis fiestas en total!" IMPACTO EN EL 2009: La clave del éxito de Knight es una serie de producciones nuevas - la próxima es una versión del 'Good Times’ de Chic - y su rechazo a centrarse sólo en un campo. "Trabajo con mucha gente diferente. ¿Por qué no? ¡Todo el mundo lo hace!" ¿TU ACTUACIÓN FAVORITA EN PACHA IBIZA? "Una fiesta Pure Pacha en agosto del año pasado con Cassius - lo dejaron abierto para que yo entrara fuerte. Acabé con el 'With Or Without You' de U2". ¿QUÉ TRAES A PACHA IBIZA? "Es divertido, tiene mucha energía y siempre hay muchos 'momentos'". ¿Y en resumen? "Atrevido". PACHA / IBIZA 2009 155

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The Martinez Brothers

NAME: THE MARTINEZ BROTHERS PACHA CREDENTIALS: At 17 and 20 years old respectively, brothers Chris and Steve Martinez are two of the most talkedabout siblings in dance music. "We're of Puerto Rican descent," they explain. "We were born and raised in the Bronx until we moved to upstate New York three years ago." The fresh-faced DJ duo came to prominence last year when P Diddy invited them to play house music at his Main Event Party in Miami. Since then, the house and hip-hop-fixated production team - under the tutelage of NYC house producer Dennis Ferrer - have played in Ibiza for Erick Morillo at Subliminal and alongside Simon Dunmore at Defected. PACHA PROFILE: As well as DJing at the club in 2008, they returned in 2009 for Defected. Always a canny operator and keen to support new talent, Dunmore also gave the duo the chance to shine by letting them mix the latest 'Strictly' DJ compilation. PACHA CONNECTION 2009: "Dennis Ferrer has been extremely instrumental in all of this," they say. "Not only on the music and production, but also on the business side and on life in general. He's become really like family." And now they can count Defected and Pacha as family too. IMPACT ON 2009: The key to TMB's success is their raw, animal energy in the booth and an understanding of classic, soulful house music that belies their age. "We love Masters at Work, who were and are still influential to pretty much everyone in dance music. Plus people such as Joe Claussell and Martin Buttrich." FAVOURITE PACHA IBIZA APPEARANCE? Simon Dunmore says their appearance at the club on July 4 really solidified their place at the house music table. "That gig really was something quite incredible!" WHAT DO YOU BRING TO PACHA IBIZA? "We're just having fun and doing what we love, not really thinking about whether we're the future or the saviours of house music!" 156 PACHA / IBIZA 2009

NOMBRE: MARTINEZ BROTHERS CREDENCIALES PACHA: A los 17 y 20 años respectivamente, los hermanos Chris y Steve Martínez son dos de los hermanos más populares de la música dance. "Somos de descendencia portorriqueña", explican. "Nacimos y nos educamos en el Bronx hasta que nos mudamos al norte de Nueva York hace tres años". El dúo de rostros frescos se hicieron famosos cuando P Diddy los invitó a pinchar música house en su Main Event Party en Miami. Desde entonces, el equipo de producción con gran fijación por el house y hip-hop - bajo la tutela del productor de house de NYC Dennis Ferrer - ha pinchado en Ibiza para Erick Morillo en Subliminal y junto a Simon Dunmore en Defected. PERFIL PACHA: Además de pinchar en el club en el 2008, han regresado en el 2009 para Defected. El siempre astuto e inclinado a apoyar nuevo talento, Simon Dunmore, además ha dado al dúo la oportunidad de brillar al dejarles mezclar el último recopilatorio de 'Strictly'. CONEXIÓN PACHA 2009: "Dennis Ferrer ha sido muy importante", dicen. "No sólo en la música y producción, pero también en la parte de los negocios y en la vida en general. Ahora es uno más de la familia". Y ahora también pueden contar con Defected y Pacha como parte de la familia. IMPACTO PARA EL 2009: La clave del éxito de TMB está en su energía pura y animal en la cabina y en entender la música house clásica y cargada de soul, algo que no deja traslucir su edad. "Nos encantan Masters at Work, que fueron y siguen siendo influyentes para casi todo el mundo en la música dance. Además de gente como Joe Claussell y Martin Buttrich". ¿ACTUACIÓN FAVORITA EN PACHA IBIZA? Simon dice que su actuación en el club el 4 de julio realmente solidificó su lugar en la industria de música house. "¡Ése evento fue incríble!" ¿QUÉ TRAÉIS A PACHA IBIZA? "¡Simplemente nos divertimos y hacemos lo que más nos gusta, realmente no pensamos en si somos el futuro o los salvadores de la música house!"

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Miss Divine

NAME: MISS DIVINE PACHA CREDENTIALS: Now firmly a part of the Defected house family alongside Shovell, Sandy Rivera and label boss Simon Dunmore, the label's first lady of house certainly isn't lacking in blonde ambition. "In August last year, I got signed to Defected's artist and management arm. I'm the first female on the agency!" she smiles. You can catch her at Pacha throughout the summer. "I've spent the last five years running La Vita at Hush. Also look out for a one-off party at Zoo for breast cancer on July 28." PACHA PROFILE: "This year I did the opening Adventures party in May - and I have four dates throughout the summer as Ibiza resident. I've been going to Defected for seven years so to be in the box rather on the dancefloor is so special." PACHA CONNECTION 2009: "I'm playing on August 18 with Bob Sinclar and then for closing with Julia McKnight. To be working with these artists is awesome." IMPACT on 2009: "As well as Ibiza, I've been touring everywhere from India to Colombia. I mixed the Defected covermount for issue 2 of Pacha magazine this summer and I just mixed 'Defected: Clubland Adventures 8'. Divine's been given a serious push by the Defected team and with good reason - she keeps the music "sexy" while also bringing "the underground flavour". FAVOURITE PACHA IBIZA APPEARANCE: "Probably the best was the opening this year. All my friends flew over and they took over the dancefloor. My mixing was perfect, the atmosphere was perfect, Simon was there and I got to show him I was capable of rocking Pacha." WHAT DO YOU BRING TO PACHA IBIZA? "Because I'm playing all over the world all weekend, I pick up on what the underground house DJs are playing. I'm constantly raving and searching for new music. So I keep it sexy and bring the female touch to things. I know what girls want - I think the guys go too heavy sometimes!"

NOMBRE: MISS DIVINE CREDENCIALES PACHA: Ahora forma parte de la familia Defected junto a Shovell, Sandy Riviera y el jefe del sello Simon Dunmore, a la primera dama de esta discográfica ciertamente no le falta ambición rubia. "En agosto del año pasado, me firmaron para la división artística y directiva de Defected. ¡Soy la primera chica de la agencia!", se ríe. La puedes ver en Pacha durante todo el verano. "He pasado los últimos cinco años dirigiendo La Vita en Hush. Además no os perdáis un evento especial en beneficio al cáncer de mama en el Zoo el 28 de julio". PERFIL PACHA: "Este año hice la apertura de la fiesta Adventures en mayo - y tengo cuatro eventos durante el verano como residente de Ibiza. Llevo yendo a Defected siete años así que estar en la cabina en vez de la pista de baile es muy especial". CONEXIÓN PACHA 2009: "Pincho el 18 de agosto con Bob Sinclair y luego en el cierre con Julia McKnight. Es increíble poder trabajar con estos artistas". IMPACTO EN EL 2009: "Además de Ibiza, he estado de gira por todas partes desde India a Colombia. Mezclé el CD de portada de Defected para el segundo número de la revista Pacha este verano y acabo de mezclar 'Defected: Clubland Adventures 8'". El equipo de Defected ha estado impulsando seriamente a Divine y por una buena razón - hace que la música siga siendo 'sexy' además de traer un "toque underground". ACTUACIÓN FAVORITA EN PACHA: "Probablemente la mejor fue la apertura este año. Todos mis amigos vinieron y se pusieron a bailar en la pista de baile. Mis mezclas fueron perfectas, la atmósfera fue perfecta, Simon estuvo allí y pude demostrarle que era capaz de emocionar Pacha". ¿QUÉ APORTAS A PACHA IBIZA? "Porque pincho por todo el mundo los fines de semana, escucho lo que todos los DJs underground están pinchando. Estoy constantemente de fiesta y buscando nueva música. Así que hago que sea sexy y traigo un poco de toque femenino. Sé lo que las chicas quieren - ¡creo que a los chicos a veces les gusta la música demasiado dura!" PACHA / IBIZA 2009 157

Visions of Ibiza Ibiza, July 2009


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Es Cavellet beach has been an Ibiza institution for more than 20 years and was one of the first nudist beaches in Europe. And now there's one more reason to visit as restaurateur Jonathan Thorogood and Olivia Fleury has taken over El Chiringuito and transformed it into one of the best places to eat on the island in just a few short months. Thorogood put through a major refurbishment to "create a space that keeps the integrity of the environment"; the result is surroundings that are relaxed and au naturel, complete with atmospheric world music in the background for that allround chilled-out vibe. In addition, he says, the new chefs make food that some customers say should come with a health warning "because you just can't stop eating, it's so delicious". The menu offers a variety of Italian, Spanish, French and Mediterranean dishes, including a mouth-watering choice of burgers with caramelised onions, spaghetti gambas and lobster rice. Quality food is a priority for Thorogood - croissants are flown in especially from Paris. As well as serving up fantastic lunch options, El Chiringuito is also a great place to digest the morning sun over an LA-style breakfast or smoothie from the juice bar. It is also one of the most reasonably priced restaurants in the area and anything you can't manage can be taken home in a stylish doggy bag.

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La playa de Es Cavallet lleva más de 20 años siendo una institución en Ibiza y fue una de las primeras playas nudistas de Europa. Y ahora hay una razón más para visitarla ya que los restauradores Jonathan Thorogood y Olivia Fleury han tomado las riendas de El Chiringuito y lo han transformado en uno de los mejores lugares para comer de la isla en tan solo unos meses. Thorogood hizo unas grandes reformas para "crear un espacio que mantiene la integridad del entorno"; el resultado son unos alrededores relajados y naturales, completos con música atmosférica mundial de fondo para ese ambiente chill-out por doquier. Además, según él, los nuevos chefs hacen comida que según algunos clientes debería venir con un aviso para tu salud "porque es tan deliciosa que no puedes parar de comer". La carta ofrece una variedad de platos italianos, españoles, franceses y mediterráneos, incluyendo una deliciosa selección de hamburguesas con cebolla caramelizada, spaghetti con gambas y arroz de langosta. La cocina de calidad es una prioridad para Thorogood - los croissants son traídos especialmente desde París en avión. Además de servir fantásticas opciones para el almuerzo, El Chiringuito también es un lugar fantástico para digerir el sol de la mañana con un desayuno al estilo de LA o un smoothie del bar de zumos. Además es uno de los restaurantes con los precios más razonables de la zona y todo aquello que no puedas comer te lo puedes llevar a casa en una elegante bolsa para el perro.


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You've driven past the huge neon sign - now discover what awaits if you venture down the stairs of one of Playa d'en Bossa's most striking nightclubs. Compared to other clubs in Ibiza, Martina is home to a smaller, more intimate crowd and there are also some elegant VIP areas for those looking for some seclusion without missing out on the fun. The nights here are becoming increasingly popular, including from Satisfy on a Monday and Five on Wednesdays. "Martina's philosophy is to return the prominence that should never have been lost to the people of Ibiza," says the club's director, Jonathan Gutiérrez. "After years of the tyranny of the brands, names and big stages, this is a new meeting point in Ibiza for different people, where they can dance without being pushed, and where the new generations can present their musical proposals. "Martina is looking to retrace the golden years of Ibiza," he adds, "by applying the formula that Pacha implemented with such success in its beginnings. Martina has the aim to implement a new style and become the breeding ground for the big clubs. Any idea and any dream will have its space in Martina." Let´s see...

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Una vez que pasas el enorme cartel de neón - descubre lo que te espera si te aventuras bajando las escaleras de uno de los clubes más sorprendentes de Playa d'en Bossa. Comparado con otros clubes en Ibiza, Martina es el hogar de una clientela más pequeña e íntima y además hay zonas VIP muy elegantes para aquellos que busquen un poco de aislamiento sin renunciar a la diversión. Las noches aquí son cada vez más populares, incluyendo Satisfy los lunes y Five los miércoles. "La filosofía de Martina consiste en devolver el protagonismo a la gente de Ibiza que nunca debió perder", dice el director del club Jonathan Gutiérrez. "Después de años de tiranía de las marcas, nombres y grandes escenarios, aparece en Ibiza un punto de reunión para gente diferente, donde puedes bailar sin empujones, y donde las nuevas generaciones pueden presentar sus propuestas musicales". "Martina busca retomar los años dorados de Ibiza", añade, "aplicando la fórmula que con tanto éxito implantó Pacha en sus comienzos. Martina pretende implantar un nuevo estilo, convertirse en el vivero donde se nutran los grandes clubes. Cualquier idea, cualquier sueño tendrá su hueco en Martina".


DJ JP'S MARTINA TOP 10 1 Minister de la Funk - 'Believe' (HCCR Remix) (Subliminal) 2 Gramophonedzie - 'Why Don't You' (Guesthouse) 3 JP Chronic feat Daren J Bell - 'House Music' (Miss Moneypenny's) 4 Julien Jabre - 'Vicious Circle' (John Dahlback Remix) (D:vision) 5 Chocolate Puma & Bingo Players - 'Disco Electrique' (D:vision) 6 Prok & Fitch & Cevin Fisher - 'Mundo' (Floorplay) 7 Luomo - 'Tessio' (Ramon Tapia Remix) (Great Stuff) 8 Dennis Ferrer - 'Sinfonia Dela Note' (Objektivity) 9 Julien Chaptal - 'Mandaye' '(Remote Area) 10 Michel Cleis - 'La Mezcla' (Cadenza)

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Britney Spears, Angelina Jolie, Jennifer Lopez, Courtney Love and Gwen Stefani are all fans of LA-based clothing label Loy and Ford. Ibizans will be pleased to know that the label opened its first boutique on the island in May this year, called White Horse Labiza. After great success in LA, designers Frank Ford and Stefan Loy left the States in 2007 to seek a new, free and openminded future. Shortly after arriving in Ibiza in 2008, they decided to set up shop in Dalt Vila. As well as offering their renowned cut staple pieces, Loy and Ford have also added some unique Ibiza items to their collection, which are exclusively available at the boutique. Ford says: "For Ibiza we added glamorous, funky evening outfits and cool disco 'chic le freak' dresses as well as easy beachy throw-over hot summer balloons. LA's style is not much different to Ibiza's - both are individual, sexy, rich and easy with an elegant touch without being too serious."

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Britney Spears, Angelina Jolie, Jennifer Lopez, Courtney Love y Gwen Stefani son todas grandes admiradoras de la marca de L.A. Loy and Ford. Los ibicencos estarán encantados de saber que la marca abrió su primera boutique en la isla en mayo de este año, llamada White Horse Labiza. Después de su gran éxito en LA, los diseñadores Frank Ford y Stefan Loy dejaron los Estados Unidos en el 2007 para buscar un futuro nuevo, libre y de mentalidad abierta. Poco después llegaron a Ibiza en el 2008, decidieron montar una tienda en Dalt Vila. Además de ofrecer sus piezas clave reconocidas por sus originales cortes, Loy y Ford además han añadido artículos únicos para Ibiza a su colección, que se venden exclusivamente en la boutique. Ford dice: "Para Ibiza hemos añadido trajes de noche glamorosos y funky y vestidos 'chick le freak' para la disco además de modelos veraniegos muy llevaderos para la playa. El estilo de LA no es muy diferente al de Ibiza - ambos son individuales, sexy, ricos y fáciles de llevar con un toque de elegancia sin ser demasiado serios".




