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Spay/Neuter Action Program (SNAP) Cover Models:

Hi our names are Champ and Jacob. We’re little Bichon/Poodle X’s looking for a home together. We are good boys that deserve an exceptional family. Jacob and I don’t have any possessions, so we packed our swag bags with love and laughter just for you. We have been in rescue now for many weeks and a home with a new Mom and Dad is just what we need. If you could love us, as much as we’d love you, please call SNAP at (780) 968-0025

Lap It Up! Hello Everyone! Here we are, April already and nearly a year since we first started publishing Pet Rescue Magazine! This month is Pet First Aid Awareness Month, and April 15-24th is also National Pet ID Week. Spread the word about the importance of identifying your pet, even the indoor ones. Proper ID can be a microchip, tattoo or ID tags on collars...we highly suggest all three! Collars can come off and tattoos can sometimes be very hard or impossible to read. Even microchips can work there way out following insertion and sometimes travel to other parts of the body that may not be caught when lost. Watch for a new, larger issue of PRM with exciting new features for pet lovers and even more rescues looking for good homes. There will also be a new contest announced soon that celebrates volunteers in the animal rescue world. Be sure to nominate a volunteer you know! Happy Spring The Pet Rescue Team We really appreciate your comments and feedback.Please feel free to email us directly at rescuemag@shaw.ca

PET PROMISE Thousands of years ago, we humans formed a covenant with our companion animals. We wanted them to live with us and to share our lives. Because of this our ‘pets’ lost most of their natural skills to fend for themselves. It then became our responsibility to feed and care for them. While the animals have kept their end of the bargain, we humans largely have not. ~ Unknown


pet rescue magazine

April 2008

local stories...local people...local pets

Pet Rescue Magazine Alberta Owned & Operated

Brought to you by the Pet Rescue Team Publisher J. Hunter Contributing Writers Rachel Sentes, Publicist Rachelle Reichart, Groomer How To Reach Us: We welcome comments, suggestions, article ideas, or questions. Please send them to: Pet Rescue Magazine Box 37099, 8712-150 Street, Edmonton, AB T5R 1E0 email rescuemag@shaw.ca www.petrescuemagazine.com Pet Rescue Magazine is dedicated to saving the lives of homeless animals by promoting adoptions of rescued pets. Our goal is to provide an up-to-date pictorial directory of shelters, humane societies and rescue organizations in Alberta. Deadline for submissions is the 15th of each month prior to publication. Please note that Pet Rescue Magazine reserves the right to refuse or amend editorial pieces at its discretion. Pet Rescue Magazine is published on a monthly basis by Finally Free Publishing, Inc. Pet Rescue Magazine cannot guarantee the health or temperament of any animal offered for adoption through this publication. We try to keep information as current and accurate as possible; however, we cannot guarantee the availability of a specific animal. Prospective pet parents must contact the organization directly to make certain a particular pet is still available or to inquire about the adoption process. Disclaimer: Finally Free Publishing, Inc. does not endorse or guarantee any products, services, or vendors mentioned in Pet Rescue Magazine, nor can it be responsible for problems with their products or services. Also, Finally Free Publishing, Inc. reserves the right to reject, at its discretion, any advertisment. Views expressed by various authors are not necessarily those of Finally Free Publishing, Inc.

Finally Free Publishing, Inc. All rights reserved.

Reproduction in whole or part without prior written consent of publisher is prohibited. Finally Free Publishing is an incorporated company.

EVERYTHING HAS VALUE ESPECIALLY THE TREASURES IN THIS PUBLICATION Please circulate pet rescue magazine to help ensure these rescues get maximum exposure and find new homes. local stories...local people...local pets

In this issue of the Month 4Tail “Shaggy Muses” 7Adopt! It’s the right thing to do

9Get Grooming 11Pet Horoscopes


Rescue Organizations

Paws and Claws Animal Rescue Foundation















Beagle Paws Rescue

Parkland Animal K-9 Society (PAKS)

Edmonton Humane Society (EHS)

Feathered Friends Avian Rescue & Resource Assoc.

