Pets & Hugs - November 2013

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2013 年 11月 • November 2013 • mop30 • ISSN 2309 5520



Animal rights protection bill

Not tough enough

珍品狗狗 A Gem of a Dog

領養 拯救寵物

Pets & Hugs • November 2013

Adoptions Save a pet now

寵物訓練 Pet Training



寶貝寵物 • 2013 年 11月



2013年11月號 November 2013 edition 編輯委員會 Editorial Council Albano Martins, Janet Tracy, Mércia César de Sá, Luis Pereira 出版人 Publisher 澳門出版有限公司 People Press 主任編輯 Editorial director Monica Leong 中文編輯 Chinese editor Frank Xie (謝 陳) 英文編輯 English editors Allegra Hall, Natasha Tomé Special contributor Mariana Sá 設計 Design 澳門出版有限公司 People Press 攝影 Photographers Forbes Conrad (cover story), Carmo Correia, Eric Tam, Manuel Cardoso 地址 ADdress Av. Infante D. Henrique, 43-53A, The Macau Square, 10th Floor – I, Macau 中國 澳門殷皇子大馬路43-53A 澳門廣場10樓I (853) 28355315/6 (853) 28355466 機構合作夥伴 Institutional partner Anima - 澳門愛護動物協會 Constança Pereira Printed in Macau 印刷地:澳門 發行量 Circulation 5,000 ISSN 2309 5520

我們推出《寶貝寵物》雜誌才幾個月,它現在已經成為城中話題,感謝你們所有的 支持! 在我們的第三期雜誌裡,我們準備了一些各種動物最激動人心的故事,希望你們會 喜歡閱讀這些故事。 我們有Jean Scott分享她養育“Jewel”的經驗。 Jewel是一隻有驚人魅力的比 利時黑毛牧羊狗,牠迷住了牠遇到的每一個人,從動物到成人(包括路上的幾個孩 子)。當Jewel合資格成為狗治療師後,牠的社交技巧將用於造福所有人——探訪 長者和殘疾人,令他們臉上展現笑容,並敞開他們的心扉。 關於狗,我們來看看逸園賽狗會格力犬的困境。據報該犬從澳大利亞的進口下降 是個好消息,但仍然有很多格力犬在承受苦難,我們將繼續提高人們對此事的認 識,盡我們所能來幫助這些辛苦工作的狗隻。 澳門其他辛勤工作的動物中有錦鯉魚。牠們是澳門自來水公司最勤奮的員工,終日 無休(24/7)地工作,以確保我們的飲用水質量達到可絕對安全飲用標準。 仔細看看整個動物萬花筒,翻到我們“寵物俱樂部的故事”——澳門沒有一處有這 麼多種多樣的動物生活得如此接近,如此和諧!從毛茸茸的貓到有鱗的爬行動物, 這家寵物商店裡的動物得到很好的照顧,而且是一個快樂大家庭的一部分。 我們都喜歡零食,動物也一樣,尤其是在牠們辛勤工作後。在“寵物廚房”欄目,我 們為你準備了一個特殊的烹飪食譜,為你的狗做出最美味的生日蛋糕,我敢肯定這 個蛋糕很快會被吃掉! It’s only been a few months since we launched our magazine and it’s now become the talk of the town, thank you for all the support!

In our third edition we have exciting stories on a variety of animals that you are going to love reading about.

We have Jean Scott sharing her experience of raising “Jewel”, a Belgian Tervuren with amazing

charisma, captivating everyone she meets from animals to adults (and a few children along the way). Jewel’s social skills will be used to the benefit of all when she qualifies as a therapy dog, visiting the elderly and the disabled to put a smile on their faces and open their hearts.

Staying with dogs, we look at the plight of the greyhounds at the Canidrome. There is good news

with a reported decline in dog imports from Australia, however there are still many suffering and we will continue to raise awareness to this cause and do all we can to help these hard working dogs.


Other hard working animals in Macau are koi fish. They are the most diligent staff at Macao Water,


working 24/7 to ensure that the quality of our potable water is absolutely safe to drink.

Disclaimer: The publishers accept no

Macau do such a variety of creatures live in such close proximity, and so harmoniously too! From

人聯絡。本刊發表的意見不代表出版人之立場。 responsibility for loss or damage to any

materials submitted for publication. If you

For a closer look at a whole kaleidoscope of animals, turn to our Animals Club story- nowhere in

fluffy cats to scaly reptiles, the animals in this pet shop are well looked after and part of one big

would like to use any content, please contact

happy family.

magazine are not necessarily those of the

special recipe for you to make the most delicious birthday cake for your dog, and I’m sure the cake

the publishers. The views expressed in the publishers.

Pets & Hugs • November 2013

We all love a treat and so do animals, especially after all their hard work. In Pet Kitchen we have a will be gone in no time!



寶貝寵物 • 2013 年 11月



目錄 Contents

34 54 6

澳門自來水公司專題 Macao Water special


科技愛好者 Techno pet































Dog breed

Cat Breed Cat Tale

Pet interview Pet Care

Cover Story Pet Kitchen

Pets & Hugs • November 2013

Ask the Vet Pet Lover

Adoptions Anima

Kid’s Curiosities


Kid’s Activities Pet Training Shops and Clinics

26 5

Fifi 、Bibi水中探險 你能想像一個很專心、很準時、很警覺並總是為 公司每天24小時、一年365天盡忠職守的員工嗎? 你可能會認為這是不可能的,但在我們這塊土地 上我們發現兩個最令人印象深刻的員工。啊!確 切地說,在我們的水域。


寶貝寵物 • 2013 年 11月

澳門自來水公司專題 Macao Water special

The underwater adventures of Fifi and Bibi Imagine the ideal employee, dedicated, always on time, always alert and always performing for the company 24 hours a day, 365 days a year… you may think this is impossible, but we found the two most impressive employees in our land. Well, in our water, to be precise...

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Pets & Hugs • November 2013


一個古老的偏見說,如果你是 美麗的,你就能力不足。曾經 為澳門自來水公司工作的Fif i 和Bibi( 兩條最令人驚歎的錦 鯉魚)再次證明了這只是假話 而已。牠們 超 過10 年保 持 警 惕,檢查原水的質量。同時, 牠們 鮮 豔的色 彩和 優雅 的游 泳 動 作 令周 圍的 地方變 成美 麗的景點。 Fifi和Bibi於1999年12月21日( 澳門剛回歸祖國)開始成為澳 門自來水的員工。原水和飲用 水的質量由該公司的工作人員 檢查。他們每天收集水樣本檢 查以確保安全。此外,在原水 抽水過程中,珠海和澳門的專 業人士監測原水 水質。F if i和 Bibi享受原水的同時幫助仔細 檢查其質量。牠們是獨特的水 生動物檢查員,給予水質量一 份額外保證。畢竟,誰可比魚 對 水質絲毫的 改 變 感 覺 更敏 銳?

An old wives tale says that if you are beautiful you can’t be competent.

Fifi and Bibi, the two most amazing koi fish that have ever worked for Macao Water, have proven how

false that statement is. For over ten years they have been constantly

alert, checking the quality of the

raw water. And, at the same time,

making their environment a place of

beauty, thanks to their bright colours and stylish swimming moves.

Fifi and Bibi started working as

Macao Water employees on 21

December 1999, right after Macau’s handover to China. The quality of

raw and potable water is observed by company staff members every day, through the collection of water samples and checking

比比 BiBi


them to ensure their safety.

During the raw water pumping

process, both Zhuhai and Macao professionals monitor the raw

water quality. Fifi and Bibi enjoy

Water Quality


the raw water, but at the same time help to double check its

quality. They are unique aquatic

inspectors, giving extra assurance as to the water’s quality. After

all, who better than a fish to feel the slightest change in water?


寶貝寵物 • 2013 年 11月

澳門自來水公司專題 Macao Water special

菲菲 FiFi P0001 Water Quality



Tour guides

Bibi和Fifi三年後已經成熟,足 以顯示牠們的性別。Bibi的頭 部和身體較大而Fifi的身形苗 條。這意味著Bibi是男性而Fifi 是女性。牠們在戀愛?從來沒 有人見過牠們親吻對方(當然 啊!牠們要謹守崗位),但多年 來牠們相處得這麼好,極有可 能牠們是一對夫婦,一對非常 幸福的夫婦。 這對夫妻擔任獨特的檢查員, 但也可作為觀賞魚。他們住在 澳 門自來 水公司 的中央 控 制 室,幫助大家創造一個舒適的 工作環境。 牠們明顯的才華甚至令老闆決 定讓牠們成為電影明星。牠們 被拍攝及變為動畫人物,在企 業宣傳片中播放,牠們在片中 介紹公司以及水處理過程。牠 們也加強了節約用水的信息, 在看過該錄像的孩子中極受歡 迎。 Fifi和Bibi為澳門自來水工作至 2012年,公司通知說,因為年 事已高牠們“已經去了天堂”。 牠們紮紮實實的工作為所有員 工留下一個榜樣,包括那些來 取代牠們的魚。在錄像(和紀 念品)中,“小水點家庭”將繼 續前輩們的流行表演。現在魚 缸裡 的任 務 落入 五條 新 的錦 鯉“鰭”中。牠們將繼續Fifi和 Bibi的工作,為澳門自來水雙重 檢查水的質量。

When Bibi and Fifi reached three years of age, they had matured

enough to show their gender. Bibi’s head and body were bigger, and Fifi had a slim figure. This means

Bibi was male and Fifi was female.

Were they in love? No one had ever seen them kissing (of course! They need to guard their position), but as they got along so well over so

many years, they were considered a couple. A very happy couple. This couple worked as unique

inspectors, but also as ornamental

fish. They lived in the central control room of Macao Water, helping

to create a comfortable working

environment for everyone around. Their talent was so exemplary that

Macao Water decided to make them movie stars. They were filmed and

transformed into animated characters, shown in a corporate video, where they introduced the company as well as the water treatment

process. They also promoted the water conservation message,

becoming highly popular among children who watched the video.

Fifi and Bibi worked for Macao Water

until 2012, when it was reported that they “had gone to heaven”, due to

their advanced age. Their solid work

remains an example for all employees, including those that came to replace them. In the videos (and souvenirs), the Little Water Droplet family will

continue their predecessors’ popular performances. In the fish tank, the mission now lay in the fins of five

new koi fish. They keep the work of Fifi and Bibi alive, double checking the quality of Macau’s water.

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Pets & Hugs • November 2013


澳門自來水公司專題 Macao Water special

Five star work

五星級工作 現在五條新的錦鯉繼續Fifi和Bibi開啟的優秀工作。該公司認 為魚缸足夠放多過兩條魚,現在的水質檢查更加富有色彩。 幾名新監察員的名字與中國五個經典行星元素有關:金星(金) 、木星(木)、水星(水)、火星(火)和土星(土)。牠們一起游泳時 很好看,創造了一個舒適的工作環境。

The company thought that the fish tank was big enough to have more than just two fish, and now the five new water quality inspectors are even more colourful.

The new employees have been named after the planets associated with Chinese elements: Venus (Metal), Jupiter (Wood), Mercury

(Water), Mars (Fire) and Saturn (Earth). They look great swimming

together, contributing to a comfortable working environment.

在幾種不同類型的魚中,錦鯉是一種非常流行的選擇。由於 牠們適應力強、容易照顧,牠們不需要一個完美的生活環境。 例如,牠們吃原水中的海藻及微生物,這意味著牠們不需要 餵食——錦鯉喜愛原水且能夠自給自足。 澳門自來水公司視所有錦鯉魚如家人,並堅信每個人都應該 好好照顧自己的寵物。“我們為牠們提供一個美好的生活環 境,就像我們為澳門居民提供高質量和安全的水。兩者都是 重要的,不能被忽略。”

Among the many different types of fish, koi are a very popular choice. Because of their strong adaptability they don’t need a perfect living

environment , and they are easy to take care of. For instance, they eat

seaweed as well as microorganisms in the raw water, which means they don’t need to be fed – koi fish love raw water and are self-sufficient.

Macao Water treats their koi fish like family members and strongly believe that everyone should take good care of their pets. “We provide them

with a nice living environment just like we provide Macau residents with good quality, safe water. Both are important and can’t be neglected.”

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寶貝寵物 • 2013 年 11月

Pets & Hugs • November 2013


回家在線.高速分享 唯有光纖寬頻 Double Up

ONLINE AT HOME HIGH SPEED WE SHARE Only with Fiber Broadband Double Up

甚麼是光纖寬頻? What is Fiber Broadband? 澳門電訊透過光纖寬頻網絡,以先進的「光

Through our Fiber Broadband network, CTM brings

技術提供高達 250Mbps 的住宅寬頻服

speeds of up to 250 Mbps using the groundbreaking


featureof FTTH is that optical fiber cables directly

纖到戶」 (即 Fiber-to-the-Home, FTTH)

you the latest in home Broadband service with

務。 「光纖到戶」最大的特點是直接把光

“Fiber-to-the-home”(FTTH) technology. The main


reach the Fiber Broadband and modem inside your home, enabling an ultra-fast Broadband service like nothing you have ever experienced before.

光纖寬頻下上載 ( 高達 250Mbps / 250Mbps)

Fiber Broadband Download / Upload (up to 250Mbps/250Mbps)


寶貝寵物 • 2013 年 11月

科技愛好者 Techno pet


Why we use Fiber Broadband? ■ 達 250Mbps 的傳輸速度:更高速頻寬,傳輸量大。

Superior speed: Speeds of up to 250 Mbps allow faster surfing and greater volumes of data exchange.

■ 傳輸穩定性高、安全性強:因光纖的玻璃是非金屬材料,傳送過程 不受電磁干擾,故傳輸時更為穩定及保密性較強。

Enhanced stability and security: The use of non-metallic optical fiber cables ensures that

data transmission is free from any electromagnetic disturbances, resulting in a much more stable and secure connection.

■ 無限用量、無擔憂:服務計劃提供一個主賬戶及兩個附屬賬戶,可於家中及 全澳多個 CTM Wi-Fi熱點同時暢遊互聯網。 Unlimited usage gives you total peace of mind: Each of our Fiber Broadband service

plans comes with one Main Account and two Supplementary Accounts with full access to the Internet both at home and at numerous CTM Wi-Fi hotspots throughout Macau.


Apply now 步骤 Step 1

網絡覆蓋查詢 Network

Coverage Enquiry

步骤 Step 2

服務計劃 Service


步骤 Step 3

申請光纖寬頻服務 Applying for

Fiber broadband Service


Fiber Broadband website

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^ This offer is only applicable on all Samsung standalone handset and table products. Customer is required to sign a related service contract. * To waive the deposit, CTM VISA Cardholders or No.1 Home Fiber Broadband Customers are required to have joined the broadband service for at least 6 months or above.


