PEI Living Magazine Summer 2023

Page 38


Open May-October. See hours:

106 Beach Road, Grand Tracadie, PEI

134 Kent Street, Downtown Charlottetown


Jackie Herbert

Sara Dykerman

Style Editor Kimberly Rashed

Copy Editor

Crystal Smith

Contributing Writers

Lynne McKenna

Brianne Hogan

Crystal Smith

Alana Lauren

Jordan Parker

Sara Dykerman

Jackie Herbert

Kimberly Rashed

Darren LeBlanc

Leanne Potvin


Nathan Schoenfeldt


Graphic Design

Jacqui Chaisson


Lisa Enman

Story Thorburn

Simon Reid

Evan Ceretti

Buffie Boily

Kimberly Rashed

Sara Dykerman

Caley Joy Photography

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Jacqui Chaisson

PEI LIVING WWW.PEI-LIVING.CA Little Bird Publishing 29 Valley Street, Unit 2 Charlottetown, PE C1A 4H9 902.394.7499 PEI Living Magazine is published quarterly by Little Bird Publishing. Little Bird Publishing is independently owned and operated. Opinions expressed in PEI Living Magazine are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher or the advertisers. PEI Living Magazine does not assume liability for content. All rights reserved © Little Bird Publishing. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited. For permission contact the publisher.
Little Bird Publishing
Food & Drink Editor
Home & Cottage Editor
Dollco PRINT SOLUTIONS GROUP Printed by Standing L-R: Mary-Jo Koughan
L-R: Diane Juarez Emilie MacNeill Photoshoot Location: Tops to Floors 541 Granville Street Summerside 902.436.6070 COVER FEATURE PAGE 56 Wardrobe provided by: Lady Slipper Intimate Apparel & Accessories 65 Queen Street Charlottetown, 902.892.6525 Photographed by: Simon Reid Simon Reid Studios Find us on a coffee table near you! TOPS
FLOORS On the cover
SUMMER 2023 5
24. Food & Drink Designated Drinker 32. Health & Wellness The Impact of Stress 40. Family Who Rescued Who? 66. Home & Cottage Easy Breezy Living 82. Summer Fashions Style and the City 98. Six Summer Reads FOOD & DRINK 7. Happy Hour Rosemary Lemon Spritzer VOLUME 7 • ISSUE 1 • SUMMER 2023
Chef Profile Chef Nick Chindoma
Hoppy Hour Local Craft Breweries
Happy Hour Summer Shandy 14. Good Eats The Perfect Steak
Wine Summer Wine 22. Good Eats Blackberry Goat Cheese Salad 26. Good Eats Vegan Blueberry Muffins HEALTH & WELLNESS 27. Health & Wellness Experts
Explore Summerside ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT
In The Spotlight oh hey PEI
The Next Chapter The Charlottetown Library Learning Centre
Your Best Night’s Sleep How to Choose a Mattress
The Cabin in the Woods An A-frame Getaway STYLE 88. Summer Style His Story
OF CONTENTS 74 82 Who rscue w ?oh Read us online: Due to changes on the digital copy can no longer be viewed using the issuu app. Visit on your web browser. 22 40 BUSINESS
How to Survive Your Office Job This Summer TRAVEL
Solo Travel: Five Safe Destinations for Women

Welcome to our delicious summer edition of PEI Living Magazine! As the sun shines brighter and the temperatures rise, I’m all about embracing the joys of the season with a twist on our culinary adventures!

One thing that’s got us excited is the rising popularity of low-alcohol beer options. Who says you can’t enjoy a refreshing brew without going overboard?

But, my beverage adventures don’t stop there. I’ve also been concocting delightful summer cocktails, perfect for leisurely afternoons spent basking in the sun. From zesty citrus spritzers to a refreshing summer shandy, there’s no shortage of creative combinations to keep your taste buds tingling.

To accompany these delightful sips, I’ve been baking up a storm in my kitchen, experimenting with local fruit recipes— like our featured Blueberry Vegan Muffin recipe. These guilt-free treats are bursting with natural flavours and make for the perfect accompaniment to your morning coffee or a sweet afternoon snack. Don’t be shy to share the recipe with your friends!

Let me introduce you to the featured chef I had the pleasure of meeting at a sold-out, private event at Founders’ Food Hall—Nick Chindamo. This event presents unique no-waste culinary dishes, showcasing each local chef’s innovation and dedication to sustainability. I was so impressed in experiencing the magic of this multicourse dining experience, that not only tantalized my taste buds, but, also promoted mindful consumption. Keep an eye out for Chef Nick’s upcoming events!

Let’s take a moment to appreciate the culinary wonders of our much-loved Island. From mouth-watering seafood to inviting patios and creative craft beverages, PEI boasts an irresistible feast for food enthusiasts. Venture out, explore, and try something new in cuisine or at a recently opened restaurant. Let’s support our local farm stands too – they are a treasure trove of fresh produce and culinary inspiration. Grab your fork and your appetite, and let’s savour all the beauty that PEI’s culinary industry has to offer. From the first sip to the last bite, this summer promises to be a celebration of flavours, creativity, and community.

Get out there, enjoy the sun, try something new, and support our local food scene!

Cheers and Bon Appétit!

Jackie Herbert Food & Drink Editor
Mobile InkPEI MIP TM SAVE WITH US SAVE THE ENVIRONMENT. SAVE MONEY. 16 Trans-Canada Hwy, Cornwall, 902.370.1221 | WE’VE MOVED! Inside the Cornwall Paul Davis building, near White Horse Motel Why pay more? Save over 50%. Toner Cartridge Remanufacture starting from $35. Ink Cartridge Refills from $5.80 to $13. Read PEI Living Magazine online:

Rosemary Lemon Spritzer

Light and elegant, this cocktail is a refreshing choice for summer gatherings.


1 lemon

1/2 C sugar

5 sprigs fresh rosemary, plus more for garnish

1 L bottle sparkling water

4 oz ouzo or gin (optional)


Zest the lemon. Cut four slices out of the middle of the lemon and reserve for garnish. Squeeze out the juice and set aside.

In a small pan over medium-high heat, stir together the sugar with a half cup water until the sugar dissolves. Bring to a boil, remove from the heat, and add the rosemary sprigs and lemon zest.

Let cool to room temperature, strain into a clean jar, and refrigerate until ready to use, or up to two weeks.

Fill four glasses with ice. Fill each glass three-quarters of the way up with sparkling water. Add splash of lemon juice and two tablespoons of the flavored syrup. Top with ouzo or gin, if using.

Garnish with a lemon slice and a small sprig of rosemary.

For an alcohol-free cocktail that’s still full of flavour use Cedars Non-alcoholic Gin. Available at Kent Street Market in the Confederation Court Mall.



Q. If your culinary journey had a theme song, what would it be and why?

New Morning - Bob Dylan. If you’ve ever worked in a kitchen, you know that no matter how bad the night before was - the next day is like hitting the reset button. A fresh start. That also goes for how good the night before was. The next day will likely be entirely different.

Q. What’s the wildest ingredient you’ve ever experimented with in one of your dishes?

Entomology has been a major subject of study for me in recent years. I still remember the first true colony of Carpenter Ants that I came acrossin the Point Prim area. I agitated the mound - until the ants began to move erratically - and popped five or six of them into my mouth. They exploded with a sour, slightly mushroom-y flavour - and I was mind blown. They made the menu (in a rather provocative way) that evening.

Q. If you could invite three historical/ famous figures to a dinner party at your restaurant, who would they be and what would you serve them?

Aldo Leopold - the father of modernday conservation.

Rawls - the author of “Where

8 SUMMER 2023
“Nick of North”
Jackie Herbert, Food & Drink Editor
Courtesy of Chef Nick
“I once competed on a television show that involved cooking with the world’s hottest chilies. I like heat as much as the next person—but come on—really?”
- Chef Nick Chindamo

the Red Fern Grows.” Rachel Carson - credited with catalyzing the global environmental movement and launching a full-blown war against pesticide use in North America.

What would I feed them? A slow, elaborate menu of wild foodsprepared simply and with intention. Young Milkweed shoots with Invasive Green Crab sauce. Raw PEI Matsutake with Fir oil. Bread made with local, fermented grains. Black Locust blossoms - sprayed with a tea made from their leaves and cambium. Snowshoe Hare with pickled Bracken Fern. Striped Bass collar with Coastal Arrowgrass and Sea Truffle vinegar. Wapato cooked in Sweetgrass. A bowl of warm Cloudberries and cream.

Q. What was the defining moment in your life that sparked your passion for becoming a chef and how has that passion evolved throughout your career?

I think about this a lot - and I’m not sure that I have a single answer. I always seem to revert to memories of my grandparents. My grandfather used to pick grapes that he had trellised over a few pieces of wood and wash them in a small sink that he set up in the middle of the garden. He’d take them inside, and my grandmother would peel them (for some reason) - one by one. Whenever I find myself dreading the monotony of peeling onions in the kitchen for hours at a time, I think of my grandmother peeling grapes at the table so that we could fill our faces for a few seconds.

Q. If you were a vegetable, which one would you be, and why?

Mark Twain once said, “A Cauliflower is just a cabbage with an education.” How about a Cauliflower? A highly underrated vegetable - mostly due to a lack of creativity and understanding by the person handling it. It’s really a blank canvas!

Q. What’s your guilty pleasure when it comes to food? Any surprising indulgences?

High quality canned fish. Full stop!

Q. If you had to create a signature dish inspired by the vibrant colors and scenery of PEI, what would it be called, and what ingredients would it feature?

A tart shell made of potato fermented in sea water, filled with an emulsion of wild oyster, and covered with a collection of preserved wild plants. Visually modest - with basic colours of green, white, and brown - but exploding with flavours that remind you of pink and purple fields of Dame’s Rocket and South shore red-dirt coves. The name? Home.

Q. Have you ever had any strange or funny requests from customers when it comes to their meals?

It’s always strange when someone with a “severe allergy to shellfish” decides that they’ll have the clams. You’d be surprised at how quickly an allergy will shift to a “well i just don’t really like that…” - and how frequently it happens.

Q. If you could steal a recipe from any famous chef in the world without getting caught, whose would it be, and why?

Massimo Battura’s dish that featured local fish and dehydrated sea watermade to look like a piece of crumpled paper floating in the ocean.

This dish is the epitome of how a highlevel chef should think about creating dishes. Use food to tell a story and make a point. In this case, he uses the plate to educate the diner on polluted waters and the negative impact that our food systems are having on certain fish stocks.

Q. What’s the most outrageous foodrelated challenge or dare you’ve ever accepted?

I once competed on a television show that involved cooking with the world’s hottest chilies. I like heat as much as the next person - but come on… really?

Q. If you were to create a menu inspired by PEI’s history and culture, what dishes would make the cut?

I could spend the next six hours answering this question. There are so many layers to it. To put it simply, I would divide the province into small sections/ microclimates and cook a dish using only the local flora and fauna of that area - and using only traditional methods and techniques learned from locals and historical literature.

Q What trends do you see emerging in the culinary world, and how do you stay innovative and relevant in your cooking?

Here’s a good one; UNDERexplanation. It’s often encouraged in restaurants to put food down in front of a guest and recite a few words that vaguely explain what it is. I encourage those around me to do the opposite. Talk deeply with the guest about the food. Tell them everything. Full transparency.

Q Which cuisine or culinary tradition inspires you the most?

I suppose our local cuisine inspires me the most. Reading about the culinary traditions of those who lived here before us keeps me grounded in the kitchen, and intentional in my cooking.

Q What was your most memorable dining experience?

A small table outside of a friend’s home in Northern Oaxaca, Mexico. A traditional meal cooked by his grandmother. A bit too much local Mezcal.

SUMMER 2023 9

There is nothing that compares to a cold brew on a summer day. Local craft beer is a hot trend on the Island with breweries launching new brews with the unbridled enthusiasm that you would expect when you combine beer with an Island destination. Craft brewing on PEI is going to continue to expand. Now, that’s something to celebrate - with a beer!



192 Water St., Summerside 902-436-7218


96 Kensington Rd, Charlottetown 902.629.2739

Evermoore Brewing opened in 2018 after a year of renovations to a unique downtown building that was falling down, “We are still renovating to this day to bring the building back.” Owner, Alex Clark said.

Evermoore trys to keep eight unique beers, all brewed on site, on tap, their goal is always simple - make it easy drinking. “We have some fun seasonals, but we try our best to make clear, easy drinking beers.”

Evermoore Brewing has live music every Tuesday night from six to eight, and every Saturday afternoon from 1:30 to four you can enjoy the Irish traditional session. “Our Saturday sessions can see ten or more players show up, with some big names dropping in.”

For those beautiful Island summer days and evenings spend some time on the patio and enjoy a cold brew and something from their ever changing menu.

“Our restaurant has always been a big success, we’ve been fortunate to have a great brewer Sam Ramsay, but the restaurant was always our focus.” Clark said, “We’ve started canning and selling our craft beer in the liquor stores to great result, it’s been exciting to see the business spread out a bit from just the restaurant business.”

Evermoore Brewing is worth the trip to Summerside, try one of their amazing craft brews like Batten Brown a traditional brown ale, Beach’d Blonde ale, or take a growler home for your next gathering!

PEI Brewing Company is not just a great spot to get your craft beer fix, they also offer a small but delicious locally inspired menu, brewery tours, and tabletop games. Explore their taproom and taste a selection from their roster of reputable releases, or sample one their seasonal offerings - an ever-changing selection of small-batch runs, incorporating unique local flavours that change with the seasons.

Founded in 2013, PEI Brewing Company is an award-winning brewery that crafts and distributes brands such as Beach Chair Lager, Gahan Beer, and Colliding Tides craft cocktails.


The term “rule of thumb” originates from brewers who would stick their thumb into the mix to see when the temperature was right for adding the yeast.


11 Brook St, Montague 902.838.4384.


Bogside Brewing opened in June 2019, they offer craft beer from pilsners to ports and everywhere in between. Bogside also crafts the SNAP. Vodka Soda drink line up. The SNAP. Vodka Sodas are flavoured with real fruit juices, no sugar added and gluten free.

Bogside is open seven days a week. in the summer, with live music on every weekend featuring local musicians. Canada Day weekend was Bogside’s official kick-off to summer with the launch of their new vibrant beer garden complete with outdoor seating for 200 under the big tent, a summer sound stage for live music, outdoor patio games and views of the Montague Waterfront. This summer Bogside is also launching their new outdoor seafood kitchen called Hooked.

The brewery at Bogside features a taproom with 22 taps on draught of Bogside craft beer, SNAP. Vodka Sodas and non-alcoholic blonde ale. The craft beer is amazing, and the menu never disappoints. Bogside offers three on-site restaurants: BBQ, pizza, and

seafood. Each restaurant boasts a unique menu filled with tantalizing flavours and carefully crafted dishes.

The new beer garden at Bogside will be lit up with fun events throughout the summer. They love to host a party with live music, culinary excellence, and delicious beer. This July Bogside will be hosting the ultimate night out at their new Lobster Crusher festival.

You can find Bogside’s regular beer line-up on draught and togo in their retail store. Bogside is always crafting new beer tasting experiences. This summer every craft beer lover will find exciting new recipes from Bogside which include Belgian Wit, Pineapple Sour and their limited edition Single Hop Series beers.

