Pets & Hugs March/ April 2014

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2014年 3月 • MARCH 2014 • MOP30 • ISSN 2309 5520


Shark Savers in Macau

與丘比特貓Creamy相會 Meet Creamy, the Cupid Cat 領養 拯救寵物

Pets & Hugs • March 2014

Adoptions SAVE A PET NOW


Charming Scaly Pets



寶貝寵物 • 2014年 3月



2014年3月號 March 2014 edition 編輯委員會 EDITORIAL COUNCIL Albano Martins, Janet Tracy, Mércia César de Sá, Luis Pereira 出版人 PUBLISHER Mércia César de Sá 澳門出版有限公司 People Press

Mércia César de Sá 出版人PUBLISHER


上一期《寶貝寵物》我們慶祝馬年來臨,並談及當駿馬飛奔過這一年時我們的願 望。在《寶貝寵物》裡我們當然感覺到這個節奏!

中文編輯 CHINESE EDITOR Frank Xie (謝 陳)

來看看我們的封面故事— —一對年輕夫婦準備與他們美麗的貓貓一起展開新生 活,及他們跳下澳門旅遊塔的精彩故事!讓他們的動人故事幫你思考如何面對恐懼 及克服恐懼的方法!

英文編輯 ENGLISH EDITORS Allegra Hall, Natasha Tomé 特約編輯 EDITOR AT LARGE Mariana Sá 設計 DESIGN 澳門出版有限公司 People Press 攝影 PHOTOGRAPHERS Forbes Conrad (cover story), Carmo Correia, Eric Tam, Manuel Cardoso, Cheong Kamka 地址 ADDRESS Av. Infante D. Henrique, 43-53A, The Macau Square, 10th Floor – I, Macau 中國 澳門殷皇子大馬路43-53A 澳門廣場10樓I (853) 28355315/6 (853) 28355466 機構合作夥伴 INSTITUTIONAL PARTNER Anima - 澳門愛護動物協會 Constança Pereira Printed in Macau 印刷地:澳門 發行量 CIRCULATION 5,000 ISSN 2309 5520 免責聲明:若向出版人提供之資料有不完整處,出

靈感正是我們本期的主題,如Jumpy的故事,這隻三條腿的狗證明了自己。這隻大而 溫柔的狗年輕時候失去一條腿,但這無阻牠找到一個溫馨家庭及兩位極好的主人。 但是,如我們總是提醒各位讀者的那樣,寵物有許多不同形狀和大小,如我們採訪 的兩條有鬍鬚的鬃獅蜥所證明的。雖然許多人看到後可能會退縮,但我們向你保 證,在寒冷的一天我們的模特來到拍攝現場,當時牠們在毯子裡相擁而睡,甜美的 樣子贏得了大家的歡心。 談到與眾不同的動物,澳門的一個組織正致力進行一項重要事業。澳門“護鯊行 動”在街頭教育民眾— —這些被人類誤解的海洋生物將對我們未來發揮重要作 用。請不要錯過支持牠們的機會。 願你和你們毛茸茸的(及有鱗的)朋友享受美好時光,我們下期再見! In our last issue we celebrated the arrival of the Year of the Horse, and

spoke about what to expect with this majestic animal galloping through our year. Over at Pets&Hugs we are certainly feeling the pace!

Take a look at our cover story, for example, of a young couple embarking on a new life together and with their gorgeous cats, as well as jumping off Macau Tower! Let their inspiring story help you think of ways of facing your fears, and overcoming them! Inspiration is certainly our theme this month, as the story of Jumpy, the three

legged dog proves. This big, gentle dog lost his leg at a young age, but that has not stopped him from finding a loving home with two wonderful owners.

But, as we always like to remind our readers, pets come in many shapes and sizes, as our interview with two Bearded Dragon Lizards prove. While many may recoil in horror, we assure you that on the cold day our models arrived to the shoot,


cuddled up on a blanket, they won everyone over with their sweet natures.

Disclaimer: The publishers accept no

working very hard for an important cause; Shark Savers Macau is out on the

人聯絡。本刊發表的意見不代表出版人之立場。 responsibility for loss or damage to any

materials submitted for publication. If you

And speaking of unusual animals, there is an organization in Macau that is

streets educating people on the important role these misunderstood creatures

would like to use any content, please contact

in the sea play in our future. Please don’t miss the chance to support them.

magazine are not necessarily those of the

May you and your furry (and scaly) friends experience

the publishers. The views expressed in the publishers.

Pets & Hugs • March 2014

wonderful times until we meet in our next issue!



寶貝寵物 • 2014年 3月


澳門自來水公司專題 Macao Water special


科技愛好者 Techno pet































A Dog with a Difference

Dog breed

Cat Breed Cat Tale

Ask the Vet Animal in the News Pet Lover

Sweet and Scaly



Shark Savers in Macau

Adoptions Anima

Kid’s Curiosities Kid’s Activities Shops and Clinics

Pets & Hugs • March 2014

Creamy the Cupid Cat



寶貝寵物 • 2014年 3月

澳門自來水公司專題 Macao Water special

頑強的錦鯉 The Mighty Koi 你有沒有想過錦鯉會以龍魚 著稱?澳門自來水公司忠誠 的員工有一個大膽而久負盛 名的傳統,像他們所服務的公 司一樣。

Have you ever wondered about the koi fish that became known as the dragon fish? Macao Water’s loyal employees have a bold and prestigious legacy, much like the company they serve.

有歷史記載的很多很多年前,一群 數目成千上萬的錦鯉在黃河游弋。 牠們強大的身軀在陽光下閃閃發光,看起 來像成千上萬閃閃發光的寶石。一切都進 行得很順利,直到牠們到達一個瀑布,錦 鯉在那裡感到氣餒而折返,牠們發現順流 而下容易得多。然而,360條意志堅定的 錦鯉決定逆流而上。

因為對大自然和水關係的重要性有深刻 認識,澳門自來水的主題顏色是藍色和 綠色,表示關注和尊重自然。澳門自來 水非常重視飲用水質量,定期進行水質 檢查,並將水資源和環境作為一個整體 進行保護。

每條錦 鯉用盡全力跳,努力跳 到瀑布的 頂部。牠們一次又一次將自己甩到空中但 都被丟回水中。水花的飛濺聲引起當地惡 魔的注意,惡魔嘲笑錦鯉的艱苦努力。惡 魔殘暴地增加了瀑布高度,從而增加了錦 鯉的痛苦。但錦鯉沒有放棄,也沒有被嚇 倒,一百年來牠們一直努力試圖到達瀑布 頂端。最後,一條錦鯉以英雄式的一跳終 於成功。神微笑著將這條疲憊的錦鯉變成 一條閃亮的金色巨龍。

澳門自來水的運營和使命背後的另一個 驅動力,是對澳門居民健康和幸福的關 注。本著積極回饋社會的精神,澳門自 來水2001年起推出了“長者用水優惠” 補貼計劃予年滿55歲的受益者,得到社 會各界的認同。然後在2005年,澳門自 來水推出“點滴獻關懷”用水優惠計劃 予每月領取社會工作局援助金或補助之 有需要人士或家庭類別,當中包括領取 單親援助金、護理補助及殘疾補助之人 士。

因為他們的耐力和毅力,錦鯉已經成為克 服困境和實現個人夢想的象徵。而游動的 錦鯉成為世間願望和進步的象徵。

澳 門自來 水公司 董 事 總 經 理 張 展 翔 說:“供優質食水,創優質生活”是澳門 自來水股份有限公司一直堅持的服務承 諾。

澳門自來水紮根澳門多年,通過一支高素 質有承諾的員工隊伍,一直努力不懈確保 供應優質飲用水,同時保持保護環境和社 會責任的意識,並通過持續及有成本效益 的方式改善客戶服務。

負責著地球上最有價值的商品,敬業的 澳門自來水工作人員和錦鯉監督所有水 的淨化和處理步驟,這些水流入澳門千 家萬戶,讓大家只要轉一轉水龍頭就可 以享受這生命中最珍貴的禮品。

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Pets & Hugs • March 2014


每天他愉快地在永恆的天 堂和廣闊的天空追逐智慧 的珍珠。每當有錦鯉找到 力量和勇氣躍上瀑布,他 或她也會變成天堂的龍。 Because of their endurance and perseverance, koi have become symbolic of overcoming adversity and fulfilling one’s destiny. Swimming koi became symbolic of worldly aspiration and advancement.


寶貝寵物 • 2014年 3月

澳門自來水公司專題 Macao Water special


n a time before recorded history, many,

many years ago, a school of thousands of koi

swam up the Yellow River. The colours of their strong bodies glistened in the sun, making them appear like thousands of glistening

jewels. All was going well until they reached a

waterfall, where a large number of them grew

discouraged and turned back, finding it much easier to simply go with the flow of the river.

Yet, a determined group of 360 koi pressed on. Straining and leaping, each koi strove to reach

the top of the falls. Again and again they flung

their bodies into the air only to be thrown back into the water. All the splashing noise drew the attention of the local demons who laughed at

the efforts of the struggling koi. Adding to their misery, the demons sadistically increased the

height of the falls. Still the koi refused give up. Undeterred,for one hundred years they kept

trying to reach the top of the falls. At last, with

one heroic leap, a single koi made it. The God’s smiled down in approval and transformed the exhausted koi into a shining golden dragon. He joyfully spends his days chasing pearls

of wisdom across the skies of the vast and

eternal heavens. Whenever another koi finds

the strength and courage to leap up the falls, he or she too becomes a heavenly dragon.

Macao Water, rooted in Macau for many years, has been tirelessly striving to ensure the

continued supply of quality drinking water,

whist remaining conscious of environmental protection and social responsibilities and

improving customer service by providing them

in a sustainable and cost-effective way, through a highly qualified and committed workforce.

With a deep understanding of the importance of the relationship between nature and

behind Macao Water’s operations and

In the words of Macao Water’s Managing

blue and green, expressing concern and

in a positive spirit, in 2001 Macao Water

Quality Water, We Deliver Quality of Life".

water, Macao Water’s theme colours are

respect for nature. Considerable emphasis

is placed on fresh water quality, with regular water quality checks being performed, as well as the protection of water resources and the environment as a whole.

Concern for the health and wellbeing of

Macao’s residents is the other driving force

mission. To contribute to the community launched a “Elderly-In-Needs“subsidy Program

Director, Cheung Chin Cheung, "More than

to beneficiaries’ aged 55 and over, to be

Responsible for one of the most valued

Macao Water launched the“Water for All”

staff and koi fish of Macao Water oversee all

recognized by the community. Then in 2005, program aimed at people or families who are receiving subsidies from the Social Welfare

Department, such as single-parent families, or for medical assistance or disabilities.

commodities on earth, the dedicated human the steps involved in purifying and treating

the water flowing into our homes in Macao, so that we can all enjoy one of life’s most

precious gifts, with the simple turn of a tap.

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Pets & Hugs • March 2014



傑克羅素梗 The Cheeky Star

Jack Russell Terrier


寶貝寵物 • 2014年 3月


Dog breed

克羅素梗非常聰明,亦 很容易訓練,這可從牠 們過去二十年間在幾套好萊 塢電影和電視節目的名氣得 到證明。


ighly intelligent and very easily trained, Jack Russell Terriers have made their mark in several Hollywood movie and TV shows over the years.

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Pets & Hugs • March 2014


需要關注度 如果你日日夜夜都不令我興奮,我 會使你發瘋。 Attention needs I will drive you nuts if you don’t keep me stimulated night and day

活躍程度 我要跑步、捕獵、玩耍,永不厭倦。 Activeness I need to run, hunt and play, I never get tired!

與孩子關係 情感 我完完全全忠誠於你。 Affection I am hopelessly devoted to you


如果他們捉弄或打我,我會反擊。 Relationship with children I’ll strike back if they tease or hit me

寶貝寵物 • 2014年 3月


Dog breed

傑克羅素梗被毛類型呈現多種 顏色— —白色(必 須 超 過51%)、棕色、棕褐色 和黑色加上一些 班 點,牠們紮實、不屈不撓和頑強,身體結構緊湊,身 型細少有爆炸力,配合比例適中的腿。傑克羅素梗 (JRT)是一種無畏和頑強的工作犬,意味著如果你 不讓他們保持興奮和活躍,牠們會自娛,那時你的 家居可能會有損壞! 這些狗需要在早上和黃昏與你跑步或者輕快地走, 除非在一個有圍欄的地方,否則不應該解除牠們的 狗帶。最好有一個院子可讓牠奔跑、狩獵、玩耍以 保持牠的本能。 傑克羅素梗非常聰明,亦很容易訓練,這可從牠們 過去二十年間在幾套好萊塢電影和電視節目的名氣 得到證明。對這些任性的狗你必須掌握主導權,從 而建立你的群體領導地位,不要讓你的傑克羅素梗 患上“小狗綜合症”。人類誘發的行為問題會導致 狗以為自己是人類的群體領導,而變得喜歡亂叫、 活躍、嫉妒、自我保護、對陌生人警惕,不能成為孩 子的好夥伴。堅持你的領導地位,傑克羅素梗就會 是一隻快樂、服從、友好的狗,牠們親切並會善待 兒童及其他人。

一隻出名的傑克羅素梗叫 Uggie,你可能在2011年奧 斯卡獲獎影片《星光夢裏 人》見過牠。繼這次表演 之後,有人發起“考慮Uggie”活動,企圖讓狗隻獲 得奧斯卡獎提名。

This little compact dog has come a long way from its grim history of fox and small

game hunting. While originally bred in England in the mid 1800’s specifically to hunt

quarry out of their dens and named after Reverend John Russell, who spearheaded the

breeding program, today he is a cheerful, happy and loving companion for a pet owner. Appearing in a variety of white (must be over 51% white), brown, tan and black coat types with a range of markings, they are sturdy, tough and tenacious with their body seeming compact and balanced with proportionately sized legs to

their small powerful bodies. The Jack Russell Terrier (JRT) is a fearless and tenacious working dog, meaning if you don’t keep them stimulated and active, they will find their own amusement, sometimes to the detriment of your home!

These dogs need to run or walk briskly with you in the mornings and again in the evenings but should not be let off their leash unless in an enclosed area. He is best with a yard where he can run, hunt and play in keeping with his instincts. JRT’s are highly intelligent and very easily trained as evident from their recent fame in the last two decades in several Hollywood movie and TV shows. But your authority must be dominated on these willful dogs in order to establish

yourself as pack leader so that your JRT does not get ‘small dog syndrome’. A

human induced behavioural problem may result in the dog believing he is the

human’s pack leader, which becoming yappy, snappy, jealous, protective, wary

of strangers and not the greatest of child companions. But assert your leadership and the JRT is a merry, obedient dog, friendly and kind to children and others.

One famous Jack Russell Terrier is Uggie, you may have seen him in the academy award winning film The Artist in 2011. Following this performance, the “Consider Uggie” campaign was launched, in an attempt to gain a dog a nomination for an Academy Award.

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Pets & Hugs • March 2014



A Dog with a Difference 一對夫婦決定領養一隻小巧、安靜的 狗,最終結果與其初衷完全相反。然 而,他們很快樂並樂意分享如何被外 表蒙騙的故事。 When one couple decided to find a small, quiet dog to adopt they pretty much ended up with the exact opposite. However, they could not be happier and share a tale of how looks can be deceiving.


