InnerHour Workbook

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Mental Health


What mental health needs is more sunlight, more candor, more unashamed conversation. - Glenn Close

Your well-being reminder

Mental Health

Physical Health

Both your mind and body need rest Good mental health + Good physical health = Happier Life

Table of Contents 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Signs of distress Common concerns Self-care puzzle/crossword Activity tree Gratitude Control Thought record Mindful colouring Positive Quality record Affirmation Social support Things to say v/s not to say When to seek professional help

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13


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Are you doing okay? The world is going through a difficult time and mental health concerns are on the rise. Take a look at this checklist and identify any signs of distress that you might be experiencing.

Signs of distress


In my body

In my mind

My muscles feel tense I'm tired all the time My sleep is disturbed I have frequent headaches I'm eating more or less than usual My immunity has taken a hit My stomach is often upset I have body aches and pains My heart races at times

I keep forgetting things I struggle to be organised I feel irritable and on edge I find it hard to concentrate I constantly worry I don't feel like talking to others I'm demotivated I find it hard to make decisions I feel bad about myself


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Given below are word jumbles of some common mental health concerns. Try and unscramble the words based on the descriptions given below!

The most common symptoms for this illness include persistent feelings of sadness, a lack of interest in pleasurable activities and feelings of exhaustion and fatigue.

PEDREISONS People with this condition often experience hallucinations and delusions. The protagonist of the movie A Beautiful Mind had this condition.

ZICPHSONAIRE This condition triggers the automatic nervous system. It cause breathlessness, sweating, trembling, feelings of loss of control, chills or hot flashes.


This illness is characterised by intense and recurrent "what if" thoughts that leave them feeling tense, nervous and uneasy.

TYXEINA A disease characterised by fixation with alcohol and uncontrollable drinking.

LLCHASOOMI This is a common concern experienced by many - usually in response to challenging and demanding situations. Too much of it over a period of time can lead to burnout.

TSRESS A commonly experienced negative emotion that is experienced by both men and women. If not managed well, it comes out in the form of aggression and can be very harmful to one's relationships.

RNGAE A sleep disorder that includes symptoms such as inability to fall asleep or stay asleep, daytime sleepiness and unrestful sleep.



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1. Nobody is immune to this emotion. Managing it effectively can help you lead a happier life. (6 letters) 2. Buddha practised this to live a happier life. (10 letters) 3. The average person needs 7-9 hours of this on a daily basis. (5 letters) 4. Speaking up and reaching out for help is a sign of _____, not weakness. (6 letters) 5. Represented by a dove holding an olive branch. Can be experienced even after a few minutes of deep breathing. (5 letters) 6. If you want to focus on the present moment, you need to be _____ (7 letters) 7. Spending time in _____ can actually protect you from depressive feelings. This place is full of greenery. (6 letters)

1. Drinking 8-10 glasses of water keeps you _____ (8 letters) 2. Investing in experiences is more likely to bring you this as compared to buying material things (9 letters) 3. Doing this with a loved one can give you emotional relief when you're in distress. (4 letters) 4. Doing this for 20 minutes, 3 times a week can help you become healthier and happier. (8 letters) 5. One way to cultivate this type of thinking is by being grateful for all that you have in life. (8 letters) 6. In times of anger, keeping your hand on your heart and telling yourself, "I am _____" can help. (4 letters) 7. Find things you are good at. Note all your positive qualities. This can help you build self_____ (10 letters)


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When was the last time you thanked a loved one who makes your life better? Here's your opportunity to express your love and gratitude to them. Write them a letter of thanks using our template below.

Dear , I've known you for some time now, and I don't know how often I tell you this, but I wanted to make sure you know how grateful I am to have you in my life. Thank you for

I will always remember how you supported me. Love and hugs,

Once you're done writing, send them a photo of what you've written or call them up and let them know how you feel about them.



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Stay grounded and lift yourself up Imagine that you are this tree. There are some activities that you do that help you feel grounded in moments of distress and overwhelm. These activities are your roots. Other activities might help boost your mood when you're feeling down or low. These activities are your branches and leaves - they lift you up. Colour in the activities that work as your roots and branches. You can even add new ones in the empty spaces.




