Pets & Hugs Magazine September-October 2014

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2014年9月/10月 • SETPTEMBER/ OCTOBER 2014 • MOP30 • ISSN 2309 5520

聽Faye Ho 說生活、 關愛和寵物 Life, love and animals by Faye Ho




Animal Adoptions - Take me home

VPet - Pamper your pets

Persian cats - See their playground



寶貝寵物 • 2014年9月/10月



2014年9月/10月號 September/ October 2014 edition

大多數人來說,夏季往往是沉悶的。但在《寶貝 寵物》,為了確保我們為您帶來澳門最好的故 事,及不錯過任何一個關於澳門動物的事情,我們比 以往任何時候都忙碌。

編輯委員會 EDITORIAL COUNCIL Albano Martins, Janet Tracy, Mércia César de Sá, Luis Pereira 總監 DIRECTOR Luis Pereira 出版人 PUBLISHER Mércia César de Sá 英文編輯 EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Tanja Wessels 中文編輯 CHINESE EDITOR Frank Xie (謝 陳) 特約編輯 CONTRIBUTING EDITOR Mariana Sá 投稿者 CONTRIBUTORS Dodo Gao (高雲), Sam Li 設計 DESIGN 澳門出版有限公司 People Press 攝影 PHOTOGRAPHERS Nuno Veloso (cover photo), Cheong Kam ka, Leong Sio Po, Eric Tam, Carmo Correia, Forbes Conrad 機構合作夥伴 INSTITUTIONAL PARTNER Anima - 澳門愛護動物協會 出版者 PUBLISHED BY 澳門出版有限公司 People Press A joint venture between Macau Link and Diffusion Ventures 地址 ADDRESS 10/F – I, The Macau Square 43-53A, Av Infante D Henrique Macau 中國 澳門殷皇子大馬路43-53A 澳門廣場10樓 I (853) 28355315/6 (853) 28355466

Printed in Macau 印刷地:澳門 發行量 CIRCULATION 5,000 ISSN 2309 5520

只 要 看 一下我 們 的 封面 就 證 明了我 們 所 說 的。在 Faye Ho來到澳門時,我們捕捉了這張最為澳門人熟 悉的面孔,與她和她的四個毛茸茸的孩子坐下來,聽 她講述為澳門動物奮鬥所經歷的一個長期而堅定的旅程。這是一個動人故事,千萬 不要錯過機會——你將了解更多有里程碑意義的成就,及她未來的計劃。 Mércia César de Sá 出版人PUBLISHER

由於澳門人的動物意識不斷提高,新興企業正在利用這一增長趨勢。 VPet度假村就 是這樣一個一流設施——你可以帶狗游泳,做美容,或者只是到這裡閒逛一下,見見 其他寵物愛好者,毫無疑問這對大家來說是個令人興奮的新去處。 眾所周知,《寶貝寵物》覺得沒有寵物(無論貓狗、鳥類還是魚類)的家庭是不完整 的,在這一期雜誌裡,我們為您帶來三個贊同此說的家庭。從Elisa Wu與她的三隻美 麗的貓貓,到Schiff家的女兒和狗狗,再到Sam Li和他可愛的狗狗——“熊貓”,他 們都同意我們的觀點。可能將來認同我們的人會更多。 歡迎閱讀我們的九月/十月號雜誌,我們感到無比榮幸!


ummer months tend to be quiet ones for most, but here at Pets&Hugs we have been as busy as ever making sure we bring you the best stories in town, and don’t miss a beat in terms of all things animal in Macau. A glance at our cover is evidence of this; we caught one of Macau’s most recognized faces, Faye Ho, on her trip to the territory and sat down with her and her four furry children to listen to her long and committed journey working on behalf of animals here. And what a story it is, don’t miss learning more about the milestones achieved, as well as her future plans. As animal awareness in Macau continues to make progress, new businesses are tapping into the growing movement. VPet Resort is a first class facilitytake your dog for a swim, a spot of grooming, or simply hang out and meet other pet lovers, it is without doubt and exciting new addition for all. As everyone knows, at Pets&Hugs we feel that no family is complete without a bit of fur, feather or scale, and in this issue we bring you three families who agree. From Elisa Wu and her three beautiful cats, to the Schiff family and their daughters and dogs to Sam Li and his adorable dog, Panda-we are many who agree. Long may we grow in numbers. Welcome to our September/ October issue, we are happy to see you here.

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Pets & Hugs • September/ October 2014


狗的品種-巴哥犬 Dog Breed- Pug



狗的故事—古怪的一對 Dog Story- The Schiff Family


寵物故事——小狗“熊貓” Pet Tale- Panda the Dog


貓的品種—狸花貓 Cat Breed- Dragon Li Hua Cat


貓的故事—波斯貓和愛的一課 Cat Story- Persian Cats


本地採風—貓咖啡店 Local Interest -Cat Cafe


寵物建議 Pet Advice


封面故事—何家華 Cover Story- Faye Ho


本地採風—VPET度假村 Local Interest- VPet Resort


動物新聞 Animals in the news


領養 Adoptions


澳門愛護動物協會 Anima


請教獸醫 Ask the Vet


你知道嗎—在沙漠中 Did you Know- In the Desert


寵物繪畫 Kids activities


寵物商店和診所 Shops and Clinics







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寶貝寵物 • 2014年9月/10月

Pets & Hugs • September/ October 2014


巴哥犬, 小中見大 Pugs, Much in Little

為 最古老 的狗 品 種 之 一,巴哥犬對藝術家和 皇室有重大影響力,並在歷 史上擔當了一個角色。讓我 們來認識這隻曾留下重大標 記的非凡小狗。


ne of the oldest breeds, Pugs have had a prominent influence on artists and royalty, and also played a part in history. Meet the remarkable little dogs that have left a big mark.


寶貝寵物 • 2014年9月/10月


Dog breed

Pets & Hugs • September/ October 2014


需要關注度 —叫我“影子”,你到哪裡我都會跟著你。 情感 —忠誠並充滿愛心,這就是我! 活躍程度 —我喜歡小睡,越多越好。 與孩子關係 —来吧,我的最爱!

Attention needs Call me ‘shadow’, I’ll follow you everywhere. Affection

Loyal and loving, that’s me!

Activeness I like to nap. A lot. Relationship with children Yes please!


寶貝寵物 • 2014年9月/10月


Dog breed

哥犬是當今已知道的最 古老狗品種之一,相信這 個品種的起源早於公元前400 年。關於巴哥犬的起源多少都 有點爭論。大多數研究者同意 巴哥犬起源於亞洲,是短毛北 京狗的後裔。這個狗品種因荷 蘭奧蘭治王朝及斯圖爾特王朝 的影響而在西歐廣受歡迎。 這個品種的狗小巧、矮壯結實、 粗短,大頭上的鼻口部短而鈍。 牠們黑色的眼睛大而突出,薄薄 的耳朵呈玫瑰或鈕扣狀。牠們 的皮毛柔軟、細膩及順滑,有杏 色、淺黃褐色及黑色和銀色等。

西藏寺廟把巴哥犬 作為寵物飼養。 Tibetan monasteries kept Pugs as pets.

由於巴哥犬缺乏長鼻子及突出 的骨骼眉脊,牠們的眼部很容 易受傷。牠們也有緊湊的呼吸 道,使牠們容易出現呼吸困難, 或無法通過以舌頭喘氣來散熱 從而有效地調節自己的體溫。 巴哥犬很容易感冒,害怕冷熱 天氣。牠們的呼吸問題在航空

這個品種通常被形容為“小中 見大”,暗指巴哥犬雖然個子 小 但 個 性 非凡。牠 們 意 志 堅 強,但很少攻擊性,牠們大部 分非常喜歡孩子,有足夠精力 陪孩子一起玩。根據主人的心 情,牠們可以安靜和溫順,但 又可以充滿活力並調皮搗蛋。 巴哥犬本性懶惰,會花大量時 間小睡。牠們通常被稱為“影 子”,因為牠們到處跟隨主人, 並且喜歡亦步亦趨。


he Pug is one of the oldest breeds known today, believed to have originated before 400 BC. There is somewhat of a debate over the origin of the Pug. Most researchers agree that the Pug originated from Asia, descended from a shorthaired Pekingese. The breed was popularized in Western Europe by the House of Orange of the Netherlands, and the House of Stuart. A small, stocky, thickset dog, these breed have big heads with short, blunt muzzles. Their eyes are large, prominent and dark and their thin ears are either rose or button shaped. Coats are soft, fine and smooth and come in apricot, fawn, black and silver. The breed is often described as multum in parvo, or “much in little”, alluding to the Pug’s

remarkable personality, despite its small size.Strong willed but rarely aggressive, the majority of the breed is very fond of children and sturdy enough to properly play with them. Depending on their owner’s mood, they can be quiet and docile but also vivacious and teasing. Pugs tend to have a lazy nature and spend a lot of time napping. They are often called “shadows” because they follow their owners around and like to stay close to the action. Since Pugs lack longer snouts and prominent skeletal brow ridges, they are susceptible to eye injuries and they also have compact breathing passageways, leaving many prone to breathing difficulties or unable to efficiently regulate their temperature through evaporation from the tongue by panting.

貨運時因感到壓力會進一步惡 化,這可能是高溫所致。在若 干巴哥犬及其他短頭顱品種犬 發生死亡情況後,幾家航空公 司禁止此類犬的貨運或製定了 季節性限制。

種在19世紀維多利亞時代開始 流行。

過著久坐不動生活的巴哥犬容 易肥胖,而這種情況可以用定 期運動和健康飲食來避免。巴 哥犬的壽命中位數為11年,這 與其他大小相同的品種一致。

在法國,拿破崙的妻子約瑟芬 有一 隻名為 F o r t u n e 的 巴哥 犬。在 新婚之夜,當拿破崙拒 絕 讓 這 隻狗 在他們 的床 上 睡 覺 時,約瑟芬對他 說,“如 果 Fortune不睡在我們的床上, 我也不!”當約瑟芬被送進監 獄後,她通過在巴哥犬項圈下 放置紙條,成功利用這隻小狗 向她的丈夫傳遞秘密消息。

巴哥犬在 藝 術 和 歷 史中 扮 演 了 重 要角 色。畫 家 賀 加 斯 常 在他 的 作 品中 描 繪 的 一 隻名 為“Trump”的巴哥犬。這個品

Pugs catch colds easily and are stressed by hot and cold weather. Their breathing problems can be worsened by the stresses of travelling in air cargo, which may involve high temperatures. Following the deaths of Pugs and other brachycephalic breeds, several airlines either banned their transport in cargo or enacted seasonal restrictions. Pugs that live a mostly sedentary life can be prone to obesity, though this is avoidable with regular exercise and a healthy diet. The median life span of Pugs is 11 years, which is in line with other breeds of the same size.

巴哥犬到達日本和歐洲後,不 僅成為了皇室的寵物,更是荷 蘭奧蘭治王朝的官方狗。

Victorian times in the 19th century. The breed made its way to Japan and Europe, where it not only became a pet of royalty but the official dog of the House of Orange in Holland. In France, Napoleon’s wife Josephine had a Pug named Fortune. On their wedding night, when Napoleon refused to allow the dog to sleep in their bed, Josephine told him, “If the Pug does not sleep in our bed, neither do I!” When Josephine was sent to prison she used the little dog to send secret messages to her husband by placing a note under the collar of her Pug.

Pugs have had a prominent role on art and history. The artist Hogarth had a Pug named “Trump” that he often depicted in his works. The breed became popular during

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Pets & Hugs • September/ October 2014


“小時候媽媽從不允許我在家養狗, 所以在澳門街上我總跟別人的狗玩 耍。當我見到Jonathan,,他問我是 否想見兩隻非常可愛與他從拉斯維加 斯來的狗,我說我很想,”Juju Schiff 說。今天,他們已結婚,並有兩個漂亮 的女兒。 10

“Ever since I was young my mother never let me have any dogs at home, so I always used to play with other people’s dogs on the streets of Macau. When I met Jonathan, he asked if I wanted to meet his two dogs that had come with him from Last Vegas and were very cute - I said I’d love to”, says Juju Schiff. Today, they are married with two beautiful daughters. 寶貝寵物 • 2014年9月/10月


Dog story

七口之家 A Family of Seven “我

不認為養狗去認識 女孩 這個 好方法有 甚 麼 秘 密,我 沒 想 過 那 有 多 好,”Jonathan Schiff開玩 笑。 回到Jonathan在美國的童年 時代,那時他才10歲時,就開 始照顧一隻叫Trixie的狗。說到 與Trixie的深情和回憶他們在 一起的時刻,他解釋說,當時, 他父親去世,這隻狗幫他很大 忙。自那時起,他一生裏斷斷 續續都有養狗。 2006年,Jonathan希望有一 隻波士頓梗犬,他便去拉斯維 加斯寵物店購買,最終帶兩隻 小狗回家:“牠們太可愛,所以


don’t think it’s any secret that having dogs is a great way to meet girls, I never thought it would be that good,” jokes Jonathan Schiff. Rewinding to Jonathan’s childhood times in the United States, he began caring for a dog called Trixie shortly afterturning ten. Speaking very fondly of Trixie and reminiscing of their moments together, he explained that at the time, his father passed away and this dog helped him a lot. Since then, he has had dogs on and off throughout his life. In 2006 Jonathan wanted a Boston Terrier and when he went to the pet shop in Las Vegas to buy one, he ended up bringing two dogs

我把牠們倆都帶回家。我認為 相 對一隻來說,兩隻較好,因 為牠們可以一起玩耍,並相依 為命。每逢週末我們經常上山 遠足,牠們很喜歡。所以,當我 2007年搬到澳門時,牠們也跟 我來。” 叫 L e o 的 波 士 頓 梗 犬,是 以 Leonardo Da Vinci的名 字 命 名,顯 然 牠 是 群 體 的 領 袖; 牠對這個家保護有加, 尤其 是 對他們 兩歲 大 的 女兒 Jasmine。“一開始,牠很妒 忌J a s m i n e,因她 是 家裡 的 新寶寶。我們甚至要把牠送去 Juju的居所幾個月。”值得慶 幸的是,這種嫉妒消失了,而現 在他們相處得很溶洽。

home: “They were both so cute that I took them both home, I think it’s better to have two, as opposed to one, because they can play with each other and keep each other company. We used to go hiking in the mountains every weekend and they loved it - so when I moved over to Macau in 2007, they came with me.” The Boston Terrier called Leo is named after Leonardo Da Vinci and tends to be the leader of the pack; he’s very protective over the family, especially their daughter Jasmine who is now two years old. “In the beginning, he was very jealous of Jasmine who was the new baby in the house. We even had to send him to Juju’s house for a few months.” Thankfully,

Pets & Hugs • September/ October 2014

L e o 喜 歡 保 持 團 結並 且 較內 向。另一隻叫Vincent的約克 夏梗犬,是以Vincent Van Gogh的名字命名。他往往很 快 便 與 陌 生 人 混 熟,而 且非 常非常愛玩,跑 來跑去,並時 常接近人。牠經常有吠叫的習 慣。“因為我們住在較低層,每 次當牠看到別的狗在樓下街上 經過,甚至聽到狗吠聲,牠就 吠不停。”然而,牠的狗吠聲並 不代表如他人所想般的勇敢, 事實上,有時牠看來很膽小和 害羞。 奇蹟Panda Leo 和Vincent是Jonathan 和 J u j u 婚 後養 的第一 批 狗, 但 過了不久,第三隻加入畫面 裏。“2 010年,我弟弟心臟病 非常嚴重,將需要接受一整天 的 手 術。在 等 待 他 手 術 完 結

this jealousy faded away, and now they get along just fine. Leo likes to keep to himself and is more introverted. Vincent, on the other hand, a Yorkshire Terrier, was named after Vincent Van Gogh. He tends to be very quick at warming up to strangers, and is very, very, playful, running around and approaching people all the time. He also has a habit of barking - quite a lot. “Because we live on quite a low floor, every time he sees dogs walking downstairs, on the streets or even hears barking –he’s at it again, barking, barking.” Yet his barking

期間,我的直覺叫我要做點好 事,腦 海中想 到 的 第 一 件 事 就 是 領 養 一 隻 狗。我 立 刻 去 A APA M(澳門保護遺棄動物 協會)尋找可領養的狗。當時 有幾隻狗可供選擇,牠們都是 兄弟姐妹,表現得非常活躍和 快樂,只有一隻例外。這一隻 有點收藏自己,看上去較圓潤, 就像一隻小型拉布拉多犬。牠 很安靜、害羞、沒有撲向我或 類似的動作,”Juju回憶道。 J u j u 喜 歡 這 隻有 點 矜持、很 特別、名叫Panda的狗,並很 快就決定要收養她。就在那一 天,她簽署了收養的文件,而 這是她簽的第二份。Juju的母 親打電話告訴她說,她兄弟的

does not represent bravery as one might think, in fact, it seems he is quite timid and shy at times. The Miracle Panda Leo and Vincent were Jonathan and Juju’s first dogs as a couple, yet it was not long until a third one was added into the picture. “In 2010, my younger brother had a very severe heart condition and needed to go into a surgery that would last the whole day. In the midst of waiting for his surgery to end, I had an instinct that I wanted to do something good and adopting a dog was the first


