Pets & Hugs - January/ February 2014

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2014年 1月 • JANUARY 2014 • MOP30 • ISSN 2309 5520


Year of the Horse Horoscope 領養 拯救寵物

Pets & Hugs • January 2014

Adoptions SAVE A PET NOW

貓貓咖啡館 Cat Cafes



寶貝寵物 • 2014年 1月



2014年1月 – 2014年2月號 January - February 2014 edition 編輯委員會 EDITORIAL COUNCIL Albano Martins, Janet Tracy, Mércia César de Sá, Luis Pereira 出版人 PUBLISHER Mércia César de Sá 澳門出版有限公司 People Press 中文編輯 CHINESE EDITOR Frank Xie (謝 陳)

Mércia César de Sá 出版人 Publisher

英文編輯 ENGLISH EDITORS Allegra Hall, Natasha Tomé, Monica Leong


特約編輯 EDITOR AT LARGE Mariana Sá

我們非常興奮地為你們推出一月號,作為一本致力於人與動物之間關係的雜誌,以 一個新動物生肖開始新的一年是一個非常值得慶祝的理由! 馬是中國占星術寵兒之一,今年有望帶來好運氣和成就,馬也充滿活力並需迅速採 取行動。想知道更多詳情,請翻到本期關於中國新年的文章。 如果新一年的速度和冒險有點太多了,何不抽一點時間,在一隻發出咕嚕聲的貓的 陪伴下放鬆一下?如我們的貓貓咖啡館文章所述,這是世界各地許多人正在貓咖啡 館裡做的事。 當馬奔向成功而貓讓我們保持平靜時——讓我們一起來想想那些在澳門動物福利 協會辛勤工作的狗。不要錯過我們狗醫生的故事,它會讓你會更多了解這個激勵人 心的協會。

設計 DESIGN 澳門出版有限公司 People Press 攝影 PHOTOGRAPHERS Forbes Conrad, Carmo Correia, Eric Tam, Manuel Cardoso, Cheong Kamka 地址 ADDRESS Av. Infante D. Henrique, 43-53A, The Macau Square, 10th Floor – I, Macau 中國 澳門殷皇子大馬路43-53A 澳門廣場10樓I (853) 28355315/6 (853) 28355466 機構合作夥伴 INSTITUTIONAL PARTNER Anima - 澳門愛護動物協會 Constança Pereira Printed in Macau 印刷地:澳門 發行量 CIRCULATION 5,000 ISSN 2309 5520


Riding towards success It is with great excitement that we bring you our January issue, as a magazine dedicated to the relationship between people and animals, starting a new year under a new animal can only be a reason to celebrate!

The Horse is one of Chinese astrology’s favourite’s, and this year promises to bring good fortune and success, but also a lot of energy and the need to act fast. To find out more, turn to our Chinese New Year story.

If the speed and adventure of the new year all get a bit too much, how about

relaxing in the company of a purring feline? That’s what many people around 免責聲明:若向出版人提供之資料有不完整處,出

the world are already doing as we find out in our cat café article.


a thought for the hard-working dogs of the Macau Animal Welfare Association.

版人概不負責。引用本刊任何內容前,請先與出版 Disclaimer: The publishers accept no

And while horses are galloping towards success and cats are keeping us calm- spare

responsibility for loss or damage to any

Don’t miss our Dog Doctors story to learn more about this inspiring association.

would like to use any content, please contact

joy and good fortune- let’s make it a great one!

materials submitted for publication. If you

the publishers. The views expressed in the

May the year of The Horse inspire you for a new period of memorable

magazine are not necessarily those of the publishers.

Pets & Hugs • January 2014




目錄 Contents


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狗醫生 Dog Doctors



























Dog breed Dog tale

Pet interview Animals in the news Horse Tale Cover Story


Pet Lover

Adoptions Anima

Kid’s Curiosities Kid’s Activities Pet Shopping Shops and Clinics

28 寶貝寵物 • 2014年 1月

Pets & Hugs • January 2014


狗醫生幫助 澳門社會

Dog Doctors – aiding Macau’s society 澳門動物福利會(MAWA)日 前慶祝成立七週年紀念。致 力加強澳門居民和狗之間的 關係,該協會已經達成了許 多有價的里程碑,將來會有 更多。 月14日一整輛巴士載满興奮的狗和 牠們的主人駛過澳門街道,他們經 過時引起很多人的注意— —他們在慶祝 澳門動物福利會(MAWA)七週年紀念。 花了三個多月籌備這次活動,他們認為這 將是在澳門引發人們興趣及推廣MAWA 的好方法。

MAWA自20 06年由Lai女士成立以來, 澳門被遺棄狗的問題有了不同的解決方 法——她没有領養狗狗及照顧牠們,Lai 女士反而認為可以用一種不同方式來處 理這一問題。她想通過教育工具來教育人 們,特別是青少年——如何照顧及關愛狗 狗——這會及時減少流浪狗的數量。 Lai 女士想改變人們對狗的看法,並幫助他們 了解:狗是有用的,對我們的社會有益,而 且我們需要牠們幾乎像牠們需要我們一 樣。 在初期階段,MAWA的狗在家裡接受訓 練,他們邀請香港的專業訓犬師進行合 作。這些訓犬師訓練每一隻狗保持耐心, 抑制不安,充滿愛意,最重要的是做到聽 話。他們必須確保狗狗非常友善,這是他 們對狗最起碼的要求。一名熱心、獲本地 認可、來自澳洲的持牌訓犬師正在經營培


The Macau Animal Welfare Association recently celebrated their seven-year anniversary. Working to strengthen the relationship between Macau’s residents and dogs, the association has already reached many worthy milestones, with more in sight.


n the 14th of November a bus full of excited dogs and their

owners made their way through the streets of Macau, drawing

a lot of attention as they went – they were celebrating Macau Animal Welfare Association’s (MAWA) seventh anniversary. Having spent

more than three months organizing this event, they thought it would be a good way to spark interest and promote MAWA in Macau.

Founded in 2006 by Ms. Lai, the problem of abandoned dogs in

Macau was tackled with a different approach- instead of taking the dogs in and caring for them, Ms. Lai believed there was a different

way to deal with the issue. She wanted to use the tool of education

to teach the population, especially youngsters, how to care for dogs

and love them, something that would in time reduce the number of stray dogs. Ms. Lai wanted to change people’s perceptions of dogs

and help them understand that dogs are useful and beneficial to our

society, and that we need them almost just as much as they need us. In the early stages, MAWA’s dogs were trained at home, and

professional dog trainers from Hong Kong were invited to work

with them. These trainers teach each one of the dogs to be patient, to withhold their agitation, to be loving and most of all, to be

obedient. They must ensure that the dogs are very friendly, that

is their minimum requirement. An enthusiastic local recognized licensed dog trainer from Autralia is currently running training sessions and conducting seminars to coach the dogs.

“With a group of 11 dog doctors, we usually visit kindergartens, primary schools, centres for the disabled, elderly homes and so forth. Our main


Pet Lover

Pets & Hugs • January 2014


狗是有用的,對我們 的社會有益,而且我 們需要牠們幾乎跟牠 們需要我們一樣。

Dogs are useful and beneficial to our society, we need them almost just as much as they need us.

訓班,舉辦訓犬研討會。 “我們一組11名狗醫生通常訪 問幼兒園、小學、殘疾人士中 心、老人院等。我們的主要目 標是為年輕人灌輸一種關愛的 心態,令他們能夠在成長時期 公平對待動物。” 在中國新年他們讓狗狗穿上傳 統服裝去老人院與長者同樂。 M AWA還與若干澳門政 府部 門每年組織六到八個研討會, 其主題從“如何照顧狗”、“如 何維持狗狗健康”到“如何更 好地理解狗”——教人訓練狗 狗的正確方式。

在過去一年裡這些孩子表現出 明顯的進步:從不想上課、哭著 尋找自己的父母,到自己獨立 走路、希望與狗玩、自己做好清 潔工作、向志願者和狗狗打招 呼,最重要的是他們說話能力 的改善。整個過程非常感人,甚 至家長每次在街上碰到MAWA 工作人員都對他們表示感謝, 他們總是問的第一個問題是:“ 你們什麼時候會重新啟動這個 項目?”雖然MAWA非常熱愛 該項目,但由於缺乏願志者及 每個志願者所需付出的巨大承 担,令該項目難以維持。 路環——流浪狗之家

La i女士在 路環有一個農場, 她 以一 個 非常 象徵 性 的 價 格 從 一名 非常善良的 先 生 那 裡 租下該農場:“當他在50年代 來 到 澳 門 時,狗 狗 真 的 幫 了 他,現在他要做出貢 獻,回報 狗狗。”現在我們已經把該地 區變 成18隻 受 傷或無家可歸 狗的家及訓練場。 在回顧一段特別感動的體 驗 時,L a i 女 士 講 述 有 一 次 M AWA員工去了一名殘 疾 兒

童家,那裡一位特殊男孩與志 願者交談了一個多小時,他能 認出他們的名字,甚至他們寵 物的名字。志願者後來發現, 三年前該男孩來到該中心時, 他說話從來不超過幾句。這說 明狗 醫 生 能 對 孩 子 有多大 的 影响。 過 去 的 兩 年 裡,一 名 非 常 敬 業的志願者Lee和她的狗 Buddy志願為MAWA服務, 她解釋說:“看到兒童從認不 出我們到與我們說話,並且能 夠對我們的狗放開懷抱,真是 非常感人。狗確實是我們最好 的朋友,我想盡可能多推廣該 組織,因為我真的相信狗醫生 能夠幫助我們的社會。”

廣到更多學校今後,MAWA想 將他們的訪問推廣到更多主流 學校,希望他們可給予MAWA 機會,教育他們的青少年如何 照顧動物。他們還希望更多地 參與政府部門和機構內部建立 培訓課程——通過這項活動, 澳門居民將了解狗的飲食、健 康問題和行為模式。動物的生 活高度依賴於牠們的主人如何 對待牠們,因此這種類型的教 育是至關重要的。 最後,MAWA希望澳門市民承 認該組織及支持他們通過教育 減少流浪狗數目的努力。他們 認為“大家都是平等的,我們 都一樣”。

Lai女士承認,他們最大的挑戰 是——學校工作人員都對讓他 們的狗進入學校設施持謹慎態 度,擔心狗可能會對兒童造成 傷害,或把學校弄得亂七八糟。 但經過這麼多年訪問不同機構 和學校,他們已經建立了自己 良好的口碑,現在許多學校校 長主動邀請他們到訪學校。 M AWA希望將他們的活動推


任何願意奉獻自己的時間和精 力的人都歡迎為MAWA志願服 務,但必須牢記,這些活動會佔 用大量時間,有時你甚至可能 要使用你的年假來參加MAWA 的活動。作為一名志願者不僅 對社會有益,而且你也可以學 到很多知識,增強信心及為自 己增值。

針對澳門自閉症兒童 的動物輔助治療

幾年前在香港的黃重光醫生的 支持下,MAWA在澳門舉辦了 一個出色的項目。這個項目在 一年裡的每個週日舉行——專 注於自閉症兒童。六名自閉症 兒童(最大3歲)被挑選參加這 次動物 輔助治療 — — 每個 孩 子有4名志願者照顧— —一名 照顧孩子,另一名監測表情, 另外兩名為該長達1小時的活 動拍攝視頻。 該活動結束後,他們將審查每 個孩子的記錄,分析他們的舉 動,如他們 眨過多少次眼睛、 微笑過多少次,然後將記錄傳 送給黃重光醫生。這需要志願 者大量的奉獻,因該活動會佔 用他們整個星期天,而不能錯 過全年裡任何一周。 8

寶貝寵物 • 2014年 1月


Pet Lover

goal is to embed a caring mentality into younger people, so they can grow up treating animals fairly.” During Chinese New Year they

dress the dogs up in traditional

costumes and go to elderly homes to pay respect and celebrate.

MAWA also organize six to eight

yearly seminars with a few Macau government departments, and

the topics vary from “how to take care of dogs” to “keeping them

healthy” to “understanding them better” teaching people how

to train dogs in the right way.

Therapy for the autistic

A few years ago MAWA organised a remarkable program in Macau

with the support of a doctor from Hong Kong, Dr. Wong Chong

Kong. This program took place every Sunday for a year, and it

focused on autistic children. Six

autistic children up to the age of

improvements. The whole process was extremely touching and even the parents themselves thank

MAWA every time they bump

into them on the street and the first question they always ask is: “When will you restart this

program?” Although MAWA is

very passionate about it, the lack of volunteers and the immense

commitment each volunteer has to give, makes it difficult to sustain.

Coloane, home for stray dogs

Ms. Lai has a farm in Coloane which she rents from a very kind hearted gentlemen for a very symbolic

price: “When he came to Macau

in the 50s, dogs really helped him, and now he wants to contribute and return those sympathies.”

We have now turned that area

into a home and training ground for around 18 dogs who are hurt or who don’t have a home.

three were chosen to participate

Recalling a particularly moving

and for every child there were

time MAWA went to a disabled

in this animal-assisted therapy,

four volunteers – one to take care of the child, another to monitor expressions and two others to

video record the hour long session. After the session they would

review the recording of each child, analyzing movements,

experience, Ms. Lai recounted the children’s home where there was a particular boy who conversed with the volunteers for over an hour, recognizing their names,

and even their pet’s names. They later found out that, since the

boy’s arrival at that centre three

challenge is when school

diets, health issues and behaviour

letting their dogs into facilities,

are highly dependent on how

personnel are wary about

worrying that they may cause harm to children or make a

mess. But after so many years

of visiting different institutions

and schools, they have built up a good reputation for themselves and now many directors of

schools have taken initiatives to invite them to their schools.

them the chance to educate their youngsters on how to

care for animals. They would

also like to be more involved in

creating training courses within government departments and

institutions – through this, citizens of Macau will learn about dog’s

呼喚所有未來狗醫生 M AWA目前有大約 3 0 名狗醫生,這些狗醫生 有“開導”患自閉症 兒 童的經驗,也有馴服小 兒多動症及教導孩子自 律性的經驗,但因為接

years ago, he never spoke more


how much of an effect dog


the volunteers, as this activity

A very dedicated volunteer Lee,


and they could not miss a single

volunteering at MAWA for the past


would take up their entire Sunday week in the whole year.

Over the year the children showed significant improvements: from

not wanting to attend the classes,

crying and looking for their parents, to walking in on their own, wanting to play with the dogs, cleaning up after themselves, greeting

the volunteers and their dogs

and most importantly- speech

Pets & Hugs • January 2014

沒有時間帶狗來我們路 Lai

and her dog Buddy, have been

女士稱,“這需 要狗主

two years, she explains “it is so


touching to be in situations where children go from not recognizing

us to speaking to us, and being able to open up to our dogs. Dogs really are our best friends, and I’d like to

promote this organization as much as possible, because I truly believe

dog doctors can help our society. ” Ms. Lai admits that their biggest

of Macau will recognize their

organization and support them in their venture to diminish the stray dog population through

education. They believe that, “we are all equal, we are all one”.

time and effort is welcome to

schools hoping they will give


required a lot of devotion from

Lastly, MAWA hope the citizens

their visits to more mainstream

doctors can have on children.

to Dr. Wong Chong Kong. This

this type of education is vital

How to volunteer?

In future, MAWA want to extend


and smiled, and then send it

their owners treat them; hence

More schools

than a few words. This shows

how many times they blinked

patterns. The lives of animals

還不具備狗醫生的一切 素質,你也可以參加由 我們協會定期舉辦的訓 練營。 有關狗醫生 及牠們活 動的更多信息,請訪問 MAWA的Facebook 頁面。

Anyone who can dedicate their volunteer at MAWA, but must keep in mind that the activities take

up a lot of time, and sometimes you may even have to use your annual leave to attend their

activities. Being a volunteer is not only beneficial to society, but you can also gain a lot of

knowledge, confidence and values.

