Pets & Hugs Magazine July-August 2014

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2014年 7月 • JULY 2014 • MOP30 • ISSN 2309 5520

會見Mexico, 澳門名犬 Meet Mexico, Macau’s model dog 澳門首個寵物展



Macau’s First Pet Expo

School Time! Enter the classroom

Blissful living for all



寶貝寵物 • 2014年 7月



2014年7月號 July 2014 edition 編輯委員會 EDITORIAL COUNCIL Albano Martins, Janet Tracy, Mércia César de Sá, Luis Pereira

們的本月封面之星可能毋須介紹——Mexico, 一隻阿拉斯加雪橇犬,牠有自己的Facebook 頁面和世界各地的追 隨者。本期《寶貝寵物 》很 榮 幸地為這隻美麗、廣受歡迎的封面模特兒做特寫, 閱讀他的故事,自己看看為什麼Mexico會成為澳 門名犬之一。

總監 DIRECTOR Luis Pereira

Mércia César de Sá 出版人PUBLISHER

出版人 PUBLISHER Mércia César de Sá

過去數月是澳門動物愛好者社交的黃金歲月!在6月 於威尼斯人舉行的首屆國際寵物水族用品展上,我們有機會會見我們的一些讀者,並 結交了很多新朋友——包括人類和毛茸茸的寵物朋友。

英文編輯 EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Tanja Wessels 中文編輯 CHINESE EDITOR Frank Xie (謝 陳) 特約編輯 CONTRIBUTING EDITOR Mariana Sá 投稿者 CONTRIBUTORS Dodo Gao (高雲), Gretchen Ettlie 設計 DESIGN 澳門出版有限公司 People Press 攝影 PHOTOGRAPHERS Cheong Kam Ka (cover photo), Leong Sio Po, Eric Tam, Carmo Correia, Forbes Conrad 機構合作夥伴 INSTITUTIONAL PARTNER Anima - 澳門愛護動物協會 出版者 PUBLISHED BY 澳門出版有限公司 People Press 地址 ADDRESS 10/F – I, The Macau Square 43-53A, Av Infante D Henrique Macau 中國 澳門殷皇子大馬路43-53A 澳門廣場10樓 I (853) 28355315/6 (853) 28355466

Printed in Macau 印刷地:澳門 發行量 CIRCULATION 5,000 ISSN 2309 5520 定價 COVER PRICE MOP 30.00 免責聲明:若向出版人提供之資料有不完整處,出 版人概不負責。引用本刊任何內容前,請先與出版 人聯絡。本刊發表的意見不代表出版人之立場。 Disclaimer: The publishers accept no

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materials submitted for publication. If you

would like to use any content, please contact the publishers. The views expressed in the magazine are not necessarily those of the publishers.

Pets & Hugs • July 2014

6月22日《寶貝寵物》自豪地參與了AAPAM(澳門保護遺棄動物協會)舉辦的第22 屆“凝聚力量,關注動物愛心行”活動,我們從塔石廣場出發,沿澳門街道促請政府 制訂“動物保護法”。在街道上聽到要求尊重所有生命的不同聲音非常令人鼓舞。 對於那些熱愛健康生活的人,澳門有個新去處可以滿足您的需要——也可以滿足狗 的需要!位於氹仔的The Blissful Carrot素食餐廳所做的食物充滿了愛意,他們製作 有機的、新鮮的素食而無任何令人厭惡的東西;他們也為狗狗準備了自己手工製作的 小吃,那裡每個人都可以找到自己想要的東西。 當“貓空間”關門後,本地愛貓人士必然感到若有所失。我們追訪了富有獻身精神 的“貓空間”創始人Almond Chan女士,傾聽有關她仍付出時間與精力,為在澳門 被遺棄的貓貓作出最大努力的故事。 我們很高興地通知您,即將出版的9月/10月《寶貝寵物》雜誌將是我們創刊一周年的紀 念刊,我們期待著為您帶來一期特殊的雜誌,紀念這個具有里程碑意義的時刻,紀念一 路走來我們遇到的所有令人稱奇的朋友和寵物。請與我們一起慶祝這一美好時刻!


ur cover star this month may need no introduction- Mexico, an Alaskan Malamute, has his own Facebook page and followers worldwide. Pets&Hugs was delighted to feature this beautiful highly sought-after cover model in this issue- read his story and see for yourself why Mexico is one of Macau’s most celebrated canines. What a social couple of months it has been for animal lovers in Macau! At the first ever International Pet & Aquarium Supplies Expo that took place at The Venetian in June we had the opportunity to meet some of our readers and to make lots of new friends- human and furry. On the 22nd of June Pets&Hugs was proud to be part of the AAPAM Walk to Show Care for Animals from Tap Seac along the streets of Macau, demanding for animal protection laws to be put in place for once and for all. It was encouraging and inspiring to hear all the voices on the street demanding respect for all life. For those who love healthy living there is a new place in town that caters to your needs- and those of your dog! The Blissful Carrot in Taipa makes food full of love and free of nasties, organic, fresh and vegetarian; dogs have their very own handmade treats too, there really is something for everyone. Local cat lovers must be feeling the gap left since Meow Space closed its doors. We caught up with dedicated founder, Ms. Almond Chan, to hear about how she still devotes time and energy on doing the best she can for the abandoned felines in the territory. We are excited to let you know that our upcoming September/October issue will be our one-year anniversary, and we are looking forward to bringing you a special issue to mark the landmark occasion, full of all the friends and amazing people and creatures we have met along the way. Please celebrate with us!



寶貝寵物 • 2014年 7月

狗的品種—柯基犬 Dog Breed - Welsh Corgi


狗的故事—古怪的一對 Dog Story - The Odd Couple


狗的故事-幸福生活 Dog Story - Blissful Living


貓的品種—斯芬克斯貓 Cat Breed- The Sphinx


貓的故事—BOBO和小NICHO Cat Tale - Bobo and Nicho


貓的故事—看不見的貓 Cat Story - The Unseen Cat


貓的故事—BO先生與ME女士 Cat Story - Mr. Bo and Ms. Me


動物探索—貓空間 Animal Discovery- Meow Space


實地考察—聯國學校 Field Trip- School of the Nations


封面故事—MEXICO Cover Story - Mexico


寵物展 Pet Expo


寵物故事—晚上毛茸茸的伴侶 Pet Story- Furry company at night


動物新聞 Animals in the news


領養 動物新聞 Adoptions Anima

50 56

澳門愛護動物協會 Anima


請教獸醫 Ask the Vet


寵物建議 Pet Advice


你知道嗎—在沙漠中 Did you Know- In the Desert


寵物繪畫 Kids activities


寵物商店和診所 Shops and Clinics


Pets & Hugs • July 2014

目錄 Contents





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威爾士柯基犬 Welsh Corgi


寶貝寵物 • 2014年 7月


Dog breed

布羅克威爾士 柯基犬 深受英 女王喜愛,其祖 先可 至少追溯到十世紀。 牠們是一個真正的侏 儒品種,從牠們狐狸 般的臉和強壯的體型 可以確認這個品種。


dored by the Queen of England, Pembroke Welsh Corgis’ ancestry dates back to at least the tenth century. A true dwarf breed, they are recognized by their foxy face and sturdy build.

Pets & Hugs • July 2014


Attention needs I am part of the family


I love to please Activeness I like to be active and have loads of energy! Relationship with children I like to play, but may nip at your heels; I’m a herding dog!


需要關注度 — 我是家庭一份子。 情感 —我喜歡討好人。 活躍程度 —務必給我經常、輕快的活動,哦,我喜歡水! 與孩子關係 —我喜歡玩耍,但可能會咬你腳後跟, 我是一隻牧羊犬!

寶貝寵物 • 2014年 7月


Dog breed

爾士柯基犬起源於威爾 士,是一種小型牧羊犬。 公認的確切品種有兩個:彭布 羅克威爾士柯基犬和卡迪根威 爾士柯基犬,而彭布羅克品種 比較常見。 彭布羅克擁有尖尖的耳朵,體 型比卡迪根小一些。作為一頭 實用狗,牠們 矮小、聰明、強 壯和紮實並有足夠耐力在農場 工作一整天。此狗的頭型像狐 狸,尾短,這種身形可通過配 種來達成。 作為放牧犬,柯基犬以咬腳後 跟來履行職責,牠矮小的個子 讓 牠在 放牧 過 程中避 免被 踢 傷。作為放牧犬,柯基犬的畜 牧工作方法與其他品種不同。 與 其 走在 牲畜周 圍 來聚 集 牛 隻,柯基犬咬牛的後腳跟將牠 們趕向前走,把牛群形成一個 半圓形而跟在後面。柯基犬很 少讓步,如果有動物轉頭來攻 擊牠,柯基犬會咬牠的鼻,使 牠轉身重投隊伍。雖然牠們的 專長是放牛,柯基犬也被用來 放羊和威爾士小馬。牠們也是 少數能牧鵝的品種之一。 彭 布 羅 克 威爾 士柯 基犬很 熱 情,愛作為家庭的一份子,無論


英女王伊麗莎白二世自 小喜歡柯基犬,自1952 年成為英國和其他英聯 邦王國女王以來,她已 擁有超過30頭柯基犬。 Fond of corgis since she was a small child, Queen Elizabeth II has owned more than 30 corgis since she became Queen of the United Kingdom and the other Commonwealth realms in 1952.

Pembrokes feature pointed ears, and are somewhat smaller in stature than the Cardigan. Considered a practical dog, they are low-set, intelligent, strong and sturdy with stamina sufficient to work a day on the farm. The dog’s head is fox-like and the tail short, which can be accomplished through breeding.

heels; the dog’s low stature allows it to avoid being kicked in the process. As herding dogs, corgis work livestock differently than other breeds. Instead of gathering the cattle by running around the livestock, corgis drive the herd forward by nipping at their heels and working them from behind in semicircles. Seldom giving ground, if an animal should turn and charge, the corgi will bite its nose, causing it to turn and re-join the herd. Although they specialize in herding cattle, corgis are also used to herd sheep and Welsh ponies. They are also one of the few breeds able to herd geese.

As herding dogs Corgi’s perform their duties by nipping at the

Pembroke Welsh Corgis are very affectionate, love to be involved

he Welsh corgi is a small type of herding dog that originated in Wales. Two distinct breeds are recognized: the Pembroke Welsh corgi and the Cardigan Welsh corgi, with the Pembroke being the more common.

在何處都會跟隨主人。牠們有 取悅主人的強烈意願,具有高 度智慧,因而牠們渴望學習和 受訓。除了放牧,由於牠們警覺 性高並只在需要時才吠,牠們 也可充當看門狗。大多數彭布 羅克希望獲得所有相遇的人的 注意,在孩子和其他寵物面前 表現得體。為避免將來生活中 有任何反社會或侵略的行為, 在牠們年幼時,應讓這個品種 周旋於其他動物、成年人和兒 童之間。由於牠們放牧的天性,

牠們 喜 歡 追 逐任 何 移動 的東 西,所以最好把牠們圍在圍欄 內。生性活躍的小狗,總應該被 鼓勵保持活躍。牠們需要每天 長時間散步。如果柯基犬在生活 中久坐不動,牠們很容易發胖。 作為一隻背部比較長背的狗,如 果牠們超重,可能導致牠們的背 部和關節產生健康問題。當出外 散步時,柯基犬必須跟在領犬人 的旁邊或後面,因為在柯基犬心 中是領導者帶領著牠,而這個領 導者必須是人類。

in the family, and tend to follow wherever their owners go. They have a great desire to please their owners and are highly intelligent, thus making them eager to learn and train. Besides herding, they also function as watchdogs due to their alertness and tendency to bark only as needed. Most Pembrokes will seek the attention of everyone they meet and behave well around children and other pets. It is important to socialise this breed with other animals, adults and children when they are very young to avoid any anti-social behavior or aggression later in life. Due to their herding instinct, they love to chase anything that moves, so it is best to keep them inside fenced areas.

Naturally active little dogs, they should always be encouraged to remain so. They need to be taken on a long daily walk. Corgis can have a tendency to gain weight easily if their lives are too sedentary. As a dog with a relatively long back, if they are allowed to gain excess weight this can lead to issues and health problems with their backs and joints. While out on the walk the dog must be made to heel beside or behind the person holding the lead, as in a dog’s mind the leader leads the way, and that leader needs to be human.

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Pets & Hugs • July 2014


古怪的一對 The Odd Couple

假如你在路環散步,遇到一 隻可愛活潑的絲毛梗和一隻 醒目溫柔帶有不同顏色眼睛 的邊境牧羊犬,那你遇到了 Pixie 和Lynx,從未見過那樣 可愛古怪的一對。 If, on your walks in Coloane, you come across a cute and perky Silky Terrier and a striking gentle Border Collie with different coloured eyes, you have met Pixie and Lynx- the most adorable odd couple ever.

著這幸福的一家坐在 沙發上,Sayaka 和 Ian McPherson讓他們兩隻 寵 物 坐 在 自 己 腿 上,一 臉 幸 福。 “這些狗就像我們的孩 子。我們早已養了牠們很長時 間。”Sayaka自豪地說。 這對設計師夫妻曾在中國大陸 居住,三年前移居澳門。他們 十分喜歡澳門,並決定在這裡 開一家糖果店,McPherson 糖 果 店,就 在 議 事 亭 前 地。 Ian也為“水舞間”工作。 他們的孩子,Pixie — 一隻絲 毛 梗 和 Ly n x — 一 隻 4 歲 大 的 邊境牧羊犬,這是對不太可能 的組合,但命運將牠們放在一 起,而牠們也挺般配。 不幸的是,自從家中第三名成 員Kai—Lynx的爸爸,一條藍 默爾犬於去年6月逝世。然而, 還有另外一個原因,Pixie 和 Lynx真正表現出兄弟姐妹這個 詞的意義——Lynx是聾的,而 Pixie細心看護著牠,有時充當 牠的耳朵,確保牠知道周圍正 在發生什麼事。  當Ian和Sayaka培育Lynx時, 他們住在拉斯維加斯。 “牠 實 際 上 是 第 一窩幼 犬中的 一 隻。我選擇留下牠,剛巧牠是 聾的,因為與藍默爾犬部分家 族所生的幼犬會失明或失聰。


Kai所生的22隻幼犬中,三隻天 生是聾的。”

補充說。“是啊,我已經選定了 牠。” Ian證實並笑起來。

“當牠剛出生時,我不知道牠 是 個 聾 子。我 們 是 這 樣 發 現 的——當牠們還是幼犬時,牠 們不會被任何噪音或任何類似 的聲響吵醒。因此,我們把牠 們帶到獸醫作檢查,確定牠們 是聾子。”

邊 境 牧 羊 犬 是 運 動 型、 有 放 牧 行 為 的 牧 羊犬,因 此 牠 們 必 需 保 持 忙 碌。“ 牠 們 需 要工作,”I a n 解 釋 說。“ 飛 碟,”Sayaka補充說,“飛盤 和球,牠喜歡這類東西。”

“但無論如何,他一開始就很 喜歡牠,” Sayaka面帶微笑

“他冷靜,除非知道是玩耍的 時候。遊戲時間過後,他放鬆 並再歸於平靜,”Ian說。

Lynx有兩隻不同顏色的眼睛, 同他父親一樣,這是典型的藍 默爾犬。他母親是隻斑紋色邊 境牧羊犬,這就是為什麼他有 一種不尋常的三色虎條紋。 決定要養狗全是因為給Ian找 份生日禮物,當他們居住在美 國時,Sayaka上網找到Kai。 接 著 S a y a k a 的 生日到 來, 另一次 上網 就產 生了Pi x i e, 一 件 給 你 的 禮 物,猜 對 寶貝寵物 • 2014年 7月



ooking at the happy family seated on the sofa, Sayaka and Ian McPherson are the picture of domestic bliss with their two pets sitting on their laps. “The dogs are like our children. We’ve had them for a long time,” Sayaka says proudly. The couple moved to Macau three years ago after having lived in mainland China as designers. They really liked Macau, and decided to open a sweet shop here, McPherson’s Sweets, just off Senado Square. Ian also works for The House of Dancing Water. Their children, Pixie, a Silky Terrier and Lynx, a four-year-old Border Collie, are an unlikely looking duo, but life has brought them together, and they are certainly making it work. Even more so since the passing away of the third family member, Kai, Lynx’s dad, a Blue Merle in June last year. However, there is another reason Pixie and Lynx are siblings in the truest sense of the word- Lynx is deaf and Pixie looks out for him, at times acting like his ears and making sure he knows what’s going on around him. Ian and Sayaka were living in the Las Vegas when they bred Lynx

Pets & Hugs • July 2014

Dog story

“He’s actually one of the puppies from the first litter. I chose to keep him, he just so happened to be deaf because part of the genealogy with the Blue Merles is that they have either blind or deaf pups. Of 22 pups that Kai had, three were born deaf.” “I didn’t know he was deaf when he was first born, how we found out is that they didn’t wake up when they were pups from any noise or anything like that. So we took them to the vet and had them checked, and yes, they were deaf.”

and balls, he loves all that stuff.” “He is calm unless he knows it’s time to go play. And then after playtime, he relaxes and is calm again, ” says Ian.

“他冷靜,除非知 道是玩耍的時候。 遊戲時間過後,他 放 鬆 並 再 歸 於平 靜,”Ian說。 ‘“He is calm unless he knows it’s time to go play. And then after playtime, he relaxes and is calm again,” Ian

“But he liked him right from the start anyway,” Sayaka adds, smiling. “Yeah, I had already chosen him,” Ian confirms, laughing. Border Collies are athletic, sheep dogs with herding behaviour and as such they need to be kept busy. “They need a job, ”explains Ian. “Frisbees,” Sayaka adds,“ Frisbees

Lynx has two different eye colours, the same as his father, which is typical of the Blue Merle. His mother was a Brindle Border Collie and that’s why he has an unusual type of tri-colour tiger striping.

The decision to have dogs at all came when, looking for a birthday gift for Ian, Sayaka found Kai online when they were living in the US. Then Sayaka’s birthday came around, another online log in produced Pixie, a present for- you guessed it, Sayaka. “I needed my own, because they are all boy’s dogs and chase balls all day and are not cute or anything,” she says

referring to Lynx and his late father and bursting into fits of laughter. “I wanted something for me,” Sayaka explains, “a lapdog” Ian interjects with a smile. “I got the perfect one,” she says, looking down proudly Pixie, “She’s the chubby one,” adds Ian. Related to a Yorkshire Terrier, but bigger, “Pixie’s fat, she likes eating a lot” says Sayaka of her Silky Terrier. “Pixie and Lynx are like brother and sister, they can both be kind of mean to each other. But really they are jealous of each other. Not really mean, just jealous, if someone is petting him, she needs to be stroked too,” the couple explain. Pixie acts like Lynx’s ears, letting him know when there is someone at the door, she’ll come and nudge him if he’s asleep and the parents arrive home, Pixie wants them to both be awake and waiting on the sofa like the good children they are. A surprising move, given that she could easily let him keep sleeping and hog all the attention to herself, but it turns out that Pixie deep down loves the big fella in her family. She also alerts


了,Sayaka。“我要擁有我自 己 的,因 為 牠 們 都 是 雄 性 的 狗,整天追逐球,又不可愛,” 她說,指的是Lynx和牠已故的 父親,隨後放聲大笑。 “ 我 想 自 己 擁 有 些 東 西,” Saya ka解 釋 說,I a n笑著插 嘴:“一隻哈巴狗。”“我得到 一 隻 完美的,”她 說,低 頭看 著自豪的Pixie,“她是胖乎乎 的,”Ian補充說。與約瑟爹利 有關聯,但大一點,“Pixie肥 胖,她喜歡吃很多。”Sayaka 談及她的絲毛梗。 “Pixie 和 Lynx 有如兄弟姐 妹,對彼此有很重要的意義。 但實際上牠們嫉妒對方。不是 真正的刻薄,只是 嫉妒,如果 有人撫摸他,她也要被撫摸。” 這對夫婦解釋說。 Pi x i e充當Lyn x的耳朵,當門 外有人就通知他。當父母下班 回家,如果他睡著,Pixie會輕 輕推醒他,她希望牠倆保持清 醒 並 像 乖孩 子 般在 沙 發上等 候父母。 這是一個令人意外的舉動,因 為Pix ie可以輕易讓他繼續睡 覺並獨占所有註意力,但事實 證明,她內心深處熱愛這個家 中的大傢夥。當她聽到食物袋 子的沙沙聲時,她還提醒他開 餐時間到了。 當他的父親還在時,Lynx時常 緊貼著他並非常依賴他,如今 父親不在,他和Pixie之間的關 係已加強。 今天Lynx更坦率,不得不多點 照顧自己,他現在吠叫比以前 多,當他父親還在時,常與兒 子並肩而行,“即使他們在小 徑上跑,他父親經常用身體貼 著他,不斷碰他讓他感到在舒 適的範圍內。”Ian解釋。 Pixie也有她痛苦之處,如Ian 描 述 她 受下 背“ 狗 骨 質 疏 鬆 12

症”的痛苦,她不能在小徑上 這對夫婦曾聘用一位馴狗師, 跑,或不能再爬樓梯。當她走 專門來訓練聾犬,用美國手語 路 時 開 始 出 現 毛 病,他 們 覺 ASL與Lynx一起練習,教他服 得有些不對勁,“她不想去散 从基本的指令,如坐下、等待、 步,” Sayaka回憶道,這非 諸如此類。 常奇 怪,因為 她以前熱衷於 在路環居住風 Sayaka 散 步。當他們 景 實 在 美 好, 說:“Pixie 和 Lynx 發現她寧願 廣闊的空間對 有如兄弟姐妹,對 呆 在 家裡,也 兩 隻狗 很 是 理 彼此有很重要的意 想。然 而 流 浪 不願 出去,他 義。” 們把她帶到 街 頭 的 野狗 是 獸醫處並作出 一個問題。 “Pixie and Lynx are 診 斷。她要服 “很 多 外國 like brother and 用氨基葡萄糖 夫 婦到這裡 sister, they can both 咀 嚼 物,兩星 來,當 他 們 離 be kind of mean to 期 內,她 又回 開 澳 門 時, 復跳躍並想要 丟 棄 自己的 each other” Sayaka 到 處 跑,“ 藥 狗,”Sayaka 物完全改變了 提 及許多寵物 她。”Ian說。她還要節食,因 在路環面對的可悲命運時說。 為以她的健康狀況,多餘的體 當 中 有 些 很 標 緻 的 狗,天 天 重不是她需要的。 坐 在 人行 道 上等 待,但 不 懂 Pixie是頑強的狗而Lynx是人 得他們新的實際情況。 類的情人,他愛被 人(包括兒 童)關注和擁抱。另一方面,當 從更積極方面看,很多住在路 矮人走近,Pixie變得有點機靈 環 的 外國人憐 惜被 遺 棄 的 動 並走開。 物,並收養牠們。

住在路環帶出另一個問題,當 中涉及失去Kai。 Ian直接地講 出他心愛的狗隻被奪走生命時 的感受,“我們懷疑他被蛇咬 了。”這件 事發生在 路環小徑 散步時,他們 散步後,如常到 沙灘玩,他就倒下了。“他經歷 像中暑的種種跡象,”Ian回憶 說,他們 試圖讓他降溫,但他 的溫度仍然很高,他們致電獸 醫並描述他的症狀,咬緊下顎 及沒有反應。獸醫說,聽起來 像中毒。 然而,當I an看到小徑上的青 竹蛇,他把兩者聯想起來。當 Ka i 辦 私事 時,他 要私 隱,喜 歡深入灌木叢,所以這事可能 就這樣發生。由於青竹蛇的毒 牙非常小,Ka i甚至可能沒注 意到被毒蛇咬傷,由於運動量 大,毒 液 迅 速 蔓 延,Ka i 是 只 活躍的狗,毒液很快流到他的 心臟。那天晚上,他去了綠十 字診所,獸醫盡了一切努力, 但他沒能活過來。“他們盡一 切可能讓他舒服。” Sayaka 說時 聲音夾雜著感激和悲 傷。 通過“綠十字”,他們獲發路環 私人火葬號碼,而今天牠的骨 灰放在家裏的骨灰瓶裡,仍然 接近牠深愛的人。 Ian說,與寵物住在路環意味 著 你 必 需 要 有 一 輛 車,因 為 在緊急情況下,出租車很難到 達,一車 難求。“ 這條小徑很 危險,” Sayaka警告說,“ 有蛇、有蜘 蛛,”很多狗主帶 他 們 的 寵 物 到 那 裡,I a n 和 Sayaka也曾帶過。但他們遭 受重大的損失,希望分享他們 的經驗,以幫助那些考慮與寵 物到小徑的人,“要用狗帶牽 引牠們!” 看著邊境牧羊犬在客廳裡玩網 球,Kai不僅為澳門狗主人留下 寶貴的一課,並留下一個美麗 而溫柔的兒子,給他的姐姐和 父母帶來無盡的快樂。 寶貝寵物 • 2014年 7月


Dog story

him to treat time when she hears the rustling of food in the bag. Lynx was very attached to his father and depended on him a lot when he was around, and now in his absence the bond between him and Pixie has strengthened. Today Lynx is more outspoken, having to fend for himself a bit more, he now barks more than he used to, when his dad was around he really kept his son in line, “even when they would run together on the trails he would body check him all the time, just touching him constantly to keep him in his comfort zone,” Ian explains. Pixie has also had her fair share of hardship, suffering from what Ian describes as “doggy osteoporosis” in her lower back, she can’t run the trails or climb the staircase anymore. It was when she started walking strangely that they noticed something was amiss, “she didn’t want to go for a walk,” remembers Sayaka, which was very odd as she was always keen on walks. When they noticed she would rather stay home than go out, they took her to the vet and that’s when the diagnosis was made. She was put on glucosamine chews and within two weeks she was back to jumping and wanting to run around, “it totally changed her,” says Ian. She was also put on diet because extra weight is the opposite of what she needs with her health condition. While Pixie is the tough one Lynx is a people lover, he loves attention and cuddles and that includes children. On the other hand, Pixie is a little savvier and legs it when the short people approach. The couple hired a dog trainer specializing in training deaf dogs to come in and work with Lynx, using American sign language, ASL, teaching him to respond to basic instructions, such as sit, wait, etc. Living in Coloane is great in terms of scenery, the wide-open spaces being ideal for the two dogs.