The McDonald Family Animal Rescue

Alberta Ferret Society (AFS)

Edmonton Reptile & Amphbian Rescue Society (ERAS)

Second Chance Animal Rescue Society (SCARS)

Spay/Neuter Action Program (SNAP)

FEATURE GROUP Chinook Winds Greyhound Rescue

Northern Alberta Society for Animal Protection (NASAP) pet rescue magazine

Safe Haven Animal Rescue Edmonton Society (SHARES)

Hinton & District SPCA

Prairie Animal Rescue Society (PARS)

April 2008


Beagle Paws Rescue

Tail of the Month

Rachel Sentes Book Review

Rating: Shaggy Muses Author: Maureen Adams

Animals have been immortalized in art, song, and story, and Shaggy Muses is a fascinating exploration of how dogs inspired several of the greatest women writers in history. The book explores the dogs that belonged to Virginia Woolf, Emily Dickinson, Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Edith Wharton, and Emily Bronte, in five mini-biographies that are beautifully written and entertaining. Author Maureen Adams brings to light the quiet roles these dogs played in their mistresses’ lives vividly with exquisite detail. Anyone who has been touched by the companionship of a dog will find parallels to their own relationships when reading about Flush, Keeper, Carlo, Linky, Grizzle, Pinka, and the other dogs portrayed in the book. As author Adams explains “…they were ordinary dogs, not especially heroic, beautiful or intelligent. Ranging from scruffy mongrel to spoiled lapdog to ferocious guard dog, they simply acted, as Robert Browning said of Flush, “As dogs do.”” However, these dogs were privileged to be part of the solitary world of some of the most influential writers of our time, and in doing so bring us a little closer to understanding their owner’s genius. The chapters can be read separately or as a complete novel, and are woven


pet rescue magazine

My name is Buddy and as you can see I’m a purebred Beagle. I am four, fit and downright fabulous! For reasons beyond my control I find myself in search of a new forever home. My foster family is human, feline, and canine. All species are represented by the male and female gender. For me this is no problem. I am very accommodating, curl up cuddly, leash compliant (that means very good), adorable, loveable, obedient, and just an all around good guy. So if you are looking for a forever friend who loves to cuddle on the couch with you then I’m the dog for you.

together from pieces of diaries, letters, and other accounts collected by Adams. The text is punctuated with lovely illustrations, photos, and selections of works that were dedicated by the writers to their pups. Even if you aren’t fond of the work of these authors, you will be a fan of the amazing stories of how these writers bonded with their pets. Indeed, some of these dogs pulled their owners out of the depths of depression, showed them how to love, and taught them about family through their loyalty and clever antics. Shaggy Muses is an enjoyable read that presents a unique perspective on the craft of writing as well as the human animal bond. It is a definite must for your literary shelf. (Special thanks to Leah Gatti at Chapters South Point for her fantastic help!)

April 2008

Hello again everyone! Harold here. Some of you might recognize me. I’m still here waiting for my forever home. I just don’t understand why there aren’t hordes of people knocking at the door to adopt a handsome dude like me. I’d really like to find a home of my own. I’m 5 yrs old so I’m past that puppy stage and really no trouble at all. I am extremely gentle, very sweet, love affection and like to cuddle up beside my foster mom. I am very friendly and always enthusiastic to greet people. Please contact the kind people at Beagle Paws if you have a place in your home and heart for me...the dog for you.

may@beaglepaws.com (780) 488-4636 www.beaglepaws.com Feathered Friends Avian Rescue & Resource Associaiton My name is Cary and I am a magnificent Blue Front Amazon. My previous owner thought I was a boy but there is a strong hunch I may be a girl…but us parrots keep that secret and I’ll never tell! If you want any details about me, please call (780) 457-0808.


local stories...local people...local pets

Alberta Ferret Society (AFS)

Second Chance Animal Rescue Society (SCARS)

