Pets & Hugs May/ June 2014

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2014年 5月 • MAY 2014 • MOP30 • ISSN 2309 5520

澳門美人魚? A Mermaid in Macau?

永利海月水母 Jellyfish at Wynn

Pets & Hugs • May 2014


A trip to Ocean Kingdom


Shopping for Aquariums



寶貝寵物 • 2014年 5月



入水中!本期的《寶貝寵物》進入海底世 界,探索海洋生物的迷人世界。現已知道 有超過100萬種動植物生活在海洋中,許多科學 家相信可能還有900萬個物種尚未被發現......

2014年5月號 May 2014 edition 編輯委員會 EDITORIAL COUNCIL Albano Martins, Janet Tracy, Mércia César de Sá, Luis Pereira

遺憾的是,本期內容不能涵蓋所有動植物!但我 們肯定可以給你帶來一些真正引人入勝的故事, 讓我們先從本期的封面之星開始。

出版人 PUBLISHER Mércia César de Sá 澳門出版有限公司 People Press

Mércia César de Sá 出版人PUBLISHER

總編輯 EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Tanja Wessels

我們許多人成長過程中閱讀過美人魚的故事,但有多少人曾經與她對話? 《寶貝寵 物》專訪美人魚Hannah,讓我們得以進入她那美麗的藍色世界。美人魚向我們介 紹了她所從事的有價值的工作——保護與她一起工作的生物。

中文編輯 CHINESE EDITOR Frank Xie (謝 陳) 投稿人 CONTRIBUTORS Filipa Queiroz 特約編輯 CONTRIBUTING EDITOR Mariana Sá 設計 DESIGN 澳門出版有限公司 People Press 攝影 PHOTOGRAPHERS Shawn Heinrichs(cover photo), Carmo Correia, Cheong Kamka, Leong Sio Po, Eric Tam, Forbes Conrad 地址 ADDRESS Av. Infante D. Henrique, 43-53A, The Macau Square, 10th Floor – I, Macau 中國 澳門殷皇子大馬路43-53A 澳門廣場10樓I (853) 28355315/6 (853) 28355466 機構合作夥伴 INSTITUTIONAL PARTNER Anima - 澳門愛護動物協會 Printed in Macau 印刷地:澳門 發行量 CIRCULATION 5,000 ISSN 2309 5520

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would like to use any content, please contact the publishers. The views expressed in the

有誰知道水母是這麼苛刻的舞蹈者?我們走到永利澳門的幕後觀察,知道了要把 這些海洋舞蹈者保持在最佳狀態所要付出的代價。 中國最大海洋主題公園在我們家門口的橫琴島開業了。長隆海洋王國里生活著一 些非常大型和非常美麗的海洋生物,創造了吉尼斯世界紀錄。我們訪問了該主題公 園,以期窺其全貌。 我們生活在一個非常美麗的世界中,有這麼多地方可以探索並值得我們尊重和保 護。很榮幸我們能與你們一起,探索我們星球上的奇觀。 讓我們開始吧!


ive in! Pets&Hugs is going underwater in this issue and exploring the fascinating world of sea life. There are over 1 million species of plants and animals known to live in the ocean and many scientists believe that there may be another 9 million species yet to be discovered… Unfortunately we can’t cover them all in this edition (!) but we most certainly can bring you some truly fascinating stories, starting with our cover star this issue. Many of us grew up reading stories about mermaids, but how many people have ever spoken to one? Pets&Hugs had that privilege when Hannah Mermaid allowed us into her beautiful blue world and told us about the valuable work she undertakes to protect the very creatures she works with. Who knew that jellyfish are such demanding performers? We took a look behind the scenes at Wynn Macau and learnt all about what it takes to keep these dancers of the sea in tip top shape. One of the biggest aquatic theme parks in China has opened on our very doorstep on Hengqin Island. Chimelong Ocean Kingdom is home to some very big and very beautiful sea creatures, and also the holder of five Guinness World Records. We paid it a visit to see what its all about. We live in a truly beautiful world, with so much to explore, respect and protect. We are delighted to have you with us and we explore the wonders of our planet. Let’s get started!

magazine are not necessarily those of the publishers.

Pets & Hugs • May 2014



寶貝寵物 • 2014年 5月


Golden Retriever




















Dog Divas Japanese Bobtail Lilau, the Cat A Tale of Two Turtles The Stamp of Protection Aquatic Kingdom A Mermaid in Macau? Beauty Floats

All Things Aquarium 動物新聞


動物新聞 領養寵物












Animals in the news Animaa Pet Adopt Anima

Ask the Vet Kids curiosities Kids activities Shops and Clinics

Pets & Hugs • May 2014

目錄 26







金毛尋回犬 Everybody’s Friend

Golden Retriever


寶貝寵物 • 2014年 5月


Dog breed

毛 尋回犬的智 慧使牠成為多 才 多 藝 的 品 種,並 讓 牠 來充當各種 角 色——常見的有導盲 犬、助聽犬、獵犬、偵 查犬和搜救犬。


he Golden Retrievers’ intelligence makes it a versatile breed and allows it to fill a variety of roles – common ones being guide dog for the blind, hearing dog for the deaf, hunting dog, detection dog and search and rescue participant.

Pets & Hugs • May 2014


Attention needs I love you, just love me back 需要關注度 —我愛你,只要你也愛我。 情感 —我緊貼你的每一個動作。

Affection I hang on your every gesture Activeness Be sure to give me regular, brisk activity, oh, and I love water!

活躍程度 —務必給我經常、輕快的活動,哦,我喜歡水!

Relationship with children I am patient and gentle with the short people

與孩子關係 —我對矮人有耐性和溫柔。


寶貝寵物 • 2014年 5月


Dog breed

個可愛又受歡 迎的品種很 有規矩、機靈及充滿魅力。 牠們被飼養成獵犬,在狩獵和射 擊活動中,尋回被獵人射中的水 禽,如鴨、獵鳥。牠們被命名為尋 回犬,因為牠們尋回的獵物絲毫 無損。 金毛尋回犬屬於大型和體格強健 的品種,擁有濃密防水波紋的被 毛,如牠們的名字所示,其毛髮可 以呈現從淺金到深金的顏色。 金毛尋回犬易於跟孩子相處、有 耐性、溫柔及容易受訓。牠們喜歡 取悅主人,令服從性訓練很容易 見到效果,牠們往往在競爭中脫 穎而出。 牠們平易近人的性格令牠們在美 國成為第三大受歡迎的家庭犬品 種(通過註冊統計),在澳洲成為 第五大最受歡迎的品種及在英國 成為第八大最受歡迎的品種。 金毛尋回犬對所人都友好,包括 對其他狗隻,牠們有少許守衛本 能。雖然不太會發動攻擊,但牠們 是優秀的看門狗,如有陌生人靠 近,牠們會大聲警示。 這個品種的狗要在顯示出領導能 力的人身邊才感快樂。如果缺乏 日常的精神和體能訓練,金毛尋 回犬會變得有破壞性和/或高度緊 張及分心。為避免狗隻行為出現 問題,一定要保持成為這種狗堅 定而又冷靜、自信的領袖。 金毛尋回犬每天需要在牠的帶領 人身旁或後面,長時間而輕快地 散步或慢跑,因為直覺告訴牠領 導者帶領牠的方向,而領導者必 需是人類。如果有足夠的訓練,牠 們可以住在公寓裡。 這個品種的狗脫毛情況一般,牠那 柔順、中等長度的雙層被毛很容易 梳理。用堅硬的豬鬃毛刷去梳和刷 被毛,特別要注意濃密的底毛。經 常乾洗,只在必要時才洗澡。

金 毛 尋回犬易 於跟孩子相處、 有耐性、溫柔及 容易受訓。 Good with children, Golden Retrievers are patient, gentle and easily trained.


his lovable popular breed is well-mannered, intelligent and full of charm. They were bred as gun dogs to retrieve shot waterfowl such as ducks and game birds during hunting and shooting parties, and were named retriever because of their ability to retrieve shot game undamaged.

easily trained. They enjoy pleasing their masters, making obedience training very rewarding and they excel in competitions. Their easy temperament has made this breed the third most popular family dog breed (by registration) in the United States, the fifth most popular in Australia, and the eighth most popular in the United Kingdom Very friendly with everyone, other dogs included, the Golden Retriever has very little, if any, guarding instincts, and while unlikely to attack, they make good watchdogs, loudly signaling a stranger’s approach. This breed needs to be around people who display leadership to be happy. The Golden Retriever may become destructive and/ or high-strung and distractible

if lacking in daily mental and physical exercise. Be sure to remain this dog’s firm, but calm, confident pack leader to avoid behavioural issues. Golden Retrievers need to be taken on long, brisk daily walks or a jog where the dog is made to heel beside or behind the person holding the lead, as instinct tells a dog that the leader leads the way and that leader needs to be the human. They will do okay in an apartment if sufficiently exercised. This breed is an average shedder and their smooth, medium-haired double coat is easy to groom. Comb and brush with a firm bristle brush, paying particular attention to the dense undercoat. Dry shampoo regularly, but bathe only when necessary.

The Golden Retriever is a large, strongly-built breed with a dense water-repellent wavy coat and as indicated by their name, their coats come in light golden to dark golden colours. Good with children, Golden Retrievers are patient, gentle and

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Pets & Hugs • May 2014


天后狗 Diva Dogs

鄰近的香港出現在英國報章上,不是因 其大都會氣派、繁華街道、金融浮華或 令人嘆為觀止的美景。其焦點反而是在 這個亞洲最出名城市的街上漫步的得 寵愛犬,及牠們不斷上升的數目。 Neighbouring Hong Kong has appeared in a UK newspaper, not for its cosmopolitan nature, bustling streets, financial panache, or breathtaking views. Instead the focus is on the pampered pooches walking its streets, and their rising numbers in one of Asia’s most popular cities.

看看世上最得寵的 狗 — — 香 港 的“ 天 后 狗 ”,牠們 乘 坐嬰兒 車出入, 在水療中心度日,甚至有自己 的有機麵包店。 《 每日 郵 報 》在 英 國 極 受 歡 迎,其中一篇相關文章的開頭 如此描述香港的“天后狗”。 該文繼續寫道,牠們帶著珠光 寶氣的頸圈,穿著時髦的服飾 並在昂貴餐館吃晚餐:歡迎來 到 香 港 最 得 寵狗 居 民的富豪 世界。 不單單在時裝和食品方面,全 香港得寵狗也在水療中心享受 日子,在那裡牠們的皮毛被染 成彩虹似的霓虹燈顏色,週日 牠們又去沙灘上打盹。 接 著 該 文確 定了一 個 具 體 地 區,香港的狗在那裡真正過著 高貴的生活: 這些嬌生慣養寵物最喜歡去的 地方是西貢漁村,在那裡狗隻 一定會被當作家庭成員看待。 《每日郵報》寫道,西貢處 於 市郊,是地球上對狗隻最友好 的地點之一。西貢的街道上排 列著別緻的狗精品店和餐廳, 熱情地歡迎他們四條腿的客戶 朋友。


然而,這不僅是香港才有的現 象,該 文提到,其實在中國的 其它地方養狗的人越來越多。 不過,雖然西貢狗迷的集中度 最高,中國其它大城市也不甘 落後,該文詳述了狗日益受歡 迎的原因。 近 年來 香 港 經 歷了一 個 養 狗 熱潮,據稱約有174,975隻狗 生活在香港。為了迎合這股熱 潮,大 量 與 狗 相 關 的 生 意 如 雨後春筍般出現,從沐浴到散 步,甚至包括舉辦葬禮,無所 不包。

其他受歡 迎 的本 地 好 去處包 括 在 市內眾多狗 餐 廳 中 的 一 家午膳,或到訪Three Dogs Baker y其中一家加盟店— — 這 裏 主 要 售 賣 有 機 蛋 糕、餡 餅、咀嚼物和其他受狗狗歡迎 的小食。還有更多人把金錢豪 灑在名師設計的小狗用具上, 購買愛馬仕和古馳的狗頸圈也 是等閒事。

原因是什麼?據攝影師B rian Cassey稱,可能歸咎於香港的 低出生率。

其他人選擇把他們寵物的毛髮 染成彩虹色調,把寵物爪子修 剪整齊及定期梳洗毛髮。

在世界的這一頭,一般來說, 毫無疑問人們已經知道我們對 狗(和其它動物)的關愛。畢竟 很多寵物的衣櫃已經比主人的 都大了!

那麼 香 港人寵 愛狗 隻背 後 的

“香港是世界上出生率最低的 地方之一,”他解釋道。“隨著 實際嬰兒数量减少,人們找到 了散發他們的愛、關注和金錢 的替代品——就是寵愛狗隻的 形式。”

寶貝寵物 • 2014年 5月


Dog story


eet the world’s most pampered pooches, ‘Diva dogs’ of Hong Kong travel in prams, spend their days at the spa and even have their own organic bakery. So begins the article on the indulged dogs of Hong Kong in a highly popular newspaper from the United Kingdom, The Daily Mail. They wear bejewelled collars, dress in the finest fashions and eat their supper at expensive restaurants: welcome to the jet-set world of Hong Kong’s most indulged canine residents, continues the article. But it’s not all fashion and food, the city’s pampered pooches also enjoy days out at the spa where their fur is turned into a rainbow of neon colours, and spend their Sundays snoozing on the beach. The article goes on to identify a specific area where the dogs of Hong Kong really live the high life: Pets & Hugs • May 2014

香港的‘天后狗’ 乘坐嬰兒車出入, 在水療中心度日, 甚至有自己的有機 麵包店。 ‘Diva dogs’ of Hong Kong travel in prams, spend their days at the spa and even have their own organic bakery.

rush to welcome the four-legged friends of their customers, writes The Daily Mail journalist. However, it is not only Hong Kong that gets focused on in the piece, indeed, the rest of China is also mentioned in the context of the rising popularity of owning a dog. While Sai Kung has the highest concentration of dog fans, the rest of the Chinese megalopolis isn’t far behind, and the article elaborates on the factors behind this increasing popularity.

Nowhere is the penchant for mollycoddled pets more apparent than in the fishing village of Sai Kung, where dogs are very firmly considered to be members of the family.

Hong Kong has experienced a boom in dog ownership in recent years, with an estimated 174,975 canines believed to live in the city. To cater for them, huge numbers of dog-related businesses have sprung up, with everything from baths to walks and even funerals laid on.

Just outside the city, Sai Kung is one of the most caninefriendly spots on the planet, with streets lined with chic dog boutiques and restaurants that

Other popular local treats include lunch at one of the city’s many dog restaurants or a visit to one of the stores in the Three Dogs Bakery franchise, which sells organic

cakes, pies, chews and other dog friendly treats. More still splash their cash on designer doggie gear, with collars bought from Hermes or Gucci not uncommon. Others choose to dye their pets’ hair in rainbow hues and all boast neatly manicured claws and regularly shampooed fur. So what’s behind Hong Kong’s love of dogs? According to photographer Brian Cassey, the low birth rate in Hong Kong could be to blame. ‘Hong Kong has one of the lowest birth rates in the world,’ he explains. ‘With few actual babies, people have found substitutes to splash their love, attention and money on - in the form of some very pampered pooches’. The world at large is now, without a doubt, aware of the love we have for dogs (and other animals!) in this part of the world. After all, many of the have bigger wardrobes than their owners!


日本短尾貓 Japanese Bobtail

需要關注度 —我理解你的一舉一動。 情感 —我聰明、健談,是個完美的伴侶! 活躍程度 —我擅長玩把戲,學得快。 與孩子關係 —我愛所有人。

If you want a cat that will interact with you and your family, then the Japanese Bobtail is the breed for you! Full of energy, always playful and loving, these peopleoriented cats want to be the centre of family life.

如果你想要一隻會 與你和家人互動 的 貓,那麼日本 短 尾貓就是你要的品 種!精力充沛,總是 調皮可愛,這 些以 人為本的貓想成為 家庭生活的中心。

Attention needs I follow your every move Affection I am clever and chatty, perfect company! Activeness I am good at tricks and a fast learner Relationship with children I love everyone


寶貝寵物 • 2014年 5月


本短尾貓屬於家貓品 種,擁有一條獨特、“剪 短” 的尾巴,類似兔子尾巴。 日本 短 尾 貓 原 產 於日本 及 東 南 亞 地 區,幾 個 世 紀 以 來 該 品種在日本已經遐爾聞名,牠 經常在傳 統 民間 傳 說 和 藝 術 品中出現。 一 個 關 於日本 短 尾 貓 的 理 論 顯示,至少1,0 0 0年前牠們從 亞 洲 大 陸 來 到日本。16 0 2 年 日本 政 府 頒 布 法 令,讓 所 有 的 貓 自由,使 牠 們 能 協 助 處 理威脅蠶的囓齒動物。當時, 買 賣 貓 隻 是 非 法 的,從 那 時 起 短 尾 貓 開 始 生 活在 農 場 和 街頭。因此日本短尾貓成為日 本的“街貓”。 一般而言,該品種的貓活躍、 聰 明、有 強 烈 的 以 人 為 本 的 天性,與大多數貓品種相比, 牠 較 容 易 受訓 去 表 演 把 戲, 並 很 享受學 習 人 類 指引 的 活 動,如 套 上 貓 帶 散 步 和 表 演 拿東西等。 牠們是細心、警覺性高、留意 周 圍 事 物 的 貓 科 動 物。人們

Pets & Hugs • May 2014

認為牠們是一種異常“健談” 的 品 種,牠 們 經 常用 聲 音 與 人 互 動。其 柔 和 的 聲 音具備 近 乎 整 套 音 階 的 能 力,導 致 民 間 以 為 牠 們 會 唱 歌。不少 主人亦稱牠們愛嬉水。 這 種 品 種 的 獨 特之 處不僅 是 短 尾,其 每 一 隻 貓 的 短 尾 都 是 獨 一 無 二 的。就 像 指 紋 一 樣,沒有兩條相同的尾巴。短 尾 必 須 是 清 晰 可見,並 且 由 一 個 或 多 個 曲 線、角 度 或 扭 結 或 任 何 組 合 所 組 成。尾 骨 從身體伸延 最長不應 超 過3 英寸。短尾可以是柔或剛,大 小 和 形狀 應 該與 貓身 體 其餘 部 分相 協 調。創 造 日本 短 尾 貓 的 遺 傳 因素是 顯 性 基 因和 純育。

漫 畫 人物 凱 蒂 貓 是 一 隻日本 短 尾 貓,而 且 是 當 代卡哇伊(“可 愛”)流行文化 的例子


Cat Breed

he Japanese Bobtail is a domestic cat breed with an unusual “bobbed” tail that resembles the tail of a rabbit. Native to Japan and Southeast Asia, the breed has been known in Japan for centuries, and it frequently appears in traditional folklore and art.