寶貝寵物 • 2013 年 11月

科技愛好者 Techno pet

註: 優惠期至2013年11月31日。優惠價只適用於原價月費之客戶。客戶所申請寬頻之電 話線若於申請日前2個月內有取消寬頻服務記錄,並重新申請上網,該客戶將不可 獲得此優惠。若客戶申請以上優惠後而取消於同一安裝地址之原有寬頻服務,將不 可獲得此優惠。客戶須簽署15個月合約。倘客戶於合約期間終止其互聯網服務、轉 低收費組別,有關之按金將在客戶之賬戶內扣除,而相關之優惠將被終止。優惠期 後,有關之寬頻服務 / 增值服務將按原月費於客戶之寬頻賬戶內自動收取。以上優 惠及最新價格如有更改,恕不另行通知。貨 / 贈品數量有限,售 / 送完即止。以上 優惠受相關之服務條款所約束。詳情請向店員查詢。澳門電訊保留最終決定權。

Notes: This Offer is valid until 31 November 2013. Customers are not considered new subscribers and therefore are not eligible to enjoy any of the benefits in this Offer, if they have ceased a broadband line (fixed line) service account within the previous two (2) months from the date of application of this Offer. Customers who applies the above offer and terminates the CTM Broadband Service with the same installation address are not entitled to enjoy any of the rebates. Customers are required to sign a 15-months contract. If customers join a new offer, the existing offer and contract will be ended and the waived deposit will be automatically credited back to customers’ internet accounts/ the remaining amount of deposit will not be credited back. New subscribers/ Upgrade of residential broadband are eligible to enjoy this offer. Once the promotion period ends, the respective internet service/ value – added service charge will be automatically billed to the customer’s internet account at the original monthly service charge. The offer and latest price are subject to change without prior notice. Product and gifts are available while stock lasts. Customers of the above promotion are bounded by the respective service regulations. For detail, please contact our CTM Sales Representatives. CTM reserves the right to make the final decision.

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寶貝寵物 • 2013 年 11月


Dog breed


葡萄牙水犬 The First Fisherman

Portuguese Water Dog

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Pets & Hugs • November 2013


需要關注度 別讓我離開你獨處太長時間! Attention needs Don’t leave me on my own for long

活躍程度 讓我們一起跑馬拉松吧! Activeness Let’s run marathons together!

情感 愛你到瘋狂。 Affection I smother you with love


與孩子關係 越多越好! Relationship with children The more the better!

寶貝寵物 • 2013 年 11月


Dog breed

於其作為葡萄牙漁民助手的 輝煌歷史,有人說葡萄牙水 犬一半是狗,一半是魚。牠們不僅 將魚趕入網,也潛水並尋回從船上 跌入水中的東西;牠們在船與船之 間傳遞消息,守衛船隻並在港口執 行捕捉工作。在現代捕魚方法被採 用前,牠們一直是全體船隊一個不 可分割的組成部分;20世紀初這種 犬種幾乎絕種。 多虧了一名20世紀30年代富裕的 葡萄牙商人,這種罕見的犬種才存 活至今。 Vasco Bensaude從葡 萄牙沿岸的漁民中尋找僅存的葡萄 牙水犬並開始一個繁殖計劃,使這 種犬種得以延續。 葡萄牙水犬充滿活力和智慧,牠們 不適合不愛活動的狗主。牠們需要 大量的身體運動和精神刺激以免 感到無聊。牠們可以生活在公寓 裡,只要牠們的主人每天帶牠們出 去做一些輕快的運動,否則牠們在 室內獨處時可能會變得有破壞性。 牠們的被毛因為沒有底毛而呈波浪 形或捲曲,牠們不會脫皮因此不會 患過敏症。然而,牠們確實需要經 常梳毛以免打結及清除污垢。 牠們被親切地稱作“Porties”,當 歡迎別人、或當食物煮熟時,牠們 有一個顯著特點——興奮地站立 及用後腿跳躍。對於這些有強烈 意願的狗,狗主需要維護自己的領 導地位。 這些滿懷柔情、喜歡玩樂、聰明、 精力充沛及忠誠的犬種很容易訓 練;同時牠們具警惕性和保護性, 而不具侵略性,因此成為優秀的護 衛犬。 因為Bo和Sunny(兩隻都是黑色 葡萄牙水犬,Bo有時尚的白色斑 紋)来到美國總統貝拉克•奧巴馬 家(沒有加重他女兒的過敏),最 近“Porties”變得聲名大噪。

Cão de Áqua—水犬


ome say the Portuguese Water Dog is part dog, part fish, with their illustrious history as a Portuguese fisherman’s helper. Not only did they herd fish into the nets, they also dived and retrieved items fallen overboard, delivered messages from boat to boat and guarded the boats and catch when in

ensure the longevity of the race. Very energetic and intelligent, these dogs are not suitable for sedentary owners. They need a good amount of physical activity and mental stimulation to avoid getting bored. They can live in apartments as long as their owners take them out

“Porties”, they have a distinct characteristic of standing and hopping on their hind legs in excitement when greeting people, or when food is being cooked. Owners need to assert their leadership over these strong-willed dogs. These affectionate, fun-loving, smart, energetic and loyal

for brisk bouts of exercise every day, otherwise they may get destructive indoors on their own. Their coats are either wavy or curly, and because they have no undercoat, they do not shed and therefore allergy sufferers are not affected by this breed. However, they do require regular brushing to combat tangles and remove debris. Known affectionately as

breeds are easily trainable and make excellent guard dogs while being alert and protective, rather than aggressive. Porties reached recent fame when US President Barack Obama’s family brought home Bo and later Sunny, both black Portuguese Water Dogs, (although Bo has stylish white markings) that don’t aggravate his daughter’s allergies.

“Porties”有一個獨 特的多八度叫聲,這 使得牠們成為優秀 的失聰或聽覺障礙 人士輔助犬。 Porties have a distinct multi-octave voice which makes them excellent as deaf or hearing assistance dogs. port. They were an integral part of the crew until fishing methods became modernized and the breed almost reached extinction in the early 1900s. Thanks to a wealthy Portuguese businessman in the 1930s, this rare breed lives today. Vasco Bensaude sought out the remaining dogs from fishermen along the Portuguese coast and began a breeding program to

由於牠們有蹼的爪子,葡萄牙水犬是 天生的游泳家和潛水家。

Cão de Áqua – Dog of the Water Portuguese Water Dogs are natural born swimmers and divers due to their webbed paws

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Pets & Hugs • November 2013


需要關注程度 不要離開我身邊! Attention needs Don’t leave my side!

與孩子關係 喲!與小人兒一起玩耍 Relationship with children Yay! Little humans to play with

情感 永遠擁抱我! (比其他寵物更甚) Affection Cuddle me forever! (and more than the other pets)

活躍程度 任何時候都準備好跳健美操 Activeness Ready for aerobics at all times


寶貝寵物 • 2013 年 11月


Cat Breed


icknamed the silver-blue cat


柯拉特貓 The lucky cat


with a Thai passport, the Korat

is an Oriental breed originally from

Thailand, where paintings establish its existence as early as 1350. It is

greatly cherished by the Thai people, who regard it as a symbol of good fortune, for they are the colour of

silver, signifying wealth; they are the colour of rain clouds with eyes the

colour of plants representing good

harvests; and with their heart-shaped faces, a pair of cats given to a bride

ensures a lasting and happy marriage. With round tipped ears on its unique heart-shaped head, the Korat have

luminous green eyes, large and round when fully open, with dark blue-grey or lavender noses and lips. They are compact, powerful cats and heavier






畫中已確立牠的存在。泰國人很珍惜 牠,把牠當作吉祥的象徵。因為牠們 的銀色象徵財富;牠們那雨雲藍色


訓練你的柯拉特貓,經過漫長 一天的工作後為你預備沐浴...

they expect to be the rulers and will


ensure they always have precedence


by their owner’s side. They love to


play and climb, but are very gentle


when playing with children.


Korats develop slowly and reach




maturity between two and four years


在泰國農村地區,據說柯拉特貓有能力控制天 氣。村民為祈雨仍然經常抱著柯拉特貓挨家挨 戶走,而另一些人用水噴灑牠們,使水神可以 聽到牠們的呼聲。

它們。牠們喜歡玩耍和攀爬,但 與小孩子玩耍時會很溫柔。


之間才成熟。牠們眼睛的顏色一生中 不斷變化,小貓時是藍色,到青少年 時期開始變為帶有一絲綠色的琥珀


如美酒一樣,柯拉特貓年紀越大變得 越好並且長壽,很多會活過20歲。 這個品種的貓非常聰明,而且很容

Pets & Hugs • November 2013

blue with a silver sheen to it, this is

will accept other cats and dogs, but



people with allergies. Dusky silver-

strong bonds with their owners, they



or stroked, making it suitable for

Energetic, affectionate and forming



which doesn’t shed much when pet

If it’s not silver-blue, it’s not a Korat.



appear. Their coat is short and tight,

the only colour a Korat’s coat can be.



and more muscular than they first

of age. Their eye colour changes

throughout their life, with kittens starting out with the colour blue,

which then changes to amber with a

green tinge in their teenage years, and finally to the jade green of an adult

cat. Like fine wine, the Korat get better with age and enjoy long lives, many

Divine communicator In rural Thailand, it is said that the Korat has the power to control the weather. Villagers often still walk from door to door holding a Korat, praying for rain, while people spray them with water so their cries are heard by the God of Water

reaching old age beyond 20 years.

This breed is highly intelligent and it’s easy to train them to play fetch and to walk on a leash. They’ve

also been known to learn how to

open doors and use taps. Perhaps you can train your Korat to draw you a bath after a long day...



上海鬍鬚 Moon and Lola

Shanghai whiskers 22

寶貝寵物 • 2013 年 11月


Cat Tale

Maggie在中國大城市遇上她的貓, 當她回澳門時,一併把他們帶回去。 雖 然現在 她 正 期 待 她 的 第一 个 孩 子,但家裏已是充滿著愛。 Maggie met her cats in the big Chinese city and brought them with her when she came back to Macau. She is now expecting her first child, but the family is already full of love.

“Living in Shanghai was a great

are all together in Macau now.”

Wong. “It is a big city, you are

addition to the family. “We

experience”, recalls Maggie always busy and live at full

throttle. Coming back home

“在 上 海 生 活是 一 個 絕 妙的 經歷”,Maggie Wong回憶 道。“它是一個 大城市,你總 是忙碌,甚至忙得透不過氣。 一旦回家,有Moon 和 Lola 歡迎我,經常給我平安與溫暖 的感覺。” 快將第一次當父母的Maggie 與她丈夫,要離開上海回到她 老家澳門。當然,即使不容易, 貓貓也要與家人一起回去。“ 我們需要通過很多步驟,才能 讓他們飛回澳門。但我已經準 備好,盡一切可能讓他們與我 Pets & Hugs • November 2013

一起。雖然忙亂,但我們辦妥了, 現在我們一起在澳門了。” M o o n 是 家裡 第一 隻 貓 成員。 “我們在上海一個 停車場 發現 Moon。當時她又髒又瘦,在我 腳旁叫。我從她的眼神可以看到 她說‘帶我回家’。”她的情況惡 劣,勉強能活。“我不能丟下她, 所以把她帶回家。我們留了她一 晚,然後第二天帶她去看獸醫。 她被檢查及注射疫苗。兩個星期 後,她開始恢復,體重增加並開 始發展她的性格,最後成為如今 美麗的皇后。”

and having Moon and Lola

welcoming me always gave me peace and warmth.”

Maggie and her husband, who will soon become parents for

the first time, left Shanghai to

return to her native Macau. The

cats, of course, came along with the family, even if that wasn’t

easy. “We had to go through a

lot of procedures to have them fly and enter Macau. But I was ready to do whatever it takes to have them with me. It was

hectic but we made it, and we

Moon was the first feline

found Moon in a car park

in Shanghai. She was dirty

and skinny, meowing right

next to my feet. I could see in her eyes she was saying

‘take me home’.” She was in

bad condition, barely alive. “I couldn’t leave her there so I

took her home. We kept her

for a night then took her to see the vet the next day. She was examined and administered vaccines. After two weeks

she started to recover, gain weight and develop her

character, to finally become the beautiful queen she is.”


Husband convinced

cute face to get what she wants.

Less than a year after this

and confident – there is not a

encounter, Lola made her

appearance. “The story of getting

Lola was a funny one. When Moon was nine months old, I decided to sterilize her. We found a very good vet hospital and took her there. After I handed Moon to

the vet, one of the nurses wanted to show me their animal shelter

within the hospital; so of course

I went.” In the shelter, there were about 14 cats, some big, some


上述相遇不到一年後,Lola 出現了。“得到Lola是個有趣 的故事。當Moon 9個月大的 時 候,我 決 定替 她 絕育。我 們找到一家非常好的獸醫醫 院,便 帶 她去。我 把 M o o n 遞給獸醫 後,其中一 位護士 要向我介紹他們醫院內的動 物庇護所,我當然去了。”在 庇護所裏,大約有14隻貓,有 大有小,Lo l a是 其中之一。 “我知道我丈夫喜歡寵物, 但他不太喜歡在公寓裏養動 物。我幾乎已經將Moon強 加在他身上,所以要養第二隻 貓會是一個更大的挑戰。當 Moo n在動手 術時,我先回 家。我告訴丈夫,Moon手術 後很難送她回家。所以,我請 求他幫忙,他答應了。我們到 達醫院,Moon的手術非常順 利。帶著Moon時,我告訴丈 夫,我很想向他介紹那庇護 所,因為那裏有些小貓,他同 意而事也成了 ...他作為我親 愛的丈 夫,不需太多說服便 將Lola帶回家。” 有趣的尾巴

Maggie的每隻貓都有很鮮 明的特點。 “我特別喜歡 M o o n的聰明,她很清楚知 道如何利用她那可愛的臉, 去獲取她想要的東西。她也 是一個 很優 秀的獵 人,冷 靜 24

而自信 — — 沒有一 隻 蒼 蠅 可在我們家中逗留超過五分 鐘。她知道如何迫近獵物,何 時出擊,而她 並不需 要第二 击。” 而Lola怎樣? “她有 點笨拙。我喜愛Lola友善的 性格,她 就是一個 甜美可親 的毛毛球。” 兩隻貓有些 共同點,比如都 相當活躍。 “每天早上和傍 晚,Moon和 Lola都會在整 個寓所內作例行的追逐和格 鬥遊 戲(一路上會 造成些 破 壞 )。但 M o o n尤其 喜愛 追 逐鐳射紅點。為了那紅點,她 完全 瘋了,她 竭 盡 全力去 抓 住它。她就是如此投入,你可 以令她去任何你想她去的地 方。讓 貓 全 速 奔 跑,在 光滑 木 地板上拐彎,你一定會 捧 腹。” Lola不太容易抓到鐳射點, 但她的習慣帶会給她一些不 必要的意外。 “她喜歡潛入 浴缸,追逐她的尾巴。有趣的 是,當她還沒意識到浴缸已 註滿水,她就直接跳進去。”

small. Lola was one of them. “I

knew my husband likes pets but he was not too keen on having

animals in an apartment. I already

She is also a good hunter, calm

fly that makes it more than five

minutes in our home. She knows how to approach, when to strike and she doesn’t need a second

attempt.” And Lola? “She is a little clumsier. I love Lola’s friendly

character, she is just a hairy ball of sweetness and affection.”