The first ever beer brewers were all women. In ancient Peru, breweries were operated by “women of the elite”.

Slugs and snails love beer! If you’re looking to rid your garden of these pests, put some beer in shallow containers at night.

Cenosillicaphobia is the fear of an empty glass. A good reason to keep a wellstocked fridge!

Craft beer is good for your bones because it has high levels of silicon.


This refreshing beer cocktail is easy to make at home with a few simple ingredients.


1 ounce* freshly squeezed lemon juice

1 ounce simple syrup

4 ounces soda water

6 ounces craft wheat beer

For the garnish: Lemon or orange wedge (optional)


In a beer glass, stir the simple syrup and lemon juice.

Add the soda water and beer and stir gently to combine. Garnish with a citrus wedge.

*1 ounce = 2 tablespoons

The best beer for a summer shandy? It goes without saying that local craft beer is the best! Wheat beer is a favourite. It’s complex but not hoppy, which goes hand in hand with the zing of lemon. You can use any lager, but we recommend a wheat beer.



Summer is here and that means every dad across the country is going to embark on the time-honoured tradition of combining fire, iron and meat: ground beef, chicken, pork, stemmed and marinated portobello mushrooms for our vegan friends too. But the piece de resistance, the crown jewel of summer cooking is, obviously, the steak.

What’s important in steak cooking is simplicity and attention to detail. When I teach new cooks this skill, I use an instant-read, digital probe thermometer. These units come with a temperature scale in the packaging, and while these numbers are mostly accurate for large roasts, an inch-thick steak never gets an accurate read because it’s so thin.

My first tip for you is watch the juices; they will show you what’s happening inside your steak. The more it cooks, the more it bleeds. The more it bleeds, the dryer it gets, and the less redness will be seen on a crosssection.

The next tip is resting. Do not, under any circumstances, yank the steak off the grill and hack straight into it. While the meat rests, the structure begins to relax and, like a squeezed sponge simply set in a puddle of water, it’ll drink the juices back up. This pulls the liquid from the outer edge of the steak back into the core, lifting the internal temperature by anywhere from five to 10 degrees, rising to the next stage of doneness over the next five minutes!

My third tip for steak cooking is a simple tool. Cast Iron is the best cooking surface. These pans are invincible. Preheat your pan and start with a tablespoon of butter, a whole clove of garlic, and a bundle of fresh thyme before putting the steak in it. Once you flip the meat, you can baste it with your seasoned butter and really ramp up the flavour.

Let’s talk about seasoning. Salt is all you really need here. The temperatures used to sear beef are so hot that all plant-based spices and herbs are going to burn long before your steak even starts to cook. Don’t waste your money on rubs or spice combinations; all you need is a pinch of coarse kosher salt before cooking.

Bone in, or bone out? For a beginner, boneless, always. But if you want a challenge, the T-bone is a perfect place to start. Rather than searing your steak on both sides and calling it a day, start by standing it up on the flat end of the T, cooking the bone so the heat radiates up through the centre and into the meat before laying it flat.

Finishing Spread. If you want to really step up your game, try a finishing spread while your steak is resting. Chimichurri (see recipe) adds a bright, fresh, summertime flavour with acidity and heat augmented by olive oil. Classic garlic butter also works in a pinch, and even more so with some crumbled triple-cream blue cheese. Just slather this stuff on top of your steak while it rests and you’ll find it to be a better alternative to any spice rub on the market.


1/2 cup chopped parsley - flat-leaf parsley

4 cloves garlic - chopped

1 shallot - chopped

1 teaspoon dried oregano

1 small red chili - seeded and diced (or 2 tsp red pepper flakes)

3 tablespoon red wine vinegar

1 teaspoon salt

1/2 teaspoon fresh ground black pepper

2/3 cup good-quality extra-virgin olive oil


Add the chopped parsley, garlic, shallot, oregano, red chili (or crushed red pepper), red wine vinegar, salt, and pepper to the bowl of a food processor. Process until finely minced (take care not to turn it into a thick paste from over-processing).

Transfer the mixture to a small bowl and pour the extra-virgin olive oil over the mixture. Gently mix to combine. Allow the Chimichurri to stand for 15 minutes, time permitting.

Serve over your favorite grilled meats and vegetables or use as a marinade!



Chef Nathan Schoenfeldt

Saskatchewan trained and PEI polished, Chef Nathan Schoenfeldt moved to the Island ten years ago and fell in love with the culinary community.

Temperature Scale

Rare 52C or 125F

Cold inside, red all the way through. Does not bleed. Typically, it’s only grey on the outside with very little browning.

Medium Rare 55C or 130F

Warm inside with a pink ring surrounding red. Bleeds a little; the juices are clear with red as the marbling begins to melt. Typically purging at the edge of the steak. Bulges like a water balloon when poked. It’s soft because the fats are melting inside.

Medium 57C or 135F

Warm throughout and consistently pink inside. Medium bleeds a lot and requires a rest. Substantially less fat in the purge, and more red. It bleeds from all surface areas. Bulging doesn’t happen anymore; the proteins on the outside are cooked.

Medium Well 60C or 140F

Hot throughout, and now has a grey layer surrounding pink. No red is visible on a cross-section here. The juices begin to darken and take on a caramel hue. While it bleeds profusely, it’s now bleeding brown.

Well Done 63C or 145F

Brown throughout; there is no pink visible here. Bleeding has slowed down; any more that comes out is now thoroughly brown.

Perfect Pairing!

A Syrah is an excellent choice for both porterhouse and T-bone cuts. This type of wine offers the tannins of a Pinot Noir with the dark fruit flavours of a Cabernet Sauvignon. It’s heavier than a Pinot Noir, while also being lighter than a Cabernet Sauvignon.

Chef’s Choice!

Domaine de la Terre

Rouge Syrah Les Cotes de L’Ouest

BIN#: R0189Z | 750 ML $39.59

Available at PEI Liquor locations

Please enjoy rsponsibly!

“These summer selections from Notables by PEI Liquor provide satisfying flavours appropriate for sipping on a warm, sunlit patio or paired with one of the many spectacular views of our Island. Discover my go-to varietals for summer sipping with a variety of suggestions to fit your budget.”

Photos Evan Ceretti
- Darren LeBlanc


Riesling is often much maligned due to its tendency for high-acid, high-sugar wines with relatively simple flavours, sommeliers know that Riesling is actually capable of amazing feats. In warmer climates it can produce fruit bombs of incredible complexity with an acid profile that keeps it all very lifted and far from cloying. In cool climates, the ability to produce lots of sugar and lots of acid allows for some of the most tense, textural, exciting wines that often only peak at 12% alcohol when on the dry side.


Sauvignon Blanc can be produced in a number of styles but always has the hallmark green fruit, herbaceousness and crisp acidity that makes it a versatile partner for warm patios, green salads, white fish and other light textured proteins. Look to New Zealand if you prefer a smoother, slightly fruitier version. Look to the Loire Valley, France if you prefer more mineral driven dry styles.


$76.70 W0200Z


Himmelreich 2017

$51.79 W0141Z

VQA, Ontario 2020

$21.39 09411Z

Often medium-bodied, Chenin Blanc’s ancestral home is the Loire Valley of France where it makes bone dry, off-dry, sparkling, even some sweet wine. While oak can be present, chenin blanc tends much more to the fresh side with flavours of apple peel, lemons, honeydew melon, passion fruit and limes. The oaked versions tend to present much like a Chardonnay.

Domaine Fournier

‘Clos du Roc’ Single Vineyard 2021 Sancerre

$63.49 W0359Z


Chateau du Seuil

Sauvignon Blanc/ Semillon Blend

$30.79 W0094Z

Sauvignon Blanc

$26.09 W0230Z

‘La Plante Martin’


$46.49 W0357Z



Vouvray ‘Silex’

$34.90 W0191Z



Vouvray Cremant

Brut Sparkling Organic

$28.79 W0190Z

On the light-bodied side, vermentino is often a go-to substitute for the Sauvignon Blanc lover. Grown in a number of regions in Italy this wine displays lovely lime flavours mixing with daffodil, crushed stones and a pleasing bitter note on the finish that is reminiscent of grapefruit pith.



Darren LeBlanc is the Specialty Product Advisor at Notables by PEI Liquor in the Founders’ Food Hall & Market. He is a certified sommelier with 25 years of experience in the hospitality industry and continues to contribute as a restaurant consultant and wine writer. (Photo: Evan Ceretti)

BellOvile Toscana IGT Organic $23.99 04949W Rocca delle Macie ‘Campo Maccione’ Maremma IGT $22.99 04979W Sella & Mosca di Gallura DOCG $31.60 W0233Z Charles Joguet Love Block Estate Joh. Jos. Prum Wehlener Sonnenuhr 2018 Dr. Loosen Graacher Cave Spring Estate, Beamsville Bench

Kitchens Unlimited, House of Kitchens & Fine Dining, features a wide selection of stylish, functional top-quality kitchenware, from brand names you know and love.

Kitchens Unlimited

Confederation Court Mall

134 Kent Street, Charlottetown 902.566.2252


Set of four, Pimpernel’s unique place mats are created to suit all tastes. Strong and robust, Pimpernel placemats have a thick 5mm board with a stylish design completely sealed in a quality lacquer, making them super heat and stain resistant. These place mats are cork-backed and measure 15.7 inches x 11.7 inches.


Solid colours, patterns and designs that last and last. Reusable, eco-friendly, quick-dry cleaning cloth for kitchen, bathroom and counters. No odour cellulose sponge cloths, machine washable.


Peugeot’s oven-safe glazed bake ware is made of natural clay and kaolin, and it is lead-free and cadmium-free. The ceramic bakeware also features extra-strong enamels to protect against scratching, and the nonstick glaze makes for easy cleaning. Additionally, the line features high edges to accommodate expansion capacity and allows retention of cooking juices to preserve and express flavours. The different sizes are stackable, and they nest together for space-saving storage. Created for flavourful baking, bake ware features clean, contemporary lines and is available in timeless and trend-forward colours designed to complement today’s household kitchen design and colour palettes. Colours include Saffron Yellow, Ecru, Red, Deep Blue, Slate, Terracotta and Eggplant.

18 SUMMER 2023
Home or cottage... we’ve got your summer needs covered!


Frozen yogurt, ice cream and sorbet maker. The new mixing paddle makes frozen desserts in 20 minutes or less. Large capacity makes up to 1-1/2-quarts and the double-insulated freezer bowl eliminates the need for ice. Easy-lock transparent lid with large spout makes adding ingredients simple and mess-free.


Enjoy pure refreshment with every sip! The PuroAqua glass water bottle is made of high-quality borosilicate glass and a luminous silicone coated body. The softtouch body increases durability and provides a good grip on the bottle. The BPA-free glass bottle maintains the purity of the beverage with no leaching of chemicals or metallic taste residue. Featuring an easy-to-drink leak-proof spout, the lid is durable and ergonomically functional with an integrated handle. The wide-mouth bottle is easy to fill with ice cubes and accompaniments. The bottle is easy to clean, dishwasher safe and available in an assortment of colours.


You’ve probably never owned a dinnerware set as useful and as versatile as this Nautica 16-piece dinner set. Whether it’s a homemade masterpiece course or just Chinese takeout, Nautica dishes will bring your tabletop to life! It’s a simple blue and white dinnerware set that is pretty enough for special occasions and of course sturdy enough for everyday use. The different shades of blue make this dinner set pretty, unique, and top-grade.

SUMMER 2023 19
summer living made easy!


Your time is in demand, who has time for the research, the learning and then, of course, the mixing? Too much for your meticulously curated life, we say! Notables has you covered with curated canned cocktails that provide cool and convenient summer sipping selections.

Please enjoy rsponsibly!


Rewind Juiced Tropical Lemonade

$4.79 18173X

Right from the pour, Rewind smells like a tropical punch. Passion fruit and pineapple juices find such a great home in this vodkabased beverage with energetic mouthfeel and playful sparkle. Medium acid and a light sweetness.

Walter Craft Caeser Classic

$4.99 18154X

If you aren’t familiar with Walter Craft Caesar, it’s available as a cocktail mix at your grocer, but also as a flavourful alternative to other canned vodka cocktails. Walter’s adds horseradish to their recipe adding a sweet savoury element that is very satisfying.

Dillon’s Blackberry Lemon & A Dash of Elderflower

$4.69 S0118X

Don’t let the crystal-clear colour belie the intense blackberry juiciness and light touch of elderflower that provides a floral balance to the pleasant sweetness of this canned cocktail. With gubtle gin flavours at play in the background, I recommend this for anyone preferring a gin beverage, but don’t stop there this will impress even those that try to avoid gin.

Colliding Tides Frosted Grape Twist

$19.49 18019H

Purple flowers and grapes jump out of your glass with this fantastic ferment. A pleasing sweetness balances out this can while the acidity lifts the flavours so you can go back for more. Available in a six-

SNAP Berry Best Vodka Soda

$5.19 81863X

With the first pour, the colour makes the initial impression of reddish pink hinting at blue. Aromas of fresh mashed wild strawberries and sun-warmed blueberries. On the palate, all of these intense flavours are levelled up by bracing acidity and a rich sparkling mouthfeel.

Darren LeBlanc is the Specialty Product Advisor at Notables by PEI Liquor in the Founders’ Food Hall & Market. He is a certified sommelier with 25 years of experience in the hospitality industry and continues to contribute as a restaurant consultant and wine writer.

(Photo: Evan Ceretti)


Located inside Founders’ Food Hall & Market

6 Prince Street, Charlottetown 902.368.4836

SUMMER 2023 21

Blackberry & Goat Cheese Salad

This goat cheese salad with arugula comes together in a snap. Start to finish, it’s ready in less time than it takes to throw some chicken on the grill. Smoky grilled chicken and a gorgeous blackberry arugula salad—doesn’t that sound perfect on a warm summer night?



5 ounces arugula

3-4 ounces goat cheese

2 cups ripe blackberries

1/4 cup salted pistachios, shelled

Honey-Mustard Dressing

2 tbsp stone-ground mustard

2 tbsp honey

1/3 cup rice vinegar

1/2 cup extra virgin olive oil

1/2 small shallot, minced (2 tbsp)

1/2 tsp salt

1/4 tsp pepper


Whisk all dressing ingredients in a small bowl until the oil and vinegar emulsify.

If you own an immersion blender, you can pulse the dressing a few times to make it creamier. Don’t pulse too much or you will lose the integrity of the mustard seeds.

In a large bowl or on a large platter, toss the arugula, goat cheese, blackberries and pistachios with the honey mustard dressing and serve.

22 SUMMER 2023


Use the freshest ingredients from your local farmers’ market, roadside produce stand or your backyard garden!

SUMMER 2023 23


Sales of low and alcohol-free beverages are growing and so is the innovative range of beverages from local craft producers. Alcohol-free alternatives are emerging as this decade’s healthy-living products of choice. The rising trend to choose low or alcohol-free beverage increases as people are adopting a healthier lifestyle. Covid-19 and the lockdowns played a big part as well. People changed their habits and lifestyle – from working at home to workouts at home – the pub was no longer an option and we realized the benefits alcohol-free drinks deliver.

Carefully crafted, often experimental, and designed to give your taste buds a thrilling workout, alcohol-free drinks are usually small batch genius drinks. Non-alcoholic drinks aren’t bland or lacking in flavour anymore; you can expect everything from soft, gentle drinks to big, punchy flavours that will have your taste buds standing to attention.

