August 2013 Charolais Banner

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Pasture shots of other homozygous polled herdsires at Hicks Charolais Semen Exportable World Wide Come see us and select your next herdsire Hicks Sir Winston 33W KCM Tribulation 937W Charolais Banner • August 2013 3
2013 Promotional Team can be seen at major Canadian shows

On the cover…

Anders, Elizabeth and Carl Ingemarsson hosted a World Technical Conference visit at their farm, Strömsnäs gård .

Photos: Helge By Design: Susan Penner

124 Shannon Road Regina, Saskatchewan S4S 5B1 Ph. (306) 546-3940 • Fax (306) 546-3942 ISSN 0824-1767

Helge By, Manager/Publisher

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Saskatchewan, Manitoba, USA & Eastern Canada Helge By

124 Shannon Rd., Regina, SK S4S 5B1 Office (306) 546-3940 Office Fax (306) 546-3942 Res. (306) 584-7937 Cell (306) 536-4261 email:

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Animals in the photographs in the Banner have not been altered by computer enhancement or mechanical methods according to the knowledge of the publisher.

The material produced in this publication is done so with the highest integrity, however, we assume no responsibility for errors or omissions. We are responsible for only the value of the advertisement.

Charolais Banner (ISSN 0824-1767) is published 5 times per year (February, May, Aug, Oct and December) by Charolais Banner Inc., Regina, SK.

4 Charolais Banner • August 2013
Registration No.
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Charolais Banner
Saskatchewan Charolais Association AGM.............................................30 Manitoba Pen Show.................................................................................36 Heart of Canada Show.............................................................................40 Charolais International AGM...................................................................44 World Charolais Technical Conference....................................................51 CCA New Members...................................................................................71 Obituary –Bill MacDonald.......................................................................71 From the Field.............................................................................................8 Du champ...................................................................................................10 Charolais Life.............................................................................................12 Keeping Track............................................................................................20 Canadian Charolais Youth Association News.........................................28 Herd Health ..............................................................................................70 Rates..........................................................................................................80 Calendar.....................................................................................................81 Index..........................................................................................................82
Departments Features
Postage paid at Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada. Printed by: Western Litho Printers Ltd.
No. 40047726
124 Shannon Road Regina, Saskatchewan S4S 5B1 Canada
August 2013 VOL. 47, NO. 3
See these genetics on the fall show road and in our 4TH ANNUAL BULL SALE MARCH 27th At the farm Michael, Judy & family 306-267-5655 Box 81, Coronach, SK S0H 0Z0 • Visitors Welcome KLR 142A Another son to watch for KLR 165A Lots of growth here SIRE POWERat Elder Charolais… GRANTS PLAYBOY 3X Homozygous Polled CE 100 BW -5.7, and sons with shape Sire of ZEUS, the high seller in this year’s bull sale SPARROWS NIXON 111Y Correct & complete, the first calves from this Lanza son are solid. EPD in the top 5% for weaning & yearling. SRK CANYON 2Y Homozygous Polled & Red CE 98 BW -2 and lots of growth and matermal Siring performance meat bulls with many top sellers in our bull sale ELDERS WAHKAMO 919W Charolais Banner • August 2013 5
SPARROWS SEMINOLE 927W Mr. Consistency and his sons find great acceptance from both the purebred breeders and commercial men. Latoro son in the top 2% for WW & YW WHITECAP REVOLVER 69Y His first calves look promising with good growth and style. Double Polled, ½ French son of Till’s Echo with a minus BW EPD. Box 7 Miami, MB R0G 1H0 Dan & Pat 204-435-2021 Andre & Katie 204-435-2463 C 204-750-1951 6 miles W of Miami and 1.5 miles S PRIVATE TREATY - Packages of Bred Cows, Bred Heifers and Open Heifer calves. Available for viewing in the fall. STEPPLER FARMS 3RD ANNUAL BULL SALE, MARCH 25, 2014 Watch for our sale consignments at Agribition and the No Borders Sale. 6 Charolais Banner • August 2013
Shawn & Tanya Airey & family Harry & Joan Airey PO Box 639, Rivers, MB R0K 1X0 T 204-328-7704 C 204-724-8823 Find us on Facebook! STA COBALT 205Z C2 CHAROLAIS, La Riviere, MB ¾ Interest and Full Possession HTA RANCHHAND 222Z MCKEARY CHAROLAIS, Compeer, AB ¾ Interest and Full Possession HTA LATIGO 246Z WILGENBUSCH CHAROLAIS, Halbrite, SK ¾ Interest and Full Possession RAMMER CHAROLAIS Cardale, MB 4G CHAROLAIS RANCH Yorkton, SK CONNECTION CATTLE CO. Lorette, MB LAUREL CREEK RANCH Abernathy, SK SKE CHAROLAIS Hartney, MB RED DIAMOND FARM Whitemouth, MB We invite you to stop by to walk through the pens anytime! Charolais Banner • August 2013 7

It has been a very busy few months since my last editorial which is always a good thing. In May I toured a number of herds in Alberta which was excellent. Some of the herds I hadn’t been through for a few years and some I had never been through. I found the attitude and enthusiasm there is as good as it has been in a long time. It is very encouraging touring when everyone is positive and looking forward to the future of the Charolais business. Many had stories of new customers that are emerging and this was great to hear.

It is interesting how over the years you learn things and they are continually re affirmed in your mind. Across the country this spring not everyone was as successful at selling all their bulls. One thing I have found is the people who make time to be active in their community, their region, their provincial affairs, and support projects like 4 H, junior activities and other things are often the most successful at marketing their product. Everyone is busy, but to be successful at marketing you have to be out there, active and work at it. From year to year you will have ups and downs but over the long haul, if you work with your customers and help them with their needs you will be successful. Even just staying in touch a couple times a year on the phone is so basic, but so important.

In June, the Saskatchewan Association held their 50th Annual General Meeting. There was the best turn out in years with many of the foundation families in attendance and being recognized. It was a great time and the Canadian Association Annual Meeting held in conjunction with it also had good participation and discussion.

Although we were away for both, I understand that the pen show and picnic and the Heart of Canada show in Manitoba were also very good provincial events. Manitoba has some very enthusiastic younger breeders

who are sure trying to make things better for the breed in that province.

In June Candace and I traveled to Norway and spent a week touring some Charolais herds. The quality of the cowherds we toured definitely improved since we were there six years ago. The Canadian influence is also prevalent in some, which is good to see. Norway is a beautiful country and we drove across more of it this time seeing a lot of different terrains.

Norway was a stop on the way to Sweden for the World Charolais Technical Conference, which is not like a World Congress but smaller and more of a brain storming, working trip. This was very interesting and you can read all about it in this issue.

Back home in Canada we went to Calgary for a two day Genomics conference put on by the Canadian Simmental Association. We went a day early and caught the final day of the Calgary Stampede. We wanted to check out this venue as we are hosting the World Technical Conference in Canada in 2015 and found great acceptance from the participants in Sweden to spend a couple of days at this international renowned event.

The Genomics seminar featured the leading experts in the field from around the world and helped us understand the potential this new technology holds. An example I found interesting came from the dairy industry. As usual they are ahead of the beef industry in this field and have got to the stage where they will flush a cow and take a small biopsy of each embryo. They freeze the embryos until they can get the DNA analyzed and decide which embryos they want to implant by seeing the markers for all the traits they select for in that industry. The genetic advancements that can be made are incredibly fast now compared to waiting until they had proven the bulls before they used them heavily.

The one thing that still needs to be done for this to be most effective is to combine it with accurate actual herd data. The more accurate data that goes

From the Field

in to the training panels the more effective this tool will be in the future. I know the CCA board of directors will be coming out with some projects on Genomics in the near future so I encourage you to watch for this and to embrace this new technology.

From there we went to Ontario for the CCYA Conference and Show. Hot weather didn’t temper the excitement of the young participants and a great time was had by all. Some of the western dads did some herd tours which was good. Some had never been to Ontario and found many interesting differences in farming practices. There is always something to learn touring cattle operations whether it is in a different part of the country or the world.

Due to time constraints, Cynthia Beck will no longer be handling any of our website coordination. We thank her for the amount she was able to assist us. For now, please contact Candace for all of your updates and web advertising requests.

I am now finishing some picturing across Manitoba and Saskatchewan for this issue and seeing some great prospects for the fall show and sale season. When you get this, there will still be some good weather to do some touring and I invite you all to do some extra traveling to see some herds. You will never regret getting into some new yards.

I hope you find this 47th Annual Herdsire edition interesting from both the editorial content and breeders programs that are promoted in it. There are some great sales happening this fall right across the country with the early sales in eastern Canada and I encourage you to support as many as you can with your attendance, even if it isn’t with your cheque book.

If Craig or I can be of any assistance in helping you promote your program or when you can’t make it to a sale, please don’t hesitate to give us a call.

Until next time, Helge

8 Charolais Banner • August 2013
Pleasant Dawn Charolais Box 40, Oak Lake, MB R0M 1P0 • Tully & Arlene Hatch, Kevin HatchT/F 204-855-2402 • Tully C 204-748-7595 • Trent & Ashley Hatch 204-855-3078 • C 204-721-3078 • PLEASANT DAWN RAZOR 14W• Heterozygous Polled CE 90 BW -.5 WW 49 YW 107 M 26.6 TM 51 Calving ease, explosive growth and maternal from our most prolific cow family. Purchased by Temple Farms this spring. This year’s calf crop is very good again. HBSF EXTRA 2X • Polled • ½ French Silverstream Performer x Cougarhill Hank Top 1% for weaning and yearling weights. Powerful outcross. We also retained a son to use this year. SPARROWS VOLT 102Y • Homozygous Polled Lanza x Nuevo son with powerful growth and maternal traits EATONS BIG BUD 10402 P Outcross genetics from the Eaton herd in Montana. Calving ease, performance & thickness Co-owned with Eaton Charolais FOOTPRINTS CROSSFIRE 113Y • Polled • ½ French Impressive thickness in these calves from this meat machine These are the sires of the bulls in our 12TH ANNUAL BULL SALE March 15, 2014 in Virden See more of our program at or on the show road Pleasant Dawn Charolais The Herdsires in our Program Charolais Banner • August 2013 9

Jʹavais des mois très occupés depuis mon dernier éditorial ; il nous fait bien d’être occupé. Au mois de mai jʹai visité des troupeaux en Alberta qui était excellent. Je nʹavais pas vus pendant quelques années certains des troupeaux et certains troupeaux il était la première visite. Il est encore bon lʹattitude et lʹenthousiasme en Alberta et c’était merveilleux d’entendre les histoires des nouveaux clients du charolais qui émergent. Chacun est positif et attendant avec intérêt le futur des affaires du charolais.

À travers le pays ce printemps il n’est pas tous les éleveurs qui on vendu tous leur taureaux. Souvent le plus réussi à faire du marketing est le peuple qui sont en activité dans leur communauté, leur région, leurs affaires provinciales et projets comme le 4 H où de la jeunesse. Chacun est occupé mais il est important de mettre un effort dans votre marketing. Il y aura se lève et avale mais si vous travaillez avec vos clients et assistez leurs besoins, vous serez réussi. Contacter même vos clients par téléphone de temps en temps est minimale mais quand même il est très important.

En juin lʹassociation de la Saskatchewan du charolais a tenu leur cinquantième assemblée générale annuelle. Plus de personnes ont assisté cette réunion annuelle quʹil y avait eu lieu en années. Plusieurs des familles qui ont fondé le charolais en Saskatchewan ont été reconnues pour leurs contributions à la race. Cʹétait un grand temps et lʹassemblée générale annuelle de l’association canadienne du charolais a été tenue pendant la même fin de semaine aussi.

Je comprends que le pique nique de l’association du charolais de manitoba et l’exposition « Coeur du Canada » étaient également des événements très bons. Manitoba a quelques éleveurs qui sont plus jeunes et qui sont très enthousiastes de la race charolais. Ils font beaucoup de rendre la race meilleur dans leur province. Candace et moi nous avons voyagé en

Norvège en juin et nous avons passé une semaine voyageant des troupeaux charolais. Il y a six ans depuis que nous étions là et la qualité des troupeaux de vaches que nous avons voyagés sʹest certainement améliorée. Il était bon de voir lʹinfluence canadienne répandue dans certains des troupeaux. La Norvège est un beau pays et nous avons conduit à travers plus de la campagne cette fois voyant beaucoup de terrains différents.

Nous nous sommes arrêtés en Norvège pendant notre voyage au Suède pour la Conférence Mondial Technique du Charolais. La conférence technique est plus petite que le congrès du monde et elle est plus un voyage fonctionnant. Il était très intéressant et vous pouvez lire plus à son sujet plus loin dans cette revue de la « Charolais Banner ».

Nous sommes allés à Calgary pour une conférence de deux jours sur la génomique accueillie par lʹassociation canadienne de simmental. Nous sommes également allés pour la journée finale du Calgary Stampede. Le Calgary Stampede est un événement renommé du monde et nous étions intéressés à voir ce lieu de rendez vous parce que le Canada accueille la conférence technique du monde en 2015.

La conférence de génomique a comporté de principaux experts de partout dans le monde et ils nous ont aidés à comprendre le potentiel de la nouvelle technologie des génomiques. Venu de lʹindustrie laitière est un exemple de technologie génomique lequel jʹai trouvé intéressant. Comme dʹhabitude lʹindustrie laitière est en avance de lʹindustrie de boeuf dans le domaine de la génomique. Ils ont atteint lʹétape où ils peuvent faire un fleuvement d’une vache puis fait une biopsie de chaque embryon pour lʹADN. Les embryons sont alors gelés jusquʹà ce que lʹADN soit analysé. LʹADN fournit des données sur les marqueurs de traits choisis par des sélectionneurs dans lʹindustrie laitière. Les sélectionneurs implantent seulement les embryons qui ont montré ces marqueurs. Les avancements génétiques que la génomique peut fournir sont

incroyablement rapides comparés à la preuve d’attente de la progéniture sur des taureaux.

Il est nécessaire dʹavoir des données précises de troupeau pour que la génomique soit la plus efficace. Je sais que le conseil de CCA sortira avec quelques projets sur la génomique à lʹavenir ainsi je vous encourage à embrasser cette nouvelle technologie.

Nous avons voyagé de Calgary à Ontario pour la conférence et lʹexposition de CCYA « L’association canadienne de la jeunesse du charolais ». Il fait très chaud mais les temps nʹont pas gâché lʹexcitation des jeunes participants et un grand temps a été eu par tous. Quelques uns des pères du Canada occidental ont voyagé des troupeaux et ont trouvé beaucoup de différences intéressantes dans des pratiques agricoles. Il y a toujours quelque chose apprendre voyager des opérations de bétail si on est dans une partie différente du pays ou du monde.

Actuellement je prends des images aux troupeaux à travers Manitoba et Saskatchewan pour cette revue et je vois quelques grandes perspectives pour la saison dʹexposition et de vente dʹautomne. Je vous invite à voyager quelques troupeaux tandis que le temps est encore agréable. Vous ne regretterez pas à rencontrer des personnes et voir de nouveaux bétail.

J’espère que vous trouvez cette quarante septième édition annuelle de Herdsire intéressant avec des programmes éditoriaux et de sélectionneurs qui sont favorisés. Il y a quelques grandes ventes se produisant à travers le pays cet automne avec les ventes tôt commençant au Canada oriental. Je vous encourage à soutenir lʹautant de comme vous pouvez avec votre assistance, même si il nʹest pas avec votre livre de chèque.

