GetActive News, Recreation, Parks, Libraries and Sports Complexes
Check out the aquatics website at
June - August 2016
GetActive News, Recreation, Parks, Libraries and Sports Complexes Active Adult Programs 33
Adaptive Recreation Programs 36
Aquatic Programs 5
Before and After School Program 21
Lake Pleasant Regional Park 32
Little Learners Preschool Program 20
Peoria Public Libraries 28
Registration and General Information 47
Rio Vista Recreation Center 14
Sports Programs 30
Special Interest Classes / Outdoor Recreation 38 Summer Camp 17
Summer Recreation 18
Teen Programs 24
Did you know that there are over 100 Special interest classes offered this summer. Arizona United Soccer Mayor Cathy Carlat Home Opener Presents Peoria Reads April 30, 7:30 p.m.
Summer events starting in June.
See page 15 for more information.
See page 27 for more information.
P83 Party
See page 38
June 3, 5 - 10 p.m. Food Trucks, Live Music See page 23 for more information.
Explore the Library Open House June 11, 9 a.m. - 12 p.m.
See page 26 for more information.
Everybody loves a
Host up to 400 people for private parties. Fees are based per hour, with a minimum of 2 hours rented. Full payment must be received at time of booking. NUMBER OF PEOPLE
100 or less 101-200 201 or more
$175/hour $225/hour $325/hour
$150/hour $200/hour $300/hour
$150/hour $200/hour $300/hour
To check available dates and/or to book a Private Pool Rental, please call 623.773.7137 or visit for more information.
Aquatic Programs Upcoming Pool Events
Memorial Day May 30 - Free Open Swim at all pools & first day of swim lessons. Father’s Day
June 19 - Free for all Dads!
4th of July Free Open Swim at all pools 12 - 4 p.m. ONLY (no lessons or practice) Closing Weekend School Supply Drive Aug. 6 & 7 - Bring a school supply for FREE Admission at Peoria and Sunrise Pools.
Open Swim/Lap Swim Fee
$1 Youth (Ages 2-16)
$2 Adults (17 & Older)
$25/Individual Pass (Good at all 3 pools) Course# 86652
$75/Family Pass (Good at all 3 pools) Course# 86651
Sunrise Pool: May 28 - Aug. 7
Peoria Pool: May 30 - Aug. 7
Centennial Pool: May 30 - Aug. 4
Mon. - Fri. 12 - 3:15 p.m. (All Pools); 7:30 - 9:30 p.m. (Sunrise/Peoria only); Sat. - Sun. 12 - 5 p.m. (All Pools)
Sunrise Pool
21321 N. 86th Dr. (W. of 83rd Ave. on Lone Cactus) (623) 773-8495* Open Swims begins May 28 Centennial Pool
14388 N. 79th Ave. (W. of 79th Ave., N. of Thunderbird) (623) 776-9555* Open Swims begins May 30
Has your child taken swim lessons before? Yes
Can your child swim 10 yards on their stomach and 10 yards on their back? Yes
Is your child CONSISTENTLY comfortable in the water without a parent? Yes
3 yrs – 5 yrs = Preschool 2 5 yrs & up = Youth 2
+Intro to Preschool is designed to prepare kids for Preschool 1. Parents are allowed to accompany the child, but to pass the class the child must be consistently comfortable in the water without the parent.
(freestyle, backstroke, breaststroke, & butterfly)
Level 5
Pre-Comp / Swim Team Prep
*Phones will only be answered during open hours. See left margin for contact information.
6 mo. – 18 mo. = Parent & Infant 12 mo. – 3 yrs (walkers) = Parent & Toddler 2 yrs – 5 yrs = Intro to Preschool+
Level 3
Can your child swim all 4 competitive strokes 25 yards?
11200 N 83rd Ave. (W. of 83rd Ave., on Varney Rd.) (623) 878-4903* OpenNoSwims begins May 30
2 yrs – 5 yrs = Preschool 1 5 yrs & up = Youth 1
Can your child swim across the pool (25 yards)?
Peoria Pool
Visit for open swim schedules.
Level 4
Class Title
Students : Teacher
Parent & Infant
6 mo. – 18 mo.
12 : 1
Parent & Toddler
1 yr – 3 yrs
10 : 1
Intro to Preschool
2 yrs – 5 yrs
Preschool 1*
2 yrs – 5 yrs
Preschool 2**
3 yrs – 5 yrs
Youth 1*
5 & up
Youth 2**
5 & up
Level 3
5 & up
Level 4
5 & up
Level 5
5 & up
Pre-Comp / Swim Team Prep
5 & up
*Preschool 1 and Youth 1 work on the same skills (age of participants is the difference) **Preschool 2 and Youth 2 work on the same skills (age of participants is the difference)
For complete descriptions of classes, please visit
(Bold classes are free to Peoria residents thanks to Peoria Fire Charities & underlined classes are discounted thanks to SRP.)
Aquatics Programs Summer Session 1 (May 30 - June 9) Fee When
$20/Res. & $52/Non-Res. at Sunrise Pool; $20/Res. & $26/Non-Res. at Centennial and Peoria Pool 30 minute classes, Mon. - Thur., 2 weeks (We do have lessons on May 30 - Memorial Day.) Online Resident Registration: Wed., May 11, 6 a.m. • Non-Res./In-Person Registration: Thur., May 12 Sunrise Pool
Level Prt/Infant Prt/Toddler Intro to Pre. Presch. 1 Presch. 2 Youth 1 Youth 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Pre-Comp Dive 10 & under Dive 11 & up
7:55 a.m. 8:30 a.m. 88489 88506 88270 88271 88528 88529 88610 88611
9:05 a.m. 9:40 a.m. 10:15 a.m. 10:50 a.m. 11:25 a.m. 88490 88507 88272 88273 88274 88275 88276 88530 88531 88532 88533 88534 88598 88599 88600 88601 88602 86668 88669 88670 88671 88672 88731 88732 88733 88734 88340 88341 88342 88343 88398 88399 88400 88401 88456 88457 87073 RED DIVE TEAM 87112 87132 (9:15 a.m. - 10:45 a.m.)
3:25 p.m. 4 p.m. 4:35 p.m. 88491 88508 88277 88278 88279 88535 88536 88537 88603 88064 88605 88673 88674 88675 88735 88736 88737 88344 88345 88346 88402 88403 88404 88458 88459 87074 87113 87114 87133
5:10 p.m. 5:45 p.m. 6:20 p.m. 6:55 p.m. 88492 88509 88510 88280 88281 88282 88283 88538 88539 88540 88541 88606 88607 88608 88609 88676 88677 88678 88679 88738 88739 88740 88741 88347 88348 88349 88350 88405 88046 88407 88408 88460 88461 87075 GREEN DIVE TEAM 87115 (5:45 p.m. - 7:15 p.m.) To Register
(623) 773-7137
Stacy Beadle (623) 773-5247 Christian Peck (623) 773-7143
Centennial Pool Level 8:30 a.m. 9:05 a.m. 9:40 a.m. 10:15 a.m. 10:50 a.m. 11:25 a.m. 3:25 p.m. Prt/Infant 87262 Prt/Toddler 87271 87270 Intro to Pre. 87201 87202 87203 87204 87205 87206 87207 87410 Presch. 1 87409 87411 87412 87413 87414 87415 Presch. 2 87476 87477 87478 87468 87469 87470 87471 Youth 1 87536 87525 87526 87527 87528 87529 87530 Youth 2 87590 87591 87592 87582 87583 87584 87585 Level 3 87301 87303 87304 87295 87296 87297 87298 Level 4 87351 87352 87353 87354 87347 87350 Level 5 87390 87387 Pre-Comp 87076 Teens Adults
4 p.m. 87208 87416 87472 87531 87586 87299 87348
4:35 p.m. 5:10 p.m. 5:45 p.m. 6:20 p.m. 87261 87272 87209 87210 87211 87212 87417 87418 87419 87420 87474 87473 87475 87532 87533 87534 87535 87587 87588 87589 87300 87302 87349 87388 87389 87051
Peoria Pool Rain Out Line
(623) 773-5080
Level 8:30 a.m. 9:05 a.m. 9:40 a.m. 10:15 a.m. 10:50 a.m. 11:25 a.m. 3:25 p.m. Prt/Infant 87772 Prt/Toddler 87781 87641 Intro to Pre. 87638 87639 87640 87642 87643 87791 87792 Presch. 1 87793 87794 87795 87796 Presch. 2 87848 87849 87850 87851 87852 87853 Youth 1 87905 87906 87907 87908 87909 Youth 2 87952 87953 87954 87955 87956 87957 Level 3 87684 87685 87686 87687 87688 Level 4 87736 87737 Level 5 87758 Pre-Comp Dive 10 & under 87102 Dive 11 & up 87107
4 p.m. 87644 87797 87854 87958 87689 87759
4:35 p.m. 5:10 p.m. 5:45 p.m. 6:20 p.m. 6:55 p.m. 87773 87782 87645 87646 87647 87798 87799 87800 87801 87802 87855 87856 87857 87858 87859 87910 87911 87912 87913 87914 87959 87960 87961 87962 87963 87690 87691 87692 87693 87694 87738 87739 87760 87077 BLUE DIVE TEAM (5:45 p.m. - 7:15 p.m.)
Summer Session 2 (June 13 - June 23) Fee When
(Bold classes are free to Peoria residents thanks to Peoria Fire Charities & underlined classes are discounted thanks to SRP.)
$20/Res. & $52/Non-Res. at Sunrise Pool; $20/Res. & $26/Non-Res. at Centennial and Peoria Pool 30 minute classes, Mon. - Thur., 2 weeks Online Resident Registration: Wed., June 8, 6 a.m. • Non-Res./In-Person Registration: Thur., June 9 Sunrise Pool
Level Prt/Infant Prt/Toddler Intro to Pre. Presch. 1 Presch. 2 Youth 1 Youth 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Pre-Comp Dive 10 & under Dive 11 & up
7:55 a.m. 8:30 a.m. 88493 88511 88284 88285 88542 88543 88624 88625
9:05 a.m. 9:40 a.m. 10:15 a.m. 10:50 a.m. 11:25 a.m. 88494 88512 88286 88287 88288 88289 88290 88544 88545 88546 88547 88548 88612 88613 88614 88615 88616 88680 88681 88682 88683 88684 88742 88743 88744 88745 88351 88352 88353 88354 88049 88410 88411 88412 88462 88463 87078 RED DIVE TEAM 87119 87135 (9:15 a.m. - 10:45 a.m.)
3:25 p.m. 4 p.m. 4:35 p.m. 88495 88513 88291 88292 88293 88549 88550 88551 88617 88618 88619 88685 88686 88687 88746 88747 88748 88355 88356 88357 88413 88414 88415 88464 88465 87079 87116 87117 87134
5:10 p.m. 5:45 p.m. 6:20 p.m. 6:55 p.m. 88496 88515 88514 88294 88295 88296 88297 88552 88553 88554 88555 88620 88621 88622 88623 88688 88689 88690 88691 88749 88750 88751 88752 88358 88359 88360 88361 88416 88417 88418 88419 88466 88467 87080 GREEN DIVE TEAM 87118 (5:45 p.m. - 7:15 p.m.)
Aquatics Programs Summer Session 2 (June 13 - June 23) Fee When
$20/Res. & $52/Non-Res. at Sunrise Pool; $20/Res. & $26/Non-Res. at Centennial and Peoria Pool 30 minute classes, Mon. - Thur., 2 weeks Online Resident Registration: Wed., June 8, 6 a.m. • Non-Res./In-Person Registration: Thur., June 9 Centennial Pool
Level 8:30 a.m. 9:05 a.m. 9:40 a.m. 10:15 a.m. 10:50 a.m. 11:25 a.m. 3:25 p.m. Prt/Infant 87264 Prt/Toddler 87274 87273 Intro to Pre. 87213 87214 87215 87216 87217 87218 87219 87422 Presch. 1 87421 87423 87424 87425 87426 87427 87480 Presch. 2 87488 87487 87481 87479 87489 87482 Youth 1 87548 87537 87538 87539 87540 87541 87542 Youth 2 87601 87602 87603 87593 87594 87595 87596 Level 3 87311 87313 87314 87305 87306 87307 78308 Level 4 87359 87360 87361 87362 87355 87358 Level 5 87394 87391 Pre-Comp 87081 Teens Adults
4 p.m. 87220 87428 87483 87543 87597 87309 87356
4:35 p.m. 5:10 p.m. 5:45 p.m. 6:20 p.m. 87263 87275 87221 87222 87223 87224 87429 87230 87431 87432 87494 87485 87486 87544 87545 87546 87547 87598 87599 87600 87310 87312 87357 87392 87393 87052
4 p.m. 87654 87809 87866 87970 87700 87762
4:35 p.m. 5:10 p.m. 5:45 p.m. 6:20 p.m. 6:55 p.m. 87775 87784 87655 87656 87657 87810 87811 87812 87813 87814 87867 87868 87869 87870 87871 87921 87922 87923 87924 87925 87971 87972 87973 87974 87975 87701 87702 87703 87704 87705 87742 87743 87763 87082 BLUE DIVE TEAM (5:45 p.m. - 7:15 p.m.)
Summer Session 3 (June 27 - July 8) Fee When
$20/Res. & $52/Non-Res. at Sunrise Pool; $20/Res. & $26/Non-Res. at Centennial and Peoria Pool 30 minute classes, Mon. - Thur., 2 weeks Online Resident Registration: Wed., June 22, 6 a.m. • Non-Res./In-Person Registration: Thur., June 23 *No lessons on Mon., July 4. Lessons will be held on Fri., July 8. Sunrise Pool
Level Prt/Infant Prt/Toddler Intro to Pre. Presch. 1 Presch. 2 Youth 1 Youth 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Pre-Comp Dive 10 & under Dive 11 & up
7:55 a.m. 8:30 a.m. 88497 88516 88298 88299 88556 88557 88638 88639
9:05 a.m. 9:40 a.m. 10:15 a.m. 10:50 a.m. 11:25 a.m. 88499 88518 88300 88301 88302 88303 88304 88558 88559 88560 88561 88562 88626 88627 88628 88629 88630 88693 88694 88695 88704 88696 88753 88754 88755 88756 88362 88363 88364 88365 88420 88421 88422 88423 88468 88469 87083 RED DIVE TEAM 87123 87137 (9:15 a.m. - 10:45 a.m.)
21321 N. 86th Dr. (W. of 83rd Ave. on Lone Cactus) (623) 773-8495* Open Swims begins May 28 Centennial Pool
Peoria Pool Level 8:30 a.m. 9:05 a.m. 9:40 a.m. 10:15 a.m. 10:50 a.m. 11:25 a.m. 3:25 p.m. Prt/Infant 87774 Prt/Toddler 87783 87651 Intro to Pre. 87648 87649 87650 87652 87653 Presch. 1 87803 87804 87805 87806 87807 87808 87862 87863 Presch. 2 87860 87861 87864 87865 Youth 1 87915 87916 87917 87918 87919 Youth 2 87964 87965 87966 87967 87968 87969 Level 3 87695 87696 87697 87698 87699 Level 4 87740 87741 Level 5 87761 Pre-Comp Dive 10 & under 87103 Dive 11 & up 87108
Sunrise Pool
3:25 p.m. 4 p.m. 4:35 p.m. 88498 88517 88305 88306 88307 88563 88564 88565 88631 88632 88633 88697 88698 88699 88757 88758 88759 88366 88367 88368 88424 88425 88426 88470 88471 87084 87120 87121 87136
5:10 p.m. 88501 88520 88308 88566 88634 88700 88760 88369 88427
5:45 p.m. 6:20 p.m. 6:55 p.m. 88500 88519 88309 88310 88311 88567 88568 88569 88635 88636 88637 88701 88702 88703 88761 88762 88763 88370 88370 8372 88428 88429 88430 88472 88473 87085 GREEN DIVE TEAM 87122 (5:45 p.m. - 7:15 p.m.)
Centennial Pool Level 8:30 a.m. 9:05 a.m. 9:40 a.m. 10:15 a.m. 10:50 a.m. 11:25 a.m. 3:25 p.m. Prt/Infant 87266 Prt/Toddler 87277 87276 Intro to Pre. 87225 87226 87227 87228 87229 87230 87231 87434 Presch. 1 87433 87435 87436 87437 87438 87439 Presch. 2 87498 87499 87500 87490 87491 87492 87493 Youth 1 87560 87549 87550 87551 87552 87553 87554 Youth 2 87612 87613 87614 87604 87605 87606 87607 Level 3 87321 87323 87324 87315 87316 87317 87318 Level 4 87366 87367 87368 87369 87363 87370 Level 5 87398 87395 Pre-Comp 87086 Teens Adults
4 p.m. 87232 87440 87494 87555 87608 87319 87364
4:35 p.m. 5:10 p.m. 5:45 p.m. 6:20 p.m. 87265 87278 87233 87234 87235 87236 87441 87442 87443 87444 87495 87496 87497 87556 87557 87558 87559 87609 87610 87611 87320 87322 87365 87396 87397 87053
14388 N. 79th Ave. (W. of 79th Ave., N. of Thunderbird) (623) 776-9555* Open Swims begins May 30 Peoria Pool
11200 N 83rd Ave. (W. of 83rd Ave., on Varney Rd.) (623) 878-4903* Open Swims begins May 30
*Phones will only be answered during open hours. See left margin for contact information.
Visit for open swim schedules.
(Bold classes are free to Peoria residents thanks to Peoria Fire Charities & underlined classes are discounted thanks to SRP.)