These are our favourite low and alcoholfree bevvies that are sure to satisfy your palate.



Blonde Style Ale - 0% ABV

A refreshing and satisfying beverage that captures the essence of a crisp, clean, classic blonde-style ale while eliminating the alcohol content. It offers the same delightful taste and mouth-feel as a traditional blonde beer, but without the effects of alcohol. With its carefully crafted recipe, this Blonde Ale allows you to enjoy a light and flavourful experience.


Blonde Ale - 0.7% ABV

Hopped with Simcoe and Columbus, Noble is ultra-light without compromising flavour. This 0.7% Pale Ale is dry and refreshing with notes of melon and field berries on the front followed by a lasting dose of citrus on the finish.


Distilled Spirits - O% ABV, O Calories, 0% Sugar

Canada’s finest distilled non-alcoholic spirits made with all natural botanicals and extracts. Choose gin or tequila. Available at Kent Street Market, Charlottetown


Distilled Spirits- O% ABV, O Calories, 0% Sugar

Meticulously harvested and distilled flavours are blended together to create the four distinct flavour profiles of the range. Classic, Crisp, Rose and Wild are four successful combinations. They each have a very distinct personality and are full of flavour!

Available at Kent Street Market, Charlottetown


Wine alternative - 0% ABV, 0 Sugar

Vegan-friendly and gluten-free Piquette Zero is a lively and delicious alcohol-free wine alternative that offers a creative and unprecedented craft option to industrially dealcoholized wines often stripped of their character. Not identical to wine, this new sensory experience is to be discovered for its own unique deliciousness. Piquette Zero is available in PEI at Sobeys, Superstore and PEILCC, or order direct via the website.


Lime Lager - 0.4% ABV

New for 2023, a low-calorie, lowalcoholic craft beer that fits your life – not the other way around. Recharge with this refreshing and zesty lime lager infused with a hint of sea salt.

SUMMER 2023 25

One Bowl Vegan Blueberry Muffins


Lemon Blueberry Muffins:

Add a teaspoon of lemon extract and a tablespoon of lemon zest to the batter!


1 1/4 cup unsweetened soy milk

1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar

2 cups all purpose flour (see below for substitutions)

1 cup granulated sugar

2 teaspoons baking powder

1/4 teaspoon salt

1 tablespoon cornstarch

1/3 cup canola oil

1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract

1 1/2 cups fresh blueberries

1-2 tablespoons coarse sugar, optional, for sprinkling the tops


Preheat the oven to 400 degrees F. Line a standard muffin pan with liners and spray them lightly with oil. Combine the soy milk and apple cider vinegar in a measuring cup and set aside to curdle. This is your “buttermilk”.

In a large mixing bowl, whisk together all the dry ingredients: flour, sugar, baking powder, salt and cornstarch. Pour in the soy milk/vinegar mixture, canola oil and vanilla. Stir with a large spoon to combine, but do not over mix. Some small lumps are fine.

Fold in the blueberries, gently. Using a small measuring cup or ice cream scoop, add batter to the liners in the pan 3/4 of the way full. Top with a few extra blueberries and a sprinkle of coarse sugar, if desired.

Bake for 22-26 minutes, until golden brown on top and a toothpick inserted comes out clean. Let cool five minutes in the pan, then move to a cooling rack.

Eat and enjoy!

These muffins can be made with whole wheat pastry flour, white whole wheat flour or even spelt flour. For gluten-free, use a gluten-free all purpose flour mix.

moist and full of fresh blueberries. You will love how easy they are to make!


Meet some of the Island’s leading health and wellness professionals who are dedicated to keeping their clients happy and healthy.


RELAX, REFRESH, REWIND: Grand Senses Spa - Wellsystem Aqua Massage Therapy

Step into Grand Senses and experience a new sensation in relaxation. The heated Wellsystem Aqua Massage Therapy bed will gently ease away your aches and pains in a private room complete with dimmed light and soothing music.

A unique massage experience, Wellsystem‘s dry water massage uses heat and water power for a relaxing full, or partial, body massage.

“Our Wellsystem Medical Aqua Therapy Massage bed combines the gentle power of water with beneficial warmth to create a unique therapy concept with a diverse range of positive effects.” Virginia MacIasaac says, “Our Wellsystem Medical bed is filled with around 300 litres of water heated to a comfortable 25-40 degrees celsius. Two water jets run in even movements against the underside of a natural rubber bed. Pressure strength, the massage areas and massage times

can be controlled individually for every application.”

The soothing jets work around the contours of your body to relieve tired and stressed muscles for a truly relaxing massage. You control the program and the water pressure as you lay on the bed fully clothed – just relax and let Wellsystem do the rest.

Stress, bad posture at work and lack of exercise are causing more and more people to experience tension and pain in their neck, shoulders and back. The contactless dry water massage is exceptionally hygienic and an ideal supplement or alternative to manual therapy.

Back and joint pains, muscle tension, muscular imbalances, stress-related muscular tension, cervical migraines. These are frequently occurring and often chronic complaints. The unique “dry water massage” therapy concept is the optimal solution for prevention and therapy.

The intensive massage works into the deeper layers of tissue, loosens tension and can assist with muscle pain relief. The dry water massage improves blood circulation, stimulates the metabolism and delivers heightened energy levels.

Sessions from fifteen to thirty minutes mean you can book a session during your lunch break, after the gym or book ten fifteen-minute sessions.

Because you can complete a session without removing your clothing, it’s convenient and simple with a great result. Grand Senses Wellsystem Medical Aqua Therapy Massage is simply relaxation for body and soul!


123 Grafton St, Charlottetown, 902.894.8332

28 SUMMER 2023
Virginia MacIsaac


Avisit to a salon or spa offers so many benefits, it’s tough to list them all. You’ll leave feeling so relaxed, you may end up sleeping better. Stress can play havoc with nighttime hours. Serotonin and dopamine enhance the quality and length of sleep. Both are released as the body de-stresses. Other perks include more radiant, healthy skin, reduced pain, lowered blood pressure, and improved confidence and self-esteem.

A visit to Sherwood Styling Salon and Inspire Esthetics can be a meditative experience. The friendly team will ensure you leave with a skip in your step and a relaxed smile on your face. They will go the extra mile to make your experience memorable whether you’re dropping in for jazzy colour, a fun new cut, a touch-up of your regular ‘do, or one of the many spa treatments the long-term business offers, you’ll be welcomed like an old friend. The salon offers head-to-toe services for men and women.

Treating oneself can include full body waxing, facials, electrolysis, eyelash perming and lifting, manicures and pedicures, gel nails, eyebrow and eyelash tinting, and makeup for all kinds of occasions, including weddings, graduations, proms, and other special occasions.

Owner Sandra Weeks speaks with pride when she talks about her team, which includes her daughter, Brittany. Many of the salon’s clients have been coming for years, through all of life’s ups and downs. “We’re one of the largest salons on Prince Edward Island but we have a true intimate family feel,” Weeks says.

Looking for a particular product? The huge showroom features a fun assortment of colourful brands. Shampoo, conditioner, hair accessories, makeup, skincare products, even jewellery, wallets, scarves, purses, hair straighteners and curling irons

are all available. Just pop in and one of the helpful staff will navigate you towards the products most suitable for you. Anything not on the shelf can be ordered in, so don’t hesitate to ask.

166 St Peters Rd, Charlottetown 902.892.2334

SUMMER 2023 29
SHERWOOD STYLING SALON AND INSPIRE ESTHETICS By Susan Rodgers Photos Evan Ceretti Model Robin Gamble Owner, Sandra Weeks


imotion fitness MIND BODY CORE owner Stephanie Knickle started offering two Pilates classes in the fall of 2005. Eighteen years later imotion fitness MIND BODY CORE now offers over 22 classes a week, both in-studio and online. Their new 1,900 squarefoot studio is in the lower level of the BDC Place Building at 119 Kent Street and attached to the Queen Street Parkade.

“Our primary fitness classes are in Pilates Mat and Reformer. Pilates is truly what has changed my own body and abilities. At 55-years-of-age, I’m in better shape now—and way more flexible—than when I was playing basketball at age 21.” Knickle says, “I still also teach variations of Total Body Fitness, including Cardio, HIIT, Strength training, Functional Fitness and Group TRX.”

In-studio classes are available in the mornings, lunch, and evenings Monday to Saturday. imotion fitness MIND BODY CORE offers an online monthly membership consisting of six new Pilates mat, barre, and Total Body Fitness classes per week. “You can even try it out free for seven days and cancel at any time.” Knickle says, “Visit www. Participants can

choose to join us live via our private Facebook group or just go directly to the website workout library and choose a class.”

The library consists of over 200 “workout chapters,” including 10-minute target training, Fitness Beginner Basics, as well as a full Introduction to Pilates Program. Clients can do them whenever it suits their schedule. imotion fitness MIND BODY CORE offers various levels of intensity and challenge in all classes, which are suitable for all ages and abilities. One of the key components of Pilates is the ability to honour individual physical restrictions or injuries and modify exercises for clients if they have any issues or injuries. Pilates is definitely something you can do for life.

“There is overwhelming research on the effects that physical activity and movement have on one’s mental and emotional health. Life is full of ups and downs and one way we can take responsibility for our total health is by finding enjoyable ways to move our bodies...I’m both a product of and a conduit for how people can genuinely improve and manage their mental health through regular physical exercise!” Knickle says.

imotion fitness MIND BODY CORE

119 Kent Street Charlottetown (Lower Level BDC Building) 902-314-3488

30 SUMMER 2023
▲ Stephanie Knickle ▲(L-R) Stephanie Noonan, Stephanie Knickle and Karina Boswell


Mel Martell, owner of With Mel Fitness, wants to help women get fit and healthy. “I think unfortunately for a lot of women their biggest motivator is to change their appearance, which I wish wasn’t true. I believe women who start working out find their motivation changes very quickly from how they look, to how they feel.” Martell says, “And that’s what I like to focus on. How it feels when we work out, after we work out. How it feels to be strong.”

Martell has been working in the fitness industry since 2013, and has since obtained her 200-hour yoga teacher training certification, certifications in personal training, corrective movement, spin, barre, Indian head massage, as well as fourteen additional health and fitness related courses. Martell believes there is a connection between fitness and happiness and wellbeing, “We know that exercising releases endorphins and increases the levels of serotonin and dopamine in our brain. Exercise improves and helps regulate these neurotransmitter levels, which ultimately helps us feel healthy mentally as well. A win-win! Improve both your physical and mental well-being with movement!”

With Mel Fitness offers both online and in-person classes, private training, and online corporate classes. “I also offer step-by-step fitness programs that range from ten days to 12 weeks long and are available on my website. I’m currently working on an incredible new program designed for women over 35 who are serious about maintaining their health and fitness as they start to make their way into middle age.”

You can find her classes via her website and YouTube channel @melmartell. “Upcoming classes, both in-person and online, are posted on my website and via Instagram.”

Seabreeze Therapeutic Massage opened the Summerside location overlooking the beautiful Summerside harbour in 2019. Owner, Mary Stewart trained in massage therapy at Canadian College of Massage and Hydrotherapy in Halifax. Stewart offers general Swedish massage and specializes in RAPID Neurofascial Reset.

Rapid Neurofascial Reset is the technique recommended for people who are experiencing pain daily or that keeps them from doing activities they enjoy. It is a stimulating technique that works in cooperation with the nervous system to reset muscles that are stuck in a moving pattern that is no longer efficient or that have scarring from overuse or injury. People experience an improvement in symptoms usually after the first 45-to-60-minute session. Subsequent sessions are 30-45 minutes. It depends on the complexity of symptoms, but most clients come for a series of three-six treatments for symptom resolution.

Stewart recommends RAPID for shoulder issues, low back pain, sciatica, bursitis, plantar fasciitis, Baker’s cyst, headaches/migraines, nerve issues of the arm, frozen shoulder, pelvic floor, tennis/golfers’ elbow, whiplash, shin splints, bunions and arthritic joints, knee problems and TMJ that can cause jaw pain.

“I recommend Swedish massage for clients wanting a relaxing therapeutic massage.” Stewart explains, “The difference between the two techniques is RAPID is stimulating—the patient remains clothed and actively participates by doing set movements while I apply specific pressure to the area of dysfunction. No lotion or oil is used. Swedish massage is relaxing—the patient lies on the massage table between sheets and a blanket. Oil or lotion is used to allow for glide as the therapist kneads and stretches muscles.”


SUMMER 2023 31
263 Heather Moyse Drive, Suite 12, Summerside | 902.303.3611


Recently, I felt overwhelmed by a task I was about to undertake. I could feel the signs of stress in my body: shallow breathing, increased heart rate, tightness in my belly and more. Since I was home at the time, I was able to tap into some built-in resources I have access to, in the form of seeking out significant people and loved ones for help. A tender bear hug from someone who cares helped me to regulate my emotions and return to a place of stability. Those arms of safety, wrapped around my body, sent my nervous system a message of safety and connection. I felt okay and ready to face the challenge. This is the essence of co-regulation.

32 SUMMER 2023

What is Dysregulation, SelfRegulation, and Co-Regulation?

According to the Very Well Mind (www.,) dysregulation occurs when we struggle to modulate emotional responses. For instance, this is evidenced when a child, youth, or adult struggles to make decisions, struggles to manage emotions, or even avoids experiencing difficult emotions. We can see moments of dysregulation in children when they are not compliant with our directives. We can also see moments of dysregulation in ourselves when we are faced with an impossibly difficult task that seems insurmountable. Self-regulation happens when we can stay calm and focused enough to exercise control over our emotions, thoughts, and behaviours. Sometimes this is not possible. Co-regulation occurs when we need extra support for self-regulation to take place. In this capacity, someone other than ourselves assists us in implementing strategies and skills that will help us stay calm and stable.

How to Regulate Myself

I can and have learned strategies that will assist in the process of self-regulation. Humans are adaptable and able to change. One change we can make for ourselves is to recognize disruptive, intrusive thoughts and think about what we would rather be experiencing. When

we know better what we want, we can do better to advocate change for ourselves. Knowing that I want calm then provides me with a goal. I can seek out ways to stay calm, such as learning to increase my tolerance for uncomfortable feelings and limit my impulses, as well maintaining an inner dialogue with myself, and an open dialogue with others. Beyond this, I can further find ways to utilize mindfulness in my everyday life.

How to Regulate Others

When I have learned the skills and strategies that enable me to selfregulate, I can then help others to do the same. This is the co-regulating ability of a person to help support another person finding it difficult to manage big emotions or who might be reacting adversely to challenging situations. The co-regulator, with a calm, steady presence—assists in lending their calm, in soothing, and reminding the person experiencing dysregulation that they are not alone. The connection and stability provided in co-regulation is often enough to enable someone experiencing emotional dysregulation to find that inner calm they are seeking.

Co-Regulation in Everyday Life

I encounter moments each day in which I must check in with myself to self-regulate. I am also a co-regulating

presence in the lives of many other people. As the saying goes, if I don’t place importance on looking after myself, I will have a hard time looking after others. Being aware of my emotions and the important role they play in informing me of my health and wellness is an important first step. When I am aware, I can look after myself. When I am regulated emotionally, I can then take on the challenge of supporting others.