手術成功。“手術成功的機會 只有一半,所以,我真的相 信 Panda是一隻帶來奇蹟的狗, 所以我真心愛Panda。” 當 文 件 簽 署 後 1 個 月,以 眼 睛周圍有黑眼圈而得名的 Panda,終於被帶回Schiff的 家。“Vincent 和 Leo是老友, 當Panda來到,對於Vincent 沒 有 問 題,但 L e o 非 常 嫉 妒。Leo總是與Panda吵架, 並偷她的食物。當時,Panda 只是一隻3個月大小狗。牠們 的 關 係 在 一 年 後 才 變 好,因 Panda長得大過Leo。”Juju 笑說。 養3隻狗不是件容易的事,而當 Jonathan 和 Juju去渡蜜月 時,他們 就把3隻狗送到路環


一位狗教練那裏,那教練教導 牠們如何跪、坐、及一些基本 技巧。 “Leo 和Vincent總 不聽Juju的指令,但絕對服從 我。如果帶牠們去散步,我通 常會鬆開牠們的狗帶,但當我 叫牠們 時,牠們馬上回來,” Jonathan.說。 笑聲和打呼嚕 有時候,當Jonathan 抱 著 他們 6 個月大 的 女兒 Jocelyn,Leo和Vincent會 舔 她 的 腳 直 到 她 咯 咯地 笑。 牠們除了為這個家帶來笑聲, 也有 一 些 非 常 有 趣 的 習 慣。 在Schiff家裏,Leo最出名是 牠 很 大 聲 打 呼 嚕 和 放 屁,當 牠 躺 在 草 地 上,牠 也 喜 歡 把 腿 撓 在 半 空 來 搔 背,並 拉 出

一 個 有 趣 的 臉,“ 這 是 有 趣 的,”Jonathan說。 雖然Leo和Vincent是家中最 有趣的,Pa n d a卻是隻 醇厚 的 狗,似 乎 與 全 家 關 係 很 蜜 切。當夫妻倆有時不愉快,她 會 特別 上前並嘗 試令 他們 好 受。“也許因為Leo和Vincent 是雄性而Panda是雌性, 所 以她比較敏感,” Juju說。 在未搬進新公寓時,Schiff家 人 經常 帶 狗 狗 到 氹仔 的山上 去旅行,因為他們明白,住在 沒有院子或大空間的公寓裡, 對狗很辛苦。在現時的居所, 他們 確 保 每 天 帶 狗 狗 出去三 次,並餵飼足夠好的食物。幾 個月前,他們的獸醫給他們一 個特殊的狗食譜,就是用狗糧

混合燕麥片,為的是要讓狗減 肥(因為牠們看來重了點)。值 得慶幸的是,狗狗喜歡這個新 配方,迅速並愉快地把食物吃 掉。 S c h i f f 一 家有七名 成 員:J o n a t h a n , J u j u , Jasmine, Jocelyn, Vincent, Leo 和Panda,這意味著照顧 那麼多成員,有時可能具挑戰 性。但Juju堅持“這些狗是我 們家庭的一份子,我們永遠不 會因我們有孩子而離開牠們。 我們愛他們。” Ja s m i ne非常好 奇地 聽著我 們的採訪,同時精心在她母親 的手臂排好迪士尼貼紙並悄悄 地說:“Panda很柔軟。我愛 Panda。”

寶貝寵物 • 2014年9月/10月


Dog story

thing that sprang into my mind. I made my way to AAPAM (The Abandoned Animals Protection Association of Macau) to find a dog to adopt. There were a few dogs to choose from at the time, they were all brothers and sisters and they were all very active and happy except one. This one was a bit hidden and more round looking - like a mini Labrador. She was very quiet and shy, she didn’t jump on me or anything like that,” Juju recalls.

with Panda and always stole her food. At the time, Panda was only three months old and was just a puppy. Their relationship only got better after around one year, when Panda became bigger than Leo,” laughs Juju. Having three dogs is not the easiest of tasks, and when Jonathan and Juju went away for their honeymoon, they sent

Juju liked how reserved this particular dog called Panda was and quickly made up her mind to adopt her. On that very day, Juju signed the adoption papers and the second she signed, Juju’s mother called her to say that her brother’s surgery had been successful. “There was only a 50/50 chance that the surgery would be successful, so I truly believe that Panda is a miracle dog, and so I really love Panda.” After one month of signing the papers, Panda, named after her dark circles around her eyes, could finally be taken back to the Schiff’s home. “Vincent and Leo were forever friends and when Panda came along, Vincent was alright but Leo was very jealous. Leo always quarreled Pets & Hugs • September/ October 2014

“這些狗是我們家 庭的一部分,我們 永遠不會僅僅因為 我們有了孩子而離 開他們。我們愛他 們。” “These dogs are part of our family - we would never leave them just because we had children. We love them.”

all three of them to a trainer in Coloane who taught them how to kneel, sit and a few more basic tricks. “Leo and Vincent don’t always listen to Juju but definitely listen to me. If they are out walking, I usually take them off the leash, but when I call them, they will always come back,” says Jonathan. Giggles and Snores Sometimes, when Jonathan holds Jocelyn, their six-month old daughter - Leo and Vincent will lick her feet until she giggles. Besides bringing laughter to the family, they also have some very funny habits. In the Schiff home, Leo is most renowned for snoring very loudly and farting - when he lies in the grass, he also likes to scratch his back with his legs up in the air whilst pulling a funny face - “It’s hilarious,” says Jonathan. Whilst Leo and Vincent are the funny ones around the house, Panda is the mellow dog that seems to have a deeper connection with everyone in the family. When the couple has a bad day, she will specifically come up to them and try to make them feel better. “Maybe it’s because Leo and Vincent are boys and Panda is a girl - maybe that’s why she is more sensitive,” says Juju.

Before they moved into their new apartment, the Schiff’s used to take the dogs out to trek the Taipa hill quite often as they understand that living in an apartment is hard for dogs since there is no yard or big open spaces. In their current home they make sure that the dogs get taken out three times a day, and are fed plenty of good food. A few months ago their veterinarian gave them a special recipe which was to mix dog food with oatmeal, in order to make the dogs lose weight (as they were a little bit on the heavy side). Thankfully, the dogs love this new recipe and eat it up quickly and happily. The Schiff family of seven members: Jonathan, Juju, Jasmine, Jocelyn, Vincent, Leo and Panda means that it may be challenging at times to care for so many members, but Juju insists that “these dogs are part of our family - we would never leave them just because we had children. We love them.” Jasmine, who listened to our interview with great curiosity whilst carefully arranging Disney stickers on her mother’s arm quietly added: “Panda - Panda is very soft. I love Panda”.


熊貓的故事 Panda’s Story

作者:李树森 By Sam Li

介 紹 一 隻 永不止 息 渴 求 精 彩生 活 的小狗 —— 迷 人 的“熊貓”


An adorable dog with an insatiable lust for life, meet the charming Panda!

寶貝寵物 • 2014年9月/10月


Pet Tale


貓 ”的 故 事,始 於 差 不多五年前。大 概 是 我們兄弟倆快要離開澳門出外 求學的時候,爸爸把“熊貓” 抱回家。馬上,他成爲我家第 三個兒子。開初,他有點害羞, 但很快就習慣了新家。 雖然“熊貓”有先天性心臟缺 陷,但無礙他整天東跑西癲、 追 逐 皮 球。我 們 帶 他 去 獸 醫 診 所 時,獸 醫 警 告 我 們 別 讓 他 進 行 太 多激 烈 活 動,但 一 年後,他已經完全痊愈,比誰 都健康。 當“ 熊 貓 ”還 是 一 隻 小 狗 狗 時,他活力無限——在我們家 中的樓梯上下來回跑,有 時 候 會 因 踩 空 而 翻 滾 下 墮。栽 跟 頭 無 阻 他 繼 續 活 蹦 亂 跳,他 的“我行”精神,讓他 跌倒後 馬上站起來。 今天,“熊貓”稍稍收斂了點, 儘管他的好奇心還在:在他面 前的任何東西對他來說,都可 以是玩具——冰塊、西瓜,甚至 偶爾才得一見的螃蟹。 至今我仍記得,“熊貓”初來 我家的一段時間,晚上總睡在 我的床邊——我從客廳的狗窩 把他偷偷抱進房間。現在我不 在家,他就改到爸媽的床邊度 宿。有時我回家度假,他會跳 上我的床跟我睡。他真是一個 很可愛的熊貓枕頭。 作爲一 隻小狗狗,“熊貓”的 樣子可愛得你不相信——像寬 大的眼睛、像電影《怪物史萊 克》中“穿靴子的貓”所 特有 的無辜眼神等。看到他,你不 會對他說“不”。近來,他又仗 著無法拒絕的笑容,俘虜每一 個碰到的人的心。他那令人眼 前一亮的笑容和圍著脖子一圈 的白毛,誰能對他說“不”呢? 我們家常有訪客。要抓住訪客 歡心,“ 熊 貓 ”從 未 失 手。他 要的,是來客撫摸他的頭、和

他玩球。即使我們帶他出外溜 達,他也可以吸引隨便一個路 上碰到的人的注意。我記得有 一年農曆新年,路人看到“熊 貓”這麽乖,都會讓他留步,給 他一封“利市” (紅包)。 “熊貓”幼年時,我們常在周 末 上午 帶 他 去 黑 沙 沙 灘。起 初,他不喜 歡下水,我就抱起 他,向海走去,直至水深及胸, 才把他放到水裏,讓他自己游 回岸邊。如是者好幾 次,他習 慣了,下次我們 再到 沙灘,他 已能自行奔向海水,無須人帶 領了。 還有,每當我們帶“熊貓”坐車 兜風,副駕駛座是他的指定座 位——不管是否已有人就座; 如果你不讓座,他就乾脆坐在 你腿上。汽車開行時,他常注 視迎面汽車上的司機,若司機 是他認識的,或車上有狗,他 會吠兩聲,表示“嗨”!

Pets & Hugs • September/ October 2014


he story of panda started almost five years ago. My dad brought him home just as my brother and I were both about to leave Macau for our studies. He instantly became the third son in our family. In the beginning, he was a little shy, but he grew on us. Although he was born with a congenital heart defect, it never stopped him from chasing down toy balls and running around. When we took him to the vet, they warned us that we shouldn’t let him do too much vigorous exercise, but after a year, he had healed himself and was healthy as could be. When he was still a puppy, he would be teeming with energy. Running up and down the stairs in our home, sometimes he would accidentally miss a step and roll back down; though that never deterred him and his can do attitude as he would pop right back up and get at it again.

Today he’s settled down a bit, although he definitely hasn’t lost his sense of curiosity; everything can still be a toy for him, ranging from ice cubes, to watermelons, and even the occasional crab. I still remember how at the beginning when we brought him home he used to sleep next to my bed at night. I would sneak him into my room instead of the kennel he had out in the living room. These days, since I’m not at home, he sleeps next to my parent’s bed. But when I come back over the holidays, sometimes he’ll jump into bed with me. He’s an adorable Panda pillow. As a puppy, he had this incredibly cute look that you could never say no to, like the wide-eyed, innocent gaze that Puss in Boots has from Shrek. These days, he relies on his undeniable smile to capture the hearts of everyone he meets. With a dashing grin and a scarf of white fur around his neck, who could say no to him?


“熊貓”一天的生活 每天清晨 太陽初升時,“熊 貓 ”如 常 進 早 餐,然 後 外 出踱步。途中,他會跟所有 他 的朋 友—— 區內的人和 狗——碰面。 日間,“ 熊 貓 ”躺 在 家中某 處— —在哪裏能找到他?任 何開著空調的房間。悶得慌 時,他會把球叼到你跟前, 你就知道該怎麽做。玩個够 了,他就會在你身旁躺下。 午飯時候,是他吃零嘴的時 候。他施展渾身解 數,表現 不同的花招,一邊站著旋轉 身子,一邊領取零嘴獎賞。 然後到桌子下休息,期待着 有人再額外給他什麽。 每天晚上天氣報告時段,“熊 貓”開始 低嚎。爸爸媽媽總 愛說,他是在跟背景音樂和 唱。唱完之後,就衝向爸媽, 去領取那份因爲“唱得好” 而赢得的獎賞。 晚飯後,又是我們例行漫步 的時候。在通往水庫那條我 們已經非常熟悉的路上,會 經 過 野 猫 聚 居 的 螺 絲 山花 園。“熊 貓”對 牠們 既 愛 又 恨,因爲他十分 外向,猫 兒 常誤把他的熱情好玩當作攻 擊,躲他唯恐不及。 回到家中,又是 皮球 時間! 當“熊貓”玩 到疲倦已極, 他會躺在你身旁,陪你一直 到夜 深、就寢。那 時他自己 會找個 舒適的地方躺下、入 睡,爲新 一天的活動,養精 蓄銳。 這些日子,“熊貓”在我們家 過著快樂的生活。也許當我 大學畢業後回到家裏時,我 會抱回來一隻貓,情况將會 很好玩— —“熊貓”加上一 隻貓,相處在同一屋檐下。有 了寵物,日子永不枯燥。 16

寶貝寵物 • 2014年9月/10月

We frequently have friends visit, he has yet to fail charming anyone over. All he wants is somebody to scratch his head and play ball with him. Even when we take him out on walks, he manages to grab the attention of random people on the street. I remember over Chinese New Year, Panda was stopped by pedestrians and was given red pockets because he was such a good boy. When he was younger, we used to take Panda to Hac Sa beach on Saturday mornings. In the beginning, he didn’t like getting into the water. So I would have to pick him up and wade into the ocean until we were chest deep, then he would swim back to shore. Afterwards, he got used to the idea, and when we arrived at the beach, he would go run into the ocean by himself. Also, whenever we bring Panda out in the car, he always gets in the front seat. It doesn’t matter if

農曆新年時,路人 看到“熊貓”這麽 乖,就讓他留步, 給他一封“利市” (紅包)。 Over Chinese New Year, Panda was stopped by pedestrians and

was given red pockets because he was

such a good boy. somebody is already sitting there, he will sit on you if you don’t move. When driving, he’ll always look at the other drivers in their cars, and if we pass by a dog or somebody that he knows, he’ll bark twice to let them know he says hi. A Day in the Life of Panda Every morning as the sun rises, Panda grabs breakfast and goes

Pets & Hugs • September/ October 2014

on his morning walk. On his way, he’ll meet all his friends and the other neighborhood dogs. During the day, Panda will lie around the house. Whichever room has the air-conditioner turned on, you can be sure that’s where you’ll find him. When he gets bored, he’ll bring you his ball so that you play ball with him. Afterwards, he’ll lay down next to you for a job well done. At lunch time, it’s time for his snack. Performing a variety of tricks, he spins around on his hind legs to get his treat before he sits under the table in the hopes that somebody will slip him something extra. Every night when the weather report comes on, Panda will start to howl. My parents like to say that he’s singing along with the background music. Afterwards, he rushes to get a treat for a song well sung.

After dinner, he’ll head out for another walk. On his frequent walks to the water reservoir, he passes by Montanha Russa Garden which is inhabited by cats. He has a love hate relationship with them. Since he’s extremely outgoing, the cats mistake his playfulness as signs of aggression and tend to run away from him. Back home again, it’s time for more fetch the ball! Then after he gets tired, he’ll lie by your side and keep you company late into the night until you go to sleep, and he’ll find a comfy spot to lie down and sleep, in preparation for tomorrow’s next big day. These days, Panda lives happily at home. Maybe when I come back after finishing university, I’ll get a cat as well. That would surely make things interesting, a cat and Panda living under the same roof. With pets, there’s never a dull moment.


狸花貓—被馴化的野貓 Dragon Li Hua - Wild Cat gone Tame

狸花貓直接源自中國野生山貓,經自然進化 後被馴化。牠們因驚人的捕鼠技能而倍受尊 崇,這種貓在中國歷史上飽受讚揚,最遠 可追溯到商代。

需要關注度 —我比較獨立。 情感 — 我溫柔,但不需要太多擁抱。 活躍程度 —我喜歡玩耍! 與孩子關係 — 我溫柔,但不需要太多擁抱。 18

Directly descended from the wild Chinese mountain cat, Dragon Li Hua naturally evolved and shifted into domestication. Favourably mentioned in Chinese records dating as far back as the Shang Dynasty, these cats were revered for their formidable rat-catching skills.