Aquatics Programs Summer Session 3 (June 27 - July 8) Fee When
$20/Res. & $52/Non-Res. at Sunrise Pool; $20/Res. & $26/Non-Res. at Centennial and Peoria Pool 30 minute classes, Mon. - Thur., 2 weeks Online Resident Registration: Wed., June 22, 6 a.m. • Non-Res./In-Person Registration: Thur., June 23 *No lessons on Mon., July 4. Lessons will be held on Fri., July 8. Peoria Pool
(623) 773-7137
Level 8:30 a.m. 9:05 a.m. 9:40 a.m. 10:15 a.m. 10:50 a.m. 11:25 a.m. 3:25 p.m. Prt/Infant 87776 Prt/Toddler 87785 Intro to Pre. 87658 87659 87660 87661 87662 87663 Presch. 1 87816 87817 87818 87819 87820 87821 87875 Presch. 2 87873 87874 87876 87877 87878 Youth 1 87926 87927 87928 87929 87930 Youth 2 87976 87977 87978 87979 87980 87981 Level 3 87706 87707 87708 87709 87710 Level 4 87744 87745 Level 5 87764 Pre-Comp Dive 10 & under 87104 Dive 11 & up 87109
Christian Peck (623) 773-7143 Rain Out Line
(623) 773-5080
87664 87822 87879 87982 87711 87765
Fee When
$20/Res. & $52/Non-Res. at Sunrise Pool; $20/Res. & $26/Non-Res. at Centennial and Peoria Pool 30 minute classes, Mon. - Thur., 2 weeks Online Resident Registration: Wed., July 6, 6 a.m. • Non-Res./In-Person Registration: Thur., July 7 Sunrise Pool
Level Prt/Infant Prt/Toddler Intro to Pre. Presch. 1 Presch. 2 Youth 1 Youth 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Pre-Comp Dive 10 & under Dive 11 & up
7:55 a.m. 8:30 a.m. 9:05 a.m. 9:40 a.m. 10:15 a.m. 10:50 a.m. 11:25 a.m. 88503 88521 88312 88313 88314 88315 88316 88317 88318 88570 88571 88572 88573 88574 88575 88576 88652 88653 88640 88641 88642 88643 88644 88705 88706 88707 88708 88709 88764 88765 88766 88767 88373 88374 88375 88376 88431 88432 88433 88434 88474 88475 87088 RED DIVE TEAM 87127 87139 (9:15 a.m. - 10:45 a.m.)
3:25 p.m. 4 p.m. 4:35 p.m. 88504 88522 88319 88320 88321 88577 88578 88579 88645 88646 88647 88710 88711 88712 88768 88769 88770 88377 88378 88379 88435 88436 88437 88476 88477 87089 87124 87125 87138
5:10 p.m. 5:45 p.m. 6:20 p.m. 6:55 p.m. 88502 88524 88523 88322 88323 88324 88325 88580 88581 88582 88583 88648 88649 88650 88651 88713 88714 88715 88716 88771 88772 88773 88774 88380 88381 88382 88383 88438 88439 88440 88441 88478 88479 87090 GREEN DIVE TEAM 87126 (5:45 p.m. - 7:15 p.m.)
Centennial Pool Level 8:30 a.m. 9:05 a.m. 9:40 a.m. 10:15 a.m. 10:50 a.m. 11:25 a.m. 3:25 p.m. Prt/Infant 87268 Prt/Toddler 87280 87279 Intro to Pre. 87237 87238 87239 87240 87241 87242 87243 87446 Presch. 1 87445 87447 87448 87449 87450 87451 87501 Presch. 2 87511 87510 87509 87502 87503 87504 Youth 1 87572 87561 87562 87563 87564 87565 87566 Youth 2 87623 87624 87625 87615 87616 87617 87618 Level 3 87331 87333 87334 87325 87326 87327 87328 Level 4 87374 87375 87376 87377 87371 87378 Level 5 87402 87399 Pre-Comp 87091 Teens Adults
(Bold classes are free to Peoria residents thanks to Peoria Fire Charities & underlined classes are discounted thanks to SRP.)
4:35 p.m. 5:10 p.m. 5:45 p.m. 6:20 p.m. 6:55 p.m. 87777 87786 87665 87666 87667 87823 87824 87825 87826 87827 87880 87881 87882 87883 87884 87931 87932 87933 87934 87935 87983 87984 87985 87986 87987 87712 87713 87714 87715 87716 87746 87747 87766 87087 BLUE DIVE TEAM (5:45 p.m. - 7:15 p.m.)
Summer Session 4 (July 11 - July 21)
Stacy Beadle (623) 773-5247
4 p.m.
4 p.m. 87244 87452 8755 87567 87619 87329 87372
4:35 p.m. 5:10 p.m. 5:45 p.m. 6:20 p.m. 87267 87281 87245 87246 87247 87248 87453 87454 87455 87456 87506 87507 87508 87568 87569 87570 87571 87620 87621 87622 87330 87332 87373 87400 87401 87054
Peoria Pool Level 8:30 a.m. 9:05 a.m. 9:40 a.m. 10:15 a.m. 10:50 a.m. 11:25 a.m. 3:25 p.m. 4 p.m. 4:35 p.m. 5:10 p.m. 5:45 p.m. 6:20 p.m. 6:55 p.m. Prt/Infant 87778 87779 Prt/Toddler 87787 87788 87671 87675 Intro to Pre. 87668 87669 87670 87672 87673 87674 87676 87677 Presch. 1 87828 87829 87830 87831 87832 87833 87834 87835 87836 87837 87838 87839 Presch. 2 87885 87886 87887 87888 87889 87890 87891 87892 87893 87894 87895 87896 Youth 1 87936 87937 87938 87939 87940 87941 87942 87943 87944 87945 Youth 2 87988 87989 87990 87991 87992 87993 87994 87995 87996 87997 87998 87999 Level 3 87717 87718 87719 87720 87721 87722 87723 87724 87725 87726 87727 Level 4 87748 87749 87750 87751 Level 5 87767 87768 87769 Pre-Comp 87092 BLUE DIVE TEAM Dive 10 & under 87105 Dive 11 & up 87110 (5:45 p.m. - 7:15 p.m.)
Aquatics Programs Summer Session 5 (July 25 - Aug. 4) Fee When
$20/Res. & $52/Non-Res. at Sunrise Pool; $20/Res. & $26/Non-Res. at Centennial and Peoria Pool 30 minute classes, Mon. - Thur., 2 weeks Online Resident Registration: Wed., July 20, 6 a.m. • Non-Res./In-Person Registration: Thur., July 21 Sunrise Pool
Level Prt/Infant Prt/Toddler Intro to Pre. Presch. 1 Presch. 2 Youth 1 Youth 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Pre-Comp Dive 10 & under Dive 11 & up
7:55 a.m. 8:30 a.m. 9:05 a.m. 9:40 a.m. 10:15 a.m. 10:50 a.m. 11:25 a.m. 3:25 p.m. 4 p.m. 4:35 p.m. 5:10 p.m. 5:45 p.m. 6:20 p.m. 6:55 p.m. 88505 88525 88527 88256 88326 88327 88328 88329 88330 88331 88332 88333 88334 88335 88336 88337 88338 88339 88584 88585 88586 88587 88588 88589 88590 88591 88592 88593 88594 88595 88596 88597 88654 88655 88656 88657 88658 88659 88660 88661 88662 88663 88664 88665 88666 88667 88717 87142 88719 88720 88721 88722 88723 88724 88725 88726 88727 88728 88729 88730 88775 88776 88777 88778 88779 88780 88781 88782 88783 88784 88785 88786 88787 88788 88384 88385 88386 88387 88388 88389 88390 88391 88392 88393 88394 88395 88396 88397 88442 88443 88444 88445 88446 88447 88448 88449 88450 88451 88452 88453 88454 88455 88480 88481 88482 88483 88484 88485 88486 88487 88488 87093 87094 87095 87131 87128 87129 87130 DIVE CLINICS DIVE CLINICS 87141 87140 Centennial Pool
Level Prt/Infant Prt/Toddler Intro to Pre. Presch. 1 Presch. 2 Youth 1 Youth 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Pre-Comp Teens Adults Dive 10 & under Dive 11 & up
4 p.m. 4:35 p.m. 5:10 p.m. 5:45 p.m. 87269 87282 87252 87253 87249 87250 87460 87461 87457 87458 87515 87516 87512 87513 87575 87576 87573 87574 87629 87630 87626 87627 87338 87339 87335 87336 87381 87379 87404 87403 87055
6:20 p.m. 10:15 a.m. 10:50 a.m. 11:25 a.m. 4:35 p.m. 5:10 p.m. 5:45 p.m. 6:20 p.m. 87780 87283 87789 87680 87682 87683 87251 87681 87678 87679 87459 87840 87841 87842 87843 87844 87845 87846 87514 87897 87898 87899 87900 87901 87902 87903 87946 87947 87948 87949 87950 87628 88000 88001 88002 88003 88004 88005 88006 87337 87728 87729 87730 87731 87732 87733 87734 87380 87752 87753 87754 87755 87756 87770 87096 87097
Weekend Classes Session C (June 4 - June 26)
Fee $20/Res.; $26/Non-Res. When 30 minute classes, Sat./Sun., 4 weeks. Online Resident Registration: Wed., May 11, 6 a.m. Non-Resident/In-Person Registration: Thur., May 12
9:40 a.m. 87254 87462 87517 87577 87631 87340 87405
10:15 a.m. 87286 87463 87518 87142 87632 87341 87382
6:55 p.m. 87790 87847 87904 87951 88007 87735 87757 87771
14388 N. 79th Ave. (W. of 79th Ave., N. of Thunderbird) (623) 776-9555* Open Swims begins May 30 Peoria Pool
11200 N 83rd Ave. (W. of 83rd Ave., on Varney Rd.) (623) 878-4903* Open Swims begins May 30
*Phones will only be answered during open hours. See left margin for contact information.
Weekend Classes Session D (July 9 - July 31)
Fee $20/Res.; $26/Non-Res. When 30 minute classes, Sat./Sun., 4 weeks. Online Resident Registration: Wed., June 22, 6 a.m. Non-Resident/In-Person Registration: Thur., June 23
Centennial Pool Level Prt/Toddler Intro to Pre. Presch. 1 Presch. 2 Youth 1 Youth 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Pre Comp
21321 N. 86th Dr. (W. of 83rd Ave. on Lone Cactus) (623) 773-8495* Open Swims begins May 28 Centennial Pool
Peoria Pool
87293 87294
Sunrise Pool
Visit for open swim schedules.
Centennial Pool
10:50 a.m. 87284 87255 87519 87633 87342 87383 87098
11:25 a.m. 87286 87256 87464 87520 87579 87384 87406
Level Prt/Toddler Intro to Pre. Presch. 1 Presch. 2 Youth 1 Youth 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Pre Comp
9:40 a.m.
10:15 a.m.
87257 87465 87521 87580 87634 87343
87259 87466 87522 87581 87635 87344 87385
10:50 a.m. 87287 87258 87523 87636 87345 87386 87099
11:25 a.m. 87288 87260 87467 87524 87637 87346 87408
(Bold classes are free to Peoria residents thanks to Peoria Fire Charities & underlined classes are discounted thanks to SRP.)
Aquatics Programs One-on-One Lessons
Fee $45/Res.; $55/Non-Res. These classes are offered for those who are looking for more individualized instruction. Register the swimmer and include their age and any requests for instructor. *Classes held the week of July 7, Mon./Wed. classes are held Wed./ Fri. due to 4th of July on Mon.
Session 1 Session 1 Session 2 Session 2 Session 3 Session 3 Session 4 Session 4 Session 5 Session 5
Week 1 Week 2 Week 1 Week 2 Week 1 Week 2 Week 1 Week 2 Week 1 Week 2
May 30 June 6 June 13 June 20 June 27 July 7 July 11 July 18 July 25 Aug. 1
Sunrise Sunrise Sunrise Sunrise 9:40 - 10:10 a.m. 10:15 - 10:45 a.m. 10:50 - 11:20 a.m. 11:25 - 11:55 a.m. Mon./Wed. Tues./Thur. Mon./Wed. Tues./Thur. Mon./Wed. Tues./Thur. Mon./Wed. Tues./Thur. 88110 88111 88112 88113 88114 88115 88116 88117 88126 88127 88128 88129 88130 88131 88132 88133 88142 88143 88144 88145 88146 88147 88148 88149 88158 88159 88160 88161 88162 88163 88164 88165 88174 88175 88176 88177 88178 88179 88180 88181 *88190 88191 *88192 88193 *88194 88195 *88196 88197 88206 88207 88208 88209 88210 88211 88212 88213 87142 88223 88224 88225 88226 88227 88228 88229 88238 88239 88240 88241 88242 88243 88244 88245 88254 88255 88256 88257 88258 88259 88260 88261
May 30 June 6 June 13 June 20 June 27 July 7 July 11 July 18 July 25 Aug. 1
Sunrise Sunrise Sunrise Sunrise 5:10 - 5:40 p.m. 5:45 - 6:15 p.m. 6:20 - 6:50 p.m. 6:55 - 7:25 p.m. Mon./Wed. Tues./Thur. Mon./Wed. Tues./Thur. Mon./Wed. Tues./Thur. Mon./Wed. Tues./Thur. 88118 88119 88120 88121 88122 88123 88124 88125 88134 88135 88136 88137 88138 88139 88140 88141 88150 88151 88152 88153 88154 88155 88156 88157 88166 88167 88168 88169 88170 88171 88172 88173 88182 88183 88184 88185 88186 88187 88188 88189 *88198 88199 *88200 88201 *88202 88203 *88204 88205 88214 88215 88216 88217 88218 88219 88220 88221 88230 88231 88232 88233 88234 88235 88236 88237 88246 88247 88248 88249 88250 88251 88252 88253 88262 88263 88264 88265 88266 88267 88268 88269
May 30 June 6 June 13 June 20 June 27 July 7 July 11 July 18 July 25 Aug. 1
Centennial Centennial Centennial 10:15 - 10:45 a.m. 10:50 - 11:20 a.m. 11:25 - 11:55 a.m. Mon./Wed. Tues./Thur. Mon./Wed. Tues./Thur. Mon./Wed. Tues./Thur. 88008 88009 88024 88026 88025 88027 88010 88011 88028 88030 88029 88031 88012 88013 88032 88034 88033 88035 88014 88015 88036 88038 88037 88039 88016 88017 88040 88042 88041 88043 *88018 88019 *88044 88046 *88045 88047 88020 88021 88048 88050 88049 88051 88022 88023 88052 88054 88053 88055 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
May 30 June 6 June 13 June 20 June 27 July 7 July 11 July 18 July 25 Aug. 1
Peoria Peoria Peoria 8:30 - 9 a.m. 9:05 - 9:35 a.m. 5:45 - 6:15 p.m. Mon./Wed. Tues./Thur. Mon./Wed. Tues./Thur. Mon./Wed. Tues./Thur. 88076 88077 88092 88093 88056 88057 88078 88079 88094 88095 88058 88059 88080 88081 88096 88097 88060 88061 88082 88083 88098 88099 88062 88063 88084 88085 88100 88101 88064 88065 *88086 88087 *88102 88103 *88066 88067 88088 88089 88104 88105 88068 88069 88090 88091 88106 88107 88070 88071 NA NA NA NA 88072 88073 NA NA NA NA 88074 88075
RecConnect To Register
(623) 773-7137
Stacy Beadle (623) 773-5247
Session 1 Session 1 Session 2 Session 2 Session 3 Session 3 Session 4 Session 4 Session 5 Session 5
Week 1 Week 2 Week 1 Week 2 Week 1 Week 2 Week 1 Week 2 Week 1 Week 2
Christian Peck (623) 773-7143 Rain Out Line
Session 1 Session 1 Session 2 Session 2 Session 3 Session 3 Session 4 Session 4 Session 5 Session 5
Week 1 Week 2 Week 1 Week 2 Week 1 Week 2 Week 1 Week 2 Week 1 Week 2
(623) 773-5080 Session 1 Session 1 Session 2 Session 2 Session 3 Session 3 Session 4 Session 4 Session 5 Session 5
(Bold classes are free to Peoria residents thanks to Peoria Fire Charities & underlined classes are discounted thanks to SRP.)
Week 1 Week 2 Week 1 Week 2 Week 1 Week 2 Week 1 Week 2 Week 1 Week 2
Adaptive Lessons (June 4 - 26) Fee When
$30/Res.; $40/Non-Res. 45 minute classes, Sat./Sun., 4 weeks. Online Resident Registration: Wed., May 11, 6 a.m. Non-Res./In-Person Registration: Thur., May 12 Centennial Pool
Special Olympics Swim Team Prep 16 & Older: 8 - 8:45 a.m. 5-7 Year Olds: 8:45 - 9:30 a.m. 8-15 Year Olds - 8:45 - 9:30 a.m.
Adaptive Lessons (July 9 - 31) Fee When
$30/Res.; $40/Non-Res. 45 minute classes, Sat./Sun., 4 weeks. Online Resident Registration: Wed., June 22, 6 a.m. Non-Res./In-Person Registration: Thur., June 23 Centennial Pool
87071 87070 87065 87066
Special Olympics Swim Team Prep 16 & Older: 8 - 8:45 a.m. 5-7 Year Olds: 8:45 - 9:30 a.m. 8-15 Year Olds - 8:45 - 9:30 a.m.
87072 87069 87067 87068
Aquatics Programs Junior Lifeguard Training Session 1 (May 30 - June 9) Fee When
$65/Res.; $85/Non-Res. Mon. - Thur., 2 weeks
Centennial 9 a.m. - 12 p.m.
4 p.m. - 7 p.m.
Aqua Boot Camp
This high intensity boot camp combines cardio and strength training circuits. Your drill instructor will challenge you with water and land exercises. Participants will need a swim suit, aqua shoes or aqua socks, and a towel. Fee $105/Res.; $130/Non-Res. Course # 87152 When May 30 - Aug. 5, 5:30 - 6:30 a.m., Tues. & Fri.