Near the port in Ibiza Town lies a treasure trove of every kind of liquid beverage you could ever wish for and more. Pacha restaurant manager Juanan Martinez has always been passionate about the wine he sells and decided last year - together with business partner Laura Miró - that the island needed a store dedicated to providing a more refined selection of wines, spirits, champagnes, water and soft drinks. As you walk through the shop's slick sliding doors it quickly becomes apparent that if it's sold in liquid form then they stock it, anything from magnums of Dom Perignon to Fijiian water. As well as all the usual alcholic tipples there is a large selection of products exclusive to Vila Vins, including Hermanos Lurton wine, Roberto Cavalli's vodka and miniature bottles of Pop champagne. The shop also offers a delivery service to boats, houses and private parties during the store's opening hours of 10am-2pm and 5-10pm from Monday to Saturday.

Cerca del puerto de Ibiza se encuentra la cueva del tesoro de todo tipo de bebidas que puedas desear y más. El encargado del restaurante Pacha, Juanan Martínez, siempre ha sentido una gran pasión por el vino y el año pasado decidió - junto a su socia Laura Miró - que la isla necesitaba una tienda dedicada a la oferta de una selección más refinada de vinos, licores, champagnes, agua y refrescos. Cuando cruzas la elegante puerta corredera de la tienda rápidamente te das cuenta que todo aquello que se vende en forma líquida lo puedes encontrar aquí, de todo desde botellas mágnum de Dom Perignon a agua Fiji. Además de las bebidas alcohólicas habituales hay una gran selección de productos exclusivos para Vila Vins, incluyendo el vino Hermanos Lurton, el vodka de Roberto Cavalli y las botellas en miniatura del champagne Pop. La tienda también ofrece un servicio de reparto a barcos, casas y fiestas privadas durante las horas de apertura de la tienda que son de 10am2pm y de 5-10pm de lunes a sábado.

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Torre del Canonigo is situated in Ibiza town's historic centre, Dalt Vila, next to the quiet cathedral area. It's here that you can balance peace and tranquillity with the benefits of being in the middle of town. The hotel's location, excellent attention to detail and exemplary service means it attracts many celebrities, who come to either work or holiday on the island. The hotel's tower is built on Roman walls and enjoys panoramic views of the whole city and the Mediterranean. Wireless internet is available for those wishing to stay in touch with the outside world and all five rooms come with a hydromassage bath, TV, DVD player, air-con and minibar. There are two standard rooms, a superior room, junior suite and a main suite to choose from. Both standard rooms have a balcony overlooking the street while the superior room can sleep up to four people and has its own kitchenette. The junior suite and the main suite also have their own terraces with outdoor Jacuzzis and views to the harbour. Bliss.

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La Torre del Canónigo está en el centro histórico de Ibiza ciudad, Dalt Vila, junto a la tranquila zona de la catedral. Aquí es donde puedes encontrar el equilibrio entre paz y tranquilidad con los beneficios de estar en el centro de la ciudad. Su situación, excelente atención al detalle y un servicio ejemplar significan que el hotel atrae a muchas celebridades que vienen a trabajar a la isla o bien de vacaciones. La torre del hotel fue construida entre las murallas romanas y disfruta de vistas panorámicas de toda la ciudad y del Mediterráneo. Hay wi-fi disponible para aquellos que deseen estar en contacto con el mundo exterior y las cinco habitaciones vienen con bañera de hidromasajes, TV, reproductor de DVD, AA y mini-bar. Hay dos habitaciones estándar, una habitación superior, una junior suite y una suite principal entre las que elegir. Ambas habitaciones estándar tienen un balcón que mira a la calle mientras que en la superior pueden dormir cuatro personas y tiene su propia cocina. La junior suite y la suite principal también tienen terrazas propias con jacuzzis y vistas al puerto. Pura dicha.


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Built in 1991, this luxury villa is in walking distance of Pacha and just a few minutes walk from Café Sidney. Situated in Illa Plana in Ibiza Town and boasting a view from the large pool terrace area overlooking Marina Botafoc, this is the perfect place to entertain friends under the stars. An infinity swimming pool, complete with a dolphin mosaic on the bottom, opens out to the sea. The eight-bedroom villa is situated in a beautiful location on the rocks that separate Talamanca Bay from Ibiza Port. Despite the central locality, it still enjoys a high level of privacy with excellent sea views in all directions, including that of Ibiza's historic old town centre and Dalt Vila. The two master bedroom suites are spacious and one has its own private kitchen, dining area and living room. There is underfloor heating for the wintertime, a garage for three cars and an elevator.

Construida en 1991, esta mansión de lujo está a un paseo de Pacha y justo a unos pocos minutos del Café Sydney. Situada en Illa Plana en Ibiza ciudad y presumiendo de una vista desde su enorme zona de piscina que mira hacia Marina Botafoc, es el lugar perfecto para entretener amigos bajo las estrellas. Una piscina infinita, completa con un mosaico de un delfín en el fondo, se abre al mar. La casa de ocho habitaciones está situada en un lugar precioso en las rocas que separan la bahía de Talamanca y el puerto de Ibiza. A pesar de su situación central, todavía presume de un alto nivel de privacidad y excelentes vistas al mar en todas direcciones, incluyendo la del casco antiguo de Ibiza, Dalt Vila. Las dos master suites son espaciosas y una de ellas tiene su propia cocina privada, comedor y salón. Hay suelo radiante para el invierno, un garaje para tres coches y ascensor.

Stephen Hare Ibiza Prime S.L. Tel: 659.908.975. 178 PACHA / IBIZA 2009


DETAILS The 488m2 building is built on a plot of 881m2 land 8 x bedrooms including two master bedroom suites, one with private kitchen, dining area and living room 8 x bathrooms 1 x private garden 1 x swimming pool 1 x garage for three cars El edificio de 488m2 está construido sobre un terreno de 881m2 8 x dormitorios incluyendo dos master suites, una con cocina, comedor y salón privados 8 x baños 1 x jardín privado 1 x piscina 1 x garaje de tres plazas

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This unique property is situated in a small village close to Ibiza Town and comes with two amazing guesthouses - so it's great for those wishing to have friends and family to stay. A beautiful Mediterranean panoramic view awaits you from the large swimming pool terrace and the garden is perfectly safe for children. The main house has a huge living room with an American-style kitchen and there are three bedrooms with en-suite bathrooms, two fireplaces, Jacuzzis, underfloor heating, air conditioning and guest toilet. The two separate guesthouses are located in a beautiful garden with special lighting and automatic irrigation system. Both have their own double bedroom, bath and shower, living room and terraces. One comes with an extra kitchen. A separate apartment can be found underneath the main house, decked out with a bedroom, en-suite bath, kitchen, living room and terrace. All rooms have a TV, DVD and sound system.

DETAILS The 500m2 building is on a plot of 3,000m2 of land. 6 x bedrooms 6 x bathrooms 4 x reception rooms La casa de 500m2 está sobre un terreno de 3.000m2. 6 x dormitorios 6 x baños 4 x recibidores

Este inmueble único está situado en el pequeño pueblo cerca de Ibiza ciudad y viene con dos casitas de invitados increíbles - así que es fantástica para aquellos que deseen invitar a amigos o familiares para quedarse. Una preciosa vista panorámica del Mediterráneo te espera desde una gran terraza con piscina y un jardín que son totalmente seguros para los niños. La casa principal tiene un enorme salón con cocina al estilo americano y hay tres dormitorios con baño en-suite, dos chimeneas, jacuzzis, suelo radiante, aire acondicionado y un servicio de cortesía. Las dos casitas de invitados están situadas en un precioso jardín con iluminación especial y un sistema de irrigación automático. Ambos tienen habitaciones dobles, baño y ducha, salón y terrazas. Una viene con una cocina extra. Se puede encontrar un apartamento separado debajo de la casa principal, equipado con un dormitorio, baño en-suite, cocina, salón y terraza. Todas las habitaciones tienen TV, DVD y sistema de sonido.

Stephen Hare Ibiza Prime S.L. Tel: 659.908.975. 180 PACHA / IBIZA 2009



Located directly on the seafront of Paseo Maritimo, near to the historic Ibiza Town, this striking five-star development offers fantastic views to the marina and the old town. The contemporary building consists of 27 apartments, all with one to three bedrooms and either terraces or gardens. There are 12 apartments still for sale. All the apartments are fully furnished to the highest standards with interiors designed by Conrad & Partners, who are responsible for a number of boutique hotels and luxury apartments around the world. The standard of furnishings - by distinguished designers including B&B Italia, Minotti and Moroso - will ensure a perfect home-from-home experience. Stylish and minimalist while remaining relaxed and sophisticated, each of the main rooms is fully equipped with state-of-the-art touchpanel, sound, video systems, highdefinition plasma screens and Blu-ray player. And there is a library of films, songs and audio tracks plus programmable lights, automatic blinds, heating and air-conditioning systems all at your fingertips. The master bedrooms offer a freestanding terrazzo bath set against a wall of stone mosaic, while the additional bathroom contains homemade stone basins and Dornbracht Tara brassware. Environmental issues have also been considered with the building's design. Solar panels provide hot water for the building and thermal insulation reduces heat loss or gain. The excellent five-star hotel-quality sound insulation between the floors and trebleglazed windows will provide all the privacy you could ever need. The apartments feature an advanced alarm system, which can send SMS messages and give remote access control to owners over the internet.

Situado directamente en primera línea de mar en el Paseo Marítimo, cerca del histórico casco antiguo de Ibiza, éste impresionante edificio de cinco estrellas ofrece fantásticas vistas a la marina y a Dalt Vila. El edificio contemporáneo consta de 27 apartamentos de uno a tres dormitorios con terrazas o jardines. Hay 12 apartamentos aún a la venta. Todos los apartamentos están totalmente amueblados con un estándar máximo y sus interiores han sido diseñados por Conrad & Partners, los responsables de un número de hoteles boutique y apartamentos de lujo en todo el mundo. El mobiliario estándar, de distinguidos diseñadores incluyendo B&B Italia, Minotti y Moroso, asegurarán que te sientas cómodo en tu hogar. Elegante y minimalista mientras continúan siendo relajados y sofisticados, cada uno de los salones está totalmente equipado con un panel táctil de última tecnología, sistema de sonido y vídeo, plasmas de alta definición y reproductores Blu-ray. También hay una biblioteca de películas, canciones y audio además de luces programables, persianas automáticas, sistemas de calefacción y aire acondicionado, todo al alcance de tus dedos. Las habitaciones principales ofrecen bañeras de terrazo independientes situadas frente a una pared de mosaico de piedra, mientras que el baño adicional contiene lavabos de piedra hechos a mano y grifería de Dornbracht Tara. También se ha considerado la protección del medio ambiente en el diseño del edificio. Los paneles solares proporcionan agua caliente para el edificio y su aislamiento térmico reduce la pérdida/acumulación de calor dependiendo de la estación del año. El aislamiento del sonido entre plantas con una calidad excelente de hotel de cinco estrellas y ventanas de triple cristal proporcionarán la privacidad que necesitas. Los apartamentos presentan avanzados sistemas de alarma, que pueden enviar mensajes SMS y proporcionar control remoto a sus propietarios a través de Internet.

Sa Marina. Tel: 661.920.303. UK sales agent: 0800.046.1655 182 PACHA / IBIZA 2009


DETAILS Prices vary from 485,000 euros for a first floor two-bed apartment with island view, to 2,000,000 euros for a three-bed apartment at the top with sea views. There are also three ground-floor apartments each with private gardens, one of which is 447 sq m, for 1,578,000 euros. All apartments have advanced alarm systems. Apartments still available: 3 x one-bed 6 x two-bed 3 x three-bed Los precios varían de 485.000 euros por un apartamento de dos dormitorios en la planta baja con vistas a la isla, a 2.000.000 euros por un apartamento de tres dormitorios en el ático con vistas al mar. También hay tres apartamentos en la planta baja con jardines privados, uno mide 447 m2, por 1.578.000 euros. Todos los apartamentos disponen de sistema de alarma avanzado. Apartamentos todavía disponibles: 3 x un dormitorio 6 x dos dormitorios 3 x tres dormitorios

Sa Marina. Tel: 661.920.303. UKs sales agent: 0800.046.1655 PACHA / IBIZA 2009 183



Built in the desirable Ibiza Nueva area, this three-bedroom apartment set in a stylish building was completed in June 2009. On the second floor it has views of both the countryside and Talamanca beach, so visually you can have the best of both worlds. There are three double bedrooms (all with countryside views) and the master bedroom has a separate dressing area and en-suite bathroom; the other two bedrooms share a bathroom. There is a fully equipped American-style kitchen and the nearby balcony is accessible through glass sliding doors. There is a communal swimming pool and a fully equipped gymnasium for residents to enjoy. But if you'd prefer a dip in the sea, Talamanca beach is just a few minutes walk away. The apartment comes fully furnished so you just need to bring your suitcase. The apartment also comes with a laundry room. The location is ideal for those looking to enjoy Ibiza Town, the port and of course, Pacha in the evenings.

Construido en la solicitada zona de Ibiza Nueva, este apartamento de tres dormitorios está situado en un moderno y elegante edificio que fue acabado en junio del 2009. La segunda planta disfruta de vistas tanto al campo como a la playa de Talamanca, así que visualmente puedes tener lo mejor de los dos mundos. Hay tres dormitorios dobles (todos con vistas al campo) y la habitación principal tiene un vestidor y baño en-suite; las otras dos comparten baño. Hay una cocina de estilo americano totalmente equipada y se accede al balcón a través de puertas de cristal correderas. Hay una piscina comunitaria y un gimnasio totalmente equipado para que los residentes puedan disfrutarlos. Pero si prefieres darte un baño en el mar, la playa de Talamanca está a pocos minutos caminando. El apartamento viene totalmente amueblado por ello sólo necesitas traerte la maleta. El apartamento también viene con lavadero. La situación es ideal para aquellos que quieran disfrutar de Ibiza ciudad, el puerto y por supuesto, Pacha por las noches.

COMPANY PROFILE: IBIZA PRIME PROPERTIES Based in Ibiza all year round, Ibiza Prime specialises in the sale and rental of luxury properties. With more than eight years' experience in the Spanish property market (and the last five years in Ibiza), their managing director, Stephen Hare, is very optimistic about the year ahead. "Ibiza simply has not seen the falls in property prices experienced in other parts of Spain. This gives enormous confidence to those looking to buy a property here. In an uncertain world, investment here is likely to be safe and highly enjoyable."

DETAILS This 420m2 house is being offered with 22,850m2 of land 2 x reception rooms 1 x kitchen 1 x dining room 4 x bedrooms 4 x bathrooms 1 x parking area 1 x tennis court 1 x swimming pool Esta casa de 420m2 se ofrece con 22.850m2 de terreno 2 x salas de estar 1 x cocina 1 x comedor 4 x dormitorios 4 x baños 1 x zona de parking 1 x pista de tenis 1 x piscina

PERFIL DE LA COMPAÑÍA: IBIZA PRIME PROPERTIES Establecida en Ibiza durante todo el año, Ibiza Prime Properties se especializa en la venta y alquiler de inmuebles de lujo. Con más de ocho años de experiencia en el mercado inmobiliario español (y los últimos cinco años en Ibiza), su director, Stephen Hare, es muy optimista sobre el año que nos espera. "Ibiza simplemente no ha vivido la bajada en los precios de inmuebles como se han experimentado en otras partes de España. Esto da una gran confianza a aquellos que buscan comprar un inmueble aquí. En un mundo incierto, invertir aquí es muy seguro y un verdadero placer".

Stephen Hare Ibiza Prime S.L. Tel: 659.908.975. 184 PACHA / IBIZA 2009


L a O L i va C/. Sta. Cruz, 2 Dalt Vila, Ibiza • Tel: 971.305.752.

