Pets & Hugs Magazine March-April 2016

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領養寵物 救人一命 Adopt a Pet Save a life

2016年3月/4月 • MARCH/APRIL 2016 • MOP30

澳門的恥辱: 逸園賽狗場

Macau’s Shame: The Canidrome 10

見見BROCKMANS和他們大而毛茸茸的孩子 Meet the Brockmans. And their big family 屏幕上和書本中的動物

38 Animals on screen and in print 24

大名头,大事業 Big Names, Big Causes

Pets & Hugs • March/ April 2016



寶貝寵物 • 2016年3月/4月



2016年3月/4月號 March/ April 編輯委員會 EDITORIAL COUNCIL Albano Martins, Janet Tracy, Luis Pereira 總監 DIRECTOR Luis Pereira 出版人 PUBLISHER Albano Martins 英文編輯 EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Tanja Wessels 中文編輯 CHINESE TRANSLATION Frank Xie (謝 陳) 投稿者 CONTRIBUTORS June June 設計 DESIGN People Press 攝影 PHOTOGRAPHERS Leong Sio Po 機構合作夥伴 INSTITUTIONAL PARTNER Anima - 澳門愛護動物協會 出版者 PUBLISHED BY Pet Link Venture 地址 ADDRESS Av. Praia Grande No.619, Si Toi Commercial Building, 14 Floor 07 Room, Macau 澳門南灣大馬路619號時代商業中心14樓 07室 (853) 28355315/6 (853) 28355466

Printed in Macau 印刷地:澳門 發行量 CIRCULATION 5,000 ISSN 2309 5520 定價 COVER PRICE MOP 30.00

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Pets & Hugs • March/ April 2016

談論動物權利就是談論尊嚴! 在一個言商的環境下,商人在其業務中作 為議員,大部份根本不知道動物權利的真 正含義,只得少許專業人士支持,我們怎能 指望動物將被放在2016年立法會的議程 中? 我們沒有任何保護兒童和婦女免受家庭暴 力的法律,一項似乎很難被我們的立法會 (LA)認為是公眾的罪行! 在這情況下,我們要等多久才將動物加入 我們的立法會議程? 2014年,經過幾年社會各界關心動物權利 人士的投訴,政府向立法會提出一項法律 草案,打造該年年底將有一項有關保護動 物的期望。 我們已經踏入2016年,而該法律仍在立法 會內討論! 所 提 的 法 律,不是 一項 好 法 律,幾 乎 是 2008年起草公文的副本,現在變成一項更

糟的法律! 2012年,澳門愛護動物協會曾兩次向澳門 特區行政長官提出,起草阻止民政總署殺 害這麼多動物的新規定,並懲罰虐畜。 當時的想法是給議員時間,去準備有關動 物各方面權利和涉及動物的專業人士和企 業(獸醫、寵物商店、育種等)的綜合法。 行政法規可以由行政長官通過簡單頒布便 生效,而不需經過立法會冗長的過程。 這樣便能立即停止虐待動物,並在此事上 釋出一點尊嚴! 但2014年起草的法律,從未提及“動物權 利” ,無法預期成為我們這個以現代文明 為目標社會的法規! 法律若不能著眼於我們社會未來的發展, 以人的價值為核心,就是一項完全瞎眼的 法律。 歸根結底,我們所談的尊嚴永不會來!

Talking about animal rights is talking about decency! In an environment where we have business people, in the middle of their businesses, playing lawmakers, the majority of them have no idea of what it really means, supported by a very limited number of professionals, how can we expect that animals will be on the agenda of the Legislative Assembly in 2016? We have no laws protecting children and women from domestic violence, a crime that seems very dif ficult to be considered a public crime by our Legislative Assembly (LA)! In such a scenario, how long will we have to wait for animals to be on the agenda of our LA? In 2014, af ter several years of complaints by the community who care about animal rights, the government sent the LA a draf t of a law, creating the expectation that by the end of that year animals would be protected. We are already in 2016 and the law is still being discussed in the LA! A proposed law that was not a good law, almost a copy of the diploma draf ted in 2008, is becoming an even worse law! In 2012, Anima twice proposed to the

Macau Chief Executive, draf ts of a new regulation designed to stop the killing of so many animals by IACM and to punish cruelty. The idea was to give Government lawmakers time to prepare an integrated law regarding all aspects concerning the rights of the animals and the professionals and business involved with animals (vets, pet shops, breeders, etc). An administrative regulation could enter in force without passing in the Legislative Council, a very long process, by simple promulgation by the Chief Executive. This could immediately stop the cruelty to animals and put some decency on these matters! But the draf ted law of 2014, which never refers to “animal rights” cannot be expected to be the piece of legislation we all want for a society that aims to be modern and civilized! A law that is not capable of looking at the future development of our society, where human values are the core, is a totally blind law. Ultimately we are talking about a decency that never comes!



寶貝寵物 • 2016年3月/4月




澳門的恥辱:逸園賽狗場 Macau’s Shame: The Canidrome

6 格力犬——雄偉而優美 The Greyhound – Majestic and Graceful


10 大愛 The Brockmans 和 “Cookie” 16 “布甸” Pudding and Cookie

Big love


18 Suphalak貓 Cat Breed: Suphalak 20 看在貓咪的份上 For the Love of Cats 24

大名 ,大事業 Big Names, Big Causes


遲 來的結局在望? A delayed end in sight?


屏幕上和書本中的動物 Animals on screen and in print

Pets & Hugs • March/ April 2016


動物新聞 Animals in the news


領養 Adoptions


澳門愛護動物協會 Anima


請教獸醫 Ask the Vet


你知道嗎...... Did you Know…


寵物繪畫 Kid’s Activities


寵物商店和診所 Shops and Clinics

For the love of cats


Animals on screen and in print



格力犬——雄偉而優美 The Greyhound – Majestic and Graceful


寶貝寵物 • 2016年3月/4月

Dog Breed

明、親切、悠 閒、極其乾淨 而富傳奇色彩的格 力犬不愧為美妙的 家庭成員。


ntelligent, affectionate, laid back and exceedingly clean, the legendary Greyhound makes for a wonderful addition to the family.

Pets & Hugs • March/ April 2016


狗的品種 Attention needs 需要關注度 我不耍大牌。 情感 我喜歡靠近你。 Attention needs 活躍程度 我很喜歡沙發,非常喜歡。 與孩子關係 我是家庭一份子。

Attention needs I’m no diva Affection I love being near you Activenessneeds Attention I adore the sofa, a lot Relationship with children I am part of the family


寶貝寵物 • 2016年3月/4月

Dog Breed

can also add intelligence to its list of enviable qualities.

偉 而優 美 的 格力犬 在 整個 歷 史 上一直 被尊為伴侶和獵人, 距今大約4,0 0 0年前已存有相 關繪畫和其他描寫。格力犬是 世界上最古老的犬種之一,並 且 是 在 聖 經中被 提 到 的 唯一 的犬種。在埃及,現代格力犬 的祖先曾被用於狩獵及作為同 伴。事實上埃及人認為這些狗 的誕生的重要性僅次於兒子的 誕生。 格力犬來到英格蘭的時間可以 追溯到大約3,50 0年前,而在 19世紀後期牠們被引入美國來 為兔崽子防治害蟲。格力犬在 十九世紀期間得到英國皇室和 貴族的青睞。 現代意義上的格力犬賽狗約始 於1912年,第一條環形跑道於 1919年啟用。 格力犬狗是體態輕盈、視力良 好的獵犬,被繁殖來作奔跑和 追捕用途。牠們有如運動員般 的軆格、舞者般的優雅並是跑 得最快的狗。在格力犬令人羨 慕特質的列表上再加上聰明這 一項,真令人難以置信。 格力犬可能以快速成為一名令 人難以置信的運動員,但在家 裡牠們是出名的懶散傢伙。作 為一個品種,牠們一般都非常 悠閒。牠們需要一些運動來保 持心理和身體健康,但每天在 引領下做一個適當的短程步行 卻是牠們所要求的一切。 牠 們 身上 的 皮 毛 短 而 滑、少 油,格力 犬 祇 有 小 小 的 狗 氣 味,只 需 要 很 少 的 梳 洗 或 洗 澡。規律性地用軟毛刷梳毛, 很容易把毛髮脫落保持在最低 水平。 作為一個品種,格力犬在基因 方面是最健康的。牠們沒有天 生的遺傳身體問題。格力犬可

The Greyhound may be fast and an incredible athlete but at home they are renowned couch potatoes. As a breed they are generally very laid back. They need some exercise in order to stay mentally and physically fit but one fairly short walk on lead everyday is all they require. With their short, smooth coats and very little oil, the Greyhound has little dog odour and requires minimal grooming or bathing. Any shedding is easily kept to a minimum with regular brushing of the coat with a soft bristle brush.

能容易骨折,但這不是一種與 生俱來的特質。牠們有些眼部 疾病,但這是隱性特質。 格力犬幾千年來被繁殖成為與 別人共事、善於交際、非攻擊 性的動物。牠們是天性溫和的 動物,可以與人類發展密切的 關係。事實上,格力犬喜愛與 人類作伴。至於其他動物,包 括狗的其他品種,不要忘記格 力犬是一個獵人,牠不容易從 牠們被繁殖來獵取的小動物中 分辨出貓或更小品種的狗。然 而,格力犬一旦知道其他寵物 是家庭成員之一便會接受,不 管是什麼動物。

格力犬可能以快速 成為一名令人難以 置信 的 運 動員,但 在家裡牠們是出名 的懶散傢伙。 The Greyhound may be fast and an incredible athlete but at home they are renowned couch potatoes.


he majestic and graceful Greyhound has been revered as companion and hunter throughout history, with paintings and other depictions dating back some 4,000 years. The Greyhound is one of the most ancient breeds of dog in the world and the only breed of dog mentioned by name in the Bible. In Egypt, the ancestors of modern Greyhounds were used in hunting and kept as companions. In fact the Egyptians considered the birth of these dogs to be second in importance only to the birth of a son. The arrival in England of the Greyhound dates back approximately 3,500 years and they were introduced to America in the late 1800s as pest control for the jackrabbit. Greyhounds were popular among the royalty and nobility of England in the nineteenth century. Greyhound racing in the modern sense of the term began around 1912 with the first circular track being opened in 1919.

As a breed, Greyhounds are genetically one of the healthiest. They don’t have any inbred genetic physical problems. Greyhounds can be prone to bone fractures but this is not an inherent trait. Some eye diseases are reported but as recessive traits. Greyhounds have been bred for thousands of years to be sociable, non-aggressive animals who work well with others. They are gentle creatures by nature who can develop strong relationships with humans. In fact, the Greyhound adores human company. With regard to other animals including other breeds of dog, it is wise to bear in mind that the Greyhound is a hunter and may not easily distinguish cats or smaller breeds of dog from the small animals they were bred to hunt. However, Greyhounds will come to accept almost any animal once they learn the other pet is a member of the family.

Greyhounds are lithe slight hounds, bred to run and hunt. They have the build of an athlete, the grace of a dancer and are the fastest breed of dog. Incredibly the Greyhound

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Pets & Hugs • March/ April 2016



大愛 Big Love

澳門有隻 意想不 到的狗居民— — M a x,一 隻 由 Brockman家人救 回來的聖伯納犬, 與Brockman家人 和Rocco一起,組 成一個幸福的大家 庭。

Macau has an unexpected canine resident, Max, a St. Bernard rescued by the Brockmans who, together with Rocco, make up one big very happy family.

果你 沿 著 澳 門 街 道 走,碰 到 一 隻( 非 常 )大 的 瑞 士 山 地 犬,並好奇想知道誰人如此瘋 狂在這種天氣下養聖伯納犬, 請停步。聽聽聖伯納犬Max和 收養牠的Brockman家(一個 充滿愛、同情及毅力的家庭) 的故事。 博雅雯是方盛律師事務所的合 夥人,也是Anima(澳門愛護 動物協會)董事會成員,參 與 該組織數年,2006年當她與丈


夫Henry、19歲的兒子William 和17歲的Frederick住在路環 時,接到一個電話。 當時,他們的鄰居經常養約10 隻狗; 接收Anima沒有地方容 納的各種動物。在垃圾堆中發 現的兩隻小狗——Rocco 和 Zack,是拉布拉多/杜賓犬的 混種,(如Henry所說)’甘草 什錦糖’的混合物。儘管他們 很愛Rocco,在牠6個月大時, 他們很樂意送牠到Brockman 這個新的家。 寶貝寵物 • 2016年3月/4月

Dog Story 歡迎Rocco 就 這 樣 Rocco加 入了 Brockman家。“牠花了些時 間來適應這個陌生的家庭—— Brockman家。” 擔任賭場總 經理的Henry笑著回憶小狗第 一個星期在家的情況。 雖然博雅雯小時和很多貓一起 成長,現在家裡來了一隻新的 狗,需要調整一下,特別是以前 的寵物陣容只有兩隻烏龜—— Bonnie 和 Blackadder。 然 而,牠 肯 定 很 適 應。 “Rocco成為家庭的一分子, 我們對牠非常滿意,” Henry 說。2 0 0 7 年 初 博 雅 雯 接 到 Anima的另一個電話...... 歡迎Max An i ma發現兩隻聖伯納小 狗— —3個月大的哥哥和妹妹 被棄置在一個建築工地。為何 這品種最終落在澳門這地方? “2007年初中國推出新法律, 任 何 高過 膝 蓋的狗 都 必須 殺 掉,” Henry解釋說,“所以中 國的捕狗人要屠殺牠們。” 2006年北京實行一狗政策,限 制北京居民每戶只養一隻狗。 還禁止家庭養大型(超過35.5 釐米高)或兇猛的狗。 “很明顯,在中國有人飼養這 些 聖 伯 納 犬 以 高 價 出 售,當 新法律出臺,他們驚慌失措, 越 過 邊 界,把 牠 們 棄 置在 澳 門。” “ 中國 的 飼 養 者只 是 為了賺 錢,這兩隻聖伯納犬受到經驗 不足和不合格飼養者的培育, 牠們來自狹窄的基因庫,所以 在我們找到牠們的一刻,牠們 的健康出現很多問題。” 當博雅雯第一眼看到Max,她 的心軟化,雖然今日重達78公 斤,當天他們取到牠時,牠只 有2.5個月大,她抱著牠如同嬰

Pets & Hugs • March/ April 2016


f you happen to see a (very) large Swiss mountain dog being walked along the streets of Macau, and wonder to yourself who could be crazy enough to keep a St. Bernard in this climate, stop right there. The story of Max the St. Bernard and the family who adopted him, the Brockmans, is one of love and compassion. And a lot of strength.

home with the Brockmans at the age of six months.

Julia Brockman, a partner with DSL Lawyers, and who also sits on the board of Anima (Sociedade Protectora dos Animais de Macau), having been involved with the organization for a number of years, was on the receiving end of a call in 2006 when she was living in Coloane, with husband Henry, and sons William 19, and Frederick, 17. Their neighbours at the time always had about ten dogs; taking in any animals Anima didn’t have space for. Two puppies from a litter, a Labrador/Doberman, ‘licorice allsorts’ medley, (as Henry puts it) Rocco and Zack, were found, and despite their love for Rocco, they were very happy to give him to a new

Welcome Rocco

a new law that any dog above knee height had to be put down,” Henry explains, “so dogcatchers in china were slaughtering them.”

And that is how Rocco joined the family. “It took him a bit of time to get used to this strange family, the Brockmans,” Casino executive Henry smiles, recalling the puppy’s first weeks in the house.

The one-dog policy policy implemented in Beijing in 2006 restricts residents of Beijing to one dog per family. It also prohibits families from raising large (over 35.5 cm tall) or ferocious dogs.

Having a new dog in the house was an adjustment, particularly given that the previous pet lineup only included two tortoises, Bonnie and Blackadder, although Julia grew up with many cats.