SUMMER 2023 33
One change we can make for ourselves is to recognize disruptive, intrusive thoughts and think about what we would rather be experiencing.
Lori Gard is a registered counselling therapist at Your Life Design Inc., a Prince Edward Island based company offering online therapy and training.

The awardwinning Mill River golf course, located on the grounds of the four-season and fourstar Mill River Resort, is the ultimate golfers’ getaway.


Lorie Kane, a Canadian Golf Hall of Famer and four-time winner on the LPGA Tour.
By Lynne McKenna Photos Lisa Enman

The Resort boasts 81 newly designed guestrooms with top-of-the-line amenities to make your stay unforgettable. If one great course wasn’t enough, Mill River Resort recently acquired Eagles Glenn, an 18-hole championship course spread over 300 acres in Cavendish and designed by legendary golf course architect Graham Cooke.

The Ambassador of Golf for both courses is Lorie Kane, a Canadian Golf Hall of Famer and four-time winner on the LPGA Tour. In recognition of her contributions to Canadian sport, Lorie received the Order of Canada in 2006 and in 2020 was inducted into Canada’s Sports Hall of Fame. She serves as the consultant on all things golf, from course playability, golf operations and events, as well as instructional opportunities at the resort.

“I remember playing on the Mill River course as a junior golfer,” says Lorie. “Since Don and Marion MacDougall took ownership, I’ve grown to love Mill River in every season. I get my most restful sleeps at the resort because I

can’t find a more comfortable bed! I even have a favourite room overlooking the driving range and golf course!”

Playing a round of golf with Don, her dad, and her sister Mary Lynn was what first sparked Lorie’s interest in what Don was doing to promote PEI as a tourist destination. “I get to do what I love about golf, from quick tips to golfers, recommendations for golf shop merchandise, or chatting with restaurant guests. I see myself as a just another member of the great Mill River team.”

Lorie is a firm supporter of women in golf. “My dad Jack often said, ‘Leave it better than you found it.’ I’ve seen how much sport gives back to those who participate. The women who blazed a trail before me showed me a career in sport was possible. I want to leave the sport of women’s golf better than I found it.” She champions causes like KidSport and helps with local girls’ golf lessons whenever she is able. In addition to many other golf packages, Mill River is offering the PEI Ladies Golf Getaway package from July 5-9. It includes accommodation, three rounds of golf, coaching and

warm up clinics by Lorie and her team, meal gift cards, and transportation to Charlottetown. Off the course, Mill River has an indoor pool and 90 foot waterslide, full service spa, tennis courts, and a nature trail. For those wanting more of resort living, there is the Residences at Mill River, a contemporary rustic year-round community of two bedroom executive homes in a beautiful tree-lined setting with access to all the Mill River amenities.

“My golfing career has meant I have spent more time away from PEI than I would like,” says Lorie. “Coming back home, I’m glad to be part of the PEI tourism activities and to showcase our golf courses. I’m excited to bring more well-deserved attention to PEI, Mill River, and Eagles Glenn.”

Mill River Resort

180 Mill River Resort Rd. Route 136, Woodstock, PE 902.859.3555

Toll free: 1.844.375.3555

All year round, there’s loads to do in Summerside, but now with the warmer weather and sunny skies, we can add some of our favourite summer activities and sports to our list of ways to live our best #seasidelife!

36 SUMMER 2023

Dining al Fresco

It’s no secret that we love dining outdoors! Let’s start with a picnic! There’s no lack of green space in Summerside and a picnic along the water or at the park is the best way to capitalize on enjoying good food and sunshine! Whether you pack your picnic yourself, or you pick one up, eating outdoors is a fun way to experience the waterfront!

Next, we suggest enjoying a cold treat on the boardwalk! With dairy bars being an Island staple (we have several in the city) why not enjoy your cold treat when you stroll along! Birds will be chirping; a chipmunk might make an appearance and you can get your steps in while you cool off with your favourite flavour!

Dine on the deck! We have multiple restaurants with outdoor seating, including a handful that are right on the water, allowing you to eat right next to the ocean whether you’re eating surf or turf.

Spend time at Spinnakers Landing

There’s no shortage of favourite shops in Summerside, and it’s always exciting when the shopping at Spinnakers Landing opens for another season! It’s one of the markers that summer has come! This year there are some new additions and favourite familiars on Spinnakers!

Outdoor Fun

With the warmer weather, getting outdoors sometimes feels a lot less daunting than the wintertime counterpart; and with that in mind, there’s a bunch to do outside in the seaside air!

First stop, the Knot Beach Bar and Rentals! If you’re looking to get your heart rate up by spending some time

on the water, you can enjoy kayaking or paddle boarding by renting gear from The Knot! The crew at the Knot can also set you up with cruiser bikes if you’d like to actively make your way through the city on two wheels!

If you’re looking for team or individual activities, head back to the grounds of Credit Union Place and take some time at the outdoor tennis courts or beach volleyball courts. Get your gang together and spike the ball for a volleyball round or grab your rackets and serve a mean game of tennis; for access to the courts, check in at the front desk of Credit Union Place.

If tennis isn’t your favourite, but you’re still looking for some similar fun, head to the pickle ball courts at Wilmot Centre! Set on a smaller scale, pickle ball might be your new favourite sport for the summer! And, if you’re a skater or BMX rider don’t miss some fun at Summerside’s skatepark with a bowl and other obstacles to send it!

The Dome

While it offers regularly scheduled programming, the Summerside Dome also offers pop-up sports nights, drop-ins, and other fun public events you can take in! As one of the city’s newest sporting and activity facilities, the 60,000-foot turf field often features flag football, soccer, baseball, inflatables, yoga and other activities every week! To stay up to date with fun activities, make sure to follow The Dome at @summersidedome on Facebook and Instagram!

Credit Union Place

If all things sports are your jam, don’t miss the chance to celebrate Island sports history with the PEI Sports Hall of Fame and Museum. Featuring stories, memorabilia, and more, the display set up at Credit Union Place is

a great way to learn about the impact sport and leisure have had on PEI and the Island!

Speaking of Credit Union Place, whether it’s a rainy day or clear skies, there’s always fun to enjoy at the city’s premier facility. While you’re at the CUP, you can enjoy time at the Aquatics Centre in their lap pool or leisure pool! On weekends they open up their water slide and rock-climbing wall for added fun! On occasion, they also have aqua sports like underwater hockey and water polo.

Also at Credit Union Place are The Lanes—the city’s bowling lanes. You can enjoy seven-pin bowling, cosmic bowling, arcade games, and pub food in the licensed area for some fun time for all ages!

Active Living in Summerside

Like the Dome, Active Living Summerside offers regularly scheduled programming, from single activities to multi-week programs; there’s no reason not to sign up for some fun to keep active in the city! From spike ball pop-ups to kids’ camps, if you’re in Summerside, following along with Active Living is a great way to find activities for all ages that can also be done as a family!

So, where will your next adventure take you as you embrace your best seaside life in the city by the sea?

SUMMER 2023 37 Explore Summerside: The City by the Sea

Inca Glow Out Bar & Boutique

Inca Glow Out Bar & Boutique is a new revolutionary way to tame, tone and treat your hair. It is an all-natural amino acid smoothing system that tames frizz in all weather conditions and is suited for all types of hair. Inca Glow opened in November 2022 and is owned by Ellen Clements, managed by Christa Gallant, and operated by Ellen Clements and Falon Rodgerson.

Anyone can benefit from an Inca Glow treatment, it’s more than a smoothing service. If you want to rejuvenate your hair you will be amazed at the results. Inca Glow is not a permanent straightening system which allows you to maintain your natural curls. It’s 100 per cent keratin and formaldehyde free and completely safe!

A treatment lasts four months and takes about two and a half hours to

receive amazing results. It is heat activated and requires post care that requires using sulphate-free shampoo and conditioner.

“Inca Glow offers a beautiful After Glow product line, a shampoo, conditioner mask, serum, and a revitalizing gold spray.” Clements said, “Each product promotes the longevity of the treatment. We highly recommend using the After Glow line because of the ingredients and the science.”

“Our treatment does not break down the hair, it sticks to the hair like a magnet, manipulating the hair when heat is added and infuses the oils

and amino acids that rebuild and strengthen the hair.” Clements explains, “Absolutely zero harsh chemicals, our product also tames, tones and treats, the hair all in the one service.”

“Our bar offers hot and cold drinks and a space to sit and connect!”

Compton’s Farm Market: Farm Fresh—Family Grown since 1957

Matthew and Katharina of Compton’s Farm Market take great pride in feeding the community for 66 years! They offer farm-fresh local produce including strawberries, raspberries and vegetables grown on-site. You will also find pumpkins during the fall and fresh lemonade all summer long.

“Our preserves line is made in-house with all locally grown produce, we offer; four types of mustard pickles, pickled beets, six types of salsas, chow, dill pickles, bread and butter pickles, red hot pepper jelly.” Katharina said, “We also have a selection of jam made from farm-fresh ingredients.”

While you’re visiting the market for your produce and vegetables be sure to add some donuts to your list, “Our donuts are one-of-a-kind, made fresh each morning. We are the only spot in PEI that has mini donuts, they are best served hot!” Katharina said. “Compton’s has a full bakery; we make everything right here on location.”

From August to October Compton’s offers bi-weekly fruit and vegetable boxes. The cost is $275 for the season. “The boxes are a large-size and feed many people,” said Katharina, “We started offering this in 2020. The customer pops in and fills their bag and heads home, its fast and simple.”

Compton’s also offers “Fuel Your Body” (FYB) a locally-owned meal subscription. Compton’s is the only pick up spot west of Charlottetown. Check out the website for more information.

“We are worth the drive, and we can’t wait to grow and offer more amazing products.” Katharina said.

345 Water St, Summerside 902.724.4569
Before Treatment After Treatment Compton’s Farm Market 272 All Weather Highway, Summerside 902.888.2454
Photos Courtesy of Inca Glow

Prince Edward Island has a strong farming history and is perfectly suited for dairy operations.

The rich red soil, ocean breezes, and lush green pastures provide our producers ideal conditions for high-quality milk production. For 70 years, ADL has processed fresh milk from PEI farms to produce premium dairy products including milk, cheese, cream, and butter. From the farm gate to your plate, ADL is committed to producing quality dairy products for you and your family to enjoy.

A visit to the ADL Store in Summerside is the perfect place to find the freshest products you need every day. In addition

The ADL Store: You’ll Love What They Have In-Store!

to the family-favourite ADL dairy products like milk, cream, ice cream and butter you’ll be surprised to find a wonderful selection of wholesale size foods. What makes The ADL Store unique is that it is located directly beside ADL’s Foodservice division. ADL Foodservice provides food to PEI restaurants and other businesses at wholesale sizes. Therefore, The ADL Store is able to offer food to the general public at wholesale sizes. This includes large boxes of chicken strips, chicken wings and steak, 2.5-kilogram bags of ADL shredded cheese, 2.4-kilogram bars of ADL cheese, big bags of hashbrowns and French fries, and much more. Buying wholesale sizes at The ADL Store means less trips to the grocery store and helps your hard-earned money go further.

Like ADL as a whole, The ADL Store is proudly owned by PEI’s 150 dairy farmers. Shopping at The ADL Store means directly supporting PEI dairy farmers. As Islanders, these hardworking farmers are your family

members, friends, and fellow community members. The ADL Store is also proud to support Island producers and businesses like MacQuarries Meats, The Handpie Company, The Home Place, Larkin Farms, Gourmet Pleasures of PEI, Hackett’s Wildberry Farms Ltd., Maritime Madness Hot Sauce, COWS, Anne of Green Gables Chocolates, Spud Island Chips, and more. Too busy to shop in the store? Visit their website and order what you need online, all purchases through the website are available for pickup from The ADL Store, located at 400 Read Drive, Summerside.

Add The ADL Store to your summer shopping destinations, you’ll love what they have in-store!

Loyalist Inn & Conference Centre

The Loyalist Inn is a four-star, independent hotel overlooking scenic Summerside Harbour and adjacent to the downtown core, Eptek Art & Culture Centre, Spinnaker’s Landing, shopping, local historic properties, cultural events and entertainment opportunities.

The Loyalist Country Inn & Conference Centre features clean, comfortable and

fully appointed rooms, an indoor pool, fitness centre, business centre, 24-hour front desk, and an onsite restaurant/ lounge offering room service.

Be our guest this summer for the Harbourfront Concert Series package. See Catherine MacLellan:, The Songs of Gene MacLellan on July 4th, 5th, 18th, and 19th or in August on the 1st, 2nd, 22nd, or 23rd.

Stay with us on August 20th and see Natalie MacMaster and Donnell Leahy: An Acoustic Evening with their Children.

The series package includes: one night’s stay, two Harbourfront Theatre concert tickets, a $75 dinner voucher for Iron & Salt lounge, breakfast and chocolate-covered strawberries in room. For details and to book, call 1.800.361.2668.

400 Read Drive, Summerside 902.888.5001
195 Heather Moyse Drive Summerside 902.436.3333


Adopting a rescue? Here are some tips to make a perfect match!

Nothing compares to the joy of coming home to a loyal companion. The unconditional love of a pet can do more than keep you company— pets may decrease stress, improve heart health, and even help children with their emotional and social skills.

In 2019 Canadian shelters took in 78,000 cats and just under 28,000 dogs. That’s over 100,000 pets needing homes. On average, an animal will spend 30 days in a shelter before finding a new family.

It’s so important to adopt and not shop for your new companion and we’ve compiled a list to help you make the perfect match.

Looking to add a dog to your pack? Do your research before visiting a shelter and falling in love. Know what traits

each breed or combination of breeds will have. For example, a Labrador will need lots of exercise and time with their human to be happy. A Jack Russell terrier doesn’t enjoy being alone and may bark at everything they see outside your window while you are at work.

If you live in a condo or apartment with limited outdoor space, a smaller dog might be the best option. But keep in mind that a terrier has a completely different personality than a poodle. If your environment is primarily urban and you’re not very active do not choose a working breed like a border collie or husky.

Choosing a dog is a lot like choosing a human partner in that there needs to be some level of compatibility. The more compatible you are, the happier you are. If you strive to find a dog that compliments your own personality, expectations, and training style, you

can achieve a balanced relationship that works for both you and your dog.

Don’t just choose a dog based on a breed description or a breed of dog you had as a kid. While breeds do share particular genetic predispositions (e.g., herding dogs inherently chase things, hunting dogs often have a high prey drive, working dogs are bred to be highly focused), dogs are still individuals, and should be chosen on individual merit. Even littermates can be very different from one another. Choosing a dog – regardless of the breed – based on how compatible your individual behavior and lifestyle needs are will exponentially increase the odds that you and that dog are a good long-term match.

Personalities are important. While it goes without saying that a 95lb dog is a very different creature than a 10lb

40 SUMMER 2023

dog, the bigger personality does not necessarily belong to the bigger dog. Many small dogs have mighty big attitudes and many a gentle giant has been overlooked simply because of stature. If you think you would like to live with a very small dog (e.g., under 10lbs), consider at least the next size up (e.g., 10-20lbs). Be flexible at least one size up and/or down when searching for a dog. As long as you and the dog are the right lifestyle and behaviour match, size becomes a much smaller issue.

of you will be happy in the long-term. The same goes for a separation anxious dog that lives with a person who really prefers their personal space. Taking the time to think about what your own realistic expectations are – before you choose a dog – will help you find the dog that’s really right for you.