Calling all future Dog Doctors MAWA now has about 30 dog doctors with experience in

“opening up” children with

autism, taming children with hyperactivity and teaching

children self-discipline, but as there are more activities coming up, more dog doctors are needed.

“Many people want their dog

to become a dog doctor, but they don’t have time to take their dogs to our training

base in Coloane,” according to Ms. Lai “It takes a lot of

commitment from the owners.”

Ms. Lai says that even if your dog

does not yet have all the qualities to be a dog doctor, you can

join training camps organized regularly by the association. For more information

about dog doctors and

their activities, please visit MAWA’s facebook page.



中國沙皮犬 The Protector

Chinese Shar-Pei


寶貝寵物 • 2014年 1月


Dog Breed

國沙皮犬有一個人類夢寐以求 的特點 — — 牠們 越 老皺 紋 越 少!看上去像穿上一件笨重的、過大 的外衣,牠們的皺紋、小耳朵、藍黑色 舌頭和高而捲曲的尾巴,賦予他們一 個強大的模樣。


he Chinese Shar-Pei have a feature much coveted by humans- they get less wrinkles as they get older! Appearing to be wearing a bulky, over-sized suit, their wrinkles, small ears, blue-black tongue, and high-set curled tail, endow them with a formidable look.

贊助 Sponsored by

Pets & Hugs • January 2014


需要關注度 我忠誠可愛但又獨立。 Attention needs I’m loyal and loving, but also independent

情感 我只擁抱我的人類家庭。 Affection I only give cuddles to my human family

活躍程度 每天帶我散步而我在室內很溫純。 Activeness Take me on daily walks and I’m mellow indoors

與孩子關係 讓我當小狗一樣去瞭解他們。 Relationship with children Let me get to know them as a puppy


寶貝寵物 • 2014年 1月


Dog Breed

人們相信,中國沙皮犬 的皺紋和藍黑色的舌 頭,會嚇跑任何邪靈

沙皮 犬 原產 於廣東省,被 培育作為中國宮廷侍 衛, 牠們名字的意 思是“ 沙的 皮 膚 ”,所 指 的 是 短 而 粗 糙 的“馬 衣 ”型 — — 這個 品種 的象徵,牠們 最 常用 作中國鄉間的農場狗。牠 們 的 職 責範 圍廣泛,包括 守 護 家人和 家園、放牧和 保 護 家畜、打 獵、捕 捉 害 蟲、跟 蹤、後 來 發 展 到 打 鬥。另有“刷衣”型,這類 狗 的毛 較長感覺較 滑,還 有 最 少見 的“ 熊 大 衣 ”型 犬— —文革前大多由富裕 貴族擁有。“熊大衣”可以 從早 在公元前 2 0 6 年的中 國藝 術 作品中見 到,被 認 為是地球上最古老的品種 之一。

家庭 成員,對 這種有 強 烈 領土感的狗必須要堅決並 顯示主導 地位。如 果 沙皮 犬覺得你不是“老闆”,牠 會毫不猶豫地接替你的職 務。一旦角色明確,沙皮犬 將會是 忠誠 和 熱 情的,並 忠實地站在你身旁。

沙皮犬是很聰明、頑皮、勇 敢、冷靜和忠誠的狗。最好 從小 就訓 練 牠們,當牠們 還是小狗 時,要 把牠們 放 到與其他動物和兒童社交 的 計劃中,否則 牠們 的 護 衛犬本能可能蓋過一切。 與沙皮犬一同生活的所有

中華人民共和國建 立後, 該 品 種 幾 乎 絕 種。1 9 7 3 年,一位名叫Matgo Law 的香港商人為挽救該品 種,得到幾隻沙皮狗。沙皮 犬的數量從這幾隻狗開始 大幅上升,該 犬現在 成為 美國最流行的品種之一。

如果每天有足夠的散步, 沙皮 犬住公寓沒有問題, 牠們 主 要 是 守門犬,只有 在玩耍或憂慮時才會吠。 在炎熱的天氣下他們不好 受,因為 牠們 頭 上的皺 紋 留住 熱 量。所以在 夏季, 他們必須生活在清涼的空 間,不 宜 過 度 活 動。他 們 是漫步者而不是慢跑者。

It is believed that the wrinkles and blue-black tongue of the Chinese Shar-Pei will scare off any evil spirits

Originally from Guangdong province

towards these strong-willed, territorial

their name means ‘sand skin’

not ‘the boss’, he’ll take over duties

and bred as palace guards in China, referring to the short rough ‘horsecoat’ indicative of this breed, most

commonly used as a farm dog in the

Chinese countryside. Their wide range

of duties included guarding the family

dogs. If the Shar-Pei thinks you’re

without a second thought. Once the roles are clearly defined, the SharPei will be loyal and affectionate

and faithfully stand by your side.

and home, herding and protecting

With sufficient daily walks, the

tracking, and later on, fighting. Others

in apartments, and while they are

a smoother feel, and the ‘bear-coat’

bark when playing or worried.

owned by the wealthy aristocrats prior

They don’t do well in hot climates

can also be seen in Chinese art from

heat, so they must be in a cool living

one of the oldest breeds on earth.

should not be over exercised. They’re

stock, hunting, vermin catching,

Shar-Pei have no problem living

have ‘brush-coats’ with longer hair and

very much a watch dog, they only

which are the most rare, were mostly

to the Cultural Revolution. Bear coats

as the wrinkles on their head retain

as early as 206 BC and are considered

space in the summer months and

Shar-Pei are intelligent, playful, brave,

leisurely walkers, rather than joggers.

calm and devoted dogs. It’s best to

The breed almost reached

introduce them into a socializing

of the People’s Republic of China.

children while they’re still puppies,

named Matgo Law, acquired a few

may come to the forefront.

the breed. From those few dogs,

All members of the family they live

tremendously to now be one of the

train them from an early age and

extinction following the creation

program with other animals and

In 1973 a Hong Kong businessman,

otherwise their guard dog instincts

of these dogs in an attempt to save

with must be firm and dominant

the Shar-Pei’s numbers have risen most popular breeds in the USA.

贊助 Sponsored by

Pets & Hugs • January 2014


我的朋友Molly My Friend Molly 作者 / By Isabelle Potger


寶貝寵物 • 2014年 1月


Dog Tale

成長令人愉快,但有時候也 很艱苦。朋友很重要,他們 的形態和大小各有不同。 Isabelle Potger的狗Molly 起到了特殊作用。 我的狗狗Charlie去世一年左右 後,我很想擁有一隻寵物,我承 諾如果有的話,會天天好好照顧牠。一 星期後,母親把好消息帶回家。她在靠 近我路環住所的Fernando餐廳後面 發現一隻流浪狗。她查看那隻狗是否 有侵 略性或其他問題。看來牠沒有侵 略性,但掉了很多毛。當時那隻狗隻有 三個月大,是隻狗女。我讓媽媽給牠起 名字,媽媽叫牠Molly。

Mol ly的被毛是棕紅色加上特別的金 色,中型身材,具有強健的肌肉和向上 翹的尾巴。Molly和我很快成了最親密 的朋友,牠成了我的護衛犬。當牠還小 的時候,如果媽媽晚上走進我的房間, 牠會盡力保護我,但不一定很差勁。現 在,當我回家時,牠發瘋了!整個身撲 向我,興奮地舔我。 當Molly漸漸長大,我有興趣知道牠是 哪個品種的狗。在互聯網一翻搜尋後, 我覺得牠很像美國比特鬥牛梗和黑嘴 野狗的混種。牠身上亦可能有點兒德國 牧羊犬、拉布拉多犬或沙皮狗的特性。 Mol ly喜 歡跟我玩耍和散步。我們利 用牠的綠色狗帶拔河,上山去遠足,在 爸爸的幫忙下,到海邊去攀石,牠像隻 山羊,因為牠愛爬到大石頭上,永不失 足。牠也愛跳岩,而且是個高手。當我 們去黑沙海灘時,牠瘋狂地在沙灘和 海裏玩,牠喜愛滿身骯髒和泥沙,但不 願洗掉它。 我負責訓練Molly。起初,有祖母的協 助。但隨後,我教牠如何在沒有我說出 指令就坐下。我只需要指著牠的鼻子, 牠馬上就坐下來。

Pets & Hugs • January 2014

Growing up is fun, but can also be tough at times. Friends are important, and they come in many shapes and sizes. For Isabelle Potger, her dog Molly fills that special role.


round a year after my dog Charlie passed away,

I really missed having a pet, and I promised that

if I got one, I’d take care of it every day. A week later

my mum came home with some good news. She had

found a stray dog out the back of Fernando’s restaurant, near my apartment in Coloane. She checked if the dog was aggressive or if it had any problems. It wasn’t too

aggressive, but it did shed its hair quite a lot. The dog

was only three months old at the time, and was a girl. I

let my mum decide her name, and she called her Molly. Molly’s coat is reddish brown with blond highlights.

She is medium sized, with strong muscles and her tail curls upwards. Soon Molly and I became the closest

of friends. She became my guard dog. When she was small, if my mum came into my room at night she

would try to protect me, but not necessarily in a mean way. Now when I come home, she goes bananas! She jumps all over me and licks me with excitement.

As Molly got older, I was interested in what breed she

might be. After a lot of research on the Internet, I think

she is most likely an American Pit Bull Terrier mixed with a Black Mouth Cur. She might also have a bit of German Shepherd, Labrador Retriever or some Shar Pei in her. Molly and I love to play and go on walks. We play

tug-of-war with her green rope and we also go for hikes in the mountains and on the rocks near the

ocean (with my dad’s help). She is like a mountain goat, because she loves to climb up the big rocks and she never loses her footing. She also loves to

jump off rocks, and she is very good at it. When we go to Hac Sa beach she goes crazy playing in the

sand and the sea, and she loves to get all dirty and

covered in mud- but she doesn’t like washing it off! I helped train Molly. My grandma helped me at

first, but then I taught her how to sit without me saying anything at all. All I need to do is point to her nose and she sits down straight away.

毫無疑問,Molly改變了我的人生,我 非常愛牠。如果沒有牠, 一切將會不一 樣。

Molly has changed my life, without a


Molly is the best!

doubt, and I love her so much. Without her, things just wouldn’t be the same.



新加坡貓 Small but spritely


牠們迷 人的性格 讓牠們脫離最 嚴 峻的局面。 Their magical personality sees them out of even the trickiest of situations

需要關注程度 一切與我有關! Attention needs It’s all about me! 與孩子關係 如果孩子們能抓住我,我 就是 一流的玩伴! Relationship with children Great playmates, if they can catch me!

情感 可讓我永遠坐在你的大腿上嗎? Affection Can I sit permanently on your lap?

活躍程度 我是一個滿載能量的伴侶 Activeness I’m an energy packed companion


寶貝寵物 • 2014年 1月


Cat Breed

稱為討厭但惹人喜愛的新加坡貓是 健力士世界紀錄公認最小的品種, 被認為是世界上最稀有的貓科動物之一。

最初在20世紀70年代新加坡貓在新加坡 河一條排水管裡被發現,一對美國夫婦救 了三隻貓,兩隻來自同一窩,另一隻是雌 貓。這三隻貓創造了歷史,成了被稱為新 加坡貓品種的基礎,Singapura是馬來 語“新加坡”的意思。 新加坡貓擁有古象牙色帶深褐色皮毛, 牠們的腿和尾巴有獨特的褐色條紋,額 頭上有一“M”字斑紋。小臉上大而圓的 眼睛和大耳朵,讓新加坡貓有一個機警 的模樣,當牠們從一個險境奔跑到下一 個 險境時,人們可以看到牠們淘氣地躍 動。牠們是貓科中最小的品種,但仍具有 結實、強壯的身體。牠們快要到兩歲才完 全成長,即使成長後,成貓仍帶著小貓的 模樣。 當站在由牠們攘成的破壞旁時,牠們可能 會抬頭用牠們精緻臉上的天真大眼睛看 你,但牠們那迷人的性格能讓牠們脫離 最嚴峻的局面。 頑皮的新加坡貓是一隻非常好奇、外 向的小貓咪,牠們喜歡成為被關注的 焦點,但也喜歡幫你做一切事情。牠 們聰明、互動式的個性是牠們最可愛 的特性之一,有時牠們看起來似乎太 聰明,而且非常吻合牠們摯愛人類 的情緒。 對人和其他動物同樣 吸引的 新加 坡 貓 能 夠 抓住你 的 心,同時為你帶來情感 的愉悅。


nown as pesky people pleasers, the Singapura are in the Guinness Book of World Records as

the smallest recognized breed and considered to be one of the rarest cats in the world. Originally found in a drainpipe by the

Singapore River in the 1970s, an American

couple saved three cats, two from the same

litter and another female. These three made

history by being the base of the breed called Singapura, which means Singapore in Malay.

The colour of old ivory with a sepia tone, they

have distinctive brown ticking on their legs and tails along with a tabby M on their foreheads. Large round eyes set in a small face with big

ears give the Singapura an alert look, and one

can see a mischievous twinkle in them as they race from one adventure to the next. They are

the smallest breed of cat yet still have compact, strong bodies. They do not reach full size until almost two years old, and even then have a kittenish appearance well into adulthood.

They may look up at you with big innocent eyes on their delicate face while standing

by some destruction caused by their antics. But their magical personality sees them out of even the trickiest of situations.

The playful Singapura is a very curious, extroverted little cat that likes to be the centre of attention,

yet also likes to help you with everything you do. Their intelligent, interactive personalities are one

of their most endearing attributes and sometimes they seem almost too intelligent, and very much in tune with their favourite human’s moods. Enchanting both people and other animals, the Singapura promises to capture your

heart while delighting your sensibilities.