Ok so who could not be proud of my little girls? I never would have expected to be the mother of the infamous Femme Force Five!!!! Besides being a great mom, I love to play with the other dogs, hang out with my people and run out in the yard. I seem to be great off and on leash, and I am gentle as can be -unless I think you might want to harm my girls.........then I let you know that you and I need to become friends first. That doesn’t take long though! I am only around 1yr old, so I have puppy energy to spare and I am your typical herding type dog. If you would like to be able to say that you have a celebrity in your home (remember: my girls are the Femme Force Five), give the number a call. Operators are standing by. Jubilee Superhero Power: Ability to change colour overnight. Achievements: Yay ME! I am finally walking Favorite Things: I love to stand up to my sisters, even though I am the smallest. One day I am gonna be big and strong and brave....just like my mommy is. By the way, my mommy is my favorite thing. Oh and I like to stick my tongue out at my sisters.....but not when they are looking of course.

Polaris Superhero Power: Ability to make grown men blush, and worry that they might drop me. Achievements: Going over the big hill they call the blanket, and not letting Stormie get me into too much trouble. Favorite Things: My mom, my sister Stormie, and being cuddled on my back by my foster parents.......they are sooo squishy. I love my sisters dearly but I like to sleep by myself -more leg room that way!

Mystique Superhero Power: To mesmerize you with my blue eyes. Achievements: Queen Bee status Favorite Things: My mom, my foster mom...and oh yah, and climbing on top of my sisters and being Queen of the Castle.

Rogue Superhero Power: Ability to walk very fast and spin circles on the lino. Achievements: Being able to successfully call my foster dad, at 3:30AM, to get him to help me get off the lino....I got him wrapped around my little finger! Favorite Things: My foster daddy!!! Jumping into and moving the hill they call a blanket and especially spinning backwards on the lino until I get too dizzy and have to call my foster daddy to come and save me.

Stormie Superhero Power: Ability to make people talk in tiny little coochie coo voices. Achievements: First to open eyes, and true leader of the

Femme Force Five. Favorite Things: My mom, hangin’ with my twin Polaris, teaching her how to climb and reassuring her that “yes, there is true adventure on the other side of the hill they call a blanket”.

I’m a 1.5 yr old girl named Slinky. I’m white in color with black raccoon looking rings on my tail. My foster mom says I’m one of her best behaved ferrets. I’m really easy going and I love to be held. My younger brother Dipsy and I get along great, and I also get along with other ferrets and cats.


(780) 466-SCAR (7227) www.scarscare.org

I am a Special SCARS Girl I came with Decker, my puppy. My name is Roug and I am likely a Rotti X, but I must be crossed with something smaller as I am weighing in at just 45lbs. I am very sweet and love to play. My foster mom says I am a pleasure to foster and an absolute joy to have around. As you may notice I am missing an eye, we’re not sure how old the injury is but the vet says it does not bother me. It’s no big deal, besides, with a sweetheart like me all you really see is my smile, love and true happiness when I’m being loved and cared for. local stories...local people...local pets

I’m Dipsy and I love to play! I’m super energetic and really lovable. I get along with everyone, and everything including cats and other ferrets. As a matter of a fact one of my foster brothers loves to just drag me around, I think he thinks I’m a toy! Silly ferret. I’m a chocolate colored boy, and I’m only 4 months old!


Vicki Stafford Athabasca, Alberta

(780) 675-9557


Proof of pet vaccinations including Kennel Cough for dogs required.

pet rescue magazine

April 2008


Spay/Neuter Action Program (SNAP) I’m a Siamese X called Josie. I have astounding blue eyes and true to my breed, I am both curious and adventurous. Though I talk up a storm, no one here speaks cat so they’re not sure what I’m saying. Ideally, I would prefer a bilingual (English/Cat) household, where cat petting is a priority.