Generally speaking, members of the breed are active, intelligent cats, with a strongly humanoriented nature, are easier to train to perform tricks than most breeds, and are more likely to enjoy learning human-mediated activities like walking on a harness and leash, and playing fetch.

One theory of short-tailed cats in Japan indicates that they arrived from the Asian Continent at least 1,000 years ago. In 1602, Japanese authorities decreed that all cats should be set free to help deal with rodents threatening the silk worms. At that time, buying or selling cats was illegal, and from then on, bobtailed cats lived on farms and on the streets. Japanese Bobtails thus became the “street cats” of Japan.

They are very attentive, alert felines that notice a lot. Considered an unusually “talkative” breed, they often interact vocally with people. Their soft voices are capable of nearly a whole scale of tones, leading to a folk belief that they can sing. Many owners also report a fondness for water.

The manga character Hello Kitty is a Japanese Bobtail, and is an example of contemporary Kawaii (“cute”) pop culture

The tail is unique not only to the breed, but to each individual cat. Like fingerprints, no two tails are alike. The tail must be clearly visible and is composed of one or more curves, angles, or kinks, or any combination. The furthest extension of the tailbone from the body should be no longer than three inches. The tail may be flexible or rigid and should be of a size or shape to harmonize with the rest of the cat. The genetic factor which created the Japanese Bobtail is due to dominant genes and breeds true.



寶貝寵物 • 2014年 5月


Cat Tale

貓貓Lilau Lilau, the Cat 以貓作為禮物,從此改變了一個女人的 一生。縱然有酸甜苦辣,毫無疑問,現 在貓在哪裡,家就在哪裡。

很驚訝。晚飯後,朋友們 站在餐廳外,手中捧著 一個大紙箱。我做夢也猜不出 裡面是什麼。我記得我的心跳 得很快,幾乎透不過氣,朋友 們開始拿著相機對凖我。最終 我打開紙箱,猶疑了幾秒鐘, 因為整個箱裝滿報紙。 首先我找到一個碗,然後又一 個碗,跟著是一個藍色的小墊 子,隨後,一 個 大 塑 膠盒,一 些玩具,其餘的東西我都記不 起,因為淚水已從我發紅的面 頰流下來。箱底有一幅朋友們 送的照片,寫著生日快樂的祝 福。這是我第一次見到牠。 幾天後,我去貓空間(一家在 亞婆井前地附近的領養店)見 牠。如果對於這名字有懷疑, 那一刻全都消失了。我幾乎知 道牠的故事的名稱,就是現在 我 跟 你 講 的 這 個 故 事:貓 貓 Lilau。 我推測 親 愛的讀者可能在 想:“ 哼,又 是另一 隻 貓 的 故 事”。不錯,但事實上,牠們有 Pets & Hugs • May 2014

The gift of a cat changed one woman’s life for good. With all the ups and down’s, there is no doubt that home is now where the cat is.


was caught by surprise. After we finished dinner they appeared from outside the restaurant with a huge paper box in their hands. Not even in my wildest dreams would I have guessed what was inside. I remember my heart was beating so fast I almost couldn’t breathe and my friends started pointing their cameras at me. When I finally opened the box there were a few seconds more of suspense because it was all submerged in lots and lots of newspaper sheets. First my hand caught a bowl. Then another bowl. Then a small blue cushion. Then a huge plastic box, some toys and I can’t even remember the rest because tears were already rolling down my red cheeks. On the bottom there was a picture with a Happy Birthday message from my friends. And that’s when I saw him for the first time. A couple of days later I went to Meow Space, an adoption store in Lilau neighbourhood to meet him. If doubts existed about the name, they all faded away at that moment. I could almost see the title of his story, the story I’m


奇妙的性格。一開始,我的貓 故事就像我最熟悉的書本、電 影和電視裡貓故事的混合物, 有好有壞。 從嬰兒時期Lilau一直是隻實 實在在的“穿靴的貓”。的確, 牠 精力 充 沛、自 以 為 是 個 英 雄、自覺迷人、從不發胖,更甚 的是,不像其他的貓,牠會運 用牠那特別超級可愛的外貌。 儘 管 L i l a u 精力充沛,牠也會 懶惰、憤世嫉俗而又有令人討 厭的聰明,就像Jim Davis 的 漫 畫 人物“加菲 貓”。但牠不 是橙色,不胖,也沒有為千層 麵和意式薄餅瘋狂,卻有一個 使牠特別傾慕的義大利朋友。 奇 怪 的 是 牠 被肉 類 和 巧 克力 所吸引。 16

Li lau不像我所認識的大部分 貓,牠的行為像狗。真的像狗 一樣。當牠只有數月大時,便 開始向我取小物件(通常是我 的彈性髪圈),回應我的口哨, 牠不太喜歡被人抱,反而喜歡 被戲弄和咬著玩。

於一樓的工作室住了年半。不 久,“穿靴子的貓”先生開始往 外面的世界探險。牠甚至學會 瞭如何打開前門。真的,我不 是開玩笑。在嘗試“管制”後 發現牠總能安然無恙地回來, 於是我開始讓牠自由出入。

老鼠入屋。嗯,那一幕與漫畫 中的情節完全一樣。我在屋裏 四處追逐那追捕老鼠的貓,結 果得到朋友伸手幫助。自那時 開始,我把牠鎖在屋裏,也因 為牠越來越多病。畢竟幸福要 有代價。

L i l a u 聰明。有 時 候像 Lew i s Carroll的“愛麗絲夢遊仙境” 中的“妙妙貓”那 樣 沉著。當 然,牠實際上沒說話,但當“女 王之心”出現,牠使我振奮起 來,牠肯定知道如何使出那神 秘挑釁的眼神,偶爾牠會不留 痕跡地消失。到我找到牠,牠 便發出咕嚕咕嚕的聲音並像愛 麗絲的貓黛娜那樣撒嬌。

後 來 一 切 都 很 順 利,偶 爾 有 些零星的(和不受歡迎的)禮 物,如蟑螂和小蟲。我經常聽 到窗外傳來貓科動物聚會的響 聲,使我想起Andrew Lloyd Webber的音樂劇《貓》,或 Thomas O’Malley和他的 朋友們表演的那首在迪士尼電 影《猫儿历险记》裏的爵士樂 曲“人人都想成為一隻貓”。

問題來了,Lilau和我在澳門舊 城區中心的一條神奇小巷內位

我猜Li l au有牠自己的生活空 間。直到某天,牠決定帶一隻

最近我搬到一間新公寓,這次 不再是一樓。公寓有個陽台, 用蚊帳密封。Lilau因壓力有點 不舒服,在房子周圍留下些難 聞的“聲明”讓我清洗,但牠 就 好 一点了。雖然,牠經常看 起來像隻“霹靂 貓”,感覺自 己像個外星人。牠大喊,跑 來 跑去,看來很沮喪,像8 0年代 Tobin Wolf創造的半日本/半 美國動畫系列里的人物。幸虧 牠沒有劍,而且大部分時間與 我們相處得很好。 寶貝寵物 • 2014年 5月


Cat Tale

telling you now: Lilau, the Cat. I suppose that you, my dear reader, are probably thinking: “Bah, another cat story”. Yup, but the truth is that they make fantastic characters. And from the beginning mine was a mix of some of those I knew best from books, movies and television. For better and for worse. From babyhood Lilau has always been an authentic “Puss in Boots”. Yes, he’s very energetic, thinks he’s a hero, knows he’s charming, never gets fat and yes, he uses that special super cute look like no other. Anyway, although Lilau is energetic, he can also be lazy, cynical and annoyingly smart just like “Garfield”, the Jim Davis comic strip character. He’s not orange, nor fat, nor crazy about lasagna and pizza, but he does have an Italian friend he absolutely adores and he’s strangely attracted to meat. And chocolate. Unlike most of the cats I know, Lilau behaves like a dog. Yes, like a dog. He started to ask me to fetch small objects (usually my elastic hair bands) when he was only a couple of months old; he answers to my whistling, he doesn’t really like to be held, and instead he likes to be teased and bites to play.

course he doesn’t actually speak but he does, however, appear to cheer me up when some “Queen of Heart’s” turns up, and he sure knows how to make that mysterious provoking look, as well as disappear without leaving a trace once in a while. But then I find him and he purrs and pampers like Alice’s Dinah.

Lilau不像我所認 識的大部分貓, 牠的行為像狗。 真的像狗一樣。 Unlike most of the cats I know, Lilau behaves like a dog. Yes, like a dog.

Thing is, for one year and a half Lilau and I lived in a ground floor studio in an amazing alley in Macau’s historic centre. It didn’t take long for Mr. “Puss in Boots” to start his adventures in the outside world. He even learned how to open the front door. No, I am not kidding. So, after fighting against it, and after I found out he would always come back safe and sound, I started letting him do it freely. It all went well, some sporadic (and unwelcome) gifts once and a while, such as cockroaches and small insects. From the other side of the window I could often hear loud feline get-togethers, reminding me of Andrew Lloyd Webber’s “Cats”, or Thomas O’Malley

and his friends performing the jazzy scat song “Everybody Wants to Be a Cat” in Disney’s movie “The Aristocats”. Lilau had the time of his life, I guess. Until one day he decided to bring a mouse into the house. Well, that episode was exactly like in the cartoons. Me chasing the cat chasing the mouse around the house, with the help of a friend that kindly came to give a hand. That’s when I started locking him in - also because he started getting sick more and more often. Happiness has a price after all. I recently moved into a new apartment. It’s not a ground floor anymore, but it has a veranda, which is sealed with a mosquito net. Lilau has been a bit sick because of the stress, he left some unpleasant smelly “statements” around the house for me to clean, but he’s getting better. Adapting. Although, he often looks like “Thundercat”. He feels like an alien, he shouts, runs around and looks upset just like the characters in the 80s half Japanese/half American animation series created by Tobin Wolf. Luckily he doesn’t have a sword and we get along just fine. Most of the time.

Lilau is smart. Sometimes he gets philosophical like the “Cheshire Cat”, from Lewis Carroll’s “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland”. Of

Pets & Hugs • May 2014


雙龜記 A Tale of Two Turtles

很多人喜歡貓狗,但對於 學生Winnie Mok,她對 她的兩隻寵物龜產生了特 殊的感情。 Many people love cats and dogs, but for student Winnie Wengsan, it’s her two pet turtles that she feels a special connection with.


寶貝寵物 • 2014年 5月


多人可能會覺得 把龜作 為寵物 是不 平常的,但 是,對於學生Winnie Mok這 卻是一件家常事,因為背殼生 物一直以來都是她家庭的一部 分。事緣多年前,她的父母帶 回家一隻龜,所以今天她成為 兩隻巴西龜——杞子和芝麻的 主人,為此她非常自豪並對牠 們關愛有加。 Winnie的父母在20多年前開 始飼養龜,“我聽父母說在我 出生前,他們带我的姐姐到盧 廉若公園散步,在草叢中發現 有隻草龜,他們決定給這草龜 一個家,便把牠帶回家照顧, 取名草草” 。 “2011年冬季,草草跟往常一 樣在牠的窩裡冬眠,到2012年 2月草草應該如以往一樣開始 活動,但我們卻發現牠已在窩 中死去。為了紀念這只陪伴了 我們20多年的草龜,妹妹在網 上找到一個可以把草龜的龜殼 做成標本的人,讓草草可以繼 續陪伴我們。可能這就我們一

Pets & Hugs • May 2014

家都喜愛龜,並把牠們當成家 庭成員的原因。” 今 天都 是半水 棲 龜 類 的 杞子 和芝麻與Winnie和她的家人 很快樂地一起生活。“我們對 杞子的歲數不是太肯定,但牠 是一隻成年龜。曾有獸醫估計 芝麻大約8個月大”Winnie解 釋,她補充説,根据網上資料, 這种龜最短也有約三、四十年 的壽命,有些更可活到百歲。

杞子到我們 家裡已超 過6個 月,是去年的9月爸 爸 散步時 發現的,“我爸爸在媽閣海灘 散步時發現杞子,牠被夾在石 塊與石塊中間不能動,身體瘦 削,估計是有人把牠放生到海 邊已有一段時間。” Winnie的另外一隻龜的生命 開始得比較順利,牠來自她家 的一個朋友。“芝麻本來是爸 爸的朋友養的寵物。今年1月爸 爸到他朋友的店裡時,朋友問 爸爸要不要多養一隻龜,爸爸


any people may find the idea of having a turtle for a pet an unusual one, however for student Winnie Wengsan it’s a bit of a family thing, as the shelled creatures have always been part of her household. It started many years ago, when her parents brought one home, and today she is the very proud, and loving, owner of Gate Chi and Zi Ma, two female Red Eared Slider turtles.

Turtle Tale us company for over 20 years, my younger sister looked on the Internet and found a person who can turn the turtle’s shell into a keepsake, allowing Cao Cao to continue accompanying us. Perhaps this is the reason our family has always loved turtles, and treat them like family members”.

Winnie’s parents started raising turtles 20 years ago, “I heard from my parents that before I was born, one day they took my sister to Jardim Lou Lim Ieoc for a walk, and there they found a grass turtle in the bush, and they decided to give this grass turtle a home, so they brought it back to the house to take care of it, and they named him Cao Cao”.

Today Gate Chi and Zi Ma, semiaquatic turtles, are more than at home with Winnie and her family. “We are not sure about the age of Gate Chi, but she is an adult turtle. The vet had once estimated the age of Zi Ma to be around 8 months”, the student explains, adding that, according to information provided online, these turtles can live be at least 30 to 40 years old, some reaching the age of 100.

“In the winterof 2011, as usual Cao Cao was in his nest hibernating, then in February 2012 Cao Cao should have returned to his activities as he had done in the past, but we found him dead in his nest. In order to commemorate the grass turtle who had kept

Gate Chi, who has been with the family for over six months, was found by Winnie’s father when he was out on a walk, “It happened when my father was taking a walk on Barra beach, he discovered Gate Chi, caught between the rocks and unable to move, she was very thin,


便決定帶芝麻回家,而杞子和 芝麻自此成為好朋友。” 組成一個完整的家庭後,杞子 和芝麻已適應了新的環境,看 來 牠 們 從 此 找 到了自己的 幸 福。然而,儘管牠們之間是互 相信賴的好友,牠們的習慣截 然不同。 “牠們在家中的水盆裡生活, 因 為 杞 子 不 喜 歡 水中 生 活, 晚 上我 們 把 牠 放在 水中餵 食 物,直 到 早上 才 把 牠 放 回 地 上。”Winnie解釋。杞子不喜 歡的其他活動包括游泳、外來 打擾及曬太陽;但是牠特別喜 歡在地上走動,喜歡找一個又 黑又靜的角落睡覺。 Winnie 在談及這只難伺候的龜時 說:“牠還喜愛吃鮮 蝦。牠很 有性格且不喜歡人打擾牠的生 活,有時候牠會發脾氣。” 芝麻喜歡在水中生活,所以牠


一直在水盆中,中午有陽光時 會把牠們連水盆一起放到陽台 吸收陽光,如沒有陽光時會開 UV燈給牠們。 不像杞子,芝麻喜歡在水中游 泳、曬 太 陽、睡 覺,“ 牠 性 格 很 隨 和,喜 歡 與 杞 子 一 起 生 活。芝麻在陽光下很活潑,很 享受有陽光照射的水中生活, 牠一般不離開水,大部分時間 都在水里睡覺。” 這个关爱 龜 的 家庭 对 动 物 的 愛心不仅体现在杞子和芝麻身 上。“家裡還有一隻貓和一隻 狗,牠們都是沒人照顧的流浪 貓狗,所以帶牠們回家照顧。 貓貓名叫糖糖,11歲。狗狗名 叫米奇,10歲。 Winnie察覺到杞子有些不對 勁,帶 牠去看了幾 次獸醫,“ 牠不願進食,好像生病一樣。 我 們 開 始 特別留意 牠日常 行

為,發覺牠經常用手擦眼睛。 在 三個 星 期 前發 現牠 的 眼 睛 有點紅,一星期後長出一大粒 白色固體,獸醫說牠的眼睛受 到感染,需要每天打針及滴眼 藥​​水。” Winnie的朋友向她推薦綠十 字 獸 醫 診 所,他 們 可 以 為 龜 提供醫療服務。 “我們帶杞 子 到 綠 十 字 診 所,醫 生 馬 上 幫 杞子 做手 術 取 出一 粒白色 固體。獸醫說這是細菌感染, 很 多鳥 類和 爬 行 類 動 物 感 染 的一種疾病。手術後,我們用 生 理 鹽 水 幫 杞 子 洗 眼 睛,然 後在傷口處塗上藥膏,讓傷口 快點復原。” 杞子的視力還未恢復,手術後 仍在發炎,但開始有些好轉。 現 在 獸 醫正在 幫 杞 子 找 龜 吃 的 維他命A,一旦 服用,杞子 的視力便可恢復。 Winnie對 她得到的幫助非常感激,“我