“So clearly what had happened is that someone had bred these St. Bernards to be sold very expensively in China and when the new law came in they panicked and jumped over the border and dumped them in Macau.”

However, fit in he most certainly did. “Rocco became part of the family and we were very happy with him,” says Henry. Then in early 2007 Julia got another call from Anima... Welcome Max Anima had found two St. Bernard puppies; a brother and sister aged three months, abandoned at a building site. How did a breed like this end up in a place like Macau? “Early 2007 China introduced

“And having been bred by inexperienced and unqualified breeders in China, just to make money, both of these St. Bernards were from a very narrow gene pool, so from the moment we got him, he had a lot of health problems.” When Julia first laid eyes on Max her heart melted, because although today tips the scale at 78kg, when they got him he


狗的故事 兒,因為牠不會走。不過,數週 內不需再抱,Max不斷成長。 “你可以看著牠成長!”家人 在笑,仍驚嘆他們親眼看著他 們的小狗每天不斷長大。兩個 月內,Max由一隻小狗長成完 全成熟的聖伯納犬。很難想像 躺在我們腳邊這隻龐大、友善 的巨人(Frederick指牠是吹 夢巨人)曾經去任何地方都需 要被抱著。 澳門周圍沒有白雪蓋頂的山, 不用說,聖伯納犬實際上不適 宜在澳門這樣又熱又濕的氣候 生活。當帶Max去散步時,家 人不斷地被問及為什麼在這種 天氣下養 一隻像M a x這樣的 狗。 談到家人在這種奇怪的情況下 拯救聖伯納犬,及在澳門這個 地方養大牠,博雅雯記起她曾 讀過一篇文章這樣說,如果一 隻 聖伯 納 犬被 問 及牠 是 否 情 願在一個大花園裏奔跑,而沒 有人陪伴;或是牠寧願在一個 較小的空間而有人與牠為伴, 牠會選擇後者,這個品種確實 需要非常溫柔地對待、貼心的 愛。 Max在夏季確實受了些折騰, 但牠不是唯一偶爾日子不好過 的狗狗。牠連串健康問題意味 著牠家人要作出一個很大、不 折不扣的承諾。 “蠕蟎癬是所有狗都有的寄生 蟲,有些狗會免疫,或者有抗 體可對抗它。然而,因為Max 的基因缺陷,牠不能倖免,這 意味著牠的皮膚很容易出現結 痂和鱗片,像癩皮,”William 解釋說, “但已有改善。” 綠十字是他們的家庭獸醫,他 们使用伊維菌素藥物,只可短 暫使用,因為它對肝臟不利。 新西蘭開發一種洗髮劑,可避 開昆蟲以保存水果,這似乎是


寶貝寵物 • 2016年3月/4月

Dog Story

was only 2.5 months old and she carried him around like a baby, because he wouldn’t walk. However, within weeks that activity came to an end, Max was growing by the minute. “You could SEE him growing!” the family laugh, still amazed at the sight of their puppy growing inches every single day in front of their very own eyes. Within the space of two months Max went from a puppy to fully grown St. Bernard. It’s hard to imagine the big, friendly, giant (BFG as Frederick refers to him) lying by our feet being carried anywhere - ever. And with no snow capped mountains around, the fact that St. Bernards are not suited to climates like that

Pets & Hugs • March/ April 2016

of Macau, with its heat and humidity, goes without saying. When taking Max on walks the family are of ten bombarded with questions asking them why they have a dog like him in this climate.

Max does indeed suffer a bit in the summer months, but he’s not the only one who’s had a hard time occasionally. His list of health problems have meant a big commitment, in every sense of the word, from his family.

Speaking about the odd situation the family found themselves in, rescuing a St. Bernard and raising him in a place like Macau, Julia recalls an article she one read explaining that if a St. Bernard were asked if he would prefer a big garden to run around in, but with no one for company, or if he would prefer to be in a smaller space with people keeping him company, that he would choose the latter, this breed really need a lot of tender, caring love.

“Dermodex, a parasite that all dogs have, but that some are immune to, or who have the right antibodies to fight it, but Max, because of his genetic default, doesn’t, which means that his skin is prone to scabs and scales, rather mange-like,” explains William, “but it has improved.” Green Cross is the family vet and ivermectin is the medication used, although only for short periods of time as it is bad for the liver. There is also a shampoo

that was developed in New Zealand to preserve fruit by keeping insects off, but which also seems to be the most effective way of keeping bugs off Max. Then there is the question of his coat and the heat... Max and the heat “About four years ago we started shearing him every three or four months. There are a lot of arguments online about shearing long-haired dogs, but we live in this heat and we love to take our dogs outside for walks, and he’s getting older, he’s eight now, and he really pants in this heat, so of course we shear him, poor thing, he suffers,” Henry explains.



Max避開昆蟲最有效的方法。 接著就是牠的披毛和高溫的問 題... Max和高溫 “大約4 年前開始,每隔3、4 個 月 我 們 替 牠 剪 毛。在 網 上 關 於 替 長 毛狗 剪 毛有 很 多 爭 論,但我們在這高溫下生活, 而且我們愛帶狗到外面散 步,牠 也 越 來 越 老,現在牠 8 歲,在 高 溫下 喘 氣,因此,我 們為牠剪毛,可憐的牠,要受 苦,”Henry解釋說。 為M a x美容並不簡單,“ Pet P e t ”一 直 是 牠 所 選 的 美 容 院,“ 牠們 真的很 照 顧 牠,” Henry說,“在那裡,牠花了不 下4個小時洗髮、沐浴、按摩、 被精心照顧,全套護理—— 然 後剪毛。” 做Max真好。 只是美容選項本身足以填滿一 本 電話 簿: 單是 身軀?身和 尾 巴?身、頭、腿和爪?身、頭、


腿、爪和臉頰?身、尾、腿、爪、 臉頰和耳朵? 舊患和有利位置 家人相信已往的經驗——當狗 被從街頭救出來後,牠們會留 下情感的傷痕。例如,當狗聽 到一群中國成年男性的聲音, 牠們變得焦慮並躲開,證明牠 們年幼時與建築工人的經驗。 大家都知道那時在狗身上發生 過可怕的事情。 “我記得第一天Max 來到 我們屋裏,” William回憶 說,“可憐的Max躲在椅子下 面不出來。最初,當Max來到 時,Rocco對牠很吝嗇,不歡 迎牠。“ “ 早 期,R o c c o 已 經 明 確 顯 示 牠 是 狗 隊 的 首 領 ,” H e n r y 說,“ M a x 很 快 得 知 牠 是 老 二,當 牠 還 是 隻 小 狗 而 Ro c c o已完全 發育 時,這 合符情理。然而,這樣的階級 觀 念從 未改變。Ro cco 是主

管,Max是老二。” 到今天兩隻狗都相安無事,彼 此甚至分甘同味,如咀嚼書籍。 《哈利·波特》是受歡迎的選 擇,看來Max喜歡一些魔法。 Rocco在客廳有個 特定專用 的角落,擺滿狗墊子,在那裡 牠可 從 大 窗看 到 樓 下街上 所 有活動。牠可以看到一哩以外 的貓,牠的嗅覺非常敏銳,而 Max就比較遜色,看到訊號, 牠就開始加入狂吠。牠們在一 起,互補不足。

經過一整天娛己娛人,全家都 筋疲力盡,直奔上床。 Brockman家人在那個懶洋洋 的星期天早上醒來時,興奮地 計劃來一個“炒或煨剩菜”。他 們都同意是個“好主意”。直到 Henry打開冰箱,問博雅雯她 把肉放在那裡。 “我還以為 你處理好,”她天真地回答,對 此Henr y說,“我還以為是你 處理......” 與此同時,可憐的Max真不好 受,沿著花園滿布褐色的一堆 堆,證明他狀態欠佳。

周日燒烤 還是5 William講述一個非常特別的 週日午餐。約8年前, “領養 Max後6個月,我們在路環的 老房子有個燒烤,我們邀請很 多人,所以預備很多肉。吃畢, 大家都幫忙清理,收拾碗碟放 到廚房,並把吃剩的食物放在 廚房的桌子上。當然,沒有人聯 想到:屋裏的大狗和隨處放的 燒烤肉。”

“ 牠 真 的 吞 了 5 公 斤 肉,” William懷疑地補充道。真的,是 5公斤,當時牠還未完全發育! 等到事實被發現,已過了8個小 時,那時已經來不及告介牠, 事情已告終。牠獨個兒享用的 自助餐,也許足夠令牠身體不 適,從而令牠不會將來重蹈覆 轍。 可能, 也許。 寶貝寵物 • 2016年3月/4月

Dog Story Grooming Max is no small feat, Pet Pet has been his salon of choice, “and they really look after him,” Henry says, “where he spends no less than FOUR hours being shampooed, bathed, massaged, pampered, the full works - then shorn.” It’s good to be Max.

He can spot a cat a mile away, his senses are very powerful and Max, who is on the less sharp side, picks up on signs and starts joining in on the barking front. Together, they have the area covered.

The menu of options itself could fill a phone book: body only? Body and tail? Body, head, leg and paws? Body, head, leg, paws and cheeks? Body, tail, legs, paws, cheeks and ears?

William recounts one very particular Sunday lunch, around eight years ago. “Six months after getting Max, we had a barbecue at our old house in Coloane, we had invited quite a lot of people, so there was a lot of meat and at the end of the day everyone was helping clear up, taking plates to the kitchen, and putting the leftover food on the kitchen table. Naturally, no one put two and two together: a house of big dogs and plates of barbecue hanging around.”

Old traumas and pole position The family believes that past experiences, when the dogs were rescued from the streets, have left them with emotional scars. For example, when the dogs hear a group of Chinese male adult voices they become anxious and hide, testimony to their experiences with construction workers when they were puppies. It is well known that horrible things happen to dogs in those conditions. “I remember the first day we had Max in the house,” William recalls, “poor Max was hiding under the chair, he wouldn’t come out. Rocco was very stingy about things at first when Max came, he wasn’t very happy about it.” “Rocco had decided, early on, that he was the leader of the dog pack,” says Henry, “and Max very soon learnt that he was number two, which made sense when he was a small puppy and Rocco was fully grown. However, within a month of arriving in the house, Max had outgrown Rocco, but the hierarchy never changed. Rocco’s in charge, Max is number two.” But today the two are at peace with each other and even share hobbies such as chewing books. Harry Potter is a popular choice, Max appears to like a bit of magic. Rocco has a particular dedicated corner of the living room, decked out with doggie cushions, where he can watch all the activity on the street below through the large window.

Pets & Hugs • March/ April 2016

A Sunday barbecue. Or five.

After a full day of entertaining and being entertained, the family all went straight to bed, exhausted after a long day. It was a lazy Sunday morning in the Brockman household when they woke up and enthusiastically planned to make a ‘leftovers fry up’ or stew. “Great idea” they all agreed. Until Henry opened the fridge and asked Julia where she had put the meat. “I thought you took care of it,” came her innocent reply, to which Henry replied, “I thought you took care of it...”

聖伯納犬 本來聖伯納犬這個品種是用來保衛瑞士聖伯納臨終安養院, 及幫助尋找和拯救失蹤和受傷的旅客。“聖伯納” 這個名字 來自瑞士和義大利阿爾卑斯山之間的險峻山路。 今天,聖伯納犬在世界各地許多家庭裏享受舒適的家庭生 活。但牠們不是哈巴狗—— 這個品種的平均體重為64-140 公斤之間,雌雄一樣。 聖伯納犬平均壽命約為8歲。由於牠們在幼犬時快速生長和 發展,若牠們接受過多或過少運動或不正確飲食,會導致骨 頭、軟骨和肌肉受損。 這是一種極度自在的狗!又大又可愛,牠們以對人類忠誠而 聞名,無論他們做什麼牠都努力取悅他們。牠們溫順但不愚 蠢,這否定了牠們體積雖大所以比很多小型犬更容易處理之 說。牠們幾乎對每個人都滿懷深情,是很好的家庭寵物。

The St Bernard

Meanwhile, poor Max was really not well, brown piles dotted along the garden paid testament to his poor state.

Originally the St Bernard dog breed was used to guard the grounds of Switzerland’s Hospice Saint Bernard as well as to help find and save lost and injured travelers. The name ‘St Bernard’ is derived from a treacherous mountain pass in the high Alps of Switzerland and Italy.

“He had literally devoured five kilos of meat,” William adds incredulously. That’s right, five kilos, and he wasn’t even fully-grown at the time!

Today the St. Bernard enjoys the comforts of family life in many homes across the world. But these are no lap dogs- the Average weight for this breed varies between 64-140 kg, for both males and females.

By the time the discovery had been made, around eight hours had passed and by that stage it was too late to tell him off for anything, the deed was done. His buffet for one should probably have caused him enough physical discomfort to deter him from repeat behavior in future. Possibly. Maybe.

The average lifespan for a St Bernard is around 8 years. Due to the fast rate at which they grow and develop from puppyhood onwards means that damage to the bones, cartilage and muscles can occur if they receive too much or too little exercise or incorrect food. This is one seriously relaxed dog! Big and lovable, they are famed for their loyalty to humans and will endeavor to please them in whatever they do. They are docile, but not stupidly so and this is something that somewhat negates their great size making them easier to handle than many small dogs. They are affectionate towards almost everyone they meet and are good family pets.



” ie k o o C “ 和 ” 甸 “布


Pudding and Cookie 作者:June June By June June

Two sweet dogs have changed the lives of two women, for the better. Meet Pudding and Cookie.


寶貝寵物 • 2016年3月/4月

Pet Tale


une June 在澳門出生,2006年從澳洲留 學回來,因年紀還輕,父母希望她能在社會 上多累積些經驗, 所以希望她能先投身社 會工作,暫時不要自己創業。她覺得要在設計這 行在澳門施展拳腳有一定的困難,所以決定先 投身酒店行業,大概兩三年後,發覺酒店業好像 不太合適自己,所以便轉行到賭場的市場推廣 部工作,一直做到現在。 June June 本來就很喜歡小動物,2011年的一 個下午她剛吃完飯路過一間寵物店,就走進去, 見到一隻貴賓狗好可愛,在很小的鐵籠裏面很 活潑, 想清楚之後就決定買回家。狗仔帶回家 后,她就決定为牠起一個名字叫 “布甸”。 “ 布甸”好聰明、好可愛,買回家的時候牠只有三 個月大, 但只用了半天的時間牠已經知道去哪里 大小便及能聽懂一些比較簡單的指令。 三個月後媽咪跟我講她將要退休,然而我擔心 她退休後生活會無聊, 所以想了很久決定再買 隻大狗陪她,媽咪一向都好喜歡小動物,不過 因為以前要上班她怕沒太多時間去陪狗狗玩, 所以就一直都沒養。現在她決定退休,那我就可 以買隻狗狗送給她、陪住她,因為爹、媽咪本來 就喜歡大狗,所以我們就決定買一隻金毛尋回 犬。 過了幾天,我 就去上次買“布甸”的那間寵物 店,一進門就看到一隻很可愛的小金毛在喝奶, 當時它也只有四個月大,我陪牠玩了一會,覺得 牠的性格非常好, 所以就決定買回家。媽咪見 到狗狗很開心,還幫它取個名字 “Cookie” 。”Cookie” 和 “布甸” 相處得非常融洽, 一般情況下只要不是搶東西吃的時候,牠們都 玩得很好。養了兩隻狗狗之後我和媽咪就決定 開寵物店,這樣我們就可以幫很多寵物做美容, 我們也可以接觸到很多可愛的貓貓狗狗,每天 在寵物店的時候,時間都過得好快,因為這一 個行業帶給人好多正能量。 “Cookie” 和 “布甸” 改變了我們很多, 媽咪也因為牠們兩個,好久都沒去旅行了,因 為不放心把牠們交給其他人照顧。不知不覺間 “Cookie” 和 “布甸”已經陪伴我們四年了。 我很感謝牠們為我們 一家帶來的很多快樂時 光。把牠們照顧好就是我們的責任。

Pets & Hugs • March/ April 2016


was born in Macau but only in 2006 did I return from studying in Australia. At the time, I was still young and my parents wanted me to gain some experience in the community and participate in social work instead of running my own business. So I decided to join the hotel industry, but three years down the road, I realized I was not suited to this particular industry and switched to a casino marketing department. I have always been very fond of animals and one afternoon after lunch in 2011, I walked past a pet store and went inside to take a look. There, I saw a lively beautiful poodle in a tiny cage. After having a think, I decided to take the poodle, now named Pudding, home. Pudding at the time was only three months old but was already exceedingly clever. Within half a day, Pudding knew where to go to the toilet and understood simple instructions. Three months later, my mother told me that she was going to retire. Worried that she would become bored after retirement; I decided to buy a bigger dog to keep her company. She had always liked animals, especially big dogs, but when she had a job, she was worried that she wouldn’t have time to accompany and play with them. Now that she had decided to retire, I could finally buy her a Golden Retriever. After a few days, I went back to the same pet store where I bought Pudding. As soon as I walked through the door, I saw a beautiful fourmonth-old Golden Retriever drinking milk. I played with him for a while, and thought he had a great personality so I brought him home. As soon as my mother saw the puppy, she named him Cookie. Cookie and Pudding get along very well - as long as there is no food involved. After our experience with our two canine family members, we decided to open a pet shop to take care and groom other pets. My mother and I both love being surrounded by animals and so time flies by when we are working. Working with animals gives off such a great energy – it’s a great industry to be a part of. Cookie and Pudding have changed us a lot over the past four years. My mother hasn’t been travelling since they joined our family because she worries about leaving them with other caretakers. I am forever grateful for the joy and happiness they have brought our family – that is why taking care of them is our responsibility.