IBIZA TOWN BARS A LIST Slick bar-boutique for snappy drinkers and dressers A-List, C/ Cruz 25 and C/ Luis Tur y Palau, Ibiza Town. Tel: 971.190.910. ANFORA Erotic nightspot for Ibiza's gay community C/ San Carlos 7, Dalt Vila. ANGELO BAR & RESTAURANT Vibrant gay meeting point with Mediterranean menu Angelo Bar Terrace, C/ Santa Lucia 12, Ibiza Town. Tel: 971.310.335. Angelo Restaurante, C/ D'Alfons XII, Ibiza Town. Tel: 971.311.607. BABYLON Heaving gay-friendly club for after-hours fun Under Hotel Corso, Marina Botafoch. BAR JJ Vibey local bar for the men in town C/ de La Virgen 79. Ibiza Town. Tel: 971.310.247. BASE BAR The place for music industry hobnobbing and fun C/ Garilo 16, Ibiza Town. Tel: 971.131.786. BAR MAMBO Lively German meet point in the heart of the main drag C/ Garilo 10, Ibiza Town. Tel: 971.312.160. BAR ZUKA Intimate boudoir like drink den C/ de la Virgen 75, Ibiza, Tel: 971.318.880. BLU Atmospheric bar-club with live music, DJs and dancing C/ Navarra, Figuertes. Tel: 971.305.361. BOCATERIA Bocadillos and pastries to eat in or take out Paseo Vara de Rey 5, Ibiza Town: 971.302.445. BOMBAY LOUNGE Chillout lounge in the heart of Ibiza, candle lights and mood music! CLUB NAUTICO Classic marina hangout before or after boating Avda Santa Eularia s/n, Ibiza Town. Tel: 971.314.023. DOME Super fashion hangout in the trendy gay quarter C/ Alfonso XII, Mercado Viejo. Tel: 971.317.456 EL CLUB Uber-slick drinks and dance spot C/ Pedro de Portugal 9, Ibiza Town. Tel: 971.311.812. ES LLIMONER Cool tapas and coffee bar for tasty morsels Es Llimoner, C/ Carlos III, Ibiza Town. Tel: 971.190.465 GEMINI Friendly Italian bar with hot interior and bubbly terrace C/ Garijo 12, Ibiza Town. Tel: 971.190.054. GRIAL Hip'n'happening hangout near Pacha Avda 8 de Agosto s/n, Ibiza Town. Tel: 971.314.639. IBZ LOUNGE Smooth late sounds and sushi on three floors C/ Emili Pou 6, Ibiza Town. Tel: 971.318.443. IN ROOTS A treasure trove of wonky glamour C/ Passadis, 10, Ibiza Town. Tel: 620.369.999. KEEPER Spacious bar with quirky design and décor Avda Juan Carlos 1, s/n, Ibiza. Tel: 971.310.509 KITSCH Archetypal seaside gay hangout C/ Ramon Muntaner 26, Figueretes Tel: 971.399.013 LA BODEGA 100% hardcore men-only bar Sa Carossa 3, Dalt Vila Tel: 971.301.883. LA MURALLA 100% hardcore men-only bar Sa Carossa 3, Dalt Vila Tel: 971.301.883. LO-CURA Kooky local hangout with top tunes and cocktails C/ Antonio Mari Ribas 4, Ibiza Town. Tel: 650.731.705. LA SAL ROSSA Rustic rock’n’roll surf shack on the beach.

Frente al hotel Bahamas, Playa d’en Bossa. Tel: 636.135.736 MATCH Portside terrace bar for cocktails and people watching C/ Garijo 5, Ibiza Town. Tel: 687.183.957 NOCTAMBULA Cave-like vault for trendy cosmopolitan souls C/ des Passadis 18, Ibiza Town. OHM Groovy breakfast bar and late-night haunt Ohm, Manuel Sora 8, Ibiza Town. Tel: 635.082.670 PANORAMA BAR BY SA PUNTA The new roof-top bar with fantastic tapas and cocktails, above Sa Punta Restaurant. Talamanca TEL: 971.193.424 PASTIS Little Kitsch Bistro - order the duck, it's to die for Carre Avicenna 2, Ibiza Tel: 971. 391. 999 PLAISIR FOIE GRAS Delicatessen extraordinaire with tasting sessions Plaça de la Constitucio, Mercardo Viejo, Ibiza Town. Tel: 971.193.063 PLAY Old-skool white enclaves with a hip neon glow Play, C/ del Passadis 8, Ibiza Town. Tel: 639.789.545 POMELO'S Well-priced food and drink for gay guys C/de La Virgen 53, Ibiza Town. Tel: 971.313.122 REUNION Bubbling bar for talent spotting in the port C/ Garijo, Ibiza Town. Tel: 619.120.220 RISE Ibiza's lesbian hangout with chilled-out tunes C/de La Virgen 44, Ibiza Town. ROCK BAR Terrace bar brimming with characters and stories C/ Garijo 14, Ibiza Town. Tel: 971.310.129 SANDS Great beach bar atmosphere and good affordable food. Crta. De Playa D’en Bossa, (near Hotel Don Toni). Tel: 971 396 849. SIN Dungeon-like Spanish bar-club with mezzanine level C/ Carlos III, Local 4, edificio Es Paret, Ibiza Town. Tel: 619.012.117 SOAP CAFE Gay bar brimming with party vibes and testosterone C/ Santa Lucia 21-23, Ibiza Town. Tel: 971.194.752 SUITE BAR Make like a model in the luxury minimalist Suite Bar El Hotel Pacha, Paseo Maritimo, Ibiza. Tel: 971.315.963. SUNSET Hip internet café with bocadillos and juices Plaza del Parque 3, Ibiza Town. Tel: 971.304.448 TEATRO EL PEREYRA Live music in classique theatre surroundings. Calle Conde Rosello 3, Ibiza. Tel: 971.191.468 22 Mixed-up kitsch cavern of drink and dance delights C/ de la Virgen 22, Ibiza Town. Tel: 650.580.552 WICKED IBIZA JAM CAFÉ Succulent sushi and sake in the square Plaça de la Constitucio, Mercardo Viejo, Ibiza Town. Tel: 971.193.962.




EL BAR, EL HOTEL: “I don’t really go to many bars but I think that El Bar in El Hotel has a nice ambient atmosphere and is just perfect before going to Pacha.” CAN PILOT: “It’s a restaurant by the road in San Rafael and they serve delicious grilled meat with salads. I also love Paella in Sa Trenka before having a siesta on Cala Martina’s sunbeds on a Sunday.” CALA CARBO: “It’s a stunning quiet beach with crystal waters. I love to play there with my nephews. I also enjoy going to Porroig.” LAS DALIAS: “Every Saturday evening in the spring I drop in for a fruit juice and look around. I like buying necklaces and silver bracelets from there.” CALA D’HORT: “This is a wonderful place to see a sunset, the views to Es Vedra are incredible. It’s the perfect tranquil setting to relax in after work.”

HOTELS EL HOTEL Sleek Starck-inspired hotel from the people at Pacha Avenida 8 de Agosto s/n, Ibiza. Tel: 971.315.963 EL PALACIO IBIZA The hotel that's a shrine to stars of the silver screen Calle de la Conquista 2, Dalt Vila. Tel: 971.301.478 ES VIVE Disco-chic boutique hotel for sexy island players. Calle Carlos Roman Ferrer 8, Ibiza. Tel: 971.301.902. HOSTAL DEL PARQUE Wallet-friendly rooms in vibey Placa del Parque. Plaza del Parque 4, Ibiza Town. Tel: 971.301.358.

PACHA / IBIZA 2009 187

IBIZA GUIDE HOTEL GARBI AND SPA Recently refurbished Garbi Hotel is perfectly located near to all the beach bar action in Playa d’en Bossa. Playa d’en Bossa Tel: 971. 300. 007 IBIZA GRAN HOTEL Luxurious hotel, located in the heart of Ibiza’s port, with fantastic views of Dalt Vila. Paseo Juan Carlos I, 17, 07800, Ibiza. Tel: 971.806.806. LA VENTANA True boutique Ibiza - cool, quirky and very white. Plaza Sa Carrossa 13, Dalt Vila. Tel: 971.303.537. MIRADOR DE DALT VILA This exclusive hotel offers ultimate luxury to its guests in the heart of Ibiza’s old town. Plaza de España 4 – Dalt Vila. 07800 Ibiza. Tel: 971.303.045. MONTESOL Classic Ibiza location and first hotel on the island. Vara de Rey, Ibiza Town. Tel: 971.310.161. NAVILA Rambling and individual boutique Ibiza - gay friendly. Navila, C/ San Luis 1, Dalt Vila. Tel: 971.390.573. OCEAN DRIVE Decadent art-deco establishment near Marina Botofoch. Playa Talamanca. Tel: 971.318.112. ROYAL PLAZA Slick 70's-style crashpad in the centre. Calle Pedro Frances 27, Ibiza. Tel: 971.310.000. TORRE DEL CANONIGO Intriguing Medieval hotel embedded in Dalt Vila. Calle Mayor 8, Dalt Vila. Tel: 971.303.884.

RESTAURANTS ANCIENT PEOPLE Authentic Indian cuisine in Ibiza. Avda España, 32, Ibiza. Tel: 971.306.686. BELLA NAPOLI Fast Italian food with a heaving terrace. Bella Napoli, Avda. Santa Eularia 9, Ibiza Town. Tel: 971.310.105. Bella Napoli, Avda. Playa den Bossa opposite Space, Playa den Bossa. Tel: 971.300.835. CAFE SIDNEY International cuisine for the yachting fraternity Marina Botafoch. Tel: 971.192.243. CAN ALFREDO Traditional Ibicenco food in classic confines. Paseo Vara de Rey 16, Ibiza Town. Tel: 971.311.274. C'AN DEN PARRA Romantic terrace restaurant to soak up old town history. C/ San Rafael 3, Dalt Vila. Tel: 971.391.114. CROISSANT SHOW Balearic breakfast haunt for people watching. Plaça de la Constitucio, Mercardo Viejo, Ibiza Town. Tel: 971.317.665. EL BRASERO Delicate streetside eatery with divine atmosphere. C/ es Passadis 4, Ibiza Town. Tel: 971.199.660. EL GIARDINETTO Cosy Italian spot in the jetset of Marina Botafoch. Marina Botafoch. Tel: 971.314.929. EL HALL Mediter-asian food, with a traditional Ibicenco BBQ, art exhibitions and free wifi access! Avda. Pedro Matutes Noguera 43, Figueretas. Tel: 971.306.672. EL OLIVO For a refined and delicious dinner in the square. Placa de Vila, Dalt Villa. Tel: 971.300.680. EL PATIO Delicious tapas in Ibiza’s old town. El Patio, Jaume 1, Ibiza Town. Tel: 672.284.694.

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EL PATO The old Ibicencian farm house, with fantastic Mediterranean cuisine. Carretera a San Miguel KM 0.5, Ibiza. Tel: 971.191.340. EL PIRATA Buzzing pizza place for late-night munchies. C/ Garilo 10, Ibiza Town. Tel: 971.192.630. C/ Santa Eularia 11, Ibiza Town. EL ZAGUAN Atmospheric tapas bar with local vibes and laughter. Avda. Bartolome Rosello, 15, Ibiza town. Tel: 971.192.882. ES CAVELLETT – EL CHIRINGUITO Stunning beachside restaurant and bar. Es Cavellett Tel: 971. 395. 355 IL PAVONE Perfect pasta with plenty of passing trade. C/ D'Enmig 22/1 or C/de La Virgen 27, Ibiza Town. Tel: 971.313.555. KE KAFE Chic and tasty menu del dia in Moroccan surroundings. C/ Bisbe Azara 5, Ibiza. Tel: 971.194.004. LA BODEGA Tapas restaurant and cocktail bar. La Bodega, Calle Bisbe Torres, Mayans no.2. 07800. Tel: 971.192.740 LA BRASA A secret palm-lined garden for romantic diners. C/ Pere Sala 3, Ibiza Town. Tel: 971.301.202. LA OLIVA Quaint restaurant serving delicious Provencal cooking. C/ Santa Cruz 2, Dalt Villa. Tel: 971.305.752. LA MASIA Creative Mediterranean cuisine in elegant gardens. Ctra. Sant Miquel km 1. Tel: 971.310.228. LA RASPA When only the best fish in an elegant atmosphere will suffice Marina Botafoch, Paseo Maritimo. Tel: 971.311.810. LA TURRA Intimate eatery with fabulous fusion delicacies C/ Santa Cruz 3, Ibiza Town. Tel: 971.306.476. LA VACA ARGENTINA Tender Argentine steaks in beautiful gardens Ronda Can Misses. Tel: 971.314.375. MADRIGAL Mediterranean cuisine and cocktails Marina Botafoch. Tel: 971.311.107. NASSAU BEACH CLUB New beach club at Playa den Bossa. Ctra. Playa d’en Bossa S/N. Tel: 971.396.714. NEGU Delicate sushi on fashionable portside terrace Plaza de Sa Riba, end of C/ Garilo, Ibiza Town. Tel: 971.310.166. PACHA SUSHI BAR Succulent sushi under the palms next to Pacha Tel: 971.310.959. PASTIS Bistro-chic rustic French food and convivial vibes C/ Avicenna 2, Ibiza Town. Tel: 971.391.999. PLANET SUSHI Beautifully presented sushi and fish with a twist. Avnd. 8 de Agosto, Edificios Los Girasoles 2, Ibiza. Tel: 971.316.797. SA PUNTA Gastronomic terraced restaurant with views of Dalt Vila. Talamanca. Tel: 971.193.424. SUSHI POINT Great fresh sushi sit in or to go, they deliver too! Marina Botafoch, Ibiza. Tel: 971.318.586. THAI'D UP Tantalising Thai food in charming friendly eatery C/ de la Virgen 78, Ibiza Town. Tel: 676.334.983. TRATTORIA DEL MAR Experience great Italian cuisine in Ibiza’s Marina. Puerto de Marina Botafoch. Tel: 971.193.934.

SHOPS ACCESSORIZE Accessories for every outfit and occasion Accessorize, Vara de Rey 4, Ibiza Town. Tel: 971.315.767.