Attention needs

I’m rather independent


I’m gentle, but don’t need cuddles too often

Activeness I like to play! Relationship with children As long as they are respectful, all is well

寶貝寵物 • 2014年9月/10月


為中國非官方的 貓,狸 花貓被認為是已知最早 的家貓之一。據古書記載,牠 們可能在中國各地生存了數個 世紀,但直到最近牠們才發展 成為一個品種。這是一個天然 品種,意思是牠們不是通過與 其他品種雜交培育而成。 狸花貓在中國以外非常罕見, 也 很 難 找 到,牠 有 獨 特 的 金 黃 色、斷 續 鯖 魚 紋( 又 稱 斷 續條紋)狀的斑花紋。牠有獨 特的耳朵,大而呈圓杏仁狀、 熒光黃 色/綠 色的 眼睛,以及 強 大 飽 滿 的 身型,讓 人 想 起 牠 的 野 性。狸 花 貓 的 價 值 在 於 其 明 確 無 誤 的 智 慧,牠 對 於周 圍 環 境 的不 可思 議 的 感 覺,以 及 牠 易 與 人 類 交 往 的 能力。 這 種 貓 聰 明、調 皮 並非 常 活 躍,牠們待人和善並能成為好 同伴,但是牠們不會太熱情或 多言。由於獨立及要求不高,牠 們與其他寵物相處得很好,比 如與對貓友善的狗相處融洽。

指 導 幼 童 並告訴 他們 如 何好 好 寵 愛 貓 咪。讓 貓 咪 坐 在 地 板 上 並 親 撫 他 或 她,而 不 是 抱 著 或 提 著 牠。一 定 要 在 受 控 環 境 下,慢 慢 引 入任 何 寵 物,即 使 引 入 其 他 的 貓 也 一 樣。 這 種 貓 以捕 捉老 鼠 和 其他害 蟲而聞名,然而,牠們 的搜索 技 巧 超 出 囓 齒 動 物。趙 尚 志 (190 8 -1942,一位中國歷史 上的著名人物)曾訓練他的狸 花貓撿取紙張。 牠 們 會 學 習 把 戲,享 受 互 動 玩 具,並 喜 愛 受 到 有 禮 貌 並 尊重牠們的溫馴孩子的關 注。 這些天生健康的貓沒有底毛, 使 得 牠們 對寒 冷 天 氣非常 敏 感。每週輕輕地梳一梳或刷一 次毛,就足以保持牠們皮毛的 良好狀態。 狸花貓似乎永遠在微笑—當你 收到這種罕有貓的敬意時,你 也會不斷面露微笑。

Pets & Hugs • September/ October 2014


he unofficial cat of China, the Dragon Li Hua is thought to be one of the earliest known domestic cats. Based on their mention in old books, they have probably existed throughout China for centuries, but it is only recently that they have been developed as a breed. This is a natural breed, meaning it was not developed through crosses of other breeds. Very rare and difficult to find outside China, Dragon Li Hua has a unique golden brown, broken mackerel (also known as broken striped) tabby pattern, distinctive ear tipping, large round almond shaped luminescent yellow/green eyes, and a strong full bodied stature reminiscent of its wild nature. The Dragon Li Hua is valued for its unmistakable intelligence, an uncanny perception in relation to its surroundings, and its ability to interact easily with humans. Smart, playful and very active, these cats are gentle with people and make very good companions, however they are not very affectionate or vocal. Independent and undemanding, they get along well with other pets, such as cat-friendly dogs.

Cat Breed

Supervise young children and show them how to pet the cat nicely. Instead of holding or carrying the cat, have them sit on the floor and pet him or her. Always introduce any pets, even other cats, slowly and in a controlled setting. These cats have a reputation as talented hunters of rats and other vermin; however, their retrieval skills extend beyond rodents. Zhao Shangzai (1908-1942), a famous character in Chinese history, once trained his Li Hua to fetch the papers. They can learn tricks, enjoy interactive toys, and love the attention they receive from gentle children who treat them politely and with respect. These naturally healthy cats do not have an undercoat, which makes them very sensitive to cold weather. A light comb or brush once a week is enough to keep their fur in good condition. The Dragon Li Hua cat appears to be perpetually smiling- and you too will wear a constant smile when you receive the reverence of this rare cat.


愛的一課 Lessons in Love 我們很容易愛上 一隻機靈的小 貓或小狗,但長 遠來看,是否意 味著我們將成為 動物所需要的那 種負責任主人? 很 少人 能 回 答 的一個 難題;然 而,Elisa Wu能 以身作則。 It’s easy to fall in love with a cute kitten or puppy, but does that mean we will be the type of responsible owner that the animal needs in the long run? A difficult question that not many can answer; however Elisa Wu can lead by example.


寶貝寵物 • 2014年9月/10月


Cat Story


lisa Wu在一個愛貓的家庭 中長大,很自然被美麗的貓 所包圍。有她的母親Wi n n i e Tang,她那3隻金吉拉貓整天 活在愛和親情中。 D a d a、D e d e、B e b e 擁有 貓 咪 所 渴 望 的 各 種 玩 具。那 兩隻較年經的貓,整天只管跑 來跑去,製造混亂。Dada 和 Dede是從澳門一家寵物店買 回來的,現在已9個月大——正 是製造麻煩的年齡。 但對於Elisa來說,所有活力和 喧 鬧 是 樂 趣 的 一 部 分,她 喜 歡牠們的個性,牠們是多麼愛 玩,牠們的行為有如狗般—— 會接取物件和在屋內到處跑。 “ 我花了約13 年 找 這 類 型的 貓,去年12月在一家寵物店看 到牠們,所以買了這兩隻。” 她談及兩隻幼貓時說。 然而,相對Dada 和 Dede的 活力,Bebe是隻較老和身體 欠佳的貓。 13歲那年,有一天晚上Bebe 得了高眼壓,並開始流血,他們 不知道是什麼原因引起。第二 天早上,便帶牠去綠十字診所, 他們被告知由於牠的腎臟問題 嚴重,以致眼壓過高。Bebe的 病情是因年老引致,雖然牠永 遠不會百份百痊癒,獸醫解釋 說,他們可以幫助牠。 Bebe曾經進出醫院幾次,而上 兩個月情況特別差,需要留在 診所兩天。牠継續接受治療, 每隔3天需要到診所接受輸 液。據診所的獸醫稱,Bebe是 隻模範“病貓”,耐心而努力地 坐著接受治療。 B e b e不是唯一熟悉 就醫的 貓。Dede從寵物店被帶回家 約兩三天後,很不舒服,他們 懷 疑 牠是 否 可以捱 過去 — — 牠腹瀉得很利害,軟得幾乎不 能動彈。

Winnie Tang, Elisa Wu and Stephen Chio

當 時 D e d e 只 有 3 個 月 大, 我們 緊急 以電話 聯 絡 綠 十 字,他 們 建 議 D e d e 需 要 住 院,Fernando醫生帶牠回家 並用注射器管餵牠,謢理牠直 至牠恢復健康。Dede成功渡 過,今天牠是所有貓中最胖的 一隻,而且是隻幸福的貓。 當E l i sa告知寵物店老闆有關 Dede的病情時,店主並不感 驚訝。他說,許多貓有相同的 症狀,由於貓主不再要這些有 病的貓,牠們都被退回店裡。 不是所有寵物主人都像E l i sa 和 她的母 親 那 樣 忠愛 她們 的 寵物。   這些貓都被寵壞了。牠們所有 的 食 物 都 是 從日本 訂 購 的。 因為“牠們 喜 歡日本 料理”, 當問到 她們 怎 知 貓 的 飲 食偏 好,Winnie解釋說,有一次去 日本旅行,她們帶回一些零食

Pets & Hugs • September/ October 2014


or Elisa Wu, who grew up in a cat loving family, being surrounded by beautiful felines is the most natural thing in the world. With her mother, Winnie Tang, their three Chinchilla Persian cats are surrounded by love and affection all day long. Dada, Dede, Bebe, have all the toys a cat could wish for, and then some. For the younger two, running around and causing chaos is all in a day’s work. Bought in a pet shop in Macau, Dada and Dede are now nine months old- the perfect age for causing trouble. But for Elisa all the energy and commotion is part of the fun, she loves their character and how playful they are, likening their behavior to that of dogs, playing fetch and running around the house. “I have been looking for these types of cats for around 13 years, then last year in December I saw a pet shop had them,

so I bought these two,” she says of the younger cats. However, for all the energy that Dada and Dede have, Bebe is the older cat and in poor health. Aged 13, one night he got high eye blood pressure and it started to bleed and they had no idea of what caused it. The following morning they took him to Green Cross clinic where they were told that the blood pressure in his eye was too high due to serious kidney problems. Bebe’s condition was caused by old age, and although he will never be 100% again, the vet explained that they could help him. Bebe has been hospitalized several times with the last two months being particularly bad, he stayed at the clinic for a couple of days. He is receiving ongoing treatment, every three days he has to go to the vet to receive vital fluids. According to the vets at the clinic Bebe is a


給貓咪,就這樣,現在牠們 除 了巧克力,其他的都不要。 年幼 的 貓 會 抓住 任 何機 會 跳 上餐桌,拿取牠們所能拿的, 然後將戰利品收藏在自己的戰 略要地。“有一次,在我們沒有 注意時,牠們偷了Kit Kat巧克 力。過一段日子後,我們在清

理牠們的沙盆時,發現巧克力 被埋在沙下,滿是咬痕。”Elisa 笑著說。

網上購物後,這些貓擁有了一 切。當她們去度假時,腦海中 總是貓咪們的新玩意。

牠們被寵壞了? “是的,牠們 是有點被寵壞了。” Elisa承 認。

E l i sa和她母親為貓買新玩具 和食品,一直在網上尋找,“每 當我們看到新的傢俱,我們會 說‘哦,牠們一定會喜歡!’” 所以,在香港的寵物商店進行

一箱一箱的日本貓糧放在沙發 旁,當儲備剩下一半時、或當Elisa 遇到新產品時便會說: “哦,我想 牠們一定會喜歡這個!”她馬上 訂購,貨品便運到澳門。

Bebe喜歡睡在玩具車或貓別 墅裡,或客廳地板上其他數以 千計的任何玩具裡。咬和抓玩 具是牠們最喜歡的消遣之一。 每天替貓咪梳毛,而每隔兩到 三個 星 期 帶 牠們 到 寵物 店美 容。 Dada愛水,只要水龍頭扭開, 牠就在那兒準備用牠的爪子去 沾那流水。但就只有這一隻。 同時牠是3隻貓之中最多情的, 當情緒需要時,牠跳上Elisa的 床上來個擁抱。Dede是隻早 晨貓,當Elisa醒來,牠敲了敲 臥室的門,並進去說聲早安。 朋友們經常被她家人花在貓身 上的時間和金錢而震驚,不理 解擁有動物所附帶的責任。 “ 我 們 希 望 牠 長 壽,” Winnie解釋她們附出所有精 力去照顧Bebe。綠十字的獸 醫在時間和收費方面對她們也 很慷慨。 “人們 說,哦,那 麼 昂貴!為 什麼你在貓身上花那麼多錢, 以那價 錢 我可以買一 隻新 的。”Elisa回憶一些朋友跟她 的談話。 Elisa解釋,Bebe在她生命中 已佔有13年; 牠是她家庭的一 部分,為什麼不盡一切可能挽 救牠的生命? “ 我 覺 得,如 果 人們 有 這 種 想法,首先,他們不應該養寵 物,”她說。 “你應該花時 間,盡力照顧牠們。牠們不是 玩具。” 貓咪有牠們的面書: BebeDedeDada 之金吉拉家


寶貝寵物 • 2014年9月/10月


Cat Story

model patient, sitting through his treatments patiently and diligently.

Dada、Dede、Bebe 擁有貓 咪所渴望的各 種玩具。那兩隻較年經 的貓,整天只管跑來跑 去,製造混亂。

And Bebe isn’t the only one familiar to medical treatment. When Dede was brought home from the pet shop, after about two or three days he was so sick, they wondered if he would make it- he had very bad diarrhoea and was so weak he barely moved. He was only three months at the time and an emergency call was made to Green Cross and they were advised that Dede was to be hospitalized. Dr. Fernando took Dede home with him and fed him through a syringe tube and nursed him back to health. Dede made it and today he is the fattest of the lot and a very happy cat. When Elisa informed the pet shop owner of Dede’s condition he wasn’t surprised, saying that many of the cats had the same symptoms and that the sick cats were being returned to the shop because the owners no longer wanted them. Not all pet owners are as committed as Elisa and her mother.

Dada, Dede, Bebe, have all the toys a cat could wish for, and then some. For

the younger two, running

around and causing chaos is all in a day’s work.

have it all. When they go on holiday new playthings for the cats are always on their mind. Boxes and boxes of Japanese cat food stand next to the sofa and when supplies are halfway, or when Elisa comes across a new product and says ‘Oh I think they will love this!’ an order is placed and shipped to Macau. Are they spoilt? “Yes, they are quite spoilt,” Elisa concedes.

Bebe likes to sleep in the toy car, the cat villa, or any of the other thousands of toys that occupy the living room floor. Biting and scratching their toys is one of their favourite pastimes. The cats are brushed everyday and taken for a bath at the pet shop every two to three weeks. Dada loves water, whenever a tap is opened he’s there, ready to dip his paw into the action. But he is the only one. And he is also the most affectionate out of the three, hopping on Elisa’s bed for a cuddle when the mood takes him. Dede is a morning cat and knocks on the bedroom door when Elisa wakes up, and comes in to say good morning. Friends are often shocked by all the time and money the family spend on their cats, not understanding the responsibility that comes with having animals.

“We want him to have a long life,” Winnie explains of all the effort they put into looking after Bebe and the vets at Green Cross have also been very gracious with their time and in term of payment as well. “People say, oh it’s so expensive! Why do you spend all that money on the cat, I can buy a new one with that,” Elisa recounts of some of the conversations friends have with her. Elisa explains that Bebe has been in her life for 13 years; he is a part of her family, why wouldn’t she do everything possible to save his life? “I feel that if people have that kind of thinking, they shouldn’t have pets in the first place,” she says. “You should make time and make an effort to take care of them. They are not toys.” The cats have their own Facebook page: BebeDede Dada之金吉拉家

And these cats are very indulged. All their food is ordered from Japan, because “they like Japanese food”, when questioned how they know of this dietary preference, Winnie explains that during a trip to Japan they brought treats back for the cats, and well, now they want nothing else. Apart from chocolate that is. The younger ones will seize any opportunity to jump on the dining table and take what they can, proceeding to hide their loot in strategic places. “They once stole a Kit Kat chocolate, without us noticing. Some time later when we were cleaning their sandbox we found it buried under the sand, full of bite marks,” Elisa laughs. Elisa and her mother are always online looking for new toys and food to buy for the cats, “Every time we see new furniture we say ‘oh they will love it!’” So, from pet shops in Hong Kong to online shopping, these cats

Pets & Hugs • September/ October 2014



Meows Corner Meeting 澳門有一家很特別 的咖 啡店名叫“ 轉角遇 到 貓 ”,它可以 讓 顧 客 有 機 會在 享用 咖 啡 時與一隻或兩隻貓在一起。

澳門,如果有的話,我們 很少發現這樣一家咖啡 店——你在享用咖啡時,有貓 咪在店內徘徊。 當袁礪 菁在 臺灣和 香港 看 到 有貓咖啡店後,於2 013年9月 份她 決 定在 澳 門 開 設自己的 咖啡店。 礪菁和她的家人把“自家咖啡 店 ”搬 到 他 們 所 住 樓 房 的 二 樓,而將“轉角遇到貓”放在一 樓經營他們的業務。

There is a very special café in Macau, Meows Corner Meeting gives customers the chance to enjoy a cup of coffee in the company of a cat or two. 務時說:“人類應該愛惜和保 護動物。有那麼多虐待動物的 個案。人們應該面對這些殘酷 的行為而將其改變。如果你沒 有傷害動物的意圖在先,牠們 不會傷害你。” 礪 菁談到導致 她開始拯 救 流 浪動物的歷程時說:“我曾在 公眾狗房幹過一年臨時工。看 到被遺棄的貓和受虐待的狗, 如 果沒有人領 養 便 被 人 道 毀 滅,令 我傷心。對 我 來說,貓 是最好的毛茸茸

同伴,所以我開始飼養被遺棄 的貓。”

貓的首領,每當有新貓抵達, 牠會確立牠的權威。

三年前,礪菁拯救了她的第一 隻貓。今天,她一共養了九隻 貓,牠 們 與 她 丈 夫 和 兩 個 孩 子一起生活,他們都是愛貓的 人。礪 菁解 釋 說,“ 養貓非常 簡單,因為你不用帶牠們去散 步。”那隻灰色貓是貓群中的 第一個成 員,牠 是 眾

由於 他們 住 在一 棟 兩層 樓 的 大 廈,租 金 很 貴。礪 菁 解 釋 說:“我們可以平衡我們的開 支,但暫時沒有任何收入。有時 候人太多,即使他們擠在’榻 榻米’周圍,座位也不敷應用, 但在其他時候,客人較少。”

礪菁談到關於我們面 對動物的義


寶貝寵物 • 2014年9月/10月


Local Interest


ery rarely in Macau, if ever, do we find a café with felines roaming around while we have the opportunity to enjoy a cup of coffee. Having seen cat cafés in Taiwan and Hong Kong, Angela Goncalves (袁礪菁) decided to start her own in Macau in September 2013. Angela and her family moved their “home café” to the second floor of the building they occupy, with Meows Corner Meeting on the ground floor, where they run the business. “Humans should love and protect animals. There are so many animal abuse cases. People should confront these cruelties and change things for the better. Animals won’t hurt you if you have no intention to hurt them in first place,” Angela says of the obligation she feels we all face in relation to animals. “I worked at the public kennel for a year, it was a temporary

job. I was saddened to see abandoned felines and abused canines put down if nobody adopts them. For me, felines make the best furry companions so I started keeping abandoned cats,” says Angela of the experiences that led to her to begin saving homeless animals. Three years ago Angela saved her first cat and today she has a total of nine cats. Together they live with her husband and two children, who are also cat lovers. “Keeping cats is pretty easy as you don’t need to walk them,” Angela explains. Our first member among the felines, the grey cat, is the leader of the pack and establishes authority whenever any newcomers arrive. The rent is very expensive since they live in a two-story building. “We can balance our expenditure but we are not making any revenue yet. Sometimes there are too many people and seats are not available, even if they squeeze around the ‘tatami’,

Pets & Hugs • September/ October 2014

but at other times, we have less customers,” Angela explains. Their business may be improved through advertising and many tourist magazines have requested interviews with Meows Corner Meeting, but Angela prefers to keep her café a low key and relaxing place. Mainlanders, who make up most of the tourism in Macau, usually talk loudly and scare the cats away. Cat lovers are frequent visitors to this home-like café. “It would be weird if we renovated the café like a hotel. You never find cats in a hotel, so we decided to create a space to let guests feel at home,” the cat lover explains. The kitchen, near the entrance, serves a variety of food found in most cafés: spaghetti, rice, toast, cake, etc. Secondary and university students are regulars and some younger visitors have become friends with Angela’s daughter Gianna Kong (天誼), who is the café’s Public Relations officer.