1991年,新加坡政府利用新加坡 貓作為旅遊吉祥物,推銷該國作 為一個旅遊勝地的概念。

In 1991, the Singapore government used the Singapura as a tourism mascot to promote the destination

Pets & Hugs • January 2014



寶貝寵物 • 2014年 1月


Pet interview

微妙的家庭關係 Tricky Family Ties

寵物和主人 之間的關 係是很牢固的,有點兒 像母親和孩子之間的關 係。讓新成員進入家庭 活動可能非常微妙,尤 其是當這個“孩子”的個 性非常強烈時...... The bond between a pet and owner is a strong one, sharing some similarities with that between mother and child. Allowing someone new into the family dynamic can be tricky, particularly when the ‘child’ has a very strong personality…

Pets & Hugs • January 2014


iko在牠兩天大時被發現 在 靠近老紅街市的一家 二手用品店內。從Ines Alves 決定把她收養和照顧她的那天 起,她一直是Miko所認識的唯 一世界。


作為一名平面設計師,Ines在 家裏工作,這意味著她可以在 家裏照顧這隻小貓,每三個小 時用奶瓶餵奶。頭兩個星期, 這隻新貓兒睡在一個有她的食 物、水和毛毯的盒裏(那張毛毯 仍是牠日常喜歡玩的),Ines害 怕如果小貓睡在她的床上,她 會意外地擠壓牠。 Ines和Miko一起和諧相 處,M i ko身 體和 性格 都 在發 展,成為一隻強壯的貓。據該平 面設計師稱,Miko玩耍時總有 點兒“重手”,Ines覺得Miko激 進的做法可能是因為牠從來沒 有與其他動物玩耍過。 因為牠威風的性格和體

態,Miko成為一個充滿怪癖的 傢夥。每天早上,牠必要Ines陪 牠走到牠那碗食物旁,即使牠 的水盤滿了,她也不喜歡喝那 盤水,牠只喝來自水龍頭和人 們的水杯裏的水。就是水和可 口可樂— —Miko是蘇打的粉 絲,她用爪蘸玻璃杯裏的蘇打 然後舔著喝。 Miko不喜歡的事情就像她的怪 癖清單,包括Ines煲電話粥。她 厭惡別人要牠母親關注,所以 Miko不願想起兩年前Ines遇見 她男友Alex Owens這件事。 Ines坦率地說:“Miko不喜歡 他”。Alex察覺到Miko對他的 反感,努力嘗試去贏取牠的芳 心,比如用他的方式跟牠玩耍, 這只有更激怒牠。但同時Miko 也感覺到這個人極度渴望去 “哄牠” 。 當Alex搬進來住,Miko “會在 半夜走進臥室,開始扔掉床頭

櫃上的東西,並扔到Alex的頭 上”,這令Ines發笑。尤於Miko 知道怎樣打開屋內每個抽屜, 牠會在深夜時開始鍛煉自己的 技術,只要他倆其中一人試圖阻 止牠,牠就躲在床下。 Miko對Alex的嘗試的反應是, 通過吸引Alex進入一種虛假的 安全感,偶爾漫不經心地走向 他,坐在他的大腿上,然後出其 不意及毫無理由地攻擊他。 一 個 特別 難 忘的家庭不和 時 刻,是當Alex安靜地在沙發上 看書,Miko想加入分享這寧靜 的經驗。Alex很高興見到Miko 對他那麼好,便去撫摸牠並享 受這融洽的時刻,怎料落入牠 的陷阱。 但當Alex沒有注意時,Miko決 定大力一打並抓了他的臉頰一 下。在自衛本能的反應下,Alex 猛地轉過頭抱住自己的臉,此 舉不僅使他狠狠地把頭敲在他

後面的桌子上,而且無意地把 Miko的頭抓住在他手臂和臉之 間,此時令牠感到比整件事開 始時更憤怒。 看到她的男朋友幾乎把自己打 倒,並且把一隻大和瘋狂的貓 挾在腋下,Ines對Alex “讓 牠離開我!讓牠離開我!!”的 請求,不知道如何應付。最終 Alex和Miko雙雙冷靜下來, 並沒有造 成 重 大傷 害 — — 但 Alex受到重击,而他和他女朋 友的貓之間的愛/恨局面已成 定局。 兩年來Alex 與Miko經歷和諧 關係的時候多於不和的時候。 這是Alex所說的。當Ines丟下 他們去葡萄牙探親時,顯然兩 者相處得宜,Alex將他們坐在 沙發上看來​​快 樂及無傷痕的照 片發給Ines。她看到的Miko坐 在Alex旁邊的Skype視頻片段 似乎亦是證明。有時Miko甚至 發出呼嚕聲。

*採訪過程中Alex Owens未在現場發表他 一方的說法。 * Alex Owens was not in the vicinity during the time of the interview to give his side of the story”


寶貝寵物 • 2014年 1月


Pet interview


iko was found when she was

only a couple of days old, in a

second hand appliance store, near the Old Red Market. From the day Ines Alves decided to take her in

and care for her, she has been the only world Miko has ever known.

As a Graphic Designer, Ines works

from home, which meant she was available to care for such a tiny kitten, bottle-feeding her milk every three hours. For the first

two weeks the new arrival slept

in a box with her food, water and

blanket (which she stills loves and plays with everyday) as Ines was scared she would accidentally

crush her if she slept in her bed. Together, Ines and Miko lived

in harmony, with Miko growing

up- both physically and character

wise- to be a strong cat. According to the Graphic Designer, Miko has always been somewhat

“heavy-pawed” when she plays,

Ines puts it bluntly

and her aggressive approach is something Ines feels may have

to do with the fact that she never played with other animals.

With her imposing character and

Miko didn’t like him

Alex tried extra hard to win her

from her bowl, only from taps, and

way to play with her, which only

people’s glasses. Water and Coca Cola that is- Miko is a fan of the

soda, which she drinks by dipping her paw into a glass and licking it.

over, such as going out of his

served to annoy her even more. But at the same time, Miko also felt intrigued by this person

so desperate to “charm her”.

occasionally casually walking over

a big, manic cat caught in a

to him and sitting on his lap, then out of the blue and for no good

occasion of family disharmony

was when Alex, peacefully reading on the sofa, was joined by Miko

who wanted to share the serene experience. Alex, delighted that she was being nice to him, fell into the trap, petting her and

enjoying the moment of bonding.

The list of things Miko doesn’t

When Alex moved in Miko “would

However, not content with all

and includes things such as Ines

of the night and start to throw

lash out and swiped Alex on the

like is similar to her list of quirks, talking on the phone. People

claiming her mother’s attention

is something she loathes, so the

day Ines met her boyfriend, Alex Owens, two years ago was not one Miko likes to remember.

Ines puts it bluntly- “Miko didn’t

like him”. Sensing her disapproval,

Pets & Hugs • January 2014

go to the bedroom in the middle things off the nightstand and

onto Alex’s head”, Ines laughs.

And as there is not a drawer in

the house Miko does not know how to open, she would start exercising her skills deep into the heart of the night, hiding

under the bed as soon as one of

when the whole incident started. With her boyfriend almost

One particularly memorable

by Ines, even when it’s full, and

more furious than she already was

at acceptance by luring him

reason, she would attack him.

Every single morning she needs

she does not like to drink water

Miko responded to Alex’s attempts into a false sense of security-

size, Miko is a creature full of quirks. to be walked to her bowl of food

them tried to get her to stop.

the attention, Miko decided to

cheek. Reacting in self defence, he instinctively jerked his head back and reached for his face,

a move that not only saw him

knock his head hard on the table behind him, but also accidently catch Miko’s head between his

arm and face, making her even

knocking himself out, and

headlock, Ines didn’t know

how to respond to Alex’s pleas to “get her off me! Get her off me!!” But eventually Alex and Miko composed themselves and no greater damage was done- but Alex took a hard

knock, and the love/hate pattern between him and his girlfriend’s cat was pretty much sealed.

Two years into their relationship, Alex and Miko experience

more moments of harmony

than disharmony. According to

Alex- that is. When Ines goes to Portugal to visit family leaving them behind, apparently the two get along famously, and

Alex sends her photos of them

sitting on the sofa looking happy and scratch-free. Video Skype sessions seem to confirm this,

when she sees Miko sitting next to Alex. Even purring at times.


來一杯咖啡 和一隻貓

A coffee and a Cat Please 咖啡、茶、還是貓?有些地方的對話與這 相似。如果你想輕鬆一下去喝杯咖啡和看 看小貓,有些咖啡館可滿足您的要求。 想 一下,你 到 一 個 地 方,那裡每個人都認識 你的氣味。當您舒適地坐在 沙 發呷一口熱飲,享受一些 點心時,牠們會親暱地要你 擁 抱一下。歡 迎光臨貓貓咖 啡館。

貓 貓咖 啡館在 亞洲很受歡 迎。近年來,牠們的爪伸到歐 洲,甚至計劃在美國開設一 家。 究竟貓貓咖啡館是甚麼?貓 貓咖啡館為獲救的貓提供一 22

個 家,並為 客人和 貓科動物 提供一個愉快的社交場合。 貓兒們可以整天自由漫步或 休 息,或 被 寵 愛、玩 耍和 餵 飼。一些咖啡館會為那些在 探訪期間找到他們毛茸茸靈 魂伴侶的人提供領養服務。 第一家貓 貓咖 啡館叫貓花 園,於1998年在台灣開設, 並一 炮而紅。當聽到台北遊 客尝過將友善的貓與舒適氛 圍的咖啡館混合一起的經歷 後,許多模仿者獲得啟發。

Coffee, tea or meow? There are places where the dialogue goes a little something along those lines. If you want to relax with a cuppa and a kitten, there are café’s that cater to your needs.


magine a place you can go

where everyone knows your

scent and will nuzzle you for a cuddle, all while you sit in

a comfortable sofa sipping a

hot beverage and enjoying a

snack. Welcome to a Cat Café. Cat Cafés are popular in Asia,

with their paws reaching into

Europe in recent years, and there is even one planned for the USA. What exactly is a cat café? A

cat café provides a home for

rescued cats and a happy social

environment for customers and felines alike. The cats are free to

roam and rest throughout the

day while being petted, played with and fed. Some cafés offer adoption services to those

who have found their furry

soul mate during their visit. The first cat café, called Cat Flower Garden, opened in

Taiwan in 1998 and became

an instant hit. The concept of

mixing friendly cats with the cosy atmosphere of a coffeehouse

inspired a host of imitators after hearing about the experiences of tourists visiting Taipei.

With over 160 cafés today, the

寶貝寵物 • 2014年 1月


Pet Lover

這 概 念在 2 0 0 0 年中期 於日 本開始,為那些 住在密密麻 麻公寓,而其業主不 准住客 養寵物的人提供一個解決方 案,到今天已有超過160家貓 貓咖啡館。到訪咖啡館的人 為了放鬆自己和解除壓力,在 日本的咖啡館已經體驗到大 量情侶與貓玩耍後,克服所 有尷尬,開始第一次約會。 每人每次平均在咖啡館逗留 個半小時,但一些真正的貓 癡逗留6個多小時,其他人每 週到訪4到5次。一些常客甚 至為逗留一整天而休病假一 天。他們壓力水平是如此之 高,以至於他們需要一整天 的時間去尋求慰藉和治療。 俄羅斯第一家貓貓咖啡 館——貓共和國——於2011 年開業,並已成為成年人與兒 童的時尚。目前有8隻貓把貓 共和國當成自己的家,其中4 隻原本在聖彼得堡埃尔米塔 日博物馆“被聘”為捕鼠貓。 這真是牠們一個不錯的退休 方案! 在英國倫敦,Lady Dinah 貓商場通過大眾集資網站 I n d i eg og o籌得超 過10 萬 英鎊已成為 事實。目前該咖 啡館正在興建中,它以2 0隻 從M a y h ew 動 物之家獲 救

的貓為特色。 按照英國衛生和寵物規定, 該 咖 啡 館 將 被 分為 三個 部 分:一個是貓專區;另一個是 貓和客人可以互動的地方;最 後一個是無貓、提供食物和 飲料的空間。 雖然不同國家有不同步驟和 定價,但共同主題是:不允許 狗只 進 入,及不能 堅持 貓 貓 參與任何牠不願意的互動, 因這些咖啡館的“員工”沒有 必須承擔的義務。 常見的主 題很簡單,就是 進 來 和 放 鬆,脫下你 的 鞋,穿 上一些特別規定的貓拖鞋, 悠閒地 享用小吃和飲料。只 是輕鬆地與一隻友善貓貓相 處,其生活比起窮街陋巷或 擁擠收容所已大有改善。 澳門是否已準備好加入這個 行列,為居民提供一個 舒 適 環境和獨特經驗,而同時緩 解Anima(澳門愛護動物協 會)庇護中心過度擁 擠的負 擔?這些咖啡馆在國際上的 成就可能正是澳門居民和貓 貓一直在期待的東西。 有興趣的企業家可向澳門貿 易投資促進局索取在澳門開 業的詳細資料。

concept started in Japan in the

As per British health and pet

densely packed apartment dwellers

into three separate parts: one

mid-2000’s to offer a solution to whose landlords didn’t allow

pets. People visit to unwind and de-stress, and in Japan the cafés

have seen a plethora of first dates

happen after couples play with the

regulations, the cafe will be split area for the cats, another where

cats and customers can interact,

and finally a cat-free space where food and drink will be served.

cats, overcoming any awkwardness.

While procedures and pricing

a half, but some real cat fanatics

common themes are: no dogs are

The average stay is an hour and stay more than six hours and

others come four to five times per

vary from country to country,

allowed and never insist on any

interaction the cat is not willing to

week. Some regulars even take

engage in, for the “staff” at these

day. Their stress levels are so high

The prevailing theme is simply to

of much needed time out, while

slip on some specially provided cat

a sick day from work and stay all

cafés are free from obligations.

that they need a full days’ worth

come and relax, take off your shoes,

seeking comfort and healing.

Russia’s first cat café, Cat’s Republic, opened in 2011 and has become a hit with both children and adults. Eight cats currently call Cat’s

Republic their home, of which

four were formerly “employed” as mousers at St. Petersburg’s Hermitage Museum. A nice

retirement package for them! In England Lady Dinah’s Cat

Emporium in London has raised

over 100,000 Pounds to become a reality via the crowd-funding website Indiegogo. Presently under construction, it will

feature 20 cats rescued from the Mayhew Animal Home.

slippers, and unwind with a snack and beverage. All while relaxing

with a friendly cat whose life has improved considerably from the

mean streets or crowded shelters. Is Macau ready to join the

ranks and offer a comfortable environment and unique

experience for residents, while at the same time relieving the burden of over-crowding at

Anima’s shelter? The international success of these cafes could be

just what the residents and cats

of Macau have been waiting for. Interested entrepreneurs

should contact IPIM for more information about opening a business in Macau.

澳門貿易投資促進局 —中小 企服務中心 電話:(853) 2872 8212 電郵 網址:www.ipim. Macao Trade and Investment Promotion Institute – SME Service Center Tel: (853) 2872 8212



Pets & Hugs • January 2014


醜陋動物保護協會 Ugly Animal Preservation Society

一期 我們 為讀者 介紹了醜陋動物 保 護協 會,一個總部在英國的項目,該組織鼓勵人 們參與保護動物王國中“不太可愛”的成員。 我們已經仔細看過該協會的新吉祥物— —水滴 魚,但“醜陋動物”名單中還有幾個成員需要我們 的幫助。本期雜誌我們向您介紹下一個競爭者:

白禿猴 白禿猴是一個小品種猴子,原產於南美洲熱帶雨 林,他們往往在近水潮濕的叢林中被發現。白禿 猴以其赤裸的臉最為人知,最常見的臉部顏色是 粉紅色和深紅色。這個明豔顏色的確切原因仍不 知道。 白禿猴活潑聰明,以近100隻的大型猴群生活。這 些像貓般大的小猴子整天在樹梢間跳來跳去,享 用種子、水果、花蜜和奇異毛蟲的盛宴。儘管沒有 一條極長的尾巴抓住樹枝,白禿猴強壯的後腿使 牠們能夠跳出驚人的距離。用後腿在樹枝間跳躍 時,白禿猴可以在樹與樹之間跳躍至20米。 雌性白禿猴在一個仍未知悉的懷孕期後只生一 胎,但是她仍可以每兩年生產一次。初生時的猴 嬰 極 其細小和虛弱,最初幾個月抱住自己的母 親,只吃母乳。他們平均4個月大便斷奶,同時開 始成群結隊去尋覓水果和種子莢。在野外的白禿 猴往往可存活至約20歲。但白禿猴數量增長速度 不是特別快,因為雌猴要到3歲才能生育,而雄性 要到6歲。 人類對白禿猴威脅最大,因為土著獵殺白禿猴作 食物。由於整個亞馬遜盆地為木材工業而大量砍 伐樹木,牠們生活的雨林棲息地亦受到威脅。


n our last issue we introduced our readers to The Ugly Animal Preservation Society, a UK based project encouraging people to get involved in

conservation venture for the "less cute” members of the animal kingdom. We've already had a close look at the society’s new mascot, the blobfish, but the “ugly animal” list has a few more members in need of our help. In this issue we introduce you to our next contender:

Bald Uakari

The Uakari is a small species of monkey, native to the tropical rainforests of South America, where they tend to be found in humid jungle that is close to water. The

Uakari is best known for its naked face, which most commonly ranges from pink to

deep red in colour. The exact reasoning for this bright colouration is not really known. Theories range from mating reasons to being able to spot one another in the forest. Uakari are active and intelligent, living in large social groups of up to nearly 100

individuals. These cat-sized little monkeys bounce about the treetops all day long

feasting on seeds, fruit, nectar and the odd caterpillar. Despite not having an incredibly long tail to clutch onto branches with, the strong hind legs of the Uakari enable

them to be able to jump staggering distances, up to 20 meters from tree to tree. The female Uakari gives birth to a single infant, after a gestation period that is still unknown, but she can do so every two years. The babies are incredibly small and

vulnerable at birth, clinging to their mother for their first few months, and feeding

only on her milk. They are weaned at an average age of four months old when they

begin to forage with the troop for soft fruits and seed pods. The Uakari tends to live

for about 20 years in the wild, but population growth rates are not particularly fast as

the females can't breed until they are three years old, and the males when they are six. Humans are the Uakari's biggest threat as they are hunted for food by the

native people. Their rainforest habitat is also under threat due to high levels of logging for the timber industry throughout the Amazon Basin.

