Pets & Hugs Magazine November-December 2014

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2014年11月/12月 • NOVEMBER/ DECEMBER 2014 • mop30

廖家的家 庭紐帶 The Liu Family Bond




Seamstress’s Assistant

Animals Asia: Lessons for all

An Unexpected Guest



寶貝寵物 • 2014年11月/12月



迎來到11月/12月號《寶貝寵物》!我們這期雜 誌充滿令你意想不到和令人愉快的動物,從瀕 危物種到組成我們家庭的寵物,包羅萬象。

2014年11月/12月號 November/December 2014 edition 編輯委員會 Editorial Council Albano Martins, Janet Tracy, Mércia César de Sá, Luis Pereira 總監 Director Luis Pereira 出版人 Publisher Mércia César de Sá

Mércia César de Sá 出版人Publisher

英文編輯 Editor-in-Chief Tanja Wessels

我們本期的封面之星是Melody Liu,她不但歡迎我 們來到她美麗的家園,而且也與我們分享了她的心路 歷程:從對養狗的猶豫,到喜愛兩隻令她家庭完美的 大狗。閱讀她的故事,分享她因家裡養寵物而拉近家 人距離的喜悅。

我們這期還有一位非常特殊的受訪者——Jill Robinson女士,她因為對 中國和越南的熊所作的不懈努力而獲得伊麗莎白女王頒授大英帝國勳 章,但她所從事的“亞洲動物基金會”的工作卻沒有就此止步。千萬不 要錯過我們的對這位在亞洲和國際上最受尊敬的動物保育工作者的採 訪,她出現在我們的雜誌上確實是我們的榮幸。

中文編輯 Chinese Translation Frank Xie (謝 陳) 特約編輯 Contributing Editor Mariana Sá 投稿者 Contributors Dodo Gao (高雲), Carmen Pang

當綠十字診所接到出診電話時,獸醫們不知道等待他們的是什麼。翻到 我們的故事——“意外來客”,更多地了解這位稀客。

設計 Design 澳門出版有限公司 People Press 攝影 Photographers Francesca L (cover photo), 
 Cheong Kam ka, Leong Sio Po

值此12月號之際,所有《寶貝寵物》工作人員藉此機會祝愿我們尊貴的 讀者和你們的寵物家庭成員聖誕快樂!

機構合作夥伴 Institutional partner Anima - 澳門愛護動物協會


出版者 Published by 澳門出版有限公司 People Press A joint venture between Macaulink and Diffusion Ventures 地址 ADdress 10/F – I, The Macau Square 43-53A, Av Infante D Henrique Macau 中國 澳門殷皇子大馬路43-53A 澳門廣場10樓 I (853) 28355315/6 (853) 28355466

Printed in Macau 印刷地:澳門 發行量 Circulation 5,000 ISSN 2309 5520 定價 Cover price MOP 30.00 免責聲明:若向出版人提供之資料有不完整處,出 版人概不負責。引用本刊任何內容前,請先與出版 人聯絡。本刊發表的意見不代表出版人之立場。 Disclaimer: The publishers accept no


elcome to our November/ December issue of Pets&Hugs! We have a magazine full of unexpected and delightful creatures for you in this issue, from endangered species to animals that make up our families, we have it covered.

Our cover star this edition is Melody Liu who, not only welcomed us into her beautiful home, but also shared with us her personal journey from being hesitant to have dogs, to loving two big ones that make her family complete. Turn to her story to read about the joy of having animals in the home and bringing people closer together. We have another very special interviewee this issue- Jill Robinson has been awarded an MBE from Queen Elizabeth for her tireless work on behalf of moon bears in China and Vietnam, but the work of Animals Asia goes even further than that. Don’t miss our interview with one of the most respected animal campaigners in Asia and internationally, we are truly privileged to have her in our magazine. When Green Cross Clinic received a phone call to make a house visit, little did they know what awaited them- turn to our story, An Unexpected Guest, to learn more about this very precious visitor. And, as it is our December issue, all of us at Pets&Hugs would like to take this opportunity to wish our valued readers and their animal family members a very, very Merry Christmas! See you in the new year for more adventures in the wonderful world of animals!

responsibility for loss or damage to any

materials submitted for publication. If you

would like to use any content, please contact the publishers. The views expressed in the magazine are not necessarily those of the publishers.

Pets & Hugs • November/ December 2014



寶貝寵物 • 2014年11月/12月

西施 Shih Tzu


11隻狗:全職工作 11 Dogs: A Full-time Job


旺旺公主 Princess Wong Wong


波斯貓 Persian


女裁縫助手 The Seamstress’s Assistant


尊重、拯救和關愛 Respect, Save and Care -AAPAM


亞洲動物基金會:無傷害治療 Animals Asia: Healing without Harm


廖家的感情紐帶 The Liu Family Bond


意外來客 An Unexpected Guest


為所愛的動物繪畫 Art for Animals


聖誕購物 Christmas Shopping


動物新聞 Animals in the news


領養 Adoptions


澳門愛護動物協會 Anima


請教獸醫 Ask the Vet


亞洲山地動物 Did you Know- Asian Mountains


寵物繪畫 Kids activities


寵物商店和診所 Shops and Clinics


Pets & Hugs • November/ December 2014


目錄 Contents





西施犬—— 小獅子 Shih Tzu, the little lion


為中國宮廷狗後裔的西 施 犬 是 忠誠 而活 潑 的 朋友。該品種有可炫耀的宮 廷背景:最初牠由中國明代 的皇室宮廷所飼養。


he descendant of regal dogs of China, the Shih Tzu makes a loyal and lively friend. The breed can boast a classy background: it was originally kept by royal Chinese families during the Ming Dynasty.

寶貝寵物 • 2014年11月/12月


Dog breed

Pets & Hugs • November/ December 2014


需要關注度 需要關注度——我需要一些梳理,讓我看起來艷麗。 情感 情感——我是大家的朋友。 活躍程度 活躍程度——短距離散步,與我的 玩具玩耍可以讓我保持健康。 與孩子關係 與孩子關係——當然好啦!

Attention needs I need a fair bit of grooming to keep me looking gorgeous Affection

short walks and playing with my toys keep me fit

Activeness I am everyone’s friend Relationship with children sure!


寶貝寵物 • 2014年11月/12月


Dog breed


施 犬 的 起 源 古 老,且 充 滿 神 秘 色 彩 和 爭 議。最 近 的 一項 研 究揭 示,西 施 犬 是 最 古老 的14 個 犬 種 之 一,在中國發 現的狗骨頭已經 證明,狗早 在公元前 8,0 0 0年已生存在那裡。 牠的名字的意思是小獅子,但這個品種的狗的性格沒有那麼猛 烈。西施犬是一個情人,而不是一個獵人。繁殖西施犬的唯一目 的是成為伴侶,牠是一種感情豐富、快樂和外向的家犬,喜歡到 處跟著主人。然而近年來狗主把西施犬從懷中放開,讓牠們參加 狗的運動,訓練牠們服從、集合及參加敏捷性比賽。

關於西施犬的傳說比比皆是。其中一個傳說講述,佛陀與外形 似西施犬的小狗同行。據說有一天,幾個強盜偶遇佛陀,企圖搶 劫、謀殺祂。隨行的小狗變成了一頭兇猛的獅子,趕走了強盜,救 了佛陀一命。然後獅子變回一隻趣緻可愛的小狗,佛陀抱起小狗 親吻牠。許多西施犬頭上的白點據說就是佛陀親吻祂的忠實朋 友的地方。

西施犬的性格也極其誘人,甚至挑剔的狗專家也覺得很難抗拒這 個品種。西施犬根本不容許任何人不理睬牠。所有品種的狗都有 一個目的。歷史上西施犬的目的是成為一個伴侶——這是牠的 宗旨——牠不打獵,不放牧,也不護衛什麼。牠喜歡會見和迎接 朋友和陌生人。西施犬到哪裡都有朋友。 這個玩具犬集團的成員不僅溫厚和友善,而且適應力很強。牠適 應城市裡的公寓,也可以在鄉村的農場生活。牠喜歡孩子,也能 與其他動物相處。然而,儘管西施犬是一種強壯的狗,但牠的小 體型使牠處於不利的位置。成年人應該時刻監督孩子和狗之間 的互動,這對西施犬尤為重 要,因為可以防止牠在激烈 的玩耍中受到意外傷害。 西施犬到哪裡都有

朋友。 Count on a Shih

Tzu to make friends wherever he goes.

該品種的一個獨特之處是牠 下顎的突出式咬合。牠的下 顎比上顎稍寬,因此當牠的 口閉合時,其上齒咬合下齒 的內側,而不是外側。


he Shih Tzu’s origins are ancient, and steeped in mystery and controversy. A recent study revealed that the Shih Tzu is one of the 14 oldest dog breeds, and dog bones found in China have proven that dogs were present there as early as 8,000 B.C. His name means little lion, but there’s nothing fierce about this dog breed. The Shih Tzu is a lover, not a hunter. Bred solely to be a companion, this is an affectionate, happy, outgoing housedog who loves nothing more than to follow his people from room to room. In recent years, however, owners have started taking the Shih Tzu off their laps and into dog sports, training them obedience, rally and in agility competitions. The Shih Tzu personality is enormously appealing, and even grudging dog observers find it hard to resist this breed. The Shih Tzu simply doesn’t allow anyone to ignore him. All dog breeds have a purpose. Historically the purpose of the Shih Tzu was to be a companion — and that’s just what he wants to be — he doesn’t hunt, herd, or guard. He loves nothing more than to meet and greet friends and strangers alike. Count on a Shih Tzu to make friends wherever he goes.

Not only is this member of the Toy Group good-natured and friendly, he is highly adaptable. He is as well suited to apartments in the city as to life on a country farm. He loves children and gets along with other animals. However, although he is a sturdy dog, his small size puts him at a disadvantage. Adults should always supervise interactions between children and dogs, and this is especially important for the Shih Tzu, to prevent him from accidentally getting hurt during rough play. One unique characteristic of the breed is his undershot bite. His lower jaw is slightly wider than the upper, and the upper teeth bite inside the lower teeth, rather than outside, when his mouth is closed. Legends regarding the Shih Tzu abound. One says that Buddha travelled with a little dog fitting the description of a Shih Tzu. As the story goes, one day, several robbers came upon the Buddha with the intent of robbing and killing him. The little dog changed into a ferocious lion and chased the robbers, saving Buddha’s life. The lion then turned back into a fun-loving little dog, which the Buddha picked up and kissed. The white spot on the heads of many Shih Tzu’s supposedly marks the place where Buddha kissed his loyal friend.

贊助 Sponsored by

Pets & Hugs • November/ December 2014


11隻狗: 全職工作 11 Dogs: A Full Time Job

㓱 皓男每一天的工作 從早上5 時開始,從來沒有休假。飼養11 隻狗並不容易,但早起令㓱皓 男有滿足感。 For Nancy Yu, the day starts at around five in the morning, and days off don’t exist. Having eleven dogs is no easy task, but Nancy’s contentment make the early wake ups worthwhile.

Cookie, Coffee and QQ


寶貝寵物 • 2014年11月/12月


自上 海 的㓱 皓男和 郭俊 傑,2 0 多年 前 搬到澳門,自那時起 已飼養過30多隻狗。㓱皓男的 日常工作已固定,每天早上6時 開始帶狗散步。由於不能同時 帶11隻狗散步,所以她需要分 4輪,到早上9時才結束。帶狗 散步兩個半到3個 小時後,她 回家餵牠們,並替牠們梳毛。 㓱皓男替毛髪比較難梳的狗梳 毛,而她的助手協助她打理其 他的狗。 由帶 狗 散 步至 餵 飼 牠們 及梳 洗,早上的工作要到中午左右 才結束。花如此多時間和精力 去照顧狗並不容易。但㓱皓男 解釋說:“雖然投入那麼多精 力去照顧狗,但牠們帶給我無 比快樂,也帶給我一個非常健 康的身體,因為每天我都要與 牠們散步。” “每星期我去獸醫中心比我去 超市的次數 還多。”她 坦言。 有些狗需要長期服藥,每星期 她需要去獸醫中心補充10種不 同的藥物。一向以來,她每星 期去一次,但有時候,如果有 狗生病,她便需增加次數,有 時要每天去獸醫中心。從忙碌 的早晨到午後去獸醫中心幹不


riginally from Shanghai, Nancy Yu and Tony Kwok moved to Macau more than twenty years ago, and since then have had over thirty dogs. Nancy’s daily routine is fixed and it starts with taking the dogs for a walk every morning at six. Not all eleven dogs can be walked at the same time, so she needs to make four rounds and only ends the morning walks at around nine. After between two and a half hours to three hours of walking the dogs, she goes home to feed them and brush their coats. From walking the dogs to feeding and grooming, the morning only ends at around noon. It isn’t easy to devote so much time and effort to caring for dogs, but

Dog story

停。她也有嚴格的養生法,就 是每晚10時睡覺,為第2天的工 作養精蓄銳。 她對狗的愛似乎無窮無盡,你 可在 她 談 及每 一 隻狗 時 感受 到。她最關注巴哥犬Benny。 3年前,當Benny只有10個月 大 時,她 在 一 家 寵 物 店 買 了 牠,回家後才發現原來牠的關 節扭曲,不能走路,而寵物店 曾對她保証牠沒有任何問題。 發現牠的病情後,她回到寵物 店,瞭解 真 相。他們 承認,由 於牠的病況,牠曾經多次被售 出 和 退 回。㓱 皓 男 則 認 為 這 是命運的安排,她偶然遇上了 Benny,於是決定給牠治療, 令牠恢復健康。 她 帶 牠 到 一 位著名 整 形 獸 醫 那 裏 動 手 術,B e n n y 經 歷 3 個月艱苦的復康期。每天,㓱 皓 男 要 替 牠 按 摩 肌 肉,否 則 會委縮。牠經 歷5次大手 術, 現 在 牠 走 路、跑 和 跳,都 毫 無 困 難。每 次 到 E l m w o o d Petshome VetMed Centre 時,牠感到賓至如歸,牠不像 其他狗害怕去獸醫中心,每次 進入中心牠很興奮,會向所有 獸醫打招乎。 Nancy explains: “A lot of effort is invested into taking care of dogs, but they can bring you so much happiness. They also give me a very healthy body because I need to walk them everyday.” “I go to the veterinary centre more times than I go to the supermarket every week” she admits. A few of her dogs are on long-term medication, which requires her to replenish ten different types of medicine every week. She usually goes once a week, but at times, if one of her dogs falls ill, her visits increase to daily. From her busy mornings to veterinary afternoons, she also has a strict regime of sleeping at ten pm every night to get enough rest for the next day’s tasks.

Pets & Hugs • November/ December 2014

牠與所有狗玩耍,並與牠們非 常友好。“牠吃盡苦頭,所以我 特別同情牠,也很疼牠。”坐在 沙發上Benny總是靠在㓱皓男 旁邊,並嘗試跟隨她到處去。 “我沒有給Benny定下任何規 則,所以牠完全被寵壞了,”㓱 皓男說,Benny有時視她如助 手。當牠進入房間時,總希望空 調已經開啟,如果沒有,牠會開 始吠,直到她來把空調啟動。 連續幾個月來,有人替牠支付 所有醫療費用,定期帶牠到獸 醫中心,每天替牠按摩肌肉, 每天替牠梳毛,Benny似乎是

澳門最幸運的狗。“Benny睡 覺時還會四腳朝天,”㓱皓男 笑著說。 雖然 B e n ny與㓱 皓男和 郭俊 傑已經相處3年之久,Tommy 卻是家裡最老的一隻混種 狗,並 與 夫 婦 倆 相 處 超 過16 年。多 年 前 當 㓱 皓 男 去 氹 仔 超市,To m my跟著她到超市 門口,等 待 她 直 到 她 購 物 完 畢。“當時,牠體積小如 我的 手,” 㓱皓男回憶說。 當 她 從 超 市 走 出 來,她 與 To m my玩耍,只因牠舔她的

Benny the pug

Her love for her dogs seems infinite, and you can feel it by the way she talks about each one of them. Benny the pug receives much attention from her. Bought three years ago at a pet shop at only ten months old, she only found out that his joints were twisted and he couldn’t walk after taking him home, even though the pet shop had assured her that he did not have any problems. After discovering his condition, she went back to the pet shop to find out the real situation and they admitted that he had already been sold and brought back a number of times because of his condition. Nancy then thought it was fate that she stumbled upon Benny and decided to

treat him back to health. She took him to be operated at a veterinarian well known for his orthopedic experience, and for three months Benny underwent a strenuous recovery period. Every day, Nancy had to massage his muscles or else they would shrink. He has already undergone five big surgeries, but now he can walk, run and even jump with no difficulties and every time he goes to Elmwood Petshome VetMed Centre, he feels right at home. He plays with all dogs and is extremely friendly. “He has gone through so much suffering that I have a lot of empathy for him, I love him so much”. Benny always sits next to Nancy on the sofa and


手,她便決定帶牠回家,16年 來,她一直照顧牠。Tommy曾 經是隻非常活躍和聰明的狗, 牠能打開屋裏所有的門,如果 偶爾㓱皓男離家忘了帶鑰匙, 她只要叫牠的名字,牠便會開 門。如今,牠要被隔離,因年老 加上白內障,視力欠佳,牠經 常被其他狗欺負。 Tom my不是家裡唯一 的 混 種 狗。約 1 0 幾 年 前 Cookie、Coffee 和QQ也加 入這個家。 “牠們是我們的聖 誕禮物,”㓱皓男解釋說。 10 年前,㓱皓男每天習慣餵養牠 們的母親Happy,牠被遺棄在 ANIMA(澳門愛護寵物協會) 附近的工地。當時,Happy似 乎是單獨一個。有一天,她吃完 食物後不願離開㓱皓男,只是盯 著她。㓱皓男打開車門,並告訴 Happy,如果牠想跟她回家,牠 只需要跳進車箱裡– 令㓱皓男出 乎意料,Happy立即跳進車裏。 㓱 皓男照 顧 Happy只有一個 星期,便發現牠出奶,這意味 著牠生了小狗。㓱皓男感到糟 糕,因為她把Happy帶回家, 令牠的小狗一星期沒有食物, 她馬上去Happy之前居住的 地方,詢問途人是否有小狗住 在那裏。果然她在工地發現5 隻1個月大的小狗,於是把牠們 帶回家。

“對於她帶新狗 回家,我從來不感 驚訝。有時當我下 班回來時,就會見 到多了一隻或兩隻 狗!過去20年我 們曾經養過很多 狗。”郭俊傑說。 “I’m never surprised when she brings new dogs into the house. Sometimes when I come back from my work, I see one or two more dogs!” Tony 另一 隻當 她 談 及 時 便 很 掛念 的狗是羅威納犬Tyson,牠與 她一直共處13年。當年,有很 多非法 移 民 從 中國 游 泳 到 澳 門,因為他們在路環的住所靠 近 海 邊,他 們 擔 心 家 人 的 安


Tiffany和Mario的貴婦犬(分 別3歲和2歲大)。這兩隻狗非 常活躍,喜 歡接近人,並且是 唯一與㓱 皓男和 郭俊 傑 睡 在 一起的狗。最後是日本甲斐犬 Kataro和Koyuki,最近才抵達 他們的住所。㓱皓男解釋說, 她從日本進口這些狗,因為牠 們 的 性 格 與 羅 威 納 犬非常相 似——牠們對主人非常忠心, 而且非常聰明。

Carol是另一隻3歲大的羅威 納 犬,也 是 幾 個 月 前 由 㓱 皓 男 帶 回 家。由 於 C a r o l 的 體 積大,沒有人要牠,綠十字親 自開 車 把 牠 送 到 㓱 皓男 家。 Carol來到這房子的頭幾天不 停地顫抖,對一切都害怕,而 現在 人 人都 覺 得 牠 是 最友善 的羅威納犬。不管你是誰,牠 會向你伸出牠的爪,並嘗試舔 你、吻你,這與Tyson形成一個 鮮明的對比。

㓱皓男的善心,讓她家中11隻 狗帶來滿室樂趣,但她表示, 狗不是她唯一所愛。在屋後, 她也有養魚和龜。 “我也喜 歡貓,但要在貓狗之間做出選 擇,你不能同時擁有兩者,那 會變得很麻煩。”

此 外,與 㓱 皓 男 的 大 狗 成 為 對 比 的,還 有 她 的 兩 隻 名 叫

在他們 家 附 近 的花 園有 許 多 貓,每天早上散步時,她去餵 飼所有的貓。 “以往牠們都是 很瘦弱的小貓,現在牠們變得 很肥胖!”他們也餵飼在路環 兩個地方的狗,每次她丈夫駕 車抵達時,那些狗會認出引擎 的聲音,跑來迎接他們。 每個人總有最觸動他們心靈的 原因,而對㓱 皓男來說,就是 在澳門被遺棄的大狗。她解釋 說,人總是害怕會被大狗咬, 其實 牠們 比 小 狗 更 穩 定和 忠 誠。小狗看來很可愛,但有時 也很有侵略性,可能比大狗更 想咬你。

很 不 幸 ,由 於 健 康 惡 劣, 兩 隻 小 狗 很 快 去 世,而 Cookie、Coffee和QQ保持 健康,現在已10歲。當看著這3 隻狗,你很難想像牠們是兄弟 姐妹,因為牠們的顏色不同: 黑色、棕色和雜色。而Happy 是白色,可惜去年離世。 當問及郭俊 傑 對 於 妻 子 把狗 帶回家的直覺反應時,他回答 說:“對於她帶新狗回家,我從 來不感驚訝。有時當我下班回 來時,就會見到多了一隻或兩 隻狗!過去20年我們曾經養過 很多狗,”他解釋說。

全,於是買了Tyson作為守護 家園的護衛犬。 “即使現在 牠老了,仍然是住所的護衛, 永不退休,”㓱 皓男解 釋 說。 Tyson會向陌生人吠,也不喜 歡有眼神接觸,因為牠會感到 這 是 一 種 威脅 和 危 險。但 當 Cookie、 QQ 和Coffee來 到,Tyson照 顧牠們如己出。 “ 狗 的非常可 愛 之 處 是 牠們 永不傷害小寶寶。”

“如果你遺棄大狗,因為牠的 體型,那隻狗被人收留的機會 很渺茫,可以說被收養的機會 率接近零。狗對你如此忠誠, 待你這麼好,你怎能棄掉牠們 呢?”㓱皓男對當前澳門遺棄 狗的情況感到困惑和沮喪,她 表示,她只有一雙手,但 她會 儘量嘗試以狗可以接納的方式 去照顧牠們。


寶貝寵物 • 2014年11月/12月


Dog story

tries to follow her everywhere she goes. “I don’t have any rules for Benny, so he is completely spoiled”; Nancy says that Benny sometimes treats her like his helper. When he goes into a room, he always wants the air con to be turned on, and if it isn’t, he will start barking until she comes and turns it back on.

dogs, she has two poodles called Tiffany and Mario, aged three years and two years respectively. These two dogs are extremely active, love being near people and are the only ones that sleep with Nancy and Tony. Lastly, Kataro and Koyuki who are both Japanese Kai Ken dogs recently arrived their house. Nancy explains she imported these dogs from Japan because their personalities are very similar to Rottweiler’s – they are very loyal to their caretakers and are very smart.

