New Horizons
THE ENTERTAINMENT AK Akane Fujita Live painting artist AK Akane Fujita is a graduate of Nihon University
Jane Aiko Yamano Tonight, Jane Aiko Yamano will demonstrate the art of the Hanayome
College of Art and a past participant in the Washington State
Quick kimono change, created by her grandmother, Aiko. What would
University Exchange Program in the United States. Her mother,
normally take hours of dressing and re-dressing at a traditional
Mariko Hayashi, is also an artist, and has generously donated one of
Japanese wedding, the “Bridal Quick Change” technique accelerates
her paintings for tonight’s Silent Auction. AK is right at home in a
each transformation into a different kimono, so the bride can spend
hotel setting, having showcased her art in public collections held at
more time with her guests. “The way of beauty” is a lifetime study
global brand hotels located from Tokyo, Yokohama, Chiba and Osaka
begun by Aiko and continued to this day by Jane. Her wish is for
to Nagoya, Fukuoka and Okinawa. Tonight she will dazzle you as she
everybody to find ultimate happiness through beauty. The Yamano
creates a masterpiece before your very eyes, under tonight’s Pink Ball
Gakuen supports Pink Ribbon activities and encourages women to
theme of “New Horizons.”
smile brightly.
Registration and cocktails, Silent Auction starts
Live Painting by AK Akane Fujita
Performance by Tenrin Daiko Darakan Shido Witu Nyudo, Welcome/Opening Remarks, Toast, Award Ceremony, Dinner service begins
The Hanayome Quick change by Yamano Gakuen
FEATURED MUSIC AL ARTISTS Tenrin Daiko Darakan Shido Witu Nyudo Tenrin Daiko continues to present the art of Wadaiko and deliver their original interpretations to audiences the world over. A most recent achievement is having received the highest appraisal of 5 stars at one of the world’s largest arts festivals, the 2015 Edinburgh Festival Fringe, in Scotland. Tonight, you’re in for a genuine, up-close experience of why Tenrin Daiko have
DJ SilverFox Involved in the music industry and nightlife scene for over 20 years, DJ SilverFox has established a deep relationship with music and entertainment, from London to Ibiza to Tokyo, and established BeatForce in 2008. He has a true passion for music, which shines through every time he is behind the decks as unquestionably the top after-hours DJ in Tokyo’s famed Roppongi.
All Pink Ball guests are invited to write a special message to a survivor, by stopping by the Cross booth in the Foyer. Three messages will be selected and read by survivors, and the chosen guests will each receive one of the three Cross Botanica Black Ballpoint pens, valued at 10,000 yen each.
garnered such accolades from Southeast Asia, Stuttgart to Qatar.
Dear Survivor Message Corner ends
Silent Auction/ Raffle sales end
Raffle Draw, Live Auction
DJ Music
Pink Ball 2016 concludes
Guest Chef Yoshi Yamada
TOAST Yellowglen Pinot Noir Chardonnay 2013 イエローグレン・ピノワール・シャルドネー 2013
APPETIZER B.L.T burger with chicken breast & mozzarella, crispy pancetta sundried tomatoes, endive, lemon puree, truffle mayo Chef Yoshi Yamada was born to cook, having started as a child
鶏胸肉のバロティーヌとモッツァレラチーズの B.L.T サラダ仕立て、クリスピーパンチェッタ、 サンドライトマト、エンダイヴ、レモンピューレ、黒トリュフマヨネーズ
helping out at his father’s Japanese restaurant in Tokyo. His love of the
kitchen is matched by his sense of adventure, having lived abroad for
Casarecce with creamy broccoli and anchovy fillet, steamed clams and bottarga
12 of his 20 years as a chef. While
working in Tuscany, Sardinia and
Sorento, which included Michelin 2-star Don Alfonso 1890, he also saw it as an opportunity to learn Italian. In London, he studied under Gordon Ramsey at his Michelin 2-star restaurant in Chelsea, worked
Pan-fried sea bass fillet, snap bean, braised green lentils, orange & sweet wine sauce スズキのソテー、スナップえんどう、レンズ豆の蒸し煮、オレンジとスウィートワインのソース
Accompanied by d'Arenberg The Stump Jump Lightly Wooded Chardonnay S 2011 ダーレンベルグ・ザ・スタンプ・ジャンプ・ライトリー・ウディッド・シャルドネー 2011
three years for the London-based
restaurant group Rex Restaurants, where he and Francesco Mazzei opened a stylish Mediterranean restaurant on Regent Street, and he
Slow-roasted pork belly with crackling, sweet pea puree, olive oil mash, marsala sauce 低温でローストした皮付きポークベリー、グリーンピースのピューレ、オリーブオイルを 使ったマッシュポテト、マルサラソース
launched Tempo restaurant owned by Henry Togna in Mayfair. Along with winning the first World Pasta
Accompanied by Decugnano dei Barbi Villa Rosso IGT 2012 デクニャーノ・デイ・バルビ・ヴィッラ・ロッソ IGT 2012
Championship 2012 in Parma, he
gained excellent reviews and won 2 AA rosettes. For three years, he was Executive Head Chef of Tysons
Tiramisu cream, semifreddo with strawberry sauce ティラミスクリームとセミフレッド、イチゴのソース
& Company restaurant group. Chef Yamada now runs his own consultancy based in Tokyo.
*By Chef Yoshi Yamada, with support from Costantino Gemmoli and Germano Orsara of Elio's Catering -4-
R AFFLE AND AUC TION RULES Live Auction Rules 1. When you wish to bid, please raise your hand so the auctioneer can
Overall Disclaimer With regard to raffle and auction items, the Foundation and Donor do not provide any warranty for the product and its usage, do not offer representation of any kind, and do not guarantee the results. Should the raffled or auctioned item become defective, the raffle winner or bidder assumes the entire cost of all necessary servicing, repair or correction. All raffle drawing winners and bids are final.
clearly see it.
2. The highest bidder will be the buyer, subject to any reserve price placed on an item.
品またその使 用への保証、一切の表明、結果の保証をしません。当選もしく
は落札後の物品の欠陥については、当選者もしくは落札者が必要なサービス、 修理 、修正を受ける際の費用を負担することとします。全ての抽選くじ引き及
3. In the event of a dispute between two or more bidders, the lot or lots
will be offered again at the previous bidding level. 競売に異議申し立て等あった場合は、一つ前の価格より再度競売を行います。
1. All lots are offered and sold “as is.” Please check items carefully before you bid. All raffle drawing winners and bids are final.
4. The auctioneer reserves the right to designate the buyer. Purchases
at Pink Ball are not tax-deductible.
競売人が落札者を決定する権利があります。Pink Ball でのご購入金額は 税金控除の対象になりませんのでご注意下さい。
2. All items must be paid for and removed on auction evening. Takkyubin delivery service is available at The Westin Tokyo front desk. Winners are responsible for organizing this themselves, if desired.
Silent Auction Rules 1. To place a bid on an item, print your name, table number and amount
全てのお支払い、またお品物のお持ち帰りはオークション当日に行って頂き ますようお願い致します。宅急便サービスはウェスティンホテル東京サービ
of bid on the corresponding bid sheet. Carefully note the minimum
bid and the minimum incremental raise to avoid invalidating your bid.
3. Cash as well as MasterCard, VISA, JCB, American Express and Diners
現金ならびに MASTER / VISA / JCB / American Express / Diners カードは 全てのお支払いにご利用頂けます。
2. The auction will open at 6:00 p.m. and close at the ring of the bell at 9:30 p.m.
4. Vouchers contain validity and /or restrictions. Unless otherwise stated, dates and times are to be arranged at the mutual convenience of the sponsor and the buyer. Pink Ball will not be a party to any agreements between sponsors and winning bidders.
入札の際は、お名前 / テーブル番号 / 入札金額を入札用紙に明記ください。 入札が無効とならないよう、最低入札金額及び最低増加額を必ずご確認く
are accepted for all purchases.
サイレントオークションは午後 6 時から開始し、午後 9 時 30 分にベルの音 で終了の旨をご 案内申し上げます。
3. Winner will be notified at his/her table during the evening. In the event
商品引換券には有効期限及び除外日がございます。詳細はご提供スポ ン
of any disputes, the decision of the Silent Auction Committee is final.
最終落札者には、イベント会場お席にてお知らせ致します。異議等がある 場合は、サイレントオークション委員会が最終決断を下します。
R AFFLE PRIZES Purchase one ticket for ¥3,000, or a book of five for ¥10,000.