She often teaches children and even adults on how to pamper cats. “Don’t be too loud. You will scare them away,” Gianna says. “One of the cats crouches beside her every night and they fall asleep together. My five-year-old son likes to jump around so the cats are more inclined towards my daughter. You just can’t get overexcited when felines are around,” Angela reasons. “People in Macau are not familiar with animal behavior and they are often perplexed when dealing with pets. Some customers think that cats waving their tails are happy, but it’s actually the opposite of dogs. These customers pick up cats waving their tails and eventually get scratched. My cats don’t enjoy being held,” Angela explains. Over time more people who found stray cats asked Angela is she wanted to adopt them, but she has too many already, so through Facebook she helps find people


他們可以通過廣告改善業務, 許多旅遊雜誌曾要求採訪“轉 角遇到貓”,但礪菁情願保持 低調,令自己的咖啡店成為一 個輕鬆的地方。佔澳門旅遊業 遊客大部分的內地旅客,經常 大聲講話,會把貓咪嚇跑。 愛貓人士是這家自家咖啡店的 常客。愛貓的礪菁解釋:“如果 把咖啡店改裝成酒店會令人感 到很彆扭。你從不會在酒店裏 找到貓咪,所以我們決定創造 一個有賓至如歸感的空間。” 近入口處的廚房供應大多數咖 啡店都 有的各種食品:義大利 粉、飯、吐司、蛋糕等。中學生 和大學生是常客,有些年青人與 礪菁的女兒天誼成為朋友。天 誼是咖 啡店的公關主任,她經 常教導孩子們甚至成人怎樣去 疼惜貓咪。天誼說, “不要太 大聲,你會把牠們嚇跑。” 礪菁解釋說:“每天晚上,其中 一隻貓蹲在她身旁,並和她一


起睡覺。我五歲的兒子喜歡跳 來跳去,所以貓咪較傾向於我 的女兒。當貓咪在你周圍時, 你不能太過興奮。”

他們寧可要雄性而不要雌性。 這可能與牠們月經週期帶來的 麻煩有關,其實牠們一旦絕育 就沒有問題。”

礪菁又解釋說:“澳門人不太 瞭解動物的特性,因此,他們 對待寵物時常感到困惑。有些 客人 以 為 貓 咪 搖 尾 巴 表 示 開 心,但實際上與狗剛剛相反。 這些客人抱起搖尾巴的貓,最 終被抓傷。我的貓咪不喜歡被 抱。”

雖然貓是優美的雜技演員,把 牠們與易碎的東西隔離是不可 能的。為了防止牠們敲破廚具, 礪菁把碗碟和易碎的東西放在 牠們接觸不到的地方。 “把門 關上是沒有用的,你看,叫’潮 偉’的貓甚至學會了開門!我 不知道其他的貓懂得打開垃圾 桶,直到牠偷了垃圾桶內一些 魷魚絲和剩菜。有時候,我的 貓悄悄地走近我,攻擊我。牠 們很調皮,這也是我那麼喜愛 牠們的原因!”牠們可愛的主 人咯咯地笑著說。

隨著時間流逝,越來越多人問 礪菁是否會收養他們所發現的 流浪貓。但她已有太多貓了,所 以她通過面書,找人幫助領養 貓咪。她不會用所有時間幫忙 尋找領養者。 最近,有一隻幼貓在街上被發 現並被送到“轉角遇到貓”。在 我們訪問當天,因有位領養者 到訪,她的命運可能會改變,對 於雌貓來說,機會較少。 “人 的心態很奇怪,無論是貓或狗,

“牠們來自不同的地方,”礪 菁說。長毛貓、灰色貓的和棕 色貓都來自公眾狗房。長毛貓 的腿壞了,所以我想如果我不 收留牠,沒有人會要 牠。有一 次,一隻流浪貓潛入一家電子 五金鋪生孩子,我可憐牠倆,”

礪 菁 繼 續 說 道。牠 們 都 很 健 康,只是灰色貓患膽管梗塞, 但手術後很快痊癒。當礪菁收 留 這 些 貓 時,牠 們 大 部 分 都 體重不足,可是現在有些卻超 重。晚上,超重的貓都被隔離, 防止牠們把碗裏的食物吃光。 也 許 這 是 牠們 以往 養 成 的習 慣,當牠們仍是流浪貓時,牠 們需要自己尋找食物,很可能 每頓飯都把所有能吃的吃掉。 “轉角遇到貓”——貓咪的家 園和礪菁的家——展示著對動 物的愛心和對陌生人的溫暖。 你可以在這個舒適的家園裏, 喝 一 杯 熱 飲 及吃一 頓 家常便 飯,上一堂有關可愛的動物如 何能有利於所有人的課。就在 澳門市中心,有這麼一個舒適 和有同情心的綠洲。 地址: 澳門和隆街1號家昌大廈 營業時間: 中午十二時到晚上九時 星期一到星期日

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Local Interest

to adopt the cats. She doesn’t help to find adopters all the time. Recently, a baby cat was found on the street and given to Meows Corner Meeting. Her future may have changed on the day of our interview because an adopter was visiting, but chances are rare for a female cat. “People’s mentality is strange. They prefer male to female, or queen, be it a feline or canine. Maybe it’s because of the trouble of their menstrual cycle, but it won’t be a problem once they are spayed,” says Angela. It’s impossible to keep the cats away from breakable things, though they are graceful acrobats. To prevent them from knocking off kitchenware, Angela keeps the dishes and breakable things out of reach. “It’s useless to close the doors, you see, Chiu Wai (潮 偉) even learnt to open the doors! I didn’t realize my other cat was able to open the rubbish bin until he stole some squid shreds and leftovers from the bin. Sometimes my cats sneak up on me and attack me. They are very naughty and this is the reason I love them so much!” their loving owner giggles. “They all come from different places,” says Angela. “The long fur one, grey one and brown one Pets & Hugs • September/ October 2014

were from the public kennel. The long fur cat had bad legs, so I thought nobody would adopt him if I didn’t. Once a stray cat sneaked into an electronic hardware store to give birth and I took pity on these two,” continued Angela. They are all very healthy except for the grey one whose bile duct was obstructed, but he recovered very quickly after an operation. Most of the cats were underweight when Angela took them in, but now some are overweight. At night, the overweight cats are isolated so as to prevent them from finishing the food in the bowls. Perhaps it was a habit they had developed. When they were stray cats, they had to hunt food on their own and probably ate all they could for each meal. Meows Corner Meeting, a home for cats and Angela’s family, demonstrates love for animals and warmth to strangers. Lessons in how loving animals can benefit us all can be had, in the comfort of the family’s home, over a warm drink and a home cooked meal. An oasis of comfort and compassion, right in the heart of Macau. Address:

Calçada do Poco, Macao, China

Opening hours: 12:00pm-9:00pm


貓護理— 基本知識 Cat care - the basics

有人說,狗有主人而 貓 有工 人。鐘情貓的人皆因牠們的獨 立性,然而牠們的自由意願, 並不表示牠們不需要你的愛 和關懷。 餵養 餵養貓必須符合一些基本要求:適合該物 種、品種、年齡和生理狀態,如妊娠就需 要特別的照顧。 在一般情況下商業食品最值得推薦,因為 它們較均衡。市場上有多種類型的產品, 具有不同程度的質量。乾糧更值得推薦, 因為它們對預防口腔疾病有幫助,並且要 求貓多喝水,尤其對年老動物特別有益, 亦可防止一些疾病。應該為貓提供足夠食 物,以及新鮮和乾淨的水。有些貓不飲死 水。可推薦自來水或“貓噴泉”。 衛生 貓對自己的衛生非常慬慎,因此,健康的貓不需要洗澡。不過,如 果為了某些預防措施,也可以替牠們淋浴。應該在浴室內進行, 以牠們皮膚的pH值,要用溫和滋潤適合貓的洗髮水。不要用人 類的洗髮水,這樣可能會引起過敏或其他皮膚疾病。 長毛貓,如波斯貓必需要梳毛。只清潔耳朵外部,用棉花蘸生理 鹽水或適當的清潔劑清潔耳朵。避免將棉籤塞進耳朵裡。 指甲 一般來說,我們不建議替貓剪趾甲,尤其會 到戶外活動的貓,因為牠們需要指甲幫助日 常的活動,如爬樹、打退一些“敵人”; 若 貓只在室內活動,需要時才替牠剪指甲。使 用適合該品種的指甲鉗。提示:不要忘了提 供足夠可供“搔抓”的選擇。 隨著慣常剪指甲,貓往往傾 向習慣它; 那麼從小便為牠 們提供適當的替代品——為了 貓和主人,防止沙 發 及其他傢俱成犧 牲品。 28

It is said that dogs have owners and cats have staff. Cats are much loved for their independence, however their free will doesn’t mean they don’t need your love, and care.

Feeding Feeding your cat must fulfill some basic requirements: be appropriate for the species, breed, age and physiological state, such as pregnancy, which requires special care. The commercial foods are, in general, the most recommended because they are more balanced. There are several types of products available on the market, with varying degrees of quality. Dry rations are more recommended because they help in the prevention of oral diseases and require the intake of water, which is especially beneficial in older animals, thus preventing some diseases. The cat should always have available food as well as fresh and clean water. Some cats do not drink standing water. Running water or “cat fountains” may be recommended. Hygiene Cats are very careful with their hygiene, so, a healthy cat does not need a bath. However they can be showered if some precautions are respected. It should take place in the bath, with a gentle moisturizing shampoo suitable for cats, due to the pH of their skin. Do not use human shampoo this may cause allergies or other skin diseases. Brushing is required for long-haired cats, such as Persian cats. The cleaning of the ears should be external, using a piece of cotton moistened with physiological saline or appropriate cleaning solutions to the ears. Avoid introducing swabs inside the ear. Nails For cats with outdoor access, as a rule, we do not recommend cutting nails because they need them for normal activities, like climbing trees and chasing some “enemies” away; in cats that live exclusively indoors, these can be cut whenever necessary, using nail clippers appropriately sized for the species. Reminder: do not forget to provide adequate “scratching” options. With the systematic cutting of nails, cats often tend to use them; from a very young and provide them with appropriate alternatives that fit- for both cats and owners - in order to prevent sofas and other furniture falling victim. 寶貝寵物 • 2014年9月/10月


Pet Advice 沙盆 每隻貓應有自己的沙盆。也就是說,如果你有兩隻貓,應該有兩 個沙盆...... 這些盆應時常清潔並有足夠深度的沙,以便貓可以 挖掘和掩埋牠們的糞便。這些盆應放在一個安靜、遠離餵飼的範 圍,而沙礫必須有良好吸尿的能力。如果由於某種原因貓咪拒絕 用沙盆,你應該請教獸醫。這是貓生病的最初跡象。 接種疫苗 定期接種疫苗,是為你寵物保健的基本需要; 若沒有接種疫苗, 你的小貓可能會患重病,在許多情況下,牠們存活率可能會受影 響。第一次接種疫苗應該在6週大開始。為了保護小貓,最多每隔 一個月必需做一些管理。在上一次施藥後一年要再種疫苗。隨後 定期檢查,時間應以個別動物並根據獸醫的建議而定。 除蟲 最小在6週大便要開始體內除蟲,但如果有需要,可以提早開始; 第一次除蟲後,必須每隔4星期重複一次直至6個月大; 一般情況 下,隨後每4個月應除蟲一次。體外除蟲,應根據需要和貓的生活 環境而進行,一般每隔1至4個月不等。 繁殖 貓每年發情幾次。這取決於每天日 照的時數,因此多在一月開始,那 時有較長的日照時間。牠們通常 在產後才開始出乳汁。 避免在這物種身上使用避孕藥,因 為該藥容易誘發動物乳腺腫瘤和致 命的子宮感染。貓懷孕期平均為 63天、大約兩個月。小貓3-4週斷 奶,便過渡到固體食物; 然而,為 了學習行為和社交,與母親的接觸 應維持6-8週。 絕育 一般來說:雌貓開始第一次發情,會受日照 (每天日光的時數)而變化,第一次發情會 在一月起的第一個月發生。一隻雌貓需要 5 -6個月時間準備生育,而牠們的荷爾蒙 受到太陽影嚮,以致無激素,無生殖 週期。理論上,應該在6個月左右 做絕育手術。 雄貓:如果沒有特別原因要預早做 絕育手術(如標誌地盤),可在一 歲左右。 好處:貓咪霸佔地盤的現象 可能消失; 預防雌貓生殖道疾 病。對雌貓來說,如果在 她們 第一次發情前動手 術,患腫瘤 的機會幾乎降低100%。 雄貓 較 顧家,較少打架,並減 少通過血液和 唾液接觸病毒 (在打架時傳染)引發感染疾 病的可能性。 Pets & Hugs • September/ October 2014

Sand boxes Each cat should have their own box. I.e. if you have two cats, you should have two boxes... These should always be clean and have enough depth and gravel to allow for digging and burying of their faeces. The box must be in a quiet place and far from the feeding zone and the gravel must have good capacity for absorbing urine. If for some reason your cat (or cats) refuse to use the sand box, you should consult your vet. It is one of the first signs of illness in cats. Vaccination Regularly vaccinating your pet is a basic essential of health care; without vaccines, your kitten can become seriously ill and, in many cases, their survival may be compromised. The first vaccination should start at six weeks of age. To protect kittens, several administrations at intervals of at most one month are required. Revaccination is made one year after the last dose. The periodicity of the reinforcements should then be individualized for the animal and in accordance with the recommendations of your vet. Deworming Internal deworming should start, at a minimum of six weeks, although if needed it can be initiated before; after the first deworming, it must be repeated at intervals of four weeks to six months of age; In general, they should then be dewormed every four months. The external deworming should be done in accordance with the needs and the environment in which the cat lives. Generally at intervals varying between one month and four months. Reproduction Cats go on heat several times per year. These are dependent on the number of hours of daily light, so starting in January, when there are longer daylight hours. They usually only begin to produce milk after birth. The use of the contraceptive pill in this species should be avoided, as it predisposes animals to breast tumours and infections of the uterus that can be fatal. The gestation period of the cat is 63 days on average, roughly two months. Weaning, while making the transition to solid food, is between 3-4 weeks; however maternal contact should be maintained up to 6-8 weeks because of behavioural learning and socialization. De-sexing As a rule: in female cats, before the first heat, which varies with the photoperiod (hours of light / day), the first heat will take place in the first months from January. A female cat needs 5-6 months to get ready for reproduction and their hormones are affected by the sun, so no hormones, no reproductive cycle. In theory it happens at around six months. Male cats: if there is no reason to do so before (eg. marking territory), at about one year. Advantages: possible disappearance of marking territory signs in cats; prevention of reproductive tract diseases in the case of females. In females, if done before their first heat, it reduces by almost 100% the chance of developing breast tumours. Males are more homely, engage in fewer fights and decrease the likelihood of contracting diseases caused by viruses (transmission during fights) through contact with blood and saliva.


澳門動物大使 Macau’s Animal Ambassador

Faye Ho (何家華,下稱為“Faye”)是 澳門在 邁 進加 強動物福利的潮 流中最聞 名的名字之一。出身於澳門最著名家族之 一的她對動物的愛不僅僅是一種熱情;而 是一種塑造了她一生的東西。

Faye Ho is one of the most famous names in Macau’s strengthening move towards animal welfare. Hailing from one of the territory’s most famous families, her love for animals is more than a passion; it’s something that has shaped her whole life.


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是 特別 炎 熱 的 一 天,下 午我們在金麗華酒店與 Faye及她四條腿的家庭成員 見面。儘管天氣炎熱,四隻吉 娃娃氣喘吁吁籲要常常喝水, 大家心情愉快,令拍攝成為一 件輕而易舉的事,F aye和 她 的 一 群 小 狗 輕 鬆 地 歡 渡了快 門閃動的時刻。

我年紀大一點並回到澳門,如 果有機會,我會幫助動物,因 為牠們是我想回報的對象。”

“ 牠們是我們最 好 的朋友。狗永遠不會 離棄我們。牠們總是 搖著自己的尾巴,牠 們總是高興見我們, 即使在我們 感到 悲 傷的時候。為什麼我 們要惡劣地對待牠 們?”

作為澳門最熟悉的面孔之 一,F a ye非常輕 鬆 地完成了 轉型,從頁頁光鮮的社會雜誌 到 在 動 物 庇 護 所 親自動 手 打 理,她在這兩個世界都感覺很 自在。

“They are our best friends.