Although Benny has been with Nancy and Tony for three long years, Tommy, a mongrel is the oldest dog in the house and has been with the couple for over 16 years. When Nancy went to the supermarket in Taipa all those years ago, Tommy followed her to the door and waited for her until she finished her shopping. “At the time, he was as small as my hand,” Nancy recalls. When she came out, she played with him and it only took Tommy to lick her hand and she decided to take him home, and for sixteen years she has been caring for him. Tommy used to be a very active and intelligent dog, able to open every single door in the house and if Nancy accidentally left her keys when she went out, all she had to do was call his name and he would open the door. Nowadays, he has to be separated from the rest, old age has brought with it cataracts, and without a good vision he is often bullied by other dogs. Tommy is not the only mongrel dog in the house. Cookie, Coffee and QQ also joined the family around ten years ago. “They were our Christmas presents” Nancy explains. A decade ago, Nancy had a daily habit of feeding their mother Happy who was abandoned in a construction site near ANIMA. Back then, Happy seemed to be alone, and one day after she finished her food, she refused to leave Nancy’s side and just stared at her. Nancy then opened her car door, and told Happy that if she wanted to come home with her, all she had to do was jump into the car – to Nancy’s surprise, Happy jumped straight in. Only a week into caring for Happy, Nancy found that she was producing milk, which meant

Nancy’s good heart has led to a fun filled home with eleven dogs, but she expresses that dogs are not her only passion. Behind the house, she also has fish and turtles. “I love cats too, but you have to choose between cats and dogs, you can’t have both together, it gets very difficult.”

Tyson that she had puppies. Nancy felt terrible because by taking Happy home with her, her puppies wouldn’t have had any food for a week – she immediately rushed to where Happy lived before and asked people if there were any puppies living there. In the construction site, she found five one-month-old puppies and carried them all back to her house. Unfortunately two puppies passed away due to bad health soon after, but Cookie, Coffee and QQ stayed healthy and are now ten years old. When asking Tony what he thinks of his wife’s innate response to bringing dogs home, he replies: “I’m never surprised when she brings new dogs into the house. Sometimes when I come back from my work, I see one or two more dogs! We have had many dogs over the past twenty years,” he explains. Another dog she speaks very fondly of is Tyson, a Rottweiler who has been with her for thirteen years. Back then, there were a lot of illegal immigrants swimming across the sea from China to

Pets & Hugs • November/ December 2014

Macau, and because their house was right by the sea in Coloane, they were worried about their safety and bought Tyson as a guard dog to keep the house safe. “Even though he is old now, he is still the guard of the house, refusing to retire,” explains Nancy. Tyson barks at any stranger and does not like eye contact, as he perceives it as a threat, danger, although when Cookie, QQ and Coffee came, Tyson looked after them as if they were his own. “Dogs are very interesting, they will never harm babies.” Carol, another Rottweiler who is three years old was also taken in by Nancy only a few months ago. Green Cross personally drove over to Nancy’s house to bring Carol because no one else would take her, due to her size. The first few days in the house Carol kept shaking and was petrified of everything although today she is the friendliest Rottweiler one could meet. No matter who you are, she will give you her paw and try to lick you and kiss you – a bit of a contrast from Tyson. Also in contrast to Nancy’s big

There is a garden near their house with many cats and everyday while on her morning walks, she goes and feeds all the cats. “They used to be very skinny kittens, now they have become very plump!” They also feed dogs in two other locations in Coloane, and every time her husband drives there, the dogs recognize the sounds of their engine and run up to greet them. Everyone has causes that touch their heart more than others, and for Nancy it is the abandonment of big dogs in Macau. She explains that people are always scared that big dogs will bite them, but they are a lot more stable and loyal than small dogs. Small dogs may look very cute, but are sometimes very aggressive and are more likely to bite you than big dogs. “If you abandon a big dog, there is a very small chance of someone else taking him in because of his size. His chances of being adopted are close to zero. Dogs are so loyal to you and treat you so well – how can you give up on them?” Nancy is puzzled and frustrated by the current dog abandonment situation in Macau and expresses that she is only one person, but she will try her very best to take care of dogs the way they deserve.



Princess Wong Wong

一 隻 無 家可歸 的 幼 犬在一 個 愛心 家庭成為公主,此 愛心家庭收養她, 讓她重獲新生。

A puppy went from homeless to princess to a family of loving people who took her in and gave her a chance.

By Carmen Pang


寶貝寵物 • 2014年11月/12月


Pet Tale

旺的故事其實是12年前 我哥 哥 住 大 陸 時開始 的,事缘當年哥哥在回 珠海家途中,進入電梯時發現有一 隻小狗BB跟隨著他一起。哥哥看 見這隻西施BB自己独自走著,身上 的毛很髒亂,頸部上面還有幾圈鐵 絲圍繞著,眼神很慌張地望著他, 好像快要跟他說:「請您救救我!」 哥哥見她真的很可憐,於是就把這 隻西施BB女帶回家。首先找一些 水和狗糧給她吃,然後再帶她到理 髮店修毛。經過哥哥一段時間的 悉心照顧,西施BB女(旺旺)終於尋 回對人類的信心,同哥哥一起快 樂地生活。後來哥哥把旺旺帶回 來澳門住在我們的家(相片中的男 主人Pang和女主 人Carmen住 的地方),直至現在。 我們常常想如果當日旺旺無被我 們收養,結果會怎樣呢? 旺旺現在已經12歲喇! 看起來好 像很年輕但 其實是一個 旺旺婆 婆,旺旺有一對又大又圓的黑眼 珠,長毛的顏色是淺棕色,個子比 同類型的西施小,常常給人一副楚 楚可憐的樣子。我們家旺旺是一 個很安靜的小女孩。她的性格很 溫純文靜,膽子很小十分怕事,她 的唯一技能就是很乖很聽話。善 解人意的旺旺,當主人心情不好 的時候她會主動過來哄您笑,當 主人開心的時候會主動走過來逗 你跟她玩追玩毛公仔。所以她是 值得我們給她最好的,因為她是 我們最寶貴的公主。她很好奇,最 喜 歡 坐車“遊車河”。當她想吃 時,她的牙齒會外露,期望你給她 吃一口。 西施犬有很多迷人的地方,最喜 歡西施的眼睛,因為牠的眼睛最 多表情,有時楚楚可憐,有時跩跩 地瞪人。在家中有了這位小公主 變得很幸福圓滿,只要養過西施, 就會知道牠的美好,因為我們都 愛上了西施犬,所以之後都希望 繼續養西施。 很感恩上天賜給我們這個小寶貝!


ong Wong’s story began 12 years ago, when my brother lived in Zhuhai. One day when he was entering the elevator in his apartment building, a small puppy followed him in. He noticed that the baby Shih Tzu was completely alone; her fur was extremely dirty, and she had a few wires wrapped around her from the neck above. Her eyes looked terrified and seemed to be screaming: “Please help me.”

My brother took pity on her and took her home. The first thing he did was give her some water and food, then he took her to a pet groomer’s to clean her up. After a period of caring for Wong Wong, she slowly began regaining her confidence towards mankind and was living happily with my brother. After a while, my brother brought her back to Macau to live in our home and she has been living with us ever since. We often think back to the day when we took in Wong Wong into our homes, and wonder what would have happened if we never adopted her. Today, Wong Wong is already 12 years old, although she looks very young she’s already a bit of a grandmother. She has these big round eyes, a long soft light-coloured coat of fur and looks smaller than the average Shih

Pets & Hugs • November/ December 2014

Tzu. She always gives a very charming and delicate look to people. In our home, Wong Wong is our very quiet daughter. Her personality is very warm and gentle, she is a very timid dog and she is very well behaved. She also is very considerate and understands us, when we are unhappy, she will come to us and try to make us laugh. When we are happy, we always take the initiative to go and play with her, play fetch. That is why she deserves the very best from us, because she is our precious princess. She is very curious of all things, and loves travelling in cars. When she gets hungry, she will expose her teeth in the hopes that we will slip her some food. Shih Tzu’s have many interesting particularities, I love Wong Wong’s eyes because they are so expressive, sometimes they look so timid yet sometimes they will stare right through you. We are very lucky to have a princess like her in our house. If you have had a Shih Tzu, you will know the happiness they can bring to your home. Because we have fallen in love with Shih Tzu’s, we hope that in the future we can adopt another one. We are very grateful for this little baby, Wong Wong.


波斯貓 The Persian

優雅溫柔, 是理想家貓品種。 Elegant and sweet, this breed is the ideal housecat.

需要關注度 —我不太需要。 情感 —我未必追求它,但我期待(及應該得到)它。 活躍程度 —我很隨意。 與孩子關係 —歡迎和善的孩子,其餘的沒有興趣!

Attention needs

I’m not too needy


I may not demand it, but I expect (and deserve) it

Activeness I take it easy Relationship with children Gentle children are welcome, the rest – not so much!


寶貝寵物 • 2014年11月/12月


斯貓是一個古老品 種,對 於那 些喜 歡 這 種優雅 貓的人, 不會驚訝這種長毛貓源於文 明搖籃 — — 美索不達米亞, 這地方後來被稱為波斯,就是 現今的伊朗。波斯貓引人注目 的外貎吸引17世 紀義大利貴 族及世界旅行家Pietro Della Valle,全賴他在1626年把第 一隻長毛貓帶到歐洲。 直到19世紀末,當時繁殖和貓 展開始流行,長毛貓在波斯、 土耳其、阿富汗等奇風異俗的 地方被簡稱為“亞細亞”貓。 1871年在水晶宮貓展期間,波 斯型的貓是展品之一。由於維 多利亞女王鐘愛牠們,牠們成 為當時流行的寵物,並獲得一 種特別的聲望。 經過選擇性的培育,愛貓的人 開始將波斯貓塑造成現今的 外貎。他們將這種貓培育出一 個圓圓的腦袋、短臉、短而扁 的鼻、胖乎乎的臉頰、又圓又 小的耳朵、大眼睛及一個強健 的身軀。 端莊而溫純的波斯貓以文靜 和溫柔出名。牠們喜歡坐在大

腿上,被親撫及與那些輕輕梳 理牠的毛的乖孩子們玩耍,因 為波斯貓雖然親切但有識別 能力。牠們將關心留給自己的 家人和那幾位牠們覺得可信 任的客人。 無論是純種貓或混種貓都有 不同的 遺 傳 性健 康問 題。雖 然牠們美麗、溫柔,波斯貓很 容易出現一些潛在的健 康問 題,最 常見的 與 牠們 面 部 結 構 有 關:狹 窄 的 鼻 孔引 起 呼 吸困 難 或 呼 吸有 雜 音;牙齒 咬 合不良,意 思 是 牙 齒 吻 合 得 不 好;淚 水 過 多和 多囊 性 腎病 — —這是該品種普遍易 患 的 遺 傳 疾 病,在一 些國家 這種病幾乎影響這種貓數量 的一半。 波斯貓的作風是不喜嘈雜 環 境;牠 們 沉 著,喜 歡 一 個 寧 靜的 家,在 那 裏 每 天的 變 化不大。牠 擁 有大而會 說 話 的 眼 睛及 柔 和、如 音樂 般的 叫聲。波 斯 貓 讓 人 知 道自己 要 求 簡 單:三餐 定 時、玩 耍 薄荷鼠標或羽 毛 玩 意的一 點 娛 樂 時間及 無 限的愛。有 了這 些,牠們 會 把 愛 意十 倍 奉還。

Pets & Hugs • November/ December 2014


he Persian is an old breed and for those who love this elegant cat, it will come as no surprise that the longhaired feline originated in the cradle of civilization: Mesopotamia, which was later known as Persia and is now modern-day Iran. The Persian’s striking appearance attracted the attention of 17th-century Italian nobleman and world traveller Pietro Della Valle, who is credited with bringing the first longhaired cats to Europe in 1626. Until the late 19th century, when breeding and showing cats became popular, longhaired cats from Persia, Turkey, Afghanistan and other exotic locales were known simply as “Asiatic” cats. At the Crystal Palace cat show in 1871, Persian-type cats were among the breeds exhibited. They were popular pets of the time and had a special cachet because of Queen Victoria’s fondness for them. Through selective breeding, cat fanciers began to mould the Persian to its present-day appearance. They bred cats to have a round head, short face, snub nose, chubby cheeks, small, rounded ears, big eyes, and a sturdy body. The dignified and docile Persian is known for being quiet and sweet.

Cat Breed

They enjoy sitting on a lap, being petted and playing house with kind children who will gently comb them, as Persians are affectionate but discriminating. They reserve their attention for family members and those few guests whom they feel they can trust. Both pedigreed cats and mixedbreed cats have varying incidences of health problems that may be genetic in nature. Although they are beautiful and sweet, Persians are prone to a number of potential health problems, most commonly related to their facial structure: breathing difficulty or noisy breathing caused by constricted nostrils, dental malocclusions, meaning the teeth don’t mesh well together, excessive tearing and polycystic, kidney disease, a hereditary disease is prevalent in the breed, affecting almost half the population in some countries. Loud environments aren’t a Persian’s style; they are sedate cats who prefer a serene home where little changes from day to day. With large, expressive eyes and a voice that has been described as soft and musical, Persians let their simple needs be known: regular meals, a little playtime with a catnip mouse or feather teaser, and lots of love, which they return tenfold.


女裁縫助理——小白小姐 Miss Siu Pak, The Seamstress’s Assistant

小白是一個 醜小鴨變成 美麗天鵝的 故事。不僅小 白的美貌迷住 了牠的家人, 牠溫柔的性格 及體貼的個 性更贏得眾多 粉絲。 The tale of Siu Pak is one of ugly duckling to beautiful swan. But more than just her beauty has captivated her family, Siu Pak’s sweet nature and caring personality has won her a legion of fans.


寶貝寵物 • 2014年11月/12月


Cat Story


位婆婆來到店 裡,問我可否收 留這隻貓,” 阮 月卿談及小白,一隻8個月大、 美麗的小貓,如今牠在家中有 合法地位,更不用說對家族生 意的作用了。

好照顧牠。婆婆曾經問過幾個 人,會否想要那隻貓,沒有人答 應,但幸好有阮月卿。

在此之前,阮月卿的女兒一直 想 要 一 隻 貓,但 當 時 事 與 願 違。 “有一次我們去一家寵物 店,看見一隻貓,大家都 喜 歡 牠。但第二天,當我們準備去 買貓 時,那隻貓已被售出。之 後,我們沒有養過任何寵物。” 她回憶那次未能滿足孩子們願 望的嘗試時說。

當小白被交到阮月卿手上時狀 態不佳,牠的毛色很黃、耳朵非 常骯髒、滿身都是跳蚤。阮月 卿帶牠去清洗和接種疫苗,今 天,小白已經精神煥發。已往 牠只有1.8公斤,僅僅5個月後, 牠的體重已達3.8公斤。

幾個月前,婆婆帶著一個塑膠 袋來到裁縫店,膠袋內裝著一 隻細小、瘦弱、骯髒的小貓。當 阮月卿見到那隻貓,便決定好

就在前幾天,因為想念小白, 婆婆來到店裡探望牠並誇讚阮 月卿對小白無微不至的照料。

最近,阮月卿發現她那隻從醜 小 鴨 變 成美 麗 天 鵝 的小 貓 的 價格已達10,000澳門元。為了 答 謝 送貓 給她作 為 禮 物 的婆 婆, 阮月卿送了一個紅包給 婆婆。

Pets & Hugs • November/ December 2014


here was an older lady that came into the shop and asked me if I wanted to take this cat in,” says Ms. Ut Heng of Siu Pak (small white), the beautiful eight-month-old cat who has today taken her rightful role in the family, not to mention the family business. Previously, Ms. Ut Heng’s daughters had always wanted a cat, but at the time it was not meant to be, “We once went to a pet shop and saw a cat we all liked, but the next day when we were ready to buy it– the cat had already been sold. After that, we never had any pets,” she recalls of the failed attempt to fulfill the wishes of her children. A few months ago, the older lady came to the dressmaker’s shop with a small, skinny, dirty kitten in a plastic bag. When Ms. Ut Heng saw the cat, she decided to take care of it. The

older lady had already approached several people to ask if they had wanted the cat, but fortunately for Ms. Ut Heng, nobody had agreed. Just the other day, the older lady had come to the shop to see Siu Pak, because she missed her, and had complimented Ms. Ut Heng on taking care of her so well. When the cat was handed over to Ms. Ut Heng, Siu Pak was not at her optimum state, her fur was very yellow, her ears were very dirty and she had fleas all over her. Ms. Ut Heng took her to get cleaned and vaccinated and today, Siu Pak has bloomed. She used to weigh 1.8 kilos and only five months later, she weighs 3.8 kilos. Recently, Ms. Ut Heng found out that her ugly duckling who has now transformed into a


“ 我覺 得 牠喜 歡和 我們 住在 一起。早上,當我們開始工作, 貓咪到樓下來,當我們完成工 作,我們一起返回樓上。” 這位家庭新成員設法逐一贏取 家人的歡心。“牠到家後不久, 我丈夫病倒了,並經常咳嗽。 一天晚上,他躺在沙 發上,剛 咳嗽了一陣。貓咪馬上走到他 旁邊,並開始舔他的臉。牠很 親切,令我的丈夫很感動,”阮 月卿回憶道。 黎炳生說:“我想,也許這是註 定的。在我生日前一天,婆婆 就把小白給我們,牠就像是我 的生日禮物。工作時牠從不打 擾我們;牠只是坐在這裡,表 現得很好。牠通常坐在自行車 上,這是牠的地方。”


現在兩個女兒在台灣,夫妻倆 有更多私人時間,雖然他們出 外吃午飯或晚餐,但因為他們 想念著那隻貓,因此很快會回 家。“以往我們常去旅遊,上一 次我們去日本6天,把小白留在 一位養有一隻狗的親友家,我 們很擔心。在那家的第一天, 貓 咪 甚 麼 也 不 吃,他 們 告 訴 我,牠哭了。” “ 如 今 很 多人 走 進 店 裡 跟 貓 玩耍。有一個學生拿幾件衣服 來修改,後來當她回來取衣服 時,帶來三位同學。 她說,他 們都想跟小白玩耍。”女裁縫 回憶說。 儘管他們周圍全是有心人,有 動物就有危機。 “附近有人 偷貓,所以我們必須小心看守

幾個月前,婆婆帶 著一個塑膠袋來 到裁縫店,膠袋內 裝著一隻細小、瘦 弱、骯髒的小貓。 A few months ago, the older lady came to the

dressmaker’s shop with a small, skinny, dirty

kitten in a plastic bag.