Talk to shelter staff, explain your lifestyle and ask about the available dogs that will be a good match. If you’re unsure, ask about fostering a dog keeping in mind that it can sometimes take a few weeks before the dog’s true personality is evident.

less adoptable cats. There are many wonderful cats that have special needs also that would make amazing pets and are often overlooked when deciding between them, or a cute and fluffy kitten.”

Before you choose a cat, dog or any other companion animal, consider the commitment that comes with adopting a new pet. Dogs, depending on the breed and size, can live anywhere from 10 to 20 years, whereas a cat can live 12 to 15 years. A well-cared-for cat may commonly live to 15 or beyond and some make it to 18 or 20.

Age is just a number. It’s true that dogs do age more quickly (than humans) at the beginning of their lives but the aging process actually slows down as they get older. The really good news is that most dogs still remain young at heart, mind, and body well into their senior years. And with so many wellness products on the market today, dogs are living longer than ever before. Given that the majority of dogs act like youngsters well beyond their puppy years, adopting an adult or older dog does not mean you’ll miss out on any of that puppy love.

Balance expectations. Why we want to share our lives with a dog is just as important as which dog we choose to share our lives with. If what you expect out of the relationship is affection and companionship and the dog you bring home isn’t much of a cuddlier, neither

Choosing a cat or kitten has basically the same steps. Each cat has a different personality—some love attention while others simply allow you to live in their home.

Lori Burnell, founder of Keeping Cats Homed, suggests adopting in pairs: “There is a lot of research that adopting cats/kittens in pairs is very beneficial to them. Even though cats are very independent, they are social creatures that need companionship to thrive. If a cat is left alone too much, they can develop behavioural issues, and in some cases, may even show signs of depression. On the other hand, cats in pairs are more likely to be better adjusted and happier in general.“

Burnell adds: “I love when people decide to adopt older, or generally

Other considerations? Your new pet will require regular veterinary care which can be expensive. What would happen if you had to move and couldn’t take the pet with you? If you are a senior, is a younger pet really a good fit for you? Kittens and puppies are usually much more work and they will require much more attention than a mature or senior pet. They would most likely need you just as much as you need them.

Whether you choose to add a dog or a cat to your household, be patient with your new arrival. There really isn’t anything that compares to the love of a pet.

SUMMER 2023 41
SUMMER 2023 41

What's in store for YOUR RESCUE AT BLUE RIBBON?

"Blue Ribbon Pet Supply has everything you need for your best friend. We treat your pets like family!"

420 Queen Street, Charlottetown 902.370.3373


A Be One Breed dog bed is a place where your dog can go to relax and be at home.


Messy Mutts is the leader in stylish pet accessories for your cats or dogs.


Let your rescue dig into something Bold. Drool-worthy, whole ingredient raw recipes.


Celebrate Gatcha Day with a special treat!


Keep your pet occupied with high quality toys, treat dispensers and lick mats. Make your own treats with silicone molds.


My Family pet tags for your cat or dog are engravable to ensure your furbaby always finds their way home. Various breeds/styles available.

42 SUMMER 2023


Keep your furniture safe and your cat’s claws worn down naturally with a scratch post - or two - or three.



A Be One Breed hideaway for your new cat will give them a place to feel safe.


Ensure your cat has a long, healthy life with a speciescorrect raw diet!


The ThunderShirt® for Cats is perfect for reducing anxiety during vet visits, nail trimming, travel, or other general anxiety issues. Preventative vet visits are very important for maintaining cat health.

It’s easy to keep a fresh odour-free litter box with Odour Buster clumping cat litter. The hooded litter box provides privacy while retaining the litter inside the pan. Replaceable carbon filter helps control odours.

SUMMER 2023 43

“While on an adventure with our parents on the west coast of Newfoundland, we saw our Dad holding up a little point and shoot camera, mouthing the words, OH HEY! We asked him what he was doing to which Dad replied, making himself smile for a selfie. He said you always smile when you say OH HEY, that’s how you take a selfie! This will go down in history as a funny story, a way to make someone or yourself smile, and it quickly became the name of our store!”

44 SUMMER 2023
(L-R) Sisters, Rachel Peters and Kim Roach (photo: Rachel Peters) - Rachel Peters

Q. When did you open the business?

In 2019, we (Rachel and Kim) joined forces to open our first space together. The flagship store is in Founders’ Food Hall & Market, and it shares the works of not only ourselves but many of the talented local artists across PEI. Previously in 2016, Kim had a small shop, called “the Makers” in North Rustico during the first summer the North Rustico Sea Walk Park shops opened. I was minimally involved, but from that time we dreamt we would own a space together. Our vision is to celebrate our local talent with unique offerings that we work with artists to create.

Q. Who are the owners of the business?

Sisters, Kim Roach (illustrator/ designer) and myself, Rachel Peters (photographer.) Kim’s background is marketing and mine is in the arts.

Q. What roles do each of you play in Oh Hey PEI?

Our roles vary and they are also the same. It is our collective dream to be able to share the incredible talent that PEI has to offer. To do this we have to use our individual talents. Kim does a lot of the behind-the-scenes work as well as the illustrations and designs that you see throughout some of our shop and in our branding. I work on store experience and the visual feel of shopping in our space, the social media, and photograph the products and document our time together. We work together to develop the products and the marketing plan.

Our staff is small but mighty and we are so proud to have them as part of the Oh Hey family. Their growth and learning of new skills are so important to us as well. We have big dreams, and we love that we get to include them in our growth. Every one of them has played a role in helping our store and vision come to life and make it through these past few tough years. That’s something we are so grateful for. Of course, there are lots of other roles you do as self-employed owners and operators but one of the best parts of working together as sisters, and best

friends, is that you get to dream the biggest you have ever dreamt and work on it together!

Q. What products do you sell? We sell local unique gifts and a lot of one-of-a-kind items that are only found in our shop. It’s a wide variety, from candles, jewelry, photography and illustration, to one-of-a-kind art pieces that we love to have in our own homes. Right from the beginning we knew we wanted to work with other local artists and create custom works and pieces that would be special to our shops. We love collaborating with other artists.

How were you affected by Fiona? Our original “By the Sea” location, which was located in the little yellow lighthouse structure in our home harbour of North Rustico, was devastated by Hurricane Fiona this past fall. Literally and figuratively. Fiona had picked up the building, ripped out the floor, products, decks, and anything connected to the building out to sea, all the while filling it with surged ocean water to the roof where it sustained for most of the day. The building is no longer usable by us and sits sideways on the coastline in the harbour with sea water washing up around it. The mental and financial ruin from Fiona to our business, and so many other fellow business owners, has been horrible and heartbreaking.

Will you rebuild? Any plans for the future?

Thanks for asking. Proof to us that communities and small businesses are resilient, and that caring for each other through tragedies is still strong on PEI, is powering us through. One wave at a time, we will get through this all together.

We are quickly working on creating a new artisan goods shop/take-away coffee location, fabricated with two sea shipping containers. Our two 40ft containers are being modified to create a modern, warm, airy and inviting space for both locals and visitors. Graciously, Robbie and Kendra of Brackley Bay Oyster Co have offered to help us out by sharing some of their

land in Brackley Beach where they are setting up their new location for Brackley Bay Oyster Co. It warms our hearts to know others care and would miss our business. We have a great team of local tradespeople helping us and all are on board to make this happen. We know this will be a great asset to the North Shore, as well as a perfect partnership with Brackley Bay Oyster Co.

At our new Brackley location, we will be carrying our own products as well as some other local makers’ unique collaborations. We will have some different offerings/services in Brackley that will be unique only to this space. Samuel’s coffee will be served, and owner Moyna and her staff will help us set up the take-away portion of the shop. We are grateful for so many amazing resourceful small business friends who are helping us make this dream come true. Having coffee on the North Shore open into (hopefully) December will be a first for that area, and from people approaching us, will be a welcome option.

Q. Tell us a bit about your experiences running your business?

Running a business as a self-employed artist is equal to a constant everchanging learning experience, while being on a roller-coaster. You really have to be ready to pivot and change as quickly as needed. We meet so many amazing clients and so many amazing artists. The stories from these people help us keep on dreaming!

Where are your products available in addition to the Founders Hall location? Our products are available online and at Founders’ Food Hall and soon at Brackley Beach at our new location. Both stores will have some unique offerings and services.

SUMMER 2023 45

At theCentre

Confederation Centre of the Arts Sets Summer Season

education, and heritage programs,” he says. “We look at the past, present, and future, and focus on reconciliation. We talk about identities in Canada.” Noting The Charlottetown Festival is Atlantic Canada’s largest theatre festival, he loves the venues, including the 1,100-seat Sobey Family Theatre, the 180-capacity cabaret style theatre The Mack, and the Outdoor Amphitheatre for family shows.

co-written by singer-songwriter Johnny Reid, and Matt Murray and loosely based on Reid’s Granny.”

Coming to The Mack are The Songs of Johnny & June (based on Johnny Cash and June Carter), and a revue show about female empowerment titled “I’m Every Woman.” TheMi’Kmaq Stories Of Rabbit & His Friends and the Munchables will be at the Outdoor Amphitheatre.

Between historic art gallery exhibitions, incredible live shows, guided walking tours, and summer workshops, the Centre runs the gamut of activities for those who grace its doors.

Andrew Sprague has been the Director of Marketing & Communications since August 2019, but he didn’t get to work his first Festival until last year due to COVID-19. Now fully back on their feet, the Centre is full of fanciful, incredible programming. Among the pillars of the organization is the Charlottetown Festival, which runs June 14-September 23, 2023.

“This is a Centre for convening and having conversations around the Canadian confederation through the arts. We do performing arts, visual arts,

“We have two new shows in the Sobey Family Theatre, The Play That Goes Wrong, and MAGGIE The Play That Goes Wrong is from Henry Lewis, Jonathan Sayer, and Henry Shields. It was developed in London’s in the early 2000s. It’s such a funny show and has a few local cast members like wellknown funny man Graham Putnam. It’s a comedy, not a musical. People are used to musicals here, but this one is slapstick and timing based. Everything goes wrong in this hilarious show, and it’s so impressive,” he says.

“There is also MAGGIE, the story of a Scottish single mother raising three boys after the death of her husband. It’s set in post-war Scotland. It’s so heartfelt, and the music is fantastic. It’s

There are heritage walking tours, arts education programs in the winter, camps in the summer, an annual Symons Medal Presentation and Lecture, and so much more at the Centre. But one of the crowning pieces is Confederation Centre Art Gallery.

Curator Pan Wendt sees a busy, jubilant, and informative time ahead for the Gallery as it enters an ambitious period with breathtaking exhibits.

To begin, there’s Conversation Pieces on view in the Frederic S. and Ogden Martin Concourse Gallery.

“We have six glass cases out there, and we get lots of viewership and thoroughfare. It’s a modest show, and

Confederation Centre of the Arts is an institution for culture on PEI, and they’re ready to enjoy another jam-packed, successful summer with 2023 programming.
By Alana Lauren Photos Courtesy of CCOA The Play That Goes Wrong (Photo by Louise Vessey). Featuring Sweeney MacArthur, Jay Davis, Jamie McRoberts, Aaron Reid Ryder, Jeremy Leget.

the area is for mixed use, but these “Conversation Pieces” are wonderful to have,” says Wendt.

However, it’s the “blockbuster” exhibition that’s come out of the relationship the Gallery has with the Sobey family that excites Wendt most.

Generations: The Sobey Family and Canadian Art exhibition includes some of the most cherished names in Canadian art. It has giants of the medium, from Cornelius Krieghoff to early modern Quebec painter Jean Paul Lemieux to the Group of Seven represented by Franklin Carmichael, A.Y. Jackson, Lawren Harris, Frederick Varley, Arthur Lismer and A.J. Casson. There are just some amazing names from Canadian art history,” says Wendt.

“The Sobey family also collects contemporary art with a focus on Indigenous artists including Kent Monkman and Ursula Johnson, and it’s all encapsulated by the exhibition.” By its end, the exhibition will hit five venues in two years including St. John’s, Edmonton, and Halifax.

Its first stop was at the McMichael Canadian Art Collection in Kleinburg, Ontario.

The Gallery also features Human Capital, a show that complements the Sobey family’s collection. “Generations is a more familiar view of Canadian art history, bolstered by the Sobey family’s more recent focus on collecting contemporary Indigenous art. Human Capital, which comes to us from the MacKenzie Art Gallery in Regina, and is curated by Tak Pham, looks at contemporary Canada, as well as its future, through an alternative lens. The art in the show, which features many of the country’s most promising young artists, deals with our immigration policies and changing demographics,” says Wendt.

Closing out the summer for the Gallery will be a partnership event called Art In The Open on August 26, 2023. “It brings outdoor art and contemporary works into public and outdoor spaces across Charlottetown. This is a big collaboration and will be a memorable festival,” Wendt says.

Director of Marketing & Communications Sprague says they’ve worked very hard to put together an incredible season, and their work is year-round. “It’s going to be a busy summer, but we work 365 days a year to offer the best arts programming we can. There’s no downtime. We constantly try to curate different types of performance. We do education, dance, performing and visual arts,” he says. “We want this place to be bursting at the seams. We’re already impressed by the number of people coming through, and there’s been a lot of interest. There are few forms of energy like a theatre lobby before a performance. This is the realization of our hard work, and it’s going to be an amazing experience.”

Confederation Centre of the Arts 145 Richmond Street, Charlottetown 902.628.1864

SUMMER 2023 47
▲ Gallery opening party (Photo by Louise Vessey) ◄ Alex Colville (1920–2013), Road Work, 1969, acrylic polymer emulsion on Masonite, 54.6 x 87 cm, Empire Company Ltd., Stellarton, NS © A.C. Fine Art Inc.
MAGGIE (Photo by Dahlia Katz) Featuring Nicola-Dawn Brook, Jamie McRoberts, Dharma Bizier. ◄The Songs of Johnny and June (Photo by Louise Vessey) The show from Kitbag Theatre stars Jacob Hemphill and Melissa MacKenzie, with direction from Rebecca Parent.

July 20

August 10

August 17



Each ticket includes one free alcoholic or non-alcoholic beverage

Grafton St,
Georgetown 1 888-346-5666 902.652.2053
Koch and Nico Rhodes, plus Treyla Parktrash and Lotti Max John Connolly and Demona Devil Brandon Howard Roy, Tanya Nicole and Becca Griffin and more!

I’d love to be able to convey the uniqueness of Shoreline Design PEI, the little jewellery shop in Georgetown, but I can’t.

Firstly, it’s not that little! It is the largest producer of handmade jewellery in Atlantic Canada! With over 2000 pieces of sterling silver and fine silver jewellery on the shelves at any given time, in addition to sandstone carvings, leather-work, enamels-there’s just too much to convey! You’ll just have to drop in for a visit! Or visit the Summerside and Halifax shops with their full workshops and fantastic staff.

I’d love to paint a colourful picture of Peter Llewellyn, the owner and jeweller but neither my brush nor my pen can do him justice.