Si Craig ou moi peut être de nʹimporte quelle aide à faire promouvoir votre programme ou quand vous ne pouvez pas assister à une vente, veuillez ne pas hésitez à nous donner un appel.

À la prochaine, Helge

10 Charolais Banner • August 2013
Du Champ Helge By
Jackie Sproule Cell 403-627-6662 Where Beef is #1 PLEASANT DAWN RADAR 25Y Double Polled • CE 78 BW -1.3 WW 46 YW 86 M 28.2 TM 51 JS STALLONE 17U Red Factor, Polled • CE 26 BW 4.7 WW 46 YW 84 M 20.4 TM 44 JS HANSOM 114M Dbl Red • CE 89 BW 1.2 WW 45 YW 89 M 18.6 TM 41 HEJ MIDNIGHJT SUN 48U 3rd Gen Red • CE 76 BW 1.5 WW 50 YW 91 M 10.3 TM 35 HTA TUFF ENUFF 947W Dbl Red, 3rd Gen Pld • CE 96 BW -1.4 WW 45 YW 84 M 22.5 TM 45 COMPLETE HERD DISPERSAL 306-584-7937 Helge By 306-536-4261 Candace By 306-536-3374 Featuring the Get & Service of these Herdsires November 22, 2013 • High River, AB They Sell! Sale Manager Charolais Banner • August 2013 11

Charolais Life

This column will be dedicated to keeping Charolais members in touch with the people of the business. It will contain births, weddings, convocations and momentous anniversaries and events of note, but not high school graduations. If you have news and/or photos you’d like to submit, please email for print in upcoming issues.


Back (L to R): Gary Smith, Gordon Stephenson, Rod Remin, Wendy Belcher, Rob Smith, Roger Peters. Front (L to R): Doug Fee, Executive Director; David Bolduc, President; Garner Deobold, Vice President; Byron Templeton, Past President Forsyth Wins World Stock Dog Championship Final Kaelene Forsyth, Forsyth Bros Charolais, Eriksdale, Manitoba, won the World Stock Dog Championship title at the Calgary Stampede, 2013. Kaelene and her dog Gypsy had their assigned three sheep in the pen just one minute and seventeen seconds after they started, earning them the $10,000 prize.

This is Kaelene’s second visit to the final round at Stampede. This year there were 53 entries in the competition.

Kaelene and her dad, Campbell Forsyth attended the U.S. National Cattle Dog Finals in Steamboat Springs, Colorado, in June. Campbell finished 5th and Kaelene placed ninth overall.

Quinton Family Wins BMO Farm Family Award at Calgary Stampede

The Quintons were among the sixteen families, each representing a county or municipal district, gathered together to celebrate the values, heritage and hard work that built and continuesto build Alberta’s rural communities and agricultural economy.

Each family honoured represented a multi generational contribution to the health of their community –not just by growing a successful agricultural business, but also by participating in the various inter related structures that make up a vital rural society.

The Quintons represented Cardston County and have a herd of 200 purebred Charolais cows and a commercial cattle operation which sees them sell about 80 bred heifers every year. Char Maine Ranching also has its own annual bull sale.

The Quintons have been working the same ranch since 1892, when James Quinton came to the Cardston area from Idaho. Steven and Darilyn live in a house only 100 yards from the site of the original cabin.

International Youth Livestock Scholarship Recipients at Calgary Stampede

Six CCYA members were among the recipients receiving $80,000 of scholarships this year at Stampede. In order to qualify, teenaged competitors had to have already topped their class at the lead up to Stampede – the Summer Synergy show held in July in Olds.

Megan McLeod, McLeod Livestock, Cochrane was one of four recipients of $3000 scholarships.

Jessica Sperber, Rimbey; Luke Marshall, Future Farms, Innisfail and Raymond Gallelli, Crossfield, all received $2000 scholarships.

Ward Marshall and Jade Marshall, Future Farms, Innisfail also received $1000 scholarships.

Deobald Elected CBBC Vice President Deobald, Hodgeville, SK, was elected to the Board of Directors as Vice President at the 2013 Canadian Beef Breeds Council annual meeting this spring. Megan McLeod Jessica Sperber Luke Marshall
continued on page 14 12 Charolais Banner • August 2013
Raymond Gallelli Ward Marshall Jade Marshall
Charolais Banner • August 2013



T Bar C Cattle Co. Looks to the Future

Ted and Mina Serhienko announced the sale of T Bar C Cattle Co. Ltd. and Today’s Publishing Inc. to Chris Poley as of June 1, 2013. Having worked with T Bar C Cattle Co. marketing cattle nationally and internationally, the transition is a natural progression. Ted and Mina will continue to be a part of the T Bar team in a senior advisory capacity. Bryan Kostiuk will remain the editor of the various projects of Today’s Publishing.

Michelson Joins T Bar C Team

T Bar C Cattle Co. (2013) Ltd. announced the addition of Shane Michelson to its marketing team. Shane and his wife Alaina own and operate Michelson Land and Cattle and have raised and exhibited champions across Canada and the United States. Since 2009, Shane has actively marketed cattle across North America.

It’s a Boy

Cameron Lorne Pumfrey was born on February 22, 2013, and weighed 7 lb. 13 oz. His proud parents are Lorne and Theresa Pumfrey and his awesome big brother is Kelly. Grandparents are Kelly and Ferneida Langstaff, Wallaceburg, Ontario.

Winnipeg Harvest Benefits from Beef Auction Agri Post, July 26

Two fat beef steers were the object of a bidding war for a charity

fundraising golf tournament hosted by Granite Financial’s Doug Lochhead. The event to benefit Winnipeg Harvest was held at the Southwood Gold and Country Club and included the beef auction which raised $3,000 for the non profit organization.

One steer was donated by Walking Plow Charolais, owned and operated by Emerson MLA Cliff Graydon, and the other was provided by Calvin Vaggs, of the Plains Processors and Associates.

“I was proud to have been of service to Winnipeg Harvest at this event,” Graydon said, “Winnipeg Harvest is an important advocate for hunger and poverty issues and it is important to do all we can to help those in need.”

The beef was auctioned off by Winnipeg celebrity Ace Burpee.

14 Charolais Banner • August 2013
JWX BUCKLE 1X JWX Silver Buckle 524U x CS Pld Junction 4J BW -5.8 WW 32 YW 67 TM 45 PLEASANT DAWN MVP 316Y Pleasant Dawn Magnum 50T x LT Rio Blanco 1234P BW -2.5 WW 54 YW 99 TM 56 TURNBULL CHAROLAIS Curtis & Nanette Turnbull • Box 208, Pincher Creek,AB T0K 1W0 T 403-627-4535 C 403-627-6951 • Raising Quality Charolais in the Foothills of the Rockies
Country Bull Sale • First Saturday in March, Pincher Creek, AB
Langstaff Charolais is pleased to welcome its newest member.
Charolais Banner • August 2013
Banner • August 2013
Charolais Banner • August 2013 17
• August 2013
Charolais Banner
RR 2, Innisfail, AB T4G 1T7 Dory, Janine, Alex, Damon & Kane Gerrard 403-227-5632 Dave, Terry & Kurt Gerrard 403-227-2503• BW 102, 205 DW 883, 365 DW 1515 • BW 2.6 WW 53 YW 92 M 24.3 TM 51 Gerrard35Z Pastor Gerrard Cattle Company would to thank McLeod Livestock for their purchase of Pastor, the high selling bull in Canada this spring. We would also like to thank these great operations that purchased semen packs on Pastor after the sale: ~ Cedarlea Farms ~ McAvoy Charolais ~ Prairie Cove Charolais ~ Springside Charolais ~ Wilgenbusch Charolais We also send a sincere thanks to all the buyers and bidders that made the Mountain View Bull Sale such a huge success for us We are very excited to invite you to the Gerrard Cattle Company Long Yearling Bull & Female Sale on December 7, 2013, in Innisfail, Alberta
Banner • August 2013 19

CCA adopting SNP technology

The world of DNA and genomics is ever changing and developing. As an association, we’ve decided to convert from microsatellite (STR) to single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) technology for all of our DNA samples. Many breeds in the industry have or are in the process of converting technologies. The impact to the breeder will be minimal; hair samples will still be submitted and at no change in cost. The CCA will continue to retain our successful partnership with Maxxam, a leader in the provision of analytical DNA and parentage verification. Parentage verification will be completed using a panel of 111 SNP markers that include all 100 of the globally ISAG recommended core markers. In all cases, we will use our best efforts to not exceed 15 business day turnaround times for parentage verifications. The conversion to SNP technology is made possible through the Genome Canada project and funding from the Alberta Livestock and Meat Agency Ltd. We will be building a training population from past DNA samples in the charolais herd and working towards incorporating information that we’ve gathered into genomically enhanced EPDs. For additional information please feel free to contact Mel at the CCA office at any time.

Highlights from the Annual General Meeting, June 7, 2013

The 2013 AGM was well attended this past June and was held in conjunction with SCA’s 50th Anniversary celebrations. Ursula Corpataux, Alberta, Bernard Begin, Quebec and Brian Coughlin, Director at Large all had expired terms and were due for nominations. After six years of dedication to the CCA board, Ursula has decided to retire. The CCA board welcomed Rod McLeod as the Alberta Director, Bernard Begin and Brian Coughlin were both re elected as the Quebec Director and Director at Large respectively. Changes to the Executive Committee include Brent Saunders, Ontario being elected President; Wade Beck, Saskatchewan, Past President; John Wilgenbusch, Saskatchewan

First Vice President and Brian Coughlin, Ontario elected as Second Vice President.

Whole Herd Enrollment remains constant and we continue to welcome new members to our Association. In 2012, the Association realized a slight profit due in part by the return on our investments. Financial Reports were circulated.

Sean McGrath addressed the membership with updates on the Genome Canada Project and the importance it carries for the betterment of the breed, and all breeds in the industry. Genome Canada will be fully sequencing the top twenty five influential bulls of the Canadian Charolais Herd. We can utilize the DNA information to develop genomic information that allows us to improve gains among young sires

2320 - 41st Avenue N.E., Calgary, AB T2E 6W8 T: (403) 250-9242 • F: (403) 291-9324 E: •
2013 CCA Board of Directors (back l-r): Lyle Bignell, AB; Ricky Milton, PE; Bernard Begin, QC; Kelly Carson, GM; (front l-r) John Wilgenbusch, 1st Vice-President, SK; Brent Saunders, President, ON; Brian Coughlin, 2nd Vice-President, ON; Wade Beck, Past President, SK; missing Dory Gerrard, AB; Rod McLeod, AB and Campbell Forsyth, MB
20 Charolais Banner • August 2013

and move forward with the breed at a more efficient pace by improving accuracies for selection. Any members with dried or old semen tanks please call Sean McGrath as you may be able to contribute to the project.

The only By Law Amendment this year was the housekeeping of Article III, 1. (c) of the CCA By Laws with the removal of unnecessary text.



Moving forward, we’ll be updating and improving the CCA website, continuing to promote the silvers and will always welcome suggestions for testimonials. Everyone eligible is encouraged to apply for the CCA Scholarships; the deadline remains October 31, 2013. We’re also looking forward to the National Show being held in Edmonton this coming November.

Beef Innovations 2013

In mid July, The Canadian Simmental Association hosted a two day meeting in Calgary that was aimed at serving the beef industry as a whole, regardless of coat colour or geographic location. The event provided an unmatched collaboration of world class experts, industry representatives and held the stage for all to network and share questions, ideas and situations in which we could better our individual positions and understanding. The overall theme for the gathering was: GENOMICS. There’s a movement to incorporate genomics into EPDs and many breed organizations around the world are working towards this. One of the greatest values in the Genomically Enhanced EPDs (GE EPD) is the increased accuracy of evaluations for young animals. With the advancements in technology, we should continue to phenotype as we are and add genotyping (through the SNP technology) to increase our efficiencies and accuracies. One speaker left a particularly strong

impression with me, “we don’t want to be the milking shorthorns of the beef industry”. We should test our animals, use the tools available, support our breed and ask questions. The real benefit comes from having your animals included in the group. Don’t get left behind, embrace the tools available and help move the Canadian Beef Industry forward. For more information on the Beef Innovations 2013 meetings, please contact Mel at 403.250.9242.

These are interesting and exciting times ahead for the Charolais breed. Get involved, show your Charolais Pride!

Bulls still required for the Genome Canada Project (high priority bulls are listed, for a complete list please contact the CCA office)

Ancestor Bulls







Younger bulls











Office Staff Update

After reviewing performance and priorities, the Canadian Charolais Association Board has made the decision to excuse Kelly Carson from his role as General Manager. The best interests of the CCA Membership and the betterment of the Canadian Charolais herd are at the forefront of any significant change to the Association and thus, not taken lightly. We look forward to the future and what it holds for our breed; questions may be brought to any Board member and are encouraged.

Charolais Banner • August 2013 21
25 Year Member Awards were presented to Pete Stewart, Simpson and Brenda and John Wilgenbusch, Halbrite by President Wade Beck

Left: Members on hand to receive Dam of Distinction Awards were Jeralyn Rasmussen, HEJ Charolais, Innisfail, AB; Carey Weinbender, Sliding Hills Charolais, Canora, SK; Jackie Sproule, Sproule Charolais, Pincher Creek, AB; Murray Blake, Wood River Charolais, McCord, SK; Garner Deobald, Cedarlea Farms, Hodgeville, SK; Brent Saunder, Saunders Charolais, Markdale, ON; Marilyn Johnson, Tee M Jay Charolais, Ashern, MB; Lyle Bignell, Buffalo Lake Charolais, Stettler, AB; Terry Johnson, Tee M Jay Charolais; Layne Evans, Horseshoe E Charolais, Kenaston, SK

Below: Left to Right: Wade Beck presented Helge By with a 40 Year Member Award; Ursula Corpataux received an appreciation gift for years of service on the CCA Board; Wade Beck presented Joyce Stewart with an Honour Scroll; Gerry Bowes received an Honour Scroll from Wade Beck

Points culminants de l'assemblée générale annuelle, le 7 juin 2013

L’assemblée générale annuelle de 2013 de l’association canadienne du charolais a été tenu en même temps que les célébrations de lʹanniversaire cinquantième de l’association de la Saskatchewan du charolais ; les deux événements ont été bien occupés. Les limites du directeur qui ont été expirées étaient pour l’Alberta Ursula Corpataux, pour le Québec Bernard Begin et le directeur dans son ensemble Brian Coughlin. Ursula Corpataux sʹest retiré de la position du directeur dʹAlberta après six ans dʹattachement au conseil de l’ACC. Nommés et accueillis au conseil de l’ACC est Rod McLeod, directeur dʹAlberta, Bernard Begin réélu en tant que directeur du Québec, et Brian Coughlin a été réélu en tant que directeur dans son ensemble. Les changements au

comité de direction incluent Brent Saunders dʹOntario, il été élu comme président, Wade Beck de Saskatchewan il est devenu président passé, John Wilgenbusch de Saskatchewan il été élu président Premier Vice et Brian Coughlin d’Ontario élu en tant que Deuxième Vice président.

L’enrolement complète de troupeau reste constante et nous continuons à faire du bon accueil aux nouveaux membres à notre association. En 2012, le retour sur nos investissements lʹassociation a réalisé un léger bénéfice. Des rapports financiers ont été distribués lors de lʹassemblée générale annuelle.