小白。就在隔壁,有人拿了一 個紙箱,把鄰居的貓藏進箱內 偷走了。那店主看到所發生的 事,並說,如果這人沒把貓歸

還,她會 報警。”阮月卿 慨 歎 道。 小白除了得到所有的愛和關注 外,還得到最好的食 物。“我 們從不買便宜的食品,我們盡 可能從加拿大買最好的食物給 牠。那些食物含有牠需要的營 養。我們需要買最好、最健康 的食品,否則小白便會不夠健 康,”牠那得意揚揚的主人分 享心得說。她女兒也從台灣寄 食物給小白。 從 一 隻在 塑 膠 袋 裏 瘦弱 的小 貓,變 成 一 個 可 愛 的 家 庭 成 員,甚至有點像 超 級巨星,小 白確實找到了安身之所。 “有 一天當我們離開澳門到台灣退 休時,我們會帶牠一起去。” 阮月卿笑著說。

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Cat Story

beautiful swan is worth MOP 10,000 – to thank the older lady for her gift of this cat, she had given her a red pocket. “I think she likes living with us, when we start working in the mornings, the cat comes downstairs and when we finish work we will all go back up together.” The new arrival has managed to win her new family members over, one by one. “Soon after she arrived my husband fell ill and was coughing a lot. One evening he was lying on the sofa and was overcome with a cough attack. The cat immediately went to him and started to lick his face. It was very sweet, and my husband was very touched,” Ms. Ut Heng recalls. Mr. Peng Sang says “I think maybe we were meant to be. Siu Pak was given to us on the day before my birthday, she was like my birthday present. She never disturbs us at work; she just sits here, and behaves very well. She usually sits on the bike, that’s her place.” With both daughters now in Taiwan, the couple has a lot more time on their hands, although when they go out for lunch or dinner, they quickly return home because they miss the cat. “We used to travel a lot, last time we went to Japan for six days, we left Siu Pak with a family member who has a dog, we were very worried. The first day at their place, the cat did not eat at all and they told me that she cried.” “Nowadays many people come into the shop to play with the cat. There is a student who came in to alter a few clothing items and later when she returned to pick them up she brought three classmates with her – she said they all wanted to play with Sui Pak,” the seamstress recounts. Despite all the kind people around them, having animals carries dangers. “Around here, there are people who steal cats – so we have to be careful with Siu Pak. Next door, someone took a

“ 我 覺得 牠喜 歡和 我們住在一起。當我 們開始工作,貓咪到 樓下來,當我們完成 工作,我們一起返回 樓上。” 阮月卿 paper box, put our neighbour’s cat inside and stole it. The owner saw what was happening and said that if the person didn’t give the cat back, she would call the

Pets & Hugs • November/ December 2014

“I think she quite likes living with us, when we start

working, the cat comes

downstairs and when we

finish work we will all go back up together.” Ms. Ut Heng

police,” Ms. Ut Heng laments. Siu Pak, in addition to all the love and attention she receives, also gets the best food possible.

“We buy her the best food we can, from Canada, we don’t buy cheap food. It has all the nutrients that she could need. We need to buy the very best and most healthy food, or else Sui Pak will not be healthy,” her proud owner shares. Her daughter also sends Siu Pak food from Taiwan. From a skinny kitten in a plastic bag, to a beloved family member and a bit of a superstar, Siu Pak has certainly landed on her feet. “When we leave Macau one day to Taiwan for retirement, we’ll take her with us,” Ms. Ut Heng smiles.


尊重、拯救和關愛 Respect, Save and Care

澳門 保 護 遺 棄 動 物 協會 (A A PA M)在當地為 被 遺 棄的 貓狗發聲,無休止地工作了10 年。他們 以一支細 小但非常敬 業 的 團 隊,過 去 8 年 不 斷 推 動 動物保護法的實施。 Abandoned Animals Protection Association of Macau (AAPAM) has been working tirelessly for ten years to be the voice for the abandoned cats and dogs in the territory. With a small, but very dedicated team they will keep on pushing for the legalization of animal protection laws, as they have done over the past eight years.


寶貝寵物 • 2014年11月/12月


們生活在一個有很 多人 熱 愛 動 物 人 士 的 世界,澳 門 也不例 外。然 而,遇到那些為保護弱勢群 體 而付出全 部 時間和 精力 的人,總會令人 感到 積極向 上。澳門保護遺棄動物協會 (AAPAM)就是由許多這樣 的人所組成,他們 的影響力 遍佈全澳門。 Yoko Choi於十年前成立 A A PA M,她的佛 教信仰感 召她挽救了很多在街上被虐 待、命 運 坎坷的貓和狗。如 今,她和副主席Josephine Lau及Antonieta Manhão 一起,不辭勞苦地為動物權 利發起運動,為本地缺乏現 行法律發聲。 來自香 港 的Yo ko 已在 澳 門 居住了20年。她原來遷移到 澳門的動機不是為了動物權 益,而是為了繼續進修佛學。 有一天,她見到一隻被遺棄 在街頭的貓,就對牠說,“如 果你肯讓我摸你,我就帶你回 家。”牠果然讓她摸,Yoko的 旅程就開始了。

所。但一些後勤問題讓他們決定 把庇護所設在市中心更好。於是 2006年他們搬到媽閣附近新的 庇護所,直到2010年。 有一回,Yoko在逛寵物店與朋 友閒聊 時,店主 聽 到 他們 的 談 話,於是為他們提供了一個媽閣 場地,讓他們安置動物。 經過計算後,Yoko意識到她的 財 務狀 況有 望 建 立庇護 所。那 時一切費用都出自她們自己的口 袋,Yoko 和Josephine是瑜伽 和有氧 運動 教 練。隨著 時間過 去,他們找到一位私人贊助者願 意捐助50%的經營成本。 新 埸 所有 樓 梯,而 許多狗 從來 沒爬過樓梯。在那些日子,當他 們 帶 狗到 陽台曬 太 陽 時,有些 狗要被抬過5段樓梯。這個試驗 持續了幾個月,直到狗自己習慣 爬 樓 梯,才大 大 減輕了運 送者 的負擔。


e live in a world with many animal loving people, and Macau is no exception. However, meeting people who devote all their time and energy to the protection of the vulnerable never stops being a life-affirming moment. The Abandoned Animals Protection Association of Macau (AAPAM) is made up of a number of such people, and their influence is spreading across the territory.

Yoko Choi established AAPAM ten years ago and her calling to follow her Buddhist beliefs has seen many dogs and cats on the streets be rescued from cruel and uncertain fates. Today, along with Vice President Josephine Lau and Antonieta Manhão, they have tirelessly campaigned for animal rights, speaking out on the lack of existing local laws. Originally from Hong Kong, Yoko has been living in Macau for 20 years and although her original incentive for the move

Local Interest

was not animal welfare, but to further her studies in Buddhism, when she saw an abandoned cat on the street one day she told him ‘If you let me touch you, I’ll take you home.’ He did, and so Yoko’s journey began. Some time later, her friends pleaded with her to take in a St Bernard that would otherwise have been put down. “I went to see the dog and took her home.” So big was the dog that Antonieta laughs at the recollection of a phone call from a mutual friend saying that they had just seen “Yoko walking a cow down the street.” With her first dog and cat rescued, Yoko began taking in abandoned animals and trying to find homes for them, but they soon outnumbered the people willing to take them in, and the situation needed to be addressed in a new way. AAPAM was born in October 2004 when they found a small place

一段時間後,她的朋友們 懇 求她收留一隻聖伯納狗,不 然牠將被人道毀滅。 “我去 看那狗,然後帶牠回家。”那 隻狗特別大,Antonieta回 憶一段電話對話時笑著說, 她們的一個朋友說他們剛剛 看到“Yoko像是在街上帶著 一頭牛散步。” 自 她 拯 救 了第 一 隻 貓 和 狗 後,Yoko開始收留被遺棄的 動物,並試圖為牠們尋找家 園,但貓狗的數目很快就超 出願意接受的人數,因此需 要以一種新方式來解決這個 問題。 A A PA M 於2 0 0 4 年10月成 立,他們在 路環找到一個細 小的地方,並把它改 成一間 可收容大約20隻動物的庇護

Yoko Choi

Pets & Hugs • November/ December 2014


“協會不斷壯大,我們可以真 切地感受到大眾欣賞我們所做 的事,” Antonieta說,因此, 即使缺乏政府支持,大眾已肯 定了該協會的價值。 被祝福的感覺普遍存 在 於 AAPAM承諾的各項工作中, 在 做 示 範 的 日子,即 使 早上 經常突然下起雨來,他們始終 相 信,天 氣會 放 晴。“ 經常, 經常是這樣的。”Yoko 和 Antonieta笑著同意說。 第二間庇 護 所 也同樣 的 運 氣 好,當初捐贈者說會援助所有 費用的50%,“當一切安頓妥 當後,我儲了一些錢,表示會每 月分期還給他。” “他望著我說:‘噢Yoko,我 知道你們在狗中心所做的事及 你的工作,你完全無須還我這 筆錢’”。 “ 我 站 在 他 面 前 哭 了,而 他

說‘沒問題,沒問題!’我不知 怎樣答謝他,我們總是那麼幸 運。” Yoko笑著回憶說。 2 010 年A A PA M 搬 進目前的 位 置,在 紅街市附近,用了兩 年時才找到這個合適的地方。 Antonieta稱,目前的地點非 常好,“地點在市中心,人們實 在沒有理由不來這裏花點時間 與動物相處。”

而花時間收集所需的文件,並 為使該組織繼續前進而工作, 這整個過程耗費精力,有時令 她們感到情緒低落,但她們並 沒有放棄。 A A PA M 和 其他 保 護 動 物 團 體每年安排兩次動物遊行,喚 起 人們 關 注他們 對 政 府的要 求— — 對虐待 待動 物 採 取行 動。

“ 我 們 從 政 府 得 不 到 太 多支 持,每月5,000澳門元而已,一 切都要靠自己。”她繼續說。

眼看參加這些公眾示威的人數 越來越多,對於這種進步的感 受很深刻。就如找到值得信賴 的志願者和獸醫一起工作,例 如來自皇家獸醫中心的Ruan Bester醫生和來自綠十字診所 的Francisco Galvão醫生, 他們對AAPAM多年來所做的 工作發揮了很大的作用。

為得到政府的支援而花時間去 收集必要的文件,並做必要的 宣傳,不是A APAM創辦人想 要處理的事。為籌集大量資金

至於為什麼2014年澳門尚未落 實動物保護法,其中一個很簡 單的理由,Antonieta稱,“澳 門發展得非常快,他們沒有辦

“ 我們 做 兼 職 賺 錢 支持 這間 庇護所,”Antonieta解釋,“ 有時候,因為Yo ko 發 現一 隻 小貓並需要餵飼,晚上只睡3 個小時。”

法去處理”,再加上財政問題 似乎是澳門的重中之重。 AAPAM希望見到什麼?希望 政府為他們提供一個永久安置 狗的地方,以及廣泛提供對愛 護動物的教育,經過8年努力, 希望澳門立法保護動物。 我們的理念很簡單,Yoko說: 拯救動物。我們必須救助那些 在街上不能自救的小貓、小狗 和受傷的動物。這正是澳門保 護 遺 棄 動 物 協 會 一直在 做 的 事情。

澳門保護遺棄動物協會 (AAPAM) 提督馬路121A亞洲工業大 廈五字樓 對外開放時間:逢星期六下 午3時至7時 (公眾假期照常開放) 網址

The cat room at AAPAM where visitors are invited to spend time with the friendly and loving felines


寶貝寵物 • 2014年11月/12月


Local Interest in Coloane and turned it into a shelter for about 20 animals. But a number of logistical problems made them decide that being more centrally located was better, and in 2006 they moved to a new shelter near Barra, where they stayed until 2010. It was during a trip to a pet shop that Yoko was chatting to a friend when the shop owner overheard what they were saying and offered a space for them to use in Barra to house the animals. After doing the calculations Yoko realised that it was possible, that her finances would stretch to make the set up viable. Everything was being funded from their own pockets at the time; Yoko and Josephine are yoga and aerobics instructors. With time they found a private donor who contributed 50% to the running costs. The new space had stairs and many of the dogs had never taken stairs before, so on days when they would take the dogs to the terrace to catch some sun, some of them had to be carried up five flights of stairs. That workout lasted a few months until the dogs got used to taking the stairs themselves, much to the relief of their human carriers. “The association was going from strength to strength, we could really sense that people were appreciating what we were doing,” says Antonieta, so irrespective of the lack of government support, the people made it worthwhile. The feeling of being blessed is something that prevails all the work AAPAM undertakes, on days of demonstrations they always trust that the weather will clear up, irrespective of the morning rain that often looms “It’s always, always like that” Yoko and Antonieta smile in agreement. Good fortune was also the case with the second shelter, when the donor helped, initially saying that all costs would be 50/50, “When everything was completed I had saved some money and offered to pay him in monthly installments.”

“He looked at me and said ‘Oh Yoko, I know what you are doing in the dog centre and also what your job is, you don’t need to give it back to me- at all.’” “I cried as I stood in front of him, and he said ‘It’s ok, it’s ok!’ I didn’t know how to thank him, we are always lucky,” Yoko recalls with a smile. In 2010 AAPAM moved to its current location, near the Red Market and it took two years to find the right space. The current location is really good according to Antonieta, “It is so central there really is no reason people can’t make it over to spend time with the animals.” “We have part-time jobs to make money to support our shelter,” Antonieta explains, “There are times when Yoko only sleeps three hours a night because she has found a kitten and needs to feed it.” “We don’t get big support from the government, MOP 5000 a month, we do everything ourselves,” she continues.

Pets & Hugs • November/ December 2014

The time to put together the necessary paperwork and to do the needed publicity for government support is not something the founders of AAPAM have at their disposal. The whole cycle of needing time to put together the materials required for substantial funding and the work it takes to keep the organization going is very draining and they are left feeling very down at times, but they are not giving up. Twice a year AAPAM and other animal protection groups arrange an animal procession to draw attention to their demand for government action on cruelty to animals. Seeing the growing numbers in these public demonstrations provides a huge feeling of progress. As does finding trusted volunteers and vets to work with, such as Dr. Ruan Bester from the Royal Veterinary Center and Dr. Francisco Galvão from Green Cross clinic, who have played instrumental roles in the work AAPAM have done over the years. As for why, in 2014, Macau has yet to implement animal protection laws, one of the reasons is very

simple, according to Antonieta, “Macau developed very, very fast, they don’t have the means to handle it,” that, coupled with the fact that financial matters seem to be at the top of the priority list in the territory. What do AAPAM want to see happen? For the government to offer them a permanent place to house the dogs, and for education on animals to be widely made available, and after eight years of trying, for Macau to have laws to protect animals. Our philosophy is quite simple, Yoko says: “ Save the Animals. The ones on the street who cannot help themselves, puppies, kittens, injured animals, We Must Help. ” And AAPAM has been doing exactly that. Abandoned Animals Protection Association of Macau (AAPAM) Avenida Almirante Lacerda Edifício Industrial Asia no.121A, 5º Andar, Open to the public every Saturday, from 3 pm to 7pm (Open on public holidays)


亞洲動物基金會:無傷害治療 Animals Asia - Healing Without Harm 1993年 Jill Robinson女士偶遇被關在籠 中的熊,從此永遠改變了她生命的旅程,並 賦予她今天的成就——Animals Asia(亞 洲動物基金會)的創始人;伊麗莎白女王 授予她大英帝國勳章;被公認為世界領先 的活熊取膽業救護專家。未來她將有更多 突破性的舉措。


It was an encounter with a caged bear in 1993 that changed the course of Jill Robinson’s life for good and brought her to the point where she is today- founder of Animals Asia, awarded an MBE by Queen Elizabeth, widely recognised as the world’s leading expert on the bear bile industry and on the verge of more ground breaking initiatives.

寶貝寵物 • 2014年11月/12月


她 懂 得 說“ 動 物 ” 這 個 字 開 始,J i l l Robinson已經感到 要為牠們的福利事業出力。 Jill在英國出生並成長,當她 仍然是嬰兒時已經失去了母 親,她和妹妹都由她們曾任 空軍中 隊長 的父 親 撫 養 帶 大。她們受到嚴格的教養,只 有在J i l l到了12 歲 時她們 才 被允許飼養第一隻寵物— — 隻貓。 然而,這絲毫沒有阻止年輕 而堅定的Ji ll,“如果我看到 一 隻 狗 或 一 隻 貓,我 會 過 馬路去撫摩牠,當我還在上 學期間,我會到學校附近的 當地獸醫 診所工作;或到一 個 貓 舍,清 理 貓便 便。這都 是我愛做的事情,”J i l l笑著 說,“只是想親近動物。”

“這個位於珠海的特別農場有 32隻熊。我參加了由日本和台 灣遊客組成的一個旅遊團,該 農場的農民一直在誇耀他的熊 膽汁,當然還有一個商店讓我 們購買熊膽產品。 ” 然而,Jill在那裡的真正原因並 沒有讓遊客知道。萃取熊膽汁 工序禁止公眾進入參觀,原因 不僅是因為萃取熊膽汁太殘酷 及令公眾不安,而且因為它是 一個“秘密”。萃取熊膽汁是 一棵大搖錢樹,而把這個過程 遠離公眾視線的想法是因為要 保護經濟利益,而非道德上的 理由。

“英國中國傳統醫學及 針灸協會副會長Zhao 教授有一句名言:‘不 能以中國醫藥作為藉 口,折磨及殺害動物。”

近 3 0 年 前 來 到 香 港,這 一 份幫助 動 物 的激情仍 在 繼 續。“ 我馬上 就開始為 獸醫 工作。3 0 年前,你可以比現 在 做 更 多 的 事 情,你 可 以 成 為 一名 獸 醫 技 術員 與 獸 醫工作,所以我 獲 得了令人 難 以 置 信 的 實 際 經 驗,這 些經 驗真是 太 棒了,當我們 很多年前開始在 這裡拯 救 熊時,上述經 驗令 我大受裨 益。”

“There is a very good quote by Professor Zhao, Vice President of The Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture UK, “Chinese medicine can’t be used as an excuse for the torture and killing of animals.”