Sunrise Pool
21321 N. 86th Dr. (W. of 83rd Ave. on Lone Cactus) (623) 773-8495* Open Swims begins May 28 Centennial Pool
Water Aerobics
Get active! This 60-minute class is geared for those wanting an aerobic workout in the water. Class will be held in shallow and deep water. Participants must be comfortable in deep water as well as shallow water and water belts will be provided. The low impact environment of the water is perfect for any fitness goals. Fee When
$62/Res.; $77/Non-Res. (No Drop-ins permitted) Online Resident Registration: Wed., May 11, 6 a.m. / Non-Res./In-Person: Thur., May 12 Peoria Pool
Summer Session A
May 30 - June 30
6:10 a.m. - 7:10 a.m.
Summer Session A
May 30 - June 30
4:40 p.m. - 5:40 p.m.
Summer Session A
May 30 - June 30
6:20 p.m. - 7:20 p.m.
Summer Session B
July 5 - Aug. 4
6:10 a.m. - 7:10 a.m.
Summer Session B
July 5 - Aug. 4
4:40 p.m. - 5:40 p.m.
Summer Session B
July 5 - Aug. 4
6:20 p.m. - 7:20 p.m.
Water Aerobics Season Pass Fee When
14388 N. 79th Ave. (W. of 79th Ave., N. of Thunderbird) (623) 776-9555* Open Swims begins May 30 Peoria Pool
11200 N 83rd Ave. (W. of 83rd Ave., on Varney Rd.) (623) 878-4903* Open Swims begins May 30
*Phones will only be answered during open hours. See left margin for contact information.
Visit for open swim schedules.
$125/Res. & $155/Non-Res. 6:10 a.m. - 7:10 a.m. #87151 4:40 p.m. - 5:40 p.m. #87150 6:20 p.m. - 7:20 p.m. #87149
Adult Swim Lessons
This course if offered for those age 18 and older who have little or no swimming experience. The instructor will work with each participant at their own skill level to develop basic swimming skills. Fee When
$20/Res.; $26/Non-Res. Mon. - Thur., 2 weeks; *No Class on Mon., July 4, class will be held on Fri., July 8 Online Resident Registration: Wed., May 11, 6 a.m. / Non-Res./In-Person: Thur., May 12 Peoria Pool
Session 1
May 30 - June 9
5:45 - 6:15 p.m.
Session 2
June 13 - 23
5:45 - 6:15 p.m.
Session 3*
June 27 - July 8
5:45 - 6:15 p.m.
Session 4
July 11 - 21
5:45 - 6:15 p.m.
Session 5
July 25 - Aug. 4
5:45 - 6:15 p.m.
Sessino 5
July 25 - Aug. 4
6:20 - 6:50 p.m.
(Bold classes are free to Peoria residents thanks to Peoria Fire Charities & underlined classes are discounted thanks to SRP.)
Aquatics Programs Swim Team & Dive Team
Registrations are first come, first serve and teams do fill up quickly. You will need your family ID and password to register. To obtain this information, please email or call (623) 773-7137. The City of Peoria offers 4 recreational swim teams; Sunrise Red Sharks, Sunrise Green Sharks, Centennial Stingrays, Peoria Piranhas and 3 recreational dive teams; Sunrise Red Sharks, Sunrise Green Sharks, Peoria Blue Piranhas. Practices are held Mon. - Thur. from May 30 through July, with meets approximately once a week. Registrations are first come first serve, and do fill up quickly.
Tues., April 26, 8 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.: Peoria residents returning to their same team from 2015 may register in-person at the Development and Community Services Building (9875 N. 85th Ave.). Registrations will not be taken for any new swimmers/divers or at any location on this day. Your spot on the team is guaranteed that day, but practice times are first come, first serve. Wed., April 27, 6 a.m.: Online registration for City of Peoria residents. Thur., April 28, 6 a.m.: All remaining spots open for registration. Please visit and click on Swim Team for more information.
RecConnect To Register
(623) 773-7137
Stacy Beadle (623) 773-5247 Christian Peck (623) 773-7143
Swim Team League Fee
$90/Res.; $150/Non-Res.
Please visit and click on Swim Team for more information. Rain Out Line
(623) 773-5080
Dive Team League Fee
$60/Res.; $70/Non-Res.
Please visit and click on Swim Team for more information.
Dive Team Clinics Fee When
(Bold classes are free to Peoria residents thanks to Peoria Fire Charities & underlined classes are discounted thanks to SRP.)
$30/Res.; $50/Non-Res. July 25 - Aug. 4, 45 minute classes, Mon. - Thur., 2 weeks Online Resident Registration: Wed., April 27, 6 a.m.; Non-Res./In-Person Registration: Thur., April 28 Dive Meet will be held on Sat., Aug. 6 at Peoria Pool. Sunrise Pool Sunrise Red Team 9:15 a.m. - 10 a.m.
10 & under 11 & older
Sunrise Green Team
10 a.m. - 10:45 a.m.
5:45 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.
6:30 p.m. - 7:15 p.m.
88797 88796
Peoria Pool Peoria Blue Team 5:45 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. 10 & under 11 & older
6:30 p.m. - 7:15 p.m.
88799 88890
Aquatics Programs Pool Rentals/Parties
The pools are available to be rented throughout the spring and summer months and can host up to 400 people for private parties. Fees are based per hour, with a minimum of 2 hours rented. Full payment must be received at time of booking. To check available dates and/or to book a Private Pool Rental, please call (623) 773-7137 or visit for more information. Number of People
Sunrise Pool
Centennial Pool
Peoria Pool
100 or less
201 or more
$300/hour Sunrise Pool
Swim Across Peoria Challenge
Let’s go swimming, Across Peoria! Register for the Swim Across Peoria Challenge and track your distance with the pool cashier. Swim your way to some great prizes, better health and fun destinations. Fee $20 Course # 86653
The Party Corner reservation is good for the specified time during open swim. It includes private access to the Sunrise playground and tables and chairs for up to 30 people. Additional patrons must pay entry fees to the facility. Fee $75 Sat.
12:15 p.m. 2:15 p.m.
2:45 p.m. 4:45 p.m.
12:15 p.m. 2:15 p.m.
2:45 p.m. 4:45 p.m.
June 4 - 5
June 11 - 12
June 18 - 19
June 25 - 26
July 2 - 3
July 9 - 10
July 16 - 17
July 23 - 24
July 30 - 31
Aug. 6 - 7
Peoria Pool
11200 N. 83rd Avenue M-F 12:00-3:15 pm, 7:30-9:30 pm Sa-Su 12-5 pm
Centennial Pool
14388 N. 79th Avenue M-F 12:00-3:15 pm Sa-Su 12-5 pm
Sunrise Pool
21321 N. 86th Drive M-F 12:00-3:15 pm, 7:30-9:30 pm Sa-Su 12-5 pm
Centennial Pool
14388 N. 79th Ave. (W. of 79th Ave., N. of Thunderbird) (623) 776-9555* Open Swims begins May 30
Party Corner at Sunrise Pool
May 28 - 29
21321 N. 86th Dr. (W. of 83rd Ave. on Lone Cactus) (623) 773-8495* Open Swims begins May 28
This pass is good for one entry for 2016 Open Swim at any City of Peoria Pool location
Peoria Pool
11200 N 83rd Ave. (W. of 83rd Ave., on Varney Rd.) (623) 878-4903* Open Swims begins May 30
*Phones will only be answered during open hours. See left margin for contact information.
Visit for open swim schedules.
(Bold classes are free to Peoria residents thanks to Peoria Fire Charities & underlined classes are discounted thanks to SRP.)
The Rio Vista Recreation Center Information 8866-A W. Thunderbird Rd. Peoria, AZ 85381 Inside Rio Vista Comm. Park (623) 773-8600
Kevin Naughton (623) 773-8627
Visit our website at Thanks to our major program sponsors
7701 W. Paradise Ln. Peoria, Az 85382 (623) 776-8400 Like Us on Facebook Peoria AZ Parks and Rec
Apr 30 May 7 May 21 Jun 11 Jun 18 Jun 25 Jul 9 Jul 16 Jul 30 Aug 3 Aug 13 Aug 27 Aug 31 Sep 13 Sep 17
Opposition Team Portland Timbers 2 OKC Energy FC Colorado Springs Switchbacks FC Orange County Blues FC Saint Louis FC Sacramento Republic FC Swope Park Rangers KC Seattle Sounders FC 2 Tulsa Roughnecks FC Vancouver Whitecaps FC 2 San Antonio FC Real Monarchs SLC Los Angeles Galaxy II Portland Timbers 2 Real Monarchs SLC
623.594.9606 | ARIZONAUNITED.COM
Éirinn go Brách
Andrew Marshall Title:
Coat of Arms.
EDEN’S BLUEPRINT An exhibition of original prints by artists from Seacourt: The Centre for Contemporary Printmaking
May 16 thru June 23 Pine Room, City Hall 8401 West Monroe Street, Peoria
This exhibition builds on a previous arts and exhibition exchange program between Ards Borough Council and Peoria City Council. Ards Borough merged with North Down to become Ards and North Down Borough Council, and this is the first exhibition to travel between the two areas since the merger. Along with the City of Peoria, the exhibition will also run in Clotworthy Arts Centre in Antrim June and July. It then travels to Brussels, Northern Ireland and New Zealand. Monday-Wednesday 10 am – 4 pm Thursday 12 pm – 6 pm
Gallery Reception Pine Room in City Hall June 2 • 5 to 7 p.m.
For more information, call 623.773.7137 or visit
Summer Camp Program Summer Camp is an extension of the AM/PM program with field trips and activities that keep the children busy throughout the day in a safe and secure environment. Summer Camp is licensed by the Department of Health Services (DHS). Funding is offered through Department of Economic Security (DES) for those who qualify. Call DES at (602) 771-0014 for information. Military assistance is available, call (623) 773-7139. SUMMER SCHOOL RATE: The Summer Camp offers a reduced daily rate (see chart) for children who are registered and attending Summer School with PUSD. The Summer School rate is honored on the days the child attends summer school. For more information on summer school go to the PUSD website at www. LUNCH: Children need to bring a non-perishable lunch each day, unless the following options are used. • Lunch Program - offered Mon. - Fri. through PUSD Food and Nutrition for $2.75 per day. • “Summer Food Program” - sponsored by PUSD Food and Nutrition. Breakfast and lunch are FREE Mon. - Fri. at Alta Loma, Sundance and Cheyenne. FIELD TRIPS: Trip calendar is available on-line starting April 27. Review site calendar daily for updates or talk to the site supervisor for accurate information. Arrive 45 minutes before departure time so your child does not miss the trip. Some field trips may have an added fee for lunch. SWIM LESSONS: At City of Peoria pools. Registered camp participants will be bussed to/from lessons. Registration information is available in registration packet, on-line or at the site. Space is limited. Cost is $20 per child for summer camp participants only. PROGRAM INFORMATION: Dates & Location Start Date – May 25 - Aug. 3 Alta Loma - 9750 N. 87th Ave. Cheyenne - 11806 W. Butler Dr. Frontier - 21268 N. 81st Ave. Sunset Heights - 9687 W. Adam Ave. Paseo Verde - 7880 W. Greenway Rd. Sundance – 7051 W. Cholla Ave. Zuni Hills - 10851 W. Williams Rd. Hours
Mon. - Fri., 6 a.m. - 6 p.m. (Closed May 30 & July 4)
5 & entering Kindergarten – 14 years old
Fee $30 non-refundable registration fee, plus first week payment and last week deposit Note
urrent AM/PM & 2015 Returning C Summer Camp participants pay $10 Registration fee (plus first week payment and last week deposit) on or before 6 p.m. Thur., May 19. Weekly fees include on-site activities, field trips, breakfast, and morning and afternoon snack.
WHERE TO RECEIVE REGISTRATION PACKET & REGISTER AM/PM Sites: During program hours Website: Download Registration Packet
Camp Sites: Starting May 25 Walk-In:
Community Services Department 9875 N. 85th Ave. Peoria, AZ 85345 Mon. – Thur., 7 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Peoria Community Center 8335 W. Jefferson, Peoria, AZ 85345 Mon. - Thur., 8 a.m. - 7:30 p.m.; Fri., 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Mail-In: Community Service’s address listed above; allow 3 - 5 day to receive and process Weekly Fee Schedule 1 Day
2 Days
3 Days
4 Days
5 Days
Summer School Rate $15
Fees are subject to change. COMPLETING THE REGISTRATION PACKET 1. R egistration Form Read and sign Waiver of Liability, Photo Release, Field Trip Permission Slip, Quick Pay and Electronic Transfer and the program guidelines/policies. Initial acknowledgment on sunscreen. 2. E mergency Information Form Fully complete, front and back (no blanks). Use exact addresses and phone numbers. Attach a copy of child’s immunization records. Extended Day Camp is here! *Extended Day Camp will be available at the Rio Vista Recreation Center. The kids will have access to various amenities offered at the Rio Vista Recreation Center as well as have the opportunity to participate in dodgeball, video games, arts/crafts, movies and much more. Note this camp will be capped at 150. Age
K - 12 years old
$25/per day
Aug. 4 & 5; 7 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.
Rio Vista Recreation Center
*This program is an extension of our Summer Recreation program. See page 18 for description.
Registration Information (623) 773-7137 Billing (623) 773-7505 (623) 773-7139
Nikita Rossow Recreation Coordinator (623) 773-7688 Nicole McNally Recreation Coordinator (623) 773-8620 Steve Richardson Recreation Coordinator (623) 773-7051
Summer Recreation - Grades 1 - 5
Registration Information (623) 773-7137 Billing (623) 773-7505 (623) 773-7139
Nikita Rossow Recreation Coordinator (623) 773-7688 Nicole McNally Recreation Coordinator (623) 773-8620 Steve Richardson Recreation Coordinator (623) 773-7051
Summer Recreation – Grades 1 - 5 is a DROP-IN PROGRAM which means children may sign themselves in and out of the program at anytime during program hours including those that arrive on the bus shuttle.
Summer Recreation offers a full schedule of on-site activities and daily field trips. Review site calendar daily for updates or talk to the site leader for information. Arrive at 8 a.m. or 45 minutes before trip departure time so your child does not miss the trip. No refunds are given for missed trips.
LUNCH: Children need to bring a non-perishable lunch each day they attend. “Summer Food Program” sponsored by PUSD Food and Nutrition offers FREE breakfast and lunch Mon. Thur. at Sun Valley and Country Meadows. Fee
$65/Residents; $110/Non-Residents (Includes T-shirt)
All field trips and some special activities are an additional fee and are optional. Age
Children going into Grades 1 - 5
ay 31 - July 21; Mon. – Fri.; 8 a.m. - 2:30 M p.m. (Closed July 4)
Country Meadows - 8409 N. 111st Ave. Coyote Hills - 21180 N 87th Ave. Desert Harbor - 15585 N. 91st Ave. Oakwood - 12900 N. 71st Ave. Oasis - 7841 W. Sweetwater Ave. Sun Valley - 8361 N. 95th Ave. Vistancia - 30009 Sunrise Point
LATE PICK-UPS: This policy is strictly enforced, so make arrangements for your child to be picked up by 2:30 p.m.
RecConnect: By Phone:
(623) 773-7137
On site:
Starting May 31
Community Services Department 9875 N. 85th Ave. Peoria, AZ 85345 Mon. – Thur., 7 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Peoria Community Center 8335 W. Jefferson, Peoria, AZ 85345 Mon. - Thur., 8 a.m. - 7:30 p.m.; Fri., 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
To Community Servioces Department address listed above; allow 3 - 5 days to receive and process BUS SHUTTLES: Shuttles are available for registered participants at the schools that do not have a Summer Recreation, Grades 1 - 5 Program. Be on time for pick ups and drop offs. Shuttles are not able to wait. Arrangements must be made if your child needs assistance getting home. SHUTTLE PICK-UP TIMES & DROP-OFF: These are estimated times, so be at the bus loading zone by 7:40 a.m. for pick-up and return approximately at 2:30 p.m. Allow time for late departures in the p.m. due to unexpected issues. Shuttle Bus Schedule
SPECIAL NEEDS: If your child has a disability that would necessitate some assistance and is not using DDD funding call Kathleen Kresl at (623) 773-7108. Children attending the program must be able to toilet, dress and feed themselves independently.
Alta Loma, Santa Fe & Cotton Boll to
Sun Valley
Peoria, Sundance & Ira Murphy to
Cash cannot be accepted at site. Please pay with check or money order.
Apache & Frontier to
Extended Day Camp is here! Extended Day Camp will be available at the Rio Vista Recreation Center. The kids will have access to various amenities offered at the Rio Vista Recreation Center as well as have the opportunity to participate in dodgeball, video games, arts/crafts, movies and much more. Note this camp will be capped at 150.
Lake Pleasant to
K - 12 years old
$24/per day
Aug. 4 & 5; 7 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.
Rio Vista Recreation Center
Zuni Hills, Parkridge & Sunset Heights to
Coyote Hills
Desert Harbor
Sky View, Oasis, Cheyenne & Paseo Verde to
Oasis Vistancia
Summer Recreation Grades 1 - 5 Daily Trips & Packages Those that are registered in Summer Recreation can participate in the daily field trips. They can be purchased individually at the site or summer packages can be bought at discounted rates. Transportation and supervision is provided for all field trips. Course #’s and locations are in the chart below. ALL PASSES ARE NON-TRANSFERABLE and NON-REFUNDABLE once the program begins. Fee When
$65 Res. / $110 Non-Res. May 31 - July 21 Registration
Country Meadows
Coyote Hills
Desert Harbor
Sun Valley
Swim Package
Swim pass includes 1 hour of swimming at one of the cities three pools. Fee When
$18 / Package (12 days) or $2/trip Mon. & Wed., May 31 - July 21
Country Meadows
Coyote Hills
Desert Harbor
Sun Valley
Movie Package
Movies are G or PG at Harkins Theaters; Arrowhead Fountain 18 or Park West 14. Includes a Snack Pack of popcorn, drink and candy. Fee When
$48 / Package (7 days) or $8/trip Fri., June 3 - July 15
Country Meadows
Coyote Hills
Desert Harbor
Sun Valley
Werx Package A
Werx A Summer Package includes summer trips at a discounted rate. This is our best deal by far. This package only includes all trips in the 1st four weeks of the program, May 31 - June 24 Course #
Country Meadows
Coyote Hills
Desert Harbor
Sun Valley
Werx Package B
Werx B Summer Package includes summer trips at a discounted rate. This is our best deal by far. This package only includes all trips in the 2nd four weeks of the program, June 27 - July 21. Course #
Country Meadows
Coyote Hills
Desert Harbor
Sun Valley
*Dates, fees, packages & times may change. Check at site for accurate dates, fees & times.* Cash cannot be accepted at site. Please pay with check or money order.