Sean McGrath sʹest adressé à lʹadhésion avec des mises à jour sur le projet génomique du Canada et de lʹimportance quʹil porte pour la plus value de la race, et à toutes les races dans lʹindustrie. Le « Génome Canada » ordonnancera entièrement

les vingt cinq taureaux influents principaux du troupeau canadien du charolais. Nous pouvons utiliser lʹinformation dʹADN pour développer lʹinformation génomique laquelle nous permet dʹaméliorer des gains parmi de jeunes taureaux et dʹavancer la race à un rythme plus efficace. Vous pouvez contribuer au projet si vous avez les réservoirs de sperme secs ou vieux. Si vous les avez veuillez entrer en contact avec Sean McGrath.

Le seul amendement de règlement de l’ACC cette année était le déplacement du texte inutile en Article III, 1. (c). YEA 31. NON 0. Mouvement adopté unanimement.

Le site web de l’ACC nous serons fait le mis à jour et les améliorations. Nous continuerons à faire les publicités des animaux charolais croissé angus noir, et nous faisons bon accueil toujours à des suggestions. Les bourses de l’ACC

22 Charolais Banner • August 2013
Tenir Compte – août 2013L’Association Canadienne du Charolais

sont encore disponible est les étudiants éligible sont encouragé à s ʹappliquer ; la date limite est le 31 octobre 2013. Nous attendons avec intérêt également lʹexposition nationale étant tenue à Edmonton en novembre.

Les Innovations de Bœuf 2013

En juillet lʹassociation canadienne de simmental a accueilli une réunion de deux jours à Calgary visé servant lʹindustrie de boeuf dans lʹensemble, indépendamment de la race ou de lʹendroit géographique. Lʹévénement a fourni une collaboration inégalée des experts en matière d’autour le monde et les représentants dʹindustrie. Lʹévénement a présenté le moyen de poser les questions de réseau et partagé nos idées et nos situations en lesquelles nous pourrions améliorer nos positions et arrangement individuels. Le thème global pour le rassemblement : GÉNOMIQUE. Il y a un mouvement d’incorporer la génomique à EPDs et vers ceci beaucoup des organismes de race autour du monde le travaillent. La plus grande exactitude des évaluations pour de jeunes animaux est lʹune des plus grandes valeurs dans lʹEPDs (GE EPD) augmentées par génomique. Avec les avancements en technologie, nous devrions continuer au phénotype et ajouter « genotyping (par la technologie de SNP) » à

augmentation nos efficacités et exactitudes. Un orateur a me laissé une impression particulièrement forte , « nous ne veulent pas être les Shorthorns trayants de lʹindustrie de boeuf ». Nous devrions examiner nos animaux, utiliser les outils disponibles, soutenir notre race et poser des questions. Le vrai avantage vient de faire inclure vos animaux dans le groupe. Embrassez les outils disponibles et aidez à faire avancer lʹindustrie canadienne de boeuf. Pour plus dʹinformation sur les réunions innovations de boeuf 2013, contactez Mel à 403.250.9242.

Le conseil de l’association canadien du charolais après avoir passé en revue lʹexécution et les priorités a fait la décision d’excuser Kelly Carson de son rôle comme directeur général de l’ACC. Les intérêts de lʹadhésion de l’ACC et la plus value du troupeau canadien du charolais sont au rang de nʹimporte quel changement crucial à lʹassociation et ainsi, non pris légèrement. Nous attendons avec intérêt le futur et ce quʹil tient pour notre race ; des questions sont encouragées et vous pouvez parler avec nʹimporte quel directeur de l’association canadienne du charolais.

Le projet de génomiques du Canada ont besoin des taureauxqui

L’ACC adopté la technologie de SNP « polymorphisme mononucléotidique »

Le monde de lʹADN et de la génomique change et se développe sans arrêt. L’association nous avons décidé de convertir du microsatellite (STREPTOCOQUE) en technologie simple du polymorphisme de nucléotide (SNP) pour tous nos échantillons dʹADN. Beaucoup de races dans lʹindustrie ont déjà changé ou sont en train de changer à cette technologie. Lʹimpact au sélectionneur sera minimal ; des échantillons de poiles seront encore soumis et à aucun changement de frais.

L’ACC continuera à maintenir notre association avec le laboratoire Maxxam, un chef dans la fourniture dʹADN analytique et la vérification de parentage. La vérification de parentage sera accomplie en utilisant

suit (des taureaux prioritaires sont énumérés, pour une liste complète contactez le bureau de l’ACC)

L’ADN besoin des taureaux d'ancêtre : WILDOR RAVEN 6M








L’ADN besoin des taureaux plus jeunes : LT WESTERN SPUR 2061 PLD




un panneau de 111 marqueurs de SNP qui incluent chacun des 100 des marqueurs globalement « ISAG recommandés ». Dans tous les cas, nous emploierons nos meilleurs efforts de ne pas excéder 15 jours dʹaffaires de délais pour des vérifications de parentage. La conversion en technologie de SNP est rendue possible par le projet du Canada de Génome et le financement à partir dʹagence « Alberta Livestock and Meat Agency Ltd. » Nous établirons une population de formation des échantillons passés dʹADN dans le troupeau du charolais et le fonctionnement vers lʹinformation d’incorporation que nous avons recueillie des EPD augmenté par les génomiques. Pour plus dʹinformation veuillez entrer en contact avec Mel au bureau de l’ACC.

Charolais Banner • August 2013 23
MLCC 23A –PCFL 85S son, BPL 23U is his dam MLCC 111A –Full French, PCFL 85S/Nelson dam Maternal sister was a high seller in Quebec’s National Sale last year MLCC 268Z –Full French, Lorsini bred PCFL 11Z MLCC 10Y –½ French, sired by Icare, bred PCFL 11Z
24 Charolais Banner • August 2013
MLCC 26Y –Full French, Repair bred Casoar WR 258Y –Full French, Trezegoal bred early to Unibloc MLCC 450A –Full French, 85S out of a top Nelson daughter MLCC 31A –Full French, 85S out of a great proven Rainbow 13S female MLCC 74W –Full French, Repair bred PCFL 4X, fall calving WLM 21Z –Polled Havana 3U daughter bred early to Merit Roundup BPL 23U –Rio Blanco bred Merit Roundup
Banner • August 2013 25
PCFL 142Y –Full French, Toulon bred PCFL Excaliber 19Z RMHL 770Z –A sample of the quality Simmental offering
WINN MAN’S LANZANDERO 849U Winn Mans Lanza x Sparrows Solstice CE 72 VW -1.5 WW 35 YW 89 M 25.4 TM 43 Co-owned with Rosso Charolais Calving ease, correctness and excellent daughters and sons. CSS SIR GRID IRON 912Y KAYR Grid Grid Iron x PCC Navigator CE 75 BW 2.4 WW 44 YW 60 M 23.2 TM 45 Solid made bull who came out of the North of the 53rd sale. His first calves look good. WOOD RIVER PRINCESS 28N Dam of Princess 13Y and King Ranch Thank you to Springside Farms for purchasing ½ interest in this proven brood matron. Now in transplant, watch for exciting things. SPARROWS RICHMOND 905W Sparrows Eldorado x Sparrows Alcatraz CE 80 BW .4 WW 38 YW 67 M 13.6 TM 33 Moderate framed yet has some shape. Moderates birth weight and keeps them correct. Murray & Nicole Blake Box 86, McCord, SK S0H 2T0 T 306-478-2520 • C 306-478-7088 WOOD RIVER COUNTRY BOY 54W HC Prince 430P x Sparrows Alliance CE 99 BW -3 WW 39 YW 70 M 23.1 TM 43 Sire of Princess 13Y, the high selling female in Canada in 2012 and King Ranch, the high seller in our bull sale to Thistle Ridge Cattle Co. and Woodland Cattle. 26 Charolais Banner • August 2013
Sylvan & Karen Martens Box 85, Glenbush, SK S0M 0Z0 Tel: 306-342-2099 Stop by and see the program anytime or look for our offering at the Sterling Collection Sale and our Bull Sale next March. MXS Big Ticket 228Z 2nd high selling bull this spring to Lakeland Ranch and Misty Hills Charolais MXS Pontoon 205Z High selling bull to Bricney Stock Farm MXS 929W Alcatraz daughters all have great udders MXS 354A Powerful SVY Northstar 153Y heifer calf Sparrows Landmark x SVY Starstruck 559R 2010 Agribition Supreme Champion Thank you to these many time repeat customers A sample of the cow/calf pairs in our pasture this year Charolais Banner • August 2013 27

Summer 2013 Update

Kirstin Sparrow, President

Another great CCYA Conference and show is in the books. Ontario juniors welcomed youth from across the country for a week of fun and activities! This year’s conference took place in Shelburne, Ontario.

From the first day of registration until the last with our confirmation show and the banquet, I saw smiles on everyone’s faces and all had fun! Stay tuned for pictures and competition results in the next Charolais Banner.

I would like to commend Ontario’s youth and planning committee for organizing another fantastic conference!

Hard work and long hours were put in to this great event and this was very much appreciated.

Our National Board was well

represented in Ontario at this year’s conference, and much of our board is remaining the same for another year. I would like to welcome new directors to our board, including Megan McLeod, from Alberta, and Shae Lynn Evans, from Saskatchewan. We have one retiring member, Michael Hunter, and we thank him for his time with us.

Planning for next year’s conference and show is under way for the Manitoba committee. The national board and many of the youth members have already marked it on our calendars for next summer!

It was so great to see youth members from past conferences in Shelburne, as well as new faces to our program! I hope the rest of your summer is relaxing and enjoyable and I look forward to seeing you at the fall shows.

CCYA National Board

President: Kirstin Sparrow

Vice-President: Sarah Weinbender

Treasurer: Courtney Black

Secretary: Tomina Jackson

Director: Luke Marshall

Director: Megan McLeod

Director: Holly Smith

Director: Courtney Black

Director: Shae-Lynn Evans

CCYA Provincial Advisors

SK: Darwin Rosso

ON: Billie-Jo Saunders

MB: Donna Jackson

AB: Kasey Phillips

Youth Coordinator: Brandon Sparrow, 306-291-6968

28 Charolais Banner • August 2013
We invite you to our 3RD ANNUAL BULL SALE, MARCH 3RD, at the farm. Bob & Monette Palmer 306.567.5460 Velon & Leah Herback 306.567.5545 Box 17, Bladworth, SK S0G 0J0 Thank you to all our buyers at our 2nd Annual Bull Sale. It was great to see many new and repeat customers supporting our program. MERIT 8789U (RHAPSODY) • 4T H GEN PLD/S HTA Rhapsody 390N son out of the great Carla cow family HVA ROYAL SUITE 41Z High selling bull by Rhapsody to Wendt & Murray Farms, Lloydminster, AB Also to: • Sliding Hills Charolais, Canora • Wilgenbusch Charolais, Halbrite • Desertland Cattle Co., Sedalia, AB RGP ROCKEFELLER 14Z 2nd High Seller, also by Rhapsody, Leptin TT, to Miller Charolais, Milk River, AB Great feet & legs Powerful Top 1% for WW & YW HTA VEGAS 134Y • 3RD GEN PLD The first calves out of this HTA Senator son will impress. Born easy and lots of growth. Calving ease & performance Special thank you to these purebred breeders Stop by anytime and let us show you our program Charolais Banner • August 2013 29

The 50th SCA AGM was held June 8th, 2013, in Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan. The meeting was held in conjunction with the Canadian Charolais Association’s AGM on June 7th and was followed by a fun afternoon and evening barbecue at White Cap Charolais south of town.

Donna Ross, Coronach, was elected President for the upcoming year while Carey Weinbender, Canora, moved into 1st Vice President. Greg Gilliland, Carievale, goes into his 4th year as 2nd Vice President, Dave Blechinger, Rosetown, goes into his 6th year as Sec Treas. and Orland Walker, Hudson Bay, will sit as Past President. Re elected to three year terms were Greg Gilliland and Glen Mangels, Arborfield; Jared McTavish, Moosomin, was newly elected replacing retiring director Layne Evans, Kenaston.

The 2012 financial statement showed a small loss on a budget of $26,000 with over $40,000 in reserves.

Advertising and Promotion is the largest expenditure of the SCA. 2012 saw TV taking the biggest chunk of the dollars along with some print advertising and sponsorship rounding out the spending. Other large expenditures include the prize money for the commercial show at Agribition and the secretary wages.

Carey Weinbender’s 4 H report told of Regional shows planning celebrations as 4 H in Canada celebrates it’s 100th Anniversary. In Saskatchewan there are 1,819 members from 120 clubs who attend 19 Regional shows. In 2012, 84 double walled tumblers with the SCA logo were given to members showing Charolais influenced calves in 24 different clubs. For the Regional Shows embroidered Stormtech jackets were given to all members showing Charolais influence calves who won Grand or Reserve Champion Steer or Female. These were presented to members from 8

Saskatchewan Charolais Association AGM

different regionals during the Charolais show at Agribition. For 2013 they will be distributing DQ gift cards valued at $10 each to members with Charolais influenced 4 H calves as well as the jackets for Regional winners at Agribition.

In Mike McAvoy’s Saskatoon Fall Fair report he explained that declining entries and low spectator interest has caused the Fall Fair to be discontinued.

After lunch the crowd moved to White Cap Charolais to view cattle on display from five operations and to partake in a Fling game tournament, some horseshoes, and socializing with many who hadn’t seen each other for awhile. Later in the afternoon the SCA presented some annual awards.

The Charolais Booster of the Year award was presented to the Planz Family Farm, of Coronach. This century farm calved out 280 head this spring. The cow base is a Red Angus/Simmental female with Charolais bulls. This is the 27th year Charolais bulls have been used on the farm. The Planz’s have a strong belief in the Charolais genetics and the benefits of crossbreeding in their program. They always buy top bulls and sell some great calves every fall. Rosso Charolais, Moose Jaw, was

presented the Breeder of the Year Award. This volunteer driven family have helped out whenever asked in many areas. Living southwest of Moose Jaw on the north side of Old Wives Lake the family homesteaded this property in 1911 and Kevin’s kids are now the 5th generation there. What started as a small purebred operation has now expanded to 120 females to compliment the 100 commercial cows. This year marked the 19th Annual White Cap/Rosso Charolais Bull Sale.

John and Shirley have held the Old Wives 4 H meetings and achievement days at their house for 30 years. Shirley has been recognized at the Provincial level for her dedication and commitment to the 4 H movement. She is also a hard working member of the CWA International Judging Team program.

Darwin has been involved with the youth as well for many years. He was a recipient of the CCYA Honouree Award and has been the adult advisor the CCYA for over 10 years. Darwin is an active participant in provincial Charolais activities and has been on the planning committee of the CCA and SCA AGMs. He has also been involved in the planning of three CCYA Conferences here in Saskatchewan.

30 Charolais Banner • August 2013 ASSOCIATION NEWS
continued on page 32
Donna Ross presented Darwin, Shirley & John Rosso with the Breeder of the Year Award
Layne & Paula Evans Shae-Lynn, Shelby & Calina Box 390, Kenaston, SK S0G 2N0 T 306-252-2246 F 306-252-2009 to these Purebred Breeders who purchased herdbulls from us in 2012 and 2013 Many thanks to everyone who showed interest in our bulls Thanks HORSESHOE E CHAROLAIS SATHER FARMS No photo available MAC & HELEN ROSS No photo available MAURICE BARTZEN No photo available ROCKY & DEBBIE PAYNE No photo available Charolais Banner • August 2013 31

Over 120 people attended the celebration festivities with 21 Foundation Families recognized. The Foundation Families were designated as families who were members of the Saskatchewan Association in the first 10 years (1963 to 1972) and are still members or have family who are members of the Canadian Charolais Association.

