Die Porsche Kassette

DIE PORSCHE KASSETTE is the official publication of the Porsche Club of America, Gold Coast Region, Inc. and is published monthly. Any statement appearing in the Kassette is that of the author and does not constitute an opinion of the Porsche Club of America, the Gold Coast Region, Inc., its Board of Directors, the KASSETTE editors or its staff. The editorial staff reserves the right to edit all material submitted for publication. Permission is given to chartered regions of PCA to reprint articles in their newsletter if credit is given to the author and the KASSETTE. Publication office: 648 NW 100 Lane, Coral Springs, FL 33071
Over the holidays I had the opportunity to speak with many Club members, both new and longtime, and what I learned from these conversations was very helpful in understanding the way you, the membership, truly feel about your Club. Before I discuss the feedback I got, I think it’s necessary that we establish who we are and what our goals and priorities are.
Who we are is self-evident: a car club built around driving and displaying Porsche cars. The Gold Coast Region of the Porsche Club of America covers South Florida, extending from Key West in the south to the southern part of the Palm Beaches in the north, extending for 130-plus miles. As for membership, we are one of the largest regions in the PCA with over 3,100 members. In addition, Gold Coast has been part of PCA for sixty years and is celebrating this fact throughout 2023.
OK; lets talk about our goals. The first and foremost goal is to have fun. You might think that would be selfevident, but you would be surprised at how many people forget that the purpose of owning a Porsche is to have fun, and it being transportation is secondary to the fun of driving the thing. As a result of our having fun, we do community and charitable work raising funds that are then donated to worthy causes across our region. We promote safe operation of your Porsche on both the street and track by inviting our members to learn and understand what their car can do and how to safely operate it while having fun in a controlled environment.
Best of all is that you get to be in the company of people with whom you share a common interest, and that’s fun.
There’s that word “fun” again. It keeps appearing because it’s the foundation on which the whole Club structure is built. But it would be impossible to deliver the great amount of fun if it was not for the army of volunteers who do the work that allows the Club to function.
Let’s talk a bit about how the Club is structured and how that structure helps us achieve that fun factor we’re looking for.
The Club has a Board of Directors that is elected every two years. That Board consists of four officers, including the President, the Vice President, the Treasurer, and the Secretary. In addition, six Directors are elected to fill out the ten positions on the Board. The Region President is also a member of the Porsche Club of America National Board. This Board has overall responsibility for how your Club is run and more importantly how you perceive it’s running. As I said earlier, this is about feedback: how you perceive your Club and its relevance and function to you.
My first issue is on which I have had feedback is that new members or visitors who have attended the First Saturday Porsches and Pancakes Breakfast at one of the several locations for the first time and were not acknowledged, spoken to, or greeted. If this is truly the case, I am disappointed in the host at that location. Each P&P location has a host that acts as the Club’s presence that morning and is a direct liaison to the Board of Directors. If a new attendee was not greeted and pulled into the fold, we apologize and promise to do better. But blame doesn’t stop there. I have never been to a P&P where a lot
of Porsche gear was not on display, including hats, shirts, jackets, and name badges. Perhaps that member needed to make the group aware of their presence and then may have been greeted in a warm manner.
I also get feedback from the membership about communications. We are aware that you get a lot of communication from the Club, all of which is meant to keep you informed about what’s going on in the Club, both locally here in our Region and nationally within the PCA. The problem is that you as the member are at the end of a large funnel that is fed by several people and groups that are responsible for different committees within the Club, such as the Social Committee, Drivers Education Membership, Auto Cross, Charity, Concours, Zone Rep,48 Hours at Sebring, and several others. On top of all that are several reminders of monthly events.
Each of the people feeding this funnel have good intentions, but are fixated on their line of responsibility, and thus are not looking at the total amount of communication you get in the funnel. All of this communication generates the feedback that I get saying that we send too many emails. I cannot control it all but what I can do is take a month to analyze how much is really going out and if it really is a problem, we can address it. The goal is to keep you informed and at the same time not to be a nuisance, because when that happens you tend to ignore our communications, and that response defeats our intention.
As I start my second term as President my intention is to retain the fun and limit any disruption to that basic goal. Happy New Year! Peter
The year got off to a great start with the January Porsches & Pancakes and our first Drive and Dine to the Islamorada Fish Co. in the Keys. The weather for the Dine and Drive was chilly yet beautiful and we had a great turnout. It was nice seeing everyone after the holiday season. Thank you to Cynthia Fluhart for organizing this event and to the volunteers that helped make it happen.