們 感 謝 獸醫 對 杞子的 細 心照 顧,也感謝醫生沒有放棄治療 牠們。” 這位學 生 擁 有 超 出 她年 齡 的 智慧,我們可以從中學到一樣 重要的東西——“每一隻動物 都是平等的,牠們有生存的權 利,我們不應該讓牠們自生自 滅,當牠們生病時我們應該帶 牠們去看獸醫。第一天收養牠 時,我們就要承諾照顧牠們一 生一世,直至牠們老死。”

Green Cross Vet Clinic Macau Avenida Sidonio Pais, 32-C Ed Long Ying, R/C, C, Macau Tel: +853 2852 4760

綠十字獸醫診所 澳門士多鳥拜斯大馬 路,32-C 龍鷹大廈,R/C-C 電話:853 2852 4760

寶貝寵物 • 2014年 5月


Turtle Tale

I guess someone had released her on the beach a while before”. Winnie’s other turtle, Zi Ma, had a less unfortunate start in life and came through a family friend, “Zi Ma was originally the pet of my father’s friend. When my father went to his friend’s shop in January he asked my father whether he would like to have one more turtle, as such my father decided to bring Zi Ma home, and Gate Chi and Zi Ma became good friends”. With the family complete, Gate Chiand Zi Ma have adpated well to their new surorundings and seem to have found their happy ever after. However, it seems that, despite being firm friends, the turtels have very different habits. “They live in a water plate at home, Gate Chi does not like to live in water, so we put her in water at night to feed her until the next morning, when we put her back on the ground”, Winnie explains. Other activities that Gate Chi does not appreciate include swimming, disturbances

Pets & Hugs • May 2014

and sunbathing; however, what she does like is walking on the ground, and sleeping in a quiet and dark corner. “She also likes eating fresh shrimp. She has a unique character and does not like to be disturbed, sometimes she will throw a tantrum”, Winnie says of her demanding turtle. “Zi Ma likes living in water, so she lives in the water plate, and at noon, when there is sunshine, we take them, along with the plate, to the balcony to absorb sunlight, and on days when there is no sunlight we turn on the UV light for them”. Unlike Gate Chi, Zi Ma likes swimming, sunbathing and sleeping in water, “She has a very easy-going personality, she likes living together with Gate Chi. Zi Ma is very lively under the sun, she enjoys life in the water with sunshine, she usually does not leave the water and spends most of the time sleeping in it”. The turtle-loving family do not limit their care and love for animals with Gate Chi and Zi Ma. “At home we also have a cat and a dog, we brought them home becaue they were strays, no one was taking care

of them. The cat’s name is Ton Ton, and is 11 years old. The ten-year-old dog’s name is Miki”. Winnie recently had to make a few trips to the vet, after noticing that something was amiss with Gate Chi, “She was reluctant to eat, and it looked like she was sick. We began to pay special attention to her daily behaviour, and we noticed that she often used her paw to rub her eyes. Three weeks ago we found her eyes a little red, and one week later there was a large white grain growing on her eye, the vet said her eye was infected, she was given an injection and used eye drops every day”. A friend of Winnie’s recommended Green Cross Veterinary Clinic, as they provide medical services for turtles. “We took Gate Chi to Green Cross Veterinary Clinic and the vet immediately performed surgery to remove the grain. The vet said it was a bacterial infection, it’s the kind of bacteria/disease many birds and reptiles can catch. After the surgery, we used saline

to help Gate Chi clean her eyes, then we put some cream on the wound to help it heal faster”. Gate Chi’s vision has still not yet fully recovered, her eyes still have some inflammation after the surgery, but it is starting to get better. Her vet is helping find Vitamin A (for turtle to use), and once it’s taken, Gate Chi’s vision can recover. Ever grateful for finding specialised care for her pet, Winnie has nothing but gratitude for the help she has received, “We thank the vets for their attentive care to Gate Chi, and for not giving up on finding treatments”. The student has wisdom beyond her years and an important message we can all learn from, “Every animal is equal, they have the right to live, we should not leave them to fend for themselves, and we should take them to see the vet when they are sick. On the first day of taking them in, we must make a life time commitment to take care of them until they die of old age”.


保育郵票 澳 門 郵 政 發 生了一 件 令人 非 常 興奮 的 事,他們 推 出第 一 套 以 動 物 福 利 為主題的郵票。《寶貝寵物》採訪了 集郵科主管Carol Ng Mei Kei女士, 以期更多瞭解 這套意義 非同尋常的 郵票。


There is something very exciting happening at Macau Post, they are launching their first ever stamp collection dedicated to animal welfare. Pets&Hugs spoke to Ms. Carol Ng Mei Kei, Head of the Philately Division, to learn more about this significant collection.

寶貝寵物 • 2014年 5月


Macau Post

門熱愛動物人士都在為 四月底開始的盛事作準 備,因4月28日澳門郵政將推出 一套以澳門街頭獲救的貓狗為 主題的郵票,這些貓狗成為最新 系列郵票中的模特兒和明星。 澳 門 郵 政 集 郵 科主管 C a ro l Ng Mei Kei女士解釋了他們如 何做成此事。 “每年,當我們 為新郵票尋找主題,我們會邀 請許多人士提意見,包括設計 師、藝術家、社團、政府、學校 和媒體。這個保護動物主題是 一位叫Helena Man In, Ng的 設計師提出的。” “經過多次分析,我們認為現 在正是時候,因為政府也在談 論動物保護法,因此我們認為 2 014 年對這個意念是合適的 一年”。 這 是 澳 門 郵 政 第一次在 其 郵 票系列中採用保護動物主題, 這個郵票系列將印製20萬套, 在4月2 8日公開發行。另一個 第一次,是澳門郵政採用了由 Helena和印刷商研製的新膠 版印刷漆藝技術,目的是為目 標(一個塗漆的庇護所形象, 標誌著對這些動物的保護)增 添更多層次。 “我們認為她的理念非常好, 並 任 命 她 為 這個 主 題 的 設計 師”。 Ng Mei Kei女士稱,今 天的資訊傳播和科技發展意味 著我們大家都可以得到更多訊 息和新聞。 “我們得知很多關 於虐待動物的事,所以我們知 道應該保護動物,因為牠們也 有權利”。 Ng Mei Kei女士認為,澳門人 士對動物權利一直有一定的認 識,但現在“有更多人為此事 發聲”。過去在保護動物方面 人們“各自為政”,但現在“他 們 希望每個 人都 知 道 這個 話 題。” 在這套郵票中出現的動物是貓 Pets & Hugs • May 2014

和狗,牠們被選中是因為“這 些動物是澳門最普遍的寵物, 當大眾想領養一隻寵物,通常 會是貓或狗”。 在郵票上可以看到動物今天的 他或她,而背景是“牠們過去 生活的故事”,這些故事不幸 地涉及遺棄個案,在某些情況 下,甚至涉及虐待。 設計師Helena與“貓空間” (一家在南灣區的商店和庇護 所)聯繫,取得真實生活的個 案作為她設計的基礎。 “我認 為用實際案例是一個非常好的 概念,可以傳達真正的訊息。” 集郵科主管說。 Black Mouth是在郵票上出 現的一隻“混種”狗,牠在 處 於惡 劣環 境 的 一窩 小 狗 中被


nimal lovers in Macau are in for a treat starting end of April, as on the 28th Macau Post is launching a set of stamps featuring cats and dogs saved from the streets of the territory, to model and star on their latest series of stamps. Ms. Carol Ng, Head of the Philately Division at Macau Post, explained how they reached this point. “Every year when we look for themes we invite suggestions from many parties, including designers, artists, associations, government, schools and the press. The animal protection theme was proposed by one of the designers, Helena Man In, Ng”. “After much analysis we thought it is the right time because the government is also talking about the law for the protection of

animals, so we thought 2014 is a suitable year for this idea”. This is the first time Macau Post has used the theme of animal protection in one of its collections, and 200 000 sets will be printed. In yet another first, Macau Post has adopted a new offset printing with lacquer technique, developed with Helena and the printer, to add more dimension to the cause, the lacquered image of a shelter, signifying the protection of these animals. “We thought her idea was very good and appointed her as the designer behind this theme”. The spread of information today, courtesy of technology, means that we can all be more informed and get news, according to Ms. Ng. “We hear a lot about animal abuse, and that’s why people should be aware that we should


protect animals, because they also have rights”. Ms. Ng believes that animal rights is something that has always had a certain awareness amongst the people of Macau, but “we now have more voices talking about this”. In the past people “did it on their own” in terms of protecting animals, but now “they want everybody to know about this topic”. The animals chosen to appear on the collection, dogs and cats, were chosen because, “these are the most popular pets in Macau, when most people want to adopt a pet, it is normally a dog or cat”.

發 現,當 時 牠 的 兩 個 兄 弟 已 死 於 飢 餓。不 是名 種 的 狗 往 往 被 遺 棄,牠 們 在領 養 中 也 不 受 歡 迎,因 為 牠 們 太“ 普 通”了。那隻母狗和其他的小 狗獲救後被送到“貓空間”等 待 領 養,可 悲 的 是 牠 們 全 家 都去世了。因為牠們 太弱,無 法生存,但Black Mouth挨 過了。雖然很幸運地活下來, 牠 卻 從 沒 被 收 養,最 終 被 貓 空 間 的 老 闆 收 養,並 成 為 一 個非常好的伴侶。 Highway Kitten被發現跑過 高速公路,嚇得 要死,直到有 人看到發生的事並報警。當警 員 趕 到 時 這 隻小 貓 已嚇到目 瞪口呆,從兩層樓高的高速公 路跳 到地面。“貓空間”把牠 帶走治療傷勢,最終牠獲得領 養。郵票上看到的一個美麗而 快樂的貓形象就是Highway Kitten今天的容貌。 名叫Lucky的貓被發現時懷有 身孕,獸醫檢驗後發現尿液裏 有血,相信她的傷勢可能是人 為的。她失去了所有的小貓。 經過“貓空間”的照料,Lucky 最終找到一個充滿愛的家。 是 這 隻狗 嗎?牠 被 遺 棄 在 路 24

上,沒有人照 顧。最終有人帶 牠到政府狗房,如果動物在狗 房幾天而無人領養,牠們會被 人道毀滅。有人在“貓空間”發 現牠,可憐 牠並領養了牠,令 牠免於早逝。 出現在小型張郵票上的Sticky Kitten,被發現時是只全身塗 滿膠水的小貓,真是一個愚蠢 而令人髮指的行為。經過多番 努力和關懷,終於將有毒膠水 從牠身體和皮毛上洗掉,後來 牠被一 個 家庭收養 — — 經 歷 起初痛苦的生命後,最終得到 一個真正的大團圓結局。 “我認為聽了這些故事,可以 看到人類如何故意虐待動物。 從新聞中我們得知青少年把動 物當作玩具,踢牠們或將牠們 亂拋。我覺得這些故事可讓公 眾關注此事。” “ 當人們 收 集 這 些 郵 票 時, 他 們 將會真 正 明白其背 後 的 意義”,而且“ 把 這個 正面形 象 傳 開 去 是 我 們 的 責 任,這 很重要。” 要獲取更多有關這個重要郵票 系列的消息,請到訪: .

On the stamps one can see the animal as he or she is today, and in the background, “the story of their past life”, which unfortunately involve cases of abandonment, and in some cases, even abuse. Designer Helena contacted MeowSpace, a shop and shelter in the Nam Van area, to get real life cases on which to base her designs. “I think it is a very good concept to work with real cases, to really carry out the message”, says the Head of Philately. One of the dogs to appear on a stamp is Black Mouth, a ‘mixed breed’ dog, he was found in a litter of puppies in very poor conditions and two of his siblings had already died of hunger. Dogs of no particular breed are often abandoned and they are not a popular choice for adoption, as they are considered ‘common’. The mother and the rest of her litter were rescued and taken to MeowSpace for adoption. Sadly all his family passed away, as they were too weak to survive, but Black Mouth made it. Although he was lucky enough to survive, he was never adopted, and in the end the owner of MeowSpace adopted him, and he has become a very good companion. Highway Kitten was found running across a highway, scared to death until people saw what was

happening and called the police. When the police arrived the cat was so petrified she jumped two stories from the highway down to the road below. MeowSpace took her to treat her injuries and eventually she was adopted. The image of a beautiful and happy cat seen on the stamp is how Highway Kitten looks today. The cat called Lucky was found pregnant and with blood in her urine and after a check up at the vet, it was believed that her injuries may have been deliberate. She lost all her kittens and after being cared for at MeowSpace, Lucky eventually found a loving home. The other canine star to appear on the stamp collection was on the road, abandoned and nobody cared. Eventually someone took him to the public kennel where, if the animal is not adopted after a couple of days, they are put down. Someone from MeowSpace saw him and took pity on him, adopting him and saving him from an early death. Sticky Kitten, who appears on the Souvenir sheet, was found as a kitten and covered in glue, a truly heinous act of mindless cruelty. After much effort and care, the toxic glue was washed from her body and fur, and she was adopted by a family- a truly happy ending after a painful start in life. “I think from listening to all these kinds of stories we can see how people really abuse animals purposely. In the news we hear stories of teenagers treating animals like toys, kicking them or just throwing them around. I think these stories can bring attention of this to the public”. “When people collect these stamps they will really understand the message behind this”, adding “it is our responsibility to pass on this positive image, this is important”. For more information on this important stamp series, visit:

寶貝寵物 • 2014年 5月

Pets & Hugs • May 2014


海洋 王國


寶貝寵物 • 2014年 5月


Animal Discovery

Aquatic Kingdom 長

隆海洋王國有許多令人 讚嘆的地方,在1月份中 國農 曆 新 年假 期 的 試營 階段 接待了超過50萬遊客。為了成 為“中國的奧蘭多”,長隆集團 投入2 0 0 億元(人民幣)建設 這個國際海洋度假區。 該度假區距離澳門很近,有幾 種方法可以前往這個珠海的最 新發展項目。 《寵物寶貝》選 擇了一個更加有趣的方法—— 從粵通客運碼頭(30澳門元) 乘坐五分鐘渡輪過河,抵達對 岸後在小型入境處外乘坐出租 車。沿著那條15公里長、綠樹 成蔭的公路駛至長隆國際海洋 度假區,那裡有新的故事可告 訴大家,而行程非常順利(車 資38.20元人民幣)。 我們將在長隆橫琴灣酒店留宿 一晚,走進大堂,公園主題就 在眼前,大堂有八個巨型海豚 雕像包圍一個玻璃雕塑,這裡 是遊客和照相像機的焦點。 該酒店有1,888間客房和套房, 其主題裝飾延伸到房間,淋浴 門上的海馬及地毯上的珊瑚為 謹慎加工的最後粉飾增加了魅 力。從陽台俯瞰風景,可以看 到一個巨大的鯨鯊雕塑矗立在 遠處的長隆海洋王國中。 海洋王國由一 條1, 0 0 0 米 的“ 大運河”連接到長隆橫琴 灣酒店,那裡有35元的短程水 上出租車可供客人乘搭。另一 Pets & Hugs • May 2014

就在 澳門家門口的 一 個 全 新的主題公園,已獲 得 不 少於五個 健 力士 世界 紀 錄,有 志 成 為“ 中國 的 奧 蘭 多”。這對很多人來說是一個喜訊,然而一些環保人 士卻對此沒有什麼熱情。 Just on Macau’s doorstep is a brand new theme park that has racked up no less than five Guinness World Records and has aspirations to be “The Orlando of China”. Much to the delight of many, however some environmentalists are less enthusiastic. 選擇是沿著運河步行2 0 分鐘 或搭乘免費穿梭巴士。 這兩個橫琴島的旅遊景點(長 隆橫 琴灣 酒 店及長 隆 海洋王 國)是更大的長隆國際海洋度 假區的一部分。長隆國際海洋 度假區的目標是成為亞洲第一 主題度假勝地,結合動物表演、 驚險遊樂設施及娛樂活動。 因設有七個主題區(每區代表 不同的水下棲息地,從亞馬遜 到南極洲),長隆海洋王國聲 稱 擁 有 不少於五個 健 力士 世 界紀錄,其中包括擁有世界上 最大的水族館,該水族館中生 活著各種不同的海洋生物。在 我們參觀的當天,入場券價格 350元,此票價可讓遊客享用 公園裡所有的遊樂設施及觀看 所有表演。 在 酒店房間看 到 的巨 型 雕 塑 就 是 公園的主要景點 — — 鯨 鯊館。根據健力士世界紀錄報 告,這也是贏得如下讚譽的地 方:“最大的水下觀賞圓頂,最 大的水族箱,最大的水族館窗 口和最大的亞克力面板。”該水 族館聲稱有4,875萬升鹽和新 鮮水的總容量。


himelong Ocean Kingdom has much to boast about and received more than 500,000 visitors during its trial phase, which took place over the Chinese New Year holiday in January. With ambitions to be “The Orlando of China”, the Chimelong Group has pulled no stops in the building of this 20 billion yuan resort. A short trip from Macau, there are a couple of ways to get to one of the latest developments in Zhuhai. Pets&Hugs went for the more charming option and took a ferry from Yue Tong ferry terminal (MOP 30) for a fiveminute ride across the river, and once on the other side caught a taxi outside the small immigration. The 15 km drive to Chimelong International Ocean Resort along the tree-lined highway, so new it yet has stories to tell, could not be easier (RMB 38.20). Chimelong Hengqin Bay Hotel was our home for the night and walking in, there was no mistaking the theme at hand, with eight gigantic dolphin statues encircling a glass sculpture in the lobby, guests and cameras were firmly concentrated in this area.