Below: Foundation Family Awards. Other Foundation Families recognized but not in attendance: Dale & Lesley Norheim Family; Reg & Betty Oram Family; Oliver & Yvonne By Family; Les Row Family; Leroy & Martha Weins Family; Ken & Darlene Plewis Family; Ralph Csada Family; Howard Robertson Family; Lawrence & Lillian Moore Family.

32 Charolais Banner • August 2013
Left: Donna Ross presented Lois, Darel, Calvin & Joanne Planz with the 2013 SCA Charolais Booster Award Alan & Nancy Sparrow Family Bill & Phyllis Sim Family Cliff & Joyce Simpson Family Dave Grajczyk Family Doug & Lois Johnston Family George & Anne Moulding Family Helge & Candace By Family Howe Family John & Jean Hoff Family John Rudiger Family Leo & Jean Dayne Family James & Joan McAvoy Family
WINN MANS LANZADERO 849U • Polled CE 72 BW -1.5 WW 35 YW 89 M 25.4 TM 43 Lanzadero MERIT ROUNDUP 9508W • Dbl Pld CE 95 BW -1 WW 57 YW 109 M 23.5 TM 52 Roundup GBR RAMBLER 78U • 3rd Gen Pld CE 77 BW .3 WW 46 YW 58 M 17.5 TM 41 Rambler LAE X-CEPTIONAL 46X • 3rd Gen Pld CE 76 BW 1.7 WW 42 YW 90 M 16.9 TM 38 X-Ceptional
2013 33
Charolais Banner


Beach Valley Farms, Eric Regier, 613-732-0726

Winters Charolais, Bob & Lorraine Winters, 613-433-3204

Cornerview Charolais, Brian & Heather Coughlin, 613-646-9741

Hicks Charolais, Bryan Hicks 519-766-2816

Ferme Coujo Charolais, Francois Couture, 819-336-2511

Claude Lemay, 819-539-7616

Ferme Louber Enr, Bernard & Lousie Begin, 418-387-7514

Ranch Ostiguy Charolais, Pierre Ostiguy, 450-469-4472

Ferme Palerme Senc, Etienne Palerme, 819-210-7210


Forsyth Bros. Charolais, 204-739-2678

Wilgenbusch Charolais, John & Brenda Wilgenbusch, 306-458-2688



For catalogues call/pour appeler catalogues: Sponsored by/Parraine par:
1630 Rg St-Martin, Ste-Marie, PQ G6E 3A8 Ph 418-387-7514 • Cell 418-389-7181 Helge and Candace By • 306-584-7937 H cell 306-536-4261 • C cell 306-536-3374 Sale Manager/Gestionnaire de vente: LOUB 240Y LOUB 268Z LOUB 304Z 379T LOUB 407Z
Ferme Louber Enr.
Selling 40 Lots of Canada’s Best Charolais from these leading breeders: À vendre 40 Lots de ces principaux éleveurs: Fabulous Bred Heifers Foundation Quality Females Embryo Opportunities Top Show Prospect Heifer Calves Look for… 34 Charolais Banner • August 2013
Charolais Farm, Louis & Benoite LeBlanc, 506-532-4028
Si vous rechercher des vaches et taures gestantes de grande qualite ainsi que des genisses,des embryons provenant des meilleurs troupeaux canadien et des sujets pret pour l,exposition ne manquez pas cette vente SRK 28Z FFBB 275Z POST 141U WR 216Y CMED 81Y LXL 1A PALE 1Z BCN 27A FCU 230Z A Sample of the Offering/Un échantillon de l’offre: View the catalog e online at le catalog e en lig e au site web Sale broadcasting live with / Vente la diffusion en direct Contact/Contacter: Jesse Milne Smith 613-229-1073 Charolais Banner • August 2013 35


Manitoba Charolais Provincial Pen Show

Manitoba Charolais Provincial Pen Show and Picnic

June 22, 2013 • Miami Fair, Miami, MB

Judge: John Best, Carman, MB 38 head

The Manitoba Charolais Association organized a new event for the summer in conjunction with the Miami Fair. Eighty people enjoyed the show which featured unhaltered purebred and commercial cattle. The cattle were stalled in pens and walked past the judge and spectators for viewing. The event ended with a supper for 60 people.

Class 1 –Group of 3 Purebred, Registered Heifers Born in 2012 1. HTA WYONNA 201Z, HTA BRIDGET 247Z, STA HOT STUFF 201Z (HTA Bravia 855U), HTA Charolais, Rivers, MB; 2. HAPPY HAVEN 23Z (KCH Winchester26X), HAPPY HAVEN 41Z (Rolling D Vintage 922W), HAPPY HAVEN 87Z (Rolling D Vintage 922W), Happy Haven Charolais, Oakburn;


MISS 131Z, STEPPLER MISS 5Z (Sparrows Seminole 927W), Steppler Farms, Miami; 4. LEJ ZARA 228Z, LEJ ZARINA 240Z, LEJ ZSA ZSA 251Z (JWX Private Ryan 505U), LEJ Charolais, Portage La Prairie.

Class 2 –Charolais Influence –Female with 2013 Calf

1. Black Brockle Angus female with silver, Charolais sired calf, Darren Pearson, Miami; 2. Black Angus female with silver, Charolais sired calf, JMB Charolais, Brookdale.

Class 3 –Purebred 2011 Female with 2013 Calf

1. JMB MS DATELINE 114Y (BXB Dateline Son 65R, calf CSS Sir Gridmaker 2W), Fun Bus Syndicate, Neepawa; 2. STEPPLER MISS 15Y (Stepplers Distinction 38T, calf Merit Roundup), Steppler Farms & T&M Olmstead Farms, Carberry; 3. HAPPY HAVEN YVONNE 14Y (Happy Haven Wilburt 1W, calf HBSF Excede 27X), Happy Haven Charolais, Oakburn; 4. STEPPLER

MISS 93Y (Stepplers Distinction 38T, calf Merit Roundup), Steppler Farms; 5. WOOD RIVER HONEY 10Y (Winn Mann Lanzadero 849U, calf CSS Sir Gridmaker 2W), C2 Charolais, La Riviere.

Class 4 –Purebred Female Born 2010 or Earlier with 2013 Calf 1. HTA PROSPERITY 100X(KCH Remington 41T, calf RGP Remington 101Y), HTA Charolais; 2. C2 MS NEXUS 18U (JDJ Smokester J1377P, calf High Bluff Hank 41R), C2 Charolais; 3. LAE UMFATHOMABLE 8123U (Sparrows Eldorado 361L, calf Sparrows Seminole 927U), Steppler Farms Ltd; 4. DH NATALIE 10N (Val End Appraiser 24J, calf FFBB Wahalla 9005W), Myhre Land & Cattle, Dauphin.

Grand Champion Purebred Charolais Female HTA PROSPERITY 100X, HTA Charolais

Reserve Grand Champion Purebred Charolais Female

JMB MS DATELINE 114Y, Fun Bus Syndicate

36 Charolais Banner • August 2013
Reserve Grand Champion Pen –Fun Bus Syndicate Grand Champion Pen –HTA Charolais Darren Pearson won the $500 prize money for a Charolais Influence pen
FEATURING THE GET & SERVICE OF… CSS SIR NAVIGATOR 20Y Navigator x Fathom Growth & Meat WINN MANS KANSAS 9135W Lanza x JD 3rd year on our heifers CORNERVIEW XCALIBRE 27X Coach x Levi 2011 National Reserve Champion Bull SRK CANYON 2Y Solid x Red Soldier Calving ease and performance HBSF ZORRO 1Z Fire Water x Hank 2nd High Seller –Family Tradition Bull Sale HBSF RED RIVER 61Z Express x Original High Seller – Family Tradition Bull Sale Offering 100 Cow/Calf Pairs 25 Bred Heifers FORSYTH BROS. CHAROLAIS Campbell and Molly Forsyth, Jay Forsyth Box 3, Eriksdale, MB R0C 0W0 204-739-2678 306-584-7937 Helge By 306-536-4261 Candace By 306-536-3374 Sale Manager Stop by anytime to view the program Charolais Banner • August 2013 37
VFF VIKSE ICE 189Z Polled HTA Ice 19X x JWK Impressive D040 Thanks to Blake Alton for selecting our High Selling Bull SVY ON STAR PLD 222Z Polled, JDJ Smokester J1377 x Wildor Raven 6M Champion King of the Ring 2012 Reserve Bull Farmfair 2012 TRIN PREFIX PLD ET 54Y Polled, ½ French Silverstream Performer P38 x KCH Malibu 1M High Selling Bull, Spring 2012 VFF TIME OUT 172Y Polled, Leptin TT SDC Time Out 88T x LHD Mr Perfect Y416 BULLS FOR THE BREED Alberta Select, Lloydminster Stockade Round-Up, and the 2013 National Charolais Show Farmfair International ANNUAL BULL SALE February Family Day Dave & Tracee Vikse and family RR 1, Donald, AB T0B 1H0 t 403-883-2461 c 780-608-4460 Vikse Family Farm Delighted to work with these elite breeders and look forward to working with more in the future. Excited to be in the Charolais breed. 38 Charolais Banner • August 2013

Miss Prairie Cove 209Z

Thanks to Billy Fleming and Paul Walzack for purchasing the high selling heifer calf in the 2011 Alberta Select for $7,600. Continued success after selling 14 embryos to Danny Hanson.

Thanks to Bill Swenson, Rainalta Charolais for purchasing the high selling heifer calf in the 2012 Alberta Select for $14,000. Charolais

Selling Pick of the ET Firewater heifers from this great Projector donor cow in the Alberta Select Sale. Daughters reside at Palmer Charolais, McKeary Charolais, McAvoy Charolais, Legacy Farms, RRTS Farms, VanStatens, Skeels and Rainalta Farms. Prair
ie Cove Cha rola is Bowden, Alberta • Tim & Wanda Bullick 403.350.9858 • Tyler Bullick 403.501.0660
Miss Prairie Cove 3Y
Banner • August 2013

HTA/JMB WIN Heart of Canada

Heart of Canada

July 19, 2013 • Harding, MB

Judge: Sid Kent, Airdrie, AB 21 Entries (A BOSS Show)

Bulls Born in 2013

1. KCH LODE KING 2A (SRK Solid 12U), KCH Charolais, Rapid City; 2. HTA 318A (HTA Senator 8130U), HTA Charolais, Rivers; 3. HTA 347A (RGP Remington 101Y), HTA Charolais; 4. JMB 310A (CSS Sir Gridmaker 2W), JMB Charolais, Brookdale; 5. TWN 4A (Merit Roundup 9508W), Sunblade Charolais, Foxwarren.

Bull Calf Champion


Reserve Bull Calf Champion HTA 318A, HTA Charolais

Bulls Born in 2012

1. JMB DATELINE 206Z (BXB Dateline Son 65R), JMB Charolais; 2. KCH MEDICINE MAN 7Z (SRK Solid 12U), KCH Charolais.

Junior Champion Bull JMB DATELINE 206Z, JMB Charolais

Reserve Junior Champion Bull KCH MEDICINE MAN 7Z, KCH Charolais

Bulls Born in 2011

1. HTA CHALLENGE 161Y (HTA Senator 8130U), HTA Charolais

Senior Champion Bull HTA CHALLENGE 161Y, HTA Charolais

Grand Champion Bull JMB DATELINE 206Z, JMB Charolais

Reserve Grand Champion Bull HTA CHALLENGE 161Y, HTA

Females Born in 2013

1. KCH QUEEN LATIFAH 203A (SRK Solid 12U), KCH Charolais; 2. HTA 325A (VFF Time Out 172Y), HTA Charolais; 3. HTA 340Z (HTA Senator 8130U), HTA Charolais; 4. TWN 6A (LAE Wichita 911W).

Heifer Calf Champion


Reserve Heifer Calf Champion

HTA 325A, HTA Charolais

Females Born in 2012

1. TWN ZELDA 29Z (LAE Wichita 911W), Sunblade Charolais; 2. TWN ZULU 3Z (LAE WICHITA 911W), Sunblade Charolais; 3. KCH QUEEN LATIFAH 203Z (SRK Solid 12U), KCH Charolais; 4. TWN ZENOBIA 8Z (LAE Wichita 911W), Sunblade Charolais; 5. SCF ZABRINA 146Z (G4 Acres Stimo 156S), JMB Charolais.

Junior Champion Female

TWN ZELDA 29Z, Sunblade Charolais

Reserve Junior Champion Female TWN ZULU 3Z, Sunblade Charolais

Female Born in 2011 with Calf 1. JMB MS DATELINE 114Y (BXB Datline Son 65R, calf CSS Sir Gridmaker 2W), JMB Charolais.

Female Born in 2010 with Calf 1. HTA PROSPERITY 100X (KCH Remington 41T, calf RGP Remington 101Y), HTA Charolais.