My name is Noah and I am 2yrs old. I am a pound rescue and very affectionate, social and playful. However, I’m having difficulty with the people, dogs, cats, strange noises and smells around here and need to find a quiet, less stressful environment so I can be my old self again. Could you help me out by sharing your home and heart forever?

I came to SNAP from the pound with my two 8 month old sisters who have already been adopted. My name is Mary and I am friendly, affectionate, and get along well with everyone. I am also very laid back, quiet and can hardly wait to find my own permanent home!

I’m Ella, and I am a beautiful, soft grey with a fancy orange stripe on my nose. I am cute as a button! I was recently rescued with only half a tail and I’m just not saying where I lost the other half. I am very friendly, pleasant and calm in nature. I would be fine in a house with other cats, dogs or children.

Georgie is my name and I’m a 1.5yr old, big, friendly giant, who is very sweet, but frightened by all the new people, noises and cats around. I’m hoping to find a quiet family so I can regain my security and live life to the fullest.

I’m Ava. I am about 1.5yrs old and have the most soft and loving eyes. Coming from the pound, I am so grateful to be one step closer to my forever home. I am quiet, laidback, affectionate and ready for a new family.

I’m not grumpy -just misunderstood because I’ve had it so rough fending for myself. Sometimes I cower if approached too quickly, but I also gently lick my caregivers hands when they tend to me. They call me Barney and at one time I was loved by someone, but due to my past difficulties, I need a loving, understanding owner who has the patience and heart to win me over. I’d like to be the only pet in the household to feel safe and secure.

Everyone calls me Sara, I came to SNAP as a pound rescue. I am about 2yrs old and very frightened and confused by my temporary home with all the strange cats and people around. They don’t know much about me and I’m not talking. Though I can be affectionate, I am still having issues fitting in. With a kind family and home I’m sure I’ll be my old self again very soon. Scooter is my name! I am about 1yr old and looking for my own home to romp around in. I have been with SNAP for almost a year and just don’t understand why I’ve been overlooked for adoption, as I’m very good natured, sweet, easy to get along with, and love to play with my toys. I’m not sure why I have been with SNAP for so long. My name is West and I’m about 1yr old. I am comfortable around other cats and dogs, but would do best in a home without children. Though a bit timid, I’d come out of my shell soon if I was given a loving and patient home. I’m sweeter than honey, come meet me today!

Our foster homes are full! Please consider adopting an adult cat My name is Cotton and I’m a black Lab X. My foster family will tell you I’m sweet, affectionate and very smart! I’m living with dogs and cats and we all get along very well. I’ve almost mastered the house training bit, and with a lot of love and patience I will make the best dog ever!

My name is Coal and I am one of two puppies looking for a home. My sister is also black. All of our other siblings have found wonderful homes. We are only about 12 weeks old and all as sweet as pie. Please call about us soon, I can’t wait to curl up on my new mom’s lap!

(780) 968-0025 • www.spayneuteractionprogram.ca 6

pet rescue magazine

April 2008

local stories...local people...local pets

“When you come to love their personalities, you truly understand the importance of what you are doing.”

From a Kitten on Death’s Door to Mr. Purr-Sonality Plus!

It’s the right thing to do...


ne of our participating rescue groups (SCARS) has adopted the phrase “Rescuing an animal may not change the world, but it will change the world for one animal.” If you think this is true, then you’ll want to read the story of one couple who devote their time and energy to saving and watching over abandoned feral cats and kittens. Mittens was an abandoned kitten. He was found alone on a very cold December morning. “He was only about 5 weeks old”, as June tells us with a sigh, as she remembers his little skinny body. “He was nowhere near old enough to be without his mother.” His struggle to survive the elements was a testament to his will and personality. He was found in an industrial area where there are no houses anywhere nearby, so he was either born to a stray cat or abandoned in that area by a human. Nevertheless, no one will ever know how he came to be there.