With 1,888 rooms and suites, the hotel’s themed décor continues in the rooms, with seahorses on the shower door and coral on the carpets adding a charismatic touch to the otherwise discreet finishings. Looking out over the landscape from the balcony, a gigantic whale shark sculpture can be seen rising in the distance, Chimelong Ocean Kingdom. Ocean Kingdom is connected by a 1,000-meter “Grand Canal” to the Chimelong Hengqin Bay Hotel, and a short water taxi ride is available for guests at 35 RMB. Other options for getting to the park are a 20-minute walk along the canal, or a complimentary shuttle bus. Hengqin Island attractions, Chimelong Hengqin Bay Hotel and Chimelong Ocean Kingdom are part of the greater Chimelong International Ocean Resort, whose goal is to become Asia’s first themed resort combining animal exhibits, thrill rides and entertainment.

第一次觀看的感覺確 實覺得壯觀,儘 管鯨鯊不在。水 族館充滿了令人 欣賞的美麗海洋 生物,從巨型海 27

龜到優美的黃貂魚,都毫不費 力地在窗口滑行,能在這麼近 距離觀看這些生物確實激動人 心。 這是世界上最大的水下觀賞圓 頂,外部直徑12米,遊客進入 和離開這個巨大的水族館窗口 的感覺是神奇的,這是一個真 正的水中盛會,海洋生物在你 頭上游過,讓你能欣賞那些魚 的肚子,或看到從鯊魚下顎突 出來的鋒利牙齒。這些生物與 我們是如此接近,在我們參觀 的那天並不擁擠,令人愉快, 有時幾乎令我們感覺只有我們 與他們在一起。這是一個很特 別的經歷。 除了壯觀的動物外,遺憾的是 關 於 哪一 種 動 物 表 演 的 信息 欠奉。按 幾 下 觸 摸 屏只 收 到 有限的信息,如果牆壁上有更 詳 細 的 信 息,並 給 大 家 一 個 教育軆驗的話就好了,因為如 果 在 旺 季,遊 客 不 容 易 接 近 觸摸屏。 在參 觀 過 壯 麗 的 水 族 館 後, 我 們 此 行感 覺無 趣 的是 北 極


熊 館。看 到 棕 熊 站 在 館 外一 塊 石 頭 山 上,歡 呼 的 人 群 看 著牠們,向牠們拋食,這並不 顯 得 有 趣。館 內 的 色 調 令人 沮 喪,而 北 極 熊 住 在 骯 髒、 有假 雪 的 空間加 深了這 種 感 覺。很 難 相 信 這 是 一 座 新 建 成的主題公園。

山車,以一隻鸚鵡飛過一個雨 林為主題,而你肯定會飛的。 最好在午飯前做此事。 在公園周圍分佈著19個餐廳和 食品亭,如果你想接近水下世 界,你可前往水晶宮餐廳。該 餐廳位於鯨鯊水族館的旁邊, 遊來游去的魚就像一幅移動的

“我們對月球的了解要比我們對地球上海洋 的了解更多。” 海洋王國 “We know more about the moon than we understand about the oceans on earth” Ocean Kingdom

令人欣慰的是,神奇的亞馬遜 河 部 分飼 養 著此公 園 裡 最 離 奇和奇妙的生物之一。海牛館 是“海牛”的家,牠們是大象的 大型水生親戚。觀看這些食草 海洋哺乳動物在水中移動是件 令人好奇的事。 公園裡的亞馬遜河部分設有最 令人興奮的過山車——鸚鵡過 山車。這是由瑞士設計的招牌 過山車,是亞洲第一個飛翼過

畫,給遊客一個難忘的經歷。 有些較溫和的遊樂設施可於午 餐後騎乘,如海象飛濺和極地 探險家等,但給你一個警告, 最好在入口處購買一件塑料外 套,否則你將在一天的其餘時 間處於衣服濕透狀態。 下午3時還有每天的花車巡遊 (有各種主題服飾),這是一 個出色的色彩和音樂表演,讓

很多當天的遊客感到喜悅。 海豚劇場、海獅劇場及白鯨劇 院 在 公 園 開 幕 後 一直倍 受 爭 議,一些環保人士提出他們的 擔憂:一些野生動物被捕捉並 被安置在海洋館,在某些情況 下被逼進行現場表演。 根據《南華早報》上的一篇文 章,去年底香港特首梁振英參 觀該主題公園時,在白鯨池旁 邊擺好姿勢拍照片,此事頓時 引發人們對香港的海洋公園考 慮輸入牠們一事的回憶,所以 最終決定不再繼續進行,因此 事引起莫大的抗議聲浪。 毫無疑問,隨著時間過去,該 公園的發展計劃會深入發展, 背後的驅動力是想成為最大及 最好的主題公園。希望保育和 教育之間的平衡遲早能與當務 之急的娛樂期望保持一致。 長隆橫琴灣酒店 富祥灣,橫琴新區 珠海市 廣東省519031

寶貝寵物 • 2014年 5月


Animal Discovery

With seven themed areas, each representing a different underwater habitat from the Amazon to Antarctica, Chimelong Ocean Kingdom boasts no less than five Guinness World Records, including the world’s largest aquarium, and is home to a very diverse range of sea creatures. Entry tickets on the day of our visit cost RMB 350 and allowed access to all the rides and shows in the park. As indicated by the gigantic sculpture seen from the hotel room, the major attraction at the park is the Whale Shark Aquarium. This is also where accolades are credited for “largest underwater viewing dome, largest aquarium tank, largest aquarium window and largest acrylic panel”, according to Guinness Book of World Records reports. The aquarium boasts a total volume of 48.75 million litres of salt and fresh water. The impression upon first viewing is truly majestic, and this despite the fact that the whale shark was not there. The aquarium is full of beautiful sea creatures to admire, from the giant sea turtles to the graceful stingrays effortlessly gliding across the window, it truly is breathtaking to see these animals close up.

The world’s largest underwater viewing dome, with an external diameter of 12 meters, one enters when leaving the huge aquarium window is magical, a true aquatic feast, with animals swimming overhead allowing for great views of the belly of a fish, or the sharp teeth protruding from a shark’s jaw. The animals come so close, and on the day of our visit it was pleasantly un-crowded, at times it almost felt like we were alone with them. A very special experience. Away from the magnificence of the animals, the information on the species on show was sadly somewhat lacking. A few touchscreens allow for a limited degree of information to be accessed, but it would have been good to see walls filled with more detailed information to give everyone an educational experience, particularly during peak seasons when getting close to the touch screens will certainly prove tricky. After the grandeur of the aquarium, one of the low points of the visit was the Polar Bear Exhibition. Seeing brown bears standing on a stone hill outside the exhibition with shouting crowds watching them while they have food thrown at them, was far from entertaining. Inside the depressing tone deepened with polar bears in

dingy spaces with fake snow and not much else. Hard to believe that this is a newly built theme park. On a brighter note, the Amazing Amazon section houses one of the most bizarre and wonderful creatures in the park. The Manatee Exhibit is home to the ‘sea cows’, the large aquatic relatives of the elephant. It is very curious to watch these herbivorous marine mammals move through the water. The Amazon section of the park is also home to the most exhilarating ride around, the Parrot Coaster. The Swissdesigned signature ride, Asia’s first winged coaster, is themed as a parrot flying through a rain forest, and flying you certainly will be. Best done before lunch. There are 19 restaurants and food kiosks dotted around the grounds, and if you would like to stay close to the underwater action, head to Ocean Beauty Restaurant. Located next to the Whale Shark Aquarium, the fish swim past like a moving painting, making for a memorable experience. There are tamer rides that can be enjoyed after lunch such as the Walrus Splash and Polar Explorer, but be warned, do invest in the plastic coats on sale at the entrance, or risk spending

the rest of your day drenched. At 3pm there is a daily parade of floats and fancy costumes, an impressive display of colour and music, much to the delight of the visitors on the day. With a Dolphin Theatre, Sealion Theatre and Beluga Theatre, controversy has followed the opening of the park with some environmentalists raising concerns over the capture of some wild animals being housed in the aquariums, and the live performances that some are, in certain cases, made to undertake. According to an article in The South China Post, when Hong Kong Chief Executive Leung Chun-ying visited the theme park at the end of last year and posed for a picture next to the pool of beluga whales memories were stirred of the time Hong Kong’s Ocean Park considered importing them, and ultimately decided to not proceed, so great was the furore around the matter. There is no doubt that the development plans in store for the area will only gain momentum in time, the driving force behind it is, after all, is to be the biggest and best. Hopefully in time the balance between conservation and education will meet the entertainment expectations currently topping the priority list.

Chimelong Hengqin Bay Hotel - Fuxiang - Bay, Hengqin New District - Zuhai City - Guangdong 519031 - Pets & Hugs • May 2014



寶貝寵物 • 2014年 5月


Pet Expo

2014寵物及水族展 Pet & Aqua 2014 一項非常特殊的活動 — —國際寵物及水族 A very special event is coming to Macau in June, 用品展將於6月登陸澳門,為動物愛好者和 the International Pet & Aquarium Supplies Expo will give animal lovers and businesses the 企業提供一個聚會的理想機會。 ideal opportunity to meet in one place.

際寵物及水族用品展 (2 014寵物及水族展)即 將在今年6月6至8日(星期五、 六、日)於澳門威尼斯人®金光 會展™ A館隆重舉行。 展品內容豐富,充分照顧寵物 的基本所需,包括衣食住行、 寵物醫療......等。『2014寵物 展及水族展』切合任何人士的 不同需要。

he International Pet & Aquarium Supplies Expo (Pet & Aqua 2014) will take place from June 6 to 8 in Hall A, The Venetian Macao®, CotaiExpoTM.

同場更將舉行多項精彩活動, 包括遊戲和研討會等。另外, 香港先生翟威廉將到現場與觀 眾一起玩遊戲。

All the basic needs for pets will be met at the event, including food, clothing, utilities, medical care, to mention a few. With such comprehensive coverage, this exhibition would cater for every your every need.

『2014寵物及水族展』是零售 商、經銷商、製造商、批發商、 入口商、企業決策人、協會及其 他專業買家等的最佳商貿洽談 互動平台。

歡迎攜同寵物齊參觀。 開放時間為: 6月6-7日11:00-19:00及 6月8日11:00-17:00。 免費入場、免費於B館泊車、現 場贈送精美禮品! 萬勿錯過!

『 2 014 寵物及水族 展 』為寵 物主 人 提供 學習如 何 給 予 寵 物最佳呵護的難得機會。

查詢電話: 853-2871 5616/ 853-6299 8804

Pets & Hugs • May 2014


『 2 014 寵物及水族 展 』是最 佳 的 合 家 歡 活 動,也 是 一 個 教 育 孩子 保 護 動 物 重 要性的 機會。

For retailers, distributors, manufacturers, wholesalers, importers, company owners, associations, professional buyers…etc., Pet & Aqua 2014 is the BEST INTERACTIVE platform for business networking. For individual pet owners, Pet & Aqua 2014 is the BEST occasion to learn more about how to take the best care of your pets.

For the general public, Pet & Aqua 2014 is an ideal family activity to educate children on the importance of animal protection. Various momentous activities, including a series of amusing games, demonstrations, seminars etc. are going to take place during the exhibition. In addition, Mr. Hong Kong William Chak will be present at the exhibition to play games with the visitors. You are more than welcome to visit the expo with your pets on June 6-7 (11:0019:00) June 8 (11:00-17:00). FREE admission, FREE PARKING (in Hall B), FREE gifts! Don’t miss this special event for animal lovers and pets alike! For Enquiry: 853-2871 5616/ 853-6299 8804


澳門美人魚? A Mermaid in Macau?

有沒有人在澳門見過美人魚?我們不這麼認為,但這可能在將來 會改變。 Hannah Fraser是一位專業美人魚及環保專家,她出 現在電影短片、音樂視頻、廣告活動和環保紀錄片[如獲獎的電 影《血色海灣》 (The Cove)]中,並週遊世界提高人們對海洋 保護的意識。 Hannah對《寶貝寵物》述説關於深海的遭遇, 關於我們如何可以幫助保護我們的海洋,及她對編織奇蹟的希 望——就在澳門。 Has anyone ever seen a mermaid in Macau? We didn’t think so, but that may change in future. Hannah Fraser is a professional mermaid and environmentalist who features in short films, music videos, ad campaigns and environmental documentaries, such as the award-winning The Cove, and travels the world to raise awareness on ocean conservation. Hannah spoke to Pets&Hugs about deep-sea encounters, and ways we can all help to protect our oceans, and her hopes of weaving her magic- right here in Macau.


寶貝寵物 • 2014年 5月



Photo by: Kristian Schmidt

Pets & Hugs • May 2014


們在成長時懷有成為航 天員、騎士和 超 級英雄 的夢想,只是後來融入了一個 更主流的職業生活。然而,對 一位小女孩來説,這不是生活 演變的一個結果。

洋/水中的活動。練習游泳 及 盡可能經常屏住呼吸。 ” Hannah可以屏住呼吸達兩分 鐘,游至水深近14米,沒有潛 水裝備的限制,像一條真正美 人魚般地活動。

三歲時Hannah Fraser就迷 上了美人魚。在她九歲時看過 由Daryl Hannah演出的電影 《美人魚》後便做出了第一個 美人魚的尾巴。 Hannah來自澳大利亞,現居 洛杉磯,她在世界各地扮演美 人魚,教育人們海洋保育、做 模特兒、表演,與鯨魚、海豚、 黃貂魚甚至鯊魚游泳。 H a n n a h常常被問如 何才 能 成 為 一 個 美 人 魚,她 對 她 的 專業性質很清楚。“作為一個 專業 的美 人 魚 是 一 種自我 創 造的職業。沒有你可以去的學 校,也 沒 有 代 理 人 幫 你 找 到 具 體 的 美 人 魚 工作。你 必 須 要以自我 激 勵 的方 式 來完 成 這件 事情!”“身 體 健 康 也很 重要,“從健康的生活方式開 始......做很多瑜伽、呼吸,吃 有 益 的 食 物,做 冥 想 及 做 海

到 過 世界上 最 优 美 的 地方 後,H a n n a h 感 到 與 海 面 下 美 麗 的 生 命 有 緣,她 想 與 大 家 一 起 分享。她 經 歷 過 許 多 壯麗的水下瞬間,而最突出的 一 個 瞬 間涉及 海洋中最 大 的 動物。

Photo by: Shawn Heinrichs

“作為一個專業的美人魚是一種自我創造 的職業。沒有你可以去的學校,也没有代理 人幫你找到具體的美人魚工作。你必須要 以自我激勵的方式來完成這件事情!” “Being a professional mermaid is a self created job. There are no schools you can go to, or agents that will find you specific mermaid work. You have to be self-motivated in your approach to making it happen!”

“最難忘的經歷是,當我往下 面看時,看到巨大的座頭鯨從 一望 無 際 藍 色 的 深 海 浮 現。 牠們的身型龐大,當我開始害 怕,覺得我只會落入其口中, 或被牠的尾巴擊中,我注意到 牠特別地註意到我,並在牠靠 近我時小心地移動。從牠巨大 的眼睛我能感覺到一種驚人的 智力和感覺能力在看著我,我 的驚訝克服了恐懼,這些被我 們人類獵殺的動物選擇來和我 們互動,與我們一起玩,並向 我們介紹牠們的嬰兒。真是令 人驚嘆!” 要想知道什麼時候你會碰到從

Photo by: Bob Armstrong


寶貝寵物 寶貝寵物 • •2014年 2014年5月 3月 5月



any of us grow up harbouring dreams of being astronauts, knights and superheroes, only to settle into a more mainstream occupation later in life. However, that’s not how life turned out for one little girl. Hannah Fraser developed a fascination for mermaids at the age of three and made her first mermaid tail when she was nine years old, after seeing the film Splash with Daryl Hannah. Hannah, from Australia, today lives in Los Angeles and performs as a mermaid all over the world, educating people about ocean conservation, modelling, acting, performing and swimming with whales, dolphins, stingrays and even sharks. Hannah often gets asked what it takes to become a mermaid and she is very clear about the nature of her profession. “Being a professional mermaid is a self created job. There are no schools you can go to, or agents that will find you specific mermaid work. You have to be self-motivated in your approach to making it happen!” Being healthy is also important, “Start by leading a healthy lifestyle… lots of yoga, breathing, good food, meditation, and ocean/water activity. Practice your swimming and breath hold as often as you can!” Hannah can hold her breath for up to two minutes and swim to depths of nearly 14 metres, without the restraints of diving gear, allowing her to move like a real mermaid. Having travelled to some of the most exquisite locations around the world, the beauty of life below the surface is something Hannah feels a deep connection with, and one she wants to share. There have been many magnificent underwater moments so far, and one that stands out the most involves one of the oceans’ largest inhabitants. “The most memorable experience was seeing massive humpback

Pets & Hugs • May 2014

Interview whales emerge from the deep blue endless sea as I looked below me. The sheer size of them was overwhelming, then when I started to get scared and feel like I would just fall into its mouth or get hit by it’s tail, I noticed that it was extremely aware of me, and was careful about how it moved when it came close to me. I could sense an amazing intelligence and sentience looking at me from its huge eye, and was overcome with wonder that these animals that have been hunted by our species for years chose to come and interact with us, play with us and introduce their babies to us. Just amazing!” It can be tricky knowing what to expect when you come face to face with creatures that you have never come across on land, and the largest sharks in the world, Whale Sharks, are an example of a case where looks were deceiving. “Whale sharks are just SO enormous and scary looking, and yet, when you swim with them, you realize they are actually very docile, harmless and slow moving. This surprised me, because all the other sharks I have swam with are quite intimidating and fast!”

made a scary face and screamed at it in the water, amazingly I scared it off. I felt invincible for months afterwards”. The importance of sharks in the underwater hierarchy plays a crucial role for the survival of many sea creatures. The shark fin trade, of which 51% goes through Hong Kong, is playing havoc with the numbers of sharks swimming in our oceans today. Hannah is optimistic about the growing awareness around this matter. “I think that slowly we as a species are awakening to the fact that rather than consuming our resources and pillaging the animal kingdom,

we can find so much more joy in interacting with other sentient beings, and respecting the blessings we have been given while living on this planet. Continual media pressure to end slaughter and educating people about the animals with inspiration over devastation is the best way forward in this regard. I have found that showing images of human interaction with wild animals inspires people to feel differently about creatures that they previously only saw as meat, or dangerous and scary”.