AD LIBITUM Collections by Charo Ruiz in the Ibiza hippy style C/ Bisbe Cardona 10, Ibiza Town. Tel: 971.310.654. ALL SAINTS Classic and vintage All Saints pieces Jose Verdera 11b, Ibiza Town. Tel: 971.193.095. ARIAS 1 High-end designer boutiques for luxury brands. Avda. De Bartolome Ramon y Tur, Ibiza Town. Tel: 971.192.128. Marina Botafoch locale 212. Tel: 971.192.129. BABAZ Feminine fashion by Antik Batik and more. Plaça de la Constitucio, Mercardo Viejo, Ibiza Town. Tel: 971.315.706. BEIJA FLOR For all things spiritual, beautiful and magical. C/ Vicente Ramon 5, Ibiza Town, Tel: 971.193.969. BEVERLY FELDMAN Dazzlingly feminine shoes, accessories and homeware. C/ Bartolome Vicente Ramon 3, Ibiza Town. Tel: 971.194.313. BOX3 Contemporary showroom and design space. Poligono Blanca Dona, sector 1, nave 3. Tel: 971.199.731. BP56 Super-stylish French fashion for individuals C/ de la Virgen, Ibiza Town. Tel: 971.199.575. CLAN Fashionable bling in a Marina Botafoch style Local 309, Puerto Deportivo Marina Botafoch. Tel: 971.932.341. COLCCI BY URBAN WAVES Sizzling Brazilian fashion for guys and girls Medico Antonio Serra 3, Ibiza Town. Tel: 971.399.757. CUSTO BARCELONA Custo's inimitable and colourful collections Bisbe Torres 3, La Marina, Ibiza Town. Tel: 971.194.582 EGB Fine French and Italian fashion for stylish party people C/ Bartolome Rosello 16. 971.312.764 ELENA LARDI Chic elegance for ladies who lunch Paseo Juan Carlos 1 - Entrada Puerto Deportivo Marina Botafoch. Tel: 971.316.456. ENVY Flirty fashion and accessories at the right price C/ Montgri 11 and 22, Ibiza Town. Tel: 971.932.207. GALY Designer mega brands for super-fine style Avda. Btme de Rosello 5, 7 and 10. Tel: 971.192.478. Obispo Torres 4. Tel: 971.310.126. GANESHA Boutique bursting with vintage silks and colourful saris C/ Montgri 14, Ibiza Town. Tel: 971.494.940. HARVEY MUSIN For great linen and chiffon designs, day and evening wear. Plaça Constitucio, De La 7, 07800 Eivissa. Tel: 971.311.127. HEAVEN Hip high-end ladies wear for day and night Marina Botafoch. Tel: 971.191.112. HISTERICOMPLEMENTS & SHOES Flirty fashion, footwear and accessories Vara de Rey 26, Ibiza Town. Tel: 971.315.392. Bartolome Vicente Ramon, Ibiza Town. Tel: 971.316.632. Vicente Cuervo 8, Ibiza Town. Tel: 971.193.795. HOLALA! Vintage gear from around the world Plaça de la Constitucio, Mercardo Viejo, Ibiza Town. Tel: 971.316.537. IBIZA PIMP Hot urban fashion and limited-edition sneakers C/ Abel Matutes Torres 4, Ibiza Town.Tel: 971.394.641. IBIZA VIBRATIONS Centro Ibiza, Paseo Vara de Rey, 13, Local 6. Tel : 971.399.320. IBIZA YACHTING For all your charter and boating needs Marina Botafoch. Tel: 971.315.321. LIFE CONCEPT A minimal space for a fashionable lifestyle Avda Bartolome Vicente Rosello 28, Ibiza Town. Tel: 971.310.885.

SANT ANTONI BARS CAFÉ DEL MAR The original cloud-like sunset bar for Balearic beats Café del Mar, Vara de Rey 27. Sant Antoni. Tel: 971.342.516. COASTLINE Happening poolbar-restaurant for lively days and nights Calo des Moro, Sant Antoni. Tel: 971.348.553 CAFE MAMBO Hot spot for sunset with pre-parties and big-name DJs Vara de Rey /40/70, Sant Antoni. Tel: 971.346.638. ITACAI Perfect place to warm up before a night out in the west end. Bahia de San Antonio 07820 - San Antonio de Portmany Tel: 971 344 143 KUMHARAS Cool hippy sunset spot with healthy drinks and views Kumharas, Cala de Bou, Sant Antoni. Tel: 971.805.740. PLASTIK Buzzing style bar for San An's more sophisticated crowd Avda Dr Fleming, Sant Antoni. SAVANNAH Relaxed spot for a serene and special sunset C/ Balanzat 38, Sant Antoni. Tel: 971.348.031


MAZ Bright Brazilian trainers in every colour imaginable C/ Mayor 52 bis and C/ de la Virgen, Ibiza Town. Tel: 971.313.356. MAYURKA Exclusive collections of fabulous ladieswear Paseo Vara de Rey 10, Ibiza Town: 971.194.802. Ignacio Wallis 11, Ibiza Town. Tel: 971.398.362. MBC-WORKSHOP Nonchalant leisurewear perfect for clubbing C/ de la Virgen. Ibiza Town. Tel: 971.316.269. MIA ZIA Colourful accessories for the home and self Paseo Vara de Rey 5, Ibiza Town: 971.391.000. MUJDA Singular style from iconic designers Avda Bartolome de Rosello 12, Ibiza Town. Tel: 971.312.852. NO AGE Unique apparel for everyone. Calle Bisbe Azara N°1, 07800 Ibiza. Tel:971.191.294. OFFSHORE LEGENDS Stylish sportswear for boating legends Marina Botafoch. Tel: 971.194.017. PACHA SHOP For all your Pacha merchandise needs! Puerto de Ibiza, C. Tur y Palau, 20. Tel: 971.313.535. REVOLVER A designer shopping must with clothes from Vivienne Westwood, Chloe and Sass & Bide. C/. Bisbe Azara, 1. 07800, Ibiza. Tel: 971.318.939. SOHO Super-slick salon for pretty boys and gals C/ Ramon Muntaner 20, Figueretes. Tel: 971.306.371. VESTIUM Upmarket mens fashion Avda. Ignasio Wallis, 10, Ibiza. Tel. 971.312.186 VILA VINS A well stock shop, full of every bottle of wine and any other beverage you could ever need. C/Diputat Josep Ribas, 5 - 07800 Ibiza. Tel: 971 19 36 15 VIVIENDA Interior design and uber-contemporary furniture Avda Ignasi Wallis, Ibiza Town. Tel: 971.311.172. WHITE HORSE LABIZA Designers Loy and Ford have come over from LA where they have many celebrity fans and now have this amazing clothes shop in Dalt Vila. Carrer des Portal Nou, 10 Dalt Vila Tel: 653. 441. 939

HOTELS CAN LLUC Charming country hotel for total chilling Crta. Santa Ines km 2, Sant Rafel. Tel: 971.198.673 CAN PUJOLET Beautifully civilised agroturismo in rural Ibiza Santa Ines, Ibiza. Tel: 971.805.170 ES CUCONS Idyllic agroturismo in picture postcard grounds C/ Cami des Pla de Corono 110, Santa Agnes de Corona. Tel: 971.805.501 HOSTAL LA TORRE On the cliffs of Cap Negret, with an amazing sunsets. Urb. Cap Negret 25. Sant Antoni, 07820 Ibiza. Tel: 971.342.271 IBIZA ROCKS HOTEL Calle Cervantes 27, 07820 San Antonio, Ibiza. Tel: 0871.716.1099 PIKES HOTEL Iconic hotel frequented by the famous Cami de sa Vorera s/n, Sant Antoni. Tel: 971.342.222 SES PITRERAS A unique contemporary and uber exclusive hotel. c/Valladolid, 1-3 07839 S.Agustí des Vedrà IBIZA Tel: 971.345.000

RESTAURANTS BANYAN PALACE Oriental gardens with exquisite Thai food Avda de San Agustin 73, Cala de Bou, Port des Torrent. Tel: 971.347.735. BAR RESTAURANTE LA PALMERA Old-skool eatery specialising in Ibicenco dishes Placa de Santa Agnes. Tel: 971.805.015. CURRY CLUB Lip-smacking curries in temple-like confines C/ San Antonio 38, Sant Antoni. Tel: 971.343.604. CAFETERIA CAN COSMI Groceries and café in the heart of Santa Agnes Placa de Santa Agnes. Tel: 971.805.020. CAFETERIA CAN JORDI - LAS PUERTAS DEL CIELO Cliff top bar-café for sunset beer Cami des Pla de Corona, km 1.5. Tel: 680.964.796. DAVID’S PIZZERIA RESTAURANTE Pizza’s and Italian food all day and to go! C/. Madrid, 12 San Antonio, 07820 Ibiza. Tel 971.340.478. IL VATICANO Romanesque restaurant for creative Italian cuisine Alemania 5, San Antonio. Tel: 971.341.760. KAMA SUSHI The only Sushi restaurant in San Antonio Sunset Strip, San Antonio Bay. Tel: 672. 115. 375 KASBAH Cosy terrace restaurant offering a Bistro style menu. Sunset Strip, San Antonio LAS DOS LUNAS Italian dishes in lush, illuminated gardens Ctra Sant Antoni km 6. Tel: 971.198.102. SA CAPELLA Ancient monastery serving meat and fish dishes Ctra Sant Agnes km 1.2, Sant Antoni. Tel: 971.340.057. TIJUANA Long list of authentic Mexican style dishes cooked to order. Lively atmosphere in Aztec décor. Sant Antoni Tel: 971.342.473.


BAZAAR: “The former La Diosa in Santa Gertrudis is excellent. It’s really ambient, has great decoration and they really pay attention to service. I like to go there with friends to chill out after work.” LAS DOS LUNAS: “They have the best fusion cuisine in the Balearics and a truly wonderful vibe — you will always have a great meal here.” CALA OLIVERA: “One of the few beaches that preserve the essence of Ibiza. You can sit back and think of the ‘70s. The sea is spectacular.” CUSTO: “Of course, it’s the best place to find the perfect outfit. Colorful, happy, fun and easy to wear, Custo encompasses Ibiza’s feeling and identity.” CALA CONTA: “You can find an Ashram Sunset here and the views are fantastic. There is a magnificent vibration. This has been one of the best experiences I have had on the island.”

SHOPS CAS SABATER Leather workshop for brilliantly coloured goods Placa de Santa Agnes OLÉH OLÉH Global delights for the home and the self C/ Ample 22, Sant Antoni. Tel: 971.346.495. MAMBO Funky clobber, top tunes and club tickets C/ Vara de Rey 40, Sant Antoni. Tel: 971.805.915. PACHA For all the Pacha merchandise you need! San Antonio, C. Vara de Rey, 6. Tel: 971.340.056.

PACHA / IBIZA 2009 189


SAN RAFEL BARS EL PRIVADO El Ayoun's first-class bar for mingling and blinging El Privado at El Ayoun, Sant Rafel. Tel: 971.198.335.

HOTELS CAN LLUC Charming country hotel for total chilling Crta. Santa Ines km 2, Sant Rafel. Tel: 971.198.673

RESTAURANTS EL AYOUN Decadent French food with a touch of Morocco San Rafel. Tel: 971.198.335 LAS DOS LUNAS Upmarket Italian food, favoured by the jet setters Carretera Eivissa-Sant Antoni km5.4, 07816 Sant Rafel, Ibiza Tel: 971.198.102. L'ELEPHANT One of the most glamorous places to eat on the island. Plaza Iglesia, San Rafael, Tel: 971. 198. 056

BON LLOC Apartments with great views, located in the centre of Santa Eularlia, only five minutes from the beach. Tel: 971.332.551 CASA COLONIAL Romantic location for a break away or a evening meal Carretera Eivissa-santa Eulària KM 2,000, 07840 Santa Eularia. Tel: 971.338.001. ES RICKSHAW Sizzling fusion fare in subtle surroundings C/ San Vincente 49, Santa Eularia. Tel: 971.330.123 INSOTEL FENICIA PRESTIGE For ultimate luxury and relaxation C/ Narcisos s/n - Urbanización Siesta - 07840 Santa Eulalia del Rio - Ibiza. Tel: 971 807 000 LES TERRASSES A luxurious ibicenco farmhouse hotel, French-run and splendid, with eight rooms Carretera de Santa Eulària km 1, 07840 Santa Eulària. Tel: 971.332.643


CAN DOMO Ancient finca doing it the old-fashioned way Crta de Jesus km 7.6. Tel: 971.331.059

AMANTE BEACH CLUB & RESTAURANT Stunning cliff top location to go to for dinner or party. Cala Llonga. Tel. 971.196.176. CARDAMOM CLUB Real authentic curries, in a rustic setting C/ De La Senia Des Mallorqui 10. 07840 Santa Eularia. Tel: 971.330.017. CASA COLONIAL Tradional Spanish surrounded by tropical plants. Crta. Sta. Eularlia, Km 2. Tel: 971 338 001 PK2 Hip beach bar restaurant with smooth grooves Playa S'estanyol, Ctra Jesus a Talamanca. Tel: 971.187.034 SA PUNTA Elegant nautical eatery with classic menus Isodora Macabich 36, Paseo Maritimo, Santa Eularia. Tel: 971.807.134. SAPORI DIVINI Eclectic Italian restaurant in a beautiful setting. Ctra. Es Canar, KM 2, Tel: 971. 339. 271



SHOPS DASOS Beautiful hippy-chic home interiors. San Rafael. Tel: 609.080.855/666.753.270 IBERMAISON Uber-cool contemporary furniture and interiors Ctra San Antonio KM 4, Pol. Ind. Montecristo, San Rafael. Tel: 971.317.164


BASIL THAI Intimate eatery bursting with Thai flavours C/ Faisán 8, Jesús. Tel: 971.192.716 BAR-RESTAURANT BON LLOC Traditional Spanish spot for excellent menu del dia Jesus. Tel: 971.311.813 CAFE FRANCESC Coffee and bocadillos plus Wi-Fi internet access Ctra. Cap Martinet, Jesus. Tel: 971.192.399 LA VINERIA Sister restaurant to stunning Italian restaurant Trattoria del Mar Calle Cap Martinet 3, Jesus Tel: 971. 191. 827. TASTE Romantic garden restaurant in a stunning setting. Ctra. Jesus- Cala Llonga 0,6 KM, Jesus Tel: 971. 316. 245.

SANTA EULARIA BARS GUARANA Gaudi-inspired, live-music locale Puerto Deportivo Santa Eularia, Local 1 MAGNOLIA House watermelon Martinis a must plus bagels, wraps and fresh fruit too c/Isidoro Macabich, 30, Santa Eularlia. Tel: 971.330.660.

HOTELS AGUAS DE IBIZA Amazing eco friendly five-star hotel, with a VIP penthouse floor C/Salvador Camacho nº9, Santa Eularlia. Tel: 971.319.991

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ATZARO SHOP The Agroturismo’s new clothes and jewellery shop. Atzaro Boutique, C. Isidoro Macabich, 14, Sta Eulalia. Opening times Mon-Sat 10-2 and 5-9pm. Tel. 971. 336. 390. LOTUS Home furnishings where modern meets exotic Ctra Santa Eularia km 7.8 Santa Eularia. Tel: 971.338.340 REINA & ROSES Flamboyant clothing and jewellery shop KM7 Santa Eulalia Road, 07840, Tel. 971 807 112

SANTA GERTRUDIS HOTELS CAN MARQUET Classic Spanish-style agroturismo Ctra Sant Llorenc km 1, Santa Gertrudis. Tel: 971.197.558

RESTAURANTS AMA LUR Beautiful Basque cooking in serene surroundings Ctra de San Miguel km 2.3, Santa Gertrudis. Tel: 971.314.554 ARS VIVENDI Excellent tapas bar at refined restaurant El Pato Ctra San Miguel km 0.5 Tel: 971.191.789 Can Caus Ctra. Santa Gertrudis 971. 197. 516 BACCHUS International cuisine in hip stylish enclaves Opposite Angel, Santa Gertrudis. Tel: 971.197.625

BAMBUDDHA GROVE Lounge bar and restaurant with the charm of Asia. Sant Joan KM 8.5, 07840 Santa Eulalia des Riu Tel: 971.197.510 CAN CAUS Country restaurant specializing in goat from the farm Can Caus, Ctra Santa Gertrudis km 3.5. Tel: 971.197.517 EL PATO Dignified gourmet food with Mediterranean touch Ctra San Miguel km 0.5 Tel: 971.191.340 FOODISM Cheery menu on a bright terrace C/ de Venda del Pueblo 11, Santa Gertrudis. Tel: 971.197.906 MACAO CAFE Elegant and atmospheric eatery for fine Italian food C/ Venda des Poble 8, Santa Gertrudis. Tel: 971.197.835 WOK & ROLL Cute minimal restaurant, maximum Japanese taste C/ Venda des Poble 6, Santa Gertrudis. Tel: 971.197.999

SHOPS CASI TODO Quirky auction house, with auctions every month, with lovely French cuisine in the café Plaza de la Iglesia, Santa Gertrudis, Tel: 971.197.023. GALERIAS ELEFANTE Check out the unusual arts and crafts, or stop for lunch in the café Ctra. Sant Miquel, km 3.2. Tel: 971.197.017. THE ROSE Chic boutique working only with silk Venda de Fruitera, No 5, Santa Gertrudis. Tel: 971.197.935. SECOND HAND José Padilla's treasure trove of vintage finds Venda de Fruitera, No 5, Santa Gertrudis. Tel: 971.197.918.