At the time of this writing, I am looking forward to volunteering at the DRT
hospitality tent and the Stone Crab Drive & Dine to Everglades City. For our more popular events it can sometimes be challenging to accommodate everyone who wants to attend. This is why we have the Islamorada Drive & Dine split up into two groups and the Stone Crab Drive and Dine scheduled for two days, the first in January and the second in March.
February 2nd is Groundhog Day—but here in South Florida, we don’t have to worry about whether we have six more weeks of winter. We have amazing weather to love driving our Porsches year round! During this sweetest month of the year, we have a couple of sweetly themed socials planned to celebrate our love of Porsche.
Socials on the horizon:
Show us how much you love your Porsche on February 11th at the Love Your Porsche Cars & Coffee at the new Hagerty
Garage + Social facility in Miami. There will be a people’s choice award for the sweetest ride.
On Valentine’s Day, February 14th, join us at the GCR Valentine’s Day Dinner at Galuppi’s in Pompano Beach. This will be a fun evening to take your sweetheart out for a sweet drive in your sweet ride and share the love for Porsches.
Do you love the Porsche air-cooled era? Then be sure to attend The Evolution of Porsches Session 1 on February 25th at the new Zweck facility in Miami to hear all about them. This event is a special program through our 60th Anniversary yearlong celebration.
Save the date for the second Stone Crab Drive & Dine for March 4th. Members who were on the waiting list for the January 28th Drive and Dine will be able to register first for this event before it opens to the rest of the membership.
PCA and GCR are fueled by volunteers: we could not do all the things we do without our volunteers. If you are interested in joining the social committee, volunteering or have an idea for something fun, contact the social committee at socials@ goldcoastregion.org.
Stay tuned for upcoming updates and announcements about these events via the “enews” emails. You can also check the calendar on the GCR website at goldcoastregion.org/ calendar and on clubregistration.net for events and updates.
Hope to see you at an upcoming event soon!
The beginning of a new year is always a fun and busy time for the Gold Coast Region. We like to start the year with a Drive and Dine to Islamorada. This year, 270 members made the drive to the Keys. All the Porsches enjoyed being with their cousins for the twohour drive each way. They like to exercise their engines by cruising to the Keys.
Another annual event is DRT. Although not a PCA event, our members support DRT yearly with a GCR hospitality tent. This tent allows our board members to promote PCA to non-members and an area to welcome existing members. One of our goals is to keep a strong connection with our Dade County members, as they equal the number of our Broward member
population. With the DRT taking place in Miami, it’s an excellent opportunity for them to meet with others from the club. Event coverage of DRT will be in upcoming issues.
January also included the Rolex 24 at Daytona presented by IMSA, held on January 26- 29, 2023, at Daytona International Speedway. Immediately following this race is the 30th Annual 48 Hours at Sebring, held on February 2 – 5, 2023. Open to PCA members and invited guests, GCR is a co-chair with our friends at Suncoast Region. Both regions provide volunteers to facilitate what is known as the “Crown Jewel” of Porsche Club Racing. Coverage of this great event will be provided in our March issue. If you are new to the club, you may
wonder how to get informed about club activities. The short answer is to go and ask questions. You need to start somewhere, right? An example was at January’s 3rd Thursday Night GCR Social, Coral Springs venue.
We had three new members who joined us that night, and they had many questions about the club. Seven board members and I enjoyed providing ninety minutes of answers to some delighted future volunteers.
If you are looking for information on club get-togethers, such as the ones mentioned above and more, check our calendar to ensure you know about all of the upcoming PCA events. See you at the track.
RogerIn honor of our 60th anniversary, the Gold Coast Region is proud to share some statistics about our club’s growth and members.
On December 31st, 2020, we reached a record high of 3237 registered members (primary and co-members combined). Although we fell just short, (by one member) on December 30th, 2022 with 3236 members, we still remain a thriving community.
On average, our members have been with the club for eight years and have an average age of 56. Our membership is diverse, with members hailing from various cities within our region. The top 10 cities represented among our members and top 10 car types are listed here.
As we reflect on our past 60 years and look forward to continued growth and success, we are proud of the diversity and dedication of our
As of January 16th, 2023, our membership stands at 3,197, broken down into 2119 primary members, 1,078 co-members and 309 PCA Juniors. Thank you and welcome to all our new members for joining this exciting region. Drive safe,
It was an exciting and new adventure onboard the Regal Princess ship (aka “The Real Love Boat”) for nearly 700 PCA members. Several Gold Coast Region members participated in this inaugural PCA | Princess Cruise. The eight-day cruise departed from Port Everglades on December 10, 2022, and toured the Eastern Caribbean, stopping at St. Maarten, St. Kitts, San Juan, PR and Grand Turk island of the Turks and Caicos. Beyond the regular cruise activities, there were several PCA specific events including private cocktail hours, presentations, entertainment, two formal dinners, a die-cast model concours and a beach day at a private area.