那個難忘的時刻 很 多 很 多年以前 的19 9 3 年,Jill接到一位朋友決定命 運的來電。 “1993年我的一 位記者朋友給我打電話說, 他 剛剛去過一 些可怕 的 地 方,而且他知 道我曾為動物 福利工作,他說:‘Jill,你一 定要去。’” 因此,這個將改變Jill生活的 旅程展開了。 “我對熊一無 所知,我對活熊取膽一點都 不懂,但我聽說過這件事,我 的興趣被 激發 起來,因此我 想我要一起去看一看’ 。”

正當其他 遊 客 在 忙著 到 處 參 觀農塲時,Jill和兩個朋友悄悄 地離開人群,去尋找那個她的 記 者朋 友告 知 并 指 示 过 方向 的地下室。“我的朋友已向我 簡要说明往哪一個方向走,所 以我發現了這個地下室,這是 個可怕的地牢,这裡簡直是噩 夢。” “ 我們 發 現 這 些熊 被關在 狹 小的鐵絲籠裡,房間很黑暗。 當我走在這些籠子之間,我幾 乎看不見裡面的動物,但我的

Pets & Hugs • November/ December 2014


ver since she could say the word ‘animal’, Jill Robinson has felt drawn to the cause of their welfare. Born and raised in England, Jill and her sister were raised by their Ex air force squadron leader father, having lost their mother when Jill was a baby. It was a strict upbringing that only saw them allowed their first pet, a cat, when Jill was 12. However, this did not deter the young determined Jill one bit, “If I would see a dog or a cat I would cross the road just to go and stroke it, and during school time I would go and work at the local vet near the school, and at a cattery, cleaning up cat poo, which I loved”, Jill laughs, “just to be close to animals.” A move to Hong Kong nearly 30 years ago saw a continuation of this passion to help animals, “I immediately began working for vets as well. 30 years ago you were allowed to do a lot more than you are now, you could be a vet technician and work with a vet, so I had incredible hands on experience, which was fantastic and it did see me in good stead for when we started rescuing the bears here, many years ago.” That unforgettable moment Many, many years ago is 1993, when Jill received a fateful phone call from a friend. “A journalist friend of mine just phoned me up in 1993 and said that he had just been to one of these terrible places, and knowing that I worked in animal welfare, he said ‘Jill you have got to go.’” And so the journey that would change Jill’s life was set in motion. “I didn’t know anything about bears, I knew nothing about bear farming, but I had heard about it, and my interest was piqued and I thought, ‘I’m going to go along and have a look.” “The farm was in Zhuhai and there were 32 bears on this particular farm. I joined a tour group of Japanese and Taiwanese tourists and the farmer was determined

Animal interview to boast about his bear bile and of course there was a shop to have us buy bear bile products.” However, the real reason Jill was there was not being shown to the tourists. The extraction section was off limits, not because it was too cruel and disturbing to show the public the horrors involved in the extraction process, but because it was a ‘secret’. Bear bile farming was a big money maker and the desire to keep the process away from public eyes was for financial protection, rather than ethical reasons. While the rest of the group of tourists were busy on the tour, Jill and two friends slipped away from the crowd and went in search of the basement she had been told about and given directions to, by her journalist contact. “I had been briefed by my friend on where to go to, so I found this basement, this horrible dungeon place, and it was just the stuff of nightmares.” “We found these bears in tiny wire cages and the room was very dark. As I was walking among these cages, I could hardly see the animals inside, but my senses were alive because I heard these strange popping vocalizations and as I got closer to the cage they got louder and more frantic and I realized then that they didn’t know the difference between me and a bear bile farmer. They were anticipating that I was going to cause them pain.” In the middle of this nightmare scenario, a life changing moment occurred. “At one point I felt something touch my shoulder and I turned around and a female moon bear had her paw through the bars of the cage and I stupidly took it- I would never do that today, even with our friendliest bears, because they are so unpredictable and they are so strong, and even playing they can rip your arm from your shoulders- but I didn’t know that then, and I took her paw, and she squeezed my fingers and we stood like this for a while,” Jill recalls, visibly moved at the memory.


Hong的遺赠——亞洲動物基 金會 “與Hong相遇後,這個故事 被《南華早 報》廣泛傳播。有 一 位中國商人 閱 讀 後 給在 香 港的我來電話說:‘我有一位 在北京有關係的朋友,也許他 能夠幫助你’。這位朋友原來 是 一名叫朱 幼 麟 的立法會 議 員,他向我引薦了北京的中國 野生動物保護協會(CWCA) ,於 是 我 開 始 與 這 個 協 會 合 作,告訴他們關於活熊取膽農 場的事情。通 過(關係)我們 建立了良好關係,1993年8月 他們 最 終 關 閉了我曾 經 探 訪 過的第二個活熊取膽農場,然 後 讓 我們 把 這 些熊帶到 一塊 屬於朱幼麟的土地,他非常友 善地 讓 我們 在 這塊 地 上 建 立 一 個 熊 救 護中 心。這 時 候 我 正在 與國 際 愛 護 動 物 基 金 會 (IFAW)一起工作。我們為9 隻小熊構建了一個非常小的熊 救護中心。”

感覺仍是敏銳的,這是因為我 聽到一些奇怪的間歇發出的叫 聲,當我走近籠子時牠們會發 出更大的聲音及變得更狂亂, 然後我意識到,牠們不知道對 方是我還是活熊取膽農民。牠 們料想我會帶給牠們痛苦。”

有一 些 意 義 重 大 的 事正在 發 生,我知道 她 改變了一切。而 且,也許最可悲的是我知道我 要離開這個農場,並再也見不 到她了——但一切都將會不同 了。從那一刻起,一切都不同 了。”

在這個噩夢中,出現了改變我 生命的時刻。 “在那一刻,我 感到有東西碰我的肩膀,我回 頭見到一隻雌性月熊把爪子伸 過籠子的金屬棒,我傻乎乎地 握 著它— — 今 天我 绝不會 這 樣做,因为就算是我們最友善 的熊,牠們也是如此不可預測 並且非常有力,就算是玩耍牠 們也可能把你的手臂從你的肩 膀上撕下來——但當時我不知 道這些。然後,我握著她的爪 子,她捏了捏我的手指,我們 就這樣站了一會兒。”Jill回憶 說,顯然她被回憶所感動。

“那 時 候 我沒有意識 到 的 是,牠 握 著 我 的 手 產 生 的 影 響。因 為 在 多 年 後 的 現 在 才 了解,熊 在 恐 懼 時及在 拯 救 牠們 的 過 程中可能 是 如 此 具 侵犯性,這使我意識到那一 刻是多麼的有影響力。所以, 我 對 這 隻 熊 萬 分 感 激。我 稱 她 為 H o n g(粵 語“ 熊 ”)並 相 信 她 開 啟了一 些 很 神 奇 的 東西。她開啟了一切,我再沒 有見 過 她,這 令 我 感 到 萬 分 失 望。”J i l l 帶 著 悲 傷 的 聲 音 説。

“我當時無法釋懷,但我知道 28

她是“一隻非常特殊的熊,帶 著一個非常特殊的信息。”

從這個收養9隻小熊的熊救護 中心到今天,只說發生了許多 事是遠遠不夠的。 1998年,Jill創立了亞洲動物基 金,致力於終結活熊取膽,改 善在中國和越南的動物福利。 自1994年以來亞洲動物基金團 隊一直在拯救月熊,從在她的 客廳工作的一個小組,到現在 成為一個擁有超過300名員工 的國際性非政府組織。該組織 總部設在香港,在澳大利亞、 中國、德國、意大利、英國、美 國和越南有辦事處,其在中國 成都及越南潭道的熊保護區屢 獲殊榮。 今天Jill被公認為是世界上活熊 取膽業的權威專家,1998年她 在伊麗莎白女王的生日授勳名 單上,被獲授予了MBE(大英 帝國勳章),以表彰她在亞洲 動物福利方面作出的貢獻。 2000年,四川省林業廳和中國

野生動物保護協會與亞洲動物 基金簽署了一項協議,釋放在 活熊取膽農場中500隻情況最 差的熊。這標誌著中國政府的 一個官方機構第一次與一個動 物福利組織簽署正式協議。 這 些 都 是 具 里程 碑意義 的事 情,而且越來越多。最近Jill和 她 的 研 究 小 組發 現一 個 他們 等待已久的人,這個人將可以 把他們帶到一個新的突破性方 向。 和平樂土 和 平 樂 土是 亞 洲 動 物 基金 新 的重點計劃——在中國南寧幫 助救援超過130隻月熊並讓牠 們康復。這些熊處於可怕環境 中,很多從出生起被困在狹小 的籠子裡來抽取膽汁。 “ 經 與南寧的 一 個 活熊取 膽 養殖場東主合作,他已經同意 關閉養殖場,接著為13 0隻熊 開設救護中心,我們將有希望 把6 0 隻熊帶到我們在 成都的 熊救護中心,並資助他把養殖 場 轉 變成有70 隻熊的救 護中 心。” “在很長的一段時間裡,我們 一直在 尋 找一 個 像 他 這 樣 的 人,因為我們終止活熊取膽汁 活動已經集中在一個以解決方 案為基礎的策略,我們傳達給 中國公眾、政府及農民的信息 是:儘管我們極度不喜歡養熊 的農夫這些年來所做的事情, 但他們不是我們的敵人。” “自我 們 關 閉 養 殖 場 的 一刻 起,我們也一直在補償農民, 因為我們相信,我們的行動不 應該對他人的生活產生負面影 響。” “我們一直這樣做。但這位活 熊取膽農民非常的獨特。他是 一個佛教徒,有一個很聰明、 喜愛動物的女兒。因為有這兩 件事情,當2010年該農民接手 寶貝寵物 • 2014年11月/12月


Animal interview “I couldn’t reconcile it then, but I knew there was something very profound happening and I knew that she changed everything. And, perhaps most sadly I knew that I was going to leave that bear farm and never see her again - but that everything would be different. And it was different, from that very second.” “But what I didn’t realize too, was the moment of the impact of her holding my hand. Because it was only years later, now knowing how aggressive bears can be in fear and during the process of rescuing them, that I realized how impactful that moment was. So I have a lot to thank that bear for. I named her Hong (Cantonese for bear), and believe that she started something quite miraculous. She started everything, and it’s a source of great disappointment that I never saw her again” Jill says with sadness in her voice. She was “a very special bear with a very special message.” The Legacy of Hong– AnimalsAsia “After meeting Hong, the story saw a big spread in the The South China Morning Post, that was read by a Chinese businessman, who called me up here in Hong Kong and said ‘I have a friend who has connections in Beijing who may be able to help you’. This friend turned out to be a legislator called David Chu Yu Lin and he introduced me to the China Wildlife Conservation Association in Beijing (CWCA), who I began working with and just talking to about bear bile farming. Through guanxhi and building up good connections ultimately they closed the second bear bile farm I ever visited in August of 1993 and then allowed us to take those bears to a piece of land that belonged to David Chu, who kindly allowed us to build a sanctuary on his site. At this time I was working with the International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW). We constructed a very small sanctuary for nine bears.”

to say that a lot has happened would be an understatement.

“在越南的醫生也開 始揭發這個行業,因 為他們說,大家服用 這種被染的膽汁的 結果就是死亡。” “Doctors in Vietnam are starting to blow the whistle on the industry because they are saying that people taking this contaminated bile are dying as a result.” In 1998 Jill founded Animals Asia, dedicated to ending the practice of bear bile farming and improving the welfare of animals in China and Vietnam. The Animals Asia team has been rescuing moon bears since 1994 and from a small group working out of her front room, at present the organisation is an international NGO with over 300 staff, with award-winning bear sanctuaries in Chengdu, China and Tam Dao, Vietnam, headquarters

From that small sanctuary of nine bears to the present day,

Pets & Hugs • November/ December 2014

in Hong Kong, and offices in Australia, China, Germany, Italy, the UK, US and Vietnam. Today widely recognised as the world’s leading expert on the bear bile industry, in 1998 Jill was awarded an MBE by Queen Elizabeth in the Birthday Honours List, in recognition of her services to animal welfare in Asia. In 2000, the Sichuan Forestry Department and the the China Wildlife Conservation Association signed an Agreement with Animals Asia to release 500 bears from the bile farms with the worst conditions. This marked the first time an agency of the Chinese government had ever come to an official agreement with an animal welfare organization. The milestones are big and always growing. Recently Jill and her team found someone they have been waiting for, for a very long time and who will take them in a new ground breaking direction. Peace by Piece Peace by Piece is Animals Asia’s new landmark campaign to help rescue and rehabilitate over 130 moon bears in Nanning,

China. These bears were kept in horrendous conditions – many trapped in tiny cages from birth - and farmed for their bile. “Working with a bear bile farmer in Nanning who has agreed to close down his operation and open a sanctuary in its wake for 130 bears, we will hopefully take 60 bears back to our sanctuary in Chengdu, and fund the conversion of his farm into a sanctuary for 70 bears.” “We’ve been looking for someone like him for a long, long, time, as our end bear bile farming campaign has been centered on a solution based strategy, conveying to the Chinese public the government and the farmers that the bear farmers are not our enemies, even though we dislike intensely what they have been doing over all these years.” “We’ve also been compensating the farmers from the very second we start to close down the farms, because we believe that our actions should not negatively impact someone’s livelihood.” “We’ve always done that. But this bear bile farmer was very unique. He’s a Buddhist but he also has a very savvy daughter who loves animals as well. Between those two things, when the farmer took over that farm as the general manager in 2010, he then realised that he didn’t want to farm bears anymore because he could see what it was doing to them. He joined us in Beijing at a press conference in April of this year, standing up and saying ‘bear farming, in my opinion, is cruel and hopeless.’” The sheer awe of that moment still washes over Jill as she recalls the press conference, “It was another one of those “pinch me” moments. Never did I think I would be sitting on a stage with a bear farmer I liked and shaking his hand too- and that was exactly what was happening.” “He wanted to close his farm, he didn’t want to sell his bears to other bear farmers, even though


不可能評論中國醫學,這不是我 們擅長的領域,但我們確實常與 很好的醫生合作,他們說的正 是——你不需要熊膽汁。” “英國中國傳統醫學及針灸協 會副會長Zhao教授有一句名 言:‘不能以中國醫藥作為藉 口,折磨及殺害動物。’” “已經有超過1,0 0 0名中國大 陸 醫 生 加 入 我 們,已有 超 過 1,0 0 0家藥店承諾不出售或處 方熊膽。這是一個叫‘無傷害 治療方案’的一部分,這對我 們非常重要。” 無傷害治療 農場總經理的職位時,他才明 白到 他 再 不 想 從事活 熊 取 膽 了,因為他可以看到對熊所做 的事。今年四月他參加了我們 在北京舉行的新聞發布會,在 會上他站起來説:‘活熊取膽, 在我看來,是殘忍和令人絕望 的。’” 當Jill回憶新聞發布會時,那一 刻仍令她充滿敬畏。“這是另 一 個‘觸 動 我’的 時刻。我從 來沒有想過會在舞台上與我喜 歡的養熊農民坐在一起並與他 握 手 — — 那就 是實 際 發生的 事。” “他想關閉他的養熊農場,而 不想把他的熊賣給其他養熊農 民,即使這樣做明顯地能讓他 能賺更多的錢,但當他的農場 被關閉時,我們也清楚地對他 和那些設施進行了賠償。” 這個 活熊取 膽 農 場 現在 將 變 成一個熊的家園、一個熊救護 中心及教育中心。通過與中國 政府合作,亞洲動物基金也將 確 保 這一 個 新 的 救 護中心 將 為 現有 的農 民 提 供 有意 義 的 工作,把他們培訓成為技術成 熟的熊護理員。這個舉動不僅 僅是一個熊隻拯救項目,這是


一 個 具 里程 碑意 義 的重 大舉 措 — — 它將幫助 該 地區 其他 農民改變心靈。 這位特殊的農民也在幫助Jill的 團隊更深入地了解活熊取膽對 熊的影響,“我們也意識到,當 他説過去兩年他沒有從熊隻抽 取膽汁時,他一直在說實話, 因為我們從健康檢查發現這些 熊的腹部瘻管已經被關閉。” “但 是 這 並不代 表 熊 的身 體 內部已經復 原 — — 我們 發 現 在中國,如果任何熊隻的膽被 從體內摘除,牠們的膽囊也需 要 摘 除,因為它(膽 囊)已嚴 重缺乏抵抗力。它已發炎並包 含異物,受到大規模感染而導 致 整個 身 體 產 生 連 鎖 反 應式 的感染,而膽汁本身包含污染 物——尿液、糞便、血液、腫瘤 及細菌細胞。” “在越南的醫生也開始揭發這 個行業,因為他們 說,大家服 用這種被污染的膽汁的結果就 是死亡。” “在中國我們還沒有發現任何 人受到類似的影響,但我們還 在尋找。因為我絕對相信,服用 這種可怕東西的人,因這東西含

有各類污染物,必定會是病得 很厲害或處於垂死狀態。” 背後的科學 既 然 熊 膽 汁有 這 麼 多 爭 論, 其背 後 的 藥用 價 值 是 什麼? “ 我 們 知 道 熊 膽 汁有用 處。 我 們 一直在 與 善 於 表 達、聰 明 的中醫 醫 生 及西方的 醫 生 共同合作。” “它含有膽烷酸(UDCA), 在西方它是被合成的而不是從 熊膽取得的,是屠宰場中動物 的副產品,可用於治療慢性肝 病,用來打破 膽結石,並可能 恢復大腦裡的細胞(否則會死 去,如亨廷頓舞蹈病、帕金森、 老年癡呆等病)。” “ 因 此,熊 膽 汁 是 有 用 的,2000年前中醫説有用是沒 有錯,但是,有道德的中醫和 西醫說,它可以很容易地被廉 價的草藥和合成品替代。有54 種不同草藥替代品,它們同樣 有 效,而且,正如許多醫生 所 說,它們甚至更有效,因為它們 不含有膿液、尿或糞便等。” Jill馬上強調說,這些醫療信息不 是亞洲動物基金提供的,“我們

我們有著不同的項目,從貓和 狗的福利到動物園及野生動物 園,最新項目的規模將會更加 大,“和平樂土”是我們從事過 的最大項目。這是一個以解決 方案為基礎的策略,它傳達給 中國公眾、政府及現有的養熊 農民一個信息——我們可以在 一個計劃中與這些農民合作, 關閉養熊場,然後原地建立一 個 熊救護中心,為熊、為農民 和國家的聲譽提供援助。 “對於中國附錄一中的瀕危物 種,這是一個願望良好、表現 良好的模式,我們與中國合適 的醫生合作,傳達無傷害治療 的信息。” “在我們這個暴力的世界中, 每天各種物種疾速奔向滅絕, 我們有責任說,看,我們仍然 可以成為負責任的物種,為疾 病找到有智慧的治愈方法,而 不利用野生及瀕危的物種。” 到今天為止,Jill和她的團隊所 完成的一切,及所有其他未完 成的成 功 故事,都 源 於19 9 3 年,與 一 隻 非 常 特 殊、名 叫 Hong的熊遭遇的難忘時刻。

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he could obviously make more money that way, but we did clearly compensate him and the facility when it was closed down.” This bile farm will now be turned into a home for the bears, a sanctuary andan education centre. By working with the Chinese Government, Animals Asia will also ensure that this new sanctuary will provide meaningful jobs to the existing farm workers, training them to become skilled bear carers. More than just a bear rescue, this is a landmark initiative to help change the hearts and minds of other farmers in the region. This particular farmer is also helping the team understand in greater depth the effects of farming on the bears, “And we also realised that he had been telling the truth when he said he hadn’t been extracting bile from the bears in the last two years, because we could see from our health checks that the bears abdominal fistulas had closed.” “But that doesn’t mean that underneath the bear has healedwe have found in China that if

any bear has had bile taken from their bodies, they will need their gallbladder removed, because it is so badly compromised. It is inflamed, it contains foreign bodies, it is massively infected which causes a ripple effect of infection across the body, and the bile itself contains contaminants- urine, feces, blood, cancer and bacteria cells.” “Doctors in Vietnam are starting to blow the whistle on the industry because they are saying that people taking this contaminated bile are dying as a result.” “We have yet to find anyone who has been similarly affected in China, but we are looking. Because I am absolutely sure that people taking this horrible stuff, with all the contaminants it entails, must be very sick or dying.” The Science Behind it With so much fuss around it, what are the medicinal qualities behind bear bile? “We know that bear bile works. We have been working with not only very articulate, and intelligent Chinese medicine doctors, but also with doctors in the west as well.”

“It contains ursodeoxycholic acid (UDCA) and in the West it is synthesised not from bears, but from the by-products of slaughter house animals, and is used to treat chronic liver complaints, to break down gall stones, and potentially to rejuvenate cells in your brain that otherwise die, so illnesses such as Huntington’s, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s etc.” “So bear bile works, Chinese doctors were not wrong when they said it worked 2000 years ago, but, what both ethical Chinese doctors and western doctors say is that it can be easily and cheaply be replaced by herbs and by synthetics. There are 54 different herbal alternatives and they are just as effective and, as many doctors say, are even more effective because they don’t contain pus, or urine, or feces etc.” Jill is quick to stress that medical information does not come from Animals Asia, “We cannot possibly comment on Chinese medicine, this is not our area of expertise, but we do work with amazing doctors that say exactly that- you don’t need bear bile.”

“There is a very good quote by Professor Zhao, Vice President of The Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture UK, “Chinese medicine can’t be used as an excuse for the torture and killing of animals.” “We’ve joined over 1000 doctors in Mainland China, and over 1000 pharmacies who have pledged not to sell or prescribe bear bile. This is part of a programme called Healing without Harm and it is very important to us.” Healing Without Harm With a number of different projects from cat and dog welfare to zoo’s and safari parks, the latest undertaking will be even greater in size, “Peace by Piece is the biggest project we have ever taken on. A solution based strategy to show the country, the government, the public and the bear farmers in existence now that we can collaborate on a programme with the farmers that close a farm down, then builds a sanctuary in its place and provides help for the bears, for the farmers and for the reputation of the country. “A model of good intentions, of good behaviour towards China’s Appendix 1 endangered species, and working with appropriate doctors in the country to convey the message of healing without harm.” “In this violent world of ours where species are hurtling into extinction every day, the onus is on us to say, look we can still be a responsible species that provides intelligent cures for illnesses that don’t involve exploiting our wild and endangered species.” Everything that Jill and her team have accomplished to date, and all the other success stories that are yet to come, all stem from one very profound moment in 1993 with a very special bear called Hong.