寶貝寵物 • 2014年 3月


Dog Tale

hibani Talashilkar正低頭 看著安祥地睡在 她腳邊的 大黑狗,笑著說:“我不知道這 件事是怎麼發生的。”她和丈 夫Garry Febey心目中想​​領養 一隻“小至中型的狗”作寵物, 這隻被談論的狗則跟目標全然 不同。


該位建築師決定在Anima當 義工,與那裡的狗相處,這樣 除幫忙外也可以找到一隻合適 的狗帶回家。Shibani會在下 午為 狗 隻 梳 洗 和 打 理一 般 雜 務,從第一個欄開始用她的方 式幹下去,她總是把一隻特別 的狗留到最後,因為牠“最安 靜”。而這時剛好是Ga r r y在 每天結束前來接她的時候,那 他們便可與這隻狗一起相處, 後來這隻狗成為他們家庭的一 份子。 看著他們三個在一起,很清楚 看到領養Jumpy對他們來說 是一個很自然的決定。但很多 人可能會對這個有點不尋常的 選擇感到驚訝,因為Jumpy不 是普通的狗。這隻全黑的短毛 德國牧羊大狗只有三條腿。 在 建 築 業 擔 任高 級項目經 理 的Garry解釋說,Jumpy的年 齡可能是三歲半,人們在在氹 仔的 一 個 工 地 發 現牠 時 其前 腿嚴重破損。直到今天沒有人 確切知道當時發生了什麼事, 只知牠患嚴重感染或壞疽,若 沒有 氹仔 的 一名 獸 醫 進 行 截 肢,Jumpy早就死了。 諷刺的是正因為Jumpy失去 一條腿,最終可與這對夫婦在 一起——Garry和Shibani知 道要撫養一隻大狗,也僅可以 養Jumpy,因為牠的精力不如 其他同樣大小四條腿的狗。住 在一個寬敞的公寓裏,每天帶 牠三次散步符合他們各方的要 求。 這對夫婦深信Jumpy過去曾 經 是 人 家 的 寵 物,牠 本 能 地 Pets & Hugs • March 2014

知道如何進出升降機,牠訓練 有素,顯示過往在某程度上曾 受 到 照 顧 和 關 心。他 們 推 測 Jumpy成為了“狗時尚”的犧 牲品——牠的前主人很喜歡牠 小時候的模樣,但之後牠長得 太大,或某類品種只在某個時 間 時髦但很快 過 時 — — 這是 一種世界各地都在發生的不幸 事情。 現在J u m py 重42公斤,帶有 黑色光澤皮毛和搖擺的尾巴, 很 難 想 像 牠不是 一 隻 倍 受寵 愛 的 狗。每 天 兩 個 正 餐加 上 S h i b a n i 早上 上 班 前 的 一 些 小吃,通常是沒煮熟的雞翅膀 (未煮的骨較容易消化)或其 他“濃味”的東西,如小魚幹, 這 些食 物 都令 牠保 持 最 佳 狀 態。據牠的主人和獸醫說,這

些小吃對牠無傷大雅。 街上的人對Jumpy有何反應? 他得到的反應各異。 “我想 很多人都沒​​想 到會見到一隻三 條腿的狗,”Garry說,“我認 為他們被 逗樂了。”他進一步 解釋說:“你見到少女們又跑 又尖叫,而老太太們則想拍拍 牠。” Jumpy特別關注老婦 與小狗,因為她們會暫時把自 己的小狗放在一旁,而從手袋 裏 拿 出 小 吃 給 這 隻 龐 大、威 武但極友善的狗。 Shibani笑 說:“每當牠看到那些老太太 們,牠就會追逐她們”。 Jumpy對牠所有鍾情的東西 有其獨特的怪癖,牠簡直是一 個貪婪的讀者。 Shibani最喜 歡閱讀最新文學作品,但她從

來沒法讀到結尾。 “我不知 道一直在閱讀故事的結局,我 花了數週追看一個故事,然而 永遠不知道最後的結局。”原 來Jumpy有嚼書最後數頁的 習慣,只是最後數頁,就這樣 Shibani錯過了故事的結局。 解決J u m py用力咀嚼書本的 減 壓 和 放 鬆 方 法,包 括 看 電 視,特別是看狗節目令牠有幻 想。 雖然在早期生活中飽受磨難, 但J u m py 從來沒有失去對正 確和錯誤的認識,也沒有失去 牠的善良。牠平靜的舉止表示 牠不但對其他狗友好,而且也 令牠善於化解糾紛。“牠擅長 化解爭執,只要牠踏進去便可 整治那些搗 蛋鬼,”Sh i ba n i 望著 坐在 她 身邊 的狗 得意 洋 洋地說。 15


hibani Talashilkar is looking

together it’s easy to see how

that he ended up with the couple

adoringly sleeping at her feet, and

decision for them. But many

that keeping up with a dog that

down at the big, black dog

laughing, “I don’t know how this happened”. The dog in question is a long shot from the “small

to mid-sized dog” she and her

husband Garry Febey had in mind when looking for a pet to adopt.

The architect decided to volunteer at Anima and devote time with

the dogs there to both help out

adopting Jumpy was an obvious

我想很多人都沒​​想 到會見到一隻三條 腿的狗 I think a lot of people don’t expect to see a three-legged dog

and also to find the right one to


German Shepard has three legs. Garry, a Senior Project Manager in

the construction industry, explains

that Jumpy is probably three and a half years of age, and was found in

what happened, but it was either

working her way along, always

come pick her up at the end of

because he “was the quietest

time with this dog that would

coincide with Garry’s arrival to

This big all black, shorthaired

day no one knows with certainty

dogs and undertaking general

one”. The timing would also

for Jumpy is not ordinary dog.

a badly damaged front leg. To this

her afternoons grooming the

saving one particular dog for last,

this somewhat unusual choice,

a construction yard in Taipa, with

bring home. Shibani would spend

chores, starting in one pen and

people may be surprised at

the day, so together they spent later form part of their family. Looking at the three of them

a serious infection or gangrene, and a vet in Taipa performed

the amputation, without which Jumpy would have died.

Ironically enough, it is exactly

because of Jumpy’s missing leg

he did- Garry and Shibani knew

size would only be possible with

Jumpy because his energy levels are not as demanding as they

would have been in a dog that

size, had he all four legs. Living in a spacious apartment and

taking him for three walks a day meets his needs- and theirs.

The couple are convinced that

Jumpy was someone’s pet in the

past, the way he instinctively knew how to get in and out of lifts and

was housetrained are all indicative of a dog that was looked after and cared for, to some extent, in the past. Their theory is that Jumpy fell victim to “doggie fashion”

where his owner liked the look of him as a puppy, but he then grew too big, or where certain

寶貝寵物 • 2014年 3月


Dog Tale

breeds are trendy at a certain

point in time, but soon fall out of fashion- an unfortunate reality

that happens all over the world. Today, at 42Kg, with a shiny black coat and a wagging tail, it is

hard to imagine Jumpy as being anything but a well loved dog.

Two meals a day and a snack in the morning before Shibani goes to

work, usually a raw chicken wing (the bones are easier to digest

when not cooked) or anything

“that stinks” such as dried fish, are what keep him in tip top shape. Although a teeny weeny diet

wouldn’t hurt too much, according to his owners and the vet.

How do people react to Jumpy on the streets? He gets mixed

reactions. “I think a lot of people

don’t expect to see a three-legged dog”, says Garry, “I think they are

keeps a particular eye on, as they

get young girls running away

push their own tiny dogs aside

amused”. He elaborates, “You

screaming, to old ladies who want to pat him”. The old ladies with

small dogs are the ones Jumpy

are the ones who will momentarily

hounds those old ladies whenever he sees them”, Shibani laughs.

to offer this big, imposing, yet

Jumpy, for all his lovingness,

carry in their handbags. “He just

is literally a voracious reader.

super friendly, dog the treats they

has his fair share of quirks; he

Whilst Shibani loves nothing

better than getting stuck into the latest literary success, she

never manages to get to the end. “I don't know what the endings are of these stories I have been reading, I spend weeks getting into a story and then never

know what happens”. It turns

out that Jumpy has a thing for chewing up the last pages of

the books, only the last ones, and just at the right time to

miss out on the ending. Ways to unwind and relax from the

exhausting book chewing frenzy include watching TV; dog shows in particular take his fancy.

For all the hard knocks Jumpy endured over the course of

his early life, he has never lost sense of what is right and

wrong. Or kindness. His calm

demeanor means that he is not only good with other dogs,

but he is also good at resolving disputes. “He is good at fixing squabbles, he just walks in

and sorts out the perpetrator”,

Shibani says looking proudly at the dog sitting by her side. Pets & Hugs • March 2014


快樂 大家庭

One Big Happy Family 18

我們都知道我們對寵 物的愛有多深,我們 也知道如何不惜一切 令 牠 們 快 樂 及得到 照顧。對一位女士來 說,這種愛已經令她 為她眾多狗狗的福祉 投入了所有時間。

We all know the power of the love we have for our pets, and how we will go to any lengths to ensure they are happy and well looked after. For one woman that love has seen her devote all her days and time to the wellbeing of her many dogs.

寶貝寵物 • 2014年 3月


Pet Lover

It started with a Schnauzer

for Bobbie if nobody could

chores, spending time with family

many stories about dogs there

We all have busy lives – work, and friends... oh, and feeding

the cat and taking the dog out. That all seems manageable, but can you imagine a life with not just one or two, but 29 rescued dogs?

For Janny, it's about getting up


我們都過著非常忙碌的生 活— —工作、家務、花時間與 家人和朋友相處......哦,還有餵 貓和遛狗。 這一切似乎都可以應付,但你 能想像這樣的生活——面對的 不是一隻或兩隻,而是29只獲 救的狗嗎? 對Janny來說,她的生活是這 樣的:每隔一天的上午5點30 分 起 床,餵 養 她 家裡 的九隻 狗,如果有足夠時間就帶他們 出去遛遛;然後,上午07點30 分,她前往一棟工業大廈,餵 養她的其他20隻狗,並在上午 8點30分她去上班之前清潔牠 們的住所。 在辦公室忙碌一天后,下午6點 左右Janny直接前去與她的20 隻狗玩耍,並做一些清潔和餵 食工作;之後她回家照看她的9 條狗,晚上10點才睡覺。 很難想像她是怎麼做到,更難 想像她是如何成為這樣一位狗 狗關愛者的,因為她以前從來 沒有過想要一隻狗作為寵物的 念頭。 直到2005年,事情起了變化。 一切緣於一隻叫Bobbie的史 納莎,牠成為Janny拯救的第 一隻狗。Janny的一個朋友準 備永遠離開澳門,如果沒有人 可以給Bobbie一個家的話, 政府的狗房將是他的選擇。 “ 我聽過太多關於那裡的狗 故 事— —如果這些狗沒有找到 主人,他們就不得不被人道毀 Pets & Hugs • March 2014

滅。我簡直受不了這種想法。” 親密關係

在 與 B o b b i e建 立 親密關係 後,Janny完全不能對她發現 的一隻被人遺棄、躺在路邊的 芝娃娃狗視而不見。 不久,獲救狗的數量達到了10 只,所以在2007年Janny和她 的兩個朋友決定為這些狗建立 一個“家” ,飼養和獸醫費用全 部由他們自掏腰包支付。 一年後,“狗屋”不幸被一場 席捲澳門的颱風摧毀。令這些 狗再次無家可歸可不是一種選 擇,所以Janny的一個朋友為 他們提供了一座工業大廈內一 個空置單位,讓他們可以用該 單位作為這些狗的新家。 現在一共 有 2 0 隻狗生活在 那 裡。這個 快 樂 犬 舍 包括兩 隻哈士奇狗 — — Po s te r和 Monster——他們是在很小的 時候被Janny從街上撿到的; 一隻被稱為Oscar的金毛尋回 犬——他患有眼癌、免疫系統 弱,需要每天用藥;還有一隻 史納莎狗名叫Sai b(細B或小 B),他胸口有一個腫瘤——雖 然有病纏身,但他們似乎都在 那裡過著快樂的生活。 一隻叫Hac Mui (黑妹)的混 種狗,甚至自己醫好了她破碎 的脊柱— —獸醫曾因風險太 大拒絕為她做手術。“她有一 種強烈的生存意念。”或許是 Hac Mui人類朋友的愛與關懷 給了她恢復的力量。

at 5.30 am every other day to

feed her nine dogs at home, and

perhaps take them out for a walk

give him a home. “I heard too that have to be put down if

they don’t find an owner. I just

couldn’t bear the thought of it.”

Strong bonds

Having built a strong bond with Bobbie, it was simply too hard for Janny to turn a blind eye

to a Chihuahua she found left lying by the side of the road.

if there is enough time. Then at

Soon the number of rescued dogs

building to feed her other 20

and two of her friends decided

7.30 am she heads to an industrial dogs and clean their space before she goes to work at 8.30 am.

我聽過太多關於那裡的 狗故事——如果這些狗 沒有找到主人,他們就 不得不被人道毀滅。我 簡直受不了這種想法。

I heard too many stories about dogs there that have to be put down if they don’t find an owner. I just couldn’t bear the thought of it. After a day in the office Janny

then heads straight back to play with her 20 dogs at about 6 pm, when she does more cleaning and feeding, before she goes

home to see her nine dogs, and

eventually goes to bed at 10 pm. It's hard to imagine how she

does it, and it's even harder to

imagine how she became to be such a dog lover, given that it

never crossed her mind that she would ever want one as a pet. Not until 2005, that is. It all

started with Bobbie, a Schnauzer, the first dog Janny saved.

Janny’s friend was leaving Macau for good and the government’s

dog kennel was the only option

reached ten, and so in 2007 Janny to set up a ‘home’ for the dogs, with feeding and vet fees all

paid out of their own pockets. The ‘dog house’ was unfortunately destroyed when a typhoon

swept across the city a year later. Letting the dogs go homeless

again was not an option, so one

of Janny’s friends offered them a

vacant factory unit in an industrial building, which they could use as a home for their dogs.

Today a total of twenty dogs

live there. The happy household

includes, for example, two huskies – Poster and Monster – that Janny found on the street when they

were puppies, a Golden Retriever

called Oscar, who suffers from eye cancer and has a weak immune

system requiring daily medication, and a Schnauzer called Sai b (細 b, or Small b) who has a tumour in his chest – yet, despite their

various health conditions, they all seem to live there happily.

A Mongrel called Hac Mui (黑妹, or Black Girl) even managed to heal her broken spine by herself after

the vet refused to operate on her because it was too risky. “She has a strong will to live.” Perhaps it's the love and care that Hac Mui

felt from her human friends that

gave her the strength to recover.



玩具虎貓 The Urban Jungle Cat


與孩子關係 我喜歡年紀較大的孩子。 Relationship with children I prefer older children

活躍程度 我喜歡玩遊戲,但更愛悠閒地與你午睡。

這隻都市叢林中的貓,會以威武的野生 老虎那種大搖大擺步伐走過你的客廳。 不要怕,因為這個新品種的貓叫玩具虎 貓,體內沒有一滴野生動物的血。 This urban jungle cat will lope through your living room with a rolling gait of the MAJESTIC wild tiger. Fear not though, as there is not a drop of wild blood in this new breed of cat called the Toyger.

Activeness I love to play games but am laid back enough to have a nap with you

情感 我喜歡在你大腿上盡情打呼嚕。 Affection I love to luxuriate on your lap purring away

需要關注程度 我喜歡與你作伴。 Attention needs I delight in being in your company


寶貝寵物 • 2014年 3月


Cat Breed

國飼養員Judy Sugden首先將一隻 國內短毛與一隻大骨架孟加拉貓配 種,後來再與一隻從印度克什米爾街頭引 進的貓混合。由此繁殖出一個像微型老虎 的品種:強壯、肌肉發達、身軀修長,生動 橙色底毛上配以深色粗條直班紋,白色腹 部,全身遍佈金黃色‘閃光’。在世界一些 地方,人們建議玩具虎貓主人把貓留在家 裡,因為牠們那閃閃金光的皮毛非常吸引 盜賊。獨特的圓頭也是玩具虎貓獨有的特 徵,其他家貓沒有。

玩具虎貓是最聰明的貓種之一,可以受訓 去取物件及用貓帶輕鬆地牽著走。因為牠 們的智力高,喜歡受智力測試、遊戲、以及 被任何令牠們感興趣的東西所激發。牠們 非常喜歡互動及合群,愛與人和其他寵物 一起,由於牠們悠閒的個性,可以融入任 何家庭。 有這隻友善外向的貓在你家是一種真正的 喜悅,也許會讓你覺得好像能馴服野生動 物一樣。


merican breeder Judy Sugdenfirst crossed a

domestic shorthair with a big boned Bengal

cat and then later introduced a street cat from

Kashmir, India into the mix. The resultant breed

replicates a tiger in miniature form: a large, muscular long body with bold vertical dark stripes on a vivid orange background with white on the belly and a

scatter of gold ‘glitter’ over the body. In some parts of the world, Toyger owners are advised to keep

of cats and can be trained to play fetch and easily walk on a leash. Because of their high intellect, they like to be stimulated with puzzles, games,

and anything that will keep their interest. Highly

interactive and social, they love being with people and other pets and because of their laid back

personalities, can fit into any household or family.

their cats inside as their shimmery gold coat makes

Having this friendly outgoing cat in your home

head markings are also a unique feature of the

feel a little bit like you’ve tamed the wild.

them very attractive to thieves. Distinctive circular Toyger which are found in no other domestic cat.

繁殖玩具虎貓品種,讓牠們看來有如 一頭足不出戶的老虎,是為了鼓勵人 們關心保育野生老虎。

Pets & Hugs • March 2014

The Toyger is one of the most intelligent breed

will truly be a delight and perhaps make you

The Toyger breed was developed to look like a housebound tiger to encourage people to care about the conservation of tigers in the wild


作者/By:Carla Flores, Francisco Leandro

永恆的寵物與鑽石 Pets and Diamonds are Forever

引言:幫朋友照顧寵物令一對夫婦上到度 身定做的動 物護 理課程 。這個 經 驗 證明 非常成功,他們決定作出一個更長遠的安 排——自己領養一些寵物。 們一直想擁有寵物。幾年前當我們搬到意大利時,我 們 的訓練計劃由自願在晚上和 短假期中照 顧寵物開 始。我們的朋友都非常高興,我們則充分利用這個度身定做 的學習過程,當然還包括時不時收到一些不錯的禮物。此外, 在某種程度上我們了解貓狗之後,使得我們非常難以拿定主 意——我們究竟想把哪種動物帶回我們自己的家庭。

去年我們移居澳門,隨之而來的是為澳門的動物做一些積極 事情的願望。首先,我們買了Tracie Hotchner的名著—— 22

Pet sitting for friends allowed one couple to have tailormade lessons in caring for animals. The experience proved so successful they decided to commit to a more permanent arrangement, by adopting some of their own.


e have always wanted to have pets. When we moved to Italy

a couple of years ago, we began our own training program by

volunteering evenings and short holiday’s to pet sit. Our friends were

extremely pleased and we took advantage of this tailor-made learning process, and of course some of the nice gifts that arrived every once in a while. Furthermore, we learned about cats and dogs in a way

that made it extremely difficult to make our minds up, in terms of which sort of animal we would like to bring into our own family.