Some things are common to both cats, such as being pretty active. “Every morning and evening,

Moon and Lola have their ritual

chasing and fighting game across the whole apartment (that has

caused a few breakages along the way). But what Moon loves above

had almost imposed Moon on

all is chasing the red dot of a laser.

bigger challenge. I went back

and she gives all she has to catch it.

him, so a second cat was an even home while Moon was having

surgery. I told my husband that

after Moon’s operation it would

be difficult for me to transport her home. So, I asked for his help and he joined me. We arrived at the hospital; Moon’s operation had gone very well. While carrying

her I told my husband that I really wanted to show him the shelter as they had young kitties, he

agreed and the job was done… Being the sweet husband he is, there was little convincing to do to bring Lola back home.”

Funny tail Each of Maggie’s cats has very

distinct characteristics. “I specially love the cleverness of Moon, she

really knows how to play with her

She goes totally crazy with that

She is so into it that you can make her go wherever you like. Make a

cat run at full speed, take a sharp

corner on a vitrified wooden floor, and you are in for a good laugh.”

Lola isn’t that easy to get with the laser, but her habits can bring her some unwanted surprises. “She likes to sneak into the bathtub

and chase her tail. The funny time was when she didn’t realize that the bathtub was full of water

and she just jumped right in.”

With two cats and a baby coming up, does Maggie think about

getting more pets? “I would love

to and I am sure I will in the future! I have had pets since I was born,

I consider pets part of my life. My mother makes fun of me, once

saying that I must have been a pet in my past life to be so into pets.”

擁有兩隻貓和一個快要出生 的孩子,Mag g ie想要多些 寵物嗎? “我很樂意,並肯 定將來我會!自出生以來我一 直有寵物,我認為寵物 是我 生命的一部分。我母親曾經 取笑我說,我前生必定是隻寵 物,所以今生如此愛寵物。” 寶貝寵物 • 2013 年 11月


Cat Tale


“Moon現在三歲零兩個月。她是一隻非常優雅和冷靜的貓,並把 自己當作屋裏的女皇——只有當她高興時,才來找我們,當然還有 她索取食物時。” 滑稽的Lola

“Lola現在兩歲半。她是一隻不活躍而有趣的貓。她愛喵喵叫(用 她那半沙啞的嗓子),每天早晨,她來到我跟前,用她的臉擦我的 手指或腳趾,同時發出可愛的咕嚕咕嚕聲。”

Elegant Moon “Moon is three years and two months old. She is a very elegant and

cool cat that sees herself as a queen in the house – she only comes to us when she wants to, and of course when she is asking for food.”

Funny Lola “Lola is two years and six months old. She is a sticky and funny one. She loves to meow (with her half broken voice), every morning she comes to me and rubs her face against my fingers or toes with a lovely purr.”


Maggie對動物權益非常熱心,並大力提倡領養動物。“寵物 是生命,你需要尊重和照顧他們。當你決定領養一隻寵物時, 他們成為你的責任。你的任務是關心他們,供養他們,讓他們 快樂。此外,對寵物的來源要非常謹慎,有時挽救需要幫助的寵 物,比去店鋪購買最美麗的寵物更好。重申一次,他們是生命, 而不是商品。我這樣說的另一個原因是,有些店主沒有道德,很 少關顧動物,而且不假思索地虐待他們。每一隻被出售的動物 背後有很多同類在惡劣的環境下死去。所以,當你得到一隻寵物 時,確保你沒有貢獻那些骯髒的勾當,而是真正幫助了動物。”

Help and care Maggie is very passionate about animal rights and a strong advocate of adoption. “Pets are living beings, you need to respect them and

take care of them. When you decide to adopt one, they become your

responsibility. Your duty is to care for them, provide for them and make them happy. Also, be very wary of the origin of the pet, sometimes it

is better to save a pet that needs your help rather than to go and buy

the most beautiful pet in a shop; once again they are living beings and not commercial commodities. Another reason I say this is that some

shops with no ethics and little regard for animals do not hesitate to treat them badly. For every one that gets sold a number of others have to die in very sad conditions. So when you get a pet, make sure you are not

contributing to a dirty business, but that you are actually helping animals.”

Pets & Hugs • November 2013


寵物 店 一 家家 庭 經 營 的 充滿 愛 為動 物 提供 一 個 居民 意 的 環 境,為 澳 門 大堆不 提供 機會 接 觸 一 尋常的寵物。 shop offers et p un -r ily m fa A environment, animals a loving of Macau and the residents to come the opportunit y h a whole face to face wit pets. host of unusual


寶貝寵物 • 2013 年 11月


Pet interview

Pets & Hugs • November 2013


於澳門最擁擠街區之一 的一家獨 特商店,勢必 會引起你的注意。從美麗的小 貓到充滿異國情調 的蛇 — — 寵物俱樂部會滿足你所有的喜 好。過去十年這個家庭式經營 的生意在澳門建立了信譽,當 他們開始創業時本地的寵物文 化相對較小。但從那時起,寵 物俱樂部不但激發了道德觀和 價值觀,而且也為澳門帶來了 一種新寵物文化。 寵 物 俱 樂 部 的 店主 之一 的 Aida解釋說,他們剛開業時, 每 天 光顧 商店的客人不到10 人,特別是在非典期間。現在 客人情況比以前好多了。較大 的家庭群體與他們的孩子週末 光臨本店,家長向他們的孩子 解釋動物並不可怕,反而是忠 實的夥伴。她又說,能夠經營 一個像這樣的店舖是有趣的, 因為它本身不但是一門生意, 而且也充滿樂趣。 當有人進入商店,Aida通常可 以從他們的個性看出究竟他們 會更喜歡什麼類型的動物。她 解釋說:如果客人初見面時是 比較活潑的,他們通常會選擇 狗。如果是較文靜的,他們會 選擇“貓”,或者在 更極 端 的 情況下——選擇爬蟲類動物。 起初當她了解這種模式後,她 甚至開始注意到更多細節,例 如,寵物配件的顏色往往會反 映客戶的個性。 我們也會為流落街頭的貓貓尋 找領養者 .我們會先帶她們到 獸醫處檢查身體確保健康 ,再 靜養一段時間...... 在我們心目中沒有名種與不名 種 ,貓其實只分兩種 ,野貓和 家猫。 前者是在大自然生活的,後者 是我們常見的美國短毛貓 ,英 國短毛猫等和東方短毛猫(即 我們說的唐貓)。


寵物俱樂部認為,飼養他們自 己的動物是他們做過的最好決 定之一。首先,因為他們可以確 保為這些寵物提供一流的衛生 條件,而不是依靠外部資源。 其次,繁殖的地方位於寵物俱 樂部以外一塊大面積地方,那 里為相關動物提供了一個更加 寧靜和舒服的環境。他們的動 物中5 0 - 6 0%由Aida與她丈 夫Lewi s(寵物俱樂部另一店 主)繁殖。 Lewis入這行時13 歲,現在他38歲— —從蛇、龜 到蜥蜴和兩棲類,他已繁殖出 多種爬蟲類動物。他解釋說, 他喜歡一步一步提高自己的繁 殖技術;目前他在繁殖蟒蛇, 也許明年這個時候,他會開始 繁殖其他爬虫及兩棲類動物。 這些蛇最初從加拿大或歐美進 口——這是一個漫長的旅程, 需要一至兩個月左右。由於一 些蛇是二級受保護種類,把牠 們合法和安全地帶到澳門需要 大量的文書工作。蛇實際經歷 的飛行時間是36小時(從加拿 大經台北到澳門),蛇的價格 約在100澳門元至50,000澳門 元不等。 Aida負責繁殖如貓、兔、豚鼠 等動物,她說,她花了一段時間 了解整個概念,因為動物繁殖 涉及基因、顏色和血液類型的 匹配。具體以貓來說,通過他 們自己進行繁殖,她會陪伴猫 媽媽整個分娩過程,從而確保 猫媽媽不會過度緊張。 “我 們只讓一隻貓一年生產一次, 因為我們需要給牠時間休息。 在4 - 5歲左右,我們 會為牠作 身體檢查,看牠是否合適再生 育。“當一隻貓不再生育後,寵 物俱樂部通常會為牠尋找一個 合適的領養家庭,或者如果他 們與此貓培養了很深的感情, 他們會繼續飼養為伴。 Anita(寵物俱樂部的第三名 店主)解釋說,在這類生意中, 如果你不考慮你的寵物的生活 環境和福祉,你可以很容易地 賺錢。她明確指出,錢不是最 優先的大事,雖然他們需要每 月支付租金和其它費用,他們 寶貝寵物 • 2013 年 11月


Pet interview


n one of Macau’s most crowded neighbourhoods lies a distinct

store that is bound to catch your

attention. From beautiful kittens to

exotic snakes – Animals Club caters to all your preferences. The family-run business has been making its mark

in Macau for the past ten years; at a

time when the local pet culture was relatively small. Since then, Animals

Club has not only stimulated people’s morals and values, but it has also

brought a new pet culture to Macau. Aida Airosa, one of the owners of

Animals Club, explains that when

they first started, less than ten people

would frequent the shop per day, now there are much more customers than

before. During weekends larger groups of families with their children visit

the shop, parents explaining to their

children that animals are not a threat,

and are instead loyal partners. She also says that it’s interesting to be able to

run a shop like this, because not only is

it a business on its own, but it is also fun. When someone enters the store, Aida can usually tell from their personality what type of animal they will prefer.

She explains: If the customer is rather lively, they will usually opt for dogs.

If the customer is reserved, they will

choose cats, or in more extreme cases

– reptiles. Initially when she understood this pattern, she began to notice even more details; for example, the colours of the pet’s accessories would often reflect the customer’s personalities.

They will also look for people to adopt street cats. First they take the cats

to the vet for a check-up to ensure

they are healthy and then let them stay and rest for some time. Here

there are no famous or non-famous breeds, in fact, there are only two

types of cats, feral cats and domestic cats. The former is live in nature, the latter are the common American

Shorthair Cats, British Shorthair Cats

and Oriental Shorthair Cats (i.e., what is normally called Mongrel Cat).

Animals Club believes that breeding their own animals is one of the best decisions they ever made. Firstly

because they can ensure top notch Pets & Hugs • November 2013

quality and health conditions for the pets, rather than relying on outside

sources. Secondly, the space where breeding takes place is a large area outside Animals Club, which gives the respective animals a more

peaceful and relaxed environment.

Over half of their animals are bred by

Aida and her husband Lewis Lee, one

of Animals Club’s other owners. Lewis entered this business when he was

13, and now at 38 – he has bred many

reptile species, from snakes, turtles, to lizards and amphibians. He explains

that he likes to do things step by step to be able to improve his breeding

technique; he is currently breeding

boa constrictors, and maybe this time next year, he will start breeding other reptiles. The snakes are originally

imported from Canada or the US and

Europe and it’s a lengthy process that takes around one to two months. As some of the snakes are classified as

protected species, a lot of paperwork is involved to securely and legally bring them to Macau. The actual

flight time that the snakes undergo

is 36 hours from Canada via Taipei to Macau, and the snake’s prices vary

from around MOP 100 to MOP 50,000. Aida is the one in charge of breeding animals such as cats, rabbits, guinea

pigs and so forth. She says that it took her a while to understand the whole concept, because breeding animals requires the matching of genetics,

colours and blood types. Referring to cats specifically, by carrying out their own breeding, she will accompany the mother cat during the whole

delivery process to ensure she is not

over strained. “We only let a cat give

birth once a year, as we need to give her space to rest. At around four to

five years of age, we will examine her condition to see whether she should retire from giving birth.” When a cat

retires, Animals Club usually will find

an appropriate family to adopt her, or

if they develop a strong bond with the cat, they often keep it for themselves. Anita Lai, the third owner of Animals Club, explains that in this sort of

business you can easily make money if


還是會給他們的動物一個更大 及更舒適的生活環境。寵物俱 樂部認為,“如果寵物幫助我 們做生意,我們一定要更加善 待她們。” 要在這個行業工作,需要三年 左右的工作經驗去掌握如何照 顧寵物的基本知識,而澳門的 問題 是 人手不足。如今,大多 數人寧可在賭場工作,賺“快” 錢,而不願把時間花在寵物行 業。寵物俱樂部認為自己是幸 運的,因為作為一個家庭經營 的生意,大家都各自盡力,各司 其職令其成功。 作為寵物愛好 者,Aida、Lewis和Anita有許 多動物在自己家中跑來跑去, 他們真心相信寵物可以打開人 的心扉,他們很高興地得知澳 門現在有了一本屬於自己的寵 物雜誌——這本雜誌可以進 一步教育大眾,增強澳門的動 物意識。 澳門人,如果你醉心於看到可 愛的小貓喵喵叫,兔子到處蹦 跳,或蛇在你面前的一個玻璃 魚缸內發出嘶嘶聲,前往兩家 寵物俱樂部商店中的任何一家 吧——你不會失望的。 30

you don’t take into

running around in their homes,

People of Macau, if you would

in which your pets live.

can open people’s hearts up, and

sight of cute kittens meowing,

consideration the environment She makes it clear that money

is not the number one priority, although they have a monthly rent and expenses that they

need to pay, they still prefer to

give their animals a bigger and

they really do believe that pets

they are delighted to know that Macau now has their very own

pet magazine which can further educate people, and increase Macau’s animal awareness.

like your hearts to melt at the

rabbits hopping around, or snakes hissing at you from within a glass

aquarium, head over to either one of the two Animals Club shops – you will not be disappointed.

more comfortable environment to live in. Animals Club believes that “If the pets are helping us make the business, we should in fact treat them better.”

To work in this sector around

three years of work experience is

needed to grasp the fundamentals of how to take care of pets, and the problem in Macau is the

lack of manpower. Nowadays

most people would rather work in casinos and receive a quick

income, instead of spending their time in the pet industry. Animals club consider themselves lucky,

because as a family run business, everyone puts their individual effort in, all playing their own parts to make it successful.