Despite being a mermaid and feeling at home underwater, there were certain neighbours that Hannah felt somewhat nervous around, namely, sharks. “I thought if I was going to be a professional mermaid I’d have to face my fear of sharks”, she said in an interview in 2009, before swimming in her tail with 4 metre Great White Sharks off Guadalupe Island, Mexico. “I got my tail on and got into the water. I was supposed to be surrounded by divers, but in the mermaid tail I swim much faster than anyone else. I realised I was on my own, but I stayed calm”. On another occasion there was, however, a scary shark encounter, “Another time a shark turned round and came towards me, so I

Photo by: Shawn Heinrichs


When it comes to identifying the biggest problem we face today, the professional mermaid is quick to identify the main culprit, “Our biggest problem is our ourselves! If we could each just learn to make different choices every day that impact less and consume less of the resources on this planet, we could make such huge changes in a short time. I am not asking anyone to give up necessary things.. Just to make different choices that help and support the sustainability of this planet we call home. Don’t eat apex predator animals that are integral to the survival of the food chain. Don’t waste resources. Reduce, re-use, recycle! Try vegetarian options… a vegetable diet uses much less resources to get the same amount of food to your plate and has many proven health benefits”. Hannah feels that we are at a significant point in time and that a call to action is needed, “As far as the ocean life is concerned, we are really on the tipping point for its (and our) survival! SO many creatures are on the brink of extinction… so many areas are polluted, so many ecosystems are unbalanced. Now is the time for radical re-evaluation of how we interact with our world, and the lifeblood of this planet… the ocean!”. Whales, sharks, manta rays, Hannah’s colleagues are many, and come in all shapes and sizes, but her love for nature and connection to animals also extends to dry land, “On dry land, I love cats… I have a lot of Leo in my astrological chart, and I was born in the Chinese year of the TIGER, so if you believe in astrology, perhaps that’s why I relate so well to them. I also have a fondness for hummingbirds”, she shares. It would be wonderful to have Hannah Mermaid come to Macau and teach us more about the ocean and to show audiences how mermaids move through water, and it’s an ambition the mermaid has harboured for a while, “I would absolutely LOVE to visit Macau and swim as a mermaid. I have been hoping to perform at the City of Dreams for some time now… and I hope that dream will come to fruition soon!”


Photo by: David Benz

寶貝寵物 • 2014年 5月


Interview “最難忘的經歷是,當 我往下面看時,看到巨 大的座頭鯨從一望無 際藍色的深海浮現。” “The most memorable experience was seeing massive humpback whales emerge from the deep blue endless sea as I looked below me”

要想知道什麼時候你會碰到從 來沒有在陸地上遇到過的動物 是很微妙的事情,而世界上最 大的鯊魚——鯨鯊就是外貌不 可信的一個例子。“鯨鯊是如 此巨大 且面目可怕,然而,當 你與牠們一起游泳時,你會發 現牠們其實很溫順,無害且移 動緩慢。這讓我吃驚,因為所 有與我一起游泳的其他鯊魚都 相當嚇人而且行動快速!” 儘管是一個美人魚,在水中的 感覺如在家裡,有一些鄰居總

讓Hannah感到有些緊張,就 是鯊魚。 2009年在墨西哥瓜 達盧佩島外用她的尾巴與一條 4米長的大白鯊游泳前,她接受 採訪説:“我想,如果我要成為 一名專業的美人魚,我不得不 去面對我對鯊魚的恐懼。” “ 我 套 上 我 的 尾 巴,鑽 進 水 中。我 本 來 是 要 由 潛 水 員 包 圍,但用美人魚尾巴的我游得 快很多。我意識到我只有靠自 己了,但我保持冷靜”。然而, 在另一個場合碰上一條可怕的 鯊魚,“還有一次一條鯊魚轉 過身,向我遊過來,我做了一個 可怕的鬼臉在水中向牠尖叫, 令人驚訝的是我竟把牠嚇走。 之後幾個月我仍覺得無敵。” 鯊魚在水底下的等級制度對許 多海洋生物的生存起了至關重 要的作用。 51%通過香港的魚 翅貿易,嚴重減少了今天在我 們海洋游泳的鯊魚數量。 Hannah對於這個問題受到越 來越多關注感到樂觀。“我想, 慢慢地我們作為一個物種正在 對事實覺醒,與其消耗我們的 資源,掠奪動物王國,還不如 發現與其他眾生互動的快樂,

並尊 重 我 們 生 活 的 這個 星 球 上帶給我們的祝福。在這一點 上,連續的媒體壓力來結束屠 宰和教育人們了解動物,寧可 以啟示而非毀滅的方法是最佳 途徑。我發現,顯示人類與野 生動物互動的圖像啟發人們對 動物的不同感受,他們以前只 看到肉、危險和恐懼。” 當提到確認我們今天面臨的 最大問題時,專業的美人魚很 快就指出主要原因,“我們最 大的問題是我們自己!如果我 們每個人學習每天做出對這個 星球上的資源影響較小並消耗 更少的不同選擇,我們可以在 短時間內做出巨大的變化。我 不是要求任何人放棄必要的東 西......只是做出不同的選擇, 幫助和支持這個我們稱之為家 的星球的可持續性。不要吃食 物鏈頂端的捕食動物,牠們是 食物鏈生存不可或缺的重要部 份。不 要浪費資源。減少、再 利用、再循環!嘗試素食......蔬 菜飲食,如與你的盤子裡的食 物份量相同,会使用較少的資 源,並對身軆健康益處多多。” Hannah認為,我們正處在一 個重要時刻,號召行動是必要

的,“至 於 海洋生物 而 言,牠 們(和我們)的生存真的處於 臨界點!因此,許多動物都 在 滅絕的邊緣......這麼多的地方 都被污染了,這麼多的生態系 統 失 衡。現 在 正 是 時 候 作 出 激進的重新評估:我們如何與 我們的世界進行互動,及如何 與這個星球的命脈......大海互 動!” 鯨魚、鯊魚、魔鬼魚,Hannah 有很多同事,其形狀和大小不 一,但她對大自然的愛及與動 物的關係也延伸到陸地。“在 陸地上,我喜愛貓......在星象 圖中我是獅子座,出生在中國 虎年,如果你相 信占星術,也 許這就是為什麼和牠們的關係 這麼好。我也喜愛蜂鳥,”她分 享説。 若 H a n n a h能到澳門來是多 美 妙 的 事,教 導 我 們 更 多 關 於海洋的事物,向觀眾展現美 人魚在水裡怎樣移動,而這是 美 人 魚 隱 藏在內心一段 時間 的夢想。“我絕對很喜歡訪問 澳 門,像 一 條 美 人 魚 一 樣 游 泳。我一直希望在新濠天地演 出......我希望這個夢想很快成 真!”

Photo by: Shawn Heinrichs

Pets & Hugs • May 2014


Hannah向你提供以下一些可使 用的日常技巧,運用這些方法你 可令海洋截然不同:

1.注意你的碳足跡,減少能源 消耗 減少氣候變化對海洋的影響, 可以的話把車子留在家,在家 裡和工作中留意使用能源。有 幾件事情可以從今天開始做: 換用小型熒光燈泡,使用樓梯 上 落,注 意 保 暖 或 者 使 用 風 扇,避免亂用溫控器。 2.採用安全、可持續的海鮮消 費方式 因需求、喪失棲息地和不可持 續的捕魚方式,全球魚類種群 正在迅速枯竭。當購物或外出 就餐時,通過選擇健康及可持 續的海鮮消費方式,有助於減 少對過度捕撈品種的需求。 3.使用更少塑料製品 最終成為海洋碎片的塑料導致 棲息地的破壞,每年纏住及殺 死數以萬計海洋動物。為了限 制你的影響,隨身攜帶一個可 重複使用的水瓶,把食物儲存 在非一次性容器中,購物時帶 備自己的布手提袋或其他環保 袋,盡量循環再用。 4.幫忙打理海灘 無論你喜歡潛水、衝浪、或在 沙灘上放鬆,離開沙灘時要清 理乾淨。探索和欣賞大海時, 不要移走岩石和珊瑚而干擾大 自然。再進一步,鼓勵別人尊 重海洋環境或參加當地的海灘 清潔活動。 5 . 不 要 購 買損 害 海 洋生物 的 產品 某些產品促成對脆弱珊瑚礁和 海洋種群的傷害。避免購買如 珊瑚珠寶、烏龜殼髮飾(由玳 瑁製成)和鯊魚製品。 Photo by: David Benz


6.成為對海洋有利的寵物主人 在 為你 的 寵物 選 擇 飲 食 時,

閱 讀 寵物 食品的 標 籤 及考慮 海 產 品可 持 續 性。永 遠 不 要 沖 洗 貓 砂,它 可 能 含 有 對 海 洋 生 物 有 害 的 病 原 體。避 免 把 野 生的 海 水魚 放 入你 的 水 族 館,並 且不 可 把 任 何 人 工 飼 養 的魚 放 入 海洋 或 其他 的 水 域,這 是 一 種 在 現 有 生 態 系 統中引入非 本 地 物 種 的 有 害做法。 7.支持保護海洋組織的工作 許多機構和組織正在為保護海 洋生境和海洋生物戰鬥。找一 個全國性的組織,並考慮給予 資金支持或志願動手工作或宣 傳。如果你住近海岸,參加一 個當地的分支機構或團體,参 與離家近的項目。 8.影響你社區的改變 在你對公共官員投票前,研究 他的海洋政策,或聯繫你當地 的代表,讓他們知道你支持海 洋保護項目。考慮光顧只提供 可持續海鮮的餐館和雜貨店, 如果發現在海鮮櫃檯或在菜單 上有受威脅的物種,請你講出 你的顧慮。 9. 負責任地在海洋旅遊 嘗 試 負 責 任 地 划 船、劃 獨 木 舟,以及進行其他水上娛樂活 動。不 要 隨 意 把 東 西 扔 出 船 外,並關注在你周圍水域的海 洋生物。如果你準備在下一個 假期乘坐郵輪,請做一些研究 以找到最環保的選擇。 10.自己學習關於海洋和海洋 生物知識 地 球 上 所 有生命與 海 洋 和 居 住其中的動物相關。你越多了 解這個重要係統面對的問題, 你越會 想幫它保 持 健 康 — — 然後 分享這 些 知 識 來 教 育和 激勵他人。 寶貝寵物 • 2014年 5月


Interview Hannah has a few tips on ways YOU can make a difference to our oceans, on a daily basis: 1. Mind Your Carbon Footprint and Reduce Energy Consumption Reduce the effects of climate change on the ocean by leaving the car at home when you can and being conscious of your energy use at home and work. A few things you can do to get started today: Switch to compact fluorescent light bulbs, take the stairs, and bundle up or use a fan to avoid oversetting your thermostat. 2. Make Safe, Sustainable Seafood Choices Global fish populations are rapidly being depleted due to demand, loss of habitat, and unsustainable fishing practices. When shopping or dining out, help reduce the demand for overexploited species by choosing seafood that is both healthful and sustainable. 3. Use Fewer Plastic Products Plastics that end up as ocean

debris contribute to habitat destruction and entangle and kill tens of thousands of marine animals each year. To limit your impact, carry a reusable water bottle, store food in nondisposable containers, bring your own cloth tote or other reusable bag when shopping, and recycle whenever possible. 4. Help Take Care of the Beach Whether you enjoy diving, surfing, or relaxing on the beach, always clean up after yourself. Explore and appreciate the ocean without interfering with wildlife or removing rocks and coral. Go even further by encouraging others to respect the marine environment or by participating in local beach cleanups. 5. Don’t Purchase Items That Exploit Marine Life Certain products contribute to the harming of fragile coral reefs and marine populations. Avoid purchasing items such as coral jewellery, tortoise shell hair accessories (made from hawksbill turtles), and shark products.

6. Be an Ocean-Friendly Pet Owner Read pet food labels and consider seafood sustainability when choosing a diet for your pet. Never flush cat litter, which can contain pathogens harmful to marine life. Avoid stocking your aquarium with wild-caught saltwater fish, and never release any aquarium fish into the ocean or other bodies of water, a practice that can introduce non-native species harmful to the existing ecosystem. 7. Support Organizations Working to Protect the Ocean Many institutes and organizations are fighting to protect ocean habitats and marine wildlife. Find a national organization and consider giving financial support or volunteering for hands-on work or advocacy. If you live near the coast, join up with a local branch or group and get involved in projects close to home. 8. Influence Change in Your Community Research the ocean policies of public officials before you vote or

contact your local representatives to let them know you support marine conservation projects. Consider patronizing restaurants and grocery stores that offer only sustainable seafood, and speak up about your concerns if you spot a threatened species on the menu or at the seafood counter. 9. Travel the Ocean Responsibly Practice responsible boating, kayaking, and other recreational activities on the water. Never throw anything overboard, and be aware of marine life in the waters around you. If you’re set on taking a cruise for your next vacation, do some research to find the most eco-friendly option. 10. Educate Yourself About Oceans and Marine Life All life on Earth is connected to the ocean and its inhabitants. The more you learn about the issues facing this vital system, the more you’ll want to help ensure its health— then share that knowledge to educate and inspire others.


For more information on Hannah and the works she does, please visit her website:

Photo by: David Benz

Pets Pets&&Hugs Hugs• May • May2014 2014


美麗的漂浮物 Beauty Floats

水母可能是地 球上最不尋常和最神秘的生 物。牠們 縱橫四海,遍布大海。但是,如果 你想 親 眼看到這些 優 雅 及精 緻 的神 秘生 物,前往永利澳門即可達成願望。 Jellyfish are probably some of the most unusual and mysterious creatures on earth. They are found in every ocean, from the surface to the deep sea. However, if you would like to observe the grace and delicacy of these mysterious animals first hand, all you need to do is head to Wynn Macau. 40

寶貝寵物 • 2014年 5月



次當你凝視著永利 Encore接待處後面的美 麗海月水母漂浮場景時,想想 為了保持這些優美及半透明生 物的快樂和健康而需要付出的 努力。 《寵物寶貝》發現,為完成這 個任務,四名專業人士組成的 團隊夜以繼日地在幕後工作, 努力確保這些微妙生物保持良 好狀態。澳大利亞水族館館長 Robert Mort(擁有逾20年公 共水族館任職 經 驗)説:“這 是一個全年365天,每天24小 時的任務。”該團隊的其他成 員是Kathleen Ng、Leanne Riley 和Dennis Blom。他們 才是 滿 足 水母所 有 需 要 的 人 士,因而這些水母讓訪客在進 入接待範圍時感到目不暇接。 2010年中國農曆新年,这些海 月水母(學名:月亮水母)被放 養在永利澳門Encore接待处 後面的水族箱里。牠們從日本 和台灣進口,就後勤和財政兩 方面來说,整個過程是一個大 动作。 Mort説及該過程時表示:“搬 運水母需要特別小心,把牠們 Pets & Hugs • May 2014

運來這裡是一大挑戰。由於牠 們是浮游生物攝食者,對於水 的質量、保 養及衛生,你需要 把握得恰到好處。”搬運時所 需的照料更講究,“我們 一直 非常密切地與民政總署和獸醫 合作,以確保他們一開始就有 合適的環境條件。” 除了要 考慮 到 所 有 需 要 的 細 節外,其中最重要的因素之一 是 水 箱 本 身。水 箱 的 尺寸 至 關重要,水母不能放在方形水 箱 中,而 且牠 們 還 需 要 生 活 在 不 斷 波 動 的 水中。該 館 長 説:“我們准备了可讓牠們懸 浮的水流,让牠們像在随着水 流漂流一样。” “我們相信這個水箱本身是世 界最大的同類水箱之一,所以 這是另一個挑戰,因為它從來 沒有试过养水母。”這個水箱 全長7.5米,高2.2米,寬0.8米, 可容納約11,0 0 0公升的水,目 前養着564隻水母。 這種類型的水箱被稱為kreisel 水箱,是一個圓形的水族箱設 計,以保持緩慢、圓形的水流, 并使用最少的內部硬件,防止 嬌 弱 生物 因泵 或 水 箱 本身 受


he next time you find yourself gazing at the beautiful Moon Jellyfish floating behind the counter at the Encore at Wynn Macau reception, spare a thought for all the work it takes to keep these scenic translucent creatures happy and well. As Pets&Hugs discovered, that task involves a dedicated team of four professionals working behind the scenes day and night to ensure the wellbeing of these delicate animals. “It’s a 24 hour, 365 days a year business”, says Australian Aquarium Curator, Robert Mort, who has more than 20 years experience in public aquaria & aquaculture. Along with the rest of the team: Kathleen Ng, Leanne Riley and Dennis Blom, they are the ones who meet all the needs of the jellyfish who dazzle all those who enter the reception space. Opened during Chinese New Year in 2010, the Moon Jellyfish (scientific name: Aurelia aurita) housed in the tank behind the reception counter at the Encore Reception at Wynn Macau were imported from Japan and Taiwan and the whole process was a major operation, both logistically and financially. “Jellyfish require a lot of eye to detail and getting them here

had its own challenges, being a planktonic feeder you need to be spot on with your water quality, your maintenance and your hygiene”. Not to mention the caretaking involved, “We worked very closely with IACM and the vets to ensure that they went straight into the correct conditions”, Mort says of the process. In addition to all the details that need to be taken into consideration, one of the most important factors is the tank itself. The tank dimensions are crucial and jellyfish can’t be kept in square tanks, and they also need to be in water that is in constant motion. “We’ve got currents that allow them to stay suspended, as if they were being carried by them”, according to the curator. “The tank itself we believe to be one of the largest of its kind in the world, so that was another challenge as it had never been tested with jellyfish”. The tank measures 7.5 metres in length and 2.2 metres in height, is 0.8 metres wide and can hold approximately 11,000 litres of water, currently housing 564 jellyfish. This type of tank is known as a kreisel tank and is a circular aquarium designed to hold slow,