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Do you sometimes wish your problems would disappear? While we may not be able to get rid of our problems, we can definitely take action to keep them in check. Think about the things that are bothering you right now. Sort them into the appropriate column based on whether or not you have any control over the situation.

Things I cannot control

Things I can control

The weather My manager's mood The state of the economy The spread of the pandemic

Staying in touch with loved ones Making time for myself each day Finding a better job Helping someone in need

I have to let go and shift my attention to things that are within my control

I can break these down into smaller tasks and make a plan to complete them


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The Thought Journal Do you believe that the situation you are in determines how you feel? Well, the fact is that it is the way you THINK that affects how you feel and act in a particular situation.

Use our thought journal as a guide to identify any negative thoughts that might be playing on your mind in a diffcult situation. Take a look at our example below & get started on replacing your negative thoughts with positive, energising ones!

Situation I messed up a presentation at work.

Negative thought "My boss is most surely going to fire me. My co-workers are going to make fun of me. I can never get anything right."

Feeling I feel embarrassed and anxious.

Alternative thought "I made a mistake and that's okay. I am going to learn from this and do better next time."


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Take the time to relax and unwind by colouring in the pattern given below. As you colour, use all your senses to focus on the present moment. What is the colour you are using? How does it sound as you colour against the paper? What are some things you can smell or taste? What are some sensations you are experiencing?


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As human beings, we have a tendency to filter out the positives and focus on the negatives - especially when it comes to ourselves. Beat this negativity bias by taking stock of all the positive qualities you possess. You can use these questions as your guide and write about your positive qualities in this journal.

What do you like the most about yourself?

Name 3 achievements that you feel proud of.

Make a note of 5 kind things you've done for loved ones, strangers, and/or the environment.

What is the best compliment you have ever received?

What was a challenge you faced recently and how did you cope with it?

What is one thing you can do right now that your future self will love you for?

Write about a time you did something you were afraid to try. How did you feel afterwards?

What is one thing you do that always makes you feel confident?

Think of a person you admire. What are some qualities you share with them?

What do think other people may like or value in you?


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Start your day on the right note by repeating positive affirmations. Take a look at our affirmation wheel below, and pick out the affirmations that you'd like to practise. Pro tip: Repeat each affirmation 5 times, out loud or in your mind. Keep your hand on your heart, and take deep breaths while you practise your affirmations.

Once you finish repeating your affirmations, take a moment to reflect on how you feel.


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Take a look at the prompts given below. Write down the name of the person who comes to your mind when you see the prompt. When I feel low, and I want to be cheered up: I'd go to

When I am angry, and I want to feel calm: I'd go to

When I don't know what the right thing to do is, and I need advice: I'd go to

When I feel low, and I want to be cheered up: I'd go to

When I want to vent, and I need someone to listen: I'd go to

When I'm feeling bad about myself, and need someone to cheer me on: I'd go to

When I feel lonely, and I want to feel loved: I'd go to


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When we see a loved one in pain, we might want to do everything to help. However, many of us might struggle to offer support in a helpful or meaningful manner.

Is a loved one in your life going through a hard time? There's a lot you can do to help them feel better. Here's our guide on helping a loved one in distress.

Things to not say...

Things to say...

"Get over it."

"What can I do to help you?"

"Others have it worse than you."

"I can see how hard this is for you."

"It's all in your head."

"There is nothing wrong with you."

"Stop being selfish." "You're very brave." "Stop complaining all the time."

"I'm here. You can talk to me any time."


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Here are some signs that indicate the need for

support from a mental health professional:

• You find it difficult to keep up with your everyday responsibilities • You no longer feel interested or motivated to do things that you used to find enjoyable • Your eating and sleeping patterns have changed drastically • You feel an uncontrollable urge to smoke, drink alcohol, or do drugs • You're having frequent emotional outbursts • You feel like you're a burden on others • You have frequent thoughts of harming yourself, or ending your life • You have unexplained physical aches and pains in your body

Remember: reaching out is NOT a sign of weakness. You're a lot stronger than you think you are. You've got this!

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