Night for Ukraine Jason and Susan Wiggins, Thom Rakestraw, Tom Smith
Bloomington-Normal Sunrise Rotary fundraiser for Ukraine Saturday, April 23 Bloomington Center for the Performing Arts Photos by Carlos T. Miranda Rotarians pride themselves on being “people of action” and they lived up to that hype by pulling off a fundraiser in only 3 ½ weeks that hosted 200 guests and raised more than $42,000 Normally events like this take months to plan, with an amazing silent auction, wonderfully decorated venue, live entertainment, poignant programming and great food.
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Katie and Lily Mavros
Cara Spence
Ryan and Denise O’Connell
Brandon Krueger, Steve and Julie Kubsch Seated: Kristen and Matt Kubsch
Stan Glazier, Joan Stralow, Sue and Steve Seibring
Limited Magazine | June 2022
Bev Stevens, Tina Marlett
Hillarie Hamblin, Kristin Peterson, Kristin Firkins, Jolene Aldus