SAN CARLOS BARS BAR ANITA Time-worn locals' bar for beer and banter Sant Carles. Tel: 971.335.090

HOTELS CAN CURREU Elegant rural hotel and charming restaurant Ctra Sant Carles km12, Sant Carles. Tel: 971.335.280 CAN TALAIAS Personable, elegant and oldy worldy rural hotel Sant Carles. Tel: 971.335.742

RESTAURANTS LAS DALIAS Northerly meet point with fusion restaurant and bar Ctra Sant Carles km12 Tel: 971.326.825

SHOPS AUTOSERVICIO CARLES Grandma's pantry packed with products Sant Carles. CHANDRA PALACE Psychedelic shop bursting with vitality Sant Carles. Tel: 971.326.806 LOTTIE BOGOTTI Eco-friendly treasure chest for fashion and home Ses Oliveres, Sant Carles. Tel: 618.900.128 PAPILLON Designer hippy togs untouched by time Sant Carles. Tel: 971.335.237

HOTELS ATZARO Sublime agroturismo, heavenly spa and restaurant Ctra de San Joan km 15, Santa Eularia. Tel: 971.338.838 CAN CAMETA Quaint terrace for tapas and wine C/ de la Iglesia 10, Sant Miquel. CAN MARTI Eco-friendly agroturismo in rustic Ibiza Can Marti, Ctra Sant Joan. Tel: 971.333.500 CA N'ESCANDELL Rural retreat with modern-rustic interiors Crta de Sant Joan a Sant Miquel, km 1.3. Tel: 971.333.540/365 CAN JAUME DES GALLS Charming agroturismo perfectly restored Crta de Sant Joan km 17.2, Sant Llorenc. Tel: 971.337.031 CASA NAYA Holiday home in the heart of the island San Lorenzo. Tel: 971.325.264

RESTAURANTS AURA Luxurious lounge-bar-restaurant unique to Ibiza Tel. 971.325.356. CAN PAU Fine Catalan cuisine in artistic surroundings Ctra Sant Miquel km 3. Tel: 971.197.007 CASA LUNA Traditional French and Mediterranean cuisine Can Vicent De Sa Font No.1, 07811 Sant Vincent. Tel: 971.320.354 CICALE A real find. The owners of Cicale make it their mission to provide you with a taste sensation mixed with a friendly relaxed atmosphere. Ctra S.Juan KM12, Ibiza Tel: 971. 325. 151 EL CALIU Traditional Ibicenco grill in picturesque setting Crta Sant Joan km 5. Tel: 971.325.075 ES PINS Fish and meat specials in beautiful rural location Crta. de Sant Joan km 14.8. Tel: 971.333.216 OCHO Tantalising new age Mediterranean cuisine C733 Road to San Juan Km 9.5, Ibiza. Tel: 971.807.308 RESTAURANTE LA PALOMA Delightful setting for delicate Med-Italian food Restaurante La Paloma, San Lorenzo Apartado 156. Tel: 971.325.543 SUENO DE ESTRELLAS Gastronomic restaurant in Hacienda Na Xamena Sant Miquel. Tel: 971.334.500

SHOPS DIARIO BOME Oriental gallery, furnishings and clothes C/ de la Iglesia 10, Sant Miquel. Tel: 971.334.493 ESTANCO Laid back locals bar C/ de la Iglesia s/n, Sant Miquel. HOTEL HACIENDA NA XAMENA Luxuriously relaxing hotel with spectacular views San Miquel, Tel: 971.334.500 PISTACHIO Ladies fashion for the hippy hearted C/ de la Iglesia s/n, Sant Miquel.

SANT JOSEP HOTELS BOUTIQUE HOSTAL SALINAS A new boutique hostal in the surrounds of Ses Salinas Hostal Salinas, Crta. de ses Salinas, sa canal 2, 07817 San Jose, Ibiza. Tel: +34 971 30 88 99. CAN XUXU The Boutique villas are a unique and perfect place to stay for those seeking great energy and relaxation. Sant Josep Tel: 971. 801. 584



BARS CAN CURT Refreshingly rustic Can Curt social club Sant Agustí. Tel: 618.543.153 BAR Y GALERIA BERRI A hive of social activity at long, green tables KM5 Balearic-bedouinesque lounge-bar-restaurant Ctra Sant Josep km 5.6 Tel: 971.396.349 MANOA Chilled-out terrace bar near Space Ctra Playa den Bossa, Playa den Bossa. Tel: 971.399.693

RESTAURANTS BLUE MARLIN IBIZA Sophisticated beach club for sexy slumming Blue Marlin Ibiza, Cala Jondal. Tel: 971.410.230 CA'N BERRI VELLI Romantic terrace spot overrun with greenery Placa Major 2, Sant Agustí. Tel: 971.344.321 CAN SALINAS Fantastic fideua and paella on dappled terrace Ctra de Salinas km 3.7 San Jorge. Tel: 971.396.563 www.reydelafideua CAP D'ES FALCO Meditteranean dishes with the freshest fish Playa d'es Codolar, Ctra. Ses Salines. Tel: 971.324.082 ES TORRENT Family fish restaurant with sandy terrace Playa d'es Torrent, Sant Josep. Tel: 971.802.160 ES XARCU Incredible fish feasts on romantic rocky outcrop Porroig. Sant Josep. Tel: 971.187.867 JOCKEY CLUB Great for fresh salads and fish C/. 07817 Sant Josep De SA Talaia. Tel: 971.395.788. LA ESCOLLERA Sophisticated and fashionable fish restaurant Playa des Cavallet. Sant Josep. Tel: 971. 396.572 LA SAL Boutique balearic eatery for meat, fish and fab flavours Ctra Salinas km 2.5, Sant Josep. Tel: 971.395.616 SA CALETA Tasty fish grills and stews with rustic overtones Playa es Bol Nou (Sa Caleta) Sant Josep. Tel: 971.187.095 SUNSET ASHRAM Blissed-out sunset spot with hip grooves and views Cala Conta, Sant Josep. Tel: 661.347.222. MALIBU Sophisticated beach restaurant with loungers Playa de las Salinas, Sant Josep. Tel: 971.396.580. PARAWDISO New organic café, stop by for the Sunday jazz brunch Venda der Fruitera, 4, Santa Gertrudis. Tel: 680.194.768. SA TRINXA Great atmosphere, great music, great food Playa de Ses Salines. Tel: 637.826.185. S'HORTET VERT Ibiza's first organic supermarket C/ dels Pirineus 11, Sant Jordi. Tel: 971.308.030. YEMANJA Dappled fish extravaganza by rock-flung sea Yemanja, Punta Jondal. Tel: 971.187.481.


GRIAL: “Playing this cosy bar warmed my winter right up with its fantastic crowd and pristine sound system. Lo Cura in the summer for great music and colourful people.” LA BRASA: “They serve great meat and eating outside in the courtyard in the centre of Ibiza Town is wonderful. La Brasa is where I made the decision to move to Ibiza. I also love JD's in Playa d'en Bossa for the best Sunday roast.” BENIRRAS BEACH: “I live in the South and it's a real treat to go up north and escape with a picnic and sit at the little shelter there made out of driftwood.” LA CASA DE TÉ: “The tea shop on Avenida d'Espanya in Ibiza Town. It has the most amazing selection of different teas.” ES VEDRA: “My favorite sunset on the island is by Es Vedra. There's something quite mystical and slightly spooky about that big lump of rock sticking out of the water!”

SHOPS D - SHOP Divine interior design, fabrics and samples Ctra Sant Miquel km 2.2, Santa Gertrudis. Tel: 971.315.802 LA SALA CAN CURT Regular exhibitions by local painters and sculptors La Sala Can Curt, Sant Agustí. SLUIZ Fantastic furniture and cool clothing Ctra Sant Josep, Sant Josep. Tel: 971.800.005

PACHA / IBIZA 2009 193


FORMENTERA BARS BLUE BAR Don't leave the island without visiting this magical place. Km. 8, Mitjorn, Formentera. Tel: 666.758.190 BON GUST Delicatessen and café bar with wi-fi internet C/ Santa Maria 1, Sant Francesc, Formentera. Tel: 971.321.578 SA GARAFFA World music with laidback and lively vibe C/Mayor 21, Sant Ferran, Formentera. Tel: 971.328.791

HOTELS ES RAM RESORT Private accommodation for a real relaxing treat Ctra de la Mola km 13.5, Formentera. Tel: 606.874.429. GECKO BEACH CLUB Stylish and relaxing hotel and lounge club Playa Mitjorn, Ca Mari, Formentera. Tel. 971.328.024.


HECTOR’S BAR: “It is a very unusual place that keeps the spirit of the island and Hector as a person is very representative of the island. You will get treated well here.” BALAFIA: “The food is amazing and not too complicated. I also like La Brasa because all year round you can find real people of the island here.” USHUAIA: “It’s a great place to unwind and relax, somewhere you can breathe and feel tranquility. I also like Talamanca because lots of people from Pacha gather there.” GALY: “I always find the trendiest brands here, just as you would do if you were shopping in a main city.” CAP DES FALCO: “Before you even reach Cap des Falco, you can already see the image of Ses Salines. Then when you get there the venue and the sunset is amazing and there is a great vibe.”

RESTAURANTS CAN CARLOS Spanish and Italian cuisine on a twinkling terrace Sant Francesc, Formentera. Tel: 971.322.874 CAFE DEL LAGO A charming little Italy, working from morning to night. Excellent pizza, pasta and antipasti. La Savina, Nautica Pins, Formentera. Tel: 971.323.187. EL GIOVIALE Bar, café and restaurant working all day with that special Formentera atmosphere C/ Santa Maria 59, Sant Franscesc, Formentera. Tel: 971.322.758 ES MOLI DE SAL Expensive dining in a legendary atmosphere Platja de Illetes, Formentera. Tel: 971.187.491 EL TIBURON Kooky beach bar restaurant bursting with personality El Tiburon, Playa Cavall den Porras, Formentera. Tel: 659.638.945 FLIPPER & CHILLER Food, massage and colorful chill out Playa Mitjorn, km 11, Formentera Tel: 971.187.596 JUAN & ANDREA Classic dining experience with toes in the sand Illetas, Formentera. Tel: 971.187.130 MEDITERRANEO Adorable spot for fish and sea food lovers, pure high class all the way from the starters to the sweet ending. La Savina, Puerto Deportivo Formenteramar. Tel: 606.112.450.

SHOPS HOUN Hip and sexy fashion from Brazil C/ Camino Campo de Futbol 7 y 11, Sant Francesc, Formentera. Tel: 971.322.274. JANNE Bikinis galore in a myriad of sexy styles and colours C/ Punta Prima, Edificio Mar de Pujols, local 7, Formentera. Tel: 971.328.963 MAJORAL Statement-making jewellery Avda de la Mola, El Pilar, Formentera. Tel: 971.327.015 Jaume I 29, Sant Francesc, Formentera. Tel: 971.322.439 CAN XICU Shabby chic furniture, eclectic interior design Avenida de La Mola, N. 27, El Pilar de La Mola, Formentera Tel: 971.327.379

194 PACHA / IBIZA 2009

LAS BRISAS Funky clothes and accessories from all over the world C/ Sa Ferreria 8-10, Sant Fransesc, Formentera. Tel: 971.322.815 OBI Contemporary cutting-edge design by local designers C/ 8 de Agost, N. 55, Sant Francesc, Formentera Tel: 971.322.843

IBIZA AND FORMENTERA CLUBS AMNESIA Capacity: 5,000. Ctra. Ibiza a Sant Antoni, km 5. Tel: 971.198.041. BOHO Capacity: . Aveda de Portmany, Los bojos piscis park, San Antonio, 07820. DC10 Sant Jordi-Salines Rd, KM1. EDEN Capacity: 4,000. Salvador Espriu, Sant Antoni de Portmany. Tel: 971.803.240. EL DIVINO Capacity 1,000. Puerto Ibiza Nueva. Tel: 971.190.176. ES PARADIS TERRENAL Capacity: 3,000. 07820 Sant Antoni de Portmany, Salvador Espriu, 2. Tel: 971.346.600. UNDERGROUND Ibiza a Sant Antoni. Word of mouth! PACHA Capacity: 3,000. Av. 8 d’Agost, s/n, 07800 Eivissa. Tel: 971.313.612. PRIVILEGE Capacity: 10,000 Ctra. Sant Antoni, km 7. Urbanizacion San Rafeal. Tel: 971.198.086. SPACE Capacity: 3,000. Playa d’en Bossa, Apdo. 132 - 07817, San Jorge. Tel: 971.396.793. XUEÑO Pujol, Formentera. Tel: 971.329.160. www.xueñ



WWW.PACHA.COM 2009 197



OPENED: 2005 ADDRESS: 618 WEST 46TH STREET TEL: 212.209.7500 W E B : W W W. PA C H A N Y C . C O M

A CLUBBER'S CLUB WITH AN IMMENSE VIBE THAT FULLY REPRESENTS THE NEW YORK CITY DANCE SCENE UN CLUB DE CLUBBERS CON UN GRAN AMBIENTE QUE REPRESENTA TOTALMENTE LA ESCENA DANCE DE NUEVA YORK DJS COMING SOON July 2 - Danny Tenaglia July 3 - Erick Morillo July 4 - Chus & Ceballos July 10 - Donald Glaude July 11 - Boris Jungle Party July 18 - Mind Control July 24 - Made in Brazil July 25 - Jonathan Peters July 31 - Bad Boy Bill

Erick Morillo, Pete Tong and Louie 'Masters At Work' Vega played at the opening of Pacha New York. In a city where the dance culture is eclectic, diverse and full of colourful personalities, anyone is welcome to add a vibe to these dancefloors. Both local and international dance music lovers make up the crowd, which is presentable, hip, trendy and fashion forward. Vodka Redbull, Champagne and tequila sunrises are the order of the night in this venue, which can hold an impressive 2,695 people. Everything from twisted techno to the deepest house find a high-class home here; David Guetta, Carl Cox and Mauro Picotto are among the wealth of recent top-draw platter spinners. Pacha NYC believes it has not only become the premier superclub venue in New York, but also one of the foremost nightlife destinations in the world. Erick Morillo, Pete Tong y Louie 'Masters At Work' Vega pincharon en la apertura de Pacha Nueva York. En una ciudad donde la cultura dance es ecléctica, diversa y llena de personalidades coloridas, cualquiera es bienvenido a unirse al ambiente de esas pistas de baile. Los amantes de la música dance locales e internacionales constituyen el público, que es atractivo, moderno y que sigue las últimas tendencias. El Vodka con Redbull, Champagne y el tequila sunrise son las bebidas más solicitadas por la noche en este local, que puede dar cabida a 2.695 personas. De todo desde retorcido techno al house más profundo encuentran un hogar de gran categoría aquí; David Guetta, Carl Cox y Mauro Picotto están entre los

numerosos DJs de renombre que han pinchado aquí recientemente. Pacha NYC cree que no sólo se ha convertido en el mejor club de Nueva York, sino que es uno de los principales destinos nocturnos del mundo. WHERE / DÓNDE New York City is 24/7. A night at Pacha NYC generally starts from around midnight and can go on and on. Danny Tenaglia and Victor Calderone's session recently went on until 9am on a Sunday morning. Situated in the middle of the bustling Hell's Kitchen district and flanked by the Hudson River, the decadent fourstorey mansion is the perfect symbiosis of New York's bold sense of scale. Nueva York es 24/7. Una noche en Pacha NYC generalmente empieza a medianoche y puede durar y durar. Las sesiones de Danny Tenaglia y Victor Calderone recientemente se alargaron hasta las 9am del domingo. Situado en medio del bullicioso distrito de Hell's Kitchen y flanqueado por el río Hudson, la mansión decadente de cuatro pisos es una simbiosis perfecta del sentido de la escala de Nueva York. THE CLUB / EL CLUB Pacha NYC splits into four levels, each with its own character and customised decor. A 2,000-capacity main room is wrapped in encircling balconies, while the warm, intimate tones of the Mirror Lounge and the calm, chic vibe of the Shower Lounge offer more mellow moments. Pacha NYC also boasts a fully integrated video system with movable screens and projectors. In addi-

tion there is Pachita, aka Little Pacha, the club's elegant attic hideaway and a 400-capacity space fit for both dancing and lounging. The room has a fully independent sound system, a DJ booth, full-service bar and a luxurious ladies room. Award-winning burgers made with LaFreida beef and hotdogs are served in the outdoor area. The Mezzanine has the club's most coveted tables and true VIP views of the main floor action. It encircles the entire dancefloor, including the DJ booth, and is the chosen spot for all of Pacha's visiting celebrities. Pacha NYC se divide en cuatro niveles, cada uno con su propio carácter y su decoración a medida. La sala principal con capacidad para 2000 personas está envuelta de balcones, mientras que los tonos cálidos e íntimos del Mirror Lounge y el ambiente calmado y chic de la Shower Lounge ofrecen momentos más suaves. Pacha NYC además presume de un sistema de video totalmente integrado con pantallas móviles y proyectores. Además está Pachita, un elegante ático con espacio para 400 personas perfecto tanto para bailar como para relajarse. La sala tiene un sistema de sonido totalmente separado, una cabina de DJ, servicio completo de bar y lujosos tocadores. Las galardonadas hamburguesas hechas con ternera LaFreida y los perritos calientes se sirven en la zona exterior. El Mezanine tiene las mesas más solicitadas y unas vistas verdaderamente VIP sobre la acción en la pista. Rodea toda la pista de baile, incluyendo la cabina de DJ, y es el lugar elegido para las celebridades que visitan Pacha. PACHA / IBIZA 2009 199