Last year we moved to Macau and with us also came the willingness to do something positive for the territory’s animals. First we bought

寶貝寵物 • 2014年 3月


Pet interview 《 貓 聖 經 》。其 次,我 們 將 我們的小公寓調整得適合貓 居住,接著我們開始尋找一 名可以步行到達的獸醫,因 為在澳門寵物不能搭乘公共 交通,而我們 沒有自己的汽 車。最後,我們 決 定向照 顧 澳門被遺棄寵物的非凡人士 學習。因此,在我 們 第一次 參觀Anima(澳门爱护动物 协 会)後,就在 澳 門 領 養了 Maomi和Dante。 作為一個擴大家庭的成員, 牠 們 實 現了我 們 夢 想 和 希 望 的 重 要 部 分,並 且 改 變 了我 們 的 家 庭 活力( 更 加 美 好......) — — 幾 乎 是馬上見 效。相互適應的過程一如我 們預期,今天(5個月後)我 們已是一個四口之家了。 Maomi估計5歲半,Dante 在 一 至 兩 歲 之 間。但 不 要 被 牠 們 的 外 表 所 迷 惑。 Maomi年齡大一點、個子大 一些,更健康,更聰明,更成 熟,在尋求我們的關注時更

溫柔,其願望比我們的“小” D a nte更強 烈。實際上,我 們往往不叫牠Dante而常叫 牠“O piqueno”——葡萄 牙俚語“小”的意思。 事實上,D a nte一直較小, 較年輕,較弱小,較脆弱,由 於健康較差,Dante更多訪 問我們可靠的朋友及優秀的 葡萄牙獸醫— —Francisco 和 Ca r l ota。然而,儘 管如 此,Dante還是喜歡發號施 令。我 們 的“小”D a n t e 其 實是一個假扮的統治者,一 個炫耀態度的統治者,牠以 優雅的姿態統治牠的王國, 以友情對待Maomi,當然, 牠也會 時 不 時 使用 牠 鋒 利 的爪子。總 而 言之,我 們 對 在澳門領養兩隻寵物的決定 感到自豪,牠們 給我們帶來 了無窮的喜悅。儘 管承受了 一 些 抓 痕、擦傷,處 理了無 數貓毛,我們還是無法形容 對Anima(澳门爱护动物协 会)的感激,我們將與我們的 寵物永遠在一起!

the well-known book “The

their appearances. Maomi is

Secondly, we adapted our little

more mature, softer in terms

Cat Bible” by Tracie Hotchner. apartment to be cat friendly and we started to search for

a vet within walking distance,

because in Macau pets are not

allowed on public transportation and we do not have a car.

Finally, we decided to learn

of seeking our attention and

stronger than our “little” Dante.

Actually, often instead of calling him Dante we often call him

“o piqueno” which means “the little” in Portuguese slang.

from the remarkable people

Indeed, Dante has always been

pets in Macau. Consequently,

fragile, suffering from relatively

who look after abandoned

Maomi and Dante were adopted in Macau soon after we paid our first visit to Anima.

They fulfill an important part of our dreams and hopes

as an expanded family and

they changed our domestic dynamics (for the better...)

almost immediately. The process of mutual adaptation went

according to our expectations and today (five months later) we are a family of four.

Maomi is estimated to be five and half years old and Dante

is between one and two years old. But do not be fooled by

Pets & Hugs • March 2014

older, bigger, healthier, smarter,

smaller, younger, weaker, more

poor health, paying more visits to our reliable friends and

outstanding Portuguese vets,

Francisco and Carlota. However, despite all this, Dante calls

the shots. Our “little” Dante is

indeed a disguised ruler, the one showing attitude, dominating his kingdom with gentleness,

companionship towards Maomi, and of course, using his sharp

claws every now and then. All in all, we are proud our decision to adopt two pets of Macau, they

have brought us great joy. We are unspeakably grateful to Anima and despite a few scratches,

bruises, and tonnes of cat hair, our pets are with us forever!


甜美而多鱗 Sweet and Scaly


寶貝寵物 • 2014年 3月


Pet interview

寵 物 有各種 形 狀和形式。對一 些人來說,毛茸 茸 及可愛不 符 合要求,而有鱗 及乾燥的則符 合。至少在澳門 有一 位 少 年覺 得是這樣。

Pets & Hugs • March 2014

Pets come in all shapes and forms. For some, fluffy and cute does not fit the bill, scaly and dry does. At least for one teenager in Macau, that is the case. 25

日是一年中的特殊日子, 並且是一個 讓自己得到 渴 望已久 的 特別 東 西的 好 時 機......對於14歲的學生Duarte Janela來說,這意味著一對蜥 蜴。準確地說是鬃獅蜥。

Duarte起初去寵物俱樂部(一 家專門自己繁殖動物的商店) 是為了購買一條紅、黑、白三色 的牛奶蛇,但每次他光顧該店 時,那些蜥蜴引起了他的注意。 所以,當他的生日來臨時,他毫 不猶豫地為自己買了一對。 在寒冷的一天,我們在採訪中 結識了D ua r te的寵物。他用 鞋 盒 帶來他 的生日禮 物 — — Badocha 和Sa Pinto(以前 足球運動員的名字命名)給我 們拍攝。安全到達到達溫暖的 現場後,他除去盒蓋,露出兩 隻爬行動物,舒服地裹在毯子 裡,摟著對方,可愛及溫順。 鬃 獅 蜥 有 鬍 鬚,腦 袋 呈 三角 形,有一行一行類似荊棘的尖 錐,看起來與牠們 甜美個性相 反。在牠們頭的下面是一行一


行的鱗刺,膨脹起來時像一把 大鬍子。牠們強大、扁平的身 體有一排尖錐長在腹部兩側, 而牠們的尾巴通常是牠們身體 長度的一半。不像其他蜥蜴, 牠們的尾巴會在受到威脅時脫 落和再生。

真的很喜歡,但其他時候“他 們只是嘗試逃跑”。 除了保持蜥蜴乾淨,Duarte保 持雙手清潔也同樣重要,因為 鬃獅蜥可攜帶沙門氏菌,所以 在觸摸過牠們後經常清洗雙手 非常重要。

Duar te將Badocha和Sa Pinto(相信一隻是雄性,一隻 是雌性)放在一個水族箱裡, 裡面用 兩支 紫 外 線 燈 照著 地 毯 保 持 熱 量。由 於 這個 品 種 原產於澳大利亞乾旱、多岩石 地區,如所有爬行動物一樣, 適當的溫度對牠們非常重要。 溫 度的 變 化 應 該 從 未照 射區 域的26-30℃至照射區域的約 35 -40℃。在得到適當的照顧 下,鬃獅蜥的預期壽命為十年 左右,然而也有更長壽命的紀 錄。

牠們 的 飲 食 包括從商店購買 的“超 級蠕蟲”,然後加上粉 狀 的 鈣 以 增 加 額 外營 養。在 飲 食 習 慣 上,牠 們 是 溫 柔 的 食 客,不 會 猛 撲 過 來 及 過 於 激 進,但 為 多 些 樂 趣,偶 爾 Duarte會在牠們面前搖動蠕 蟲。蔬菜如番茄、生菜和胡蘿 蔔配上蠕蟲提供了所有需要的 營養,牠們通過食物吸取大部 分所需水份。

保持牠們的居所清潔非常 重 要,需 要 每 兩 天 清 理 牠 們 的居 所。牠 們 每 週 沐 浴 一 次,D ua r te在浴缸裡 放些溫 水,讓牠們洗澡。有時候牠們

作為爬行動物主人的Duarte, 有甚麼 激 動 人心 的原因令 他 飼養這樣的動物?“我覺得每 天回家看見這些爬行動物非常 有趣,因為牠們太迷人了。” Duarte有时拿着牠們,有时只 是看著牠們。當Duarte在看着 電腦時,他讓牠們自由漫步,

牠們爬到他的身體上、頭上, 爬到牠們喜欢的任何地方,整 個房間都是牠們的樂土。有沒 有一種把玩牠們的正確方式? 很重要的是要從肚皮下把牠們 拿起來,並用你的手掌支持牠 們的肚子,手指蜷曲輕輕放在 牠們身上。 除了蛇外,D u a r te還有兩隻 狗,所 以食 肉 動 物 從 來 都 離 Badocha和Sa Pinto不遠, 但他不斷留意這種情況,兩隻 狗“真的很好奇地看著牠們” ,但牠們從來沒有得到機會放 縱其好奇心。對這些溫和的動 物,貓是另一種危險,因此在 受保護的環境下飼養這樣的寵 物是至關重要的。 Duarte的母親對於兒子在她 的房子裡創建的爬行動物公園 有何看法?對她來說,她不是 一個粉絲,但只要Duarte能負 擔費用,她歡迎飼養牠們。這 對Duarte來說太好了,因為他 真的很喜歡鬃獅蜥,而且準備 擴大他的小團夥。而另一次生 日已近在眼前了。

寶貝寵物 • 2014年 3月



Pet interview

irthdays are a special time of

Beneath their head they have rows

they really enjoy it, other times

computer he lets them roam freely

get yourself that special something

up, resembles a beard. Their strong,

As well as keeping the lizards

head, anywhere they fancy, the

the year and a good time to

you have been eyeing for a while... For 14-year-old student, Duarte

Janela, that meant a pair of lizards. Bearded Dragons, to be exact.

Duarte first went to Animals Club, a shop specializing in breeding their

of spiked scales which, when puffed flat bodies have a row of spikes that run down each side of the

abdomen and their tail is generally

half the length of their body. Unlike other lizards, their tails do fall off

and regenerate when threatened.

“they just try to run away”.

clean, it is also important that

Duarte keeps his hands clean too, as Bearded Dragons can carry salmonella, so washing one’s

hands on a regular basis after handling them is important.

own animals, to buy his red, black

Duarte keeps Badocha and Sa

Their diet consists of ‘super worms’,

time he visited it was the lizards that

a female, in an aquarium under

and then powdered in calcium

and white Milk Snake, but every

caught his attention. So, when his birthday came around, he didn’t hesitate to treat himself a pair.

It was a cold day when we met Duarte’s pets and conducted our interview; he brought his

birthday gifts, Badocha and Sa

Pinto (after the ex footballer) to the shoot in a shoebox. Once safely in the warmth of our venue, he

removed the lid of the box and

revealed the two reptiles, cozily

Pinto, believed to be a male and two UV lamps with a basking spot on a carpet to retain heat. As this

species is native to arid, rocky areas of Australia, and as is the case with all reptiles, proper temperatures are extremely important. The

gradient should go from 26-30 C on the cool side, up to a basking

temperature of about 35 -40 C. The expected life span of a bearded

dragon is around ten years when

cared for properly, although longer

which are purchased from a shop for extra strength nutrition. They

are gentle eaters, not pouncing or overly aggressive in their eating

habits, but every once in a while Duarte needs to shake a worm around for a bit more appeal.

Vegetables such as tomatoes,

lettuce and carrots accompany the worms to provide all the needed nutrition and they get most of

their water through their food.

life spans have been recorded.

As the owner of pet reptiles, what is

each other, cute and docile.

Keeping their home clean is

like these? “I think it is interesting to

The bearded dragon's head is

space is cleaned and they have a

snug in a blanket, arms around

triangular shaped, with rows

of spikes that resemble thorns, contrary to their sweet nature.

Pets & Hugs • March 2014

important, and every two days their weekly bath, Duarte puts some

warm water in the bathtub and

they have a little dip. Sometimes

the thrill for him in keeping animals come home everyday and seeing the reptiles is really interesting

because they are fascinating”, from holding them, to just watching them, when Duarte is on his

and they crawl up his body, his

whole room is made available to them. Is there a correct way to

handle them? It is important to

scoop them up under the belly

and support their belly in the palm of your hand with your fingers gently curled over their body.

In addition to his snake, Duarte

also has two dogs, so predators

are never far from Badocha and Sa Pinto, but he keeps a watchful eye over the situation, the dogs “look at them really curiously”, without

ever getting the chance to indulge in that curiosity. Cats are another

danger to these gentle creatures, so keeping pets like these in a

protected environment is crucial. What does Duarte’s mother

make of the reptile park her son

is creating in her house? As far as

she is concerned, she is not a fan, but as long as Duarte foots the

bill, he is welcome to them. Which is just as well, because he is really enjoying his Bearded Dragons

and has not ruled out expanding his little gang. And another

birthday is never that far off.



寶貝寵物 • 2014年 3月


Pet Lover

鯊行 動 Shark Savers

引言: 鯊魚等同恐懼。而大多數人不明白牠 們對海洋生物平衡有多重要。吃鯊魚翅的 傳統嚴重破壞我們的生態系統,澳門本地 組織正努力挽救這種珍貴動物。

取鯊 魚 鰭 是 一 種 殘 酷 的行為,然而多年來鯊 魚 鰭 的銷售、貿易及分銷 蓬 勃發展。在亞洲,著名的“魚 翅湯”和傳統魚翅療法令需 求不斷增加,據“護鯊行動” 稱,每年超過7,000萬條鯊魚 死於割鰭,以這樣的速度,10 至20年內整個鯊魚種群將被 滅絕。

幾年前,非政府組織“澳門環 保學生聯會”嘗試推行 停止 食用魚 翅 運動,他們 試圖收 集簽名,希望廢除食魚翅,他 們使用令人感到非常不安和 血腥的畫面,企圖激發澳門人 吃魚 翅前三 思。結果人們 對 此舉的反應不太積極。因此, 與“ 護 鯊 行動 ”合 作 的 機 會 一到來,他們 便毫不 猶 豫加 入。“護鯊行動”於2007年成 立,該組 織來自99個國家的 超過25,000名成員都擁有共 同目標。 Pets & Hugs • March 2014

“護鯊行動”的運動不是令 市民觸目驚心,而是利用 較 樂觀的策 略,如將鯊魚描繪 成友善、可 愛 的 海洋生物。 他們 希望民眾明白,鯊魚 是 自然週期 的核心元素之一, 如果牠們 全都 被殺死,那麼 整個海洋生物將無法自我維 持。鯊魚是保護我們整個生 態系統至關重要的生物。他 們希望 人類 愛護鯊魚,而不 是把牠們當作可怕的海洋生 物。 “ 護 鯊 行 動 ”代 表 J o e Cha n解 釋說:“ 2 013年12 月 8日的‘國 際擁 抱日' 變 成 了‘鯊魚抱抱日',我們一些義 工打 扮成鯊魚,在 澳門走來 走去與人們 擁抱。這是個有 趣的場面,6人打扮成鯊魚, 活力充 沛 地 在 澳 門 街 頭 與 人 擁 抱,目的是 為了讓 人們 不要害怕鯊魚,讓他們 感受 與鯊魚接觸,並希望他們 簽

Sharks are synonymous with fear. What most people don’t understand is how important they are to the balance of life in our oceans. The tradition of eating shark fin is playing havoc with our ecosystem, and one local organization is working hard to save these precious creatures.


hark finning is a brutal

practice, yet its sale, trade and

distribution have flourished over the years. In Asia, the demand

for prestigious “shark fin soups” and for shark fin traditional

with Shark Savers came along, they didn’t hesitate to join. Shark Savers

was founded in 2007 and has more than 25,000 members from 99

nations that share the same goal.

remedies are growing, and

The Shark Savers campaign is

is responsible for the death of

rather about using more optimistic

according to Shark Savers, finning more than 70 million sharks every year, and at this rate, within 10 to 20 years - the whole shark

population will be eradicated. A few years ago, the NGO “Macau Green Student Union” tried to push the campaign of ending

the use of shark fins, they tried to collect signatures in the hope of

abolishing shark fins and used very disturbing and bloody images to

try to shock the Macau population

not about shocking citizens, but

tactics, such as portraying sharks as friendly, loving, sea creatures.

They want to make the population understand that sharks are one of the core elements in the cycle of nature, if they are killed off then our whole ocean life might not be able to sustain itself. Sharks

are vital creatures, protecting our whole eco-system. They want

people to love sharks, not to think of them as scary sea creatures.

into thinking twice about eating

Shark Savers representative, Joe

wasn’t too positive, hence; when

8th, 2013 ‘International Hug Day’

shark fins. The feedback from this the opportunity of collaborating

Chan, explains, “On December

turned into ‘Shark Hug Day’, some


署禁 食 魚 翅 請願書。”他們 的目標是 從12月 8日起收集 10,0 0 0個簽名,希望此舉可 以禁止食用魚翅。現在他們 已收集到約2,000個簽名。 他們 希望在3月份在 澳門成 立一個“護鯊行動”分會的非 政府組織,從而進一步加強 澳門的這類活動。 “我們希望讓我們的知己朋 友和親戚參與。我們也考慮 接觸澳門廣播電視股份有限 公司或其他媒體,看看是否 可以播放一些關於這個運動 的短片——鯊魚對社會是何 等重要,牠們在海裡比在我 們胃裡好。”

它是如此深入我們的傳統, 特別是 對 於上年紀的人。我 們盡我們所能,試圖改變澳 門對吃魚翅的看法,但有兩 個非常重要的障礙:首先是 長者的傳統。


media outlets to see whether

hugging people. It was a funny

regarding this campaign, how

sharks, and walked around Macau scene, having six people dressed up as sharks bouncing around

Macau hugging people- this was to try to make people not be

鯊魚是“可愛 的生物” Sharks are “loving creatures”

about sharks are vital to our

community, how they are better in the sea than in our stomachs”.