It was 8 years ago this past December, that June and Walter rescued and adopted Mittens into their family. “There’s never a day goes by that Mittens doesn’t make our family smile with his purr-sonality plus and antics,” says June. One of Mittens’ favourite things to do is to climb into bags, boxes, or whatever is around the house that he can squeeze into. One would like to think that Mittens does this because he remembers the day Walter put him into his shirt pocket all those years ago, and introduced him to a world of love, warmth and safety. That day, June and Walter didn’t change the world, but they changed the world for Mittens.

We do know his first few weeks of life were not what they should have been. He found himself in an environment that would have challenged even the fittest of animals. June recalls, at his rescue his little nose, ears and paws were frostbitten and he was starving. Walter, her husband, immediately picked Mittens up, and being so tiny, was able to put him into his shirt pocket for warmth.

local stories...local people...local pets

pet rescue magazine

April 2008


Feature Group



nother Greyhound haul blows in on a Chinook Wind from the United States Chinook Winds Greyhound Rescue Foundation

hinook Winds Greyhound Rescue Foundation is a registered charitable organization that believes every Greyhound deserves a loving home. Our mandate is to find responsible, permanent homes for racing Greyhounds when they retire, to look out for the welfare of all Greyhounds, and to educate people about the unique and desirable qualities that make Greyhounds wonderful companion animals. The majority of our Greyhounds are retired racers from the United States. Typically, when the owners/trainers can see that dogs are nearing the end of their racing careers, they contact one of the large adoption organizations in their region. Often the dogs will remain on the farm until a group like Chinook Winds can accommodate them, but some are moved to holding kennels to await transport. The large adoption organizations coordinate many tracks, farms and smaller adoption groups. They also organize transport for the dogs by arranging haulers, recruiting experienced drivers, and planning travel routes. As many as 30 – 40 dogs can depart together in one large hauler. The animals that have been selected for each adoption group are then dropped off at their destinations along the route. Usually, Chinook Winds’ dogs are met by our volunteers in Coeur d’Alene. They are then transported across the border in the Chinook Winds hauler. After arriving in Canada, the Chinook dogs are quarantined for a week to ensure that they are all in good health. They are then transported to Alberta where they are settled into their Greyhound experienced foster homes. Foster families are the backbone of Chinook Winds. These wonderful people help teach the new arrivals about the great big world they find themselves in 8

pet rescue magazine

upon retiring. The dogs need to learn about many things like mirrors, windows, stairs, television and car rides—none of which they experienced in their sheltered lives on the Greyhound farms. Within a week or two, the dogs are ready to be adopted and to start their new lives as loving companions in their forever homes. Carl, Trey, Easy and Fantasy are currently in Oklahoma awaiting their journey north to Canada. These are just a few of the dogs due to arrive in Alberta on April 12. As well as foster care, Chinook Winds Greyhound Rescue provides food and medical care to greyhounds awaiting adoption. The dogs are spayed or neutered, vaccinated, given dental care, de-wormed and treated for parasites. While in foster care, each dog is evaluated to determine the type of home best suited for him. Our adoption representatives work closely with each prospective adopter matching each family with a Greyhound whose personality is ideally suited to the home. This is our method of ensuring that Greyhound adoption results in a life-long, rewarding relationship.

Large hauler transports dogs to Coeur d’Alene

Hi! I’m Smoothie and now that I’m getting the hang of this “retirement” gig, I think it’s pretty cool. It’s awesome living in a house with my foster family. I love all the pets and cuddles, the basket is always full of toys to throw up and pounce on, and playing in the yard with the other Greyhounds here is a hoot too. I am 3yrs old, love all the walks I get around the neighborhood and my foster mom says I’m very good on the leash and in the car. Are you looking for a fun girl to hang out with? As long as you don’t live with any pesky cats, I could be the one!

Chinook Winds is an all-volunteer organization with no paid staff. We encourage an active, organized volunteer base of Greyhound lovers who share our vision of finding loving, responsible, permanent homes for Greyhounds. We are very proud of, and grateful to, the many people who contribute the countless volunteer hours it takes to find homes for these gentle creatures.