Pets & Hugs • November/ December 2014


廖家的家庭紐帶 The Liu family bond

對於Melody Liu來說,家中增 添了兩隻大型犬隻,正正是她所 期待的,Max和Manny都是很 可愛的伴侶, 為家中帶來無限 的笑聲。但牠們也帶來一些意外 – 令忙碌的一家四口比以往更為 親密。 For Melody Liu the addition of two big dogs to her family did exactly what she hoped for, Max and Manny are loving companions and provide much laughter. But they also brought the unexpected- a busy family of four closer together than ever.


寶貝寵物 • 2014年11月/12月


Cover story

Pets & Hugs • November/ December 2014



a x 是 隻 昆 明 犬,而 Manny是隻德國牧 羊犬,牠們散發出的 興奮和溫暖充斥著整個家,這 證明大 型 犬 隻 是不會 嚇 壞 人 的。牠們的體積和外貌可能騙 到外人,但牠們天真和多情的 性 格 顯示 牠們 對廖家的忠心 耿耿和愛心。Max許多面部表 情 和 姿 勢 都為 這個 家 庭 帶來 無限的笑聲,而受過專業警犬 訓練的Manny對Max唯命是 從的態度,形成一個搞笑歡樂 的對比。 兩隻狗是從一個 警犬訓練 基 地,被 帶 到 一 座 位 於 廣 東 省、離 澳 門 約 5 0 公 里 的 城市— —中山。 Max 和 Ma n ny不僅 成為廖家重 要 的 成 員, 牠 們 更 充 當 橋 樑,把 忙 碌 的 家 庭 成 員 — — Me l ody Li u 及其丈夫 Al f red Li u ——一位 成功 的 澳 門 商 人,和 他 們 兩 個 兒 子:J oe Li u —— 一位年輕 企業家和 Owen Li u — — 一 位 財務分析師聯繫在一起。

即使Melody Liu早在幾個月 前曾被其他狗隻嚇呆,如今只 要於週末離開中山,她都很掛 念和擔心她的愛犬。 “小時候,有一天,我遇到十 分 凶 惡 的 狗,不停 地 追 趕 著 我,直到我摔得很慘。我家亦 曾經養過狗,但最後因患病而 去世。有過這兩次經歷,使我 一方面害怕大型犬隻,另一方 面,我亦害怕傷害我與牠們之 間所建立的感情。” 多年來,儘管她的家人一直渴 望著,Melody總是找到不可 以在澳門住所養狗的好藉口。 她強調“公寓不適宜養狗。”正 因如此,她的家人以其他動物 包括魚、海龜和雀鳥來代替。 Joe Liu回憶童年時光,“我 曾經養過鹹水魚、淡水魚,但 牠們很沒趣。”他想有一隻能 令 他雀 躍 的 寵物 在 家裡 陪 伴 著 他,他 試 過 照 料 雀 鳥 和 海 龜。“兩者都不成功,兩隻雀鳥 死於疾病,而海龜則意外地從

公寓墮下。自此之後,我放棄 在澳門養動物,因為每次都是 慘淡收場。” 當Max加入這個家庭,Joe承 認對當時的情況有點擔心—以 往他亦從未接觸過這麼大的狗 隻,但Max很快開始和Joe混 熟,並對他非常友善。 回到當初 當廖家的別墅建成後,Alfred 覺 得 他們 的大宅 將會是 一兩 隻狗狗的完美安樂窩。他亦理 解到妻子會害怕牠們,經協定 後,由她親自挑選家中的第一 隻狗。 2 0 14 年1月 上 旬,他 們 前 往 金 三 角 旅 行,在 回 澳 途 中, 經 過 一 個 警犬 訓 練 基 地,讓 M e l o d y 到那 裏看 看 是 否有 喜 歡 的 狗 狗。在 圍 欄 內 的 一 群狗隻中,總有一隻大母犬, 在 見 到 夫 妻 倆 時,會 盡 量 伸 爪 到 圍 欄 外,嘗 試 去 接 觸 他 們。Melody解釋:”她是隻純

種昆明狗,而且是唯一一隻給 我們這般特殊反應的狗隻,看 來牠很希望我們去愛護牠,帶 牠回家。可惜外來人不可以買 牠。” 。 回澳後,他們的朋友調查了這 隻狗的背景和記錄,發現牠剛 剛誕下了一窩五隻、可作出售 的小狗。這些小狗也是純種昆 明犬,約兩個月大。“於是,我 們 到 昆明 一 趟 去 挑 選 小 狗, 由 於 牠 們 都 非 常 相 似,我 們 不知該如何選擇”。當地的培 訓員為了幫助我們作出決擇, 給五隻小 狗 進 行 各種 簡 單 的 遊 戲。結 果 很 清 晰;M a x 在 該 窩 小 狗 中是 身 體 最 強 壯、 動作最迅速的。 Melody想確保和Max有個良 好的關係,所以非常謹慎地抱 起牠,看看牠的長相。“當時我 很害怕,但一看到牠的臉兒, 牠的光環,我 就愛上了牠。” 她 和 牠 在 一 瞬 之 間 形 成了一 股十分穩固的凝聚力,她覺得 牠好像已經是家庭的一份子,

Owen Liu


寶貝寵物 • 2014年11月/12月



adiating excitement and warmth throughout the house, Max, a Kunming wolf dog and Manny, a German Shepherd, are proof that there is no reason to feel intimidated by big dogs. Their size and appearance might look deceptive to outsiders, but their innocent and affectionate personalities show their true devotion and love towards the Liu family. Max’s many facial expressions and poses bring ripples of laughter to the family and Manny’s sharp police training, accompanied by his submissive attitude towards Max, make for a funny and entertaining contrast. Both were brought to Zhongshan, a city located in the Guangdong province around 50 km from Macau from a police dog training base. Max and Manny have not only come to be important members of the Liu family, but they have also acted as a bridge, bringing together busy family members including Melody Liu and her husband Alfred Liu, a well-established Macau businessman, and their two sons, Joe Liu, a young entrepreneur, and Owen Liu, a financial analyst. Today, Melody Liu cannot spend one weekend away from Zhongshan without missing and worrying about her dogs, even though only a few months ago, canines petrified her. “When I was very little, I encountered a very fierce dog that chased me non-stop until I fell down very badly “one day”. Our family also had a dog that passed away from illness. These two experiences made me on one hand, afraid of big dogs, but on the other hand I was fearful of the emotional connection I could establish with them.” For many years Melody always found good excuses to not have dogs in their Macau home, even though her family always wanted them: “an apartment is not suitable for dogs” she would emphasize, and because of this the family would settle

Cover story on other animals including fish, turtles and birds. Joe Liu recalls these childhood moments, “I have experienced having salt water fish, fresh water fish, but they were very boring.” Wanting a more exciting pet that would accompany him around the house, he tried caring for birds and turtles. “Both of them were unsuccessful stories, the birds both died of sickness, and the turtles accidentally fell from the apartment. After that, I gave up having animals in Macau because it ended badly every time.” When Max joined the family, Joe admits he was a bit wary of the situation – he had never encountered such a big dog before, but very quickly Max started to familiarize himself with Joe and showed much friendliness towards him. Back to the beginning When the family’s holiday home was completed, Alfred thought that their spacious home would be the perfect environment for a dog or two. Understanding that his wife feared them, they came to a compromise that she was to personally choose their first dog. On one of their road trips to the Golden Triangle in early January 2014, they passed by the police dog training base on their journey back to Macau to see if there were any dogs that Melody liked. Out of all the dogs, there was one big female dog in an enclosed space and every time the dog saw the couple she would try to stick her paw out of the fence to reach them. “She was a pure Kunming wolf dog and was the only dog to give us such a special reaction, she looked like she wanted us to love her and take her home. Unfortunately outsiders could not buy her,” Melody explains. After returning to Macau, their friend did some research into the dog’s background and records and found that she had just had a litter of five puppies, available for purchase. These puppies were

Pets & Hugs • November/ December 2014

Melody Liu and Max


並希 望 盡 快 帶 牠 回 家。兩 天 後,Max到中山的行程經已安 排妥當,並如期進行。 人與動物關係的力量 M e l o d y 為安排 M a x 的行 程 而擔心,但當牠踏出籠子到達 他們的家時,她感到如釋重負 – 牠充滿愛心並活躍地搖著尾 巴。牠初進家門時,只是一隻 小狗,Max不像牠的父母曾接 受過正規的警犬培訓。牠很天 真無邪;很快就適應了他們在 中山的家,並把Melody當作 是牠的看護 人。“牠明白我非 常愛護牠,我們都享受彼此凝 望的特別時刻。” 每當 M e l o d y 回到 中山的 家 時,Max便會跑來迎接她,並 溫柔地去親吻她。他們常分享 音樂的激情,Melody喜歡在 牠耳邊歌唱,當她這樣做時, 牠 的 頭 便 會 跟著 節 奏 左右 搖 擺。牠還喜歡游泳,有個為牠 而設的游泳池。Melody通常 在室內泳池游泳,揚聲器播放 著音樂,Max看著她從一邊游 到另一邊。Melody笑著說“曾 經有一次,Max在半夜悄悄地 跳入室內泳池,在未被人發現 之前,已經游了一段時間。” Joe補充說:“Max很有人性, 牠的反應、牠的情緒就像個嬰 兒。無論任何事情,牠都會不 加思索的照你吩咐去做 。” 一個新弟弟 也許由於與Max相處融 合,A l f r e d 便 想 在 家中添加 新成 員。他 擔 心 M a x 感 到 孤 寂,所 以 覺 得 最 好 替 牠 找 個 伴 — — 個 弟弟。由 於 熟 悉 那 個 警犬 訓 練 基 地,他 決 定 在 2 014 年 4月底 到 基 地 再 尋 找 另一隻狗隻。 A l f re d 想 起他們 第一次到基 地 時,M e l o d y 曾 提 及 到 德 國牧羊犬很可愛及相當有型。 36

他 們 的 朋 友替 廖 家 挑 選了一 隻 德 國 牧 羊犬,雖 然 牠 不 像 Max一般, 是隻單純無知的小 狗 — — 牠 已接 受了幾個月 的 警犬培訓。當Melody抵達中 山發 現這隻新狗 時,幾乎嚇 了一跳。Melody回憶:“當 我第一次見到Manny,我很 害怕。” 當時,Melody為了沒有親自 去 挑 選 M a n n y而感 到 有 點 不安,因為沒有經 過與 選 擇 Max一樣的過程,但後來亦 漸漸地習慣了牠。 M a x 在 兩個月大 時加 入 廖 家,而 接 受 過 正 規 培 訓 的 M a n n y, 已 是 8 個 月 大。當 牠抵達廖 宅 時,牠的反應 與 Max截然不同。Me l ody 解 釋:“牠的身體語言顯示非常 不 安。我 很 擔 心,因為 在 基 地 時,一 隻狗只 跟 隨一名訓 狗警員,所以Manny只習慣 聽一個人的指揮,”。 Joe插嘴說:“這很有趣,我 的第一 個印象很 正面。我覺 得牠散發出相當不錯的氣色。 唯一令我擔心的是兩隻狗之間 的關係,因為始終Max待在我 們家的時間比Manny較長。” 在最初幾個月Manny和Max 很合不來,並時常打架。Max 是 隻 頑 皮 天 真 的 狗,嘗 試 與 Manny玩耍,但因為Manny 較為強壯和成熟,牠的即時反 應是Max試圖攻擊牠。許多時 這些打架 最終令M a x 嚴 重受 傷。Melody解釋:“當這情況 發生時,我心裏很難過,我覺 得Max就像我的兒子,看到牠 受傷, 我極之悲傷。Manny傷 害Max的事實使我對Manny 更為反感。” M a x 和 M a n n y 在 同 一屋 簷 下生活了幾個月,奠定了兄弟 的關係。牠們不再打架,如果 發 生什 麼 事 情,牠 們 會 守 望 相 助。儘 管 M a x 較 為 年幼,

因 牠 先 入 為 主,牠 自 視 為 兄 長。當 M a x 與 家 人 玩 耍的 時 候,Manny會儘量保持距離, 因為M a x 對家人的佔有欲 較 強。Joe說:“Max有個一切以

Joe說:“在西方的 文化裡,人與動物到 處玩耍遊逛,並與牠 們 一 起 成長。在 這 裡,我們沒有這種機 會。教育是一個漫長 的培育過程,只要開 始,永不會遲。” “In western cultures,

people run around with animals, they grow up with them. Here, we

don’t have that kind of

opportunity. Education is a long nurturing

process and it’s never too late to start. ” Joe

牠為首的心態,很自我中心。 所以我嘗試給Manny多點關 注,盡量使牠們的關係較為平 衡。” Manny在家中只對Alfred付出 無條件的愛,每次Alfred在牠 左右,牠變得非常高興,跑到 他身邊和他一起玩耍。牠總是 試圖靠近Alfred,不論他們一 起玩耍或只是休息。Melody 咯咯地笑着说:“牠對我的丈 夫有點著迷。” “尤其是現在,他一直非常忙 碌,並常常受到工作壓力,但每 當我見到他與Max和Manny 玩 耍 時,他可 以 完 全 放 鬆 心 情,臉上總是掛著笑容。” 家庭紐帶 處於一個忙碌的家庭,大家很 難得在一起渡過美好時光。由

於所有家庭 成員都 疼愛M a x 和 M a n ny,因而成為大家聚 在一起的原動力。Melody有 過這些經 歷後,克服了對狗隻 的恐懼感 – 若不是因為她對 家人的愛,她 絕不 容許 在家 中養狗。“在我生命裏,丈夫 和 兒子 是 最重 要的,比我自 己的生命更為重要。”無論面 臨任 何 挑 戰,她也會面 對它 們,因為她 對 她家庭的愛 勝 過一切。 現 在 談 及 養 第 3 隻 狗。一 開 始,在Max和Manny未加入 廖家之前,M e l o d y 曾告訴 Alfred,她想要一隻很可愛的 狗,例如金毛尋回犬之類的, 但Max 和 Manny都不是這 類型。現在,他們可能會尋找 一隻該類型的狗隻。 我們需要從教育開始 談起澳門,Joe解釋:“我認 為我們從來沒有在澳門住所 養狗是個 正確 的決 定。我認 為Max和Manny很幸運 – 牠 們可以在一個非常寬敞的環 境暢泳和玩耍。如果不能提供 所需的鍛煉給牠們,牠們會受 苦。” 有時候熱愛動物的澳門人,往 往 把 寵 物 當 作 成自己的 小朋 友,替牠們打扮、穿上鞋子。但 Joe不同意這種想法,他認為 狗隻是應該配合自然環境,牠 們可以在那裡奔跑、與同類溝 通,而不會受到限制。至於澳 門的動物文化,Joe認為需要 從根源發起更多的教育和文化 宣傳運動。“在西方的文化裡, 人與動物到處玩耍遊逛,並與 牠們一起成長。在這裡,我們 沒有這種機會。教育是一個漫 長的培育過程,只要開始,永 不會遲。” Melody最後說:“我們需要 推 動 澳 門 動 物 保 護 法,並 繼 續 以 正確 方法 教 育飼 養 狗 隻 的人。” 寶貝寵物 • 2014年11月/12月


Cover story

Joe Liu and Max

Pets & Hugs • November/ December 2014


also Kunming wolf dog purebreds and were around two months old. “We then made a short trip to pick the dog, but because they were all quite similar we didn’t know how to choose one.” To help the decision making, local training instructors performed a variety of simple games for the five puppies to play. The results were obvious; Max was the strongest and fastest out of the litter. Melody wanted to make sure Max and her had a connection, so very carefully she held him to see what he was like. “I was very scared then, but I saw his face, his aura and I liked him.” In that one instant, she formed a very strong emotional bond with him, she felt as if he were part of her family and wanted to take him home as soon as possible. Only two days later, the travel arrangements to Zhongshan were in place and carried out.

JD:意想不到的表現 Joe Liu在澳門期間,曾飼養過龜、鳥、甚至是魚。當他去倫敦上大學時,他認為這是養狗的 絕佳時機。 當Joe室友Shen生日時,他有一個充分的理由為公寓買隻小狗。在生日會上,小 狗被藏在衛生間裡,當吹蠟燭時,Joe送上小狗作為Shen的生日禮物。在興奮和驚喜之中, 朋友們催促Shen 替小狗命名 - Shen第一眼看到桌上一瓶Jack Daniels,他決定用“JD” 作為小狗的名字。Joe在腦海中憧憬著完美的畫面:他和室友會與那隻非常可愛的小狗在倫 敦許多公園漫步,隨後將會吸引很多女性的注意。可惜事與願違。傑克羅素梗是種非常活躍 的狗,與其說他們帶小狗散步,其實剛恰相反,牠反而帶Joe和他的室友去跑步。當他們在 家裡工作時,牠會故意咬上網電線,使他們無法完成作業。牠很調皮,但仍有快活時刻。有 時候,當他們在工作時,牠會趴在他們的腿上,Joe感嘆說,最快活的時刻是當牠到屋外的 廁所—“我們試圖訓練JD,但牠實在太淘氣。”現在JD愉快地和Shen的父母住在馬來西亞 馬六甲,牠可以在那寬敞的環境中到處奔跑和玩耍。

JD: Unexpected behaviour

During Joe Liu’s years in Macau, he had turtles, birds and even fish. When he went to university in London, he thought it would be the perfect time to have a dog. The birthday of his flat mate gave Joe the perfect excuse to buy a puppy for the apartment. During the party, the puppy was hidden in the bathroom, and when it was time to blow the birthday candles, Joe presented him as a present to his friend, Shen. In the midst of all the excitement and surprise, Shen was pressured to name the puppy by all his friends – a bottle of Jack Daniels being the first thing he saw on the table, he decided to name the puppy “JD”. Joe had the perfect vision in his mind: Shen and him would stroll through the many parks of London with their very cute puppy and this would subsequently attract much female attention. Unfortunately, the reality was a little bit different. Jack Russell Terriers are very active dogs and instead of taking him for a stroll it was the other way around, he took Joe and Shen for a run. At home, when they were working, he would purposely bite the Internet cable so they couldn’t finish their assignments. He was mischievous, but still had blissful moments. Sometimes he would lie on their lap when they worked and Joe exclaims that the happiest moment was when he went to the toilet outside the home – “We tried to train JD, but he was way too naughty.” Now JD happily resides with Shen’s parents in Malacca, Malaysia where he can run around and play in a spacious environment.


The strength of a human animal connection Max’s traveling arrangements had worried Melody, but to her relief as soon as he stepped out of the cage and into their home – he was active, loving and wagging his tail. He was only a puppy when he joined their family, unlike his parents who had received formal police training. Max was still very innocent and pure; he quickly adapted to their Zhongshan home and recognized Melody as his carer. “He understood that I cared for him a lot, and we had these moments where we shared each other’s gaze, it was very special.” Every time Melody goes to their Zhongshan home, Max runs to greet her and smothers her with kisses. Music is also a common passion they share; Melody likes to sing into his ear and when she does his head moves from side to side, swaying to the rhythm. He also loves swimming, and has a designated pool for him. Melody usually swims in the house’s indoor pool with music playing on the speakers, and Max watches her swim from one side to the other. “I know that once

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Cover story in the middle of the night, Max sneakily jumped into the indoor pool and swam for quite some time before anyone found out, ” Melody laughs. “Max is very human, his reactions, his emotions are just like a baby’s. He will do anything you tell him to do without thinking it through first,” adds Joe. A new sibling Maybe it was the good experience with Max that invited further thoughts about adding a new member to the family. Alfred worried about Max’s loneliness and thought it would be best for him to have a companion, a brother. Being already familiar with the police dog training base, he decided to find another dog from there at the end of April 2014. On their first trip to the base, Melody had mentioned that the German Shepherds looked very sweet and were quite handsome – Alfred remembered this comment. Their friend helped the family choose a German Shepherd, although he was no longer a pure innocent puppy like Max – he had already undergone a few months of police training. It was almost a form of surprise as Melody only found out about this new dog when he arrived in Zhongshan. “The first time I saw Manny I was very scared, ” Melody recalls.

in the house if it were not for the love she has for her family. “My husband and my sons are the most important ones in my life, and more important than my own life.” Whatever challenges she is faced with, she will confront them because she loves her family more than anything else.

Melody談到Max 時說:“牠明白我非 常愛護牠,我們都 享受彼此凝望的特 別時刻。” “He understood that I

cared for him a lot, and

we had these moments where we shared each

other’s gaze, it was very

special.” Melody on Max

worried because at their base, one dog only followed one police trainer, so Manny was only accustomed to listen to one man’s command, ” Melody explains. “That’s interesting, my first impression was very positive. I felt like he gave off quite a good vibe. The only thing that worried me was the relationship between the two dogs, because at the end of the day Max has been in our home for much longer than Manny,” Joe intervenes.