想知道更多有關醜陋動 物保護協會的信息,請 訪問他們的網站: For more information on the Ugly Animal

Preservation Society,

please visit their website:


寶貝寵物 • 2014年 1月


Animals in the news 熊貓的誕生 圓仔(6個月大的熊貓幼崽)由中國大陸作為一個善意禮物贈送台灣 的一對大熊貓所生。自從台北市立動物園將她的生活(甚至包括她 出生前的生活)放上網,她已經獲得非同尋常的人氣。幾個月來台灣 媒體和公眾都在關注圓仔的一舉一動。 最近台北市立動物園熊貓館上午9:0 0點開館前,1,20 0人排隊買 票,一些上班或上學的人告假為求當面見一見圓仔。 為了管理人群,動物園要求遊客在動物園門口拿起編號的門票,並 按照指定路線前往熊貓館。每組遊客只限在館內逗留10分鐘,因動 物園預計有大量熊貓迷湧入,每天最多允許19,200人入內參觀。 圓仔出生於7月6日,是“團團”和“圓圓” (中國贈送台灣的善意禮 物)的第一胎。牠們名字組合的中文意思為“團圓”。

A Panda is born Yuan Zai, a six-month-old panda cub, was born to a pair of giant

pandas given as a goodwill gift to Taiwan by the Chinese mainland. She has gained immense popularity as the Taipei Zoo has been streaming her life online, even before her birth. The media and

public in Taiwan have relished the cub's every move for months. Recently at the Taipei Zoo, 1,200 people queued for tickets

before the panda hall opened at 9:00 a.m., and some took time off work or school for a face-to-face viewing of the cub.

To manage the crowd, the zoo required visitors to pick up numbered tickets at the zoo entrance and follow the designated route to the panda hall. Time spent inside the hall was limited to 10 minutes

per group, and a maximum of 19,200 people have been allowed entry per day as the zoo expected an influx of panda fans.

Yuan Zai, born on July 6, is the first cub born to "Tuan Tuan" and "Yuan Yuan," who were given as a goodwill gift to Taiwan by the Chinese

mainland. The combination of their names means "reunion" in Chinese.

西部黑犀牛: 滅絕,但沒有被遺忘 西部黑 犀牛(黑 犀牛一 個亞種)曾在 撒 哈拉 以 南非洲的稀樹草原廣泛

Pets & Hugs • January 2014

分佈,但此情不再。最後 一頭西部黑犀牛於2006 年被發現,之後因多年沒 有發 現其任 何新踪 跡, 牠被國際自然保護聯盟 正式宣布滅 絕。該 組 織

保存著著名的瀕危物種 紅色名錄。 美國有線電視新聞網報 導,國 際自然保 護 聯盟 警 告說,其他 犀牛也可 能有同樣 命 運,該 組 織 說非洲 北部白犀牛“徘 徊在滅絕的邊緣”,而亞 洲的爪哇犀牛由於持續 偷獵和缺乏保護,也已 “在走向滅絕”。 但 保 育工作 可 以 起 到 重 要作用,國 際自然保 護聯盟以南部白犀牛 為例,該種 犀牛 從19世 紀 末的不到10 0 頭擴大 至今天在野外的大約 20,000頭。

Western black rhinos: Extinct, but not forgotten Western black rhino, a sub-species of black rhinoceros, was once widespread in the savanna of sub-Saharan Africa, but no more. The last individual was spotted in 2006, and after years without any new sightings,

it was officially declared extinct by the International Union for Conservation of Nature, which maintains the famous Red List of Threatened Species.

The IUCN warns that other rhinos could follow,

saying Africa's northern white rhino is "teetering on the brink of extinction" while Asia's Javan

rhino is "making its last stand" due to continued

poaching and lack of conservation, reports CNN.

But conservation efforts could make a difference, the IUCN gives the example of the southern white rhino,

which went from fewer than 100 individuals at the end of the 1800s to around 20,000 individuals in the wild today.


世界各國領導人在北極熊論壇承 諾採取保護措施 出席十二月初莫斯科舉行的北極熊國際 論壇的領導人作出關鍵承諾,幫助北極熊 在北極範圍內繼續生存。 負責北極熊種群的六國— —加拿大、挪 威、丹麥、格陵蘭、俄羅斯和美國——將 通過考慮北極冰塊萎縮及日益增長的工 業利益的影響,來管理北極熊的家園。 該論壇的承諾將有助於管理北極熊棲息 地及管理對北極熊的直接威脅,如人類 衝突、偷獵和工業發展。然而,處理氣候 變化的長期威脅,需要北極熊生活範圍 國家作出投資,並對可再生能源投資。 投 資 可再生能源 可以幫助 減少氣候 變 化,正是氣候變化導致海冰融化,而北極 熊正是依賴海冰來捕獲牠們的主要獵物 (海豹)及進行繁殖。

World Leaders Commit to Conservation Measures Leaders attending the International Forum on Polar Bear Conservation in Moscow,

which took place early December, made

critical commitments to help polar bears persist across their Arctic range.


10 Years of Anima!

2 013 年12月11日澳門 愛 護 動 物 協會 (Anima)在澳門威尼斯人慶祝其十 週年紀念,該社區活動的所有收益將歸 Anima所有。 An i m a 總經理馬浩賓(Al ba n o Martins) 在談到“對我們所有人來說 一條漫長而艱難的道路”時,感謝所有 傑出的支持者多年來對他們的幫助,使 Anima成為一個無殺害組織;他又感 謝支持者對Anima工作的支持——令 適當的動物保護法得以實施,令照顧街 頭動物及為牠們進行絕育的流動診所 即將成事。 Anima的最初願景“將澳門發展為社區 榜樣,防止虐待動物及提高對虐待動物 的認識” ,10年後仍是澳門社會的願景。

On the 11th of December 2013, the 10th Anniversary of Anima was celebrated at

The Venetian Macao, a community event that saw all proceeds go towards Anima.

Talking about the “long and very difficult road for all of us”, Anima president Albano Martins thanked all the distinguished supporters for their help over the years in making Anima a No Kill Organization, and for supporting

their work in getting proper laws for animal protection implemented, as well as the

soon-to-come mobile clinic for de-sexing

and taking care of the animals on the streets. Anima’s initial vision “to develop Macau as a

role model community, with awareness and prevention of cruelty to animals”, continues, 10 years later, to be the Society’s vision.

The states responsible for polar bear populations – Canada, Norway, Denmark and Greenland, Russia and the United States – will work on

managing the home of the bears by taking into account the effects of the Arctic’s shrinking ice, and increasing industrial interest.

The Forum commitments will help manage polar bear habitats and direct threats to the

bears, such as human conflicts, poaching and industrial development. However, addressing the longer-term threat of climate change will

require investment from polar bear range states and beyond in renewable energy. Investing in

renewable energy can help reduce the impacts of climate change, which has resulted in the

melting of sea ice, relied upon by the bears for hunting their main prey, seals, and breeding.



Dogs on Show


A major international event,


30日至9月1日於瑞 士日內瓦舉行。

Société Vaudoise

de Cynologie公司 與日內瓦Palexpo


請超過11,000隻狗 (來自歐洲各地 超過200種不同




The European Dogshow

2013 in Geneva, Switzerland, took place from the 30th of August to the 1st of

September. In partnership with Palexpo Geneva,

the Société Vaudoise de Cynologie invited more

than 11,000 dogs from over 200 different breeds from

all over Europe, to take part in the continent’s biggest canine beauty pageant.

寶貝寵物 • 2014年 1月


Animals in the news 不放棄:示威者將繼續遊行直到動物保護法到位 這是自2008年以來第六次舉行動物抗議活動,一千人(其中一 些由他們四條腿的朋友陪伴)為動物權利遊行,呼籲立法保護 動物。最近的抗議活動由澳門保護遺棄動物協會(AAPAM) 組織,於12月舉行。 該協會的創辦人蔡詠子和劉佩珍誓言,他們將繼續遊行,直到 幫助制止遺棄動物及終止被虐待動物痛苦的動物保護法到位 為止。劉佩珍在塔石廣場的遊行起點說:“我們真的不想再遊 行,我們希望有一部法律” 。 來自香港非牟利獸醫診所的一位代表說,他不明白為什麼過了 這麼多年,政府仍然拿不出一個動物保護法草案。 “這不是政治,沒有衝突,不涉及[政治]黨派,它是一個簡單的 東西,”他說,“如果他們需要一到兩年起草法案,是可以接受 的,但三年?就不行了。” 一位母親和她女兒帶著她們三隻寵物狗中的兩隻來參加抗議, 她們說迫切需要一部法律來保護動物免遭虐待。 “我們所有的狗都是從街上得到的,”陳姓媽媽說,“當我們

No giving-up: Protestors will march until animal protection law comes into place It was the sixth time that an animal protest has been held

since 2008 where a thousand people – some accompanied by their four-legged friends – marched for the rights of animals and to call for a law to protect them.

The latest protest, organised by the Abandoned Animals Protection Association of Macau (AAPAM), took place in December.

Founders of the association, Yoko Choi Wing Chi and Josephine Lau Pui Chan, vowed that they would keep marching until

there is an animal protection law in place that could help stop abandonment and end the suffering of abused animals.

“We really don’t want to march again, we want a law”, Lau said at the start of the march in Praca do Tap Seac.

A representative from a non-profit making veterinary

clinic from Hong Kong said that he does not understand

that why, after so many years, the government still cannot come up with a draft for an animal protection bill.

“It’s not politics, there are no

conflicts, no [political] parties

involved, it’s something simple”,

he said, “It’s okay if they’re taking one to two years to draft the bill,

but three years? No, it’s not okay”. A mother and daughter who took two of their three pet

dogs to the protest said that there is a desperate need

for a law to protect animals from being mistreated.

“We got all our dogs from the

street”, Chan, the mother, said. “They were babies when we

rescued them, they had all types of problems – one suffered

from a skin problem, one had

rabies and we thought he was going to die. It was so sad to

救出牠們時牠們還是幼犬,牠們有各種問題——一隻有皮膚 問題;另一隻有狂犬病,我們以為牠就要死了。看到牠們在街 上像這個樣子令人傷心,所以我們把牠們帶回家。” 陳媽媽說:“我們把牠們帶到獸醫處,在牠們身上花了很多 錢,現在牠們已康復。一隻狗兩個月前因年老過世,我很難 過,我吃不下飯睡不了覺,這太可怕了。” 陳媽媽說:“這個世界不僅屬於人類,動物也有權生活在這個 世界上,牠們不應該被虐待,我們需要一部法律來保護牠們、 並阻止人們把牠們遺棄在街上。”示威者喊著口號(如“我們 愛澳門,我們愛動物”),遊行經過水坑尾街及南灣,吸引了 路人的注意,之後到達政府總部,在那裡他們將請願書及約 6,400個簽名交給一名政府代表。 如果屆時還沒有成立動物保護法,AAPAM可能於六月份繼續 進行他們的第七次動物抗議遊行。

Pets & Hugs • January 2014

see them like that on the streets, so we took them home”. “We brought them to the vet, we spent a lot on them

and they are now healthy. One passed away two months ago because he was getting old and I was very upset, I couldn’t eat or sleep, it was horrible”, Chan said.

“The world does not just belong to humans, animals

have the right to live in this world too, they don't deserve to be abused, we need a law to protect them and stop people from dumping them on the street”, Chan said.

Shouting slogans such as “We love Macau, we love animals”, protestors marched through Rua do Campo and Nam

Van, grabbing attention from passers-by, before reaching

Government House where they handed in their petition and

about 6,400 signatures to a government representative there.

AAPAM will continue with their seventh animal protest, possibly in June, if no animal protection law is in place by then.



寶貝寵物 • 2014年 1月


Horse Tale

澳門賽馬騎師 The Jockey of Macau 騎師 和馬之間的關 係 是 重 要 的,但誰知道它超越了運動員 的水平 — —對馬和騎師一樣 如此。 華麟(Peter Ho)年輕時受到親戚( 一名香港騎師)的影響,喜歡上了動 物和賽馬。 15年前在成為一名騎師的機會 驅使下,何來到澳門。在那裡他開始接受基 本訓練,這種訓練令他進入賽馬世界。何在 澳門期間贏得無數比賽,他誇口說自2006年 以來贏出383次。 2013年他不僅贏得了澳門 馬主協會杯,在本賽季的騎師榜中他目前排 第二。

何華麟認為馬與人類非常相似,牠們是忠實 的動物,如果一個騎師能夠與馬建立良好關 係,牠會表現得更好。馬天生是具競爭力的動 物,牠們的血液裡有競賽意識,騎師需要做 的是用愛、關懷和信任帶出馬的這種意識。 有些馬要比其牠馬更緊張和淘氣,在這些情 況下,我們必須要有耐心並與牠們溝通,安 撫牠們的情緒,並取得牠們的信任。 賽馬會的500匹馬中,大部分從澳大利亞和 新西蘭輸入,因為這些國家的自然環境對馬 的競賽能力有利。馬在牠們1-2歲時在澳大 利亞或新西蘭開始接受訓練,在牠們約3歲 時被帶到澳門。這是因為,如果馬太年輕, 牠們的情緒可能不穩定,而這樣可能會影響 牠們的比賽。牠們越成熟越適合比賽。通常 馬可競賽至十歲,有的可達11或12歲。 身為一個騎師感到極大的滿足— — 何緬懷 舊時說,他最難忘和特別的經歷是幾年前 Pets & Hugs • January 2014

The relationship between a jockey and horse is an important one, but who knew that it transcends the level of athleteboth for the horse and the rider.


rom a young age, Peter Ho’s love for animals and

horse racing was influenced by his brother-in-law,

who was a jockey in Hong Kong. The opportunity to

become a rider brought Peter to Macau fifteen years ago, where he started with basic training, which led

to horse racing. During his years in Macau, he has won countless races – and since 2006, he boasts 383 wins. Not only did he win the Macau Race Horse Owners Association Cup in 2013, but he is currently ranked second place in this season’s Jockey Premiership.

He believes that horses are very similar to human beings, they are faithful animals, and if a jockey is

able to build a good relationship with the horse, it

will perform better. Horses are naturally competitive animals, and racing is in their blood, what the

jockey needs to do is bring out that side of the

horse with a combination of love, care and trust. Some horses are more nervous and mischievous than others, and in these cases one must

be patient and communicate with them, to soothe their moods and gain their trust.