Registration Information (623) 773-7137 Billing (623) 773-7505 (623) 773-7139
Nikita Rossow Recreation Coordinator (623) 773-7688 Nicole McNally Recreation Coordinator (623) 773-8620 Steve Richardson Recreation Coordinator (623) 773-7051
Tiny Tots Summer Recreation Tiny Tots is a recreational based program, licensed by the Department of Health Services (DHS). The program offers a variety of daily activities with field trips and/or special on site activities for an additional fee. Children may attend any days and times that are convenient. Birth certificates will be requested upon registration. Registration packets are available online at LUNCH: Children need to bring a non-perishable lunch each day they attend, unless one of the following options is used.
Registration Information (623) 773-7137 Billing (623) 773-7505 (623) 773-7139
• Peoria Elementary only - “Summer Food Program” sponsored by PUSD Food and Nutrition offers FREE breakfast and lunch program Mon. - Thur. FIELD TRIPS: Scheduled daily and available on-line starting May 5. Review site calendar daily for updates or talk to the site leader for information. Arrive at 8 a.m. or 45 minutes before departure time so your child does not miss the trip. No refunds are given for missed trips. TRIP COUPONS: Available for parents to pay ahead alleviating standing in line daily to pay for the field trips. You can pay a few days or 1 - 2 weeks at a time. Parents or legal guardian will still need to sign the official “Trip Permission Slip” for each trip. Cash cannot be accepted at site. Please pay with check or money order.
Nikita Rossow Recreation Coordinator (623) 773-7688
PROGRAM INFORMATION: Fee $65/Res.; $110/Non-Res. (Includes T-shirt and AM snack) All field trips and some special activities are an additional fee and are optional. Age
4 and 5 year olds
When May 31 - July 21; Mon. – Fri.; 8 a.m. - 2 p.m. (Closed July 4) Location Peoria Elementary, 11501 N. 79th Ave. Apache Elementary, 8633 W. John Cabot Rd. WHERE TO RECEIVE REGISTRATION PACKETS & REGISTER See “Summer Camp” page 21. COMPLETING THE TINY TOTS PACKET 1. R egistration Form - Read and sign Waiver of Liability, Photo Release, and the Program Guidelines/ Policies. Initial acknowledgment on sunscreen. 2. Emergency Information Form - Fully complete, front and back (no blanks). Use exact addresses and phone numbers. Attach a copy of child’s immunization records. 3. Birth Certificate - Must be available at time of registration to verify age. PARENT INFORMATION LETTER: A parent letter will be emailed out for those who provide a valid email address on their registration. The letter will contain basic program information, the first weeks of coupons and a schedule of the main field trips.
Nicole McNally Recreation Coordinator (623) 773-8620 Steve Richardson Recreation Coordinator (623) 773-7051
Program Information
(623) 773-8498
Lil’ Learner’s Summer Fun Program
This is the same Lil’ Learner’s with a little summer kick. The Lil’ Learner’s summer program incorporates field trips, guest speakers and activities into the regular curriculum. Field trips are offered thru the week to: Harkins movies, Wazee’s World, Sunrise Pool and Oasis Gymnastics focusing on gross motor skills. Possible guest speakers are Peoria Fire Department, Oliver the Otter, sun safety and bike and helmet safety. Overall, Peoria Lil’ Learners provides an opportunity for children to participate in a variety of activities and expand education, social and developmental skills in a supervised and secure environment. The goal is the total well-being of each child. The program is licensed by the Department of Health Services (DHS). Space is limited. Age Children 3 1/2 – 5 years old. Children must be able to toilet themselves. No pull-ups. Location Sunrise Family Center 21303 N. 86th Dr.(W of Sunrise H. School) When
May 25 - Aug. 3 - Summer Year Round Preschool Mon. - Fri. 6 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Fee $30 non-refundable registration fee due at time of registration. Offsite field trips will be offered for an additional fee.
Full Time
Mon. - Fri.
Part-Time – 6 hours of care
Mon. - Fri.
Registering your child
For information on where to receive r egistration packets, registering your child and availability, call (623) 773-8498.
Field Trips
hildren will attend a variety of field C trips. All children will be going on the trips. If you prefer your child not go you will have to make other arrangements for that day or the time of the trip. Trips are included in the weekly fees. Arrive at least an hour before each trip.
If you are currently registered, you are already included in this program.
Before and After School Program REGISTERING YOUR CHILD
Where to receive a registration packet and register:
AM/PM Recreation Program Sites: Aug. 10, 2016 - May 25, 2017
Mail-In & Walk-In Registration:
AM/PM Program
AM/PM Program offers a well-rounded program in a safe and secure environment located in the elementary schools within the City of Peoria. All PUSD sites are licensed by the Department of Health Services (DHS). Department of Economic Security (DES) funding is available for those that qualify by calling (602) 771-0014. Military assistance is available, call (623) 773-7137. Program Dates Aug. 10, 2016 - May 25, 2017 AM Program
6 a.m. to School opening
PM Program
School closing to 6 p.m.
Early Release & Program will be provided Parent Teacher on these days starting at the Conference main dismissal times. Late Start Mondays
Open during program hours
Program will be provided from 6 a.m. until school begins.
Age Kindergarten - 14 years old Locations
22 PUSD elementary schools located within the Peoria city limits.
$30 non-refundable registration fee plus the first week’s usage fee and a deposit due at the time of registration.
To address below; allow 3-5 days to receive and process
Walk-In Community Services Department 9875 N. 85th Ave., Peoria, AZ 85345 Mon. to Thur., 7 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Peoria Community Center 8335 W. Jefferson, Peoria, AZ 85345 Mon. to Thur., 8 a.m. - 7:30 p.m. Fri., 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Registration packet available to download only at
Completing the AM/PM Packet 1. Registration Form 2. Fee Attendance Contract 3. Emergency Information Form AM/PM EARLY BIRD REGISTRATION For returning 2015/2016 AM/PM, and Little Learners participants and 2016 Summer Camp participants only. The $30 registration fee will be waived if a complete registration packet is turned in and all applicable start up fees are paid on or before Mon., Aug. 1, 2016.
Registration Information (623) 773-7137 Billing (623) 773-7505 (623) 773-7139
Nikita Rossow Recreation Coordinator (623) 773-7688 Nicole McNally Recreation Coordinator (623) 773-8620 Steve Richardson Recreation Coordinator (623) 773-7051
LATE START SCHOOL DAYS? Peoria AM/PM Program has you covered. Beginning this Fall the AM/PM program will provide before school care for all late start school days throughout the school year at all PUSD schools located within the City of Peoria.
For more information, call 623-773-7137 or visit
r e m m Su
of the
brot r s village grhe i mm
in the
PARTY at Peoria Sports Complex 16101 N. 83rd Ave., Peoria
June 3 5-10 p.m. The Faceless
(Godsmack Tribute)
Green Today
(Green Day Tribute)
The Foo
(Foo Fighters Tribute)
FREE Admission! — VIP Tickets
Food Trucks, Live Music, Vendors For more information, visit or call 623.773.7137.
Teen Programs
If it’s happening – it’s on the Teen TEAM webpage. Bookmark this site and go back to it often for updates, opportunities and events.
Step Out Teen Summer Recreation
Registration Information (623) 773-7137
Steve Richardson Recreation Coordinator (623) 773-7051
Step Out Teen Summer Recreation – Grades 6 - 9 is a DROP-IN PROGRAM. Children may sign themselves in and out of the program at anytime during program hours including those that arrive on the bus shuttle. Step Out offers a full schedule of on-site activities and daily field trips. Field Trips are scheduled daily with the calendar available on-line starting May 1. Review site calendar daily for updates or talk to the site leader for information. Arrive at 8 a.m. or 45 minutes before departure time so your child does not miss the trip. No refunds are given for missed trips. Children need to bring a non-perishable lunch each day they attend, unless the following options are used. • Special Lunch - pizza offered every Fri. • “Summer Food Program” offers free breakfast and lunch at Peoria High School only, Mon. - Thur. Fee $65/Res.; $110/Non-Res. (Includes T-shirt) All field trips and some special activities are an additional fee and are optional Age
Youth going into Grades 6 - 9
When May 31 - July 21; Mon. – Fri.; 8 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. (Closed July 4)
Location Peoria High School 11200 N. 83rd Ave., Peoria 85345 Parkridge Elementary 9970 W. Beardsley Rd., Peoria 85382 Sky View Elementary 18624 W. Sweetwater Ave, Peoria 85381 SPECIAL NEEDS: If your child has a disability that would necessitate some assistance and is not using DDD funding call Kathleen Kresl at (623) 773-7108. BUS SHUTTLES: Shuttles are available from all PUSD elementary schools within Peoria city limits. Be on time for pick ups and drop offs as shuttles are not able to wait for children to arrive or be picked up. Make arrangements at drop off for someone to be there if your child needs assistance getting home. SHUTTLE PICK-UP TIMES & DROP- OFF: Participants must be registered for the program before getting on the bus. Be at the bus loading zone by 7:40 a.m. to wait for the bus. Bus will return approximately at 2:30 p.m. Allow time for late departures in the p.m. due to unexpected issues. BUS SHUTTLE SCHEDULE: Peoria High School will shuttle participants from Cheyenne, Ira Murphy, Santa Fe, Country Meadows, Sun Valley, Cotton Boll, Alta Loma and Peoria Elementary. Sky View Elementary will shuttle participants from Oakwood, Sundance, Oasis, Paseo Verde, Desert Harbor and Centennial. Parkridge will shuttle participants from Apache, Coyote Hills, Frontier, Zuni Hills, Sunrise Mountain, Vistancia and Lake Pleasant.
School Name
Registration Fee:
Sky View
$65 Res./ $110 Non-Res.
Movie Pack
Werx A
Werx B
Daily Trips & Summer Packages Field trips are scheduled daily. They can be purchased individually at the site or summer packages can be bought at discounted rates. Transportation and supervision is provided for all field trips. Course #’s and locations are in the chart. ALL PASSES ARE NON-TRANSFERABLE and NON-REFUNDABLE once the program starts. STEP OUT MOVIE PACK: Package includes 8 new release movies at Harkins Arrowhead. Fee $56/Package (8 movies) When Tues.
STEP OUT WERX PACK: Werx packs offer a convenient way to pay for all trips at the beginning of the summer. Some trips include lunch. Fee does not include snacks, tokens, etc. Werx “A” Package Werx “B” Package Fee $165 Fee $145 When May 31 - June 24 When June 27 - July 21
Teen Programs Step Out Weekly Werx Packages Purchase all trips for each week and save. If the WERX packs just don’t fit into the summer plans choose one or more of the Weekly Fun Packs and get a discount for that week. Check out the Step Out webpage for more information.
Week 1 - $34
Sky View
May 31 - June 3
Week 2 - $56
June 6 - 10
Week 3 - $35
June 13 - 17
Week 4 - $58
June 20 - 24
Week 5 - $36
June 27 - July 1
Week 6 - $54
July 5 - 8
Week 7 - $32
July 11 - 15
Week 8 - $35
July 18 - 21
STEP Out After Hours The STEP Out After Hours program is to accommodate those participating in the STEP Out program who want additional summer time supervision. Participants will be bussed from their STEP Out site to the Rio Vista Recreation Center where parents will pick-up their teen any time before 6 p.m. The After Hours program will be staffed by City of Peoria Teen TEAM Staff. Participants will have access to the Climbing Wall, Game Room, Gymnasium, in addition to arts and crafts and board games. Ages Youth going into Grades 6 - 9 When May 31 - July 21; Mon. – Fri., 2:30 p.m. - 6 p.m. (Closed July 4) Location Rio Vista Recreation Center
Step Out
After Hours
Course #
All Summer
May 31 – July 21
$200 Res. / $225 Non-Res.
Week 1
May 31 – June 3
$25 Res. / $30 Non-Res.
Week 2
June 6 – June 10
$30 Res. / $36 Non-Res.
Week 3
June 13 – June 17
$30 Res. / $36 Non-Res.
Week 4
June 20 – June 24
$30 Res. / $36 Non-Res.
Week 5
June 27 – July 1
$30 Res. / $36 Non-Res.
Week 6
July 5 – July 8
$25 Res. / $30 Non-Res.
Week 7
July 11 – July 15
$30 Res. / $36 Non-Res.
Week 8
July 18 – July 21
$25 Res. / $30 Non-Res.
Registration Information (623) 773-7137
Steve Richardson Recreation Coordinator (623) 773-7051
a r o f Join usamily event fun, f ing: featur ms
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For more information, call 623.773.7137 or visit
Read at least 20 minutes a day from June 1 to August 1 for chances to win great prizes! Return the completed bookmark to Peoria libraries by August 20, 2016. Earn additional drawing tickets by attending the Peoria events below. Visit for more contest information.
Peoria Reads Events THURSDAY, JUNE 16
Get your bookmark stamped at each event for extra entries!
“Reading is Hot” 9 to 10 a.m. Peoria Main Library 8463 W. Monroe St.
Kick Off Your Reading Goal Arizona United soccer game 7:30 p.m. Peoria Sports Complex 16101 N. 83rd Ave.
Child admission FREE with purchase of adult ticket ($10). Use promo code “kick”. Sign up for the Summer Reading Program and receive a FREE gift.
Be a Junior Firefighter and spray a real firefighter hose.
Check out the SWAT Mobile Command Unit and learn about Police equipment.
“Dive Into Reading” Noon to 5 p.m.
Sunrise Pool – 21321 N. 86th Dr Centennial Pool- 14388 N. 79th Ave. Peoria Pool- 11200 N. 83rd Ave.
Popsicle Pool Party - Free pool admission and popsicles! Enjoy fun pool games.
City of Peoria
“You Have the Right to Read” 11 a.m. to noon Sunrise Mountain Library 21109 N. 98th Ave.
“Reach for Reading” 3 to 7 p.m. Rio Vista Recreation Center 8866 W. Thunderbird Ave.
Kids climb the rock wall for free, reach the book and win a prize.
For more information, call 623.773.7137 or visit
Peoria Main Library ADULT
Need Computer Help?
Are you having a hard time with computer basics? Speak to a librarian about scheduling an individual appointment by calling (623) 773-7556. Resumes in the month of Aug.
Monday Night Melodies
Every Mon., from 7 - 8:30 p.m., we have a free concert featuring three sets of music. There are a variety of performance styles - country, bluegrass, folk, oldies, ethnic sounds, etc. Come early for a toe tapping good time!
FOR MORE INFORMATION ON THESE PROGRAMS Renewal Line (623) 773-7750 Don’t forget to “like us” on Facebook to get regular updates on library activities
Peoria Main Library 8463 W. Monroe St. Peoria, AZ 85345 (623) 773-7555 Hours Mon. to Thur., 9 a.m. - 8 p.m. Fri. to Sat., 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. Sun., 1 - 5 p.m.
Tuesday Night Jam Session
With the summer Olympiad in Rio de Janeiro right around the corner, it is time to start thinking about fun summer competition. Swing by the library to play some chocolate games, meet friends, win prizes and of course, eat sweets. When Sun., July 24, 2 p.m.; Teen Scene
Lego Club
Join us as we work on knitting, crocheting and quilting while engaging in friendly conversation. Beginners 16 and older are welcome. When Every Sun., 1 p.m.; Activity Room
PAWS 2 Read
It’s Only Knit and Purl
*Adult Summer Reading Program - “Exercise Your Mind - Read”
Read what you like (books, audiobooks and e-books) and enter weekly drawings to win gift certificates!!! Complete the program and you are eligible to win the grand prize - an iPad Mini!!! When June 1 - Aug. 1
The M.A.C. Group: Manga & Comics Book Club
Once a month, teens can gather at the library to discuss their favorite graphics and share their thoughts with other manga and comic fans. When Mon., June 13, July 11, 6 p.m.; Teen Scene
Friday Flicks
Cool off this summer by seeing a PG-13 movie in our stadium-style theater every Friday. Anyone under 13 years of age must be with a parent or guardian. When Fri., May 27 - July 29; 12 p.m.; Willow Room
*Teen Summer Reading Program “Get in the Game: Read”
Read your favorite books, attend programs, collect incentives and win prizes all summer long. All you have to do is read. When June 1 - Aug. 1
Adult Services Department (623) 773-7556
Pick up a game sheet at the reference desk to mark off various, random acts of kindness you do for other people throughout the summer. Get a BINGO and turn it in for a prize and a chance to be entered into a drawing for a gift card. When June 1 - Aug. 1
*Many thanks to our Friends of the Library and the Maricopa Library District for funding these programs!
Chocolate Olympics
On the first and third Tues. of every month, from 6 - 8 p.m., we have free acoustic jam sessions open to everyone! Join in and perform or simply get comfortable and listen.
Youth Services Department (623) 773-7562
Public Services Department (623) 773-7555 x3
Silk Screen T-Shirt Printing Workshop
Each participant designs and prepares his or her own artwork and then prints a one-of-a-kind T-shirt using the Silkscreen Printing art form. Finished shirts are permanent, washable and very colorful. T-shirts and supplies are provided. When Sat., July 16, 1 p.m.; Activity Room
Play It Forward Bingo
Get in the Game: Nerf!