Peter’s energy, enthusiasm and booming voice liven up every room. His warmth and perpetual good mood are contagious. His eyes sparkle and his mustache curls! His shirt has holes

Shoreline Design PEI and the Peter Llewellyn Experience

from the “pickle” (jewellery acid) and his red suspenders give him a north pole vibe! Just as comfortable in a boardroom or chatting on the back deck, conversation always flows easily. Sometimes it’s humorous stories, sometimes historic facts about Georgetown or jewellery making, or chocolate making, or bread-making, or coffee roasting. One thing is for sure, it’s always interesting! But don’t take my word for it, drop in! Peter would love to meet you!

Peter makes beautiful silver jewellery, and gold, too. He uses precious gems like rubies, emeralds, sapphires, and semi-precious stones from all over the world. He carves sandstone and soapstone. He slabs stones, shapes them, and polishes them. He grinds his own grains to make bread. He makes pizza in his wood oven to share with his staff and customers (and it’s good!). He makes chocolate from bean-to-bar (and it’s better than good!) but the most wonderful thing Peter makes is

people smile! Many years ago, Peter started something called the mustache club. Kids vacationing on the Island who pop into the shop with their parents sometimes get to wrap their own sea glass pendant and when they come back the following year, eyes bright with anticipation, they get to make an embossed silver ring! With an oxygen-acetylene torch! As if that’s not enough, if they come back a third year, and bring back their ring, they can add a setting on it. And every year, all Peter expects in return is excitement (and he thinks himself luckier than the kids!)

SUMMER 2023 49
SHORELINE DESIGN PEI 40 Water Street, Georgetown 902.652.2240


Charlottetown Library Learning Centre

A community library is so much more than a place to borrow books and the new Charlottetown Library Learning Centre’s (CLLC) 40,000 square feet has quickly become a gathering place. The project entered the planning stages in the summer of 2019 and construction commenced spring 2020 to be completed in July 2022. Opening day was July 18, 2022.

“Dawn Alan of Downtown Charlottetown Inc., the Board of Charlottetown Library Learning Centre Inc. and the staff and management of the Confederation Centre Public Library were instrumental in the planning the project.” Beth Clinton, Regional Librarian for PEI Public Library Service said, “Project manager was the Charlottetown Area Develop Corp., and the architect was 9Yards Architecture.”

50 SUMMER 2023
“People love the new space. They find it welcoming and feel like they can come and spend the entire day (many do).”
► Beth Clinton, Regional Librarian for PEI Public Library Service
SUMMER 2023 51

There are a wealth of services and new spaces including an audio recording studio, children’s program room, game room with three Xbox systems, community kitchen and front and back terraces, “The Makerspace is equipped with technology and creative supplies like 3D printers, Circuit, Makeymakeys, Ozobot, sewing machines and a hydroponic and aeroponic garden.” Clinton said.

The CLLC also offers a variety of space for meetings and events, rooms from 129 to 2260 square feet with hourly or daily rental rates. The Rotary Auditorium can be divided into two smaller spaces and is available outside of library hours if required and there is a boardroom as well as two smaller meeting rooms for public use on a first-come-first-serve basis or you can book the space as a rental. You will find lots of washrooms including a family washroom and an abundance of soft seating and workspaces. When you’re at the CLLC visit the TD Art Corridor— curated by This Town is Small, this area is for local artist displays and features a new artist every three months.

“People love the new space. They find it welcoming and feel like they can come and spend the entire day (many do).” Clinton said, “They like the opportunities it presents to be a part of the community. Many people have dropped in to see the space and have returned to regular library use and visits.”

It’s easy to get comfortable with the addition of the café, The Shed Café, which offers coffee, tea, beverages and light snacks and sandwiches. You can spend hours people-watching while relaxing in the inviting seating area that overlooks Queen Street. “Many more students use the library for studying than we saw in the previous library.” Clinton said, “Due to the larger space we can showcase more of our special collections and ‘Library of Things’ that include items like radon detectors, snowshoes, technology kits, infrared cameras, and our newest addition— tools and tool kits.”

This summer you can look forward to family movie nights in the Rotary Auditorium, a full slate of children’s programs including story times, toddler time, Wiggle giggle read for babies, puppet shows, special guest visits and the TD Summer Reading Club as well as weekly summer reading club programs.

“Adult programming staff do a larger program each spring and fall, plans for that are in the works.’ Clinton said, “Regular monthly programming will resume in the fall and include things like book clubs, technology classes, crafternoon, fibre arts club, game nights and information and learning sessions.”

Follow the PEI Public Library Service on Facebook and Instagram for programs and other information. The CLLC is open Monday to Thursday 9:30 am to 8:30 pm, Friday and Saturday 9:30 am to 5 pm and every Sunday from 12:30 pm to 5 pm.

Charlottetown Library Learning Centre 97 Queen Street, Charlottetown 902.368.4642 For room rental inquires visit:

52 SUMMER 2023


Iwas very surprised and flattered to receive a call one morning asking to become the new Home Editor for the PEI Living Magazine. I was apprehensive for a multitude of reasons...I can’t write, my grammar is horrific, I do not have time for this, I won’t be any good at this.

I am following in big shoes—shoes that I have looked up to long before I started my career in Interior Design. I understand that we all reach a point in our lives where we want to take that step back from our careers to enjoy the finer things in life. You have earned it Susan, cheers to you!

There is one thing I’ve learned over the past few years—stepping outside your comfort zone opens you up to discovery, opportunities, and growth—so I said yes with the promise that someone will hold my hand when I need it.

Speaking of the finer things in life, PEI summer’s are one of them! The Island has so much to offer in the summer, from it’s breathtaking views, mouthwatering cuisine, and that constant

breeze that carries the subtle smell of oceanic salt or freshly cut hay. That easy-breezy, carefree lifestyle is what this beautiful Island is all about during the summer months and I am here for it!

In this issue, we are showcasing Tops to Floors newly expanded Summerside headquarters and what that means for Islanders. We share tips about how to take advantage of our outdoor spaces during the summer months by making simple upgrades. A kitchen that truly is the “heart of the home” and the realities of a kitchen renovation….not that stuff you see on TV, plus I chat about cohesion and how that can be achieved in the home.

You’ll find an enchanting A-frame cabin in the woods that makes the perfect family getaway and we discuss how to choose your mattress for the best night’s sleep.

This issue is jam-packed with useful advice and inspiration—get reading.

Cheers to summer!

SUMMER 2023 53
HOME & COTTAGE EDITOR Read PEI Living Magazine online: Sara
(Photo Story Thorburn)

Outdoor upgrades

Now that the warm weather is finally here it’s time to get outside and enjoy your patio or deck. Maybe your space is looking a bit dull. Does it need an upgrade? We’ve got some simple ideas that will keep you outside until November.


Layer lights throughout your backyard, patio and deck for a romantic and relaxing ambiance. Use solar fairy lights, garden stakes and battery-operated candles in different areas.

Potted herb garden

Have fresh herbs all season by planting your favourite herbs in pots. They serve as decor, smell incredible and taste fantastic. A win-win!

Water feature

The sound of bubbling water is so relaxing in your outdoor space and it’s a wonderful resource for local wildlife visitors. If you’re really ambitious create a container pond complete with fish and aquatic plants.

Pizza oven

Who doesn’t love a pizza party? A perfect alternative or addition to the barbecue. Use fresh, local ingredients and let everyone choose their favourite options.

PLANK & PINE - Timeless, distinct, and designed for the way you live.


Building a cohesive home is about taking a holistic approach to design and thinking about the look, feel, and livability of every detail. Creating unity involves careful consideration of your colour palette, fabrics and patterns, silhouettes, lighting characteristics, furniture, and so much more.

Determine Colour Palette:

► We recommend considering three-five colours when designing your home. Generally, two of these colours should function as your primary colours and have a greater presence than the remaining colours which are used more sparingly. In our #winterriverhouse project we applied one of our dominate colours, Tricorn Black by Sherwin Williams, to the kitchen millwork, the mudroom built-ins, and to specific interior doors. We also intentionally incorporated various black hard and soft finishes throughout the home as well, to create more of a visual connection and build upon the cohesion (even the smallest of details can make a substantial impact to the overall big picture.) Side note: keep in mind that you do not have to use the exact same colour on repeat in every space…you can, we did it, but you can also play with varying “tints” and “shades” of the same colour to build interest and consistency.

Consistent Materials: :

► If you love ship-lap as much as we do and decide to incorporate it into your home, be sure to carry this linear material into other areas of your home as well. In our #winterriverhouse project we applied vertical shiplap to all the walls in the secondary bathroom, discreetly to the mudroom lockers, and finally to the walls on the covered deck, which is a beautiful extension to the home.

A similar principal can be applied to the species of wood you incorporate. We often mix our wood species because it not only creates more visual interest and depth, but it also makes furniture selection much easier, as we are not given the impossible task of trying to match every piece to one colour of wood. We do like to ensure the species we select have a similar undertone = cohesion.

Lighting Characteristics: :

► We all know that consistent finishes, whether that be brass, matte black, polished nickel, etc should be carried throughout your home but there are other characteristics to consider as well to help build cohesiveness. Your fixtures should tell the same story but in a different way…what we mean by this is, they should have a similar style, but they do not need to be from the same collection.

We also like to pay close attention to those areas in the home, where light fixtures are near each other. In these areas, we like to mix ceiling vs wall mount fixtures, linear vs single pendants, etc and to be honest the more we can avoid pot lights the better.


► Like lighting, we strongly (very strongly) encourage you to not purchase matching furniture sets/collections. We understand it’s so much easier to do this, but the result isn’t great and while you may think it makes your space more cohesive…it doesn’t, your space just falls flat. Instead, we recommend blending new—old and high—low for a more interesting and timeless look/feel and carrying this variation into each space within your home.

At Plank & Pine, we design homes that evoke feeling. Each one is an elevated yet uncomplicated reflection of our clients’ lives. We specialize in extensive projects like new construction homes and comprehensive renovations that allow us the opportunity to see your space as a whole and curate elements that work together to enhance every moment.

Sara Dykerman


SUMMER 2023 55
(Photo Story Thorburn)


New Summerside Headquarters Offers

Expanded Design & Custom Home Services

Having worked in construction for much of their careers, the owners of Tops to Floors are accustomed to grand openings and the excitement that comes from seeing a design concept brought to life. Usually, they experience the thrill of the reveal through the eyes of a customer, but this time they get to experience it for themselves.


Inthe spring of 2022, co-owner David Arsenault announced that shovels were in the ground at 541 Granville Street in Summerside. Construction had begun on the new headquarters of Tops to Floors, the Island’s “premier source for designing and creating beautiful, livable spaces.”

Opening this month, the Summerside location provides a greatly expanded footprint for Tops to Floors. It includes a 19,000 sq. ft. shop area for the company’s custom cabinet production facility and inventory storage for the product lines they offer. “This new location will enable us to increase capacity for our wait list of customers and increase our inventory stocking abilities,” Arsenault says.

Of course, Tops to Floors is known for more than its extensive stock of flooring, tile, countertops, window coverings and stair finishes. Design is also an essential part of the business and that will not change. In fact, the new location enhances the design services the company already offers.

SUMMER 2023 57

It starts in the expansive 6,000 sq. ft. showroom. With 11-ft. ceilings and plenty of natural light from the floorto-ceiling glass exterior, this space allows for an exceptional customer experience. “Our new store and shop will allow us to take our already existing services to a higher level of excellence,” Arsenault explains.

The in-house design team will continue to work with customers every step of the way, whether they have a clearly defined idea for their space or need help getting started. “Homeowners and contractors can start from scratch with us. No design is needed–we can take care of that! Our designers are experts in beautifying spaces and adding value, while making sure they work within the budgets and inspiration levels of our clients,” says Arsenault.

Custom cabinetry and millwork, done on-site, means projects can be “customized to the millimetre.” And

an expert team of installers is always available to ensure everything is in place and completed to the customer’s satisfaction.

With all of these services and products available in one place, the entire design and renovation process is streamlined and made much easier for customers. And the design possibilities really are endless, whether a customer is looking to refresh a small room, renovate an entire floor, or take on a whole home.

If a customer can dream it–or find an inspiring image online–Tops to Floors can help make it happen. That holds true for the Charlottetown location too, which also benefits from the new Summerside shop. “Our Charlottetown location is capable of designing, supplying and installing all products we offer as a company,” Arsenault notes. “Our new Summerside location will allow us to better serve the Charlottetown market as well, with a

TOP: Cabinets are always the star of a kitchen, but they can also change the form and function of other rooms.
ABOVE: Flooring is the foundation of any look and Tops to Floors has plenty to offer in that area.

RIGHT: Custom cabinetry and millwork, done onsite, means projects can be “customized to the millimetre.”

LEFT & BELOW: Custom stairs are a specialty of the company.

larger capacity to meet short timelines and inventory availability better than ever.”

Tops to Floors’ recent projects provide plenty of design inspiration, from flooring and stairways to cabinets, countertops, vanities, and showers, and all the finishing touches needed to complete a space.

Flooring is the foundation of any look and Tops to Floors has plenty to offer in that area: carpet, tile, solid or engineered hardwood, stone composite, water-resistant laminate and more, all from leading manufacturers.

Custom stairs are a specialty of the company. They can be crafted to complement other design elements in the home and finished with railings made in a range of materials from wood to metal or glass. Built-in lighting can even be made part of a stairway plan for safety or aesthetics.

SUMMER 2023 59


Cabinets are always the star of a kitchen, but they can also change the form and function of other rooms.

Tops to Floors has designed custom cabinets for dining rooms to provide extra storage that works in the space without overwhelming it. Extending out of the kitchen, pantry areas can be enhanced and organized with new cabinets. Built-in bedroom storage is a popular option, as are window seats with storage underneath. Mudrooms are another area where custom cabinets can work wonders, providing a space for everything and reducing clutter.

Custom cabinets can also transform a basement to create the perfect space for family to relax together or to entertain friends. Tops to Floors carries flat-panel doors, matte-painted modern cabinets, and a variety of other options in a range of finishes and colours.

Kitchen countertops come in a wide array of materials: quartz, stone, butcher-block and more. Tops to Floors carries all major countertop lines and their designers can provide expert guidance on which material works best for a customer’s lifestyle and budget.

Bathroom design has trended toward luxury in recent years. Tops to Floors is known for its exceptional custom showers that include options like builtin shelving and benches. Vanities can be custom-built to complement the shower design while providing ample bathroom storage.

As for finishing touches, those range from sinks, faucets and range hoods to cabinet hardware and window coverings by Hunter-Douglas.

Tops to Floors has a long history of providing high-quality design, fabrication, and installation services. Founded in 1999, the company was purchased in 2020 by Arsenault, his brother Lucas and friend Mitch Arsenault. The move to 541 Granville

60 SUMMER 2023
TOP: Custom cabinets can work wonders, providing a space for everything and reducing clutter. LEFT : Bathroom design has trended toward luxury in recent years.

IN-HOUSE DESIGNERS. TOP (L-R): Shelley Jackson, Emilie MacNeill


is the next step in the evolution of the business, one that will allow the company to “improve turnaround time and take on more clients and larger projects, while also improving service to existing clients and projects,” says Arsenault.

The Granville Street site is also home to Arsenault Properties real estate firm and includes warehouse space for Arsenault Bros. Construction, Atlantic Canada’s leading full-service construction and finishing group.