如今作為兩個孩子的母親,她 定居英國。 Faye與動物緊密 的聯繫超越了單純的友誼,從 許多方面來說,年輕時發生的 一 宗意 外彻 底 地 改 變了她 的 一生, 動物拯救了她。 Faye 說 “動物走進我的童 年生活, 我六歲時失去了父 母,所以和妹妹搬到澳門,我 們不容許經常外出, 沒有朋友 或玩伴. ” “我的姑姑擁有很多狗狗, 她鍾愛薩盧基犬,牠們是別樹 一格的品種,我會經常到籠子 那裡和牠們一起玩。因此,牠 們成為了我的朋友,我的靈魂 伴侶。” 在七歲 時,F aye到倫敦的另 一 個 姑 姑 家 裡 住,姑 姑 有 一 隻 黑 色 的 拉 布 拉 多犬,名 叫 Jake。“我當時只有六七歲, 父 母 過 世 後 沒 多 久,我 想 是 因 為 受 事 情 的 驚 嚇,我 很 膽 小。J a ke 是我 對 話的第一個 對象,我很害怕,不會和任 何 人說話, 我不知道該說些什 麼,很明顯這是受到驚嚇。我 的姑 姑告訴 我,顯 然J a ke 是 我與之說話的第一隻動物。” 狗 隻 在 她 生命中的意 義 如 此 重大,F aye誓言要回報從 牠 們那裡得到的愛和力量,“當

A dog will never abandon

us. They always come with their wagging tails, they are always happy to see

us, even if we are feeling sad. Why do we have

to treat them badly?”

回報 2004年Faye確實回到澳門, 這 是 一 個 重 大 時 刻,她 開 始 了一番更 大的事業,“我在報 紙 上看 到 澳 門 愛 護 動 物 協會 (Anima)的一篇文章,他們 需要一些不同的項目來幫助狗 隻,所以我去訪問他們,當時 我想:‘哇哦,這就是我想要做 的事。’” F a ye開始志願 服務工作,並 在 經 濟上 提 供 幫 助。在 位 於 路 環偏 遠 地區的 一 個 臨 時 養 雞場,他們有大約10 0 隻狗, 其中有些狗 隻 有嚴 重 的皮 膚 問題,因為是混凝土地面,每 次 洗 乾 淨 地 面 時,要 花 很 長 的 時 間 才 能 乾 透,地 面 潮 濕 引起了皮膚問題,“我做的第 一 件 事 就 是 找 人 來在 地面上 鋪地磚,這樣它會比較快乾, 並在角落 放 置 風 扇 幫助 吹乾 地面。”

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t’s a particularly hot day on the afternoon we meet Faye Ho and her four-legged family members at The Grand Lapa Hotel. Yet despite the heat and four panting Chihuahuas, who are regularly given bowls of water, the mood is decidedly upbeat and the shoot is a breeze, Faye and her brood make the on/off camera transition with the greatest of ease. As one of Macau’s most recognised faces, Faye makes this transition in other areas with great ease too, from the pages of glossy society magazines to getting her hands dirty and getting stuck in to help at animal shelters, she is comfortable in both worlds. Today a mother of two and residing in the UK, Faye’s strong connection to animals goes beyond mere companionship, in many ways they saved her when an accident at a very young age changed her life forever. “Animals came into my life in childhood, I lost my parents when I was six, so I moved to Macau with my sister and we weren’t really allowed to go out that much, we didn’t have friends come over or playmates,” Faye explains. “My aunt had a lot of dogs, she loved Saluki’s, a particular type of breed, and I would always go up to the cages and play with them. So they kind of became my friends, they became my soul mates.” At the age of seven Faye went to stay with another aunt in London who owned a black Labrador, called Jake. “I was only about six or seven, this was not long after my parents passed away, and I think because of the shock of it, I was very timid. But Jake was the first thing I spoke to, I was so scared I wouldn’t talk to anyone because I didn’t know what to say, obviously due to shock. But my aunt told me that apparently Jake was the first animal I spoke to.” So profound was the role of dogs in her life, Faye made a vow to


honour the love and strength she received from them, “When I got older and came back to Macau, I said that if I had the opportunity, I want to help animals, it’s something I want to give back to.” Giving Back At the end of 2004 Faye did return to the territory and a fateful moment started something big, ”I came across a newspaper article from Anima, they were in need of a number of different items to help the dogs so I visited them and thought ‘oh wow, this is what I want to do.’” Faye started volunteering and helping financially too. Located in a remote area in Coloane, on a type of makeshift chicken farm, they had about 100 dogs and some of them had severe skin problems which stemmed from the concrete ground, every time they cleaned it, it took a long time to dry, so the humidity caused the problems, “One of the first things I did was get someone to tile the ground so it will dry faster and put fans in the corners to help dry the floor.” Not one to shy away from the challenges the situation presented, Faye took on all tasks “I remember rescuing a dog with ticks all over it, and I was taking all the ticks off and giving him a bath, very hands on- but I loved it, it was something that I wanted to do.” In 2006 Faye went from volunteer to President of Anima, a position she held for four years, “Given my background, I used it to my advantage, I did a lot of interviews, in newspapers and magazines, to let people know about the abandonment of animals which, at the time in Macau was very severe.” In 2007 other ventures also arose, “At that time I saw a gap in the market to set up a pet shop with a boarding service, so Dog One Life was created. ”Not selling any animals, the space was used as a boarding house and a place to adopt abandoned ones.


Faye一點都不迴避特發情況帶 來的挑戰,她都欣然接受。“我 記得救護一隻滿身有蜱的狗, 我把所有的蜱勾出來,並給牠洗 澡,自己親手洗的——但我很喜 歡,這是我一直以來想做的事。” 20 06年,Faye從志願者成為 Anima的主席,她一當就是四 年。“我利用我的背景優勢,在 報紙和雜誌做了很多採訪,讓 人們知道當時遺棄動物在澳門 的情況非常嚴重。”

2007年,其他的發展機會也出 現了,“當時我看到了市場的 一個空缺——設有寄宿服務的 寵物店,因此創立了Dog One L i fe。”這家店不出售任 何動 物,只被用作宿舍及接收被遺 棄的動物。 20 08年,Faye開設英國皇家 獸醫中心,由澳門首席獸醫Dr. Ruan Bester駐診,在這片沒 有動物法規的土地上,提供世 界首屈一指的服務。

“這個診所主要是為Anima 的寵物而開設,因為我不信任 其他獸醫,所以我寧願親自主 理 。” 在 A n i m a 的 時 候,F a y e 開 始 注 意 到 一 個 令人 擔 憂的 趨 勢,“A n i m a 有三隻 聖 伯 納 犬,而我發現了一個問題— — 澳門的寵物主人傾向跟著潮流 走——比如說在一部電影出現 了雪橇犬,大家就馬上去找一 隻回來。”

Faye說,澳門的另一個主要問 題是空間,很多人住公寓,而就 空間及天氣而言,聖伯納犬真 的不是一種適合在這裡飼養的 品種。澳門酷熱的環境意味著 許多品種都不適合這地方,“ 當看到雪撬犬走在澳門街頭, 我感到十分難受。”

保護我們的世界 “世界各地對待動物的態度非 常不同。在一些地方,他們 會 為牠們做任何事情,對待牠們 如同家人一樣。亞洲越來越朝 着這個方向走,但仍然需要一 段時間。進食狗肉、貓肉和其 他的東西是一個古老的傳統, 有人說它有營養,把它看作一 種美味佳餚。” Faye希望大家用一個更長遠的 眼光來看,她深思熟慮地説:“ 我們人類是地球上最高級的物 種,我們創造了一切、有智慧, 我們可以建設,我們可以教育, 可以把世界演變成任何我們想 要的樣子,但同時我們令一些動 物滅絕,這些事情必須有一個平 衡。人口正在高速膨脹,數字正 在增加,當有一天這些動物被滅 絕時將會發生甚麽事?我們該怎 麼辦呢?只剩下我們。大家需要 好好思考這事情。” 看著今天年青人的態度, 她笑 著說: “年輕一代更加喜愛動 物,他 們 把 所 有 動 物 當 作 朋 友,‘你不能剁碎牠們, 並把牠 們吃掉’ 。” 時間也在把事情朝著正確的方 向推動,“澳門自2006年到現 在已發生了很多變化,大家更 加注意他們關心的事情, 並 表 達關切。宣傳和社交媒體也把 事情公開化,如果大家覺得看 到的事情不對,他們會在網上 發佈貼文。” “牠們是我們最好的朋友。 狗永遠不會離棄我們。即使在


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In 2008 the Royal Veterinarian Centre clinic, opened with one of the leading veterinarians in Macau, Dr. Ruan Bester, offering worldclass services, in a territory where regulations didn’t and still don’t exist. “The clinic was started mainly for Anima pets because I don’t trust other vets so I would rather do it myself.” At Anima Faye started noticing a worrying trend, “Anima had three St Bernard’s and I saw the problemin Macau pet owners tend to go with the trend- so let’s say a movie comes out with a husky, people immediately go out and get one.” Another major problem in Macau is space, according to Faye- a lot of people live in apartments, and St Bernard’s are really not a suitable animal to have here, space and weather wise. The extreme heat means that many breeds are not suitable to the territory, “I feel really bad when I see Husky’s on the streets here.”

Pets & Hugs • September/ October 2014

Protecting Our World

think about that,” she reflects.

“教 育在 這方面發 揮 重 大 的 作用,我 想我們真的要 教 育 新 一 代,並 教 導 他 們,使他們可以傳下 去——這需要時間, 要多年的時間,但我 認為這事會發生。”

“Different places around the world treat animals very differently; in some places they will do anything for them and treat them like family. Asia is getting there; it will still take some time though. It’s an old tradition they have about eating dogs, cats and the other things, some say it has properties, see it as a delicacy.”

There is optimism to be felt looking at young people today, “Younger generations are bigger animal lovers, they see all animals as friends, ‘you can’t just chop them up and eat them’” she laughs of the emerging attitudes.

“Education plays a big

Faye wants to see a more long term vision to be adopted by many, “We humans are the highest species on earth, we created everything, have brains, we can build, we can teach, we can evolve the world into whatever we want, but at the same time we are the ones making some of these animals extinct, there has to be a compromise. The human population is in overdrive; the numbers are increasing, what’s going to happen when these animals are one day extinct? What are we going to do? It’s just going to be us. People need to

role in this, I think we

really have to educate the new generations,

and teach them so that they can pass it on- it

will take time, years, but I think it will happen.”

Time is also driving things in the right direction, “In Macau from 2006 to now a lot has changed, people are more aware and more are voicing their concerns. Publicity and social media are also bringing things out into the open, if people see things that they feel are not right, they post it online.” “They are our best friends. A dog will never abandon us. They always come with their wagging tails, they are always happy to see us, even if we are feeling sad. Why do we have to treat them badly?” People need to understand that, apart from being our best friends, dogs can also save our lives. “Dogs


我們悲傷的時候,牠們總是搖 著尾巴, 高興地看着我們, 為 什麼 我 們 要 惡劣 地 對 待 牠們 呢?” 大 家 需 要 理 解 的 是,狗 隻 除 了 是 我 們 最 好 的 朋 友 外, 也 可 以 挽 救 我 們 的 生 命。 Faye 強調 說:“狗正在接 受 訓 練,幫 助 人 類 解 決 一系 列 健 康 問 題。牠 們 不 可思 議 的嗅覺, 能夠識別糖尿病、 癌 症 等。牠 們 又可 以被 訓 練 成 警 犬,在 瓦 礫 中 尋 找 生 還 者。” 快樂四娃娃 在 採 訪中看 著 四隻 快 樂 的吉 娃娃,顯然牠們倍受疼愛並具 有非常特殊的性格。“我對吉 娃娃情有獨鍾”, Faye 微笑著 説,當她還是小孩子時,她的 姑姑Deborah送給她一隻吉


娃娃作為禮物,自此她就愛上 了這個品種。 當Faye居住在 紐約,懷著她 的女兒 M e l a n i e 時,她得到 S n ow f l a ke,一 隻長毛吉 娃 娃。有一天Faye告訴自己:“ 她 看 起 來 有 點 寂 寞,”於 是 Tinkerbelle(短毛)加入了這 個家庭。另一隻長毛的Bambi 及一 隻 短毛的 B row n i e緊隨 著加入,形成了完美的家庭組 合。 Faye在澳門和英國分別有四 隻及兩隻狗,她希望澳門的寵 物主 人 趕 緊為他們 的狗 隻植 入微型芯片。聽過這麼多的故 事 — — 狗 走出了牠們 的 家 庭 後,就永不再能與牠們的家人 重聚,這是多麽的悲哀!一個 負責任的主人, 應該採取一切 可能的預防措施,確保寵物的 安全及福利。

Sweetie Swe et i e 是 一 隻非常 特別 的 狗,有兩個原因令F aye喜 歡 牠 — — 中國渾 種狗 及高度 戒 備。 Sweetie目前居住在英 國,她 的 故 事 從 澳 門 的 一 個 海灘開始。“她被我的一個朋 友 在 路 環 的 海 灘 發 現,當 時 她 只 是 一 隻 幼 犬,有 著 硬 皮 小 耳 朵。我 朋 友 把 她 拯 救 出 來並帶 她回家。大 概在 2 0 0 3 年,A n i m a 才 剛 剛 成 立,而 當時那位負責A n i m a 的女 士——Jackie Hill收留了 Sweetie及其他幾隻狗,並非 常喜歡她。她希望把所有的狗 隻帶回澳洲。 ” Sw e e t i e正在等 待 驗 血 結 果,而(幸運 地)未能通 過,所 以不能去澳 洲。當 F a ye 再去 An i m a 時,她發 現Sweet i e 抬頭看著月亮,小臉上掛著一

個 很可愛的表 情,F a ye就在 那時決定把她收養下來。最後 Swe et i e 再需 要 進行血液測 試,看看她是否能前往英國, 這一次她通過了! 由於Swe et i e 的獨 特之處和 她 的出身,F a ye正在 計劃為 Sweetie設立一個博客, 現 身處在 英國 家裡 過 著 幸 福 的 生活。“當我帶 她逛街 時,很 多人 前 來 問 道:她 是 哪 一 類 型 的 狗 隻?我 向 他 們 講 述 她 的 故 事,她 是 一 隻 中 國 混 種 狗。 並且解釋在亞洲大家如 何 對 待 這 個 品 種,這 是 多麼 悲哀。” Faye希望中國混種狗能得到 愛 護 和 重 視。“ 我 要 開 始 設 立一 個 博 客,讓 歐 洲 人 和 英 國 人可 以看 到 這個 品 種 的 處 境。”Sweetie可能正成為一 隻國際化的中國混種名犬。


Dogs on Show

在Faye成為Anima總裁後,就接到了邀請,參加 2006年亞洲小姐選美。牠們希望讓20隻狗與一些 佳麗走上舞台,而Faye看到這是一個絕妙的宣傳 機會,“我想讓我們的名字在電視上播出。”“我 精心挑選了20隻狗並且彩排了兩天,我安排好所 有的狗籠,他們分配了兩間浴室給我們用。”演出 當天正好是Faye的生日,“ 就這樣我在男浴室裡度 過了我的生日。”她笑著回憶說。“他們想要20隻 狗與20名佳麗在舞台上,其中一些女孩害怕狗。 我為最緊張的佳麗帶來了Tinkerbell。”“其中一 個女孩很害怕,以前她從來沒有碰過狗,我終於 說服她帶著Tinkerbell,在節目結束時,這個女孩 非常喜歡她。我為能說服一個人喜歡動物感到驕 傲。”Faye微笑著説。在演出節目當晚,所有工作 人員都身穿印有Anima字樣的紅色背心,這個節 目在香港、澳門及無線電視頻道播出,節目主持人 在節目中宣布:這些狗從哪裡來,牠們可讓大家領 養及一個聯絡電話。這個節目非常順利,第二天的 來電應接不暇,4至5隻狗獲得領養。成功啦!

Shortly after becoming Anima President they received an invitation to take part in the Miss Asia pageant in 2006. They wanted 20 dogs to walk with the girls on stage, and Faye saw the perfect publicity opportunity, “I wanted our name on TV.” “I handpicked 20 dogs and we had two rehearsal days, I organised all the cages and they allocated two bathrooms for our use.” The day of the show was Faye’s birthday, “So I spent my birthday in a men’s bathroom,” she laughs at the memory. “They wanted the dogs on stage with 20 contestants and some of the girls were scared of the dogs. I brought in Tinkerbell for the most nervous contestants.” “One of the girls was so scared, she had never touched a dog before, and I finally convinced her to carry Tinkerbell and by the end of the show she absolutely loved her. I felt pride in the fact that I had convinced someone to like animals,” Faye smiles. On the night of the show all the staff were wearing red vests with Anima on it and it was broadcast in Hong Kong and Macau channels as well as getting the MC to announce where the dogs were from and that they were up for adoption with a contact number. The show went without a hitch and the very next day the lines were jammed and they saw 4 to 5 adoptions. Success!

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Interview are being trained to help humans with a whole host of health issues, using their incredible sense of smell, they can identify diabetes, cancer, etc. being trained as police dogs, to find people in rubble and so forth” Faye stresses.