During the WERKS Reunion at Amelia island in 2022, PCA and Princess Cruises announced their partnership. This newly established relationship allowed PCA members to access special offers when sailing with Princess. The announcement sparked an idea by David Bankston of the Everglades Region. His thought was to celebrate the Everglades Region’s 25th anniversary with a cruise. Working with Leslie Sikorski, Zone 12 Representative for PCA, and members of PCA National and Princess Cruises, the first ZoneFest at Sea was born.
PCA members enjoyed a special VIP check-in section when arriving at the Regal Princess. There, guest cruisers were issued a PCA | Princess lanyard and Medallion. The Medallion is the key to your cabin and a highly useful wearable device. The Medallion, used in tandem with an onboard phone application, allows a person to quickly identify their location on the ship, a huge benefit on such a large vessel. The Medallion and app also allow a passenger to place food & beverage orders and will help find friends on the ship. With nearly 700 PCA members onboard, and many other Princess Cruise passengers, finding your mates can be daunting, and these tools made this process simple. Following check-in shoreside we boarded the Princess Regal.
Sailing out on a beautiful evening, we participated in the Sail Away Ceremony followed by a Welcome Cocktail Social. During the welcome social we met the ship’s captain, Captain Paolo Arrigo. We were also introduced to Ms. Jill Whelan, Princess Ambassador. Ms. Whelan is the actress who played Vicky Stubing, Captain Stubing’s daughter, on the original The Love Boat TV series.
The first two days were spent at sea, enjoying the ocean and the time pass
gracefully. During the transit to our first port of call we were treated to several presentations. Captain Paolo provided insight regarding Navigation at Sea. Captain Arrigo’s presentation was followed by a technical based discussion about the Princess Regal by the Ship Engineer. A culinary demonstration was given by Chefs Takashi, Mark, and Clark that offered food prep secrets for life at sea. This event was unique as it also included Jill Whelan, Captain Paolo, and PCA Executive Director, Vu Nguyen. It seems that everyone enjoys talking about food, every bit as much as eating at a ship’s buffet.
Porsche Club of America offered multiple presentations as well. Expertise on various topics was shared by Nathan Merry who presented, “I’ve Loved and Lost Many Porsches”; Tim McNair, who offered “Pebble Beach Detailing Secrets You Can Do”; and Ramsey Potts, who spoke on “Porsche Models at Auction, How You Can Benefit”. One of the really fun and unique events was the Diecast Concours at Sea. This was an at-sea Concours D’Elegance for model Porsches (see sidebar p.13).
While PCA cruisers enjoyed the sharing of all the great information, they also had several fun activities to attend. These included a Mix and Jingle cocktail show by Mixologist Rob Floyd, after-hours socials, and a PCA Exclusive Comedy night with Phil Tag. Additionally, there were two PCA
movies under the stars showing Top Gun: Maverick and Fast and Furious 7. Certainly, there were many ways to have fun on the Love Boat, and we still had not made any stops at our ports-o-call.
St. Maarten and St. Kitts were two of our initial ports. PCA members had the opportunity to enjoy individual tours, seeing multiple sights and experiences. A highlight on St. Maarten was a stop at Maho Beach. This beach is situated immediately adjacent to the end of the runway for Princess Juliana International Airport. The beach is famous as planes take off and land right over you. Perhaps you have seen the videos of large jets departing Princess Juliana and blasting the folks on the beach. On St. Kitts the featured visit was made to the Brimstone Hill Fortress National Park that offered sweeping views of the beautiful island.
Our next port visit was to San Juan, Puerto Rico. The members of Puerto Rico Region of PCA, a Zone 12 Region, met us with coquitos, pastries, café, and a band. Many of
the PR crew brought their Porsches to display and enjoy. The car show was a great sight for those of us who had been separated from our Porsches for the past several days. The afternoon was spent exploring and wandering the beautiful narrow streets of Old San Juan, a very historical and magical city.
Grand Turk in the Turks and Caicos was our last port to visit. It was finally time for us to really relax on the beach! PCA members gathered at a private area on Grand Turk which offered a bar (imagine that), the requisite grill, and a band featuring island music. It was an awesome afternoon, yet another fun one, relaxing beside the warm and gorgeous turquoise water.