Senior Champion Female HTA PROSPERITY 100X, HTA Charolais

Reserve Senior Champion Female JMB MS DATELINE 114Y, JMB Charolais

Grand Champion Female HTA PROSPERITY 100X, HTA Charolais

Reserve Grand Champion Female TWN ZELDA 29Z, Sunblade Charolais

Best Group of 4

1. KCH Charolais; 2. HTA Charolais; 3. JMB Charolais; 4. Sunblade Charolais.

Get of Sire

1. KCH Charolais (SRK Solid 12U); 2. JMB Charolais (BXB Dateline Son 65R); 3. HTA Charolais (HTA Senator 8130U).


40 Charolais Banner • August 2013
Reserve Grand Champion Bull HTA CHALLENGE 161Y, HTA Reserve Grand Champion Female TWN ZELDA 29Z, Sunblade Charolais Grand Champion Bull JMB DATELINE 206Z, JMB Charolais Champion Female HTA PROSPERITY 100X, HTA Charolais
Solid x Pierce Heifer Calf Champion, Heart of Canada Solid x Sandstone Bull Calf Champion, Heart of Canada KCH Load King 2A Queen Latifah 203A Watch for our fall sale consignments! A BIG thank you to L Pro-Char Charolais, AB L Wrangler Charolais, AB L Vossler Livestock, AB L Cline Cattle Co., MB L Tim Jackson, MB L Happy Haven Charolais, MB L Bina Charolais, ND L Langstaff Charolais, ON for investing in our genetics! KCH CHAROLAIS Ken & Kerri Hinsburg 487 Sibco Landfill Road, Oliver, BC V0H 1T1 701-331-8825 cell • Charolais Banner • August 2013 41
42 Charolais Banner • August 2013 3rd Gen Polled Elders Special Edition 835U x Sparrows Alcatraz Growthy, meat bull with lots of performance Dbl Red • 4th Gen Pld Son of Pleasant Dawn Max 70S Calving Ease bull that is very correct Homozygous Red • Polled With four calf crops here, we thank Charlamoore Farms, Redvers, SK, for buying this proven bull and a son this spring HC X-PEDITION 52X PLEASANT DAWN MAX 3Y JWX PRIVATE RYAN 505U Jim, Rae, Kiernan & Erik Olson • Box 882, Portage La Prairie, MB R1N 3C3 Ph: 204-252-3115, 204-856-6357 (Jim), 204-871-1063 (Rae) • Thanks to all our other buyers including breeders: • Galbraith Charolais, Oakville, MB • At the No Borders Sale • Floyd Cleveland, SD • Louber Farms, QC Watch for us this fall at Manitoba Livestock Expo and at the No Borders Sale Jeff & Jackie Cavers Box 237, La Riviere, MB R0G 1A0 T: 204-242-3467 • C: 204-242-4448 C2 Charolais says thank you to all our bull buyers this spring for another sold out bull pen Special thanks to HTA Charolais for purchasing the high selling bull in Transcon’s Cattle Country Bull Sale Watch for us this fall at Manitoba Livestock Expo, Agribition and the No Borders Sale C2 ZEPLIN 45Z by High Bluff Hank 41R
Merv, Joanne, Jesse & Brittni Nykoliation • Box 899, Lenore, MB R0M 1E0 204-838-2107 • • “Breeding Quality Red & White Charolais in Western Manitoba since 1986” TRI-N CHAROLAIS FARMS PRO-CHAR CPTN. MORGAN 8UHarvie Redemption 36P x EFH Daisy Mae 30J CE 77 BW -.3 WW 48 YW 89 M 20 TM 44 Consistently sires calves with tons of middle and built in calving ease TRI-N PREFIX PLD ET 54YSilverstream Performer x KCH Malibu 1M CE 58 BW 3.0 WW 58 YW 107 M 20.8 TM 50 High selling Charolais bull in Canada in 2012 Co-owned with Vikse Family Farm, AB. Our main AI sire here. MVY XPLORER 21XHVA Upstate 8U x Bar EW Tanya 13T CE 85 BW .1 WW 35 YW 65 M 16.9 TM 35 Undefeated–2012 BOSS Show Bull of the Year, 2012 CWA and Edmonton Farmfair Champion Bull, 2012 Agribition RBC Beef Supreme Challenge Top 10 Finalist • Over 50 calves expected here in the spring of 2014 TRI-N CHATAHOOCHEE 169ZCaptain Morgan son CE 71 BW 1.3 WW 48 YW 93 M 24.4 TM 49 High selling Red Factor bull in Canada in spring 2013 Co-owned with Wells Charolais, SD and G&H Charolais, Iowa Watch for our consignments in the Cattleman’s Classic Bull Sale, March 2014, in Virden, MB & the No Borders Female Sale Breeding interests available on all these bulls. Females available year round by private treaty. Contact us for details. Thanks to the breeders who supported us in the last year: • Wells Charolais, SD • G&H Charolais, IA • Triple C Charolais, MB (3) • Cleveland Charolais, SD (4) • R&G McDonald Livestock, MB • Burnside Charolais, MB • Scissors Creek Charolais, MB • Double P Stock Farms, MB (2) • Pro-Char Charolais, AB • Cattle-Lac Charolais, MB • Wheatheart Charolais, SK Look who’s working in Manitoba Charolais Banner • August 2013 43

The 2013 Charolais International AGM was held the final day of the World Charolais Technical Conference on July 5th in the Orenas Slott Hotel, Glumslov, Sweden. There were voting delegates from Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Ireland, Sweden, United Kingdom, Denmark and the U.S.A.

During the previous three days of the conference, the attending countries gave presentations on Charolais in their country and concerns with agriculture’s future. At the AGM, France gave the final presentation and presented the agenda for the 2014 World Charolais Congress that will be held in France from August 26th to September 6th. France has planned to host this for a few years as it is the 150th Anniversary of the French Herd Book and the 50th Anniversary of Charolais International. The conference will include herd tours and the National Charolais Show along with some site seeing.

The theme for this year’s

Charolais International Annual General Meeting

conference was:

Sweden has a history of high standards in animal welfare and environmental concerns. As these trends are growing in most of the world including a more intensive discussion about climate and sustainability the theme for the member presentations will be: “How we develop Charolais towards future demands” and of course discussions about genomics.

Every country presented where they are in the DNA testing and what they are doing to move forward. There was good discussion on sharing the sequencing and SNP information with every country so if bulls are used in more than one country that the cost isn’t duplicated to do them multiple times. A sub committee was set up with France, Ireland the U.S.A. and Australia to look into the logistics and legalities of sharing this information around the world.

There was also discussion on utilizing some of the money in the

Charolais International bank account to fund this project and develop a world data bank for DNA SNPs.

There was also discussion on getting more countries back involved with Charolais International, especially through the genomics program. Letters will be sent to inactive countries encouraging their participation.

Canada will host the 2015 World Technical Conference and Mexico was granted the 2016 World Charolais Congress (after Australia backed out) which will be held around Guadalajara. Other discussion was updating the www.charolais website and adding links to all the paid up member countries.

In elections Michel Baudot from France was elected president while Helge By from Canada and Luis Enrique Villasenor Gonzalez from Mexico were elected Vice Presidents. Cecilia Crapoulet from France continues as Secretary Treasurer.

World Technical Conference voting delegates (l-r) Neil Orth, U.S.A.; John Wilgenbusch, Canada; Cecile Lane, France, acting SecretaryTreasurer; Goran Mansson, Sweden; Dr. Luis Lopez, Mexico; Larry Lehman, U.S.A.; Helge By, Canada (Vice-President); Anders Wiklert, Sweden; Michel Baudot, France (President); Terrance Farrell, Australia; Lennart Nilsson, Sweden (PastPresident); Willie Zachest, Germany; Nuala Hourihane, Ireland; Flemming Nielson, Denmark; Michael McGirl, Ireland; Lars Bjornberg, Sweden & Ben Harman, UK.

44 Charolais Banner • August 2013 INTERNATIONAL NEWS
October 26, 2013 • 1:00 p.m. • Lakedell Ag Centre (from Hwy 2, take Hwy 13 29 km west to Lakedell School, then 1.5 kms south) Featuring get and service of this young herdsire Full French • Rouky x MLR Willie Nelson 464P • BW -2.9 WW 20 YW 37 M 22 TM 32 MAPLE LEAF MS TARA 702T MLR Willie Nelson x Bijou MLR 302A A Maple Leaf Reward 11X daughter Preview the cattle at our Open House on August 24th. We are barbecuing, so let us know by August 22nd if you plan to attend. RR#1, Falun, AB T0C 1H0 Tom & Carey Stewart 780-352-5902 or 780-312-4245 George Stewart 780-352-4817 Breeding Full French since 1966 306-584-7937 Helge 306-536-4261 Candace 306-536-3374 MAPLE LEAF CHAROLAIS A Sample of the Offering Sale Manager MAPLE LEAF REWARD 11X Charolais Banner • August 2013 45
STEPHEN CHAROLAIS FARM Kelly Stephen, Box 26, Moosomin, SK S0G 3N0 W 306-435-3548 H 306-435-2087 C 306-435-7383 • Thankyouto all our bull buyers this spring who gave us our best yet Full French • G4 Acres Stimo 156S x LIG Riotejo 101R Thanks also to JMB CHAROLAIS for making ZABRINA the high selling animal in the No Borders Sale. Full French • Repair x Sir International 27H 2012 CANADIAN NATIONAL CHAMPION BULL• CO-OWNED WITH ROLLIN’ ACRES CHAROLAIS BRED AND RAISED BY STEPHEN CHAROLAIS SCF Zabrina 146Z SCF You Betcha 94Y We welcome your visit anytime 46 Charolais Banner • August 2013 Semen Available
Rollin’ Acres Charolais ROLLIN ACRES TOP SHELF 4Z Thanks to Black Ford Cattle Co. for purchasing a half interest in this promising sire in our bull sale ROLLIN ACRES ZACH 38Z Thanks to Serhienko Cattle Co. for buying possession and walking rights and to Gold Bar Livestock, O’Neill Cattle Co., Whiskey Hollow Cattle Co. and Aridale Farms for purchasing semen packs Contact us for information about semen packs on these two young herdsires Special thanks to all of the commercial producers that supported our bull sale and especially these purebred breeders for adding our genetics to their programs: ~ Whiskey Hollow Cattle Co. ~ Loval Farms ~ Stephen Charolais Farms ~ Destiny Cattle Co. ~ Jeff McAffee ~ Jeff Tanner Rollin’ Acres Charolais FULL FRENCH CHAROLAIS Chester Tupling RR 3, Shelburne, ON L0N 1S7 T: 519-925-2938 • C: 705-627-0672 E: Breeding the Cattle that Work in Both Rings
• August 2013 47
Charolais Banner
CHAROLAIS SALE Saturday, September 28th • 2:00 p.m. Maple Hill Auction, Hanover, ON 50 Select Purebred Charolais Female Lots • Heifer Calf Show Prospects •Bred Yearlings • Flush & Recipients • 3 in 1 cow/calf pairs JUNIOR INCENTIVE PROGRAM Cash incentive program for a project animal purchased from the Uppin’ the Ante Female Sale • $500 to the Grand Champion at the CCYA National Junior Show • $500 to the Supreme Champion at the Canadian Junior Beef Show (Royal Winter Fair) • $250 to the Reserve Grand Champion at the CCYA National Junior Show • $250 to the overall Grand Champion at the Junior Exhibitors Regional 4-H Show • $100 for the completion of the 4-H project SCHEDULE THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 26- the cattle will be available for viewing in the evening FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 27- viewing of the cattle all day followed by a social in the evening SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 28- viewing of the cattle all morning, lunch and refreshments available prior to 2:00 p.m. sale start CONSIGNORS Langstaff Charolais..................................................519-627-3464 Bridor Charolais........................................................519-323-2538 Rollin’ Acres Charolais..............................................705-627-0672 Medonte Charolais....................................................705-835-3310 Whiskey Hollow Cattle Co.........................................705-696-3567 Blackbern Farm........................................................613-646-2673 Cornerview Charolais................................................613-646-9741 Gold Bar Livestock....................................................519-400-0668 GUEST CONSIGNORS B Bar D Charolais......................................................519-323-1270 Sunrise Charolais......................................................705-428-3205 Echo Spring Charolais..............................................705-487-5840 White Water Charolais..............................................613-732-6129 Moyer Cattle Co.........................................................519-848-5294 SALE STAFF Chester Tupling, Sale Chair, Blockman......................705-627-0672 Rod McLeod, Ring Service........................................403-540-7986 Helge By, Ring Service..............................................306-536-4261 Carl Wright, Auctioneer............................................519-369-7489 Andy McCulloch, Sales Barn Manager......................519-379-1370 ACCOMMODATIONS Travelers Inn, Hanover519-364-1911 Best Western, Walkerton855-436-3030 Video of the cattle available at: Cattle in Motion Sarah Buchanan 519-546-3352 Contact the breeders or sale staff for a catalogue or view it online at or 48 Charolais Banner • August 2013
BRT 23Z GBL 121A KBF 19Z HDT 815U and her calf HDT 37A DBAR 635S • Flush and Recipients Sell! BMA 3Z XAL 21Z WKL 124A A SAMPLE OF THE BREED LEADING FEMALES SELLING Charolais Banner • August 2013 49
Please contact us to purchase semen today Watch for
heifer calves
Sale Your source for Red Factor Genetics in Ontario JWXThree Peet73X WKLTerminator227W 2013 • Co-owned with Wilgenbusch Charolais Service Sire for our bred heifer in the Uppin’ the Ante sale at Maple Hill Auction, Hanover, September 28 JWXFifty Shades706Z Kelly & Ferneida • Theresa, Lorne, Kelly & Cameron Will, Lindsay & Alex • Wayne RR 5, Wallaceburg, Ontario N8A 4L2 LANGSTAFF CHAROLAIS Polled Charolais T 519.627.3464 •F 519.627.0288 50 Charolais Banner • August 2013
sired by him in the Uppin’ the Ante

John Wilgenbusch, the CCA Breed Improvement Chairman and 1st Vice President and his wife Brenda, along with Helge and Candace By were the Canadian delegates to this year’s Technical Conference. The Technical Conference is held every other year and in between the World Congresses. The Technical Conferences are smaller, shorter and all the participating countries are asked to make presentations on the theme of the year. This year the theme was about sustainability in

agriculture and how Charolais fit in, but the bulk of the discussion and presentations were on Genomics and what each country is doing.

The conference went from July 1st to 5th and started out in Skara with delegates flying in to Gothenburg on Sunday and shuttled the 1½ hours out by the host committee from the Swedish Charolais Association. The welcome supper was a chance for everyone to get caught up with the delegates from the nine participating countries.

Day 1

Skara is home to Viking Genetics, the co operative A.I. centre in Sweden. We had two mornings of sessions in their comfortable amphitheater.

The head of the organizing committee, president of the World Charolais Association, Vice President of the Swedish Charolais Association and Chairman of the Charolais Breeding Council Lennart Nilsson welcomed everyone and gave a rundown of the week. He also gave a quick overview of Sweden with 9.5 million people, 2.6 M ha (6.42 M acres) of arable land and .5 M (1.23 M acres) native pasture. The Swedish Charolais Association was founded in 1969 with about 400 members of which 40 50 of them take part in official performance tests.

We had a lengthy presentation from Sara Wiklert Petersson, who is the Sale Manager for Viking Genetics both domestic and export. Sara is also the daughter of former Swedish Charolais president Andres Wiklert.

Delegates ready to begin in the Viking Genetics amphitheatre Picturesque view at Backgården
continued on page 54 Charolais Banner • August 2013 51
Helge & Candace By
TAZER 965W PRO-CHAR REDEMPTION 47U WWDS 168Y WWDS 63S Cows in the prime of their life – with lots of future Bred to sires like these –and they sell One of 40 first calf heifers. Great building blocks. Matriarchs of the program that are here because they work. WWDS 1U WWDS 128U Stop by anytime and view the program 200 LOTS • 300 HEAD 52 Charolais Banner • August 2013
MVY 8A MVY 59A MVY 13A Mike & Moira, Don & Kristina, Ryan Dean, Britney, Dallas & Jace Box 93, Arelee, SK S0K 0H0 306-237-4464 We invite you to stop in and see our program anytime, just 45 minutes west of Saskatoon. Class winner Agribition 2011 • CE 59 BW 2.1 WW 57 YW 104 M 21.2 TM 50 Very consistent set of calves that are correct & thick with growth SVY EPIC PLD 127Y by Sparrows Landmark A sample of the Epic calves Watch for these this fall and in our IMPACT BULL SALE March 29th, 2014 Charolais Banner • August 2013 53

Viking is owned by 30,000 producers with a stud in each Denmark, Sweden and Finland. They have 90% of the domestic market share. Dairy is the biggest part of the business. They export 1 million doses of semen a year to 50 countries. The Swedish Red breed is the main seller.

They have an extensive data base on all dairy cows which includes things like hoof trimming and all dairy info so if you use beef bulls on dairy cows you can get carcass data back. She also explained their dairy testing program for new sires.

In the beef program in Sweden, 350 bulls of a number of breeds are performance tested annually. 15 bulls are selected as “young bulls” and mated on dairy cows for calving ease and survival. From this 8 bulls are approved as “production” use and in the end 5 bulls are approved as “proven bulls” for purebred breeders to use.

We also had a short tour of the facility and saw the two Charolais bulls selected to put into the testing

program from the test stations this spring that were in the stud to be collected.

After lunch Lennart and Sofia Persson, who is the Managing Director of the Swedish Performance Testing of Beef Breeds, gave an overview of Swedish Farming, Beef Production and Charolais. 10% of Sweden’s land base is used for farming. Like in Canada the southern part of the country is where the majority of the farming is done with the northern areas being rock, forest, water, etc. There are 19,000 beef farms with about 1.5 M head of cattle in total. Approximately 530,00 cows of which 350,000 milk cows and 180,000 suckler (beef) cows.

There are 20,000 purebred cows in Sweden with 14,000 in herdbooks and about 6,000 of those are Charolais. They produce about 53% of what they consume for beef, 60% of their pork requirements and 35% of chicken they eat. Most of their imports come from the EU, mainly Ireland, Netherlands and Germany.