1. & 2. BORACAY BEACHFRONT BLISS Villa Caemilla Beach Boutique Hotel (Boracay Island, the Philippines) 3-night stay in a Beach Front Executive Suite Room for 2 Located in a cool, quiet part of peaceful Station 3 on the world-class White Beach, the charming Boracay Island hotel of Villa Caemilla awaits you. Completely renovated in 2014 to a contemporary style that mirrors the palette of its beach-chic surroundings, the hotel is set among swaying palms under an azure sky, on the most beautiful, laid-back part of the beach. You take their complimentary shuttle service from the jetty port to the mellow, open-front hotel reception. The smiling staff welcomes and refreshes you with a cool towel and a thirst-quenching drink of your choice before showing you to your home away from home. You’re just a short 10-minute transfer from the jetty port and a 15-minute walk along the beach path from the parties of Station 2. High-quality international cuisine is served in their stunning beachfront location, and the choice spa Bella Isa is just doors away. A complimentary electric vehicle service is available to all guests to take you anywhere on Boracay. ヴィラ カミラ ビーチ ブティック ホテル ( フィリピン・ボラカイ島)ビーチフロ ントエグゼティブスイートルーム 3 泊 2 名様。世界級のホワイトビーチを誇るフィ リピン・ボラカイ島の静かなエリアにあるヴィラ カミラ ビーチ ブティック ホテ ル。こちらのホテルは 2014 年に改装を行いモダンに様変わりしました。港に 到着するとホテルまでシャトルバスの移動サービスがございます。ビーチフロン トにあるレストランではハイクラスのインターナショナルなお料理がご堪能いた だけます。 Valid until March 12, 2017. Value: 144,000 yen
3. PENINSULA PRESTIGE The Peninsula Tokyo 1-night stay in a Deluxe Room for 2, including breakfast International by design, Japanese by inspiration: The Peninsula Tokyo in the prestigious business district of Marunouchi also takes full advantage of being opposite the Imperial Palace and Hibiya Park, and within minutes’ walk of the shopping capital of Ginza. Commanding city views, luxurious comfort, sophisticated facilities, extraordinary dining options and the legendary Peninsula service are features that create memories for a lifetime. Designed by Tino Kwan, the unique lobby concave chandelier resembles a cloud of fireworks or fire flies, with its 1,313 crystal LED light bulbs. The spacious Deluxe Room is styled with soft grays and earth tones, and boasts a large seating area with a dining table, subtle recessed ceiling lights, and contemporary floor and table lamps. There is a generous self-contained dressing room and a unique fabricated vanity. -7-
ザ・ペニンシュラ東京 デラックスルーム 1 泊 2 名様朝食付き。デザインは国 際的、インスピレーションは日本から受けた日本屈指のビジネス街として知られ る丸の内エリアに位置するザ・ペニンシュラ東京。皇居外苑と日比谷公園に面 しており、ショッピングの中心地、銀座までは徒歩圏内と最高のロケーション に位置します。すばらしい眺望、くつろぎの空間、洗練された施設、ダイニン グシーンを演出するレストランの数々、そして伝説的とも称されるペニンシュラ・ ホスピタリティで最上級のご滞在を体験できます。ロビーには香港出身のデザ イナー、ティノ・クァンが手がけた花火やホタルを象徴している 1,313 ものクリ スタル LED 使ったユニークなシャンデリアは見逃せません。デラックスルーム は中間色と天然木材を用いた空間に、ゆったりとしたソファ、ダイニングテーブ ル、ライティングテーブルとベッドあり、また広々とした空間の独立型ドレッシン グルームとバスルームを備えています。 Valid until May 28, 2016. Blackout dates: All Saturdays; and March 19-20, 25-31; April 1-10, 29-30; May 3-5, 2016. Value: 94,000 yen
4. MOUNTAIN VILLA IN HAKUBA, NAGANO One lucky winner of 5 vouchers: each voucher for a Gakuto Villas (Hakuba) 2-night stay in a Terrace Villa The first contemporary western development of its kind in the prestigious Wadano Mori district of Hakuba, in Nagano, Gakuto Villas is a community of 12 uniquely crafted terrace houses set to provide a distinctly comfortable and modern level of accommodations and service in one of the most popular ski destinations in Japan. You are minutes away from ski lifts and a leisurely stroll to neighborhood restaurants, bars and hot springs. Each villa, at 107 square meters including porch, showcases a fusion of western design and Japanese detailing, while blending in perfectly with the natural and traditional surroundings. Accommodating up to six people comfortably, there are two bedrooms (one queen-size bed and two single beds), two bathrooms, fully equipped kitchen, high ceilings and large windows, free WiFi Internet, English TV channels on a flat-screen LCD TV, DVD player, iPod dock, amenities, towels, heated bamboo flooring and ethanol fireplace. ガクト・テラス テラスヴィラ 2 泊 ご招待券 5 枚セット 1 名様。白馬の高級別荘地、 和田野の森で初めて現代西洋的なセンスで開発されたガクト・ヴィラは、それぞ れの個性を持つ 12 棟のテラスハウスからなるエリアで、類い稀なる快適性・現代 的な宿泊施設とサービスを、日本で人気を誇るスキーリゾートで体験できます。ス キー場まではすぐ近く、レストラン、バー、温泉までも散歩して行ける距離にあり ます。西洋のデザインと日本の緻密性を合わせたガクト・ヴィラは、周囲の自然や 伝統と見事に融合しています。各ヴィラの広さはポーチを含め 107㎡、ベッドルー ム 2 室(クイーンサイズベッド 1 台、シングルベッド 2 台) 、バスルーム 2 室を備 え、6 名様までのご滞在に最適です。時が経つにつれ、周りを取り囲む森林の深 い色合いと溶け合っていくでしょう。室内の床には竹、天井と壁には白の漆喰と松 を使用し、自然のぬくもりを感じられます。キッチンにはご自身でお料理を楽しん でいただけるように各種設備 / 備品を取りそろえており、各ヴィラにて、無料無線 LAN 接続、英語テレビ放送をご利用いただけます。 Valid from June 1, 2016 until October 31, 2016. Value: 70,000 yen each voucher, or 350,000 yen in total
10,000-yen voucher each: MOTI AKASAKA, Legato in Shibuya, and Tableaux in Daikanyama MOTI, a unique name which means “pearl” in Indian, provides authentic North Indian cuisine in Akasaka. They remain passionate about their menu of vibrant dishes, using only the freshest, finest and most delicious ingredients. The cooking is based on tradition, yet creative and thoughtful at the same time. Prepared in a genuine style, the distinct flavors and fragrances will tantalize the senses and entice you to come back for more. No pork, beef and animal fat have ever been used in the food since MOTI AKASAKA’s start back in 1978.
1. 6 NIGHTS AMONG NATURE’S HERITAGE: CENTRAL & SOUTHERN VIETNAM Banyan Tree Lang Co (Central Vietnam) 4-night-stay at a Beach Pool Villa for 2, including breakfast and airport transportation; AN HOA RESIDENCE, Luxury Beach Villas 2-night stay in a fourbedroom Penthouse; and Vietnam Airlines Economy Class Round-trip Pair of tickets between Narita and Ho Chi Minh バンヤンツリー・ランコー ビーチプールヴィラ 4 泊 2 名様朝食・空 港送迎付き、アン ホア レジデンス ラグジュアリー ビーチ ヴィラ ペ ントハウス 4 ベッドルーム 2 泊、ベトナム航空 ベトナム航空エコノ ミークラス成田・ホーチミン間往復ペアチケット
Legato is on the 15th floor of the E.Space Tower, at the crest of Dogenzaka hill, in Tokyo’s trendy Shibuya district. The eclectic cuisine is prepared in a stylish open kitchen and served in an eloquent dining setting. The staff are friendly and courteous, and the generous curved bar counter at the entrance offers floor-to-ceiling views of the city. Tableaux, in the fashionably chic Daikanyama district, invites you into a European-inspired ambience, with a menu that takes advantage of the fresh organic vegetables, fish and meats delivered from regions around Japan. The Tableaux Lounge is located next to the outdoor terrace, and is known for its well-stocked liquor and cigar bar, a wine list consisting of hundreds of vintages from around the world, and an impressive lineup of solo and small Jazz groups performing live.
Welcome to Banyan Tree Lang Co, a Central Vietnam resort conveniently located near Da Nang and Phu Bai International Airport, where guests enter a world steeped in deep-rooted history, dramatic vistas spread across a rugged landscape, unspoiled nature and UNESCO World Heritage Sites. The resort is an all-pool villa, where you can feel the warm waves of the East Sea tickle your toes, or raise your gaze to behold the magnificent stretch of the Truong Son Mountain Range. The imperial city of Hue, the charming old town of Hoi An and My Son’s historical ruins will satisfy culture aficionados, while guests seeking physical pursuits can enjoy 18 holes at the Sir Nick Faldo-designed
3 万円お食事券セット:MOTI AK ASAK A、LEGATO、TABLEAUX モティ --- この耳慣れない名前はインドの言葉で「真珠」を意味します。 1978 年の創業以来、本格的な北インド料理専門店として都内に展開してき たモティは、インド料理の素晴らしさを伝え、日本におけるインド料理の礎を 築いたと自負しています。 MOTI AK ASAK A の料理へのこだわりは、良質な 材料を最適な鮮度で使い、古来よりインドに伝わる伝統的な調理術に重きを おきながら、と同時に創造性と思いやりをスパイスに加えてお客様へと運ん でいます。
championship golf course, or treks through the rice paddies and along trickling streams. Next on your itinerary is just a 1½-hour drive from Ho Chi Minh City, in Southern Vietnam. The AN HOA RESIDENCE is an award-winning exclusive private property with impressive residential villas, with up to four bedrooms, and a unique lifestyle experience reflecting French chic and Vietnamese traditions. Relax in a place where dreams are made, away from the hustle of urban life. Traveling between
道玄坂の高層ビル最上階から渋谷の夜景を望めるレガート。コンセプトは「劇 場」。メインダイニングでは、中世のモスクをイメージしたインテリアデザイン で重厚感のある空間と 100 灯ものライトが照らし出す幻想的な雰囲気の中、 世界各国の厳選素材を使用した料理をお楽しみいただけます。
Japan and Vietnam, you’ll be treated to the care given to every aspect
代官山のフレンチをベースに、和やタイ、ベトナムなどのアジアのエッセンスを 加えたオリジナルのインターナショナル・キュイジーヌを誇るタブローズ。店 内は、活人画が描かれたウエイティングコーナーや個室、赤、白、黒を基調 色としたスタイリッシュなメインダイニングなど、コーナーで異なる表情を持 つ重圧な空間をお楽しみいただけます。ワインを飲みながら美食に舌鼓を打 たれることでしょう。
Value: 30,000 yen
of the Economy Class experience onboard Vietnam Airlines, particularly seats that feature a pitch between 31-32 inches and a recline distance of 5-6 inches. 国際空港が近くにあります。歴史深く、ドラマチックな景色が広がる起伏のあ る風景やユネスコ世界遺産もある自然が多い場所です。プライベートプールが 設備されたこのヴィラは海と山脈にも囲まれています。19 世紀初期から 20 世 紀半ばの王朝時代の首都であったフエのノスタルジックな雰囲気は文化好きに
も最適です。またベトナム南部にあるホーチミンよりお車で 1 時間半のところ
of Thailand. The resort is made up of just 66 private villas, many with
にはアン ホア レジデンス ラグジュアリー ビーチ ヴィラがあります。受賞歴の
personal pools, which are landscaped within natural vegetation, and with
あるこちらのヴィラにはベッドルームを 4 つご使用いただけます。フランスとベ
glorious, sweeping panoramas out to the gulf and the surrounding islands.
The spa offers all the treatments you would expect, plus one of their
own. There is also yoga, reiki and pilates, and more. The restaurants use
Banyan Tree Lang Co – Valid from April 1, 2016 until March 31, 2017. Blackout dates: April 28 - May 3, 2016, December 20, 2016 - January 5, 2017, and January 28 - February 3, 2017. AN HOA RESIDENCE, Luxury Beach Villas – Valid until March 1, 2017. Vietnam Airlines – Valid until September 30, 2016. Total Value: 1,121,000 yen
the freshest herbs, vegetables and organic greens from the resort’s own gardens. Take pleasant hikes and jungle drives, or take in the spectacular tropical views while on Samui Island. The journey commences and finishes with Delta Air Lines Coach Class,
where you enjoy a premier onboard experience. 世界有数のミステリアスな都市バンコクでの滞在は、ラグジュリアスなアナン
Anantara Siam Bangkok Hotel 3-night stay in a Premier Room for 2, including breakfast; B-Lay Tong Phuket 2-night stay in a Deluxe Room for 2, including breakfast; Six Senses Samui 3-night stay in a Pool Villa for 2, including buffet breakfast; and Delta Air Lines Coach Class Round-trip Pair of tickets between Japan and Asia gateway アナンタラ サイアム バンコク ホテル プレミアルーム 3 泊 2 名様朝食 付き、ビーレイ トン プーケット デラックスルーム 2 泊 2 名様朝食付 き、シックスセンシズ サムイ プールヴィラ 3 泊 2 名様ビュッフェ朝食 付き、デルタ航空エコノミークラス日本・アジア間往復ペアチケット Discover the heartbeat of Bangkok, Thailand, through luxurious authenticity at the Anantara Siam Bangkok Hotel, in the heart of one of the world’s most enigmatic capital cities. During a three-night stay at
タラ サイアム バンコク ホテルの他にショッピング、ダイニング、ナイトライフや、 ユニークな文化をお楽しみいただけます。タイの西海岸に位置するビーレイ ト ン プーケットでの 2 泊は静かなビーチに面してのご宿泊になります。ここには 風水で装飾されたユニークでカラフルなゲストルーム、プールや禅式の庭園が あります。プーケットやその周辺には白い砂浜や青い海に加え、ナイトライフ、 モダンなショッピングモールや伝統的な市場も。またタイランド湾の南にある サムイ島のシックスセンシズには 66 のプラベートヴィラがあり、湾や近隣の島 を望むことができます。デルタ航空より日本・アジア間エコノミークラス往復ペ アチケット付き。
Anantara Siam Bangkok Hotel – Valid until March 12, 2017. Blackout dates: Not valid during promotional and festive season. B-Lay Tong Phuket – Valid from April 1, 2016 until October 31, 2016. Six Senses Samui – Valid from April 1, 2016 until December 15, 2016. Blackout dates: May 1-8, August 1-31, October 1-8, 2016, long weekends, and public holidays in Thailand. Delta Air Lines – Valid until March 2, 2017. Total Value: 1,114,000 yen
the hotel, discerning travelers experience an eloquent retreat in which to enjoy life’s finer pleasures and also engage in soulful, original journeys beyond. Immerse yourself in Bangkok’s heady mix of timeless culture, world-class shopping, eclectic flavours and pulsing nightlife. Next on your agenda is the B-Lay Tong on Phuket Island in the Andaman Sea, off the west coast of Thailand, offering a prime beach-front location at the quiet North end of Patong Beach. During your two-night stay, you can enjoy direct access to all that Patong and Phuket have to offer — from white sandy beaches and turquoise seas to an exhilarating nightlife, modern shopping malls and traditional markets. The resort is an eclectic gallery of artistic and aquatic experiences blending colorful Feng Shui-
3. 3-NIGHT RESORT LIVING IN THE PACIFIC: GUAM Pacific Islands Club Guam 3-night stay in a Oceana Room for 2; pair of tickets for the Guam International Marathon; Hertz Asia Pacific 4-day Rental car; and UNITED Airlines Business Class Round-trip Pair of tickets to GUAM パシフィック アイランド クラブ・グアム オシアナルーム 3 泊 2 名様、 グアムインターナショナルマラソン 2 名様エントリー特典付き、ハー ツレンタカー 4 日間レンタル、ユナイテッド航空 ビジネスクラス日本・ グアム間往復ペアチケット
themed guestrooms, an oversized C-thru & sea-view infinity pool, and a
Guam is the largest island in Micronesia and the hub of the Western
tranquil Zen courtyard garden with friendly Thai-style service.