Summer is here and it is time to put those Nerf toys to good use. The Main Library is having an after-hours Nerf event. We will supply the darts and safety goggles - you supply your Nerf gadget (no upgrades). Have fun navigating the library stacks at this summer reading kick-off event! Only the first 40 teens who register can play, so turn in your registration form early. Ages 12-18 only, no exceptions. When Fri., June 3, 6:15 - 8 p.m.
Backboard Snapshots
Swing by the library to get your picture taken at our photo booth. Bring your own prop or use one of ours. When Sun., June 12 - Sat., June 25; Reference Desk
Play Ball! Pillows
Create your own no-sew, tied pillow that looks like a sports ball. We provide the supplies. When Thur., July 7 2 p.m.; Reference Desk
Come every first Tues. of the month and build with us! All ages welcome; kids younger than 7 must have a parent. Tickets are given out at 3:30 p.m. When Tues., June 7, July 5, 4 - 5 p.m.; Activity Room PAWS 2 Read allows children to read aloud to therapy dogs in order to improve reading skills. When Sat., June 18, July 16; any time between 1 - 2:30 p.m.; Youth Services
Summer Movie Marathon
Come enjoy newly released and classic kids movies. All movies will be rated G or PG. All ages welcome; no food or drinks please. When Every Mon./Wed., June 1 - Aug. 3, 12 p.m.; Willow Room
Children Summer Reading Program “On Your Mark, Get Set, Read”
Our children’s summer reading program is offered as a fun way to include reading during the summer and to help maintain and improve reading skills. Collect virtual badges and receive a free book of your choice by mail when you complete the program. All kids age 0-12 are encouraged to participate! When June 1 - Aug. 1
Learn to Play Chess
Come learn how to play chess from a few experts. You’ll become a skilled player in no time. For ages 8-12. When Sat., June 4, 10 - 11:30 a.m.; Activity Room
Nail Art
Hey girls! Come learn from an expert how to paint flowers and palm trees on your nails. For ages 7-12. Tickets will be handed out at 10:30 a.m. When Sat., July 2 11 a.m.; Activity Room
Fun Fridays
Come cool off at the Main Library every Fri. and make something fun each day. Kids under 7 must have a parent present. Free tickets given out at 12:30 p.m. When June 3 - July 29, 1 - 2 p.m.; Activity Room June 3 Cardboard Construction - Rockets June 10 Make a Minecraft Creeper June 17 Cardboard Construction - Animals June 24 Make Ice Cream July 1 Make a Duct Tape Wallet July 8 Cardboard Construction - Dinosaurs July 15 Minions Craft July 22 Make a Peanut Butter & Jelly Sandwich Game July 29 Cardboard Construction - Spaceships
Saturday Family Entertainment
Come see an awesome family show on select Saturdays this summer. All ages welcome! Tickets will be available at 9:30 a.m. When June 11 - July 30, 10 a.m. in the Willow Room June 11 Mother Goose June 18 Twisty Balloon Hats For All Kids June 25 Variety Show: Juggling, Magic & Music July 9 Juggling & More Fun July 16 Tickles the Clown July 23 Reptile Adventures July 30 Bubble Fun Show
Sunrise Mountain Library ADULT
Between the Covers Book Group
*Teen Summer Reading Program - “Get in the Game—Read!”
Afternoon Book Group
Teen Silk Screen T-shirt Printing Workshop with Red Rohall
Bring a friend and join us for a discussion of great books and some fun at 6:30 p.m.! Newcomers welcome! When June 21 - Go Set a Watchman by Harper Lee July 19 - The Next Best Thing by Jennifer Weiner Aug. 16 - Light in the Window by Jan Karon Bring a friend and join us for a discussion of great books and some fun at 2 p.m.! Newcomers welcome! When June 23 - The Murder at the Vicarage by Agatha Christie July 28 - The Next Best Thing by Jennifer Weiner Aug. 25 - Go Set a Watchman by Harper Lee
Card/Board Game Afternoon
Come play Phase 10, UNO, Old Maid, Hearts, Rummikub and other card and board games with us. When June 8, 22, July 13, 27, and Aug. 10, 24; 2 p.m.
*Adult Summer Reading Program “Exercise Your Mind—Read!”
Read and win! Read books to enter weekly drawings for $25 gift cards. Read five books to enter the grand prize drawing for an iPad mini plus a $50 gift card. When June 1 - Aug. 1
Rachel Bess: Seed Saving for Gardeners! Learn how to save seeds from your own garden so you can replant from year to year and share with friends! This class will cover general seed-saving information as well as specific techniques for a variety of common garden crops, plus ways to help prevent unwanted cross-pollination When June 6, 10 a.m.
For more information please call the library about classes. Registration is required as space is limited. Computers 101 When June 6, July 11, and Aug. 1, 2 p.m. Basic Internet When June 27, July 25 and Aug. 29, 2 p.m. Computers 102 When June 13, July 19 and Aug. 16, 2 p.m. Word Processing When June 16, 2 p.m. Spreadsheets When Aug. 18, 2 p.m. Digital Photography Downloads When Aug. 31, 1 p.m. Email Basics When June 20, 2 p.m. Craigslist and Ebay When Aug. 13, 10 a.m. Smart Phones and Tablets -Apple Devices Only When June 2, July 7 and Aug. 4, 1 p.m. Smart Phones and Tablets -Android Devices Only When June 2, July 7 and Aug. 4, 2:30 p.m. Ebooks for Kindle and other Ebook Readers When June 21, July 14 and Aug. 11, 2 p.m. Social Media When May 25, July 21, 2 p.m. Facebook When Aug. 17, 1 p.m. Windows 8.1/ Windows 10 When April 6, May 4, June 9, July 6, and Aug. 10, 1 p.m.
Read books, attend programs and win prizes all summer long. Weekly prize drawings for gift cards to Amazon, Barnes & Noble, DQ and Harkins will be awarded. Complete the program and be entered into a drawing for a chance to win a Kindle Fire. When June 1 - Aug. 1
This fun event helps participants learn about a unique and special way to express themselves. Each participant designs and prepares their own artwork and then prints a one-of-a-kind T-shirt using the Silkscreen Printing art form. Limit 30 Teens, registration required. When June 17, 2 p.m. Age 12 - 17 years
Toddler Time
Toddler Time embraces the energy of toddlers with entertaining songs, dances, and stories. When Every Tues., 9:30 a.m. and 10:30 a.m.
Baby Steps Story Time
A foundation for reading begins at birth. Share activities that you can do with your baby by helping your baby step into reading. When Every Wed., 9:15 a.m. and 10:15 a.m.
Crazy Story times with Madame Patchouli Join Madame Patchouli for laugh-out-loud literary adventures for preschoolers. We’ll sing, we’ll dance and even read a couple of books. Craft after storytime. When Every Thur., 9:15 a.m. and 10:15 a.m.
Teddy Bear Storytime
Busy during the day? Please join us for our Teddy Bear Storytime on Tues. evenings. PJs and teddy bears are optional. When Every Tues., 6:30 p.m.
Lego Club
FOR MORE INFORMATION ON THESE PROGRAMS Renewal Line (623) 773-7750 Don’t forget to “like us” on Facebook to get regular updates on library activities
Sunrise Mountain Library 21109 N. 98th Ave. Peoria, AZ 85382 (623) 773-8650
Build a new creation each class! Registration required as space is limited. When June 11, July 9, Aug. 13, 2 - 3 p.m., 3 - 4 p.m. Age 6 - 12 years
Hours Mon. to Thur., 9 a.m. - 8 p.m. Fri. to Sat., 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. Sun. 1 - 5 p.m.
Learn the why and how to play with your children to maximize brain and skill development. When 1st and 3rd Fri., 10 a.m. and 11 a.m.
Public Services Department (623) 773-8650 x3
Children Summer Reading Program “On Your Mark, Get Set…Read!”
Our children’s summer reading program, On Your Mark, Get Set… Read!, is offered as a fun way to include reading in your child’s summer vacation. Sign up online to earn online badges and when you complete the program, you’ll earn a book of your choice. When June 1 - Aug. 1 Age 0 - 12 years
Watch our website for additional summer programs
The Great Arizona Puppet Theater When
June 3, 10 a.m.
June 10, 10 a.m.
June 24, 10 a.m.
July 8, 10 a.m.
July 29, 10 a.m.
Reading and Magic with Ronald McDonald Mark Carter’s Way Cool Science Show World Wildlife Zoo End of Summer Reading Program Party
*Many thanks to our Friends of the Library and the Maricopa Library District for funding these programs!
Sports - Youth Youth Sports Leagues
To Register (623) 773-7137
For more information Email:
Stacy Beadle Recreation Superintendent (623) 773-5247 Franz Fuhrmann Recreation Coordinator (623) 773-7186 Alicia DiJulio Recreation Coordinator (623) 773-7027 Jared Gonzales Recreation Programmer (623) 773-7763
Individual registrations are currently being taken for Summer Youth Sports ONLINE only. A $20 discount is available if you register online prior to May 11 at 11:59 p.m. Phone and in-person registrations will be taken May 12-18 at 5 p.m., but no discount is available. LATE REGISTRATIONS will only be accepted in person, based on availability: Development and Community Services Building (9875 N. 85th Ave.) on: Fri., June 3 from 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. or Wed., June 8 from 4 - 7 p.m. Fee $70 Res. / $100 Non-Res. $50 Res. / $80 Non-Res. (online prior to May 11) Volunteer Coaches All coaches are volunteers in our programs. To apply to become a coach, please submit an application at Incentives are available. Teams Teams will be formed based on number of registrations. Special requests submitted online during registration will be considered, but are not guaranteed. Once you are placed on a team and have a coach, you will be notified of your practice day/time/location. If you are unable to practice on that day or need to switch teams for any reason, please come in person to: Development and Community Services Building (9875 N. 85th Ave.) on: Fri., June 3 from 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. or Wed., June 8 from 4 - 7 p.m. Late registrations will also only be accepted in person on these dates and times (based on availability). Basketball Practices/Games Teams will practice Mon./Wed. (June 6 & 8), and begin a one practice/one game schedule for 6 weeks (June 13 - July 20). All practices and games for basketball will be on Mon. or Wed. evenings. Times and locations will be determined based on availability and registration numbers. Volleyball Practices/Games Teams will practice Tues./Thur. (June 7 & 9), and begin a one practice/one game schedule for 6 weeks (June 14 - July 21). All practices and games for volleyball will be on Tues. or Thur. evenings. Times and locations will be determined based on availability and registration numbers. Age Groups Please make sure you are registering for the proper age/gender for your child. Children may not play in a younger age group, however, they may play up if they are less than 12 months from the age cut off date and meet the minimum age requirement for the sports (ex. An 8 year old may play 9-10 basketball, but a 4 year old cannot play 5-6 basketball). The age cut off date for this season is June 13, 2016 (first day of games).
Youth Volleyball Ages
Course #
7-8 Coed
Tues. or Thur. Evenings
Tues. or Thur. Evenings
9 – 10 Coed
Tues. or Thur. Evenings
Tues. or Thur. Evenings
11 - 13 Coed
Tues. or Thur. Evenings
Tues. or Thur. Evenings
14 – 18 Girls
Tues. or Thur. Evenings
Tues. or Thur. Evenings
Youth Basketball Recreational Ages
Course #
5–6 Coed
Mon. or Wed. Evenings
Mon. or Wed. Evenings
7–8 Coed
Mon. or Wed. Evenings
Mon. or Wed. Evenings
9 – 10 Girls
Mon. or Wed. Evenings
Mon. or Wed. Evenings
9 – 10 Boys
Mon. or Wed. Evenings
Mon. or Wed. Evenings
11 – 13 Mon. or Wed. Girls Evenings
Mon. or Wed. Evenings
11 – 13 Mon. or Wed. Boys Evenings
Mon. or Wed. Evenings
Youth Basketball Competitive Ages
Course #
10-12 Boys Mon. or Wed. Mon. or Wed. (Individual) Evenings Evenings
12-15 Girls Mon. or Wed. Mon. or Wed. (Individual) Evenings Evenings
13-15 Boys Mon. or Wed. Mon. or Wed. (Individual) Evenings Evenings
Sports - Adult Adult Softball Day
Adult Sand Volleyball
League Location*
Course #
Coed Novice
July 8
Coed Rec.
July 8
Coed Comp.
July 8
Coed Novice
July 10
Coed Rec.
July 10
Coed Comp.
July 10
Men’s Rec.
July 11
Men’s Comp.
July 11
Coed Rec.
July 12
Coed Comp.
July 12
Men’s Rec.
July 13
Men’s Comp.
July 13
Registration Fees: $500/team** Captain’s Meeting: Tues., July 5, Community Center, (8335 W. Jefferson St.) 6 p.m.
8-on-8 Adult Flag Football Tues.
League Location* Men’s
League Location*
Course #
Tues. Fri.
Coed Rec. Rio Vista
June 21
Coed Rec. Rio Vista
June 24
Coed Rec. Rio Vista
June 26
Registration Deadline: June 8 Registration Fees: $125/team**
Adult Indoor Volleyball Day
League Location*
Course #
Women’s Rio Vista Intermediate
June 5
Women’s Rio Vista Advanced
June 5
Coed Rio Vista Intermediate
June 7
Coed Rio Vista Advanced
June 9
Registration Fees: $375/team**
Course #
June 21
Registration Deadline: June 8 Registration Fees: $450/team**
Peoria/ Centennial HS
Adult 8-on-8 Flag Football
Men’s Basketball
Peoria/ Centennial HS
Adult Sand Volleyball
Rio Vista
Coed Indoor Volleyball
Rio Vista
Women’s Indoor Volleyball
Rio Vista
Adult Softball
Rio Vista or Pioneer
Men’s Basketball League Location*
Course #
June 5
To Register (623) 773-7137
Location Course #
Captain’s Meeting: Mon., June 13, Development & Community Services Building, Point of View Room (9875 N. 85th Ave.) 6 p.m.
For more information
Registration Deadline: May 25
Adult Sports Free Agent
Registration Deadline: June 29
Registration Deadline: May 25 Registration Fees: $450/team** Captain’s Meeting: Wed., June 1, Rio Vista Recreation Center (8866A W. Thunderbird Rd.) 7 p.m.
*Subject to change based on total registrations **Late Registrations accepted based on availability ($30 late fee)
Stacy Beadle Recreation Superintendent (623) 773-5247 Franz Fuhrmann Recreation Coordinator (623) 773-7186 Alicia DiJulio Recreation Coordinator (623) 773-7027 Jared Gonzales Recreation Programmer (623) 773-7763
Lake Pleasant Regional Park Park Programs
Welcome to Lake Pleasant Regional Park. One of the most scenic water recreation areas in the “Valley of the Sun,” this northwest Valley park is a recreationist’s dream! The park offers many activities, such as: • camping • boating • fishing • kayaking • scuba diving • swimming • hiking • picnicking • stargazing • interpretive programs • archery classes • wildlife viewing Lake Pleasant Regional Park provides several park programs on an on-going basis. Wildlife and history presentations, nature and exercise hikes, kayaking tours, outdoor skill demonstrations, fishing clinics, stargazing, and fun group programs are just a few of the regular programs. Below you’ll find program offerings for June through Aug. For additional program information and descriptions, visit
Maricopa County Parks and Recreation Dept. Lake Pleasant Regional Park 41835 N. Castle Hot Springs Rd. Morristown, AZ 85342 (928) 501-1710 Park Hours Open 24 hours - 365 days Discovery Center Hours Mon. - Sun.: 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Park Fees Day-use vehicle entry fee: $6 Per motorized watercraft: $4 Per non-motorized watercraft: $2 Developed campsites: $30/night Semi-developed campsites: $20/night Shoreline camping: $12/night Online Reservations Directions From central Phoenix, take I-17 north to Carefree Highway (SR74). Exit Carefree Hwy., and travel west 15-miles to Castle Hot Spring Rd. at mile-post 19. Travel north to Lake Pleasant Regional Park entrance.
June 3 June 3 June 4 June 7 June 9 June 18 June 25 June 28 June 30
Looking for Wild Burros on the Wild Burro Trail Desert Awareness & Park Information Arizona Free Fishing Day - Family Fun Fishing If These Rocks Could Talk - Petroglyph Program Desert Awareness & Park Information Sunset & Full Moon Easy Paddle Yavapai Point Scenic Hike Critters of the Desert New to the Desert? Learn to be Aware and Not Scared of it!
July 13 July 14 July 20 July 21 July 22 July 22 July 23 July 27 July 28 July 29
JULY EVENTS Wednesday Wet Hike Scenic Hike to Yavapai Point Family Hike & Splash Pleasant Paddlers Program - Coles and Goose Bays (Experienced Paddlers Only - no rentals available) Wednesday Wet Hike Archery 101 Wednesday Wet Hike Looking for Wild Burros on the Wild Burro Trail History of Lake Pleasant Cabela's Beginner Lake Kayaking Class at Cabela's "Get Wet" Beginner Lake Kayaking at Desert Outdoor Center Wednesday Wet Hike Hiking & History Hike & Splash
July 30
Pleasant Paddlers Program - Easy Paddle Tour
July 9 July 7 July 8 July 9
Aug. 3 Aug. 4 Aug. 5 Aug. 6 Aug. 10 Aug. 11 Aug. 12 Aug. 12 Aug. 13 Aug. 17 Aug. 18 Aug. 19 Aug. 20 Aug. 24 Aug. 25 Aug. 26 Aug. 27
AUGUST EVENTS Wednesday Wet Hike Know & Go Scorpion Hunting Hike & Splash Family Fun Fishing Wednesday Wet Hike Crystals, Minerals & Rocks Lake Pleasant & the Central AZ Project Connection Cabela's Beginner Lake Kayaking Class at Cabela's "Get Wet" Beginner Lake Kayaking at the Desert Outdoor Center Wednesday Wet Hike Pleasant Paddlers Program - Sunset & Full Moon Paddle of Coles Bay (Experienced Paddlers Only - no rentals available) Sunset & Full Moon Hike to Yavapai Point Pleasant Paddlers Program - Sunset & Full Moon Easy Paddle Wednesday We Hike South Pipeline Canyon Hike In Search of Wildlife Hike Pleasant Paddlers Program - Exploring the Eastern Coves (Experienced Paddlers Only - no rentals available)
8 a.m. 2 - 3 p.m. 7 - 10 a.m. 3 p.m. 2 - 3 p.m. 7 p.m. 7 a.m. 3 p.m. 3 p.m. 9 a.m. 7 a.m. 10 a.m. 7 a.m. 9 a.m. 7 a.m. 9 a.m. 8 a.m. 12 p.m. 6 p.m. 7 & 9 a.m. 9 a.m. 9 a.m. 9 a.m. 8 a.m.
