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February 2023 Meeting Minutes

continued from page 11

Megan also shared with Tom a One Can, One Kid organization here in Topeka that provides turkey dinners to families in need around Thanksgiving each year. They collect aluminum cans from throughout the city from people who call and ask for pickups and then use the proceeds from turning in these cans and getting cash for them. Megan would like to see the lake club purchase a couple of barrels of some sort to collect cans at the beach and at the clubhouse Megan has offered to paint them and put the logo of the organization on the cans to identify why we are doing this to help them out. It was decided to either purchase barrels or hopefully use barrels we have in our storage unit at Webco that would work as well. We will place 1 barrel at the beach and 1 barrel at the clubhouse. Information will be communicated to the membership once they are placed and Megan will work with the One Can One Kid organization to coordinate pickup as it is needed throughout the year.

Tom also discussed with Aline that we need to get a New Member Welcome packet put together. Both her and Kurt feel this will be very beneficial to help provide more value to new members when they join the lake club. Aline will work on this and bring back to the board some ideas This also brought up getting a new directory printed for membership. Aline is going to get some pricing information on what it will cost to print the new directory and bring it back to the board. Information will be curtailed a bit compared to what has been provided in the past. It will only include subsets of the by-laws, not the full set of them. This will include at a minimum boat and dock regulations and zebra mussel information. We will also send a blast out to members asking to make sure their information on the database is current prior to the directory going to print to ensure that all information in the directory is as current as possible.

Tom identified the need to have a roadmap of what we are going to do/accomplish over the next 3 years/ would be a rolling 3 year outline; will incorporate our strategic planning vision for our membership This will help the membership to understand the direction of the board, the lake club as a whole, and what will be asked of membership over that time period. More communication on the vision and direction of the lake club will provide more value to the membership, which is definitely a good thing.

He closed with indicating that he would like to have the members of the board and their spouses over to gather at their house to get to know each other. More info will come on this next month as the weather starts to warm up.

(b) MEMBERSHIP REPORT: Joe Anderson gave the report. He indicated that there were the following changes to the membership roster for Sherwood Lake Club over the last month:

• Dave Konrade “B” Membership retirement – 7013 SW 33rd Street

• Steve Dolezilek “B” Membership retirement – 7612 SW Robin Hood Ct

• Joelle Etzel-Scott “A” Membership retirement – 3611 SW Nottingham Rd

It was also noted that there are currently 18 people on the waiting list for a Class B membership. Kevin Beck made a motion to approve the changes in membership as presented above. Jo Hunt seconded. Motion carried.

An update was provided on the property that was sold at 7537 SW Robinhood Ct last year.


• See attached calendar for events scheduled for clubhouse and shelter.

(d) SHERWOOD SCENE: Annette is going to get with a board member to do the scene going forward. Tom will reach out to her and see where she is at on this to get the next edition sent out

(e) TREASURER’S REPORT: Jo Hunt made the presentation. SLC currently has a cash balance of $461,161. The amount of outstanding A/R is $57,113, mostly made up of 2023 dues and boat registration fees Late fees were applied to all invoices that were outstanding as of 2/21/23

CHECKS FOR APPROVAL: None to approve at this time

Aline Barrett made the motion to approve the treasurer’s report. Kurt Bossert seconded. Motion carried. The treasurer’s report was accepted as presented.

(f) MANAGER’S REPORT: Jeff Handley presented the report. He will be out of the country from the 8th to the 18th Hopper will be the backup for Jeff; Betsworth and Tracy Lynch will be available as well in his absence.

In discussion w/ DWR, Kevin Beck, and BG Consultants, it has been determined that the SLC Members Betsworth, Etzel, and Stringer will be able to keep their docks that they currently have on the shoreline of their respective properties. DWR have backed down on the issues they had with them being in the auxiliary spillway vicinity.

He also mentioned that the goose egg oiling permit was filed, will be received back in the clubhouse in the next couple of weeks at which time they will begin oiling any eggs that are found throughout the lake.

(g) DIRECTORS’ REPORT: Kevin: Dam Maintenance Project: They had a meeting w/ SLC members affected by the that will be treasurer’s report was accepted as presented.