Pacific. The all-inclusive resort of Pacific Islands Club is centrally located in the heart of Tumon Bay. PIC Guam is 62,000 square meters
The Six Senses Samui is the final destination, and is set on a gently
stretching along the beachfront of paradise, while only 15 minutes
sloping headland at the northern tip of Samui Island in the southern Gulf
from downtown and 3-5 minutes from major shopping malls. Your PIC
card performs as your room key and allows unlimited access to the PIC
Beautifully nestled in the heart of downtown and along the city's most
Waterpark and all on-site facilities where sports, activities, lessons and
famous and luxurious shopping boulevard Parizka, the InterContinental
rental equipment are available. PIC’s food options include the Skylight
Prague offers captivating views of “The City of One Hundred Spires” in
Restaurant offering Guam’s largest international buffet; contemporary
the Czech Republic. Prague‘s historic Old Town Square and the banks
upscale Bistro Restaurant; Pacific Fantasies Dinner Show; Sunset Bar
of the Vltava River are connected by the boulevard, so your exclusive
and Barbeque; and more. The Jiivana Spa (Sanskrit for “life”) is located
accommodations provide the perfect base to explore the shops,
on PIC’s gorgeous beachfront. The Guam International Marathon
restaurants and architectural treasures. The InterContinental Prague
takes place on April 10, 2016, Sunday, and includes the 5K, 10K, Half
exudes elegance and comfort in a premier downtown setting.
Marathon and Marathon. Next on your agenda in Eastern Europe, the InterContinental Warszawa The thrill of this Pacific Ocean getaway includes an outstanding
is a modern hotel in the heart of the Polish city, with well-appointed
Business Class experience onboard UNITED Airlines.
rooms providing a magnificent panorama of Warsaw, Poland. The city has
preserved a unique wealth of culture, architecture and art on the highest
モン湾の中心にあるパシフィック アイランド クラブ・グアムは目の前に海があ
level. The concierge can help you discover the sites so you get the most out
of your stay.
敷地内にあるウォーターパークもご自由にご利用いただけます。グアムインター ナショナルマラソンは 2016 年 4 月 10 日開催予定で 4 種目の中からお選び頂 きエントリーいただけます。空の旅はユナイテッド航空よりビジネスクラス往復
On the next leg of your escapade, imagine a hotel in Slovenian Istria with views of the Adriatic Sea, and where Archduke Franz Ferdinand led the
waltz in the grand ballroom for the Austro-Hungarian aristocracy. The
Pacific Islands Club Guam – Valid until February 4, 2017. Hertz Asia Pacific – Valid until December 31, 2016. UNITED Airlines – Valid from April 1, 2016 until March 31, 2017. Total Value: 790,000 yen
Kempinski Palace Portorož is a contemporary, world-class hotel with the Old World all around it. The “Port of Roses” has been attracting travelers with its therapeutic baths and spas throughout the ages. The rooms evoke the fabled history of the Palace Portorož and offer fabulous views of the
sea and the Istrian countryside. The world of the Venetian Republic and the Viennese Habsburgs becomes your world.
InterContinental Prague (Czech Republic) 2-night stay in a Deluxe Room for 2, including buffet breakfast; InterContinental Warszawa (Poland) 2-night weekend stay in a Standard Room for 2, including breakfast; Kempinski Palace Portorož (Slovenia) 2-night stay in a Deluxe Double Room with sea view for 2, including breakfast; and Hotel Imperial, a Luxury Collection Hotel, Vienna 3-night stay in a Deluxe Double Room for 2, including Champagne Buffet Breakfast; and Turkish Airlines Business Class Round-trip Pair of tickets between Tokyo and any destination ホテルインターコンチネンタル プラハ(チェコ)デラックスルーム 2 名 様 2 泊ビュッフェ朝食付き、ホテルインターコンチネンタル ワルシャワ (ポーランド)スタンダードルーム 2 名様 2 泊朝食付き(週末限定) 、 ホテル ケンピンスキー パレス ポルトロス デラックスダブルルーム シービュー 2 泊 2 名様朝食付き、ホテルインぺリアル , ラグジュアリー コレクションホテル , ウィーン デラックスダブルルーム 3 泊 2 名様シャ ンパンビュッフェ付き、ターキッシュ エアラインズ ビジネスクラス日 本・ヨーロッパ間往復ペアチケット
Finally, the Hotel Imperial, a Luxury Collection Hotel, Vienna was originally a palace of imperial grandeur created in 1863. It offers sumptuous surroundings as the former Viennese residence of the Prince of Württemberg, and was transformed into the Hotel Imperial for the international exhibition of 1873. Its discretion and impeccable service are renowned. The hotel's unique location on the famous Ringstrasse, next to the Musikverein Vienna concert hall, provides excellent opportunities to explore the imperial city with all its magnificent sights. The enchantment begins and continues on board Turkish Airlines and its award-winning Business Class. チェコの首都プラハは「尖塔 100 個の街」といわれるほど歴史的建造物に富 んだ街です。ホテルインターコンチネンタル プラハは旧市街、ショッピング、ダ イニングや歴史的建造物を楽しむのにダウンタウンの最適な場所に位置してい ます。またポーランドのホテルインターコンチネンタル ワルシャワはモダンな作 りであり、ワルシャワの街の文化、建築、美術が堪能できます。上流階級の舞
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踏会が行われそうな内装のホテル ケンピンスキー パレス ポルトロスは世界トッ
all. Experience the lush life discovered in Los Angeles, a city that is anything
but ordinary.
光客を魅了し続けてきました。さらにこの旅は 1863 年にヴュルテンベルク王 子の宮殿として建てられたホテルインぺリアル、ラグジュアリーコレクションホ
Next, for 3 memorable nights, The Lodge at Torrey Pines in La Jolla, south
of Los Angeles, offers generously sized suites and views of the famed U.S.
5 年連続受賞のターキッシュエアラインズのビジネスクラス日本・ヨーロッパ間 往復ペアチケットより始まります。
Open Championship golf course, the Pacific Ocean or The Lodge‘s central courtyard. Custom-designed furniture, fabrics and carpets give your suite
InterContinental Prague – Valid until December 30, 2016. InterContinental Warszawa – Valid until November 3, 2016. Applicable only between Friday and Monday. Kempinski Palace Portorož – Valid until March 2, 2017. Blackout dates: June, July, and August. December 29, 2016 - January 2, 2017. Hotel Imperial Vienna – Valid until April 30, 2017. Blackout dates: Christmas, New Years, and Congress Dates. Turkish Airlines – Valid until September 30, 2016. Blackout dates: April 28May 9, August 1-25, September 14-23, 2016. Total Value: 1,891,000 yen
a feel of elegance and warmth. You’ll enjoy a complete array of in-room luxuries and necessities. The Lodge provides complimentary chauffeured car service within a 5-mile radius of the resort, 7 days a week, 7:00am11:00pm. Nearby attractions include downtown La Jolla and Del Mar, Westfield UTC Mall, Birch Aquarium at Scripps Institution of Oceanography, and the renowned La Jolla Playhouse on the UCSD campus. Two distinctive San Diego dining options are yours at The Lodge, including the A.R.
Valentien, their top-rated signature restaurant featuring a magnificent setting, superior cuisine and elegant décor.
Small Luxury Hotels of the World 4-night stay in Standard Double Room for 2 at any one of their locations (recommend Hotel Shangri-La at the Ocean, in Santa Monica, California); The Lodge at Torrey Pines 3-night stay in an Executive Suite for 2; Hertz Asia Pacific 7-day Rental car; and American Airlines Business Class Round-trip Pair of tickets for travel between Haneda Airport and Los Angeles スモール・ラグジュアリー・ホテルズ・オブ・ザ・ワールド加盟 スタン ダードダブルルーム 4 泊(推薦:ホテル シャングリ・ラ サンタモニカ)、 ザ・ロッジ トーリーパインズ エグゼティブスイート 3 泊 2 名様、ハー ツレンタカー 7 日間レンタル、アメリカン航空 ビジネスクラス羽田・ ロサンゼルス間往復ペアチケット The Small Luxury Hotels of the World have been carefully selected from a wish list of special places, and are living proof that nothing beats individual, one-to-one service from people who care. For example, you can enjoy for 4 luscious nights at the Hotel Shangri-La in Santa Monica, California, an
Hertz Asia Pacific makes getting around easy and fun. The excitement starts and continues on board American Airlines Business Class between Haneda Airport and Los Angeles. スモール・ラグジュアリー・ホテルズ・オブ・ザ・ワールドのホテルセレクション よりご選択いただきお気に入りのホテルにてスタンダードダブルルームに 4 泊 お泊りいただけます。例えばカリフォリニア・サンタモニカのアールデコ調で、 きれいな海が見れるホテル シャングリ・ラはいかがでしょうか。ハリウッドにも 近いこのホテルは 1939 年より営業しています。この旅ではロサンゼルスの南、 サンディエゴ近隣のザ・ロッジ トーリーパインズの忘れられない大きなスイート でも 3 泊過ごせます。ハーツレンタカーの7 日間レンタルで観光も楽にできます。 この旅はアメリカン航空ビジネスクラス羽田・ロサンゼルス間往復ペアチケット により始まります。
Small Luxury Hotels of the World – Valid until March 11, 2017. The Lodge at Torrey Pines – Valid until March 12, 2017. Blackout dates: July, August, and Holiday periods. Hertz Asia Pacific – Valid until December 31, 2016. American Airlines – Valid until March 11, 2017. Total Value: 3,288,000 yen
art deco landmark with stunning sea views. Evoking the form of a grand ocean liner and the very essence of the Golden Age of nearby Hollywood, the hotel has been welcoming guests since 1939. Suite 700 features the
only indoor/outdoor rooftop bar in Santa Monica with 180° views of the
Diamond Pendant (Platinum 900)
Pacific Ocean and spectacular sunsets, and where you can carry on into
DIAVANTE ダイアモンドペンダント(プラチナ 900)
the wee hours. Relax poolside; treat yourself to a private cabana, hot tub
In its Brilliante series, DIAVANTE selects only the large “melee” diamonds,
and spa, along with bar and dining service in a private outdoor courtyard.