Our last night offered the Wrap Up Cocktail Reception. PCA members gathered for a group photo and signed two PCA flags commemorating this inaugural cruise. A great time was had by all, from first timers to experienced cruisers. The food was delicious, the service was excellent, and the Love Boat was spectacular. The Regal Princess was
dressed out with holiday decorations. As the song from the The Love Boat TV series goes: “Come aboard. We’re expecting you.”
The Royal Princess staff treated our members as if we were royalty. They rolled out the red carpet for us with PCA | Princess branded signage and banners throughout the ship. Plans are in the works for another PCA | Princess Cruise for later this year.
ZoneFest at Sea featured the Diecast Concours at Sea. Unfortunately, nobody could bring their actual Porsche on the ship as the Princess Regal is not a car transport. It truly is a luxury cruise ship. Not having real Porsches to judge did not prevent PCA from holding a Porsche Concours event. PCA members were encouraged to bring their favorite Porsche diecast model on the cruise. A total of 118 PCA members entered a vehicle for the first Porsche Diecast Concours at Sea. The PCA expert judges included Nathan Merz, Tim McNair, and Ramsey Potts. Guest judges were Captain Paolo, Jill Whelan, and other ship officers. The judging was taken quite seriously.
The concours field was set up in the Piazza, the main interior area of the ship where the judges and guests were able to view and closely examine the incredible collection of die cast PCars. It was a real event albeit without the washing, waxing, polishing and tons of car cleaning tools. Car prep was so very much easier and quicker.
After the concours, the diecast models were moved to display cases in the retail area of the ship for the remainder of the cruise for everyone to enjoy. Concours winners received a ribbon based on the model car achievement, and a scale model of the Regal Princess.
As part of the recognition of GCR’s 60th anniversary, we will be offering our members a three-part historical/technical event series: The “Evolution of Porsches”. Here are the approved dates and a summary of what we are planning. Our Club Historian will serve as Chair and Moderator, while volunteers and our host facility will endeavour to make each half-day experience both enjoyable and educational. We hope to have a PCA National or PCNA official as a speaker/presenter at one or more of the events.
Event 1 * 2/25/2023
Tentative time 9:00 am-12:00 pm, with breaks in the middle and afterwards a Q&A, socializing, and tour of the new state-of-theart Zweck facility in South Miami. This first event will present the air-cooled era, covering Porsche models 356 through 993, and everything in between. We plan to have examples of cars from across this period and have the owners of the cars and experts talk about the series in general and the specific cars being presented. The plan is to go from car to car showing the “Evolution” and technical advances. Registration opens on ClubRegistration.net in early February. Limit of 75 participants.
Event 2 * 5/20/2023
At Hagerty Garage and Social in Delray Beach. Same time frame and structure as above and we expect to accommodate more members if the first one is as successful as we think it will be. This session will cover early water-cooled 911s, all trans-axle cars and early mid-engine water cooled car (boxster/caymans) probably up thru 991/981. Attendance plan is for 75 to 100 participants, with registration to open in early May on ClubRegistration.net.
This final event should be the biggest and will cover all four-door cars, all SUVs, all hybrids, all electric, and the newest and most exotic Porsche models. Look for examples of the Panamera, Macan, Cayenne, Taycan, and the latest in the sports car line up, with maybe a race car or two. We hope to have this event at a dealership or a surprise facility that can accommodate 150+ members.
Plan on the following:
Breakfast goodies
A registration fee of $20.00 per person per event to guarantee your spot
A swag item, such as a commemorative T-shirt or ???
Door prizes, fun, socializing and camaraderie
A possible afternoon session or open house if demand is high and all organizers/hosts are all in
Questions??? Call GCR Historian, Steve Kidd 954 -92-3915
“60 years and still no substitute”60th Anniversary Celebration Gold Coast Region
Bruce Margulies is a Porsche fan through and through! Since joining the Gold Coast Region over thirty-seven years ago, he has owned eleven vehicles of the marque. It’s not only the cars. His Porsche collection also includes a vast assortment of scale model Porsches, numerous books, vintage magazine articles, road test reports, and a fairly large compilation of dealer sales brochures from the 1980s through the early ‘90s. The cars, models, and paper content of this assembled group of materials is extensive and exhibits his appreciation for Porsche.