Together, the three businesses will continue their tradition of supporting the communities that support them. All three companies have been involved in various charitable causes, from sponsoring local sporting events and teams to their annual support of Stuff a Bus food drives and participation in the QEH Foundation Ultimate Shed Giveaway.

“Giving back is just second nature to us,” says Arsenault. “We love this Island community and want to see everyone here thrive and live their best lives.”


541 Granville Street, Summerside 902.436.6070

11 MacAleer Dr, Charlottetown 902.894.6070

SUMMER 2023 61
Diana Juarez, Mary-Jo Koughan



The average person spends one-third of their entire life spent asleep in bed! That’s about 26 years sleeping which equates to 9,490 days or 227,760 hours. Having a good night’s sleep is vital for overall health, tossing and turning on an uncomfortable mattress may result in poor sleep quality, even if you’re not consciously aware of it.

62 SUMMER 2023

Waking up with aches and pains may be due to the layers in your mattress breaking down, causing pressure points when you sink onto the firmer support core. It may be time to replace your mattress.

Most mattresses should last between seven and 10 years. However, there are many variables that can influence mattress lifespan. The original build quality of the mattress, the materials used, and even the weight and sleeping styles of the sleepers can all influence a bed’s longevity.

There are any number of combinations of materials to be found in the various mattresses on the market, but in

general the main types are memory foam, hybrid, latex and innerspring. Each type of mattress has its own likely lifespan; here’s a summary of how long you can expect each type to last, on average:

• Latex: 15 to 25 years

• Memory foam: 8 to 10 years

• Hybrid: 7 to 10 years

• Innerspring: 5 to 7 years


Experts generally agree people have been able to improve their sleep with different sleep surfaces. Beyond that, what’s comfortable for each person is subjective.

Side sleepers must be very careful to avoid mattresses that are too firm or too soft. Too much or too little sinkage in mattresses may not alleviate pressure points that build up around the neck, shoulders, and hips.

A mattress with multiple firmness options is a fine solution to such a dilemma. Retailers who provide multiple options often recommend a particular firmness based on the sleep position.

Typically, a medium-firm mattress is best for those who suffer from back pain or for those who simply prefer sleeping on their backs. Most importantly you need proper support. We’ll now expand on this topic.

The best mattresses for back sleepers are usually memory foam and latex mattresses. Both feature slow-response foams designed to slowly contour to the shape of your body. The end result?

A mattress that supports the natural curvature of your spine. Back sleepers are often worried about sinkage. But remember, a little sinkage is just fine so long as you get a mattress with highdensity foams designed to contour perfectly your body.

Most experts agree that sleeping on your stomach should be avoided when possible, as the natural curvature of the spine is not supported. This can add stress and discomfort to your muscles and joints. That being said, many still prefer this sleep position.

When shopping around for the best mattress for stomach sleepers, there are a few things to keep in mind. Typically, a firmer mattress is best since there will be less lumbar sinkage into the mattress. Most importantly you need proper support to help maintain the angle of your spine.


Be sure to seek the advice of an expert. Visit your local retailer and choose one that carries quality mattresses and reliable name-brands. Expect to spend some time trying out the various floor models. Be prepared to try different sleeping positions and get comfortable.

If you’ll be sharing your bed with a partner it’s recommended that both of you shop together.

Purchase the best quality mattress available that is in your budget. Remember, sometimes a bargain isn’t the best choice.

SUMMER 2023 63
Be sure to seek the advice of an expert, visit your local retailer, choose one that carries quality mattresses and reliable name-brands.
Every Stearns & Foster is handcrafted by certified craftsmen who have been specially trained and pay relentless attention to detail to build the best beds. Beck's Furniture | 18 Water St, Montague | 902.838.5882 | UNCOVER Exceptional Visit our showroom and talk to Uwe Borchert, Beck’s “REST-TEST-SLEEP EXPERT” Free Island-Wide Delivery



I recently watched a TV design show where a kitchen was completely transformed, seemingly in a weekend. I’ve been designing cabinetry for over 25 years and have been involved in countless renovations, they have been some of my most satisfying projects. But what really happens in between the before and after? Well, that’s the “during” or as one client called it, the “enduring”. If you are considering a renovation, here are some things to keep in mind.

Where do I start? Make an appointment to visit one of our showrooms. Bring your ideas, your favourite inspiration photos, pictures of your existing kitchen, and rough measurements of the room. This will give us everything we need to get you an estimate for your project. Once you’ve decided to move forward, we will set up a home visit, take all measurements, discuss options and ideas, and begin the design process.

The Design Stage. Make a list of the most important features you want incorporated into your kitchen. Are you purchasing new appliances? Those choices should be made as early into the process as possible. New floor? We can help with that. We will also look at countertop options, colours and finishes. Your cabinet order is then sent to production. Tops to Floors 3D design program allows you to view your new kitchen layout from all angles and make those important final decisions.

Demo. If your existing cabinets were built in place, chances are they will come out in pieces bound for the dumpster. Component cabinets can usually be removed and repurposed. This is the stage where the unexpected can happen. You will need a plumber and electrician, they can assess whether existing plumbing or wiring needs to be upgraded. Decide if you are adding additional outlets or new lighting. When this is completed your walls may need repairing.

It won’t happen in a weekend. Timelines will vary depending on how extensive the renovation is. Delays can happen at any stage, be prepared to be without a kitchen for a few days. Microwaves, BBQs and disposable plates come in handy, or reservations at your favourite restaurants.

Installation. Finally, your space is ready, and cabinets are scheduled to be delivered. Keep the entrance of your home free from any obstacles.

If you are living in your home during the renovation, keep pets and small children away from the work area. There will be dust and noise. Most installations take two to three days to complete. If you are having flooring installed after the cabinets, installers will leave baseboards off until that is complete.

Kitchens are such an important part of our homes, so it makes sense that renovations can be stressful. When you are hosting your first get together with family and friends, showing off your beautiful new kitchen, it will be well worth it.

kitchen design with National Kitchen and Bath association. Jackson has been designing for more than 25 years and has seen a lot of trends come and go. She loves living and working in PEI and looks forward to helping you design your dream kitchen.


SUMMER 2023 65
Shelley Jackson is a kitchen designer with Tops to Floors. She was born in Summerside, PEI and studied
(Photo Buffie Boily)


Inspired by a large open-concept floorplan flooded with natural light and beautiful ocean views, a muted colour palette was curated that would effortlessly connect this kitchen to its natural surroundings.

Words and photos Sara Dykerman, Plank & Pine Interior Design

The homeowner’s one request was for a white kitchen. Honing in on this, it was important to strategically integrate warm wooden design elements to ensure the space didn’t read too sterile or cold.

The white oak wall paneling on the back elevation is so important to this entire kitchen concept. It not only adds warmth and dimension, but it also creates a powerful focal point. Often homeowners are hesitant about losing this space of upper cabinets, we encourage you to embrace the idea. Kitchens that are filled with upper cabinets can look boxy and boring. This kitchen has plenty of storage space and there is also a large pantry. A kitchen that has been designed with intention, takes into account how the occupants will live and use the space, where all small appliances, dishware, pots/pans, reside and if everything is considered, everything has a place, and the “need” for upper cabinetry isn’t necessary.

Benjamin Moore, Simply White (OC117), used throughout this space, has the slightest hint of warmth that makes this white a favourite to use anywhere in the home.

The full overlay cabinet design and the atypical addition of white oak drawer fronts on the upper row of cabinet drawers seamlessly takes this kitchen to whole other level.

ABOVE: The stain applied to the beautiful oak cabinetry and wall paneling was intentionally selected to resemble PEI’s unique red sandy shores.

LEFT: The high quality Fisher & Paykel appliances are not only attractive but they are also highly functional for this busy young family of five, making preparing meals a breeze!

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kitchen is said to be the heart of the home and this kitchen really is that, and we loved designing it!

While the island isn’t overly large, it was designed with open ends, where one end can comfortably accommodate a pair of stools that can be tucked away and pulled out when needed.


LEFT: The open shelving was a last-minute change and one that we do not regret. They create visual interest and it’s the perfect place for displaying favourite cookbooks and dishware.


PAGE: The brass accents in the form of hardware and lighting, not only contribute to the warmth experienced in the kitchen, but they also pair nicely with the warm tones in the ceiling beams located in the spacious living room.

TOP RIGHT & ABOVE: The large, matte porcelain tile installed behind the range was an extremely budget-friendly backsplash alternative but, what we love most is dimension in the form of movement this tile brings into this space.

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Potted trees are a beautiful addition to your outdoor space this summer. Use them to create some privacy on your deck or patio, we’ve picked five trees that grow well in pots. Remember that a tree planted in a pot will dry out more quickly than in the ground, and the smaller the pot size, the more often you will have to water it.

Ficus benjamina

Ficus trees have been a favourite indoor tree for decades, they also thrive outdoors over the summer. Place your ficus in an area with good sun but not where the tree will dry out too quickly. Definitely bring it inside when the weather begins to get cooler.

Olive Tree

Olive trees have become popular in the past few years. Find a sunny spot outdoors during the warmer months and bring them inside for the winter.


You can start citrus trees from a seed if you have patience, or buy them from a reliable greenhouse. They will thrive on your patio but, you will need to bring them inside for the winter


With their elegant leaves and delicate branches, Japanese maples are a beautiful focal point in your outdoor space. Consult with an expert for how to winter over this tree.


Boxwood make beautiful topiaries and are perfect in pairs beside your entry. There are a variety of dwarf conifers you can keep in pots over the winter but ensure the planter can survive the fluctuating temperatures when the soil expands and contracts.

70 SUMMER 2023

Creative Custom Design That Caters to the Senses

Having spent most of her professional life as an interior designer, Smita Prakash knew when she moved to PEI from India in 2021 that she wanted to share her design skills and expertise with her new community.

Out of that desire came Indriya, the new design store and consultancy she opened recently in Cavendish. From her location in Mariner’s Cove Boardwalk, Prakash offers unique and exclusive home decor items, custom furniture and interior design services for homeowners and businesses.

The name “Indriya” comes from Sanskrit and refers to sensory or spiritual faculties including sight, smell, hearing, taste, and touch.

Prakash chose this name to reflect her design philosophy which is guided by Ayurvedic principles of holistic living.

“Indriya is an experience; it caters to the senses. At Indriya, all products are created with the involvement of the senses,” she says. “They inspire people to pause, think, absorb and feel while also conveying the style and personality of the homeowner.”

Over the course of her career Prakash has developed relationships with more than twenty global brands and manufacturers who will provide bespoke, made-to-order furniture and decor items for Indriya clients. These items are “unique in their design, as each is handcrafted by artisans who have passed down their handicraft through generations,” she says.

“I would call our store ‘accessible luxury,” she explains. “A visit to Indriya brings to a client’s doorstep globally designed, artfully curated furniture, decorative lighting and home décor at accessible pricing.”

Among their many offerings, custom headboards are one of her favourites. “We have beautiful fabrics that can be custom ordered, enabling clients to choose the size, style and height of their headboard to create vibrant bedroom décor uniquely styled for them.”

Indriya also carries a selection of products handcrafted specifically for the store–think recycled glass mouthblown candle stands, scented candles,

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lamps, botanicals, and kitchen products made of terracotta, ceramic and brass. Many furnishings are inspired by the Island’s flora and fauna.

The Island is further represented by a selection of locally made items from the Dragée Candle Company and The Dippie Hippie Company, among others. “At Indriya we are excited to partner with local small businesses to help them showcase their products,” Prakash explains.

In addition to furniture and decor items, Indriya offers complete interior design solutions. Using a client’s architectural drawings, Prakash and her team create a furniture floor plan and moodboards to help guide decisions about colours, flooring and decorative lighting for everything from primary homes and cottages to model homes, restaurants, and event spaces. Indriya can also supply architects, home stagers, realtors, and other interior designers with custom-designed furniture for their projects.

Prakash has even more plans for the store in the future. “We would like to extend the season in Cavendish and are thrilled to be part of Good Tidings on the North Shore.” she says. “We are also keen to host creative workshops design-based events for the local community.”

“A visit to Indriya brings to a client’s doorstep globally designed, artfully curated furniture, decorative lighting and home décor at accessible pricing.”


8863 Cavendish Rd, Cavendish (Mariners Cove Boardwalk) 902.330.9422

CABIN in the woods

This A-frame cabin nestled in the woods makes a perfect family getaway. Natural light floods the space from abundant windows and the openplan interior means no one is left out of family gatherings. The contrast between the white ship-lap walls and the natural wooden beams gives the space a relaxing weekend vibe.

The rustic harvest table in the dining area has a hammered copper top made from recycled tiles, sits eight comfortably, and makes a great spot for family gatherings. The copper pendant complements the table, wood trim and beams.

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BOTTOM RIGHT: A ladder to the second level was chosen instead of a staircase to preserve usable square footage in the main living space.

76 SUMMER 2023
RIGHT: The functional kitchen is tucked into the corner under the loft and open to the living and dining rooms. The living room has lots of seating and a fireplace for those cooler nights.

LEFT: The dressing area open to the lower level is equipped with a full-length mirror, a comfy chair and a curtain for privacy when needed.

BOTTOM LEFT: (1) Lots of natural elements fill the cabin; wicker, live plants and reclaimed lumber. (2) The coffee table’s base is made from a large piece of driftwood and fits perfectly in the cabin.

BOTTOM RIGHT: The bed takes advantage of the slanted ceilings, creating a cozy nook for sleeping.

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Having a small balcony or deck doesn’t mean it can’t be chic for the summer. We’ve chosen a few items that will enhance even the smallest of spaces.

Three-piece bistro set

Just the right size for a small deck or balcony, this three-piece set is made of durable metal and can be painted to suit your decor. (Ikea)

Portable 14” Charcoal Grill

Master Chef BBQ grill with a folding stand is the perfect fit for your small space. (Canadian Tire)

Offset Umbrella 9’-Red

Create shade on those hot sunny days. This nine-foot umbrella is a great addition to your patio or small balcony. (Kent)

Balcony Planter

Canadian-made, this classic balcony planter, 31.75” (81 cm) in length by 8.75” (22 cm) wide, comes with two ultra-strong resin brackets which allow it to be placed over railings from 1-3/16” (3 cm) up to 1-3/4” (4.45 cm) wide. (Home Hardware)

Balcony Flooring

You can upgrade your balcony or deck in an instant and also section off an area for lounging and for dining. It’s easy to install and clicks together. Choose one color or mix and match. RUNNEN decking, outdoor, brown stained, 9 sq feet per package. (Ikea)

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Visual merchandising is not just limited to retail stores; it can also be applied to your own home. By employing the principles of visual merchandising, you can create a captivating and inviting environment that showcases the beauty and personality of your dream home. As an interior designer, I have curated some expert tips to help you effectively merchandise your space and make it truly remarkable.

Define Your Theme: Start by identifying a theme or style that resonates with you and reflects your personal taste. Whether it’s modern, rustic, or eclectic, choose a cohesive theme that will guide your design decisions and ensure a harmonious and visually pleasing space.

Create Focal Points: Identify key areas or architectural features within your home that can serve as focal points. It could be a stunning fireplace, a grand staircase, or a picturesque window. Enhance these focal points with appropriate lighting, artwork, or statement furniture to draw attention and create visual interest.

Consider Scale and Balance: Maintain a sense of balance and proportion in your interior design. Carefully select furniture and accessories that complement the scale of the room. Avoid overcrowding and ensure that each piece has its designated space, allowing for comfortable movement and a visually pleasing layout.