Suphalak貓 Suphalak Attention needs 需要關注度 讓我參加!

貓第一次出現在3 0 0年前古老的泰 文手稿中。泰國繁殖者嘗試了很長一 段時間,但直到最近才成功地複活了 這種極其罕見的品種。 The Suphalak cat first appears in the ancient Thai manuscripts written over 300 years ago. Breeders in Thailand have been trying for a very long time, but only recenlty have they successfully resurrected this extremely rare breed.

情感 我喜歡愛。 Attention needs 活躍程度 我也可以像你生活中的狗一樣。 與孩子關係 當然好!

Attention needs Involve me! Affection I love to love Activenessneeds Attention I can be the dog in your life too Relationship with children Sure!


寶貝寵物 • 2016年3月/4月

Cat Breed


u p h a l a k 貓 是 原 產 於 泰 國、強 壯 而 有 褐色短毛的貓品種。 Suphalak貓是一 種 天 然 品 種,不 應 與 貂 皮色 的 緬 甸 貓 混 淆,Suphalak貓是確定的品種,體現了緬甸基因 的重點色,這導致其面部、耳朵、腳和尾巴的毛色 較暗。 Suphalak貓的雛型第一次出現在在300年前被 稱為Tamra Maew的古代泰文手稿中,但直到最 近泰國繁殖者才成功復活這種極其罕見的品種。 過去幾十年里許多泰國繁殖者曾試圖復活這種已 絕種的貓,但沒有成功。這主要因為兩個問題:第 一是Suphalak非常罕見,繁殖者很難找到牠們; 其次,為了負責地繁殖及避免近親繁殖,繁殖者 需要找到兩隻貓,一雄一雌。 2013年一隻名為Ayothaya、強壯的棕色雄貓 從曼谷一座寺廟中被拯 救出來。隨著形成褐色 和緬甸種類的基因的發現,現在已可以理解形成 Suphalak貓的遺傳特徵。 該Su p h a l a k的毛色應 該是 豐富的,甚至整個 身體覆蓋著溫暖的褐色。更理想的毛色是紅褐 色(而不是黑褐色)並不顯示虎斑紋。“Tam ra M a e w ”是 指 這 種 顏 色 稱 為“ t h o n g daeng”或銅的顏色。當今泰國的繁殖者往往 把這種毛色比作羅望子果莢(泰國美食中常用 材料)的果肉。 像其他貓品種一樣,原產泰國的Suphalak貓很 明顯喜歡與人相處。牠們聰明、有感情、好玩,往 往有像狗一樣的個性和特色。牠們他們喜歡叫、 好動、愛玩,不喜歡被獨留在家中或被忽視。

Pets & Hugs • March/ April 2016


he Suphalak is a solid brown, shor t-haired breed of cat originating in Thailand. The Suphalak is a natural breed and should not be confused with the sable Burmese cat, an established breed which expresses the colorpoint Burmese gene which results in a darker shadow on the face, ears, feet and tail. A loose standard for the Suphalak first appears in the ancient Thai manuscripts writ ten over 30 0 years ago known as the Tamra Maew but only recently breeders in Thailand have successfully resurrec ted this ex tremely rare breed. Throughout the past several decades many breeders in Thailand have tried to resurrec t this lost breed of cat but without success. This has been at tributed to t wo major problems, the first being that the Suphalak is so rare breeders have had great dif ficult y finding them. Secondly, to breed responsibly and avoid inbreeding a breeder would need to find t wo of these cats, a male and female.

當今泰國的繁殖者往 往把這種毛色比作羅 望子果莢(泰國美 食中常用材 料)的果肉。

In 2013 a solid brown male cat named Ayothaya was resued from a temple in Bangkok . With the discover y of the genes responsible for the brown colour and the Burmese pat tern it is now possible to understand the genetics responsible for the Suphalak . The Suphalak ’s coat colour should be a rich and even shade of warm brown throughout the body. The coat colour is ideally more of a red-brown rather than a black-brown and does not show tabby markings. The ‘ Tamra Maew ’ refers to this colour as “thong daeng” or the colour of copper. Breeders in Thailand today of ten compare the coat colour to the pulp of the tamarind fruit pod, a common ingredient used in thai cuisine. Like other cat breeds originating from Thailand the Suphalak is notably people oriented. They are intelligent, af fec tionate and play ful, of ten taking on more of a dog-like personalit y and charac teristics. They are communicative, ac tive, play ful and do not like to be lef t alone or ignored.

Breeders in Thailand today often compare the coat color to the pulp of the tamarind fruit pod, a common ingredient used in thai cuisine.



看在貓咪的份上 For the Love of Cats

Gigi Lee在她生命中有 很 多 創 作,作 為 一 個 藝 術家,她最喜愛製作藝術 品。除畫筆和畫布外,她 似乎創作了別的東西—— 為6隻無家可歸的貓提供 一個充滿愛的環境。


Gigi Lee has created a lot in her life, as an artist making works of art is what she loves best. Away from the paint brushes and canvases she seems to have created something else, a loving environment for six homeless cats.

寶貝寵物 • 2016年3月/4月

Cat Story


igi Lee的家揭露了很多有關她的性格,她是個非常有創意 的愛貓之人。在她公寓內周圍一瞥,發現大量的藝術原材 料、顏色和畫布與及貓咪含情脈脈的凝視。再仔細觀察還顯露了 一個或兩個現實生活中的模範,Gigi是多達6隻愛貓的主人。 作為澳門的商業藝術家,Gigi的作品包括繪畫、多媒體、視覺藝 術和聽覺藝術,因此為了世界各地的展覽和藝術作品她頻頻外 出。她也是藝術無國界協會的創辦人和負責人,該會於2008年成 立。從澳門到香港到台灣,她的作品經常在展覽會上展覽。 與她一起的並不一定是貓。因為該藝術家與狗一起成長,她父母 喜歡狗,無論大的、小的狗都會從街上救回來,Gigi與許多不同 品種的狗一起成長。 儘管她很愛狗,但因Gigi要經常出外,她必須考慮在家裡養別的 動物以建立一個家庭,該品種要很獨立,而且不需要1天內3次散 步的動物,該動物當然是貓,有6隻。 與貓同住一屋還有好處,其中之一是沒有犬吠聲。 “貓很安靜, 大部分時間牠們不製造噪音,我並不需要如狗 般時常陪伴 牠 們,”她談及牠們的獨立天性。 “我大部分工作是抽象的,但也做了一系列有關貓的,”Gigi解 釋說。 “幾個月前(6月份),在葡文書局我有一個以貓為主題的 個人展覽,現在我有一件作品在藝術博物館,一件抽象互動的藝

Pets & Hugs • March/ April 2016


igi Lee’s home discloses a lot about her character, she is a very creative person who loves cats. A quick glance around her apartment reveals a lot of art materials, colours, and canvases with cats adoringly staring back. Closer inspection also reveals a real life model – or two. Gigi is the loving owner of no less than six cats. A commercial artist from Macau, Gigi’s work includes painting, multimedia, visual arts and audio which frequently sees her travelling to be part of exhibitions and artwork in other parts of the world. She is also the founder and curator of Borderless Arts Association which was started in 2008. From Macau to Hong Kong to Taiwan, her work is often on display in exhibitions. It was not always cats that kept her company, however. The artist grew up with dogs, her parents loved the animals and would rescue them from the streets, big, small, Gigi grew up with a number of different breeds. Despite her love for canines, Gigi’s travels mean that she had to consider another type of animal to have at home and build a family with, one that is more independent and that doesn’t need to be walked three times a day, that animal is of course a cat. Or six. There are upsides to sharing a house with cats, the lack of barking being one of them. “Cats are very quiet, most of the time they don’t make a lot of noise, and I don’t always need to accompany them as much as dogs,” she says of their independent nature. “Most of my work is abstract, but I have done a series on cats,” Gigi explains. “A few months ago I had a solo exhibition on the theme of cats at Livraria Portuguesa and I now have a piece of


貓的故事 術品。” 在葡文書局展出的作品題為Milky Way Galaxy,結合 貓和銀河系的主題。 第1隻貓Vodka是來自“貓空間”,1個半月大的牠細得足以放在 她手裏。那是2009年,當年有個很強的颱風,Almond Chan 小姐在滂沱大雨下致電給Gigi,問她能否盡快帶牠走。那天晚 上,Vodka便被帶到牠新的家,而今天,牠是這家其他遲來的貓 的老大哥,並且是隻快樂和健康的貓,只是“胖了點兒”Gigi笑 著補充說。 大約兩個月後,澳門愛護動物協會的短尾貓Naia,帶著瘋狂、調 皮的性格隨後而來。他們認為Naia會是Vodka的好夥伴,用她 的淘氣來娛樂他,後來證明他們是對的。牠們第一次見面有一番 激戰,但今天牠們卻是最好的密友和犯罪夥伴。偶爾打打架。 Donut喜歡參加戰團,牠愛一些吵鬧和搗蛋的行為。去年從街頭 救回來加入這個家族,現在大約3歲。約一年前,當Gigi探望住 在附近的父母後,經常在深夜時分見到牠在街上。當牠見到Gigi 會不停地 喵,“牠 好 像是在叫 我,”她回憶道。原來牠在呼喚 附近一隻雌貓,牠的女朋友。

況,Gigi決定救這幼崽,這是2013年11月而當時外面非常寒冷。 貓咪團結一起,護相照顧。 “冬天,我再不需要開暖氣,” Vodka 和 Naia總是睡在Gigi的床上。 “Naia很聰明,她知道 我甚麼時候去睡覺,Vodka則喜歡睡在我的頭上,”該藝術家笑 自己非一般的睡眠安排,Popcorn和Corn睡在她的腳邊,得到 她的保護。 雖然目前沒有計劃領養更多貓,Gigi 總是樂於幫助朋友和陌生 人,在有需要時,替他們提供寄養貓或當他們出外旅行時,照顧 他們的貓。而當她自己出外時,鄰居和朋友也替她照顧她的一窩 貓,所以當她有能力時,她很樂意幫忙。 Gigi樂於助人的天性,蔓延到她生活各個層面;在她的作品中, 她描繪了北極熊,因為牠們正面臨滅絕的危機。Gigi的訊息很明 確,澳門需要動物保護法,人們需要運用他們的同情心,即使你 不關心動物,至少也不要傷害牠們。我們應該好好分享這個善意 的訊息。

“我替牠拍照,並問朋友,是否 有人認識牠或知道牠屬於誰” ,但似乎沒有人知道牠任何資 料。牠非常溫純和友善,Gigi甚 至抱起牠,牠也不怕人。街坊一 些朋友建議她照顧牠,他們擔 心,因為牠太和善,會有人傷害 牠。 與此同時,還有其他貓在Gigi 的照顧下找到避難所和愛。3年 前Popcorn 和 Corn是來自“ 貓空間”的兩姐妹。當時Gigi在 面書上看到牠們 的照片,她感 到一種要給牠們一個家的迫切 心情。看到牠們的照片一分鐘 內,她在線上留下訊息,之後對 自己說“我在做什麼?!” Vodka 和 Naia對2隻新來的 白色小貓非常友善,與牠們玩 耍,體 貼又 溫 柔。大家沒有 嫉 妒,一切都順暢,當談到建立一 個幸福貓咪的家時,Gigi 有些 感觸。 加入Cashew Nut便組成一 幫,如此命名是因為牠眼睛的 形狀。牠在當地的市場出生, 在同一天,牠父親被街上一個 人無故殘忍地打死。由於這慘


寶貝寵物 • 2016年3月/4月

Cat Story

work at the art museum, an abstract interactive work.” The work on show at the Portuguese bookshop was entitled The Milky Way Galaxy, combining the themes of cats and the galaxy. Vodka the cat was the first to arrive from Meow Space and he was tiny enough at one and a half months to fit in her hand. It was in 2009 and the year of a very big typhoon, and Ms. Almond Chan called during a very heavy rainfall and asked Gigi if she could come and take him, as soon as possible. That evening Vodka was brought to his new home, where today he is the big brother to all the others who have since arrived. Today he’s a happy and healthy cat, if a “little too fat” as Gigi adds, laughing. About two months later Naia the bobtailed cat came next, from Anima, with her crazy and naughty character. They thought she would be good company for Vodka, entertaining him with her mischief, and they were right. The first time they met there was some fighting involved, but today they are the best of buddies and partners in crime. With a bit of fighting every now and then. Donut likes to join in too, he enjoys a good bit of rough and tumble. Rescued from the street, he joined the clan last year and is around three years old. Gigi had seen him on the street for about a year, often spotting him late at night after visiting her parents who live nearby. He would meow a lot when he saw Gigi, “it seemed like he was calling me,” she recounts. Turns out he was calling his girlfriend, another female cat nearby. “I would take his photo and ask friends if anyone knew him or who he belonged to,” but nobody seemed to know anything about him. He was really tame and friendly and Gigi even held him, he wasn’t afraid of people. It was some friends in the neighbourhood who suggested she take care of him, they were worried that because he is so friendly, someone would hurt him.

Pets & Hugs • March/ April 2016

In the meantime, there were other cats who had found refuge and love in Gigi’s care too. Popcorn and Corn are two sisters who came from Meow Space three years ago. When Gigi saw their photos on Facebook she felt an instant connection to offer them a home. Within one minute of seeing their photo she left a message online and afterwards wondered to herself “what am I doing?!” Vodka and Naia were very friendly to the two new white kittens, playing with them and being sweet and kind. There was no jealousy and it all happened in no time, Gigi has the touch when it comes to creating a happy feline home. Cashew Nut completes the gang, so named for the shape of his eyes. He was born at the local market, on the same day his father was cruelly killed by someone on the street who beat him for no reason. From this sad state of affairs, Gigi decided to rescue the baby, it was November 2013 and very cold outside. The cats all stick together and look out for each other. “In winter I don’t need to switch on the heater anymore,” Vodka and Naia always sleep in Gigi’s bed. “Naia is very clever, she knows when I go to bed, and Vodka likes to sleep on my head,” the artist laughs at her unusual sleeping arrangements, with Popcorn and Corn at her feet, she’s got it covered. Although there are no plans to adopt any more cats, Gigi is always happy to help friends and strangers by fostering cats when needed or looking after them when people are travelling. Neighbours and friends look after her brood when she is away, so she is happy to help when she can. Gigi’s caring nature extends to all areas of her life; in her artwork she paints polar bears because they are facing extinction. Gigi’s message is clear, Macau needs animal protection laws and people need to exercise their compassion, even if you don’t care about animals, at least don’t hurt them. A message of kindness we would all do well to share.