9 a.m. 8 p.m. 9 a.m. 7 - 10 a.m. 9 a.m. 9 a.m. 12 p.m. 6 p.m. 7 & 9 a.m. 9 a.m. 7 p.m. 7 p.m. 7 p.m. 9 a.m. 9 a.m. 7 a.m. 8 a.m.
* Please check website for a complete list of upcoming activities and updates to existing programs prior to heading out to Lake Pleasant.
Active Adult Programs Adults ages 50 and better are encouraged to take part in activities offered throughout the year at the Peoria Community Center, 8335 W. Jefferson (2 blocks S. of Peoria Avenue). There is no membership fee required and programs are open to residents and non-residents.
Lunch & Transportation
The Community Action Program (C.A.P.) invites adults 60 and older for lunch at 11:45 a.m., Mon. - Fri. A $3.50 donation and 24 hour notice is requested. Menus are available at the Community Center. To register for meals or to discuss transportation options, call the Nutrition Office at (623) 979-3570.
Daily Programs
These groups are free, meet weekly and are open to new participants. Duplicate Bridge Mon. 12:30 p.m. Canasta Mon. 12:30 p.m. Mah Jong Mon. 12:30 p.m. Mexican Train Dominoes Mon. & Wed. 9 a.m. Euchre Wed. 12:30 p.m. Social Bridge Wed. 12:30 p.m. Scrabble Thur. 12:30 p.m. Pinochle Thur. 12:30 p.m. Hand & Foot Fri. 12:30 p.m.
Bingo cards cost 25¢ each and 50¢ for the coverall and winners divide the money collected. Pots generally range from $5 - $55. Bingo starts at 1 p.m. on special event days. When
Tues. & Fri., 12:30 p.m.
Open billiards on our custom Connelly tables. Fee
Free during normal business hours.
Table Tennis
Play table tennis on our tournament-quality table. Fee Free When Tues. & Thur., 1:30 p.m.
The Book Club
Read and chat about a variety of books. Club meets the first Mon. of the month (except on holidays) at 1 p.m. Group members provide their own copies of the books. Hosted by Lucy Peterson. When 1st Mon. of the month (except on holidays), 1 p.m. July Aug. Sept.
Judgement Call by JA Jance After the Storm by Linda Castillo The Missing by Beverly Lewis
Active Adult Mixer Dances
Dance to live music the first Thur. of every month from 1:30 - 3:30 p.m. Admission is $4 and includes refreshments and door prize ticket. We have a 50/50 each dance. Live entertainment. June 2, July 7, Aug. 4
Day Trips
Trips depart from the Peoria Community Center. See “Staycation” or “At Your Leisure” for details and other trips. Upcoming trips include: Mystery Trips Casino Trips “Brunch” Breakfast Club Lunchtime Theater Dining Adventures Club (DAC)
Benefits Assistance
Volunteer counselors, specially trained by the Area Agency on Aging, Region One’s Benefits Assistance Program, provide objective, free personalized assistance to seniors and adults with disabilities. Services include information on Medicare and supplemental plans. Volunteer available on April 6 and May 4. Beginning June 21 volunteer will be available the 3rd Tues. of the month from 8:30 - 11:30 a.m. in Cholla Room. Call (602) 241-6118 to set up an appointment to meet with a counselor at the Community Center.
Discovery 101
Grab Bag Bingo
Knowledgable speakers come in to talk about an assortment of topic subjects. This is done in partnership with various community agencies. No pre-registration required. Class subject to change. Current schedule will be posted 2 weeks in advance.
Fee Free When Fri., 10:45 - 11:30 a.m.
Fun, free bingo every Thur. Eight games are played and winners choose from an assortment of grab bags. Thur., 10:45 a.m.
Busy Bee Crafters
This creative group meets every week to share ideas and work on a variety of projects. When
Tues., 9 a.m.
Westside Stitchers
We work on any and all needle crafting projects – knitting, crocheting, sewing, embroidery, felt, beading. Is there a needle crafting project you’d like to start or try but are scared to? Any level of experience is welcome. When
Wed., 12:30 p.m.
June 10 - Do’s and Don’ts of Gout presented by Complete Hospice Care of Phoenix June 24 - 10 Diabetes...What you Should Know presented by Health Net July 8 - Palliative Care and Hospice, What is the difference? Presented by Complete Hospice Care of Phoenix Aug. 26 - Diabetes’s Presented by Complete Hospice Care of Phoenix Location Calderwood Room
To Register (623) 773-7436
Paula Considine Recreation Superintendent (623) 773-7923 Kathleen Kresl Recreation Coordinator (623) 773-7108
Email us at communitycenter@peoriaaz. gov to sign up to receive email alerts to hear about trip destinations, special events, and classes.
AARP Smart Driver
Active Adult Programs Fire Arm Education Fee $40 Course # 90221 When July 19
CLASSES/WORKSHOPS AARP Smart Driver Course Course
This defensive driving course is offered monthly. Bring a check payable to AARP the first day of class. Fee AARP Members $15/Non-Members $20 Location Community Center
Handgun Selection and Range Protocol Fee $30 Course # 90222 When Aug. 16
Course # 89499 When June 3, 8:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m., Fri. (1 class)
RecConnect To Register (623) 773-7436
Paula Considine Recreation Superintendent (623) 773-7923 Kathleen Kresl Recreation Coordinator (623) 773-7108
Email us at communitycenter@peoriaaz. gov to sign up to receive email alerts to hear about trip destinations, special events, and classes.
Active Adults Aerobics This class is a low impact class designed for Seniors/Active Adults. Enjoy the refreshing water in the morning sun. Fee $14 Course # 87155 When Fri., June 1, 8 - 9 a.m. Location Peoria Pool
Course # 90092 When Aug. 5, 8:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m., Fri. (1 class)
Firearms Classes for Active Adults Firearms classes are designed specifically for active adults in mind. Classes are held at Shooters’ World, 8966 W. Cactus Rd. Firearm ownership not required. When Tues., 9:30 - 11:30 a.m.
Adult Swim Lessons (8 classes) They have designed this class just for the active adult. Enjoy the sun and fun during these lessons. Fee $20 When Mon. - Thur., 5:45 - 6:15 p.m. Location Centennial Pool
Six Fundamentals of Marksmanship Focuses on the six fundamentals that all good marksmen employ. Fee $40 Course # 88857 When May 10
Course # 87289 When Session 1: May 30 - June 9
Gun Cleaning, Maintenance and Storage Covers cleaning, maintenance and storage of your weapon. Fee $30 Course # 88858 When June 14
Course # 87290 When Session 2: June 13 - July 1
8335 West Jefferson Street
A Special Place for your Special Day!
• Banquet Room
• Small Meeting Room
• Small Event Room
• Conference Room
(65-300 Guests)
(10-60 Guests)
• Large Meeting Room (30-70 Guests)
City of Peoria Class
Aquatics for the Active Adult/ Senior
Course # 90091 When July 1, 8:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m., Fri. (1 class)
• Anniversaries • Weddings • Birthday Parties • Bridal & Baby Showers • Memorials
Shooter’s World
(10-25 Guests)
(2-8 Guests)
• Audio/Visual • Dance Area • Layout Design • Enclosed • Chairs and Tables Playground for Parties • Kitchen Access
For more information, call 623.773.7436 or visit
Active Adult Programs HEALTH & FITNESS Fit After 50 (year round)
Stay active with a resistance-training program using weights, dynabands and balls, followed by a lively aerobic workout. No pre-registration required. Instructor: Tammy Bielewicz, Carolyn Thornley and Akua Jitahadi Fee $1.50 per class; $30/20 class punch card; $15/10 class punch card When Mon./Wed. (ongoing) 8 - 9 a.m. Mon. (ongoing) 9:15 - 10:10 a.m. Fri. (ongoing) 8:30 - 9:30 a.m. Location Community Center
Are you ready to party yourself into shape? Geared towards active adults 50 and over, this Zumba class is an exhilarating, effective and easy-to-follow fitness program. Taught by licensed Zumba instructor, Akua Jitahadi.
Blood Pressure Screenings sponsored by Banner Health
Volunteers with training from Boswell Hospital provide free blood pressure screenings each month on the first Tues. of the month. Fee FREE When Tues., June 7, July 5, Aug. 2, 9 - 11 a.m. Location Community Center
Join in the fun! Events take place at the Peoria Community Center and are free unless otherwise noted. Lunch is served following most events; a $3.50 donation and a 24-hour notice are requested. Reserve your lunch by calling (623) 979-3570.
Luau Party
Fee $1.50 per class When Tues./Thur. 9 - 9:50 a.m. Location Community Center
Bobby Freeman will be entertaining us with his amazing keyboard skills and his perfect song choice. He will have you up out of your seats and on the dance floor. Getting us in the Hawaiian spirit will be the dancing Nanu Komohani Tutus. They will be dancing and teaching a traditional Hawaiian dance. When Fri., June 3, 9:30 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Chair Exercise Class
Ice Cream Social
Paula Considine Recreation Superintendent (623) 773-7923
July 4th Celebration
Kathleen Kresl Recreation Coordinator (623) 773-7108
Improve your posture! An ongoing program with a 30-minute routine performed “while seated in a chair.” Call ahead to ensure class is scheduled. Fee FREE When Tues. (ongoing), 10 - 11 a.m. Fri. (ongoing), 9:45 - 10:45 a.m. Location Community Center
Line Dance
This progressive class has two levels and does not require a partner. Instructor: Pat Newell and Kathy Pfeifer Line Dance I For the beginner/improver student. It will introduce basic terminology, steps and patterns. Fee When
$5 per class; $50/10 class punch card; $25/5 class punch card Mon., 9:30 - 11 a.m.
Line Dance II Designed for dancers who have basic knowledge of dance terminology and some previous experience. Dances will range from beginner to beginner-plus in difficulty level. Fee When
$5 per class; $50/10 class punch card; $25/5 class punch card Wed., 9:30 - 11 a.m.
Thur., June 16, 11:45 a.m. - 12:45 p.m. Thur., July 21, 11:45 a.m. - 12:45 p.m. Thur., Aug. 25, 11:45 a.m. - 12:45 p.m.
Dallas West will be back at the Community Center to entertain us for the July 4th celebration. Come join us for some July 4th festivities and treats along with some good music that will get you on the dance floor. When Fri., July 1, 9:30 - 11:45 a.m.
Pancakes in the Park
Come join us for a pancake and sausage breakfast cooked and served by the Peoria Fire Fighters Charities. There will be entertainment by Robert Mengel and door prizes given away. When Wed., Aug. 3, 7 - 9 a.m.
Celebrate Arizona
Come join me in welcoming back the Arizona Trio to our Celebration of Arizona. This group is a hoot and brings lots of energy to party. We will have activities to get us warmed up and ready to dance. When Fri., Aug. 19, 9:30 - 11:45 a.m.
Hispanic Heritage Celebration
As always we will be having the best Mariachi Band in Peoria “Mariachi Los Compesinos” helping us celebrate Hispanic Heritage. We will be inviting Lindo Y Querido Ballet Folklorico to do some traditional dancing. When Fri., Sept. 9, 9:30 - 11:45 a.m.
To Register (623) 773-7436
Email us at communitycenter@peoriaaz. gov to sign up to receive email alerts to hear about trip destinations, special events, and classes.
Adaptive Recreation Programs ADAPTIVE SWIM LESSONS
Adaptive Swim is a class designed to teach swim skills, increase swimmer’s knowledge of safety around the water, maintain and increase physical fitness, achieve success, and receive recognition with an aquatic environment. This program is for children ages 5 and up with cognitive or physical disabilities with a class ratio of 1:3.
RecConnect To Register/ General Information (623) 773-7436
Paula Considine Recreation Superintendent (623) 773-7923 Jodi Roth-Jones Recreation Coordinator (623) 773-7719
Fee $30 Res. / $40 Non-Res. When June 4; 8:45 - 9:30 a.m., Sat./Sun. (4 weeks) Location Centennial Pool - 14388 N. 79 Ave. Course # 87065 Age 5-7 years Course # 87066 Age 8-15 years Fee $30 Res. / $40 Non-Res. When June 4, 8 - 8:45 a.m., Sat./Sun. (4 weeks) Location Centennial Pool - 14388 N. 79 Ave. Course # 87070 Age 16 & up Course # 87071 Age 8 & up - Special Olympics Prep Fee $30 Res. / $40 Non-Res. When July 9, 8:45 - 9:30 a.m., Sat./Sun. (4 weeks) Location Centennial Pool - 14388 N. 79 Ave. Course # 87067 Age 5-7 years Course # 87068 Age 8-15 years Fee $30 Res. / $40 Non-Res. When July 9, 8 - 8:45 a.m., Sat./Sun. (4 weeks) Location Centennial Pool - 14388 N. 79 Ave. Course # 87069 Age 16 & up Course # 87072 Age 8 & up - Special Olympics Prep
TEEN SCENE Beach Party Bash
Join us for some summer fun and dancing. Fee $4/in advance; $5/at the door Course # 90072 When June 11, 6:30 - 9 p.m., Sat. Age 13-22 years Location Peoria Community Center
This internationally recognized sports program is open to cognitively disabled individuals 8 years and older. Athletes must have a current physical on file with the Adaptive Recreation staff in order to be registered for Special Olympics competition and training.
Summer/Fall Special Olympics Sports Registration There is a biannual $25 participation fee for Special Olympics. This fee will allow athletes to participate in any of the following sports: swimming, soccer and softball. Call the Community Center to register. Course # 90026
Swim Team
Athletes must be able to swim the length of the pool without assistance. Athletes must attend a minimum of 65% of the practices to attend upcoming swim meets and be able to swim the length of the pool unassisted. Practice will begin on Mon., July 25. A schedule of practice and meets will be given to the swimmer and located on our website. Fee See above under Summer/Fall Special Olympics Sports Registration Age 8 & up Location Centennial Pool - 14388 N. 79 Ave. Course # 90027 - Beginning Team When Starts July 25: Weeknights 7 - 7:45 p.m.; Sat. 10 - 10:45 a.m. Course # 90028 - Advanced Team When Starts July 25: Weeknights 7:45 - 8:30 p.m.; Sat. 10:45 - 11:30 a.m.
Fee See above under Summer/Fall Special Olympics Sports Registration Course # 90029 When Aug. 8, Mon./Wed., 6:30 - 8 p.m. Age 14 & up Location City of Peoria Parks
FITNESS Zumba/Boot Camp Combo
Are you ready to party yourself into shape? This Zumba class is an exhilarating, effective and easy-tofollow fitness program taught by licensed Zumba instructor Akua Jitahadi. The Boot camp class will work those muscles! Taught by Zane Johnson. Fee $3 per class, or a punch card can be purchased for 10 classes for $30 When (ongoing) 6 - 7 p.m. Age 16 & up Location Peoria Community Center
Fitness Room
The fitness room is available for families’ use any time a class is not in progress. Fitness orientations are required before you can gain access to the equipment. Call Jodi at (623) 773-7719 to schedule an orientation.
Adaptive Recreation Programs SOCIAL EVENTS Friday Night Dances
The dances provide teens and adults with developmental disabilities an opportunity to meet new people and socialize in a supervised setting. Visit our website to see a complete schedule of dances or call to request a schedule. Fee $4/week When July 1, 7 - 9:30 p.m., Fri. (10 weeks) Age 18 & up Location Peoria Community Center (8335 W. Jefferson)
Casino Extravaganza Night with BINGO
Get the family together and head to the Peoria Community Center for an evening of fun, food and prizes. The evening will include bingo, casino games, prizes and more! Fee $5/person Course # 90044 When June 17, 6:30 - 9 p.m., Sat. Age 10 & up Location Peoria Community Center
The City of Peoria Adaptive Recreation Program contracts with the Department of Economic Security, Division of Developmental Disabilities, to offer a variety of Day Treatment and Training Services.
The primary goal of all DES/DDD contracted programs is to enhance social and independent living skills through various recreational opportunities and through community outings and service projects. All programs are staffed on a 1:4 staff-to-participant ratio, so a moderate-to-high level of independence is required. After School Recreation Programs – provides age appropriate activities for students 12-17 and 18-21 years of age. Program days follow the Peoria Unified School District calendar. Adult Day Recreation Program – is designed to provide unique and challenging activities in a small group setting. To inquire about openings at our two sites, contact Jodi at (623) 773-7719
Bowling Connections!