As pet lovers, Aida, Lewis and

Anita have numerous animals

寶貝寵物 • 2013 年 11月


Pet interview

Pets & Hugs • November 2013


對寵物最危險的食物 The most hazardous foods for your pets

們都愛吃,就如蕭伯 納 所 說,“ 沒有愛 勝 於對食物的愛”。我們的寵 物也愛吃,有的比別的吃得 多一些,而且不僅局限愛吃 自己碗裏的。你肯定難以拒 絕你的狗那深褐色情 深 款 款 的 眼 睛,或 你 的 貓 那 綠 色帶點 高傲和 懇求的 眼睛 看 著 你 準備 或享用 晚餐。 然而,寵物主人應該知道, 偶爾用零食款待寵物即 時 看不出問題,但隨著時間過 去,某些食物是有害的,而 且對你的寵物很危險。下面 這個食物清單需要留意。列 表並不詳盡,但它包含了一 些 最常見的錯 誤而造 成 最 嚴重的傷害。


e all love to eat, and as George Bernard Shaw said, “There

is no sincerer love than the love

of food”. Our pets also love to eat, some more than others, and not

only limited to what’s in their bowl. It’s definitely hard to resist your

dog’s soulful deep brown eyes, or

your cat’s supercilious yet imploring, green eyes looking up at you as

you prepare or eat dinner. However, pet owners should be aware that the odd treat now and then may not make a difference right now,

but over time some foods can be harmful and quite dangerous for

your pet. Below is a list of foods to

watch out for. The list is not by any

means exhaustive, however it does

contain some of the most common culprits that do the most damage.

• 酒精 • 酪梨(牛油果) • 巧克力 • 咖啡 • 葡萄和葡萄乾 • 澳洲堅果 • 牛奶和乳製品 • 洋蔥、大蒜、韭菜 • 生或未煮熟的肉和骨頭 • 生或未煮熟的蛋 • 發酵麵團 •鹽 • 木糖醇 (在許多口香糖、糖果和烘焙食品中 的人造甜味劑)

• Alcohol • Avocado • Chocolate • Coffee • Grapes & Raisins • Macadamia Nuts • Milk and Milk Products • Onion/Garlic/Chives • Raw/Undercooked Meat and Bones • Raw/Undercooked Eggs • Raw Yeast Dough • Salt • Xylitol

(artificial sweetener found in many gums, candies and baked goods)


寶貝寵物 • 2013 年 11月


人都享受一個清爽的淋 浴,然後 去面 對一天的 開始,或在一天完結後洗掉污 垢。這也包括你的寵物烏龜。 一個清潔的家可保障你的烏龜 健康快樂。由於烏龜在牠們的 水箱內吃、排泄、生活,每2-3 周必須要清洗水箱和濾水器, 即使看來水並不渾濁。看似清 潔的水可能有氨和亞硝酸鹽, 它們可能對你的寵物龜有毒。

Pet Care


veryone enjoys a refreshing shower

to face the day ahead or to wash off

the grime at the end. This also includes your pet turtles. A clean home for your

water turtle keeps him healthy and happy. Since turtles eat, expel waste, and live in their tank water, it’s important to clean

the tank and water filter every 2-3 weeks,

打理烏龜棲息地 Water turtle habitat maintenance

even if the water does not look cloudy or dirty. Ammonia and nitrites may be

present in water that appears clear, and this can be toxic to your pet turtle.

按部就班的指示: 1. 把烏龜從水箱中取出,放在一個有水和乾地( 如一塊石)的臨時容器內。 2. 從水箱內取出濾水器、基板、石塊和裝飾物。 3. 倒掉水箱內的舊水。

Step by Step Instructions:

1. Remove your turtle from his tank and place him in a temporary container with water and a dry standing place, like a rock.

2. Take out any filters, substrate, rocks and decorative items from the tank.

4. 注入小半箱溫水,並加入一滴洗潔精。

3. Empty the tank of the old water.

5. 用一塊乾淨的海綿,洗刷水箱的內壁和底板。如 果需要的話,連外部也清洗。

4. Fill the tank with warm water, less than half way, and add

6. 清洗濾水器,把所有配件取出並用水沖洗。你也 要清洗發熱器、石塊、裝飾物和底板。徹底沖洗 後抹乾。

5. Using a clean sponge, scrub the walls and floor of the tank.

7. 把水箱沖洗2-4次,確保把所有肥皂洗掉。 8. 用室溫的水注入水箱,現在你有幾種除掉水中氯 氣的選擇。你可以使用一個淨水器,幫助去除氯 和氨,並降低水的pH值。這需要等待30分鐘。否 則,讓無添加劑的水靜置24小時。 9. 把底板、裝飾品、石塊、濾水器,發熱器等放回水 箱,插上並打開電源。 10. 檢查水溫,確保溫度在21-26度之間。 你也可以加入少許海鹽來殺死剩餘的細菌。 11. 把你的烏龜放回他的新家,並用美味的小吃 獎勵他的耐性。他將不勝感激。

a drop of dish detergent.

Clean the outside too, if necessary.

6. Clean the filter by taking everything out and rinsing it all. You should also clean the heater, rocks, decorations and substrate. Rinse very well and dry.

7. Rinse the tank out 2-4 times and make sure all soap is gone. 8. Fill the tank with room temperature water, and now you

have several options to remove the chlorine from the water. You can use a water conditioner which helps remove

chlorine and ammonia and reduces the pH of the water.

It needs to sit for 30 minutes. Otherwise, let the water sit overnight for 24 hours with no additives.

9. Put the substrate, decorations, rocks, filter, heater, etc. back into the tank, plug them in and switch them on.

10. Check the water temperature to ensure it is 21-26C.

You can also add a dash of sea salt to kill any remaining bacteria.

11. Put your turtle back into his new home and reward his patience with a tasty treat. He will be most grateful.

Pets & Hugs • November 2013


珍品狗狗 A Gem of a Dog

聰明、快樂及有趣的Jewel各個方面都符合 她的名字。 Jean Scott向我們介紹澳門最善 交際的狗之一。 Smart, sweet and entertaining, Jewel lives up to her name in every way. Jean Scott introduces us to one of Macau’s most social dogs.


寶貝寵物 • 2013 年 11月



Pets & Hugs • November 2013


我需要一條能夠學習與 關注的狗。 I need a dog that learns and pays attention


寶貝寵物 • 2013 年 11月


Interview J ewe l 是一 條善於交 際的狗 是輕 描淡寫了。 Jean Scott在介紹她16個月 大 的比 利 時黑 毛牧羊 狗 時 稱 牠為“小社交小姐”。稱“小社 交小姐”非常善於社交(擺出“ 小社交小姐” 的姿態 非常善 於社交),因為我們從在公園 見面的那一刻到當晚晚些時候 我們分手,所有與牠接觸過的 人,從緊張的孩子到過度興奮 的小狗,都覺得Jewel是魅力 的化身;牠平靜地與所有人互 動,一個接一個地贏得他們的 讚譽。 所有Jean曾經擁有的狗的一 個特點是高大及具有強烈的個 性。聰明的比利時黑毛牧羊狗 這一犬種非常適合這位企業家 的生活方式,“我需要一條能 夠學習與關注的狗。”她解釋 說。 2007年,有著零售業背景的企 業家Jean Scott從美國來到 澳門,在澳門威尼斯人酒店開 設眼鏡店——這是一次成功創 業,從第一天起,她同時開設 了四家門店。今天Jean自己名 下有兩家門店,一家在威尼斯 人,另一家在新加坡濱海灣金 沙酒店。 從商務到娛樂,旅行是Jean生 活的重要組成部分,對她來說 找到一條能跟上她生活方式的 狗非常重要。她前往美國,從 康涅狄格州的一名繁殖者手中 迎來Jewel,牠當時近三個月 大,“Jean花了約五分鐘就決 定了,那天可謂一見鍾情。” 幼 犬J e w e l“ 是 一 個 夢 想 ” ,J e a n 迎 來 她 後 的 六 星 期,Jewel在美國到處旅行。 他們一起度過的第一個週末是 在紐約上州的哈德遜山谷—— 一個充滿藝術氣息的社區,在 那裡他們閒逛到所有小店與人 見面。在那裡Jewel已初顯牠 的人際交往能力,“牠成了鎮 裡的話題,孩子們愛牠( ...), 從第一天開始牠就有一個開朗 的性格。” 在澳門​​Jewel對社交生活的喜 愛沒有改變。 “牠喜歡去

Pets & Hugs • November 2013


o say that Jewel is a social dog would be an understatement.

“Little Miss Social”, is how Jean

Scott describes her 16-month-

old Belgian Tervuren. Make that little Miss VERY social, because

from the moment we met in the park to the parting of ways later that evening, Jewel was charm

personified towards all who came

into contact with her, from nervous children to overexcited puppies, she calmly interacted with all,

winning them over, one by one. Big, with strong personalities,

is a trait shared by all the dogs Jean has ever owned. The

intelligence of the Belgian

Tervuren breed is perfectly suited to the entrepreneur’s lifestyle, “I need a dog that learns and pays attention”, she explains. With a background in retail,

entrepreneur Jean Scott came

to Macau from the USA in 2007,

opening eyewear stores as part of The Venetian Macao complex, a

successful venture where on the

very first day she simultaneously

opened four stores. Today Jean has two shops under her own name, one at The Venetian and one at Marina Bay Sands in Singapore.

From business to pleasure, travel is a big part of Jean’s life and it was important to her to find a

dog that could keep up with her

lifestyle. She travelled to the USA to collect Jewel from a breeder in Connecticut when she was

almost three months old, “it took her about five minutes to decide

that I was ok, and it has been love at first sight from that day on.”

As a baby Jewel “was a dream”,

travelling all over the USA during the first six weeks that Jean

had her. The first weekend they spent together was in upstate

New York, Hudson Valley, an arty

community where they wandered around into all the little shops

meeting people, and where Jewel started showing her people skills at an early stage, “she was the

37 37

星巴克,每天我們散步回來的 時候,我們必定經過星巴克, 即使沒開門,Jewel也要檢查 一下,確 定沒有開門。牠會親 自檢查,包括正門和側門。” 顯 然 J e w e l 在 那 裡不是 為了 咖啡,Jean解釋說,Jewel可 以坐在咖啡店幾個小時,看著 別人,讓大家跟牠說話,給牠 拍照,這些都是Jewel喜歡的 事。 Jewel喜歡的另外一樣東西是 牠的球。 Jean帶到公園拍照 的橙色球是Jewel在戶外最愛 及最關注的東西。 Jewel無數

會來纏著我,直到我出來拿出 牠拿不到的任何玩具。” 由於在家裡辦公,周圍有Jean 的管理員和助手在,Jewel整 天被人包圍,但牠每天至少兩 次來回運送玩具。在所有這些 活動中Jewel有牠自己遵循的 常規,牠完全清楚不允許去到 門邊。牠得到的指令是坐下和 等待。 Jean和Jewel是早起的人,他 们每天清晨會外出一小時,氹 仔大潭山是Jewel的最愛,牠 喜 歡 那裡的台階,Jea n打趣 說:“如果以牠的方式,牠會爬

talk of the town, the kids loved

as possible, looking longingly

personality from day one.”

“She’ll sit there and sit there,

her (…) she had an outgoing Back in Macau this fondness for the social side of life is

something Jewel insists on daily. “She LOVES to go to Starbucks and everyday when we come

back from our walk we have to

go by Starbucks, even if it’s not

open because she has to check that its not open. She needs to see it for herself, and not only the main entrance, but the

side entrance as well.” Clearly not there for the coffee, Jean

explains that Jewel can sit in the

coffee shop “for hours”, watching

Jean花了約五分鐘就決定了,那天可 謂一見鍾情。 it took her about five minutes to decide that I was ok, and it has been love at first sight from then 次禮貌地將球放在任何熱情的 路人腳下,球被無數次拋出, 牠就像一顆子彈向球飛奔。這 讓我們見識了牠靈敏的頭腦和 令人難以置信的高能量水平。 把像比利時黑毛牧羊狗這個犬 種飼養在公寓裡對於Jean是 一個艱難的決定,因為牠們天 性精力充沛、思想活躍。然而, 考慮到牠們以壽命長著稱(約 14歲),並且Jean知道她不會 在澳門停留那麼長時間,這令 她較容易作出上述承諾。 比 利 時黑 毛牧羊狗 需 要 一 份 工作,Jean解釋說,在澳門的 公寓裡Jewel給了自己一項任 務 — — 把牠的玩 具推到沙 發 底下深處,令玩具難以拿到, 我們坐下來談話時牠做了一次 演 示。牠 把 玩 具 從 她 的 箱 子 中拿出,推到沙 發下面,推得 盡量遠些,然後牠渴望地看著 下面的黑色深淵。 Jean笑著 說:“牠會一直坐在那裡,因我 在家工作,我的辦公室就在隔 壁房間。我會知道牠在玩,然 後聽到嗚咽,過了一段時間牠 38

三次。” 他們會沿山徑走至少 一次,如果時間允許有時會走 兩次。 傍 晚,他 們 進 行 一 天 的 第 二 次主要步行(Jewel一整天裡 有些短的散步),牠喜 歡的事 情之一是去坐在氹仔“好客鄉 莊”餐廳外面,觀看孩子們騎 自行車快速往返,而Jean則享 用一杯酒。 Jean笑稱:“當我 們到達時上帝禁止其他人坐在 我們的餐桌”,因Jewel“實際 上會要求他們走開。” 隨著時間的過去Jean開始慢 慢培養Jewel的社交能力,此 舉還有另一個更深刻的意義。 當Jewel足夠成熟時,Jean想 用牠做“狗治療師”,花時間與 兒童、老人和殘疾人在家中相 處,為他們提供愛和安慰。 Jean感覺大多數人都能親近 動物,但人們往往在上述各種 情況下不養寵物或從未養過, 他們身邊也沒有足夠的人關注 他們,她形容說:“沒有什麼比 有一隻寵物相依偎更美妙的事 情。”

people and having everybody

talk to her and taking her photo, something Jewel loves.

Something else Jewel loves is her ball. The orange ball Jean brought along to the photo

shoot in the park was Jewel’s number one focus and love during our time outdoors,

allowing us to keep up with

her sharp mind and incredibly high energy levels as she

politely dropped it at the feet of any obliging human, to be thrown countless times, her darting after it like a bullet.

It was a tough decision for Jean to keep a breed like a Belgian Tervuren in an apartment,

given their energetic nature and active minds. However,

with the long lifespan they are known for, around 14 years,

and knowing that she will not

be in Macau for that period of time made it easier to take on that level of commitment.

Belgian Tervurens need a job, as Jean explains, and in an

apartment in Macau Jewel has

given herself the task of making

her toys hard to reach by pushing them deep under the sofa,

something she demonstrates

as we sit and talk. Carrying her toys from her box she pushed

them under the sofa, as far away

into the black abyss left behind. and as I work from home my

office is just in the next room.