Pets & Hugs • July 2014

However there is a problem in when he just collapsed. “He was terms of wild dogs roaming the going through all the signs of streets. “Many expat couples come possible heat stroke,” recalls Ian, here and dump their dogs when they tried to cool him down but they leave Macau,” says Sayaka of his temperature was still high and the sad fate they called the that many pets vet describing in the territory the symptoms, face. Some of clenched jaw them are really and nonbeautiful dogs responsive and and sit on the the vet said it Pixie acts like pavement sounded like for days, poisoning. Lynx’s ears, letting waiting, not However when him know when understanding Ian saw a there is someone their new bamboo viper at the door reality. on the trail he put two and On a more two together. positive note, in turn many of Kai liked to go deep into the the expats living in Coloane bushes and have privacy when he take pity on the abandoned did his business, so this is where animals and take them in. it could have happened. Due to their very small fangs, it’s possible Another problem that comes with Kai didn’t even notice the snake living in Coloane relates to the loss bite, and with increased exercise, of Kai. Ian is forthright on what he the venom spreads fast, and as feels took the life of his beloved an active dog, in Kai, the venom dog, “we suspect that he was quickly spread to his heart. That bitten by a snake.” It happened on night he went to Green Cross a walk on a trail in Coloane, after clinic and the vets did everything their walk they went to play on they could, but he didn’t make it. the beach, as always, and that is “They did everything possible to

Pixie充當Lynx的 耳朵,當門外有人 就通知他。

make him comfortable” Sayaka says with a mixture of gratitude and sadness in her voice. Through Green Cross they were given the number for private cremations in Coloane, and today his ashes are in a vase in the house, still close to the people who loved him so dearly. Living on Coloane with a pet means you really need to have a car says Ian, because in cases of emergency, taxis are hard to come by and one is far from everything. “The trail is dangerous,” warns Sayaka, “snakes, spiders”, a lot of dog owners take their pets there, Ian and Sayaka did it too. But they suffered a great loss and want to share their experience to help other people considering taking their pets on the trail, “keep them on a leash!” Looking at the Border Collie playing with a tennis ball in the living room, Kai not only left behind a valuable lesson for dog owners in Macau, but also a beautiful and gentle son who makes his sister and parents endlessly happy.


幸福生活 Blissful Living The Blissful Carrot素食餐廳的開幕為健康 及有機食物愛好者帶來一種享受。該餐廳提 供素食、冰沙及果汁,其菜單不僅提供人類食 品,狗狗也有牠們自己的有機原料食品。對大 眾有益的健康生活真正來到了澳門。 Lovers of all things healthy and organic are in for a treat with the opening of The Blissful Carrot. Serving vegetarian food, smoothies and juices, the menu is not only for humans, dogs too have their very own raw, organic treats. Healthy living for all has well and truly arrived in Macau.


arisa和Aaron Randles 為澳門帶來了他們 的健 康飲食知識,讓大眾受益—— 包括狗狗社區在內。 這 對夫 婦 來自美國亞利 桑 那 州,他 們 移居 澳 門 的 主 要 原 因,是 因為 A a r o n 的工作 關 係,他 是 一名 專 業 的 雜 技 演 員,在“水舞間”工作。那是四 年前的事,今天他們與一歲半 的兒子Ethan, 及他們從美國 帶來的狗 Lev i 在 澳門幸 福 地 生活,Levi是他們在美國拯救 的狗。 Marisa是前花樣游泳運動員, 曾在大學修讀營養學,後來成 為一名有證書的瑜伽教練,正 是 那 時 她 真 正開始 對健 康如 何關係到身體這事感興趣,並 開始修讀阿育吠陀(印度式營 養學)。他們住在美國亞利桑 那州期間Marisa及Aaron經 營一家瑜伽館,並計劃在瑜伽


館 裡 面 設 一 個 素 食 小 餐 廳。 Ma r i sa站在裝飾精美的The Blissful Carrot素食餐廳前 説:“這是一件我們一直在想 的事”,這家位 於氹仔的素食 餐廳今年四月底已開始營業。 在澳門安頓下來後,他們一直 在考慮開設一家素食餐廳,但 總認為這件事會發生在Aaron 退出表演工作後,“在這裡住 了很長一段時間後,我們注意 到澳門缺乏很多東西,並開始 覺得澳門真的可以從這類缺乏 的東西中受益。” “最終,我們決定抓住機會, 在 某一 天 偶 然發 現 這個 地方 後,我們認為’機不可失’於是 當機立斷。” 作出這 樣 的嘗 試 對 這 對夫 婦 來 說 有 多方 面 的 困 難,由 於 Marisa和Aaron皆不懂廣東 話,語言不通是他們面對最大 的挑戰之一。她解釋他們如何

成功克服在異國開設業務遇到 的障礙時說:“但我們有很多 朋友幫助我們。” 至於裝飾店舖的事,如處理業 務的其他方面一樣,夫婦倆需 要自己動手,“所有裝飾都由 我們親自動手,我們真的希望 把重點盡量放在生態友好上, 所以我們盡量選擇那些已回收 或另作它用的材料。所有用作 裝 修 的木材 都 是 那 些 要 被 扔 掉的木材,我們請了一位木工 來完成這項工作。地板看起來 像混凝土地面,但它們實際上 是回收的膠合板和玻璃的混合 物。” “ 我 們 拿了像 舊 輪 胎 等 東 西 並把它們變成盆栽盛放器,我 們想把店鋪引入環保意識。” Marisa說及他們的做法— — 讓The Blissful Carrot素食餐 廳變成一個不僅僅是提供美味 食物的地方。

“我們覺得這裡的人真浪費, 他們不想想他們個人對環境的 影響,及他們周圍的世界。總 之,我們想為這裡的社區引入 環保意識。” 採用素食就是對實施關注環境 理念的另一種方式。 “素食 是把環保意識帶給大家的另一 種方式,也為大家帶來一種意 識——他們對日常食物的選擇 會影響周圍的世界,不僅影響 他們的健康,而且也影響環境 和動物等。” 在Ma ri sa進一步詳述自己新 業 務 背 後 的 哲 學 時,整 件 事 變 得 清 晰,此 事 遠 遠 超 乎 僅 提 供 健 康 食 物,這 更 是 一 個 全 面 引 領 我 們 生 活 的 方法。 “ 很 多人 認 為 他 們 不 可能 有 甚麼影響,因為,就這麽一個 漢堡包?就這麽一份羊排?但 你每天吃三次,三次乘以一年 365天......” 寶貝寵物 • 2014年 7月


Dog Story


arisa and Aaron Randles have brought their knowledge of healthy eating to Macau and made it available to all- including the canine community. Hailing from Arizona USA, the main reason the couple moved to Macau was because of Aaron’s job, as a professional acrobat he works at The House of Dancing Water. That was four years ago and today they happily live in Macau with their one and a half year old son Ethan, and their rescue dog, Levi, who they brought along with them from the US. Marisa, a former synchronized swimmer, studied nutrition at University and later became a certified yoga instructor and that is when she really became interested in how health relates to the body and started studying Ayurvedic nutrition. When they lived in Arizona Marisa and Aaron ran a yoga studio and it was always their plan to include a vegetarian café in it. “It was something we had always thought about,”

Pets & Hugs • July 2014

Marisa says, standing in The Undertaking such an endeavor Blissful Carrot, the richly decorated brought with it a couple of space in Taipa they opened daunting aspects, the language at the end of April this year. barrier being one of the biggest After settling in Macau opening challenges as neither Marisa nor a vegetarian café was something Aaron speak Cantonese “ but we they considered, but always had a lot of friends helping us, ”she thought that it would happen explains of how they managed when Aaron retired from to navigate all the obstacles that performing, come with “after being opening a here for a business in a long time we foreign country. noticed there is a lack of a lot When it came of things here to decorating in Macau, and the space the People’s pets started to feel couple were, as should be eating as more and more with all other healthy as they do. that Macau aspects of could really the business, benefit from hands on, “we this type of did all the thing in the community.” décor by ourselves, we really wanted to focus on being as eco “Eventually we just decided friendly as possible so we tried to to jump on the opportunity choose as many materials as we and found this space can that are either recycled, or serendipitously one day repurposed. All of the wood we and thought ‘it’s now or used was wood that was going never!’ and jumped on it.” to be thrown away, we had a

我 們 堅 信,大 家 的寵物應該像人 一樣吃得健康。

woodworker come in and finish it. The floors look like concrete, but they are actually a mix of recycled plywood and recycled glass”. “We took things like old tyres and turned them into plant holders, we want to use the space to help bring in awareness,” Marisa says of their approach to making The Blissful Carrot more than just a place to pick up great food. “We feel that people around here are really wasteful, they don’t think about the impact they have individually on the environment, and the world around them. If anything, we would like to bring an awareness to that here in the community.” Following a vegetarian diet is another way of exercising mindfulness in relation to the environment. “Vegetarian diets are another way of bringing awareness to people and the impact that their daily choices when you are eating have on the world around you, not only on your health, but also on the environment, the animals etc.”


M a r i s a 在年幼 時曾淺嚐素 食,但在 過去四年M a r i s a和 Aaron是全心投入的素食主義 者,“差不多在我們 搬到這裡 時,我們決定不再食用肉類”, 他們在搬來前已慢慢地在飲食 中逐步放棄肉類。 在Aaron停止表演後這對夫婦 將討論及考慮有一天成為絕對 素食者,“我們可能有一天會 成為絕對素食者,但Aaron需 要作表演,所以還需要在飲食 中加入一些奶製品,但我們會 努力。”Marisa笑著說。 “不是素食者才可以來這裡吃 飯,這裡有很多肉食者可以享 用的食物。更重要的是帶給大 家一種意識——他們怎樣才能 夠把健康的食物融入到他們的 飲食當中。” 口頭消息在澳門傳得很快,原 先大家總是要前往香港才可以 體驗這類東西,但現在Marisa 和Aaron卻看見這些人踏進他 們在氹仔的店門。“到目前為 止反應非常好。很多運動員, 很多我們甚至不知道在這社區 的人,如自行車運動員,還有來 自龍舟比賽的人,或來自賽馬

會的人,很多在賭場工作的演 員和舞蹈家。” 但The Blissful Carrot素食餐 廳不是在向合唱團傳教,它深 切渴望吸引那些對生食不熟悉 的人和對新鮮素食概念生疏的 人,“我們希望能夠接觸到更 多中國人,我們正在研究一份 中國菜單,填補這個空白。” 至於那些像剛出爐的餅子一樣 暢銷的狗狗零食,澳門的狗狗則 要為這些奢侈的佳餚感謝Levi。 牠曾與死亡擦肩而過,導致牠的 主人研究天然的替代品來治療 牠那個非常嚴重的疾病,當時他 們全家住在亞利桑那州,Levi是 在那裡感染疾病的。 他們認為Levi是一隻可卡犬與 貴賓犬的混種 犬,牠在約6個 月大 時 在 亞利 桑 那州 收容所 獲救,當他剛滿一歲時感染上 裂谷熱,這是一個由空氣傳播 的疾病,主要分佈在該地區及 乾旱地區的污垢裡。這是一種 真菌性疾病,孢子附在肺部, 如果不及時治療,孢子開始激 增,並可以擴散到身體的其他 部分。如果老人、幼兒或狗狗 感染到則通常會致命。

當 Lev i 病倒 後,他 們 帶 牠 看 了一 些 獸 醫,第 一 個 獸 醫 誤 診 牠 的 病 情,給 牠 吃 支 氣 管 抗 生素,病情反而惡化,到他 們 弄 明 白 時,那 獸 醫 就 這 樣 說:“好吧,讓我們來談談安 樂死”,Marisa努力忍著自己 狠狠揍他一頓的衝動! 這時候,夫婦倆開始尋找自然 療法的獸醫,他們發現了一個 可進 行 動 物 針 灸 以 及很 多其 他動物天然治療的獸醫。她談 及這個過渡時期時說:“我們 還 帶 Lev i 去接受動 物 的靈 氣 療法,而這時我亦開始為牠做 飯。我完全把牠從吃幹狗糧改 換到吃自製狗糧。” “一開始時我們只用大米和一 堆不同的清蒸蔬菜,那時我們 為牠煮雞並混合不同的蔬菜和 水果,大米和全穀物。” 有好幾個月,Levi簡直是奄奄 一息,沒有獸醫知道牠是否能 夠好轉。然後,有一天牠的表 現 突 然 出 現 一 個18 0 度 大 轉 彎。 “我也讓他食用另一種 補充品,這是由一個在美國西 南部的獸醫提議的一種粉末補 充品,對裂谷熱可以作為一種

預防性措施使用,它也可作為 治療方案的一部分來使用。它 含有很多的天然維生素、礦物 質和一些有利於對抗孢子的成 分。我認為Levi的好轉是一切 有效治療的結合。” Levi現在五歲並處於最佳 狀 態,M a r i s a 感 到 寬 慰,她 説:“今天牠是完全健康的, 我 們 幾 乎 再沒有 帶 他去 看 獸 醫。”L e v i 和 E t h a n 剛 開 始 時 是有點愛 /恨關係,但 現在 Ethan時常餵Levi食物,他們 已是好朋友了。 Levi愛吃香蕉,這是牠有時會 得到的一種零食。牠只吃由牠 熱心主人做的東西,Marisa發 現當地商店的一些狗狗零食有 點嚇人,Marisa笑著說:“如 果你走進這附近的寵物商店, 你看到的狗狗零食是霓虹藍色 及亮粉紅色的。” The Blissful Carrot素食餐廳 的菜單是由健康的夢想編織而 成,一切東西都是餐廳自己製 作的,所有的醬汁也是自己做 的,他們完全不使用任何精製 糖、黃油、味精,無任何人工色 素或人工原料。這裡有各種各 樣對健康有好處的飲料,包括 冷榨果汁、健康補品、酏劑和 冰沙。現代全球素食菜餚都採 用每日輪換的菜單,其靈感來 自季節的輪換。餐廳的小團隊 包括由Ma ri sa訓練的工作人 員,他們 很多的用品都 來自香 港、澳大利亞和美國,但他們 正在尋找本地供應商。 未來的計劃包括為那些在等待 訂單的客戶,設置一些休閒座 位,及在營業時間上作一些小 更改,以及更改一些菜單。 由於廚房 是在樓上,M a r i s a 笑容滿面地說:“我們歡迎狗 狗。”我們相信這就是Levi要 待的地方。實際上,為大家而 設 的 健 康 生 活已 真 正 抵 達了 澳門。


寶貝寵物 • 2014年 7月


Dog Story

Levi is now five years old and in tiptop condition, “today he is completely healthy, we hardly ever have to take him to the vet.” Levi and Ethan started out with a bit of a love/hate relationship but now Ethan feeds Levi all the time and they are big buddies, Marisa says, somewhat relieved.

As Marisa elaborates further on the philosophy behind their new venture it becomes clear that this is about a lot more than just serving healthy food, it is rather a holistic approach to the entire way we navigate our lives. “A lot of people think that they are not going to make a difference, because, what’s one hamburger? One rack of lamb? But you eat three times a day, three times a day multiplied by 365 days a year...” Having dabbled in vegetarianism throughout her teenage years, today both Marisa and Aaron have been committed vegetarians for the past four years, “pretty much when we moved here we decided we didn’t want to have anymore meat,” having slowly phased it out of their diets before the move. The possibility of turning vegan one day is something the couple discuss and are considering after Aaron stops performing, “we would like to maybe one day become vegan, but with Aaron performing it’s a lot easier to still be able to incorporate some dairy into the diet, but we try,” Marisa says laughing. “You don’t have to be a vegetarian to eat here, there’s a lot of things meat eaters can enjoy as well. It’s more about bringing awareness to people about how they can incorporate healthier foods into their diets.” Word is spreading fast around Macau, something that people always had to travel to Hong Kong to experience, but now Marisa and Aaron see those very people walking through their door in Taipa. “There’s been a lot of great response so far. A lot of athletic people, a lot of people we didn’t even know were in the community, cyclists, people who came in from the Dragon Boat races, or people from The Jockey Club, a lot of performers and dancers who work in the casinos.” But The Blissful Carrot is not about preaching to the choir, there is a deep desire to engage those unfamiliar with raw food and new

Pets & Hugs • July 2014

to the concept of fresh vegetarian food, “we want to be able to reach more Chinese people and we are working on a Chinese menu to be able to bridge that gap.” As for the dog treats that are selling like hot cakes, canines in Macau have Levi to thank for that little luxury. It was his very close brush with death that led his owners to look into natural alternatives to the very serious disease he contracted while the family was living in Arizona. Levi, a cocker spaniel/poodle mix (they think), was rescued from a shelter in Arizona when he was about six months old, and when he turned one he contracted valley fever, an airborne illness found mainly in that region and which lives in the dirt in arid areas. It’s a fungal disease and the spores attach to the lungs and, if left untreated, the spores start exploding and can spread to the rest of your body. If contracted by the elderly, young children or dogs, the disease is most often fatal. When Levi fell ill they took him to a number of vets and the first vet misdiagnosed his condition, putting him on bronchial antibiotic and his condition just got worse and by the time they figured out what it was the vet said “well, let’s talk about euthanasia”, and Marisa had try hard to resist the urge to punch him! That’s when the couple started looking into naturopathic

veterinarians and they found one who performed animal acupuncture, as well as a lot of other natural animal treatments, “we also took Levi to have animal Reiki and that’s when I started cooking for him. I completely switched him over from dry dog food to homemade dog food,” she says of the transition. “He started out with just rice and a bunch of different steamed vegetables, and we were cooking chicken for him at the time and just incorporating different vegetables and fruits, rice and wholegrains.” There were a couple of months when Levi was literally on his deathbed and none of the doctors were sure if he was going to make it. And then, one day all of the sudden he did a complete 180-degree turn. “I had also put him on another supplement a veterinarian had come up with in the Southwest, it is a powder supplement you can use as a preventative measure for valley fever and it is also used as part of the treatment program. It has a lot of natural vitamins, minerals and things that help fight the spores. I think it was a combination of everything that helped.”

The Blissful Carrot 澳門 氹仔 舊城區 施 督 憲 正街 79A號高輝閣地下B座 週一至週五早上9時至晚上6時 週末中午12時至晚上8時 週三休息

Levi loves bananas, which he sometimes gets as a treat. He only eats things made by his dedicated owner, who finds some of the dog treats in local shops a little scary, “if you go into the pet stores around here you see the dog treats and they are neon blue, bright pink,” Marisa says laughing. The menu at The Blissful Carrot is the stuff wholesome dreams are made of and everything is made in-house, they make all of their own sauces, they don’t use any refined sugars, butter, MSGs, no artificial colourings or artificial ingredients at all. There are a wide variety of beverages with various health benefits, including cold-pressed juices, health tonics, elixirs, and smoothies. The modern global vegetarian dishes are based on a rotating daily menu inspired by the seasons. The small team includes staff members trained by Marisa and a lot of their supplies come from Hong Kong, Australia and the US, but they are looking for local suppliers. Future plans include some casual seating for those waiting for their orders and small changes to the opening hours as well as some menu changes. As the kitchen is upstairs “we welcome dogs,” Marisa says with a huge smile. We are sure Levi would have it no other way. Indeed, healthy living for all has well and truly arrived in Macau. The Blissful Carrot Rua de Carlos Eugenio, n.79A, Goio Fai Kok R/C B Taipa, Ilhas, Macau Monday to Friday 9 to 6 Weekends 12 to 20 Closed on Wednesday


斯芬克斯貓 Sphynx

這隻機靈、活力十足的貓喜歡在牠喜愛的人 前炫耀,並很會與訪客交際。斯芬克斯貓似乎 只以兩種速度行動:快速和停止。當打盹時 候一到,斯芬克斯貓會像一枚尋找熱源的導 彈,去尋找一個溫暖舒適的地方,通常會是 在被窩下。

This smart, high-energy breed loves to show off for his favourite people and is social to houseguests. The Sphynx seems to operate on two speeds: fast and stop. When it is time to nap, a Sphynx turns into a heat-seeking missile to find a toasty place, usually under the covers.

Attention needs I want to be part of everything Affection 需要關注度 —我想參與所有的事情。 情感 —我就是為你而生。 活躍程度 —我會令你忙個不停。

I’m here for you Activeness I’ll keep you on your toes Relationship with children I love everyone!

與孩子關係 —我愛所有人!


寶貝寵物 • 2014年 7月


Cat Breed

然史上一直都有無毛貓 的報導,自60年代初期 以來歐洲的飼養者一直在斯芬 克斯貓的品種上努力。就像許 多其他貓科品種一樣,現今的 斯芬克斯貓系列是大自然和許 多有承諾、能幹的人一同不懈 努力的傑作。

接 與 斯 芬克斯 貓 接 觸 可能 比 接觸其他品種的貓更糟糕。然 而,也有關於有些人成功地接 受斯芬克斯貓的相反報告。這 些正面的報導可能是脫敏的個 案,其中“無毛”貓曾為貓主人 帶來養隻貓的樂趣,最終導致 自己適應正面的情況。

Although hairless cats have been reported throughout history, breeders in Europe have been working on the Sphynx breed since the early 1960s. Like so many other feline breeds, the present day Sphynx line has been a creation of the simultaneous work performed by nature and many committed, competent individuals.

斯芬克斯貓皮的質地可與麂皮 熱水袋或暖羚羊皮相比,有些 貓皮的感覺有點像奶油。其中 一個最常見的問題是,“牠們 不覺得冷嗎?”如果你感到冷, 那麼無毛貓可能覺得更冷。然 而,這些聰明的貓會在屋裡找 個溫暖的地方,與貓、狗或有 熱力的人蜷縮在一起,或舒適 地蜷伏在你的被窩下。

喜愛 斯 芬克 斯 貓 的人 認 為 牠 們 極 其 罕見 及不 尋 常,由 於 這 個 原 因,大 多 數 飼 養 者 都 有小貓領養等候名單。不過, 一旦你 被 一 隻 斯 芬克 斯 貓用 雙 臂 摟 著 你 的 脖 子並在你 臉 上 濕 吻,你 也 將 被 這 個 奇 妙 的品種迷上。

The texture of Sphynx skin has been compared to a suede hot water bottle or warm chamois, and some cats almost have a buttery feel to the skin. One of the most frequent questions is, “Don’t they get cold?” If it is too cold for you, then it will probably be too cold for a hairless cat. However, these cats are smart enough to find a warm spot in the house, curled up with a dog or cat or warm human, or they will be snuggled under your bed covers.