“澳門自20 06年到 現在已發生了很 多 變化,大家更加註意 他們 關注的事情並 為之發聲。”

The Fab Four Looking at the four happy Chihuahuas at the interview, they are clearly very loved and have very particular characters. “I have a thing for Chihuahuas,” Faye smiles, given one as a gift by her aunt Deborah when she was a child, her love for the breed has stayed for life. When Faye was living in New York and pregnant with her daughter Melanie she got Snowflake, a longhair Chihuahua. “She looks a bit lonely” Faye told herself one day and Tinkerbelle (a shorthair) joined the family. Another longhair, Bambi, and a shorthair, Brownie soon followed and the group was complete.

“In Macau from 2006 to now a lot has changed, people are more

aware and many more people are voicing their concerns.”

With four dogs in Macau and two in the UK, one thing Faye wants animal owners in Macau to urgently do is to microchip their dogs. Hearing of so many stories where dogs run off their properties only to be lost and never re-united with their families is deeply sad, being a responsible owner means taking all precautions possible

Pets & Hugs • September/ October 2014

to ensure the safety and well being of your pet. Sweetie Sweetie, a very special dog, brings together two causes close to Faye’s heart, Chinese mongrel dogs and raising awareness. Currently living in the UK, Sweetie’s story started on a beach in Macau. “She was rescued by a friend of mine who found her on Coloane beach with little crusty ears, she was only a puppy and she took her back home. It was around 2003, Anima was just starting, and the woman running Anima at the time, Jackie Hill, took her in, with a few other dogs and fell in love with Sweetie. She was planning to return to Australia, where she was from, and wanted to take all her dogs back with her.” Sweetie was awaiting a blood test and (fortunately) didn’t pass, so she couldn’t go. When Faye next went to Anima she found Sweetie looking up at the moon, wearing a

very cute expression and decided there and then to keep her. Sweetie had to take another blood test to see if she could travel to the UK and this time she passed. Because of her uniqueness and where she’s from, Faye is planning to set up a blog for Sweetie, who is now happy at home in the UK. “The number of people who come up to us when I walk her down the street look at her and ask: what type of dog is she? I explain the story, a Chinese mongrel and I explain what people do to these types of dogs in Asia, and how sad it is.” Faye wants Chinese mongrel dogs to be given love and to be valued. “I want to start a blog for Europeans and English people to see how these dogs are treated.” Sweetie may be on her way to be an international Chinese mongrel celebrity. If anyone can make that happen, Faye Ho can.


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不是每個人對一家企業都有同樣的看法,VPet 度假村的Ken Tam肯定是個例外。對他來說, 錢不是他的基本目標,相反他希望通過他的生 意,能提高大家對適當照顧寵物的認識,及改變 大家對澳門動物的觀點。 Not everyone sees a business in the same way, and Ken Tam from VPet Resort certainly fits into this exemption. For him money is not the fundamental ambition, rather he hopes that through his business, he can bring about more awareness on proper pet care and change people’s perspectives towards their animals in Macau.


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Local Interest

墨 爾 本 居 住 了多 年 的 Ken Tam,已經習慣了 當地的文化和高生活質量。在 澳大利亞他看到許多寵物度假 勝地,但在澳門,即使寵物主 人數目已增加,這種設施還是 有限。 自己作為寵物主人,Ken Tam 明白這 種 設 施 的必 要性 — — 這正是VPet度假村開設的原 因。“我希望VPet度假村可以 與澳門的寵物主人分享它的專 業知識。在這裡,我要求所有 工作人員進行培訓。他們必須 了解所有16 0個狗品種、牠們 各自的 個 性 和 牠們 的 肌肉 結 構。”了解每隻狗的肌肉結構 非常重要,特別在牠們上游泳 課程時。 現在平均每天VPet度假村接 待約10到20位客戶,有一半的 客戶會為他們的寵物選擇游泳 課程,甚至有時會為牠們選擇 海鹽或海水泥漿溫泉。在澳門 有高需求的另外一種服務是狗 酒店,Ken也已經把這種服務 考慮進去。 如果你想讓你的狗在VPet度 假村留宿,你要做的第一 件 事 情是要成為VPet度假村會員, 並 且 填 寫 一 些 標 準 的 文件, 在 澳門這 是 一 個 相 當新 的 概 念。“我們要確保寵物主人也 有一定的責任,他們不能把所 有責任推卸給我們。文件辦好 後,他們再為他們的寵物決定 要住在哪類房間— —小型、中 型或大型,價錢分别為150澳 門元、2 0 0澳門元及25 0澳門 元。” 當狗第一次來到VPet度假村 時,牠必須先洗澡,以確保所 有狗都保 持相同的衛生標準; 他們也盡可能讓狗狗狗們與對 方社 交。“在 澳 大利亞,無 論 是什麼尺寸的狗,不管大小, 牠 們 仍 然 可 以 互 相 玩 耍。在 澳門,狗不怎麼多應酬,而且 形成相互對抗的傾向。我們希

望,如果有多些小狗被送到這 裡,我們可以發展牠們的社交 技巧。有時候,小狗只要在我 們這裡住上幾天,牠們的態度 可發生巨大的變化。” 見到VPet度假村已經頗具規 模,很 多 客戶 都 告 訴 K e n 希 望 他 再 開 設 一 家 獸 醫 診 所, 但 Ke n 對此事 持 謹 慎 態度 並 說:“如果我能找到一個充滿 愛心 的 獸 醫,我 才 會 開 一 家 診所,我不想他或她只是向錢 看,我希望他與我的的性格相 同——因為愛而做事。” Ken解釋說,有時候當狗有問 題,手術是不是理想的解決方 案,這不僅是因為手術貴得離 譜。有時,如果狗有肌肉問題, 牠們可以嘗試每週游泳一至二 次,看看肌肉是否有改善。狗 不像人一樣,牠們可以在一兩 個月的時間重建自己的肌肉。


aving spent many years in Melbourne, Ken Tam had grown accustomed to its culture and high living standards. He saw that in Australia, there were numerous pet resorts, yet in Macau, this kind of facility was limited, even though the number of pet owners has increased.

在Ken的優先任務清單裡,有 幾件事情最為重要。首先,他 對度假村有一個憧憬,要使它 成 為 狗 和 牠們 的主 人 的 舒 適 空間。“我希望客戶能夠來到 這裡,聊天、隨便 走 走、分享 信息,看著他們的狗游泳。” As a pet owner 其 次,他 堅 himself, he 持 他 們 所 “我希望客戶能夠 understood 售賣的食物 來到這裡,聊天、隨 the necessity 是有機的及 便走走、分享信息, for this kind of 品 質 高。他 facility - and 看 著 他 們 的 狗 游 this is how VPet 親自選 擇 及 Resort began. “I 泳。” 研讀每個產 hope that VPet 品,以 確 保 Resort can share “I’d like customers to 它們 對 狗 是 its expertise to come down, chat, hang 健 康 的。所 pet owners in out, share information, Macau. Here, I 有 的 玩 具也 watch their dogs swim.” require all my 是有機的及 staff to undergo 具備 最高質 training. They 量 。“ 有 時 must know all 160 dog breeds, 候 客戶說,這些都太昂貴了, their respective personalities 我明白。如果他們想要其他的 and their muscle composition.” 產品,我會轉介他們到其他商 It is crucial to know the muscle 店。我們不是一個強買強賣的 composition of each dog in case they take swimming classes. 公司;我希望 大家身處一個友 善的社會環境,而不是一個商 On an average day, VPet Resort 業環境。” receives around ten to twenty

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customers, and half of these customers will choose for their animals to have swimming lessons, and even sometimes opt for sea salt or sea mud spas for their pets. The other service that is in high demand in Macau is dog hotels, which Ken has also factored in. The first thing you must do if you would like to have your dog stay over at VPet Resort is become a member and fill out some standard paperwork, which is quite a new concept in Macau. “We want to make sure that some responsibility is also given to the pet owner, they cannot throw all the responsibilities onto us. After all the paperwork, they then decide which room they want their pet to stay in – small, medium, and large for MOP150, MOP200 and MOP 250 respectively.” The first time a dog comes to VPet Resort he must also take a bath to make sure the standards of hygiene are the same for all dogs; they also try to make the dogs socialize with each other- if it’s possible. “In places like Australia, no matter what size the dogs are, big or small, they can still play with each other. In Macau, dogs


第 三,氣 味 對 K e n 是 至 關 重 要。當大家步入VPet度假村, 都 聞不 到狗 的 氣 味 ; 相 反,這 裡 聞 起 來 不 錯。K e n 興 奮 地 說:“氣味是一個大忌,我要 求所有員工確保這裡無氣味並 且非常乾淨。” 愛狗之人 除了VPet度假村外,Ken在家 裡有很多責任,他有11隻狗: Casper、Keedo、Makiko、 J a co b s、G reta、Su key、 Kumat、Randolph、Fifine、 Zainabu和O’creemi。他對 度假村的經驗和理念也是建立 在他以前與狗的經歷。他解釋 他這麼喜歡狗的原因並與牠們 有深厚的感情是因為Casper, Caspe r是他的一隻5歲的阿 拉斯加雪橇犬。因為Casper 是大狗而且是純種,Ken學習 了很多關於狗的知识,包括如 何照顧和理解牠們,因而令他 有現在的專業知識。

從成為Ken家庭的一分子的一 天起,牠很快就學會家裡的規 則,知道怎麼坐、跪等等。“牠 的性格與我們非常相似,有時 候牠會做一些特别動作,讓我 感覺牠理解我、愛我。” 至 於 他 有 的 多 隻 貴 婦 犬,他 說:“當我得到了我的第一隻 貴婦犬,我迷上了牠們,然後我 得到一隻雌性貴婦犬,而這兩 隻又變多兩隻貴婦犬出來。這 一點有些混亂。有一天當我醒 來時,發現我旁邊有另一隻小 狗。另外一隻需要推一把,先

出來的是Sukey,然後出來的 是Greta。” 所 有11隻狗 以不同 的 方 式 進 入Ken的生活,而Zainabu, 一隻漂亮的狗,以一個相當不 同 尋 常 的 方法 走 進了他 的 生 活。Zainabu曾經有過主人, 當牠只有幾個月大時,主人把 牠放在Ken的家裡,有時是暫 住幾天,有時是幾週。經過好 幾個月的來來回回,他的主人 覺得Zainabu長得太大了,他 的 家 裡 住 不 下 牠,他 不 想 要 牠。在這期間Ken與Zainabu

已經建立了感情,便決定把牠 留下來。 Ken的生活是充實的,從他的 日常工作到飼養11隻狗,但這 並沒有阻止他,反而他有一個 非常積極的態度並且有很多未 來的計劃。他想引進更多的國 外寵物用品到澳門,提高所有 寵物的生活質量。與此同時, 他正計劃啟動一個網站,上載 大量關於狗的信息。“我有很 多計劃,但我是否可以實施每 一個計劃?我先要等待和觀望 一下。我並不想因擴大而失去 質量,因為質量就是一切。”

“Casper非常體貼,對雌性 小狗有甜蜜的感情,即使牠們 踩踏到牠或惹到牠,牠也不會 變 得 具 攻 擊 性。當 牠 來 到 我 們家,我教牠去哪裡上廁所以 及家裡的規則。現在,牠已經 成為狗群的領袖,而我沒有需 要去教導其他的狗,因為牠會 教導牠們。每當其他狗做錯事 或行為不良時,Casper 會告 訴牠們錯了,並教導牠們正確 的方法。舉例來說,當牠們打 架及互相 咬,Casper將停止 牠們之間的打架,並把牠們放 到正確的地方。要找到一隻像 Casper這樣又乖又體貼的狗 是很難的事。” 已經等候貝林登梗犬多年的他 終於找到了Fifine,牠在Ken的 心中占有非常寶貴的地位。貝 林登梗犬非常罕有,澳門的數 量也很少。每天早晨,在牠開 始新的一天前,Fifine給Ken一 個早晨親吻,到了晚上,牠喜 歡睡著在Ken的溫暖懷抱中。 40

VPet Resort Avenida do Coronel Mesquita, 11-T, R/C B, Macau

澳門美副將大馬路11-T 號地下B座 853 6311 1888

寶貝寵物 • 2014年9月/10月


Local Interest don’t socialize very much and develop the tendency to fight with each other. We hope that if more puppies are brought here, we can develop their social skills. Sometimes, puppies only reside with us for a few days and their attitude can change drastically.” Seeing how well VPet Resort have established themselves, a lot of clients have told Ken to open a veterinary clinic too, but Ken is wary and says: “I will only open a clinic if I can find a vet that has a lot of heart, I don’t want him or her to be money driven, I want him to have the same personality as me – to do things for love.” Ken explains that sometimes when dogs have problems, surgery is not the ideal solution not only because it is ridiculously expensive. Sometimes, if the dogs have muscle problems, they can try to swim one to two times a week and see whether the muscles improve. Dogs are not like people, they can rebuild their muscle in a month or two. There are a few things that are on Ken’s top priority list. Firstly, he has a vision for VPet resort to be a comfortable space for dogs and their owners. “I’d like customers to come down, chat, hang out, share information, watch their dogs swim.” Secondly, he insists that all the food they sell is organic and of the highest quality. He personally chooses and reads up on every product to make sure they are healthy for dogs. All the toys are also organic and of the highest quality. “Sometimes clients say these are too expensive, and I understand. If they want other products, I will refer them to other shops. We are not a hard sell company; I want people to be in a social friendly environment, not a business environment.” Thirdly, smell is vital to Ken. When people step into VPet Resort, there is no smell of dogs; on the contrary, it smells good. Ken is adamant that “smell is a deal breaker for me, I require all my staff to make sure the place is smell-free and extremely clean.”

The dog lover Aside from VPet resort, Ken has a lot of responsibilities at home, as well with his eleven dogs: Casper, Keedo, Makiko, Jacobs, Greta, Sukey, Kumat, Randolph, Fifine, Zainabu and O’creemi. His experience and mindset for the resort is also built on his previous experience with dogs. He explains that the reason he loves dogs so much and has such a strong bond with them is because of Casper, his five-year-old Alaskan malamute. Because Casper is such a big dog and a pure breed, Ken had to learn a lot about dogs, how to take care and understand them which led to his current expertise. “Casper is very loving and has the sweetest affection for female puppies, even if they stamp on him or irritate him, he will not become aggressive. When he came into our home, I taught him where to go to the toilet and the rules of the house. Now, he has become the leader of the pack and I don’t have to teach the other dogs because he does. Whenever the other dogs do something wrong or misbehave, Casper will tell them they are wrong and teach them the correct way. For

Pets & Hugs • September/ October 2014

example, when they fight and bite each other, Casper will stop the fight and put them in their correct places. It’s very hard to find such a well behaved and understanding dog such as Casper.” Having waited for a Bedlington terrier for years, he finally found Fifine, who now holds a very dear place in Ken’s heart. Bedlington terrier’s are very rare and there are probably not more than a handful of them in Macau. Every morning, Fifine gives Ken a morning kiss before he starts his day, and at night, he likes to fall asleep in Ken’s warm embrace. From the day he became part of Ken’s family, he learned the rules of the house very quickly, knowing how to sit, kneel and so forth. “He has a very similar personality to us, and sometimes he does specific actions that makes me feel like he understands me, that he loves me.” In regards to the many poodles he has: “When I got my first poodle, I got addicted to them, then I got a female poodle and those two had two more poodles. It’s a bit confusing. One day I woke up, and there was another puppy next to me. The other one needed a bit of a push, so first came

Sukey and then came Greta.” All eleven dogs came into Ken’s life in different ways, and Zainabu, who is a beautiful dog came into his life in a rather unconventional method. Zainabu used to have an owner who used to leave him at Ken’s house when he was only a few months old, sometimes for a few days and sometimes for a few weeks. After months of going back and forth, his owner decided that Zainabu was too big for his household and that he didn’t want him. Ken, having already established a relationship with Zainabu decided to keep him. Ken is preoccupied with many things in his life, from his daily job to feeding the mouths of 11 dogs, but that does not deter him, instead he has a very positive attitude and has many future plans. He would like to bring more foreign pet products to Macau to increase the standards for all pets. At the same time, he is planning to start up an online website carrying a lot of information of dogs. “I have many plans, but will I be able to carry out every single on of these plans? I will have to wait and see. I don’t want to expand and lose quality – quality is everything.”


黃河濕地 黃河濕地位 於河南鄭州,總面積達6.8萬公頃,是國家級自然保護區, 也是鳥類哺育區。區內有41種國家一類和二類保護動物。


Yellow River Wetland is a National Natural Reserve with a total area of 68 thousands hectare in Henan Province. It’s a bird breeding place with over 41 types of animals under firstgrade and second-grade protection at the state level.

一名攝 影愛好 者在 洛河捕捉兩隻黑天 鵝的動靜。洛河是黃 河的一條支流,在中 國中部河南省洛陽市 與黃河匯合。 A photographer takes photos of two black swans in Luohe, a branch of the Yellow River in Luoyang, central China’s Henan Province.

一群白天鵝在三門峽黃河濕地一個湖泊裡覓食。三門 峽位於中國中部河南省。 A group of white swans forage on a lake in Yellow River Wetland in Sanmenxia, central China’s Henan Province.

放生野鳥 野生動物拯 救中心的志願工作者將一批已完全康復的雕鴞放 回野外。中國北部河北省滄州市。



Volunteers from a wildlife rescue centre release eagle owls back into the wild after they were fully recovered, in Cangzhou, north China’s Hebei Province.

