Dubbo Photo News 14.03.2019

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CHANGING LIVES Choosing to teach to shape future generations PAGE 11 ❱❱

Call for drones and more police to fight crime scourge DETERRING repeat offenders by taking a portion of their welfare payment to repay debts caused by damage is just one suggestion made by a Wellington business man fed up with crime in the town. Concerned citizen Ron Moore said local residents have been pushing for more police, greater justice and a 24-hour police station for more than a decade. And as crimes such as home invasions and business break-ins rise, the community is seeking answers. He is also supportive of converting the Old Police Station into a training centre for police officers to receive tuition in using drone technology in their duties. “Drone technology is used to detect rural crimes, so why not in town,” he suggested.

Leapin’ lucky leprechauns


Brmm Brmm! Plans revving up for first Dubbo Motor Bike Rally ❱ P4

IT T’S S St St Pat a rick ck’ss Day ay t hi h s Su un nd day y, Ma Marc r h 17, rc 17 7, to o be su s rre e, to o be su sure ure r . At At t he he en nd d of th the e ra rain in innbow bo w th here’ erre’ e ll ll be a po ot o off gol o d an and d a le eprrec e h ha aun n call ca l ed ll d R il iley iley y Hay ayde den, n,, 18 mo mont nths nt hs olld hs d, fr from om m Dub ubb (pi bo p ct ctu urred). ed d)).. Wa attch c out ut, he ut, e’s a ‘we ee ba air irn’ n’’ n w th wi t h missch chie hie ef on on his min nd. d. May ybe be St Pa P tr tric i k’ ic k’s k’s Da ay wi w ll ll bri r ng g us al a l a li litt ttle tt le e bit it of lu uck k. We e hea ar Mast Ma sterr R il iley ey y is ho h piing g for rai ain, n and n, n pe errha haps pss a ot an ot h he er choc ch hoc o ol o at ate e co c in in!! PHO PHOTO: O: WE W NDY N ME MERRI RRIICK K

CALL US with your news ideas 6885 4433 | EMAIL photos@dubbophotonews.com.au | VISIT US at 89 Wingewarra St, Dubbo

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Dubbo Photo News 14.03.2019 by Panscott Media - Issuu