At the time she was rather uncomfortable with the idea of not having chosen Manny personally, not having gone through the same process she did with Max, but gradually she grew accustomed to him.

Manny and Max did not get along during the first few months and were always fighting. Max, being the playful innocent dog he is, would try to play with Manny but because Manny is quite a strong and mature dog, his immediate reaction was to think Max was trying to fight with him. Many of these battles ended with Max being hurt quite badly. “My heart grieved when this happened, I feel as though Max is my son and seeing him hurt made me extremely unhappy. The fact that Manny was hurting Max also made me resent Manny even more,” explains Melody.

Max had joined the family at two months old; Manny on the other hand was already eight months old and had received formal training. When he arrived at the house, his reaction was the opposite of Max’s. “His body language showed that he felt very insecure and I was

It took months and months of living under the same roof for Max and Manny to settle into a brotherly relationship. They don’t fight anymore and if anything ever happens, they seem to help each other out. Because Max came into their home first, even though he is the younger dog,

Pets & Hugs • November/ December 2014

he still acts as the older brother. When Max is playing with the family, Manny tries to keep his distance as Max becomes a bit possessive over his relationship with the family. “Max has the mentality of everything being about him first, he is very self centered. That’s why I try to give Manny more attention, to try to even out their relationship a bit more, ” says Joe. The one person in the family who Manny loves unconditionally is Alfred; every time Alfred is around he becomes extremely happy and runs up to him to play with him. He always tries to be near Alfred, whether or not they are playing together or just resting: “He is a bit obsessive over my husband,” Melody giggles. “It is really great to see Alfre totally relaxed with a huge smile on his face whenever he is playing with Max and Manny, especially nowadays when he has been extremely busy and under a lot of pressure from work,” adds Melody. Family Ties Being such a busy family, it is difficult to always find time to spend quality time together. Max and Manny being loved by all members of the family have acted as a pulling force to bring everyone together. Melody’s fear of dogs has also been overcome by this experience – she would have never accepted having a dog

Now there are talks of a third dog. In the very beginning before Max and Manny joined the family, Melody had told Alfred that she wanted a very sweet dog, the Golden Retriever type, but neither Max nor Manny are like this. Now they might look for another dog that fits into that category. Education: Where we need to start Speaking of Macau, Joe explains: “I think it was the right decision for us never to have a dog in our Macau flat. I think Max and Manny are very lucky now – they can swim, play in a very spacious environment. If you can’t give them the exercise they need, they suffer.” Animal lovers in Macau sometimes tend to treat their pets too much like their children, dressing them up and fitting little shoes on them. Joe disagrees with this concept, he believes that dogs are suited to a natural environment, a place where they can run, communicate and not be constrained. In regards to Macau’s animal culture, Joe believes that we need to create more awareness campaigns and start from the roots, which are education and culture. “In western cultures, people run around with animals, they grow up with them. Here, we don’t have that kind of opportunity. Education is a long nurturing process and it’s never too late to start.” Melody ends by saying: “We need to promote laws of animal protection in the city, and keep educating people on the correct way of caring for dogs.”



An Unexpected Guest

一個意外的電話,引出一 個 澳門獸醫 搶 救和 保育 的故事。 An unexpected phone call led one Macau veterinarian into a tale of rescue and preservation.


寶貝寵物 • 2014年11月/12月

本地採風 專訪

為 一 名 澳 門 獸 醫,H e n r i q u e Galvão醫生對不尋 常的事並不陌生,但十月初的 一個來電卻帶來一個意想不到 的新發現。“我剛接到一個奇 怪的電話,問我是否可以來看 看一隻海龜,我心想這傢伙可 能不知道海龜是什麼東西,” Galvão醫生坦言,“我覺得 這可能是只是一隻烏龜。 ” Ga lvãomade醫生在澳門 出診後,走進這個男人的花園 時,他 看 到魚缸 裡 的日本 鯉 魚,當然還有一隻海龜。海龜 主人從幾個朋友那裡得到這 隻烏龜,當牠還是幼龜時這些 朋友就開始飼養牠。 今天這隻海龜約三歲大,體重 3.5公斤,Galvão醫生認為牠 自從 龜 蛋 孵 化 後 便 一直被 圈 養。這位綠十字診所的獸醫解 釋:“這在走私集團裡是常見的 事,圈養海 龜是非法的,因為 這些動物已被列入國際瀕危物 種名單。” 世界上幾乎每一個國家都遵從 這份瀕危物種名單,只有持有 特別許可證的地方如動物園及 水族館才能飼養瀕危動物,瀕 危動物的入口/進口被禁止。還 有另一種特殊許可證,適用於 那些常在寵物商店見到的珍奇 動物,例如松鼠。

Galvão醫生當場為這隻玳瑁 海龜用藥並把藥物留下。當他 回到診所,他開始撥打電話給 世界各地的同事,取得盡可能 多的信息,並制定出如何救助 玳瑁海龜的計劃。

“ 這在 走 私 集 團 裡是常見的事,圈 養海龜是非法的, 因為這些動物已被 列入國際瀕危物 種名單。”

在 得到 玳 瑁 海 龜 主 人 的同意 後,G a l v ã o 醫 生 前 往 接 走 這 隻 瀕 危 和 珍 貴 的 海 龜,把 牠 帶 回 診 所,開 始 恢 復 健 康 的療程。 Galvão醫生在得到香港海洋 公園同事的指導後,把浴缸注 滿水,“在葡萄牙超市買下了 近乎所有岩鹽存貨”,並逐步 增加水中鹽的濃度。然後再到 菜市場,購買新鮮的大蝦和魷 魚。玳瑁海龜約在三天後才開 始進食。 玳 瑁 海 龜 呈 現 出胃腸 炎 的 症


s a veterinarian in Macau, Dr. Henrique Galvão is no stranger to the unusual, however a phone call at the beginning of October brought about an unexpected revelation. “I just got a weird call asking if I can come take a look at a sea

“This is quite common in

smuggling rings, keeping sea turtles in captivity is

illegal, for these animals are on the list of international endangered species.”

turtle, and I thought to myself that this guy probably doesn’t know what a sea turtle is,” the vet admits, “I thought it was probably just a tortoise.” When Dr. Galvão made the house call in Macau and walked into the man’s garden he saw a tank with Japanese carp fish and, indeed, a sea turtle. The owner had received the turtle from some friends, who had raised her since she was a baby. Today the sea turtle is around three years old and weighs 3.5 kilos and Dr. Galvão believes

LocalInterview Interest

that she was raised in captivity all her life, since hatching from an egg. “This is quite common in smuggling rings, keeping sea turtles in captivity is illegal, for these animals are on the list of international endangered species,” the Green Cross Clinic vet explains. The list of endangered species is abided by pretty much every single county in the world, and only with a special permit are places such as zoo’s and aquariums allowed to keep endangered animals, with no import/export allowed. There is also another type of special permit, which is for exotic animals, the ones often found in pet shops, for animals such as squirrels, for example. In the case of the hawksbill sea turtle that Dr. Galvão came upon, she belongs to a critically endangered species and this was explained to her owner in a considerate and delicate way, at the time. Due to improper care, the hawksbill sea turtle suffered from a number of ailments, firstly, she had been kept in freshwater all her life (when saltwater is where they naturally live) consequently her skin was swollen with a lot of bruising, and her shell was in bad condition as well. It was when she stopped

現在Galvão醫生遇到的玳瑁 海龜屬於極度瀕危的物種,當 時Galvão醫生向牠的主人小 心謹慎地解釋。 因照顧不善,這隻玳瑁海龜患 有一些疾病。首先,牠一直被 飼養在淡水裡(海水是牠們的 自然生活環境),因此她的皮 膚腫 脹,有多處淤傷,而牠的 殼的情況也很糟糕。因牠停止 進食,牠的主人才開始關注而 請綠十字獸醫診所來應診。 Dr. Henrique Galvão and the precious guest

Pets & Hugs • November/ December 2014


玳瑁海龜 整個大西洋、太平洋和印度洋的熱帶水域都會發現玳瑁海龜。 在年幼時,玳瑁海龜的上殼是心形的,當牠們成熟時會變長。 牠們錐形頭末端的尖點形似鳥喙,牠們的名字因此由來。 玳瑁海龜每兩到三年進行交配,通常發生在靠近岸邊的淺水區。牠們離開大海,選擇一個 地方產蛋。牠們會在沙灘上挖一個坑,在裡面產蛋,再用沙蓋上。然後玳瑁海龜離開產蛋 區,退到海中,這些蛋會在約60天內孵化。 像許多海龜一樣,主要因為人類的影響,玳瑁海龜變成極度瀕危物種。儘管在國際上受到 保護,在世界各地人類仍然不斷地吃玳瑁海龜蛋。因為要進食玳瑁海龜的肉及得到牠們漂 亮的殼,人類常常捕殺牠們。這些優美的海龜也受到被漁網意外捕獲的威脅。

Hawksbill turtles Hawksbill turtles are found throughout the tropical sea of the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian Oceans. While young, hawksbills’ upper shell is heartshaped, and as they mature it elongates. Their tapered heads end in a sharp point resembling a bird’s beak, hence their name. Mating occurs every two to three years and normally takes place in shallow waters close to the shore. They leave the sea to choose an area to lay their eggs. A pit is dug in the sand, filled with eggs, and then covered. At this stage the turtles retreat to the sea, leaving the eggs, which will hatch in about 60 days. Like many sea turtles, hawksbills are a critically endangered species due mostly to human impact. Hawksbill eggs are still eaten around the world despite the turtle’s international protected status, and they are often killed for their flesh and their stunning shells. These graceful sea turtles are also threatened by accidental capture in fishing nets.


寶貝寵物 • 2014年11月/12月

本地採風 專訪

LocalInterview Interest 狀,獸醫認為這是由於 牠與鯉魚共用 魚缸 及飲用了被 污染了的水所 致。但 牠在診所過了兩星期後 便有好轉。牠 的皮膚得到改善,從 蒼白變成一個比 較正常的顏色,牠的淤傷消失了,外殼 變得有光澤。 至於這隻獲救海龜的未來,牠不能捕 食,需要人手餵食,“你必須在牠面前 揮動蝦,牠就會過來吃,但如果你只是 把蝦拋出,牠就吃不到了,”在某程度 上這限制了牠的選擇。 澳門市政狗房有一個為野生動物而設 的特 殊部門,它會為海 龜作出最好的 選擇。如果牠能夠照顧自己的話,會把 牠放歸自然; 另一種選擇是讓牠加入 香港海洋公園的海洋生物,與一班 新 朋友交往。 不管是哪一種選擇,牠將有一個健康 的新生活,我們大家都會見証一隻瀕危 生物在自然世界找回牠應有的生活。

Pets & Hugs • November/ December 2014

eating that her owner grew concerned and called Green Cross Veterinary Clinic. Dr. Galvão treated her on the spot and left medication behind. When he returned to the clinic he began making calls to colleagues around the world to get as much information about the situation as possible and to make plans about how he could rescue her. With permission in place from the owner’s contacts, Dr. Galvão went to collect the endangered and precious turtle and brought her back to the clinic where the process to get her back to health began. After speaking to colleagues at Ocean Park in Hong Kong for advice and guidance, they then filled a bathtub with water and “finished all the stock supplies of rock salt at the Portuguese supermarkets”, gradually increasing the concentration of salt in the water. Next was a trip to the market for fresh prawns and squid. It took her about three days to start eating. She was showing signs of gastroenteritis that the vet puts down to sharing a tank with the

carp fish and the contaminated water she drank. But after two weeks at the clinic she took a turn for the better. Her skin improved, she went from very pale to a more normal colour, her bruising disappeared and her shell became shiny. As for the future of the rescued sea turtle, she can’t hunt and needs to be handfed, “you have to wave the shrimp in front of her and she would come and take it, but if it was just thrown, she couldn’t follow it,” limiting her options to some extent. Macau Municipal Kennel has a special department for wildlife and they are the ones who will decide what is best for the sea turtle. Either she will be released into the wild; if she is capable of fending for herself, or another alternative is that she joins the rest of the marine animals at Ocean Park in Hong Kong and makes a whole new bunch of friends. Either way, she will have a new, healthy lease on life, and we all get to witness an endangered species take her rightful place in the natural world.


為所愛的動物繪畫 Painting for the love of animals

當流浪貓狗需要付錢給獸醫,可以找誰 幫忙?未來畫廊畫室(下稱“未來”)為 這些流浪動物籌集款項; 《寶貝寵物》 採訪了“寵愛畫”慈善活動背後的藝術 家,該活動目的是為澳門保護遺棄動物 協會籌款。 When homeless cats and dogs need money for the vet, who can they ask help from? Future Gallery & Studio raised funds for these stray animals; Pets&Hugs spoke to the artist behind the “Chong Ai Hua” charity event, which seeks to raise funds for AAPAM.


寶貝寵物 • 2014年11月/12月


Local Interest 《寶貝寵物》:你好Ah Jing,這是我們第一次來到你的畫 廊——未來畫廊畫室。 Ah Jing:我們於2014年4月開幕,在此之前,我們在大三巴 牌坊下有一個工作室,後來我們打算擴大我們的藝術空間。我 們的目標是以藝術使社會更豐盛,讓更多人能有機會參與創 作。現在,我們為學生提供展示自己作品的地方。“未來”是畫 廊和畫室的結合。藝術家致力於創作創新藝術品,可以在這裡 舉辦個人畫展。同時,我們為想第一次沾手藝術的人舉辦學習 班,也歡迎有經驗的學生。我們的課程從星期四到星期六,最 年長的學生有76歲!

Pets&Hugs- Hello Ah Jing, this is our first time here at your gallery – Future Gallery & Studio. Ah Jing: We held our opening in April, 2014. Before this, we had a studio at the foot of St. Paul’s Ruins, but then we decided to expand our art space. Our goal is to enrich the community with art so that more people can have a chance to participate in creativity. We now provide space for students to display their artwork. Future is a combination of gallery and studio. Artists who are dedicated to creating innovative artwork can hold exhibitions here. At the same time, we hold classes for those who want to get their hands on art for the first time; experienced learners are also welcome. Our classes run from Thursday to Saturday and our oldest student is 76!

《寶貝寵物》:你為什麼選擇這個地方? Ah Jing:首先,“未來”提供一個比我從前工作室更大的空 間。我想要寧靜的氣氛,這正是我所需要的地方。它在大炮臺 背後、靠近公園、遠離繁華的街道。

Pets&Hugs: Why did you choose this spot? Ah Jing: First of all, Future provides a bigger space than my previous studio. I wanted to find a serene atmosphere and this is just the right place. It is behind Monte Forte, and near a park, secluded from the busy streets.

《寶貝寵物》:室內設計充滿活力。 Ah Jing:我嘗試創造一個自然環境氛圍。我丈夫Alex和我設 計了這個畫廊。我們的理念是 讓我們的工作室簡潔而富於自 然,就像一個原始森林。我們 的畫,也來得自然,而且全都是 原創藝術作品。 《寶貝寵物》:難怪在入口附近 左邊牆上畫有一隻長頸鹿。 Ah Jing:的確。你看到長頸鹿 旁邊有個小天使。開幕當天,9 名學生穿著我們所製成的小天 使服裝,當他們走近牆邊,他 們像活生生的天使從牆上跳下 來。

Pets&Hugs: The interior design is quite lively. Ah Jing: I try to create the ambience of a natural environment. My husband Alex and I designed the gallery. The idea is to keep our studio simple and full of nature, like a primitive forest. Our paintings, too, come naturally and are all original works of art. Pets&Hugs: No wonder you have a giraffe on the left hand side of the wall near the entrance. Ah Jing: Exactly. Next to the giraffe you see a little angel. On the opening day, nine students were dressed in little angel costumes, made by us. As they walked around near the wall, it is as if they had jumped off the wall and came to life.

《寶貝寵物》:有大量的圖畫掛 在我們背後,是你的嗎? Ah Jing:我可以說,這是一個 計劃。80%的畫作都是由我的 學生所創作,部分則是我的。 在課堂上,我只協助學生,而不是“教導”他們。我的意思是, 我的工作是協助他們完成他們腦海中想要的畫面。我們背後 的畫,與牆壁上其他畫作不同。

Pets&Hugs: Hanging behind us, we see lots of drawings. Are they yours? Ah Jing: It’s a project, I would say. 80% of the paintings are done by my students and some are mine. During my lessons, I only assist students rather than ‘teach’ them. My job is to help them complete the picture they want and have in their minds. The painting behind us is, however, different from the other paintings on the walls.

《寶貝寵物》:對,它們全是貓和狗的圖畫。 Ah Jing:你說得對。我們舉行了一個慈善活動——“寵愛畫” 或寵物繪畫。該活動的目的是為了澳門保護遺棄動物協會裡 無家可歸的貓和狗籌款,尤其是那些需要接受手術的動物。我 們以海報去宣傳我們的籌款活動,把海報貼在相關的寵物店 鋪。捐錢的寵物主人,可得到他們寵物的畫作為回報。圖畫分 為三類 —— 油畫、粉彩畫或素描,我們後面這50幅都是粉彩 畫,意味著有50位熱心捐助者。

Pets&Hugs: Yes, they are all drawings of cats and dogs. Ah Jing: That’s right. We held a charity event - “Chong Ai Hua” or drawings for pets. The purpose of the event was to raise funds for AAPAM for homeless cats and dogs, especially those that need operations. We advertised our fund-raising activity on posters and they were all displayed in pet-related shops. Pet owners donate money and in return they get a drawing of their pets. The drawings were divided into three categories - acrylic, soft pastel or sketches. These 50 drawings behind us are all soft pastels. This also means that there were 50 warm-hearted donors.

《寶貝寵物》:那麼油畫和素描呢? Ah Jing:那些畫是我這活動的合作夥伴Jet Wu所畫。 Pets & Hugs • November/ December 2014

Pets&Hugs: What about the acrylics and sketches? Ah Jing: My partner of this event, Jet Wu, did those drawings.


《寶貝寵物》:要花多少時間才完成這些作品? AhJing:啊,我們在7月底開始,一共花了近3個月。 《寶貝寵物》:你如何想到用寵物作為這次慈善活動 主題的念頭? Ah Jing:有一天,我和朋友Jet Wu聊天,因為我倆 都養狗,他建議我們可以捐點錢給有需要的寵物。 受這個意念驅動,我覺得我可以為牠們做點實事。 其 實 我可以 通 過 繪 畫 籌 集 款 項,幫助 寵物 延長 壽 命。寵物主人可捐錢到澳門保護遺棄動物協會,而 善款主要用作醫療。在澳門保護遺棄動物協會內有 些無家可歸貓狗,有些斷腳或四肢,有些患白內障, 其他的心肺功能衰弱或患有其他健康問題。我們成 功為該協會籌得30,0 0 0澳門元,雖然款項不多,至 少該筆款項能幫助5-10隻需要接受手術的狗。 《寶貝寵物》:那麼,這次活動的目的是推廣愛護寵 物嗎? Ah Jing:對,那些圖畫捕捉寵物的心靈和牠們與主 人的回憶。有些狗已經死了。有位特別的狗主,帶來一 張很舊的狗照片,告訴我們,牠於10年前已經死了。 他不想牠坐在沙發上;而是希望牠以天堂為背景,那 就是牠所在的地方:沉浸在雲、藍天和草地的背景 中。我們畫的狗中30%已經入土。 《寶貝寵物》:請告訴我們更多關於繪 畫流程方面的事情。 Ah Jing:所有的繪畫都是協同工作,由 我和我的學生完成。這是學生第一次使 用軟粉彩作為一種媒介,而我們的畫廊 推廣用軟粉彩。經過3到4天的工作,即 學生們努力工作16小時左右,我仍需要 花3到6個小時,完成他們的作品,才能 得到一件製成品。 《寶貝寵物》:“寵愛畫”活動在何時何 地舉行? Ah Jing:11月9日在澳門逸園賽狗場 舉行。除了我們的展覽,引起人們對保 護 動 物 的意識 外,還有很多其他 的活 動。我們 鼓 勵 寵物主 人帶同自己的 寵 物去認識新朋友,享受歡樂的一天和籌 款。 《寶貝寵物》:那些畫最終往哪兒去? Ah Jing:寵物主人來到澳門逸園賽狗 場展示自己的寵物,並在圖片展覽中自 得其樂。之後,我們取下畫作給那些捐 助 者。我們 真的希望 這活動引發 對保 護寵物的關注。當我們生病,我們去看 醫生,而動物需要錢去看獸醫。照顧我 們 的寵物及社會上無家可歸的動物是 我們的責任。 46

寶貝寵物 • 2014年11月/12月


Local Interest

Pets&Hugs: How long did it take to finish these pieces? Ah Jing: Well, we started at the end of July, so it took us almost three months. Pets&Hugs: How did you come up with the idea of using pets as a theme for this charity? Ah Jing: My friend, Jet Wu and I were chatting one day, and since both of us have dogs as pets, he suggested that we could donate some money for pets in need. I was taken by the idea that I could actually do something for them on the ground. I could actually help pets to prolong their life span and raise funds by drawing. Pet owners would donate money through AAPAM association and the charity is based on medical purposes. Some homeless cats and dogs at AAPAM association have broken legs or limbs, some suffer from cataracts, others have a weak cardio-pulmonary function, and many other health issues. We successfully raised 30,000 MOP for the association, though it’s not a lot of money, at least the fund helped 5-10 dogs that needed an operation. Pets&Hugs: So the purpose of this event was to promote loving your pets? Ah Jing: Yes, the drawings capture the souls of the pets and their memories with their owners. Some of the dogs have died already. One particular owner brought a very old picture of his dog, telling us that it had died ten years ago. He didn’t want him sitting on the sofa; instead, he wanted the background to be heaven, so that’s where he is: immersed in clouds, blue sky and grass as the background. 30% of the dogs in our drawings have bitten the dust.