(f) MANAGER’S REPORT: Jeff Handley presented the report. He will be out of the country from the 8th to the 18th Hopper will be the backup for Jeff; Betsworth and Tracy Lynch will be available as well in his absence.

In discussion w/ DWR, Kevin Beck, and BG Consultants, it has been determined that the SLC Members Betsworth, Etzel, and Stringer will be able to keep their docks that they currently have on the shoreline of their respective properties. DWR have backed down on the issues they had with them being in the auxiliary spillway vicinity

He also mentioned that the goose egg oiling permit was filed, will be received back in the clubhouse in the next couple of weeks at which time they will begin oiling any eggs that are found throughout the lake.


Kevin: Dam Maintenance Project: They had a meeting w/ SLC members affected by the work that will be done at the Auxiliary spillway regarding current dock structures. In discussion, it was agreed that upon that there would be conditional permit filed along with this project details that would allow the current dock structures and shoreline to remain as is and not require any additional work to be done to these areas in order for it to meet state guidelines for this type of spillway area. There will be communication in the permit that releases any responsibility of DWR, KWO, Shawnee County, KS and/or the State of Kansas from being liable if any of the dock structures are damaged due to flooding and water rushing out of the auxiliary spillway in the future.

Kevin also mentioned that when work is done on the primary spillway alter on this year, it will require Nottingham Road to be under construction. In discussion w/ the County, they will be working on this portion of Nottingham Road this summer when school is out. There is hope that the work that we need to be done for the spillway can also be done at that time so we don’t have to have the road closed during the school year when the work for the dam project is done later on in 2023. There are continuing discussions about this and he will keep the Board up to speed on any developments regarding this matter.

Finally, he mentioned that Sediment Basin #3 Construction has been halted due to some issues with a property owner/SLC member. They are having a meeting on 3/6/23 to discuss. The SLC member, CF&S, and Kevin Beck will be there to discuss and hopefully get all on the same page so work can continue on the construction of this basin.

LQEC: Update provided by Randy McAllister – Basin #1 has been constructed, Basin #2 is near completion, Basin #3 is on hold due to issues previously mentioned by Kevin, Basin #4 has been constructed by SID. It was also mentioned that the wattles have been deployed. Thanks to all that helped get this done and also that are helping with the “Wattle Watch” program they have put in place to insure that the wattles are as effective into the spring months as well.

Kurt: Insurance: He has requested invoices from the insurance company prior to the March meeting so we can get payments approved as they are due by 5/1/23

Property: The SLC Annual Clean Up Day has been scheduled for 4/22/23; with a rain date of 4/29/23

Members who have signed up via the volunteer sheet are being shared with Kurt, who will reach out to coordinate the days event and make sure all are made aware of what to wear, bring, etc. He is working on a list of projects/work that needs to be done on that day, but it won’t be as bad as years past since Tracy Lynch has stepped up and done a lot of the work himself throughout the winter months.

Aline: By-laws: Working on compiling a list of 3rd party companies that we do business with them. She believes we should have a general contract with those companies so we can hold them to the guidelines of the contract when they are doing work for SLC. She will put some forms together and bring back to the board for discussion at a future meeting.

Kerry: Nothing to report at this time

Jo: Website: Nothing to report at this time

Mike: Club Liaison: Nothing to report as he was absent from the meeting continued on page 14

Megan: 4th of July: She will start contacting vendors for the weekend in the next couple of weeks. She also mentioned that if you are talking to other members and/or members of the community that are not part of SLC, you may consider asking about firework donations. It is never to early to start asking about donations for this. The cost is expected to be around $14k - $15k this year based on last years price; so the more we can collect, the better off the lake club will be.

Rob: Dock Improvements/Construction: He has received a modification to the Craig Hill property. He is wanting to bring in a new dock; he will use the same lift that he has, but the dock will be replaced with one currently on the water. Rob made the motion to approve the new dock structure for the Hill property, Jo seconded. Motion carried.

Mike: Club Liaison: Nothing to report as he was absent from the meeting

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