斯芬克斯貓有堅固的骨骼,肌 肉發展良好,較結實的腹部, 像剛吃完一頓美味的晚餐。牠 們有一種警覺、聰明的表情, 頭上多餘的皺紋看上去像憂慮 或好奇的樣子。斯芬克斯貓非 常可愛,眾所周知牠們經常做 愚蠢滑稽的動作,為了引起人 們的關注,牠們可以做出非常 笨拙的動作。牠們精力充沛及 淘氣,總是想和你在一起,伏 在你身上,或向你表現自己。斯 芬克斯貓似乎更喜歡吸引人類 的注意,但亦喜歡與狗及其他 品種的貓相處。 雖 然 牠們 沒有 會 脫 落 或 可 梳 洗的皮毛,牠們也不是不修邊 幅。一 般 會 被 毛 髮 吸收 的 體 油,亦會積聚在皮膚上。因此, 牠們需要每一週或兩週定期洗 澡。應注意避免讓牠們暴露在 戶外陽光下,因為牠們可能會 被曬傷。

斯芬克斯貓非常可 愛,眾所周知牠們 經常做出愚蠢滑稽 的動作,為了引起 人們的關注,牠們 可以做出非常笨拙 的動作。 Sphynx are extremely lovable, known to perform silly antics and can be downright clumsy in their attempts to be the centre of attention.

Sphynx have sturdy boning, good muscle development and a bit of a firm belly as if they just finished a nice dinner. They have an open-eyed and intelligent expression with extra wrinkling on their head which some see as a worried or inquisitive look. Sphynx are extremely lovable, known to perform silly antics and can be downright clumsy in their attempts to be the centre of attention. They have abundant energy and are mischievous, always wanting to be with you, on you, or showing off for you. Sphynx seem to prefer human attention

but enjoy the company of dogs and all other breeds of cats. Though they lack a coat to shed or groom, they are not maintenance free. Body oils, which would normally be absorbed by the hair, tend to build up on the skin. As a result, regular bathing is usually necessary on a weekly or bi-weekly basis. Care should be taken to limit their exposure to outdoor sunlight, as they can develop sunburn. While they lack much of the fur of other cat breeds Sphynx cats are not necessarily hypoallergenic. Allergies to cats are triggered by a protein called Fel d1, not cat hair itself. Fel d1 is a tiny and sticky protein primarily found in cat saliva and sebaceous glands. Those with cat allergies may react worse to direct contact with Sphynx cats than other breeds. However, conflicting reports of some people successfully tolerating Sphynx cats also exist. These positive reports may be cases of desensitizing, wherein the “hairless” cat gave the owner optimism to try to own a cat, eventually leading to the positive situation of their own adaptation. Sphynx lovers consider them to be exceedingly rare and unusual, and because of this most breeders have waiting lists for their kittens. But, once you have had a Sphynx throw their arms around your neck and give your face loving wet kisses, you too will be hooked on this wonderful breed.

雖然斯芬克斯貓缺乏其他貓品 種的皮毛,但牠們不一定屬於 低過敏性。對貓的過敏是由一 種叫做Fel d1的蛋白引起,而 不是貓毛本身所致。 Fel d1是 一種微小及有黏性的蛋白,主 要 在 貓 的 唾 液和 皮 脂 腺內發 現。那些有貓過敏反應的人直 Pets & Hugs • July 2014


Bobo和小 Nicho Bobo and Little Nicho

作者:Gretchen Ettlie By Gretchen Ettlie

對於美術老師G retchen Ettlie來 說,澳 門 的 生 活 就 是 一直 與 兩 隻 特別 的 貓 在 一 起,她 抵 達 澳 門 後 不久便 與 兩隻 貓 一 起 生 活,沒有 牠們 她在 澳 門 的生活便不完美。


lice問道:“嘿Samson, 你 有 沒有 需 要 一 個 家 的 貓?” “有,其實,剛好有一窩需要 家的貓,為甚麼這樣問?” S a m s o n 是 澳門眾多照 顧 流 浪貓的人之一。這窩貓剛巧在 我 抵 步 時出生,時間是2 0 0 5 年9月。

我的朋友Alice注意到我把所 有時間都花在觀察寵物店的櫥 窗上,或花在有小貓的小家庭 商舖上......所以,當Samson來 到學校幫助處理電腦時,她問 他是否有要送贈的貓...... 兩晚後,Samson帶著Bobo 來到,他手中拿著一罐牠摯愛 的食物。橙白色、膽怯的Bobo

For art teacher Gretchen Ettlie life in Macau has always been in the company of two special cats, having joined her soon after her arrival, her life here would not be complete without them. 小心翼翼地打量四周。看來牠 的尾巴好像被門夾過 —— 尾 巴末端有一個小結。檢查此部 位後,你會感到這條尾骨轉了 一轉。我懷疑這是遺傳或真的 是被門夾過...... 第二天早上,我把牠留在沙發 坐 墊 後 面,在 那 裡 牠 感 到 安 全。午 餐 時 間 我 衝 回 家 去 看 牠,牠仍待在同一坐墊後面。

晚上8 點 後我回到家,牠還是 在同一地點。 “Samson,我還要一隻。” 第二天,B o b o 的兄弟來了。 B o b o用 嘶 嘶 聲 來 跟 牠 打 招 呼。Samson驚呼:“咦!你們原 來是同窩的好友!”本來Bobo 已經佔據自己的空間,現在會與 牠的兄弟分享。Samson解釋 說,Bobo粵語的意思是財富, 若我願意可保持這個名字,但 另一隻叫Mei Mei的小貓,後來 發現牠原來是個男孩,我不得 不把牠重新命名為Nicholas。 小Nicho幾乎沒有尾巴!摸牠 的尾巴時感到尾骨轉了很多圈 然後突然沒了。因此,這必是遺 傳......後來,獸醫告訴我,這可 能是在子宮內營養不良所致。兩 隻貓很快再次成了朋友,並一起 結伴探索牠們的新家園。這已 是9年前的事了。 在冬季,兩隻貓咪緊緊地依偎 著,看來像陰陽卦圖像:兩隻 貓的肚子和腿都是白色,背部 有顏色— — B o b o 是橙色而 Nicho是棕灰色。我在這裡待 的時間長了,這些小貓也已經 長大了。牠們永遠是我澳門生 活的一部分。


寶貝寵物 • 2014年 7月


Pet Story


ey Samson, do you have any cats who need a home?” Alice asked. “Yes, actually, a litter of cats are just about ready, why?” Samson is one of the many people who care for street cats in Macau. This litter was born right about the time I arrived, September of 2005. My friend Alice noticed that I was spending all my time looking into the windows of pet shops, or at the small family shops with kitties... So when Samson came by the school to help with the computers she asked him if he had any cats to give away... Two nights later Samson and Bobo arrived, with a can of his favorite food in hand. Orange, white and timid,Bobo cautiously looked around. It looked as if his tail had been caught in a door- at the end there was a small kink. Examining it, you could feel the

Pets & Hugs • July 2014

bone take a turn. I wondered if it was genetic, or if it really had been caught in a door… The next morning, I left him behind the cushion on the couch, where he felt safe; rushing back at lunch break time to check on him- he was still behind the very same cushion. Arriving home after 8 o’clock, he was still in the same spot. “Samson, I’ll take another one.” The next day Bobo’s brother arrived. Bobo greeted him with a hiss. “What! You were best friends in the litter!” Samson exclaimed. Bobo was already territorial of the space he would now share with his brother. Samson explained that Bobo meant treasure in Cantonese, and I could keep the name if I wanted, but the other kitty was called Mei Mei, but since it turned out he was a boy, I’d have to rename him. Nicholas. Little

Nicho hardly even had a tail! Upon feeling his tail the bone took many turns and then abruptly ended. So, it must be genetic... Later the vet told me it could be malnutrition in the womb. The two soon became fast friends again and kept each other company as they explored their new home. That was over nine years ago now.

browns and grey. These kitties have grown up as my time here has also grown. They are forever part of my Macau life.

In winter, the kitties snuggle close, looking like the yin and yang circle: Both white on the tummy and legs, colour on their backs. Bobo orange and Nicho


看不見的貓 The Unseen Cat

Smudge是澳門最害羞的貓嗎?深居簡 出的她,讓主人花了幾個月時間而只能 在白天才看到她。但生性膽怯的天性背 後展現的是一隻分享無限愛意的貓。


Is Smudge Macau’s shyest cat? So reclusive is she that it took months for her owner to even see her during daylight hours. But beneath her timid nature lies a cat with a lot of love to share.

寶貝寵物 • 2014年 7月


於Juliana Loh 和 Guillaume Dario來 說,跟 他 們 一 起 生 活 的 貓, 相 比 於 大 多數 家貓 的 生 活習 慣,沒太多相同之處。而對於 Juliana,這是她第一次照顧 貓。一路成長以來,她一直飼 養各種寵物。最終,她飼 養了 一 隻 害 羞 的 貓。這 隻 貓 是 如 此 害 羞,有 時 她 會 想 牠 是 否 還活著。 “以前我從未養過貓,但在北 京時我想要一頭寵物,所以我 認為養貓是好的開始,養貓比 養狗容易,因為牠們幾乎可以 照顧自己,你不必一天三次帶 牠們散步。” Juliana解釋她 的決定,於是身為時尚生活的 博客/作家的她決定暫別一直 以來與狗一起成長的歲月。 “ 我 從小 與 大 狗 一 起 成長, 洛威拿、義大利獒,因為在新 加坡的家裡有一個花園,所以 我 們 經 常至 少有 兩 頭 大 狗, 我們也養雞。牠們相處融洽, 當狗 在 睡覺 時小 雞 會到 處 走 動——一切都很美妙。我從來 沒養過貓,但我養過倉鼠、兔、 天竺鼠...... ” Juliana喜愛動物似乎來自她 的父母,“我爸非常喜歡小鳥, 他 就 是 那 些 經常 提 著鳥 籠 到 處逛,或坐在公園裡的老伯伯 中的一個。我們曾經養魚、水 龜,我們周圍有很多動物,但 沒有貓。”

S m u d g e(因她 臉 上的斑 紋 而命名)曾五次被收養又被退 回。 Juliana解釋Smudge 這 種 有 時 不 喜 社 交、令其 他 人覺得很難應付的行為時 說:“她就是一隻膽小的貓, 不能與其他貓相處。當與其他 的貓一起,牠們都欺負她,所 以她不吃不喝。” “曾收養她的人都說:‘我們 從來沒法見到那頭貓,所以我 們 將她退回’。對我來說也一 樣,最 初 六 個 月 我 沒 法 發 現 牠”。 當Juliana要搬家的時候,她 已收養Smudge三個月,所以 她不得 不決 定 是 否繼 續 飼 養 這頭貓。這時Smudge已經放 棄小部分深居簡出的生活,並 開始在晚上爬到Juliana的床 上,“她開始與我同床而睡,但 白天我仍然見不到她,所以最 初幾個月我沒有看到她。 ”只 是除了晚上同床。 Smudge每天匿藏的行為留下 許多有關她仍存在的疑團。當 時,Juliana的室友建議他們 通過在牠的水和食物碗上做標 記,來檢查這只貓實際上是否


or Juliana Loh and Guillaume Dario life with their cat carries very few similarities, when compared to most cases of domestic feline habits. For Juliana this is her first cat, having grown up with almost every other pet imaginable, and she ended up with a cat so shy she sometimes wondered if she was alive at all. “I never had a cat before but I wanted a pet in Beijing so I thought it would be good to start with cats as they are easier than dogs, because they can pretty much take care of themselves, you don’t have to take them for a walk three times a day,” explains Juliana, a lifestyle blogger/writer. Juliana’s love for animals seems to stem from her parents, “my dad is really into birds, he’s one of these old men who always carrying the bird cage around, sitting in the park. We had fish, terrapins, we were surrounded by animals- everything but cats.” However, life in Beijing put an end to cat-less living and Juliana’s foray into the feline world started with baby steps, “I started by fostering the cat for three months, Beijing Cats is run by a woman with over a hundred cats in her home, so she’s always looking

Cat Tale

for people to foster the cats because she’s always trying to rescue more off the streets.” When Smudge (so called for the markings on her face) was fostered people returned her five times. “She is such a scardeycat and doesn’t get along with other cats. When other cats are around they all bully her so she doesn’t get to eat or drink,” Juliana explains of the, at times, antisocial behaviour others found too difficult to deal with in Smudge. “People who fostered her said ‘but we never see the cat so we are going to return her.’ But it was the same for me, I didn’t see the cat for the first six months”. When Juliana had to move house, having had Smudge for three months, she had to make a decision about keeping the cat or not. By that stage in time Smudge had given up a small part of her reclusive lifestyle and started crawling into Juliana’s bed at night, “she started sleeping in bed with me, but I would never see her during the day, so for the first few months I didn’t see her at all.” Apart from the nocturnal bed sharing, that is. But Smudge’s daily disappearing

然 而,在 北 京 的 日子 結 束 了 無 貓 的 生 活,J u l i a n a 慢 慢 開 始 進 入養 貓 的 世 界,“ 開 始 時 我收養了這 隻 貓三個 月。’Beijing Cats’由一位 女士經營,她家裏有超過一百 頭貓。因為她時常試圖拯救更 多流浪貓,所以她一直在找人 收養那些貓。北京冬天氣候惡 劣,所以她把流浪貓拾回家, 總想嘗試挽救快被凍死的貓。 人們自願支付貓接種疫苗和絕 育的費用。” Pets & Hugs • July 2014


Gui l laume總結她日常例行 運動時說:“她不是一頭非常 好動的貓,每天 她也許活動5 至10 分 鐘,於 是 她 的 活 動 限 額便用完了。”她被幾樣 最喜 愛 的 東 西 包 圍,一 個 八 爪 魚 形的 枕 頭和 一 個 西瓜 形的 圍 圈,Smudge覺得不需要過度 用力。西瓜形的圍圈不單在冬 天可讓她取暖,也讓Juliana 把她固定在一個地方進行修剪 指甲的艱鉅任務。

還活著,還在吃飯。 “沒有人 會看到她,但至少我們知道她 仍在吃東西”。 自從Sm udg e開始每晚爬到 Juliana的床上,這已證明她 是一頭熱情的貓,儘管她極度 害羞。這使Juliana決定留下 她,Jul iana簽署所有必需的 文件,作出一個永久的收養安 排。這包括承諾永不放棄這隻 貓、好好照顧 她、直到她離世 的那天。 2 0 0 9年 4月領 養 手 續在 北 京 正式辦理,而Juliana於2011 年離開這座城市,意味著她要 找一家寵物搬遷代理,並需花 大量金錢,以確保她遵守自己 的承諾,帶Smudge一起回香 港。 Juliana與Smudge在香 港生活了兩年。 Juliana在港居住期間,禦膳 房總廚Guillaume每逢週末 從澳門回香港,Smudge一聽 到他踏進家門的聲音,會直奔 入衣櫃。他花了幾個月時間才 見到她,最終他打開衣櫃門, 將受驚的Smudge從黑暗中抱 24

出來,讓她知道和他在一起是 安全的。 隨 著 時 間 過 去,J u l i a n a 才 明白Sm u d g e極 度害怕男 人,“當她 聽到男人的聲音, 她會被嚇壞而跑掉”。這個發 現是有一天當她坐在沙發上看 電影時,一個男演員的聲音出 現,Smudge從沙發上飛奔逃 跑去找掩護。 不過,雖然G u i l l a u m e 是男 性,他從小和貓狗一起成長, 所以在處理貓上比Juliana略 佔優勢,很快他就讓Smudge 知道沒必要害怕他。 今 天,這 頭 約 七 歲 仍 害 羞 的 貓,在 爸 媽 懷 裡 內 是 一 隻 有 滿 足 感 的 貓。當 被 陌 生 人 圍 繞時,她的心情不會那麼好, 多 數 情 況下 她 會 隱 身。有 時 Sm u d g e會表現出一些 像狗 的 行 為。當 她 聽 到 開 門 的 鑰 匙聲,她左右為難,要當一隻 忠實的狗留在 原 地 還 是 怯 懦 地四處躲避。於是,她採取一 種姿勢,半面對著門,半準備 跑 入 臥 室,這 可 讓 她 評 估 情

況,以便一旦門被打開時,她 可 以看 到 是 誰 然 後 作 出適 當 的反應。 S m u d g e 像狗方面是 好事, 因為 J u l i a n a 把 她當狗 一 樣 對待,而Guillaume“對她很

“最初六個月我沒有見 到這頭貓。”

“I didn’t see the cat for the first six months”

好 ”,亦是訓 練 她 的人,讓 她 知道她的行為準則是什麼,但 J u l i a n a則 讓 她 避 開很 多 規 矩——當中包括被破壞的幾套 沙發。 總廚說:“她不是一頭貪婪的 貓 ”,這 對 S m u d g e 相 當 可 惜。因為Guillaume在澳門最 著名的餐廳炮製令人垂涎的美 食,她隨時都有一流剩菜任她 吃。這位法國美食家感嘆說:“ 她只在這裡吃一點,在那裡吃 一點。”

她喜愛睡在特殊的地方,包括 在電視機前,這足以妨礙你觀 賞電視的樂趣。她也享受好好 聊天。 Juliana提及她那“奇 怪”的貓時說:“她很健談”, 如果你問她問題,她會回應。 這位時尚生活作家承認:“我 一點都不明白”,但 她仍然喜 歡這種互動。 Guillaumeis馬 上說:“ 除 非 這 在早上5 時 發 生。” 雖 然 是 一 隻 貓,有 時 候 Sm u d g e對 於平 衡有所掙 紮。“ 她 有 時 從 沙 發 上 跌 下 或 從 電 視 櫃 掉 下( 當 她 沒 在 電 視 機 前 睡 著 ),或 當 她 沿著床邊行走而一條腿滑 倒......”Juliana轉述道,她想 起這只貓一些不太優雅的意外 時不禁發笑。 Smudge提供很多室內娛樂, 當 這 對夫 婦見 到 他們 那隻 北 京貓張開嘴吧喵但沒有聲響, 他們不禁放聲大笑。另一個保 證 最受歡 迎 喜劇 時段 就 是當 Smudge用後腿站立,這似乎 經常發生,這帶給Guillaume 夫婦無限喜悅。 作為一個就寢時間的堅定擁護 者,如果Smudge的父母在宴 客而歡慶超過某個時刻,她會 快步走進客廳(當然不會走近 客人,距離剛好足夠她傳達訊 息),並開始大聲喵喵叫,就像 在提醒某對夫婦,是時間去睡 覺了。傳遞消息後,她便跑回去 默不作聲。 寶貝寵物 • 2014年 7月


Cat Tale

act left many questioning her existence and it was Juliana’s flat mate at the time who suggested they check that the cat wasn’t dead by making marks on her water and food bowls, just to track that she was, in fact, alive and eating. “Nobody would see her, but at least we knew she was eating.” After Smudge started creeping into Juliana’s bed every night it was clear that she was an affectionate cat, despite her extreme shyness. This is what led to the decision to keep her and sign all the paperwork needed to make the arrangement a permanent one. This included making the promise never to abandon the cat and to take the best care of her, until the end of her days. The adoption was formalized in April 2009 in Beijing and Juliana left the city in 2011 which meant that she had enlist a pet relocation agent and spend a significant financial sum to take Smudge with her to Hong Kong, where she spent two years. During Juliana’s time living in Hong Kong Guillaume, Chef de Cuisine at The Tasting Room by Galliot, would travel from Macau to visit every weekend, and Smudge would head straight into the wardrobe upon hearing his voice enter the apartment. It took months before he saw her and eventually opened the wardrobe door and picked the frightened Smudge out of the darkness and let her know that she was safe with him.

despite his gender, had a slight advantage over Juliana when it came to dealing with cats and soon let Smudge know that she didn’t need to be scared of him.

chef, which is rather unfortunate for Smudge, given that Guillaume concocts mouthwatering dishes at one of Macau’s most celebrated restaurants and she has first class leftovers at her disposal at all “她不是一頭非常好動的 times, “she eats a little bit, here 貓,每天她也許活動5至10 and there,” the 分鐘,於是 她的活動 限額 French food 便用完了。” lover laments.

“I don’t understand any of it,” the lifestyle writer confesses, but she enjoys the interaction nonetheless. “Unless it is at 5am,” Guillaume is quick to point out.

Today, aged about seven, the shy cat is a content looking cat- when in the arms of her Mom and Dad that is. When strangers are around the mood is less content and more invisible.

Despite being a cat, balance is something Smudge, at times, struggles with somewhat. “Sometimes she falls off the couch, or she falls off the TV console (when she’s not falling asleep in front of the TV) or when she’s walking along the edge of the bed and one leg slip...” Juliana relays, laughing at the thought of some of the less elegant mishaps.

“She’s active maybe five, ten minutes a day and then her activity quota is up”

Smudge displays some rather dog like bahaviours at times. When she hears the front door key she is torn between wanting to be there, like a faithful canine, or running for cover, in her skittish way. So she adopts a pose, half facing the door, half ready to run into the bedroom, which allows her to assess the situation once the door is opened and when she can see who is behind it she reacts accordingly. Smudge’s canine side is just as well because that’s the way Juliana treats her- like a dog, whereas Guillaume ‘treats her well’ and is the one who trains her, letting her know the boundaries, whereas Juliana lets her get away with a lot- and that includes a few destroyed sofas. “She is not a greedy cat,” says the

“She is not a very active cat, she’s active maybe five, ten minutes a day and then her activity quota us up”, Guillaume summarizes of her daily exercise routine. Surrounded by a few of her favourite things, an octopus-shaped pillow and a watermelon-shaped enclosure, Smudge does not feel the need to exert herself unduly. As well as keeping her warm in winter, the watermelon enclosure also allows Juliana to keep her in one spot when undertaking the arduous task of cutting her nails. A love of sleeping in unusual places includes in front of the TV, just enough to obstruct viewing pleasure and she also enjoys a good chat. “She talks a lot,” says Juliana, if you ask her a question, she responds.

Providing much in-house entertainment, the couple burst into fits of laughter when their Beijing cat opens her mouth to meow, but no sound comes out. Another favourite is when Smudge stands on her hind legs, which seems to happen quite a lot, much to Guillaume’s delight. A stern adherent to bedtimes, if Smudge’s parents are entertaining and the merriment goes over a certain hour, she will trot into the living room (nowhere near the guests of course, just close enough to get her message across) and start meowing loudly, as if to remind a certain couple that its time to go to bed, and then, message conveyed, runs away back into obscurity.