renowned for showing off the strength of the precious gems’ shine. The
The fitness center indoors never closes. The Dining Room features New
pendant has been created in the shape of a four-leaf clover, embodying the
American cuisine using the freshest local produce for breakfast, lunch or
traditional qualities of hope, loyalty, love and prosperity associated with
dinner, and with panoramic ocean views. The Shangri-La has thought of it
this universal symbol. The position of the pendant can be varied, simply
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by altering where you place it on the chain. The combined artistry and
marketplace, which hosts a weekly Saturday bazaar.
mastery of DIAVANTE have created a diamond pendant of sweet elegance that can be worn every day with confidence. The jewelry reflects the life
Your second destination is steeped in thousands of years of history. For
and the style of the woman wearing it.
the next 2 nights, you'll be immersed in The Museum Hotel Cappadocia's
magical feel as a “living museum,” with cave rooms and specially restored
traditional accommodations decorated in priceless antiques and featuring
stunning views of Cappadocia, Turkey. The hotel's 55 specially trained
Key facts – Metal: Platinum 900; Diamonds: 1.080 cts. in total; and Chain: Platinum 850, adjustable, 45 centimeters in length. Value: 840,000 yen
staff are devoted to just 30 guest rooms, catering to your every need to ensure a truly unique stay. The restaurant, terrace and bars offer unrivalled panoramic views of the region‘s major districts, including the neighboring
valleys and Mt. Erciyes.
BeyEvi Alçati (Izmir, Turkey) 2-night stay in a Deluxe room for 2, including breakfast; Museum Hotel Cappadocia (Turkey) 2-night stay in a Deluxe Suite for 2, including breakfast; Hilton Athens (Greece) 2-night stay in a Double Room with Acropolis view for 2, including breakfast; W Istanbul 2-night stay in a Wonderful Room for 2, including breakfast; Le Méridien Istanbul Etiler 3-night stay in a Deluxe Room for 2, including breakfast; and Turkish Airlines Business Class Round-trip Pair of tickets between Japan and any destination served by Turkish Airlines)
Hilton Athens is a landmark destination, serving as a hub for the ancient
For your third destination, you'll experience for 2 nights a Greek legacy in the heart of Athens. A favorite among locals and guests alike, The city‘s business, cultural and social life. You can explore the hotel‘s unique architectural and artistic style, and relax at the spa. Enjoy the view of the Acropolis and city skyline from your own private balcony. At your final destination, the alluring ancient history and rich multi-culture of Turkey‘s Istanbul can be explored at a leisurely pace, since you‘ll be staying at two of the city‘s finest hotels. For the first 2 nights, the W Istanbul is the
BeyEvi Hotel ( トルコ・イズミル)2 泊 2 名様朝食付き、ミュージア ム・ホテル(トルコ・カパドキア)デラックススイート 2 泊 2 名様朝食 付き、ヒルトン アテネ(ギリシャ)ダブルルーム アクロポリスビュー 2 泊 2 名様朝食付き、W イスタンブール ワンダフルルーム 2 泊 2 名 様朝食付き、ル メリディアン イスタンブール エティラー デラックス ルーム 3 泊 2 名様朝食付き、ターキッシュ エアラインズ ビジネスク ラス日本・ヨーロッパ間往復ペアチケット
modern centerpiece of the historic Akaretler Row Houses, a glittering tower
For 2 nights you'll be staying at the BeyEvi Alçati located in the
from the fascinating Bosphorus waterfront, you‘re a short journey from
Turkish town of Izmir Province, famous for its deep blue sea and lush
a new perspective on Istanbul‘s major sights. The hotel offers everything
environment. The hotel has preserved the best details of the original
with panoramic views over the city, and is located in the popular
structure‘s 150-year-old architecture. The two restored Greek houses
residential, shopping and entertainment district of Etiler. The hotel‘s
and annex serve guests in the highly stylish manner of a sophisticated
iconic contemporary architecture reflects Istanbul‘s culturally diverse
boutique hotel. The simple and relaxing décor is enhanced by the
amidst gilded domes and minarets. Nearby chic shopping with the old city and its monuments offer the best of both worlds at the W Istanbul. Live like royalty in the W rendition of opulent seraglios for modern explorers. The next 3 nights, you will unlock Istanbul with Le Méridien Istanbul Etiler, a destination within an inspiring destination. Just moments away
beautiful wooden floors, the fireplaces, the traditional stone walls and spacious courtyard. In a village renowned for its gourmet cuisine,
Turkish Airlines has you traveling in style with a Pair of Business Class
the hotel‘s Fucco Restaurant features superb pizza and Turkish pita,
Round-trip tickets between Tokyo and any destination.
along with its tasty meatballs and legendary French fries. The town
150 年の歴史を持つトルコ・イズミルの BeyEvi Hotel は粋なブティックホテ
of Alçati also is renowned for its windmills, wind surfing, Turkey‘s only
garden of mastic (used in making the country‘s ice cream) and its local
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Waikiki‘s world-class shopping and entertainment on Oahu. This hideaway
resort in Honolulu‘s plush Kahala district, where you’ll be staying for 3
memorable nights, is a favorite with presidents, international royalty and
celebrities. Allow The Kahala staff to take care of your sun, beach and pool
ス山が望めるのが特徴です。またギリシャの古代都市にあるヒルトン アテネで
needs among a wide range of sporting activities. The Kahala Spa boasts a
はプライベートバルコニーよりアクロポリスが望めます。古代史と多文化を誇る トルコの首都イスタンブールでは 2 つのホテルをご用意。W イスタンブールは 高級ブランドが並ぶショッピング街にあり、また近くには旧市街や遺跡もある ため 2 つの世界をお楽しみいただけます。またイスタンブールの街に流れるボ スフォラス海峡の海岸近くにイスタンブールの 2 つ目の宿泊先、ル メリディア ン イスタンブール エティラーがあります。こちらはイスタンブールでも人気のエ ティラー地区にあり、ショッピングやエンターテインメントをお楽しみいただけ ます。ホテルの近代的な造りはイスタンブールの多文化の様を象徴しています。 ターキッシュエアラインズよりビジネスクラス日本・ヨーロッパ間往復ペアチケッ ト付き。
BeyEvi Alçati – Valid until March 31, 2017. Blackout dates: May 1, 2016 -October 31, 2016. Museum Hotel Cappadocia – Valid until March 12, 2017. Blackout dates: December 30-31, 2016. January 1, 2017. Hilton Athens – Valid until December 31, 2016. W Istanbul – Valid until December 30, 2016. Le Méridien Istanbul Etiler – Valid from April 1, 2016 until March 30, 2017. Turkish Airlines – Valid until September 30, 2016. Blackout dates: April 28-May 9, August 1-25, September 1423, 2016. Total Value: 1,876,000 yen
suite of nine spacious treatment rooms designed to exude a sense of calm and serenity. The Kahala‘s four restaurants embrace a diverse blend of trends found at Honolulu‘s restaurants, as well as the variety of Hawaiian cultural influences. Next on your island holiday is the Hilton Grand Vacations condominium for 4 glorious nights. Reminiscent of a lush Hawaiian plantation, and nestled among championship golf courses and the beauty and serenity of the Kohala Coast, Kings’ Land by Hilton Grand Vacations on the Big Island of Hawaii is the perfect setting for your vacation in the South Pacific. You will enjoy access to the abundant facilities and amenities at the nearby Hilton Waikoloa Village hotel, including sparkling swimming pools, a lagoon beach, restaurants, boutiques and spa facilities. There is also easy access to Anaeho-omalu Beach, complementing the four distinct pools and whirlpool tubs at Kings’ Land. The activity center offers game tables, video game systems and movies. The Kings’ Bistro is the open-air dining facility preparing locally inspired cuisine, and capturing the unique flavors
of Hawaii and the South Pacific. Paradise continues back on Oahu, at the Trump International Hotel Waikiki
The Leading Hotels of the World’s The Kahala Hotel & Resort 3-night stay in an Ocean View Lanai Room for 2, including buffet breakfast at the Plumeria Beach House; King's Land by Hilton Grand Vacations Club 4-night stay in a 1 bedroom suite; Trump International Hotel Waikiki Beach Walk 3-night stay in a Premium One-Bedroom PLUS Den Ocean View Suite; Hertz Asia Pacific 7-day Rental car; and Delta Air Lines Business Class Round-trip Pair of tickets for travel between Japan and US gateway city ) ザ・リーディングホテルズ・オブ・ザ・ワールド加盟のザ・カハラ・ホ テル&リゾート オーシャンビューラナイルーム 3 泊 2 名様ビュッフェ 朝食付き、キングス・ランド・バイ・ヒルトン・グランド・バケーション ズ・クラブ 1 ベッドルームスイート 4 泊、トランプ・インターナショナル・ ホテル・ワイキキ・ビーチ・ウォーク プレミアムワンベッド ルーム& デン・オーシャンビュースイート 3 泊、ハーツレンタカー 7 日間レンタル、 デルタ航空ビジネスクラス日本・アメリカ間往復ペアチケット
Beach Walk, for 3 nights. Your Premium One-Bedroom Plus Den Ocean View Suite accommodates up to five guests with the addition of its sofa sleepers in the living room and den. Two private lanais and floor-to-ceiling windows allow guests to take in stunning views of the beautiful blue Pacific Ocean. The luxurious accommodations near Waikiki Beach include a fully equipped gourmet kitchen, Italian marble baths with deep soaking tubs and double sinks, in-suite washer/dryer, and a Wine Cellar cabinet. Complimentary wireless Internet access and Trump Attaché services are also included for all guests. Hertz Asia Pacific rental car helps you get around and enjoy the many attractions and natural landmarks at a leisurely pace. Delta Air Lines Business Class makes your Aloha and Mahalo as memorable as this dream vacation in Hawaii.