Pets & Hugs • November/ December 2014

Pets&Hugs: Tell us more about the process. Ah Jing: All the drawings are collaborative work, completed by my students and me. It’s the first time students use soft pastels as a medium, and our gallery promotes soft pastels. After three to four days of work, that is a total of around sixteen hours of hard work from my students, I still need to work for three to six hours to complete their pieces until we get a finished product. Pets&Hugs: When and where was the “Chong Ai Hua” event held? Ah Jing: November 9, at the Macau Canidrome. Aside from our exhibition that raised awareness for animal protection, there were lots of other activities. Pet owners were encouraged to bring their pets along to meet new friends and enjoy a day of fun and fund-raising. Pets&Hugs: Where are the paintings going to end up? Ah Jing: Pet owners came to the Macau Canidrome to exhibit their pets and enjoy themselves at the exhibition of the pictures. Afterwards, the drawings were taken down and given to these pet donors. We really hope that the event raised attention for pet protection. We go to doctors when we are sick, and animals need money for the vet. It is our responsibility to look after our pets, as well as the homeless ones in the community. Future Gallery & Studio R. SOL FL R/C, FLAT A ED.FU ON MACAU TEL: (853) 28565571/62186921 Facebook: Alex pasu

未來畫廊畫室 澳門賈伯樂提督街89號A 電話: (853) 28565571/62186921 面書: Alex pasu




但我們切勿忘記我們那些毛茸茸、皮毛蓬鬆和帶鱗片的朋友!我們到 動物俱樂部和VPet度假村,為你的寵物購買了一些零食: It’s Christmas time! We all love a present or two during the festive season but we mustn’t forget about our furry, fluffy and scaly friends! We stopped by Animals Club and VPet Resort to pick up some treats for your pets:

Be my baby® GrainFree 是以優質的動物蛋 白來源和零穀物、以及水 果、蔬菜和營養補充劑製 造,為最佳健康和活力提 供卓越的營養。

這款種貓砂是10 0%純天 然,而且是100%可生物降 解的: ECOLIFE重複利用高吸收 性非食品級豌豆纖維和穀 物碎片,不添加任 何添加 劑或化學品。 This cat litter is 100% natural and 100% biodegradable: ECOLIFE recycles highly absorbent non-food grade pea fibres and grain fragments without adding any additives or chemicals.

Kaytee Healthy Bits 為渴望小食的 小動物提供了既脆又有營養的美味小 塊,含有牠們必需的營養素。有益健 康的成分如 蜂蜜、糖蜜、木瓜、胡蘿 蔔、蘋果、向日葵及獨特的種子將滿 足你的小動物,並促進其身體健康。

The formula of Be my baby® Grain-Free is made with superior animal protein sources and zero grains, along with fruit, vegetables and nutritional supplements, providing excellent nutrition for optimal health and vitality.

Kaytee Healthy Bits provide the crunchy, nutritious morsels small animals crave, with all the essential nutrients they need. Wholesome ingredients such as honey, molasses, papaya, carrot, apple, sunflower, and unique seeds will delight your small animal and promote good health.


寶貝寵物 • 2014年11月/12月


Christmas Shopping 這款為動物而設的舒適、 全天然洗髮水和護髮素溫 和地潔淨、滋潤及為敏感 肌膚補給水分,不會造成 刺激。Ivory Coat的防敏 感洗髮水和護髮素含有一 種獨特的混合物,含有金 盞花、紫草、蘆薈及茶樹油 (低於1%),可以幫助保 護敏感的皮膚,而同時提供有效的清潔。 This luxurious, all-natural shampoo and conditioner for animals gently cleanses, nourishes and moistures sensitive skin without causing irritation. Ivory Coat Sensitive Shampoo and Conditioner contains a unique blend of Calendula, Comfrey and Aloe Vera with Tea Tree Oil (under 1%) to help protect sensitive skin whilst providing an effective clean.

現在 大 家 都關注有機 食 品,你 的 寵物 也知 道呢!這些100%有機零食來自新西 蘭,不含任何添加劑、人工色素、調 味劑、防腐劑、抗生素、疫苗和類固 醇,並且不含激素。 It’s all about organic food these days, and your pet knows it too! These 100% organic treats are sourced from New Zealand and are free of any additives; colourings, flavouring, preservatives, antibiotics, vaccines and steroids and are also free from hormones.

狗狗食譜: 為什麼不嘗試一個自家食譜,而不是總給你的狗購買典型的罐頭食品? 這是一個你可嘗試的食譜: 火鷄蔬菜晚餐 這個基本狗食譜包括含有蛋白質的火雞和 含有補充維生素和礦物質的蔬 菜。火雞比牛肉脂肪少,使之成為一個理想的食譜,使小狗可以減去幾磅。 材料 • 4杯水 • 0.45公斤絞碎的火雞肉 • 两杯糙米 • 1杯紅蘿蔔,切碎 • 1杯青豆,切碎 • 1湯匙魚油(可任意選擇) 烹飪方法 1. 在不粘煎鍋用中火把絞碎的火雞肉煮至熟透。 2. 在一個大鍋裡加入糙米、火雞肉和水,煮至沸騰。 3. 調低至中小火再煮15分鐘,或直到米飯柔軟嫩滑。 4. 加入紅蘿蔔和青豆,再煮5至10分鐘,直到蔬菜變軟。 5. 冷卻後方可食用。 6. 把額外的晚餐儲存在冰箱裡,可儲存長達五天。 提示:避免使用重油把火雞煎成焦黃色。油裡的高脂肪含量可能會對你 的狗造成肚子不適。

DOG RECIPE: Why not try out a homemade recipe, rather than always buying your dog the typical canned foods? Here’s one you could try: Turkey and Vegetable Dinner This basic dog food recipe includes turkey for protein and vegetables for added vitamins and minerals. Turkey has less fat than beef, making this an ideal recipe for pups that could stand to lose a few pounds. Ingredients • 4 cups of water • 0.45 kg of ground turkey • 2 cups of brown rice • 1 cup of carrots, chopped • 1 cup of green beans, chopped • 1 tablespoon of fish oil (optional) Directions 1. Cook the ground turkey in a non-stick skillet over medium heat until the meat is cooked through. 2. Add the brown rice, turkey, and water to a large pot and bring to a boil. 3. Reduce the heat to medium-low and cook an additional 15 minutes, or until the rice is soft and tender. 4. Add the carrots and green beans and cook for an additional 5 to 10 minutes, until the vegetables are tender. 5. Allow to cool before serving. 6. Store extra dinners in the fridge for up to five days. Tip: Avoid using heavy oil to brown the turkey. The high fat content of the oil may upset your dog’s stomach.

Pets & Hugs • November/ December 2014


立法會議員呼籲寵物主人承擔更多 責任 10月動物保護法案在立法議會通過一讀。 立法會議員歡迎保障動物福利的法規,但他們也呼 籲政府改善該草案,讓寵物主人承擔更多責任。 由政府提出動物保護法案旨在防止非法行 為,如虐待動物的行為、非法屠宰動物、遺 棄或展示及出售未滿三個月大的動物等。 該動物保護法案把對嚴重虐待動物行為 的懲罰增加至三年監禁,同時也執行最高 10萬澳門元的罰款。 該法案概述了寵物主人的責任,即應該為 他們的家庭寵物提供合適的生活環境。該 法案還規管建築工地飼養的動物、野生動 物及規管用動物做科學實驗。 該法案將由立法會常設委員會之一進行 進一步討論,之後提交立法會全體會議二 讀,屆時立法會議員將就該法案的細節進 行投票。 雖然立法會議員歡迎為動物保護立法,但 也對該法案的漏洞提出了批評。

LAWMAKERS CALL FOR MORE ACCOUNTABILITY FOR PET OWNERS The Animal Protection Bill passed its first reading in the Legislative Assembly (AL) in October. Lawmakers welcomed regulations safeguarding animal welfare, but they also called on the government to improve the draft, and grant more responsibilities to pet owners. Introduced by the government, the Animal Protection Bill seeks to prevent unlawful actions such as animal abuse, illegal animal slaughter, abandonment, or the exhibition and sale of animals younger than three months old. The Animal Protection Bill increases penalties for severe animal abuse to three years’ imprisonment, while also enforcing a maximum fine of MOP100, 000. It outlines the responsibilities of pet owners, who should provide their domestic animals with an adequate living environment. It also regulates animals owned by construction sites, wild animals, and the use of animals for scientific purposes. The bill will be further discussed by one of the AL’s standing committees and will be presented for a second reading at the AL Plenary, where lawmakers will vote the law in detail. While they welcomed the animal protection legislation, lawmakers have raised criticism over the bill’s loopholes.

發現罕見雪豹幼崽 拉 薩,2 014 年10月2 2日 (新華社)——中國西南 的西 藏自治區 阿里 地 區 的野生雪豹幼崽。一位牧 民在 阿里 的曲松 鄉 割草 時發現這對雪豹幼崽。經 討 論後當 地 林 業部門決 定 保 護 和 養 育 這 對 罕見 的 雪 豹 幼 崽。( 新 華 社 / GeQingmin)

RARE SNOW LEOPARD CUBS FOUND Wild snow leopard cubs in southwest China’s Tibet Autonomous Region were found by a herdsman when he moved into Ali’s Qusum Township. The local forestry department has discussed ways to protect and raise the rare cubs.


寶貝寵物 • 2014年11月/12月


Animals in the news

大熊貓雪雪放歸自然 10月14日在中國西南的四川省石棉栗子坪自然保護區,大熊貓 雪雪被放歸自然。經過兩年的訓練——棲息地選擇、覓食、避開 天敵,這隻兩歲的雌性熊貓據信能夠在栗子坪自然保護區中生 存。雪雪是第四隻被放歸自然的大熊貓。

GIANT PANDA XUE XUE IS RELEASED INTO THE WILD Giant panda Xue Xue was released into the wild at the Liziping Natural Reserve in Shimian, southwest China’s Sichuan Province on October 14th. After two years’ training in habitat selection, foraging, and avoiding natural enemies, the two-year-old female is believed to be able to survive in the Liziping Natural Reserve. Xue Xue is the fourth panda to be released into the wild.

全球嘩然:西班牙伊波拉患者的狗“神劍”被施 行安樂死 正在接受伊波拉病毒治療的西班牙女護士羅梅洛的狗“神劍”,被 施行安樂死。屬於該護士和她丈夫的一條淺棕色混種狗的生死經 歷了一場短暫但激烈的風波。當羅梅洛診治一位來自塞拉利昂的 患者時感染了致命的伊波拉病毒,她被確診後即引發了上述風波。 目前沒有伊波拉從狗傳染至人的個案記錄。但至少有一項主要的 研究表明狗可能患這種病而沒有症狀。專家們說,他們不確定這對 人類會構成什麼風險。

Excalibur, Spanish Ebola patient’s dog, is euthanized despite global outcry Excalibur, the dog owned by Spanish nurse Teresa Romero Ramos, who is being treated for the Ebola virus, has been put down. The brief, but intense, battle over the life of a light brown mixedbreed belonging to the nurse and her husband began soon after Romero Ramos was diagnosed with the deadly virus, contracted when she treated a victim who came from Sierra Leone. There is no documented case of Ebola spreading to people from dogs. But at least one major study suggests dogs can get the disease without showing symptoms. Experts say they are uncertain of what risk that poses to humans.

Pets & Hugs • November/ December 2014


新熊舍向越南獲拯救黑熊開放 可容納多達 8 0 隻 熊的四個 新熊舍11月5日在 越 南啟用,開始接 待 從 越南的活熊取 膽 業 獲救的 熊隻。這些 新熊場屬於亞洲動物 基金會 運營的 越南黑熊 救 護中心的一 部分,地 點在 河內附近 的潭道。 這些新熊場佔地12,000平方米,為未來獲救的熊 提供了更多空間;也為容納目前生活在救護中心的 110隻熊帶來了更大的靈活性。 亞洲動物基金會越南主任Tuan Bendixsen說:“ 對於亞洲動物基金會來說,這是一個值得驕傲的 時刻。每一隻在救護中心獲救的熊是那些仍然在 籠子裡的熊的大使。從每一隻熊身上我們可以證 明,熊膽養殖造成的傷害,也進一步提高了人們對 這個殘酷行業的認識。 來到我們這裡的熊,由於多年被關在籠子裡,往往 很少還能走路。經過檢疫、手術、休息和康復,牠 們都融入這些美麗熊舍的群體。在那裡,牠們享 受著接近自然的熊舍的寬闊空間,與牠們周圍的 熊群融洽相處。對於許多熊來說,這將是牠們首次 踏足草地,或首次感覺到背上的陽光。 ”


New bear houses open for Vietnam’s rescued bears Four new enclosures with a capacity of up to 80 bears opened on November 5th in Vietnam to house bears rescued from Vietnam’s bear bile industry. The new enclosures are part of the Vietnam Bear Rescue Centre run by Animals Asia in Tam Dao, near Hanoi. The new construction, which covers 12,000 square metres, provides more space for bears for future rescues as well as increased flexibility to house the 110 bears which currently live at the sanctuary. Animal Asia Vietnam Director Tuan Bendixsen said: “This is a proud moment for Animals Asia. Each of the bears rescued at the centre is an ambassador for those still in cages. With each bear we can show the damage that bear bile farming does and raise further awareness of this cruel industry. The bears come to us, often little able to walk, after years of being stuck in a cage. After quarantine, surgery, rest and rehabilitation they are integrated into groups in these beautiful enclosures. There they enjoy the large space of near-natural enclosures and the community of bears around them. For many it will be the first time they have touched grass or felt the sunshine on their backs.”

澳門威尼斯人的“體驗夢工廠”——與企鵝展 開冰之歷奇旅程

Penguins Undercover Ice World at The Venetian Macao

“體驗夢工廠”冰之歷奇冰雕展將於2014年11月27日起至2015 年3月8日在澳門威尼斯人金光會展F館舉行。所有年齡段的遊 客及 其家庭 將 有機會,與馬達加 斯加企 鵝一 起作一次神 秘之 旅——參觀廣為大家喜愛的夢工廠動畫專營權的世界(全部由 冰雕成)。 船長和“馬達加斯加企鵝”一行將向客人介紹給他們的絕密任 務——探索夢工廠世界,讓客人體驗一個別具意義的假期。

The Penguins Undercover Ice World with the DreamWorks Gang ice sculpture exhibition will be held at The Venetian® Macao’s Cotai Expo Hall F Nov. 27, 2014-March 8, 2015. Families and visitors of all ages will have the chance to take an undercover journey with the Penguins of Madagascar through the worlds of everyone’s favourite DreamWorks Animation franchises, all carved from ice. Skipper and his “Penguins of Madagascar” entourage will introduce guests to their top-secret mission to explore the DreamWorks franchises’ worlds to discover what makes the holiday season so special for each.

寶貝寵物 • 2014年11月/12月


Animals in the news

坦桑尼亞和大型偷獵者 (資料來源:《經濟學人》) 非洲非法屠宰大象的速度正在加快——最近 的估計,在短短三年內已有10萬頭大像被殺, 這已威脅到整個像群的生存。這種屠殺情況 在坦桑尼亞最嚴重,該國也是非法像牙的最 大來源國。 在每三隻 在 非洲 被 偷 獵 的 大 像中,坦 桑 尼 亞總統賈卡亞•基奎特見證了其中一隻。過 去的一年,他的政府已經進行了一些全國運 動打擊偷獵。其中一項計劃是銷毀該國112 萬噸象牙儲 備,價值5,0 0 0萬美元,而不是 把它賣掉,因而把象牙貼上了非法的標籤。 儘管如此,無長牙大象的屍體還是不斷上升 (見圖表)。 一個促成因素可能是政府沒有進行調查,或 沒有在必要時起訴高級別罪犯。從坦桑尼亞 的大草原到海洋進行的非法像牙貿易充斥著 政府的腐敗。 在偷 獵 網 絡的背 後常常有從軍隊招 募的幫 手。據說警方甚至護送運送非法像牙的車隊, 而據 說其他 武裝部隊和 政 府人員也參 與 其 中。一家環境調查機構(倫敦的一個非營利 性組織)的報告記錄了中國政府和軍方曾參 與非法像牙貿易。 就算在最好的時候象牙貿易也是黑暗的。如 果夾雜了政治,就更難了解其真相。

Pets & Hugs • November/ December 2014

Tanzania and Big Game Poachers (Source: The Economist)

Across Africa the illegal slaughter of elephants is accelerating at such a pace—recent estimates put the number killed at 100,000 in just three years—that it threatens to exterminate whole populations. The worst of this butchery takes place in Tanzania, the biggest source of illegal ivory. Every third poached elephant in Africa dies on the watch of Tanzania’s president, Jakaya Kikwete. His government has made some public efforts to fight poaching over the past year. Among these is a plan to destroy the country’s ivory stockpile of 112 tonnes, worth $50m, rather than sell it off, to place a stigma on the stuff. Still, tuskless carcasses keep turning up One contributing factor may be the government’s failure to investigate and if necessary prosecute high-level offenders. State corruption runs through Tanzania’s illegal ivory trade from savannah to sea. At the bottom of the poaching networks are hired helpers who are often recruited from the armed forces. Police have even been known to escort convoys of illicit ivory and other armed forces and governments are also said to be involved. A report by the Environmental Investigation Agency, a non-profit group in London, documents involvement in the illegal ivory trade by Chinese government and military officials. The ivory trade is murky at the best of times. Mixed up with politics, it has become even harder to fathom.


Estrada do Altinho de Ka-Ho

領養 寵物

Adopt a pet 金沙中國贊助

Sponsored by Sands China ltd.

細心而喜沉思,帶著又深又俏皮 的斑紋,我會到處跟著你引起你 的關注,但我很容易被球和有光 澤的東西分心。 Attentive and pensive, with a deep playful streak, I’ll follow you around asking for your attention, but am easily distracted by balls and shiny objects.


(直升機維修廠附近) Coloane, Macau

(853) 2871 5732

他們希望得到你的關愛。 你準備好關愛他們了嗎?

大家 來 認 識 一下這一 期的收養名單!牠們也 許充滿愛心和關懷,但 請記住,牠們也需要被 愛和關懷,所以務必請 你準備好去承擔、並接 受牠們所付出的愛!

They want to love you.

Are you ready to love them? They are cute, sweet and will make your life infinitely more rewarding. Meet our adoption candidates for this issue! They may be loving and caring, but please remember they need love and care back, so please be sure you are ready for the responsibility, and for all the love they have to give!

我會每天在窗口等待你回家,你回家這 一刻我成為最幸福的人。我不需要很多, 只要搔一搔我的耳朵背後和喜愛我就足 夠了。


I will wait by the window until you come home every day, and be the happiest one to see you when you do. I don’t need a lot, just to be scratched behind my ears and loved.

Code: SPP1277 Male 6 Months

編號:SPP1277雄性 年齡:6個月


編號:1305雄性 年齡:3個月 Code: 1305 Male 3 Months


寶貝寵物 • 2014年11月/12月



我具備你想要的狗的一切特徵。 容易訓練、聽話、忠誠、護衛及 非常可愛。我喜歡午睡、吱吱作 響的玩具及陪伴在你身邊。 I am everything you’ll ever want in a dog. Easily trained, obedient, loyal, guarding, and extremely lovable. I like afternoon naps, squeaky toys, and being next to you.