Over time Juliana came to understand that Smudge is profoundly scared of men, “when she heard a man’s voice she would freak out and run away.” The connection was made one day when watching a film and sitting on the sofa when the voice of a male actor prompted Smudge to dart off the sofa and run for cover. However, having grown up with cats and dogs, Guillaume, Pets & Hugs • July 2014


獨特員工: Bo先生與Me女士 Unique employees: Mr. Bo and Ms. Me

B o先生與 M e女 士在 他 們 的 公司 擔 當 重 要 角 色, 他們不僅保持 公司場 所 沒有老 鼠,而且也會歡迎 客 戶,讓 他 們 感 到安心。

先生Bo說:“自20 04年 以來,我 一直在位 於 澳 門工業區的莘輝印刷有限公司 工作,我是公司資歷最深的員 工之一。我們公司專門從事報 紙、書籍、雜誌、海報等的印刷 工作。20 04年9月我出生在萬 豪軒,10月我就因為出色的技 能和英俊的外表被選中。”


“ 從 那 時 起公司 一直 對 我 很 好,我的工資非常合理,不像 那裡的一些其他公司!他們一 天付給我三次貓食罐頭,因為 現 在 我 已經 在 這 里 工作了幾 年,我的工資也 增加了!由於 我是這樣一個負責任、高效的 員工,我通常每週會收到一份 獎金——半罐貓食罐頭。在假 期期間,如中國新年,我還可 以得到額外的獎金— —哦,我 熱愛我的工作!” “唯一的小問題就是工作本身 的性質,因為我的主要職責之 一是在我的公司捕捉老鼠。由 於我公司旁邊是一家麵包店, 很多老鼠被吸引到我們這裡。 你看,我在做其他工作時非常 在行——例如陪伴公司其他員 工;或確保所有印刷機器在任

何時候正常運行。但有一件事 我不能讓自己做——捕捉那些 骯髒的老鼠,我太愛乾淨所以 乾不了這事。 在 此 家 族 公司 銷 售 部 門 任 職 超 過 五年 的周 穎 心女 士 是 這 些貓的主要照顧者之一。“Bo 可能 會覺 得 他 太 愛乾淨 捉 不 了老 鼠,但 實 際 上 他 是 太 膽 小。記得有一次,Bo與一隻老 鼠在打印機後面大打出手。我 們聽到很多尖叫和嚎叫,想必 Bo快贏了,但最後他走出來時 被打敗了。” B o 說:“ 每 一 個 故 事 都 有 兩 面,這是可以理 解的,這些老 鼠必須被捉走,因為牠們咬壞 我們印刷機的電纜,降低了公 司的生產力,所以我建議他們

聘 請另一 隻 貓 做 捉老 鼠的工 作。我很高興這麼做,因為這 也是我 遇 到 我 一 生的 摯 愛的 時候,或者可以說至少我遇到 了......” “從2005年到2008年的每一 個中國農曆新年,我的一個同 事會邀請我去他家裡,與他的 家人共慶佳節是令人愉快的, 但 不幸 的 是我 與 他 的 一名 家 庭成員發生了些小摩擦,於是 2008年後我沒有再去那裡。從 2009年起,我開始在公司過中 國農曆新年,有點寂寞,因為 每個員工都與他們的家人在一 起。所以2011年我度了一個長 假,有點太長了。我走遍澳門, 沿途結識新朋友,但我知道我 的同事們需要我,我應該回公 司,發揮我至關重要的作用。” 寶貝寵物 • 2014年 7月


Cat Tale

Mr. Bo and Ms. Me play vital roles within their company, not only do they keep the place rat free but they also welcome clients and make them feel at ease


o cat: “I have been working for the Welfare Printing Company Limited which is located in the industrial area of Macau since 2004 and am one of the longest running employees there. Our company specialises in the printing of newspapers, books, magazines, posters and much more. I was born in the Plaza restaurant in September 2004 and was quickly snatched up for my brilliant skills and looks in October.” “My company has been very kind to me since then, and my salary is very reasonable, unlike some other companies out there! They pay

me three times a day with a can of working at all times, but there is cat food, and since I have worked one thing I cannot allow myself to here for a few years now, my salary do which is catching these dirty has also increased! Since I am such rats, I am too hygienic to do that.” a responsible and efficient Ms. Chao Weng employee, I Sam, who “我們共睡一張床,共 usually receive has worked 吃一個碗,並肩漫步, a weekly bonus in the family 我們幾乎形影不離。” too, which is company for half a can of cat over five years food. During in the sales We shared the same holidays such department bed, ate from the as Chinese is one of the same bowl and New Year I main carers of walked together; also get extra these cats. “Bo we were almost bonuses - oh, I might think he inseparable- Mr. Bo love my job.” is too hygienic to catch rats, “The only but in reality, slight problem is the nature of he is too scared. I remember once the job itself, as one of the major when Bo and a rat were involved duties is to catch rats within my in quite a big fight behind the company. Since my company is printers. We heard a lot of shrieking right next to a bakery shop, a lot and howling and thought that Bo of rats are attracted to the area. was winning the fight, but it turned You see, I am great at all other out that he came out the loser.” duties such as keeping company to other employees, or making Bo: “Every story has two sides, sure all the printing machines are but understandably, these rats

must be caught as they often chew through our printing machine cables, slowing down the company’s productivity, so I suggested they employ another cat to do the job, and I’m very glad I did because that’s when I met the love of my life, or at least, did...” “From 2005 to 2008, one of my colleagues would invite me to his home every Chinese New Year and it would be lovely to spend time with his family and celebrate the festivities, but unfortunately I had a small fallout with one of his family members so I didn’t return after 2008. From 2009 onwards, Chinese New Year got a bit lonely in the company, specially because everyone would be with their families, so in 2011 I took a long holiday, a bit longer than I should have. I went exploring the city of Macau and making new friends along the way, but I knew in my heart that my colleagues needed me and that I should return to fulfill my vital role in the company.”

周穎心, Chao Weng Sam

Pets & Hugs • July 2014


“ 我 的 缺 勤 引 起了公司 的 重 視,於是公司決定找一名短期 替工,這 就 是美麗的 M e女士 浮現的時候。她不僅能捉住老 鼠(我的主要弱點),而且也是 個美女。起初幾個月,我們共 睡一張床,共吃一個碗,並肩 漫步,我們幾乎形影不離。雖 然她不認為我知道,有時候她 會故意走開,讓我跟著她並表 達我的愛。” 周女士說:“當Bo和 Me同吃 一 個 碗 時,B o 總 是 讓 M e 先 吃。曾經有一段時間當Me 做 了絕育手術後,變得非常不舒

服,她需要一個單獨的區域來 休養。那段日子Bo白天黑夜地 陪伴Me,直到她完全康復,但 後來發生了異常情況。Me再不 需要Bo的陪伴了,他們會不斷 打架。在又一次打架後,Bo很 不高興,他離開了,我們 好幾 天找不到他。那些日子M e每 天在公司的前門等他。” Bo說:“嗯,可惜對我來說這 段愛情並沒有持續很長時間, 因為在2013年的春天Me大發 脾氣,還對我造成嚴重的肉體 傷害。我受傷幾個星期,甚至 需要手術治療。從那以後,我

們已經學會了保持距離,即使 在內心深處,我們仍然珍惜對 方......” 周女士說:“很可惜他們對彼 此 的 愛 已 逐 漸 消 失,但 至 少 他們 尊 重 對 方。2 011年當 我 們 從’貓空間’聘 請 M e 時 我 們 確 信 她 的 爪子 是 黑 的,顯 然 這 就 是區 分 貓 能否 捉老 鼠 的 特 徵。因 為 她 一直 在 公司 裡,老 鼠 的 數 量 已 經 大 幅 減 少。但不幸的是,Me比Bo害 羞很多,不多出來,她更喜 歡 藏 在 天花 板 上 或 機 器 後 面。 當周 圍有 陌生 人 時 她 特別 害

羞,所 以今 天 我 們 沒 有 看 到 她。” Bo說:“對,是真的——這些 天我很少看到她。有時候,我 聽到沙沙聲,知道是她在追老 鼠,但是通常這就是我所能夠 聽到的關於她的一切。偶爾, 我們仍然共吃一碗,但這已不 是我們曾經有過的感覺了。” 愛情來得快去得也快,有時候 距離可以是最好的良藥。對於 周女士來說,Bo和Me是她開 始在“莘輝印刷”工作前就已 關 愛和 照 顧 的忠實伴 侶 和 同 事。

“My absence was deeply felt when I was away, and my company decided to find a short term replacement which is when beautiful Ms. Me came into the picture. Not only could she catch rats, which was my main weakness, but she was also a beauty. For the first few months, we shared the same bed, ate from the same bowl and walked together, we were almost inseparable. Although she doesn’t think I know, sometimes she would purposely walk away to have me follow her and show my love.” Ms. Chao: “When Bo and Me ate from the same bowl, Bo would always allow Me to have her meal first. There was a time when Me got neutered, became very sick, and needed a separate area to recuperate. For days Bo stayed with her, day and night until she fully recovered, but then the unusual happened. Me never fully enjoyed Bo’s company anymore, and they would fight constantly. There was one particular fight where Bo was so upset that he left, and we couldn’t find him for days. During those days Me waited for him everyday by the company’s front door.” Bo: “Well, unfortunately that love for me didn’t last very long because in the spring of 2013, Me threw a terrible tantrum and physically hurt me very badly. I was wounded for weeks and


even needed surgery. Since then, we have learnt to keep our distance even though deep down we still care for each other...” Ms. Chao: “It is a pity that their love for each other has died down, but at least they respect each other. When we hired Me from Meow Space in 2011, we made sure her paws were black, as that’s apparently how you know if the cats are able to chase rats. Since she has been

at the company, the number of rats has drastically decreased. Unfortunately though, Me is much shyer than Bo and doesn’t come out too often, preferring to hide in the ceilings or behind machines. She is specially shy when strangers are around, hence why we didn’t see her today.” Bo: “Yes, it is true - I rarely see her these days. Sometimes I hear rustling about and I know that she is off chasing rats, but

that’s usually all I hear from her. Occasionally, we still share the same bowl of food, but it is just not the same feeling we once had.” Love comes and goes, and sometimes distance can be the best medicine. For Ms. Chao, Bo and Me are still her loyal companions and colleagues who she already loved and cared for even before she began working at Welfare Printing Company. 寶貝寵物 • 2014年 7月


Cat Tale

及時行樂—— “貓空間”的生活 Carpe Diem –life of Meow Space

如 果你 無 家可歸,會到 哪 裡去?會向 誰 求 助?答案 不簡單。我們 都 希望有歸 屬 及被 保 護,但 如 果 有一 天,你 變 得 無助 及被 世 界背棄,怎麼辦?

Where would you go if you were homeless? Who would you ask for help? There is no easy answer. We all want to belong and to be protected, but what if, one day, you become helpless and the world turned its back on you?


門的流浪貓很幸運,“貓 空 間 ”可 算 是 牠 們 的 家。“ 貓 空 間 ”於 2 0 0 7 年 創 建,自成立以來,在 澳門文化 創意產業和ANIMA起了重要 作用。出售自家品牌的貨品可 支付流浪貓在“貓空間”的費 用,這些流浪貓期待像你一樣 的人把牠們帶回家、照顧牠們 及愛護牠們。

把“貓空間”稱為企業不准確, 因為它真正以愛和慈善捐款去 經營。不像大多數慈善機構每 年都要作出各種籌款的構想, 陳女士不會為貓籌款,她此舉 背後有兩個原因。首先,依 賴 籌款不可靠,因為人們會停止 捐 款。其次,如果籌集的款項 使用不當,會令捐助者失望。

or stray cats in Macau, luckily, Meow Space was somewhere they could call home. Created in 2007, Meow Space has played an important role in Macao Cultural and Creative Industries and ANIMA, since its inception. The sales of its own brand paid off the expenditure for stray cats staying at Meow Space, who awaited people like you

to take them home, take care of them, and to love them. Before she founded Meow Space, Ms. Almond Chan was an editor, reporter, columnist and designer. Aside from being an intellectual, Ms. Chan wanted to do something different. In 2005 she came from Hong Kong to set up a design company when she saw two stray

Almond Chan 女士未創辦“ 貓空間”之前,是 一 位 編 輯、 記者、專欄作家和設計師。除 了成 為 一 個 知 識 分 子 外,陳 女 士 還 想 做 一 些 另 類 的 事。 2 0 0 5 年她 來自香港,成 立了 一家設計公司,當時她看到兩 隻 流 浪 貓 在 街 頭 遊 蕩。她 不 能 離 棄 牠 們,便 決 定 帶 牠 們 回 辦 公室 來 照 顧。一 般 都 不 讓 貓 留 在 辦 公室,但 她 向 流 浪 貓 開 啟 了 辦 公室 的 大 門。 消 息 迅 速 傳 遍 澳 門,隨 著 時 間 過 去,她 的 朋 友 開 始 將 新 成員帶到她的辦公室。漸漸, 她 那 地方滿 是 喵叫聲 和 嚎叫 聲。得知AN I M A不隨便接受 貓隻 後,2 0 07年 陳 女士決 定 嘗 試 開 始 自己 的 計 劃。經 過 1 0 多年 艱 苦 努力,借 助 根 據 她 疼 愛 的 貓 設 計 的 產 品,她 收養了超過1,30 0多隻貓。 Pets & Hugs • July 2014


當然,陳女士歡迎捐款,但也 有迎合愛貓人士的自有品牌。 所賺的每一分錢都用在流浪貓 身上,更不用說付出的時間和 汗水。陳女士的犧牲和無私的 愛,最終獲得了全世界的尊重 和關注。她的好事曾被日本雜 誌、香港媒體、湖南衛視和國 家地 理雜誌報導。然而,成功 故事背後的艱難不容忽視。 2012年一次病毒感染,貓瘟侵 襲“貓空間”。陳女士用了大部 分時間帶貓去見獸醫,每3小時 用注射器餵飼一次;清理糞便 否 則牠們會把自己弄髒;還要清洗 牠們;最重要的是與貓咪們齊心 對抗病毒。但當貓兒逐漸轉好 時,陳女士的健康卻一落千丈, 她不顧自己的身體,繼續把生病 的貓放在第一位,直到她自己的 一切都達到臨界點。 30

在2013農曆年的一個晚宴上, 她的身體崩潰了,她被迫去處 理自己的健康問題。那時她甚 至沒氣力說話。其餘時間,她 虛弱得無法走路。甚至無論到 哪 裡 她都 需 要一 個 助 手 來協 助 她。經中 醫 診 斷 後 確 定 她 缺乏“氣”。總的來說,她太虛 弱,過去幾年過度勞累。最重 要的是她擔心財務問題,擔心 負擔不起租金。雖然她想保住 她的生意,但情況不妙,獸醫 費用實在太龐大。 “當我在路上發現碩碩時,牠 已受傷。牠需要留院兩天,這 就花了4,000澳門元。”陳女士 憶述道。 這些年來,她從未為自己所需 用過辛苦賺來的一分錢。她設 計產品所賺取的利潤全花在貓

咪身上。與其他機構不同,陳 女士沒有各種公司的贊助或政 府的財政援助。她身體不好, 生意大受影響。更令人擔心的 是隨著赤字的增長,陳女士的 健康問題也開始增多。 由於陳女士身體不好,最近她 搬 回 香 港。即 使 過 去 兩 年 病 得很嚴重,她幫助動物的努力 卻永不停止。在一個電話訪問 中,陳女士表達了她的忠誠和 幫助貓隻的決心。但她知道, 她 必須作出“要還是不要”“ 貓空間”的決定,因為將要商 討續租協議。  “貓空間”?因為負擔不起租 金,她把它關掉,但最重要是因 為她的健康狀況。很多人對“貓 空間”表示同情,很多收養者最 後一次帶他們領養的貓到店裡

來。當“貓空間”關門時,碩碩 也來告別並表達謝意。 然而,也並不完全是悲觀和沮 喪。有個好消息,即使店鋪實 質上不 存 在,“貓空間”的業 務 仍在 運行。首先,面書上有 高達22,000名追隨者,“貓空 間 ”仍 然 為 任 何 人 提 供 領 養 遺棄貓的空間。其次,我們可 從澳門藝術博物館、“澳門佳 作”及香港社會服務聯會購買 其設計產品。所得的收益將交 給支援動物的機構。沒有什麼 能阻止陳女士的慈善捐款。 目前看來,在作任何未來計劃 之前,陳女士需要休息一段長 時間。也許她會在香港安頓下 來,為了健康和家庭她不應選 擇去冒險。愛自己和愛別人同 樣重要。喵! 寶貝寵物 • 2014年 7月


Animal Discovery cats wandering on the street. She couldn’t leave them on their own so she decided to take them to her office to look after them. Cats aren’t usually allowed in the workspace, but her office opened its doors to stray cats. Word spread quickly around Macau, and her friends began to bring new members to her office as time went by. Gradually, her place filled with meowing and yowling. After learning that ANIMA didn’t accept just any sort of cats, Ms. Chan decided to give it a shot and in 2007 started her own project. Over 10 years of hard work, she fostered more than 1300 cats by designing products based on the felines she so adores.   To call it a business isn’t accurate, because it’s really love and charity that ran and filled Meow Space. Unlike most of the charity associations that come up with various fundraising ideas each year, Ms. Chan would not raise funds for cats and there are two reasons behind her thinking on the matter. Firstly it is unreliable to rely on fundraising because people will stop donating. Secondly, if the money raised weren’t used wisely, she would let the donors down. Of course, Ms. Chan welcomed donations, but she also has her own brand targeting cat lovers. Every penny earned covered the

Pets & Hugs • July 2014

expenses for stray cats, not to mention the time and sweat that goes into it. Ms. Chan’s sacrifice and selfless love eventually gained respect and attention worldwide. Her good deeds reached out to Japanese magazines, Hong Kong media, HuNanWeiShi and the National Geographic magazine. Yet, hardship behind the success story should not be overlooked.

He had to stay in the hospital for two days, which cost 4,000 MOP,” Ms. Chan recounts.

During all those years, she never used a penny of the hard-earned money for her own needs. The profit earned from her designed products was fully spent on the felines. Unlike other institutions that have sponsors from various 有個好消息,即使店 companies 鋪實質上不存在, In 2012 a viral or financial “貓空間”的業務仍 infection, aid from the panleukopenia government, 在運行。 struck Meow Ms. Chan had The good news is Space and Ms. none. Not being that the business of Chan spent physically well, Meow Space still runs most of her her business even though the shop days taking was greatly doesn’t physically cats to the affected. exist anymore. vet, feeding There was them every 3 more to worry. hours with a As deficits syringe, cleaning up faeces since grew, Ms. Chan’s health they messed all over themselves, issues did the same. washing them and most of all, fighting the virus side by side Ms. Chan has recently moved back with the felines. While the cats to Hong Kong due to her poor gradually felt better, Ms. Chan’s health. Even though she has been health plummeted, but she very sick for the past two years, her ignored her own needs and endeavor to helping animals will continued to put the patients never end. Over a phone interview, in first place until everything Ms. Chan expressed her devotion reached breaking point for her. and determination to helping cats. She knew, however, that “SekSek(碩碩)was injured she had to make a “to be or not when I found him on the road. to be” decision regarding Meow

Space as the renewal of tenancy agreement was up for discussion. She had it closed down because of the unaffordable rent, but most of all, because of her health condition. Many people expressed their compassion for Meow Space and many adopters brought their cats to the shop for the last time. SekSek the cat also came to bid farewell and express gratitude when Meow Space closed its doors. However, it’s not all doom and gloom. The good news is that the business of Meow Space still runs even though the shop doesn’t physically exist anymore. First of all, with up to 22 000 followers on Facebook, Meow Space still provides a space for anyone to adopt the abandoned felines. Secondly, we are able to buy their designed products at the Macau Art Museum, at Macau Creations and the Hong Kong Council of Social Service. The profit goes to institutions that help animals. Nothing can stop Ms. Chan’s charitable contributions. For the time being, Ms. Chan has to take a long rest before she can make any future plans. Perhaps she will settle down in Hong Kong as risking her health and family is not an option anymore. Loving yourself is just as important as loving others. Meow!


教育、提高對動物的認知 及令其變成科學怪人! Education, raising awareness and frankenstein(ing) animals!

納爾遜•曼德拉曾經說過:“教育是你可以 用來改變世界的最有力武器”,他的話激勵 我們與學校和社區共同努力,與大家分享知 識。《寶貝寵物》的目標是教育,提高大家對 照 顧 動 物 的意識,並介紹本 地振奮人心的 故事。

們都對教育有很強烈的感受,相信它是成功和變化的關 鍵,因此我們已開始向國際學校和本地學校介紹我們的雜 誌。如果從小向孩子們灌輸對動物的關懷和愛護,總的來說他 們將成長為更好的人。我們的目標是每個人,從兒童到成人到老 人——在這個世界上,動物是一樣可以把各個不同年齡的人拉在 一起的東西,牠可以讓最頑固的CEO放鬆,牠也可以讓惱怒的孩 子平靜下來。

Nelson Mandela once said “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world” and his words inspire us to work with schools and our community to share knowledge with all. At Pets&Hugs we aim to educate, to enhance people’s awareness on how to take care of animals, and to introduce inspiring local stories.


ducation is something that we all feel very strongly about, and what we believe is the key to success and change; hence why we have begun introducing our magazine into both international schools and local schools. If children are taught from a young age to be caring and loving towards animals, they will grow into better people overall. We are aimed at everyone, from children to adults to elderly people - animals are the one thing in this world that can pull people from all different age groups together, it can make the most stubborn CEO relax, and it can make the angriest child calm down.


Activity Day with Primary 3 students at the School of the Nations

在本次活動中,我們向聯國學校的小三學生介紹我們的雜誌。由 於這次純粹是一個簡介,我們決定舉行一項活動,將讓孩子們感 興趣和著迷——一項簡單、卻刺激的活動。這次活動的任務是讓 每個學生把自己最喜歡的動物混合並創造出一隻新動物。例如, 把一隻貓和一隻狗混合成一種新動物。之後,他們要為這種新動 物命名,並且説出他們創造出來的新動物的特長。我們選出13幅 最有創意的繪畫,並向相關學生送出小獎品。這次活動激發了孩 子們對動物的思想,及令他們明白喜愛動物的什麼地方。

For this issue, we introduced our magazine to Primary 3 students at the School of the Nations. As it was merely an introduction, we decided to conduct an activity that would make the children feel interested and captivated - something simple, yet stimulating. The task was to mix each student’s favourite animals and create a new animal. For example, mixing a cat and a dog to become a new animal. After this, they had to name this new animal and also something their new creation was extremely good at. We chose 13 of the most creative drawings and gave the respective students small prizes. By conducting this activity, it stimulated their thoughts about animals and what they love about them.

P3 R


寶貝寵物 • 2014年 7月


Field trip

Chong-Chon Peng, Erica Sou, Kayla Chan

我們送給每個學生兩本《寶貝 寵物》,讓他們帶回家中閱讀 並對對我們的雜誌和活動日發 表意見。你可以看到,這個初 步的活動及對該雜誌的介紹產 生了影響,這個影響可能很小, 但卻明顯。 這是我們在學校舉辦的第一個 活動,我們希望以後定期舉辦

Jaymee Yeung

Pets & Hugs • July 2014

更多的活動。我們願意在盡量 多的學校組織活動、研討會、 講座,甚至通過屏幕來提高大 家對動物世界的認知。 我們還要感謝聯國學校對我們 的信任,讓我們為他們的小三 學生舉辦這項活動。我們期待 未來更多的合作。 這僅僅是一個開始。

Kayla Chan

For every student, two copies of Pets&Hugs were given which they then took home to read, and these were some of their comments regarding the magazines and activity day. As you can see, this initial activity and introduction to the magazine had an impact, it may have been small, but it was evident. This was our first activity at a school, and we hope to carry

more out on a regular basis. We would like to conduct activities, seminars, lectures and even screenings to raise awareness on the world of animals in as many schools as possible. We would also like to thank School of the Nations for trusting us to conduct this activity with their Primary 3 students, and look forward to future collaborations. This is just the beginning.

Chi Wa Wu


俗話說,一張圖片勝過千言萬語,以下的照片是關於該校小三的孩子創造自己的新動物: As the saying goes, a picture is worth a thousand words; below are photos of primary 3 children creating their new animals:

Gigi Liu, Gloria So

Mavis Ho, Kristy Xie

Jorge Assumpção

Anita Ding

P3 C


寶貝寵物 • 2014年 7月


Field trip

Chong-Chon Peng

Kayla Chan

Erica Sou

Pets & Hugs • July 2014


會見澳門阿拉斯加 名犬Mexico

Meet Mexico, Macau’s famous Alaskan dog 名犬身份 自2013年6月起Mexico已擁 有有牠自己的 F a ce b o o k頁 面,世界各地的粉絲也隨之而 來。很多時候,從馬來西亞和 香港到 澳門作 短 途 旅 遊的 旅 客會在F a ce b o o k上發出信 息,要求與Mex ico見面和拍 照。婚宴公司和電視節目常常 給Alan(Mexico的主人)他 們的名片,希望給Mexico拍 照或讓牠上節目。 Alan、他 的妻子Cherr y和他們19個月 大的女兒Messi,要想從容漫 步 澳門街 頭 幾 乎 是不 可能的 事,因為在他們路上的每秒鐘 遇到驚嘆聲、震驚、快樂和問 題。常被問及的問題如“這隻 狗 是 什麼 品 種?”,“ 牠 幾 歲 了?”,“牠感覺熱嗎?”, “ 牠從 那 裡 來?”,“ 牠 吃些 甚麽?”,“ 牠有多重?”,這 都幾乎成為Alan的例行公事。 《寶貝寵物》決定要拿到內幕 消息,為你找出你想知道的一 切,及更多關於這隻超級明星 狗的故事。 經驗真無價 Alan至今已養過逾200隻狗。 以前在香港居住時,他的房子 有一個花園,這讓他有足夠的 空間容納相當多的狗。他最多 一次 養 過 5 0 隻狗,這 是 因 為 很多他的鄰居將出門旅遊時, 會讓他照顧他們的狗,或者是 36

他鄰居的狗生小狗後,不懂得 如何給牠們適當的照顧,於是 他們 把 新小狗交託給Al a n。 Alan說:“看顧這麼多的狗是 相 當疲倦 的 — — 我的一天 包 括照顧所有這些狗和時時刻刻 餵幼犬牛奶。我睡得很少。” 雖然Alan自7歲起便與狗生活 在一起,但Cherry卻從未養過 狗,Alan希望確保她有成功的 第一次。 移居澳門後,他為妻子四處尋 找合適的狗,但遇到過的狗總 令 他覺 得 缺乏 點甚麽的 — — 一種親近人的感覺。通過一些 朋友,他找到一隻來自台灣的 漂亮狗,牠釋放出非常正面的 共鳴感,這就是故事的開始。

停步、凝 視 — — 這 是 描 述 M e x i c o 外出 的最佳描述,因為牠去那裡,大家都回頭 看牠,大家都驚呆了。孩子、婦女、男士、 情侶、遊客、警察,每個人都 盯著看 — — 這 是 一 隻回 頭 率 很高 的 狗,牠 是 澳 門 的 一隻名犬。 Stop and stare is the perfect way to describe Mexico’s outings, as everywhere he goes, heads turn, and people are transfixed. Children, women, men, couples, tourists, police officers, everyone stares - this dog is a head turner, he is a celebrity canine in Macau.