Beef production in Sweden dropped 9% between 2011 and 2012. This lower beef production is because dairy consumption has dropped 33% between 2008 2011, so there are fewer dairy cows and herds.Beef production comes 2/3 from dairy cattle and 1/3 from beef breeds. Interestingly, Sweden has the hardest animal welfare laws in the world with more demands for veterinarians to do all work. For example, animals must be given anesthesia when dehorning, and there are rules against regular treatments, and demands for investigations makes a regular caesarian impossible.

This is one of the main reasons they have gone to polled cattle with about 90% of the Charolais in Sweden now being polled. The majority of the polled animals originated from importations of live cattle from Canada in the late 80s and early 90s and continued importation of embryos and semen from Canada with some polled

genetics coming from France now.

The Swedish testing system was explained in detail from what traits they are monitoring and registering, like the weights, but also things like claw health. There is also a random check throughout the year to check BW, WW or YW figures in the purebred herds.

The testing station is a 154 day test and the qualified bulls at the end of the test are sold. This year the average price was 43,000 SEK ($6,800 CAD) with a high of 140,000 SEK ($22,000 CAD) going to Finland. Two Charolais bulls each year are choosen and purchased by Viking Beef to go in the testing program. They are selected to perform well in both beef and dairy herds combining calving ease and slaughter qualities. They try to have the best bulls born every year tested with sons of Viking Beef bull offspring tested for high accuracy in the evaluation.

History of Swedish Charolais

•1959 First Charolais semen imported from Canada

•1961 First purebred Charolais bull from France through Denmark

•1962 First purebred Charolais females, 15 imported from France through Denmark

•1968/69 Approximately 300 Charolais heifers and bulls imported from France

•1970 80s Several imports from Denmark

•1990s Cattle, semen and embryos imported from Canada

•Today Semen and embryo imports from North America, Australia and Europe including France, UK, Norway etc. and exports to several countries

Breeding goals

•High growth, feed efficiency and excellent carcass characteristics

•Bulls 350 – 375 kg carcass weight at 12 14 months

•Heifers > 275 kg carcass at 12 14 months

• Easy calving

• First calving at 24 26 months

• Calving without assistance

• Bull calves 49 kg, heifer calves 46 kg

• Polled animals

continued on page 56
Göran Månsson, Swedish Charolais Association President thanked Sara Wiklert Petersson for her presentation
54 Charolais Banner • August 2013
Helge By gave an overview of the Genome Canada project
P & H RANCHING CO. LTD. Duane & Corrine Parsonage T 403-227-2348 • C 403-304-0661 • RR 3 Site 18 Box 17 • Innisfail, AB T4G 1T8 Phillip Hofer 403-597-6337 Where Cowmen Buy Bulls KEYS SPECIALIST 18U X CEDAR SPRINT 901-Y • LEPTIN TT Junior Herdsires: •PH ORIGINAL 70Y• Leptin TT (owned with White Lake Colony) •PH BANNER 52Z •KEY’S PENDLETON 100Z• Leptin TT •LM CIGAR 2110Z• Leptin TT Senior Herdsires: •PH CHALLENGER 7X• Leptin TT •PH WYO BANNER 44X• Leptin TT •PH BANNER 107X• Leptin TT •PH WYOMING WIND 33P• Leptin TT •PH WYOMING WIND 16U• Leptin TT •GERRARD KID ROCK 31X •JSR TROPHY 88T •LT PERSONA 0328 Thanks to everyone who supported our 3rd Annual Bull Sale 4TH ANNUAL BULL SALE February 15, 2014 Innisfail Auction Mart NFAC Charolais Banner • August 2013 55

Their calving figures in 2012 look like they are close to some of their goals, with average age at first calving being 25.6 months, average calving interval 12.5 months, average BW bull calves 49 kg (108 lbs), heifer calves 46 kg (101 lbs) and 99.5 % weaned calves from 100 calvings.

Canada took the first presentation spot and John and Helge gave information on Canada and the Charolais Association, its members and herd book. An update on the Genome Canada project was presented with the number of Charolais bulls that are being High Definition sequenced, done at 770K and 50K and where the association was going from there. The end result of this being a genomically enhanced EPD. By the end of the week it looked like the Genome Canada project has put us right up with everyone else with Ireland maybe being the closest to an enhanced EBV. We had over 1,000 bulls done at that time as had a few other countries but most of the other countries were just at 50K and nothing close to us in the sequencing and 770K numbers.

Terrance Farrell the General Manager of the Australian Charolais Society gave a presentation on what they are up to as far as testing goes. They have been doing some extensive progeny testing on commercial females with some DNA work being done alongside to develop some training panels for the future. They are very interested in continuing this work with more projects underway and planned.

This concluded the first day of

meetings and we climbed on the bus and headed for a tour of Lacko Castle and dinner. The drive gave us the opportunity to see some more of the Swedish country side and to discuss

experience in the dairy industry, which is ahead of the beef, was good as it showed what path needs to be taken and how some of this works. He gave very basic to more advanced explanations of the different chips that are used and how the imputing or extrapolating some of the smaller less expensive chips to larger numbers can be done with little loss in reliability.

Hans also explained that the Holsteins are more inbred and thus easier to do DNA tests. For example, in Canadian Charolais the most any bull has DNA of the population is about 5%. In Holstein a bull could have up to 15% of the DNA of the breed.

Göran Månsson became known as Coffee-Man at the start of the trip with some healthy teasing by his guests. Later in the trip we renamed him “Phone man” as he tried to keep up with business commitments on tour

the presentations earlier in the day. The castle was built in 1298 by the Bishop of the area and had some very old, very nice furniture and décor. Dinner was an excellent steak from Nynäs Charolais (Anders and Margareta Wiklert) prepared by a great chef in a restaurant with a great view of a large lake. It was a beautiful evening which added to the whole event.

Day 2

Morning found us back at Viking Genetics with Hans Stalhammar of Viking Genetics giving us an overview of a Swedish project and an overview of genomics today. His

He talked of International proofs and how INTERBEEF, which is the beef side of Interbull, has estimates of weaning weight now in EBVs. There are two breeds, Charolais and Limousin, included in Interbeef. He also posed the question as to whether genomic evaluations across countries are feasible. Expected improvement of genetic trend after adoption of genomic selection is +50% on sire selection. Right now it is double. This tells us that using Genomics along with Phenotype to get a more accurate EPD will accelerate the genetic trends made.

Nuala Hourihane, the manager of the Irish Charolais Society, gave her presentation. They have just finished doing 1,000 bulls with HD chip. All pedigree male calves born in 2013 (about 4,000) will be genotyped with a customized chip (17K) for training population. They are working with

56 Charolais Banner • August 2013 continued on page 58
Lacko Castle showing a Maypole for midsummer celebrations used just a week earlier Just one of the decoratively painted ceilings in the castle

program was built and improved using top quality bulls were that were clean sheathed and good moving. They were selected to lower birth weights and be easy calving, with good vigor at birth.

have selected hard for feet, legs and udders in this program.

to start calving at the end of January.

Helge & Candace By 306-584-7937 Helge 306-536-4261 Candace 306-536-3374 Roger Lanoie 306-642-4005 Box 91, St. Victor, SK S0H 3T0 Sale Manager: LANOIE BROS. Charolais Lane 175W Lane 382R Lane 54X Lane 426S Lane 58T Lane 218W
Stop by and view the program anytime. Offering Bred Cows Bred Heifers (calves being retained) 155 50 White, Tan & Red • Easy Doing • Good Feet • Good Udders • Low Maintenance Females Charolais Banner • August 2013 57
will find some great foundation cattle.

Donagh Berry, a researcher from the university and they are part of INTERBEEF. They haven’t sequenced any bulls but have co operation with Canada. They are very interested to exchange genotypes and believe that Interbeef is a prerequisite for accurate genomic proofs.

Dr. Robert Williams from the American International Charolais Association gave a good presentation on the sustainability of agriculture. The population increases and food needs as well as how well producers have done in improving crop yields and amount of beef with fewer cattle in the U.S. They are also doing some DNA work with 726 terminal offspring from a carcass study and about 208 purebred animals are DNAed with 50K chips. They are wanting AI sires and donor females to be DNA’d with more testing for training panels in the works.

Dr. Luis Lopez, who is a breeder and director of the Breed Improvement in Mexico, gave a presentation. He first gave us a geography lesson on the different climates in Mexico. There are 240 Charolais members with 22,000 active cows and 903 active bulls. 11,000 calves are registered every year with about 30% of those from A.I. Charolais first imported into Mexico in the 1930s and since the 1960s they have been importing genetic material to improve their herds from France, U.S.A., UK and Canada. The Mexican bred animals are getting better as they have adapted to the climatic conditions, with the imported

genetics not making as big of improvements as before. They are also moving towards using Genomes in their EPD and have been gene testing for defects and have found differences in different parts of the country due to population differences.

After lunch we got on the bus and headed to Backgården Charolais which is owned by Ann Ingvar Nilsson. This is a very good herd with most of it tracing back to Canadian semen and embryos. She has been to Canada and has been on the breeding selection committee of Swedish Charolais. After touring the different pastures and seeing her new barn we went into the house for Fika (Swedish coffee break). We all got into Fika which they served us in the morning and afternoon. It isn’t just coffee, it also inclueds maybe an open face sandwich or cakes. Not good for the waist line when all you are doing is sitting in meetings or on a bus.

From there we drove up to Anders and Margareta Wiklert’s Nynäs gard herd. This too was a very high quality herd with his foundation females being from Canadian embryos. That evening we enjoyed a cook your own steak barbecue that was attended by a number of area breeders and board members. After supper we were all asked to introduce ourselves and tell about where we were from and what we do. This was very good and got everyone mixing more with the


continued on page 60

Swedish The new barn at Backgården impressed everyone Anders Wiklert with a Pld Junction cow, an embryo that became a foundation female in their program Above: A Nynäs gård female sired by semen from ACC Hercules 31R. Below: Wonderful salmon spread by Askome Charolais
58 Charolais Banner • August 2013
Females in the pasture were marked with the initial of their sire to make it easy for visitors to identify at Backgården. This female was sired by the very popular Swedish bull Viking. Below: Left: Anna Ingvar-Nilsson received a gift of appreciation for the herd tour and fika from Brenda Wilgenbusch. Right: Sophia Persson received a thank you gift from John Wilgenbusch for her presentation and work on the organizing committee
Banner • August 2013 59 FERNANDO Easy doing, meat machine who is doing a great job here. Calving ease & performance. Winn Mans Lanza x Sparrows Matador CE 83 BW .8 WW 46 YW 108 M 30.5 TM 53 SB FERNANDO 33X • POLLED TNT Great heifer bull for years. This No Doubt son has been very consistent for us. CE 74 BW 1.8 WW 53 YW 105 M 23.1 TM 49 GMC TNT 5T• HOMOZYGOUS POLLED BATALLION Great set of calves on the ground from this son of CSS Sir Gridmaker 2W. Calving ease with meat and growth. CE 83 BW -.4 WW 42 YW 80 M 29.3 TM 50 CEDARLEA BATALLION 65Y • HOMOZYGOUS PLD PRAIRIE GOLD CHAROLAIS Dave & Alva Blechinger Box 6, Rosetown, SK S0L 2V0 306-882-4081 Charolais – as Good as Gold Special thank you to our many bull customers for a great spring.We invite your inspection anytime. Prairie Gold Herdsires


We had an early departure to start heading south to where we spent the next few days. Lennart Nilsson is very involved in farming politics and sits on a number of Ag committees. He is very well informed on the industry in Sweden, and was an excellent commentator as we drove to our first stop at his operation. He along with two brothers in law have a nice operation. They run 90 females and do some grain and beans as well as custom work for other farmers.

After a great salmon lunch and some local schnappes, we continued south and had a stop at a pasture of Lars Björnberg and Mellby Charolais. Lars was one of the organizers of the conference and is the treasurer of Swedish Chariolais. They have been breeding Charolais since the mid 70s and also have grain and oil seeds, sugar beets, peas and potatos in the operation.

Our final visit of the day was to a very large operation of the Ingemarsson’s called Strömsnäs gård. They have a very large grain operation and their equipment yard looks like a Canadian farm dealership. They farm 1,350 ha

(3,000 acres) and run 150 Charolais. They also have been to Canada and have a heavy influence of Canadian bloodlines in their pedigrees. The cattle pasture right by the ocean so there is some nice scenery. We had Fika in a very elegant house with Elizabeth, Anders’ wife, being a jewelry and silver auctioneer and acquiring some excellent pieces of furniture and silver where she works.

We checked in to a beautiful old hotel right on the south west coast of Sweden for the last three nights.

Day 4

Part of this day was a tourist day as we travelled across Skane the southern region of the country. We stopped at Ales Stenar, which I refer to as Sweden’s version of Stonehenge.

It is a very interesting place with some large rocks placed in the shape a Viking ship, which lines up exactly with the sun during the quarterly solstices or seasons.

It was very interesting and dates back to around the 1500s.

Another stop was made at Glimmingehus, a medieval stronghold that was built as protection. It had many hidden defenses and this guided tour was very informative. When it was built in 1,499 this area belonged to Denmark

We continued to the east coast for lunch in the town of Ahus and then for a tour of the Absolut Vodka distillery. Established in 1879 it is now the third largest

Askome Charolais showing an example of the abundant wind energy in Sweden John Björnberg, son of Lars, at Mellby Charolais told us about their quiet herd Impressive 8 year old herdsire at Strömsnäs gård Neil Orth presented the members of Askome Charolais with a thank you gift Cooking our own steaks at Anders & Marrgareta Wiklert’s home Ales Stenar is at the top of a cliff on the ocean side. The cliffs were covered with poppies, something the tourists enjoy and the must farmers spray out of their fields
60 Charolais Banner • August 2013 continued
Elizabeth and Anders Ingemarsson, our hosts at Strömsnäs gård
on page 62
Charolais Banner • August 2013

brand in the world behind Bacardi and Smirnoff. I didn’t know that it was made in Sweden, so you always learn something.

From there we bused to Sonarp Charolais. Here again was a nice set of cattle with 110 cows. There are some very solid, productive cattle in Sweden. We were again joined by members of the Swedish Association for a barbecue. The hospitality in all of Sweden was great and the breeders were so welcoming. After supper we introduced ourselves, as did all the Swedish farmers there. Day 5

Morning started with the Charolais International meeting, which we have written about in a separate article.

During this session though, Ben Harman a director from the British Charolais Society gave a presentation on what is happening there as well as presented a problem they have with badgers. There is a TB problem that started in southern England and is working its way north. It is being spread by the badgers which are on the protected animal list so nothing can be done to eliminate them. It was interesting to see how environmentalists can cause serious problems in an industry such as farming.

Flemming Nielson, a director from

Denmark told of their situation. They are heavily controlled by the government in areas such as number of animals allowed per ha, as well as everything else. They have some calving problems in Denmark with dead calves reaching 4% off cows and 11% off heifers. This is something they want to address to increase their efficiency.