The legendary Kahala Hotel & Resort is Hawaii's reigning luxury resort
among hotels in Honolulu, set on a white sand beach just 10 minutes from
んの徒歩 10 分のところにある伝説のザ・リーディングホテルズ・オブ・ザ・ワー
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Napa. The boutique hotel infuses an original style and fresh attitude into the
るリゾートでは忘れられないような 3 日間になることでしょう。またビッグアイ
Napa Valley hotel scene. The Andaz Napa‘s dynamic environment is full of
creative and comfortable spaces with natural elements designed to enhance
your vacation experience. The stunning guestrooms offer hickory wood
floors and walk-in showers. Enjoy uncomplicated pleasures, from bold art on
クのスイートに 5 名様までお泊りいただけます。プライベートバルコニー及び床
the walls to local food and gathering spaces that reflect the Andaz personal
から天井まで届く窓から太平洋を望むことができます。ハーツレンタカーの 7
style. Come sip artisan cocktails and seasonal shared fare at the Mercantile
Social or relax in the chic Lobby Lounge while listening to Andaz Artists. The
Salon Series every Wednesday and Saturday features local acoustic guitarists
The Kahala Hotel & Resort – Valid until March 12, 2017. Blackout dates: July 15-August 15, 2016, December 15, 2016- January 15, 2017. King's Land by Hilton Grand Vacations Club – Valid until March 31, 2017. Trump International Hotel Waikiki Beach Walk – Valid until March 12, 2017. Blackout dates: April 28-May 5, August 1-31 & December 21, 2016 - January 6, 2017. Hertz Asia Pacific – Valid until December 31, 2016. Delta Air Lines – Valid until March 2, 2017. Total Value: 4,560,000 yen
playing cover and originals. Cakebread Cellars is inviting the two of you to a VIP tour and wine-tasting. Located in Rutherford, Napa Valley, the second-generation winery boasts 40 harvests under its belt, becoming one of the most successful and respected wineries in America, with its world-class vineyards, wines and hospitality.
Opened in 1904, The Westin St. Francis San Francisco on Union Square is a
Andaz Napa 2-night stay in an Andaz King Room for 2, including breakfast; VIP tour and wine-tasting for 2 at Cakebread Cellars; The Westin St. Francis San Francisco on Union Square 3-night stay in a Deluxe Room for 2, including breakfast; San Francisco Marriott Marquis 2-night stay in a View Room for 2, including breakfast at their Bin 55 Restaurant; Wine-tasting for 2 at Bluxome Street Winery; Hertz Asia Pacific 7-day Rental car; and UNITED Airlines Business Class Round-trip Pair of tickets between Japan and US gateway city)
Heavenly Bath with White Tea by Westin amenities. The dining experience
landmark among the city‘s hotels. Near upscale shopping and dining options, the iconic building combines a rich history and top location with modern luxury, innovation and design, to be enjoyed for 3 nights. Fresh from a $20 million renovation, the Deluxe Rooms, with large bay windows, feature sleek design and spacious luxury in the modern Tower Building. Downtime is steps away in comfortable seating in front of the 37-inch flat screen TV, or at the hotel is a blend of pleasing flavors and sensations. Hotel guests have complimentary, 24-hour key-card access to the WORKOUT Fitness Studio. Their concierge or tour desk can help plan sightseeing or day trips. The only thing more impressive than the spectacular views during your 2 nights for 2 in a View Room at the San Francisco Marriott Marquis is the attentive level of service they provide. The hotel exudes the essence of
アンダーズ・ナパ アンダーズキング 2 泊 2 名様朝食付き、ケイクブレッ ド・セラーズ VIP ツアー&ワインテイスティング 2 名様ご招待、ウェ スティン・セントフランシス・サンフランシスコ・ユニオンスクエアデラッ クスルーム 3 泊 2 名様朝食付き、サンフランシスコ・マリオット・マー キス ビュールーム 2 泊 2 名様朝食付き、ブルクソム・ストリート・ワ イナリー , サンフランシスコ ワインテイスティング 2 名様ご招待、ハー ツレンタカー 7 日間レンタル、ユナイテッド航空 ビジネスクラス日本・ アメリカ間往復ペアチケット
modern luxury and convenience of a downtown locale, just south of Market
Experience for 2 nights the beauty, food and wine culture of California‘s Napa
Bay‘s SOMA, called “South of the Slot” — “slot” referring to the cable car line
Valley in new ways at the sophisticated Andaz Napa, located in downtown
down Market Street. Open from 1:00 p.m. until 8:00 p.m., Tuesday through
Street, in the SOMA district next to the Moscone Center and steps from the Yerba Buena Gardens, renowned museums and cultural attractions. Breakfast for 2 will be at their Bin 55 Restaurant and Wine Bar: the place to see and be seen! Bluxome Street Winery was built in San Francisco. It‘s a little known fact that California winemaking started, not in Napa or Sonoma, but in the City by the
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two in the heart of SOMA.
ケンピンスキー ホテル バイア エステポナ ダブルルーム 2 泊 2 名様 朝食付き、ターキッシュ エアラインズ ビジネスクラス日本・ヨーロッ パ間往復ペアチケット
A 7-day rental of a car from Hertz Asia Pacific gets you around the countless
The Leading Hotels of the World for 3 nights brings you the Baglioni
Sunday, it is both a working winery and a place to relax and enjoy a drink or
wineries that have made Napa Valley famous worldwide for its extensive range of vintages and award-winning labels.
Hotel Regina in Rome, Italy, located on the strategic, central Via Veneto, and a stone‘s throw from the VIlla Borghese, Piazza di Spagna and the
Business Class onboard UNITED Airlines will pamper you from start to finish. カリフォルニア・ナパバレーの美しさ及び食とワイン文化をナパの中心街に位 置するブティックホテル、アンダーズ・ナパよりお楽しみいただけます。世界 級を誇るナパバレーのワイナリー、ケイクブレッド・セラーズにてプライベート ワインテイスティングに 2 名様ご招待。またサンフランシスコでは 2 つのホテ ルにて合計 5 泊お泊まりいただけます。まず、1904 年オープンのウェスティ
famous fashion street of Via Condotti.The rooms are in original Art Deco style, befitting the meeting place beloved by the international jet-set. An atmosphere of refined design define the Brunello Lounge & Restaurant, along with the unusual arrangements and innovative menu using ingredients of superior quality.
Remaining in The Eternal City, you‘ll stay for 2 nights at the Kolbe Hotel
スコのホテルのランドマーク的存在です。 高級ショッピング街と一流レストラ
Rome, a magnificent 15th-century luxury 4-star hotel strategically located
in the heart of the Italy‘s capital, just steps in front of the Roman Forum,
and a short walk to the Coliseum and a few metro stops from the Spanish
Steps, Trevi Fountain and Piazza Navona. The enchanting hotel gardens
クソム・ストリート・ワイナリーにてワインテイスティングに 2 名様ご招待。ハー
are one of Rome‘s best-kept secrets; and guests can enjoy the fragrances
ツレンタカーの 7 日間レンタルでナパバレーの無数のワイナリーやサンフラン
from the orange, lemon and olive trees while dining al fresco in the serene
outdoor restaurant. The Kolbe‘s Double Superior Room has a luxury ensuite
bathroom equipped with a breathtaking circular jacuzzi bathtub.
Andaz Napa - Valid until March 11, 2017. Cakebread Cellars – Valid until March 11, 2017. San Francisco Marriott Marquis – Valid until March 31, 2017. Hertz Asia Pacific – Valid until December 31, 2016. UNITED Airlines – Valid from April 1, 2016 until March 31, 2017. Total Value: 3,180,000 yen
Your next stop is for 3 nights at the Six Senses Douro Valley in Portugal, which is a superbly renovated 19th-century manor set high on a hill overlooking the vine-covered rolling hills of the romantic valley and river
10. 10-NIGHT EUROPEAN LUXURIOUS RETREAT: ROME, PORTUGAL & ANDALUSIA The Leading Hotels of the World’s Baglioni Hotel Regina (Rome) 3-night stay in a Double Room for 2, including buffet breakfast; Kolbe Hotel Rome 2-night stay in a Double Superior Room for 2, including breakfast; Six Senses Douro Valley (Portugal) 3-night stay in a Quinta Superior Double Room for 2, including buffet breakfast and wine tasting at the Wine Library; Kempinski Hotel Bahía, Estepona (Spain) 2-night stay in a Double Room for 2, including breakfast; and Turkish Airlines Business Class Roundtrip Pair of tickets between Japan and any destination) ザ・リーディングホテルズ・オブ・ザ・ワールド加盟のバリオーニ ホテ ル レジーナ(ローマ)ダブルルーム 3 泊 2 名様ビュッフェ朝食付き、 コルビ・ホテル・ローマ ダブルスーペリアルーム 2 泊 2 名様朝食付 き、シックスセンシズ ドウロバレー(ポルトガル)キンタスーペリア ダブルルーム 3 泊 2 名様ビュッフェ朝食・ワインテイスティング付き、 - 15 -
below. A spa, accommodations, restaurants, wine library, swimming pools and organic garden are but a few of the many enticements. Your final 2 nights are at the lavish, 5-star Kempinski Hotel Bahía along the Costa del Sol in Andalucia, Spain, just outside the charming village of Estepona. The hotel is positioned within perfectly manicured gardens on a beach overlooking the Mediterranean Sea, Gibraltar and the African coastline. Guests experience an exceptional level of service in a modern, welcoming atmosphere. From a dip in one of three outdoor pools or unwinding in the indoor pool to being pampered at the Kempinski Spa, you‘ll experience a richly deserved break from the routine. The rooms and their private terraces come with sleek marble bathrooms and expansive windows showcasing stunning views. The concierge can make arrangements to help make the most of your stay, from viewing the medieval architecture of Granada to arriving at the fast-paced Ascari Race Resort of Málaga.