Out of the 500 horses at the Jockey Club, most are

imported from Australia and New Zealand, as these countries’ natural environments are beneficial to a

horse’s racing abilities. Horses begin their training when they are around one to two years old, either in Australia or New Zealand, and at around three years of age, they are brought to Macau. This is because, if a horse is too

young, their emotions might be unstable, and this may

affect their racing. When they are more mature, they are


與 La i先 生一 起的 時 間。在 那 段 日 子 裡,La i先 生 擁有澳 門最好的兩匹馬,其 中 一 匹 馬價 值 超 過 一 千 萬 澳 門 元。在 La i先 生的支持下, 他 贏得 超 過12 個 獎 杯。何還週遊世界參 加賽馬。 對馬匹的愛和照顧

Ivan Kou在這行業 已 經 有 三十三 年 經 驗,他在談及馬時就 好 像牠們是他的孩 子。他解釋說即使過 了這麼多年,他不能 自稱10 0 %了解馬。 “ 一 個 人 必須 經 常 用 自己 的 經 驗 和 直 覺 來 判 斷馬 何 時 不 快 樂 及 為 什麼 會 如 此”。他認為要跟馬 建 立一 個 緊 密 的 關 係,你必須首先關心 和愛護牠們,好像牠 們是自己的孩子,但 你 必須 要 小 心 不 能 太 過度熱 愛一匹而 忽略了其牠的馬,因 為 牠們 可以變 得 相 當嫉妒。 Ko u 給想 騎馬的人 的建議是從年輕時 開始。像所有的運動 一樣,越年輕開始越 好。 難以置信的犧牲

因為他對馬的喜愛, 鄒欽華在 業界已超 過2 0 年 — — 在他年 輕 的 時 候,他 是 許 多 著名 香 港 電 影 裡 的特技人,很精彩的 生活!他解釋說在這 奇 特 的 2 0 多年中最 動人的 時刻是在他 21歲時,他參加了一 個 需 要馬 跳 越 障 礙 的比賽。不幸的是, 30

寶貝寵物 • 2014年 1月


Horse Tale

better suited to compete.

Usually, horses can race until they are ten years of age, some reaching 11 or 12. Being a jockey can be extremely fulfilling –

reminiscing about old times,

Ho says his most memorable and special experience was

with Mr. Lai a few years ago.

In those days, Mr. Lai had the best two horses in Macau,

with one of the horses being valued at over 10 million patacas. With Mr. Lai’s

support he was able to win 12 trophies. Peter has also

traveled around the world

to compete in horse racing.

Love and care for horses Ivan Kou has thirty-three

years of experience in this

field, and he speaks of horses as if they were his babies.

He explains that even after so many years, he cannot

claim to understand horses

100%. “One must constantly

try to use his experience and intuition to judge when the horse is unhappy and why

it is so”. He believes that to build a strong bond with

horses, you must first care and love them as if they

were your own children,

although you must beware

of not loving one too much over the other, as they can get quite jealous.

His tip for people who

want to begin horse riding is to start young. Like

all sports, the younger you start the better.

Incredible sacrifice Stephen Chow has been in

the industry for over 20 years

because of his love for horses – when he was young, he

Pets & Hugs • January 2014


當馬跳過一個特定的障礙時,牠落地不好,但 此馬沒有保護自己,而是向前伸長脖子保護了 鄒欽華,因此鄒的頭沒有砸在地上。該馬因拯 救鄒,自己摔斷了腿而導致死亡。自這事件發生 後,鄒欽華不再參加賽馬,反而成為了教練。

was a stunt man in many famous Hong Kong movies, quite the exciting life! He explains


After this incident, Stephen never competed again, and instead became an instructor.

這匹美麗、8歲大的馬從澳大利亞輸入,牠是有 史以來澳門最好的馬之一,贏過約800萬獎金。 牠已經贏得三冠皇,甚至回到澳大利亞參加一 場世界最高級別的賽事。儘管牠沒有在比賽中 加冕冠軍,但牠僅以非常小的距離失利。 體驗賽馬

身處一座賭城,有些時候我們必須忘記那些賭 枱和撲克牌。何不體驗一種新的文化——比一 張桌子、你自己和其他賭客有更多的參與?每 週有兩個賽馬,每晚的賽事有6至7場。你何不 去結識馬,並支持牠們的比賽?馬需要愛和關 懷,而你可以帶給牠們。 32

that his most touching moment over these 20 odd years was when he was 21 years old, and he participated in a race which required the horse to jump over obstacles. Unfortunately when the horse jumped over one particular obstacle, it landed badly and instead of

protecting itself, it protected the rider by stretching its neck forward, so that Stephen’s head would not hit the floor. In saving Stephen the horse broke his leg, which led to his demise.

Luenyat Forever Profile This beautiful eight-year-old horse was imported from Australia and it is one of the best

horses ever seen in Macau, winning around 8 million stakes. He has won the Triple Crown

and has even travelled back to Australia to compete in one of the highest-level races in the

world. Even though he was not crowned winner in that race, he lost by a very small margin.

Experience horse racing In a city of gambling, we must sometimes forget the tables, the cards and the

poker. Why not experience a new culture where there is more involvement than

a table, and other players? Every week there are two horse races, with six to seven sessions each night. Why don’t you get to know the horses, and support them in their races? Horses need love and care, and you can to give it to them.

寶貝寵物 • 2014年 1月


Horse Tale

Pets & Hugs • January 2014


歡迎來 到馬年! Welcome to the Year of the Horse!


寶貝寵物 • 2014年 1月


Chinese New Year

水蛇年即將結束,是時候迎接雄偉的馬 了,因為未來一年是馬的天下。木馬將為 大家奉獻一個令人振奮的旅程,所以係好 安全帶享受新旅程吧! Year of the Water Snake is coming to an end and it’s time to welcome the majestic Horse as it takes residency in the year ahead. The Wood Horse promises a thrilling year for all, so buckle up and enjoy the ride!

Pets & Hugs • January 2014



Year of the Horse (2014, 2002, 1990, 1978, 1966, 1954, 1942, 1930, 1918, 1906)

你可能會想過作出草率的決定,例如辭去你的工作——但首先花點 時間想清楚,留下來也許會給你帶來更好的機會。 對於那些已有伴侶的人,即使有時事情變得不太暢順,保持現狀仍是 好的。對於單身男女來說,今年可能要多點探索自己的需要並增加自 信,就你在男女關係上如何互動進行自我認識或細心觀察。 你有足夠的能量去參加世界大賽或跑馬拉松,但今年盡量放鬆一 點,否則你可能會損壞你的健康。記得多吃蔬菜、維生素和睡多些, 因為這能避開一些意料中嚴重的感冒。 You might be thinking about making rash decisions, such as

leaving your job - but take your time to think it through first,

staying put might present you with even better opportunities.

For those who are in relationships, it’s a good idea to stay in them, even

if things get a bit rocky. To the single ladies and gents out there, this year might be more about exploring your own needs and becoming more

confident, self-aware or insightful about how you interact in relationships. You’ve got enough energy to play in the World Series or run marathons, but this year try to relax a little, or you might strain your health.

Remember to eat your vegetables, take your vitamins and sleep in more often, as this can avoid some predicted nasty colds.

你有創意、很有藝術天賦、隨和並有禮貌和魅力。然而你 很敏感並富同情心,希望令所有人都快樂,避免對抗。馬年 的陽氣碰上你的陰氣,這個組合為你生活各方面帶來很多 好運。想到這一點,不防多點冒險,嘗試新事物,去健身室 做運動,去跳傘。你不需要完全改變自己,但藉此機會讓自 己偶爾試一試。 You are creative and have great artistic talent. You are easygoing and have good manners and charm, although you are also sensitive and compassionate, wanting to make

everyone happy and avoiding confrontation. The Year of the Horse is the yang to your yin, and the combination

creates great luck in all sectors of your life. With this in mind, be more adventurous, try out new things, hit the gym, go

skydiving. You don't need to change yourself completely, but take this opportunity to let yourself go once in a while.



Year of the Ram (2003, 1991, 1979, 1967, 1955, 1943, 1931, 1919, 1907)

寶貝寵物 • 2014年 1月


Chinese New Year


Year of the Monkey (2004, 1992, 1980, 1968, 1956, 1944, 1932, 1920, 1908)

你很聰明、機智且意志堅強。你有出眾的發明力和創造 力並能夠在你的能力內解決大部分問題。你的好奇心也 意味著你求知欲強,總在尋找學習機會。今年,可能不 是到處都有機遇,但不要擔心,假如你小心、謹慎、穩 當地處理事情,你可以獲取很多成就。你也應該嘗試多 瞭解些人和事,最後多了解自己。 You are intelligent, witty and strong-willed. You are remarkably

inventive, creative and able to solve most problems within your spec. Your curiosity also means that you have a great thirst for knowledge, always looking to learn. Opportunities might not

come around every corner this year, but don't worry - you can get a lot accomplished if you manage to be careful, cautious and prudent. You should also try to get better at reading people, situations and finally, learn more about yourself.

你看事情黑白分明,觀察力一般都很準確。您喜愛娛樂和 辯論,並樂於分享你的意見,雖然有時候有些意見有點不得 體而且會傷害他人。今年必須有一個積極而實際的展望,機 遇和挑戰便會向你走來。是時候充分利用你的技能,例如 你關注細節及天生的領導才能。雖然馬有利於你,今年屬 木,木與金(你的五行為金)相剋——盡量避免不必要的風 險,並堅持求實精神。 You see things in black and white and are also usually accurate with your observations. You also enjoy entertaining and

debating, and are happy to share your opinions, although

they can be a little tactless and hurtful at times. A positive, yet realistic outlook is essential this year, with good opportunities and challenges heading your way. It's time to make the most of your skills, such as your attention to detail and innate

leadership ability. While the Horse favours you, it's also a Wood year, which can clash with Metal, your fixed element - try to avoid unnecessary risks and stick to the tried-and-true.

Pets & Hugs • January 2014


Year of the Rooster (2005, 1993, 1981, 1969, 1957, 1945, 1933, 1921, 1909)



Year of the Dog

(2006, 1994, 1982, 1970, 1958, 1946, 1934, 1922, 1910)

你非常盡責、富有同情心,對正確與錯誤有敏銳判斷力並渴 望支援弱者。今年你運氣無限——你中獎了,12個月都有利 於你,因此現在就行動吧。如果你還沒有計劃好今年的目標, 盡快做。期待好事出現,並對前景抱開放態度,因為即使變化 可能令人不自在,有變化才可達到自己的目標。今年的主題是 新機遇、變化及勇敢面對——所有運氣就在你身邊! You are highly responsible, compassionate and have a keen sense of right and wrong, and a desire to support the underdog. The sky is the limit this year - you've hit the jackpot with 12 out of

12 favourable months, so the time to act is now. If you haven't yet planned out your big goals for the year, do it soon. Expect good things to happen and be open to possibilities because

even though change might not be comfortable, it is necessary to meet your goals. This year is all about new opportunities, changes and being brave - with all the luck on your side!

你心地善良,人人都很欣賞屬豬的人。在有需要的時候,你 給予真誠的建議,並永遠伸出援助之手。你是每個人都希望 得到的最好朋友。由於今年五行屬木,比去年更​​好。小心你 的情緒,不要越軌或冒不必要的風險。如果你在這方面能堅 持,你應該有遠大的夢想。 You have a heart of gold and everyone admires Pig people

the most. You give out sincere advice when needed, and will always give a helping hand. You are the best friend anyone

can have. This year will be better than the last, due to the fixed

element of Wood. Be wary of your emotions and don’t wander off-track or take unnecessary risks. If you can keep yourself together in this aspect, you should dream big and far.



Year of the Pig

(2007, 1995, 1983, 1971, 1959, 1947, 1935, 1923, 1911)

寶貝寵物 • 2014年 1月


Chinese New Year


Year of the Rat (2008, 1996, 1984, 1972, 1960, 1948, 1936, 1924, 1912)

你迷人、健談、容易結交朋友。你對別人私生活很好奇,並 往往說長道短。馬年要求你更靈活,以你的作風去適應不 斷變化的環境。在你的人生路途上挑戰所有人和事不是一 個好主意,所以要盡量放鬆。這可能不是你一貫的處事方 式,但你會取得成績。 You are charming, talkative and can easily make friends. You

are quite curious when it comes to other people's private lives and tend to gossip a lot. The Year of the Horse asks you to be

more flexible and adapt your style to changing circumstances. Challenging everyone and everything in your path may

not be a great idea, so try to take it easy. This may not be your usual way of doing things, but you will get results.

你冷靜、有耐性,做事有條不紊且可信賴。你不會很固執, 因為你不喜歡接受挑戰,擔心面對失敗。今年是一個規劃和 製定戰略的好時機;要“慢而沉著”地思考。一般而言,作出 戰略決策但要避免任何風險。馬喜歡搬弄是非、行動迅速, 你不要對此大驚小怪。顯示你的決心,你會很堅強。 You are calm, patient, methodical and can be trusted. You

don't tend to be very opinionated because you don't like to be

challenged and are concerned about failure. This year is a good time to plan and devise strategies; think 'slow and steady'. In general, make strategic decisions and avoid any risks. The Horse likes to

stir things up and move at a fast pace, you must not get caught in the fuss. Show your determined self and you will stand strong.

Pets & Hugs • January 2014


Year of the Ox

(2009, 1997, 1985, 1973, 1961, 1949, 1937, 1925, 1913, 1901)



Year of the Tiger

(2010, 1998, 1986, 1974, 1962, 1950, 1938, 1926, 1914, 1902)

你勇敢、精力充沛、喜愛挑戰或比賽,並準備接受任何風險。你 也可能會叛逆及脾氣暴躁,你喜歡發號施令多於接受指令,這 往往會導致衝突。經過兩年的阻礙後,馬年的來臨將令你光芒 四射。現在是求變和冒險的最佳時機。你生活的各方面將有一 些運氣,所以放眼向前吧! You are courageous and energetic, loving challenges or competitions and are prepared to take risks for anything. You can also be

rebellious and short-tempered, preferring to give orders rather than take them, which often leads to conflict. After two years

filled with obstacles, your time to shine has come with the year of the horse. This is the perfect time to implement changes for

the better and to go on adventures. You're going to have some luck in all areas of your life, so keep your eyes wide open!

你善良、賢慧、受歡迎。你會被藝術與生活中的美好事物深 深吸引。你不喜歡爭辯,而是喜歡和平與寧靜。總的來說,今 年你將出人頭地,特別是當你學會如何在你的安樂窩以外行 動。屬木的年份對兔子非常好——你正是五行屬木,這減輕 了今年的狂野能量,使它們更加接近你的風格。關鍵是你要 堅持自己的步伐,同時慢慢摸索生活的其他方面。 You are kind, virtuous and popular. Art and the finer things of

life are highly attractive to you. You do not like to argue; instead you prefer peace and quiet. Overall, you come out ahead this year, especially if you learn how to operate outside of your

comfort zone. The Wood year is very good for the Rabbit - you are literally in your element, which mitigates the year’s wilder

energies and brings them closer to your style. The trick is to stick to your own pace, whilst slowly exploring other aspects of life.



Year of the Rabbit (2011, 1999, 1987, 1975, 1963, 1951, 1939, 1927, 1915, 1903)

寶貝寵物 • 2014年 1月


Chinese New Year


Year of the Dragon (2012, 2000, 1988, 1976, 1964, 1952, 1940, 1928, 1916, 1904)

你的個性吸引人,在群體中很難不察覺你的存在。你喜歡 競爭和勝利——失敗不是你的選擇。你也是個完美主義 者,為自己和身邊的人設定了很高的標準。馬年對你來說 是悅耳的音樂,大事將會很快出現——所以你一定要確保 有動力去衝過終點線。一個警告:你的注意力可能會比平 時低。 You have a magnetic personality and it is hard to miss your

presence in a crowd. You love competition and winning - failure is not an option. You are also a perfectionist, setting very high standards for yourself and those around you. The year of the

Horse is music to your ears, events are going to happen quickly so make sure you have the drive to make it across the finish line. One warning: your attention span might be shorter than usual.

你有智慧、聰明和迷人,你也好看且吸引人。對你而言規劃 和仔細思考問題很容易。馬年將為你送上機遇與挑戰,學習 如何分辨機遇與挑戰。當事情變得瘋狂,你不必去湊熱鬧, 而是學會觀察人和事,你將會有好運。 You are intelligent, wise and charming. You are also good-

looking and alluring. Planning and thinking problems through come easy for you. The Year of the Horse will present you

with both opportunities and challenges. Learn how to tell one from the other. When things get wild, you don't have to go along for the ride, instead learn to read people and situations. You're going to have your lucky moments.