Come form new connections with our new bowling program. Participants will meet at the Peoria AMF lanes for two hours of bowling in a fun and relaxing atmosphere. The price includes shoes and as much bowling as you can bowl in two hours. Fee $8 When July 2, 12:30 - 2:30 p.m., Sat. (8 weeks) Age 6 & up Location Peoria AMF (85th Ave. & Olive)
Spend the Day at Main Event
Come find out what is so amazing about Main Event! Indoor fun for all ages. Trip includes one hour of bowling, one game of Laser Tag, $10 FUNcard, and meal. Pre-register by June 30. Minimum of 10 participants needed for the trip. Fee $30 Course # 90070 When Sat., July 9, 1 - 5 p.m. Age 16 & up Location Meet at the Peoria Community Center
Top Golf
Come spend the evening under the misters, swinging a golf club. Enjoy a pizza dinner before heading to Scottsdale for an evening of golf with your friends. Only a maximum of 10 people can go, so sign up soon. Final date to register is Aug. 16. Bring extra money for food or drinks at Top Golf if you want. Fee $30 Course # 90071 When Sat., Aug. 20 Age 16 & up Location Meet at the Peoria Community Center
Elementary Summer Recreation Program – is an 8 week program for individuals 6-11 years of age. This program runs 8 a.m. - 2:30 p.m., five days a week, as an integrated program in conjunction with the City of Peoria’s Summer Recreation Program. This program uses DTS hours. High School Summer Recreation Programs – is an 8 week program for individuals 12-17 and 18-21 years of age. This program runs 8 a.m. - 2 p.m., five days a week, as a self-contained program and uses a combination of DTS and RSP hours.
These programs are first come first serve so call (623) 773-7436 and ask for Jodi to request an application. Make sure you ask your support coordinator for DTS paperwork for the summer!
Our Mission . . .
To provide a continuum of leisure opportunities and related services designed to enhance the quality of life for individuals with disabilities.
Special Interest Classes - Adult Belly Dancing
Belly dancing is suitable for all ages and body types. Learn basic moves, including directional hip work and shimmy techniques. Fee $59 Res. / $68 Non-Res. Course # 89670 When Wed., June 1 (8 classes), 6:30 - 7:30 p.m. Age 16 & Up Location Rio Vista Recreation Center FOR ASSISTANCE WITH THESE PROGRAMS, CONTACT
RecConnect To Register
(623) 773-7137
Heather Duffett
Special Interest Classes Supervisor (623) 773-8625 Andrea Traganza
Recreation Coordinator (623) 773-8623
Digital Photography Photoshop Elements
Learn how to download images from your camera or memory card; Adjust focus, sharpness, contrast, color, and exposure; Apply creative special effects; Edit, create, and share your photos. Bring your laptop loaded with Adobe ‘Photoshop Elements 12 or 13’ software. Fee $59 Res. / $68 Non-Res. Course # 89695 When Wed., June 1 (3 classes), 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. Age 16 & Up Location Rio Vista Recreation Center
Essential Oils - DIY Products for Health & Home
We’ll make take-home products, including foaming soap, aromatic room spray, and body scrub. Students will also receive recipes for more DIY products using essential oils. $15 supply fee due to instructor during class. Fee $8 Res. / $12 Non-Res. Course # 89730 When Mon., June 13 (1 class), 6:30 - 8 p.m. Age 18 & Up Location Rio Vista Recreation Center
Essential Oils - Practical Tips for Everyday Living Learn practical tips for incorporating essential oils in your everyday life. You’ll learn how you can combine oils with commonly found elements to create something aromatic and useful! Fee $8 Res. / $12 Non-Res. Course # 89731 When Mon., May 23 (1 class), 6:30 - 8 p.m. Age 18 & Up Location Rio Vista Recreation Center
One-Hour Cheese Mozzarella & Ricotta
Learn how to make home-made mozzarella and ricotta cheese in this hands-on class! Cultured milk products such as yogurt will also be discussed. Students will receive recipes. Additional $3 supply fee is due to instructor for materials. Fee $39 Res. / $48 Non-Res. Course # 90079 When Sat., June 11 (1 class), 1 - 3:30 p.m. Age 18 & Up Location Rio Vista Recreation Center
Red Dragons - Self-Defense for Women
Learn basic strikes, blocks, and techniques to defend yourself against any type of assault, with emphasis on ways of moving that will allow you to effectively overcome an attacker no matter your age, body type, or physical ability. Fee $28 Res. / $37 Non-Res. Course # 89665 When Sat., June 4 (1 class), 1 - 3 p.m. Age 13 & Up Location Rio Vista Recreation Center
Tai Chi - Essentials
Experience the many benefits of Tai Chi, such as relaxation, balance, and flexibility, in this introductory class. Each student will receive a student handbook. Fee $49 Res. / $58 Non-Res. Age 18 & Up Location Rio Vista Recreation Center Course # 89660 When Tues., May 24 (5 classes), 6 - 7 p.m. Course # 89662 When Tues., July 12 (5 classes), 6 - 7 p.m.
Tai Chi - Yang Style
Build upon skills and moves learned in the Essentials class, as we learn and practice the first 12 of 36 postures of Tai Chi Yang style exercise. Fee $65 Res. / $74 Non-Res. Age 16 & Up Location Rio Vista Recreation Center Course # 89663 When Tues., May 10 (8 classes), 7 - 8 p.m. Course # 89664 When Tues., July 12 (8 classes), 7 - 8 p.m.
Special Interest Classes - Adult Understanding Estate Planning - The Basics
Learn how to protect your assets and leave your legacy through strategic estate planning, including strategies for reducing income tax, capital gains tax, estate tax and more, during this informative presentation. Fee $15 Res. / $20 Non-Res. Course # 89643 When Thur., June 9 (1 class), 6:30 - 8 p.m. Age 18 & Up Location Rio Vista Recreation Center
Watercolor for Beginners
Learn basic watercolor techniques and tricks for still-life painting. All-new subject material. Supply list sent via email one week prior to class. Please bring a $3 supply fee for take-home color wheel. Fee $65 Res. / $74 Non-Res. Course # 89693 When Sat., June 4 (4 classes), 9:30 - 11:30 a.m. Age 16 & Up Location Rio Vista Recreation Center
Watercolor Painting - Level II
Further develop your watercolor painting skills and techniques with Ms. Younger. Class is geared for students who have taken a beginner level class recently. Supply list will be emailed to all registrants one week prior to class. Fee $65 Res. / $74 Non-Res. Course # 89699 When Sat., July 9 (4 classes), 9:30 - 11:30 a.m. Age 16 & Up Location Rio Vista Recreation Center
Register online at:
Planting Your Fall Garden
Learn what adaptations are needed for our desert environment and how to maximize space to produce a bountiful harvest! Fee FREE Res. / $10 Non-Res. Course # 89840 When Sat., Aug. 20 (1 class), 9:30 - 11 a.m. Age 16 & Up Location Sunrise Mountain Library
Do you have a class idea you’d like to see offered? Let us know about it! Send your suggestions to
T I FIXOW ! N Home Improvement Made Easier! Emergency Home Repair Program
Provides emergency repairs to low/moderate income homeowners. Repairs are provided at no cost to assist low-moderate, income eligible residents to maintain safe and functional owner-occupied housing. Example of eligible repairs are: Plumbing, electrical, water heaters, air conditioner or evaporative cooler, roofing, general health and safety items (stairs, handrails, porches, locks, ceiling repairs from water damage, etc.
Tool Lending Program
A selection of tools/equipment can be borrowed by Peoria residents at no charge for a limited period of time. Available to homeowners, renters and neighborhood groups undertaking landscaping projects, yard clean-ups, community rebuilding and other improvement projects. Pick up and return is by appointment only.
For more information, contact or call Colleen Iliff at 623-773-7667.
Upcoming Peoria SUPPORT Awareness Series Seminars Making a Difference in the Life of a Child in Foster Care
May 25, 4 - 6 p.m. Rio Vista Recreation Center, 8866A W. Thunderbird Rd.
Alzheimer’s and Dementia Half-Day Workshop June 22, 9:30 a.m. – 2 p.m. DCS Building, 9875 N. 85th Ave.
Grandparents (and other kin) Raising Grandchildren (or other’s children) July 27, 10 a.m. - 12 p.m. Rio Vista Recreation Center, 8866A W. Thunderbird Rd.
Registration is required. Contact or 623-773-7070
Special Interest Classes - Preschool Beginners Edge - Multi-Sports INDOORS! Introduction to skill development in the sports of basketball, softball, and soccer. Students bring their own basketball and soccer ball. Parent participation required for children under 3 yrs. Fee $75 Res. / $84 Non-Res. Location Rio Vista Recreation Center
RecConnect To Register
(623) 773-7137
Heather Duffett
Special Interest Classes Supervisor (623) 773-8625 Andrea Traganza
Recreation Coordinator (623) 773-8623
Course # 89706 When Sat., July 23 (6 classes), 10 - 10:45 a.m. Age 2-3 Years Course # 89707 When Sat., July 23 (6 classes), 11 - 11:45 a.m. Age 3-6 Years
Beginners Edge Soccer Skills Training
Children will learn: Dribbling, Kicking, Throw-Ins, Headers, Goalie Skills, Scrimmaging and more. Parent participation required for children under 3 yrs old. Please bring soccer ball. SUMMER classes held INDOORS. Fee $75 Res. / $84 Non-Res. Location Rio Vista Recreation Center Course # 89640 When Sat., June 4 (6 classes), 9 - 9:45 a.m. Age 18 Months - 2 Years Course # 89638 When Sat., June 4 (6 classes), 10 - 10:45 a.m. Age 3-4 Years Course # 89697 When Sat., June 4 (6 classes), 11 - 11:45 a.m. Age 3-5 Years Course # 89705 When Sat., July 23 (6 classes), 9 - 9:45 a.m. Age 18 Months - 2 Years
Ice Skating - Tot 1
Professional instructors teach beginner elements. Skate rental is included for each class. Fee $88 Res. / $95 Non-Res. Age 4-6 Years Location AZ ICE, 15829 N. 83rd Ave. Course # 89835 When Sat., June 4 (8 classes), 9:45 - 10:15 a.m. Course # 89837 When Tues., June 7 (8 classes), 2 - 2:30 p.m.
Millennium Martial Arts “Mini” Chun Kuk Do
Chun Kuk Do teaches practical skills that also build self confidence, self-control, discipline, coordination, and respect. Students who attend all classes will have the opportunity to earn their first ‘belt’ . No uniforms required! Fee $64 Res. / $73 Non-Res. Course # 90077 When Thur., June 2 (8 classes), 5:30 - 6:15 p.m. Age 4-6 Years Location Peoria Community Center
Steppin Out - Ballet/Tap/ Tumbling
Introduction to ballet, tap, creative movement and tumbling basics. Tap shoes are required. Fee
$62 Res. / $71 Non-Res.
Course # 89615 When Sat., June 11 (6 classes), 10 - 10:45 a.m. Age 3-5 Years Location Peoria Community Center Course # 89620 When Mon., June 13 (6 classes), 4:30 - 5:15 p.m. Age 3-5 Years Location Rio Vista Recreation Center Course # 89612 When Mon., June 13 (6 classes), 5:30 - 6:15 p.m. Age 5-8 Years Location Rio Vista Recreation Center
Special Interest Classes - Preschool PARENT TOT ABC’s & 123’s - Kindergarten Readiness
We’ll learn the alphabet, numbers, counting, shapes, sorting, and more while participating in fun, games and activities. $5 supply fee due to instructor at first class meeting. Parent must participate with the child. *No class June 21, last class July 19. Fee $65 Res. / $74 Non-Res. Course # 89631 When Tues., June 7 (6 classes), 9:30 - 10:30 a.m. Age 2-4 Years Location Rio Vista Recreation Center
Ice Skating - Parent & Me
Children with no prior experience are introduced to skating with a parent or guardian learning with them on the ice. Public skating and skate rental is included on the day of enrolled class only. Fee $88 Res. / $95 Non-Res. Age 3-5 Years Location AZ ICE, 15829 N. 83rd Ave. Course # 89834 When Sat., June 4 (8 classes), 9:45 - 10:15 a.m. Course # 89836 When Tues., June 7 (8 classes), 3 - 3:30 p.m.
Messy Art!
Parent and child have fun together as we get messy through tactile art experiences. $5 supply fee due to instructor at first class meeting. Wear clothes and shoes that can get messy! No class June 21, last class July 19. Fee $65 Res. / $74 Non-Res. Course # 89632 When Tues., June 7 (6 classes), 11 a.m. - 12 p.m. Age 2-4 Years Location Rio Vista Recreation Center
Yoga Parent-Tot Funtime!
Strengthen your parent/child bond through a playful release of stress and social interaction, all while learning and practicing the peaceful and relaxing benefits of yoga. Fee $52 Res. / $61 Non-Res. Course # 89845 When Wed., June 8 (6 classes), 5:15 - 6:30 p.m. Age 2 Months - 5 Years Location Rio Vista Recreation Center
Young children and parent participate together. Little ones will wiggle, sing, and learn together, using instruments to make music and dance! No class 7/2/16 - last class 7/16/16. $30 supply fee due to instructor for take-home story/music group CDs. Fee $59 Res. / $68 Non-Res. Course # 89704 When Sat., June 4 (6 classes), 9 - 10 a.m. Age 18 Months - 3 Years Location Rio Vista Recreation Center
Tiny Dragons - “I Won’t Go!”
Retired police officer and martial arts professional will teach children how to spot and avoid danger; environmental awareness; abduction prevention; and what to do if accosted by a stranger. Children will learn Kenpo techniques and how to apply them during reality-based scenarios. Parent participation required. Fee $15 Res. / $24 Non-Res. Course # 89642 When Sat., June 4 (1 class), 11 a.m. - 12 p.m. Age 3-5 Years Location Rio Vista Recreation Center
Come and play with us!
Register online at:
Do you have a class idea you’d like to see offered? Let us know about it! Send your suggestions to
Special Interest Classes - Youth Abrakadoodle - Kids on Canvas Create your own masterpiece, using acrylic paints, canvas board, stretched canvas and canvas paper. Each lesson is specially designed to explore techniques and styles of famous master artists. Take-home a project after each class. Materials included in course fee. Fee $89 Res. / $98 Non-Res. Course # 89633 When Fri., June 3 (6 classes), 4:30 - 5:30 p.m. Age 7-12 Years Location Rio Vista Recreation Center FOR ASSISTANCE WITH THESE PROGRAMS, CONTACT
RecConnect To Register
(623) 773-7137
Heather Duffett
Special Interest Classes Supervisor (623) 773-8625 Andrea Traganza
Recreation Coordinator (623) 773-8623
Arizona Science Center - Masters of Disaster S.T.E.A.M. Camp
Discover the science behind extreme weather, and how to ‘survive’ destructive forces of natural disasters like hurricanes, earthquakes, tsunamis and volcanos! Campers will design and engineer structures and inventions that may help us predict and withstand natural disasters. Presented by the Arizona Science Center. Fee $89 Res. / $95 Non-Res. Course # 89605 When Mon., Tues., Wed., Thur., July 18 (4 classes), 1 - 4 p.m. Age 9-13 Years Location Rio Vista Recreation Center
Arizona Science Center - Wheel of Science S.T.E.A.M. Camp Experience a new adventure each day, featuring fun, hands-on activities in science, technology, engineering, art, and math (STEAM). Discover patterns in nature, chemistry in cooking, and the laws of motion, presented by the Arizona Science Center. Fee $89 Res. / $95 Non-Res. Age 9-13 Years Location Rio Vista Recreation Center Course # 89606 When Mon., Tues., Wed., Thur., June 27 (4 classes), 1 - 4 p.m. Course # 89777 When Mon., Tues., Wed., Thur., July 18 (4 classes), 9 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Child Care & Babysitting Safety Prepare yourself for the responsibilities that go along with caring for infants and children. Learn basic CPR, how to help someone who is choking, basic first aid techniques, and child safety practices. Each student receives a workbook to keep and a Babysitting Safety Certification card. Bring a non-perishable snack, drink, and pen and paper to class. Fee $45 Res. / $54 Non-Res. Age 10-16 Years Course # 89628 When Sat., May 21 (1 class), 9:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. Location Rio Vista Recreation Center Course # 89630 When Sat., June 18 (1 class), 9:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. Location Peoria Community Center Course # 89629 When Sat., July 23 (1 class), 9:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. Location Sunrise Mountain Library
Guitar Level I - Ages 8-11
Learn how to read music and tab, how to handle and tune their guitar, and basic chords and strums. Bring your own guitar to class. $7 materials fee due to instructor on first day of class - includes take-home practice book. Fee $55 Res. / $62 Non-Res. Course # 89622 When Thur., June 2 (8 classes), 4:30 - 5:30 p.m. Age 8-11 Years Location Rio Vista Recreation Center
Ice Skating - Basic 1
Geared for beginners & those with little or no experience. Skate rentals and public skate included in course fee, for each day of class only. Fee $88 Res. / $95 Non-Res. Age 7-15 Years Location AZ ICE, 15829 N. 83rd Ave. Course # 89832 When Sat., June 4 (8 classes), 9:45 - 10:15 a.m. Course # 89833 When Tues., June 7 (8 classes), 2:30 - 3 p.m.
Millennium Martial Arts - Chun Kuk Do Learn practical skills while also building self confidence, self-control, discipline, respect and more. Students who attend all classes will have the opportunity to earn their first ‘belt’ by the last class meeting. No uniforms required! Fee $64 Res. / $73 Non-Res. Course # 90078 When Thur., June 2 (8 classes), 6:30 - 7:15 p.m. Age 7-12 Years Location Peoria Community Center
Movies by Kids - Hollywood Special Effects
Learn about ‘Movie Magic’ and how to create Hollywood special effects, using HD digital camcorders provided for use during class. Students will learn a new special effect every class and ‘star’ in a movie, utilizing everything you’ve learned! All student films will be made available for viewing & downloading online. *Additional $15 supply fee due to instructor. Fee $140 Res. / $150 Non-Res. Course # 89812 When Mon. - Fri., June 20 - 24 (5 classes), 1 - 4 p.m. Age 7-14 Years Location Rio Vista Recreation Center
Movies by Kids - Minecraft With Legos Movie Making
Stop-motion animation comes to life, as students design a Minecraft world with Legos, and mold characters out of clay & putty. Students will utilize iPods(provided for use during class,) to bring everything to life as they create voices for their characters, starring in their own Minecraft movie! All student films will be made available for viewing & downloading online. *Additional $15 supply fee due to instructor. Fee $140 Res. / $150 Non-Res. Age 6-12 Years Location Rio Vista Recreation Center Course # 89778 When Mon. - Fri., June 13 - 17 (5 classes), 1 - 4 p.m. Course # 89779 When Mon. - Fri., July 11 - 15 (5 classes), 1 - 4 p.m.