Fighting tradition

hopefully to sign our petition to

aims are to carry out more local

ban shark fins”. Their target from December 8th onwards was to

gather 10,000 signatures in the

hopes of banning the consumption of shark fins. Right now, they

have around 2,000 signatures.

They hope that in March they can establish a Shark Savers

NGO Branch in Macau that will further enhance these types

“ 也 許 試圖 阻 止年 長 一 代 停止吃魚翅實在太難,但若 有足夠的教育和堅持,我們 可 以 令下 一 代 停 止 進 食 魚 翅。”

we can release some short clips

scared of sharks, to make them feel connected to sharks, and


Joe Chan認為:我們的目 標是要進行更多本地活動或 運動,甚至與賭場或餐館一 起制定長期目標。在亞洲很 難打破吃魚翅的習慣,因為

of our volunteers dressed up as

of activities in the territory. “We hope that we can get

In the words of Joe Chan: Our activities, or campaigns and

perhaps even to have long term

goals with casinos or restaurants. It is hard to break the habit of

eating shark fin in Asia because it is so deeply embedded into our

tradition, especially amongst the

elderly. We are using all our efforts to try to change the perspective of shark fins in Macau, but there

are two very important obstacles: firstly, the elderly tradition.

our close friends and relatives

“Maybe it is too difficult to try to

approaching TDM and/or other

to eat shark fin, but perhaps with

involved. We are also thinking of

stop this generation from stopping

寶貝寵物 • 2014年 3月


Pet Lover

其次,我們遊客的63%來自 中國內地,他們想要吃的就 是魚 翅。他們 是 大客戶,即 使餐廳老闆不同意吃魚翅的 行為規範,他們也不能得罪 這些遊客。 “或者當他們來到澳門,也 應該嘗試體驗另一種文化, 我們不是想餐館歇業,但我 們可以嘗試引入其他方法取 代魚翅,如素食”。 選擇權

就像髮菜,我們現在所吃的 髮菜是人工合成的,因為已有 適當守則規定不能出售或購 買真髮菜。今天無論你到那 一家商店,你所吃的髮菜都 是合成的,人人都仍然開心。 只要你給客人提供選擇,只 要菜色仍包含“魚翅”,無論 是真的還是合成的,客人仍 感高興。也許在傳統的宴會 上,魚 翅 這道 菜很重要,但 為何不用合成魚翅呢?我們 的目標是設法說服餐館老闆 及 鼓 勵 他 們 向 客人 提 供 一 些選擇,至少讓客人有所選 擇。目前,沒有選擇可言。 我們 希望可以逐步把 這 些 變化慢慢融入澳門,即使我 們只能夠影響1%的賭 場和 餐廳。 鯊 魚 數 量 正在 每 年大 幅 下 降。一個正面的消息是國際 魚翅貿易已減少。現在我們 看到貿易在減少,但價格在 上 升。如 果 對 魚 翅 的 需 求 放 緩,希 望 生 態 系 統 會 恢 復平衡。

enough education and persistence,

The right to choose

restaurants and encourage them to

to stop eating shark fin”.

the fat choy we eat nowadays

so customers can at least choose.

we can target the next generation

“Secondly, 63% of our tourism

comes from Mainland China, and

are synthetic- this is because

Right now, there are no options”.

one cannot sell or buy real fat

“Gradually, we hope that we

go, all the fat choy you eat is

changes in Macau, even if we

there is rules in place that

can slowly incorporate these

synthetic and everyone

are only able to affect 1% of

is still happy”.

the casinos and restaurants”.

displease these tourists”.

“As long as you can provide this

“Every year, shark numbers

“Perhaps when they come to

the dishes still incorporate ‘shark

One positive thing is that the

the customer can still be happy.

fins has decreased. Right

banquets, it is important to have

and increasing prices. If the

have synthetic shark fin instead?

down, hopefully the eco-system

fins. They are the big customers, and even if restaurant owners themselves disagree with the

ethics of shark fins, they cannot

experience another culture,

we are not trying to make the

restaurants go out of business,

but we can try to introduce other methods of replacing shark fins, such as vegetarian methods”.

Pets & Hugs • March 2014

provide these options to customers,

choy. Today, in any store you

what they want to eat is shark

Macau, they should also try to sharksaversmacau

“Just like hair seaweed, all of

option to customers, as long as

are decreasing substantially.

fin’, whether real or synthetic,

international trading of shark

Perhaps sometimes in traditional

now - all we see is decrease,

shark fin as a plate, but why not

demand for shark fins slows

Our goal is to try to talk to

will regain its balance”.



寶貝寵物 • 2014年 3月



丘比特貓 Creamy

Creamy the Cupid Cat 有 很 多方 法 可讓你贏得 心 儀 的 對 象 。對 於 一 個獨特的小 夥子來說, 這 意 味 著用 半年時間去 追 求他夢中 的 女 士 ,當 中 涉及 跳 下 高塔及讓他 心愛的寵物 貓加班......

Pets & Hugs • March 2014

There are many ways to win over the object of your affection. For one particular young man that meant six months of chasing the woman of his dreams, which involved jumping off a tower and making his beloved pet cat work overtime…


你將一 對 快 樂、年 輕的 新婚夫婦和兩隻互不相 讓的大貓放在一間公寓裡,你 看到什麼? Anakin Chan、 他妻子April Ku和他們兩隻貓 Creamy和Orbu將告訴大家 一個關於勇氣和關懷的故事。

然而事情並不總是這樣。這位 高 級 技 術 營業 經 理和 他 的 貓 Creamy剛開始時一切相對平 靜,當時只有他們兩個在現在 的公寓里和諧地生活。 那是三年前的事, Anakin 從朋友那裏領養兩歲大的 C r e a m y,因 他 的 朋 友 不 能 再照顧牠。當時Anaki n感到 孤單,想要個伴,Creamy最 適合不過。 “這太好了,”他 閉上眼回憶幸福往事說。“第 二天 牠 已經 想 在我 懷 裡 和 我 睡,”他 說著 他心愛的貓,稱 牠“是個好伴侶,從不尖叫或 抓壞傢俱”。 女孩到來

之後女孩來了。當Anankin遇 上擔任Nu Skin如新產品顧問 的Ap r i l,他 立刻意識到她 就 是自己的意中人,於是用了半 年 時間去“追求 她”。吸引她 的 注 意 是 一 個 挑 戰,為 贏 得 April,Anakin擬定了一個巧 妙 的 計 劃。這 計 劃 需 要 一 隻 貓。深知 A p r i l 喜愛貓,他 承 認“Creamy是我的夥伴”。


當他們第一次相識,通過電話聊 天和交換訊息,這許多訊息中充 滿“你猜是誰”的精彩照片...... 一開始 Crea my 就被用作 誘 餌。 但該計劃比單單發送他那超級 可愛貓的照片更複雜,需要進一

我們可以一起令未 來的夢想成真,對 我們來說,這只是 個開始。

步把April誘入計劃,其中一個 方法,就是讓April與Creamy 在 他 的 公 寓 內 單 獨 相 處。當 A n a n k i n 有 了一 個 泰 國7天 假期 時,這計劃便成事了。他 把房間鑰匙、以及照顧、餵養 Creamy及令牠高興的責任全 交到April手上。 計劃成功。所以Ana ki n進一 步行動,把他的貓留在April家

一個月。 Creamy在April家 的第一天並不順利。牠躲藏了 一整天。 April深感到不受歡 迎,直到兩小時後Creamy才 走出來吃食物並與她玩耍,那 個 晚上最終Crea my 睡在 她 的床上,這令她感到高興。當 April興奮地打電話與Anakin

We can make our dreams come true together in the future, for us this is just the start

分享好消息時,Ana ki n的反 應複雜。 “我感到難過,我以 為我是Creamy的唯一。我以 為我很特別。”Anakin笑著憶 述。 克服Creamy喜歡April而背 叛自己的感覺後,Anakin希望 April進一步掉進自己的計劃, 當他長時間工作,白天需要有

人與Creamy玩耍時,便請她 到他的住 所幫忙。起初 A p r i l 不願意,最終還是讓步同意。 Anakin抓緊機會加強他的浪 漫攻勢,在屋裏留下小禮物, 但從來沒有真正表明是他還是 Creamy帶來的......然後聖誕 節來了,他帶來一份特別的禮 物給April,一架新相機,當然 裡面滿載Creamy的照片。 新婚燕爾

C re a m y 的所有工作 得到回 報,今年一月這對情侶喜結連 理。他們決定為新家庭增加一 隻貓。 Orbu是另一個不能再照顧貓 的朋 友 送 來 的,跟 C r e a m y 不同,O r b u千方百計主宰一 切,由 吃 到 玩 耍 的 方 式。噢 還有,Creamy和O rbu互相 討厭對方。 Orbu是女王, 而 C r e a m y 是 她 的 奴 隸,據 Anakin說,Orbu經常挑起爭 鬥而Creamy這“好孩子”怕 她。 Creamy在香港與一隻 金毛尋回犬一起成長,因此認 為自己也是狗。溫 順、熱切去 討好他人的Creamy只是一隻 大軟蛋,一心只想睡覺打發牠 的日子。

寶貝寵物 • 2014年 3月




hat do you get when

you put a happy, young

newlywed couple and two

big cats, who can’t stand each

other, together in an apartment? A story of courage and care, as told by Anakin Chan, his

wife April Ku, and their two cats Creamy and Orbu.

Things haven't always been

this way though. Things started relatively peacefully for the

technology senior sales manager and his cat Creamy, when it was just the two of them alonethe boys, living in harmony in their current apartment.

That was three years ago, when Anakin adopted Creamy, then

two years of age, from a friend who could no longer care for

super cute cat, April needed to

Anakin wanted her to further

slave, according to Anakin, Orbu

wanted company and Creamy

of doing that was to get her into

her to help out back at his place

Creamy the “good boy”, is afraid

him. Anakin felt lonely and

fit the role perfectly. “It was

very nice”, he recalls, his eyes

closing in blissful recollection.

“Already by day two he wanted to sleep with me, in my arms”,

he says of his beloved cat, who “was great company, never

yowling or scratching furniture”.

be reeled in further and one way his apartment to spend time with Creamy on her own. That was

made possible when a seven day

holiday to Thailand arose and the keys to his place, along with the responsibility of looking after,

the feeding and the happiness of

Creamy, was handed over to April.

Along came the girls

And it worked a treat. So much

When Anankin met April, a Nu

further by leaving his cat at

Then the girls came along.

Skin product consultant, he

immediately knew that she was The One, and spent half a year

“chasing her”. Facing some tough competition for her attention,

Anakin drew up a cunning plan to win her over. And the plan

involved a certain feline. “Creamy was my partner” he confesses,

knowing very well that April loved cats. When they first met they

chatted a lot over the phone and

exchanged messages, and many of those messages featured photos of you-know-who... Creamy was used as bait from the very start.

But the plan was more elaborate than just sending photos of his Pets & Hugs • March 2014

so, that he took things a step

April’s house for a month. The

first day Creamy spent at April’s house was not the smoothest

fall under his spell and asked

when he was working long hours and needed someone to come in during the day to play with

Creamy. Reluctant at first, April eventually gave in and agreed. Anakin seized the opportunity to step up his romantic efforts by leaving little gifts lying

came and brought a special gift for April, a new camera, full of photos of Creamy, of course.

Anakin recounts, laughing.

Overcoming his sense of betrayal at Creamy’s fondness for April,

As a family April sees the cats sees them as his buddies.

When asked if she would like

more cats, April says she wants as many as they can get!

was not as easy as it sounds.

another cat to the new family.

longer care for her and unlike

only one. I thought I was special”,

to spend his days sleeping.

the knot. And decided to add

Anakin to share the good news it “I felt sad, I thought I was the

old softie and really just wants

However, for April the road to a

Orbu came courtesy of yet

was met with a mixed reaction,

eager to please, he just a big

All Creamy’s work paid off and in

that night, much to her delight. When April excitedly called

believes he too is a dog. Docile,

as the kids, whereas Anakin

January this year the couple tied

ended up sleeping in her bed

a Golden Retriever, as a result he

or from Creamy... then Christmas

a couple of hours later that is,

some food, played with her and

Kong and was raised alongside

Not going it alone

specifying if they came from him

Just married

when Creamy came out and ate

of her. Creamy grew up in Hong

around the house, never really

of starts. He hid- the whole day. April felt deeply unliked, until

always starts the fights and

another friend who could no

Creamy, Orbu is very dominating in every possible way, from

the way she eats to the way

she plays. Oh and, Creamy and Orbu hate each other. Orbu is the queen, and Creamy is her

being responsible for two cats Losing her much loved guinea pig a number of years ago left

deep scars that never diminished her love for animals, but did

make her reluctant to take the

responsibility of caring for one

again. She was very close to her super smart pet, who could not only recognize the different

members of her family, but also obeyed orders when going



在家裡Ap r i l視貓如孩子,而 Anakin把牠們看作同伴。被 問及是否願意多養些貓,April 說她會來者不拒! 然而,對April來說負責養兩隻 貓的道路並不像聽起來那麼容 易。數年前她失去深愛的天竺 鼠,留下深深的傷痕,雖沒有減 少她對動物的愛,但令她不再 願意承擔照顧動物的責任。她 與那隻超級聰明的寵物非常親 密,牠不單能認出不同家庭成 員,而且在去公園玩耍時服從 命令。當牠因年老去世,這種 傷感為April留下深深的烙印。 那麼,為何這次與Creamy和 Orbu的相處感覺不同? “因 為這次不是我單獨面對問題, 我有另一個人來分擔,現在我 已經改變了想法,我想要很多 貓!”April很激動地說。 大跳躍

顯而易見,Anakin和April相 遇 的那天 改 變了他們 的生 活 方式。回憶他從澳門旅遊塔做 驚心動魄的蹦極跳時Anakin 說:“我從來沒想過去跳。”


一切源於April提出的挑戰。澳 門旅 遊塔十週年有一個 特 殊 促銷優惠,Ap r i l的嘲笑帶來 一連串連鎖反應,從而促成​​了 Anakin的一跳。

out to play in the park. When

既已接受她的挑戰,他就把這 一跳 獻 給她。這不僅令Ap r i l 感動,更令她激動。報名參加 一個終身訓練課程令April決 定“做 一 件 她 從 沒 想 過 能做 的事情”,就是她自己做蹦極 跳。

only one to face this, I have

作為一個有畏高症的人,April 已向自己作出承諾,給自己勇 氣把一個自己設置的最可怕的 挑戰堅持到底。她作出個人承 諾,兩夫婦一起面對生活中的 一切困難和可怕的事情。然後 她跳下澳門旅遊塔。 一 對新 婚 夫 婦 作出這麼多大 膽決定,就個人及他們夫婦來 說,此時此刻他們對自己的生 命有何感覺? “我們可以一起 令未來的夢想成真,對我們來 說,這只是個開始。”April自 信地表白。看到他們在這麼短 的時間內走過的路,我們希望 他們大有作為。

he passed away of old age the

sadness left a deep mark in April. So why is the experience with Creamy and Orbu different?

“Because this time I am not the someone to share it with and

now I have changed my mind and I want many cats!”, April says with great enthusiasm.

The big jump

The day that Anakin and April met would change their lives

in ways, beyond the obvious.

“I never had a reason to jump” Anakin says, looking back

at the lead up to the heartstopping bungee jump he made off Macau Tower.

That was, until April made

a dare. During the ten year

anniversary of Macau Tower

there was a special promotional offer and this is where a

taunt from April set a chain of

action in motion that brought about Anakin’s jump.

Having accepted her dare,

he dedicated his jump to her.

This left April not only moved, but also inspired. Signing up for a life-coaching course led to her decision to “to

something that I would never have thought I could do”, and to her own bungee jump.

April had made a promise to herself which gave her the

courage to follow through on one of the scariest dares she could

have set herself, being someone who has a fear of heights. She

made the personal promise to, as a couple, commit to confronting all the difficult and scary things in life- together. And then she jumped off Macau Tower.

For a newlywed couple who have made so many bold

decisions, in personal capacities as well as a couple, how do

they feel about their lives at this

point in time? “We can make our dreams come true together in

the future, for us this is just the start”, April states confidently.

Looking how far they have come in such a short period of time, we are expecting big things.

寶貝寵物 • 2014年 3月



Pets & Hugs • March 2014


杜立德醫生 回答你的問題

Dr. Dolittle answers your questions Alexandra Ascenso,獸醫學學士,皇家獸醫 外科學院會員 我們“請教獸醫”欄目新主持Alexandra Ascenso, 擁有小動物外科研究生資格,她曾在世界各地從事動 物工作,地點包括莫桑比克、佛得角、葡萄牙和英國, 現於澳門執業。 她為《寶貝寵物》帶來她的知識及對 動物的愛,並幫助回答您的問題。

Alexandra Ascenso, BVSc, MRCVS. With a post graduate certification in Small Animal Surgery, our new Ask The Vet, Alexandra Ascenso, has worked with animals around the world, from Mozambique, Cape Verde and Portugal to England and now Macau. She brings her knowledge and love for animals to Pets&Hugs to help answer your questions.