Pets & Hugs • January 2014


Year of the Snake (2013, 2001, 1989, 1977, 1965, 1953, 1941, 1929, 1917, 1905)




Ea rt


和諧共處的生肖 以自己的生肖作為第一,按順 時針或逆 時針方向開始數 到 第五個生肖,便是最協調的生 肖。比如牛年生肖,那麼雞、蛇 是與牛最能和諧共處的生肖。





金 Metal

直接互相面對的生肖(即相隔 6年)見解不一致,但如果年長 的能對年輕的讓步,他們可以 有良好的關係。例如鼠和馬。


不和諧組合 以自己的生肖作為第一,按順 時針或逆 時針方向開始數 到 第四個生肖,這很可能是不和 諧的組合,即他們相隔3年。 如鼠相對兔和雞。

羊 Ram



Inner Ring

rt Ea


陰 Yin 陽 Yang


寶貝寵物 • 2014年 1月


Chinese New Year

Love Chart 土 rt Ea h

Compatible Signs Starting from one's own sign

as number one, the fifth signs either counted clockwise or


anti-clockwise are the most

compatible. If it is Ox sign,

rooster and snake are the most


compatible signs with Ox.

Either Compatible or Incompatible


The signs which are directly


opposite to each other (i.e., 6

years apart) cannot see eye to eye with each other but their

relationship can be fine if the


older yields to the younger one. For example, Rat and Horse.

Incompatible Combination:


Starting from one's own sign as number one, the fourth signs

either counted clockwise or anti-


clockwise are very likely to be the

Ea rt


non-compatible ones, i.e., they


are three years apart. For example, Rat vs. Rabbit and Rooster.

Outer Ring 五行

e 火 Fir

Pets & Hugs • January 2014

Five elements


領養 寵物

Adopt a pet 金沙中國贊助 Sponsored by SANDS CHINA LTD.

Estrada do Altinho de Ka-Ho 路環九澳高頂馬路

(直升機維修廠附近) Coloane, Macau

(853) 2871 5732

他們希望得到你的關愛。 你準備好關愛他們了嗎?

They want to love you. Are you ready to love them?

有什麼比領養寵物更好的方式來建立 或擴大您的家庭?給動物一個溫暖的 家是回報社會的最好方式,但在作出這 個承諾前請三思。這是一個長期的責 任,所以一定要選擇一隻適合你生活方 式的動物。

What better way to create or expand your family than to adopt a pet? Giving an animal a loving home is the best way of giving back, but please inform yourself thoroughly before undertaking such a commitment. It is a long term responsibility, so be sure to choose an animal that suits your lifestyle.

不要因節食令你的生活中沒有愛! 帶我回家吧,讓我們永遠一起分 享甜點...... 如我的名字一樣甜美,我的親吻和擁抱都 會讓你融化,讓你甜在心裡。我有點害羞, 但如果你給我一塊美味的小吃,我將永遠 屬於你!我夢想成為一家麵包店的狗,在那 裡我可以隨時聞到好吃東西的馨香醒來。 有些狗 喜 歡骨頭,但 請 每 天 給 我 一 個 溫 暖、鬆軟的羊角麵包!

Don’t diet love out of your life! Take me home today and let’s always share dessert together... As sweet as my namesake, my licks and cuddles

will make you melt and feel all gooey inside. I’m a little shy but if you offer me a delectable treat,

I’m yours forever! I dream of being a bakery dog,

where I can always wake up to the sweet smell of baked goodies. Some dogs like bones, but give me a warm fluffy croissant any day instead!

CARAMEL 性 別 雌性 年齡 3個月 Sex F

Age 3 months


寶貝寵物 • 2014年 1月


Adoptions 請帶我回家,跟你一起每天讀報 讓我坐在你的肩膀上閱讀一本書,我會高興幾個小時。 我甚至會讀你電腦上的博客文章,而我坐在你的腿上, 無聊或喜悅地搖我的尾巴——就要看我們閱讀什麼! 我是個嚴厲的批評家。我一直以為我應該生活在一個 大學圖書館裡,但我很樂意趴在你的書架上沉浸在故 事中......

Please take me home to read the newspaper with you each day Give me a book to read over your shoulder and I’m happy

for hours. I’ll even read blog posts on your computer with you while I sit in your lap and swish my tail in boredom or

delight depending on what we’re reading!I’m a harsh critic. I always thought I should live in a university library but am happy to lie on your bookshelf soaking up the stories...

OT TALINE 編號 C593 • 性別 雄性 年齡 2歲


Code C593 • Sex M Age 2 years

編號 1163 • 性別 雄性 年齡 1個月

Code 1163 • Sex M Age 1 month

帶我回家,我答應與你分享我的名利 看我多聽話!我喜歡有人為我拍照。我會坐下、擺姿勢、 梳理及厚臉皮地微笑幾個小時,而閃光燈不停閃亮!我渴 望成為電影明星或電視廣告狗。我能跑進一個房間,像專 家一樣吃東西!我可以按提示吠叫。來吧,做我的經紀人 及充滿愛的伴侶

Bring me home and I promise to share my fame and fortune with you Look how obedient I am! I love having my picture

taken. I’ll sit and pose and preen and smile cheekily for hours while the flashbulbs are popping away! I long

to be a dog movie star or tv commercial dog. I can run into a room and eat food like a pro! And I can bark on cue. Come on, be my agent and loving companion.

金沙中國贊助 Sponsored by SANDS CHINA LTD. Pets & Hugs • January 2014



別 雌性 編號 1165 • 性 年齡 1個月


x F Code 1165 • Se th on m Age 1

就叫我狗醫生。我喜歡所有醫療的東西並渴望留 在你身邊時醫治你。你知道養狗的醫學價值嗎? 已為人所知的是狗能檢測癌症、低血糖和癲癇 發作。我們也通過每天的幾個散步保持你健康 和活躍,但首先也是最重要的是我們給你這麼多 無條件的愛,令你永遠都不會感到悲傷或孤獨。

Bring me home and let me care for you Just call me Dr Dog. I love all things medical and yearn to heal you as I stay by your side. Did you know the medical benefits of having a dog? Dogs have been

known to detect cancer, low blood sugar and seizures. We also keep you healthy and active on several daily walks, but first and foremost we give you so much

unconditional love that you’ll never be sad or lonely.

KAZUKI 喂,夥伴們!我極有樂趣 並充滿愛意地圍繞着你。 我很喜歡覓食,因為我看 起來像一隻健壯的熊。像 棕熊一樣,我喜歡在你陪 伴下漫遊居民區,並注意 池塘裡是否有魚,牠們看 起來像我的晚餐! 請 成 為 我 永 遠 的 朋 友, 讓 我們 來一 起 覓食 和 漫 步......

Ahoy Maties! I’m a handful of fun and overflowing

with love to slather you with. I do like to forage

編號 1172 • 性別 雄性 年齡 1個月

Code 1172 • Sex M Age 1 month

for food as I fancy myself quite the majestic bear. Like the brown bear, I

enjoy roaming through

the neighbourhood with

you by my side and watch out if I see fish in a pond, they look like my dinner! Please be my forever

friend and let’s forage and roam together..


寶貝寵物 • 2014年 1月



KENNY 編號 1166 • 性別 雄性 年齡 1個月

Code 1166 • Sex M Age 1 month

天啊,這雙腿是那麼稚嫩及搖搖欲墜!我正處於適當年 齡——你可以帶我回家進行適當的訓練和遊戲。我有提 到遊戲嗎?我喜歡游戲。我喜歡取東西、奔跑及追逐,以 及其他任何我們可以一起做的事情。請不要讓我一個人 玩,帶我回家,我們就可以經常一起玩,直到永遠...... Boy these legs are so new and shaky! I’m at the right age where you can bring me home for proper training and games. Did I

mention games? I love games. I love fetching and running and

chasing and anything else we can do together.Please don’t let me

play alone, bring me home so we can always play together forever..

A n i m a( 澳 門 愛 護 動 物 協 會)很 高 興 地 向 大 家報告我們前兩期雜誌的成功領養。 Scott、 Goddie、Silver和Esther都已找到愛心家園...... 請幫助拯 救 更多動物的生命,今天就開始 領養 Anima的動物。牠們都需要一個充滿愛心及永久 的家。

Anima is happy to report on successful adoptions from our last two issues. Scott, Goddie, Silver, and Esther all went to loving homes..

Please help save the lives of more animals,

adopt an animal today from Anima. They all need a loving and permanent home.

金沙中國贊助 Sponsored by SANDS CHINA LTD. Pets & Hugs • January 2014


澳門被人道毀滅動物数量众多的八個原因 根據民政總署最近發表的數 據,每月平均有56隻動物被人 道毀滅,一年達673隻,為缺乏 動物權利明確規定的情景畫上 一幅淒涼的畫面。 在民政總署網站上發表的官方 數字值得注意並令人擔憂。為什 麼這麼多無辜的動物被殺害? (一)沒有到位的法律或法規 充分懲罰那些殘忍對待他們的 ALBANO MARTINS 動物的人!遺棄是殘酷的一種 ANIMA 總裁 ANIMA´S PRESIDENT 形式。 民政總署負擔過多動物而沒有其他解決辦法,唯有對牠們處以安 樂死。按理說,這是較容易的選擇。根據官方數字,从2001年至 2013年11月,每月約有34隻動物被遺棄。這意味著每天至少有一 隻動物被遺棄。根據Anima(澳門愛護動物協會)在街上收集的 數字,每天可在上述數字上添加一隻動物。 更令人震驚的是,民政總署的統計數據可能會產生誤導,因為當 局在街道上抓到動物時他們才認為這是遺棄,而不包括那些被 福利協會捕獲的動物,甚至不包括那些交給民政總署的動物。 目前對這種卑鄙遺棄的懲罰只是罰款700至2,500澳門元。這使 富人更容易遺棄他們的寵物,而承受很少的後果。在新加坡及香 港,遺棄動物會被罰款近100,000澳門幣元及監禁一年。Anima 覺得奇怪的是,當一個家庭只因他們的寵物年老或因他們決定買

一隻新寵物,讓他們的寵物留在犬舍處以安樂死,而澳門當局並 不認為此舉是遺棄。一個家庭可以由他們自己喜歡,重複上述過 程多次,這是因為當局繼續認為他們有權獲得新寵物。(二)在街 上被的遺棄寵物數量非常多。僅Anima今年首11個月中每月救出 42隻動物。(三)當局沒有為牌照費制定不同價格水平,這種情 況現在常在小國或城鎮發生。Anima表示,對還未絶育的動物應 收高四到五倍的牌照費,鼓勵人們對不讓自己寵物進行絶育的決 定三思。因動物一旦被遺棄,牠們很容易在街頭繁殖。(四)當局 的動物牌照價格很高(例如,超過香港或新加坡價格五倍),導 致許多低收入家庭無法在政府的犬舍登記他們的動物。這些動 物一旦被遺棄,便沒有辦法知道誰將負責。(五)那些工作與動 物有關的人,不為他們的動物申領牌照,即使在出售牠們時既不 通知當局,也不為寵物植入微型芯片。動物有可能於低於建議年 齡(三個月)出售,當時牠們都非常可愛及有趣,但是牠們未到與 母親分離的年紀,這會造成後來的成長問題。由於沒有有關寵物 店的規定,這種活動仍在繼續。(六)澳門有很多不受管制的飼養 者,包括寵物店。Anima相信來自中國內地的非法動物走私活動 數量甚巨。 (七) 獸醫專業人員和診所均不需獲得任何認可或申領 牌照,因此他們未獲授權為他們醫治的寵物植入微型芯片。(八) 由於中國大陸是狂犬病易發區,澳門可能面對嚴重公共健康問題。 澳門當局只是將動物人道毀滅了事,而不考慮對寵物的責任。 如果政府同意規範寵物行業,上述多個原因可能已成為過去的事 情。這一個舉措的重要性和緊迫性是明確的,按照Anima提出 的建議行事可以令積極的變化很快出現。

澳門愛護動物協會拯救行動急劇 增加 2013年首11個月,澳門愛護動物協會拯救 了154隻狗及18 8隻貓。期間82隻狗和 82 隻貓已被領養。如果我們將期間被退回和 不幸死亡數字包括在內,進/出比例分別是 0.71及0.91這些比例仍和澳門愛護動物協 會所定的目標2相差甚遠。

Anima activity increases dramatically In the first eleven months of 2013, Anima rescued 154 dogs and 188 cats. During that period 82 dogs and 82 cats were

adopted. The ratio out/in was 0.71 and 0.91 respectively, if we include those that were

returned and those that unfortunately died during the period. The goal for the ratios are still far away from Anima’s aim of 2.


寶貝寵物 • 2014年 1月



Eight reasons why so many of Macau’s animals are being put down An average of 56 animals are put down per month, and 673 per year,

a situation that happens in modern small countries or towns. Anima

of the lack of clear regulation regarding animal rights. The official figures

four to five times higher in license fees, encouraging people to think twice

according to recently published figures by IACM, painting a bleak picture published on IACM’s website are significant and illustrate the worrying numbers. Why are so many innocent animals being killed?

One- there are no laws or regulations in place to fully punish those who treat their animals cruelly! Abandonment is a form of cruelty.

Overburdened with animals, IACM finds no other solution but to euthanize

them. It is, arguably, the easier option. From 2001 to November 2013,

around 34 animals were abandoned per month, according to the official

figures. This means at least one animal is abandoned per day. According to Anima’s figures collected on the streets, one more animal per day could

be added to those numbers. Even more alarming is the fact that the IACM

statistics could be misleading, because they only consider it abandonment when the authorities catch the animal on the streets, and not when the

animal is caught by Welfare Associations or even those animals delivered

to IACM. The current punishment for such vile abandonment is only MOP

700 to MOP 2,500. This makes it easier for rich people to abandon their pets, with little consequence. In Singapore and Hong Kong abandonment

can be fined with nearly MOP 100,000 and one year in jail. What Anima finds strange is that the Macau authorities do not consider it abandonment

when a family leave their pet at the kennel to be euthanized, just because

it is old or because they decided to buy a new one. A family can repeat the process as many times as they like, as authorities will continue to consider them entitled to have a new pet. Two- pet abandonment on the streets is

very high. Anima alone rescued 42 animals per month in the first 11 months of 2013. Three- authorities do not have different pricing levels for licensing,

澳門愛護動物協會籌款活動 澳門愛 護 動 物 協會現 正 努力爭取 達 到 收 支平 衡。現況是2013年支出預算為澳門幣490萬而當 中估計有150萬元的赤字。最近的大筆捐款是: 史提芬‧永利先生捐贈澳門幣50萬;永利渡假村 集團捐贈澳門幣50萬;金沙中國捐贈近澳門幣 15萬5千元加上贊助本會10週年慶祝活動;澳門 銀河捐贈澳門幣15萬及蕭德雄先生捐贈澳門幣 15萬。

suggests that animals that have not been neutered should be charged

before deciding not to neuter their pets. Once abandoned, they easily reproduce on the streets.Four- Local authorities charge very high prices

for animal licenses ( over six times that of Hong Kong or Singapore, for

example), which results in many lower-income families not registering their animals at the municipal kennel. Once these animals are abandoned,

there is no way of knowing who is responsible. Five- Those working with

animals do not license their animals, and even when selling them do not inform the authorities and do not microchip the pets. Animals may be

sold below the recommended age of three months, when they are very cute and appealing, but far too young to be separated from their mothers, causing development problems later. As there are no regulations regarding pet shops, this type of activity continues. Six- There are many unregulated breeders, including pet shops. Anima believes there is a significant amount

of smuggling activity of animals from Mainland China that escape the local

authorities. Seven- Veterinary professionals and clinics are not subject to any recognition or license, therefore they are not authorized to microchip

pets treated by them. Eight- As Mainland China is a rabies prone area,

Macau is a target for a serious public health problem. Local authorities try to do their job by euthanizing the animals, without regard to responsibility towards the pets.