Being an attorney helps. Folks who practice in the law field are excellent readers. They routinely devour vast amounts of written information. Whether it is to determine the basics of a situation, the federal, state, or local law that is applicable, or in reviewing and adjusting contracts or various legal agreements, a strong reading discipline is essential. Perhaps that is why the magazines, road tests, and brochures are of great interest and source of indulgence. As for the Porsche models, after looking at the real car, what could be better than looking at a model of the real car? With Porsches it is simply an eye for their beauty.
Bruce shared the following with regards to his early childhood memories. “I have been into cars since the day I opened my eyes, as far as I can recall. I spent countless hours sitting behind the wheel of my father’s cars making believe I was driving as he sat next to me, sometimes taking a nap while I enjoyed myself.”
He still has a collection of Matchbox-type diecast cars that he started gathering at around 5 or 6 years old. “Buy and hold” seems to be a seed planted at an early age. He also has his very first car, a 1957 Thunderbird, which his father bought for him in 1973. The T-Bird was procured for a paltry $1,300 and father and son Margulies restored that beauty together. The value of that ’57 TBird today may run between $30 and 80K or more—a quality investment. Car number two was a Datsun 260Z as Bruce moved to a more modern auto but stayed in the sporting vehicle fast lane.
Then around 1976 Bruce saw the light! He became fascinated with all things Porsche.
In keeping with his natural demeanor, Bruce still has the original 1976 brochure for the Porsche 911 model lineup, coincidentally which was taped to his college bedroom wall. In 1977 he “convinced” his father to purchase a Porsche 924 Championship Edition. We suspect that it did not take much convincing as Sr. Margulies saw the exclusivity of this vehicle, as well as its great looks and performance abilities. Being a cool dad, Mr. Margulies eventually gave this 924 to Bruce when he started law school.
Towards the end of the three years of law study, Bruce saw that Porsche was introducing a new 944. He read about the hot new vehicle as introduced by Autoweek magazine. Deciding to buy himself a graduation present, he asked his accommodating father to visit the Porsche dealership in Miami and place a deposit on a new 944. As luck would have it, Bruce became the first customer in Miami to purchase the redesigned 944.
A few years later he traded that car in on his first 911, a 1984 Targa. Bruce kept the Targa for five years until it was stolen. A substantial loss at the time, the theft led Bruce to purchase a new 1988 Carrera which he still owns to this day.
Our Die Porsche Kassette readers may remember the April 2022 article, “Monster WERKS,” which offered GCR congratulations to Bruce for his First Place, Blue Ribbon win in class. The 1988 Carrera has been skillfully maintained by the owner, and has never been touched by a detailer, professional or otherwise. The 1988 Carrera is mostly stock but has been modified with Turbo Fuchs (8” and 9”, Front/Rear),a Borla exhaust, and an Autothority performance chip.
Following the ’88 Carrera acquisition, Bruce took a pause in Porsche purchasing. Waiting twenty years he finally got back into the buying spirit and snapped up a 2008 GT3. Now fully engulfed in the Porsche seekand-purchase hobby, Bruce assisted his son with finding and buying a few Caymans. He was also able to find a 2016 GT3 RS, and then a 2019 GT3 RS for himself. Ultimately, he sold the GT3RS to obtain his current 2019 GT3 Touring. At one point Bruce also owned a 2022 GT3 Touring but decided to keep the 2019 instead. We should all face these delicate decisions! Just a man having fun with cars; Porsche passion, perhaps?
He was born in the state of New York but moved to South Florida at an early age with the family. Bruce’s father was an attorney which led Bruce to the field. He attended North Miami
Beach Senior High, and then Florida State University in Tallahassee for his undergraduate degree, a Bachelor of Science, majoring in Government.
Attending the University of Florida law school (now the Levin College of Law), Bruce received his Juris Doctor degree in 1982. He passed the state bar exam and became a member of the Florida Bar in November 1982. He is a member of a Miami-based law firm that specializes in maritime law, focusing on personal injury in boating accidents and cruise ship passengers and crew. With specialization in maritime/admiralty law for the past 20+ years Bruce has evolved as a partner in the successful law firm.
His professional success comes as no surprise. Bruce is well studied and lives in an environment with many opportunities to lend his expertise. The South Florida area embraces the cruise and boating world. Miami and Ft. Lauderdale are the most obvious areas for the practice, but his legal efforts can extend not only throughout the Florida, but all over the world..