Michel Baudot and Cecile Laine from Herd Book Charolais gave a very detailed world overview of beef prices, consumption, production, exporting and how raising cattle can help the environment. It was well researched with an impressive power point. They went into Charolais in France. There are 2300 members and 25 employees at Herd Book Charolais. There are 130,00 registered cows with 55,000 calves registered per year. In DNA they have collected 500,000 ear cartilage DNA samples since 2002 which they are storing for future potential needs. They have DNA’d about 1,000 bulls with 54K chips as well. There are moving forward with three programs in the Genomic field so far. They are also doing 13 linear scores at weaning and on the cows. There are 27 national and regional shows, they continued on page 64

62 Charolais Banner • August 2013
Ales Stenar Above: Left: Glimmingehus castle. Middle: Looking at cows at Sonarp Charolais. Right: The world stops for fika in Sweden and our visit to Simontorp was no exception. Above: Left: This Larry Lehman & Lee Eaton photo created a lot of fun on the bus as everyone participated in a caption writing contest. It was taken in a monkey cage we used to tour pastures. Middle: Terence Farrell, Australia, Larry Lehman, USA; Wilfried Zachert, Germany and Anders Wiklert , Sweden, enjoy fika in a home of elegant silver, china and furnishings at Strömsnäs gård. Right: John Wilgenbusch thanks Sven-Olof Hägg and family at Sonarp Charolais for the tour, supper and socializing Michel Baudot, France, in the stocks at Glimmingehus Fika this afternoon was ice cream enjoyed by Luis Lopez, Mexico & Robert Williams, USA

Alberta Charolais Association Newsletter


OLDS FALL CLASSIC• Oct. 4th to 6th, 2013, Olds Charolais Show, Oct. 5th, 2:00 p.m.

Contact Olds Ag Society at 403-556-3770 for entry information


2013 Heifer Calf Futurity

$1,000 added prize money 2012 Yearling Heifer Futurity $2,000 added prize money

For information contact: Frank Cholak Ph 780-796-2108 or Nov. 8th2:00 p.m.

Canadian National Charolais Show


Dec. 5th & 6th, 2013 • Red Deer (AB) Westerner Grounds Dec. 5th4:00 p.m.

ACA AGM followed by Supper 7:00 P.M.

ACA Single Bull Show judged by all Charolais Association members in attendance. Dec. 6th10:30 a.m.

ACA Pen of 3 Bull Show judged by a panel of commercial breeders 1:30 p.m.

ACA “Pick of the Barn” Raffle Draw

Presentations of over $10,000 in bull sale credits to commercial producers from across Canada!There will be over 10 chances to win! If you are in attendance and have purchased a registered Charolais bull in 2012 or 2013, just register at the Pen of 3 Show and you are automatically eligible to win.

Entry Deadline for the Single and Pen Bull Show is November 15th, 2013. For entry information contact Rod McLeod at 403-540-7986 or 2:00 p.m.

Alberta Select Sale More info on rules & regulations at ATTENTION ACA JUNIOR MEMBERS–

For sale entries contact: BY LIVESTOCK 124 Shannon Rd, Regina, SK S4S 5B1 • 306-584-7937 Helge 306-536-4261 • Candace 306-536-3374 •

Remember to apply for ACA Scholarships Alberta Charolais Association c/o Don Grant Box 4, Site 13, RR 1, , Bowden, AB T0M 0K0 403-556-2695
producer Merv Teows selected BLC Last Call 9Z for his pick Charolais Banner • August 2013 63
Winner of the Membership Draw, Wade Meakin won pick of the bulls and selected Pro-Char Kraken 23Z
2012 Futurity Winner SVY MLC Starstruck 204Z Commercial

help organize and 8 test stations that test 600 bulls per year.

The meeting concluded, everyone changed and we headed out to Simontorp Charolais which is probably the best known herd in Sweden. We had lunch and headed out to look at the herd. Per Mårtensson has been to Canada, I believe six times, and is the most versed pedigree person in Sweden. His 120 cow herd is of top quality with his yearling heifer pen being able to walk into many operations around the world and fit right in. They work with other breeders to increase the accuracy of the progeny of many sires and get the carcass results from the animals that are culled out of the program. A very sound program that has exported breeding stock to 11 countries.

The final herd tour was to a very large commercial operation that is run on a military practice field. On 2,500 ha (5,500 acres) of land they run 450 cows and finish everything organically. They have an abattoir that contracts 15 – 20 head every other week all year round. They have a mixed crossbred

herd and use Charolais bulls on the herd including their heifers. Lots of record keeping and a great handling facility show the time they have put into researching better ways to get things done.

Back to the hotel for the final banquet which was fun with many speeches and farwells to end the evening. To Sweden, you did yourselves proud with a great conference, which was educational, fun and gave a full overview of your beautiful country and the great farming and livestock production practises.

64 Charolais Banner • August 2013
The ladies attending lunch at Simontorp were (back l-r) Connie Eaton, USA; Nuala Hourihane, Ireland; Kerstin Mårtensson, our host; Brenda Wilgenbusch, Canada; (front l-r) Cécile Laine, France; Candace By, Canada and Anna Ingvar-Nilsson, Sweden A No Doubt granddaughter at Simontorp A female in Simontorp herd who produced a bull which sold to a breeder in Denmark Kerstin, their son and Per Mårtensson were thanked for their hospitality All in attendance at the closing banquet Lars Björnberg received a special Canadian gift for his contribution to the organization of the Conference Part of the crossbred herd at KC Ranch KC Ranch finishing cattle on grass John Wilgenbusch presented Lennart Nilsson, Charolais International President with a token of appreciation for hosting the Conference
Charolais Banner • August 2013 65 PLEASANT DAWN SPLENDOR 53Z Pleasant Dawn Max 70S x Diamond W Redvar 78U Homozygous Polled CE 94 BW 1.3 WW 56 YW 98 TM 50 ELDER’S RAPTOR 43Y Elder’s Wahkamo 919W x HFCC Pld Evolution 5L 4th Gen Polled CE 89 BW 2.2 WW 45 YW 92 TM 44 DALE JORGENSEN FARMS • DEL BONITA, AB T0K 0S0 • 403-758-3726 Hair Muscle Calving Ease


Kevin & Sherry Baker

T: 613.473.2452 E:


The Ormistons T: 705.799.6357 E:


Bob Bateman T: 613.473.4743 Arlene & Barb Bateman T: 613.473.4190 E:


Ivan & Grace Hutchinson T: 705.924.2936 E:


Barry & Liz Potter T: 705.563.2752 E:


Kirby & Arlene Hakkesteegt, Bryce & Dana Hakkesteegt T: 613.475.3532 E:

Guest Consignors:


T: 705.793.2576


Andrew Millar T: 705.887.5142 E:

SALE DAY PHONE: 705.328.3500

Barry & Liz Potter, Earlton, Ontario 705-563-2752

66 Charolais Banner • August 2013
We welcome your call for more information, or to receive a catalogue. Potter Charolais Consign to the Autumn Prestige
Featuring 2 daughters and a grand daughter of our 13 year old matron cow KICKABOOJOYJUICE Plus 2 WINNERdaughters Also Havana, Revolver, and Merit Roundup daughters Service sires Winner, Havana, Tyrant and Roundup All cattle vaccinated under the Bovishield Gold Program
Potter Charolais
Golden Meadow Winner 9W
Gen Pld • Wyoming Wind x CSS Showboat 8 BRED FEMALES On offer: 37 Lots & 1 A Lot 7 Heifer Calves • 24 Bred Heifers • 3 Bred Cows • 1 Cow/Calf Pair • 2 Bull Calves
Sale Group:
Charolais Banner • August 2013 67 BAKER FARMS Kevin, Sherry, Ashley & Colin Baker 305 Hunt Club Road, Madoc, ON K0K 2K0 613-473-2452 • Baker Farms Xceptional 3X and Baker Farms Zagucci 8Z Top Point Cow in Ontario 2012 She is an Xceptional 3X daughter and Zagucci 8Z is by Gerrard Montezuma. Zagucci 8Z was just made Reserve Junior Champion at CCYA 2013, Champion Charolais at London Beef Expo & Orangeville Youth Forum. FULL SIB EMBRYOS AVAILABLE BAKER FARMS Going to the Autumn Prestige Sale ~ October 19th BAKER FARMS ARLINGTON 9A DR Revelation daughter from the Xceptional cow family Plus BAKER FARMS ADELAIDE 6A by Cedardale Trademark 33T, and BAKER FARMS ZOEY 21Z by Cedardale Trademark 33T bred to Baker Farms Zuma 4Z, Service Sire to 21Z BAKER FARMS ZUMA 4Z Top Point Bull Calf in Ontario 2012 by Gerrard Montezuma 6T T 613.475.3532 • C 613.848.6917 F 613.475.5128 • Kirby & Arlene Hakkesteegt Bryce & Dana Hakkesteegt 13 Lawson Settlement Rd, RR 3, Brighton, ON K0K 1H0 KIRLENE DOCKAGE 58X Royal 2012 Sr. Champion Bull CORNERVIEW YANNIS 18Y Royal 2011 Reserve Champion Heifer Calf 3 Purebred recipients carrying this exciting combination of embryos Embryo offering to the Autumn Prestige Sale – October 19th Endless Options… Endless Possibilities
68 Charolais Banner • August 2013

Put your sale date and business card in the 2014

Canadian Charolais Youth Association

and the Charolais Banner are currently working on the 2014 Calendar. They will be calling you soon. Be a part of this fundraising project by saying ‘Yes’. If they haven’t called and you want to be included, or for full page ads, call today... Charolais

Amanda Hopcraft, MB
Breed... Our Youth
Calina Evans, SK Courtney Black, ON Haley Rosso, SK Holly Smith, ON
Scott – 403.651.9441 Our
Cassidi Elder, SK Megan McLeod, AB Luke Marshall, AB Travis Jozwiak, AB
• August 2013 69
Jared Preston, MB
Charolais Calendar! These

Clostridium Hemolyticum (Redwater)

In talking with other veterinarians, it is amazing to me how variable the prevalence of a specific disease can be between geographic areas. We always think of the huge difference between warm climates and colder more temperate climates. Sometimes these differences can be as close as a one hour drive in the same province. This becomes critical when cattle are transported over large distances such as moving to summer pastures. Producers should have a good working relationship with the veterinarians in both regions as certain large differences may exist with regards to animal health. I will use the big difference in the Clostridial diseases more specifically Bacillary Hemoglobinuria (redwater) as a way of illustrating this point.

Redwater will most often cause a sudden death due to toxins produced by the bacteria and occurs primarily in the summer and autumn pasture seasons. It has been reported commonly in cattle and is also prevalent in game farmed animals such as bison and elk in the endemic areas. It is less common in sheep. It spreads commonly by water systems through flooding or drainage. Movement of contaminated hay has been incriminated and carrier animals such as coyotes may spread it from predating on carcasses killed by the disease. It is best to burn or bury the carcasses deep if redwater is suspected. Have your veterinarian perform an autopsy on sudden deaths or check an animal clinically if the urine is red. There are several diseases causing red urine which we must differentiate as each problem carries a different treatment regime.

Clostridium hemolyticum is often the last fraction in the blackleg vaccines, which is added into a 7 way

vaccine to make it an 8 way vaccine. In areas where it is prevalent, routine vaccinations at six month intervals may even be necessary for prevention.

The toxin causes red blood cells to burst, which is why you get hemoglobin contained in the red blood cells showing up as a red coloured urine, hence the name red water. In some cases if caught early, treatment in the form of large doses of penicillin may prove successful. Most often the only sign is sudden death and an autopsy will hopefully confirm what you are dealing with.

Certain areas in Alberta, especially in west central Alberta, can have a high incidence and on infected farms death losses can vary from five to twenty percent if susceptible cattle are not protected. These areas have large tracts of land where cattle are pastured from other areas. These cattle may not be protected if coming from areas where redwater is not a problem.

We in our area, for instance, have only seen very sporadic cases in the last several years, although the incidence is increasing somewhat. Our standard recommendation is to use a nine way vaccine (covexin plus) because we do see tetanus as well especially with banding calves. Tetanus incidence will increase with the use of banders for castration or the use of dirty needles for vaccinating. Our protocol is to typically have all cattle vaccinated two times for feedlot animals and three times for replacement heifers by the time they are bred. This will give a very long immunity for most clostridial diseases. This, however, is not the case for redwater.

In areas where redwater is prevalent, cattle, bison and elk must be vaccinated at least yearly and if it is a real problem with specific herds, twice yearly. Ideally the shot should be given two to three weeks before

the maximum exposure occurs. Otherwise deaths will most definitely be experienced. This is a huge difference in protocols and if one is moving cattle great distances, a very important fact to know.

Some cattle are vaccinated with seven way vaccine and have absolutely zero protection against redwater. In other areas of the province, we see every six month vaccination with a vaccine protective against redwater necessary to maintain protection. If one reads the labels of these vaccines carefully we see it is clearly stated if a problem with redwater exists, at least annual vaccination is recommended. It also states if a problem exists up to twice yearly, vaccination may be necessary. The good news is most producers can work this into their management schemes and process when other things are administered. If vaccines for the reproductive diseases are given in the spring a multivalent clostridial vaccine containing hemolyticum can be administered at the same time. This is very cheap insurance as the clostridial vaccines are the cheapest vaccines on the market today.

Another issue, which predisposes cattle to redwater, is liver flukes. If liver flukes have been a problem in your area, as they currently are in specific regions of Manitoba, make sure their clostridium hemolyticum (redwater) vaccines are up to date. The liver flukes live in and damage the liver making the likelihood of contracting the disease that much greater. This is again an example of specific areas having a condition, which increases the likelihood of another disease increasing (liver flukes > redwater).

There are numerous other examples where local geography, climate or soil type can lead to an

70 Charolais Banner • August 2013 continued on page 71 HERD HEALTH

Welcome New Members/Nouveau Membres

Glen Jackson

Sinclair, MB

Fordsdale Farms

Garry Whitford, Ingleside, ON Courtney Hutchinson Priceville, ON

Prairie View Charolais

Darren Odowichuk, Shortdale, MB

CK Stock Farms

Cody Englot & Kayla King, Candiac, SK

Seeley Charolais

Jim Seeley, Drumheller, AB Kinvara Charolais

Gwen Moffat, Killarney, MB


increase in certain disease conditions, nutritional deficiencies, parasitic infestations or poisonous plants.

When moving cattle to new areas you are not familiar with, it is absolutely imperative to find out from the local

Ashley Hatch

Oak Lake, MB

Stone Creek Farms Russell Little, Rocky Mtn House, AB Delbert Nostadt Kendal, SK

Barry Henry Spady Castor, AB

Trevor & Paula Hiltz & Family Aylesford, NS

Dalrymple Charolais

Tom Feltis & Sheila Black, Seabright, ON Walters Charolais Delvin or Charlene Walter, Minot, ND

Warren Crow Thorsby, AB

Douglas Greenly Hastings, ON

James & Ginger Fleguel Palmer Rapids, ON Steeves Farm

Laverne & Deb, Mike, Kevin Steeves, Bluffton, AB

William & Christa Winsnes Ryley, AB

Jessica P. Wyatt Arrowwood, AB

practitioners or the producers what the common diseases or problems are. On many occasions you may be surprised at the vast differences, which exist between geographic regions. Who better to ask than local

people with this local knowledge? Redwater is a highly preventable disease and is endemic in certain areas of Western Canada.


Bill MacDonald

St. Mary’s New Brunswick beef farmer, William “Bill” J. MacDonald died June 21, 2013, at the Moncton Hospital. He was 69.

Bill proudly served in the Canadian Armed Forces as part of the Signals Corps as a Peacekeeper. He farmed for over 40 years, worked as a lineman and as a school bus driver.

After losing an arm in a farm accident, Bill worked for many years volunteering with the Canadian

Farms with Disability Registry and served as chair of the organization.

He had an amazing sense of humour and always loved a good joke. Bill had that twinkle in his blue eyes that always made you wonder what he was thinking. He was a quiet man who loved with all of his heart.