GET READY TO REALLY PARTY WITH THIS FASHIONABLE LONDON CROWD PREPÁRATE PARA UNA FIESTA DE VERDAD CON UNA CLIENTELA MODERNA Bono, Eddie Irvine and Vivienne Westwood were among the celebrities to attend the grand opening of Pacha London, seven years ago. Nowadays it is an established sophisticated house music venue, with plush interior and an up for it mixed crowd. The venue is proud of its non-underground clientele, instead this lot are more of a dress-to-impress party crowd. Pacha London says it's the epitome of London nightlife. Bono, Eddie Irvine y Vivienne Westwood estuvieron entre las celebridades que asistieron a la gran apertura de Pacha Londres hace siete años. Hoy en día es un local de música house bien establecido y sofisticado, con un interior elegante y una clientela de fiesta muy mezclada. El local se enorgullece de su clientela no-underground, todo lo contrario, su público se viste para impresionar. Pacha Londres dice que es la personificación de la noche londinense. WHERE / DÓNDE Situated in the heart of London, the perfect place to see some of the most flamboyant fashionistas on the planet. London has everything for everyone, the sophistication of Mayfair to

the underground scene of Shoreditch. Situado en el corazón de Londres, el lugar perfecto para ver algunos de los fashionistas más extravagantes del planeta. Londres tiene de todo para todos los gustos, desde la sofisticación de Mayfair a la escena underground de Shoreditch.

lujoso local con capacidad para 1000 personas, una de las bebidas más populares es el cóctel de champagne, Kir Royale. La sala de baile principal está dominada por un mezanine VIP y una sala trasera inspirada en Pacha Ibiza.

THE CLUB / EL CLUB Axwell, Bob Sinclar, Miss Divine, Goldfish and Norman Cook are just some of the names to have graced the turntables here. The club has just undergone a massive refurbishment with an upgraded bespoke Martin Audio sound-system and a new interior. Inside this plush venue, which can hold 1000 people, one of the most popular drinks is champagne cocktail, Kir Royale. The main ballroom dominated with a VIP mezzanine and a funky backroom inspired by Pacha Ibiza. Axwell, Bob Sinclar, Miss Divine, Goldfish y Norman Cook están entre algunos de los nombres que han pinchado aquí. El club ha sido reformado masivamente con un sistema de sonido personalizado Martin Audio y un nuevo interior. Dentro de este PACHA / IBIZA 2009 201


sao paulo


A CREATIVE, HIP AND HEALTHY CROWD FILL THIS CLUB ON A WEEKLY BASIS UNA CLIENTELA CREATIVA, MODERNA Y SANA LLENA ESTE CLUB SEMANA TRAS SEMANA Sao Paulo is the richest city in Brazil so it's no surprise that the club - which boasts a capacity of more than 8,000 - has a three-levelled VIP area. São Paulo itself is known as a place for arty types to go but Pacha maintain there is no underground scene. Instead, clubbers are more interested in a healthy way of living and are very active shoppers with huge buying power. Sao Paulo es la ciudad más rica de Brasil así que no es una sorpresa que el club - que presume de capacidad para más de 8.000 personas - tenga una zona VIP de tres niveles. Sao Paulo mismo es conocido como un lugar para la gente artística pero Pacha mantiene que no hay una escena underground. WHERE / DÓNDE São Paulo is a major cultural centre in terms of nightlife. It's known for its varied and sophisticated bars, restaurants and nightclubs, that cater to a variety of distinguished tastes. It also attracts big international events.


Sao Paulo es un gran centro cultural en cuanto a la vida nocturna se refiere. Es conocido por sus bares, restaurantes y clubes variados y sofisticados, que cubren una gran variedad de gustos distinguidos. Además atrae grandes eventos internacionales. THE CLUB / EL CLUB The decor is minimalist Mediterranean, inspired by Ibizan design. The club's main room - named Domo for its round shape - has a capacity for more than 2,000 and there is an indoor live show area for 5,000 people (which can be combined with the Domo room to create an enormous zone). The terrace can also be extended from 1,000 to 4,000 people for the Brazilian version of We Love Sundays.... La decoración es minimalista mediterránea, inspirada en el diseño ibicenco. La sala principal del club - denominada Domo - tiene capacidad para más de 2000 personas y hay una zona de espectáculos interior para 5.000 personas. La terraza además puede ser extendida para abarcar de 1.000 a 4.000 personas para la versión brasileña de We Love Sundays...


BRAZIL'S HOTTEST AND MOST GLAMOROUS BEACH PARTY WITH ENOUGH SPACE FOR EVERYONE LA FIESTA DE PLAYA MÁS CALIENTE Y GLAMOROSA DE BRASIL CON SUFICIENTE ESPACIO PARA TODOS You can tell as soon as you walk up to the huge space-age building that this club means business. After the success of the Pacha franchise in São Paulo in November 2006 and Búzios in April 2007, Pacha Florianopolis was born. The world's largest Pacha opening party took place on November 13 and was headlined by one of the legends of house music, Roger Sanchez. Puedes decir tan pronto como entras en el enorme edificio de la era espacial que este club va en serio. Después del éxito de la franquicia Pacha en Sao Paolo en Noviembre del 2006 y Buzios en abril del 2007, Pacha Florianópolis nació. La fiesta de apertura del Pacha más grande del mundo tuvo lugar el 13 de noviembre y fue encabezada por una de las leyendas de la música house, Roger Sánchez. WHERE / DONDE Florianopolis has become one of the most popular destinations in Brazil for people looking for superb beaches, beautiful scenery and a great party. There are 42 beach202 PACHA / IBIZA 2009

es to choose from in Florianopolis, including Praia Brava and Praia Mole. Florianópolis se ha convertido en uno de los destinos más populares de Brasil para la gente que busca playas magníficas, un escenario bellísimo y buena fiesta. THE CLUB / EL CLUB The venue can hold up to 15,000 people, distributed over a glamorously decorated web of rooms, styled in a minimalist Mediterranean was by Jaime Serra. The club has a plethora of different areas for clubbing and relaxing. The complex has nine bars, an area with gourmet pizza, a sushi bar, outdoor terrace and parking for 3,000 cars. El local puede dar cabida a 15.000 personas, distribuidas en una red de salas sofisticadamente decoradas, con un estilo minimalista mediterráneo creado por Jaime Serra. Salpicadas con fotografías retro de chicas pin-up, el club tiene una plétora de zonas diferentes para bailar y relajarse. El complejo tiene nueve bares, una zona de pizza gourmet, un sushi bar, terraza al aire libre y un parking para 3000 vehículos.




THE SECOND INSTALLMENT OF PACHA’S SOUTH AMERICAN DOMINANCE EL SEGUNDO DE LOS PACHAS DE SUR AMERICA Situated in front of the sea, Pacha Buzios has a unique view and energy. The club is built partly in glass 1m below sea level and overhangs the sea for 30m. Buzios is slowly becoming the St Tropez of Brazil and this indoor/outdoor club located on the shores of one of the city's prettiest coves delivers music to a cult following. Situado frente al mar, Pacha Buzios tiene una vista y energía únicas. Parte del club ha sido construido en cristal 1m por debajo del nivel del mar y sobresale por encima del mar unos 30m. Buzios poco a poco se está convirtiendo en el St Tropez de Brasil y esta discoteca interior/exterior situada en las costas de una de las calas más bonitas de la ciudad presenta ensordecedora música trance a una clientela de culto. WHERE / DÓNDE Buzios is in the state of Rio de Janeiro, once the preserve of pirates and slave traders. The peninsula of Buzios is today the haunt of the rich and famous of the world, flocking to the city for a good time.

buenos aires

Buzios está en el estado de Río de Janeiro, una vez dominio de piratas y comerciantes de esclavos. La península de Buzios hoy es el escondite de los ricos y famosos del mundo, trasladándose a la ciudad para un poco de diversión. THE CLUB / EL CLUB Pacha Buzios holds up to 1,200 people and is keen more than a reflection of Pacha Ibiza. For refreshments you can pop into their Japanese restaurant before washing down your dinner with the popular Pachandon cocktail, an enticing mix of champagne and cherry. Dubfire and Axwell are among the recent big-name guests. Pacha Buzios tiene capacidad para 1.200 personas y es más que un reflejo de Pacha Ibiza. Para saciar el apetito puedes entrar en el restaurante japonés antes de digerir tu cena con el popular cóctel Pachandon, una apetitosa mezcla de champagne y cereza. Dubfire y Axwell están entre los grandes nombres que han pinchado recientemente y también han tenido el placer de ver a Sarah Main poniendo música aquí.


THE CHERRY BRAND HAS BROUGHT HOUSE MUSIC’S MAJOR INTERNATIONAL STARS TO ARGENTINA’S CAPITAL LA MARCA DE LAS CEREZAS HA LLEVADO A LA CAPITAL ARGENTINA LAS MAYORES ESTRELLAS INTERNACIONALES DEL HOUSE Located on the riverside of Río de la Plata, just a few minutes from the Obelisco and in an incomparable natural environment, Pacha is much more than a discotheque. The superb sound and lighting system and club is one of the favorites to celebrate all kinds of corporate and social events. Situada a orillas del Río de la Plata, a pocos minutos del Obelisco y en un marco natural inmejorable, Pacha es mucho más que una discoteca. Contamos con un equipo de luz y sonido de altísima calidad, y además de funcionar cómo club es uno de los lugares favoritos de la ciudad para la celebración de todo tipo de actos corporativos y sociales. WHERE / DÓNDE The capital of Argentina is the second most populated South American city and one of the continent’s most outstanding cultural centers. The last decade’s economic difficulties have not been able to put this dynamic and vital city asleep 204 PACHA / IBIZA 2009

and it maintains its cosmopolitan vocation and a permanent connection to the European culture. La capital argentina es la segunda ciudad más poblada de Sudamérica, y uno de sus centros culturales más destacados. La crisis económica de las últimas décadas no ha adormecido una ciudad dinámica y vital, con vocación cosmopolita y permanente conexión con la cultura europea. THE CLUB / EL CLUB Three rooms and terraces that communicate between each other make the Pacha Buenos Aires a multispace with the real spirit of the two cherries. It is one of the most established Pacha franchises. Tres salas y otras tantas terrazas intercomunicadas entre sí hacen de Pacha Buenos Aires un auténtico multiespacio dotado del auténtico espíritu de las dos cerezas. Es una de las franquicias internacionales de Pacha más veteranas.


la pineda


LIGHTS, COLOUR AND ENTERTAINMENT IN A TRULY SUMMERY PACHA LUZ, COLOR Y ESPECTÁCULO EN UN PACHA GENUINAMENTE VERANIEGO Pacha la Pineda is Costa Dorada‘s most emblematic discotheque. The history of parties and nights in this privileged part of the Catalan coast is outstanding. Since it opened in 1985, in Salou, Pacha has been a flagship of glamour and modernity. In the beginning of the 90’s, a great human and technical team created Pacha in its new location, in la Pineda and only a few meters away from the sea. Our house is prepared to welcome the guests in style. Bienvenidos a Pacha la Pineda, la discoteca más emblemática de la Costa Dorada. La historia de la fiesta y la noche en esta zona privilegiada de la costa catalana se escriben con mayúsculas gracias a Pacha la Pineda. Desde sus inicios en el año 1985 en Salou, Pacha ha sido emblema del glamour y modernidad. Nuestra casa se prepara para dar una gran recepción a nuestros clientes. WHERE / DÓNDE La Pineda is a small village at the Costa Dorada, very close to Salou, that is real-

ly quite and calm during the day, a nice exception to the rule on this coast. La Pineda es una pequeña localidad de la Costa Dorada, muy cercana a Salou, que de día respira una atmósfera de tranquilidad poco común al resto de esta costa. THE CLUB / EL CLUB The club has a big variety of spaces. Its chill-out terrace has spectacular gardens where you can relax and have a drink at one of the three bars. At the main dance floor, 43.000 watts of sound and 145.000 of light give wings to the best international DJs, and three bars offer completely different decorations. La sala cuenta con gran variedad de espacios. En su terraza chill out se encuentran los jardines más espectaculares, donde relajarse y tomar una copa en cualquiera de las tres barras disponibles. En la pista principal, 43.000 watios de sonido y 145.000 de luz dan alas a los DJs internacionales de mayor prestigio del planeta, y tres barras definen ambientes y decoraciones inspiradas en aire, tierra y fuego.



COLOURFUL PARTIES IN A RESIDENTIAL MARINA CROSSED BY CANALS FIESTA Y COLOR EN UNA MARINA RESIDENCIAL SURCADA POR CANALES This Pacha is distinguished with great charisma within the world of Pacha, as it's a building one hundred percent styled on Ibiza and with a great variety of spaces. This has converted Pacha Empuriabrava into a reference for entertainment in the province of Girona. The result, together with the attention to the programming, has made the club become the place of choice for people from all over the world. Nuestro Pacha se distingue por ser una obra arquitectónica con gran carisma dentro del mundo Pacha, ya que se trata de un edificio de estilo cien por cien ibicenco y con una gran variedad de espacios. Todo esto hace que Pacha Empuriabrava se haya convertido rápidamente en referente de ocio en la provincia de Girona. DONDE / WHERE The club is located in one of the world's biggest residential mairinas, with 23km of navigable channels and 5,000 moors. The complex also has a small airport and, of course, the sea is really close. 206 PACHA / IBIZA 2009

Se encuentra en una de las marinas residenciales más grandes del mundo, con 23 km de canales navegables y 5.000 amarres. El complejo también dispone de aeródromo y, por supuesto, el mar está muy cerca. THE CLUB / EL CLUB A white building, with lots of details that are characteristic of the Ibiza originator, very close to the Catalan Costa Brava. Apart from the big main room equipped with a high-end sound system where house music reigns by right, Pacha Empuriabrava offers another dance loor, Pachacha, dedicated to the more commercial rhythms, apart from an attractive private area for lounge and chill out. El edificio es de color blanco con arquitectura ibicenca. Además de la gran sala central, dotada de en equipamiento técnico de última generación y donde el house reina por derecho propio, Pacha Empuriabrava ofrece otra pista, Pachacha, dedicada a ritmos más comerciales, además de una atractiva zona privada, un lounge y un espacio chill out.