Business Class on board Turkish Airlines is the perfect complement to your high-end retreat to Europe. ラグジュリアスな静養の旅はローマの最も有名なヴェネト通りにあるザ・リーディ ングホテルズ・オブ・ザ・ワールド加盟のバリオーニ ホテル レジーナにて始まります。 ゲストルームはアールデコスタイルにデザインされた世界都市にふさわしいもの です。ローマでは他に 15 世紀に建てられたコロシアムから近いコルビ・ホテル・ ローマにも 2 泊、計 5 泊の滞在でゆっくりと観光ができます。ポルトガルのシッ クスセンシズ ドウロバレーは標高の高いところからロマンチックな渓谷や川を見 下ろせる 19 世紀に作られたの館です。スパ、 レストラン、 ワインライブラリー、 プー ルや有機ガーデンなどの魅力があります。最後はスペイン・アンダルシアのコス タ・デル・ソル沿いにある 5 つ星ホテル、ケンピンスキー ホテル バイア エステポ ナにお泊りいただけます。ビーチを見下ろす位置にあり、地中海、ジブラルタル、 アフリカ海岸線を見下ろせます。普段の生活から離れ、3 つある屋外プールや屋 内プールをご利用いただけます。ターキッシュエアラインズよりビジネスクラス日 本・ヨーロッパ間往復ペアチケット付き。
Baglioni Hotel Regina (Rome) – Valid from March 15, 2016 until December 24, 2016. Blackout dates: May 1-June 30, August 26-31, September 1-October 31, 2016. Kolbe Hotel Rome – Valid until December 31, 2016. Six Senses Douro Valley (Portugal) – Valid from March 20 until December 23, 2016. Blackout dates: Easter, July 25-September 11, 2016. Kempinski Hotel Bahía, Marbella Estepona – Valid until December 4, 2016. Turkish Airlines – Valid until September 30, 2016. Blackout dates: April 28-May 9, August 1-25, September 14-23, 2016. Total Value: 2,128,000 yen
SILENT AUC TION INTERNATIONAL DESTINATIONS 1. NEW YORK, NEW YORK, NEW YORK InterContinental New York Barclay 3-night stay in a Deluxe Room for 2 インターコンチネンタル ニューヨーク バークレー デラックスルーム 3 泊 2 名様 An elegant luxury hotel in Midtown Manhattan re-opened in Spring 2016 after an extensive restoration of its inherent 1926 sophisticated residential feel. The ambiance reflects the style and service of a Park Avenue Ambassador’s residence. Accepting reservations for stays beginning May 1. Valid from May 1, 2016 until April 30, 2017. Blackout dates : Entire months of September, October, November, and the first three weeks of December. Value: 270,000 yen
Pacific Islands Club Saipan 3-night stay in a Deluxe Room for 2, including breakfast, lunch and dinner; and Marianas Trekking Saipan‘s Forbidden Island Trekking Adventure for 3 パシフィック アイランド クラブ・サイパン デラックスルーム 3 泊 2 名様 全食付き、マリアナ トレッキング 禁断の島トレッキング 3 名様ご招待 Just three to four hours away from Japan, Saipan is a tropical paradise in the northwestern Pacific Ocean, with white sand beaches and crystal clear blue waters, a lively nightlife and shopping boutiques. PIC Saipan resort issues a Membership Card upon checkin to be used as a room key and for access to all on-site facilities, including PIC Waterpark and Riverpark, sports, planned activities by an energetic staff of Clubmates, and six restaurants. Marianas Trekking Saipan’s Adventure offers a buffet lunch, beach snorkeling and spa, along with a challenging but fun-filled hike into the beautiful Marine Conservation Area. Pacific Islands Club – Valid until March 12, 2017. Blackout dates : July 20August 20, 2016, December 20, 2016 - February 28, 2017. Korean Chusok Holidays, and Lunar New Year Holidays. Marianas Trekking – Valid until March 13, 2017. Blackout dates: July 20- August 20, 2016, December 20, 2016 - February 28, 2017. Korean Chusok Holidays, and Lunar New Year Holidays. Total Value: 179,000 yen
3. A TASTE OF HONG KONG L’hotel Island South 2-night stay in an Aqua Suite for 2, including daily breakfast and one LIS Café Geopark Theme Tasting Set Dinner for 2 at the hotel; W Hong Kong 3-night stay in a Fabulous Room for 2, including daily breakfast; and one 4-course dinner for 2, which includes a bottle of Champagne, at the Crown Wine Cellars in Hong Kong. ロテル アイランド サウス アクアスイート 2 泊 2 名様朝夕食付き、 W 香港ファビュラスルーム 3 泊 2 名様 朝食付き、クラウン ワイン セラーズ コースディナーシャンパン付き 2 名様ご招待 A restful stay at Hong Kong’s L’hotel Island South includes naturebased themed interiors to soothe the soul, stylish rooms and dedicated service to mesmerize guests, and top facilities set against a stunning hillside backdrop. W Hong Kong is the ultimate blend of style and urban glamour, and its location in the central West Kowloon district is perfect for exploring the pulsating heart of Hong Kong. Backed by the Crown Worldwide Group, Hong Kong’s Crown Wine Cellars is quite simply the ultimate wine storage facility and private members’ club in Asia.
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L’hotel Island South – Valid until September 12, 2016. Blackout dates : April 30 - May 2, 2016. W Hong Kong – Valid from April 1, 2016 until March 31, 2017. Blackout dates : Public Holidays, Public Holidays Eve, Special Festivals and Special Festivals eve. Crown Wine Cellars – Valid until January 31, 2017. Total Value: 556,000 yen
W Taipei 2-night stay in a Fabulous Room for 2, including breakfast W 台北 ファビュラスルーム 2 泊 2 名様朝食付き Welcome to the whirlwind world of W Taipei, the artistic icon right in the heart of the exhilarating Xinyi district, where the Taiwanese city’s
4. MALAYSIAN MEMORIES X 2 Grand Hyatt Kuala Lumpur 1-night weekend stay in a Twin Towers View Room for 2, including breakfast at THIRTY8; The Westin Kuala Lumpur 2-night stay in a Deluxe City View Room for 2, including breakfast グランド ハイアット クアラルンプール ツインタワービュールーム 1 泊 2 名様朝食付き(週末限定)、ウェスティン・クアラルンプール デラッ クスシティービュールーム 2 泊 2 名様朝食付き Go beyond the ordinary and experience impeccable service at the Grand Hyatt Kuala Lumpur, nestled in the heart of the Golden Triangle shopping and entertainment district that is surrounded by the lush tropical gardens of Centre Park. The hotel’s THIRTY8 offers a vibrant dining experience with panoramic views. Next, stay at five-star The Westin Kuala Lumpur, an oasis located on the vibrant streets of Jalan Bukit Bintang, with the Petronas Twin Towers, Kuala Lumpur Tower and Pavilion KL shopping mall just minutes away. Grand Hyatt Kuala Lumpur – Valid until March 12, 2017 and only on Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights. The Westin Kuala Lumpur – Valid from April 1, 2016 until March 31, 2017. Total Value: 92,000 yen
5. MAGICAL SHANGHAI NEAR THE BUND The Westin Bund Center, Shanghai, 2-night stay in a Crown Deluxe Room for 2, including breakfast ウェスティン外灘センター 上海 クラウンデラックスルーム 2 泊 2 名 様朝食付き
most exuberant, scintillating entertainment, hottest fashion and other spectacular attractions reside. The signature W bed, state-of-the-art entertainment, and fabulous Munchie Box await your arrival. W Taipei — Valid from April 1, 2016 until October 1, 2016. Value: 255,000 yen
7. CAMBODIAN PRIVATE ISLAND Song Saa Private Island (Cambodia) 4-night stay in an Ocean Villa for 2, including all meals; unlimited house wines, in-house beers, house spirits and non-alcoholic beverages; and airport transfers ソング・サー プライベートアイランド オーシャンヴィラ 4 泊 2 名様全 食及び飲み放題・空港送迎付き Cambodia’s islands nestle like natural jewels, and the Song Saa Private Island lies secluded in this magnificent seascape. As guests, you’ll be among a handful of lucky adventurers to experience this beautiful, untouched paradise while strolling among the rainforest, watching reef fish swim under your villa, or see rare hornbills land on your balcony. Valid until March 12, 2017. Blackout dates : March 20-31, 2016, October 1 -8, 2016, December 20, 2016-January 5, 2017, January 25- Feb 5, 2017. Value: 1,440,000 yen Note: 50% of the bid will be donated to the Song Saa Foundation, which is dedicated to preserving the natural environment of rainforest, tropical reefs, glistening white beaches and indigenous wildlife that make this location so unique.
Pampering takes on a whole new meaning when it comes to the Pacific Islands Club Saipan, which you’ll be enjoying over a 3-night stay for 2,
along with 3 meals each day at any of PIC’s four distinctive restaurants.
Indi Villas (Bali) 2-night stay at The Ambika Villa, in a Luxury 4-bedroom villa, including breakfast for 4
Located in dazzling downtown, just two blocks from the magnificent Bund waterfront, The Westin Bund Center, Shanghai, is conveniently in a neighborhood of luxury branded shops and celebrated restaurants. Sink into a plush Westin Heavenly Bed, and enjoy high-tech amenities and superb city views, along with breakfast buffets and the pampering treatments in the Banyan Tree Spa Shanghai. Valid until March 11, 2017. Value: 146,000 yen
インディ ヴィラ(バリ)アンビカヴィラ 2 泊 4 名様朝食付き Indulge yourself with a very stylish chic Villa, located in a tranquil area amid the hype of Seminyak, where designer shops and fancy restaurants define a “happening” place within walking distance of your Villa. Either chill by the pool having a cocktail, or boost your holiday excitement exploring the island on an Excursion. Valid until December 31, 2016. Value: 166,000 yen
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Ayung Resort Ubud (Bali) 2-night stay in a Deluxe Sita Wing Room for 2, including breakfast; 1-hour spa treatment at Dewi Sri Wellness; daily afternoon high tea at the Wijaya Kusuma lounge
Holiday Inn® Singapore Orchard City Centre 2-night weekend stay in a Premier Room for 2, including buffet breakfast ホリデイイン シンガポール オーチャード シティ センター プレミア ルーム 2 泊 2 名様ビュッフェ朝食付き(週末限定)
アユン リゾート ウブド(バリ)デラックス シタ ウィング 2 泊 2 名様 朝食・スパ 1 時間特典・アフターヌーンティー(全日)付き
The Holiday Inn® Singapore Orchard City Centre is located in the main
Nestled in the lush tropical rainforest along the banks of The Ayung
Orchard Road. Being only minutes from MRT stations, you can explore
River on an 8-hectare private estate, Ayung Resort Ubud is a unique,
Singapore’s popular cultural districts and attractions at ease.
luxurious blend of natural surroundings, an eclectic art collection, and
Valid until December 31, 2016. Value: 29,000 yen
shopping belt and along one of Asia’s most famous shopping streets,
traditional Balinese hospitality par excellence. Valid until March 31, 2017. Value: 120,000 yen
13. THE SILICON VALLEY OF INDIA The Westin Hyderabad Mindspace (India) 3-night stay in a Deluxe Room for 2, including breakfast
10. BALI: LUXURY & COMFORT Sheraton Bali Kuta Resort 2-night stay in a Deluxe Room for 2, including buffet breakfast
ウェスティン・ハイデラバード・マインドスペース(インド)デラック スルーム 3 泊 2 名様朝食付き
シェラトン・バリ・クタ・リゾート デラックスルーム 2 泊 2 名様ビュッ フェ朝食付き
With the exciting skyline of Hyderabad’s Hittech City in the
The Deluxe Room offers a warm, contemporary ambience with ample
complete relaxation and renewal in rooms that feature rich Taipei
natural light, and a furnished balcony to take in the fresh island air
carpets, lotus headboards, a spa-like rainforest shower and more.
and local scenic views. The spa-like bathroom beckons with its soaking
Valid until July 31, 2016. Blackout dates: February 23-25, 2016. Value: 18,000 yen
background, The Westin Hyderabad Mindspace offers guests
bathtub and a glass-enclosed rainforest shower. Valid for September 11, 2016. Value: 58,000 yen
Grand Aston Bali Beach Resort 2-night stay in a Deluxe Ocean Room for 2, including buffet breakfast グランド アストン バリ ビーチ リゾート デラックスオーシャンルーム 2 泊 2 名様ビュッフェ朝食付き This superlative “five-star” hotel is an ideal retreat to escape, unwind and enjoy peace of mind. Set in the privileged enclave of Nusa Dua, on one of the exclusive beaches of Tanjung Benoa. Indulge in pure
Shangri-La Hotel Dubai 2-night stay in a Horizon Deluxe Room for 2, including breakfast at the Horizon Lounge シャングリ・ラ ホテル ドバイ ホライズンデラックスルーム 2 泊 2 名 様朝食付き Arabian-inspired luxury and warm earth tones are enhanced by rich sycamore veneers and original local artworks in the guest rooms. The 8 restaurants/bars boast staff from the nations of each featured cuisine. Valid until October 1, 2016. Value: 97,000 yen
leisure — luxurious rooms decorated in a Balinese contemporary style, modern amenities for uncompromising comfort, four versatile restaurants, three bars and the Biwana Spa. Valid until March 13, 2017. Blackout dates: June 16–September 15, 2016. December 27, 2016 - January 3, 2017. Value: 65,000 yen.