大名头,大事業 Big Names, Big Causes 在世界各地和 家附近都有些組 織 不知疲倦地為保護和 培育動物而 工作。雖然很多都是我們熟悉的名 字,他们究竟在做什麼及我們如何 能夠提供幫助?《寶貝寵物》带你 細看一些代表大大小小動物的較出 名的組織机构。

Around the world and close to home there are organizations working tirelessly to protect and nurture animals. While many of the names will be familiar, who does exaclty what and how can we help? Pets&Hugs takes a closer look at the bigger names working on behalf of animals, big and small.

英國皇家防止虐待動物協會(RSPCA) 成立時間:1824年 能夠成為歷史最悠久的公益慈善機構我們很自豪。我們是第一個推 出保護動物的法律,而且我們努力工作以確保所有的動物可以過着没 有痛苦和折磨的自由生活。 英國皇家防止虐待動物協會(RSPCA)是一家在英格蘭和威爾士運 營、促進動物福利的慈善機構。它是世界上歷史最悠久、規模最大的 動物福利組織,亦是英國最大的慈善機構之一,它的國際外展工作橫 跨歐洲、非洲及亞洲。 RSPCA在整個19世紀遊說英國議會,產生了一些新的法律,並繼續在 創造動物福利和執行方面發揮一個積極的角色。

Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA) Founded: 1824 We’re proud to be the oldest welfare charity around. We were the first to introduce a law to protect animals and we work hard to ensure that all animals can live a life free from pain and suffering. The Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA) is a charity operating in England and Wales that promotes animal welfare. The oldest and largest animal welfare organization in the world and is one of the largest charities in the UK also does international outreach work across Europe, Africa and Asia. The RSPCA lobbied Parliament throughout the nineteenth century, resulting in a number of new laws and has continued to play an active role, both in the creation of animal welfare legislation and in its enforcement. 24

寶貝寵物 • 2016年3月/4月

International Local Interest Story PETA Founded: 1980

善待動物組織 成立時間:1980年 動物是不是我們用來吃、 穿、做實驗、用來娛樂、 或以任何方式來濫用的。 於19 8 0 年 3月由 I n g r i d Newkirk及其同伴、動物權利活動 家Alex Pacheco成立的該組織 在1981年夏天第一次引起了公眾的 關注,在此期間一件 被稱為 Si lve r S p r i n g 猴子案件廣泛受到公眾爭 議,此案是有關在馬里蘭州Si lve r Spring市的行為研究所內對17隻恒 河猴進行實驗。此案歷時十年,是 唯一警方突襲美國動物實驗室的案 件,引發1985年對該國動物福利法 的修正案,並建立了一個國際知名的 PETA組織。 今天PETA關注四個核心議題——反 對工廠化養殖、皮草養殖、動物試驗 和動物娛樂。该機構還反對吃肉、 釣魚、殺害宠物、在後院鎖起狗隻、 鬥雞、鬥狗和鬥牛。

Animals are not ours to eat, wear, experiment on, use for entertainment, or abuse in any other way. Founded in March 1980, by Ingrid Newkirk and fellow animal rights activist Alex Pacheco, the organization first caught the public’s attention in the summer of 1981 during what became known as the Silver Spring monkeys case, a widely publicized dispute about experiments conducted on 17 macaque monkeys inside the Institute of Behavioral Research in Silver Spring, Maryland. The case lasted ten years, involved the only police raid on an animal laboratory in the United States, triggered an amendment in 1985, to that country’s Animal Welfare Act, and established PETA as an internationally known organization. Today PETA focuses on four core issues— opposition to factory farming, fur farming, animal testing, and animals in entertainment. It also campaigns against eating meat, fishing, the killing of animals regarded as pests, the keeping of chained backyard dogs, cock fighting, dog fighting, and bullfighting.

世界自然基金會 (WWF) 成立時間:1961年 遏止地球自然環境的 惡化,創造一個人類 與自然和諧相處的未 來。 世界自然基金會 ( W W F )是 一 家 成 立於1961年4月29日 的國際非政府組織, 它致力於有關環境的保護、研究和恢復的議 題。它前身是世界野生動物基金會,這個正式 名稱仍然保留在加拿大和美國使 用。W WF是世界上規模最大的環境保護組 織,在世界各地有超過500萬支持者,在100 多個國家開展工作,支援約1,300個自然保護 和環境項目。 目前,WWF的工作重點集中在三個區域的保 育,這些區域包含世界上最多的生物多樣性: 海洋和海岸、森林及淡水生態系統。WWF還 關注瀕危物種、污染和氣候變化。

World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) Founded: 1961 Stop the degradation of the planet’s natural environment and to build a future in which humans live in harmony with nature. The World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) is an international non-governmental organization founded on April 29, 1961, and works on issues regarding the conservation, research and restoration of the environment. It was formerly named the World Wildlife Fund, which remains its official name in Canada and the United States. It is the world’s largest conservation organization with over 5 million supporters worldwide, working in more than 100 countries, supporting around 1,300 conservation and environmental projects. Currently, much of its work focuses on the conservation of three regions that contain most of the world’s biodiversity: oceans and coasts, forests, and freshwater ecosystems. Among other issues, it is also concerned with endangered species, pollution and climate change. Pets & Hugs • March/ April 2016


國際故事 The Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) Formed: 1903

防止虐待動物協會 (SPCA) 成立時間:1903年 為了促進善待動物、 保護牠們的健康和福 利、防止 虐 待,及 通 過教育激勵社會上對 生命的尊重,讓所有生物可以一起和諧地生活。 防止虐待動物協會是香港第一個應對各方面動物福利的慈善機 構,最初由一群志願者在1903年成立,並於1921年開始活躍起 來。愛護動物協會認為動物是像人類一樣的生物,都能夠感覺到 疼痛、飢餓和口渴。我們不應該因為牠們不能講話而對我們的生 命夥伴造成痛苦。

To promote kindness to animals, to protect their health and welfare, to prevent cruelty and through education, to inspire in the community a deep respect for life so that all living creatures may live together in harmony. The first charity in Hong Kong to deal with all aspects of animal welfare, The Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals was first formed by a group of volunteers in 1903 and became active in 1921. SPCA believe that animsals are living creatures which like humans, are able to feel pain, hunger and thirst. Suffering should not be inflicted upon our fellow creatures just because they cant speak.

GREY2K USA Worldwide Formed: 2001

賽狗是殘酷及不人道的,應該予以禁止。 成立時間:2001年 GREY2K USA Worldwide是世界上最大的格力犬保護組織。作 為一個非盈利組織,它致力通過更強大的格力犬保護法律和結束 國内和國際層面的殘酷賽狗,努力在世界各地促進救援和收養格 力犬。 GREY2K USA Worldwide第一個成功利用選票主導的流程成 功取締賽狗,自這個組織成立以來,美國 各地超過24個賽狗場已被關閉,而有賽狗 的州的數量已經減少了一半。律師、遊說 者、作家、教育家、收養領袖和其他人一 起致力結束殘酷的賽狗活動。 GREY2K USA Worldwide目前在全球各 地致力防止任何賽狗的擴張,及爭取在目 前有殘酷的賽狗活動的8個國家中終止此 類活動。

Greyhound racing is cruel and inhumane, and should be prohibited. GREY2K USA Worldwide is the largest greyhound protection organization in the world. As a non-profit organization it works to pass stronger greyhound protection laws and an end to the cruelty of dog racing on both national and international levels, working to promote the rescue and adoption of greyhounds across the globe. The first organization to successfully outlaw dog racing using the ballot intiative process, more than two dozen dog tracks have closed for live racing across the US since the organization’s formation, and the number of states with dog racing has been cut in half. Lawyers, lobbyists, writers, educators, adoption leaders and others are working together to end the cruelty of dog racing wherever it exists. GREY2K now works around the globe to protect any expansion and to end the cruelty of dog racing in the eight countries where it currently exists. 26

寶貝寵物 • 2016年3月/4月

International Local Interest Story

Sea Shepherd Conservation Society Founded: 1977

海洋守護者協會 成立時間:1977年 “我們的使命是結束對棲息地的破壞和對世界各大海洋中野生 動物的屠宰,以保全和保護生態系統和物種。”海洋守護者協會 (SSCS)是一個國際非營利的海洋野生動物組織,它使用創新 的直接行動策略調查、記錄和採取行動,在必要時揭露和反對對 公海的海洋野生動物進行的非法活動。通過維護海洋生態平衡 系統的生物多樣性,SSCS努力確保海洋生物的生存和繁殖。

“Our mission is to end the destruction of habitat and slaughter of wildlife in the world’s oceans in order to conserve and protect ecosystems and species.” Sea Shepherd Conservation Society (SSCS) is an international non-profit, marine wildlife conservation organization that uses innovative direct-action tactics to investigate, document, and take action when necessary to expose and confront illegal activities on the high seas. By safeguarding the biodiversity of delicately balanced ocean ecosystems, Sea Shepherd works to ensure their survival for future generations.

亞洲動物基金 成立時間:1998年 亞洲動物基金促進對所有動物的同情和 尊重,並致力帶來長遠的變化。 亞洲動物基金致力於結束野蠻的熊膽貿 易,在中國的膽汁農場有超過10,0 0 0隻 熊,而現在越南有少於2,000隻熊。 亞洲動物基金還致力於結束在中國和越 南的狗貓食品貿易,並遊說改善動物伴 侶的福利,促進人性化的人口管理,及防 止亞洲的“肉用犬”跨境出口。此外,亞 洲動物基金為結束在亞洲的動物園和野 生動物園虐待動物的做法發起活動,並 與執政當局密切合作,改善動物管理及 提高對圈養動物福利需求的認識。

Animals Asia Founded: 1998 Animals Asia promotes compassion and respect for all animals and works to bring about long-term change. Animals Asia works to end the barbaric bear bile trade, which sees over 10,000 bears kept on bile farms in China, and now under 2,000 held in Vietnam. Animals Asia also works to end the trade in dogs and cats for food in China and Vietnam, and lobbies to improve the welfare of companion animals, promote humane population management and prevent the cross border export of “meat dogs” in Asia. In addition, Animals Asia campaigns for an end to abusive animal practices in zoos and safari parks in Asia, and works closely with governing authorities to improve animal management and increase awareness of the welfare needs of captive animals. Pets & Hugs • March/ April 2016



遲來的結局在望? A delayed end in sight? 過去幾年逸園賽狗場受盡利 潤 下 降的苦 楚。然而,2 015 年年底,其專營權到期時,行 政長官決定將其延長1年。但 ANIMA總裁Albano Martins 感樂觀:結局將至。

Yat Yuen Canidrome has been suffering a decrease in profits over the past years. Yet, by the end of 2015, when the time came to terminate its concession, the chief executive decided to extend it for one more year. But ANIMA president, Albano Martins, is optimistic: the end is near.

澳門愛護動物協會(ANIMA)曾計算:過去10年,逸園賽狗場 殺死至少4,0 0 0隻格力犬。政府延長其專營權1年,該組織認為 只是為爭取時間 – 當這1年完結時,賽狗場亦將結束。在此期 間,ANIMA和國外夥伴向澳洲政府施壓,防止出口格力犬到澳 門。 “澳洲航空和國泰航空[澳洲航班]已經同意。”

he Macau Society for the Protection of Animals (ANIMA) has done the math: for the past 10 years, at least 4000 greyhounds have been killed by Yat Yuen Canidrome. The government extended its concession for one more year, but the organization believes it is just to gain time - when that year finishes, the dogracing compound will be over. In the meantime, ANIMA and its foreign counterparts are pressuring the Australian government to prevent greyhounds exports to the territory. “Qantas and Cathay Pacific [Australian airlines] have already accepted.”

去年,逸園賽狗 場 倍受注目。7月份,澳門舉 行 一 個 格力犬國 際會議,聚集了ANIMA的代表及來自北京的CAWA- Capital Animal Welfare Association、SPCA (台灣) 、 SPCA (香港) 、Kirsten (香港)、 Animals Asia (香港) 、 Animals Asia (中 國) 、 Animals Australia、 RSPCA (澳洲) 、 RSPCA (英國) 和 GREY2K USA Worldwide。 ANIMA總裁Albano Martins說,會議闡明“建立一個國際平 臺”對抗賽狗業的發展,以及規劃一個工作方案。此外,國際組 織表明他們願意協助ANIMA轉送格力狗到世界其他地方,盡量 減少這行動帶給本地組織的影響。9月份,ANIMA和10個國際組 織(見圖)向行政長官遞交1份請願書,要求不再續簽特許專營合 同。 然而,當續約期到,行政長官決定續約1年。Martins先生認為政 府僅以這方法來爭取調查的時間。他說,“2012年我們開始爭



Last year, all eyes were upon Yat Yuen Canidrome. In July, an International Roundtable on Greyhounds took place in Macau, gathering representatives from ANIMA along with CAWA-China Animal Welfare Association from Beijing, SPCA (Taiwan), SPCA (HK), Kirsten (HK), Animals Asia (HK), Animals Asia (China), Animals Australia, RSPCA (Australia), RSPCA (UK) and GREY2K USA Worldwide. The meeting defined “the establishment of an international platform” against the advances of the greyhound industry, along with the planning of an working scheme, says the president of ANIMA, Albano Martins. In addition, the international organizations showed that they were ready to support ANIMA in transferring greyhounds to every part of the world, so as to minimize effects that such a move could cause the local association. In September, ANIMA and ten of its international counterparts (see BOX) submitted a petition to the chief executive, asking for the non-renewal of the concession contract.

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Cover Story

Pets & Hugs • March/ April 2016



取,而整個過程是與前行政法務司司長陳麗敏交涉。截至去年年 底,新來的行政法務司司長[陳海帆]上任時間短,唯一可行的就 是延長1年專營權。 ” 自1963年以來,逸園賽狗場一直經營賽狗,其專營權於2015年年 底到期,該賽狗場是由賭王何鴻燊及其家族所控制賭業集團的 一部分。

2011年香港出版的星期日南華早報一份報告稱,逸園賽狗場1年 內殺死380多隻從澳大利亞進口的格力狗,隨後牽起ANIMA與 逸園賽狗場的對抗。該報告指出若狗隻“無利可圖”- 如牠們生 病、受傷或未能在連續5場比賽中排列前3名,便會被殺。該報告 提到,逸園賽狗場每月平均殺死30隻狗,當中大部分都是健康 的,只因牠們沒有競爭力。

2012年,逸園賽狗場理應推出領養計畫。但Martins先生稱之 自 2 011年 以 來,該 公司 利 潤 一直下 降。據 博 彩 監 察 協 調 局 為“騙局”,因為他知道只有4隻狗被領養。 “只有4隻狗被送到 狗房收養,而第1隻是由狗場自己的獸醫‘領養’ , (DICJ)所指,2014年逸園賽狗場年度總收入為 住在他的診所,而不是住在家裏。” 1.45億澳門元,比上一年減少18.54%。2013年總 收入為1.78億澳門元。2012年,錄得比上一年下 自196 3年以來,逸 降17.7%至8,500萬澳門元。 園賽狗場一直經營 未來就是領養 多虧大幅削減稅收,從1985年的50%到1988年 的35%及2005年的25%, 博彩業支付40%的稅 ——Martins先生表示,賽狗還未到其應有的慘 況。 “上一次減稅幫助該公司經過4年累計虧損 後,在2006年開始有盈利。” 此外,Martins先生說,逸園賽狗場仍然在公開 拍賣出售進口格力狗上賺錢。“他們以6倍買入 價公開拍賣同一 數 量的進口狗 ”,他 進一 步 解 釋:“2015年1月至6月,該狗場從拍賣交易獲利 3,134,000澳門元。”


賽 狗,其 專營權 於 2015年年底到期。 Yat Yuen Canidrome has been operating greyhound races since 1963 and its concession contract was due to expire by the end of 2015.