Special Interest Classes - Youth Movies by Kids - Star Wars Claymation Galaxy
Design and build your favorite Star Wars characters using clay and putty. Learn how to use stop-motion animation to bring your characters to life, with Ipods provided for use during class. Each student will create their own movie, choose their background music and supply voiceover for their characters, resulting in a complete movie! Student films will be made available for download online. *Additional $15 supply fee is due to instructor. Fee $140 Res. / $150 Non-Res. Age 6-14 Years Location Rio Vista Recreation Center Course # 89811 When Mon. - Fri., July 25 - 29 (5 classes), 1 - 4 p.m.
Red Dragons - “I Won’t Go!”
Retired police officer and martial arts professional will teach children how to spot and avoid danger; environmental awareness; abduction prevention; and what to do if accosted by a stranger. Children will learn Kenpo techniques and how to apply them during reality-based scenarios. Parent participation required. Fee $15 Res. / $19 Non-Res. Course # 89641 When Sat., June 4 (1 class), 11 a.m. - 12 p.m. Age 6-10 Years Location Rio Vista Recreation Center
Skate, Rattle, & Roll Ice Skating Camp
Camp includes on & off ice skating lessons, Broomball, public skating with rentals included, movies, crafts, games, snacks, and more! Please bring your lunch or money to purchase lunch at on-site cafe. Fee $179 Res. / $188 Non-Res. Age 5-15 Years Location AZ ICE, 15829 N. 83rd Ave. Course # 89838 When Mon., Tues., Wed., Thur., Fri., June 27 (5 classes), 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Course # 89839 When Mon., Tues., Wed., Thur., Fri., July 25 (5 classes), 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Steppin Out - Ballet/Tap/Jazz Introduction to tap, ballet, and jazz dance basics. Tap shoes required. Fee $62 Res. / $71 Non-Res. Course # 89831 When Sat., June 18 (6 classes), 9 - 9:45 a.m. Age 5-7 Years Location Peoria Community Center
Steppin Out - Hip Hop/Cheer
Learn cheerleading basics such as arm movements, jumps and stunts, along with the newest hip hop dance styles and tricks! *No class July 4. Fee $62 Res. / $71 Non-Res. Age 6-12 Years Course # 89617 When Sat., June 11 (6 classes), 11 a.m. - 12 p.m. Location Peoria Community Center Course # 89616 When Mon., June 13 (6 classes), 6:30 - 7:30 p.m. Location Rio Vista Recreation Center
Yoga for Youth
Improve your coordination, balance, and mental concentration while learning various stretches and yoga techniques modified for kids. Bring a yoga mat. Fee $52 Res. / $61 Non-Res. Course # 89844 When Wed., June 8 (6 classes), 4 - 5 p.m. Age 6-14 Years Location Rio Vista Recreation Center
Young Rembrandts - Summer Fun Drawing Camp
Students will express their creativity as we create all new ‘summer fun’ themed drawing projects, ideal for new and continuing students. All materials are provided for use during class. Fee $79 Res. / $88 Non-Res. Location Rio Vista Recreation Center Course # 89625 When Mon. - Thur., June 6 - 9 (4 classes), 1 - 2:15 p.m. Age 5-7 Years Course # 89626 When Mon. - Thur., June 6 -9 (4 classes), 2:30 - 4 p.m. Age 8-12 Years
Zumba Kids
Energizing dance music, combined with easy-to-learn Latin inspired dance moves create a fusion of FUN and aerobic fitness! No class July 2, last class July 16. Fee $52 Res. / $61 Non-Res. Location Rio Vista Recreation Center Course # 89703 When Sat., June 4 (6 classes), 10 - 10:45 a.m. Age 4-6 Years Course # 89708 When Sat., June 4 (6 classes), 11 - 11:45 a.m. Age 7-10 Years
Register online at:
Do you have a class idea you’d like to see offered? Let us know about it! Send your suggestions to
Cash Prizes!
4th Annual
First Bag Tossed at 5:30 p.m.
t n e m a n r u To
For more info or to register, call 623.773.7137 or visit
City of Peoria
Peoria Sports Complex, 16101 North 83rd Avenue, Peoria AZ
Eat as many footlong hot dogs as you can
at the July 4th All-American Festival
Peoria Sports Complex 16101 N. 83rd Ave. Check in at 5:45 p.m.
Completely eat three pounds of tater tots as fast as possible
T-shirt & Prizes for all Participants! City of Peoria COMMUNITY SERVICES
For information or to register, call 623.773.7137 or visit
Drink one “Route 44” Slush as fast as possible
Special Interest Classes - Youth/Teen/Adult Discover Lake Kayaking
Join your guide to discover how easy it is to kayak scenic lakes around Arizona. The instructor will provide some basic kayaking instruction and get you out on the water to see the sites of the lake. Bring a sack lunch for lunch on the water during your excursion. (Instruction, kayak, and personal floatation device are included in registration fee.) Fee $40 Res. / $48 Non-Res. Age 13 years & up Location Lake Pleasant Date
Course #
Sat., May 28
8 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Sun., May 29
8 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Sat., June 11
8 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Sun., June 12
8 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Sat., Aug. 13
8 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Sun., Aug. 14
8 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Sat., Sept. 3
8 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Sun., Sept. 4
8 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Discover Lake Kayaking Parent & Child
Join your guide to discover how easy it is to kayak scenic lakes around Arizona. The instructor will provide some basic kayaking instruction and get you out on the water to see the sites of the lake. Bring a sack lunch for lunch on the water during your excursion. This is the same course as Discover Lake Kayaking but parents and children will ride together in a two person kayak. Children must be at least 8 years old to participate with a parent. (Instruction, kayak, and personal floatation device are included in registration fee.) Fee $50 Res. / $60 Non-Res. Age 8 years & up (with a parent) Location Lake Pleasant Date
Course #
Sat., May 28
8 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Sun., May 29
8 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Sat., June 11
8 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Sun., June 12
8 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Sat., Aug. 13
8 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Sun., Aug. 14
8 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Sat., Sept. 3
8 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Sun., Sept 4
8 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Guitar - Level I (Ages 12+)
Learn how to read music and tab, how to tune your guitar, and basic chords and strums. Bring your own guitar to class. $7 materials fee due to instructor on first day of class - includes take-home practice book. (Electric guitars ok - no amp.) Fee $69 Res. / $78 Non-Res. Course # 89623 When Thur., June 2 (8 classes), 5:45 - 7 p.m. Age 12 & Up Location Rio Vista Recreation Center
Guitar - Level II (Ages 12+)
Learn more chords and strums, Barre chords, power chords, and begin reading tab at more advanced level. Students must have completed Gene Moore’s Level I class prior to registering for this Level II class. Electric guitars ok - no amp. Fee $69 Res. / $78 Non-Res. Course # 89624 When Thur., June 2 (8 classes), 7:15 - 8:30 p.m. Age 12 & Up Location Rio Vista Recreation Center
Guitar For Beginners
Learn various chords, simple melodies and how to strum different rhythms. You do not need to be able to read music for this class. $5 supply fee due to instructor at first class. Bring a guitar, pick, and 3- ring notebook. Fee $55 Res. / $64 Non-Res. Course # 89621 When Sat., June 4 (6 classes), 11 a.m. - 12 p.m. Age 10 & Up Location Peoria Community Center
Learn the “New” CPR CCC/AED Training
Learn ‘Continuous Chest Compression’ (CCC), which requires no mouth-to-mouth contact. Learn how to respond to a cardiac emergency, perform chest compressions and use an AED (Automatic External Defibrillator.) This is a non-certification class. Fee FREE Res. / $10 Non-Res. Age 12 & Up Course # 90024 When Sat., June 11 (1 class), 10 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. Location Rio Vista Recreation Center Course # 90025 When Sat., July 16 (1 class), 10 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. Location Sunrise Mountain Library
Moonlight Kayak Paddling
Come join us for some paddling by moonlight. We will launch the kayaks at twilight and then paddle along by the light of the moon. This is a unique experience that everyone will enjoy. Fee $30 Res. / $36 Non-Res. Age 13 years & up Location Lake Pleasant Date
Course #
Sat., May 21
7 - 10:30 p.m.
Fri., June 17
7 - 10:30 p.m.
Sat., June 18
7 - 10:30 p.m.
Fri., Sept. 16
6 - 9:30 p.m.
Sat., Sept. 17
6 - 9:30 p.m.
RecConnect To Register
(623) 773-7137
Heather Duffett
Special Interest Classes Supervisor (623) 773-8625 Andrea Traganza
Recreation Coordinator (623) 773-8623
Christian Peck Recreation Coordinator (623) 773-7143
The City of Peoria and Maricopa County have a variety of activities and classes for all ages.
A. Alta Loma School (9750 N. 87th Ave.) B. Apache School (8633 W. John Cabot Rd.) C. Centennial High School (14388 N. 79th Ave.) D. Cheyenne School (11806 N 87th Ave.) E. Cotton Boll School (8540 W. Butler Dr.) F. Country Meadows School (8409 N. 111th Ave.) G. Coyote Hills School (21180 N. 87th Ave.) H. Desert Harbor School (15585 N. 91st Ave.) I. Frontier School (21268 N. 81st Ave.) J. Ira Murphy School (7231 W. North Ln.) K. Lake Pleasant School (31501 N. Westland Rd.) L. Liberty High School (9621 W. Speckled Gecko Dr.) M. Oakwood School (12900 N. 71st Ave.) N. Oasis School (7841 W. Sweetwater Rd.) O. Parkridge School (9970 W. Beardsley Rd.) P. Paseo Verde School (7880 W. Greenway Rd.) Q. Peoria Elementary School (11501 N. 79th Ave.) R. Peoria High School (11200 N. 83rd Ave.) S. Santa Fe School (9880 N. 77th Ave.) T. Sky View School (8624 W. Sweetwater Rd.) U. Sun Valley School (8361 N. 95th Ave.) V. Sundance School (7051 W. Cholla Ave.) W. Sunrise Mountain High School (21200 N. 83rd Ave.) X. Sunset Heights School (9687 W. Adam Ave.) Y. Terramar School (7000 W. Happy Valley Rd.) - DVUSD Z. Vistancia School (30009 N. Sunrise Pt.) AA. West Wing School (26716 N. High Desert Dr. SW) - DVUSD BB. Zuni Hills School (10851 W. Williams Rd.)
1. Alta Vista Park (10631 W. Williams Rd.) - Off leash area for dogs 2. Apache Park (8515 W. John Cabot Rd.) 3. Arrowhead Shores/Cove Park (8801 W. Paradise Ln.) 4. Braewood Park (10950 N. 87th Ave.) 5. Calbrisa Park (8957 W. Tumblewood Dr.) 6. Camino A Lago Park (21249 N. 98th Ave.) 7. Centennial Swimming Pool (14388 N. 79th Ave.) 8. Clarence B. Hayes Memorial Park (9845 N. 75th Ave.) 9. Country Meadows Park (11098 W. Butler Dr.) 10. Deer Village Park (21217 N. 88th Ln.) 11. Fletcher Heights North Park (7877 W. Hillcrest Blvd.) 12. Fletcher Heights Park (8135 W. Lone Cactus Dr.) 13. Ira Murphy Park (7230 W. Cheryl Dr.) 14. Johnny E. Osuna Memorial Park (10510 N. 83rd Ave.) 15. Kiwanis Park (12687 N. 78th Dr.) 16. Monroe Park (8820 W. Monroe St.) 17. Palo Verde Park (26200 N. 73rd Dr.) 18. Parkridge Park (9734 W. Beardsley Rd.) - Off leash area for dogs 19. Paseo Verde Park (7665 W. Greenway Rd.) 20. Peoria Community Center (8335 W. Jefferson St.) 21. Peoria Sports Complex (16101 N. 83rd Ave.) 22. Peoria Swimming Pool (11200 N. 83rd Ave.) 23. Pioneer Community Park (8755 N. 83rd Ave.) 24. Rio Vista Community Park (8866 W. Thunderbird Rd.) Rio Vista Recreation Center (8866-A W. Thunderbird Rd.) 25. Roundtree Ranch Park (81st Ave. & Olive Ave.) 26. Scotland Yard Park (9251 W. Scotland Ave.) 27. Sonoran Mountain Park (7098 W. Miner Tr.) 28. Sundance Park (11091 N. 71st Ave.) 29. Sunnyslope Park (9280 N 71st Ave.) - Off leash area for dogs 30. Sunrise Family Center (21303 N 86th Dr.) Sunrise Swimming Pool (21321 N 86th Dr.) 31. Sunrise Park (Fletcher Way & Mary Ann Dr.) 32. Sunset Park (29898 N. Sunset Pt.) 33. Sweetwater Park (7460 W. Sweetwater Ave.) 34. Terramar Park (6900 W. Happy Valley Rd.) 35. Varney Park (11730 N. 81st Ave.) 36. Westland Park (31565 N. Westland Rd.) 37. Westgreen Park (8555 N. 87th Ave.) 38. West Wing Park (27100 N. West Wing Parkway) 39. Windrose Park (12850 N. 83rd Ln.) 40. Women’s Club (10381 N 84th Ave.)
1. Municipal Operations Center (8850 N. 79th Ave.) 2. Peoria Center for Performing Arts (8355 W. Peoria Ave.) 3. Peoria Historical Society Museum (10330 N. 83rd Ave.) 4. Peoria Municipal Complex (8401 W. Monroe St.) - City Hall, Main Library, City Council Chambers, Centennial Plaza - Development and Community Services Building (9875 N. 85th Ave.) - Municipal Court Building (10100 N. 83rd Ave.) 5. Peoria Public Safety Administration Building (8351 W. Cinnabar Ave.) 6. Sunrise Mountain Library (21109 N. 98th Ave.) 7. Pinnacle Peak Public Safety Facility (23100 N. Lake Pleasant Rd.) Graffiti Hotline: Call 623-773-7094 or e-mail
303 Community Park 3 - Future site
Trail Legend
Registration & General Information Information Line (623) 773-7137
Class Locations CC
Peoria Community Center - 8335 W. Jefferson
Rio Vista Park - 8866 W. Thunderbird Rd.
Rio Vista Recreation Center - 8866 W. Thunderbird Rd. (Loop 101 & Thunderbird Rd.)
Sunrise Family Center - 21303 N. 86th Dr.
Sunrise Retention Basin - 21200 N. 86th Dr. (South of Sunrise Family Center, off 86th Dr.)
Sunrise Library - 21109 N. 98th Ave.
Women’s Club - 10381 W. 84th Ave.
For all school and park addresses, see map.
100% Satisfaction Guarantee
9875 N. 85th Ave.; Peoria, AZ 85345 Mon. to Thur., 7 a.m. - 6 p.m. Have registration and credit card information. The Community Services Department guarantees 100% satisfaction for all recreation programs. If you are not completely satisfied with the activities and programs offered, we will assist you in the following ways:
Transfer you to another activity or class immediately. Credit your account in the computer immediately, which then can
be used by any family member for any recreation program in the future.
Refund your money. If you paid by credit or debit card, the amount
will be credited to your account. There will be no cash refunds. If you paid by cash or check, refunds take approximately three to four weeks to process and will be mailed to the address on the account. Refund checks will be made payable to the head of the household unless otherwise directed.
Class General Policies
• Assume you are registered and attend the first class. • NO confirmations will be sent. • Other than Parent Tot classes, parents remain outside the classroom. • Non-registered individuals are not allowed to attend classes.
Active Adults General Policies
Registration for trips is on a first-come, first-served basis. PAYMENT IS DUE AT TIME OF REGISTRATION. Times and, occasionally prices, are subject to change. Cancellations: For events where a ticket has been purchased or space booked from an outside agency (theater, travel company, etc.), we cannot issue a full refund, we can only try to resell your ticket, or you may sell it yourself. In some cases, a partial refund will be mailed to you in approximately 3 - 4 weeks. Transportation is by school bus, city van or charter bus. All trips require a minimum number of registrations. Arrive at least 15 minutes before departure time.
NO refunds, credits or transfers will be issued after the program or session has concluded. Refunds will be given for registration fees only.
Ramada and Field Rentals
Park ramadas, softball fields and multi-purpose fields are available to rent. Call (623) 773-7137 for more information.
Resident Rate
If where you permanently reside or live is located within the corporate limits of the City of Peoria and you pay property taxes to the City, you are eligible for the resident rate. Proof of residency is required at the time of registration. Acceptable proof is a copy of your property tax statement showing the physical location of your residence or we can look this up at
Notice to Persons with Disabilities
The City of Peoria Community Services Department strives to make its programs, services and facilities accessible to individuals with disabilities. If you would like to request modification that would allow you or a family member with a disability to participate successfully in a program, contact the Community Services Department at (623) 773-7137 and request that an application for modification be mailed to you. The city requires two weeks to implement a reasonable modification. Participation in a desired program may not begin until the request for modification has been thoroughly reviewed. Therefore, complete an application two or more weeks prior to a desired start date.
Five Easy Ways to Register!
• Visit RecConnect at - 24 hours a day, 7 days a week with credit or debit card • Walk in to the Community Services Department offices at 9875 N. 85th Ave., Mon. to Thur., 7 a.m. - 6 p.m. • Call the Community Services Department at (623) 773-7137, Mon. to Thur., 7 a.m. - 6 p.m. • Mail in registration form (available on our website) to the Community Services Department, 9875 N. 85th Ave, Peoria, 85345 • Fax in registration form (available on our website) to the Community Services Department, (623) 773-7180
Kids Zone Water Slides 4th Annual Cornhole Tournament Concessions & Beer 3rd Annual Peoria Food Challenge
Country — Rock — Live DJ $10 Admission Kids Under 12
Discounted Presale Tickets go on Sale May 9