Grand Hotel Oslo, Norway 2-night stay in a Deluxe Room for 2, including breakfast and VIP Welcome グランドホテル・オスロ(ノルウェイ)デラックスルーム 2 泊 2 名様 朝食& VIP ウェルカム付き
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Welcome to Norway’s best-known and prestigious hotel, first opened
historical villages, and stay in rural, family-run Japanese inns, relaxing
in 1874 and hosting international guests, world leaders, celebrities
in hot spring baths. Meals include ingredients such as locally grown
and the Nobel Peace Prize laureates. The guest experience engages
vegetables, morsels foraged in the mountains, and fresh-water fish
the hotel’s well-trained, enthusiastic international team.
from nearby streams and rivers.
Valid until February 28, 2017. Value: 93,000 yen
Valid until March 31, 2017. Blackout dates: April 1-30, 2016. Value: 416,000 yen
16. THE ULTIMATE TOKYO WEEKEND: SUITE & CRUISING Hilton Tokyo 1-night stay in an Executive Tower Suite for 2, including breakfast and dinner in the Metropolitan Grill; and Tesla Motors Japan test drive in a Model S ヒルトン東京 エグゼティブ・タワースイート 1 泊 2 名様ご招待「メトロ ポリタングリル」コースディナー&朝食付、テスラモーターズジャパン モデル S 試乗ドライブ
Sheraton Grande Tokyo Bay 3-night stay in a Club Level Room for 2, including breakfast シェラトン・グランデ・トーキョーベイ・ホテル クラブレベルルーム 3 泊 2 名様朝食付き An official hotel of Tokyo Disney Resort, the Sheraton Grande Tokyo Bay Hotel is a short ride from Tokyo Disneyland and Tokyo DisneySea on the Disney Resort Line. You’ll also find lush on-site gardens, scenic waterfront vistas and soothing waterfalls on Tokyo Bay. Valid from April 1, 2016 until March 31, 2017. Blackout dates : April 29 - May 8, August 10 - 16, 2016, December 23, 2016 - January 9, 2017. Value: 240,000 yen
Located in the heart of Tokyo’s business, shopping and entertainment district, the Hilton Tokyo is an ideal place to experience modern Japan. The elegant suite is your home away from home. Large windows allow for natural daylight and the Hilton Serenity Bed provides the utmost relaxation. The hotel offers the perfect venue for a sophisticated dining experience, including the open kitchen of Metropolitan Grill where meat and seafood are prepared over a hardwood fire. The experience of sheer luxury is complemented by driving around town in a Model S from Tesla Motors for a single test drive, with pickup and dropoff at the Tesla showrooms in Aoyama or Shinsaibashi. The enticing times are as follows: Monday to Saturday, overnight for 21 hours, between 3 pm and 12 noon the next day; or Saturday or Sunday, for 8 hours, from 10 am to 6 pm.
Hilton Tokyo – Valid until September 12, 2016. Blackout Dates: May 2-4, May 16-19, July 16, 2016. Tesla Motors Japan – Valid until September 30, 2016. Total Value: 350,000 yen
Hyatt Regency Hakone Resort and Spa 1-night stay in an Executive Suite for 2 ハイアット リージェンシー 箱根 リゾート&スパ エグゼクティブス イート 1 泊 2 名様 The spacious 82-square-meter suite at the Hyatt Regency Hakone Resort and Spa features a separate twin bedroom and living area with sofa, flat-screen TV and DVD, work area and adjacent bath. The furnished sun terrace or balcony allows you to take in the abundant nature of Fuji-Hakone-Izu National Park. Valid until September 12, 2016. Value: 129,000 yen
Nakasendo Way — The Kiso Road for 2 ウォークジャパン 中山道 ザ・キソロード ウォーキングツアー 4 泊 2 名様
Sheraton Hiroshima Hotel 3-night stay in a Deluxe Room for 2, including breakfast シェラトンホテル広島 デラックスルーム 3 泊 2 名様朝食付き
A fully guided Level 3 tour suitable for anyone who is an occasional
Bordering the Seto Inland Sea and home to six rivers and an ancient
walker and can walk for more than three to four hours in comfort. In
port, HIroshima is aptly known as the “City of Water.” The Sheraton
general, the route is gently undulating, but also includes some short,
Hiroshima Hotel is near top shopping, and historic sites and
steeper climbs. A 5-day, 4-night tour starts in Nagoya and finishes in
architecture. The hotel’s restaurants offer the finest and freshest
Matsumoto, following the ancient Nakasendo Way through the Kiso
Valley of central Japan, and reaching the high alpine Kaida Plateau.
Valid from April 1, 2016 until April 1, 2017. Blackout dates : April 29 - May 4, August 5-6, August 12-16, December 31, 2016, and January 1, 2017. Value: 120,000 yen
You’ll be traveling through some of Japan’s most picturesque and - 19 -
traveler in a discreet setting, with Odaiba and Ginza accessible by public
The Peninsula Tokyo 1-night stay in a Deluxe Room for 2, including breakfast ザ・ペニンシュラ東京 デラックスルーム 1 泊 2 名様朝食付き
transportation, as well as the Ariake Tennis Forest Park.
Superbly located in the prestigious business district of Marunouchi,
Valid until September 12, 2016. Value: 27,000 yen
opposite the Imperial Palace and Hibiya Park, and within minutes’ walk of Ginza, the hotel offers commanding city views, luxurious comfort,
sophisticated facilities, extraordinary dining options and the legendary Peninsula service. Valid until September 12, 2016. Blackout dates: All Saturdays, March 19-20, 2531, April 1-10, 29-30, May 3-5, July 16-17, August 12-15, 2016. Value: 94,000 yen
K18 White Gold, Metal: K18 White Gold, Diamonds: 0.387ct / 0.388ct ダイアモンドピアス(K18 ホワイトゴールド)
Wish upon a star … a star pierced earrings. Getting away from typical jewelry, and using the star-shape to give the earrings a playful spin.
ANA InterContinental Tokyo 1-night stay in Junior Suite Room for 2, with Club Lounge access
Value: 510,000 yen
ANA インターコンチネンタルホテル東京 ジュニアスイートルーム 1 泊 2 名様 クラブラウンジアクセス付き
K18 White Gold, Metal: K18 White Gold, Diamonds 0.418 ct ダイアモンドリング(K18 ホワイトゴールド)
The Junior Suite is presented in a spacious and contemporary open plan design of over 52 square meters, featuring subtle Japanese design and unparalleled levels of service and sweeping views.
Creating a design that is far from ordinary, and using a star to endow the eloquent diamond ring with a playful spin.
Valid until September 12, 2016. Value: 70,000 yen
Value: 310,000 yen
offering a true sense of space and relaxation. The Club Lounge offers
THE STRINGS by INTERCONTINENTAL TOKYO 1-night stay in a Premier Room for 2, including breakfast ストリングスホテル東京インターコンチネンタル プレミアルーム 1 泊 2 名様朝食付き An oasis of calm in the exciting city of Tokyo, in proximity of famed Tsukiji Fish Market and the Ginza shopping district. Discover the fragrance, color and flavors of China Shadow; and the fusion of Asian and European flavors of The Dining Room.
スワロフスキー イブニングバッグ The Nirvana Star Marquise Evening Bag is a glamorous evening clutch bag that shines in gold calfskin on one side and gold silk satin on the other. It is embellished with an elegant motif in golden and clear crystals. The closure features an exclusive Nirvana-cut crystal with 48 facets. The interior reveals a beige Swanflower®-patterned lining. Approximate size: 11/17 x 5 cm. Value: 92,000 yen
Valid from March 14, 2016 until September 13, 2016. Value: 50,000 yen
Located in a futuristic waterfront district, the cozy furnished luxury
The Frost Collection draws its inspiration from the light installation created by Vincent Van Duysen for the SWAROVSKI Crystal Palace. The crystals are individually hand-sewn and, in combination, reveal their
スワロフスキー ペンダント
1-night at Oakwood Apartments Ariake for 2 オークウッドアパートメンツ有明 1 泊 2 名様 Oakwood Apartments are refreshingly designed for the world business - 20 -
distinct and intricate architectural composition. It is the intention of the skilled artisans that the Frost Pendant reveals how to wear Swarovski crystals in the purest, most natural and sensual way.
Value: 88,000 yen
calico bobtail is often displayed in the entranceway of a Japanese home, intended to attract good luck.
バカラ マネキネコ The Baccarat Crystal Lucky Cat is a special charm of Japanese origin. The
Value: 65,000 yen
スワロフスキー ウォッチ The Citra Sphere Gun Metal Tone Watch adds a glamorous and feminine touch to any outfit. Case of dark gray-tone coated stainless steel with 40 greige crystals, 38mm; dial of gray sunray and centered circle of greige crystal pavé; two counters, left and right; rose gold-tone coated index markers with Swan logo at 12 o’clock and date indicator at 6 o’clock; strap of gray calfskin leather with crocodile structure; water resistant; and Swiss quartz movement. Value: 79,000 yen
エトロ レディースショルダーバッグ ETRO is an Italian luxury fashion house in Milan, Italy. Complementing their ready-to-wear collections is this Ladies’ Shoulder Bag, measuring 34cm x 30cm. Value: 286,000 yen
30. 2 HAND-MADE GLASSES AND CARAFE BY ZWIESEL ツヴィーゼル ウィスキーグラス 2 本・カラフセット Zwiesel 1872 Gläser & Charles Schumann Hommage includes the first whisky nosing glass, with lid, and carafe from the simple and timelessly elegant Carat Collection. Value: 42,000 yen
造形作家 櫻井正一 作 クレイ・カリグラフィー :「望」 Shoichi Sakurai's artwork usually centers around abandoned or discarded materials, allowing unique aspects of the object to be celebrated. The artist took a different direction with this piece of bold black-and-white modern art. He used art clay and the palm of his hand to create an original calligraphy of the Kanji character for "Hope." Details: art clay, sumi, acrylic, wood panel. H: 96cm, W: 65cm, D: 6cm. Value: 150,000 yen
リーデル ワイングラス 8 本・デカンタセット、ヴェラ イタリアよりフレッ シュチーズとサラミのワインセット Enjoy 4 of the Vinum Rheingau and 4 of the Vinum XL Syrah crystal glassware, along with a St. Emilion Magnum Decanter. Crystal glassware designer Riedel creates stemware that matches the wine to bring out the intended characteristics, and whose range of decanters reflects the union of artistry with functionality. Wine set from Vera Italia includes wines, fresh cheese and salami. Total Value: 116,000 yen
35. WEARABLE SCULPTURE BY COLLEEN SAKURAI コリーン サクライ作 ネックレス&ブレスレットセット Her sophisticated line of upcycled, hand-sculpted jewelry owes its DNA to the humble and hardworking corrugated cardboard. A laborious 10-step process reveals an unrecognizable metamorphosis into a high-end and highly innovative work of wearable art. The bracelet and necklace are from the artist's "Urushi" line, inspired by her beloved collection of lacquer-ware trays and bowls. Upcycled paper, acrylic paint. Bracelet: H: 9cm, W: 8cm, D: 6.5cm. Necklace: H: 11cm, W: 21.5cm, D: 7mm. Value: 40,000 yen
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ロニ・オーハラ作 陶器
Medium-sized ceramic bowl of Namikoshi clay, with Black slip decoration, and Kiseto glaze with Oribe glaze accents. Process: Fired oxidation.