OUR WISH LIST Rubber backed, non-skid mats (like bath mats, or non-skid scatter rugs) Thick blankets/comforters Wire crates (42” or bigger) Adult dog food (non-lamb)

April 2008

Hi, my name is Easy, and I guess I was given that name on purpose. People are always telling me what a nice, quiet, good and easy going boy I am. I’m all about staying relaxed and being mellow. If you’ve never had a Greyhound for a companion, I’d love to be the one to initiate you into the joys of living with a hound. In return, I’ll be your ever lovin’ shadow and companion. What do you say? local stories...local people...local pets

Hi, I’m Souza. I’m 9yrs old (I know, I can’t believe it either!). Though I’m a little older than the others looking for a home, many people will tell you that we seniors are the best kept secret of the canine world! We don’t ask for much and are very grateful for the smallest kindnesses. All I’m really looking for is a nice soft dog pillow to sleep on, maybe a treat now and again, but mostly, just someone to love and be loved by. I enjoy going for walks, but if it’s really cold or too hot, I’m happy just to relax by the fire or near the air conditioner with you and snooze the day away. I’m very calm and sweet. I still have some good years left and would really like to spend them with someone special. I hope it’s you!

Hey, it’s Trey here…looking for a home. I don’t ask for much: a dog bed, some good food, a few yummy treats, maybe a coupla toys, and we’re in business! I’m pretty smart, and just like every other Greyhound I know, I love attention, whether it be belly rubs or ear scratches. If you can give me some lovin’, I’ll think you’re the best thing in the whole world – next to peanut butter cookies, of course! So, what d’ya say? You can share your home and heart with me, and I’ll be completely devoted to you for the rest of my life. Do we have a deal? My name is Carl, and I’d love to be that special hound for just the right person. I am a little shy, but a gentle touch and tender words will give me comfort and bring me out of my shell. I promise that if you take good care of me, take me for daily walks and give me loads of affection, I will be right by your side, loving you forever. I am only 3yrs old, and I do have a playful side that emerges when I’m feeling particularly good. I want to be the best friend you’ve ever had, so please come and take me home soon! Everyone needs a Fantasy… and that’s me! I’m Fantasy, and I’ve been daydreaming about so many things! Things like big dog pillows that are soft and cushy. Things like going for a walk every day with my special someone, romping around in a big fenced yard and living with a warm and loving family. I love to be cuddled and I’ll give you kisses when you come home to let you know how much I missed you. The only thing that would ruin my fantasy is small animals or small dogs. Ugh! Bigger dogs I’d pal around with, but those small ones just don’t have any room in my daydreams! Aside from that, I’m a pretty special girl…can we make each other’s Fantasy come true?

For more information on the dogs profiled here, and other Greyhounds available for adoption, go to www.chinookwindsgreyhounds.org or call (780) 988-9876 local stories...local people...local pets

Get Grooming All dog guardians should know the basics when it comes to grooming their pet. Here are some tips that will help you groom and maintain your pet between professional grooming and veterinarian care. By Rachelle Reichart, Lil Arf’n’ Annie Dog Grooming


ools of the trade: For basic grooming of most pets some tools required are a slicker brush, metal comb, nail clippers, toothbrush with paste, ear cleaner and optional eye cleaning products. A collar and leash will help you secure your pet during the learning phase. For smaller pets, placing them on a table with a bathroom mat under them is a great way to help then understand that it is grooming time not playtime. Don’t forget some tasty treats. These treats can be used to reward your pet for good grooming behavior.


rushing: Regular brushing will help maintain the health of your pets coat and skin by increasing the skins circulation and oils. For short coats, brushing the entire body with a slicker brush or rubber curry brush will bring out a nice shine and will feel like a nice massage. For longer coats, parting the hair and brushing close to the skin will remove tangles and undercoat. Always use a metal comb that will reach down to the pet’s skin. The comb will show you any tangles or fur that the brush may have missed.