A HIT WITH THE RICH AND FAMOUS, WHERE EVERYONE IS ENCOURAGED TO BECOME AN A-LISTERUN ÉXITO ENTRE LOS RICOS Y FAMOSOS, DONDE A TODO EL MUNDO SE LE ANIMA A SER PARTE DE LA A-LIST Situated deep in the heart of the Tyrolean Alps, Pacha Ischgl is a slow-burning delight. The music policy here is designed to make clubbers feel emotionally enhanced and have their sense stimulated so that everyone comes together to dance as one. Keep your eyes peeled for famous faces - this is a popular pitstop on the glitterati's global clubbing map. Situado en el corazón de los Alpes Tiroleses. La política musical aquí está diseñada para hacer que los clubbers se sientan emocionalmente realizados y estimular sus sentidos para que todos bailen juntos formando un uno. Mantén los ojos abiertos para rostros famosos - es un lugar popular para la glitterati del mapa global del clubbing. WHERE / DÓNDE Pacha is accessed via a staircase from Hotel Madlein and makes for a great partying venue for guests staying at the hotel. After-show parties happen at the top of the mountain, the location for concerts from the likes of Kylie Minogue and others. Se accede a Pacha a través de una escalera desde el Hotel Madlein y es un fantástico


local de fiesta para los huéspedes que se hospedan allí. Las fiestas tienen lugar en lo alto de la montaña, el lugar para conciertos de artistas como Kylie Minogue y otros. THE CLUB / EL CLUB Well known for its popularity with celebrities, the club is always busy, especially in the winter season. (Paris Hilton even threw her birthday party here.) The interior decor is changed as often as possible to keep guests on their toes and is often based on authentic design elements from the Alps. The two VIP lounges are a great place to dance and flirt the night away. Muy conocido por su popularidad entre las celebridades, el club siempre está lleno, especialmente en la temporada de invierno. (Paris Hilton incluso celebró su fiesta de cumpleaños aquí). La decoración interior se cambia con mucha frecuencia para seguir atrayendo a su clientela y a menudo se basa en auténticos elementos de diseño de los Alpes. Los dos salones VIP son un lugar fantástico para bailar y flirtear toda la noche


A CLUB FULL OF SMILEY HAPPY PEOPLE GUARANTEES A SPECIAL NIGHT UN CLUB LLENO DE GENTE SONRIENTE GARANTIZA UNA NOCHE ESPECIAL Thousands of smiles make for a very warm and welcoming environment at this Lithuanian club, one the owners say is very different from any other Pacha club. If you're looking for a dazzling escape into the Baltic States / Eastern Europe, Pacha Vilnius is the place to go to feel the vibe. A great club with a twist of Lithuanian culture. Miles de sonrisas hacen que el ambiente sea muy cálido y acogedor en este club de Lituania, uno de los propietarios dice que es muy diferente de cualquier otro club Pacha. Si estás buscando una escapada deslumbrante en los Estados Bálticos / Europa del Este, Pacha Vilnius es el lugar para ir y sentir el ambiente. WHERE / DÓNDE Vilnius has always been a cradle of culture in the Baltic States. Here you start with a pre-party at a local pub, then hit Pacha for the best vibes in the city and finish your night chasing the best after-parties. Vilnius siempre ha sido un centro cultural en los Estados Bálticos. Aquí empiezas con

una pre-party en un club local, luego vas a Pacha para los mejores ritmos de la ciudad y acabas la noche buscando las mejores as mejores after-parties. THE CLUB / EL CLUB Small glittering mirrors and white interiors dominate the decor of this club, with plenty of nooks and crannies for that added cosy feel. Go to the Liv Lounge next door if you fancy some Sushi, gourmet steaks and warm-up cocktails. The club itself holds 1,500 people on the main dancefloor, which retains a special underground vibe. Five separate bars and an additional small room also help you to feel the rhythm of the Mediterranean. Pequeños espejos relucientes e interiores blancos dominan la decoración de este club, con un montón de rincones que lo convierten en un lugar acogedor. Ve al Liv Lounge de al lado si te apetece un poco de sushi, filetes gourmet y unos cócteles para calentar motores. La misma discoteca da cabida a 1.500 personas en la pista principal, que retiene un ambiente underground especial. Cinco barras separadas y una pequeña sala adicional. PACHA / IBIZA 2009 207

P O RT U G A L / M A R O C C O



MEDITERRANEAN STYLE MERGES WITH ATLANTIC CHARACTER EL ESPÍRITU MEDITERRÁNEO SE FUNDE CON EL CARÁCTER ATLÁNTICO At Pacha Portugal you will find everything that you’ve always been looking for: fun, good music and lots of beautiful people. En Pacha Portugal encontrareis lo que siempre habíais buscado: diversión, buena música y mucha gente guapa. WHERE / DÓNDE Pacha Ofir, one of the brand’s biggest clubs, is located right by the sea, only 40 km from Oporto, surrounded by a leafy pine tree plantation and only 50 meters from the beach. Pacha Ofir, uno de los mayores clubs de la marca, se encuentra situado a la orilla del mar, a unos 40 km de Oporto, rodeado por un frondoso pinar. THE CLUB / EL CLUB Pacha Ofir Portugal is the oldest of Pacha’s international franchises. It’s open to all kinds of musical styles and age groups, but its main attraction is the presence of


the most important national and international musical artists. The spirit of Pacha Ofir Portugal provides everybody with an unforgettable experience. A place that is legendary in the world of entertainment. Pacha Ofir opens every night in the month of August and, in June, July and September, every Friday and Saturday. During the rest of the year it opens occasionally for special parties. Pacha Ofir Portugal es la más antigua de las franquicias internacionales de Pacha. Está abierta a todo tipo de estilos musicales y grupos de edad, pero su mayor atractivo es la presencia en su escenario principal de los artistas más destacados del panorama musical nacional e internacional. El espíritu de Pacha Ofir Portugal proporciona a todos los que lo visitan una experiencia inolvidable. Un lugar que ya se ha hecho legendario en el mundo del ocio del país atlántico.Pacha Ofir abre cada día en agosto; en junio, julio y septiembre, abre viernes y sábados; y el resto del año abre esporádicamente para fiestas especiales.


A CLUBBING UTOPIA ON THE EDGE OF THE DESERT LA UTOPÍA DE CLUB AL BORDE DEL DESIERTO Pacha Marrakech has the biggest sound system in Africa, boasting a 50,000W, state-of-the-art output booming inside the immaculate white walls. With a capacity of 3,000 when both terraces are open, the venue is often referred to as being magical, intoxicating and, above all, a big party. As well as partying you can also relax here - they have a pool and chill-out areas - all day and all night. Pacha Marrakech tiene el sistema de sonido más grande de África, presumiendo de 50.000w, un equipo de última generación que retumba dentro de inmaculadas paredes blancas. Con una capacidad para 3.000 cuando ambas terrazas están abiertas, el local es a menudo descrito como mágico, embriagador y, sobretodo, un lugar fantástico de fiesta. WHERE / DÓNDE Known as the Red City, it seems only right an amazing Pacha club was built in this bustling city. Marrakech has the one of the busiest squares (La Place) in Africa - at night it becomes a huge open-air restaurant where people congregate before hitting Pacha. 208 PACHA / IBIZA 2009

Conocida como la Ciudad Roja, sólo podría ser lógico que un increíble club Pacha fuera construido en esta vibrante ciudad. THE CLUB / EL CLUB The architect and decorator Miguel Cancio Martins has integrated the Pacha concept with the Kasbahs of Morocco. It's a stunning club where you will find high crimson walls and gigantic torches surrounded by palms trees. The labyrinth of rooms includes two restaurants (The Crystal and Jana), bars, a swimming pool, the Chill Out (where live bands play) and the club itself, covering an impressive 8,000m2. El arquitecto y decorador Miguel Cancio Martins ha integrado el concepto de Pacha con las Kasbahs de Marruecos. Es un club impresionante donde encontrarás altos muros de color carmín rodeados de palmeras y salpicados por gigantescas antorchas. Incluye dos restaurantes (The Crystal y Jana), bares, piscina, Chill Out (donde actúan grupos en directo) y el mismo club, cubriendo un impresionante espacio de 8.000m2



OPENED: 2000 A D D R E S S : M A X I M I L I A N S P L AT Z 5 8 0 3 3 3 , M U N I C H , G E R M A N Y TEL: +89.309.050.850 W E B : W W W. PA C H A - M U N I C H . D E

WITH THE BEST SOUND SYSTEM IN TOWN, YOU WON'T MISS A BEAT CON EL MEJOR SISTEMA DE SONIDO EN LA CIUDAD, BAILARÁS TODA LA NOCHE UPCOMING DJS July 3: Paul Lomax July 10: Pacha Summer Party with René Vaitl July 11: Jean Claude Ades July 17: Jesse Garcia July 18: Pacha Brazil meets Pacha Munich July 19: Marco Carola, Loco Dice & Sven Väth_24th of July: Frankie Knuckles July 25: Markus Gardeweg

An extremely stylish and hip house club loaded with a great sound system, Pacha Munich is situated in the heart of the city. Its distinguished and sometimes crazy guests are attracted by a raft of quality international DJs and extraordinary performances. Rene Vaitl was the first DJ to grace the decks at the opening while the likes of Sarah Main, Boy George, David Morales and David Guetta have all taken control, making the club the place to be on a Saturday night. The Munich club scene is growing ever year and has become one of the key players in German nightlife. There is an exciting underground vibe in town and the crowds tend to be very mixed and international. Locals set high standards when it comes to outfits, resulting in dress codes that are sexy, cool and crazy. Un club extremadamente elegante y moderno equipado con un fantástico sistema de sonido, Pacha Munich está situado en el corazón de la ciudad. Sus distinguidos y a veces locos clientes son atraídos por una larga lista de DJs internacionales de calidad y extraordinarias actuaciones. Rene Vaitl fue el primer DJ en poner música en la apertura mientras artistas como Sarah Main, Boy George, David Morales y David Guetta han tomado el control, haciendo del club un local de moda los sábados por la noche. La escena de club en Munich está creciendo cada año y se ha convertido en un referente de la noche alemana. Hay un ambiente underground muy emocionante en la ciudad y el público suele ser muy mez-

clado e internacional. Los locales ponen el listón muy alto en cuanto se trata de moda, resultando en códigos de ropa muy sexy, cool y alocados. WHERE / DÓNDE Munich is well known for its nightlife. The choice of clubs here is ever growing and there is something for everyone. The main days for clubbing tend to be from Thursday to Saturday. Before the clubs, people go to cool restaurants such as Kytaro or hang out in bars like Schumann's. Fashion is important to Munich's young set and Maximilianstrasse, which stocks all the big designer clobber, is very popular. Munich es muy conocida por su noche. La selección de clubes en Munich es cada vez mayor y hay de todo para todos los gustos. Los días principales de clubbing tienden a ser de jueves a sábado. Antes de ir a la discoteca, la gente va a restaurantes de moda como Kytaro o se toma una copa en bares como Shumann's. La moda es muy importante para la juventud de Munich y Maximilianstrasse, que abastece todas las grandes marcas de diseño, es muy popular. THE CLUB / EL CLUB The Pacha Munich space - which can hold up to 1,500 people - is distinguished by curved and smoothed lines. The club has several VIP areas, a central dancefloor and six bars and boasts the best sound system in town. The winter garden has beautiful couch areas with a bar and pizza booth and

the outside terrace is also furnished with comfortable couch areas and bar. Champagne and vodka cocktails the club's speciality and Pacha will even organise special decoration for certain events. For the more sensible clubber, there is a coffee bar where you can order delicious baguettes. Despite the choice of clubs in Munich, Pacha is widely known as the best club in town, boasting the most stylish audience, best DJ bookings and most extraordinary performances. One thing is for sure is that its sound system blows all the others out of the water. El espacio de Pacha Munich - que tiene capacidad para 1.500 personas se distingue por líneas suaves y curvadas. El club tiene varias áreas VIP, una pista de baile central y seis barras y presume del mejor sistema de sonido de la ciudad. El jardín de invierno tiene preciosos rincones con sillones, una barra y un puesto de pizza y fuera la terraza está amueblada con confortables sofás y una barra. El champagne y los cócteles de vodka son las especialidades de la discoteca y Pacha incluso organiza decoración especial para ciertos eventos. Para los clubbers más prudentes, hay una cafetería donde puedes pedir deliciosas baguettes. A pesar de la gran variedad de discotecas en Munich, Pacha es conocida como el mejor de la ciudad, presumiendo de la clientela más elegante, de los mejores DJs y de las actuaciones más extraordinarias. Una cosa es segura, su sistema de sonido hace que destaque entre todos los demás.

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THIS CLUB IS SO FASHIONABLE AND SO MUCH FUN, IT HURTS ESTE CLUB ESTÁ TAN DE MODA Y ES TAN DIVERTIDO QUE DUELE Clubbers are encouraged to dress to impress at the club heralded as the most fashionable in Madrid. It's a classic Pacha club, enjoyed mainly by an 80% local Madrid crowd of 20- and 30-year-olds. It's the place to be on Fridays and Saturdays for house music; on Wednesday and Thursday nights there's more of a rockier vibe mixed in with the house. Los clubbers son animados a vestirse para impresionar en esta discoteca anunciada como la más de moda de Madrid. Es un club Pacha clásico, disfrutado principalmente por un 80% de madrileños de entre 20 y 40 años. Los viernes y sábados por su música house; los miércoles y jueves con un ambiente roquero mezclado con house. WHERE / DÓNDE Like in most of Spain, fun seekers leave home to have dinner at 10pm and hit the clubs from midnight onwards. Popular places for warm-up drinks and food include


La Taverna Siciliana, Loft 39, Midnight Rose in Me Hotel and the Glass Bar. Como en mayor parte de España, la gente que busca diversión sale de casa a las 10pm para cenar y llega a las discotecas a partir de medianoche. THE CLUB / EL CLUB Art deco is the interior theme of this club, which holds 1,100 people. There is a main room, scotch room with R&B and rock the El Cielo space that plays classic hits from the '80s and '90s. JP Candel, DJ Deaf, DJ David, Canas, DJ Juan Serrano are among the top DJs taking to the turntables in Pacha Madrid. La temática interior es el Art Deco en este club, que da cabida a 1.100 personas. Hay una sala principal, una sala scotch con R&B y rock y el espacio El Cielo que ofrece éxitos clásicos de los 80 y 90. JP Candel, DJ Deaf, DJ David, Canas y DJ Juan Serrano están entre los mejores DJs que toman las riendas de las mesas de mezclas en Pacha Madrid.