寶貝寵物 • 2014年9月/10月


Animals in the news

熊貓“三寶寶” 大 熊 貓“ 菊笑 ”7月 2 9日 在廣州誕下三胞胎。

三 隻 迄今 世 上首 例 存 活 的 大 熊貓三胞胎幼崽。 The three panda cubs are the first living giant panda triplets in the world.


Giant panda “Ju Xiao” gave birth to three panda cubs on July 29 in Guangzhou.

大熊 貓“ 菊笑 ”與 她 的三隻 小寶寶。2 014 年 8月10日, 中國 南 部廣 東省省府廣州 市。該三隻 大熊貓幼崽是迄 今世上首例存活的大熊貓三 胞胎。 Giant panda “Ju Xiao” and her cub in Guangzhou, capital of south China’s Guangdong Province, Aug. 10, 2014. The three panda cubs are the first giant panda triplets in the world.

Pets & Hugs • September/ October 2014


每年被殺戮的非洲大 象比初生幼象的數目 還多 研 究 人 員相 信,自2 010 年以 來,每 年 在 非 洲 被 殺 戮 的 大 象,平均近3.5萬頭。 盜 獵 者 是因為 象 牙 有價 而屠 殺 大 象。大 象 的 牙 齒 含 有 一 種 稱 為 象 牙 的 物 質,在 亞 洲 部 分地 區常 被用 以 製 成 裝 飾 品。 研究人員警告,若情況繼續, 大象可在10 0年內絕種

More elephants in Africa are being killed each year than are being born

Researchers believe that since 2010 an average of nearly 35,000 elephants have been killed in Africa every year. Elephants are being killed by poachers who want their tusks. They contain a material called ivory which is used to make ornaments in parts of Asia. The researchers warn that if this continues to happen, the animals could be wiped out in 100 years. The report is published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.


寶貝寵物 • 2014年9月/10月


Animals in the news

屏幕時代 Screen Time 與新媒體公司聯手, 《寶貝寵物》正將信 息引入屏幕。 Partnering up with a new media company Pets&Hugs is now taking it’s message to the screen.

去一年中,《寶貝寵物 》不但不斷努力提高 人們對動物問題的認識,而且在基層和國際 層面聯繫動物愛好者。為了推進這些目標,《寶貝 寵物》與MOME(澳動傳科,一家澳門營銷媒體代 理)聯手合作。 MOME是一家進取的公司,該公司提供營銷顧問服 務,並把其服務擴展至所有平台,MOME的業務涵 蓋獨家或傳統的營銷投放。他們自己的製作團隊密 切合作,提供一站式的解決方案,以滿足所有的營 銷和製作需要。 M O M E 一直積 極 參 與 社 會 活動(如 動 物 福 利 方 面),為其他公司樹立了良好榜樣。2 014 年9月開 始,MOME和《寶貝寵物》將為你帶來的各種短片 (包括動物領養和各種有趣的故事),節目將在MOME TV 播放。 MOME TV覆蓋的觀眾眾多——從互聯網用戶到公共巴士的旅客。這僅僅是個開 始,他們將不斷拓展,通過手機應用程序和其他社交媒體平台,覆蓋更多觀眾。自 己調到MOME TV看看,經過共同努力,我們已經特別為您創建了一個全新節目。 我們的合作已經有了良好開端,未來數月我們希望給您帶來更多鼓舞人心的故事。

Billy Chan ANIMA Vice President

Pets & Hugs • September/ October 2014


n the past year, not only has Pets&Hugs continuously strived to raise awareness on animal issues but it has also connected animal lovers at a grass root and international level. To further those aims, Pets&Hugs have partnered up with MOME, a Macau based marketing media agency. An up and coming company that provides marketing consultancy services that extend to all platforms, MOME works with exclusive and traditional marketing placements. They work very closely with their own in house production team to provide a one-stop solution to cater to all marketing and production needs. Setting a good example to other companies, MOME have actively been involved in social issues such as animal welfare. Starting in September 2014, MOME and Pets&Hugs will bring you short videos on various issues including animal adoptions and interesting stories which will be shown on MOME TV. MOME TV reaches all audiences from Internet users to public bus travellers. This is only the beginning, they will continuously expand to reach more audiences via mobile apps and other social media platforms. Keep yourself tuned to MOME TV to see how, together, we have created a whole new program just for you. Our collaboration has had a great start and we hope to bring you many more inspiring stories over the next few months.


Estrada do Altinho de Ka-Ho

領養 寵物

Adopt a pet 金沙中國贊助

Sponsored by SANDS CHINA LTD.

世界杯足球賽可能已經過去,但我 仍然在這裡!說到球,我喜歡追逐 的遊戲!在草地上滾來滾去,及對 著自己的影子狂吠、追逐貓還有我 的人類朋友! Well the World Cup Football may be over, but I’m still here! Speaking of balls, I LOVE a game of chase! And rolling around in the grass, and barking at my reflection, and chasing cats... and my human!


編號: 1130 雌性/2歲 Code: 1130 Female 2 years old



(直升機維修廠附近) Coloane, Macau

(853) 2871 5732

他們希望得到你的關愛。 你準備好關愛他們了嗎?

大家來認識一下這一期 的收養名單!牠們也許 充滿愛心和關懷,但請 記住,牠們也需要被愛 和關懷,所以務必請你 準備好去承擔、並接受 牠們所付出的愛!

They want to love you.

Are you ready to love them? They are cute, sweet and will make your life infinitely more rewarding. Meet our adoption candidates for this issue! They may be loving and caring, but please remember they need love and care back, so please be sure you are ready for the responsibility, and for all the love they have to give!

我 是 一 個 溫 柔 的 靈 魂,尋 找 一 個 類似的人類。我是一隻忠誠的狗, 喜歡悠長的散步,在家裡跟在你的 身邊,即使在你感到悲傷時讓你微 笑。我們可以開始嗎? I am a gentle soul who seeks a similar human. I am the most loyal of dogs and would love to go on long walks, follow you around the house and make you smile even when you are feeling sad. Shall we begin?


編號: 1131 雌性/2歲 Code: 1131 Female 2 years old

寶貝寵物 • 2014年9月/10月

我知道我是一隻最好奇的狗,有時候 我甚至覺得我可能是一隻貓。看看我尖 尖的耳朵,它們總是讓我看起來像在聽 嗎?是的,是的!告訴我你的故事,我是 被你俘虜的聽眾,答應我! I am the most curious dog I know, sometimes I even think I may be a cat. See how my pointy ears always make it look like I am listening? I am, I am! Tell me all your stories, you have a captive audience in me, promise!

Maki 編號: 1151 雌性/1歲 Code: 1151 Female 1 year old

我是這街區上最熱門的狗,如 果你正在尋找一個女朋友或男 朋友,我就是你要找的!帶我 去公園,看我的魅力如何吸引 我身邊的各位,我們倆可以很 快安頓下來! I’m the hottest dog on the block, and if you’re on the hunt for a girlfriend or boyfriend, I’m the one for you! Take me to the park and watch me charm all those around me, we’ll both be set up in no time!

Louis 編號: 1178 雄性/1歲 Code: 1178 Male 1 year old

優雅、優雅、優雅的就是我! 我是很有品味的,並不能真正 與烏合之眾相處。我每天看著 窗外,等 待 勞 斯 萊 斯 駕 駛 過 來,把我運到屬於我的世界, 我會等著你...... Dainty, dainty, dainty is what I am! I’m a class act and can’t really relate to all the riff raff around me. I look out the window everyday waiting for the Rolls Royce to pull up and transport me to the world I belong in. I’ll be waiting for you...

Dalila 編號: 1180 雌性/1歲 Code: 1180 Female 1 year old

金沙中國贊助 Sponsored by SANDS CHINA LTD. Pets & Hugs • September/ October 2014


嗯,讓我想想......我可愛,有趣而甜 蜜。仍然沒有家庭。我不肯定我知道 為什麼。請你來看望我,我不會佔用 你太多的時間,我只是想讓你看到 我說的一切都是真的!

正如我的名字所暗示的,我的 確 來自天 堂。被 派 到 這 兒 來 我有大量的工作要做,但我需 要一個特殊的人,他能夠認識 到我的特質,讓來我祝福他們 的每一天。你看到這些跡象了 嗎?

Hmmm, let’s see... I’m cute, fun and sweet. And still have no family. I’m not sure I understand why. Can you please come and visit me, I won’t take too much of your time, I just want you to see that everything I’m saying is true!

As my name implies, I do indeed come from the heavens. Sent down here to earth I see much work to be done, but I need a special human who can recognise my qualities and let me bless them every single day. Do you see the signs?


編號: C779 雌性/7個月

I have the regal poise of a royal cat, I think the only reason I have been left to my own devices and abandoned is because nobody feels up to the job. After all, not everyone has the qualities a feline of my stature merits. However, you may be the one...

Code: C554 Female 7 months

Angel 編號: C554 雌性/3歲

Code: C554 Female / 3 years old


我是一隻有帝王風度的皇 室貓,我覺得他們讓我自己 決定並遺棄我的唯一原因, 是沒有人認為能夠勝任工 作。畢竟,不是每個人都有 像我這樣的貓特質,如我的 身材優點。但是,您可能就 是那個......

編號: C569 雄性/2歲

Code: C569 Male / 2 years old


寶貝寵物 • 2014年9月/10月


這個就是世界,對吧?我剛剛出生,我所 知道的就是與我一起住在庇護所裡的家 人。愛,在哪裡?人呢?請顯示給我看人 類的仁慈和愛,請把我帶回家。 So this is the world eh? I have just been born and all I know is my fellow family free animals who live with me at the shelter. Where’s the love, people? Please show me the beauty of love and human kindness, please take me home with you.


我常常挺起胸膛。當然生活有時也會變得艱 苦,每個人都需要一個肩膀來哭泣,但我知道 我是注定要成就大業的。我把自己看成澳門所 有流浪動物的一個貓模範,我想幫助他們離開 街頭。誰想跟我一起幹? I stand tall at all times. Sure life can get tough in patches and everyone needs a shoulder to cry on, but I know I’m destined for bigger things. I see myself as a model cat for all the abandoned animals in Macau and I want to help them get off the streets. Who’s with me?



編號: C778 雌性/7個月 Code: C778 Female 7 months

編號: C668 雄性/2.5歲 Code: C668 Male 2.5 years

Yedda 編號: C774 雄性/2個月

Code: C774 Male / 2 months

我可能看上去很小,但相信我, 我很堅強!自我出生那天便被冷 落在街道上,這使我面對外界時 堅強,但內心的我只是一個 尋 找愛的小寶寶。你能幫忙嗎? I may look tiny, but believe me, I’m tough! Being left out on the streets from the day I was born had made me hard on the outside, but inside I’m just a soft baby looking for love. Can you help?


在陽光下我幾乎有所有貓的顏色,我這 雙俊秀綠色的眼睛把我包裝得完美。我 很聰明並且有趣,我也在找將來主人身上 的這些素質。無聊的人免談。

編號: C665 雌性/2.5歲

Code: C665 Female / 2.5 years old

I have the colouring of nearly every cat under the sun and my handsome green eyes complete the package that is me. I’m smart and fun, I’m looking for those qualities in my future human. No boring people please.

金沙中國贊助 Sponsored by SANDS CHINA LTD. Pets & Hugs • September/ October 2014


訪客數量上升 截至今年7月,澳門愛護動物協會(“協會”)接 待訪客3,267人次,其中44人次是學校、社團 和企業團體。我們的活動能接觸到743人,比 去年有強勁的增長。 ALBANO MARTINS


是否很難明白我們不是在中世紀? 經過這麼多年以書面形式向澳門當局要求,訂立有關保護動物的法律 (澳門愛護動物協會自第一年成立以來,即2004年就一直這樣做), 我們別無選擇,只能準備一套行政法規,協助澳門特區政府至少設有 一套保護動物的規則。3個月之後,經過短期公眾諮詢,我們已在2012 年7月準備好。 我們為何這樣做? 因為我們相信,這樣一個法律框架需要時間起草、與動物福利團體相 討、並提上澳門立法會的議程。 我們不相信當局有能力製作這樣一套複雜的法律,並認為他們能與社 會各界和我們分享其意見。 兩年後,我們仍繼續等待澳門的保護動物法。 誰對?

Is it too difficult to understand that we are not in the Middle Ages? After so many years of asking the Macau Authorities in writing to have laws regarding the protection of animals (Anima has been doing so from the first year of our existence, that means 2004) we have no option but to prepare a set of administrative regulations to help the Macau Government have at least a minimum set of rules for the protection of animals. We did that in July 2012 and three months afterwards, after a short period of public consultation. Why did we do that?

2014年頭7個月,協會已拯救85隻狗和145隻 貓。在這段時間總共有46隻狗和52隻貓被領 養。出/入本會的比例分別為0.73和0.97,這解 釋了貓和狗的情況有所改善,但這些數字與 我們的兩個目標相距仍遠。 至2014年7月底,住在協會庇護所或寄養於 協會的貓狗總數,分別為344隻和129隻,而 2013年年底有360隻和113隻,這些數字清楚 顯示在我們不殺生不籠養的政策,及協會控制 庇護所內動物總數的承諾下,協會庇護所是 如何擁擠

Anima Activity Up to July this year, Anima received 3,267 visitors of which 44 were groups of schools, associations and company groups. Our activities reached 743 individuals, a strong increase from last year. In the seven months of 2014, Anima has rescued 85 dogs and 145 cats. A total of 46 dogs and 52 cats have been adopted in the period. The ratio out/in was 0.73 and 0.97 respectively, translating to an improvement in the dog and cat situation. The figures are still far away of our goal of two. At the end of July 2014, the total number of dogs and cats at Anima, living in Anima’s shelter or fostered, was 344 and 129 respectively as compared with 360 and 113 at the end of 2013. These figures very clearly show how full the shelter is under our policy of No-Kill and NoCage and Anima’s commitment to controlling the total number of animals inside the shelter.

Because are sure that such a framework of laws will take time to be drafted, be discussed with the animal welfare organizations and be put on the Macau Legislative Assembly agenda. We didn’t believe the Authorities were capable of preparing such a complex set of laws and that they are able to share its opinion with the community and us. Two years later, we still continue to wait for a law protecting the animals in Macau. Who was right?

請幫助我們去挽救牠們。 Please help us to help them 50

寶貝寵物 • 2014年9月/10月




門愛護動物協會明知訂 立一項法律,要 經過很 長時間的起草、討論才可能在 我們的立法會通過,於是我們 向行政法務司建議一套法規。 這 套 法 規可以在 此 項 法 律 未 通過前,讓澳門行政長官輕鬆 簽署。 有了這些規則,我們至少能夠 控制虐待動物。 2012年: 這是我們上一次在10 月發給行政法務司司長陳麗敏 博士一封信的概要: “(...),為了限制那不存在的 法律(對澳門動物權利的最低 保障)所造成的傷害,現在我們 寄上一套法規給貴司。

“(......)當今社會上存在對保護 動物的壓力,而民政總署本身的 做法仍然殘忍,因為有些市民在 街上繼續丟掉動物或將牠們遺 棄在市政狗房,卻沒受任何處 罰。沒有保護動物的法律讓這 樣的事情發生,又沒有任何限 制和懲罰,即使對於相同的“罪 犯” (用引號,因為他們甚至不 認為是罪犯)!(...)” 。 “(...)我們都有意讓澳門成 為 模 範 城 市並保 持 在 這個 水 平。澳門特區政府肯定最想以 一個非常有效但公平的方式去 解決這種情況。殺死動物已經 證明不是解決問題的方法,即 使長遠而言也是一樣,如在近 10年間,民政總署每年殺死約 6 0 0 隻動物(化為整數)而且

繼續這麼做,即使這樣亦無法 控制流浪動物在街上擴散。 還有由澳門愛護動物協會或其 義工將已絕育的動物殺死,不 僅是錯誤,簡直是荒謬。這是 一種資源浪費。 我們要讓那些不負責任的人, 對自己所做的負責,同時先從 學校開始教育市民。 對那些無法保衞自己的動物, 我 們 需 要 緊 急、但 亦 公 平 的 法規。 我們想減少被遺棄的動物,就 如民政總署,但是用一個合理 和實際的方式,解决實際問題 并发现問題背後的主要原因,

而不是浪費時間在其效果、態 度去折磨動物。民政總署一直 堅持注重效果,這等同於殺害 未受保護的、特別是年幼和健 康的動物。 在一 個 負責任 及和 諧 的 現代 社 會,沒有 理 由 繼 續 視 動 物 為垃圾。 在這種現代和理想生活的名義 下,我們不能接受澳門在動物 基本權益方面停滯不前。 為了保 護 我 們 所 有 動 物 的 權 益,我們期待司長閣下讓澳門 可以有起碼的法規,即使是臨 時及不完整的。我們也希望所 附檔案能讓政府頒布附例,並 於2013年1月初開始生效。

What has Anima told the Authorities?


hen Anima was sure that a law will take long to be drafted, discussed and passed in our Legislative Assembly, we proposed to the Secretary of Administration and Justice Affairs a set of regulations that could be easily signed by the Macau Chief Executive before a law was passed. With those rules, at least we were able to control the cruelty against animals. 2012: This is the summary of the last letter we sent to Dr. Florinda Chan, the SAJ in October: “(…) in order to limit the damages of the non existence of laws that protect minimally the rights of the animals in Macau we are sending a set of regulations. ‘(…) Nowadays the pressure over the societies for the protection of animals and IACM itself continues to be brutal as there are a group of citizens that continue, without any penalty, to dump animals on our streets or just abandon them in at the Municipal Kennel which is facilitated by a lack of laws that allow this to happen without any limitation and punishment, even for the same “infrators” (between comas as they are not even considered as such)! (…)”. “(…) We are all interested to make the Macau a model city also at this level. And for sure Pets & Hugs • September/ October 2014

the Macau Government is one of the most interested in solving such a situation in a very effective but also fair way. It is proved that killing animals is not a solution even in the long term, as IACM has been killing 600 animals per year, round figures, during almost one decade and continues to do as so, as by this way is not able to control the spread of animals in the streets. Also killing animals that have been desexed by the Societies for the Protection of Animals and by its volunteers is not only a mistake but also non-sense. It is a loss of resources used the control such colonies. We want to make irresponsible people accountable for what they do and at the same time educate the community from from the moment children start school.

and synonymous of killing unprotected animals, mainly young and healthy ones. In a modern society, responsible and harmonious, there are no reasons for animals to continue to be treated as discardable objects.