Grey2K USA Worldwide主席Christine Dorchak (2001年至2015年曾在美國協助關掉 2 8間賽狗場)告訴《寶貝寵物》,逸園賽狗場是 世上最糟的賽狗場。她說,“每年數以百計的狗 從澳大利亞運到該狗場 – 然而沒有一隻能活生 生的離開”,她補充說:“因為沒有切實的領養計 劃。” 據Grey2K USA Worldwide的代表稱,“世上沒 有其他賽狗場,不為退役的賽狗安排領養”。在逸 園賽狗場,“只要狗的速度減慢或受嚴重傷病,便

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Cover Story Still, when the time came, the chief executive decided to renew it for one more year. Mr Martins believes it is simply a way for the government to gain time to investigate. “We started our fight in 2012 and the process was with the former secretary for Administration and Justice, Florinda Chan. At the end of last year, the new secretary [Sónia Chan] was in office for a short period of time. The only way out was to extend the concession for one more year,” he says. Yat Yuen Canidrome has been operating greyhound races since 1963 and its concession contract was due to expire by the end of 2015. It is part of the gaming empire controlled by gaming tycoon Stanley Ho Hung Sun and his family. Since 2011, the company has been witnessing a decrease in profits. The Canidrome’s gross annual revenue for 2014 was 145 million patacas, which corresponded to a decrease of 18.54 per cent from the previous year. In 2013, the gross income was 178 million patacas, according to the Inspection and Coordination Bureau (DICJ). In 2012, it posted a 17.7 percent year-on-year drop to 85 million patacas. Thanks to the substantial reductions in taxes, from 50 percent in 1985 to 35 percent in 1988 and 25 percent in 2005 – the gaming industry pays 40 percent in taxes - Mr Martins says dog races have not had the bad results they should. “The last tax reduction helped the company to begin to have profits in 2006, after four years accumulating losses.” In addition, Mr Martins says the Canidrome still makes money from selling the imported greyhounds at public auctions. “They import the same number of dogs and sell them in public auctions at six times the prices they bought them for”, he justifies, adding: “From January to June 2015 they pocketed MOP 3,134,000 in those sales.” ANIMA’s fight against the Canidrome started after a report published in Hong Kong’s Sunday Morning Post, in 2011, in which it claimed that more than 380 greyhounds imported from Australia had been killed in a year. The report claimed dogs were killed if they were not “profitable” - if they are ill, injured or fail to place in the top three in five consecutive races. The report mentioned on average the Canidrome killed 30 dogs every month, the majority of which were healthy, simply because they are not competitive. In 2012, the Canidrome supposedly introduced an adoption program. But Mr Martins calls it a “scam,” as he only knows four adopted dogs. “Only four animals were sent to the kennel for adoption and the first one was ‘adopted’ by its own vet and lives in his clinic, not at home.”

時光倒流 自1931年以來澳門已有賽狗,由一批海外中國和美國商人引 進,後來成立澳門賽狗會和建設賽狗場地。 由於不流行,第二次世界大戰日本入侵香港期間,賽狗實際上 於1942年暫停。然而,1961年,一名中國印尼華橋鄭君豹獲發 新的賽狗專營權,翌年,另一家公司(澳門賽狗有限公司)獲 得專利。 逸園賽狗場由商人何賢(澳門首任行政長官何厚鏵的父親)領 導。1963年他購入專營權,他去世後,澳門旅遊娛樂股份有 限公司成為逸園賽狗場最大的股東。逸園賽狗場於第二次世 界大戰期間關閉,並在1965年重開。

Back in time

The future is adoption

Greyhound racing exists in Macau since 1931, having been introduced by a group of overseas Chinese and American traders, who later formed the Macao Canine Club and built the Canidrome.

Christine Dorchak, president of Grey2K USA Worldwide - that has helped close 28 dog tracks in the US from 2001 to 2015 - told Pets&Hugs that Yat Yuen Canidrome is the worst dog track in the world. “Hundreds of dogs are transported to the track each year from Australia - and not one gets out alive”, she says, adding: “This is because there is no actual adoption program.”

Unpopular, dog races were actually suspended in 1942 after the invasion of Hong Kong by the Japanese during the Second World War. Yet, in 1961, a new concession for the greyhound racing monopoly was given to a Chinese Indonesian Cheung Kuan Pau, and, in the following year, another company called Macau Greyhound Co Ltd had the monopoly.

According to the representative of Grey2K USA Worldwide, there is “no other track in the world that does not offer greyhounds for adoption post-racing”. At the Canidrome, “as soon as a dog slows down or suffers a serious injury, he is killed and replaced with another doomed greyhound.” Track records show that 30 dogs are destroyed each month.

The Canidrome was headed by businessman Ho Yin, the father of Macau’s first chief executive Edmund Ho Hau Wah, who had bought the concession in 1963. After his death, Sociedade de Turismo e Diversões de Macau SA became the Canidrome’s biggest shareholder. The Canidrome was closed during World War II and reopened in 1965.

Once the Canidrome is closed down for good, Ms Dorchak says

Pets & Hugs • March/ April 2016



“他們有一份狗名 單。每當 有名字 從 名單中消失,意味著 牠可能死了”— — Albano Martins “They have a list with the names of dogs. Whenever the name disappears from the list, it means it is probably dead” – Albano Martins

被殺死,並由另一隻劫數難逃的 賽狗代替。”狗場記錄顯示,每 月有30隻狗被毀滅。 D o r c h a k 女 士 說,一旦 逸 園 賽 狗 場 永遠 關 閉,在 A l b a n o Martins 和澳門ANIMA領導 下,GREY2K USA Worldwide、 亞洲動物基金和 Animals Australia,以及本地動物保護 組織如香港愛護動物協會,將“ 合力給逸園賽狗場的格力狗 一 直期待的第2個機會”,準備拯 救和領養倖存的狗。

Grey2K USA Worldwide隨時 準備以行動、財政和後勤全力支 持。她保證,“在美國有數以百 計領養格力狗的團體會接待這些狗到美國各地的愛心家園”。 Martins先生表示,ANIMA已接到世界各地要求收養格力狗。當 專營權結束後,ANIMA要求政府,讓該會以一年時間處理逸園 賽狗場的狗。在此期間,確保狗主把狗帶回來,安排領養,加上 其他國際動物福利組織的幫忙,將狗轉到其他國家,並準備新收 容所接收剩餘的狗。 英國皇家防止虐畜會(RSPCA)負責人Paul Littlefair對《寶貝寵 物》說,逸園賽狗場的賽道條件“沒有任何標準可言”,並稱賽 道“狹窄,表面材料不適合讓狗在上面安全地跑。 質疑在澳門的狗傷亡率“比其他國家要高得多”,他稱賽道應該 有很多地方要改進。他說,“狗隻相互碰撞風險高,亦導致受傷 率提高”。 英國皇家防止虐畜會國際負責人覺得,逸園賽狗場應該會有一定 的吠叫、噪音和糞便,Littlefair先生認為,社會對賽狗場現址應 有更好的選擇。 “為什麼不把它改為晚間運動場?” 他認為當專營權結束後,有幾個選擇。 他說,“如果我們能夠落 實計劃,將狗送到其他國家,當一些國家提出檢疫障礙,我們必 須考慮動物的福利。”他補充道:“我知道ANIMA很熱心,會為 等待被領養的狗提供臨時住所。” 由於格力狗的性情和需求是“相對可愛的寵物,出乎意料地溫 順,牠們不咆哮,是很安靜的狗”。在大多數有賽狗的國家,格力 狗很“容易”被領養。 澳大利亞是格力狗的來原國,Littlefair先生表示,澳大利亞示意 會處理這些動物。他還表示,即使因時間長短或隔離發生枝節, 香港亦隨著澳大利亞表示可以收留這些動物。他說,“香港可能 重新託管一定數量的動物”。


瑞吉·葛文 多才多藝的英國演員和喜劇演員瑞吉·葛文,已公開宣稱他鄙 視澳門逸園賽狗場對格力狗的待遇。 葛文曾榮獲7項BAFTA獎,5項英國喜劇獎,3項金球獎,2項 艾美獎和2006年Rose d’Or獎,還有一項美國演員工會獎 提名。 2010年,他被列入《時代》:最具影響力的一百人名單 上。 2014年2月該獲獎明星發佈強列反對逸園賽狗場的消息給他 11.133,491名追隨者,表達他厭惡這個世上最糟的賽狗場和 分享一個網上要求關閉賽狗場請願書的連結。 英國演員和亞洲動物基金大使彼得·伊根引述瑞吉·葛文的 格言,鼓勵他去支持關閉賽狗場的活動: “亞洲唯一的賽狗場,也被稱為世界最糟糕的,是時候徹底 地關閉澳門逸園賽狗場。” 瑞吉·葛文。

Ricky Gervais Multi-talented, English actor and comedian, Ricky Gervais, has publicly announced his distain for the treatment of greyhounds at the Yat Yuen Canidrome dog track in Macau. Gervais has won seven BAFTA Awards, five British Comedy Awards, three Golden Globe Awards, two Emmy Awards and the 2006 Rose d’Or, as well as a Screen Actors Guild Award nomination. In 2010 he was named on the Time 100 list of the world’s most influential people. In February 2014 the award winning star tweeted a strong antiCanidrome message to his 11,133,491 followers, expressing his disgust at the world’s worst track and sharing a link to an online petition to close it down. UK actor and Animals Asia Ambassador, Peter Egan, encouraged Ricky Gervais to support the campaign to close the dog racing track with the quote: “Asia’s only dog racing track has also been called the worst in the world, it’s time to shut Macau’s Yat Yuen Canidrome down, once and for all.” Ricky Gervais.

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Cover Story that, under the leadership of Albano Martins and ANIMA Macau, GREY2K USA Worldwide, Animals Asia and Animals Australia, along with the local Chinese animal protection groups like SPCA Hong Kong, the associations will “join to give the Canidrome greyhounds the second chance they have been waiting for”, preparing for the rescuing and adoption of the surviving dogs. Grey2K USA Worldwide stands ready to support efforts, financially and logistically. “There are hundreds of greyhound adoption groups in the United States that will welcome these dogs into loving homes all across America,” she assures.

只要狗的速度減慢 或受 嚴 重傷 病,便 被 殺 死,並由另 一 隻劫數難逃的賽狗 代替。” - Grey2K USA “as soon as a dog slows down or suffers a serious injury, he is killed and replaced with another doomed greyhound” - Grey2K USA

Suspecting that the injury rate in Macau “is much higher than in other countries”, he says the track should have a lot to do with it. “There’s a higher risk of dogs colliding with each other, also contributing to a high rate of injuries,” he says. Considering there should be some barking, noise and waste, at the Canidrome, Mr Littlefair, believes there are better options for the community, than to have at the venue a dog-racing track. “Why not make it an evening sport stadium?” After the concession finishes, he believes there are a few options. “If we are able to put in place a program to send dogs to other countries. Some countries present quarantine obstacles, we have to consider the welfare of the animals”, he says, adding: “I know that ANIMA is very keen to hold temporary sites for the dogs while they wait to be dispersed.”

Mr Martins said ANIMA has already received requests for greyhound adoptions, everywhere in the world. When the concession finishes, ANIMA is asking the government to allow it to handle the dogs inside the Canidrome for one year, during that period it will ensure that owners will take them back, make adoptions, transfer dogs to other countries with the help of other international animal welfare organizations, as well as prepare its new shelter for receiving the remaining dogs.

Greyhounds, due to their temperament and needs, are “relatively good pets, surprisingly very docile and they don’t bark, they’re quiet dogs”. In most countries, where there are dog races, greyhounds are “easily” adopted.

The head of International at the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA), Paul Littlefair, told Pets&Hugs that Yat Yuen Canidrome’s dog track condition is “not good by any standards”, naming that it is “narrow and that the surface material is not really suitable nor safe for dogs to run on it”.

With Australia being the country of origin, Mr Littlefair says Australia has showed signs of being available to deal with these animals. Along with Australia, Mr Littlefair said that Hong Kong also showed being available to collect these animals, even though there are complications due to the

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Cover Story Martins先生說,自國際會議在澳門舉行後,各協會之間有更緊 密的聯繫。他說,“例如,有中國夥伴支持我們”。 每個月,各組織監察逸園賽狗場網站披露的資訊。他說,“他們 有一份狗名單。每當有名字從名單中消失,意味著牠可能死了”。 此刻,ANIMA和外國組織試圖減少格力狗出口到澳門。 “我們 嘗試在中國阻止來自澳大利亞的動物。” 儘管收入下降,澳門博彩股份有限公司(SJM)董事梁安琪在一 份6月下旬刊登在官方公報的2014年財務報告中稱,她對延續逸 園賽狗場賽事有興趣。該報告指出,“展望未來,逸園賽狗場將 繼續積極尋找機會擴大業務,希望引進更佳服務和更加多元化, 配合政府將澳門提升為國際旅遊休閒中心的政治目標”。 去年11月,梁女士呼籲保留賽狗場,並承諾引進地區青年計劃, 特別倡議關於文化創意產業及體育領域。此外,梁說,假如專營 權能延長,逸園賽狗場會為年輕一代提供宿舍。

length of time or quarantine. “Also worked out has been the possibility of re-homing a certain number of animals in Hong Kong”, he says.

不管梁女士的意圖,Martins先生認為政府不會延長專營權超過 1年。對於ANIMA總裁來說,任何其他解決辦法都是“不合邏輯” ,他認為這不僅是每月殺死約30隻狗、還有騷擾那些居住在附 近、每日聽到被囚格力狗的哀鳴以及損失金錢。

Mr Martins says, since the international roundtable was held in Macau, there is now a stronger tie between associations. “We have the Chinese counterpart, for instance, supporting us”, he says. Every month, the associations control the information disclosed on the Canidrome website. “They have a list with the names of dogs. Whenever the name disappears from the list, it means it is probably dead,” he says. At this moment, ANIMA and the foreign organizations are trying to eliminate export of greyhounds to Macau. “We’re trying to block animals in China, coming from Australia.” Despite the decrease in revenues, Sociedade de Jogos de Macau (SJM) director Angela Leong, on the 2014 financial report, published in the Official gazette in late June, said she was interested in continuing with the Canidrome’s activities. “Looking into the future, the Canidrome will continue to actively look for opportunities to expand business, hoping to introduce better services and more diversified, promoting with the Government the political goals of turning Macau into a international tourism and leisure centre”, states the report. Last November, Ms Leong appealed to the retention of the greyhound venue and promised to introduce schemes to the region’s youth, especially initiatives concerning cultural and creative industries as well as the sporting domain. In addition, Leong said that a dormitory benefitting the younger generation would be provided by the Canidrome if the concession was extended. Despite Ms Leong’s intentions, Mr Martins believes the government will not extend the concession for more than one year. For the president of ANIMA any other solution would be “illogical”, considering it is not only killing about 30 dogs per month and disturbing the peace of those living nearby who hear the daily noise of the imprisoned greyhounds, as well as losing money.