I’ll know she’s playing and then there will be the whimpers,

and after a while she’ll come

in and pester me until I come

and get out whatever toy she can’t reach”, Jean laughs.

As the office is at home Jewel

is surrounded by people all day

long as Jean’s administrator and

helper are around, and deliveries

come and go at least twice a day. Within all this activity Jewel has

her own routine that she follows, knowing full well that she’s not allowed to go to the door. Her

instructions are to sit and wait. Early risers, Jean and Jewel

head out for an hour every morning, Taipa Grande is

Jewel’s favourite, she loves

the steps and would climb it

“three times if she had her way”, Jean jokes, and they do the

trail at the top at least once,

sometimes twice, time allowing. Early evening they have their second big walk of the day

(Jewel goes on shorter walks

throughout the day) and one

of her favourite things is to go sit outside in old Taipa, at the Old Taipa Tavern and watch

the kids on bicycles speeding

around while Jean enjoys a glass of wine. “God forbid someone

is sitting at our table when we arrive” Jean laughs, as Jewel

“will literally ask them to move.” There is another more profound

aspect to Jewel’s social side that

Jean is slowly starting to develop over time. When she is old

enough, Jean would like to use her as a therapy dog to spend

time with children, elderly and

handicapped people in homes,

offering them love and comfort. Jean feels that most people

can relate to animals and often people in those circumstances

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Pets & Hugs • November 2013



寶貝寵物 • 2013 年 11月


Interview to elderly people. Jewel needs

to feel comfortable and be ready for everything from having her tail pulled to being touched

in the mouth area, something dogs are not instinctively at

ease with, but something that children are likely to try.

All Jewel’s socializing means that

grooming is something that gets taken seriously; she has a weekly bath and her teeth are brushed twice a week with chicken-

flavoured toothpaste. High-

maintenance, she gets brushed for ten minutes every morning and

Jean’s helper jokes that Jewel is her

“job security” as she sheds so much hair around the apartment. Jewel’s

extensive wardrobe includes about six leashes, ten collars and around twenty bandanas- she never

leaves the house without one.

Jewel does her part to keep in

shape too. Days that are either

too hot or rainy to go outside do not mean exercise is sacrificedJewel does not make excuses.

The treadmill in the apartment

直到Jewel大約是三歲半或四 歲時,牠才能非常有效地做一 些事情。但要做“狗治療師” ,重 要 的 是 在年 輕 時 開 始 訓 練牠們,讓牠們習慣各種陌生 人(從兒童到老人)接近牠。 Jewel需要感到輕鬆自在,並 準備好應付一切——從被扯尾 巴到嘴部被觸摸——一些狗本 能地不感到自在,但是孩子很 可能去嘗試的東西。 所有J e w e l 的社 交 意 味著 梳 理 必 須 認 真 對 待;牠 每 週 沐 浴一次,每周用帶雞肉味的牙 膏刷牙兩次。 Jewel的梳理 要 求 高,每 天 早上 牠 要 被 梳 理10分鐘,Jean的助手開玩 笑說,Jewel是 她的“工作保 障”—— 牠在公寓脫落很多毛 髮。 Jewel寬大的衣櫃裡有約 六條狗帶、十條項圈和大約二 十 條 領巾 — — 牠 離開屋子 時 總帶上一條。 Jewel也盡其所能保持體形。 Pets & Hugs • November 2013

當外面太熱或逢下雨天,並不 意味可以沒有運動——Jewel 不找藉口。公寓裡的跑步機意 味著健身活動從來沒有減少, 當J ea n發出指令,J ewe l 跳 上跑步機上的跑步带,擺好姿 勢,身體朝前,鼻子向下,眼睛 直視前方。這是一個最有趣的 景象。 在健身器材上展示了牠的高超 技藝後,Jewel仍然有精力向 我們展示了一些把戲,如區分 她(牠)的左右爪子(比 利 時 黑 毛牧羊狗 可培 養 認 識 一 個 12 0至14 0 字、非常廣泛的詞 彙 表,大 多數 狗 認 識 大 約 4 0 至60字);在兩個方向上滾來 滾 去;及 擺 好 姿 勢 拍 無 數 照 片而從來沒有失去冷靜。當我 們離​​開的時候,一直是女主人 的Jean和Jewel送我們到電 梯,Jewel作為受過良好教育 的狗,為我們按下按鈕招來電 梯。

means that fitness never has to be skimped on and as soon as Jean gives the instruction she

牠喜歡去星巴克 She LOVES to go to Starbucks

leaps on the treadmill belt and assumes her position, body

facing forward, nose down and eyes looking straight ahead. It is a most entertaining sight.

After demonstrating her prowess

on the exercise equipment, Jewel don’t have pets and have

never had one, also not having enough people around them to give them attention, she

describes that “there is nothing more wonderful than having an animal to snuggle up to.”

It won’t be something Jewel will

be able to do very effectively until she is about three and a half, to

four years old. But in the case of therapy dogs its important to

start training them young, getting

them used to all kinds of strangers approaching them, from children

still found the energy to show us

a few tricks such as differentiating between her left and right paw

(Belgian Tervurens can develop a

very wide vocabulary of between 120 to 140 words, most dogs

know around 40 to 60) and rolling

over in both directions in addition to patiently posing for countless photos without ever losing her cool. Ever the hostesses, Jean

and Jewel accompanied us to

the lift as we were leaving, and being the well educated dog

that she is, Jewel called the lift by pushing the button for us too.


為什麼要烘焙?烹飪是一種愛 的表現,培育和建立關系。沒有 人能比你為你的寵物煮更好的 食物。你知道牠們喜歡什麼,不 喜歡什麼,牠們的需求和歷史。 你的寵物會愛你及你的烹飪,因 為牠們知道你只為牠們而做。 Why bake? Cooking is an act of love; it nurtures and bonds. No one can cook for your pet better than you. You know their likes, dislikes, their needs and history. Your pet will love you and your cooking, because they know you do it just for them.


寶貝寵物 • 2013 年 11月


Pet Kitchen

這個月我們包辦狗狗生日慶祝會。 This month we’re catering for doggy birthdays.

花生醬胡蘿蔔狗狗生日蛋糕 Peanut butter carrot doggy birthday cake

制成品: 1個蛋糕 準備時間:15分鐘 烹煮時間:30分鐘 總共用時:45分鐘

Makes: 1 cake

Prep time: 15 minutes

Cooking time: 30 minutes Total time: 45 minutes

烹煮說明: 1. 烤箱預熱至華氏350度/攝氏180度。把一個8英 寸/20厘米的圓型蛋糕烤盤或把一個8x4”/20x10 厘米麵包盤塗上油。 2.將麵粉和小蘇打放在一起攪拌。加上其餘的材 料,用木匙攪拌直到徹底混合在一起。把麵糊倒入 已塗上油的盤烘約30分鐘,或直到将一把刀插入 中心再拿出來乾淨的時候。 Directions:

材料: 1杯全麥 麵粉(如果你的狗 有小麥過敏,用無小麥和無 麩質麵粉) 1茶匙小蘇打 ¼杯天然花生醬 ¼杯植物油 ⅓ 杯蜂蜜 1杯切碎的胡蘿蔔 1個雞蛋

Ingredients: 1 cup whole wheat flour (use wheat and gluten free flour if your dog has a wheat allergy) 1 teaspoon baking soda ¼ cup natural peanut butter ¼ cup vegetable oil ⅓ cup honey 1 cup shredded carrots 1 egg

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F/180 celsius. Grease an 8”/20cm round cake pan or an 8x4”/20x10cm loaf pan 2. Whisk together the flour and baking soda. Add the rest of the ingredients and, using a wooden spoon,

mix until thoroughly combined. Pour the batter into the greased pan and bake for about 30 minutes, or

until a knife inserted into the centre comes out clean.

隨意:蛋糕冷卻後,你可以在它表面搽 上額外的花生醬當糖霜。 Optional: Once the cake has cooled, you can

加一支蠟燭,並開始唱歌... Add a candle and start singing…

Pets & Hugs • November 2013

spread extra peanut butter on top as icing.


杜立德醫生回答你的問題 Dr. Dolittle answers your questions

親愛的杜立德醫生: 親愛的杜立德醫生: 我丈夫帶回家一些貓薄荷玩具給我們的寵物貓。我很擔 心對牠的影響。它對貓有害嗎?當牠聞那些貓薄荷時便 變得瘋狂,並在玩具上摩擦自己,仰面躺著盯著天花板, 牠的爪子停在空中至少10分鐘。 —氹仔一名擔心人

每次我們一家人坐下吃晚飯時,我們的鸚鵡 開始大聲尖叫,令我們無法聽到對方說話。 牠看來没有疼痛,並有食物和水,牠為什麼 這樣做? —新口岸一名快要聾的人 親愛的快要聾的人:

親愛的擔心人: 沒什麼可擔心的!貓薄荷是一種来自薄荷家族的草本植物,對 貓無害。它會影響貓所有的感官—觸覺、嗅覺、味覺、視覺和聲 音。貓薄荷的香味和油誘使一些貓的無害反應,摩擦自己及躺 在那裡都是正常行為。那些效果幾分鐘後消失,你的貓應該很 快會恢復正常。通過限制貓對貓薄荷的接觸,每周一次的款待 對你的貓來說是不錯的。

Dear Dr. Dolittle,

My husband brought home catnip toys for our pet cat. I’m

取出这些耳塞,牠只是想成為大家的一部 分!吃是一種群體活動,牠尖叫是因為牠感 覺自己被排擠。牠整天在籠子裡吃同樣的食 物,很明顯每個人都想有新東西吃。在你坐下 來吃飯前,確保在你的鸚鵡的盤裡放點新食 物,也許家裡吃的一點點健康食物(例如一 塊胡蘿蔔或西蘭花)。但記住不要給食物讓 牠停止尖叫,否則便支持了這行為,而在大家 坐下來吃飯前先給你的鸚鵡一小塊食物。

concerned about the effect on her. Is it harmful to cats?

Dear Dr. Dolittle,

the toys and lies there on her back staring up at the ceiling

parrot starts screaming so loud that we can’t hear

- worried in Taipa

and has food and water, so why is he doing this?

She goes crazy when she smells it and rubs herself all over

Each time my family sits down to eat dinner, our

with her paws up in the air for at least 10 minutes.

each other talking. He doesn’t appear in pain - going deaf in Nape

Dear Worried,

Nothing to worry about! Catnip is a herb from the mint family and

Dear Going Deaf,

taste, sight and sound. The scent and oil of the catnip induces a

part of the group! Eating is a flock activity so

are normal behaviour. The effect wears off

had the same food in his cage all day long and

is harmless to cats. It affects all of a cat’s senses – touch, smell,

Take out those earplugs, he just wants to be

harmless reaction in some cats and the rubbing and lying around

he’s screaming because he feels excluded. He’s

few minutes and your cat should soon

it’s obvious that everyone is getting something

after a

be back to normal. By limiting exposure

new to eat. Before you sit down to eat, ensure

weekly treat for your cat.

perhaps a little healthy bit (a piece of carrot

to catnip, it can be a nice

you give your parrot something new in his dish, or broccoli for example) of what the family is eating. But remember never to give food to

stop the screaming otherwise it reinforces that

behaviour, instead, give your parrot their morsel of dinner before everyone sits down to eat.


寶貝寵物 • 2013 年 11月


Ask the Vet

親愛的杜立德醫生: 我的狗剛把我的護照咀嚼得面目全非。每天牠還咀嚼我們的 鞋、靠墊、書籍和雜誌。我已覺得到了窮途末路。我們可以做 些什麼來阻止這種行為? —海洋花園一名憤怒人 親愛的憤怒人: 狗咀嚼東西的原因有很多。小狗咀嚼以緩解牠們的牙齒生 長,老年犬則本能地咀嚼以保持良好的口腔健康。狗可因為 無聊、孤獨、焦慮、和飢餓而咀嚼。最好給你的狗買牠自己咀 嚼的玩具以及買可食用的咀嚼玩具,在牠獨處時用來逗牠, 並當你在家時確保給他足夠的體育運動和精神刺激。暫時 放好任何你不想被牠咀嚼到的寶貴東西,直到牠學會了什麼 是可以及不可以做的事。如果你看到牠咀嚼不應該咀嚼的東 西,冷靜地說“不”並從牠的嘴裡輕輕地把東西取出來,給牠 可咀嚼的代替品。 Dear Dr. Dolittle,

My dog just chewed up my passport beyond recognition. He also chews our shoes, cushions, books and magazines daily. I’m at the end of my rope. What can we do to stop this? - angry in Ocean Gardens

Dear Angry,

Dogs chew things for a number of reasons. Puppies chew to

ease their teeth coming in, and older dogs instinctively chew

to maintain good oral health. Dogs can chew out of boredom,

loneliness, anxiety, and hunger. It’s best to buy your dog his own chew toys as well as edible chew toys to amuse him when he’s

alone and make sure you give him plenty of physical exercise and mental stimulation when you are at home. For the time being, put away anything valuable that you don’t want chewed until he learns what he can and cannot do. If you see him chewing

something he shouldn’t, say ‘No’ calmly and gently remove it from his mouth and replace it with something he’s allowed to chew.

Pets & Hugs • November 2013


團 : 硬 強 夠 不


獄 入 犯 罪 物 體 希望 動


經過五年時間起草一項動物保護法 後,政府突然似乎想快速在今年內 將該法案頒布成法律。 法案的最新版本(旨在防止動物被殺害和虐 待,及如何保護牠們)將對動物虐待者處以 高達10萬澳門元罰款,而非先前提出的2,000澳門 元。 預計將很快實施的這項法律(有更嚴厲的懲罰)聽 起來不錯,但本地動物保護團體卻有疑慮,特別是 因為該法案不承認虐待動物是一種犯罪行為。 澳門保護遺棄動物協會(AAPAM)副主席劉佩珍 說,她不知道為什麼政府突然加快程序步伐,僅有 罰款不足以阻止人們虐待動物。 澳門民政總署(IACM)自2007年以來一直處理動 物保護法案,期間僅曾諮詢AAPAM一次。 劉指出:“他們沒有就最新版本與我們聯繫,所以 我們不知道它涵蓋了什麼或不包括什麼。一點細節 都沒有。” 雖然對有關該法案內容所知甚少(除了罰款被提 高到10萬澳門元外),劉可能已預視到該法律的無 用。 劉說:“该法律不會有很大的幫助”,她所属協會已 經舉行三次抗議活動要求一部動物保護法— —對 虐待動物者判以監禁,類似香港的一樣。 “100,000澳門元對有錢人根本不是甚麼問題,[該 法案]實際暗示有銭人殺動物沒關係,”劉說:“只 有判以刑事指控才可有效,因為無論你是貧窮還是 富有,你將有一個虐待動物的犯罪記錄。” 劉問:“該局表示他們排除了刑事指控,因為這樣 的控罪使市民難以接受。這怎麼能是個理由?” 她 補充說當局有這種心態,她懷疑該法律將如何能有 效執行。 “如果讓警方實施該法律可能更好,因為至少在他 們抓住嫌疑人時必須宣佈有關細節,”劉說:“說實 話,誰能記得澳門民政總署舉報虐待事件的熱線? 只撥打999豈不是更容易嗎?”


