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1965年生於美景市;現生活並工作於美景市。 Bornin 1965in Belo Horizonte. Lives and wor ksin Belo Horizonte

Cao Guimarães’s atmospheric and almost hypnotic video-essay shot in a Mexican market juxtaposes the sounds of life’s daily toil and the colourful materiality of the canvas awnings covering individual market stalls. Vaguely evocative of modernist strives for monochromes and perfect structures of abstraction — which in Brazilian art history have had a long tradition of trying to represent elements of the social, the canvases in the film are never perfect, never stretched, shaped and twisted both by the wind and by the restlessness of people, themselves never perfect, never quiet.

Cao Guimarães 充滿氛圍感、幾近 催眠的錄像散文攝於一個墨西哥市場。 作品中,人們辛勞工作的聲音與每個 攤位上色彩繽紛的帆布涼篷材料形成 對比。藝術家所拍攝的帆布隱約使人 聯想到現代主義對單色以及抽象的完美 結構的追求——在巴西藝術史中常常 被用以表現社會元素。然而,作品中 的帆布絕不完美,它們沒有被拉平, 總是被風和嘈雜的人聲所擾亂—— 既不完美,亦不安靜。 Sin Peso, 2007. Video, 7’. Courtesy of the artist and Nara Roesler.《無重》,2007。錄像,7 分。 由藝術家及 Nara Roesler 提供。


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