Bruce has been married to his lifelong partner, Lisa, for thirty-one years. Together they have raised a son, Mark (30 years old) and a daughter
Shae (25). Mark, a graduate of the University of Florida with a degree in Business Administration, has followed along in his dad’s Porsche passion for quite some time, having owned three Caymans, one of which was a GT4. However, Mark went to the “dark side” with the acquisition of a six-speed Ferrari 360 Modena. Mark still loves and appreciates Porsche and, according to Bruce, he’ll come back one day. Mark is successful in himself as he owns a thriving watch strap company, Horus Straps.
Shae is in medical school, studying at the University of Florida. Upon receiving her Doctor of Medicine degree, she will begin residency next year. Completing the resident stage, Shae will specialize in Dermatology, which requires another three years of effort. At this point there may or may not be a Porsche in her future. Yet somehow we don’t think Bruce, Lisa or brother Mark would be surprised if she soon commanded a Macan, a Taycan, or perhaps her own 911. Currently, she is sporting around school in a Mercedes C300. This family loves cars.
Lisa and Bruce Margulies live in Cooper City, a suburban area just west of Ft. Lauderdale/Hollywood.
Regarding all the model cars, posters, magazines, etc., well, Lisa apparently tolerates these goodies. They are tastefully disbursed around their home, according to Bruce. They do not overwhelm. We suspect that Ms. Lisa quietly appreciates and supports Bruce’s lifelong relationship with automobiles, or perhaps has come to rest on that age-old adage: why fight it?
Bruce suggests his all-time favorite Porsche is the 1973 Carrera RS. There was a recent sale of a ’73 RS on Bring a Trailer, and the auction final sale price was $700,911.00. Bruce was “following” the auction, but apparently did not bid. There is no doubt that this RS would have fit quite nicely in his garage. In the same thought, Bruce is decisive in the fact that the 1988 Carrera is the favorite Porsche he has owned!
He will attend numerous driving events with his fellow Porsche enthusiasts. Owning both an air-cooled and a modern water-pumping Porsche, he enjoys a good rally driving the appropriate vehicle as conditions allow. He also appreciates the great endurance races held in Florida, specifically the 12 Hours of Sebring. Bruce has attended several Porsche Parade events, as well as WERKS Reunion in Amelia each spring.
As a PCA and Gold Coast Region member for 37 years, Bruce Margulies has enjoyed a long relationship with the vehicles, assorted memorabilia, and especially the many wonderful friends he’s made through the association. He has an appreciation for all things PCar. One may term it the “Porsche Law of Attraction,” but there is really nothing legal required. Just Porsche passion.
Progress has been made with more fun in the future. Here’s a short update:
By Mark Johnson, DE Manager• Basic DE training has been completed with DE101 Intro to DE, over 70 members attended.
• We are currently working through the DE102 Car Inspection at Parkhaus1 and Foreign Affairs
• The DE103 “Track Prep” will be scheduled for late March. And then…
• DE201, a classroom course will be designed to discuss actual driving on a racetrack. Look for this class in the AprilMay timeframe.
As for the track, we have dates from Homestead Motor Speedway, however we have not quite yet signed contracts or placed a deposit for these days. We are reviewing the contracts and preparing a DE Budget for these individual one-day track events.
Finally, it’s time to move forward with our personnel needs – people are the key to the success! We need:
• Chief Track Instructor (CTI) – this person is the senior track official for the DE. Volunteers (if you have the experience) and recommendations are requested for this important position.
• DE Registrar – this person coordinates and validates DE Driver capability, coordinates with the CTI and instructors regarding experience level and driver run group assignment.
• Technical Inspector – this person handles the “at-track” car inspection prior to allowing a driver/car on the track for a DE
• INSTRUCTORS – We can have drivers and a track, but without instructors, we can’t develop novice or intermediate drivers. We expect to need 40+ instructors for the novices we hope to attract.
• General administrative and set-up/tear-down personnel for the actual track day. Let’s do DE!
PCA Gold Coast Region’s first 2023 Dine & Drive to Islamorada Fish Company, located halfway to Key West in the middle of the Florida Keys, was held on Saturday, January 14th. Though it was in the upper forties, this did not keep the members away. It was a beautiful, clear day, perfect for an incredible drive – even if it was atypically cold for the south.
The PCA registration site, https://clubregistration.net/, showed that over 309 members signed up in advance. But, due to typical life issues, there ended up being over 270 members in attendance - even with the chilly weather. This set another new attendance record! It was truly remarkable to see many new faces along with the fabulous, familiar ones. Feedback from members was that the annual 2023 Dine & Drive to Islamorada Fish Company was a very cool, delicious, and fun event.