Most of the above points could be a thing of the past if the government would agree to regulate the industry. The importance and urgency of such

a move is clear, and following the suggestion made by Anima could make such a positive change happen fast.

團體探訪澳門愛護動物協會次數 繼續上升 截至2013年11月底,來澳門愛護動物協會 探訪的客人數字已達4,514人,較去年同期 (2,579人)的數字大幅上升。學校、公司 團體、一班朋友和家人、協會、公務員團體 和大量個別人仕都來探訪,與我們的動物 玩耍,並提供寵物食品及捐款。

Anima is making a great effort to balance its 4.9 million

Organized visits to Anima continue to increase

patacas. The most recent big donations from October

visitors to Anima reached 4,514 - a huge increase

Anima fundraising activity budget for 2013 and its estimated deficit of 1.5 million

Up to the end of November 2013, the number of

to December came from Steve Wynn (an extra 500

compared with the same period last year (2,579).

thousand patacas), Wynn Resorts (500 thousand

patacas), Sands China (155 thousand patacas, plus the

sponsorship of the 10th Anniversary of Anima), Galaxy (150 thousand) and Sio Tak Hong (150 thousand).

Pets & Hugs • January 2014

Schools, company groups, associations, groups of friends and families, civil servant groups

and many individuals visit us to play with our animals or to bring us food and donations.


杜立德醫生答問 Dr. Dolittle answers your questions

Flying Fur

飛天毛毛 親愛的杜立德醫生: 作為送給我們自己的新年禮物,我 和丈夫打算從澳門愛護動物協會庇護 所收養一隻貓,並把牠帶到我們的快樂 家庭。然而,我們已經另外有一隻兩歲的成年 雌貓。你可否告訴我們最好的辦法——讓新來的貓融入我 們的家庭而沒有打鬥? —濠庭都會歡樂人

Dear Dr. Dolittle,

As a new years’ gift to ourselves, my husband

and I are going to adopt a cat from Anima

shelter and bring her to our happy family home.

However, we already have another adult female cat

that is two years old. Can you advise the best way to

integrate the newcomer into our home, without fur flying?

- feeling festive in Nova City

Dear Festive,

Congratulations on the new addition to your home! Cats are naturally

親愛的歡樂人: 恭喜你增添家庭新成員!貓是天生的獨處動物,讓牠與其 牠貓一起生活是使貓感到壓力的常見原因之一。然而,逐 步介紹便有可能成功。當你第一次带你的新貓(或小貓)回 家,讓牠待在一間房間內,最好是一間你現有的貓不在那裡 待太多時間的房間。讓你現有的貓繼續享用房子其餘的地 方,這樣牠就可以聞到、聽到新來的貓,而無需直接接觸。 在這個階段你継續給你的貓如常的關注。經常撫摸新貓會 有助於在房子周圍傳播牠的氣味,讓你現有的貓熟悉這種 味。下一階段是在一個被認為是公用的區域進行監督聚會( 遠離現在的餵食、貓砂、或睡眠區)。讓兩隻貓在自己的時 間裡接近及嗅對方。保持聚會簡短,並留在附近,萬一有侵 略的跡象你需要將牠們分開。繼續進行監督聚會,直到兩 隻貓感到冷靜並與對方相處良好——這可能需要數天至數 週,這取決於牠們的性格。另外,在此整合期間要確保牠們 的食物、水碗和砂盤分開放在家里四週。


solitary animals and having to live with other cats is a common cause of feline stress. However, success is possible with gradual introductions. When you first bring your new kitten or cat home, keep it confined to a single room,

ideally one your existing cat doesn’t spend much time in. Allow your existing cat to continue to have access to the rest of the house so they can smell and

hear the new cat, without having direct contact. During this stage, continue to give your cat the same level of attention as usual. Also, regularly stroking the new cat will help to spread their scent around the house so it becomes familiar to your existing cat. Next stage is to allow supervised meetings in

somewhere that is considered to be a communal area, away from any existing feeding, littering, or sleeping areas. Allow the two cats to approach and sniff each other in their own time. Keep sessions short and remain nearby in case there is any sign of aggression and you need to separate them. Continue

with supervised sessions until both cats are calm and comfortable with each other – this may take anything from a few days to several weeks, depending on their temperaments. Also ensure their food, water bowls and litter trays

are separate and spaced out around the home during this integration period.

寶貝寵物 • 2014年 1月


Ask the Vet



親愛的杜立德醫生: 我最近在家裡舉行了一次晚宴, 我的狗整個晚上在每一位客人 身邊乞討及嗚嗚叫直到牠得到 食物為止。然後 牠在整頓晚餐 圍著桌子重複此舉。這是多麼的 尷尬!我怎樣才能阻止我的狗乞 討食物? -媽閣的一位羞愧人

親愛的杜立德醫生: 昨晚我們正在為中國新年做家庭佈置時,我的狗對 那些裝飾真的很著迷及有興趣。有幾次我發現牠準 備啃東西。我擔心當家裡沒有人時,如果牠吃了裝飾 物品怎麼辦? ——路環一位擔心人

親愛的媽閣羞愧人: 乞討是一種壞習慣,不幸地很多狗主善意地鼓勵了狗的這個舉動。狗乞 討是因為牠們喜歡食物,但牠們已被餵得飽飽的。你知道的,你是餵牠的 人!說了這麼多,我知道很難凝視著你心愛寵物的眼睛,而不給牠一點食 物款待以示關愛。但殘羹剩飯不是關愛!首先,不要給乞討的狗食物。如 果過去你一直這樣做,是時候建立新習慣了。要堅強,不要讓步!不要理 會牠的懇求並要堅持。甚至在“特殊場合”也不要給牠飯桌上的食物。這 樣只會使你的狗疑惑,你這樣做沒有維護作為群體領導者的權威。這可 能需要一些時間,所以如果你想在款待客人時避免再次尷尬,可以把你 的狗放在另外的房間直到用餐結束,直到牠​​明白乞討不能得到食物。 這個過程需要一些耐心,狗不會在一夜之間改變。但只要堅持及有毅力, 你很快就會有一隻表現更好的狗。

Begging for Attention Dear Dr. Dolittle,

I recently held a dinner party in my home and my dog spent the evening

begging and whining at the side of each guest and wouldn’t stop until he

received food. And then he repeated his rounds around the table for the entire meal. It was so embarrassing! How can I stop my dog from begging for food? - ashamed in Barra

Dear Ashamed,

Begging is a bad habit and many dog owners unfortunately encourage it with good intentions.

Dogs beg because they love food, even if they are already well fed.

You know that, as you are the one who feeds him! Having said that, I know that it’s hard to look into the eyes of a pet you love and not equate a food treat with affection. But table scraps are not love!

First and foremost, don’t give food to a begging dog. If you have been doing this in the past, it’s time to create new habits. Be strong and do

not give in! Ignore his pleas and be consistent. Do not even give him

food from the dinner table on ‘special occasions’. That just confuses the dog and you are not asserting your pack leader authority by doing this.

This may take some time, so if you want to avoid further embarrassment when entertaining, you can put your dog in a different room until the meal is finished until he learns that begging will not provide food.

Be patient with the process as dogs do not change overnight. But with consistency and perseverance, you’ll soon have a better behaved dog.

Pets & Hugs • January 2014

親愛的路環擔心人: 我們都會被閃閃發光的物體吸引,貓和狗並沒有什麼 不同!中國新年佈置用的絲帶和搖晃裝飾可能吸引你 的寵物咀嚼。但它們會導致嚴重疾病。如果你的狗吞 食了串狀物體,它可以纏在腸胃管道(通常在腹部) 內。症狀如其他腸胃管道異物——你的狗會嘔吐,變 得非常沮喪,並會肚子痛。這是一個危及生命的緊急 情況,而在最壞情況下——你的狗需要進行手術取出 絲帶或繩子。如果看到你的狗吃了這樣的東西,請你 立刻聯絡你的獸醫——他也許能夠令你的狗將吃進 去的東西嘔吐出來從而避免進行手術。 如果你的狗喜歡玩搖晃的飾物,監督牠並在你不在場 的時候把這些東西放到牠接觸不到的地方。

Good Enough to Eat Dear Dr. Dolittle,

We were decorating our home for Chinese New Year last night and our dog was really fascinated and interested in the decorations. A few times I caught him about to chew on some things. I’m concerned when no one is at home, what happens if he eats a decoration? - concerned in Coloane

Dear Concerned,

We’re all attracted to sparkly shiny objects and cats and

dogs are no different. Ribbons and dangling fringes from

Chinese New Year decorations are an attractive item to be chewed by your pet. But these types of items can lead to serious illness. If your dog swallows a string-like object,

it can become caught in the gastrointestinal tract, often in the stomach. Symptoms are similar to those of other gastrointestinal foreign bodies – your dog will vomit,

become quite depressed and have a tummy ache. This

is a life threatening emergency, and worst case scenario is your dog will need surgery to remove the ribbon or

string. If you see your dog eat something like this, contact your veterinarian straight away – he may be able to make your dog vomit it up and avoid the need for surgery. If your dog likes playing with dangling ornaments, supervise him well, and keep these things out of his reach when you’re not there.


關於加拿大的一些野生動物... About some of Canada’s wildlife…

冠藍鴉 牠們藍色的顏色來自扭曲的光線,如果你撫 弄牠們的羽毛,它們便不再是藍色。 Blue Jay Their blue colour comes from distorted light, if you ruffle the feathers, they are no longer blue

駝鹿 只有雄性駝鹿有鹿角,牠每到冬天失去 鹿角而在每年春天再長出新的一對。 Moose Only the male moose has antlers which he loses every winter and then grows new ones each spring


寶貝寵物 • 2014年 1月


Kid’s Curiosities

加拿大雁 雁寶寶(稱為雛雁)仍在蛋 內 時已經開始與 牠們 的父 母溝通。 Canada Geese Baby geese called goslings start to communicate with their parents while they’re still in the egg

河狸 海狸有一對透明的眼瞼,使他們能夠 在水下看到东西,就像人類游泳時使 用護目鏡一样。 Beaver Beavers have a set of transparent eyelids that enable them to see under water, just like the goggles humans use when swimming

鼯鼠 牠們實際上不飛行,但沿著其身體側 面延伸出來的一層毛茸茸的膜幫助牠 們在空中滑翔。 Flying Squirrel Do not actually fly, but have a furry membrane that extends along the side of their body that helps them glide through the air Pets & Hugs • January 2014



寶貝寵物 • 2014年 1月

澳門自來水公司專題 Macao Water special

澳門自來水之旅! A Trip to Macao Water! 誰能比一群魚更 能教導我們人類 關於水處理和水 資源保護的知識 呢?更妙的是,這 一群魚受到水質 監測專家—澳門 自來水勤勞的錦 鯉水質監測團隊 的指導! 這正是一 群來自珠海的魚 拜訪澳門自來水 公司時發生的故 事……

Who better to teach us humans about how to process and conserve water than a school of fish? Better yet, a school of fish being taught by water expertsMacao Water’s diligent team of Water Inspector Koi Fish! That is exactly what happened when a group from Zuhai paid a visit to Macao Water...

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Pets & Hugs • January 2014


一群錦鯉一路從珠海來到澳門,拜訪澳門自來水公司, 了解更多關於水的處理和節水事項——這是一件令人興 奮的事情。

It was with great excitement that a group of koi fish made their way

大多數澳門的用水取自珠海市西江的磨刀門水道。一群 來自珠海的錦鯉好奇地與澳門自來水公司著名的錦鯉歡 迎委員會會面,同時也遇到其他工作人員——擔任水質 監測員工作的錦鯉,牠們夜以繼日地工作,幫助自來水 公司的工作人員確保澳門的水全部安全。

Most of Macao's water comes from the West River's Modaomen Channel

from Zuhai to Macau, to pay a visit to Macao Water, to learn more about the water treatment process and conservation of water.

in Zhuhai City, and the group from Zuhai were curious to meet Macao

Water’s famous koi fish welcoming committee, as well as their other staff

members, the fish who work as Water Quality Inspectors, working day and night to help the Macau Water staff ensure Macao’s water is safe for all.


Water Treatment plant

了解澳門自來水公司的過去後,是時候看看 它今天是怎麼運營了!來訪的錦鯉被帶到行 政大樓一樓的水處理廠。參觀過程包括四個 水處理流程及一個中央控制室。

After learning about Macao Water’s past, it was time

to see how it operates today! The visiting koi fish were

led to the water treatment plant on the 1st floor of the Administration building. The visit route involves four

water treatment processes and one central control room.


水通過原水管道流入澳門, 進入澳門青洲水處理廠以及 澳門和路環的主儲水庫。接 著,原水流入加有氯氣和其 它化學品的混合塔以殺死微 生物和細菌,同時在進入第 二個步驟時把污垢顆粒粘在 一起,讓它們變大。


在第二步驟中,重顆粒下沉到 沉降槽的底部,這有助於把污 垢顆粒從水中分離出來,從而 讓水更清澈、少臭味!



Water from Zhuhai West River flows to Macao via raw water pipes, and enter Macao Water at the llha Verde water treatment plant, as well as Main Storage Reservoirs in Macao

and Coloane. Then, raw water flows into the mixing tower where chlorine and chemicals are added to kill germs and bacteria, and to

make dirt particles stick together, making them bigger as they flow into the second step.


In the second step, heavy particles sink to the bottom of the settling tank, which helps to separate the dirt particles from water. Making

the water clearer and less smelly!

寶貝寵物 • 2014年 1月

澳門自來水公司專題 Macao Water special


這裡 的 淨化水 被配送到過濾 池——由若干 層沙組成—— 這裡就是污垢 顆粒被分離的 地方。


最後,將再次加入氯 殺死剩餘的細菌,之 後將潔淨的水流入清 水池,水會在這裡停 留約半小時。這一步 驟提供了足夠時間使 氯氣破壞細菌,隨後 將處理過的水通過泵 站配送。


Here the purified water is distributed into the filter,

which is made up of layers of sand, and this is where dirt particles are separated.


And finally, chlorine will again be added to kill remaining

bacteria, and after that the

clarified water flows into the treated water tank, where it

spends around half an hour in

retention. This provides sufficient time for the chlorine to destroy the bacteria, and afterwards

the treated water is distributed through the pumping station.

參 觀 水處 理 廠後,錦 鯉 客人感到 對牠們 的棲息 地有 了更多了解,牠們 期 待 著參 觀下一站 — — 中央 控制 室——水質監測員工作和生活的地方!

After visiting the water treatment plant the koi fish guests

felt a lot more knowledgeable about their habitat and were keen to move to the next stage, the central control room where the Water Quality Inspectors work and live!

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Pets & Hugs • January 2014


中央控制室 中央控制室就像人體的大腦一 樣,非常重要!操作人員每天 24小時監控水質。如果水壓突 然下降意味著可能有問題,工 作人員會立即採取行動。所有 澳門自來水的操作均受到嚴格 控制。 中央控制室樓下也是自來水特 殊的工作人員住的地方.....這 是客人們在等待的機會——會 見 澳 門自來 水 的質量 控 制 錦 鯉!

Central Control Room


The central control room is very

important just like the body’s brain!

洗一個簡短的淋浴而不浸浴,可能一個星期節省 400升水。

the water quality 24 hours per day.


The operations officers monitor

If water pressure drops suddenly that means there might be a

problem and the staff immediately take action. All of Macao Water’s

operations are strictly controlled. Downstairs of the central control

洗衣機滿載衣物時才開機。 刷牙、剃鬚或洗臉時關閉水龍頭,這樣做你可以每 分鐘節省9升水。

staff members live.....this was the

洗碗 時將水槽裝滿水。避免用水龍 頭的水沖洗碗 碟。

for, the opportunity to meet Macao


room is also where some very special chance the guests were waiting Water’s Quality Control Koi fish!