寶貝寵物 • 2013 年 11月


c ti o n b il l l ri g h ts p ro te

rs jailed e d n e f f o l a im wants an p u o r G : h g u o Not tough en A n im a

Pet Lover

After five years of drafting an animal protection law, the government suddenly seems to be on a fast track to get the bill promulgated into law within the year


he latest version of the bill, which aims to

prevent animals from being killed and abused

and how to protect them, will slap animal abusers with fines reaching 100,000 patacas instead of the previously proposed 2,000 patacas.

A law expected to be implemented soon with a heftier penalty sounds good all round, but local animal

protection groups have doubts, especially since the bill does not recognize animal abuse as a crime.

Abandoned Animals Protection Association of Macau (AAPAM) vice president Lau Pui Chan said she does

not know why the government is speeding up the

process all of a sudden and why only a fine was not enough to deter people from abusing animals.

The Civic and Municipal Affairs Bureau (IACM) has

been handling the animal protection bill since 2007 and has only consulted AAPAM once about it.

“They haven’t contacted us about the latest version

so we don’t know what it covers or what it does not cover. There are no details at all,” Lau pointed out.

Although little is known about the content of the bill,

apart from the fact that it has raised the fine to 100,000

patacas, Lau could already see the uselessness of the law. “The law won’t help a lot,” said Lau, whose

association has staged three protests to call for an animal protection law where animal abusers face a jail term, similar to the one in Hong Kong.

“100,000 patacas means nothing to rich people, [the bill] is simply suggesting that it’s okay for rich people to kill

animals,” Lau said, “This will only work if there is a criminal charge because then whether you are rich or not, you will have a criminal record for abusing an animal.” “The bureau said they ruled out a criminal charge because it’s something that citizens will find

hard to accept. How can this be a reason?” Lau

asked, adding that with this mindset, she doubts how the law will be implemented effectively.

“It’s probably better if the police are implementing

it because at least they have to announce the details

when they catch a suspect,” Lau said, “And to be honest, who remembers IACM’s hotline to report an abuse incident? Wouldn’t it be easier to just dial 999?”

Pets & Hugs • November 2013



Hopes to end dog-racing rise as greyhound i 進口澳門賽狗的數量不斷減少 可能是一個跡象——本地賽狗 牌照於2015年到期後,其運營將 停止。 此前媒體援引香港漁農自然護理署的數字表 明,今年首8個月,香港進口110只格力犬,比去 年同期下降56%。 澳門愛護動物協會(Anima)總裁Albano Martins說:“我相信,澳門行政長官將不再 為澳門逸園賽狗會(Canidrome)的牌照續 約。” Martins指出:“現在我擔心的是,當狗會[賽 道]關閉時,他們的狗的去向,”他擔心這些賽 狗將被捕殺。 上述報告指出,去年逸園賽狗會的所有800隻 格力犬通過香港從澳大利亞進口,其中共有378 隻被進口澳門,以取代因被認為在比賽中無利 可圖而被捕殺的狗隻。 “我相信低賽狗進口率是澳大利亞政府強制 實行的,因他們擔心反對澳門賽狗的國際運 動,” Martins說,“他們不覺得他們的狗在澳 門得到保護。” 近年來逸園賽狗會(亞洲唯一仍在經營狗賽道 的公司)一直受到大量批評,因他們殺害表現欠 佳的賽狗,並且沒有努力為他們的格力犬重新 安家,而是在格力犬被迫“退休”後捕殺牠們。 這個問題已經引起國際動物福利團體的注意, 他們已向政府竭力要求終止賽狗。 Martins說,這些動物福利團體將再組織一場 新運動,向行政長官崔世安請願,一勞永逸地 關閉逸園賽狗會。 Martins 稱:“我一直建議政府把逸園賽狗會 改建成有地下停車場的公園(因為該地區人口 稠密),或使用該地建設公共房屋——每個人 都樂見其成。”


寶貝寵物 • 2013 年 11月


Pet Lover


imports dip

The dwindling number of greyhounds being imported to Macau could be a sign that local dog racing will cease operations when its licence runs out in 2015 Previous media reports, citing figures from Hong Kong’s Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department,

showed that 110 greyhounds were imported to Hong Kong in the first eight months of this year, which represents a 56 percent drop from the same period last year. “I’m confident that the Chief Executive will not

renew the Canidrome’s licence,” animal protection society Anima’s president Albano Martins said.

"My concern now is where the dogs will go when

it [racing track] shuts down," Martins pointed out, fearing that the racing dogs will be culled.

The report states that all 800 greyhounds at the

Canidrome are imported from Australia through Hong Kong and a total of 378 dogs were imported to Macau last year to replace dogs that had been put to death because they were deemed unprofitable to race. “I believe the low import rate is imposed by the

Australian government because they are concerned with the international campaign against Macau’s dog racing,” Martins said, “They don’t feel that their dogs in Macau are being protected.”

The Canidrome, which is the only racing track still in

operation in Asia, has been under a great deal of criticism in recent years for killing under-performing dogs and for

making no effort to rehome their greyhounds but instead terminating them when they are forced to "retire".

The issue has caught the attention of international animal welfare groups that have pressed the government to end dog racing.

Martins said that these animal welfare groups will again be organising a new campaign, petitioning Chief Executive Fernando Chui Sai On to close down the Canidrome once and for all.

"I've always suggested the government turn the Canidrome into a park, with an underground car park because that

area is so densely populated, or use the space for public housing, which everyone would prefer," Martins said.

Pets & Hugs • November 2013


公開信 Open Letter

鑑於澳門及海外公眾表達了對澳門逸園賽狗會(Canidrome)活動的關切,他們已經 向行政長官崔世安發出一封公開信,強烈要求解決此事。鑑於《寶貝寵物》內容讀 者的利益,本雜誌抄錄如下。 In light of the concern expressed by both people in Macau and abroad in relation to the activities at the Canidrome, an open letter has been addressed to the Chief Executive, Chui Sai On, strongly urging that the matter be addressed. Due to the relevant content to our readers, Pets & Hugs reproduces it here.

賽狗 協會希望關閉逸園 為何澳門愛護動物 跟同伴一起追趕 格力犬們都很享受 者 ,或 度 速 拚 比 物 動 們 觀看如此漂亮的 我們原則上接受人 舊,犬 的 跑 道已經非常殘 那隻小白免。 實上供 格力犬 比賽 事 , 好 美 般 像 想 園賽狗並不是 但 現實是,澳門逸 受傷或發生意外。 在 逸 園 狗 房,對比 分危險,而且很容易 十 是 跑 奔 道 賽 此 時 有 54 5隻 格力犬 現 隻在 , 得 所 據 數 的 提供領養計 協 會 對上一次收 集 滅,很 遺 憾 逸 園 不 毀 道 人 根 據澳門愛護動 物 被 己 隻 犬 很多 擁有 力 犬 相 比,證 明 有 多犬隻 是狗 場名下 2 011年 有 70 0隻 格 年只有13.6%,當更 11 20 而 隻, 就是 犬 因 %的 原 身擁有37.8 行。令 一 個 目並不是 想 像 般 流 劃。M .Y.C即逸園本 項 狗 賽 明 證 , 候 澳 獎 金 只有 門 幣 格力犬 主 人 的 時 )的比賽為例,冠 軍 碼 95 而更 少人 願 意 成 為 (5 途 長 班 一 第 除 特別 賽 事 外,以 比賽 獎 金 十分 少, 至2013上 年二億 五百萬。截 3,30 0。 4千萬減少至2012 3億 有 年 10 20 由 持 續減少, 賽狗 項目的收 入也 隻傷 病,18隻 建 議 澳門幣九千一百萬! 有 賽的(127隻休息,27 比 半年,收入退至只 加 參 能 未 8隻 5隻格力犬,共有28 。 逸園狗會目前有54 格力犬是不能作賽 道如 此 頻繁的賽 簡單來說有53%的 單的 數學 基 礎 都 知 簡 要 退役,116隻受傷)。 。只 賽 比 場 18 有 晚 每 日賽 事,而 如此高的受傷率。 逸 園 一星 期 舉 行五 解釋為何犬隻會有 好 正 , ” 命 賽,有媒體 透露澳 奔 於 疲 成更少狗隻可以比 做 程,只會令犬隻” 會 只 終 ,最 賽 比 越來越少犬隻適合 當比賽 賽程不變而 量減少三分之二。 目將會是 到澳門的格力犬數 憤怒,預期 賽狗項 洲方面已經把出口 組 織已經 對此十分 際 國 受, 接 能 不 康的犬隻 是 殺害那些年壯而健 基 多空間,居 住 筷子 ,澳門社區需 要更 時 夕陽行業。 同 。 豪 自 到 感 金 承受高昂 租 之 現 代 及 文明 的 澳 門 建 經 屋 令市民不用 興 作 我們 應 該 對生活在 改 可 至 甚 , 場 設 施例如 公眾停車 的居 民 極 需 要 公 共 你呢? 苦。 狗場關閉的原因, 動物協會希望逸園 護 愛 們 我 是 都 上 以


寶貝寵物 • 2013 年 11月


Pet Lover

October 21,2013 Dr. Chui Sai On Chief Executive Macau, SAR


Dear Dr. Chui Sai On, We are writing to request your urgent attention to the pligh t of greyhounds at Macau’s dog track , the Canidrome. Despite the respectful entreaties of ANIM A Director, Albano Martins, and in complete disregard of inter national calls for change, the track owners have refused to make even the most basic improvements to the treatmen t of the dogs. Letters from the thirteen-member Asia for Animals Coalition, which inclu des the Society for the Preventio n of Cruelty to Animals Hong Kong, IFAW, RSPCA and Humane Society International, as well as separate requests from GREY2K USA Worldwide and Animals Australia have all been ignored. In fact, a visiti ng representative from the RSPC A asked if he could be shown the kennels earlier this year, so as to advise on better humane standards, but he was summarily refused. Both the Macau Times and the South China Morning Post repo rted in 2011 that dogs are killed at the rate of one per day, with dogs arriving monthly from Aust new ralia. Figures recently obtained by the SPCA Hong Kong show the number of imports ranged 290 in 2010, 348 in 2011, and from 378 in 2012. While early indic ations predict a decline for 2013 , this does not change the fact survives the Canidrome. Onc that no dog e their usefulness subsides to injur y or age, there is no safet y net, no adoption program, for these dogs. Over twenty-e and no way out ight thousand people to date have petitioned for the relea se of one dog in particular, a colored greyhound named Broo red brindleklyn. You may read this petit ion and a January 2012 report on the Canidrome at RescueBr The decline of greyhound racin g has been ongoing for years, and media outlets have long reported the spiraling collapse of this industry. The most rece nt U.S. figures available from the Association of Racing Com missioners International show that gambling on greyhounds has declined by 67% in the year s 2001-2011. This includes both gambling on live racing and simulcast betting, where bett ors wager remotely on dog race s taking place elsewhere. Not only have humane concerns come to the forefront, but com petition from other forms of gambling has forced track s to close. Since 2001, twenty-se American track s have shut dow ven n operations, cutting the U.S. industry, the birth ground of grey hound racing, in half. Similarly, according to the Econ omist, the United Kingdom has suffered a 20% decline on dog race bookmakers bets just since 2008. A member of the House of Lords, Lord Lipse y, described the industry as spira ling downward since the 1960’s. Equally, the Irish Grey hound Board has relied on gove rnment subsidies to continue . These totaled more than €l1M each year in the last thre e years, according to Houses of the Oireachtas and the Irish Greyhound Board itself. In conclusion, it is our understa nding that the Canidrome has not only been evasive with anim al advocates, but has resisted government direc tives as well . The arrogance of the track owners, coupled with the cont inuing killing of greyhounds at the facility, strongly indicate that it is time for a change. We are grateful for the news that there may be an inquiry into humane conditions, but any delay in closing the Cani drome will only cause more grey houn ds to suffer needlessly. Perhaps the Canidrome can follo w in the footsteps of Wimbled on, one of London’s original dog track s? The facility has recently been sold and its land will soon become a place for parking, housing and commun ity recreational space. We ask that you inter vene in this situation, rescind the Cani drome’s racing license, and mandate the end of dog racing in Macau for good. Respectfully,

Christine A. Dorchak, Esq. President, GREY2K USA Worldwi

Pets & Hugs • November 2013


Anne Lloyd-Jones

Australian Director, Animals Asia

Lyn White

Campaign Direc tor, Animals Austr






Animal Preservation

Open Let’s Letter Hear it for the Ugly Ones!