年齡因素 寶貝有伴 親愛的杜立德醫生, 我剛剛發現我將要第一次成為母 親,我丈夫和我欣喜若狂。可是, 一位好心朋友建議我把我的貓送 走,由於牠們對孕婦有危險,這使 我突然亂了陣腳,請幫忙! —氹仔恐慌人 親愛的氹仔恐慌人: 懷孕婦女經常被告知避開貓隻或 甚至擺脫牠們— —因為弓形蟲病 的風險。然而,研究顯示這種疾病 極少通過人觸摸貓傳播。 弓形蟲病通過與孢子化卵囊(弓 形蟲卵)接觸傳播,或通過攝取某 些種類的食物傳播。 患這種疾病的貓會通過糞便排出 卵囊,但只會在首次感染後的數 天至數週內發生。所以這種情況 只會在牠一生中的一小段時間出 現。 然而,為了避 免冒任 何 風 險,讓 家人時常保持垃圾箱乾淨,但最 重要的是不要吃未煮熟的肉類或 未清洗亁淨的蔬菜和水果,並在 處理生肉或做園藝工作時戴上手 套,或之後徹底洗手。 不要送走你的貓。在你懷孕期間 與 心愛寵物分離的壓力,比感染 弓形蟲病(幾乎不存在的風險)的 危害更大。 38

And Baby Makes Three Dear Dr. Dolittle,

I have just found out that I am going to be a

mother for the first time, and my husband and I are absolutely overjoyed. However, a well-

meaning friend suggested I give my cat away as they are dangerous for pregnant women

and this has sent me into a panic, please help! -Panicking in Taipa

Dear Panicking,

Pregnant women are often told to avoid cats or even get rid of them because of the risk

of toxoplasmosis. However, studies show that it is extremely rare for this disease to be transmitted by touching cats.

Toxoplamosis is transmitted from contact with

sporulated oocyst (the eggs of the toxoplasma) or from ingesting certain types of food. A cat that carries this disease will shed

親愛的杜立德醫生: 我的狗是5歲,這是否意味著他相當於 人類的35歲? -澳門的一位計算人 親愛的計算人, 不,不一定。人們普遍認為,人的一年 等於狗的7年,但這往往是誤導,因為 狗的壽命是與牠們的大小相關。小型 犬一般比中型或大型犬的壽命長。 小型犬,如吉娃娃(還有貓)8歲時被 認為是老犬,而中型​​犬(如拉布拉多 犬)和大型犬(如聖伯納犬)分別在6 或5歲時已經是老犬了...... 跟人類一樣,現在狗和貓活得更長。 主要原因是获得更好的醫療保健,特 別是在預防医疗方面:所有較年長動 物應該做年檢,包括血液檢查,如有 需要则做額外檢查。

oocyst through the feces, but only for a

number of days to several weeks after first becoming infected. So this happens for

only a small fraction of its entire life span.

However, avoid taking any risks, ask a family member to always keep the litter box clean

but most of all don’t eat undercooked meat or poorly washed vegetables and fruit, and

wear gloves or wash your hands thoroughly after handling raw meat or gardening.

Don’t keep your cat away. The stress of separation from your beloved pet during pregnancy is often more harmful than the almost non-

existent risk of getting toxoplamosis from it.

寶貝寵物 • 2014年 3月


Ask the Vet


Sweet Tooth


Dear Dr. Dolittle

在一天漫長的工作後回家,沒有甚 麼比安坐在沙發上被大量巧克力包 圍更好的事情了,我承認是一個巧 克力狂!不幸的是,有時我睡著了而 醒來後看到空包裝和一隻看起來很 快樂的狗!巧克力對牠有害嗎? —路環的巧克力狂

Age Matters Dear Dr. Dolittle

My dog is 5 years old, does this means he is 35 in human years?

-Counting in Macau

Dear Counting,

No, not necessarily. It is

common belief that one human year is equal to

seven dog years, but that

is often misleading as the

life expectancy of a dog is related to their size. Small

breeds tend to live longer

than medium or large breeds. Small breeds, like the

親愛的巧克力狂: 沒錯!不管是黑巧克力、牛奶巧克 力、白巧克力甚至可可粉 — —它們 都是有毒的,有些毒性較強。這取 決於可可鹼的濃度,該物質令巧克 力危害狗和貓。可可豆和黑巧克力 的可可鹼含量最高,只要少量即可 引起中毒。 一般在進食後4小時出現中毒症狀, 但也可能在24小時後才出現。狗通 常開始嘔吐,增加飲水量,變得煩 躁不安,在更嚴重的情況下,會發生 抽搐。治療應在進食後3小時內進 行。吃巧克力可令狗有生命危險。 因此,在你下一次享受巧克力時,一 定要確保狗拿不到......

I love nothing better than getting home after a long day at work and settling

down on the sofa surrounded by lots of

chocolate, yes, I admit it- I am a chocoholic Unfortunately, sometimes I fall asleep and wake up to empty wrappers and a happy

looking dog! Is chocolate harmful for him? -Chocoholic in Coloane

Dear Chocoholic,

Yes! It doesn’t matter if it is black, milk,

white chocolate or even cocoa powderall of them are toxic, although some

are more so then others. It depends on the concentration of theobromine, the

substance that makes chocolate toxic for dogs and cats. Cocoa beans and black

chocolate are the ones with the highest

concentration of theobromine, therefore it takes less chocolate to cause intoxication. The onset of symptoms is generally

within 4 hours after ingestion, but it can take up to 24 hours. The dog usually

starts vomiting, increases water intake, grows more restlessness, and in more serious cases, suffers convulsions.

Treatment should take place within 3

hours after ingestion. Eating chocolate can be fatal to your dog.

So next time you enjoy chocolate, be sure to keep it out of his reach…

Chihuahua (and also cats), are considered old at the

age of 8, while medium (ex.

Labrador Retriever) and large breeds (ex. Saint Bernard) are already old at the age of 6 or 5, respectively… As with humans, dogs

and cats are living longer

nowadays. The main reason is better health care, in particular regarding

preventive medicine:

all older animals should do yearly check-ups

including a blood profile and additional tests if needed.

Pets & Hugs • March 2014


香港宣布進行世界 最大象牙焚毀行動 Hong Kong Announces World’s Biggest Ivory Burn

過去六個月香港沒 收超過6噸象牙, 價 值 近 港 幣5 0 萬 元。目前香港特別 行政區是最新進 行珍貴象牙儲備 公開銷毀的政府。 來兩年香港將進行世界 上最大的象牙焚毀工作, 將28噸非法獲得的象牙付之一 炬。在《國家地理雜誌》確認香 港長期存在像牙走私後,特區 政府採取了以上行動。

一位參與監督非法屠殺大象的 統計學家稱,2011年大象偷獵 和象牙走私造成25,000頭非洲 像被殺害。 2013年對大象未來 的關心達到如此地步——世界 各地的保育人士和政治家決定 加強打擊象牙貿易。 今年7月美國總統奧巴馬承諾 在非洲反盜獵和走私方面花費 1,000萬美元。幾個月後,希拉 里•克林頓宣布了一項單獨花 費8000萬美元、為期三年的計 劃,以期進一步解決數目驚人 的大象屠殺問題。希拉里稱, 除非停止偷獵,否則非洲森林 象可能在10年內滅絕,她不但 將此情況描繪成“生態災難” ,而且稱它將威脅整個非洲和 40

亞洲的政治和經濟穩定。 1989年瀕危野生動植物種國際 貿易公約(CITES)禁止所有像 牙交易,但偷獵行為繼續供應 黑市銷售。 據野生動物保護協會的資料, 主要因為對象牙的需求,非洲 每天有約 96 頭 大像被非法捕 殺。大部分象牙最終到達中國, 在那里人們雕刻象牙之後在國 內外銷售。 世界各地發生了一連串​​公開處 置象牙事件。 1月6日中國壓毀 6噸象牙和象牙飾物;2013年11 月美國砸毀6噸;2013年6月菲 律賓燒毀5噸,創造了歷史—— 第一“象牙消費國”銷毀幾乎 所有的國家象牙儲存。 然而人們談論最多的是香港的 行動。非營利組織——非洲野 生動物基金會負責人Patrick Bergin說,香港的行動“非同 尋常”因為那裡有幾百年象牙 祭祀的文化。Bergin說,香港 的公開銷毀行動將打消收藏家 追逐更多像牙的念頭。 “作為販賣象牙主要目的地和 中轉樞紐的香港,將很快加入 日益增加的領導者名單——他 們更重視活著的大象而非死了 的。” 寶貝寵物 • 2014年 3月


Animals in the news

In the last six months alone, more than six tons of elephant ivory worth close to $HK50 million was confiscated in Hong Kong. China’s SAR is now the latest government to publicly destroy its stockpile of the prized material.

disaster" but also as a threat to


Conservation Society, about

28 tons of illegally harvested tusks

Much of that ivory ends up in

ver the next two years, Hong Kong will embark on the

world's largest ivory burn, setting

aflame. This act comes in the wake of the SAR being identified by

National Geographic magazine as having a long-standing

problem with ivory-trafficking. Elephant poaching and ivory

smuggling saw at least 25,000 African elephants killed for

their tusks in 2011, according to a statistician involved in

monitoring illegal elephant

killings. By 2013 concern for the future of the animals reached

the point where conservationists

throughout Africa and Asia.

A 1989 Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species

of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES)

treaty banned all trade in elephant ivory, but poaching continues to feed black market sales. According to the Wildlife

96 elephants a day are killed

illegally in Africa, largely because of the demand for their ivory. China, where it is carved and sold domestically or abroad.

A string of public ivory disposals have been taking place around

the world. China crushed six tons of tusks and ivory ornaments

on January 6; the United States smashed six tons in November

2013; and the Philippines burned five tons in June 2013, making history as the first "ivory-

consuming nation" to destroy

almost all of its national stock.

and politicians from around the

However it is Hong Kong’s action

fight against the ivory trade.

most. Patrick Bergin, head of the

world decided to step up the

In July, American President Obama committed $10 million for antipoaching and anti-smuggling

efforts in Africa. A few months

later Hillary Clinton announced a separate $80 million, three-year

programme to further tackle the alarming number of elephants

that has people talking the

non-profit group African Wildlife Foundation, said Hong Kong's

action is "extraordinary" because

of the centuries-old culture of ivory worship there. Bergin said that

Hong Kong's public destruction will discourage collectors from going after more ivory.

being slaughtered. Stating that

"Hong Kong, as a major destination

be extinct within 10 years unless

ivory, will soon join that growing

African forest elephants could

the poaching stopped, Clinton characterized the situation not only as "an ecological Pets & Hugs • March 2014

political and economic stability

and transit hub for trafficked

list of leaders that are placing a

higher value on a living elephant than pieces of a dead one."


醜陋動物保護協會 Ugly Animal Preservation Society

are both two-toed, and three-toed

陋動物保護協會是一 個英國項目,它鼓勵 人們致力養護動物王國中“ 不太可愛”的成員。

sloths. Three-toed sloths are about

the size of a small dog or a large cat,

and unlike the two-toed sloths, they also have short tails of 6–7 cm long

and three clawed toes of each limb.

我們曾見識過該協會的吉 祥物 — —水滴魚及白禿 猴,但“醜陋動物”名單並 沒有 就 此 止 步。還有幾個 在美觀 上受挑戰的成員需 要我們關注,本期我們為你 介紹此名單上的另一個名 字:

Although they are quite slow in trees,

three-toed sloths are agile swimmers. They sometimes will sometimes

drop from a tree into water and use their long arms to swim with broad

strokes. They cannot walk on all four limbs, so they must use their front

arms and claws to drag themselves


樹 懶 是世界上行動最 慢的 哺 乳 動 物,每 分 鐘 只能 爬 1. 8至2 . 4 米,牠因坐 得太 久,藻類長上牠毛茸茸的被 毛。這 些 藻 類 給了樹 懶 一 個 綠 色色調,成 為 牠們 在 中美洲和南美洲雨林家園 的樹叢中有用的偽裝。 樹懶的種 類由牠們每隻前 腳上 生長的長而突出的爪 子 數 量 確 定,有 兩 趾 和 三 趾兩 種。三 趾樹 懶 約 相 當 於 一隻小狗或一隻大貓大 小,與兩趾樹懶不同,牠們 還有6 -7厘米長的短尾巴, 及每個 肢體上三個 帶爪的 腳趾。 雖然牠們 在樹上行動相當 慢,但 三 趾樹 懶 是 敏 捷 的 游 泳 好 手。牠們 有 時會 從 樹上掉入水中而游泳 — — 用牠們的長手臂作有寬度 的擊水方式。牠們不能用四 肢行走,所以牠們必須使用 牠們 的前臂和爪子拖著自 己穿過雨林地面。 樹懶每天睡得很多— —大 約15到2 0個小時。即使醒 42

across the rain forest floor.

Sloths sleep a lot—some 15 to 20

來牠們 經常 保 持 不動。晚 上牠們 吃 樹 葉、嫩 芽和 樹 上的果實,牠們差不多從多 汁的果實中獲得所有水份。 樹懶有一個四個部分組成 的 肚 子,可以慢 慢 地 消 化 吃下的 堅 韌 樹 葉,牠們 有 時可能需 要一 個月消化一 餐。這 種 飲 食習慣令 牠們 很 少有能 量 走 動,處 於 低 代 謝 和 低 體 溫 狀 態,並把 牠們 限制在溫暖的環境中 活動。 幾 千 年 前,體 態 非常大 的 樹 懶 生活在 北美土 地 上。 牠們 的 化 石告訴 我 們,一 些 樹 懶 大 得 像 大 象,有爪 子,像 現在 的 樹 懶 一樣 吃 樹葉。 今天,人們認為三趾樹懶瀕 臨 滅 絕。樹 懶 最 大的風 險 是棲 息 地 的喪 失。許多牠 們當作家園的森林 地區繼 續遭到大量破壞。人們已經 致力採 取措施保 護牠們, 並致力增加其數量。


he Ugly Animal Preservation Society is a UK based

project, encouraging people

to get involved in conservation endeavours for the “less cute”

members of the animal kingdom. We have had a look at the society’s mascot, the Blobfish, as well as the Bald Uakari, but the “ugly animal”

list doesn’t stop there! There are a

few more aesthetically challenged

members in need of our attention; in this issue we introduce you

hours every day. Even when awake they often remain motionless. At

night they eat leaves, shoots and

fruit from the trees and get almost all of their water from juicy plants. Sloths have a four-part stomach

that slowly digests the tough leaves they eat and it can sometimes

take up to a month for them to

digest a meal. This diet leaves them with very little energy to move around, a low metabolism and

low body temperature, limiting them to warm environments.

to another name on the list:

Thousands of years ago, very

Three-toed sloths

in North America. Their fossils

The sloth is the world's slowest

mammal, climbing only 1.8 to 2.4

metres per minute, and so sedentary that algae grow on its furry coat.

large sloths lived on the ground tell us some were as large as

elephants, had claws and ate leaves much like present-day sloths.

The plant gives it a greenish tint

Today the three-toed sloth is

trees of its Central and South

risk to them comes from the loss of

that is useful camouflage in the American rain forest home.

Sloths are identified by the number of long, prominent claws that they have on each front foot, and there

considered endangered. The biggest habitat. Many forest locations they

call home continue to be destroyed in large numbers. Conservation

efforts are in place to protect them

and to help increase their numbers.

寶貝寵物 • 2014年 3月


Animals in the news

法國藝術家Paul Grangenon 在一個露天展覽中與他的熊貓 作品擺姿勢拍照,該展覽名為“熊貓世界之旅—台北”,2014 年2月27日於中國東南部台灣台北市的市民廣場舉行。

French artist Paul Grangenon poses for photos with his paper panda

台北,2014年2月27日(新華社)— —紙熊貓在一個名為“ 熊貓世界之旅—台北”的展覽展出。該展覽於2 014年2月 27日在中國東南部台灣台北市的露天市民廣場舉行。由環 保紙材料製成的總共1,60 0隻熊貓和台灣黑熊在此展覽展 出。本次活動旨在推動環境保護及提高動物保護的公眾意 識。 3月30日展覽結束後,所有展出的紙熊貓和紙黑熊將 進行公開義賣。

TAIPEI, Feb. 27, 2014 (Xinhua) -- Paper pandas are displayed at an

artworks at an open-air exhibition titled “Pandas World Tour - Taipei” at the Citizens’ Square in Taipei, southeast China’s Taiwan, Feb. 27, 2014.

open-air exhibition titled “Pandas World Tour - Taipei” at the Citizens’ Square in Taipei, southeast China’s Taiwan, Feb. 27, 2014. A total of

1,600 pandas and Formosan black bears made of environmentally-

friendly paper material went on show. The event aims at promoting

environmental protection and raising the public’s awareness of animal preservation. All of the paper pandas and black bears on display will be open for charity sale after the event concludes on March 30.