Mexico是一隻阿拉斯加雪橇 犬,體重66公斤(145磅),只 有2.5歲。 Mexico是他們這 個幸福家庭的重要成員之一。 牠 抵 達 澳 門 時才只有 兩個月 大,並一直得到Alan及其家人 的喜愛,他們一家從來沒有僅 把Mexico當一隻狗來看待。 大家可能會感到好奇,為什麼 他被稱為Mexico? 當牠只有 幾個月大的時候,Alan和他的 妻子總是會買“墨西哥麵包”, 這種包在澳門麵包店很容易找 到。當他們把這些麵包帶回家 放在桌子上,牠會把包吃掉, 夫 妻 倆 甚 至 還 沒有 發 現。最 終,Mexico最愛的“墨西哥” 麵包成了牠自己的名字。 寶貝寵物 • 2014年 7月


Interview Celebrity status Mexico has had his own Facebook page since June 2013, with followers from all around the world. Very often people from Malaysia and Hong Kong Facebook message him with requests to see and take photos with him on their quick trip to Macau. Wedding companies and TV programs pass Alan, Mexico’s

Pets & Hugs • July 2014

owner, their business cards on a daily basis to try to get Mexico in their photo shoots or shows. It is almost impossible for Alan, his wife Cherry and their 19-monthold daughter Messi, to stroll calmly along the streets of Macau as they encounter gasps, shock, happiness and questions every second along the way. Common questions such as “What breed is this dog?” “How old is he?” “Is he

hot?” “Where is he from?” “What does he eat?” “How much does he weigh?” becomes almost a daily routine for Alan. Pets&Hugs have decided to get the inside scoop and find out everything you’d like to know, and more, about this super star pooch. Experience is truly invaluable Alan has had more than 200

dogs to date. When he previously lived in Hong Kong his house had a garden, which allowed him enough space to have quite a few dogs. The most dogs he has had at once is 50, because a lot of his neighbours would travel, and leave him to care for their dogs, or his neighbours’s dog would give birth to puppies, and not knowing how to give them proper care, they would entrust Alan with



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Interview 個性特質 Mexico的個性很穩定,很有 男子氣概,非常聰明。牠不會 亂跳和胡鬧,牠寧願舒適地坐 在家裡觀察正在發生的事情。 M e x i c o 知 道 人 是 怎 樣 的, 而且牠 也知 道 人 想 要 甚 麼。 Alan說,對Mexico的最佳描 述是“牠天生是個表演者”。 當牠不想應酬時,牠靜悄悄地 躲開;但如果在牠想得到注意 時而沒有得到,牠會故意搖擺 牠的尾巴,走一點點路及使自 己看得更可愛一點,這些動作 都只是為了引起大家的注意。 Mexico從來沒有學過表演任 何特 殊的技巧,因為 A l a n不 想在牠身上強加任何對牠不自 然的事。 “如果牠想學,牠會 學的。我不會強迫牠。”Alan 最欽佩Mexico的方面是牠有 自己的個性。如果是牠喜歡的 東西,牠會殷勤地去做;但如果 是牠不喜歡的,牠會禮貌地拒 絕。 添丁之喜 在 M e x i c o加 入 這個 家僅 幾 個月後,Ch e r r y懷孕並搬到 香港住了幾個月,為分娩做準 備。在 此 期 間,A l a n 每 天 一 早到香港去照顧他的妻子,每 天晚上都回來照顧Mexico。 在Cherr y的整個懷孕期間他 堅持這個行程,直到全家與他 們剛出生的嬰兒Messi移居澳 門。迄今為 止,M e x i co已加 入這個家三年左右,Alan一直 沒有放過假,他要確保晚上在 澳門與Mexico一起。 “我擔 心若我們離開牠,牠會變得孤 獨,哪怕只是一個 晚上,所以 自牠 加 入我 們 家 庭 的 第一 天 我便沒有離開過澳門。”Alan 說。 值 得 慶 幸 的 是 M e x i c o 一直 對Messi很好。牠不僅喜歡跟 她 玩,而且還保護她。考慮到 Mexico自己只是一隻2.5歲的 小狗,牠已真正證明了自己是 Pets & Hugs • July 2014

一個最佳的朋友和看護者。當 Messi躺在她父母的床上,在 沒有邊界防止她掉下來的情況 下,Mexico會在床邊伸展自 己,以防萬一她掉下來。有一 次,當Mexico看到Messi正在 下跌的邊 緣,牠衝了過來,把 自己伸展開,而事實上,牠確 實使Messi免於跌落堅硬的地 板。 Mexico對 兒 童情有獨 鍾,每 當 牠 和Messi 走 在 街 上,牠 會 照 看 著 M e s s i,並 且看 起 來 格 外 小 心和 緊 張。澳 門 的 父母如 果看 到Mexico 接近他們 的 孩子,他們不 應 該 害 怕, 牠只想確保 一 切 正 常, 及確 保 孩子 安 然 無 恙。 我們可以說 牠 幾 乎 是 孩子的保護 者。 健身與健康

the new puppies. According to Alan: “Having so many dogs was quite tiring - my day consisted of taking care of all these dogs, and feeding the puppies milk all the time. I barely slept.” Even though Alan lived with dogs since he was seven years old, Cherry had never had a dog and Alan wanted to make sure that her first experience was a great one.

“每一個生命都有生存 的權利。因為澳門沒有 法律保護動物,我們 必須盡我們最大的努 力保護牠們。如果一 隻狗傷害你,你肯定會 抱怨。然而,如果你傷 害牠們,他們沒辦法抱 怨——這是不公平的。” “Every life has a right to live. Because there is no law in Macau that serves to protect animals, we must use our best ability to protect them. If a dog harmed you, you would surely complain. Yet, if you harmed them, they cannot complain - this is not fair”

A l a n 說,他 們每天2至 3小時的散 步是根據Mexico情緒而定。 如果Mexico感覺活躍及想社 交,那麼他們通常會在澳門的 主要地區散步,包括新馬路, 那 裡 的 每 一 個 店主和 員工都 認識牠。然而,如果牠的情緒 低落,他們去不那麽擁擠的地 方,如南灣湖,在這裡Mexico 可享受一 點 微 風 及 探索 新 的 環境。當被問及澳門是否缺乏 狗活動 的空間 時,A l a n回答 說:“這要看是哪一種類的狗, 有些狗並不需要太多的空間,

After moving to Macau, he looked everywhere for a suitable dog for his wife but found that there was always something missing, a feeling of connection. Through some friends, he then found a beautiful dog from Taiwan who gave off very positive vibes, and this is where the story begins.

Mexico, an Alaskan Malamute, weights 66 kilos and is only two and a half years old, and an important member of their family. Arriving in Macau when he was only two months old, he’s been loved by Alan and his family who have never seen him as just a dog. Why is he called Mexico one might wonder? When he was only a few months old, Alan and his wife would always buy “Mexico buns” commonly found in Macau bakeries. When they would bring these buns home and leave them on the table, the dog would eat them up before the couple even had a chance to notice. Eventually, Mexico’s favourite “Mexico” bun became his very own name.

Personality traits Mexico’s personality is very stable, very manly and extremely smart. He is not one to jump around and mess about, he would rather sit comfortably in their house observing what is going on. Mexico knows what people are like and he also knows what they want. Alan says the best way of describing him is that “he was born to perform.” When he doesn’t want to socialise, he retreats himself quietly, yet if he does not get the attention he wants he will purposely sway his tail, do a little walk and look a little cuter, just to capture people’s attention. Mexico has never learnt how to perform any particular tricks, as Alan does not want to impose anything that is not natural on him. “If he wants to learn, he will. I won’t force him to.” What Alan admires most about Mexico is that he has personality. If he likes something, he will do it graciously; but if not, he will refuse in a polite manner. One more in the family After only a few months of Mexico joining the family, Cherry became pregnant and moved to Hong Kong for a few months to prepare for the birth. During this period Alan would go over to Hong Kong every single morning to care for his wife, and come back every single evening to care for Mexico. This routine lasted during the whole pregnancy; until the whole family moved to Macau with their newly born baby, Messi. To date, around three years since Mexico joined the family, Alan has not gone on any holidays, making sure he is in Macau in the evenings to be with Mexico. “I worry that he will become lonely if we leave him, even if only for a night, so I haven’t left Macau since the first day he has joined our family,” Alan says. Thankfully Mexico has been wonderful to Messi. He not only loves playing with her, but also protects her. Considering that Mexico himself is just a baby of two and a half years, he has


但一些體型較大的狗有這個需 要——牠們需要奔跑及很多鍛 煉,否則牠們不會保持健康。例 如,Mexico是那種需要很大的 空間的狗,但因為澳門不能完全 滿足這一點,我已盡量利用現有 的空間,及增加我帶牠出去走動 的時間。希望這樣牠能夠得到成 為一隻健康狗所需要的鍛煉。” 除了密切注意Mexico的鍛煉需 要外,Alan和他的家人對牠的 營養也很細心,從來不餵牠罐頭 食品或餅乾。 “我平時每三天 去一次菜市場為家裡買菜,當然 這包括Mexico的一份在內。我 以前常給牠買符合標準的魚,但 由於在街道上的朋友經常給他 特別的小食,牠已有一點被寵壞 了,使牠不像以前一樣欣賞這些 魚。現在我們餵很多牠喜歡的 鮭魚,牠的胃口每天有些波動, 因而我給牠餵食的份量也隨之 變化。我經常用手來攪拌餵給牠 的食物,其中的原因是:你的皮 膚散發出一種特殊氣味,如果此 氣味融入狗的食物中,牠會認出 你的氣味並且知道你是牠的主


人。”Alan解釋說。 (這非常重 要——如果這是你第一次把寵 物帶回家。) 關於洗澡,Mexico是非常聰明 的。牠不會讓Alan幫牠洗澡,除 非Alan自己已濕身。牠覺得如 果只是牠自己被弄濕透牠就被 欺騙了,由於Alan是一個好主 人,他與Mexico一同淋浴。淋浴 之後,Alan需要用兩小時吹乾 Mexico以免牠著涼。 關於狗的健康,Alan似乎是個 專家。這令很多朋友在他們的狗 生病時詢問他的意見,“我不是 專家,我不是一個合資格的獸 醫。我有的是多年飼養不同種 類狗的經驗,我希望以我這些 小小的經驗,幫助朋友和他們 的狗。” 獨特而奇怪的請求 當Alan被問到為什麼他沒有把 Mexico的人氣推高,接受照片 拍攝或上節目時,他只是說:“ 我不 希望 牠 被 不 熟 悉 的 人 控

制,因為我不希望牠的個性改 變——牠是一隻出色的狗,但牠 仍然是一隻小狗。”

的,也正因為如此,我們身為主 人,不僅要給牠們最好的食物, 而且要用我們的心去聆聽,嘗試 了解牠們的需要和最想要的東 另 一 種 時 常 發 生、有 點 惹 惱 西。只給牠們最好的食物並不 Alan的事情,就是有時大街上 代表是一個好主人。觀察你的寵 的途人會嘗試購買Mexico。很 物,理解他/她想要的,而不是 多 遊 客見 到 只關心你想從 Mexico會叫 他 /她 那 裡得 “牠天生是個表演者” 出 價 來,而 到什麼。” 當Alan拒絕 “He was born 他 們 的 要求 當問及Alan對 to perform” 時便變得憤 現時澳門沒有 怒。有 一 次 動物保護法有 一名來自中國大陸的男子告訴 何見解時,他回答說:“每一個 Alan他願意付出300萬人民幣 生命都有生存的權利。因為澳門 (375,000美元)購買他的狗。 沒有法律保護動物,我們必須盡 大家必須明白的是,不是甚麼都 我們最大的努力保護牠們。如果 可以用金錢買到的,特別是對於 一隻狗傷害你,你肯定會抱怨。 家庭成員來說。 然而,如果你傷害牠們,他們沒 辦法抱怨——這是不公平的。” 特別信息 看到Alan及其家人把Mexico 這是一個Alan和他的家人希望 視作家庭的一份子來對待真令 我們的讀者去思考的一個重要 人耳目一新。 Mexico也許是澳 信息。 “每一個關愛寵物的人, 門一隻相當有名氣的狗,但對 無論是狗或貓,我們都必須明 Alan和Cherry來說他依然是他 白,這些動物的生命是非常短暫 們的兒子。

寶貝寵物 • 2014年 7月


Interview truly shown himself to be a best friend and good carer. When Messi lies on her parents’ bed with no boundaries to protect her from falling, Mexico tends to spread himself out by the side of the bed, as a standby in case she fell. Once when Mexico saw that Messi was on the verge of falling, he rushed over, spread himself out, and in fact, he did save her from landing on the hard floor. Mexico has a soft spot for children, whenever he and Messi are out on the streets; he keeps an eye on her and looks extra cautious and nervous. Parents of Macau should not be afraid if they see Mexico approach their child, he is only trying to make sure everything is alright, and the child is safe and sound. It could be said that he is almost a type of protector of children. Fitness and Health According to Alan, their daily two to three hour walks vary according to Mexico’s mood. If Mexico feels lively and social, then they usually stroll around the main areas of Macau, including San Ma Lou, where he is recognised by every single storeowner and staff members. Yet, if his spirits are low, they go to less crowded places such as Nam Van lake, where Mexico can catch a bit of a breeze and explore new surroundings. When asked whether Macau lacks space for dogs, Alan answers: “It depends on the type of dog, some dogs don’t need much space, but some bigger dogs do - some need to run and exercise a lot, or else they won’t be healthy. For example, Mexico is the type of dog that needs a lot of space, and because Macau cannot fully cater for this, I have used the space provided and increased the time that I take him out for. Hopefully this way he will get the amount of exercise he needs to be a healthy dog.” Besides paying close attention to the exercise Mexico needs, Alan and his family are also attentive to his nutrition as well, never feeding him canned food or biscuits. “I

Pets & Hugs • July 2014

usually go to the market once every three days to buy food for the family, which obviously includes Mexico. I used to buy him standard fish, but because people on the streets always give him special treats, it has spoiled him a little, making him not savour the fish as he used to. Nowadays we feed him a lot of salmon, which he loves, and as his appetite fluctuates on a daily basis, the quantity I feed him also changes. Something I tend to do quite often as well is use my hand to mix up the food I feed him, the reason for this being: your skin gives off a particular scent, and if infused with the dog’s food, he will recognise your scent and know that you are his owner,” Alan explains. (This is very important if you have brought a pet home for the first time).

Alan seems to be an expert with regard to dog health; which has resulted in a lot of his friends asking him for advice if their dogs fall ill, “I am no expert, I am not a qualified vet. All I have is years of experience with different dogs, and I hope that with this little experience I have, I can help people and their dogs.” Unique and strange requests When asked why Alan has not pushed for Mexico’s popularity, or accepted to be in photo shoots or shows, he merely says: “I don’t want him to be controlled by unfamiliar people because I don’t want his personality to change - he is a great dog, but he is still a puppy.”

Mexico對兒 童情有獨鍾

Mexico has a soft spot for children

When it comes to showering, Mexico is extremely smart. He will not let Alan shower him, unless Alan himself is wet. He feels tricked if he is the only one who is soaked, so Alan, being the good owner he is showers with him. After their shower, it takes Alan two hours to blow-dry Mexico to ensure that he does not catch a cold.

Another occurrence that happens quite often, and which irritates Alan a little, is when people on the street try to buy Mexico. A lot of tourists see Mexico and shout out prices and then become angry when Alan refuses their requests. On one occasion a man from Mainland China told Alan he would pay 3 million RMB (USD 375,000) for his dog. What people must understand is that not everything can be bought with money, especially not a member of the family.

Special message There is one important message that Alan and his family would like our readers to think about. “Every single person who cares for a pet, whether it is a dog or a cat, we must understand that these animal’s lives are extremely short, and because of this, we, as owners, should use our best capacity to not only feed them the best food, but to use our heart to try to understand what they need and want the most. Giving them the best food does not simply make someone a good owner. Observe your pet, see what he/she wants, instead of what you want from him/her.” When asked what Alan thinks of the non-existing animal protection law in Macau, he replies: “Every life has a right to live. Because there is no law in Macau that serves to protect animals, we must use our best ability to protect them. If a dog harmed you, you would surely complain. Yet, if you harmed them, they cannot complain - this is not fair.” It is refreshing to see how Alan and his family see Mexico as one of their own, and treat him as such. Mexico might be quite a famous dog in Macau, but to Alan and Cherry - he is just their son.


澳門第一屆寵物 及水族用品展! Macau’s very first Pet & Aqua exhibition! 6月6日- 8日,成千上萬的 參 觀者 參加了澳 門威尼斯人® 金光會展TM舉行的第一屆 “ 國 際 寵物及 水 族用品展”,在 這 裏 參 觀 者有機會瞭解最新和最具創意的寵物產品 及認識新朋友。


Thousands of visitors attended the very first “International Pet & Aquarium Supplies Expo” held on the 6th to the 8th of June at The Venetian Macao where they had the opportunity to learn about the latest and most innovative pet products available and make new friends.

寶貝寵物 • 2014年 7月


Pet Expo

次 寵 物 展 吸引了3 萬多 名參 觀者和1,2 0 0名業 界人士。大眾有機會瞭解最新 和最具創意的寵物用品,以及 帶同他們的寵物——有史以來 第一次讓寵物進入澳門威尼斯 人。有10 0個 攤位的寵物展是 澳門寵物用品行業最大的業務 平臺,展出了來自中國大陸、 香港、澳門、美國、加 拿大和 日本等地公司的產品及相關服 務——包括寵物食品、寵物用 品、寵物美容用品、寵物訓練、 獸醫服務、寵物物流及水族用 品。 本 次 寵 物 展 的 亮 點 包 括:美 國Vital Essentials、日本Pet E s t h e、由 幸 兒 分 銷 的 美 國 產品、Vitakraft、One for Pet、Tough Teeth Stick和 Seraphic-care,不能盡錄。 活動期間,香港先生選舉冠軍 得主翟 威 廉 先 生 與 許 多參 觀 者及他們的寵物交流,並且分 別頒發“可愛寵物獎”和“最 服從獎”。舞臺上的其他活動 還包括來自“澳門愛護動物協 會”、《寶貝寵物》和“澳門動 物福利會”的演講嘉賓,分享 他們如何照顧和保護動物的見 解。寵物展還有各類關於寵物 營養、醫療、寵物訓練、狗行為 問題和溝通等的專題研討會, 一個捕捉朋友和/或寵物難忘 時刻的免費照相攤位為本次活 動增添了不少情趣。

Mr. Sam Lei, Senior Manager of Promotional Activities Department, Macao Trade and Investment Promotion Institute, Mr. Alan Ho, Chairman of Board of Directors, Macau Expo Group Limited, Vice Chairman, Macao Convention & Exhibition Association and the Pets&Hugs team.

位在展廳正中間靠近入口處, 我們 看到 無 數 寵物 走 過 — — 從金毛尋回犬到吉娃娃、貓和 兔子。大多數寵物主人還走遍 整個寵物展,與其他人寒喧, 甚至高談闊論,這真正是讓大 家聚集起來的一項活動! 參觀者反饋 《寶貝寵物》就對於澳門第一 次寵物展的感受,採訪了一些 參觀者。 幸兒 寵物 產 品營 銷 總 監 R a y Cha n說:“我認為本屆寵物 展很好,雖然這次活動的推廣 不足,仍有很多參觀人士。”

本次寵物展的目的不僅是促進 寵物業界之間的溝通,也將香 港、澳門及珠三角等地區的相 關機構和企業聯合起來,同時 促進了澳門寵物行業的經濟發 展及令澳門的會展業多元化。

《寵藝透視》雜誌編輯Curtis Lo評論說:“這個首次嘗試很 好,寬敞的舞臺是個大優勢。 可以有更多動物權益團體及更 有活力的一群參與。若有免費 可樂或咖啡機就更好!”


Carver Kennel 的Sam La u發言說:“雖然不應該有 這麼多的買賣活動,本屆寵物 展 是 一 個 好 開 始,它 應 該 更 注 重如 何 妥 善照 顧 寵物 方面 的 教 育,並 介 紹 更 具 創 意 的 寵物用品”。

在 這 次 為 期 三天 的 活 動 中, 《寶貝寵物》分發逾1,0 0 0份 雜誌給參觀者,發表演講介紹 我們的雜誌,並熟悉了大部分 參展商!由於《寶貝寵物》的攤 Pets & Hugs • July 2014


he expo attracted more than 30,000 visitors and 1,200 trade visitors. People had the opportunity to learn about the latest and most innovative pet products as well as bringing along their pets- the first time ever pets have been allowed entry to The Venetian Macao. This 100-booth exhibition was the largest business platform for the pet supply industry in Macau, with a variety of products and related services being showcased by companies from China, Hong Kong, Macau, US, Canada, Japan and so forth. These included pet food, pet supplies, pet grooming products, pet training, veterinary services, pet logistics and aquarium supplies. Highlights of the exhibition included: Vital Essentials of USA, Pet Esthe of Japan, US Products distributed by Be My Baby, Vitakraft, One for Pet, Tough Teeth Stick and Seraphiccare, to mention a few. During the event Mr. William Chak, holder of the Mr. Hong Kong pageant title, interacted with many visitors and their pets, and also gave out a “Lovely Pet Award” and “Most Obedient Award”. Other stage activities included speakers from Society for the Protection of Animals

(Macau), Pets & Hugs, and Macau Animal Welfare Association who shared their insight on how to care and protect animals. Various professional seminars were held on topics of pet nutrition, medical treatment, pet training, dog behavioural problems and communication. A free photo booth to capture memorable moments with friends and/or pets added a fun activity to the event. The expo aimed to not only promote communication between pet industry players, but also to unify related organisations and enterprises in Hong Kong, Macau and the Pearl River Delta Region. This simultaneously promoted the economic development of the pet industry in Macau and diversified Macau’s exhibition industry. Pets & Hugs experience at the exhibition During this three-day event, Pets&Hugs distributed over 1000 magazines to visitors, gave a talk introducing our magazine, and also became well acquainted with nearly all the exhibitors! As the Pets&Hugs booth was right in the middle near the entrance, we saw countless pets strolling by - from golden retrievers to Chihuahuas to cats to rabbits. Most pet owners


Mr. Alan Ho, Chairman of Board of Directors, Macau Expo Group Limited, Vice Chairman, Macao Convention & Exhibition Association


寶貝寵物 • 2014年 7月


Pet Expo

there were a lot of visitors, although the promotion for this event was not sufficient.” Curtis Lo, Editor of Pet Art Magazine commented: “It was a nice first try, and a spacious arena was a big plus. There could be more animal rights groups involved, and also a more energetic crowd. A free coke or coffee machine would have been good too!”

其中一名參 觀者說:“事實上 主辦單位讓寵物主人帶同其寵 物進入威尼斯人是一個非常有 愛心的倡議。我認為每年可以 舉辦2-3次這類型的展覽,甚至 包括更多節目,如寵物時裝表 演等。” 首 次 寵 物 展 得 到 正 面反 饋, 在過去一年多,很高興能目睹 澳門重視寵物,並開展更多活 動、聚會及舉辦本次寵物展。 當然,有需要改善的地方,如 應 該 有更 多經 銷 商和 大 型 寵 物用品公司,及提供更多寵物 教育方面的講座。有如其他所 有第一次的活動,當然還有改 進空間,但澳門正在幹一件好 事,滿足寵物主人不斷上升的 需求,並朝著正確方向邁進。

also took the time to walk through the expo, greeting others and even striking up conversations with them - truly an event that brought everyone together!