《寳貝寵物》關愛所有的動物,從可愛的 到那些只有媽媽才會愛的。現在開始的每 一期雜誌我們將特別介紹“醜陋動物保護 協會”(一個旨在引起大家對那些受威脅 動物關注的組織)一位成員。 物王國是一個巨大世界,充滿了大自然給予的所 有美麗色彩和形狀,魔幻般地變出如下圖景:彩 虹色優美的小鳥飛翔在天空,微笑的海豚在海洋中暢 泳,毛茸茸的小貓玩著自己的尾巴。 然而,這個巨大的王國也是很多很多我們從來沒有聽 說過的動物的家。個中原因——說得微妙一點——因 为牠們不是很可愛。牠們甚至不好看。我們不要拐彎 抹角,牠們是醜陋的。 可是,牠們對萬物相連世界的自然秩序的微妙平衡, 也是為珍貴和必要的。無論牠們可能看起來是多麼可 怕或怪誕,牠們的每一個都是一條生命,因此而值得 我們尊重和關懷。 鑑於這些在美學觀點上受到挑戰動物所處的困境,一 個协会(名为“醜陋動物保護協會”)在英國創立,如他 們的網站所稱,因為“熊貓得到太多的關注。” 該協會他們的目的是鼓勵人們參與保育項目,以及挑戰 公眾對於瀕臨絕種動物(如大熊貓和紅松鼠)的喜愛。 該協會以一個科學主題的喜劇之夜開始,最近又設計了 一個尋找吉祥物(“一個媲美許多慈善機構和組織的 可愛徽章的吉祥物”)的公共活動。 生物學家兼電視節目主持人Simon Watt(醜陋動物保 護協會會長)表示,他希望該活動會引大家關注這些 怪異和奇妙動物面臨的威脅。 9月12日,他在紐卡斯爾英國科學節宣布獲勝者。看起 來脾氣暴躁、膠狀的水滴魚(Blobfish)贏得公眾投票, 成為“醜陋動物保護協會”的官方吉祥物,此魚因此獲 得世界上最醜動物的非官方頭銜。 讓我們來仔細看看“醜陋動物保護協會”的新面孔—— 水滴魚。因贏得近10,000票,牠肯定是非常醜陋。 水滴魚不是一個條很長的魚(通常短於30厘米),牠棲


息於澳大利亞大陸和塔斯曼尼亞島離岸的深海,以及新西 蘭海域。在水深600至1200米之間,牠們居住環境的壓力 比海平面高出幾十倍。 為了保持浮力,水滴魚基本上是一團膠狀的物質,密度略 小於水,这可讓牠無需花費太多精力游泳而浮在海底之 上。科學家們認為牠無需獵食,反而是張開嘴巴,吸入漂 過的微小有機顆粒。 水滴魚雖然本身不能食用,但時常成為海底拖網的誤捕漁 獲。科學家們現在擔心因為深海拖網的關系,水滴魚可能 成為瀕臨絕種動物。

寶貝寵物 • 2013 年 11月


Pet Lover

Pets&Hugs loves all animals; from the cute ones, to those with faces only a mother could love. In every issue we’ll be highlighting a member of The Ugly Animal Preservation Society, a project that draws attention to these threatened creatures

is connected. And no matter

The society began as a science-

they may be, each and every one

recently devised a public


creatures, a society was created

he animal kingdom is a vast

creatures that we have never

colours and shapes mother nature

put it delicately- they are not

one, full of all the beautiful

has to offer, conjuring up images of rainbow coloured graceful

birds in the sky, smiling dolphins

swimming in the oceans, and fluffy kittens playing with their tails. However this vast kingdom is

also home to many, many more

heard of. And that is because- to cute. They are not even nice

looking. Let’s not beat around the bush. They are ugly.

However, they are also precious and essential to the delicate

balance that is the natural order of the world, where everything

how scary or grotesque looking of them is a life, and therefore

deserving of our respect and care. In light of the plight of these aesthetically challenged

in the UK, The Ugly Animal

Preservation Society, because, as their website states, “The panda gets too much attention.”

Their aim is to encourage people to get involved in conservation

projects, as well as challenging the public’s love affair with crowd-

pleasing endangered animals, such as the panda and the red squirrel.

themed comedy night and

campaign to find a mascot, “one to rival the cute and

cuddly emblems of many

charities and organisations.”

Biologist and TV presenter Simon Watt, president of the Ugly

Animal Preservation Society,

said he hoped the campaign would draw attention to the threats facing these weird and wonderful creatures.

On the 12th of September

he announced the winner at

the British Science Festival in

Newcastle. The grumpy-looking,

gelatinous blobfish won the public vote to become the official mascot of The Ugly Animal Preservation Society, giving it the unofficial title of world's ugliest animal. Let’s take a closer look at the

new face of The Ugly Animal

Preservation Society, the Blobfish. Winning by almost 10,000 votes,

that certainly is a whole lot of ugly. Not a terribly long fish, typically

shorter than 30 cm, the blobfish inhabits the deep waters off

the coasts of mainland Australia and Tasmania, as well as the waters of New Zealand. At

depths between 600 and 1,200

m, they live in conditions where the pressure is several dozen

times higher than at sea level.

In order to maintain buoyancy, the blobfish is primarily a gelatinous mass with a density slightly less than water, allowing it to float

above the sea floor without having to expend too much energy on

swimming. Scientists believe that the fish does not hunt; instead, it

opens its mouth and sucks in little organic particles that drift by. Blobfish are often caught as bycatch in bottom trawling nets, although it is inedible

itself. Scientists now fear the blobfish could become an

endangered species because of deep-ocean trawling. Pets & Hugs • November 2013


領養 寵物

Adopt a pet 金沙中國贊助 Sponsored by Sands China ltd.

Estrada do Altinho de Ka-Ho 路環九澳高頂馬路

(直升機維修廠附近) Coloane, Macau

(853) 2871 5732

他們希望得到你的關愛。 你準備好關愛他們了嗎?

They want to love you. Are you ready to love them?

領養動物是幫助牠們的最好方法。這 是一種愛的表現,但亦表現了責任。 除非你確信你會信守承諾,否則不要 冒然行事。領養一隻動物即假定牠會 是家庭的一員。牠會是非常特殊的家 庭成員,因為牠對你的愛永遠是無條 件的。

Adopting an animal is the best way to help them. A gesture of love, but also of responsibility. Please do not undertake this unless you’re sure you want this commitment. To adopt an animal is to assume that they will be a member of the family. And a very special member, because they will always have unconditional love for you.

有型多彩多姿的男士尋找 一位終身咖啡伴侶

Sassy colourful man looking for lifelong coffee mate

看,我不會騙你。我打算每天用感性的 濕吻包圍你,我可能會在餐桌旁乞求食 物,我可能 會 嘗 試 每個 晚 上 潛入你的 床。但我永遠不會離開你身邊。我的名 字是Mocha,我愛咖啡的香味...... 讓我們每天早上一起分享一杯咖啡...

Look, I’m not going to lie to you. I plan to cover you with slobbery wet kisses everyday and I will probably beg

for food at the table, I may even try and sneak into your bed each night. But what I won’t ever do is leave your

side. My name is Mocha and I love the smell of coffee... Let’s share a coffee together every morning...

MOCHA 編號 1139 • 性別 雄性 年齡 2個月 Code 1139 • Sex M Age 2 months


寶貝寵物 • 2013 年 11月



氣味專家尋找芳香的生活伴侶 或許我矮小,但生命中最好的東西就在小包裏。就如鑽石戒 指,每個女孩子都渴望在她一生中擁有一隻!我是氣味覓食專 家,會嗅出你打算給我的所有零食,甚至一些你沒打算給我的 零食!我的家族都是高智商、高學歷,在美國海關和邊境巡邏 工作。當我拒絕加入家族企業,他們便捨棄我,現在我無家可 歸又孤單,希望尋找一位生活伴侶,好給我一個溫暖的家。 讓我們一起拥有芳香的未來...

Scent expert seeks sweet smelling life partner


I may be short, but the best things in life come in small packages. Just like diamond rings, every

girl should want one of me in her life! I am an expert scent forager and will sniff out all the treats

編號 1118 • 性 別 年齡 6歲

you plan to give me, and even some that you don’t! My family were all overachievers, working at the US customs and border patrol. They disowned me when I refused to go into the family

x F Code 1118 • Se Age 6 years

business, and now I’m homeless and lonely, looking for a life partner to give me a loving home. Let’s have a perfumed future together...

COCA 編號 1139 • 性別 雄性 年齡 1.5歲 Code 1139 • Sex M Age 1.5 years


Coca searching for his Cola

Coca是名字,冒險和刺激 是遊戲。我典型的一天,從 在 鄰居周 圍 輕 快 地 慢 跑 開 始,消耗一些早晨的能量。 我願意也能夠跟你步行上塔 頂、蹦極跳及揚帆到七海。 我渴望找到一位與我的高能 量匹配的夥伴,那我們組成 的“可口可樂”隊將是一股 不可忽視的力量。 請你滑翔到我這裏,讓我們 一起體驗驚險刺激的一生...

Coca’s the name, adventure and thrills are the game. A typical

老前輩尋找夥伴 年輕人,我經歷過這一切。在 壓力未變得太大之前,我已經 是一名工作了9年的紐約市警 犬。很多因我而入獄的罪犯 都在跟蹤我,所以為了安全, 我要躲 藏在澳門。我的新名 字是Pun,正在尋找一個養活 我、寵我,並與我一起看警匪 電視節目的伴侶。當我們出 外散步時,我會在街上幫你的 鄰居巡邏,我也偏愛奇怪的 甜甜圈... 讓我們一起保持街道安全...

day for me starts with a brisk

jog around the neighbourhood,

working off some morning energy. I’m also willing and able to tower walk, bungee jump and sail onto the seven seas with you. I long

for a partner for my high-octane

fun so that we’re team ‘Coca Cola’,


Old-timer looking for companionship Boy, have I seen it all. I was a New

York City police dog for nine years before the stress on the force

became too much. Too many of the criminals I helped put away were after me, so I had to hide

out in Macau for safety. My new

name is Pun and I’m now looking

for a partner who will feed me, pet me, and watch TV crime shows

with me. I’ll help patrol the streets of your neighbourhood when

we’re out on walks and I’m also

quite partial to the odd donut...

Let’s keep the streets safe together...

PUN 編號 1139 • 性別 雄性 年齡 10.5歲 Code 1139 • Sex M Age 10.5 years

a force to be reckoned with. Please paraglide your way

to me and let’s experience a lifetime of thrills together...

金沙中國贊助 Sponsored by Sands China ltd. Pets & Hugs • November 2013


SCOTT 編號 C587 • 性別 雄性 年齡 2個月

Code C587 • Sex M Age 2 months


Looking for a lid to my box

喂!是我呀,我是一個名叫Scott焦慮不安的小傢夥。 我經常處於一個憂慮的狀態,擔心是否有足夠的食 物、是否有一個溫暖的地方睡覺,擔心那大貓會否坐 在我身上壓迫我,擔心或許收容所的狗會吃掉我。我 在空盒子裏找到安全,我從來沒有見過一個我不喜 歡的盒子。我假設家就是樣的,對嗎? 請帶我到你的盒子,讓我有安全感…

Woe is me, I’m an anxious little guy named Scott. I’m enough food to eat, a warm place to sleep, that the

bigger cats will sit on me and squash me, or that the dogs in the shelter will eat me. I seek out safety in empty boxes and I’ve never met a box I didn’t like. I’m assuming that’s what a home looks like, right? Please take me to your box and keep me safe...

大耳朵、心胸開闊、 尋找愛情

Big Ears, Big Heart, looking for love

因為我的大耳朵和小臉引致 其他的貓取笑我。牠們不知 道,我比其他貓、狗、或人類 能聽得更清楚。讓我成為你 愛的雷達天線。以我敏銳的 聽覺,我會 提醒你任 何走到 你門外的麻 煩 人,會在你的 鬧鐘完成第一次響鬧時快樂 地叫醒你。當我們 一起依偎 在 沙 發上,而你 輕擦我兩耳 之間的位置,这就是我的一 個完美夜晚。 請讓我進入你的心,你永遠 不會後悔…

The other cats tease me because of my big ears and small face.

What they don’t know is that I can hear better than any other cat,

dog, or human. Let me be your

radar antenna for love. With my keen sense of hearing, I’ll alert

you to any pesky people coming to your door and will happily

wake you up before your alarm clock finishes its first chime. A

perfect night to me is us snuggled together on the couch, while you rub the space between my ears. Please let me into your heart, you’ll never regret it...


in a constant state of worry about whether I’ll get


別 雌性 編號 C589 • 性 月 年齡 3個 x F Code C589 • Se s th on m 3 Age

寶貝寵物 • 2013 年 11月




別 雌性 編號 C607 • 性 月 2個 齡 年 x F Code C607 • Se s th on m 2 e Ag


Diva seeks admirer for life

我在貓臥底圈子裏被稱為幸運的精靈貓。只 要在我白色下巴擦一擦,許個願,噗!你想要 甚麼就有甚麼。我希望你想要一隻美麗又有 皇者 氣 派的黑白貓,因為我在這裏!每天, 我照照鏡子並咕嚕一聲‘你好漂亮’。在你身 邊,我總會讓你看來不錯。

I am known in undercover cat circles as the lucky genie cat. Simply

尋找一生案例的偵探 好奇是我的中間名字。我 最喜的莫 過 於解決神 秘 事情和 研究不同氣味 及 聲音。我要檢查的角落對 我來說不會太暗。我相信 有一 個 雌老虎的靈魂 隱 藏在我可愛臉蛋背後。勇 敢和 熱情的我擅長失落 物品的個案,不管你遺失 了甚麼,我會找回來。 請每天都陪伴在我身 邊…

Detective looking for the case of a lifetime Curious is my middle name. I like nothing more than to

solve mysteries and investigate

rub underneath my white chin, make a wish and poof! Whatever you

desire is yours. I hope you desire a beautiful black and white cat with a regal air about her, because here I am! I look in the mirror and purr ‘Hello gorgeous’ daily. By your side, I’ll always make you look good.


別 雌性 編號 C586 • 性 月 年齡 2個 x F Code C586 • Se s th on m Age 2

different smells and sounds.

No corner is too dark for me to examine. I believe I have the

soul of a tigress hidden behind this adorable face. Daring and intense, I excel in the case of

the missing object. Whatever you have lost, I will find.

Please let me find you by my side every day...

金沙中國贊助 Sponsored by Sands China ltd. Pets & Hugs • November 2013


Why Anima wants the Canídrome to be closed In principle, we could accept that people enjoy seeing beautiful greyhounds racing. Maybe the animals could also enjoy friendly competition for the rabbit. Yes, maybe. But the situation at Macau Canídrome is not as beautiful as that. The way the business is conducted constitutes a risky sport for these animals, especially on a very old track. The latest figures collected from Anima show that today Canídrome has


545 animals in its kennels (a significant reduction from 2011 when the track

Anima´s president

had 700 animals, and also proof that many, many animals really are killed as Canídrome does not have an adoption policy). MYC, which is Canidrome itself, owns 37.8 per cent of those animals as compared with 13.6 per cent


in 2011. This may mean that the competition is not as popular as it seems. Dogs are increasingly being concentrated in the hands of the track owner, possibly because less and less greyhound


owners want to engage in such business.


Another reason is that the prize is very small. Apart from special trophy racing,


the highest prize for 1st Class long run racing (595 yards) is only 3.300 patacas.


The volume of income continuously went down from 340 million in 2010


to 205 million in 2012. Figures from this year may confirm another decrease.

根據愛護動物協會的最新數字,目前逸園狗房共有545頭賽狗(大大低於2011 年的700

In the first semester of 2013 their income was only 91 million patacas!


Of those 545 animals that are now in Canidrome, 288 are out of competition


(127 are in rest, 27 sick, 18 recommended for retirement and 116 are injured).


In short, 53 per cent of them are not able to compete.


Canídrome operates five days a week with 18 races a day. We


don’t need to be good at mathematics to understand that this

碼)的最高獎金,也只有3,300元(澳門元, 下同)。

number of sessions makes the animals very tired, and it also


partly explains the high rate of injuries on that old track.

年終的數字,將確認這跌勢 ——2013年上半年的投注額,僅錄得9,100萬元!