Pets & Hugs • March/ April 2016



END the CRUELTY 終結殘酷對待

DOGS should only RUN for FUN 狗狗應該享受奔跑的樂趣 36

寶貝寵物 • 2016年3月/4月

Cover Story

請願書 去年9月,繼 澳門 格力犬國 際會 議後,澳門保 護 動 物 組 織 (ANIMA)和10個國外夥伴提交一份請願書給行政長官,要 求不與逸園賽狗場續簽專營權合同,並歸還該場地給社會。3 月至7月間該請願書已在網上收集了340,000個簽名。 ANIMA總裁Albano Martins指出,2015年全年有其他組 織和個人以同一目的簽署請願書。例如,著名音樂家羅傑· 泰勒向行政長官遞交一份請願書,要求結束逸園賽狗場。內 容為:“逸園賽狗場現在臭名昭著,被稱為現存最殘酷的賽狗 場。每個月有30隻格力狗不可避免地被殺,再由來自澳大利 亞的新賽狗取代。”

The petitions Following the International Roundtable on Greyhounds in Macau, Macau Society for the Protection of Animals (ANIMA) and ten other foreign counterparts submitted a petition, in September, addressing the chief executive asking for the non-renewal of the concession contract of the Yat Yuen Canidrome and the return of the venue to the community. The petition, which was available online, between March and July, gathered more than 340,000 signatures. ANIMA’s president, Albano Martins, notes that throughout 2015 there were other petitions signed by organizations and individuals about the same subject. For instance, the famous musician Roger Taylor, from the band Queen, submitted a petition also addressed to the chief executive asking for the Canidrome’s end, stating: “The Canidrome is now infamous, known as the cruelest greyhound track in existence. Every month, thirty greyhounds are needlessly killed, and replaced by new shipments of racing dogs from Australia.”

Pets & Hugs • March/ April 2016



去10年記載以前從未 有過的動物權利和成 因,從工廠化農場的駭 人聽聞,到主題公園(如海洋世 界)笑容背後的現實,當談到決 定在何處以及如何花費他們的 時間和精力,公眾比以往任何時 候都瞭解更多。我們來看看一 些電影標題已經有很大影響。


ver the past decade animal rights and causes have been documented like never before, from the horrors involved in factory farming to the realities behind the smiles at theme parks such as Sea World, the public are better informed than ever when it comes to making decisions on where and how they spend their time and energy. We take a look at a couple of titles that have made a big impact.

《Cowspiracy:可持續發展的秘密》(2014) Cowspiracy: The Sustainability Secret (2014) 該紀錄片探討畜牧業對環境破壞性的影響。 從砍伐森林、耗水量到水污染,畜牧業一直 比交通運輸業排放的溫室氣體多。預計到 2050年農業排放量將增加 80%,但仍將繼續,幾乎完全不受動搖。 The documentary explores the devastating impact of animal agriculture on the environment. From deforestation, water consumption to pollution, animal agriculture has been responsible for more greenhouse gases than the transportation industry. Emissions for agriculture are projected to increase 80% by 2050, yet it continues, almost entirely unchallenged.


寶貝寵物 • 2016年3月/4月

Animals in Entertainment

《黑魚》(2013) Blackfish (2013) 這部紀錄片顯露殺人鯨被擄的爭議和隨後有 關Tilikum——一條被圈養而已經殺害多人的 殺人鯨的故事。該紀錄片強調海洋公園行業 內的問題、人與自然界的關係,以及對這些高 智慧的哺乳動物瞭解不多的情況。 The documentary unfolds the controversy of the captivity of killer whales and follows the story of Tilikum, a captive killer whale that has taken the lives of several people. It underscores problems within the sea-park industry, man’s relationship to nature, and how little has been learned about these highly intelligent mammals.

《血色海灣》 (2009年) The Cove (2009) 該紀錄片危害到活躍份子的生命,因為他們 揭發日本太地町所發生的恐怖秘密:捕捉和 屠殺海豚。當地漁民稱之為當地文化傳統,其 實是貪婪,因為一條死海豚約值500美元。 The documentary risks the lives of activists as they expose the gruesome secret of what happens in Taiji, Japan: the capture and slaughter of dolphins. What local fishermen claim to be a local cultural tradition is merely greed as a dead dolphin is worth around USD 500.

Pets & Hugs • March/ April 2016



《進食動物》(2009) Eating Animals (2009) 作者:Jonathan Safran Foer Foer 探索工廠化農場和商業捕漁的題材,詳細介紹屠場和工廠化 農場的恐怖,並以深入的研究支持他的論點。是不是只要我們事 先人道對待動物,便可以殺死和吃掉牠們?或者殺動物是錯呢? 比如,由印尼拖網蝦船網到一磅蝦,卻殺死26磅海洋生物—— 這 如何影響動物、環境和我們呢? Jonathan Safran Foer

Foer explores the topics of factory farming and commercial fisheries, presenting in much detail the horrors of slaughterhouses and factory farms with in-depth research supporting his arguments. Is it right to kill and eat animals as long as you treat them humanely beforehand? Or is it wrong to kill animals at all? As an example, for one pound of shrimp collected by Indonesian shrimp trawlers, 26 pounds of sea creatures are killed - how does this affect animals, the environment and us?

《動物解放》 (1975年) Animal Liberation (1975) 作者:彼得·辛格 這本書被廣泛認為是動物解放運動哲學觀點的基礎之一。辛格 反駁他所謂的物種歧視:基於一個生物屬於某個物種的歧視。他 認為應該考慮對所有會受痛苦的生物平等。他認為,動物權益應 根據其體會痛苦多於根據牠們的智慧。在該書中,他總結最實際 的解決方案是成為一個素食者或食素。 Peter Singer This book is widely considered as one of the founding philosophical statements within the animal liberation movement. Singer argues against what he calls speciesism: discrimination on the grounds that a being belongs to a certain species. He holds the interests of all beings capable of suffering to be worthy of equal consideration. He argues that animal rights should be based on their capacity to feel pain more than on their intelligence. In the book, he concludes that the most practical solution is to adopt a vegetarian or vegan diet.


寶貝寵物 • 2016年3月/4月

Animals in Entertainment

《為什麼我們喜歡狗,吃豬而穿乳牛?》 (2009) Why we love dogs, eat pigs and wear cows (2009) 作者:Melanie Joy Joy論述“肉食主義”是社會、心理和生理意義上的一種 無形信仰的體系。僅在美國,估計每年有100億隻陸上 動物為取其肉而被宰殺,而這些動物大多數都沒有人見 過——隱形於公眾和成為媒體的禁區。Joy辯稱吃肉是 不自然的,但被社會環境所影響,我們採取心理麻痹已 經使用了我們的防衛機制,阻止我們對動物產生感情。 Melanie Joy Joy discusses “Carnism”, an invisible system of beliefs in the social, psychological and physical sense. Every year in the U.S. alone, an estimated 10 billion land animals are slaughtered for their meat, yet most of these animals are never seen - invisible to the public and off limits to the media. Joy argues that eating meat is not natural but influenced by social conditioning, we have engaged in psychic numbing which has used our defense mechanism to block the empathy we would feel for animals.

“I have from an early age abjured the use of meat,

and the time will come when men such as I will look upon the murder of animals as they now look on the murder of men.” Leonardo Da Vinci (1452-1519)

Pets & Hugs • March/ April 2016



大象全勝:香港禁止象牙貿易 資料來源:EcoWatch 繼 世界自然 基 金 會 (WWF)香港分會 大 型 反 象 牙貿易活 動後,香港行政長官 梁振英於1月13日宣 佈,政府正積極探索 逐步 淘 汰本 港象 牙 貿易。 政 府還加 強力度 解 決非法象牙貿易。 為 獲 取 象 牙,每 年 約30,0 0 0頭大象在 非洲被殺,主要為滿 足 亞洲 對 象 牙製品 的需求。香港是這個 行 業中轉 和 零售中 心的重要部分,去年 一項研究揭示,香港 銷 售 的象 牙製品比 世上其他城市多。 “行政長官的決定,代表香港對結束象牙貿易和保護大象 踏出重要的一步,並且是個重要的里程碑,”世界自然基金 會香港分會環境保護總監魏啟宏說。 “問題已經不再是有 否需要禁令,而是我們要專注於何時和如何結束香港象牙 貿易。” 梁在其年度施 政報告中強調,香港非常關注盜獵非洲大 象,並表示政府會考慮“適當措施,如通過立法,進一步禁 止象牙進出口,並逐步淘汰本地象牙貿易。” 香港政府表示,將對走私和非法買賣瀕危物種加重刑罰。 魏啟宏補充說,“香港政府必須迅速執行這項決定,並制定 具體時間表,逐步淘汰象牙貿易,因為不可再浪費時間”。 去年,世界自然基金會香港分會在演唱會上與其他保育組 織、議員和廣泛公眾支持,推出結束象牙貿易運動。9月初, 世界自然基金會香港分會發表一份報告,揭示本港管理 象牙貿易監察機制的漏洞,讓商人非法從非洲掩飾象牙入 口—— 直接促進盜獵大象危機。 世界自然基金會遞交一份由成千上萬香港人簽署禁止象牙 貿易的請願書。12月本港立法機關(立法會)還通過一項議 案,呼籲政府探討進一步限制象牙貿易,從而最終實現全 面禁止象牙貿易。 “香港政府已聽取全港市民和政界人士明確呼籲禁止買賣 象牙的聲音,”世界自然基金會香港分會高級主任勞敏惠 說。 “現在香港可以發揮領導作用,給全球非法象牙貿易 和野生動物罪行一個重大打擊。” 2015年9月隨著中國國家主席習近平和美國總統奧巴馬的 宣佈,決定採取重大和及時的措施,制止其國內象牙商業 交易。


Huge Victory for Elephants: Hong Kong Bans Ivory Trade Source: EcoWatch

Following a major anti-ivory campaign by World Wildlife Fund (WWF)—Hong Kong, the city’s chief executive, C Y Leung, announced on January 13th that the government is actively exploring phasing out the domestic ivory trade. The government is also set to strengthen efforts to tackle the illegal ivory trade. Every year around 30,000 elephants are killed in Africa for their tusks, primarily to satisfy the demand for ivory products in Asia. Hong Kong is a key part of this trade as a major transit and retail hub, with a study last year revealing that there were more ivory items for sale in Hong Kong than in any other city in the world. “The chief executive’s decision represents a significant step toward the end of Hong Kong’s ivory trade and a major milestone for elephant conservation,” Gavin Edwards, conservation director of WWF-Hong Kong, said. “It is no longer a question of if a ban is needed— we can focus on when and how to end Hong Kong’s ivory trade.” Giving his annual policy address, Leung stressed that Hong Kong is very concerned about the poaching of elephants in Africa and stated that the government will consider “appropriate measures, such as enacting legislation to further ban the import and export of ivory and phase out the local ivory trade.” Hong Kong said it will also impose heavier penalties for smuggling and the illegal trade in endangered species. “The government must rapidly implement this decision and develop a concrete timeline to phase out the ivory trade because there is no time to waste,” Edwards added. Last year, WWF-Hong Kong launched its campaign to end the ivory trade in concert with other conservation organizations, legislators and with wide public support. In early September, WWF-Hong Kong released a report that revealed fundamental flaws in the regulations governing the domestic ivory trade, which allowed traders to launder illegal ivory from Africa—contributing directly to the elephant poaching crisis. WWF handed in a petition to ban the trade signed by tens of thousands of Hong Kongers. The city’s lawmaking body, the Legislative Council, also passed a motion in December calling for the government to explore further restrictions on the ivory trade, so as to ultimately achieve a total ban on the trade. “The Hong Kong government has listened to the voices of the city’s people and politicians who have been clearly calling for a ban,” Cheryl Lo, senior wildlife crime officer of WWF-Hong Kong, said. “Hong Kong can now play a leadership role and strike a major blow against the global illegal ivory trade and wildlife crime.” The decision follows the announcement by Chinese President Xi Jinping and U.S. President Barack Obama in September 2015 that they would take significant and timely steps to halt their domestic commercial ivory trades.

寶貝寵物 • 2016年3月/4月

Animals in the News

大衛·鮑伊去世前一動物園以该歌手名 字命名小企鵝 1月8日辛辛那提動植物園以文化偶像大衛·鮑伊 之名,替“2016年第一隻動物園寶寶” 命名。 動物園曾在其面書上徵求意見—— 最熱門是兩 代確立的音樂家:貓王艾維斯·普利斯萊和大 衛·鮑伊。 最終牠以布里克斯頓出生的音樂家命名,因為該 動物園已有一隻以國王命名的國王企鵝。 出生後兩天,其同名者 “勇敢地”與癌抗爭18個 月後去世,享年69歲。 動物園負責人在網上發帖哀悼。 在圖片分享網站帖子的標題寫著:“小企鵝的名 字從此添加含意。飼養員甚至為小企鵝播放大 衛·鮑伊的音樂 —— 牠的性別在幾星期內仍未 確認。”

A zoo named their baby penguin after David Bowie, just before the singer died

The Cincinnati Zoo & Botanical Gardens named its first “zoo baby of 2016” on 8 January after cultural icon, David Bowie.

法官裁決:猴子不能擁有自拍照版權 來源:AP

一位聯邦法官於1月6日說,一隻獼猴拍了現在流行的自拍照,但不能宣稱 是該照片的版權擁有者。 美國地方法院法官William Orrick在三藩市聯邦法庭上說,“雖然美國國 會和總統可以將法律保障伸延到動物及人類,沒有跡象顯示他們在版權 法是這樣做。” 去年由善待動物組織所提出的訴訟,要求法院頒令,讓PETA代表猴子管理 從照片所得的收入,用於猴子的利益,並認定6歲的Naruto和其他生活在 印尼蘇拉威西島自然保護區的黑猴。 該批照片是由英國大自然攝影師David Slater在2011年蘇拉威西島之行, 以一部他擁有的無人控制相機拍攝,他要求法院撤銷案件。 Slater稱照片 的英國版權是通過他的公司Wildlife Personalities Ltd.所獲取,應受全球 尊重。 PETA控訴Slater和他於三藩市的自助印刷公司Blurb,出版名為“野生動 物性格” 一書,內容包括“猴子自拍”的照片。 這些照片已由網站廣傳,包括維基百科,並爭辯稱,沒有人擁有圖像的版 權,因為照片是由動 物而不是由人拍的。 Slater形容自己是個 大自然攝影師,深深 關 切 法 庭 文件 中 動 物的福利,並表示要 由美國國會而不是 聯邦法院,決定版權 法是否適用於動物。 PE TA法律顧問Jeff Kerr表示,該組織將 繼 續爭取猴子的權 利。 Pets & Hugs • March/ April 2016

The zoo had asked for suggestions on their Facebook page - the

most popular were two generation-defining musicians: Elvis Presley and David Bowie.

“It eventually ended up being named after the Brixton-

born musician as the zoo already had a king penguin named after The King.

2 days after hatching, its namesake passed away aged 69

following a “courageous” 18-month battle with cancer. The zoo handlers posted their condolences online.

In an Instagram post, the caption read: “The

penguin chick’s name has since taken on added meaning. Keepers even played

David Bowie music for the chick - who’s gender won’t be confirmed for several weeks.”