We had two waves of arrivals from both Miami and Davie meet-up locations. A big thank you goes to the 15 volunteers who registered members at the meeting points and led the groups safely to Islamorada. The volunteers included:
• Steve & Dottie Kidd
• Nestor & Noemi Sanchez
• Rick Veingrad
• Christy Spangler
• Ian Gerada
• Bob & Tina Greene
• John & Holli Bush
• Debra Flaherty
• Kevin Chin
• Laura Michelis
• Lee Wood.
The members in attendance really enjoyed the day. Afterward, many members went to local breweries: Gilberts in Key Largo and 39th Annual Art Under the Oaks in Plantation Key. While there, attendees continued the fun with arts & crafts, live entertainment, plus more food and drinks.
To those members who went, thank you for attending. It was great seeing everyone! For those who missed this one, many members said they would like to see another Dine & Drive to the Keys within the next six months. It is a toprated, popular event that is enjoyed by many. We will do our best to arrange another drive in June before hurricane
The PCA Juniors program is here for kids to enjoy PCA events, learn about Porsches, and continue the passion that runs throughout the Porsche Club of America. As a PCA member, you may sign up your child, grandchild, niece, or nephew under the age of 18. It's free to join! Your PCA Junior will receive a welcome box with an ID name badge in the mail. Many region events include activities for children and teens geared to grow enthusiasm for Porsche and PCA for generations to come.
SIGN UP HERE. IT’S FREE! https://www.pca.org/pca-juniors
Download and enjoy custom coloring sheets created by coloring book illustrator Fireball Tim.
DOWNLOAD HERE: https://www.pca.org/pca-juniors-activities
In addition to the huge regional social media presence, the club is active at the National level, too. Join us for our daily posts on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.
We bring you the inside scoop at PCA and Porsche events, auto shows, road tests, Porsche Panorama video and photoshoots, and more. Help us grow our social media community and subscribe to them all!
FACEBOOK @PorscheClubOfAmerica
HASHTAGS : #PorscheClubOfAmerica #PCATogether
That’s Porsche’s goal for electrification of it’s fleet: 80% full electric by the year 2030. That is a fully committed company!
A few short years ago, in 2019, we witnessed the introduction of the Taycan, Porsche’s all-electric sedan.
the best driver’s cars in the world. But Porsche has also committed to reaching carbon-neutrality by 2030! Thinking about that, how can Porsche then justify maintaining the production of an ICE platform?
produced. The symbolic act took place in Punta Arenas, Chile, site of the pilot plant that has been in the works for the past several years, and is now producing (albeit in reduced volume) the new, clean alternative to gasoline, a synthetic methanol produced by a very complex process that uses water, hydrogen and carbon dioxide. This wonder-fuel enables a nearly neutral CO2 operation of internal combustion engines that otherwise use gasoline.
For the year 2021, Taycans epresented 14% of Porsche’s vehicle production, even outselling the iconic 911.
The next two platforms to be offered as EVs from Porsche will be the Macan (2023) and the 718 Boxster / Cayman (2025). The fate of the 911 is still up in the air, although a hybrid version has been talked about without a specific timeframe.
The previous paragraph as well as the title of this article seem to cryptically announce that Porsche isn’t planning to completely give up on the ICE (internal combustion engine) altogether, at least not for it’s flagship 911, considered by many as one of
That question may have been answered this past week when two Porsche executives filled up a 911 from the first batch of eFuel ever
In the initial (pilot) phase the plant will produce 130,000 liters (34,342 gallons) per year and this fuel will be used mainly for Porsche Motorsports, including the Porsche Mobil1 Supercup and the Porsche Experience Centers’ vehicles. By 2025 it is expected that production will ramp up to 55 million liters (14.5 million gallons) and by 2027 the facility should be supplying 550 million liters (145 million gallons) per year.
Initially it won’t be cheap. The first batch destined for Porsche Motorsports has a cost of 10€ per
liter or $45 per gallon. But, by 2026 Porsche expects the price to drop to around $7.50 per gallon due to efficiencies of scale and further technological developments.
The project is a joint effort between Porsche, Highly Innovative Fuels, Siemens Energy, ExxonMobil and the Chilean oil and gas companies ENAP and Empresas Gasco. The process sounds way simpler than the execution:
A Siemens wind turbine (3.4 megawatt) powers a Siemens proton exchange membrane, which produces green hydrogen from water by electrolysis at 65% efficiency.