我是一個好奇的小傢伙,但氣 度不凡。我要你跟我一起玩, 在你幹日常雜事時帶我出去, 這樣我可以觀看人並對著小鳥 吠叫。 I’m a curious little guy with a big heart. I want you to play with me and take me out with you on your daily errands so that I can people watch and bark at birds.


編號:1311雄性 年齡: 2.5 個月 Code: 1311 Male 2.5 Months

Fei Fei

編號:SP12296雌性 年齡:3歲 Code: SP12296 Female 3 Years

金沙中國贊助 Sponsored by Sands China ltd. Pets & Hugs • November/ December 2014


玩耍是最好的時光,我隨時準 備撲過去抓住拋向我的玩具。 我想我真像 隱身般的,其實我 有些笨拙......這讓我更可愛了。


編號: 814雄性 年齡/2個月

Playtime is the best time and I’m always ready to pounce on a toy thrown my way. I think I am really stealth-like, in reality I am somewhat clumsy...and that makes me extra cute.

獨立而無所畏懼。準備面對世 界,面對大叫的大傢伙,面對 飛過頭頂的東西。不過,我也 很喜歡擁抱,喜歡睡在你的肚 子上。

Code: 814 Male 2 Months

Independent and fearless. Ready to take on the world and those big things that bark a lot and things that fly overhead. But I also like to cuddle. And sleep on your belly.

白天我是普通家貓,夜晚我是打擊犯罪的 超級英雄。我是“蝙蝠俠貓”。我喜歡在 你外出時守護你的房子,但更喜愛你回家 給我一個擁抱。 Ordinary housecat by day, crime-fighting superhero by night. I’m Batcat. I love to guard your house when you are out, and love it even more when you come home for a snuggle.


編號: 798 雌性 年齡/3個月 Code: 798 Male 3 Months

Keysie 編號: 817雌性 年齡/2個月 Code: 817 Female 2 Months


寶貝寵物 • 2014年11月/12月


Adoptions 外貌與態度相匹配。這裡的 孩子們整天在逗我,但我告 訴他們誰是老闆。我是個鐵 娘子,但鐵娘子的內心也可 能有柔情。 Looks with an attitude to match. The boys around here tease me all day long, but I show them who’s the boss. I’m a tough cookie, but even tough cookies can be soft on the inside.

我根本不像獵犬......我非常謹慎,我想 要了解你,以我的趣事招待你,並成為 你永遠的毛茸茸的孩子。 I ain’t nothing like a hound dog... I tread with care, I want to get to get to know you and to entertain you with my quirks. And to be your furry child forever.


編號: 810雄性 年齡/3個月 Code: 810 Male 3 Months


編號: 782 雌性 年齡/ 3個月 Code: 782 Male 3 Months


編號:816雌性 年齡/2個月 Code: 816 Female 2 Months

對我來說一切都新奇,所以我 有點害羞。我喜歡藏在東西下 面或躲藏在角落,但如果你哄 我出去玩,我會感到興奮。 I’m a little shy because everything is new to me. I like to hide under things or around corners, but I’m fascinated by string if you were to coax me out to play.

金沙中國贊助 Sponsored by Sands China ltd. Pets & Hugs • November/ December 2014


What law is the Government proposing?


Anima 總裁 • Anima´s president

政府在建議什麼法律? 經過多年以書面向澳門當局要求有關保護動物立法,這項提案只是 延續之前一項從未被公開展示過的提案,但卻於20 08年被拿去諮 詢。該法案無非是2006年所編寫舊提案的複製品! 作為保護受虐待動物的法律,該法案非常差勁。該文件根本沒有提 及動物權益。 看來有人不管什麼,趕緊把一些文件呈交給議員。該法案主要積極方 面是刑罰框架。 其概念混淆和模糊,因而讓不負責任的人輕易脫罪。 我實在不相信有人曾向崔世安交待過這項平庸法律的內容。 請幫助我們去救救牠們!

After so many years of asking the Macau Authorities, in writing, to have laws regarding the protection of animals, this proposal is a follow-up of a previous one that has never been presented publicly as such, but which came into consultation in 2008. This bill is nothing more than almost a copy of that old proposal prepared from 2006! This bill is very poor as a law for the protection of cruelty against animals. There is no reference at all in that document about the rights of the animals. It seems someone was rushing to present the lawmakers any paper, doesn’t matter what. The main positive aspect of this proposed law is the penalty framework. The concepts are confused and vague, and therefore easily escaped by irresponsible people. I do not really believe that Fernando Chui Sai On was ever told about the contents of this mediocre law. Please help us to help them!

2014-Anima-Statistics-Dogs 2014-澳門愛護動物協會-狗隻統計

January February March April May June July August September Total Monthly average

一月 二月 三月 四月 五月 六月 七月 八月 九月 總數

Desexed* 絕育* 5 2 6 2 2 1 3 4 5 30

Rescued 獲救 9 13 2 9 9 17 6 14 10 89

Returned 被送回 1 2 0 0 2 2 2 1 3 13




每月 平均

2014-Anima-Statistics-Cats 2014-澳門愛護動物協會-貓隻統計

January February March Abril May June July August September Total Monthly average


一月 二月 三月 四月 五月 六月 七月 八月 九月 總數 每月 平均

Desexed* 絕育* 6 1 20 2 3 5 7 10 9 63

Rescued 獲救 8 17 32 20 27 20 21 16 12 173

Returned 被送回 2 1 0 0 1 0 2 2 1 9




Died** 死亡**

5 7 13 5 11 4 26 11 8 90


Adopted Fostered 領養 收養 15 0 4 1 5 0 7 1 5 2 10 9 6 11 14 6 6 4 72 34 我們的目標 Our goal 8.00


Died** 死亡**

5 3 1 2 0 3 1 4 4 23

Adopted Fostered 領養 收養 10 1 6 3 4 0 6 2 3 1 11 1 6 0 4 0 1 1 51 9 我們的目標 Our goal


ratio 比例 out /in 出/入 2.00 0.67 0.56 0.65 0.64 1.15 1.87 1.72 1.38 1.08 2.0


ratio 比例 out /in 出/入 1.60 0.80 2.50 1.11 0.36 0.79 0.88 0.53 0.46 0.81 2.0


* Only in shelter. All animals are desexed except if younger than 6 months ** include dead animals rescued *只在庇護所。除非未滿6個 月,所有動物都已接受絕育 **包括獲救但死去的動物

寶貝寵物 • 2014年11月/12月



澳門, 2014年10月23日 中華人民共和國澳門特別行政區 立法會 主席先生 動物保護法 澳門愛護動物協會是個非牟利團體,2009年通過澳門特區政府授予行政公共法規獲 得資助,其目的是提高對動物適當治療,防止和/或抑制虐待動物,以及其他有助於 或偶爾使這些虐待行為延續的活動。根據澳門愛護動物協會的會章條款,本協會打 算如下,(...)鼓勵和協助當局草擬牽涉動物和相關規則的法律和附例;(...)與同類 實體及公私組織在針對保護動物活動方面合作;和(...)熱心遵守維護動物救援、保 護和援助的現行法律。 有關“動物保護法”的文件定於10月24日在立法會首讀,澳門愛護動物協會現就此已 提交立法會的法律草案進行內部討論。在此澳門愛護動物協會就本會對此項正進行 討論的草案第一稿發表立場。 主席先生: 由於目前還沒有動物權益的法律規範,澳門愛護動物協會懇請立法會議員撇開政治 選擇,積極配合現在政府向立法會提交的修訂法案。 只要貴會認為方便,我們隨時都可以與貴會合作。 祝安好 (簽署) Albano Martins 主席 附件:2份

Macau, 23rd October 2014 Mr. President Legislative Assembly Macau SAR (China) ANIMAL PROTECTION LAW Anima is an Association without lucrative purposes that benefits from the Administrative Public Utility Statute granted by the Macau Government in 2009, and whose purpose is to promote the adequate treatment, prevention and/or suppression of cruelty to animals, and any other activities conducive or incidental to the continuation of these objectives. Under the terms of its articles of association Anima intends, namely (…) to encourage and help the Authorities in the drafting of the Laws and By-Laws referent to animals and respective regulation, (…) cooperate with similar entities and public or private organisms in activities aiming at animal protection and (…) zeal for the compliance of the legislation in force tutelary of the animals aid, protection and assistance. Scheduled for the 24th October, the first reading in the Legislative Assembly of the document relative to the “Animal protection law”, Anima, who is presently internally discussing the draft law made available in the LA site, presents herein, as a first draft, its position on the document under discussion. Mr. President, As there isn’t presently any law regulating animal rights, Anima is appealing to the Legislative Assembly that its legislators put aside their political options and actively cooperate in the betterment of the law the Government now presents to the Assembly. On our side we are available to cooperate with the Assembly whenever you may consider it convenient. Best regards Albano Martins President Enc: 2

Pets & Hugs • November/ December 2014


杜立德醫生回答你的問題 Dr. Dolittle answers your questions 每一期 的《寶貝寵物》裡我們 會 邀請一名澳門最好的獸醫扮演杜 立德醫生的角色,為你提供照 顧 寵物的最好建議。

In every issue we will be inviting one of Macau’s finest vets to step into the role of Dr. Dolittle to provide you with the best answers to your questions.

Sara Xavier在波爾圖大學修讀 獸醫學,2 012年畢業。她曾在葡 萄牙、英國和澳大利亞工作,並在 Ani ma(澳門愛護動物協會)短 暫工作。 2013年她加入綠十字寵 物診所,起先任職助理,現在是該 診所的一名獸醫。 Sara目前養著 一隻叫M u s h i 的兔子,她從小與 鳥、魚和烏龜一起長大。

Sara Xavier studied Veterinary Medicine at Oporto University, and graduated in 2012. She has work experience in Portugal, the U.K. and Australia and briefly worked at Anima. In 2013 she joined Green Cross Veterinary Clinic, first as an assistant, and now as a veterinarian. She currently has a rabbit called Mushi, but grew up with birds, fish and a turtle.

乾草的煩惱 親愛的杜立德醫生: 我剛買了一隻小兔子,我在互聯網尋找關於餵養牠的食物 的信息,對於以乾草餵養牠們的評論褒貶不一,令我有點困 惑。我應不應該用乾草餵養兔子呢? 煩惱的干草——黑沙海灘 親愛的煩惱的干草: 其實乾草是兔子飲食中非常重要的一部分。所有囓齒類動物 的牙齒都會持續生長,這意味著,如果牠們不磨掉牙齒,它 們將持續生長,這可能會傷害兔子的牙齦和/或舌頭。由於乾 草的纖維特性,吃乾草會讓兔子咀嚼很長一段時間,這將讓 牠們磨掉自己的牙齒。你應該定期带牠去獸醫那裡檢查,讓 他檢查兔子牙齒的長度,但如果你的兔子開始吃得少了,你一 定要馬上帶牠去看獸醫,因為可能是牙齒出了問題。 60

A Hop in the hay Dear Dr. Dolittle

I just bought a bunny and I was searching the Internet about what to feed him and I got a little confused by the mixed reviews about giving them hay. Should I or shouldn’t I give my rabbit hay? -to hay, or not to hay?- Hac Sac Beach

Dear To Hay, or Not to Hay

Hay is in fact a very important part of a rabbit’s diet. All rodents’ teeth have continuous growth, which means that if they don’t wear them off somehow, they will keep growing and might start hurting the gums and/or the tongue. Because of its fibrous properties, eating hay will make them chew for long periods of time, which will make them wear their teeth down. You should have regular check-up’s with your vet so he can have a look at the length of your rabbit’s teeth, but if your rabbit starts eating less make sure to go immediately, as it might be a dental problem. 寶貝寵物 • 2014年11月/12月


Ask the Vet

大餐 親愛的杜立德醫生: 我的豚鼠六個月大,我想讓她多吃 點。除了丸子外,我還能給她什麼? 狼吞虎咽——路凼 親愛的狼吞虎咽: 你當然應該給她一些乾草,這可以 幫助她的牙齒生長;也應該給她一 些高維生素C的食物,如獼猴桃、草 莓和或菠蘿。通常牠們也非常喜歡 歐芹、芫荽和辣椒。你可以試用大部 分的蔬菜來餵飼,但要盡量避免水 成分多的蔬菜(如萵苣)。

Piggy Diets Dear Dr. Dolittle

My guinea pig is six months old and I would like to expand her diet. What else can I give her besides pellets? Pigging out- Cotai

Dear Pigging Out

You should definitely give her some hay, to help with the growth of her teeth and something high in vitamin C, like kiwi, strawberries or pineapple. They usually also like parsley, coriander and capsicum a lot. You can try most vegetables, but try to avoid the ones that are mostly composed of water (like lettuce). Pets & Hugs • November/ December 2014


How To Tame Your Dragon

親愛的杜立德醫生: 我想購買一條鬃獅蜥,但我以前 從來沒有養過爬行動物。我應該 為牠準備點什麼? 龍鱗——筷子基

Dear Dr. Dolittle

I’m thinking of buying a bearded dragon but I’ve never had a reptile before. What should I get for him? - Of Dragons and Scales- Fa Chi Kei

Dear Of Dragons and Scales 親愛的龍鱗: 首先你需要一個玻璃容器。請 確保對鬃獅蜥來說足夠大(如 果不想買一個適合幼蜥的玻璃 容器,然後每當牠長大一點再 買一個 新的,就從一開始買一 個大點的),並確保它有紗窗頂 蓋(不要塑料或玻璃的,因為空 氣不能輕易通過這些材料)。至 於地板的最佳材料是一種特定 的爬行動物用地毯,但報紙或 紙巾也不錯。請確保你買一盞 全光譜燈(UVA和UVB)和取暖 燈。第一種 燈應該與玻璃容器 長度一樣長,但第二種 燈應該 只在容器一側,這樣鬃獅蜥就 可以按自己的願望在一邊取暖 或在另一邊涼快(記住,爬行動 物是冷血動物!)。最後,你可 以買一些水箱配件,像吊床、隱 蔽處、岩石和背景物件,讓牠感 到更加舒適並有家的感覺。

Firstly you need a terrarium. Make sure it’s big enough for him (if you buy a baby one and don’t want to buy a new one every time he grows, buy a bigger one from the start) and make sure that it has a screen lid cover (not plastic or glass, as air cannot flow properly with these). For the flooring the best material is a specific reptile carpet, but newspaper or paper towels are also good. Make sure you get a full spectrum light (UVA and UVB) and a basking light. The first should be the length of the terrarium, but the second one should only be on one of the sides, so he can warm himself under the light or cool down on the other side, as he wishes (remember that reptiles are cold blooded animals!). Lastly, you can buy some tank accessories, like hammocks, hides, rocks and a background so he can feel more comfortable and at home.



About Asian mountain animals 由於海拔高度和氣候不同,山地的環境條 件各 異,生活在那裡的動物已完全適應了這些環境。 With a number of different altitudes and climates, mountains offer diverse environmental conditions, to which their animals have grown well adapted.

雪豹厚厚的毛有禦寒作用,牠們毛皮覆 蓋的寬腳是天然的雪鞋。這種珍稀動物 四肢有力,可以跳到15米遠。牠們長長的 尾巴用來作平衡,也可以像毛毯一樣覆蓋 身體的敏感部位,對抗山區的嚴寒。 Snow leopards are insulated by thick hair, and their wide, fur-covered feet act as natural snowshoes. These rare animals have powerful legs and are able to jump as far as 15 meters. Long tails are used for balance and as blankets to cover sensitive body parts against the severe mountain chill.


亞洲金貓最初由於顏色變化被 分為兩個不同種類,但現在只分 成一個種類,具有兩種顏色。亞 洲金貓也被稱為“豹的兄弟” , 因為牠們生活在同一個區域。 Asian golden cat was originally classified as two distinct species due to colour variations, but today is recognised as a single one with two colour variations. Also referred to as “the Leopard’s brother” as they inhabit the same area.

寶貝寵物 • 2014年11月/12月


Kid’s Curiosities

斑頭雁可以飛得高過珠穆朗瑪峰,令 牠們成為世界上飛得最高的鳥類。這 種鳥類生理上和生化上都適合在含 氧量極低和溫度極低的高度飛行。 Bar-headed geese can fly higher than Mount Everest making them the world’s highest flying birds. The species is physiologically and biochemically adapted to flying at altitudes where oxygen and temperatures are extremely low.

北山羊是一種野山羊,雄性的下 巴上長著一把鬍子,尾巴很短。雄 性北山羊有強烈的氣味,幫助牠 們標記自己的領地。北山羊平時獨 居,只有進行交配時才會群居。 The Siberian Ibex is a type of wild goat with a bearded chin for the males and a very short tail. The males have a strong odour that helps them mark their territory, usually living alone and only joining a herd for mating purposes.

Pets & Hugs • November/ December 2014


我們不是因為北極熊才需要拯救北極, 也不是因為它是世界上最美麗的地方, 而是因為我們的生存依賴於它。

We need to save the Arctic not because of the polar bears, and not because it is the most beautiful place in the world, but because our very survival depends upon it.



Help mother Polar Bear reach her cubs

寶貝寵物 • 2014年11月/12月


Kid’s Activities





Arctic Animals Word Search






























Colour the puffins in

Pets & Hugs • November/ December 2014


寵物診所 Clinics

寵物商店 Pet Shops Flora Veterinary Clinic Ltd

AnimalS Club


Mei Keng Garden, Block 5, Taipa

Avenida Sidónio Pais 43 R/C

Estrada de Coelho do Amaral,






American Elwood Petshome

Home-Vet Veterinary Centre


Avenida Kwong Tung, Nam San Gdn

+853 28837050

Animal Medical Center

Avenida Dr. Sun YatSen 115 R/C, Taipa (氹仔) 孫逸仙博士大馬路115號地下

+853 28836791

+853 28524916


No.28-A, R/C B, Macau

澳門連勝馬路28-A號泉勝軒地下B座 +853 28813388


Bambino Dog Town

Bl 1 R/C, Taipa

Avenida Concórdia Ka Ieng Garden

(氹仔) 廣東大馬路南新花園第1座地下

+853 28821016


R/C 和樂大馬路嘉應花園地下

Avenida do Conselheiro Ferreira de

Rua Alm. C. Cabral, No. 3-5, Edf, Fu



Hong, Loja I-J, Macau

澳門賈伯樂提督街3-5號富康花園 I-J

Fong Son San Chun BI 5 R/C +853 28968309


Chan Man Chong

Dr. Ho Xiu Dong Mut Yee Mou Soc

Royal Veterinary Center

Av Cons. Ferreira de Almeida 122 R/C

Rua do Almirante Costa Cabral 84 R/C

Rua de Paris No. 182, R/C, Macau

+853 28527898

Dr. Ho 小動物醫務所

賈伯樂提督街84號e地下 +853 28523678


澳門皇朝巴黎街 182 號南岸花園地下 +853 28501099

Love Dog Family


Rua S. Lourenço 4 R/C 風順堂街4號

+853 28968187

Estrada Coelho Amaral 17A R/C

Macau Animal Hospital

Almeida 122 R/C

+853 28352421

Pet Island

Charming Pet Hospital


Sacadura Cabral 81 R/C

+853 28222376 Bebe Pet Pet



荷蘭園大馬路122號地下 +853 28528320

Chong Hang Lei Pet Shop


Av Cons Borja, No. 341, Edf. Mayfair Garden R/C H

青洲大馬路341號嘉應花園H舖 +853 28220108

Dog One Life Macau

Rua Da Baia NS 105-113, Jardim Hoi Wanres-do-Chao, M



+853 28563771 Ngai Lam Animal 藝林寵物廣場

Rua do Padre AntónioRoliz 25-27 CD 羅神父街25-27號 CD +853 28525391

Pet Pet Group

La Cite Rua 1 de Maio 342 R/C 勞動節街342號

+853 28949494 Poodle 新飛歌

Rua Martinho Montenegro 27 R/C 墨山街27號地下 +853 28357717

氹仔海灣街 105-113 號海灣花園地

Puppyland Ltd

+853 28839898

Rua Sacadura Cabral 29E R/C


Endless Love Pet Shop 永恆寵物店


沙嘉都喇賈罷麗街29號e地下 +853 28522715

Rua Nova A Guia, No.250 R/C, Edf.

VPet Resort


R/C B, Macau

Kam Hong, Macau +853 28353785


House Pet - Animais Estimação

Green Gross Veterinary Clinic

Avenida do Coronel Mesquita, 11-T, 澳門美副將大馬路11-T 號地下B座

寶貝寵物 • 2014年11月/12月

Pets & Hugs • November/ December 2014


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