被繁殖及送入水母展示水箱。 被 添加了單 細 胞 綠 藻 和 多元 不飽和脂肪酸的食物,成為在 展示 水 箱 裡 挑剔 食客的 超 級 食品。

傷。該水 箱沒有尖角,不让水 母与流進水箱的水保持垂直, 而这股溫和的水流讓牠們保持 懸浮状态。牠們通过身体系统 上部的鐘形部分的脈動游泳。 保持水箱清潔是另一個繁重的 任務,“我們每天早上清洗一 小時”,約每月一次把所有的 水母移走,由潛水員用手清洗 整個水 箱,整個 過程需要 4個 小時左右。 “在 開 始 時 我 們 引進了超 過 2 ,0 0 0 隻水母”,這个數 量的 水母不僅 只 是 用 來 放 在 水 箱 里 展 示,同 時 也 是 用 于 繁 殖 用途,因為今天永利自己执行 繁殖計劃。


水母在在令人讚嘆的水箱中繁 忙地活動,背後凝聚著辛勤的 工作。如館長所説,進行繁殖 的14個水箱如“嬰兒工廠”, 確保今天永利的水母世界可以 自給自足。此外,館長開玩笑 説,這個室內繁殖行動也意味 著,現在水母的情況是“永利 水母十代同堂”。 為了更好地了解所有情況,我 們 需 要 知 道一 些 關 於 水母 生 命週期的科學知識:直徑達30 厘 米 的 水母可以有 兩 種 繁 殖 方法 — — 無性 繁 殖和 通 過受 精的有性繁殖。水母有雄性和 雌性之分,受精卵子由雌性攜 帶。在年輕的幼蟲期,浮浪幼 軆在浮游生物裡自由游泳一天

或更長時間,最終轉變為一種 特殊類型的水螅體,產生蝶狀 幼體,牠們遊出來後長大為水 母。這是一個微妙的過程,令 管理團隊耗用大量時間和精力 進行監控。 水箱和繁殖計劃是保持這些優 雅生物生活健康的整體任務中 的複雜部份,但這並非工作的 全部。在大樓的另一處還有一 個活飼料養殖部門,如館長所 說,這個部門就是為了“餵飼 水母而設”。 水泵 房 是 在 接 待區 陳列 的富 麗 堂 皇而又寧 靜 的 水 箱 後 放 置機器的地方。這裡也是準備 食物的地方;鹽水蝦一天四次

這個 房間也是 放 置 過 濾 系 統 的地方,在這裡商用鹽組成的 鹽水 與 經 過 濾 的反 滲 透 水混 合,製成高純度的水。整體而 言,這個相當精巧複雜的過程 受到嚴格的監控,“我們幾乎 已經 控 制了每 一 件 我 們 可以 控制 的事情,”館長 説,而 整 個 操 作系 統 與 大 樓 的主 要服 務系統連接在一起,以應付緊 急情況。 那麽這些勤奮的接待明星在一 整天漂浮後如何放鬆及保持光 彩照人?牠們在凌晨的一段安 靜時間休息,那時燈都關掉了, 水箱會用一塊畫著芒果色水母 的壁畫覆蓋,這幅畫是在加州 畫的,真是匠心獨具。 海 月 水 母 是 迷 人 的,M o r t 說:“他們已經對一些有一定 症狀的患者做過臨床研究並發 現,僅僅讓水母出現在患者周 圍便會對病情有幫助。” 如果你有任何疑問,只要到永 利澳門的E nco re接待處,你 便可親身體驗這些海洋舞蹈者 創造的使人入迷的效果。

寶貝寵物 • 2014年 5月


Interview circular water flow with a bare minimum of interior hardware, to prevent delicate animals from becoming injured by pumps or the tank itself. The tank has no sharp corners, and keeps the jellyfish away from the plumbing with water moving into the tank which provides a gentle flow that keeps them suspended. They swim by pulsations of the bell-shaped upper part of their systems. Keeping the tank clean is another hefty task, “We do daily cleans for an hour every morning”, and about once a month all the jellyfish are removed and the whole tank is hand cleaned by a diver, which takes around four hours. “When we started we brought in a stock of over two thousand jellyfish”, and that number was needed not only for the display tank, but also for the breeding stock, because today Wynn run their very own breeding programme. Behind the impressive display tank is where all the hard work takes place and is a hive of jellyfish activity, “a baby factory” as the curator puts it of the room where the breeding takes

“牠們看起來似 乎 很 簡 單,但 牠 們已有5.8億年的 歷史。” “They may seem simple, but they are 580 million years old” place over fourteen tanks to ensure that Wynn today has a self-sustaining operation. As well as self-sustainability, the in-house breeding operation also means that the jellyfish are now “Ten generations of Wynn jellyfish”, jokes the curator. To get a better understanding of all that’s involved, a bit of the science behind the jellyfish lifecycle is needed: With diameters of up to 30cm, there are two ways jellyfish can reproduce- asexually and sexually through fertilization. There are male and female jellyfish and the fertilized eggs are carried by the female. The young larval

stage, a planula, swims freely in the plankton for a day or more, eventually changing into a special type of polyp which produce ephyrae that swim off to grow up as medusa. It is a delicate process that takes up much of the team’s attention and time to monitor. The tank and breeding programme are sophisticated parts of the overall task of keeping these graceful creatures alive and well, but the process doesn’t end there. There is also a live feed culture department in another part of the building, which is run to “keep these guys fed”, as the curator puts it. The Pump Room is home to the machinery behind the glamorous, serene tank on display in the reception area. It is also where the food is prepared; brine shrimp are bred and fed into the jellyfish display tank four times a day. The food is enriched with unicellular green algae and polyunsaturated fatty acids, making it a type of superfood for the demanding diners on display. The room is also home to filtration systems, where the salt water is composed with a commercial

salt blend and reverse osmosis water which is filtered, resulting in highly purified water. The whole, rather elaborate, process is strictly monitored, “We have controlled just about every single thing we can control”, says the curator and the whole operation is linked to the essential services system in the building, should an emergency arise. And how do the hardworking reception stars unwind after a long day of floating around and looking gorgeous? They have some quiet time to rest in the early hours of the morning when the lights are switched off, and the tank is covered with a mural of mango-coloured jellyfish which was painted in California, no less. The Moon Jellyfish are mesmerizing and according to Mort, “They have done clinical studies with patients with certain medical conditions and have found that just by having jellyfish around it helps”. Should you have any doubts, just pay a visit to the Encore reception at Wynn Macau and experience the spellbinding effects of these dancers of the sea for yourself.

Kathleen Ng, Dennis Blom, Robert Mort and Leanne Riley

Pets & Hugs • May 2014


無奇不有 的水族館 o lden Fi sh


日本錦 鯉

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金魚 G

白金神 仙 W h it




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寶貝寵物 • 2014年 5月



All Things Aquarium

當你尋覓水生寵物時,有成千上萬的魚可供挑選。去 哪裡呢?澳門有許多這方面出色的專業商店,《寶貝 寵物》訪問了其中兩家,了解客戶需要什麼,也見識了 這些水中寶貝的美麗一面。 There are thousands of fish to pick from when looking for an aquatic pet. Where to start? Macau has many great shops specialising in this area, Pets&Hugs visited two of them to find out a little more about what is needed and the beauty behind these swimming jewels. 金龍魚

先生在店內忙忙碌碌, 經常留意是否有任何事 情要照料— —水族箱、魚或客 人。他對魚的熱情是無需爭辯 的。 20年來,他一直經營他那 非常成功的KK 水族城,吸引 着不同年齡的人——從嬰兒到 老人。 他不停地在手機上搜尋,展示 他一生曾碰到過的美麗魚類和 水生生物,你可以感受到他對 魚的熱愛。 他解釋說,日本錦鯉是澳門最 受歡迎的魚之一,主要有紅白、 三色和昭和三種顏色。每條初 生的日本錦鯉價格約為10 0澳 門元,牠們受歡迎的主要原因 之一是風水。據認為,這些魚 很有靈氣,通常被稱為“神魚” 。購 買 這 類 魚 的 顧 客包 括 佛 教徒、商人和賭場。在日本,人 們認為日本錦鯉象徵財富、繁 榮、愛情、事業成功和好運。 在中國文化中,魚的象徵與水 的能量有密切關系。水是生命 之源,是連綿不絕充足豐富的 象徵。另一個鮮為人知有關中 國魚類的象徵,是牠們的忠誠 和良好夥伴關係,因為很多魚 成雙成對地遊來遊去。人們看 到中國 風 水 圖中有 兩 條 魚 游 泳,這兩條魚很大可能是錦鯉, 牠們代表愛情和成功的婚姻。 Pets & Hugs • May 2014

錦鯉必須在大魚缸裏飼養,因 為牠們可以在4年內長大到超 過一米,並能活到80至100歲。 在日本,有記錄最老的錦鯉稱 為花子,活到216歲。據說,雌 魚每年四月至六月交配產卵, 體長3 0至4 0公分的雌魚能產 下20至40萬顆卵子。照料錦鯉 很容易,因為牠們是淡水魚, 在香港和澳門牠們不用加溫也 能自然過冬。從盧廉若花園到 葡京酒店到威斯汀酒店,這些 魚隨處可見。

A rowana Fi s h


r. Lei hurries along the shop, constantly aware of anything that needs caring for, whether it’s the aquariums, the fish or the customers. His passion for fish is undeniable, and for twenty years he has been running his very successful shop, Peixe Tropical KK, that attracts people of all ages, from babies to the elderly. You can feel his excitement by the way he endlessly searches his phone to show pictures of beautiful fish and aquatic creatures he has come across in his lifetime.

In Japan, koi fish are often passed down from generation to generation, as a family heirloom

He explains that Koi fish are one of the most popular fish in Macau, they can be red, black, white and yellow in colour. They cost around MOP 100 per baby Koi fish, and one of the main reasons behind their popularity is feng shui. It is believed that these fish are very spiritual, and are often called “God Fish”. Customers include Buddhists, businessmen and casinos. In Japan, it is believed that Koi fish symbolize wealth, prosperity, love, career success and good fortune.

另一種李先生非常喜歡的魚是 金龍魚,因為無可否認牠們是 最昂貴的財富風水魚。這些魚 是孤獨的,只在年輕時容許有 同伴——成年魚常向水族箱內 其他魚類展示其侵略和支配性

In the Chinese culture, the symbolism of fish is closely associated with the energy of water. Water is a life giver, thus a symbol of continuous abundance. The other, less known, aspect of Chinese fish symbolism is the fidelity and good companionship association, because many fish swim in pairs. When one sees

在日本,錦鯉往往是 一代傳一代,作為家 傳之寶。

Chinese feng shui images with two fish swimming, these are most probably koi fish, and are meant to represent love and successful marriage. It is important for koi fish to have big aquariums, because they can grow over one metre within four years, and can live between 80 to 100 years of age. The oldest koi fish ever documented was called flower and reached the age of 216 years in Japan. It is said that the female Koi fish is impregnated once a year between the months of April and June, and a Koi fish of 30 to 40cm can lay between 200,000 to 400,000 eggs. Koi fish are easy to care for as they are freshwater fish, and during the winter they do not need water heaters. These fish can be seen everywhere, from Lou Lim Ieoc garden to Hotel Lisboa to Westin. Another fish Mr. Lei speaks very fondly of is the Arowana fish and are undeniably the most prized fish for feng shui wealth purposes. These fish are solitary, and only allow company while young adults often show aggression and dominance towards other fish in aquariums; hence the Arowana is used not only as a symbol for wealth, but for power and authority too. When these fish are young, they can cost less than MOP 20,000, and in some


養魚新手指南: 1

養魚必須有一個健康的環境,所以 要把水過濾。如果沒有一個良好的過 濾系統,魚不會活得長久。 中國製造的過濾器約500澳門元,每小時過濾1,200升水。 義大利製造的過濾器約3,000澳門元,每小時過濾1,500升水。

2 格。因此,金 龍魚不僅作為財 富的象徵,亦是權力和權威的 象徵。當這些魚年輕時,價格 不到20,000澳門元,一條成年 金 龍魚的價格可高達5 0 萬澳 門元。 據 說 人 類和 動 物之間有很 強 烈的聯繫,這概念也適用於人 類和魚。李先生知道一件事, 當地一條金龍魚的主人去了台 灣,並在山上遇上嚴重車禍。 他在 澳門 的 金 龍 魚在 水 族 箱 內 開 始 翻 騰,把 身 體 猛 力 撞 向水族箱兩側,撕扯自己的皮 膚,最終打破水族箱而死。當 女 傭 見 到 這 情 景,馬 上 打 電 話給她的雇主,但因他仍然在 事故之中,無法接電話。直到 後來他才發現,他撞車的那一 刻,就是那條魚反應強烈繼而 死亡之時。 亞洲各地的魚可以在中國、 日本和香港參加比賽。獲頭 等獎魚的評定標准通常是 美麗的外觀和造型、品種及 來源地。這些獲獎魚的價格 可高達70,000澳門元。 Fish around Asia can enter competitions in China,

Japan and Hong Kong.

The first prize is usually

awarded to the fish with the most beautiful

aesthetics and patterns,

their breed and where they

come from. These winning fish can cost up to MOP 70,000.


與許多人的想法相反,魚是有 靈性的動物——其特點使牠們 非常特別。李先生不相信魚只 有3秒鐘記憶這一說法:“魚知 道我是誰,牠們知道我在什麼 時候餵飼牠們,牠們也能感到 我的存在。牠們還需要細心呵 護,如果我不關心牠們,牠們 會很容易生病。” 李 先 生售 賣 許 多不同 種 類 的 魚,在他店鋪後面,有一部分 的魚只留為己用,包括在一個 大水族箱內12條來自台灣的白 金神仙。這種白金神仙不僅是 美麗的生物,而且能為人帶來 平靜和安寧,一種在這個忙碌 社會中人們渴望得到的感覺。 另一家成功的水族店——“雅 廉水族”由芬姐主理,她在這 個行業已超過30年。她的笑聲 和充滿活力的態度無時無刻吸 引著大批顧客。 她說,買魚的人主要是因為風 水和減壓。她的魚價從3 -150 澳門元,以迎合當地市場。她 解釋說,細小的魚更受本地人 歡迎,因為牠們不容易把水族 箱弄髒或留下難聞的氣味。 在今天大家忙碌的生活中,不 容易照顧貓和狗等動物,養魚 可以是一個很好的另類選擇。 魚類世界廣泛而複雜,據計算 我們的海洋中約有31,000種魚 類。我們可能永遠無法認識和 瞭解每個類別的魚,但養魚是 一個好的開始。

你可利用氣泵為水族箱充氣,增加水中氧氣含量。 中國製造的氣泵約50澳門元 義大利或日本製造的氣泵約100澳門元


水族箱礫石是必要的,因為它為水族箱內的益菌提供一個 家,這些細菌有助於打碎魚的糞便、吃剩的食物及植物碎 屑。實質上,水族箱礫石被視作為一種生物過濾。 水族箱礫石價錢由每公斤10到200澳門元不等。




依水族箱的大小,最理想是每個水族箱內至少養1條琵琶鼠 (通常稱為“吸盤魚”)。 吸盤魚價錢為每條30至40澳門元。


每天必須餵飼魚兩次(白天與夜晚),有時一天也可以餵飼 三至四次。 魚糧價錢由15至250澳門元不等。


不應做的事: -不要把魚放在碗型的魚缸裡,這種魚缸不僅對魚產生很多 反射作用,而且缸裏缺乏水面面積,容易造成脱氧。 -不要拍打水族箱,這對魚造成很大的壓力,使牠們更容易 患病。 - 不要讓燈光直射水族箱,這對魚的視力不利。

KK 水族城 澳門賈伯樂㮛督街78號 A地下 Tel: 2852 2694 / 6688 1873 雅廉水族 澳門雅廉訪大馬路119號 A地下 Tel: 6652 5532

Peixe Tropical KK, 78A Rua do Almirante Costa Cabral, Macau Tel: 852 2694 / 6688 1873 Mondays - Fridays 11am - 8pm Saturdays 3pm - 8pm Nga Lim Aquarium, 119-A Avenida do Ouvidor Arriaga Tel: 6652 5532 Mondays - Sundays 2PM - 11PM

寶貝寵物 • 2014年 5月



cases a matured gold Arowana fish can cost up to MOP 500,000. It is said that the bond between humans and animals is very strong; and this concept is also applicable to fish. Mr. Lei knows of an incident where a local Arowana fish owner went to Taiwan and was involved in a serious car accident in the mountains. His Arowana fish in Macau began to swim violently in its aquarium, banging itself into the aquarium sides, ripping its own skin off, eventually breaking the aquarium and dying. When the helper saw this, she immediately called her employer and because he was still in the midst of the accident, he could not pick up. Only later did he find out that the very moment his car crashed was when the fish became very violent and died. Contrary to what many people think, fish are magnificent animals - their characteristics make them quite special. Mr. Lei does not believe the common saying that fish only have a three second memory: “Fish know who I am, they know when it’s me who is feeding them, and they can feel my presence. They also need a lot of attention, if I do not give them attention they will get sick very easily”. Mr. Lei sells many different types of fish, and towards the back of his shop, he has a section of fish Pets & Hugs • May 2014

that he keeps just for himself, including a dozen of white angel fish from Taiwan that are kept in a big aquarium. Fish such as the White Angel Fish are not only beautiful creatures, but they can create a sense of calmness and peacefulness within individuals, something much needed in this busy society. Another successful aquarium shop, Nga Lim Aquarium, is run by Ms.Fong, who has been in this field for over thirty years. Her laughter and lively attitude attract dozens of customers every hour. She says that the main reason people buy fish are because of feng shui and stress release. Her fish range from MOP 3 - 150, caters for the local market. She explains that small fish are an easier option for locals because they do not dirty aquariums or leave unpleasant smells. With everyone’s busy lifestyles nowadays, it can sometimes be difficult to care of animals such as dogs and cats, and fish can serve as a great alternative to this. The world of fish is extensive and complex, and it is calculated that there is around 31,000 species of fish in our oceans. We might never be able to know and understand every single type of fish, but this is already a good start.

