Liver Nourishment For Body Detox

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Paula Youmell, RN Registered Nurse, Natural Health Educator, Author

(315) 265-0961

Simple Liver Nourishment “Cleanse” Liver Nourishment: This is a very simple way to nourish the liver as it goes about its non-stop job of filtering your blood. Your liver is not “dirty.” Spending a few days focusing on nourishing this important organ is a good way to prevent disease and heal your body. Love your liver with whole food, liver specific herbs, and relaxation. Liver nourishing cleanses are supportive and healing for many health conditions including cancer. Your liver is the filter of the blood stream. Caring for your liver helps your whole body support healing. Raw food fast for 3 days: lots of local, seasonal berries / fruit in AM with nuts and seeds and then vegetable salads and raw nuts and seeds at noon & PM meals. If pre-diabetic, diabetic, or any metabolic syndrome issues keep your intake of fruit conservative and eat more vegetables. Raw root veggie and cabbage slaws are great in fall and winter for the raw, seasonal veggies. AM liver flush before any food: juice of 1 whole lemon, 1-2 tsp olive oil, pinch of unrefined sea salt. You can use this simple liver flush in the PM and/or the AM. I have clients who do it in the AM because they drink their Essiac detox tea at night.

Detox infusion: purchase an ounce of each of these herbs: cut burdock root, cut dandelion root, nettle leaf, dandelion leaf, red clover blossom. Each night heat 1 quart of water. When water is simmering turn to very low heat and simmer 1 tsp. each of the burdock and dandelion roots for 10 minutes. This is a very gentle simmer with the cover on the pot. After the ten minutes, shut off the heat and have 1 tsp. each of the dandelion, nettle and red clover. Add to pot, stir to get wet and cover pot. Let it sit over night to steep. Strain into quart canning jar in AM and drink 3-4 cups over the course of the day.

Relaxing habits when doing a liver nourishing cleanse: Plenty of fluids; lots of good, restful sleep, eating in a calm environment (without screens) and chewing very slowly and thoroughly,

yoga, massage, relaxing by the fire or under a favorite tree (seasonally dependent behaviors!) while reading a good book…the point is to nurture the whole you and make your liver feel at peace and loved. When to nourish the liver: Ideally 4 times a year at the spring and fall equinoxes and the summer and winter solstices. I recommend after the December holidays, for obvious reasons! Milk thistle is a good herb to take for liver nourishing and rebuilding. It can be added to the above dandelion, etc. herb tea. Capsules, tinctures, teas are good options as a single herb or as a combination herbal formula with turmeric and perhaps ginger… Taking milk thistle for a couple of weeks after a three day nourishing cleanse can help to nourish and rebuild the liver. You can make milk thistle into a tea with nettles. Again, simmer the milk thistle seeds, very gently for 10 minutes before adding the nettle leaves. If you would prefer to do a more intense liver nourishing, go to this website: and search under the 5 day detox programs for the liver cleanse. It is a very complete liver cleanse kit with a well written book explaining liver cleansing and its benefits to your health and longevity. Think of it as nourishing your liver, fortifying it with the nutrients it needs to do its blood filtering job well. If you have diabetic tendencies do not do a juice or herbal tea only liver cleanse.

Copyright © Paula Youmell, RN, Wise Woman Nurse

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