Monkey Cannot Own Rights to His Selfie, Judge Rules Source: AP

A macaque monkey who took now-famous selfie photographs cannot be declared the copyright owner of the photos, a federal judge said on January 6. U.S. District Judge William Orrick said in federal court in San Francisco that “while Congress and the president can extend the protection of law to animals as well as humans, there is no indication that they did so in the Copyright Act.” The lawsuit filed last year by People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals sought a court order allowing PETA to represent the monkey and let it to administer all proceeds from the photos for the benefit of the monkey, which it identified as 6-year-old Naruto, and other crested macaques living in a reserve on the Indonesian island of Sulawesi. The photos were taken during a 2011 trip to Sulawesi with an unattended camera owned by British nature photographer David Slater, who asked the court to dismiss the case. Slater says the British copyright obtained for the photos by his company, Wildlife Personalities Ltd., should be honored worldwide. PETA sued Slater and his San Francisco-based self-publishing company Blurb, which published a book called “Wildlife Personalities” that includes the “monkey selfie” photos. The photos have been widely distributed elsewhere by outlets, including Wikipedia, which contend that no one owns the copyright to the images because they were taken by an animal, not a person. Slater described himself as a nature photographer who is deeply concerned about animal welfare in court documents and said it should up to the U.S. Congress and not a federal court to decide whether copyright law applies to non-human animals. Jeff Kerr, general counsel for PETA, said the organization will continue fighting for the monkey’s rights.



拉斯維加斯萬歲!罪惡之城表達“反對”狗場寵物 資料來源:Global Animal 1月份第1個星期,1項歷史性舉措,拉斯維加斯市議會投票, 禁止繁殖場出售寵物,包括小狗、小貓和小豬。這條新例將 防止寵物店出售來自小狗繁殖場的動物,或飼養者經常在惡 劣環境下,繁殖大量動物出售。 現有店鋪將有兩年時間來適應,並將會被強制切換到收養 模式,出售來自庇護所、救護中心或人道組織的動物,或完 全停止出售動物。 閱讀更多有關這個動物勝利的里程碑,並得悉這個決定,帶 我們向永久關閉小狗繁殖場邁進一步,減少全國無家可歸 寵物的數量。


Viva Las Vegas! Sin City says ‘No Dice’ to Puppy Mill Pets Source: Global Animal

In a historic move in the first week of January, the Las Vegas City Council voted to ban the sale of pets from mills, including puppies, kittens, and piglets. This new ordinance will prevent pet stores from selling animals obtained from puppy mills, or breeders who raise a large number of animals for sale–often in poor conditions. Existing stores will have two years to comply and will be forced to switch to an adoption model and sell animals from shelters, rescue ops, or humane societies, or stop selling animals altogether. Read on for more on this landmark victory for animals, and learn how this decision brings us one step closer to shutting down puppy mills for good and reducing the number ofhomeless pets nationwide.

寶貝寵物 • 2016年3月/4月

Animals in the News

塞西爾獅子促進政策改變和保育野生動物捐款。 #塞西爾獅子是2015年迄今為止最有名的動物,並趕上與米老鼠成為 家傳戶曉動物名字的行列。明尼蘇達牙醫Walter Palmer盜獵塞西爾 獅子,觸發全球呐喊保護獅子,是世界從未見過,而且確實做到。塞西 爾不僅燃起一輪為大型貓科和其他野生動物保護組織捐款的衝擊,亦 影響政策。新政策實施或正在準備中,包括法國和英國承諾禁止進口 獅子獎杯,以及40多家航空公司禁止運輸動物獎杯。

Pets & Hugs • March/ April 2016

Cecil the Lion spurred policy changes and donations to wildlife conservation. CeciltheLion was by far the most famous animal of 2015, and is right up there with Mickey Mouse on the list of animals that have become a household name. The poaching of Cecil the Lion by Minnesota Dentist Walter Palmer triggered a global outcry for lion conservation unlike any the world has seen. And it worked. Not only did Cecil ignite a rush of donations to big-cat conservation and other wildlife conservation groups but it affected policy as well. New policies in place or in the works include commitments to ban the import of lion trophies by France and Britain, and banning the transport of animal trophies by more than 40 airlines.


領養 寵物

Adopt a pet

我喜歡唱歌,並感到唱得不錯。沒有 人同意,當我開始唱歌時喜歡清場, 但我知道,天才往往被忽略。因此,許 多偉人等了很久才被公認。在此期間 我只好堅持練習。 I love singing and think I am rather good at it. No one else agrees, I tend to clear out rooms when I start, but I know that good talent often goes unnoticed. So many of the greats took years and years to be recognized. In the meantime I’ll just keep practicing.

Katie 編號1548 雌性 4歲

Code: 1222 Female 4 Years


Estrada do Altinho de Ka-Ho

路環九澳高頂馬路 (直升機維修廠附近) Coloane, Macau (853) 2871 5732

他們希望得到你的關愛。 你準備好關愛他們了嗎?

大家 來 認 識 一下這一 期的收養名單!牠們也 許充滿愛心和關懷,但 請記住,牠們也需要被 愛和關懷,所以務必請 你準備好去承擔、並接 受牠們所付出的愛!

They want to love you.

Are you ready to love them? They are cute, sweet and will make your life infinitely more rewarding. Meet our adoption candidates for this issue! They may be loving and caring, but please remember they need love and care back, so please be sure you are ready for the responsibility, and for all the love they have to give!

我是個思想家,說真的。我看到身邊的狗在追 逐球、團團轉、追逐牠們的尾巴,我卻不是。 我喜歡坐下來思考有關世界、時間、空間與及 有人來愛我。莫非是你? I’m a thinker, I am. I see dogs around me running after balls, in circles, after their tails, but not me. I like to sit and think, about the world, about time, about space. And about having someone to love me. Could that be you?

Eeny 編號1431 雄性 11個月

Code: 1431 Male 11 Months

我喜歡在活動之中!如果有個好 時機,我就在那裡!遊戲,冒險, 你說吧,我都準備好! I like to be in the middle of the action! If there’s a good time to be had, I’m there! Games, adventure, you name it, I’m up for it!


編號1463 雄性 9個月

Code: 1463 Male 9 Months

寶貝寵物 • 2016年3月/4月


你可以叫我高Tammy,這就是我在這裡的稱 號。我是個長腿女孩,喜歡跑步和搖尾。生活中 簡單的事,對嗎?我外貌開朗親切,並覺得前途 光彩奪目 - 你同意嗎? You can call me Tall Tammy, that’s how I’m known around here. I’m a leggy girl who likes a good run and wag of the tail. It’s the simple things in life, isn’t it? I have a sunny outlook and think the future is brightare you in it?

Tamar 編號 1461 雌性 9個月

今天我有點難過,我感到在世上很孤單,希望 有家人來愛護我。有人拋波給我,搔我的肚 皮,與我開玩笑,讓我隨意扔貓...。 I’m a little sad today, I feel very alone in this world and wish I had a family to love me. Someone to throw me a ball, scratch my belly, laugh at my jokes, let me throw the cat around...

我是個可愛、討人喜歡、 胖胖的小寶貝!送出無盡 的擁抱、毛毛和舔。你想 帶我去看這世界嗎?我敢 肯定,我們一起必定很快 樂,當你看著我成長,我 們的愛也一樣。

Code: 1461 Female 9 Months

Elmo 編號1305 雌性

I’m a cute, cuddly, fat little baby! Full of cuddles, fur and licks to give. Do you want to show me the world? I’m sure we will have fun together and as you watch me grow, so too will our love.


Code: 1305 Male 1.5 Years


編號 1569 雄性 當我長大後,我想成為一名超 級英雄,就像所有做好事的大 狗一樣 – 照顧那些失明人,保 護人類,使人歡笑和給予愛。 這將是我! When I grow up I want to be a super hero, just like all those big dogs who do kind deedslooking after people who can’t see, protecting humans, making people smile and give love. That’s going to be me!

Pets & Hugs • March/ April 2016


Code: 1569 Male 3 Months

Bica 編號 1468 雌性 3個月

Code: 1468 Female 3 Months


領養 當我坐在這裡觀看世界,想知道可否在大自然間 隨意流浪,感受腳下的草、吹過披毛的風。我想知 道能否擁有一個自己的家。


As I sit here and watch the world go by, I wonder if I will ever be free to wander around in nature, feel the grass beneath my paws, wind blowing in my fur. I wonder if I will ever have a family to call my own.

編號C647 雌性 3歲

Code: C647 Female 3 Years

我喜歡在人群、噪音和混 亂中居高臨下,那個屬於 我的地方很和平與安靜。 你的生活聽起來是這樣 嗎?我可以成為你生活的 一部分嗎?

我 桃 紅色 的 披 毛 和 英 俊的樣貌令人不可抗拒 - 你說是嗎?假如你有 任何疑問,來,讓我親 自溶化你的心!

I like to sit high up above the crowds, above the noise and confusion. Where it’s peaceful and calm is where I belong. Does your life sound like that, can I be a part of it?

Zeca II 編號C681 雌性 1歲4個月

My peachy coat and handsome face are irresistible- don’t you think? If you have any doubts whatsoever, come stop by and let me melt your heart in person!

Code:C681 Female 1 Year 4 Months


編號SPP1067 雄性 1歲2個月

Code:SPP1067 Male 1 Year 2 Months

我碧綠的眼睛將你的心溶化,我美麗的披毛 加上白色的腳,令你無法抗拒!來帶我走,讓 我們以永恆承諾的愛,驅車直到日落。 My green eyes will melt your heart and my beautiful coat with white socks are just irresistible! Come pick me up and let’s drive off into the sunset, with love forever promised.

Reese 編號SPPC1022 雌性 2歲4個月

Code: SPPC1022 Female 2 Years 4 Months


寶貝寵物 • 2016年3月/4月


Lidia 編號C647 雌性 3歲

Code: C647 Female 3 Years

我是隻頂呱呱的貓,隨時留意周圍的環境和 我的遊戲。以我的速度和敏銳,我能捕捉天 下間任何東西。我可捕捉你的心意嗎? I’m a top cat, always aware of my surroundings and on my game. I can catch anything under the sun with my speed and agility. Can I catch your heart?

我是隻你從未遇過如此可愛的貓,我溫 柔的天性令人很自在,我一聲呼嚕可以 驅除你的壓力。如果愛和親情是你所追 求的,我就是你要的! I’m the sweetest cat you will ever meet, my gentle nature puts everyone at ease and I can take your stresses away with a single purr. If love and affection are what you are after, I’m the one for you!

Tobin 編號C989 雄性 7個月

Code: C989 Male 7 Months

我是Peach,喜歡閒逛,很容易相處, 並且是那些喜歡享受生活的人的理想 伴侶。我不會為減壓而亂跑,就像我 看到周圍的大多數人...。 I’m Peach and I like to hang out. I’m pretty easy going and am the perfect companion for someone who likes to enjoy life and doesn’t run around stressing out like most humans I see around...

貓很引人入勝;我們聰明、 美麗得無法抵擋、非常獨 立。如 果 與你 相 似,順 路 來接我回去,讓我們向世 界展示一下。

Peach 編號 C880 雄性

The life of a cat is an interesting one; we are smart, irresistibly beautiful and very independent. If that sounds like you, stop on by and pick me up, let’s show this world a thing or two.

Renee 編號C791 雌性 3歲

Code: C791 Female 3 Years


Code: C880 Male 4 Years

Pets & Hugs • March/ April 2016





Greyhound racing, a dark business! Under Manuel das Neves, former head of DICJ, the Government forced the Canidrome to have an adoption program. This happened early 2012, when the Macau Government forced the Canidrome to sit down with them and Anima to discuss an adoption program. However, on average, a dog is still being killed on that track daily! Unfortunately, Canidrome didn’t stick to the plan. Over a period of four years it only put four animals up for adoption, one dog being adopted the Caidrome vet and living in his clinic, the remaining were sent to IACM! Please see the photo of a child on the Canidrome website adopting the first greyhound that escaped alive from that track. Misleading advertising, produced to fool all of us! That dog has been living in the vet’s clinic for many years and is still registered as active and living in kennel T of the Canidrome- Very strange. From 2013 to November 2015, Anima was capable of generating 219 dog adoptions, most of them stray dogs, with no pedigree at all. Unsurprisingly, Anima had no choice but to cut all relations with the Canidrome in 2012, as we considered the attitude of the track’s management arrogant, mean and defiant of us and the Authorities. Today the adoption figures and the figures of animals killed by the Canidrome show that we were right! There are no adoptions at all and the greyhounds continue to be killed at the same rate as before: one per day! This is a dark business! Young and healthy animals are killed

without mercy only because they are considered non competitive and nothing happens to the track owners. A law in force from 1996 (Law 9/96 of 22 July), punishes mistreatment of a greyhound with up to three years of imprisonment. Please, tell me, is killing young and healthy animals not the worst form of mistreatment? Who is in the behind this killing machine? The Canidrome is a non-transparent business. Who guarantees that some of those animals are not running drugged as has happened several times in the past? A simple reading of the preamble of past laws shows that this was a common practice on that track! If the Canidrome competes with pet owners who buy dogs from them at public auctions, what guarantee do we have that this is not a vicious game? No owners are authorized to enter those premises. Who supervises and guarantees that this is a clean business? If there is no vet collecting or supervising the collection of blood, what strategy is used by the Authorities to guarantee that such collection is really representative, and not just for cheating the authorities and the owners of other dogs? There are no statistics or public information about the use of drugs on that track. Why? What is really happening in that dark side of our town? Dear Mr. Chief Executive, please put an end to this indecency!

賽狗場網站,看 看這個孩子領養 第1隻能從賽道 逃出生天的賽狗 照片。 Please see the photo of a child on the Canidrome website adopting the first greyhound that escaped alive from that track.

請幫助我們去挽救牠們。 Please help us to help them. 50


寶貝寵物 • 2016年3月/4月


賽狗,一門邪惡的生意! 前博彩監察協調局(D I CJ)局長雪萬龍 在任期間,政 府強制逸園賽狗場要有一 個 領養計劃。于2 012年年初,當時澳門 特區政府強制逸園賽狗場與澳門愛護動 物協會一齊商討這項領養計劃。 但平均來說,每天狗場仍殺一隻狗! 可惜,逸園賽狗場沒有按原定計劃。4年 間只有4隻動物被收養,一隻狗被逸園賽 狗場獸醫領養,住在他的診所,其餘的都 被送到民政總署! 賽狗場網站,看看這個孩子領養第1隻能 從賽道逃出生天的賽狗照片。 製作 誤 導性的廣 告來愚弄所有人!很奇 怪 - 多年來那隻狗一直住在獸醫的診所, 但仍登記為一隻活潑、住在逸園賽狗場T 狗房的狗。 從2 013年至2 015年11月,澳門愛護動物 協會成功安排219狗被領養,當中大多數 是流浪狗,沒有血統可言。 不出所料,2 012年澳門愛護動物協會在 別無選擇下,只 好與逸園賽狗 場 斷絕所 有關係,因為我們覺得 賽狗場管理層態 度傲慢,蔑視我們和當局。 今天,以逸園賽狗場 領養和 殺害動物的 數字,證明我們是對的!賽狗場完全沒有 安排領養 賽狗,並且殺狗比率繼續和以 前一樣:每天1隻!

這是一門邪惡的生意! 只因動 物 被 認為沒有競爭力,便 殘 酷 地 將年幼和 健 康的殺死,賽狗 場擁有人卻 不需承擔任何責任。從1996年生效的法 律(7月22日第9/9 6條法例)指出,虐待 賽狗最高刑罰為監禁三年。 請告訴 我,殺死年幼和 健 康的動物不是 虐待牠們最嚴重的形式嗎? 誰在這殺戮機器背後? 逸園賽狗場是個沒有透明度的生意。 誰能保證這些動物當中沒有受藥而跑? 過去已發生多次。略讀 過往 法 律序言顯 示,這是狗場上一種常見的做法! 假如逸園賽狗場與寵物主人在公開拍賣 買場競投 他們的狗,我們可否保證這不 是個邪惡的遊戲? 沒有狗主可進入該場地。 誰監管和保證這是門乾淨的生意? 如果不是由獸醫收集或監督血液收集,當 局以什麼策略保證這些收集的血液是有 真正的代 表 性,而不是只為 欺 騙當局和 其他狗主呢? 對於賽狗場用藥物沒有統計資料或公開 信息。 何解?在本澳另一面究竟發生什麼事? 尊敬的特首先生,請結束這惡行!