Beginner’s Guide to Caring for Fish: 1

A healthy environment must be created for the fish by filtering the water. Without a good filtering system, fish won’t survive for long. i.e. Chinese filters cost around MOP 500and filter 1200 Litres every hour. i.e. Italian filters cost around MOP 3000 and filter 1500 Litres every hour.


You can aerate the aquarium with an air pump for an extra boost of oxygen in the water. i.e. Chinese air pumps cost around MOP 50. i.e. Italian or Japanese air pumps cost around MOP 100. Aquarium gravel is necessary as it provides a home for beneficial bacteria in the aquarium, this bacteria helps break down waste your fish creates, leftover food, and plant debris. Essentially, aquarium gravel acts as a biological filtration. i.e. Aquarium gravel can cost between MOP 10 to MOP 200 per kilo.



Every week, 1/4 of the aquarium’s water must be replaced.


Depending on the size of the aquarium, it is ideal for each aquarium to have at least one plecostomus, more commonly known as the “sucker fish”. i.e. Sucker fish can cost between MOP 30 to MOP 40. You must feed the fish two times a day (morning and night), sometimes three-four times a day is also acceptable. i.e. Fish food can cost between MOP 15 to MOP 250. All prices quoted from Mr. KK Lei’s Fish Shop.


Things NOT to do:

-Do not keep your fish in a bowl, not only do fish bowls create a lot reflection for the fish but the lack of surface area of the water in the bowl can easily become de-oxygenated. -Do not tap on your fish’s aquarium; it creates a lot of stress for your fish, leaving them more susceptible to diseases. -Do not shine lights into the aquariums; it is not good for their vision.


醜陋動物保護協會 Ugly Animal Preservation Society

英國為總部的項目— — 醜陋動物 保 護協會,鼓 勵人們努力參與保護動物王國 中“不太可愛”的成員,並讓人 們認識動物世界中發現的各種 動物。 在 過 去 發 表 的 刊 物 中,我 們 曾看 過 該 協會 的吉 祥 物 水滴 魚,也見識了白禿猴和樹懶, 但“醜陋動物”名單並沒有到 此為止。還有些向審美觀點挑 戰的成員需要我們的關注和幫 助,本期我們為你介紹此名單 上的另一位成員:

這種動物可把自 己的身體打成 一 個 結,然 後把結順 其身體長 度滑下擦 掉身上的粘 液! 盲鰻是真正的深 海 怪 物。想 要 瞭 解原因,人們 只 要仔細看看 牠 那可怕的攝 食 習 性。

盲鰻 盲 鰻 被 稱為 海中最 討厭和 最 令人噁心的小動物。這些無 鱗、軟皮和吻端有粗觸鬚的 魚,擁有部份顱骨,但沒有 脊椎、下巴或骨頭。盲鰻有 一個長而像鰻魚一樣的身 體,長約半米,有的可達一 米。牠們幾乎失明,其發育 不良的眼睛長在皮膚下。不 過,牠們發達的嗅覺和觸覺 能助牠們在黑漆的深海覓食。 牠們的身體顏色可以呈粉紅、 褐色或深淺不同的灰色,牠們 有一個包含四個心臟但非常原 始的循環系統。 為了逃 避 天 敵,盲 鰻 分 泌 粘 液,讓自己逃之夭夭。牠們的 身 體 被 特 殊 的 腺 體 所 覆 蓋, 能發出粘液,單單一條盲鰻能 一口氣 產 生 足 足一 牛 奶 壺的 粘液。為了防止被自己的粘液 哽咽,牠們甚至進化到能打噴 嚏。那些粘液含有微小纖維, 加固後難以去除,如果捕食者 接觸到它,其鰓可被堵塞至窒 息。盲鰻有一個伎倆可逃避這 種粘液繭,若牠們發現自己被 困在粘液繭裡,令人驚訝的是 48


he UK based project, Ugly Animal Preservation Society, encourages people to get involved in conservation endeavours for the “less cute” members of the animal kingdom, and educates people on the variety to be found in the world of animals. In past issues we have had a look at the society’s mascot, the Blobfish, as well as the Bald Uakari, and the Sloth, but the “ugly animal” list doesn’t stop there. There are a few more aesthetically challenged members in need of our attention and help; in this issue we introduce you to another name on the list:

盲鰻 將自己的身 體吸附在一條路過 的魚身上,開始其覓食 過程。一旦吸附上,牠 就會 鑽進去那不知情的主體內。一 旦進入,牠會用牠那特別的銼 狀舌吃掉魚的肉,其實就是把 受害者由內吃到外。盲鰻的新 陳代謝非常緩慢,幾個月不吃 也行。 可能對盲鰻附近游泳的魚來說 這是一個好消息。

The Hagfish The Hagfish has been called the nastiest and most disgusting little creature in the sea. These scaleless fish with soft skin and thick barbles on the end of their mouth, have a partial skull, but no vertebrae, jaws or bones. Hagfish have a long, eel-like body that averages about half a metre in length and some can be up to a metre. Almost blind, they have very poorly developed eyes located just under the skin. They do, however, have well developed senses of smell and touch which help them find food in the darkness of the

deep sea. With colours ranging from pink to brown to various shades of grey, they have a very primitive circulatory system that contains four hearts. To escape predators, hagfish secrete sticky goo that will allow them a slippery exit. Their bodies are covered with special glands that can emit the sticky slime and a single hagfish can produce enough of it to fill a milk jug in one go. To prevent choking on their slime, they have even evolved the ability to sneeze. The slime contains tiny fibres that reinforce it and make it difficult to remove and it can suffocate predators by clogging their gills if they come in contact with it. The hagfish has a trick for escaping this slime cocoon, should they find themselves in it- amazingly, this animal can tie itself in a knot and then pass the knot down the length of its body to wipe the slime away! The hagfish is a true monster of the deep. To see why, one only has to take a closer look at its gruesome feeding habits. A hagfish begins its feeding process by attaching itself to a passing fish. Once attached, it then bores its way inside its unsuspecting host. Once inside, it will eat the fish’s flesh with a specialised rasping tongue, literally eating its victim from the inside out. Hagfish have a very slow metabolism and can go for months without feeding. Probably just as well for the fish swimming nearby.

寶貝寵物 • 2014年 5月


Animals in the news

聯合國國際法庭裁定日本捕 鯨非為科學 在澳大利亞和環保團體提出反對日本捕鯨 一案中,聯合國最高法庭裁定日本需暫停 在南極海域的捕鯨計劃。主審法官Peter Tomka在國際法庭上說,由16名成員組 成的法庭陪審團決定,日本在其捕鯨計畫 內不合理地捕獵大量小須鯨,也未能符合 為魚翅和座頭鯨而定的更小目標。法庭下 令停止簽發捕鯨許可證,直到該計畫重新 制定為止。日本每年捕殺約一千條鯨魚, 聲稱此舉是項科學計劃。但澳大利亞和環 保團體指責日本,試圖操縱由國際捕鯨委 員會於1986年實施的關於暫停商業捕鯨 的禁令。現在鯨魚肉在日本變得不太受歡 迎,而有些人卻認為美味,於是所捕獲的 鯨魚肉仍有市場。

Japanese whaling not for science, rules UN International Court of Justice The UN’s top court ruled to temporarily halt Japan’s whaling program in Antarctic waters, in a case brought against the country by Australia and environmental groups. Presiding Judge Peter Tomka at the International Court of Justice said that the

動物測試將更加 規範

中國通過法律 監禁進食瀕危 動物人士 中國當局已通過一部 法 律,对于 食用 稀 有 野生動物人士将判處 十年監 禁。政 府 認為 大熊 貓、金 絲 猴和 亞 洲黑熊是42 0 種 野生 動物中的罕有或瀕 危品種。中 國 官 方 媒 體 新 華 社 報 導,中國 最高立法機關 — — 全國人民代表大會 ( N P C )常 務 委 員 會,已經 通 過一 個 對 刑事法的解 釋 — — 規定任何人如被發現 食用稀有野生動物名 單中的動 物,將 被 處 以最高十年監禁。 Pets & Hugs • May 2014

China passes law to jail people who eat endangered animals Chinese authorities have passed a law making the consumption of rare wild animals an offence punishable by ten-years in prison. Giant pandas, golden monkeys and Asian black bears are among 420 wild animal species considered rare or endangered by the government. The Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress (NPC), China’s top legislature, has now passed an interpretation of the criminal law which states that anyone found eating animals from this list will face a jail sentence of up to ten years, Chinese state media Xinhua has reported.

中國食品藥品檢定研究 院動物實驗部門副主任 Yue Bingfei說,中國將 提高實驗室動物的待遇 和 福利。他告訴《中國 日報》,“將加添一個實 驗室動物福利和道德的 獨立部門來加強監管” 。Yue說,預期今年內推 出動物檢驗修訂規例。 據中國科學技術部稱, 每年全國約12 0萬隻動 物被用於科研——主要 是老鼠,其餘動物包括 兔子、豚鼠、狗和猴子。 Yue說,進行活體動物 研究的組織需要從當局 領取許可證,但到目前 為 止,“ 沒有任 何 組 織 因違反動物福利和道德 而被查處”。他說:“新 法規將明確界定步驟, 以確保有良好的動物福 利和道德,並在這問題 上加強監督和管理。” 他 說,最 新 的 修 訂 規 定,在開始有關動物實 驗研究前,必需先由一 個 四名實驗 室動 物 科 學 專家和 一名普 通 人

court’s 16-member panel decided that Japan has not justified the large number of minke whales it takes under its program, while failing to meet much smaller targets for fin and humpback whales. The court ordered a halt to the issuing of whaling permits until the program is redesigned. Japan hunted around a thousand whales annually in what it claims was a scientific program. But Australia and environmental groups accused Japan of attempting to manoeuvre around a moratorium on commercial whaling imposed by the International Whaling Commission in 1986. While whale meat is becoming less popular in Japan, it is considered a delicacy by some, and meat from the hunt is sold commercially.

組 成的特別 委員會 進 行一個道德審查。 Yu e稱,此舉主要是觀 察相關實驗的迫切性, 目的是盡量減少實驗動 物的數量

Better regulated animal testing China is set to improve the treatment and welfare of animals in its laboratories, said Yue Bingfei, deputy director of the experimental animal division of the National Institutes for Food and Drug Control. Yue said that a revised regulation on animal testing was expected to be out within the year. “An independent section on laboratory-animal welfare and ethics will

be added to beef up the regulation,” he told China Daily. About 12 million animals - mostly mice - are used for scientific purposes nationwide each year, according to the Ministry of Science and Technology. Other animals used include rabbits, guinea pigs, dogs and monkeys. Groups conducting research on live animals need to have a permit from the authorities, Yue said, but so far “no facilities have been punished for animal welfare and ethics violations”. “The new regulation will clearly define procedures to ensure good animal welfare and ethics and strengthen supervision and regulation over the issue,” he said. In the latest amendment, an ethics review by a special committee of four experts in labanimal science and one layman is required before starting studies involving animal tests, he said. The move mainly looks into the necessity for the tests and aims to minimise the number of animals used, Yue said.


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Adopt a pet 金沙中國贊助

Sponsored by SANDS CHINA LTD.

我是個優雅的女孩,有點兒怕上鏡頭, 但是個好伴侶。我不喜歡人群,我的風 格是親切和友善。很想成為你家中一 份子。我們可以成為一家人嗎?

他們希望得到你的關愛。 你準備好關愛他們了嗎? 大家來認識一下這一期的收養 名單!牠們也許充滿愛心和關 懷,但請記住,牠們也需要被 愛和關懷,所以務必請你準備 好去承擔、並接受牠們所付出 的愛!。


They want to love you.

Are you ready to love them? They are cute, sweet and will make your life infinitely more rewarding. Meet our adoption candidates for this issue! They may be loving and caring, but please remember they need love and care back, so please be sure you are ready for the responsibility, and for all the love they have to give! 編號: 1091 雌性/3歲 Code: 1091 Female / 3 years old

I am a dainty girl, a little camera shy, but great company. I’m not fond of crowds, close and cosy is my style. I would love to be part of a family. Can we please be family?

編號: 695 雄性/11歲 Code: 695 Male/ 11 years old

Choco 我舔嘴唇,因為有人在我面前拿著熱狗, 而我喜愛熱狗。我也喜歡追逐貓。但我更 喜歡熱狗。而且我也很喜愛人類,我相信 我喜愛人類多過熱狗。 I’m licking my lips because someone is holding a hotdog in front of me, and I love hotdogs. I also love chasing cats. But I love hotdogs more. And I also love humans, I think I may like them more than hotdogs.


寶貝寵物 • 2014年 5月



編號: 1135 雄性/ 2.5歲


Code: 1135 Male/ 2.5 years old

嗯,你知道8這數目字是多麼幸運......而我 是一隻幸運的狗!有一段時間我孤身獨處, 流浪街頭,直到時來運轉!請你把我帶回 家,承諾給我一個幸福的將來。 Well, you know how lucky number eight is… and I am a lucky dog! I have been on my own for a while now, roaming the streets, until I got lucky! Please guarantee me a lucky future and take me home with you.


編號: 194 雄性 / 7歲 Code: 194 Male / 7 years old

我的生活一點也不容易,我曾被我所 有愛過的人離棄。但看到我臉上的笑 容嗎?我相信可以在生命中尋找到美 好事物,讓我進入你的生命中,一起 尋找那些美好事物! My life has been anything but easy, I have been rejected by everyone I have ever loved. But see the smile on my face? I believe in looking for the good in life, let me into yours and we can find it together!

金沙中國贊助 Sponsored by SANDS CHINA LTD. Pets & Hugs • May 2014


Odile 編號: C449 雄性 / 2歲 Code: C449 Male / 2 months old

我隻是個嬰兒,甚麼也不懂!我不知自 己喜歡和不喜歡什麼,什麼有趣,什 麼無趣。請你成為我的媽媽,教我人 情世故!

當 你 領

I don’t know anything yet; I’m just a baby! I don’t what I like, what I don’t like, what is funny and what isn’t. Please be my mummy and teach me the ways of the world!


隻收 容所 ! 裡 的寵 物,你拯 救了兩個生命 是 個 能進入收容所的另 的,一 一個 養 生命 你領 是 。 個 一

編號: C524 雄性 / 1.5 歲

Code: C524 Male / 1.5 years



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er pet shelt a t op

你好,我是Typh,是個捕鼠專家。同時是個 表演者。我綠色的大眼睛可能讓我看起來 天真無邪,但我的舉動馬上可以讓你開心和 享受。請帶我回家,讓我們經常一起歡笑。 Hello, I’m Typh and I am an expert mouse catcher. And entertainer. I may look innocent with my big, green eyes, but I will have you laughing and enjoying my acts in no time. Please take me home with you and let’s laugh together, forever.


寶貝寵物 • 2014年 5月


編號: C384 雄性/1歲 Code: C384 Male/ 1 year old


Randy 看到我坐在高處棲息嗎?嗯,這是屬於我的 地方。我向下望,為了維持大家的秩序。我 可以幫助你維持家中的秩序,以換取你的 擁抱和零食。請讓我來為你維持秩序。 See me sitting perched up high? Well, that’s where I belong. I look down and keep order over all. I can help keep order in your home, in return for cuddles and nibbles. Please let me watch over you.

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嗯... 在我生命中我看到過很多事物, 肯定知道我不想要什麼!我不想再孤 單,我希望不再與你分離。快來接我, 是我們開始一起生活的時候了!


Hmmm... I have seen a lot in my life, and I sure know what I don’t want! I don’t want to be alone anymore and I don’t want to be apart from you any longer. Hurry up and come fetch me, it’s time to start our lives together!

編號: 686 雌性 / 2個月 Code: 686 Female / 2 years

金沙中國贊助 Sponsored by SANDS CHINA LTD. Pets & Hugs • May 2014


澳門動物面對的問題: 沒有相關法律, 太多動物及沒有土地! ALBANO MARTINS


為何選舉對我們那麼重要? 選舉和被選是我們所有成員的權利。 作為一個民主機構,我們相信即使大家有同一目標,我們 可能有不同途徑到達該目標。 有些人期望澳門愛護動物協會做更多,特別是從街頭營救 越來越多的動物。 我們尊重他們的關注和意見。然而,在我們日常工作中, 我們必須在可用空間和被照顧動物數量之間保持良好平 衡。保持一個可接受的比例,對維持我們直接負責的動物 的生活質量非常重要。這對牠們的安全也非常重要! 澳門愛護動物協會不同意接收所有動物。 禁錮動物也是違法的!是瘋狂和殘忍的行為!