提前一夜在冰箱裡為食物解凍。 使用有節水系統的抽水馬桶。 修復任何滴水的水龍頭,你可以每星期節水90升。

After washing rice and vegetables, use the water for plants Take a short shower rather than a bath, as this could save you up to 400 litres a week

Do not shower for longer than 15 minutes Only use the washing machine when you can put in a full load

While brushing teeth, shaving or washing your face, turn

the tap off while doing so, you can save 9 litres a minute! Fill the sink with water when doing your dishes. Avoid

一向專業的工作人員解釋了自 己的角色,以及牠們如何生活 在原水中,並幫助監測原水水 質。除了所有牠們做的工作以 外,這些錦鯉也把自己當作節 約用水大使,與客人們共享竅 門,要求客人將以下節水竅門 帶回自己的家鄉城市:

Ever the professionals, the staff

members explained their roles and

how they live in raw water and help monitor the raw water quality. In addition to all the work they do,

these fish also see themselves as

ambassadors for water conservation, and shared tips with their guests,

asking them to spread the word with everyone back in their home city:

washing them under running water from the tap

Do not wash your car with running water through a hose. Always use a bucket of water

Defrost food overnight in the refrigerator Use a toilet with a water saving system Fix any dripping tap, you can save 90 litres of water a week

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寶貝寵物 • 2014年 1月

如果與我們分享你 的寵物家庭相冊和 軼事,好萊塢式名利 雙收可能是你的。 Hollywood fame and fortune can be yours if you share your pet family albums and anecdotes with us.

燈光、相機、行動! Lights, Camera, Action! 在你豪華的海濱別墅享受閱讀你下期的《寶貝寵物》 而你的寵物在最新的好萊塢大片中成為明星。 讓星探找到你的唯一方法,是把以你和你的 寵物做主角的照片和故事發給我們。

你們的照片將在我們的雜誌和Facebook 頁面上分享。在2014年2月31日收到最多 Facebook“讚好”的照片將贏得大獎。

想訪問我們的網站?請登入: VISIT OUR WEBSITE

Pets & Hugs • January 2014

Enjoy reading your next issue of Pets & Hugs from your Malibu beach house while your pets star in their latest movie. The only way those agents are going to come calling is if you send us your pictures and stories featuring you and your pets. Photos will be shared in the magazine and on our facebook page. The photo which receives the most facebook ‘Likes’ by end of February, 2014 will win a Grand Prize.

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這個月我們為我們毛茸茸的朋友們烘焙一些美味的聖誕曲奇餅乾。 This month we’re baking some tasty cookies for our furry friends. 給狗狗一塊骨頭餅乾 Give a dog a bonecookie

制成品: 36塊餅乾 烹煮時間:15分鐘 專用設備: 3”/ 7厘米 像狗骨頭形狀的餅乾 切割刀

Makes: 36 cookies

Cooking time: 15 minutes Special equipment:

3”/7cm cookie cutter

shaped like a dog bone



雞蛋4個(2個用於麵團,2個 用作蛋液) 30毫升/1盎司植物油 一湯匙蜂蜜 240毫升/8盎司雞湯 285克/10盎司全麥麵粉 140克/5盎司中筋麵粉 85克/3盎司玉米粉 1杯花生醬

4 eggs (2 for the dough, 2 for the wash)

30ml/1 oz vegetable oil 1 tablespoon honey

240 ml/8oz chicken stock

285 g/10 oz whole wheat flour 140 g/5 oz all purpose flour 85 g/3 oz cornmeal

1 cup peanut butter

烹煮說明: 1. 烤箱預熱至攝氏165度/華氏325度。 2. 把一個餅乾托盤輕輕的塗上油。 3. 在一個大碗裡,放兩個雞蛋、植物油和蜂蜜一起攪拌。 然後倒入雞湯再攪拌。 4. 使用一台附有攪拌槳的攪拌機,混合全麥麵粉、中筋麵 粉和玉米粉。攪拌機開着中速,慢慢倒入雞湯混合料,再加 入花生醬。一直攪拌到麵團混在一起,約需1分鐘。 5. 將麵團分成两半。把该两份麵團擀成約½”/1厘米厚。使 用餅乾切割刀将麵團切成形狀後放在已塗上油的餅乾托 盤上。 6. 攪拌剩下來的兩個雞蛋並將蛋液輕輕地刷在餅乾上。 7. 烘至金黃色,約15分鐘。 Directions:

1. Preheat the oven to 165C/325F. 2. Lightly grease a cookie tray.

3. In a large bowl, whisk together two of the eggs, the oil and honey. Then whisk in the chicken stock.

4. Using a stand mixer with paddle attachment, combine the whole wheat flour, all purpose flour and cornmeal. With the mixer on medium speed, slowly pour in the

chicken stock mixture, then add the peanut butter. Mix until the dough stays together, about 1 minute.

5. Divide the dough in half. Roll out each ball of dough

approximately ½”/1cm thick. Using the cookie cutter, cut the

shapes into the dough and place on the lightly greased cookie tray. 6. Whisk the remaining two eggs and brush the egg wash lightly over the cookies.

7. Bake until golden brown, about 15 minutes.


寶貝寵物 • 2014年 1月


Pet Kitchen

香脆金槍魚貓貓曲奇餅乾 Crunchy tuna cat cookies

制成品:24塊曲奇餅乾 準備時間:10分鐘 烹煮時間:20分鐘

Makes: 24 cookies

Prep time: 10 minutes

Cooking time: 20 minutes



210克/7盎司罐頭植物油金 槍魚 ¾杯黑麥或全麥麵粉 1湯匙切碎的洋芫荽 水

210 g/7 oz canned tuna in vegetable oil

¾ cup rye or whole wheat flour 1 tablespoon chopped fresh parsley Water

烹煮說明: 1. 烤箱預熱至攝氏180度/華氏350度。 2. 把一個餅乾托盤輕輕的塗上油。 3. 把金槍魚、麵粉和洋芫荽徹底攪拌。用手將金槍魚 塊撕開,使它們變得柔軟及充分混合。用一個食物處 理機可以有效地做到這一點。 4. 慢慢加水,直到你的麵團結實到很容易塑造成小 圓球。 5. 把一個像5毫硬幣大小的麵團放在你手掌中,搓成 一個小球,並把它壓成扁圓形。 6. 重複,直到用完所有的麵團為止,同時將每個曲奇 圓餅放到你塗上了油的餅乾托盤。 7. 在已預熱的烤箱中以攝氏180度/華氏350度烘20 分鐘,或烘至金黃色。 8. 一旦曲奇餅乾變為金黃色,關掉烤箱但保留托盤 在烤箱內,直到烤箱完全冷卻。這有助於曲奇餅乾變 得更乾及保存更長時間。 9. 将曲奇餅乾存儲在你櫃子裡的氣密容器中。 Directions:

1. Preheat the oven to 180C/350F. 2. Lightly grease a cookie tray.

3. Mix tuna, flour and parsley together thoroughly. Break up the tuna pieces so they are soft and well blended. A food processor can do this efficiently.

4. Add water gradually, until you have firm dough that is easy to mould into small round balls.

5. Roll a 50avos sized amount of dough between your

palms, creating a small ball and flatten it into a disc shape.

當你的貓狗朋友在聖誕季節津津有味地嘴嚼牠們的曲奇餅 乾時,牠們會很高興地感謝你。當然,貓在顯示牠們的熱情 上會比較內斂,但請相信狗將會充滿喜悅地搖擺尾巴,垂涎 欲滴而又歡樂。 Your feline and canine friends will thank you with pleasure this

festive season while munching their treats. The cats will of course be a little more reserved in their enthusiasm, but trust that the

dogs will be wagging their tails with joy and salivating with glee.

Pets & Hugs • January 2014

6. Repeat until all the dough is used, while placing each cookie disc onto your lightly greased cookie tray. 7. Bake in the pre-heated oven at 180C/350F for 20 minutes, or until golden brown.

8. Once golden brown, turn the oven off but

leave the tray inside until the oven has completely cooled. This helps to further dry out the cookies and enables you to keep them longer. 9. Store the cookies in an air-tight container in your cupboard.


摺紙工藝 Horse Origami


寶貝寵物 • 2014年 1月


Kid’s Activities

魔幻迷宮 Labyrinth

Pets & Hugs • January 2014



Let’s Celebrate! 普天同慶迎新年,何不與你摯愛的寵物共享歡樂? It is with great excitement and joy that we enter the New Year, why not spread the fun by spoiling your furry loved ones too?

1. 厭倦了在你家裡潮濕 泥濘的爪子?簡單!“愛 寵物 ”現在 提 供 從X S到 XL的狗鞋,讓你的家無污 垢!價格從150澳門元至 195澳門元。 1. Tired of muddy wet

2. 中國醫藥的“粉絲”? 它具有眾多的優點,我們 相 信你 的 寵物 也會 愛 上 它呢!混合5種高檔中國 醫藥的食物,你的狗必然 從 當中的 營 養 物 質中受 益。售價為85澳門元。 2. A fan of Chinese medicine? With its many virtues, we

are sure your pet will love it too! Blending five kinds of

high-class Chinese medicinal foods, your dog is sure to

benefit from the essential

nutrients. Priced at 85 MOP.

2. 維克多超級優質狗糧含有 補充維生素和礦物質。它有五 種不同的味道并適合小狗。售 價120澳門元。 2. Victor Super Premium Dog

Food contains added vitamins and minerals. It comes in five

different flavors and as suitable for puppies. Priced at 120 MOP.

paws in your home? Easy! CharmingPet now offers

dog shoes from XS to XL leaving your home dirtfree! Prices range from 150 MOP to 195 MOP.

3. 這多種芬芳天然蠟燭 不能掩 蓋 房 子 裡 多餘 的 氣味,但能中和它們令其 散發。不愧是任何家庭添 置的 既 實用 又 時尚的 物 品。售價為160澳門元。 3. This multi-fragranced natural candle doesn’t

cover up unwanted smells in the house, but spreads and neutralizes them

instead. A practical and stylish addition to any

home. Priced at 160 MOP.



地址: 荷闌園正街122 號栢蕙廣場 T, U 鋪 電話 : 28527899 / 28822783 Charming Pet

Address: Avenida do Conselheiro Ferreira de Almeida 122 R/C Tel: 28527899 / 28822783

寶貝寵物 • 2014年 1月


Pet Shopping

1. 當你带狗出來散步,Kong Classic狗玩具是一個招待牠 們的既快速又簡便的方法,該 產品有不同的尺寸和颜色。售 價91澳門元。 1. When taking your dogs out on a stroll, Kong Classic dog toy is a

quick and easy way to give them a treat and comes in different sizes and colours. Priced at 91 MOP.

1. Grandma Lucy’s狗 糧混合肉類、水果、蔬菜 和香草。你只需要加水和 攪拌,它對解決消化系統 的問題有很大的幫助。售 價466澳門元。 1. Grandma Lucy’s Dog

Food incorporates blends

of meat, fruits, vegetables and herbs. All you have to do is add water and

mix, it’s great for solving

digestive system problems. Priced at 466 MOP.

2. True Blue Pure and Sure Puppy小狗洗髮水用牛奶和蜂蜜制 造,它好到甚至我們都可以使用它! 該產品含蛋白質和維生素、防過敏, 可生物降解及無害。售價285澳門元 2. True Blue Pure and Sure Puppy Shampoo is made with milk and

honey, it’s so good even we can use

3. Digestion 狗小食非常實 惠、天然並對消化系統有良好 作用,它們也有各種不同的味 道,從燒烤味到羊肉味。售價 20澳門元。 3. Digestion dog treats are very affordable, natural and good

for the digestive system, and

they also come in a variety of flavours, ranging from BBQ to lamb. Priced at 20 MOP.

it! Packed with proteins and vitamins, it is hypo-allergenic, bio-degradable and cruelty-free. Priced at 285 MOP.

3. Sunday Pets凍乾鮭魚由新西蘭製 造,完全天然並有適量Omega-3、蛋 白質和維生素,因此其保質期短。該產 品適合狗和貓。售價145澳門元。 3. Sunday Pets frozen dried salmon is

made in New Zealand and is completely natural with the right amounts of

Omega-3, protein, and vitamins, hence its short shelf life. Suitable for both dogs and cats. Priced at 145 MOP. PET PET GROUP寵物美容

地址: 澳門連勝馬路 22 D 雅都大廈地下 電話:28555552

Pet Pet Group

Address: Estrada de Coelho do Amaral, No. 22 D, R/C, Macau

Dog One Life

地址: 氹仔大連街 389 號寶龍花園地下 B 誧 Address: Rua de Tai Lin, No. 389, Edf. Pou Long, E/C, Loja B, Taipa, Macau 電話 /Tel: 2883 9898

Tel: 28555552

Pets & Hugs • January 2014


寵物商店 Pet Shops ANIMALS CLUB




Estrada de Coelho do Amaral,

Garden, Taipa

Estrada Coelho Amaral 17A R/C

Mei Keng Garden, Block 5, Taipa


No.28-A, R/C B, Macau

Rua de Tai Lin, No. 389, Pou Long 澳門氹仔大連街389號寶龍花園地





Avenida Concórdia Ka Ieng Garden

Kun Iam Tong, No. 12, R/C

+853 28813388


R/C 和樂大馬路嘉應花園地下 +853 28222376

+853 28839898


觀音堂街12號地下 +853 28517717




Rua Nova A Guia, No.250 R/C, Edf.

Fong Son San Chun BI 5 R/C +853 28968309


Kam Hong, Macau



+853 28353785



Sun Gdn BI 3 R/C, Taipa

Sacadura Cabral 81 R/C


Estrada Gov. Albano Oliveira Nam (氹仔) 南新花園第三座地下B +853 28821144


沙嘉都喇賈罷麗街81號 +853 28352421



Av Conselheiro Ferreira de Almeida


寵物部落 122 R/C

荷蘭園大馬路122號地下 +853 28528320



+853 28563771

氹仔美景花園第五座 +853 28837050



Rua do Padre AntónioRoliz 25-27 CD



羅神父街25-27號 CD +853 28525391


La Cite Rua 1 de Maio 342 R/C 勞動節街342號

+853 28949494 PETOTEL


Tai Lin 389 R/C

(氹仔) 大連街389號地下


Avenida Dr. Sun YatSen 115 R/C, Taipa

(氹仔) 孫逸仙博士大馬路115號地下 +853 28836791


Avenida do Conselheiro Ferreira de Almeida 122 R/C

荷蘭園大馬路122號地下 +853 28527898

+853 28839898



Dr. Ho 小動物醫務所


Rua do Almirante Costa Cabral 6E R/C 賈伯樂提督街6號e地下 +853 28550768


Rua do Almirante Costa Cabral 84 R/C

賈伯樂提督街84號e地下 +853 28523678



Rua Martinho Montenegro 27 R/C

Avenida Sidónio Pais 43 R/C

+853 28937980

Garden R/C H

Rua S. Lourenço 4 R/C

+853 28220108




R/C N1, Macau




Patio da Esteira, Nº42, EDF. Son Seng,


Av Cons Borja, No. 341, Edf. Mayfair


寵物診所 Clinics


墨山街27號地下 +853 28357717


士多鳥拜斯大馬路43號地下 +853 28524916





Rua Sacadura Cabral 29E R/C

Avenida Kwong Tung, Nam San Gdn

+853 28968187


沙嘉都喇賈罷麗街29號e地下 +853 28522715


Bl 1 R/C, Taipa

(氹仔) 廣東大馬路南新花園第1座地下 +853 28821016

寶貝寵物 • 2014年 1月

Pets & Hugs • January 2014



寶貝寵物 • 2014年 1月

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