不殺害, 不囚禁 澳門愛護動物協會的動物收容所為 每一 隻獲救的動 物 提供 足夠的空 間而早已全 满。然而,在去年首11 個月,與2014年同期的117隻相比, 澳門愛護動物協會尚能挽救187隻 狗。但收養的數字幾乎與2014年相 同,這使我們的收容所更擠了。根據 我們 的統計,到2 015年11月,收容 所收到狗隻淨增加49隻! 至於貓,由于2014的年因猫死亡數 量(因FI P或呼吸系統疾病),澳門 愛護動物協會對此特别謹慎。我們 能夠減少救援的數量,以及死亡數 量。收養數目有所增加。然而截至11 月底,相比2 014年年底,我們的收 容所收容多14隻貓而更擁擠了。 澳門愛護動物協會保持不殺及不關 籠子的原則,這些政策限制了我們 救援更多動物的能力。

No Kill, No Cage Anima’s animal shelter has long reached full capacity in providing enough space for each rescued animal. However, in the eleven months of last year Anima was still capable of rescuing 187 dogs, compared with 117, in the same period of 2014. But the number of adoptions was almost the same as 2014, which crowded our shelter even more. According to our statistics, the shelter received a net increase of 49 dogs up to November 2015! Regarding cats, Anima was cautious due to the number of deaths (due to FIP or respiratory diseases) in 2014. We were able to reduce the number of rescues and also the number of deaths. Adoptions have increased. At the end of November, however, our shelter got more crowded with 14 more cats, compared to the end of 2014. Anima has a principle of No Kill and No Cage, and these policies limit our capacity to rescue more animals.

Pets & Hugs • March/ April 2016


請教獸醫 每一期的《寶貝寵物》裡我們會邀請一名澳門最好的獸醫扮演杜立德醫生的角色,為你提供照顧寵物的最好建議。 In every issue we will be inviting one of Macau’s finest vets to step into the role of Dr. Dolittle to provide you with the best answers to your questions.

杜立德醫生回答你的問題 Dr. Dolittle answers your questions Benjamin Lee醫生是氹仔美國美 國愛屋申生動物醫療中心的高級醫 療顧問。曾在美國進行多年研究的 Lee醫生專業從事骨科培訓,擁有 髖關節置換術、人工膝關節和肘關 節置換等證書。


Dr. Benjamin Lee is a Senior Medical Consultant at American Elwood Petshome in Taipa. With many years of study in the USA, Dr. Lee is specialized in orthopedic training, with certifications in hip replacement, and artificial knee and elbow replacement certification, amongst others.


親愛的杜立徳醫生: 您好,我的狗偶爾一瘸一拐地走。我們的獸醫 診斷牠有髕骨移位。可以如何修復呢? 一瘸一拐的腿—路環

親愛的一瘸一拐的腿: 膝蓋骨(髕骨)通常應在股骨上凹槽中順利移 動(於膝關節溝)。當狗有髌骨脱臼(位移), 在牠移動腿部時這块小骨便跳出其正常的凹 槽。這種疾病最常見的原因是遺傳問題。髕骨 脫位是小品種狗跛足的常見原因,有時也發生 在大狗身上。診斷通常需要體檢及拍X光片。 有一個系統可以把疾病作出等級分類。 大多數情況下,1級和2級髕骨脫 位是没有症狀的,不需要治療。 在輕微的情 況下,主人應該考 慮讓他們的寵物以正確的方式 運動,避免肌肉萎縮,避免疾病 惡化。隨著疾病的進展,1級或2級 可能達到更高等級。在3級或4級 髕骨脫位的情況下,獸醫会建 議手術。


Little Limp Along Dear Dr. Dolittle Hi, my dog is occasionally limping. Our vet diagnosis revealed she has patella displacement. How do we fix it? Limpy leg – Coloane Dear Limpy Leg The kneecap (patella) should normally ride smoothly in a groove (trochlear groove) over the femur. When a dog has a luxating (displacement) patella, this small bone jumps out of its normal groove as the leg is in motion. The most common cause of the disease is genetic. Patella luxation is a common cause of lameness in small breed dogs, sometimes also in big dogs. Diagnosis usually requires physical examination and x-ray. There is a system to classify the grade of the disease. Mostly, grade 1 & grade 2 patella luxation is asymptomatic and no treatment is needed. In mild cases, owners should consider exercising their pet in right manner to avoid muscle atrophy and avoid the worsening of the disease. With the progression of the disease, grade 1 or grade2 may lead to higher grade. In the case of grade 3 or grade 4 patella luxation, surgery is recommended.

寶貝寵物 • 2016年3月/4月





親愛的杜立徳醫生: 我5歲仔仔執意跟新養狗狗一起睡。請教一下, 狗狗能不能跟人一起睡,我要注意些什麼? Sleepy pooches – Macau

親愛的杜立徳醫生: 為什麼我的貓咪總是在家中各處亂 小便? She Wee—黑沙環

Dear Sleepy Pooches 狗狗跟人同床睡覺很普遍。在美國,有調查顯 示大約50%的狗狗跟主人一起同床共寢。 要考慮和動物一起睡的話,首先要確定對狗狗 沒有過敏,例如哮喘、皮膚敏感。如果有,請最 好不要跟狗狗一起睡。 其次狗狗的身體狀況必需健康,沒有攜帶人畜 共患的疾病例如寄生蟲、病毒、嚴重細菌或真 菌感染等。健康狗狗應該定期進行體內寄生 蟲、體外寄生蟲的預防及動物預防針注射。如 發現狗狗大便偏軟、精神不振、咳嗽等異常情 況,最好先隔開並及時到獸醫院檢查。 在健康和精神狀態良好的前提下,讓孩子和狗 狗一起睡並不是件危險的事情,反而可以增加 到彼此的信任,增進狗狗和人之間的感情。

親愛的She Wee: 貓咪到處亂小便的原因大致上可分 為兩種:健 康問題和行為/情緒問 題。

Canine Cuddles My 5 year old son insists sleeping with our new dog. Can dogs can sleep with people and what should I pay attention to? Sleepy pooches – Macau Dear Sleepy Pooches It is very common for dogs to sleep on the same bed as people. In the United States, a survey showed approximately 50 percent of the dogs sleep with their owners. When considering sleeping with your pet, first confirm that the dog has no allergies, such as asthma, sensitive skin/skin allergies. If such conditions exist, please don’t sleep with the dog. Secondly, ensure the dog is healthy and it does not carry zoonotic diseases such as parasites, viruses, and other serious bacterial or fungal infections. Healthy dogs shouldn’t carry endoparasites, ectoparasites and be given vaccinations. If you see that the dog is showing abnormal conditions such as soft stools, is lethargic and coughs, it is best to keep the dog apart and take it to the vet promptly. When the dog is physically and mentally healthy, allowing the children sleeping together with the dog is not a dangerous thing, instead it can increase mutual trust and enhance the feelings between the dog and people. Pets & Hugs • March/ April 2016

最常引起貓咪異常排尿的健康問題 有泌尿道感染或結石、糖尿病、貓 下泌尿道症候群(FLUTD)、腎功能異 常等等。首先應觀察貓咪最近的起 居飲食習慣有否改變,比如有沒有 多飲多尿、精神胃口有否變差、活動 量有沒有下降等等。再來應觀察貓 咪最近每日的小便次數、尿量、尿 液顏色有否異常,還要觀察小便是 否暢通。如出現尿頻、少尿、滴尿或 發現茶色或啡紅色尿液等都是不正 常的表現。如果以上其中一項觀察 結果出現異常,都建議你馬上帶貓 咪去看獸醫。 貓咪是很敏感的動物,大至環境改 變、家中有新成員(包括人或動物)、 噪音滋擾、貓社交活動不如意、環 境壓力大,小至貓砂的種類轉換、 份量不對或不夠乾淨、氣味改變(有 香味或消毒藥水味),以及貓砂盆的 大小形狀或擺放位置不理想等等, 以上種種都有可能令貓咪發脾氣而 不在砂盆中大小便。有些貓咪可能 不喜歡砂盆太靠近牠進食的地方, 或者太靠近家中人員走動頻繁的位 置。主人可以嘗試在家中別的地方 多放一個貓砂盆,看看情況會不會 改善。如果家裡貓咪很多,建議可 以為每位貓大爺各準備一組專用的 貓砂盆。亦要提醒千萬不要處罰或 責怪到處小便的貓咪,因為這樣只 會讓牠的壓力更大而已。 動物行為學家發現,費洛蒙可以穩 定貓咪的情緒,市面上有一種含有 費洛蒙的商品是專門設計用來減輕 貓咪的行為情緒問題。大部份的貓 咪不會在有費洛蒙的地方排尿,因 此在貓咪經常亂小便的地方噴 灑這類產品可有效減輕貓咪的 噴尿行為。

Ask the Vet Missing the Spot Dear Dr.Dolittle Why does my cat always pee around the house? She Wee – Areia Preta Dear She Wee The reasons cats pee around the house can generally can be classified in two categories: health problems and behavioral / emotional problems The most common cause of the cat’s abnormal urination problems are urinary tract infection or kidney stones, diabetes, urinary tract syndrome (FLUTD), renal dysfunction etc. Observe whether the cat has any changes in eating habits, such as polydipsia and polyuria, whether its spirit and appetite have deteriorated, have activity levels declined? Observe daily urination frequency, quantity, colour, and flow. Instances of polyuria, oliguria, dribbling or drops of reddish brown urine are not normal. If one of the above observations is abnormal, take the cat to the vet immediately. Cats are sensitive animals, ranging from environment changes, new family members (human or animal), noise, unsatisfied social activities, environmental pressures, to details such as the change of cat litter type, quantities, if it is clean enough, odor changes (with fragrance or disinfectant smell), litter box size, shape or location, and so on, all of these could upset the cat and make it not want to relieve itself in it. Some cats don’t like the litter box placed too close to their food, or in places with lots of movement. If there are many cats, try preparing a litter box for each. Don’t punish or blame the cat, this will only make it feel more pressure. Pheromones can stabilize the cats’ mood, there are products specifically designed to reduce behaviour/ emotional problems. Most cats will not pee in a spot with pheromones, spray this product in places where your cat is peeing, it can reduce this behaviour.




格力犬...... Did you Know…


澳門逸園賽狗場令國際社會關注澳門,但其理由並不見得 合適。人們立場一致,反對在這種過時博彩場所中狗狗被 虐待的狀況。

Macau’s Canidrome racing track has brought a lot of international attention to the territory, and not necessarily for the right reasons. People are united in their stance against the cruelty the dogs face in this outdated betting venue.

格力犬是令人驚嘆的動物,不僅因為牠們的速度。這裡有 幾個關於這些溫和動物的事實,將為牠們在賽道之外的力 量提供線索。

Greyhounds are impressive animals, and not only for their speed, here are a few facts about these gentle creatures that will shed light on their strengths- outside the racetrack.

格力犬是最古老的犬種之一,也 是聖經中提到的唯一犬種。

Greyhounds are one of the very oldest breeds and the only breed mentioned in the Bible

在11世紀的英 國,法律禁止“平 民”養格力犬。 In 11th century

England, the law forbade “commoners” from owning a Greyhound

希臘神話中的女神戴 安娜常常被畫成身邊 有一隻格力犬。

The mythical Greek goddess Diana is often pictured with a Greyhound by her side


寶貝寵物 • 2016年3月/4月

Did you Know… 一般來說,格力犬無法坐下。有些可以在管教下 坐下,但對大多數格力犬來說,實際上不可能做 到或至少是極不舒服地坐下。在大多數情況下, 格力犬的腿太長,要“肌肉向上”才能坐下。 Generally, greyhounds are unable to sit. Some can manage to sit, but for most, it is physically impossible or at the very least extremely uncomfortable. In most cases the legs are too long and “muscled up” for a sit position to achieved.

注意——養格力犬可能很 容易上癮。最常見的是, 一旦成為格力犬主,就一 直會是。有時一名格力犬 主會在同一時間養幾隻。 Caution - greyhounds can be

highly addictive. Most commonly, once a greyhound owner, always a greyhound owner. Sometimes one greyhound pet expands to several at the same time.

格力犬可以清 楚地看到約800 米外的東西。 Greyhounds can see

clearly for the distance of about 800 metres Pets & Hugs • March/ April 2016



! e n o z s ’ Kid

We want to RUN for FUN... Please help stop the races for profit.

Help the squirrel collect the hazelnuts and reach his tree.


寶貝寵物 • 2016年3月/4月

Kid’s Activities

Colour in the birds


Find the 12 differences

Pets & Hugs • March/ April 2016





Rua do Almirante Costa Cabral 84 R/C

Estrada de Coelho do Amaral,


Dr. Ho 小動物醫務所

Ed. Long Ying, R/C - C, Macau


Av. Sidónio Pais, 32-C

澳門士多鳥拜斯大馬路, 32 - C, 龍鷹大廈, R/C - C

+853 28523678

+853 28837050


Avenida Dr. Sun YatSen 115 R/C, Taipa (氹仔) 孫逸仙博士大馬路115號地下 +853 28836791


Avenida do Conselheiro Ferreira de Almeida 122 R/C

荷蘭園大馬路122號地下 +853 28527898

Rua S. Lourenço 4 R/C


Avenida Concórdia Ka Ieng Garden

+853 28524916


R/C 和樂大馬路嘉應花園地下



+853 28968187

+853 28222376




Estrada Coelho Amaral 17A R/C

Bl 1 R/C, Taipa


HOME-VET VETERINARY CENTRE Avenida Kwong Tung, Nam San Gdn (氹仔) 廣東大馬路南新花園第1座地下 +853 28821016


Rua Alm. C. Cabral, No. 3-5, Edf, Fu Hong, Loja I-J, Macau

澳門賈伯樂提督街3-5號富康花園 I-J

Fong Son San Chun BI 5 R/C +853 28968309


Av Cons. Ferreira de Almeida 122 R/C 荷蘭園大馬路122號地下 +853 28528320




Av Cons Borja, No. 341, Edf. Mayfair


Rua de Paris No. 182, R/C, Macau

澳門皇朝巴黎街 182 號南岸花園地下 +853 28501099


Garden R/C H

青洲大馬路341號嘉應花園H舖 +853 28220108


Rua Da Baia NS 105-113, Jardim Hoi Wanres-do-Chao, M



+853 28563771 NGAI LAM ANIMAL 藝林寵物廣場

Rua do Padre AntónioRoliz 25-27 CD 羅神父街25-27號 CD +853 28525391


La Cite Rua 1 de Maio 342 R/C 勞動節街342號

+853 28949494 POODLE 新飛歌

Rua Martinho Montenegro 27 R/C 墨山街27號地下 +853 28357717

氹仔海灣街 105-113 號海灣花園地


+853 28839898

Rua Sacadura Cabral 29E R/C




沙嘉都喇賈罷麗街29號e地下 +853 28522715

Rua Nova A Guia, No.250 R/C, Edf.



R/C B, Macau

Kam Hong, Macau +853 28353785


+853 28352421


Avenida Sidónio Pais 43 R/C

閣第五座37號A K地舖



Rua de Aveiro,



Sacadura Cabral 81 R/C



Block 5, G/F (AK) 37, Taipa

No.28-A, R/C B, Macau


+853 28813388

+853 28524760

Ed. Mai Va Kok (Mei Keng),



Avenida do Coronel Mesquita, 11-T, 澳門美副將大馬路11-T 號地下B座

寶貝寵物 • 2016年3月/4月

Pets & Hugs • March/ April 2016


你的寵物可能成為明星!你也可以! Your pet can be a star (and so can you)!


寶貝寵物 • 2016年3月/4月

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