了一項保護動物法政府已 經準備了一段很長時間。 現在傳聞似乎 指出該法 律只會 保護寵物! 這部法律不保 護那些不住在我 們 家裡 的 動 物,主 要包括 大 熊 貓、賽狗、馬、甚至包括在其他 場 所或 街上的 貓和 狗。也不保 護那些經歷不必要殘殺過程, 而成為我們食物鏈一部分的其 他動物。 一部保護所有動物的法律對澳 門非常重要,因為這部法律將會 把 地圖上中國的這個 地方帶進 文明世界! 我們必需完全承認動物有牠們 的權利。如果沒有這種法律,牠 們 都 被 視 為 物品,容易 被 不負 責任的人決定在寵物店買新“產 品”時扔掉,而完全不受管制。

很多時候活生生的動物被遺棄 在垃圾桶內!結果,被遺棄動物 的數量增加得非常快,虐待情況 更加頻密。 澳門愛護動物協會已經客滿,無 法完成其正常的使命! 禁錮動物是瘋狂和殘忍的行為, 而我們土地有限,只能幫助下列 少量動物: (1) 垂危的動物(被遺棄在交通 繁忙的地方;出現嚴重營養不良 跡象),包括被遺棄的小貓和小 狗; (2) 生病或受傷的動物; (3) 被遺棄而顯示無法靠自己在 外生存的動物 目前我們無力按步就 班地幫助 牠們,我們只有集中控制在澳門 愛護動物協會外的動物群體。 請支援我們幫助牠們的行動!


Visitor Numbers Up

截至今年4月20日澳門愛護動 物 協會(A n i m a)已接 待或走 訪23家學校、社團和公司。訪 問Anima總人數達1,748人, 我們走訪了4 8 8人(包括學校 和社團),較去年大幅增長。 澳門科技大學Gerald Stone 教 授 邀請An i m a在該 大學“ 慈善和社會公益管理碩士”課 堂上發表演說。

Up to April 20 this year Anima received or visited 23 schools, associations and companies. The total number of people visiting Anima reached 1748, and we visited 488 individuals, including schools and associations, a strong increase from last year. Professor Gerald Stone, from Macau University of Science and Technology, invited anima to speak at a “Master in Charity and Public Welfare Management” class at the University.

對這個問題有不同處理方法的所有人,在2014-2015新年 度有選舉和被選舉權!

Why are elections important for all of us? To elect or be elected is a right of all our members. As a democratic institution we believe that even if we have the same goals, we may have different approaches of how to reach them. Some people expect Anima to do a lot more, especially to rescue more and more animals from the streets. We respect their concerns and opinions. However, in our daily work we have to keep a good balance between space availability and the number of animals under our care. Keeping an acceptable ratio is very important to maintain the quality of life of the animals under our direct responsibility. It is also very important for their safety! Anima does not agree to collect all animals. Caging is also out of order! It is an insane and cruel attitude! Now all of those who have different approaches to this problem have the chance to elect, or be elected, for the new term of 2014-2015!

請踴躍參與! Please participate! 54

請支援我們幫助牠們的行動! HELP US TO HELP THEM!

寶貝寵物 • 2014年 5月



The problems animals face in Macau: no laws, too many animals and no more land!


he Government has been preparing a law for the protection of animals for a long time. Rumours now seem to point to a law that will only protect pets! Such law will not protect those that do not live inside our homes, mainly pandas, greyhounds, horses and even cats and dogs in sites or on the streets. It will also not help protect other animals that are part of our human food chain from unnecessary cruelty during the process of being killed for consumption. A law for the protection of all animals is very important for Macau, as it will put this part of China on the map in the civilized world! Animals have rights that need to be fully accepted by us. Without such law they are treated as objects, easily thrown away when irresponsible people decide to buy new “products” in pet shops that are totally unregulated.

狗數量上升, 貓數量下降 2014年第一季度,​​ Anima 救出24隻狗和57隻貓。同期 共 有 2 0 隻狗 和 24隻貓 被領 養。出/入比例分別為1.22和 0.83——反映出Anima動物 協會救援中心的狗隻情況有 所改善,而貓隻方面情況惡 化。這些數字仍然遠低於我 們出/入比例2的目標。

Pets & Hugs • May 2014

Many times live animals are found in garbage bins! As a consequence, the number of abandoned animals has increased very fast and situations of cruelty are more frequent. Anima is completely full and unable to accomplish its normal mission! As caging animals is an insane and cruel attitude, and as our land is limited, we are only able to help a few animals: (1) Animals in danger (abandoned in high traffic areas; showing strong signs of malnutrition), including abandoned puppies and kittens; (2) Sick or injured animals and (3) Abandoned animals that demonstrate inability to survive outside on their own Now as we are no longer even capable to help them in a systematic way, we are now concentrated in the control the colonies outside Anima. PLEASE HELP US TO HELP THEM!

Dogs Up, Cats Down


2014 Budget

In the first quarter of 2014, Anima rescued 24 dogs and 57 cats. A total of 20 dogs and 24 cats have been adopted during that period. The ratio out/in was 1.22 and 0.83 respectively, translating to an improvement in the dog situation but a deterioration in the cat section at Anima Rescue Centre. The figures are still far away from our goal of two.

2014年Anima預計分別需要 6 8 0萬和25 0萬澳門元作為 經常性開支和投資。 2014年 Anima已從澳門基金會分別 獲得250萬和150萬澳門元。 這些數字不包括Anima獸醫 診所的設備,該設備估計需 180萬澳門元,由於我們尋找 捐助者有困難,因此將推遲 購買該設備。

For 2014, Anima has budgeted 6.8 million and 2.5 million patacas for current expenses and investment, respectively. Anima has already secured, from the Macau Foundation, 2.5 million and 1.5 million for 2014. These figures do not include Anima vet clinic equipment, estimated at 1.8 million patacas, postponed due to our difficulty in finding donors.


杜立德醫生 回答你的問題

Dr. Dolittle answers your questions In every issue we will be inviting one of Macau’s finest vets to step into the role of Dr. Dolittle to provide you with the best answers to your questions.

每一期的《寵物寶貝》 裡 我 們 會 邀 請 一名 澳 門最好的獸醫扮演杜 立德醫生的角色,為你 提供照 顧寵物的最好 建議。

Fernando Lebre(獸醫學博士),2011年從里斯 本技術大學獸醫系畢業,持有小動物內科博士研究 生學歷。自幼與狗、貓、鳥、爬行動物和魚一起長 大的他,也曾志願為野生動物協會服務。現在他榮 幸地擁有一隻名叫Safari的黃色雌性混種拉布拉 多犬。2013年7月以來,他一直在綠十字獸醫診所 工作。

Fernando Lebre graduated (DVM) from Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária - Universidade Técnica de Lisboa in 2011 and holds a Post-Graduation in Small Animal Internal Medicine. As well as growing up with dogs, cats, birds, reptiles and fish, he has also volunteered in wildlife associations and is today the proud owner of a female mix yellow Labrador called Safari.

嚮往去海灘 親愛的杜立德醫生: 天氣 漸漸變暖,我很想到户外去活 動。我将寵物带到海灘是否安全? -海灘愛好者-青洲 親愛的海灘愛好者:

狗是戶外的動物,在海灘上每隻狗的行為不 同。有些狗會直接跳入水中,另一些狗隻會 弄濕牠們的爪子,有些只是想享受陽光。不


黑沙海灘時遵循以下提示,你和狗都應該會 有一個美妙的體驗。


乾淨狗狗 親愛的杜立德醫生: 我應該多久替我的狗洗澡? -泡泡浴-氹仔 親愛的泡泡浴: 考慮到我們談的狗沒有皮膚問題,基本上 你應該在牠們變髒或有氣味時替牠們洗 澡。當然,這要依狗狗所居住的環境\棲息 地、活動水平和你鼻子的靈敏度而定! 即使你想給你的狗定期地洗澡,通常每月 一次已足够。按時替你的狗梳毛,千萬不 要把人類的洗髮水用在你的寵物身上!請 教你的獸醫,問問你正在使用的洗髮水是 否最合適你的狗。


Clean Pooch Dear Dr. Dolittle

How often should I wash my dog? -Bubble bath- Taipa

Dear Bubble Bath

Keeping in mind that we’re talking about dogs with no skin problems, basically you should bathe your dog when they are dirty or smelly. Of course, that will depend on the environment\habitat where the dog lives, their level of activity and the sensitivity of your nose! If you want to give your dog regular baths, once a month is usually enough. Brush your dog regularly and never use human shampoo on your pet! Check with your local vet if the shampoo that you are using is the best option for your specific case.

1.在夏季時不要帶狗進入我們本地 的海灘。 2. 避免長時間處於酷熱環境中。 3.如果你的狗的皮膚很 敏感(粉紅 色),在牠的鼻子上搽上防曬霜。 4.如果你隨身攜帶水和水碗,你不僅 可以讓狗保持水分,而且可以減少 牠飲用海水的興趣。 5. 留意身邊其他的狗,因為牠們可能 與你的狗打架。 6.別讓狗狗吃沖刷到海灘上的東西。 7.如果你的狗是喜欢 跳進水中的類 型,我們建議你在離開海灘前先用 自來水沖洗牠的身體。當你回到家 裡,你應該馬上給牠洗澡,洗出任 何對牠的皮毛及健康有害的化學 物質。

寶貝寵物 • 2014年 5月


Ask the Vet

傾盆大雨 親愛的杜立德醫生: 在雨季,對我的寵物我有甚麽特別 事项需要注意? -帶傘者—路環

Longing For The Beach Dear Dr. Dolittle

The weather is getting warmer and it is more and more tempting to spend time outdoors. Is it safe to take my dog to the beach? -Beach lover- Ilha Verde

Dear Beach Lover

Dogs are outdoor animals, and each dog behaves differently at the beach. Some will jump straight into the water, others will only wet their paws and some just like to enjoy the sun. Whatever type of dog you have, if you follow some tips a day at Cheock Van or Hac Sa beach should be a wonderful experience both for you and your dog. Here are some tips to follow: 1. Dogs are not allowed on our local beaches during the summer season. 2. Avoid the hours of intense heat. 3. Apply sunblock to your dog’s nose if his skin is very sensitive (pink in colour). 5. Watch out for other dogs because they may get involved in a fight. 6. Watch out for things that he might eat that wash out on the beach. 7. If your dog is the type that jumps in the water, we recommend that you rinse his body with tap water before leaving the beach, and when you get home you should give him a bath immediately to wash out any chemicals that may be harmful to his coat and health.

Pets & Hugs • May 2014

親愛的帶傘者: 又到每年的這個時候,雨水和雨水 和更多雨水.....因此蚊子的數量也 在增加。 蚊子可能對我們有害,也對我們的 狗甚至貓有害。 在澳門和香港的蚊子可以傳播一種 名為犬心 絲 蟲的寄生 蟲到我們 的 寵物而導致心絲蟲病。心絲蟲是生 存在心臟及肺部大血管的“長腳” 蟲。 我們可以通過消除我們房子裡或周 圍的積水來減少澳門蚊子的數量。 當你為 植物 澆 水 時 要確 保沒有任 何殘留的水;如果你住在一間有陽 台的房子或住在路環的一間屋子, 不要忘了房屋外面任何載有水的碗 器。 你的狗應該戴上一條驅蚊領圈,並 每月服用藥物,殺滅那些可能已經 感染了你的寵物的任何蠕蟲。 避免在蚊子比較活躍的時段(黃昏 和黎明)遛狗。 如果你的狗在房子外生活,晚上把 燈光關閉,並使用捕蚊器。如果您 有任何疑問,請你諮詢獸醫,他們 可以通過快速測試來診斷你的寵物 是否染上疾病。

Raining Cats and Dogs Dear Dr. Dolittle

Are there any particular things I should be concerned about regarding my pets during the rainy season? -Umbrella carrier- Coloane

Dear Umbrella Carrier

It’s that time of the year, rain and rain and more rain... and with that the mosquitoes grow in numbers. Mosquitoes can be harmful to us, but also to our dogs and even cats. In Macau and Hong Kong mosquitoes can transmit a parasite named Dirofilariaimmitis to our pets that causes Heartworm disease. Heartworms are “foot long” worms that live in the heart and major blood vessels of the lungs. We can reduce the number of mosquitoes in Macau by eliminating any stagnant water in or around our houses. Make sure there isn’t any residual water when you water your plants and don’t forget any bowels with water outside if you live in a house with a balcony or a house in Coloane. Your dog should wear a mosquito repellent collar and take monthly medication to kill any possible worms that might already have infected your pet. Avoid walking your dog when the mosquitoes are more active (dusk and dawn). If your dog lives outside, keep the lights off at night and use mosquito traps. If you have any doubts consult your vet, there are quick tests to diagnose if your pet has the disease.


海洋生物...... About sea animals…

海豚睡覺時只用一半大腦及睜開一隻眼, 這樣牠們可以留意捕食者和其他威脅。

Dolphins sleep with only half of their brain and one eye open so they can watch for predators and other threats

海馬是唯一一種由雄性而不是雌性生 育和照顧幼仔的動物。 Seahorses are the only animals in which the male, not the female, gives birth and cares for their young


寶貝寵物 • 2014年 5月


Kid’s Curiosities

水母已經生存了超過6.5億年, 這意味著牠們的出現早於恐龍和鯊魚。 Jellyfish have been around for more than 650 million years which means they outdate both dinosaurs and sharks

章魚有三個心臟,牠的血是藍色的。 An Octopus has three hearts and the colour of its blood is blue

蝦的心臟長自己的頭上。 A Shrimp’s heart is in their head

Pets & Hugs • May 2014


所有生命賴以生存的兩種基本流體--水和 空氣, 已經變成了全球垃圾桶。 Jacques Yves Cousteau, 海洋學家

Water and air, the two essential fluids on which all life depends, have become global garbage cans.

什麼東西沒有開始, 沒有終結, 沒有中部, 但聯繫個大陸? What has, No beginning, No end No middle but touches every continent?

Jacques Yves Cousteau, Oceanographer

按照百科全書所說, 數百萬年前, 我們應該長出了腿, 並已演化成陸地生物。


魔幻迷宮 Labyrinth

幫助螃蟹先生髮現螃蟹太太 Help Mr. Crab find Mrs. Crab!


寶貝寵物 • 2014年 5月


Kid’s Activities

海底世界 詞語搜索



Pets & Hugs • May 2014

Under the Sea Word Search

















Find the 12 differences!


寵物商店 Pet Shops ANIMALS CLUB




Estrada de Coelho do Amaral,

Garden, Taipa

Estrada Coelho Amaral 17A R/C

Mei Keng Garden, Block 5, Taipa


No.28-A, R/C B, Macau

Rua de Tai Lin, No. 389, Pou Long 澳門氹仔大連街389號寶龍花園地





Avenida Concórdia Ka Ieng Garden

Kun Iam Tong, No. 12, R/C

+853 28813388


R/C 和樂大馬路嘉應花園地下 +853 28222376

+853 28839898


觀音堂街12號地下 +853 28517717




Rua Nova A Guia, No.250 R/C, Edf.

Fong Son San Chun BI 5 R/C +853 28968309


Kam Hong, Macau



+853 28353785



Sun Gdn BI 3 R/C, Taipa

Sacadura Cabral 81 R/C


Estrada Gov. Albano Oliveira Nam (氹仔) 南新花園第三座地下B +853 28821144


沙嘉都喇賈罷麗街81號 +853 28352421



Av Conselheiro Ferreira de Almeida


寵物部落 122 R/C

荷蘭園大馬路122號地下 +853 28528320



+853 28563771

氹仔美景花園第五座 +853 28837050



Rua do Padre AntónioRoliz 25-27 CD



羅神父街25-27號 CD +853 28525391


La Cite Rua 1 de Maio 342 R/C 勞動節街342號

+853 28949494 PETOTEL


Tai Lin 389 R/C

(氹仔) 大連街389號地下


Avenida Dr. Sun YatSen 115 R/C, Taipa

(氹仔) 孫逸仙博士大馬路115號地下 +853 28836791


Avenida do Conselheiro Ferreira de Almeida 122 R/C

荷蘭園大馬路122號地下 +853 28527898

+853 28839898



Dr. Ho 小動物醫務所


Rua do Almirante Costa Cabral 6E R/C 賈伯樂提督街6號e地下 +853 28550768


Rua do Almirante Costa Cabral 84 R/C

賈伯樂提督街84號e地下 +853 28523678



Rua Martinho Montenegro 27 R/C

Avenida Sidónio Pais 43 R/C

+853 28937980

Garden R/C H

Rua S. Lourenço 4 R/C

+853 28220108




R/C N1, Macau




Patio da Esteira, Nº42, EDF. Son Seng,


Av Cons Borja, No. 341, Edf. Mayfair


寵物診所 Clinics


墨山街27號地下 +853 28357717


士多鳥拜斯大馬路43號地下 +853 28524916





Rua Sacadura Cabral 29E R/C

Avenida Kwong Tung, Nam San Gdn

+853 28968187


沙嘉都喇賈罷麗街29號e地下 +853 28522715


Bl 1 R/C, Taipa

(氹仔) 廣東大馬路南新花園第1座地下 +853 28821016

寶貝寵物 • 2014年 5月

Pets & Hugs • May 2014


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