Sam Lau from Carver Kennel remarked: “This expo was a good start, although it shouldn’t have been so much a buy and sell event, it should have paid more attention to the educational aspects of how to properly care for pets, and introduce more innovative pet supplies.”

Pets & Hugs spoke to some of the participants for their reflections on Macau’s very first expo:

One of the visitors said: “The fact that pet owners were allowed entry with their pets into the Venetian was a very caring initiative taken by the organisers. I think that we could have this type of exhibition around two to three times a year, and even include some more shows involving pet fashion catwalks.”

Ray Chan, Marketing Director of Be My Baby Pet Products said: “I think this expo was good,

With positive feedback on this first event, it is great to witness how Macau is paying more attention

Participant feedback

to pets in the past year or so with more activities, gatherings and now exhibitions. Of course, there are a few things that could have been improved such as including more distributors and big pet supply companies and giving more talks on educational aspects of pets. Naturally there is room for improvement, as is the case with all first time events, but Macau is doing a good job in catering for the rising demands of pet owners and taking steps in the right direction. Andrew Jiang, member of the Pets expo organisation has said they have already started planning next year’s expo, which they hope will include more internationally renowned brands, taking this expo to an international level. He has also said that they are looking to give this expo a new face whilst simultaneously expanding it to Zhuhai. “International Pet & Aquarium Supplies Expo” was jointly organised by the Macau government and industry players, Coastal International Exhibition Co., Ltd. and Macau Expo Group Ltd.

寵物展主辦機構成員Andrew Jiang表示,他們已經開始計 劃明年的寵物展,並希望明年 的寵物展包羅更多國際知名品 牌,使其達到國際水準。他還 表示,他們正致力為寵物展創 造一個新面貌,同時將其擴展 到珠海。 “國際寵物及水族用品展”由 澳門政府及業內公司——海岸 國際展覽有限公司和澳門博覽 集團有限公司聯合舉辦。 Pets & Hugs • July 2014


晚上毛茸茸的伴侶 Furry company at night

牠們毛茸茸、可愛,但千萬別上當!這 個可愛二人組是司空見慣的麻煩製 造者.....


They are fluffy and they are cute, but don’t be fooled! This adorable duo are no strangers to causing trouble…

寶貝寵物 • 2014年 7月



arie Anderson說:“我倆 在夜間工作— —Tim是水 舞間的雜技演員,而我在澳門 開辦Hidden Talent Aerial Dance and Acrobatics公 司。由 於 我 們 較 多 在 夜 間 活 動,兔子也成了夜行者——白 天牠們幾乎沒有互動,即使你 嘗試逗牠們,牠們也只是看看 你,彷 彿 在 說,我在 睡覺,別 管我!然而,到了晚上,牠們比 較活躍,當我們在屋內走來走 去,牠們會嗅我們的腳,顯得 很高興見到我們。今天早上要 掙紮 一 番才 讓 牠們 接受我 們 的採訪,牠們只是躺在那裡, 一動也不動,就像早上的青少 年。” 這是個不平凡的故事,即使這 些兔子也属于一般的模式—— 胡 蘿 蔔是 牠們 最喜愛 的 蔬 菜 之一,每當牠們興奮時就蹦蹦 跳, 牠們也表現出一些有趣的 特徵和習慣。 Varie(來自蘇格 蘭)和Tim Sanders(來自英國 布裏斯托)說, 牠們的癖好就 是啃屋裏的電線,即使牠們有 一個自己的隔離範圍,牠們喜 歡偷偷溜出來,見到什麼就咬 甚麼,不幸的是,Tim的電鼓組 合電線成了犧牲品。 由於Varie大部分時間在家工 作,她 認 為 有個 毛 茸 茸 的 動 物 在 身 邊 會 感 到 舒 服,但 不 知 道自己想 要什麼 類 型 的 寵 物,於是他們前往“寵物俱樂 部”去看看有什麼選擇。當他 們獲悉數星期後有兔子到達, 他 們 決 定 等 一 等,每 星 期 好 奇地前去商店看看。牠們終於 來到了——來看看Gareth 和 Albert,兩隻雄性兔,14個月 前購買,目前與Varie和Tim一 起生活。 小吃、美味食物和賄賂 Gareth 和Albert很匹配,一 直彼此安慰,但牠們亦非常對 立。 Gareth有個習慣,當牠 一看到食物就狼吞虎咽,有時 Pets & Hugs • July 2014

甚至搶奪和拿開牠的食物; 而 A l b e r t一 點也不 在乎,某程 度上說,Albert比較成熟,牠 的 所 作 所為 很 溫 柔。有 趣 的 是,Albert是較胖的一個!談 到食物,牠們的摯愛是乾量, 包 括 紅 莓 乾、芒 果 乾 和 葡 萄 乾,牠們也吃乾草,但Varie評 論說:“現在牠們對於吃乾草 很 挑剔 — — 除非 我們 首先 將 乾草浸泡在水中、再切碎,否 則牠們不會吃,對,我們 對牠 們有點溺愛。”正如前面提到, 牠們喜愛胡蘿蔔,有時亦享用 西蘭花莖。

Varie 說:“現在牠 們對於吃乾草很挑 剔——除非我們首 先將乾草浸泡在水 中、再切碎,否則 牠們不會吃,對, 我們對牠們有點溺 愛。” “They are very fussy about hay these days - they won’ t eat it unless we soak it in water first, then cut it up for them, yes we spoil them a little” - Varie

“我們常用小吃來行賄——如 果我們想牠們去某處,我們只 需拍拍食物袋發出沙沙聲,牠 們立刻就知道是什麼回事—— 牠們很聰明,有時牠們來拿食 物後,便跑回牠們的小天地。 我 們 不直 接 抱 牠們 的身 體來 移走牠們,因為兔子很容易受 傷。我們認為,當我們把牠們 抱起來,有時牠們會把我們當 作鷹或雕,所以我們避免這樣 做,只用小吃來引導牠們。”


e both work at night - Tim is an acrobat at the House of Dancing Water and I started the Hidden Talent Aerial Dance and Acrobatics Company in Macau. As we are quite nocturnal, the rabbits have also become nocturnal during the day they barely interact at all, even if you try, they just look at you as if to say, leave me alone, I am sleeping! Yet in the evenings, they are much more interactive, they will sniff around our feet while we are walking around the house and just look happy to see us. This morning was a struggle to get them to our interview, they were just lying there - not moving, like teenagers in the morning,” Varie Anderson says. This story is no ordinary one, even though these rabbits fit into the usual stereotypes of carrots being one of their favourite vegetables and hopping around whenever they are excited - they present some interesting traits and habits. According to Varie who is from Scotland and Tim Sanders from Bristol, United Kingdom - their favourite hobby is to chew on cables around the house, and even though they have a sectioned off area just for themselves, they love to sneak out and chew whatever is in sight, and unfortunately, the cables of Tim’s electrical drum kit have fallen victim to that. As Varie works from home most of the day, she thought it would be comforting to have a furry animal around, and not knowing what type of pet they wanted they headed to Animals Club to explore their options. When they heard some rabbits were arriving in the next couple of weeks, they decided to wait for them, curiously going to the store to check every week. Finally, they had come - meet Gareth and Albert, both male, bought 14 months ago and currently living with Varie and Tim. Treats, goodies and bribes Gareth and Albert are perfectly matched, always looking to each other for reassurance, yet

Pet Story

they couldn’t be more opposite. Gareth has the habit of scoffing his food down as soon as he sees it, and sometimes even snatches his food and takes it away; whilst Albert couldn’t care less, in a sense he is the more mature one, he is gentle in whatever he does. Interestingly enough, Albert is the chubbier one! When it comes to food, their favourite is dried food, including dried cranberries mangoes and raisins, they also eat hay, but Varie comments that “they are very fussy about hay these days - they won’t eat it unless we soak it in water first, then cut it up for them, yes we spoil them a little.” And as mentioned earlier, they love carrots, and also enjoy the occasional broccoli stalk. “We use treats quite a lot for bribery - if we need to get them somewhere, all we have to do is rustle the food bag, and they immediately know what is coming - they are quite smart, sometimes they will come, get the treats and run back to their little area of the house. The reason we don’t move them physically by picking them up is because rabbits are easily hurt, we think its because they sometimes see us as hawks or eagles when we pick them up, so we avoid doing that and use treats to guide them.” Not only are these rabbits spoiled rotten when it comes to yummy treats, the caring couple even built them an obstacle course with cubes and tubes which they happily go through on a regular basis. They also always try to buy them toys, such as balls with bells in them (since they found out that rabbits like noise), a little football and so forth - but it seems, they merely like simpler things like toilet paper rolls and cubes: they like confined spaces. When it’s possible, Varie and Tim also try to give them a bit more space around the house, but it seems the only places these rabbits like is their own sectioned


這 些 兔子不僅 是 被 美 味 的 小 吃寵壞,這對愛心夫婦甚至用 積木 和 管 子為 牠們 建 造 一 個 超越障礙訓練場,讓牠們不時 快樂地走過。他們還經常給牠 們購買玩具,如帶有鈴的球( 因为他們發現兔子喜歡聲音) 、小型 足 球 等 等 — — 但 看來 牠們只喜歡簡單的東西,像衛 生紙卷和積木:牠們喜歡狹小 的空間。 如果可能的話,Varie和Tim盡 量在屋內留多點空間給牠們, 但這些兔子似乎只喜歡自己那 片隔離範圍和浴室,牠們會在 浴室裏搗毀衛生紙卷。 “有 時候,我們進入浴室,看到地 板 上一 卷 被 徹 底 摧 毀的 衛生 紙,然後Gareth 和Albert只 用雙眼望著我們......我們沒有 做過。” Tim說,“牠們喜歡自 由,但有趣的是,當我們 讓牠 們獨留在整個公寓裡,牠們就 害 怕 — — 牠們 熟 識自己的 領 域,不喜歡領域以外的任何事 物,即使你將一切打開——唯


一 例 外 就 是當 牠們 可找 到 電 線咀嚼的時候。”在牠們那片 隔 離 範 圍 也有一 個 從不上 鎖 的籠。準Sanders太太費盡心 機,設法訓練牠們像使用貓沙 盤般用這個籠來如廁。 不是我們幹的! Gareth 和Albert 是個二人組 合,筆記本電腦的電線、移動 電話線、電鼓組合電線都給牠 們咬掉,但與牠們對質時,牠 們只是坐在那裡,再次用那雙 眼望著,很無辜的樣子......不 是我們幹的!牠們有另一趣怪 特點:有時牠們喜歡跳上隔離 範圍內厚厚的窗臺,但經常失 手、滑到、四條腿平落到地板, 然後望牠們的主人一眼,像在 說我們故意幹的......然後,至 少隔10 分鐘不 再嘗 試 跳 上窗 臺。我們可否說這些毛茸茸的 小動物充滿了自豪? Varie和Tim認為,很難瞭解兔 子,因為牠們傾向不太多表露

自己的情緒,牠們不表現出恐 懼或快樂。牠們有幾個特徵: 當Gareth 和Albert喘氣多, 表示牠們緊張; 而如果牠們躺 下,四 腳 展 開 — — 這 意 味 著 牠們很舒服。牠們唯一一次真 正表現自己的情緒,就是當牠 們知道要去見獸醫,牠們攬著 Varie和Tim,視他們是唯一的 保護。 行為的轉變 去年,Gareth 和Albert雙雙 做了絕育手術,戲劇性地扭轉 了牠們的個性。已往Ga reth 通常是佔主導地位的雄兔,而 Albe r t是隻柔順的兔子 — — 一切都變了。今天,Albert無 懼 任 何 事 物,年 紀 越 大 膽 子 越大。 Gareth經常向Albert 尋求肯定。 Varie說:“今早, 當我們 把 牠們 放 進手 提 袋 裏 前 來 這 次 採 訪 時,我 們 將 一 隻 放在 盒子而另一 隻 放 進 袋 中; 因被分隔開Gareth立即 發狂,而Albert全程很平靜。

然後,我們 把Ga reth放在與 Albert相同的袋裏,牠才平靜 下來。Albert是一隻好奇大膽 的兔子,牠傾向在屋裏四處遊 蕩看看發生甚麼事,而Gareth 害怕四處走動,牠對周遭事物 非常謹慎。”據ASPCA(美國 愛護動物協會)稱,絕育導致 行為改變。絕育後睾酮激素減 少,相應地與它關連的行為亦 會減少,如侵略或不適當的攀 爬! 養兔子之前,小鼠... Varie和Tim對小動物不陌生, 當他們在英國時,他們是四隻 小鼠的快樂主人! Varie解釋 道:“ 牠們 是 好 寵物,非常互 動。我們給牠們一個大籠子, 我 們 習 慣 讓 牠 們 出 來,牠 們 會爬過沙發,咬咬東西等。牠 們很酷,有狗的個性,但被限 制在牠們的小身軀裡。”看來 這 對夫 婦 準備 好 面 對任 何 挑 戰—— 無論是小鼠在屋裏四處 遊走或兔子咬他們的電線。

寶貝寵物 • 2014年 7月


Pet Story

off area and the bathroom where they can destroy toilet paper rolls. “Sometimes, we enter the bathroom, and we see a toilet roll completely destroyed on the floor - and then Gareth and Albert just look at us with those eyes... We didn’t do it Tim says. “They like freedom, but the funny thing is that when we let them have the whole apartment, they just get scared - they know their area and they don’t like anything outside it, even if you open everything up - the only exception to that is when they can go find cables to chew.” Within their sectioned off area, the rabbits also have a cage which is never locked; with a lot of patience, the couple managed to potty train them to use this cage like a litter tray. It wasn’t us! Gareth and Albert are a duo, laptop cables, mobile phone cables, electoral drum kit cables are all chewed up, yet when confronted, they just sit there looking innocent, again with those eyes... It wasn’t us! They have another funny trait: Sometimes they like to jump up onto the thick window ledges within their sectioned area, and often they miss the ledge, slip, and fall flat onto their four legs, then they look at their owners with a look that almost says We meant to do that…and then they won’t try to jump up on the window ledge for at least another 10 minutes. Could we say these little furry animals are full of pride? According to Varie and Tim, rabbits are quite difficult to read because they don’t tend to show their emotions much, they don’t show fear or happiness. They have merely picked up on a few traits; when Gareth and Albert pant more, it means they are nervous; and, if they are laying down, spread out - it means they are comfortable. The only time they really show their emotions is when they know they are going to the veterinarian,

Pets & Hugs • July 2014

then they are all over Varie and Tim, seeing them as the only thing that is going to help protect them. Behavioural Changes Last year, Gareth and Albert both got neutered, which dramatically reversed their personalities. Whilst Gareth was usually the dominant male and Albert the submissive rabbit - this all changed. Today, Albert is terrified of nothing, and as he gets older, he gets bolder. Gareth always goes to Albert for reassurance. Varie says: “This morning, when we put them in carry bags to come to this interview, we had one in a box and one in the bag; immediately Gareth went insane from being separated, whilst Albert was completely calm the whole time. We then put Gareth in the same carry bag as Albert, and he calmed down. Albert is an inquisitive bold rabbit, he tends to wander around the whole apartment to see what is going on, whilst Gareth is scared to move around, he is very cautious of his surroundings.” According to ASPCA (American Society for the Prevention o Cruelty to Animals) being neutered can result in behavioural changes. Hormones like testosterone are reduced by neutering, which in turn can reduce behaviours which are associated with it, such as aggression or inappropriate mounting! Before rabbits, the rats... Varie and Tim are not new to small animals, when they were in the UK, they were the happy owners of four rats! Varie explains: “They were good pets, they were very interactive. We had a big cage for them, we used to let them out and they would climb over the sofa, chew things and so forth. They are quite cool, they had the personality of dogs but confined into their very small bodies.” It seems this couple is up for any challenge - whether its little rats roaming around the house or rabbits chewing through their cables.

這兩隻毛茸茸的兔子屬於“賓尼垂耳 兔”家族。 1 9 7 2 年 一 名 叫 B o b Herschbach 的加州人在德國 發現了賓尼垂耳 兔品種,而當中 第一隻賓尼垂耳 兔起源於德國賓 尼兔和小龍貓。 第一代原本是白 色和豚鼠色,而 第二代呈現雜亂 的顏色。在繁殖 過程中,一種較高標準的賓尼垂耳兔被創造出 來。 在“寵物俱樂部”,兔子價格為500-1200澳門 元不等,取決於品種。

These two furry ones belong to the family of the “Mini Lop”. A Californian man called Bob Herschbach discovered the Mini Lop breed in Germany in 1972, where the first Mini Lops originated from the German Big Lop and the small Chinchilla. The first generation originally came in white and Agouti colours, whilst the second generation came in broken colours. Through the breeding process, a higher standard of Mini Lop began to be created. At Animals Club rabbit prices range from MOP 500-1200 depending on the breed.


醜陋動物保護協會 Ugly Animal Preservation Society

英國為總部的項目—— 醜 陋動物 保 護協會,鼓 勵人們努力參與保護動物王國 中“不太可愛”的成員,並讓人 們認識動物世界中發現的各種 動物。

位於其頭部的最頂端。牠們也 有奇特的像豬一樣的長鼻。

在 過 去 發 表 的 刊 物 中,我 們 曾看 過 該 協 會 的吉 祥 物 水滴 魚,也見識了白禿猴、樹懶和 盲 鰻。讓 我 們 最 後 一次 來 看 看名單上的成員,我們非常高 興地向你介紹:

現在科學界所知的斑鱉只有四 隻,其中只有一隻是雌性,這隻 雌龜是地球上最稀有的動物之 一。兩隻斑鱉棲息在越南的湖 泊,而另外兩隻生活在中國蘇 州動物園。

斑鱉 斑鱉是在越南和中國發現的一 種極為稀有的物種。它是世界 上最大的淡水龜,也被稱為紅 河巨鱉、上海甲魚,或斯氏鱉。

該品種曾一度廣泛分佈於中國 的長江流域,但最終成為日益 嚴重的污染、過度開發和捕捉 的犧牲品,該龜亦因寵物貿易 而被捕捉。過去牠也被視為美 味佳餚而被吃掉。

這種龜的獨特外表歸因於牠們 生在背側上的眼睛,這對眼睛


雄龜比雌龜的個子小,有更長 更粗的尾巴。一隻雌斑鱉可産 下60到100個龜蛋。

保育工作集中在中國的繁殖圈 養 龜 及在 野 外 尋 找 活著的 斑 鱉。曾有過一項協議,把位於長 沙動物園唯一已知存留的雌性 斑鱉轉移到蘇州動物園,與那 裡的雄性斑鱉進行繁殖。此外, 人們正在努力改善蘇州動物園 及蘇州西園寺的繁殖環境。


he UK based project, Ugly Animal Preservation Society, encourages people to get involved in conservation endeavours for the “less cute” members of the animal kingdom, and educates people on the variety to be found in the world of animals. In past issues we have had a look at the society’s mascot, the Blobfish, as well as the Bald Uakari, the Sloth and the Hagfish. In our final look at the members on the list, we take great pleasure in introducing you to: The Yangtze giant softshell turtle The Yangtze giant softshell turtle is an extremely rare species of softshell turtle found in Vietnam and China. It is the largest freshwater turtle in the world and also known as the Red River giant softshell turtle, Shanghai softshell turtle, or Swinhoe’s softshell turtle. The turtles owe their distinctive appearance to their dorsally placed eyes, which are situated on the very top of the head. They also have unusual pig-like snouts.

The male turtles are smaller than females and have longer, thicker tails. A female giant softshell turtle will lay 60 to 100 eggs. With only four individuals known to science, and only one of those a female, this turtle is one of the rarest animals on earth. Two inhabit separate lakes in Vietnam, and two others reside at Suzhou Zoo in China. The species was once widespread throughout the Yangtze River network in China, but eventually fell victim to widespread pollution, development and hunting and because of collection for pet trade. It has also been eaten as a delicacy in the past. Conservation efforts are concentrated on breeding captive turtles in China and searching for live specimens in the wild. An agreement was made to transfer the only known remaining female specimen located at the Changsha Zoo to the Suzhou Zoo to breed with the male specimen there. Also, efforts are being made to improve conditions for breeding at both the Suzhou Zoo and Western Temple in Suzhou.

寶貝寵物 • 2014年 7月


Animals in the news

大熊貓“心心”走了 雌性大熊貓“心心” (字面意思 是“心”)6月23日晚— —就在 她下個月六歲生日前,死於腎 功能衰竭,令其男朋友“開開” 獨自留在石排灣郊野公園。 民政總署(IACM)管委會主席 黃有力在新聞發布會上說,本 地大熊貓獸醫團隊在5月的例 行體檢時發現“心心”有腎臟 問題。 黃 有力 稱,根 據 四 川 成 都 熊

Giant panda Sum Sum dies Female giant panda Sum Sum, literally meaning ‘heart heart’, died of kidney failure on Sunday June 23, just before her sixth birthday, leaving her boyfriend Hoi Hoi alone in SeacPai Van Park. Civic and Municipal Affairs Bureau (IACM) President Alex Wong Iao Lek told a press conference that the local team of giant panda vets found that Sum Sum had kidney problems in a regular health check in May. According to Wong, after a week of treatment advised by vets Pets & Hugs • July 2014

貓基 地 獸醫的建 議 進行 一 個 星 期 的治療 後,“心 心”的 病 情 有 改 善 的 跡 象,但 在 過 去 的 兩 個 星 期,她 的 腎 臟 功 能 開 始 惡 化,主 要 是 因 為 她 處 於發情期,食慾變差,不肯喝 水,變得非常敏感及情緒化, 甚至暈倒。 在 澳門與 本 地 大熊 貓團 隊工 作 超 過 六 個月 的成都大 熊 貓 繁 育 研 究 基 地 獸醫 院 院長蘭 景 超 說“心 心”的個 案“ 較罕 見”,這是他第一次見到這樣 的情況。

from the Chengdu panda base in Sichuan, Sum Sum’s condition showed signs of improvement but in the last two weeks, her kidney functions began to deteriorate, largely because she was on heat and had lost her appetite, refused to drink, became very sensitive and emotional and even fainted. Lan Jing chao, chief of the panda hospital at Chengdu panda base in Sichuan, had been in Macau working with the local giant panda team for over six months and said that Sum Sum’s case was “particularly rare” and that it was the first time he had seen such a case.

蘭景超說:“我們盡了全力搶 救,對我們來說這是一個令人 苦惱的時刻。” “心心”出生於20 08年7月26 日,她是20 08年5月毀滅性的 四川 大 地 震 發 生後 出生 的 第 一隻大熊貓。她是雙胞胎中的 一隻,成都的飼養者稱她從母 親 那 裡 遺 傳了較 強 的交 配能 力。 “ 開 開 ”也 是 雙 胞 胎 中 的 一 隻,出 生 於 2 0 0 8 年 8月。蘭 說,“開開”與“心心”分開住,

“We did all we could to save her, it’s an upsetting time for us too,” Lan said. Sum Sum was born on July 26, 2008, the first giant panda born after the devastating Sichuan earthquake in May 2008. She is a twin and was described by her keepers in Chengdu as having a strong mating ability. Hoi Hoi also a twin, was born in August 2008. Lan said that Hoi Hoi, who lived separately from Sum Sum, is healthy but they would keep a close eye on his condition.

目前處於健康狀態,但他們會 密切關注他的情況。 今年早些時候民政 總署表 示,2 015 年這 對大熊 貓 將 達 到“理想”交配年齡。官員一直 將他們分開,從而激發他們再 次見面時對彼此的感情。 2 0 0 9年中央 政 府宣布,為慶 祝澳門回歸中國10週年,將贈 送澳門一對大熊貓。這對“國 寶”2010年12月從成都抵達澳 門,並於2011年1月首次與公眾 見面。

The IACM said earlier this year that in 2015 the panda pair would reach the “ideal” age to mate. Officials had been keeping them apart so as to stimulate their affection towards each other when they were to meet again. The central government announced in 2009 that it would give Macau a pair of giant pandas to mark the 10th anniversary of Macau’s return to Chinese administration. The pair of “national treasures” arrived in Macau from Chengdu in December 2010 and met the public for the first time in January 2011.


中國出生的東北虎崽 十堰,2 014 年6月10日一名婦 女 在中國中部湖 北 省十 堰 市的 一 家動物園懷抱一隻東北虎幼崽。 這些東北虎崽於5月2日出生。

Siberian Tiger cubs born in China SHIYAN A woman holds a Siberian tiger cub at a zoo in Shiyan City, central China’s Hubei Province. The tiger cubs were born on May 2.