We want exigent regulations but also fair regulations for those that are not able to defend themselves.

In the name of such modernity and the ideals of life we cannot accept that Macau persists to be halted in time in what concerns the basic rights of the animals.

We want less animals on the streets, just like IACM, but in a rational and pragmatic way, attacking the real problems, the main reasons behind the problems, instead of losing time on its effects, attitudes that only torment the animals. Attacking the effects has always been a constant by IACM

We expect from your Excellency that Macau can have minimum regulations, even provisional and incomplete, in order to protect the rights of all our animals. We hope also that the enclosed documents could allow the Government to publish such by-laws to enter in force in the beginning of January 2013.


杜立德醫生 回答你的問題

Dr. Dolittle answers your questions 每一期的《寶貝寵物》裡我們 會邀請一名澳門最好的獸醫扮 演杜立德醫生的角色,為你提 供照顧寵物的最好建議。

In every issue we will be inviting one of Macau’s finest vets to step into the role of Dr. Dolittle to provide you with the best answers to your questions.

Ruan Bester醫生在加拿大和 南非留學,曾在澳大利亞、香港 和澳門工作。曾擔任的職位包 括香港獸醫學會(HKVA)持續 專業發展協調員、獸醫保護協 會亞洲(VDA)主任以及目前 擔任的法國皇家獸醫顧問。其 冒險活動包括在南非拔掉一頭 大象的臼齒,以及移除卡在一 隻重14 0公斤綠海龜腸道中的 釣魚線。

With a Bachelors of Veterinary Science, Dr. Ruan Bester studied in Canada and South Africa and has worked in Australia, Hong Kong and in Macau. Positions held include CPD Coordinator Hong Kong Veterinary Association (HKVA), Director Veterinary Defence Association Asia (VDA) as well as his current role as Veterinary Consultant for Royal Canin. Adventures include removing a molar from an elephant in South Africa and a fishing line that was stuck in the intestine of a 140 kilo green sea turtle, amongst others.

Blood and Tears

血與淚 親愛的杜立德醫生: 過去8天,我的狗小便一直帶血。牠仍能 排尿,但排尿結束時有些紅點,有時我 看到黃色圓形糖般的小波點在尿液中。 牠轉身去舔牠的陰莖並經常哭叫。請幫 幫忙,我不知該怎辦! 恐慌人-Portas do Cerco 親愛的恐慌人-Portas do Cerco: 有許多原因可能導致雄性狗的陰莖出 血。沒有親手檢查及做一些測試很難斷 定確實原因。但最常見的原因有:膀胱 結石/結晶,如你所見“黃色圓形糖般的 小波點一樣”;腎臟或前列腺疾病;尿 道炎(尿道發炎)等,僅舉數例。 按這個情況,我們認為你在家裡能做到 的非常有限。你的狗需要由獸醫檢查, 包括直腸檢查(檢查前列腺)、照X光、 血液檢查,一個全面尿液分析是初步篩 選測試的關鍵步驟。治療將按檢查和測 試結果進行,並需要改變飲食。盡量不 要給牠飲用自來水,最好是經過濾後的 水。在此期間,確保牠小便如常。如果 在任何時候,牠不能小便,馬上帶牠到 獸醫處檢查,因為這表明結石阻塞尿液 流出,需要獸醫馬上處理及動手術。 52

Dear Dr. Dolittle

My dog has been dripping bloody urine for the last eight days. He can still urinate, but at the end of the urination there’s some red dots, and sometimes I see little yellow round sugar like balls in the urine. He turns around, licks his penis and cries a lot. Please help, I don’t know what to do! -Panicking- Portas do Cerco

Dear Panicking

In male dogs there are many possible causes for blood coming out of the penis. It will be difficult to determine the exact underlying cause without hands on examination and some testing. But, the most common causes are: Bladder stones/crystals as you have seen coming out as the “Yellow Round Sugar Like Balls”, kidney or prostate disease, urethritis (inflammation of urethra) etc. to name a few. In this case we are very limited as to what you can do at home. Your dog will need to be examined by a vet including a rectal exam (checking the prostate), X-Rays, Blood Work and a full Urinalysis is critical as an initial screening test. Treatment will be based on exam and test results and changing the diet. Try not to give tap water, rather filtered water. In the meantime, make sure he is urinating as usual. If at any point he is unable to urinate have him checked immediately by a vet as this suggests a stone blocking the outflow of urine; that would require immediate veterinary care and surgery.

倉鼠和暑氣 親愛的杜立德醫生: 我的俄羅斯短尾侏儒倉鼠在夏天 時睡得多,直到我上床睡覺後才 醒,這樣,牠從原來的隔日活動 變成一星期才一次。牠長 胖了, 行動不靈活,現在好像拖著後腿 走。牠的進食和小便都不如以往 多。我不知該怎麼辦,我感到這 是我的錯,由於學業繁重我沒有 太注意牠。我是否應該帶牠到獸 醫那裏檢查呢? 內疚的學生-Areia Preta 親愛的內疚學生Areia Preta: 首先,請不要太責怪自己,因為倉 鼠天生是“夜行” (日間睡覺,晚 上活動)動物。“年輕倉鼠”精力 充沛,白天活動較多,當牠們成長 後,便會停止那 種行為,並開始 出現成人的行為。很多倉鼠成年 後,運動量少,但並沒有你那倉鼠 的症狀。今年澳門的夏天非常溫 暖和潮濕,牠睡多了,待晚上氣溫 較涼時才起來活動是正常的。話 雖如此,但事實上,牠吃得少,體 重增加,並且變跛,倒令我更加 關注。倉鼠是捕食 對象,因此會 隱藏自己的弱點或疾病,直到實 在無法做到為止。當我們注意到 牠們的異常行為時,牠們往往已 病重。我擔心牠可能有一個腫塊 導致你所看到的症狀。 21個月大的倉鼠是成年鼠,倉鼠 壽命很短,通常只有24-30個月。 我建議你帶牠去看有倉鼠治療經 驗的獸醫。

寶貝寵物 • 2014年9月/10月


Ask the Vet


Hamsters and the Heat Dear Dr. Dolittle

My Russian Dwarf Hamster started sleeping a lot during the summer and not waking up until after I’ve gone to bed, so he went from exercising every other day to once a week. He has put on weight and now seems to be dragging his hind legs, not moving very well. He’s not eating and urinating as much as he used to. I don’t know what to do and I feel it is my fault, as I have not paid much attention to him since school is so hard. Should I take him to a vet to be treated? Student Guilt- Areia Preta

Dear Student Guilt

First of all please don’t blame yourself too much as hamsters are naturally “nocturnal” (sleep in the day, awake at night) animals. “Young hamsters” are more energetic and are awake more during the day, but as they mature they stop that sort of behaviour and adopt adult behaviour. Many hamsters exercise less as they mature and don’t have the symptoms that yours has. It’s been very warm and humid this summer in Macau and it would make sense that he is sleeping later, waiting until it is cooler to get up and get active at night. That said, the fact that he’s eating less and gaining weight and is lame, concerns me greatly. Hamsters are a prey species and as such hide their weakness or illness until they cannot any longer. By the time we notice differences in their behaviour they are often very sick. I am concerned he may have a mass that is causing the symptoms that you are seeing. At 21 months he is an adult, as hamsters have a very short life span, often only 24 to 30 months. I recommend that you see a veterinarian experienced in treating hamsters.

Pets & Hugs • September/ October 2014

親愛的杜立德醫生: 我有一隻6個月大的兔子名叫“爆米花”, 在過去兩個星期,每3天她的糞便會變得 很軟、像是腹瀉,我們需要為她清潔。兩 星期前我們帶她一同去度假,自那時起 就發生這種情況。她的食物並沒有太大 改變,但我的姨母的確給了她太多胡蘿 蔔。在這之後,我再沒有給她 水果和蔬 菜。我看到她的嘴角沒有任何濕斑,因为 你曾告訴我這可能顯示牙齒有問題。她 的飲食習慣並沒有太大改變,但她比平 時喝更多水。請幫幫忙! 惆悵兔子-氹仔 親愛的惆悵兔子: 當我們看到兔子糞便濃度改變,我們需 要謹慎處理,因為這可以是腸胃消化道 問題的跡象,亦可以是牙齒或壓力問題。 如果跡象只是間歇性,而她仍在吃日常 的粗糧,又沒有進食問題,我們可以鬆一 口氣,因為這不是早期牙齒或(腸道)感 染的問題。反而我懷疑,她作為一隻捕 食對象因不熟悉的環境、氣味及日常生 活的改變所帶來的壓力,會導致少許腸 道紊亂(特別因兔子的膽是由細菌微生 物菌群所操控,這些菌群對壓力/改變非 常敏感)。另外,如果她多喝水是由於無 聊(而不是因口渴),這也可能導致糞便 濃度改變。 在這種情況下,你限制她吃水份過多的 水果和蔬菜是對的。再進一步,我們要 確保她多吃乾草,現在只提供含豐富纖 維的蔬菜。這將有助於她重新平衡腸道 並使她的糞便正常。此外,如果她不愛 吃乾草,另一替代方法是使用名為Pro Fibre Pellets或Fibre Plex Paste的高纖 維顆粒飼料。兩者獸醫診所都有供應, 它能使糞便積聚,減少間歇性軟便。總的 來說,我懷疑這個不規則的變化是假期 及日常生活改變的一個副作用。一旦你 回家,事情應該會解決,要不然,找一位 獸醫檢查糞便,以確保她肚內沒有長出 任何東西。

Soft Popcorn Dear Dr. Dolittle

I have a six month old rabbit called “Popcorn” and for the past two weeks every three days her droppings are very soft, like diarrhoea and we need to clean her up. We took her on holiday with us two weeks ago and since then this is happening. Her food has not changed much but my aunt did give her too many carrots, after this I stopped giving her fruit and veggies. I don’t see any wet patches around her mouth as you told me before it can indicate dental problems. Her eating habits have not changed much but she is drinking more water than normal. Please help! - Bunny Blues- Taipa

Dear Holiday Guilt

When we see rabbit faecal consistency change, we need to tread carefully as it can be a sign of Gastro-Intestinal (GI) issues, but also dental or stress issues. If her signs are only intermittent and if she’s still eating her roughage normally and having no intake issues, we can breathe a sigh of relief that this isn’t an early stage of dental troubles and (GI) infections. Instead, I would suspect that the stress associated with being a prey species in unfamiliar surroundings, smells, and change to her routine could be causing a bit of GI imbalance (especially since rabbit guts are ruled by their bacterial micro flora, which are very sensitive to stress/ changes). Also, if she is drinking more due to boredom (rather than due to thirst), this too could cause a change to faecal consistency. In this case, you were right to restrict her access to water-laden fruits and veggies. Further to this, we’d want to make sure to increase her access to hay and only offer fibre rich veggies now. These should help rebalance the GI and normalize her faeces. Further, if she’s not keen on eating hay then an alternative is to use a high fibre pelleted diet called Pro-Fibre Pellets or Fibre Plex Paste. Both are available at a vet and it should bulk up the faeces and reduce these intermittent soft stools. Overall I suspect this irregular change is just a side effect of the holiday and change in routine. It should settle down once you get back home, if not consider seeing a vet and having a stool sample checked to make sure there is nothing growing in her tummy.



Did you know about animals in China… 中國野生動物品種多樣,有超過 4,400種脊椎動物。由於中國氣 候多樣,地域遼闊,擁有很多不 同種類的棲息地,因此野生動物 品種繁多。可悲的是今天許多種 類都變成了稀有及瀕危品種。

Wildlife in China is very diverse with over 4,400 species of vertebrates. Because of China’s immense range of climates and landscape there are many different kinds of habitats, which support great diversity. Sadly today many are rare and endangered.

大熊貓.......自2010年以來,在中國的圈 養環境中出生的大熊貓在熊貓基地受研 究人員照顧,為重返野外生活做準備。 Giant Pandas…Since 2010 pandas born in captivity in China have been looked after by researchers in panda suits to prepare the animals for life in the wild.


寶貝寵物 • 2014年9月/10月


Kid’s Curiosities

金絲猴......耐嚴寒,牠們是 所有靈長類動物中生活在第 二寒冷的棲息地的動物。 Golden Monkeys… resistant to cold they live in the second coldest habitat of all primates.

華南虎......虎幼崽在約2歲時離開母 虎。華南虎擅長游泳,可以游至6公里 遠,也可以輕鬆躍過5米長的距離。 獴......不受蛇毒影 響,大家知道牠們 也吃鳥蛋,牠們會 把鳥蛋扔向其它東 西,打破後來吃。

South China Tiger… Tiger cubs leave their mother when they are around 2 years of age. Tigers are good swimmers and can swim up to 6 kilometres and can easily jump over 5 metres in length.

Mongoose…are unaffected by snake venom and are also known to eat bird eggs by throwing them against something to break them open.

Pets & Hugs • September/ October 2014



人類更可能被人類傷害,而非被動物傷害, 但他們仍然堅持自己是先進和文明的......

“Man calls us, animals, wild and dangerous. The problem is, man is more likely to be harmed by a fellow man than by a fellow animal still they insist that they are advanced and civilized...

幫助刺猬媽媽找到她的洞穴巢。 Help mother hedgehog reach her nest.


寶貝寵物 •• 2014年9月/10月 2014年9月/10月 寶貝寵物


Kid’s Activities 為森林裡的動物上色 Colour the forest animals

貓頭鷹 Owl

松鼠 Squirrel

鼴鼠 Mole

狐狸 Fox






Pets & & Hugs Hugs •• September/ September/October October2014 2014


Field Mouse


Can you find the 10 diferences?


寵物診所 Clinics

寵物商店 Pet Shops




Mei Keng Garden, Block 5, Taipa

Avenida Sidónio Pais 43 R/C

Estrada de Coelho do Amaral,







+853 28837050


Avenida Dr. Sun YatSen 115 R/C, Taipa (氹仔) 孫逸仙博士大馬路115號地下 +853 28836791

+853 28524916


No.28-A, R/C B, Macau


Rua S. Lourenço 4 R/C

Bl 1 R/C, Taipa

Avenida Concórdia Ka Ieng Garden

Avenida Kwong Tung, Nam San Gdn (氹仔) 廣東大馬路南新花園第1座地下 +853 28821016


R/C 和樂大馬路嘉應花園地下

Hong, Loja I-J, Macau

澳門賈伯樂提督街3-5號富康花園 I-J

+853 28968309




Av Cons. Ferreira de Almeida 122 R/C

Rua do Almirante Costa Cabral 84 R/C

Rua de Paris No. 182, R/C, Macau

賈伯樂提督街84號e地下 +853 28523678

澳門皇朝巴黎街 182 號南岸花園地下 +853 28501099


荷蘭園大馬路122號地下 +853 28528320


Av Cons Borja, No. 341, Edf. Mayfair Garden R/C H

青洲大馬路341號嘉應花園H舖 +853 28220108


Rua Da Baia NS 105-113, Jardim Hoi Wanres-do-Chao, M



+853 28563771 NGAI LAM ANIMAL 藝林寵物廣場

Rua do Padre AntónioRoliz 25-27 CD 羅神父街25-27號 CD +853 28525391


La Cite Rua 1 de Maio 342 R/C 勞動節街342號

+853 28949494 POODLE 新飛歌

Rua Martinho Montenegro 27 R/C 墨山街27號地下 +853 28357717

氹仔海灣街 105-113 號海灣花園地


+853 28839898

Rua Sacadura Cabral 29E R/C




沙嘉都喇賈罷麗街29號e地下 +853 28522715

Rua Nova A Guia, No.250 R/C, Edf.



R/C B, Macau

Kam Hong, Macau +853 28353785


+853 28968187

Estrada Coelho Amaral 17A R/C

Fong Son San Chun BI 5 R/C








+853 28222376

Rua Alm. C. Cabral, No. 3-5, Edf, Fu

Dr. Ho 小動物醫務所

+853 28352421


Avenida do Conselheiro Ferreira de

+853 28527898





Sacadura Cabral 81 R/C



Almeida 122 R/C


+853 28813388




Avenida do Coronel Mesquita, 11-T, 澳門美副將大馬路11-T 號地下B座

寶貝寵物 • 2014年9月/10月

Pets & Hugs • September/ October 2014


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