ニューバランス ランニングシューズ 2 足
This could be your lucky night. 2 pairs of running shoes, based on size,
Value: 15,000 yen
chosen at random. Value: 19,000 yen
37. MURAL PAINTING ON WASHI PAPER はやし まりこ作 アートワーク 和紙を使用したアクリル画
ロキシー スキーウェア セット
Mariko Hayashi’s mural paintings on building walls add significance to the space and express a global viewpoint. Her process elicits past experiences and dreams from the artist’s memory, leading to tranquility. Winner of nine Salon d'automne awards, her artwork has been displayed in hotels, airport lounges, office entrances, hospitals, and galleries in Paris, Shanghai and Japan. Mariko is the mother of tonight’s live painter, AK Akane Fujita.
Woman's Roxy Snow Wear Set: Goggles, JET SKI Jacket and SNOWHOLIC
Value: 210,000 yen
ロキシー スキーウェア セット
Pants. Size: M. Value: 61,000 yen
38. LIVE PAINTING BY AK AKANE FUJITA 藤田あかね作 ライブペインティング テーマ「New Horizons」 Live painting artist AK Akane Fujita is offering her painting from tonight, based on the theme of this year’s Pink Ball 2016: “New Horizons.” Value: 300,000 yen
Pants. Size: M. Value: 60,000 yen
ハーフェレ ジャパン ヴィタジューサー Häfele Japan’s Vita Juicer is a new type of kitchen appliance that combines four functions into one product: juicing, pressing, blending
and Vitatec. It’s Swiss engineering preserving the nutrients of fruits and
クロス タウンゼント チェリーブロッサム リミティッドエディション プ
vegetables with speed and efficiency.
ラチナプレート 万年筆
Value: 80,000 yen
Cross Townsend’s Cherry Blossom Limited Edition commemorates the 45th anniversary of the founding of Cross Japan. The tip of the rhodium plate is 18-carat gold, and only 1,450 of these elegant fountain pens have been made. Value: 125,000 yen
WINING & DINING 44. DINNER FOR 4 AT ELIO LOCANDA ITALIANA エリオ・ロカンダ・イタリアーナ フルコースディナー 乾杯のスパークリングワイン付き 4 名様ご招待 The full-course dinner for 4 people includes a welcome glass of sparkling wine. Valid until September 14, 2016. Value: 40,000 yen - 22 -
マリオ・イ・センティエリ スペシャルディナーコース 2 名様ご招待 ウェルカムドリンクとワイン 1 本付き
The set dinner course for 2 includes welcome drinks and a
季節のお花をお届け(4 回)
complimentary bottle of wine.
Arrangements by renowned U. GOTO FLORIST, welcoming each of the
Valid until June 12, 2016. Value: 37,000 yen
four distinct seasons. Enjoy some greenery in your office or at home, delivered direct to your door.
Valid until February 2, 2017. Value: 43,000 yen Note: Must register name with U.GOTO Florist by March 31, 2016.
AQUAVIT, for over 20 years, has earned great culinary recognition in
New York and since 2008 in Stockholm. For over 7 years this modern
ブルーノート東京 4 名様ご招待
Scandinavian-dining restaurant has been located in Kita-Aoyama, in
Covers this portion of your reservation for 4 people at the Aoyama
an art-gallery-like space featuring furniture by Scandinavia’s leading
venue, a high-end jazz dinner club for live performances by visiting
designers. A refined and stylish, yet warm and welcoming, ambience
and Japan-based artists respected in their field. Past headliners have
is the result. Modern Scandinavian cuisine has developed further and
included Sarah Vaughan, Tony Bennett, Chick Corea, Oscar Peterson,
gained greater recognition through AQUAVIT’s award-winning celebrity
David Sanborn and many more.
chef, Marcus Samuelson. Note: Two vouchers for 2 persons each, for
Valid March 14-22, March 27-April 12, 2016. Value: 34,000 yen
アクアヴィット 4 名様ご招待(ペアご招待券 2 枚セット)
total of 4 dinners Valid from March 14 - July 31, 2016. Value: 40,000 yen
コットンクラブ東京 4 名様ご招待
フェッラーリブリュット 3L
Covers this portion of your reservation for 4 people at the
Compliments of Japan Europe Trading Co., Ltd.
Marunouchi venue, whose mission is to bring back a taste of the
Value: 27,000 yen
Golden Age of the original Cotton Club in New York, which spawned such jazz legends as Duke Ellington, Cab Calloway, Lena Horne, and
so many more great artists.
ピーターレーマン フューチャーズシラーズ 3L
Value: 32,000 yen
Compliments of Village Cellars, in a double Magnum format. This wine illustrates beyond a doubt the winemaker’s passion and commitment to producing distinctively regional Barossa Shiraz with exceptional flavor and structural elegance. Bottle signed by winemaker Andrew Wigan.
53. 5-IN-1 CARE: FROM HEAD TO TOE ビューティー&フィットネスパック
Value: 19,000 yen
シロダーラ&フェイシャルコース 90 分 2 名様ご招待 Treat yourself to a Friends Pack for 2 persons, which is a 90-minute
course, at Ayurveda & Kampo Aroma Salon Natural Beauty TULA, in
ミラヴァルロゼ 2014 1.5L
Jiyugaoka, Tokyo. They also are known for their homeopathic Chinese
herb tea made to your specifications and enjoyed there.
Value: 8,000 yen
Valid until December 30, 2016. - 23 -
FURLA YOGA CLASS フルラヨガ ヨガクラス 4 回ご招待 You get one ticket for 4 yoga classes at FURLA yoga, dedicated to the rich tradition of yoga and believing that a healthy mind, body and spirit reveal your inner radiance. Valid until September 12, 2016. SUN & MOON YOGA CLASS Sun & Moon Yoga ヨガクラス 1 回ご招待 One Yoga class ticket at Sun & Moon Yoga, which is an uplifting, healing space where people from all over the world can unfold themselves through the study and practice of yoga in a nurturing community. Valid until December 31, 2016.
PEELING FACIAL BY ELANA JADE エラナジェード ピーリングフェイシャル Elana Jade is Tokyo’s most exclusive organic beauty salon, respected for their unsurpassed level of boutique luxury and personalized service. Located just a 5-minute walk from Roppongi Hills. Valid until June 12, 2016.
CLUB 360: 2 FITNESS CLASSES クラブ 360 フィットネスクラス 2 回ご招待 Club 360 by Tokyo Fitness, catering to all your fitness and rehabilitation needs, is a spacious facility complete with pristine shower facilities and organic snack bar, and only a 3-minute walk from Roppongi Hills. Open 7 days a week. Valid until June 12, 2016. Total Value: 77,000 yen
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Pink Ball gratefully acknowledges the following sponsors for their generous donations.
GOLD Aflac American Airlines OPI-Japan K.K. Servcorp Japan Starwood Hotels & Resorts The Lodge at Torrey Pines The Westin Tokyo
PATRON A & M co., Ltd. Banyan Tree Lang Co Banyan Tree Hotels & Resorts Hilton Grand Vacations Club Leading Hotels of the World NestlĂŠ Nespresso K.K. Six Senses Small Luxury Hotels of the World Song Saa Private Island Spring Professional Japan QUIKSILVER JAPAN Walk Japan
FRIEND AK Akane Fujita Anantara Siam Bangkok Hotel Andaz Napa AN HOA RESIDENCE, Luxury Beach Villas Asian Tigers Ayung Resort Ubud Baglioni Hotel Regina CAMPARI JAPAN CBRE
Check Point Software Technologies Ltd. Coca-Cola Japan Co., Ltd. Cross Company of Japan, Ltd. Empire Entertainment Japan, Inc. ETRO Gakuto Villas Hertz Asia Pacific LTD. Hilton Tokyo Hotel Imperial, a Luxury Collection Hotel, Vienna Hyatt Regency Hakone Resort and Spa Indi Villas InterContinental New York Barclay JEROBOAM FINE WINE CLUB King's Land by Hilton Grand Vacations Club L'hotel Island South Mariko Hayashi Museum Hotel Cappadocia Pacific Islands Club Guam Pacific Islands Club Saipan Sheraton Grande Tokyo Bay Sheraton Hiroshima Hotel Shoichi Sakurai Six Senses Douro Valley Six Senses Samui SWAROVSKI JAPAN LTD. Tesla Motors Japan The Kahala Hotel & Resort The Westin Bund Center, Shanghai The Westin St. Francis San Francisco on Union Square Trump International Hotel Waikiki Beach Walk Unigroup Vietnam Airlines Villa Caemilla Beach Boutique Hotel Village Cellars W Hong Kong W Taipei Yamano Gakuen
ASSOCIATE ANA InterContinental Tokyo AQUAVIT Ayurveda & Kampo Aroma Salon Natural Beauty TULA
- 26 -
BeyEvi Hotel B-Lay Tong Phuket BLUE NOTE JAPAN, INC. Bluxome Street Winery Cakebread Cellars CLUB 360 Colleen Sakurai COTTON CLUB JAPAN, INC. Crown Wine Cellars Elana Jade Elio Locanda Italiana FURLA Yoga Global-Dining, Inc. Grand Aston Bali Beach Resort Grand Hotel Oslo Grand Hyatt Kuala Lumpur Häfele Japan K.K. Hilton Athens Holiday Inn® Singapore Orchard City Centre InterContinental Prague InterContinental Warsaw Japan Europe Trading Co., Ltd. Kempinski Hotel Bahia, Marbella Estepona Kempinski Palace Portorož Kolbe Hotel Rome Legato Le Méridien Istanbul Etiler Marianas Trekking Mario I Sentieri MOTI AKASAKA Oakwood Roni Ohara RSN Japan Co. Ltd. San Francisco Marriott Marquis Santa Fe Relocation Services Shangri-La Hotel, Dubai Sheraton Bali Kuta Resort Sun & Moon Yoga Tableaux The Peninsula Tokyo The Strings By InterContinental Tokyo The Westin Hyderabad Mindspace
The Westin Kuala Lumpur Vera Italia W Istanbul Zwiesel Japan Co., Ltd.
GIFT BAG SPONSORS OPI-Japan K.K. Six Senses Run for the Cure® Foundation values such exceptional commitment to making a difference in Japan. Through your generosity of time, energy and donations, there truly are “New Horizons” in the fight against breast cancer as a life-threatening disease.
IN APPRECIATION Yoshi Yamada, along with Costantino Gemmoli and Germano Orsara from Elio’s Catering Service, for taking us to “New Horizons” with their culinary artistry. CAMPARI JAPAN serving all the cocktails in the Star Room and Ballroom. JEROBOAM FINE WINE CLUB serving the wine during the cocktail hour in the Star Room. Nestlé Nespresso K.K. serving coffee in the Ballroom. U.GOTO Florist for creating the splendid table centerpieces, celebrating the “New Horizons” made possible through the Foundation’s mission. Yamano Gakuen for support of the fashion show at tonight’s “New Horizons” MC: Maxwell Powers and Russell Goodall Auctioneers: Elio Orsara and Sarajean Rossitto Photography: Benjamin Parks Soft drinks: Coca-Cola Japan Co., Ltd. Printed collateral: Paradigm Event Coordination and Operation: Empire Entertainment Japan Report: Ai Kitabayashi (Japanese) Andrew Howitt (English) …and all the wonderful, fabulous, generous volunteers! - 27 -
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