2月25日Anima(澳門愛護動物協 會)與英國編舞家和藝術家Sophie Duncan在友誼廣場聯手主持一 個“快閃族”活動,鼓勵居民領養 被遺棄的狗,並為牠們提供愛心家 園。 這位居住澳門的藝術家在此活動 中說:“Anima是一個非凡的組 織,我非常樂意幫助他們。”當天 給人領養的狗也出席了活動,這有 助於Anima騰出空間為更多動物 尋找家園。 這個一次性公開活動包括雜技和 舞蹈,由居住澳門的藝術家表演。

Pets & Hugs • March 2014

25 February- Anima teamed up with British choreographer and artist,

Sophie Duncan, to host a ‘flash mob’ in Praca da Amizdade, to encourage

residents to adopt abandoned dogs and offer them loving homes.

“Anima is an extraordinary organization

and I care a lot about helping them”, the

artist, who lives in Macau, said at the event. Dogs up for adoption were present on

the day, helping to make space at Anima for more animals looking for homes.

The one-off public happening included acrobatics and dance, and was

performed by artists living in Macau.


危難之時 亞洲象互相安慰 根 據一項新研究,亞洲象會通過 觸摸及“談話”,安慰其他哀傷的 大象,這表明牠們能夠表達同情和 安慰。 “經非洲 5 0 年的行為 觀察 研 究,證明了大 象的高度社會 性, 牠們 有同情心,可以 思考自己的 社 會 關 係,並 作 出 影 響 自 己 和 他 人的特定社會 決 定,”這 項研 究的英國劍 橋 大學 研 究員J o s h P l o t n i k 說,“ 我 們 第 一次 能 夠 通 過 我 們 在 泰 國 的 工作 真 正 證 實這一點。”研究人員對26頭圈 養 大 象 的 行 為 進 行了一 年 的 觀 察。Plotnik說,教導人們有關大 象 的 智 慧 和 社 會品 德 的 知 識 對 保護工作非常重要。 Plotnik也 是非營利組織Think Elephants Inte rnational的創始人和首席 執行官,該組織主張保護大象。 他說,此項新研究對亞洲當地社 區有現實意義,因為他們每天接 觸大象。 “有太多無奈,尤其是在亞洲”, 棲息地的大量喪失令大象與人類 衝突增加。 Plotnik說,例如大像 有時會踩踏當地農作物。 他說,因此,讓當地人更好地了解 大象是非常重要的事。

Asian elephants console each other when in distress Asian elephants reassure other distressed

elephants by touching them and "talking" to them, which suggests they are capable of empathy and reassurance, according to new research.

"There is 50 years of behavioural observational

research out of Africa that elephants are highly social, they have empathy and they can think about their social relationships and make

specific social decisions that impact themselves and others," said study researcher Josh Plotnik, of the University of Cambridge in the United

Kingdom. "We were able, for the first time, to really confirm this through our work in Thailand."

The researchers observed the behaviour of 26

elephants in captivity over the course of a year.

Teaching people about elephants' intelligence and

social qualities is important to conservation efforts,

紐約首次實施 動物施虐者登記制度 紐約參議院已首次通過一項法案,該法 案將要求被定罪的虐待動物者——就像 被定罪的性罪犯一樣——就此事項於刑 事司法服務部門登記。另外那些被定罪 的虐待折磨動物者也必須進行一項規定 的心理評估,並被永久禁止飼養寵物。 根據這項法案,在紐約被判虐待動物者 的名字和地址會公之於眾。參與動物銷 售和領養人士將能夠在容許某人飼養動 物前查看登記表。 自1999年當Buste r法獲得通過開始, 在紐約虐待動物一直屬於重罪。Buster 是 紐 約州北部 斯克內克 塔 迪 的 一 隻 貓,1997年牠被澆上煤油燃燒。制定以 牠的名字命名的法律,是為了確保犯下 此等罪行者被定罪。新法律更進一步, 建立了登記制度。

said Plotnik, who is also the founder and CEO of nonprofit organization Think Elephants International, which advocates for elephant conservation.

There are practical implications of the new

research for local communities in Asia who

deal with elephants on a daily basis, he said. "There is a lot of frustration, especially in

Asia", where a huge decrease in elephant

habitat has brought the animals into much

conflict with people. For instance, elephants sometimes raid local crops, Plotnik said.

Therefore, it's important for the local people to better understand elephants, he said.

New York Creates First-Ever Animal Abuser Registry In a first, the New York Senate has passed a

bill that would require that convicted animal abusers - just like convicted sex offenders -

register as such with the division of criminal justice services. Even more, those who have been convicted of abusing and torturing animals would also have to undergo a

required psychiatric evaluation and would be banned from ever owning pets again.

Under the bill, the names and addresses of

convicted animal abusers in New York would be made readily accessible to the public.

Those involved in the sale and adoption of

animals would be able to check the registry

before allowing someone to own an animal.

Animal cruelty has been a felony in New York since 1999 when Buster's Law was passed.

Buster was a cat in Schenectady in upstate

New York who was doused with kerosene and set on fire in 1997. The law bearing his name

was created to ensure that those who commit such crimes are convicted. The new law takes things a step further by creating the registry.


寶貝寵物 • 2014年 3月


Animals in the news China's young elite unite against bear bile farming Thousands of high-flying students represented by 100 Chinese Students and Scholars Associations (CSSAs) around the world have thrown their weight behind the campaign to end bear bile farming in China by signing an Animals Asia pledge.

These young Chinese elite from some of the world’s highest profile universities, including Princeton, Stanford, Oxford

and Cambridge have pledged to “support the campaign and

中國年輕精英團結起來反對活熊取膽 代表世界各地100個中國學生學者 聯誼會(CSSAs)的數千名懷有雄心 壯志的學生,通過簽署亞洲動物宣 言,支持淘汰中國活熊取膽運動。 這些年輕的中國精英來自一些世 界最著名的大學,包括普林斯頓大 學、斯坦福大學、牛津大學和劍橋 大學,他們承諾“支持該運動,並 敦促我國淘汰殘忍及不必要的養 熊取膽做法”。上述宣言根據動物 福利譴責活熊取膽的做法,稱此行

英國王室支持野 生動物保護 2月13日查爾斯王子與他的兒子威 廉和哈里王子出席打擊非法野生 動物貿易倫敦會議。 查爾斯立即作出一個慷慨激昂的 演講,他強調迫切需要保護瀕危 物種,如大象、犀牛和老虎等免於 滅絕。 “此事刻不容緩,”查爾斯告訴來 自50個國家與會代表。這位王室 成員特別談到大象對森林裡種子 發芽的重要性,他警告說,沒有這 種動物,就會沒有森林。 在此會議中談到的解決方案包括 減少消費需求,實施更嚴厲的法 律,及協助受動物貿易影響的社 區,使其可持續發展及自給自足。 作為一個 熱衷於野生動物 保 護 活動家,2 011年查爾斯成為世界 自然基金會英國分會主席。像他 的 父 親 一 樣,威 廉 王 子 創 辦 了 United for Wildlife(一個由7家 保育組織合作的全球性機構)並 擔任主席。

Pets & Hugs • March 2014

urge our country to end the cruel and unnecessary practise of bear bile farming”. The pledge decries the practice of

為與“文明中國社會”格格不入。 普林斯頓大學中國學生學者聯誼 會主席XinTeng說:“熊在熊場一 直遭受極度虐待。作為海外中國學 生,我們希望祖國的動物可以享受 牠們應得的自由,而不是被折磨。 因此,我們呼籲盡快結束活熊取膽 這個惡性行業。” 過去十年動物福利的公眾認知繼 續在中國大幅改變,因為這個問題 對中國的年輕人變得越來越重要。

bear bile farming on the grounds of animal welfare which, it states, has no part in a “civilised Chinese society”. XinTeng, President of the Princeton University

Association of Chinese Students and Scholars said:

“Bears have been suffering extreme abuse in bear bile farms. As overseas Chinese students, we hope the

creatures in our motherland can enjoy the freedom they deserve, instead of being tortured. Therefore, we would like to call upon the vicious industry of bear bile farming to end as soon as possible.”

Public perception of animal welfare has continued to change

dramatically in China over the last decade, as the issue becomes ever more important to the country’s young people.

UK Royalty Back Wildlife Conservation Prince Charles was joined

by his sons Princes William and Harry on February

13th to attend the London Conference on the

Illegal Wildlife Trade.

Charles made no delay in

delivering an impassioned speech, in which he

highlighted the urgent

need to protect endangered species such as elephants, rhinos, tigers and other

animals from extinction.

"There is not a moment to

lose," Charles told delegates from 50 countries gathered at the meeting. The royal

spoke about the importance that elephants, in particular,

reducing consumer demand,

became president of WWF

in forests and warned that

helping communities affected

father, William assembled

would be no forests left.

sustainable and self sufficient.

in the conference included

wildlife preservation, Charles

had for germinating seeds

enforcing tougher laws and

without the creatures, there

by the trade to become

The solutions spoken about

As a keen campaigner for

UK in 2011. Much like his and became president

of United for Wildlife, a

collaboration of seven global conservation organisations.




Reasons You Need A Dog In Your Life

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資料來源:赫芬頓郵報 / Source: Huffington Post

For most of us there is no need to be convinced, we know that life with a dog in it is so much better than not having our furry friends around! For those who still need to be won over, we have 15 very good reasons for you...


倫敦大學金匠學院公佈的一項研究顯示,更多的狗會接近哭泣或處於悲痛中 的人而不會接近處於其他狀態的人。這表明,狗同情並渴望安慰處於痛苦中 的人。

1. They Empathize With Human Pain

In a study released by Goldsmiths College it showed more dogs will approach someone who’s crying or in distress than someone who is not. This shows that dogs are empathetic and are eager to help comfort humans in pain.


寶貝寵物 • 2014年 3月


Pet Lover

2. 牠們可以檢測癌症

根據上述研究,由於其令人難以置信的嗅覺,在執行檢測附近病人 的肺癌任務時,狗顯示出70%至99%的精確度。

2. They Can Detect Cancer

Due to their incredible sense of smell, dogs have shown anywhere from 70 to 99% accuracy (depending on the study) when tasked with detecting lung cancer in a nearby patient.

3. 牠們減輕工作壓力

《工作場所健康管理國際雜誌》發現,把狗帶到辦公室的員工壓力更 少,工作更快樂,就是因為他們的狗就在附近。

3. They Reduce Work Stress

The International Journal of Workplace Health Management has discovered that workers who bring their dog to their office have less stress and are happier with their job, simply because their dog is nearby.

4. 發作前檢測癲癇

最近的研究表明,某些狗能夠在癲癇患者發病前給予他們警示,有時可以在發作前幾 小時發生。還沒有人知道這些狗是如何做到的,或者為什麼只有某些狗才能做到。不 能靠訓練做到這一點,所以如果你需要一隻能嗅出癲癇的狗,你只能聽其自然。

4. Detect Seizures Before They Happen

Recent research has shown certain dogs are able to warn seizure patients that they’re going to experience an attack, sometimes hours before it even happens. Nobody yet

knows how they do it, or why only certain dogs are capable. They also can’t be trained to do it, so if you need a seizure-sniffing dog, you need to find yourself a natural.


最近的一項研究顯示,養狗家庭的嬰兒實際上比那些沒養狗家庭的嬰兒更健康,他們較少 咳嗽、流鼻涕及較少患耳部感染。研究人員認為其原因是因為狗喜歡把玩污垢、泥巴和其 他細菌滋生的泥土,從而增強了嬰兒的免疫系統。

5. Help Babies Stay Healthy By Being Dirty

A recent study has shown that babies with dogs are actually healthier than those without dogs, reporting fewer coughs, runny noses, and ear infections. The reason, researchers believe, is because dogs will

track in dirt, mud, and other germ-infested bits of earth, thereby boosting the child’s immune system.


倫敦大學的一項研究已確認,養狗家庭的孩子比不養狗家庭的孩子更活躍, 做更多運動。畢竟,追在狗後面比整天坐在沙發上更加有樂趣!

6. Help You Stay In Shape

A study from the University of London has determined that kids with dogs are more active, and exercise more often, than kids without dogs. After all, it’s a lot more fun running after your dog than sitting on the sofa all day!

Pets & Hugs • March 2014



狗以敏銳的嗅覺著稱,但牠們的嗅覺能力不止於此,牠們可以檢測主人的低血糖。牠們 要么提醒血糖下降的人,或者如果在主人患糖尿病時,不停地吠叫以此提醒人來幫忙。

7. Detect Low Blood Sugar

Dogs are famous for their acute sense of smell and can do even more with it; they can also detect low blood sugar in their owner. They will either alert the person that their sugar has dropped, or if a diabetic attack has already occurred, will bark and bark and bark in an attempt to alert somebody to come help.

8. 幫助您遠離過敏源

不可輕視食物​​過敏,幸運的是,已經證明經訓練的狗可以檢測出其中的一些。所以,如 果你對花生醬過敏,狗會在偵測到房間裡的花生味後提醒你。對其他可能同樣有害的東 西,狗也能偵測。

8. Help You Stay Away From Allergens

Food allergies are nothing to sneeze at; luckily, dogs have been shown they can be trained to detect some of them. So if you’re allergic to peanut butter, the dog will alert you if it detects

anything with the scent of peanut in the room. Same with any other thing that might be harmful.


英國醫學雜誌的結論是,狗更可以充當“社交催化劑”——幫助人們多外出,令人更容 易接觸他人並整體上降低孤獨感。實際上其意義遠比狗提供的基本陪伴作用大,因為對 人類社交的支持有利健康。

9. Help You Be More Social

The British Medical Journal has concluded that dogs act as “social catalysts” who help people get out more, approach others more easily, and overall reduce isolation. This is actually more important than

the basic companionship that dogs provide, as human social support is more beneficial to our health.


出人意料的是,即使婴儿有過敏反应,實際上养狗可能对他们有利。 有研究表明,一岁以下与狗一起生活的婴儿更少机会患令人烦恼的濕 疹(一种慢性皮膚病)。

10. Help Prevent Eczema In Kids

In a surprising twist, it might actually be beneficial to get a dog for

your baby, even if they’re allergic. Studies have shown that children under the age of one who live with a dog are much less likely to

develop the chronic and annoying skin condition called eczema.

11. 通過親吻治愈傷口

狗的親吻令你感覺好極了,但它實際上可能有身體上的好處。有研究表明,無論是人類 或狗的唾液,可以幫助刺激神經和肌肉,並让氧氣再次流动——這是幫助傷口癒合的要 素。總之,“舔你的傷口” 畢竟不只是一個老生常談。

11. Heal Wounds Simply By Kissing You

A dog kissing you obviously feels wonderful, but it might actually have physical benefits

too. Studies have shown that saliva, both the human and dog variety, can help stimulate nerves and muscles, and get oxygen moving again, which is the secret ingredient in helping wounds to heal. In short, “licking your wounds” is not just a cliché after all.


寶貝寵物 • 2014年 3月


Pet Lover

12. 令長者狗主減少看醫生

幾乎可以肯定,有研究發現,由於狗帶給主人的積極共鳴和良好感情,即使 在最糟糕的時候,養狗的老年人比不養狗的平均每年至少少看一次醫生。

12. Make Their Elderly Owners Go To The Doctor Less

Almost certainly due to the positive vibes and good feelings that dogs bring out of

their owners, even in the worst of times, studies have found that older people who own dogs average at least one less doctor appointment per year than those who do not.


研究顯示,经常遇到的抑鬱症,甚至更嚴重的慢性抑鬱症,容易在狗的关愛下 解决。只要身邊有牠们,我们知道即使我們身处逆境,有人無條件愛我們,并 渴望看到我們重展笑容,我們便有理由重新出发繼續前進。

13. Aid With Depression

Day-to-day depression, or even more serious chronic depression, is easier to

handle with the love of a dog, studies show. Simply by having them around,

and knowing that even at our worst, somebody loves us unconditionally and is eager to see us happy again, we’re given a reason to get up and keep going.

14. 缓解自閉症兒童的压力 自閉症兒童常常會發現他們的世界充滿壓力,而非自閉症兒童則無法理解。幸運的 是狗可以緩解此壓力。研究顯示,將治療狗帶進自閉症兒童家庭有助於減少自閉症 兒童體內的皮質醇(一種壓力激素)含量。狗可以令孩子安靜,也等於告訴他有朋 友相伴。

14. Comfort Children With Autism

Autistic children often find the world very stressful, in ways that the non-autistic can’t

understand. Luckily, a dog can. Studies are showing that bringing a therapy dog into an

autistic household helps to reduce the amount of cortisol (a stress hormone) in the autistic child’s body. This both calms the child down and shows him that he has a friend.

15.幫助癡呆症患者生活得更好 已經表明狗可以令癡呆症患者保持生活規律,狗會提醒他們何時吃藥及何時 去看醫生。此外,當主人內心感到不安時,“癡呆症醫療狗”就在那裡支持他 們、安慰他們,並提醒他們總有人在他們身邊。

15. Help People With Dementia Live A Better Life

Dogs have shown that they can help keep dementia sufferers on schedule, reminding them when it’s time for medicine and when to see the doctor. In addition, when the owner experiences frustration over the state of

their mind, the “dementia dog” is right there to support them, comfort them, and remind them that someone’s always there for them.