With so few animals racing and still operating the same number of


sessions, less animals will be able to compete. The figures provided


by the media also show that the number of exports from Australia


to Macau is now down to 1/3rd, or 10 dogs per month!


This is the decline of a business that is making the international community


very angry. Killing so many young and healthy animals is not acceptable!


Macau should be a place where we all feel proud to


live in a modern and civilized corner of China.


Macau needs space for its community, a central park for the people who


live in Fai Chi Kei, car park facilities, or alternatively more public housing for


those who cannot afford to pay the current high market rental prices.


Those are the reasons why we, Anima, want the Canidrome to close.


What about you?


單位: 澳門元(百萬)







2013年第二季 合計











115841 5747.5 20.16 4.52

Unit: MOP Million

Greyhound Racing



Number of VIP Baccarat tables

Gross Revenue per table

VIP Baccarat




5747.5 20.16

Number of VIP Baccarat table has equal gross revenue with Greyhound Racing


寶貝寵物 • 2013 年 11月



有組織參觀 2013年前三季度對Anima的有組織參觀增長90.6%。截至2013 年9月底,參觀Anima人數達3,765人,相比去年同期的1,960人, 今年參觀人數大增90.6%。這個數字高於2012年全年參觀人數 (2,972人)20.6%。學校、企業團體、朋友和家人群體不斷前往 Anima與動物在戶外玩耍,同時他們帶來食品和捐款。現在,越 來越多的志願者定期造訪Anima。

Visits get organized Organized visits to Anima increased 90.6% in the first three quarters of 2013. By the end of September 2013, the number of visitors to

Anima was 3,765, which is a huge increase of 90.6 percent compared to the same period last year of 1,960. These figures are 20.6 percent higher than all visits combined in 2012, at 2,972. Schools, corporate groups, groups of friends and families continue to visit Anima to

play with animals outdoors, to bring food and donations. More and more volunteers are now visiting Anima in a systematic way.

2013 - 澳門愛護動物協會 - 統計 - 狗 2013-Anima-Statistics-Dogs

































































5 月 / May 6 月 / Jun 7 月 / Jul

8 月 / Aug 9 月 / Sep

合計 / Total 49


我們的目標 Our goal

Monthly average







1 月 / Jan

2 月 / Feb

6 月 / Jun

5 月 / May 7 月 / Jul

8 月 / Aug 9 月 / Sep




































































1.78 0.74


Died Adopted


been rescued. An average of nine dogs were adopted

合計 / Total 52






monthly average is seven, with a total of 60 adoptions. The

Monthly average






Pets & Hugs • November 2013

比率 Ratio


Anima’s statistics on their cats and dogs from January 2013

unfortunately, still far from Anima’s ultimate goal of a 2.0 ratio.




Adoption trend growing

out/ in ratio was 0.75 and 0.74 respectively. The figures are,


2013 - 澳門愛護動物協會 - 統計 - 貓 2013-Anima-Statistics-Cats

4 月 / Apri

every month with a total of 73 for the entire period. Cats’

out /in

3 月 / Mar

Over the nine month period, 124 dogs and 162 cats have



4 月 / Apri

by the society to protect and save the animals of Macau.





3 月 / Mar

to the end of September highlight the efforts being made

Died** Adopted



2 月 / Feb

澳門愛護動物協會(Anima)2013年1月至9月底的貓 狗統計數字突顯了澳門社會為保護和拯救動物作出的 努力。在此9個月期間,124隻狗及162隻貓已獲救。平 均每月9條狗被領養,整個9個月期間73條狗被領養。 同期平均每月7隻貓被領養,9個月期間共有60隻貓被 領養。出/入比率分別為0.75和0.74。不幸的是,這些 數字仍與Anima2.0的終極目標比率相差甚遠。




比率 Ratio 出 /進



1 月 / Jan




我們的目標 Our goal

出 /進 out /in

2 1.13

* 只在收容所内。 所有動物已被絶育(小于6個月除外) / Only in the shelter. All animals are desexed except if younger than 6 months ** 包括獲救時已死動物 / include dead animals rescued


關於一些非洲動物... About some of Africa’s animals… 非洲豹 此豹以攀爬能力著稱,可帶比其自身體重重兩倍 的東西爬上一棵6米高的樹。

非洲獅子 此獅子每天休息2 0個 小時左右 African Lion Lions rest around 20 hours a day

African Leopard Leopards are known for their climbing abilities and can carry three times their own body weight up a 6 meter high tree

非洲大象 此大象用腳傾聽。牠們聽到其牠大象通 過地面振動發出的亞音速隆隆聲。 African Elephant Elephants use their feet to listen. They pick up subsonic rumblings made by other elephants through vibrations in the ground


寶貝寵物 • 2013 年 11月


Kid’s Curiosities 長頸鹿 長頸鹿有四個胃。額外的胃幫 助牠們消化食物。 Giraffe

Giraffes have four stomachs. The extra stomachs help them digest food

非洲水牛 非洲水牛是游泳好手,往往跨越深水覓食。 Cape Buffalo

Cape Buffalo are good swimmers and often cross deep waters in search of food

Pets & Hugs • November 2013


摺紙工藝 Origami


寶貝寵物 • 2013 年 11月


Kid’s Activities

魔幻迷宮 Labyrinth

Pets & Hugs • November 2013


在澳門​​公寓內過著奢華的生活,對 今天的貓似乎是一種豪華選擇,但 像人類一樣,一個安全環境中的清 新空氣有利於健康和幸福。與一般 看法相反,只要很有耐心、運氣和更 多耐心,你可以訓練你的貓,帶著貓 帶和貓套與你去公園散步。 Living the high life in Macau apartments seems a luxurious option for cats these days, but like humans, fresh air in a

safe environment, is good for health and happiness. Contrary to popular

belief, and with a lot of patience, luck, and more patience, you can train

your cat to walk on a harness and leash when you go to the park.


雖然仍處於室內,輕輕拿著貓帶 並開始與你的貓漫步,但不要拉! 如果他不來,給他一點小吃,然後 等待他來找你。如果他還是不動, 把小吃放在他面前,當他吃的時 候,你走到貓帶的末端。當他追上 你時,稱讚並用小吃獎勵他。一次 又一次重複上術動作。如果你的 貓試圖走向另一個方向,應用溫 和但堅定的力度拉緊貓帶。但不 要猛拉或用力拉扯,要耐心等待。 當你的貓終於走向你時,放鬆貓 帶鼓動他,你也可以再給他小吃 以示獎勵。 重複此步驟,直到你有信心,可以 在任何方向指揮你的貓。

Day 1 – Get Supplies

Purchase a harness designed for cats

from a pet store. The leash attachment should be at the back of the harness, not at the neck. Purchase treats for rewarding each bit of progress.

Day 2 – Get your cat used to the harness

Hold the harness and let your cat sniff it. Try putting the harness on your cat and then offer a treat and a lot of praise.

Note: adjust the fit of the harness so you can slip two fingers between


the harness and your cat’s body.

在室內將貓套和貓帶套上你的貓 並帶他出外。他很可能會緊張,所 以要在一個安靜、隱蔽地點開始, 也許在公園裏。起初只是牽著你 的貓坐下,當他開始向周圍嗅和 探索,便跟著他,當他放鬆而且準 備好繼續前進的時候,你便可與 你的新步行夥伴向前邁進。


寶貝寵物 • 2013 年 11月


Pet Training


Days 3 & 4 – Roaming around indoors


Only proceed to this step if your cat is

到 寵物 店 購 買專為 貓 設 計 的 貓 套。附屬的貓帶應該扣在貓套後 面,而不是扣在貓頸上。購買些小 吃以便獎勵每一點進步。

comfortable wearing the harness.

Attach the leash to the harness and let it

drag behind. Follow your cat around your

home while he wears the harness and drags the leash. Do not direct him anywhere,

just follow and watch closely to ensure he


doesn’t get tangled or stuck on anything.

拿起貓套讓你的貓嗅嗅它。嘗試 把貓套套在你的貓身上,然後獎 牠一點小吃並大大讚賞。 注意:調整貓套鬆緊度,調整到 讓你兩隻手指可塞進貓套與貓身 之間。

Days 4, 5, & 6 – Time for control

While still indoors, hold the leash gently and start

walking with your cat, but don’t pull! If he doesn’t come, offer a treat and wait for him to come to

you. If he still doesn’t move, drop a treat in front of him and while he eats it, walk to the end of

the leash. When he catches up to you, praise and reward him with another treat. Repeat this again

and again. Apply gentle but firm pressure on the leash if your cat tries to go in another direction. Be sure not to yank or pull hard, just wait

patiently. When your cat finally moves towards

you, he’ll be rewarded by looser tension on the

leash, and you can reward him with another treat.


Repeat this step until you’re confident that

當 你 的 貓 可以舒 適 地 帶上 貓 套 時,才可進行這一步。 把貓帶扣上貓套,並讓貓帶垂在 貓身後面。當貓穿上貓套而貓帶 垂在他身後時,跟著你的貓在家 中走 動。不 要 指 令 他 到 任 何 地 方,只跟隨他並細心 觀察,以確 保 他不 被 貓 帶 纏 住 或被 東西卡 住。

you can direct your cat in any direction.

Day 7 – Time to take the show on the road

Put the harness and leash on your cat indoors and carry him outside. He’ll most likely be nervous, so start in a quiet, sheltered spot, in a park perhaps,

and just sit with your cat on the leash at first. Start following him as he starts sniffing and exploring and move further with your new walking buddy when he’s relaxed and ready to move on.


Additional tips


1. Ensure your cat is up to date on his vaccinations before

2.嘗試設定一個在每天特定時間、有規律性的散步 時間表。

2. Try setting a regular walking schedule at a certain time of day.

3.當你的貓哭鬧或纏著你時,不要帶他出去。不理睬 他,直到他安靜下來,然後以散步獎勵他的好表現。 4.不要用貓帶把你的貓綁於戶外的東西,然後離開 他,哪怕只有片刻。他可能會被貓帶纏住而 弄傷自己;若受到狗或其他動物襲擊,你的貓將無 法逃脫。

Pets & Hugs • November 2013

you go outside.

3. Never take him out when he’s crying or pestering you. Ignore him until he’s quiet, then reward his good behavior with a walk.

4. Do not tie your cat’s leash to something outside and leave

him, even if only for a moment. Your cat might get tangled in the leash and hurt himself, and he won’t be able to escape if a dog or other animal approaches.


寵物商店 Pet Shops AnimalS Club

Dog One Life Macau

Estrada de Coelho do Amaral,

Garden, Taipa


No.28-A, R/C B, Macau





Ngai Lam Animal

American Elwood Petshome

Rua do Padre AntónioRoliz 25-27 CD


Bambino Dog Town

Dou Bin Pet Shop Ltd

Avenida Concórdia Ka Ieng Garden

Kun Iam Tong, No. 12, R/C

R/C 和樂大馬路嘉應花園地下 +853 28222376

+853 28839898


觀音堂街12號地下 +853 28517717

Bebe Pet Pet

Endless Love Pet Shop


Rua Nova A Guia, No.250 R/C, Edf.

Fong Son San Chun BI 5 R/C

+853 28968309


Kam Hong, Macau


Centro Beleza Animais Hoi Hun

+853 28353785


House Pet - Animais Estimação

Sun Gdn BI 3 R/C, Taipa

Sacadura Cabral 81 R/C

Tin Tei

Estrada Gov. Albano Oliveira Nam (氹仔) 南新花園第三座地下B +853 28821144

Chan Man Chong



沙嘉都喇賈罷麗街81號 +853 28352421

puppy house professional


Av Conselheiro Ferreira de Almeida



R/C N1, Macau

122 R/C

+853 28528320

Chong Hang Lei Pet Shop


羅神父街25-27號 CD +853 28525391

Rua S. Lourenço 4 R/C

Animal Medical Center

Avenida Dr. Sun YatSen 115 R/C, Taipa

(氹仔) 孫逸仙博士大馬路115號地下


Charming Pet Hospital

La Cite Rua 1 de Maio 342 R/C +853 28949494 Petotel


Tai Lin 389 R/C

(氹仔) 大連街389號地下


Avenida do Conselheiro Ferreira de Almeida 122 R/C

荷蘭園大馬路122號地下 +853 28527898

+853 28839898

Dr. Ho Xiu Dong Mut Yee Mou

Pig Pet Shop Beauty Center

Dr. Ho 小動物醫務所


Rua do Almirante Costa Cabral 6E R/C 賈伯樂提督街6號e地下 +853 28550768


Rua do Almirante Costa Cabral 84 R/C

賈伯樂提督街84號e地下 +853 28523678

Flora Veterinary Clinic Ltd





+853 28357717


Puppyland Ltd


Rua Sacadura Cabral 29E R/C

+853 28968187

+853 28837050

+853 28836791

Rua Martinho Montenegro 27 R/C

+853 28937980

Mei Keng Garden, Block 5, Taipa

Pet Pet Group


Garden R/C H

+853 28220108

+853 28563771


Love Dog Family


Estrada Coelho Amaral 17A R/C

Patio da Esteira, Nº42, EDF. Son Seng,


Av Cons Borja, No. 341, Edf. Mayfair

Green Gross Veterinary Clinic




Pet Island

Rua de Tai Lin, No. 389, Pou Long


+853 28813388


寵物診所 Clinics


沙嘉都喇賈罷麗街29號e地下 +853 28522715

Avenida Sidónio Pais 43 R/C +853 28524916

Home-Vet Veterinary Centre


Avenida Kwong Tung, Nam San Gdn Bl 1 R/C, Taipa

(氹仔) 廣東大馬路南新花園第1座地下 +853 28821016

寶貝寵物 • 2013 年 11月

如果與我們分享你 的寵物家庭相冊和 軼事,好萊塢式名利 雙收可能是你的。 Hollywood fame and fortune can be yours if you share your pet family albums and anecdotes with us.

燈光、相機、行動! Lights, Camera, Action! 在你豪華的海濱別墅享受閱讀你下期的《寶貝寵物, 而你的寵物在最新的好萊塢大片中成為明星。 讓星探找到你的唯一方法,是把以你和你的 寵物做主角的照片和故事發給我們。


頁面上分享。在2013年12月31日收到最多 Facebook“讚好”的照片將贏得大獎。

想訪問我們的網站?請登入: VISIT OUR WEBSITE Pets & Hugs • November 2013

Enjoy reading your next issue of Pets & Hugs from your Malibu beach house while your pets star in their latest movie. The only way those agents are going to come calling is if you send us your pictures and stories featuring you and your pets. Photos will be shared in the magazine and on our facebook page. The photo which receives the most facebook ‘Likes’ by Dec 31st, 2013 will win a Grand Prize.

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寶貝寵物 • 2013 年 11月

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