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HOW THE WEST WAS LOST WEST DUBBO residents and business owners are fast losing confidence in Roads and Maritime Services (RMS) plans for major roadwork in the area, with some saying quiet residential streets will cop more traffic, and others worried about the future of their businesses. The current RMS proposal to put concrete dividing barriers for two blocks up the middle of Whylandra Street would “kill” Rodney Webster’s family business. Mr Webster has been the general manager at Dubbo’s Westside Hotel for 28 years and the Keck family has owned it for 47. “It’ll devastate us,” Mr Webster (pictured) told Dubbo Photo News. “We have local customers from the Grangewood and Delroy Park area – for them the access won’t be good, they’ll find it hard to get in, so they’ll go elsewhere,” he said. He’s equally concerned tourists heading into Dubbo won’t be able to follow the complex maze of back roads and
turns that will be needed to access his business. Also concerned are residents of Shire Avenue, lower Baird Street and parts of Stonehaven Avenue. At least 70 houses in this area will have their right-turn access onto Whylandra Street and the CBD reduced from three options to one.
Leaving autumn behind Michael Rich has lived in Stonehaven Avenue for his entire life and believes the changes will put a lot of pressure on local area roads and increase traffic flows.
MORE ❱❱ PAGES 2, 3
AS the Bureau of Meteorology described it, much of the countryside “shivered through a cold end to autumn” – and the cold mornings have continued for the first few days of winter. Dubbo had an overnight minimum of -1.1C on May 31, then -1.4C on Saturday, June 1, which was officially the start of the new season. The Bureau’s winter outlook shows the next three months are
likely to be warmer and drier than average for large parts of the nation. The Bureau’s manager of longrange forecasting Dr Andrew Watkins said the models are showing June rainfall is likely to be below average in NSW, which is not the news we wanted to hear. “Drier than average conditions typically mean more cloud-free nights, which increases the risk of
frost in susceptible areas,” areas ” he said. said Our photographer Wendy Merrick made the most of the change in season to capture this photo which we reckon will at least warm your heart! Pictured playing in the autumn leaves at Dubbo Public School are, back, Trae Murray, Jayda Kosij, Deacan Payne, front, Tyler Orchard, Kempston McGuire-Allen, Chase Bland.
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