Pets & Hugs • March 2014


領養 寵物

Adopt a pet 金沙中國贊助 Sponsored by SANDS CHINA LTD.

Estrada do Altinho de Ka-Ho 路環九澳高頂馬路

(直升機維修廠附近) Coloane, Macau

(853) 2871 5732

他們希望得到你的關愛。 你準備好關愛他們了嗎?

They want to love you. Are you ready to love them?

領養動物是幫助牠們的最好方法。這 是一種愛的表現,但亦表現了責任。 除非你確信你會信守承諾,否則不要 冒然行事。領養一隻動物即假定牠會 是家庭的一員。牠會是非常特殊的家 庭成員,因為牠對你的愛永遠是無條 件的。

Adopting an animal is the best way to help them. A gesture of love, but also of responsibility. Please do not undertake this unless you’re sure you want this commitment. To adopt an animal is to assume that they will be a member of the family. And a very special member, because they will always have unconditional love for you.

Babe magnet尋找知己

VICTOR 編號 1163 • 性別 雄性 年齡 5個月 Code 1139 • Sex M Age 5 months

我曾遊戲情場並自得其樂,但有時一個 男孩只是想與一位 漂亮的女士安定下 來。與女伴一起長途散步,每個晚上共 進晚餐,然後蜷縮在床上談情說愛,準 備進入夢鄉。請把我帶回家,讓我們成 為絕配,就像胡椒粉和鹽,熱巧克力與 棉花糖,陰和陽一樣。

Babe magnet looking for his soul mate I’ve played the field and had my fun, but sometimes a guy just wants a pretty

lady to settle down with. Someone to

take long walks together, dine with each night, and then curl up in bed spooning

ready for a peaceful slumber. Please take me home with you and be the salt to

my pepper, the marshmallow to my hot chocolate, and the yin to my yang.


寶貝寵物 • 2014年 3月


Adoptions Sweet girl looking for Mr. Right

甜美女孩尋找如意郎君 我是一個尋找如意郎君的甜心女 孩。我的心被那個叫Victor的花 花公子打碎,他不能把愛意留給 他自己,那個壞蛋。我喜歡在沙灘 上長途散步,並可給與充足的愛。 我保證你每次走進門時以微笑迎 接你。我在尋找永恆的愛情,尋找 一個人— — 他永遠愛我,就像我 愛他一樣,直到永遠。

I’m a sweetheart of a girl looking to be swept off her feet by the right

man. My heart was broken by that playboy Victor, he couldn’t keep

his licks to himself, the scoundrel. I

enjoy long walks on the beach and can provide plenty licks of love. I

promise to greet you with a smile each time you walk in the door.

I’m looking for a permanent love,

someone who will love me as much as I’ll love them forever and ever.


別 雌性 編號 1165 • 性 年齡 5個月 x F Code 1165 • Se s th on Age 5 m

派對動物尋 求安靜避難所 我當小丑助手期間見 過一些 奇 怪的事情。 但 沒有什麼比這個 收 容所裡 的 貓更奇 怪。 唉 呀,這 些 都 是 一 些 奇怪的動物!我向他們 展示 一些我學會的派 對把戲,但一隻貓突然 毫無理由地跳起來,抓 了我一把便跑走了。瘋 子。請 把 我從 這 瘋 人 院救出來,帶我回家, 我會用我的派對把戲 及當旅行小丑 助 手的 生活故事招待你。


別 雌性 編號 1165 • 性 月 7個 年齡 x F Code 1165 • Se s th on m 7 e Ag

Party animal seeks quiet refuge I’ve seen some strange things in my time as a clown’s assistant. But nothing as strange as what some of

the cats are up to here at the shelter. Crikey, those are

some weird animals ! I was showing them some party tricks I learned and suddenly, for no reason at all, one of them jumped up, scratched me and ran off. Nuts. Please rescue me from this nuthouse and take me

home and I’ll entertain you with my tricks and tales

超高成功者尋找同伴 我對如何來到這裡感到困 惑。我是加拿大皇家騎警 一顆閃亮之星。是的,你 可能會以為他們只用德國 牧羊犬,但這些哥兒們得 到所有榮耀,而不是我們 這些在幕後辛勤工作的姐 妹們。我過去在騎警隊時 守護、巡邏,並嗅出可疑 包裹。現在,我被關在這 裡閒得無聊,請進來帶我 去你家,我承諾永遠保護 你。

of life on the road as a travelling clown’s assistant.

Overachiever looking for her equal match I am at a loss as to how I ended up here. I was a shining star of the Canadian federal police

force, the RCMP. Yeah, you might have thought


they only use German Shepherds, but those

別 雌性 編號 1204 • 性 年齡 1歲 Code 1204 • Se Age 1 year

x F

dudes get all the glory, not us hard working

gals behind the scenes. I used to guard, patrol, and sniff out suspicious packages while in the force. Now I’m bored silly locked up

here, please come and take me to your home where I promise to protect you always.

金沙中國贊助 Sponsored by SANDS CHINA LTD. Pets & Hugs • March 2014


ABANDONED 編號 C569 • 性別 雄性 年齡 1歲

Code C569 • Sex M Age 2 years

健壯男孩尋找志同道合夥伴 最近我在祖國俄羅斯的索契奧運會完成了一項活 動。經過嚴格的訓練和申請過程,我被選為運動員 住所裡的正式老鼠捕手。那些人吃得很多!所以,我 的工作永無止境——抓住藏在茶水間和客房裡的老 鼠。我很高興終於可以逃到澳門,我正在尋找一個同 樣運動型的同伴,她會喜歡撓我的下巴,作為回報, 我會使你的家裡沒有害蟲。請把我帶回家......

Athletic male seeks like-minded partner I’ve recently finished a bout of activity at the Sochi

Olympics in Russia, my motherland. Through a rigorous training and application process, I had been selected

to be an official mice catcher in the athlete’s residences. Those people eat a lot! So my job was never-ending,

trying to catch mice hiding in the pantries and rooms. I’m glad I could finally escape to Macao where I’m

looking for an equally athletic partner who loves to

give my chin a tickle and in return I’ll keep the home vermin free. Please take me home with you...


• 性 別 雌性 編號 SPPC638 年齡 两歲

前度飛賊尋 找老實的生活 是的,我就是那個 被無數 電影和 電 視 節目模仿 的典 型飛賊。我有爬越 牆壁的非凡能力, 有驚人的夜視能 力,並可很靈活地 逃避所有護衛犬 和安全攝像機。我 已 遠 離 那 種 令人 刺激的生活,期待 重新開始過老實 的生活。請把我帶 回你家。我保證不 偷東西,只令你感 到歡心。


Former cat burglar looking for an honest living

• Sex F Code SPPC638 ar Age 2 ye s

Yes, I am the quintessential cat

burglar so imitated in countless movies and TV shows. I have

an extraordinary ability to scale

walls, have amazing night vision and am nimble enough to escape all guard dogs and

security cameras. That high adrenaline life is now

behind me, and I’m looking to turn over a new leaf and lead an honest life. Please bring me to your home. I promise not to steal

anything, but your heart.

寶貝寵物 • 2014年 3月


Adoptions 教授尋職 我是生命大學的教授,有些人稱生命大學為艱苦的磨練。我不想 記住我在街道上見過的東西。誰都不應該有這樣的經歷。可是, 我的確學會了一些令人驚嘆的街頭智慧,並教其他貓怎麼能不變 成野貓,以此保持自己的熱情。但這樣令你疲憊,現在我需要一 個溫暖的家,在那裡有人可以照顧我,而不總是我照顧別人...... 請帶我去你家,照顧我......


• 性 別 雌性 編號 SPPC640 年齡 1.5歲 0 • Sex F Code SPPC64 ars ye 1.5 Age

Professor seeks tenure I’m a professor of the university of life, some call it hard knocks. I’ve

seen things I don’t want to remember on the streets. No one should

have to go through that. However, I did pick up some amazing street smarts and kept myself stimulated by teaching the other cats how not to be feral. But it wears you down, I need a loving home now,

where someone can take care of me instead of me always taking care of the others... Please take me to your home and look after me...


別 雌性 編號 C639 • 性 歲 1.5 年齡 x F Code C639 • Se s ar ye 1.5 e Ag

前飛機師渴求機艙 服務員

Former airline pilot seeks cabin crew

我 已 準 備 好 起 飛。我 以前是 航 空公司 飛 機 師,工作壓力很大,現 在我唯一能提 升的 就 是我的耳朵。我期待在 一個美 好 舒 適的家安 定下來,最好住在高樓 層,有新機艙服務員給 我準時送餐,及送來毛 毯和枕頭。 跟我來一起飛吧......

I am ready for take off. I was an airline pilot before the

stress got to be too much and now the only wings I lift are

my ears. I’m looking to settle down in a nice comfy home, preferably on a high floor,

with new cabin crew who will

bring me my meals on time, as well as blankets and pillows. Come fly with me...

金沙中國贊助 Sponsored by SANDS CHINA LTD. Pets & Hugs • March 2014


國際社會堅決要求關閉逸園賽狗場 International community pressures Canidrome shutdown 在內地和世界各地131家促進動物福利機構的支持下,亞洲動物聯 盟已代表15個國際組織致信行政長官崔世安,堅決要求在2015年 澳門逸園賽狗場特許經營權到期時將其關閉。鑑於此事與《寶貝 寵物》的讀者及其訂閱機構有關,我們將此信內容全文發表如下。

An open letter, sent by AFA, on behalf of 15 international organizations and supported by another 131 institutions involved in promoting animal welfare, in the Mainland and throughout the world, has been sent to the Chief Executive Chui Sai On pressuring for the shutdown of the Canidrome in 2015 when the concession of the racing track is due to expire. Given the relevance of the letter’s to the readers of Pets & Hugs and the wide reach of the organisations subscribing to it we publish its contents below in full.

5 March 2014 Dear Dr Chui Sai On 尊敬的崔世安长官:

Dr Chui Sai On Chief Executive of Macau Macau Government Headquarters Avenida da Praia Grande Sede do Governo da RAEM Macau SAR - China

您好,我谨代表亚洲动物联盟向您致信,以表达国际组织在动物福利和动物保 护问题上的一致意 见。我们对在澳门举行的逸园赛狗大赛中的灵缇犬福利 深感忧虑。

We are writing on behalf of the Asia for Animals Coalition, representing international organisations with extensive knowledge of animal welfare and protection issues. We express our deep concern for the welfare of greyhounds at the Macau Canidrome.

以纯粹娱乐为目的的澳门灵缇犬比赛隐藏了太多动物的不幸遭遇和折磨。正 如您所知,灵缇犬是从千里之外的澳大利亚装运到澳门的,但是大部分的灵缇 犬只有非常短暂的赛跑生涯。每年有上百只 狗源源不断地被装运过来,在条 件相当恶劣的环境中赛跑,很多狗也因此而受伤。我们联盟的成员 曾亲眼看 到受伤的灵缇犬被强迫赛跑。有媒体统计,每年有380只灵缇犬由于它们受伤 1 或不具有比赛 优势而被抛弃甚至是死亡。

The racing of greyhounds in Macau for entertainment involves a great deal of animal suffering. As you are aware, greyhounds are shipped over thousands of miles from Australia but most of them have very short racing lives. Each year hundreds of dogs continue to be transported and raced in poor conditions which often lead to injuries. Members of our Coalition have witnessed dogs with injuries being forced to race, and media reports suggest 380 dogs are destroyed each year because they are either injured or become otherwise uncompetitive. 1

目前比赛只有很少的观众出席率,而且近年来从比赛中取得的商业效益也急 剧下降。与澳门的其他 博彩业和娱乐产业相比,逸园灵缇犬比赛为澳门的经 济带来的贡献微乎其微。 在大多数举办赛狗活动的地方会有专门为赛犬准备的退休和收容计划。我们 考虑到澳门实际的大小,几乎不可能为大量退役的赛犬找到合适的新家。澳门 爱护动物协会(The Anima)曾提议对赛犬进 行收容,然而此项提议尚未被赛 场业主们所接受。 尊敬的崔长官,我们强烈请求您能考虑这种不可持续的贸易为澳门带来的潜 在负面影响。如今,越 来越多的人逐步认识这一活动对动物造成的伤害,而灵 缇犬赛狗也正在时刻侵蚀着澳门作为一个繁荣现代都市的国际名声。此议题 在 2014 年 1 月于新加坡召开的国际动物保护会议上被正式讨论,并 且超过 350 位的与会代表支持终止澳门的灵缇犬赛狗活动。 逸园赛狗场位于一个高人口密度区,从犬舍中传出的嗥叫声和哭嚎声已经对 当地的生活环境造成了打扰,况且当地社区正需要增加更多的住宅、停车场 和绿地。我们了解逸园赛狗场的租赁期限将于 2015 年到期,但是我们盼望政 府能够利用这次机会在接下来的两年里取缔赛狗活动,同时和动物保 护组织 一起,为当前还在赛狗场里的灵缇犬寻找合适的家,同时也借此机会合理利用 土地资源,以 造福本地社区。

Race meetings have very low attendance and income from this business has dropped sharply in recent years. Compared to other gambling and entertainment enterprises in Macau the Canidrome makes a negligible contribution to the economy. In most countries where dogs are raced there are retirement and adoption schemes for greyhounds. We understand that given Macau’s size there is little or no capacity for unwanted dogs to be found new homes. The Anima – Society for the Protection of Animals (Macau) has offered to adopt greyhounds yet this offer has not been accepted by the track owners. We respectfully urge you to consider the implications for Macau of allowing this unsustainable trade to continue. Awareness of this suffering has spread around the world, and is damaging Macau’s reputation as a prosperous, modern city. This issue was discussed at an international animal protection conference in Singapore in Jan 2014 and over 350 delegates supported and end to greyhound racing in Macau. The track is located in a high density area, the barking and crying from the kennels is causing a local disturbance, and the local community need additional housing, parking and green spaces. We understand that the Canidrome concession is due to expire in 2015, and we hope the Government will take this opportunity over the coming two years to end greyhound racing, to work with animal protection organisations to find suitable homes for greyhounds currently within the industry, and to make good use of the land for the benefit of the local community.

1 为生命而奔跑的赛狗。爱尔兰每日邮报,2011 年 5 月 7 日。 The dogs who run for their lives. Irish Daily Mail, 7 May 2011 此封来信也同时代表以下组织的意见:

Sent on behalf of the following organisations:

• 澳门爱护动物协会 Anima Society for the Protection of Animals (Macau)

• 动物关注研究和教育社团

• 动物守护神 / Animal Guardians • 动物公民 / Animal People • 亚洲动物基金 Animals Asia Foundation


ACRES • 印度蓝十字 Blue Cross of India • 地球岛屿协会 Earth Island Institute

• 美国人道对待动物协会

• 灵缇犬世界保护组织(美国)

• 香港爱护动物协会

Humane Society International

Grey2K USA Worldwide Grey2K

Society for the Prevention of

• 国际动物援救

• 菲律宾动物福利协会

Cruelty to Animals, Hong Kong

International Animal Rescue

Philippine Animal Welfare Society

• 世界动物保护协会

• 国际爱护动物基金会

• 英国皇家防止虐待动物协会

World Society for the

International Fund for

Royal Society for the Prevention

Animal Welfare

of Cruelty to Animals

Protection of Animals

寶貝寵物 • 2014年 3月



此信獲下列機構支持: With the support of the following organizations: 1. ACRES Lao PDR

67. Jinan Cattery 济南猫窝

3. Agency for Animal Welfare Ltd, (AAW)

69. Kathmandu Animal Treatment Centre, Nepal

2. ActAsia for Animals

4. Alliance for Animal Rights, DUBLIN Ireland 5. Animals 110 动物 110 网

6. Animal Earth, Hong Kong

7. Animal Friends Nippon, Japan

8. Animal Protection Network, Sweden 9. Animal Protection Trust, Sri Lanka

10. Animal Rescue Beijing, ARB 动物之友

11. Animal Rights Action Network, Ireland 12. Animal Rights Centre, Japan

68. Kalimpong Animal Shelter, India

70. KWPLH sun bear center, Indonesia 71. Kunming Stray Dog Rescue Union 昆明流浪狗救助联盟 72. Lanta Animal Welfare

73. Lifelong Animal Protection, Hong Kong 74. Loving All Pet BBS 宠爱天下论坛 75. Lucky Rural Cat 幸运土猫 76.

13. Animal Welfare Global (AWG-Singapore)

77. Nanchang Small Animal Protection Association 南昌小动物保护协会

15. Beautiful New World Stray Animal Rescue Group 美丽新世界流浪动物救助团队

79. Nanning Stray Cat BBS 南宁流浪猫论坛

14. Animals Australia

16. Beijing Sunflower Friends of Animal Team 北京向日葵动物之友团队

17. Best Friends - The Road with You Company- Pet Caring Club Best Friends 路有你宠爱俱乐部 18. CAPE-India (Care of Animals & Protection of Environment-India) 19. Capital Animal Welfare Association 首都爱护动物协会 20. CARA Welfare Philippines