YOUNG AND PROMISING, THE VALENCIA FRANCHISE IS IN A STATE OF EFFERVESCENCE JOVEN Y PROMETEDORA, LA FRANQUICIA VALENCIANA ESTÁ EN PLENA EFERVESCENCIA Pacha has the best club vibe in the city. The main room is ultra sophisticated with a central dancefloor that can hold 1,200 people. There is also a Pachacha room for 500 punters where more commercial music is played plus an exclusive VIP area. The clientele are generally over 21 and extremely fashionable. DJs such as Victor Perez and Camilo Franco play all the latest hits at this epicentre of glamour and entertainment. Pacha tiene el mejor ambiente de club de la ciudad. La sala principal es ultra sofisticada con una pista central con cabida para 1.200 personas. WHERE / DÓNDE Valencia has a great many bars that are open until 3.30am. And after Pacha closes, there are many options for those who want to continue the party - some venues even open at 7.30am and close at 12noon. Valencia tiene multitud de bares que abren hasta las 3.30am. Y después de que

Pacha cierre, hay muchas opciones para aquellos que quieran continuar la fiesta algunos locales incluso abren a las 7.30am y cierran al mediodía. THE CLUB / EL CLUB Beautiful people, who look like they regularly frequent the gym, enjoy dancing the night away throughout the three rooms. The VIP is divided into two levels and offers partygoers more space. Avid people watchers will have fun checking out the healthy and stylish clientele. The up-for-it crowd have so far danced to the likes of guest jocks David Guetta, Bob Sinclair, David Penn, Erick Morillo, Sarah Main and Roger Sanchez. Gente guapa, que parece que regularmente frecuenta el gimnasio, disfruta bailando toda la noche en las tres salas. El VIP está dividido en dos niveles y ofrece más espacio a su clientela. Ávidos observadores se lo pasarán bien echándole un vistazo a la saludable y elegante clientela. La discoteca cierra del 6 de junio a septiembre. PACHA / IBIZA 2009 211




LOCATED CLOSE TO THE FIRST EVER PACHA AND BATHED BY THE MEDITERRANEAN CERCA DEL PRIMER PACHA DE LA HISTORIA Y BAÑADO POR EL MAR MEDITERRÁNEO The Sweet Pacha in Sitges, located in the Port Aiguadolç opened its doors on the 6th July 2007, 40 years after the birth of the brands first club in the same town. Ricardo Urgell, the founder of the brand, has decided to celebrate this with the opening of this small boîte, that oozes the genuine Pacha spirit from every pore. Sweet Pacha relies on a young and dynamic human team composed of almost thirty people that try to make each visit to this special and unique place a really unforgettable one. El Sweet Pacha de Sitges, situado en el Puerto de Aiguadolç, abrió sus puertas el 5 de Julio del 2007, 40 años después del nacimiento del primer local de Pacha en la misma localidad. Ricardo Urgell, fundador de la marca, ha decidido celebrarlo con la apertura de esta pequeña boîte que destila en cada rincón un genuino espíritu Pacha. El Sweet Pacha cuenta con un equipo humano joven y dinámico integrado por casi treinta personas, que intentan que la visita a este lugar único y especial sea realmente involvidable.

WHERE / DÓNDE The port Aiguadolç, in the outskirts of Sitges, has an important choice of restaurants of varied styles, most of them with terraces, and with splendid views of the wharfs and the yachts. It's one of the best ports in the Mediterranean for sports boats and its nice summer nights have gained importance thanks to the recent opening of Sweet Pacha. El Puerto de Aiguadolç, a las afueras del casco urbano de Sitges, dispone de una amplia oferta de restaurantes de los más diversos estilos, la mayoría con terrazas que ofrecen espléndidas vistas sobre las dársenas y los yates. Es uno de los mejores puertos del Mediterráneo para embarcaciones deportivas, y sus agradables noches veraniegas acaban de ganar peso con la reciente apertura de Sweet Pacha.

marked personality. Created for a very chic clientele that enjoy the happy hits and the summer nights on a nice terrace with spectacular views over the Mediterranean. Sea breeze outdoors or funky & grooves on the dance floor: two options, both equally irresistible. Dividido en dos niveles, con una terraza lounge en la planta superior y una coqueta pista en la inferior, Sweet Pacha es un club de formato mediano con acusada personalidad. Pensado para un público muy chic que disfrute de los happy hits y las noches de verano en una agradable terraza con espectaculares vistas sobre el Mediterráneo. Brisa marina al aire libre o funky & grooves en la pista: dos opciones igualmente irresistibles.

THE CLUB / EL CLUB Divided over two levels, with a terrace lounge on the top floor and a nice dancefloor on the first, Sweet Pacha is a club of medium format with a PACHA / IBIZA 2009 213




CRYSTAL CLEAR WATERS AND SUN EVERY DAY OF THE YEAR FOR AN IMPRESSIVE PACHA AGUAS CRISTALINAS Y SOL TODOS LOS DÍAS DEL AÑO PARA UN PACHA IMPACTANTE UPCOMING DJS July 9: St Tropez Forever with Remy Kersten July 14: Pacha Recordings with Tuccillo July 16: House Nation with Laurent Wolf July 23: Pure Pacha with Sander Kleinenberg August 6: House Nation with Goldfish & Residents August 13: House Nation with Francesco Rossi August 18: Pacha Recordings with Adult Entertainment September 20: Erick Morillo

This was first Pacha club to launch in Africa and the Middle East; the opening night featured an amazing set from Danny Rampling with a guest appearance from Aphrodite. Pacha Sharm has a unique cosmopolitan charm thanks to its vibrant mix of cultures and countries, all blended with the positive energy of an open-air venue. There is always a fusion of fashion on the dancefloor and the warm all-year climate allows party people to dress in glamorous summer fashions. (In fact, on Thursdays the foam zone and cool pool are reserved exclusively for guests dressed in bikinis). Big-name DJs to have graced the decks so far include David Guetta, Axwell, Erick Morrillo, Sander Kleinenberg, Roger Sanchez and David Morales. The venue opens at 11pm and the place is full from 1am every night until close at 4am. Este fue el primer club Pacha en abrir en África y Oriente Medio; la noche de apertura presentó un increíble set de Danny Rampling con la actuación de la invitada Aphrodite. Pacha Sharm tiene un encanto cosmopolita único gracias a su excitante mezcla de culturas y países todos mezclados con la energía positiva de un local al aire libre. Siempre hay una fusión de moda en la pista de baile y el clima cálido durante todo el año permite a la gente vestir en glamorosos modelos veraniegos. (De hecho, los jueves la zona de la espuma y la piscina fría está reservada exclusivamente para los clientes vestidos con bikini). Grandes DJs han pinchado

aquí, incluyendo David Guetta, Axwell, Erick Morillo, Sander Kleinenberg, Roger Sánchez y David Morales. El local abre a las 11pm y se llena a partir de la 1am cada noche hasta cerrar a las 4am. WHERE / DÓNDE Pacha is based in Naama Bay, the pedestrian centre of Sharm el Sheikh. The resort is situated between three national parks, at the southern tip of the Sinai Peninsula, bridging the continents of Asia and Africa. Sharm el Sheikh is a cosmopolitan beach resort, similar to Ibiza in many aspects, and dotted with five-star hotels. Stylish open-air shopping malls are plentiful. Pacha está en la Bahía Naama, el centro peatonal de Sharm el Sheik. Este resort está situado entre tres parques nacionales, en la parte más al sur de la península del Sian, creando un puente entre los continentes de Asia y África. Sharm el Sheik es un resorte de playa cosmopolita, similar a Ibiza en muchos aspectos, y salpicado con hoteles de cinco estrellas. Con montones de elegantes centros comerciales al aire libre. THE CLUB / EL CLUB The club is a fusion of modern of nightclub design and Arabesque architecture mirroring images from 1001 Arabian Nights. The dancefloor is surrounded by domed white roofs and terraces for VIP tables; you can even reserve a private balcony with personal salon and bathrooms. The club's unique selling point is that it is open-

air all-year-round because it almost never rains in Sharm. During the summer there is also a pool in which you can take a dip. Pacha Sharm attracts a true multinational crowd so it is not unusual to be dancing next to people from the UK, Europe, Middle East, Russia, Ukraine and Eastern Europe. Long Island ice teas, mojitos and margaritas are the cocktails of choice in this part of the world. El club es una fusión de diseño moderno de discoteca y de arquitectura arabesca simulando imágenes de las 1001 Noches. La pista de baile está rodeada por techos blancos abovedados y terrazas para mesas VIP; incluso puedes reservar un balcón privado con un salón y baños. Lo más especial del club es que está al aire libre todo el año porque casi nunca llueve en Sharm. Durante el verano también hay una piscina donde puedes bañarte. Pacha Sharm atrae a una clientela verdaderamente multinacional así que no es extraño estar bailando junto a gente del Reino Unido, Europa Occidental, Oriente Medio, Rusia, Ucrania y Europa del Este. Té helado Long Island, mojitos y margaritas son los cócteles predilectos en esta parte del mundo.

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OPENED: 2008 A D D R E S S : PA C H A M O S C O W, FA S H I O N D I S T R I C T, N I C H O L S K AYA S Q U A R E 1 0 . T E L : + 7 . 4 9 5 . 7 8 9 . 2 2 8 8 . W E B : W W W. PA C H A M O S C O W. R U

CRISP WHITE SHIRTS AND EXPENSIVE WATCHES GLIMMER IN A LANDSCAPE OF '60S POP ART CAMISAS EN BLANCOS IMPOLUTOS Y RELOJES CAROS BRILLAN EN EL PAISAJE DE ARTE POP DE LOS 60 A groundbreaking club space for Moscow, the city's Pacha space is a throwback to the 1960s splashed with touches of Phillipp Stark-infused brilliance and glamour. The vibe is a chic mix of cool Ibiza style and Russian hedonism, giving the venue a serious sparkle. VIPs are treated like royalty; not only are there private toilets but each also its own individual climate control. The dancefloor is laden with sleek bodies draped in designer brands, from Versace and Armani to Jimmy Choo. Un espacio de club innovador para Moscú, el Pacha de la ciudad es un regreso a la década de los 60 salpicado con toques de resplandor y glamour al estilo Phillip Stark. El ambiente es una mezcla chic del estilo cool de Ibiza y el hedonismo ruso, dándole al local verdadera chispa. Los VIPs son tratados como realeza; no sólo hay servicios privados pero cada uno tiene control climático individual. La pista de baile está colmada de elegantes cuerpos vestidos con marcas de diseño, desde Versace y Armani a Jimmy Choo. 216 PACHA / IBIZA 2009

WHERE / DÓNDE Moscow is one of the most expensive cities in the world. The Russian jetset are big fans of the nightclub scene, where they can display their hard-earned wealth in the form of extravagant drinking in roped-off VIP areas. The best preparties take place in numerous small bars throughout the city; sessions at Pacha rarely end before 5am. Moscú es una de las ciudades más caras del mundo. La jetset rusa puede mostrar su riqueza ganada con esfuerzo bebiendo extravagantemente en zonas VIP acordonadas. Las mejores pre-parties tienen lugar en numerosos bares pequeños por toda la ciudad; las sesiones en Pacha raramente acaban antes de las 5am. THE CLUB / EL CLUB It feels like Andy Warhol could walk around the corner at any moment, thanks to the preponderance of Pop Art that clearly sets it aside from any other club in Moscow. Recent guest DJs include Richard Murrey, Rae (Defected) and the Jade Jagger project

(Jezebel). There are two main areas in the club: a big dancefloor space often used for headliner shows and a second dedicated to more offbeat performances and installations. There is a dancefloor for energetic dancers, an area for talking the talk and almost 30 VIP tables and 10 super-VIP tables. Vintage champagne and quality vodka are in constant supply. Es como si Andy Warhol pudiera asomarse por uno de sus rincones en cualquier momento, gracias a la preponderancia de Arte Pop que claramente lo diferencia de cualquier otro club en Moscú. DJs recientes incluyen Richard Murrey, Rae (Defected) y el proyecto de Jade Jagger (Jezebel). Hay dos zonas principales en el club: una gran pista de baile a menudo utilizada para los shows de los artistas principales y una segunda dedicada a unas actuaciones menos convencionales. Hay una pista de baile para bailarines más energéticos, una zona para charlar y casi 30 mesas VIP y 10 mesas súper VIP. El champagne vintage y vodka de calidad están siempre disponibles.

C/ Balanzat, 38 SunSet Strip San antonio - iBiza Reservations: 971 34 80 31

PUERTO DE IBIZA 666.975.671

I TA L I A N C U I S I N E , W I N E S & TA PA S Cap Martinet 3, JesĂşs - Ibiza O P E N A L L Y E A R Tel: +34 971 19 18 27 220 PACHA / IBIZA 2009

PACHA / IBIZA 2009 221




WWW.PACHA.COM Pacha online magazine designed by recodemedia


Wendy, Silvia and Sabine


Alex Marini and friend

Romain Saint Gilles and friend

Ricardo Garriga. Panchi Urgell and Massimo Shadi Saab

Willie Marquez and friends

Will.I.Am and Jennifer Gertman

Black Eyed Peas and presenter

Alex Marini, Boris Quarantini and friend

Christian Rodwell, Jordi Gomez and Mark Brown

PACHA / IBIZA 2009 223



Jose Maria Aznar and Ana Botella

Mother of groom Nieve Prats Prats, groom Abel Matutes Prats, Father of groom Abel Matutes Juan

Hotel Rural Sa Talaia

Abel Matutes Juan with friends

224 PACHA / IBIZA 2009

Stella Matutes Prats

Jaime Mayor Oreja

Josep Joan Cardona and Antonio Marí Marí Mayor


Linda Scaperotto with her stepfather

Nieves Prats Prats, Abel Matutes Prats and Abel Matutes Juan

Abel Matutes Juan, Jaime Mayor Oreja, Isabel Bastida, Jose Maria Aznar, Ana Botella, Mariano Rajoy and Elvira Fernández

Toni Matutes and Juana

Abel Matutes Prats and Linda Scaperotto

Abel Matutes Prats and grandmother of the bride

Josepe Concas and friend

Rosa Cienes, Macu Marí Marí and Christian Coroleo

Natalie and Ignacio Rodrigo

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NAME OF DISH: Gazpacho NAME OF RESTAURANT: Yemanja HISTORY: A family-run business that has been on the island for more than 10 years. The name Yemanja means "Goddess of the Sea". NUMBER OF YEARS SERVED: The restaurant has been serving this dish since it first opened and for the last two years it's been served in a glass bowl. Even though there is a vast menu of delicious dishes, it's the Gazpacho that has the island talking. INGREDIENTS: Tomatoes, onion, melon, salt, pepper, olive oil, green pepper and bread. THE CHEF: Javier Roig, 28. Spanish, part of the family. Worked at Yemanja since it opened and before this worked as a chef at Hotel Europa in Pamplona for six months. PACHA SAYS: "It looks like a cocktail and is perfect for sipping by the sea on a hot day if you want to catch up on your vitamins. The little toasted bread it is served with is great for dipping in the soup. A bargain at €8.5 euros." CUSTOMER FALK BRANDOV SAYS: "It's wonderful, really refreshing and great in the summertime. It's even better than I expected."

NOMBRE DEL PLATO: Gazpacho NOMBRE DEL RESTAURANTE: Yemanjá HISTORIA: Un negocio familiar que lleva en la isla más de 10 años. El nombre Yemanjá significa "Diosa del Mar". NÚMERO DE AÑOS SIRVIÉNDOLO: El restaurante sirve este plato desde que abrió y los dos últimos años se sirve en un bol de cristal. Aunque hay una larga carta de deliciosos platos, es el gazpacho el que está en boca de todos en la isla. INGREDIENTES: Tomates, cebolla, melón, sal, pimienta, aceite de oliva, pimiento verde y pan. EL CHEF: Javier Roig, 28. Español, parte de la familia. Lleva trabajando en Yemanjá desde que abrió y antes de aquí trabajó en el Hotel Europa en Pamplona durante seis meses. PACHA DICE: "Parece un cóctel y es perfecto para beber junto al mar un día caliente si quieres llenarte de vitaminas. La pequeña tostada de pan con la que se sirve es fantástica para mojar en la sopa. Una ganga a 8,50 €". EL CLIENTE FALK BRANDOV DICE: "Es fantástico, realmente refrescante y buenísimo para el verano. Es mejor de lo que esperaba".

Yemanja, C/Cala Jondal 07839 Sant Josep de sa Talaia. Tel: 971.187.481

226 PACHA / IBIZA 2009

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