As the production needs grow, the wind-generated power will ramp up to 2.5 gigawatts, further improving efficiency. At the same time, a Global Thermostats system scrubs CO2 from the air using a special ceramic honeycomb matrix which yields 98% pure CO2. When the hydrogen and CO2 are run through a copperzinc catalyst, green methanol is produced. Finally, the methanol is vaporized, superheated and passed through a fluid-bed reactor where a special ExxonMobil catalyst helps convert it to gasoline, with water as a byproduct. Because of the additives and blending requirements to ensure that eFuel can serve as a drop-in replacement for crude-based gasoline,
the carbon intensity figure is 10, not zero. That still means that burning it results in 90% less net carbon than standard gasoline, but with identical performance properties.
Porsche’s end game is to ensure there’s a carbon-neutral fuel that can power the 70% of all Porsches ever built that will still be on the road long after the new car fleet is fully electrified.
For more information on EVs, ICE and more, please visit my website: www PedrosGarage.com.
Happy Porsche’ing, Pedro
1/4 Page ( 4.75” h x 3.5” w) $75
1/2 Page ( 4.75” h x 7.5” w) $130
Full Page (11” h x 8.5” w) $225
Full Page (Inside Cover) $250
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2018 and 2019 1st place winner concours d’elegance PCA Goldcoast region best in class award! 28k miles. $72,900. For details, search PCA mart Classified Ads: 51049.
There is one year and unlimited milage available on the CPO. Paint protection and a Becker exhaust was installed. I have the original exhaust. 45,600 miles. This is garage kept and a weekend car. $50,999 Paul Orofino 407-496-0019 Cell paul@mdsinc.me
One Ansul Sentry Halon 1211, one Amerex Halotron, each 5 pounds and fully charged. Ansul comes with bracket for wall mounting. Price is $100 each. Call/text Rich 201 602-1947, richardwyeth1@gmail.com
Pair (2) 43mm spacers, H&R part # 8695716. These bolt to the hub using existing wheel studs and special lug nuts (included). Price for the pair is $100. Contact info above.
Wheelchair for Porsche
Steel Transport Chair with Permanent Full-Length Arms, Swing-Away Footrest, Large 12” wheels, seat belt. Fits in the trunk of a Porsche. Like new only used a few times. Colors are burgundy and grey, lightweight 23.5 lbs. 300 lbs weight capacity. $175 Contact Roger Fabel at rfabel@aol.com.or text 954 752-2501.
Various parts : Engine cover with complete spoiler for 997 Carrera S (Black)
Various suspension struts, 996 Cup factory headers (2001)
996 cup rear spoiler (2001), Steering rod with knuckles old 911
Throttle bellcrank old 911, Turbo 1997 993 5324-1015075( probably needs rebuild)
Cylinder heads (2) 901.105.111.OR, Factory Service manual 993 Turbo
Call or text Lee @ 516-446-0025 ( can send photos)
Die Porsche Kassette Classified Ads – Submission Rules
• Classified Ads are free for GCR PCA members
• Maximum count: 60 words – NO PHOTOS ALLOWED
• Submit by 1st of month for following month issue
• Runs for one month only, must re-submit if necessary
• Must include: first name, email address and phone number
• Submit to rfabel@aol.com for inclusion in Kassette
Ricardo’s Turbo, along with three other «cousins,» lives in Redland (aka «the Redlands »), the historic, unincorporated agricultural community south of Miami. Ricardo and his wife, Virginia, have owned a 911 Targa since 1990 but the Turbo has always been Ricardo’s dream car. Ricardo missed getting a 1989 model and eventually bought this 996 TT with few miles. As many 996 types, this Turbo was reasonably priced and handles like a super car. “I flashed the ECU to about 510 HP” says Ricardo, “. . . and it always puts a smile on my face.”
What about the red fuzzy dice? Ricardo says that he has fuzzy dice hanging from the rearview mirror in all of their Porsches that are either matching or a contrasting color.
The other “cousins” include a 1986 Silver Targa with contrasting red fuzzy dice, a Lapis Blue 2007 Boxster S with matching blue fuzzy dice and an Amethyst 968 Cabriolet with (sort of) matching purple dice. Virginia’s 968 was featured in the April 2021 Kassette Photo of the Month.
The red bougainvilleas make a great background for the silver 996 Turbo. The dice, brake lights and brake add nice red accents to complement the flowers. Ricardo and Virginia truly share a passion and love of Porsche.
Ricardo took this photo with a Leica V-Lux 5 and a Leica 24-400 mm lens
Have a cool picture of your Porsche? Then submit it with a description to photofinish@goldcoastregion.org.