Play with Textures and Colours: Experiment with different textures and colours to add depth and visual intrigue to your home. Mix and match fabrics, incorporate elements like rugs, throws or cushions, botanicals and introduce a variety of hues to create a visually dynamic and engaging environment.

Curate Thoughtful Displays: Thoughtfully arrange decor items and accessories to create curated displays throughout your home. Group items of similar themes or colours together, use varying heights and sizes for visual appeal, and incorporate elements that reflect your personality and interests.

Lighting is a Very Important Factor: Lighting should be ambient and be able to cater to various moods. By artistically placing lamps, up-lighters, concealed or cove lighting one can manage ambiances in a room that suit the need of the hour. From party modes to romantic evenings or simply a cosy quiet ambiance can be created by providing various lighting options.

Visual merchandising your dream home is a creative process that allows you to curate a visually stunning and inviting space. By considering themes, focal points, scale, textures, colours, and thoughtful displays, you can transform your home into a showcase of your personal style. Embrace your creativity and let your dream home reflect your unique personality and taste. Remember, visual merchandising is all about creating an environment that captivates and inspires all who enter.

Smita Prakash is an interior design graduate from India. She is dedicated to the future of design, innovative space management and chic home décor.

Smita now lives in Prince Edward Island and in June she opened Indriya Home & More in Cavendish. (Read her story on page 71)


8863 Cavendish Rd, Cavendish (Mariners Cove Boardwalk)


SUMMER 2023 79


With the arrival of warmer weather and all the summer events on the horizon we’re ready to dive right in and we’re not holding back. I’ve ventured to some of your fave local boutiques to find the hottest trends and of course our seasonal classics.

The runways may have me pushing the envelope in my trend watch this season but as per usual it’s up to you how you choose to put your spin on it. I’m here to bring you the latest fashion but you absolutely have to make it your own. You’re free to write your own fashion story as we’ve tossed the age old ones style rules aside long ago. Don’t be afraid to make a solid statement.

Whether you’re strolling your favourite beach, hitting the office, or attending summer nuptials we’ve got all the style you need packed into our summer issue. Your fresh breezy

go-tos get an update this season with some zesty new hues. It’s time to break out our pops of color and not hold back. We’re all in this season! You’ll see our guys are keeping it fresh with linen fabrics, stripes and their own color story to tell.

It’s clear the media has a hold of the fashion steering wheel with the Barbiecore, Mermaidcore and Digital Lavender take over. We just can’t help it. We’re here for all of it! There’s simply no point in resisting. But don’t just scroll, like and save. Make it happen! It’s one thing to be killing it on Insta but let’s take it on IRL.

I want to see you this summer! Dancing on Vic Row in your dreamy dresses, chilling at the yacht club in your laid-back prepster looks. Cocktail/ mocktail it up on your fave patio in style. But, mostly I just want to see you out and enjoying summer, and feeling fantastic while you do it.

Summer Trnds

With so many summer events on our social calendar, we’re giving you all the essential items you need to show up as this season’s fashion savvy. Take a peek at these playful stylings and don’t hold back. This summer’s style has everything you need to perk up that otherwise monochromatic closet we’ve been pulling from for most of 2023.

- Anonymous

80 SUMMER 2023
Read PEI Living Magazine online:
“Everyday is a fashion show and the world is the runway.”


Florals are synonymous with spring/ summer trends but this season’s roses are in full bloom to say the least. Oversized rosette chokers, hair accessories, dress and swim details. Take your pick.


Move over Barbiecore, we’ve got mermaid vibes stepping in, I mean swimming up? Resort wear just took a literal dive and we are here for it! From under-the-sea prints, glistening iridescent sequins and embellished fishtail silhouettes the sea of fashion has so much to offer.

We can maybe thank Taylor Swift for putting this hue on the map? But truly this was chosen by a trend forecaster in 2021 to be this summer’s colour on repeat. Though it’s hard to say who’s truly responsible for solidifying it, there’s no question it’s an absolute must.


Do you dare to bare? This trend, ripped right from the runways is something to think on. Yes, we’ve played with sheer fabrics plenty of summers gone by, but we’re really risking it all this season in little short shorts and bralettes under gauzy looks from pants to skirts to dresses.

Pocket dial-ed in

Practicality, but make it fashion. Useful or not, there’s no question, we love ourselves some pockets. So why not throw in a few more? Or many more. Skirts, tops and even bags are accentuating the utilitarian vibe this season. It’s hard to say no when it makes so much sense.


Femininity rules with the resurgence of bow details this season. Though it’s a little throwback to our childhood styling, we’ll really see bows act as the primary focus on dresses, bags, and shoes. The bigger the better.

Lavender Haze

STYLE CITY AND THE and the beach

With the arrival of warm weather and so many stand-out trends to jump in on, let’s not forget about our classic seasonal stylings. Vivid florals, maxi dresses and crisp summer whites.

This set says it all, we did not come to play. With this vibrant tropical look we’ve clearly already won summer.

Words and photos by Kimberly Rashed, Style Editor Styled by Style Becomes Her Models: Emily Anne Fullerton, Betty Ferguson, Kimberly & Alexis Rashed, Amanda Dover Emily Anne Fullerton
Luxury Market Consignment Boutique

We’re still loving monochromatic sets, but only in all the finest colorful tones summer has to offer.

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Betty Ferguson Lady Slipper Boutique

We’ll never pass on a quintessential white summer dress. We can always find a lovely Island meadow to frolic in, making it an absolute must-have without question.

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Kimberly and Alexis Rashed Isla Boutique

Naturally we’ll need all the maxi dresses we can find to keep cool and comfortable in these warmer months. Don’t be shy when choosing colour. We’re obsessed with this warm yet intense shade of blue.

Mermaid silhouettes mixed with structured finishes is a unique yet flawless combo. We’re totally ready to dive in on the fishtail trend in whatever way we can.

86 SUMMER 2023
Emily Anne Fullerton Luxury Market Consignment Boutique

Summer vacay, staycay, all the “cay” vibes right here. We don’t have to go far to take advantage of the season’s best resort wear looks.

Betty Ferguson Lady Slipper Boutique

SUMMER STYLE his story

There’s nothing basic about this summer’s mens style. We’re swapping out tees for linen shirts, rolled up chinos and shorts for a preppy take in the season’s warm looks.

Words and photos by Kimberly Rashed, Style Editor Styled by Style Becomes Her Models: Ian Morison, Anthony Delodder

Hues of salmon are synonymous with men’s summer hues. This soft blue pairing is the optimal combo for boardwalk evening strolls.


Seaside blues and crisp whites are perfectly on point in this leisurely breezy summer pairing.

SUMMER 2023 89
Ian Morison Dows Menswear

Give your summer wardrobe a wake-up call with some bold colour. You’ll never go wrong with practicality mixed with perfectly put together style.

We can’t call it summer without the ultimate floral shirt. The detailing of this structured shirt is balanced out with the laissez faire of a comfortable go-everywhere khaki.

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Ian Morison Dows Menswear

Classic stripes are a clear winner in this soft blue and white chino duo. The loafer adds that final preppy touch, that’s perfectly on point for the season.

92 SUMMER 2023
Anthony Delodder Eastwood Avenue

Stay cool with lightweight linen in fresh colour combos for a make-your-mark look.

Anthony Delodder

Eastwood Avenue

Surviving Your Office Job This Summer

Can’t stand the thought of watching summer through the office window? Don’t quit your job - follow our advice to make your office job bearable this summer.

Many of us are stuck watching summer go by through an office window, the air conditioner blasting, the dreaded words, “it's so nice out, you should get outside” echoing in our heads.

Fortunately, there are simple changes you can make during the day to take advantage of the perfect weather outside.

Bike or walk to work.

Start off your mornings energized and ready to take on the workday. Opt to bike or walk to work. If you have to take public transportation, get off a few stops earlier to squeeze in some light exercise before 8 a.m.

Coffee break outdoors.

Arrange to have your coffee break outside. As little as five minutes will rejuvenate you.

Get up and get out of the office once every 90 minutes.

When you're nose-deep in work, it's easy to lose track of time. Set up reminders on your phone or email every 60-90 minutes to get up and get outside. Walk to the nearest coffee house, sit under a tree or just enjoy the sunshine for five or ten minutes.

Ask questions and discuss issues face-to-face.

Rather than sending an email every time you have a question, go to your coworker's office to discuss the issue face-to-face. This gives you a good excuse to get moving and a chance to more effectively hash out solutions in person. Better yet, text to arrange to meet outside for a few minutes.

Use your lunch break to get outside.

So many of us today work through our lunch break. When possible, take advantage of this time to walk outside and soak in the nice weather. Fresh air and vitamin D are often all you need to stay focused and push through the afternoon slump.

Stand up and stretch.

If you don't have time to get out of the office every 90 minutes, use the opportunity to stand up and stretch instead. Stretching is a great way to increase energy levels, reduce muscle tension and get your body moving. Stretch in front of a sunny window, it will lift your spirits.

Take a walk during conference calls.

Conference calls are the perfect time to be active. Put clients and coworkers on speaker, or use your mobile phone during meetings to move around without any trouble.

Hold a meeting outside. Many coworkers will welcome the opportunity to stand and stretch their legs for a moment. If you have a twoperson meeting, consider going for a walk.

Work from home.

If at all possible, work from home during the height of summer. Productivity increases when you are relaxed and happy - working from your deck will definitely boast productivity.

The four-day week

If you are the boss, consider implementing a four-day week during the summer months (July and August). Not only will you increase employee loyalty, you will also see a decrease in sick days on Monday mornings and Friday afternoons.

Summer on the Island seems to fly by; if you work in an office all day it may feel like you miss summer all together. Making a point to get outside throughout the day puts you on the right track toward wellness.

94 SUMMER 2023



Do you ever dream about adventure? Getting away and exploring by yourself? There are some fabulous destinations where you can feel safe traveling solo. These are just five of our favourite places we think you should consider when you decide it's time to run away - even if it's just temporary.

New Zealand

Immerse yourself in nature! New Zealand is all about natural beauty, from the glaciers of Franz Josef to the volcanic wonders of Rotorua. Skydiving in Queenstown one moment, and staying in a traditional Maori Marae the next - and that's before spotting dolphins in the beautiful Bay of Islands. This small country is made up of two main islands that boast extremely varied kinds of scenery. On the North Island, you'll find paradise beaches, active volcanoes, and colorful lakes. On the South Island, it's quite a different scene: snowy peaks, glaciers, and open ocean full of seals and whales.


Belgium is all about a harmonious fusion of old world charm and modern culture and trends. From vintage castles, mansions, museums, and churches to modern architecture, shopping arcades and amusements; this European gem is the home of many spectacular places for all types of vacationers. Antwerp is a foodie's paradise, if you're looking for shopping and a vibrant nightlife be sure to visit Brussels. In Brussels, you can stroll the streets and enjoy the medieval architecture, while in Bruges, you'll find a landscape worthy of a stunning romance film.

▲ Burges, Belgium ▲ View from mont Maunganui, ►Lake Wakatipu, New Zealand


Japan is a country where millennium-old traditions coexist with super advanced technology. Japan ranks sixth among the most peaceful countries in the world, according to the Global Peace Index (GPI). Japan is one of the world's most safe places for single female travelers. Tokyo, is a megametropolis considered the cleanest and best-organized in the world. And Osaka, a modern city that's charming and full of different things to do. Put this destination on your bucket list!


Chile is a long, narrow country stretching along South America's western edge, with more than 6,000km of Pacific Ocean coastline. Santiago, its capital, sits in a valley surrounded by the Andes and Chilean Coast Range mountains. The city's palmlined Plaza de Armas contains the neoclassical cathedral and the National History Museum. The massive Parque Metropolitano offers swimming pools, a botanical garden and zoo. The most significant appeal of Chile is its natural beauty. Chile has deserts, lakes, remote islands, and some enormous mountains. Additionally, the urban areas have a unique flavour unlike anywhere else.


Uruguay is also a South American country known for its verdant interior and beach-lined coast. The capital, Montevideo, revolves around Plaza Independencia, once home to a Spanish citadel. It leads to Ciudad Vieja (Old City), with art deco buildings, colonial homes and Mercado del Puerto, an old port market with many steakhouses. La Rambla, a waterfront promenade, passes fish stalls, piers and parks. You will find plenty to do in Montevideo, picturesque Colonia and party-till-you-drop Punta del Este. Go wildlife-watching along the Atlantic coast, hot-spring-hopping up the Río Uruguay, or horseback riding under the big sky of Uruguay’s interior, where vast fields spread out like oceans.

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◄ Black sand beach in Pucon, Chile ◄ Santiago, Chile ► Osaka Castle surrounded by cherry blossoms ►Tokyo skyline at night ◄ Cycling on the boardwalk, Pocitios Beach, Montevideo ▼ View of Punta del Este in Maldonado, Uruguay


Closer By Sea (by Perry

Chafe) In 1991, on a small, isolated island off the coast of Newfoundland, twelve-year-old Pierce Jacobs struggles to come to terms with the death of his father. Part coming-of-age story, part literary mystery, and part suspense thriller, Closer by Sea is a page-turning, poignant, and powerful novel about family, friendship, and community set at a pivotal time in modern Newfoundland history.

Bad Summer People


Emma Rosenblum’s Bad Summer People is a whipsmart, propulsive debut about infidelity, backstabbing, and murderous intrigue, set against an exclusive summer haven on Fire Island.



After (by Carley Fortune) They say you can never go home again. For Persephone Fraser, ever since she made the biggest mistake of her life a decade ago, that has felt too true. Instead of glittering summers on the lakeshore of her childhood, she spends them in a stylish apartment in the city, going out with friends, and keeping everyone a safe distance from her heart.



The Five Star Weekend (by Elin Hilderbrand) Hollis Shaw’s life seems picture-perfect. She’s the creator of the popular food blog Hungry with Hollis and is married to Matthew, a dreamy heart surgeon. But after she and Matthew get into a heated argument one snowy morning, he leaves for the airport and is killed in a car accident. The cracks in Hollis’s perfect life—her strained marriage and her complicated relationship with her daughter, Caroline—grow deeper. So when Hollis hears about something called a “Five-Star Weekend”—one woman organizes a trip for her best friend from each phase of her teenage years, her twenties, her thirties, and midlife—she decides to host her own Five-Star Weekend on Nantucket. But the weekend doesn’t turn out to be a joyful Hallmark movie.


Summer People

(by Sarah Morgan) Celebrated romance author Catherine Swift has topped the bestseller lists for decades, though her personal story hasn’t been quite so successful. Three failed marriages have left her relationship with her daughters strained, but that’s about to be rectified. Engaged yet again, Catherine is counting on this wedding to be what finally brings them together as a family, and she’ll do whatever it takes to make that happen.

Beach Read (by Emily

Henry) A romance writer who no longer believes in love and a literary writer stuck in a rut engage in a summer-long challenge that may just upend everything they believe about happily ever afters.

Augustus Everett is an acclaimed author of literary fiction. January Andrews writes bestselling romance. When she pens a happily ever after, he kills off his entire cast. They’re polar opposites.

In fact, the only thing they have in common is that for the next three months, they’re living in neighbouring beach houses, broke, and bogged down with writer’s block.

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