Bill was a wonderful husband and will be sadly missed by his loving wife of 49 years, Joyce. He was a fantastic dad to Jennifer MacDonald and Lorraine Belliveau (Vince). He will be sadly missed by many extended family.


President: Darwin Rosso

Secretary/Treasurer: Murray Blake

Cedarlea Farms

Garner & Lori Deobald

Box 294, Hodgeville, SK S0H 2B0

T/F: 677-2589 •

Wood River Charolais

Murray & Nicole Blake Box 86, McCord, SK S0H 2T0

T: 478-2520 •

N3 Stock Farms

Lyle & Lynn Wilson

Box 37, Admiral, SK S0N 0B0

T: 297-6263

Rosso Charolais

Darwin & Kevin Rosso #78, 325 4 Ave. SW, Moose Jaw, SK S6H 5V2

T: 693-2384 •

Char-Top Charolais

Glen & Lyn Sauder

Box 569, Gull Lake, SK S0N 1A0

T: 672-3979

Prairie Sky Farms

Lloyd & Christina Daniels Box 185, Avonlea, SK S0H 0C0

T: 868-4429

Charolais Banner • August 2013 71
72 Charolais Banner • August 2013
Charolais Banner • August 2013 73
Services 74 Charolais Banner • August 2013
Charolais Banner • August 2013 75 Alberta Breeders Kasey, Arlana, Kord & Peri Phillips Box 420, Waskatenau, AB T0A 3P0 T 780.358.2360 • C 780.656.6400 • KREATING KONFIDENCE
76 Charolais Banner • August 2013 British Columbia Breeders Manitoba Breeders This could be your ad. Call today! 306.546.3940
Charolais Banner • August 2013 77 Maritime Breeders Ontario Breeders This could be your ad. Call today! 306.546.3940
78 Charolais Banner • August 2013
Quebec Breeders Saskatchewan Breeders
USA Breeders This could be your ad. Call today! 306.546.3940 Charolais Banner • August 2013 79


Charolais Connection


1” Business Card 45 n/a Classified 80 n/a

2”x1 column (add $10.00 to put on web for 1 month)

• Pictures – $10 • Photos taken by fieldmen – $25

• Overruns are $1 each • Catalogue prices available on request

• 4 ad contracts offer a 15% discount (card ad exempt)

• Position pages will be given to yearly contracts

• Sale Budget includes Banner fieldman to attend the sale, take pictures, work the ring and report the sale. Female sale budget is $400 sale attendance fee plus 2 colour pages in Charolais Banner or equivalent in Charolais Connection. Bull sale budget is $400 sale attendance fee plus 1 colour page in Charolais Connection.

Charolais Banner PUBLISHING

1”x1 column (add $10.00 to put on web for 1 month)

Classified 140 n/a 2”x1 column (add $10.00 to put on web for 1 month)

• Pictures – $10 • Photos taken by fieldmen – $25

• Yearly contract – buy 2 ads and get the third at half price (card ad exempt)

• Position pages will be given to yearly contracts

• Catalogue prices available on request

The Banner cannot be responsible for errors in advertisements received after the ad deadline. The Charolais Banner reserves the right to refuse any advertisement. On any advertisement, the Charolais Banner is not liable for any charges over and above the cost of that advertisement. No agency commission allowed on livestock advertising rates. The Charolais Banner assumes no responsibility for distribution.

80 Charolais Banner • August 2013
ISSUE AD DEADLINE MAILING ISSUE AD DEADLINE MAILING DEC Banner Nov 28 Dec 12 FEB Banner Jan 30 Feb 13 FEB Connection Jan 16 Jan 31 MARCH Connection Feb 13 Feb 28
Black & White Full Colour
Full Page $725 $1050
2/3 Page 610 840
1/2 Page 490 685
1/3 Page 345 505
1/4 Page 285 410
1/6 Page 190 n/a
1/8 Page 145 n/a
Ads Black & White Full Colour
Full Page $1100 $1450
2/3 Page 825 1125
1/2 Page 690 945
1/3 Page 525 725 1/4 Page 440 615
1/6 Page 330 n/a
1/8 Page 220 n/a Classified 80 n/a

Calendar of Events

September 7

M & L Cattle Co. & Guests

Production Sale, 1:00 p.m., at the farm, Indian River, ON

September 21

Eastern National Charolais Sale, 1:30 p.m, at Louber Farms, Ste Marie de Beauce, QC

September 28

Uppin the Ante Sale, 2:00 p.m., Maple Hill Auction, Hanover, ON

October 12

Expo Boeuf Show, Victoriaville, QC (A BOSS Show)

October 19

Autumn Prestige Sale, 6:30 p.m., Lowes Auction Services, Lindsay, ON

October 26

Maple Leaf Charolais Production Sale, 1:00 p.m., Lakedell Ag Centre, Westerose, AB

October 31-November 4

Manitoba Livestock Expo, Brandon, MB (A BOSS Show)

November 1

Royal Winter Fair Charolais Show, 11:00 a.m., Toronto, ON (A BOSS Show)

November 7

Farmfair International Heifer Calf & Yearling Heifer Futurity Shows, 6:00 p.m., Edmonton (AB) Northlands

November 8

Canadian National Charolais Show, 2:00 p.m., Farmfair International, Edmonton, AB (A BOSS Show)

November 14

Canadian Western Agribition Charolais Sale, 3:30 p.m., Auditorium, Evraz Place, Regina, SK

November 15

Canadian Western Agribition Charolais Show, 2:30 p.m., Stadium West, Evraz Place, Regina, SK (A BOSS Show)

November 22

Sproule Charolais Complete Dispersal Sale, 1:00 p.m., Highwood Auction Mart, High River, AB

November 23

Wawedash Farms Dispersal Sale, 1:00 p.m., Dryland Cattle Trading Corp, Veteran, AB

November 26

Forsyth Bros. Charolais Dispersal Sale, 1:00 pm, Ste. Rose (MB) Auction Market

November 29

Sterling Collection Sale, 1:30 p.m., Saskatoon (SK) Livestock Sales

December 5

Alberta Charolais Association AGM, 4:00 p.m., Red Deer (AB) Westerner

December 5 & 6

Alberta Charolais Select Show & Sale, Red Deer (AB) Westerner

December 7

Gerrard Cattle Company & Guests Bull & Female Sale, Innisfail (AB) Auction Mart

December 10

No Borders Select Sale, 1:00 p.m, Heartland Livestock, Virden, MB

December 18

Lanoie Bros. Charolais Dispersal Sale, 12:00 p.m., Johnstone Auction Market, Moose Jaw, SK

December 19

Char Maine Ranching 9th Annual Charolais Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m, Southern Alberta Livestock Exchange, Fort McLeod, AB

December 31

New Year’s Resolution Frozen Genetics Sale, 7:30 p.m., Saskatoon, SK

July 23-26, 2014

Canadian Charolais Youth Conference & Show, Portage La Prairie, MB

August 26-September 6, 2014

World Charolais Technical Conference, France

Charolais Banner • August 2013 81 BRED HEIFERS BY 54W FOR SALE LITTLE VALLEY VIEW RANCH Tip Henderson • RR 1, Forestburg, AB T0B 1N0 780-582-2254 LITTLE VALLEY VIEW RANCH PH WYOMING WIND 54W LKPR Challenger 208M x SVC Heza TargetPower 25E

Advertisers Index

Alberta Charolais Association......................63

Amabec Charolais....................................66,77

Anchor J Charolais........................................75

Arntzen, Dean...............................................74

B Bar D Charolais................................48,49,77

Baker Farms.........................................66,67,77

Bar H Charolais..............................................78

Bar Punch Ranch...........................................75

Bar 7 Easy Charolais .....................................75

Beach Valley Farms..................................34,35

Beau Char Charolais......................................75

Beck Farms.....................................................78

Be-Rich Farms................................................75

Blackbern Charolais............................48,49,77

Bo-Jan Enterprises.........................................78

Bova-Tech Ltd................................................74

Bow Valley Genetics Ltd...............................74

Bricney Stock Farms......................................78

Bridor Charolais...................................48,49,77

Brimner Cattle Company..............................78

Buffalo Lake Charolais .................................75

By Livestock....11,24,25,34,35,37,45,52,57,63,80

Canadian Charolais Association..............20-23

Carey, Brent..............................................28,74

Cattle in Motion.......................................48,49

Cedardale Charolais......................................77

Cedarlea Farms (Cypress).......................71,IBC

Charla Moore Farms.....................................78

Char-Maine Ranching...................................75

Charolais Journal...........................................74

Char-Top Charolais (Cypress)........................71

Charworth Charolais Farms..........................75

Chomiak Charolais .......................................75

Circle Cee Charolais Farms............................75

Clear Lake Charolais.....................................75

Cornerstone Charolais..................................77

Cornerview Charolais.....................34,35,48,49

Cougar Hill Ranch.........................................78

Creek's Edge Land & Cattle Co....................78

C2 Charolais..............................................42,76

Dale Jorgensen Farms...................................65


Diamond W Charolais...................................78

Dorran, Ryan.................................................74

Double L Ranch.............................................75

Dubuc Charolais............................................78

Dudgeon-Snobelen Land & Cattle...............77

Eaton Charolais.............................................79

Echo Spring Charolais..............................48,49

Elder Charolais Farms................................5,78

Ericson Livestock Services.............................74

Farmfair International..................................65

Fawcett Cattle Company Inc........................75

Ferme Coujo Charolais.............................34,35

Ferme Louber...........................................34,35

Ferme Palerme.........................................34,35

Fischer Charolais............................................75

Fleury, Michael..............................................74

Foat Valley Stock Farm.................................75

Footprint Farms ............................................75

Forsyth Bros. Charolais .................34,35,37,76

4-G Charolais Ranch......................................79

Future Farms.................................................75

Gerrard Cattle Co.....................................19,75 Gilliland Bros. Charolais................................79 Gold Bar Livestock...................................48,49

Grant Farms...................................................75

GRP Ltd..........................................................74

H.S. Knill Company Ltd.................................74

Happy Haven Charolais................................76 Hard Rock Land & Cattle Co.........................76

Harvie Ranching ...........................................75

HEJ Charolais ................................................75

Hicks Charolais.................................3,34,35,77

High Bluff Stock Farm..............................13,76

Horseshoe E Charolais.............................31,79

HTA Charolais Farm ..................................7,76 Hunter Charolais .....................................15,76 JMB Charolais ...............................................77

Johnstone Auction........................................74

Jordan River Charolais..................................79

Kaiser Charolais Farm...................................75 Kanewischer, Jerry........................................74 Kay-R Charolais .......................................18,75

KCH Charolais...........................................41,76

Kirlene Cattle......................................66,67,77

La Ferme Patry de Weedon..........................78

Land O' Lakes Charolais...........................66,77

Langstaff Charolais........................48,49,50,77

Lanoie Bros. Charolais..................................57

Laurel Creek Ranch.......................................79

Leemar Charolais..........................................75

LEJ Charolais.............................................42,77

Lemay, Claude..........................................34,35

Lindskov-Thiel Charolais Ranch....................79

Little Valley View..........................................81


Livestock Plus................................................59

LXL Charolais............................................34,35

M & L Cattle Co...................................24,25,77

Mack's Charolais............................................78

Maple Leaf Charolais...............................45,76

Martens Cattle Co....................................27,79

Martens Charolais.........................................77

McAvoy Charolais Farm...........................53,79

McKay Charolais............................................77

McKeary Charolais........................................76

McLeod Livestock................................16,17,74

McTavish Charolais........................................79

Meadows Charolais.......................................77

Medonte Charolais..............................48,49,78

Miller Land & Livestock................................78

Moyer Cattle Co.......................................48,49

Murphy Livestock..........................................76

Mutrie Farms.................................................79

Myhre Land and Cattle.................................77

Nahachewsky Charolais................................79

Norheim Ranching........................................74

N3 Stock Farms (Cypress)..............................71

P & H Ranching Co...................................55,76

Packer Charolais............................................78

Palmer Charolais......................................29,79 Parklane Charolais........................................76

Patton Charolais............................................78

Phillips Farms.................................................79

Pleasant Dawn Charolais...........................9,77

Poley, Chris....................................................74

Potter Charolais.......................................66,78

Prairie Cove Consulting...........................39,74

Prairie Gold Charolais..............................59,79

Prairie Sky Farms (Cypress)...........................71

Pro-Char Charolais........................................76

Qualman Charolais ......................................79

Ranch Ostiguy Charolais.....................34,35,78

Rawes Ranches..............................................76

Rebuild with Steel.........................................74

Reykdal Farms Charolais...............................77

Rollin' Acres Charolais...................47,48,49,78

Rosso Charolais (Cypress).........................33,71

RRTS Charolais...............................................76

Saddleridge Charolais...................................76

Sandan Charolais Farms................................76

Saunders Charolais........................................78

Scarth Cattle Co............................................77

Serhienko/Voegeli Cattle Co........................79

Sharodon Farms............................................78

Skeels, Danny................................................74

Sliding Hills Charolais...................................79

A. Sparrow Farms.........................................IFC

Sproule Charolais.....................................11,76

Spruceview Charolais....................................76

Stephen Charolais Farm...........................46,79

Steppler Farms Ltd. ...................................6,77

Stock, Mark...................................................74

Stockmen's Insurance....................................74

Sunny Meadows Charolais...........................66

Sunrise Charolais.................................48,49,78

T Bar Invitational..........................................68

Taylor, Josh....................................................66

Temple Farms................................................79

Thistle Ridge Ranch......................................76

Transcon Livestock Corp...............................75

Tri-N Charolais..........................................43,77

Turnbull Charolais....................................14,76

Vikse Family Farm.........................................38

Wawedash Farms Ltd...............................52,79

Western Litho................................................75

Whiskey Hollow Cattle Company......48,49,78

White Cap Charolais.....................................79

White Heather Charolais..............................76

White Water Charolais............................48,49

Wilgenbusch Charolais...............34,35,79,OBC

Windyview Farm...........................................66

Winters Charolais................................34,35,78

Wood River Charolais (Cypress)..............26,71

Wrangler Charolais.......................................76

82 Charolais Banner • August 2013 LOOKING TO FIND SOMEONE?
Electrifying Power in our Pasture KCM ULTIMATE 144Y 3RD GEN PLD CE 64 BW 3.6 WW 51 YW 95 M 15.4 TM 41 HTA Senator x Sparrows Alliance HTA THOR 92X DBL PLD CE 48 BW 3.6 WW 43 YW 88 M 22.5 TM 44 Merit 5323R x Nobleman SRK SOLID 12U HOMOZYGOUS RED, POLLED CE 98 BW -2.2 WW 45 YW 97 M 22.8 TM 45 JS Hansome x MSW Y2K LAE JUICE BOX 190Y POLLED CE 56 BW 3.3 WW 57 YW 107 M 20.7 TM 49 Sparrows Landmark x MNE Exclusive CSS SIR NAVIGATOR 37T POLLED CE 49 BW 4.2 WW 39 YW 65 M 15.5 TM 35 PCC Navigator x LT Wyoming Wind RPJ CARRERA 53X 3RD GEN PLD CE 77 BW 4 WW 69 YW 117 M 17 TM 51 Whitecap Laredo x LT Rio Blanco John & Brenda, T 306-458-2688 • C 306-458-7873 Craig & Tricia, C 306-458-7482 • Colin, Conrad & Erica Wilgenbusch Box 4, Halbrite, SK S0C 1H0 • Watch for us at the EasternNational, Agribition & Sterling Collection Sales, Manitoba Livestock Expo and Agribition Shows. Feel free to stop by anytime to view our program or check out our website at

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