小熊貓向台北出發 福州 將被送往台北市立動物園作為禮物的小熊 貓,在福州(中國東南部福建省省會)的福州大 熊貓研究中心。三隻小熊貓 — —歡歡、美可和丫 丫是標誌兩岸在野生動物保護方面合作的禮物, 這三隻小熊貓 將 很快 成 為台北市立動物園的新 居民。

Red Pandas leave for Taipei FUZHOU Red pandas were sent to Taipei Zoo as gift, at Fuzhou Panda Research Centre in Fuzhou, capital of southeast China’s Fujian Province. Three red pandas, Huan Huan, Mei Ke and Ya Ya, are a gift marking the cross-Strait cooperation on wildlife care and protection, and the pandas will become new residents in the Taipei Zoo.

紙熊貓在香港 香 港( 新 華 社 )紙 熊 貓 抵 達 香 港 國 際 機 場。他們 的世界巡迴展 於2 0 0 8 年由世界 自然 基 金 會 推 出。著名法國畫 家 Pa u l o G ra n g e o n用手工製作了1,6 0 0 隻 熊 貓 (代 表在 野 外生 活的大熊 貓 數 量)。這 些 熊貓尺寸各異,是用再生材料製作的紙製 品,強調了對牠們的保育需要。

Paper Pandas in Hong Kong HONG KONG (Xinhua) Paper pandas arrived at Hong Kong International Airport. Their world tour was launched in 2008 by WWF and acclaimed French artist Paulo Grangeon, who crafted 1600 pandas – the number of living pandas left in the wild – in various sizes with recycled materials in the form of paper mache, to highlight the need for their conservation.


寶貝寵物 • 2014年 7月


Animals in the news

Mr. Andrew Yuen, Ms. Pansy Ho, Mr. Arnaud Barthélémy, Dr. Mohamed Attia and Mr. Grant Bowie

名人聚集米高梅 迎獅子雕塑

“雙年獅子展”移師亞洲 亮相澳門

“Biennial of the Lions” Asia Debut in Macau

為慶祝中法建交50週年,7月10日舉行了“獅子雙年展”,展出 了5 0座 造型獨 特的獅子雕塑。本次活動由民政 總署、澳門藝 術博物館、法國駐 港澳總領事館及“獅子雙年展”舉辦,它展 示了象徵里昂的獅子,並以其為核心,展示了50座色彩豐富、 造型獨 特、經 超 過5 0 位中法藝術家精心創作的獅子雕塑。這 些作品正在澳門的標誌性建築— —澳門藝術博物館和澳門美 高梅展出。

On the 10th of July the “Biennial of the Lions” featured 50 different lion sculptures in celebration of the 50th anniversary of the diplomatic relations between China and France. Organized by the Civic and Municipal Affairs Bureau (IACM), the Macao Museum of Art (MAM), the Consulate General of France in Hong Kong and Macau, and La Biennale des Lions, it showcased the lion, the emblem of Lyon, as its central figure and presented 50 colorful, unique lion sculptures—dressed elaborately by more than 50 French and Chinese artists—which are displayed around Macau landmarks, the MAM and MGM MACAU.

澳門保護遺棄動 物協會遊行

AAPAM March On Sunday the 22nd of June AAPAM convened animal rights supporters in Tap Seac Square to begin a walk to Show Our Care for Animals. Urging the government to enact a law to protect the Pets & Hugs • July 2014

animals of Macau, supporters wore orange t-shirts and banners and walked to the Chief Executive’s Office to deliver a signed petition. 1600 people, many bringing their pets to the event, took part in what is a growing movement of animal rights awareness in the

territory. A teenager taking part summed up the beliefs of those taking part when she explained her reason for being there, “They all have life. We are equal. We are all living things, so why should some animals be abused? Why shouldn’t we treat them equally?”

上 週日(6月2 2日)澳門 保 護 遺棄動物協會(A APA M)在 塔石廣 場 召集 動 物 權 利 支 持 者,進行“凝 聚力量,關注 動 物愛心行”。敦促政府制定法 律 保 護 澳 門 動 物 的 支 持 者, 身穿 橙 色T恤並手 持 橫 幅,遊 行至行政長官辦公室,遞交一 份簽過名的請願書。 16 0 0人(許 多人帶 著 他 們 的 寵 物 )參 加 了 本 次 活 動,近 來 澳門 這 類 關 於動 物 權利 的 運 動 越 來 越 多。一名 少年 在 解 釋 她 參加 本 次 活動 的原因 時,總結了參加者的信念: “ 他 們 都 有 生 命。 我 們 都 是 平 等 的。我 們 都 是 有生 命 的 東 西,為 何 一 些 動 物 被 虐 待?我 們 為 什 麼 不 能 一 視 同 仁?” 53

寵愛生命搖滾音樂會 Love Life Rock Concert

在塔石廣場為動物唱 歌、籌集資 金、提高 愛護動物意識。 Singing for animals in Tap Seac Square, raising funds, raising awareness

Phineas Cheong (大頭), Kyla Ma (馬曼莉)

門演藝人協會邀請了本 地歌手及樂隊在舞台上 作搖滾演出,同時激起我們的 激情,伸出援手救助無家可歸 的寵物。一個非盈利組織—— AFEDMM協會(澳門弱智人士 家長協進會)也參加了這次活 動,呼籲募捐。 7月13日下午在塔石廣場舉行 的眾多活動中,寵愛生命搖滾 音樂會成功為保護被遺棄的動 物籌得資金及提高了愛護動物 意識。 參加這個搖滾音樂會參 的 歌 手 包 括:龍 世 傑 、蘇 耀 光、 祖 絲、大 頭、 羅 嘉 豪、A J(無中文名)、馬曼莉、 伽納;出席的樂隊包括:Black Sheep、Crossline、M7、金鷹 及其朋友。除了搖滾歌曲,他 們表演了一些原創作品,為這 個音樂會添加一些地方風味。


狗狗和牠們的主人在這溫暖的 一天享受這個活動。在皇家獸 醫中心分享過一些如何照顧寵 物的有用信息後,觀眾在主辦 單位舉辦的一場比賽贏得了獎 品。流行歌手為無家可歸的寵 物演唱募集善款,希望籍著為 AAPAM(澳門保護遺棄動物 協會)籌款,能改變這些動物 的命運。除了捐 款,在同一天 晚上八時前,觀眾可以通過下 載一個應用程序為捐出該活動 5澳門元 。 身為澳門演藝人協會成員的祖 絲,解釋他們這個組織如何主 要致力於慈善工作。作為一個 歌手,她可以使用自己的才華 幫助慈善活動。雖然她是一個 寵物愛好者,但並沒有擁有一 隻寵物。當她閱讀到關於被遺 棄和遭受虐待寵物的文章時便 感到傷心。她認為動物是我們 最好的朋友,牠們應該得到更

好的對待。祖絲說,這是一個 傳播保護動物意識的好機會。

們希望喚醒寵物主人們的責任 意識。”

祖 絲 在 舞台上 鼓 勵 觀 眾們 說:“要做一個負責任的寵物 主人。”

“ 當 我 們 看 看A A PA M 協 會 四 周 的 環 境,簡 陋 的 環 境 讓 我 們 吃 驚,這 是 由 於 其 小 額 預 算 所 致。沒有 人 願 意 接 受 這 份工作。幾 乎 不 可 能 聘 請 助 手。你 能 想 像 這個 住 滿 了 3 0 0隻狗和20 0隻貓的地方。 身為澳門演藝人協會成員,我 與 該 組 織 交 談,之 後 我 們 決 定 為 他 們 籌 集 更 多 資 金。有 了 更 多 的 資 金,也 許 還 會 有 些 人能夠 幫助 改 變 這 些 被 遺 棄動物的環境。”

她提醒主人在飼養寵物前要三 思,並需要真正確保他們能夠 成為負責的主人。 祖絲解釋:“一般情況下,樂隊 和獨唱歌手各自獨立演出,但 這次我們有機會合作演出。搖 滾歌曲的主題與炎熱的天氣很 協調,希望可以提高觀眾對捐 款的熱情。” 身為澳門演藝人協會成員的羅 嘉豪說:“我和我的朋友AJ, 有了這個活動的想法。我們都 非常喜歡動物。在一次偶然拜 訪AAPAM協會時,我們想寫 一首關於遺棄動物的歌曲。我

我們都熟悉這樣一句話,慈善 要從家庭做起,澳門演藝人協 會 通 過 演 唱會傳 播 仁慈與 恩 惠。第一年活動的成功將引來 往後更多的活動。愛護和照顧 動物是我們的責任。你們每個 人都可以有所作為。 寶貝寵物 • 2014年 7月



n eventful afternoon concert took place in Tap Seac Square on the 13th of July, Love Life Rock Concert was a success in raising funds and awareness of the need to protect abandoned pets in Macau. Macau Artistes Association invited local singers and bands to rock the stage, as well as to rock/ our passion in lending a helping hand to homeless pets. A nonprofit organization, AFEDMM Association also took part in the event, calling for fundraising. Singers who took part in the rock concert included: Rico Long (龍世 傑), Ken Sou (蘇耀光), Josie Ho (祖絲), Phineas Cheong (大頭), Hyper Lo (羅嘉豪), AJ, Kyla Ma (馬曼莉), Vanus Ng (伽納)and the bands: Black Sheep, Crossline, M7, Eagle Chan and friends. Aside from rock songs, they included some original compositions to add some local flavour to the concert.

Animals in the news She reminded owners to think twice before keeping a pet and to really make sure they are able to be responsible owners. “Usually the band and solo singers perform separately, but this time we have a chance to jam. The rock songs go well with the hot weather, hoping to raise the audience’s passion for donation,” Josie explained. Hyper Lo, a member of The Macau Artistes Association, said“ Me and my friend, AJ, came up with the idea of this event. We

both love animals very much. On an occasional visit to AAPAM Association, we wanted to write a song about abandoned animals. We wanted to remind pet owners of their duties.” “When we looked around AAPAM Association, we were startled by the shabby environment, due to their small budget. Nobody wanted to take the job. It was almost impossible to hire helpers. You could imagine a place filled with 300 dogs and 200 cats. As a member of The Macau Artistes Association, I spoke to the group

and we decided to raise more funds. With more capital, perhaps there will be people who are able to help change the environment of these abandoned animals.” We are all familiar with the saying, Charity begins at Home, The Macau Artistes Association spread kindness and benevolence through a concert. The success of the event for the first year will lead to many more in years to come. It is our responsibility to love and care for animals. Every one of you can make a difference.

Dogs and their owners enjoyed the event in the warm weather. After the Royal Veterinary Center shared useful information on pet care, the audience won prizes in a game hosted by the organizers. Pop singers sang to raise funds for homeless pets, hoping to make a difference to the lives of animals by raising funds for AAPAM Association. Besides donations, the audience could help by downloading an app before 8pm on the same day in order to raise 5mop for the event. A member of The Macau Artistes Association, Josie Ho, explained how their organization is largely devoted to charitable work. As a singer, she could help at a charitable event by using her talent. Although she is a pet lover, she doesn’t own one. Reading articles about abandoned and abused pets made her sad. She feels that animals are our best friends and they deserve to be treated better. Josie says that this is a great opportunity to spread awareness on animal protection. “Be a responsible pet owner,” Josie encouraged the audience from the stage.

Pets & Hugs • July 2014

Josie Ho (祖絲)


領養 寵物

Adopt a pet 金沙中國贊助

Sponsored by SANDS CHINA LTD.

Estrada do Altinho de Ka-Ho 路環九澳高頂馬路

(直升機維修廠附近) Coloane, Macau

(853) 2871 5732

他們希望得到你的關愛。 你準備好關愛他們了嗎? 大家來認識一下這一期的收養 名單!牠們也許充滿愛心和關 懷,但請記住,牠們也需要被 愛和關懷,所以務必請你準備 好去承擔、並接受牠們所付出 的愛!

They want to love you.

Are you ready to love them? They are cute, sweet and will make your life infinitely more rewarding. Meet our adoption candidates for this issue! They may be loving and caring, but please remember they need love and care back, so please be sure you are ready for the responsibility, and for all the love they have to give!

我是一頭逍遙自在的狗,我真的不需要太 多,只要有骨頭零星地散落各處、擁抱我 和輕輕拍我的頭,足夠使我很快樂。帶我 回家,讓我告訴你,有我伴著你,你的世界 會是多麼美好… I’m a pretty happy go lucky kinda dog, I don’t really need much, a bone here and there, a cuddle and pat on the head make me happy enough. Take me home with you and let me show you how much better your world will be with me in it...

看到帶著大笑的臉嗎?因為我是你從沒 見過最幸福的狗!在世上我可能沒擁有太 多,但我的心胸寬大,我知道很快會有人 來拯救我,讓我成為他們家庭的一分子。 是你嗎? See the huge smile on my face? That’s because I am the happiest dog you will ever meet! I may not have much in this world, but my heart is big and I know someone will come to rescue me soon and let me be part of their family. Will it be you?



編號: 911 雌性/2歲 Code: 911 Female/ 2 years old

Scarabi 編號: 1035 雌性/1歲

Code: 1035 Female/ 1 year old

寶貝寵物 • 2014年 7月

我曾經是個冒險家,最喜愛探索和發現不 明事物。我仍然夢想著下一次的探險,你 願意和我一起去嗎?帶我回家,讓我倆一 起去探險吧!

我不知道我在這裏幹什麼,我曾擁有一個溫 馨的家,接下來,我發現自己獨自在街角。 街上的狗嘲笑我,並告訴我我的主人遺棄了 我,但這是不可能的,是嗎?請救救我、給我 那曾經感受過的愛… I have no idea what I am doing here, one moment I had a loving home, the next minute I found myself on a street corner and alone. The dogs on the street taunted me and told me that my owners abandoned me, but that can’t be true can it? Please rescue me and give me the love I once knew...!

I used to be an adventurer, I liked nothing more than exploring and discovering the unknown. I still dream of my next expedition, do you want to come with me? Take me home with you and let’s go on adventures made for two!

Tica 編號: 1131 雌性/2歲

Code: 1131 Male / 2 years old

Bentley 編號: 1252 雄性/ 4歲 Code: 1252 Male/ 4 years old

他們談及有關不能教年老的狗學新把戲是 個謊言,我告訴你,是一個絕對的謊言! 給我一個機會,我會向你證明,我學習新 技能的能力會讓你吃一驚,同時令你的家 充滿愛。 All they say about not being able to teach an old dog new tricks is a lie, an absolute lie I tell you! I’ll prove it to you, give me a chance and I will amaze you with my ability to learn new skills and fill your home with love, at the same time.

Terry 編號: 1224 雄性/9歲 Code: 1224 Male / 9 years old

金沙中國贊助 Sponsored by SANDS CHINA LTD. Pets & Hugs • July 2014


你可能從孩子們的故事和童話故事中認識 我,我是一頭典型的兔,很想跳進你的生活 中,去分享胡蘿蔔、擁抱和分享很多很多的 故事。從前....

他們 叫我 M i n g,但 現 實中應 該 稱 我 為 Ming女士,因我能預知未來。我感到我的 幸福指日可待及有一個特殊的人,我認為 是你…你還等什麼?我準備好了!

You may recognize me from children’s stories and fairy tales, I am a model rabbit and would love to hop into your life to share carrots, cuddles and many, many shared stories. Once upon a time...

They call me Ming, but in reality it should be Madam Ming, for I can divine the future. I can sense that happiness is around the corner for me and a special someone, I think it’s you…. what are you waiting for? I’m ready to go!

編號: C385 雌性/2歲 Code: C385 Female / 2


編號: R022 雄性/1歲


Code: R022 Male/ 1

years old

year old


在這裏,他們叫我“英俊”,好吧,也許只 有部分是真的,但我經過時聽到女孩竊 竊私語…當我望著她們,我知道她們會 臉紅……帶我回家,讓我把我的魅力投 放到你身上,讓我們永遠有個幸福的家… Hmmm... I have seen a lot in my life, Around here they call me ‘handsome’, ok, maybe that is only partly true, but I hear the whispers the girls make when I walk past….I know they blush when I look at them…take me home with you and let me cast my charms on you and lets be a happy family forever…


編號: C105 雄性/5歲 Code: C105 Male/ 5 years old

看看我那雙蒼白翡翠色難忘的眼睛?在這 個世界上我已經看過很多,有很多很好的, 亦有很多不太好的......我的眼睛依然明亮, 充滿希望,把我帶回家,在我們餘生我會徹 底崇拜地盯著你...... See my unforgettable pale jade coloured eyes? I have seen a lot in this world, a lot of good and a lot of less good…my eyes are still bright and hopeful, take me home with you and I will stare at you with complete adoration for the rest of our days…

Micha 編號: C253 雌性/3歲 Code: C253 Female/ 3 years old

寶貝寵物 • 2014年 7月



毛茸茸的尾巴?有。可愛的小鼻子?有。大 耳朵?有。我擁有你所想要的兔子身上的一 切。並且會付出很多、很多、很多的愛。帶 我回家,讓美好時光開始! Fluffy tail? check. Cute little nose? check. Big ears? check. I have everything you could possibly want in a rabbit. And a lot, a lot, a lot of love to give. Take me home with you and let the good times begin!


我冷靜並有內函,能與孩子打交道,強硬對 待大鼠,是個白天和黑夜的好伴侶。如有需 要時我可以俏皮,也可以很安靜。你還等什 麼?讓我們成為一家人吧!

編號: R020 1歲 Code: R020 1 year old

I am calm and content, great with children, tough on rats and great company day and night. I can be playful when needed and restful and zen when that is called for. What are you waiting for, let’s be family!

正如我的名字所暗示,我喜歡在地板上做一 些優美的舞蹈動作並按節拍搖擺。帶我回 家,我會馬上用我的方式搖擺入你的心! Just as my name implies, I love to make a few dainty dance moves across the floor and to sway to the beats. Take me home with you and I will have swayed my way into your heart in no time!

編號: C250 雌性/3歲

Code: C250 Female/ 3 years old

Black Pearl

Salsa 編號: C355 雌性/2歲

Silvye 編號: C369 雌性/2歲 Code: C369 Female/ 2 years old

Code: C355 Female/ 2 years old

哎呀。我好害怕!所有一切!請來救我,我需 要擁抱和緊抱,世界是個可怕的地方。如果 我有一個充滿愛的家庭,我知道我可以找到 力量成為勇敢的貓,我知道我可以,請給我 這個機會…

Oh dear! I’m so scared! Of everything! Please come save me, I need cuddles and hugs, the world is such a frightening place. If I had a loving family I know I can find the strength to be the brave cat I know I can be, please give me that chance…

金沙中國贊助 Sponsored by SANDS CHINA LTD. Pets & Hugs • July 2014





澳門愛護動物協會仍在招募新董事會成員 我們知道你們當中有些人期望澳門愛護動物協會再多做些事,尤其是在多拯救動 物方面。 我們尊重你們的關注和意見。可惜我們需要在可用空間和動物數量之間保持良好 平衡。由於救助數目增加,我們已降低了一些動物的生活質量。 收留所有流浪動物並給牠們庇護,是不可能、不實際,也是違背自然規律的。 籠養動物不可行!這是瘋狂和殘忍的! 只有在這些情況下,我們必會進行拯救: (1)有生命危險的動物(被遺棄在交通繁忙地區,如橋樑、公路上的動物;呈現極度 營養不良的動物。被遺棄的小狗和小貓也屬於有生命危險的動物); (2) 患病或受傷的動物; (3) 被遺棄的動物,比如那些顯示自己無法在外生存的動物。 然而,每次救助需按個別情況而定。

Anima still looking for new Board Members We know that some of you expect Anima to do a lot more, especially when it comes to rescuing more animals. We respect your concerns and opinions. Unfortunately, we need to keep a good balance between space available and the number of animals we have. We have already decreased the quality of life of some of our animals due to the increase in the number of rescues. It is impossible, not practical and against nature itself, to collect all the animals on the streets and shelter them. Caging animals is not an option! It is insane and cruel! These are the only situations where we must accept a rescue: (1) Animals in danger (animals abandoned in high traffic areas such as bridges and highways, animals showing strong signs of malnutrition. Abandoned puppies and kittens are considered animals in danger); (2) Sick or injured animals; (3) Abandoned animals, such as those that demonstrate inability to survive outside on their own. However, each rescue is decided case by case.

積極主動!動物需要你! Be active! The animals need you! 60

截至今年六月,澳門愛護動物協會(“協會”) 已接待過2,796人次訪客,其中包括38個學 校、社團和企業團體。在協會外的活動亦達到 650人次,相比去年有強勁增長。澳門愛護動 物協會被Allen Goldenthal教授邀請為澳門 大學(UMAC)動物倫理委員會的一分子。“ 協會”董事會接受了邀請,因為對“協會”來 說,留在該機構內是重要的,這樣可以確保 任 何 研究報告符 合動物福利上的道德和法 律責任。 2014年上半年,澳門愛護動物協會救出59隻 狗和124隻貓。在此期間一共有40隻狗和46 隻貓被領養。出/入比例分別為0.93和0.81,這 解釋了貓和狗的情況有所改善,但這些數字 與我們的兩個目標相距仍遠。 2014年6月底住在澳門愛護動物協會庇護所、 或被收養的貓和狗總數分別為147隻和33 0 隻,而2013年6月底分別有126隻和328隻。這 些數字清楚顯示在我們不殺生和無牢籠的政 策下,庇護所的客滿情況。

Anima Activity Up to June this year, Anima have received 2796 visitors of which 38 were groups of schools, associations and companies. Our activities outside Anima have reached 650 individuals, a strong increase from last year. Anima was invited by Prof. Allen Goldenthal to be part of the animal ethics committee of UMAC. The Board of Directors of Anima accepted the invitation as for Anima it is important to be inside the structure to be sure that any research complies with ethical and legal responsibility for the welfare of the animals. In the first semester of 2014 Anima rescued 59 dogs and 124 cats. A total of 40 dogs and 46 cats have been adopted in the period. The ratio out/ in was 0.93 and 0.81 respectively, translating in an improvement in the dog and cat situation. The figures are still far away of our goal of two. At the end of June 2014 the total number of dogs and cats in Anima, living in Anima shelter or fostered, was respectively 330 and 147 as compared with 328 and 126 at the end of June 2013. These figures show very clearly how full the shelter is under our policy of No-Kill and No-Cage.

寶貝寵物 • 2014年 7月




時 候,命 運作 弄 我們, 尤其是當我們要堅持一 些不能忽視的原則時。在尊重 別人意見的情況下我們可以妥 協,但對著活生生的動物時就 難以辦到,我們的文化接納動 物為我們生命不可或缺的一部 分,而理性和文明的人類維護 生命的價值。

賽狗的真實情況後,我像從一 個可怕的噩夢中醒來。讓我們 稍稍回顧一下歷史。

當我在澳門正為被遺棄或被虐 待動物(或者你認為是被殘酷 對待的動物)忙著時,賽狗問題 令我措手不及。

今 天管 理 逸園 賽 狗 場 的公司 通過特許權於1962年創辦。逸 園類似羅馬鬥獸場,在這裏狗 隻 必須 證 明 牠們 是同 類中最 有競爭力的,不然便被無情地 毀滅。每年逸園賽狗場進口約 360隻狗,幾乎相等於每年被 該公司人道毀滅的數目。為什 麼缺乏競爭力和意外會造成這 麼多殺戮?

我永遠不能想像一些2、3甚至 4歲的狗如再無競爭力便被殺 掉? 2011年年底當我瞭解澳門

由於賽事繁多,狗隻的體能完 全耗盡。現今逸園賽狗場每週 比賽五次,每天18場!一些狗

由於實在太累,只能跑在後面, 經過幾次降級後,由於缺乏競 爭力,牠們便被 人道毀滅。一 旦現有的狗被毀滅後,便從澳 大利亞的公開拍賣會上購入新 狗。截至2014年6月底,114隻 狗在拍賣會上出售。今年6月售 出30隻,幾乎與被毀滅動物的 數量相同。這是一門不道德的 生意!

庫房 微不足道!其次,政 府提 高了每年從逸園賽狗場收到的 所有收入!

事實上,最近推出的領養計劃 是個笑話!只是為了安慰動物 權益人士和澳門政府。首隻動 物由逸園賽狗場本身的獸醫領 養!到現在這個收養計劃只有 兩個領養個案!財務方面,這 是個不斷增長的災難!對政府

把逸園的場地變成一個中央公 園,因為辛勞的居民多麼需要 在他們 居所 附 近有一 個 休 閒 區!