21. Caring Animal Service Center, Baiyun District of Guangzhou City 广州市白云区关爱动物服务中心 22. Cat Welfare Society, Singapore 23. Cee4Life, Australia

24. Changsha Small Animal Protection Association 长沙市小动物保护协会 25.Chengde Animal Protection Association 承德动物保护协会

26.Chengde Cat Forest 承德猫咪森林 27. Chengdu Love Home Small Animal Protection Center 成都爱之家小动物保护心

28.China Journalists Salon for Animal Protection 中国动物保护记者沙龙 29.China Love Dog Volunteer Association 中国爱犬志愿者协会

30.Chongqing City Small Animal Protection Association 重庆市小动物保护协会 31.Chongqing Happy Cat 重庆快乐猫咪 32.Chongqing Rural Cat 重庆土猫

33.Chongqing Small Animal Loving Home Sanctuary 重庆小动物爱心之家救助群 34.Chongqing Small Animal Loving Web 重庆小动物爱心网

35.Compassion Unlimited Plus Action, India 36.Dalian Love Living Creature Animal Rescue Center 大连爱及生灵动物救助协会 37. Darjeeling Animal Shelter, India

38. Djurens Ratt / Animal Rights Sweden 39. Dobro surtse, Bulgaria 40. Dogs Trust, UK

41. DOGSTOP, Hong Kong

42. Dungarvan Rescue Kennels, Ireland 43. Earth Watch Trust, India

44. Elephant Asia Rescue & Survival Foundation, Hong Kong

45. Ente Nazionale Protezione Animali, Italy 46. Environment Films, UK

47. For Animals International

48. Fuzhou Love Yuan Stray Animal Rescue Center 福州爱心缘流浪动物救助心 49. Fuzhou Pet Web 福州宠物网

50. Fuzhou Small Animal Protection Center 福州小动物保护中心 51. Gansu Green Volunteer Home 甘肃绿色志愿者之家 52. Greyhound Compassion, UK

53. Greyhounds in Need, Netherlands

54. Guangyuan City Charity Animal Protection Center 广元市博爱动物保护中心 55. Guangzhou Pet Home Transfer Station for Stray Dog 广州私宠之家流浪狗中转站

56. Guangzhou Xi Xi Forest Cat 熙熙森林广州猫 57. Guizhou Animal Protection Association 贵州动物保护协会 58. Harbin Small Animal Protection Union 哈尔滨小动物保护联盟 59. Hefei City Dog Association and Small Animal Caring Center 合肥市犬业协会小动物关怀中心 60. Henan Preparation Team for China Small Animal Protection 中国小动物保护协会河南筹备


78. Nanjing Ping An A Fu Stray Dog Sanctuary 南京平安阿福流浪动物救助


80. National Council of SPCAs

81. Orangutan Aid, Hong Kong

82. Overseas Chinese Caring Animal Union 海外侨胞关爱动物联盟 83. Palawan Animal Welfare Association, Philippines 84. People for Animals, Chennai, India

85. Pet Orphans Home 汪汪喵呜孤儿院 86. PETA Asia

87. Plant & Animals Welfare Society (PAWS), India 88. Royal Veterinary College, Hong Kong Ltd. 89. Sarawak SPCA

90. SEY Finnish Federation for Animal Welfare Association

91. Shanghai JAR Stray Animal Rescue 上海 JAR(佳娅)流浪动物救助 92. SHARAN Auroville, India 93. Shenzhen Cat 深圳猫

94. Shenzhen City Dog Protection Association 深圳市犬类保护协会 95. Shijiazhuang Yi Mi Love Stray Cat Rescue Team 石家庄一米爱流浪猫救助团队 96. Shoushan Guangdong Volunteer Center 首善广东志愿者中心 97. Sichuan Qiming Small Animal Protection Center 四川启明小动物保护中心 98. Stray Animal Sanctuary of Zhengzhou Pet Association 郑州宠协流浪动物救助站

99. Stray Dog Love Home, Taiyuan City of Shanxi Province 山西省太原市流浪狗狗爱心家园 100. Ta Foundation 它基金 101. Taiwan SPCA

102. The Cattitude Trust, Chennai, India

為何需要法律保護所有動 物,而不僅僅是寵物 為了動物的福址,立法會議員必須互相妥協和消除分歧。多年苦 等一部良好法律,現在是時候確保政府、立法會議員和動物權 益者所有的努力不會因政治和商界的遊說而白白浪費;或確保不 會因一部不適當和不可接受的法律(只保護寵物而遺忘了另一 群被認為不是寵物的動物)而浪費所有努力。在本會建議一項較 快捷方法(只需行政長官批准的行政法規)後,若保護動物法還 是被推遲或被錯誤處理,恐怕澳門的社會大眾是不能理解的。 越來越多動物被動物福利組織拯救,但政府似乎對市政狗房殺 害這麽多動物卻沒有太多感覺。遺棄動物是個殘酷的情況,我們 所有人都必須強烈打擊,因我們都認同動物也需要權利。

103. The Home of Love, China

104. Tianjin Common Home 天津共同家园 105. Tianjin Hope Cat Rescue Team 天津希望猫救助行动组

106. Tianjin Stray Animal Rescue Group 天津流浪动物救助团队 107. Vegetarian Society Singapore 108. Vietnam Animal Welfare

109. Voice For Zoo Animals, Japan

110. We Are One Family Association of Chongqing Normal University 重庆师范大学天下一 家协会 111. Wenzhou Stray Dog Aid Base 温州流浪狗救助基地 112. Wild Futures, UK

113. Wildlife Alliance, Cambodia

114. Wildlife in Need, Philippines

115. Wildlife Rescue & Rehabilitation Centre, India 116. Wildlife SOS, India

117. Winsome Constance Kindness Trust, Australia 118. Wolf Watch UK

119. Wuhan Stray Pet Rescue Station 武汉流浪宠物救助站 120. Wuxi City Small Animal Protection Association 无锡市小动物保护协会 121. Xi’an Grenadine Companion Animal Rescue Center 西安红石榴伴侣动物救助中心 122. Xi’an Xijing Dog Sanctuary 西安西京犬业救助中心 123. Xiamen Committee for Education on Caring Animal 厦门爱护动物教育专业委员会 124. Xiamen Pet Web 厦门宠物网 125. Xuzhou Small Animal Aid Center 徐州小动物救助中心 126. Ya’an City Small Animal Adoption Center 雅安市小动物收养中心

Why we should have a law protecting all animals and not only pets Legislative Assembly members must compromise and be able to put their differences aside to work for the cause of animals. After so many years of waiting for a good law, it is time to ensure that all the efforts by the

Government, Legislative Assembly members and Animal Rights Activists, is not lost due to politics and business lobbies. Or is not lost in an inadequate and unacceptable law that only protects pets but neglects other animals not

considered pets. Macau’s society will not understand if this law is postponed and wrongly addressed after Anima has suggested a faster way through an

127. Yayasan Ekosistem Lestari, Indonesia

administrative regulation that only needs the Chief Executive’s approval.

63. Hong Kong Scottish Fold Sickness Concern Group

129. Zhangzhou Small Animal Scientifically Rescue Center 漳州小动物科学养护救助中心

Government seems insensitive to the killing of many animals in the municipal

65. In Defense of Animals, USA

130. Zhuzhou Small Animal Loving Association 株洲小动物爱心协会

61. Hohhot Angel Guardian 呼和浩特天使守护

62. Hong Kong Dolphin Conservation Society

64. In Defence of Animals, India 66. Jakarta Animal Aid Network, Indonesia

Pets & Hugs • March 2014

128. Yulin Caring Animal Volunteer Center 玉林爱护动物志愿者中心

131. Zoocheck Inc, Canada

More and more animals are rescued by Animal Welfare Organizations and the kennel. Abandonment is a cruel situation that must be strongly fought by all of us who accept that animals must have rights.


我們都在假期放縱自己,我們的寵物也不例外。 當你沒有註意時牠們可能已悄悄地在各處嚐了 一口小吃,或善意的家人已餵飽牠們餐桌的剩 餘飯菜。 大家都趨向做出健身及減肥的決定,在熱衷於 健康的同時,我們不能忘記我們的寵物,因為 寵物肥胖現在是一個普遍和嚴重的問題。在這 裡,你會發現可以為你的狗或貓做出一些低熱 量的小吃。

We all overindulge during the holidays and our pets are no exception. They may have snuck an extra treat here and there when you weren’t looking or well-meaning family members have fed them an abundance of table scraps. As we all tend to make resolutions to get fit and lose weight, we can’t forget our pets during this health kick as pet obesity is a prevalent and serious problem today. Here you can find some low calorie treats that you can make for your dog or cat.

貓三文魚美食 Salmon delights for cats 制成品:100塊 準備時間:5分鐘 烹煮時間:30-35分鐘

材料: * 1罐12盎司/340克三文魚連汁 * 1個雞蛋 * 1/2杯全麥麵粉 * 1/2杯速溶燕麥片


Makes: 100 treats

Prep time: 5 minutes

Cooking time: 30-35 minutes


* 1 12 oz/340 gm can of salmon with liquid

* 1 egg

* 1/2 cup whole wheat flour * 1/2 cup instant oatmeal

1)烤箱預熱至華氏350度/攝氏180度。 2)將三文魚和雞蛋放在攪拌器,攪拌至均勻平滑。 3)添加燕麥片並把材料混合好。 4)在一個9x13”/23x33厘米大的盤子噴上食用油, 將混合物抹在盤子裡。 5)烘30-35分鐘。 6)冷卻,再切成一口大小的小塊。 Directions:

1) Preheat oven to 350F/180C

2) Combine the salmon and egg in a blender. Mix until smooth

3) Add the oatmeal and blend very well

4) Spray cooking spray on a 9 x 13”/23 x 33cm pan and spread the mixture in the pan 5) Bake for 30-35 minutes

6) Cool, then cut into bite-sized squares

這些小吃可以在冰箱冷藏,讓你在一段時間中有存貨! These treats freeze well so you’ll have stock for a while!


寶貝寵物 • 2014年 3月


Pet Kitchen


狗美味小吃 Tasty treats for dogs 制成品: 60塊 準備時間:15分 烹煮時間:15分鐘

材料: * 7盎司/200克罐裝南瓜或半 杯+6湯匙搗碎煮熟的南瓜。 * 3湯匙花生醬 * 4個蛋清 * 1/2茶匙鹽 * 1/2茶匙肉桂粉 * 1/4到1/2杯的水 * 3杯全麥麵粉

Makes: 60 treats

Prep Time: 15 minutes

Cooking time: 15 minutes

1)烤箱預熱至華氏350度/攝氏180度。 2)將南瓜加上4個蛋清、1/4杯的水、3湯匙花生醬、1/2茶 匙鹽和1/2茶匙肉桂粉。 3)開動攪拌機並把材料充分混合。 4)在攪拌機開動時慢慢加入3杯全麥麵粉。你需要加一 點水讓所有的麵粉攪拌均勻,約再加1/4杯。這是一個非常 亁的生麵糰。 5)把生麵糰放在砧板上,切成4等份。把它們擀成直徑1 英寸的圓筒。再切成1/2英寸小塊。 6)準備两個大餅乾托盤并放上烘焙紙,把生餅乾麵團均 勻分佈。烘30分鐘直至半硬。


* 7 oz/200 gm can of pumpkin or ½ cup + 6 tablespoons of mashed cooked pumpkin


1. Preheat the oven to 165C/325F

* 3 tablespoons peanut butter

2. Lightly grease a cookie tray

* 1/2 teaspoon salt

oil and honey. Then whisk in the chicken stock

* 1/4 to 1/2 cup water

the whole wheat flour, all purpose flour and cornmeal.

* 4 egg whites

3. In a large bowl, whisk together two of the eggs, the

* 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon

4. Using a stand mixer with paddle attachment, combine

* 3 cups whole wheat flour

With the mixer on medium speed, slowly pour in the

chicken stock mixture, then add the peanut butter. Mix until the dough stays together, about 1 minute

5. Divide the dough in half. Roll out each ball of dough approximately ½”/1cm thick. Using the

cookie cutter, cut the shapes into the dough and place on the lightly greased cookie tray

6. Whisk the remaining two eggs and brush the egg wash lightly over the cookies

7. Bake until golden brown, about 15 minutes

Pets & Hugs • March 2014


一些巴西的動物...... About some of Brazil’s animals…

托哥巨嘴鳥 巨嘴鳥不僅用其色彩豐富的嘴採 摘果子吃,而且還把它用作一個 內置的剝水果工具 Toco Toucan The Toucan uses its colourful beak to not only pick fruit for eating, but also to use it as a built-in tool to peel fruit

箭毒蛙 如此命名是因為部落使用牠們的分 泌物令他們的飛鏢有毒,用來殺死 小動物或人。箭毒蛙有超過100種, 其顏色和圖案各異,並不是所有的 箭毒蛙都有毒 Poison Dart Frogs So named because tribes have used their secretions to poison their darts, which can kill many small animals or humans. There are over 100 species, varying in colour and pattern, and not all are poisonous


寶貝寵物 • 2014年 3月


Kid’s Curiosities

樹懶 樹懶每週從樹上下來一次使用廁 所(排出體內垃圾) Sloth A sloth comes down from its tree once a week to use the loo (expel waste)

巨森蚺 美洲豹 美洲豹寧願護送人類離開自己的 領土,而不願攻擊他們 Jaguar A jaguar would prefer to escort a human out of their territory rather than attack them

Pets & Hugs • March 2014

巨森蚺一生中不斷成長,可以 長到30英尺/9米長,重達550 磅/250公斤 Anaconda Anacondas grow constantly throughout their entire life and can be 30 feet/9 meters long and weigh 550 pounds/250 kg


摺紙工藝 Origami


寶貝寵物 • 2014年 3月


Kid’s Activities

魔幻迷宮 Labyrinth

Pets & Hugs • March 2014


寵物商店 Pet Shops ANIMALS CLUB




Estrada de Coelho do Amaral,

Garden, Taipa

Estrada Coelho Amaral 17A R/C

Mei Keng Garden, Block 5, Taipa


No.28-A, R/C B, Macau

Rua de Tai Lin, No. 389, Pou Long 澳門氹仔大連街389號寶龍花園地





Avenida Concórdia Ka Ieng Garden

Kun Iam Tong, No. 12, R/C

+853 28813388


R/C 和樂大馬路嘉應花園地下 +853 28222376

+853 28839898


觀音堂街12號地下 +853 28517717




Rua Nova A Guia, No.250 R/C, Edf.

Fong Son San Chun BI 5 R/C +853 28968309


Kam Hong, Macau



+853 28353785



Sun Gdn BI 3 R/C, Taipa

Sacadura Cabral 81 R/C


Estrada Gov. Albano Oliveira Nam (氹仔) 南新花園第三座地下B +853 28821144


沙嘉都喇賈罷麗街81號 +853 28352421



Av Conselheiro Ferreira de Almeida


寵物部落 122 R/C

荷蘭園大馬路122號地下 +853 28528320



+853 28563771

氹仔美景花園第五座 +853 28837050



Rua do Padre AntónioRoliz 25-27 CD



羅神父街25-27號 CD +853 28525391


La Cite Rua 1 de Maio 342 R/C 勞動節街342號

+853 28949494 PETOTEL


Tai Lin 389 R/C

(氹仔) 大連街389號地下


Avenida Dr. Sun YatSen 115 R/C, Taipa

(氹仔) 孫逸仙博士大馬路115號地下 +853 28836791


Avenida do Conselheiro Ferreira de Almeida 122 R/C

荷蘭園大馬路122號地下 +853 28527898

+853 28839898



Dr. Ho 小動物醫務所


Rua do Almirante Costa Cabral 6E R/C 賈伯樂提督街6號e地下 +853 28550768


Rua do Almirante Costa Cabral 84 R/C

賈伯樂提督街84號e地下 +853 28523678



Rua Martinho Montenegro 27 R/C

Avenida Sidónio Pais 43 R/C

+853 28937980

Garden R/C H

Rua S. Lourenço 4 R/C

+853 28220108




R/C N1, Macau




Patio da Esteira, Nº42, EDF. Son Seng,


Av Cons Borja, No. 341, Edf. Mayfair


寵物診所 Clinics


墨山街27號地下 +853 28357717


士多鳥拜斯大馬路43號地下 +853 28524916





Rua Sacadura Cabral 29E R/C

Avenida Kwong Tung, Nam San Gdn

+853 28968187


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寶貝寵物 • 2014年 3月

如果與我們分享你 的寵物家庭相冊和 軼事,好萊塢式名利 雙收可能是你的。 Hollywood fame and fortune can be yours if you share your pet family albums and anecdotes with us.

燈光、相機、行動! Lights, Camera, Action! 在你豪華的海濱別墅享受閱讀你下期的《寶貝寵

物》而你的寵物在最新的好萊塢大片中成為明星。 讓星探找到你的唯一方法,是把以你和你的 寵物做主角的照片和故事發給我們。


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Pets & Hugs • March 2014

Enjoy reading your next issue of Pets & Hugs from your Malibu beach house while your pets star in their latest movie. The only way those agents are going to come calling is if you send us your pictures and stories featuring you and your pets. Photos will be shared in the magazine and on our facebook page.

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寶貝寵物 • 2014年 3月

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