我們不能沒有人情味地繼續這 種野蠻的奴隸交易和業務! 行政長官,請終止這種行徑。 2015年年底合同到期後,不要 再續約!

而在該場地下面建設停車場, 服務有需要的地區!


No money pays for such suffering!


No money pays for such embarrassment!

我們尊重生命! 政府也該同樣做!

We respect life! The Government should do the same! We are in the twenty first century, not in the dark ages!

我們活在二十一世紀, 而不是在黑暗時代!

We can never sell our human principles


ometimes life plays unexpected tricks on us, especially when we want to be coherent with the principles that cannot be ignored. We can compromise with situations where we have to respect other’s opinions, but never when it’s a case of living creatures that our culture accepts as being an integral part of our own life while humans, rational and civilized, defend life values. The question of the greyhound races caught me off-guard, as I was busy in Macau with the abandoned or ill-treated animals, or, if you prefer, animals treated with cruelty. How could I ever imagine that young dogs aged two, three or even four years old, that ceased to be competitive were simply killed? I woke up at the end of 2011 from a terrible nightmare when I became aware of the real dimension of the situation of the greyhounds in Macau. Let’s step back a little in history. Pets & Hugs • July 2014

In 1962 a company was created that today manages the Canidrome, by concession, a kind of roman coliseum where the dogs have to demonstrate being the most competitive among their piers under penalty of being mercilessly put down. The Canidrome imports about 360 dogs a year, almost exactly the same number that it puts down yearly. Why so many killings due to lack of competitiveness and accidents?

As a matter of fact the adoption program launched recently is a joke! Only to calm down the animal rights activists and the Macau Government itself. The first animal was adopted by the Canidrome’s own vet! Up to now this adoption program only produced two adoptions! Financially, its an increasing disaster! Peanuts for the government coffers! Secondly, the government raises all the income received annually from the Canidrome!

Because so many races totally exhaust these animals. Today the Canidrome has races five times a week and eighteen times a day! Tired as they are, they can only manage coming last in races and after a few relegations they are merely put down due to lack of competitiveness. Once put down, new dogs are bought from Australia and sold in public auctions. In 2014 up to June, 114 dogs were sold in auctions. In June 30 were sold, almost exactly the same number of animals put down. This is a dirty business!

We cannot continue this savage slave trade and business without a human face! Please, Chief Executive, put an end to this. Do not renew the contract that expires at the end of 2015! Transform that space into a central park for a laborious population that so need leisure areas near their homes! And underneath build car parks to serve that needy area!


杜立德醫生 回答你的問題

Dr. Dolittle answers your questions 每 一 期 的《 寵 物 寶 貝》裡我們 會 邀 請 一 名澳門最好的獸醫 扮演杜立德醫生的角 色,為你 提 供 照 顧 寵 物的最好建議。 João Pedro Torres (獸醫 學 博 士 )於 2 0 0 9 年 從 葡 萄 牙 Escola Universitária Vasco da Gama – Coimbra 大學畢 業。他在 里 斯本(葡 萄牙)的 獸 醫診所及醫院開始獸醫工作,於 2010年已先後在在羅安達(安哥 拉)任職獸醫及臨床主任。 2013年他來澳門加入 ANIMA(澳門愛護寵物協會)的團隊,今天他是負 責ANIMA庇護所的獸醫。 João與動物,特別是 貓一起長大,在2014年4月,他收養了他的第一隻 狗—— Rafa。

蛇的故事 親愛的杜立德醫生: 我聽到些傷心的故事,關於有些人的狗 在路環小徑被毒蛇咬傷後死亡。我的狗 很喜歡在那裡走動,但我不能想像這種 事情發生在我可愛的小狗身上,我能做 些什麼? 害怕蛇的人—路環 親愛的害怕蛇的人: 路環有幾個品種的毒蛇。然而,重要的 是要記住,蛇一般不會主動攻擊人類或 狗狗。建議當你看到一條蛇的時候,退 後一步,讓牠走開。不要嘗試與牠對抗 或殺死牠。 蛇對聲音敏感,通常不會接近人類。但 若如果被咬到,不要沒有辨認咬你的蛇 便離開現場。最理想的解決方案是拍下 蛇的相片,使緊急服務人員可以確定牠 的品種。不同蛇的咬傷需要不同的治療 方法。立刻前往醫院。如果不及時治療, 許多的咬傷可能致命。 62

In every issue we will be inviting one of Macau’s finest vets to step into the role of Dr. Dolittle to provide you with the best answers to your questions. João Pedro Torres graduated (DVM) from Escola Universitária Vasco da Gama – Coimbra, Portugal in 2009. He began his medical practice in veterinary clinics and hospitals in Lisbon (Portugal), having worked in Luanda (Angola) in 2010, where he practiced as a veterinary surgeon and clinical director. In 2013, he came to Macau to join ANIMA’s team and today he is the veterinary surgeon responsible for Anima’s shelter. João grew up surrounded by animals, especially cats, and in April 2014 he adopted his first dog - Rafa.

Snake Stories Dear Dr. Dolittle

I have heard sad stories of people’s dogs dying after snakebites on the trail in Coloane. My dog loves walking there, but I can’t bare the thought of anything happening to my lovely dog- what can I do? -Scared of Snakes- Coloane

Dear Scared of Snakes

There are several species of venomous snakes in Coloane. However it is important to remember that snakes do not normally attack humans or dogs without notice. It is recommended that whenever you see a snake, stand back and let it go. Do not try to fight it or kill it. Snakes are sensitive to noise and normally do not approach humans. However if bitten, never leave the scene without identifying the snake. The ideal solution is to take a picture of the snake, so that emergency services can identify it. Bites of different snakes require different treatments. Head straight to a central hospital immediately. Many bites are fatal if not treated in time.

尺寸問題 親愛的杜立德醫生: 我一向都很喜 歡體型大的狗,牠們 使我想起小時候常看的卡通片— — 我不明白人們怎麽看待可放在你手 袋裡隨身攜帶的狗!唯一的問題是, 我住在一個公寓裡,雖然面積不小, 我不希望殘酷地把一隻大狗養在一 個空間不夠大的地方......請幫忙! —大就是好—澳門 親愛的大就是好: 對住在公寓的任 何人,飼 養 一隻 大 型/中型狗是一個挑戰。但誰不喜歡 挑戰?重要的是要認識到一隻小型 狗,甚至是一隻玩具品種的狗的生 活需要,是與一隻較大型的狗不一 樣的。較大的狗一定需要更多走動, 但是,這並不意味著他/她不能住在 公寓裡。一般來説,所有大小/品種的 狗,都能 生活在任 何空間。但牠們 的活動及主人與牠們互動的方式是 不同的。較大型的狗要比小型的狗 需要更多的步行時間及更多的室外 玩樂。 另一方面,有很多大型狗在狹 小的空間裡比小型狗生活得更好。例 如,拉布拉多尋回犬是一種非常適合 住在公寓的狗。當牠自己一個人在家 裡時,牠是一隻平靜的狗,並能很好 地適應室內環境。但一定要記住,這 種體型的狗不能就帶牠在大街上隨 便走走便能滿足牠們的需要。牠需 要跑動,釋放能量並鍛煉牠的肌肉。 如果他/她每天都有這些活動,牠們 就非常適合在公寓裡生活。 寶貝寵物 • 2014年 7月


Ask the Vet

旅途愉快 親愛的杜立德醫生: 我們非常興奮地準備度暑假,但我 感到內疚,因為我不知道該怎樣照 顧我們的狗和貓,過去當我們要外 出時,我的朋友會幫忙照顧牠們, 但現在她已不在澳門,我不知道該 怎麼辦! 假期內疚人—路環

Size Matters Dear Dr. Dolittle

I have always loved huge dogs, they remind me of cartoons I used to watch as a child- I can’t understand what people see in dogs that you can carry in your handbag! The only problem is, I live in an apartment and although it’s not tiny, I don’t want to be cruel and keep a big dog in a space that is not big enough... help! - Big is Better- Macau

Dear Big is Better

Having a large /medium dog can be a challenge for anyone living in an apartment. But who doesn’t like challenges? It is important to realize that the needs of a small dog, or even a toy breed, are not the same as a larger dog. A larger dog will necessarily move more, however, this does not mean he/she cannot live in an apartment. As a general rule, all dogs of all sizes/ breeds, can live in any space. But the activities and how the owner interacts with them are different. A larger dog needs more time walking and outdoor play, than a small dog. On the other hand, there are many big dogs that can live better in small spaces than small dogs. For example, The Labrador Retriever is a dog well suited to apartment life. It’s a calm dog when it is alone in the house, and adapts well to indoor environments. But it is important to remember that a dog of this size cannot just walk down the street to meet their needs. It is a dog that needs to run, release energy and exercise its muscles. If he/ she has these daily activities, they are perfectly suited to apartment life.

Pets & Hugs • July 2014

親愛的假期內疚人: 要盡可能帶你的狗一起度假。狗狗 是一種離不開主人的動物,所以帶 著牠將是最好的解決辦法。但這並 不是常常可能辦到的,因此有必要 找一個解決方案。至於貓貓,因為 牠們 是地 盤 意識 強及較獨立的動 物,所以必須把牠們留在牠們的日 常環境中。那麼要做些甚麽呢?有 幾個解決方案。第一個選擇是問朋 友或家人誰可以照顧你的四條腿的 朋友。你也可以選擇寵物酒店,寵 物看護服務公司。另一個解決方案 是把你的寵物寄養在有住宿服務的 機構照顧。例如,路環的ANIMA提 供這類服務。這種方式可讓你的朋 友得到精心照顧,而你也幫助了這 個機構。你現在明白了,有很多的解 決方案,請你查詢並選擇最適合你 的方案。祝你有一個愉快的假期!

Bon Voyage Dear Dr. Dolittle

We are super excited to take off on our summer holiday, but I’m racked with guilt because I don’t know what to do with our dog and cat- in the past my friend helped out and looked after them when we were away but she’s no longer in Macau and I don’t know what to do! - Holiday Guilt- Coloane

Dear Holiday Guilt

Whenever possible it is best to take your dog with you on holiday. Dogs are animals that cling much to the owners and so that would be the best solution. But this is not always possible, so it is necessary to find a solution. Cats, because they are very territorial animals and more independent, remain in their daily environment. So what to do? There are several solutions. The first option is to ask a friend or family member who can take care of your four-legged friends. You can also choose hotels for pets, or pet-sitting service companies. Another solution is to leave your pet in the care of an institution that has accommodation services. For example, ANIMA (in Coloane) provides this service. This way you can leave your friend in good hands and still help the institution with your contribution. As you can see, there are many solutions, inquire and select the one that best suits you. And have a great holiday!


狗的護理 - 基礎知識 Dog Care- the basics

牠們總是忠誠地陪伴在我們 身邊,直到生命終結。那麼, 甚麼是回報這種愛的最好方 法?遵循以下基本提示,令你 的狗狗一生都快樂和健康。 責任


餵飼物回家的決定,應該是一個所有家庭成 員共同承擔的協議。

Making the decision to introduce a pet at home should be an agreement undertaken by all family members.

要考慮的關鍵因素,例如:可陪伴動物的時 間;是不是個活躍的人,是需要參加運動還是有不愛活 動的生活方式; 動物將居住的環境,如在室內還是室外; 是否有小孩;以及你的經濟能力。 如果你想收養動物,請教動物收容所的獸醫。澳門愛護 動物協會有不同種類、體型、年齡的動物待領養,你一 定會找到一隻最適合你家人的動物。

今天我的新寵物要到來,我該怎辦? 讓他/她感到舒適、溫暖和安全。 動物抵家後最初幾天一般都會感到不安 和失落。過去牠們習慣與其他同類住在 一個熟悉的地方,突然把牠們放置在一 個“新世界”裡,會不知所措。體諒並讓 動物適應新的地方/家庭。經過一段時 間——幾小時到幾天,最終你的寵物會完全適應牠的 新家庭。 注意牠是否正常進食,並觀察牠的糞便(應該是棕色 和大致上一樣)。你應該盡快帶你的狗往獸醫作首 次檢查— —如果是隻幼犬,建議在6星期內。如果是 小狗或成年狗,建議(最少)每年做一次年檢。有時, 動物主人未必察覺到動物小毛病的跡象,預防勝於 治療。 64

They are always by our side and faithful until the end, but what’s the best way to return the love? Follow these basic tips and keep your dog happy and healthy throughout their lives.

Consider key factors such as available time for the animal; if a person is active, practicing sports or has a more sedentary lifestyle; the environment where the animal will live ie. Inside or outside; if you have children; as well as your financial capacity. If you want to adopt an animal, speak to a Veterinary Surgeon at an animal shelter. Anima has various animals of different sizes, ages, etc. available for adoption and you will certainly find one that best suits your family.

My new pet arrives today- what should I do? Provide him/her comfort, warmth and security. It is normal for an animal to feel insecure and lost in the first days after arriving home. They are used to living in a familiar space, with others of the same species, and are suddenly placed in a “New World” and therefore unknown. Be understanding and allow the animal to adapt to the new space/ family. In a period that can range from a few hours to a few days, your pet will eventually fully adapt to his new family. Watch if it feeds properly, and observe the faeces (should be brown

and moderately consistent). As soon as possible, you should take your dog for a first appointment at your vet - it is advised that this is at six weeks, if a puppy. If young or adult, an annual consultation (minimum) is recommended. Sometimes animals show small signs of disease that the owners can’t detect, prevention is better than treatment. 寶貝寵物 • 2014年 7月


Pet Advice 餵飼 飼養你的狗必須符合一些基本要求: 對於品種、血統、年齡和生理狀態要 配合,如妊娠時就需要特殊照顧。

Feeding Feeding your dog must fulfil some basic requirements: be appropriate for the species, breed, age and physiological state, such as pregnancy, which requires special care.

商品食物在一般情況下是最 值得推 薦,因為它們的營養更均衡。建議用 乾糧,因為它們有助於預防口腔疾病 及使動物需要攝取水份,這對年老動 物特別有益。

The commercial foods are, in general, the most recommended because they are more balanced. The dry rations are recommended because they help prevent oral diseases and require the intake of water, which is especially beneficial in older animals.

不要 把骨頭給 你的寵物。骨頭一 般 比較硬,碎裂後變成尖銳的碎片,可 引致腸胃問題。有可能要採取緊急手 術,嚴重情況下會導致死亡。 已經斷奶的狗,根據年齡,每日進餐 次數,可由2-4次不等。

Never give your pet bones. Bones of harder consistency can fragment into sharp pieces that may contribute to gastrointestinal problems. It may be necessary to resort to emergency surgeries, and in severe cases cause death. In the dog already weaned, the number of daily meals, depending on age, can vary from two to four meals daily.

沐浴 大多數狗和牠們的主人都享受沐浴時 間。皮膚健康的犬隻每年沐浴只應限 於兩或三次,然後抹乾和刷毛。 用適合狗皮膚pH值及溫和保濕的洗 髮水,而不要用人類的洗髮水,因為 它可能會導致過敏或其他皮膚疾病。

Baths Bath time is enjoyed by most dogs and their owners. In dogs with healthy skin this should be restricted to two or three annual baths followed by drying and coat brushing. Use a gentle moisturizing shampoo, suitable to the pH of the dog’s skin and don’t use human shampoo as it may cause allergies or other skin diseases.

耳朵 只 應 清 潔 耳朵 外部,用棉片蘸 生 理 鹽水 或合適的溶液,避免將棉 花 棒 放入耳內。 指甲 經常 散 步的狗 會 將自己的 指甲“磨 掉”,無需要再剪指甲。 對於不活躍的狗,你可以用一個合適 的指甲鉗,未開始剪指甲之前,確保 你得到正確的指導。剪指甲很容易, 可以在家裡做,但要做得正確,最重 要的是避免傷害動物。請詢問獸醫。 散步 建 議每天 最少 散 步三 次,最 理 想在 飯後,因為這 時 是牠們 覺 得最有需 要 排尿和 排便。經常配備糞便收集 袋( 用 後 應 放 進 垃 圾 桶 內),並 防 止狗 隻在不適當的 地方 排尿(如 學 校、家居和商舗的大門)。 提示:為了你寵物的健康和幸福,必 需關注公 共場所的清 潔,這 將 更會 被 社會 接納,甚至被不養寵物 的人 接納。 Pets & Hugs • July 2014

Ears Ear cleaning should be external, and using a piece of cotton moistened with physiological saline or appropriate solutions and avoid introducing swabs inside the ear. Nails Dogs who go on regular walks “wear out” their nails, and no further cutting is required. For more sedentary dogs you can use an appropriate nail clipper, making sure you get proper instructions before you begin. Cutting the nails is easy and can be done at home, but it is important to do it properly to avoid hurting the animal. Ask your veterinarian. Walks A minimum of three daily walks are recommended, and ideally after feeding, as this is the time they most likely feel the need to urinate and defecate. Always be equipped with faecal collection bags (which should be put in the bin) and prevent urinating in undesirable locations (eg., at the door of schools, homes and businesses). Reminder: it is essential to respect the cleanliness of public spaces. For the health and welfare of your pet, it will be better accepted by society, even by those who do not have pets.


沙漠動物 Desert Animals 地球表面大約三分之一的面積被沙漠 覆蓋。地球上最大的炎熱沙漠是撒哈拉 大沙漠,它位於非洲北部,橫跨12個不 同的國家。

駱駝可以長時間不喝水的一個原因是因為牠們紅血球的形 狀。因為牠們的紅血球是橢圓形的,所以當它們脫水時會 流動,而不是像我們的紅血球在脫水時凝結。駱駝是具有 橢圓形紅血球的唯一哺乳動物。 One reason camels can go long periods without water is the shape of their red blood cells. They are oval and so will flow when they are dehydrated rather than clumping, as ours do. Camels are the only mammals to have oval red blood cells.

一些種類的蜣蜋利用牠們的嗅覺來尋找動物糞便。其他種類的 蜣蜋則搭上牠們選中動物的順風車。牠們等到這些動物排泄後就 跳下“順風車” ,大吃一餐! Some species of dung beetle use their sense of smell to find animal droppings. Other species hitch a ride on their animal of choice. They wait until the creature poops then the beetles hop off, and dinner is served! 66

寶貝寵物 • 2014年 7月


Kid’s Curiosities

Around one third of the Earth’s surface is covered in deserts. The largest hot desert on earth is the Sahara and is located in northern Africa, spanning 12 different countries.

在受到威脅時,禿鷲通過嘔吐減輕體重,從 而使牠們更容易飛走。嘔吐也可作為一種防 禦機制,阻止可能威脅到禿鷲的掠食者。 When threatened, vultures vomit to lighten their body weight so they can escape more easily into flight. Vomiting also serves as a defence mechanism to deter predators that may be threatening the birds.

有些種類的蝎子可以在沒有任何食物 或水的情況下生存一年之久。 Some species of scorpions can live for up to a year without any food or water.

Pets & Hugs • July 2014


“我一直很喜歡沙漠。一在沙漠沙丘上坐下, 什麼也看不見,什麼也聽不到。然而,通過 這種沉默,一些東西在跳動,在閃爍......” 《小王子》作者:安東尼•德•聖艾修伯里

“I have always loved the desert. One sits down on a desert sand dune, sees nothing, hears nothing. Yet through the silence something throbs, and gleams...” Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, The Little Prince


Diference between Dromedary and Bactrian Camels 我是一匹單峰駱駝,我住在北非和中東地區。 我有一個駝峰。我更高、腿更長。 我更能適應極端高溫。 I am a Dromedary Camel, I live in North Africa and Middle East. I have one hump. I am tall and have long legs. I am the better prepared for the extreme hot weather.

我是一匹雙峰駝, 我住在亞洲的戈壁沙漠地 區。我只有兩個駝峰。 我更矮、更容易憤怒。我 必須適應極熱和極寒的 天氣。

I am a Bactrian Camel, I live in the Gobi Desert in Asia. I have two humps. I am shorter and more furry. I have to adapt to both very hot and extreme cold weather.

幫助單峰駱駝穿越161公里的撒哈拉大沙漠,及時到達綠洲,喝掉135升水。不要忘記避開危險的動物。 Help the Dromedary Camel cross the 161 km of the Sahara Desert and reach the Oasis in time to drink his 135 litres of water. Dont forget to avoid the dangerous animals.


寶貝寵物 • 2014年 7月


Kid’s Activities

沙漠動物詞語搜索 Deserts Animals Word Search Bactrian Camel Cheetah Coyote Dromedary Camel Eagle Fennec Fox Gazelle Hawk

Jerboa Rabbit Rattlesnake Rodent Scorpion Spider Vulture


這個索諾拉沙漠的場面十分擁擠。 你能找到10個不同點嗎?

Pets & Hugs • July 2014



For a desert this Sonoran Desert scene is very crowded. Can you find the 10 diferences?


寵物商店 Pet Shops

寵物診所 Clinics





Estrada de Coelho do Amaral,

Garden, Taipa

Estrada Coelho Amaral 17A R/C

Mei Keng Garden, Block 5, Taipa


No.28-A, R/C B, Macau

Rua de Tai Lin, No. 389, Pou Long 澳門氹仔大連街389號寶龍花園地





Avenida Concórdia Ka Ieng Garden

Kun Iam Tong, No. 12, R/C

+853 28813388


R/C 和樂大馬路嘉應花園地下 +853 28222376

+853 28839898


觀音堂街12號地下 +853 28517717




Rua Nova A Guia, No.250 R/C, Edf.

Fong Son San Chun BI 5 R/C +853 28968309


Kam Hong, Macau



+853 28353785



Sun Gdn BI 3 R/C, Taipa

Sacadura Cabral 81 R/C


Estrada Gov. Albano Oliveira Nam (氹仔) 南新花園第三座地下B +853 28821144


沙嘉都喇賈罷麗街81號 +853 28352421



Av Conselheiro Ferreira de Almeida


寵物部落 122 R/C

荷蘭園大馬路122號地下 +853 28528320



氹仔美景花園第五座 +853 28837050


Rua do Padre AntónioRoliz 25-27 CD



羅神父街25-27號 CD +853 28525391



Avenida Dr. Sun YatSen 115 R/C, Taipa (氹仔) 孫逸仙博士大馬路115號地下 +853 28836791

La Cite Rua 1 de Maio 342 R/C


+853 28949494

Avenida do Conselheiro Ferreira de




Tai Lin 389 R/C

(氹仔) 大連街389號地下 +853 28839898


Rua do Almirante Costa Cabral 6E R/C 賈伯樂提督街6號e地下 +853 28550768

Rua Martinho Montenegro 27 R/C

+853 28937980




R/C N1, Macau




Almeida 122 R/C

荷蘭園大馬路122號地下 +853 28527898


Rua do Almirante Costa Cabral 84 R/C 賈伯樂提督街84號e地下 +853 28523678


Avenida Sidónio Pais 43 R/C 士多鳥拜斯大馬路43號地下 +853 28524916


+853 28357717




Bl 1 R/C, Taipa


Rua Sacadura Cabral 29E R/C

Garden R/C H

Rua S. Lourenço 4 R/C

+853 28220108

+853 28563771





Patio da Esteira, Nº42, EDF. Son Seng,


Av Cons Borja, No. 341, Edf. Mayfair


+853 28968187


沙嘉都喇賈罷麗街29號e地下 +853 28522715

Avenida Kwong Tung, Nam San Gdn (氹仔) 廣東大馬路南新花園第1座地下 +853 28821016


Rua de Paris No. 182, R/C, Macau

澳門皇朝巴黎街 182 號南岸花園地下 +853 28501099


寶貝寵物 • 2014年 7月

如果與我們分享你 的寵物家庭相冊和 軼事,好萊塢式名利 雙收可能是你的。 Hollywood fame and fortune can be yours if you share your pet family albums and anecdotes with us.

燈光、相機、行動! Lights, Camera, Action! 在你豪華的海濱別墅享受閱讀你下期的《寶貝寵

物》而你的寵物在最新的好萊塢大片中成為明星。 讓星探找到你的唯一方法,是把以你和你的 寵物做主角的照片和故事發給我們。


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Pets & Hugs • July 2014

Enjoy reading your next issue of Pets & Hugs from your Malibu beach house while your pets star in their latest movie. The only way those agents are going to come calling is if you send us your pictures and stories featuring you and your pets. Photos will be shared in the magazine and on our facebook page.

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