yes: Excessive eye matter or hair around the eyes can build up and cause eye irritations, eye infections or staining if not cleaned regularly. Wipe your pet’s eyes daily with a wet tissue or use special eye cleaning pads. For longer coated pets, keep the eye area clipped short. Excessive tear staining or thick discharge may indicate a health problem that should be seen by a veterinarian.


ars: Breeds with hanging ears or thick fur around their ears need special attention. To ward off infections clean the ears often with a cotton swab and some ear cleaner. Keep the ears dry and hair free. Talk to your veterinarian to see if plucking the hairs out of the inside of the ears is appropriate for your dog. Cats and dogs with upright ears still need a cleaning approximately once a week. Excessive wax, strange odor and or red itchiness could mean there is an infection.


ails: This is usually the least favorite part of grooming for both the pet and their guardians. Educate yourself on how to clip their nails by asking your veterinarian or groomer to show you how to do it correctly. If you do not want to attempt it, leave this one up to the professionals. Even if you do not do the nails yourself, having a pet that is used to having their feet handled will make the experience less traumatic when a professional does it. For you brave ones, trim the nail a little at a time until you can see the “quick” (the blood vessel in the nail). This is easily seen on white nails but black ones are much harder to tell! If they do bleed don’t panic, use a commercial blood stopper.


eeth: This is the most neglected aspect of grooming and is one of the most important. Getting in the habit of adding teeth brushing to your daily routine with your pet is important. It will give them nice smelling breath and will prevent many expensive and painful health issues later on in their life. All the products and different kinds of toothbrushes work well as long as they get used! Most pets love the taste of the toothpaste but if they really don’t like having their teeth brushed do a little at a time and reward with praise and treats. Eventually they will get better at it. If you see tarter build up, bad breath or red gums that are red and bleed it is time to see a vet. Gum infections are serious. Get grooming your dog will love you for it! pet rescue magazine

April 2008


Northern Alberta Society For Animal Protection (NASAP) Hi, my name is Asia. My foster mum says I am a beautiful, smart, active, and all around wonderful girl. Sometimes I play shy for a bit but I come around. I am housetrained, love to play with other dogs and know the commands for sit, down and come...I am still working on stay. I love to go for walks, especially to the off-leash park where I can play with all my friends. I am going to be such a fantastic and forever loving companion!

Hello, my name is Zena and I am a very large, cuddly, 5 month old girl. I am a little reserved at first but warm up quickly. I like to play with other dogs and I am altogether pretty laid back and mellow. I am a beautiful mix of 3 great breeds...Rottweiler, German Shepherd and Great Pyrenes. If you have room for a gentle giant in your life, come meet me for some cuddle time!

Hi! I’m Annie, that’s me on the left. On the right is my sister, Punkin. We’re about 1.5yrs old, and besides being best buds, we also share the same little meow! I am on the shy side at first, but once I get comfortable, I’ll rub up against your face and give you little kitty licks! Punkin loves to be the centre of attention. Being sisters and all, we are strongly bonded and prefer to be adopted together! We would love a quiet home with a loving family of adults and maybe older, respectful children. Please consider us, we will be wonderful companions for years to come!

www.nasap.ca (780) 922-0250

Thank you for reading about me, my name is Eliza and my four brothers and sisters and I are looking for forever homes. We are around 3 months old and our Mum is a Bloodhound and Blue Tick Coonhound X. Nobody knows who our Dad is (except our Mum and she’s not talking!). We are all well socialised, friendly and outgoing puppies. I would love to meet my new family real soon ... so if you think you can handle a cuddly hound puppy, please get in touch with NASAP right away! My name is Chica, which in Spanish means girl. I’m 4.5yrs old, very curious and like to follow people around and get all of the attention I can get. I’m especially happy when I can curl up with you to sleep. I also love wet food, what a treat! My best friend Barnaby and I came to NASAP when our owner had to leave the province, we would make a perfect addition to any family. Hello, I’m lovely Lily! I am almost 4 months old and they say I am a Lab/Collie X. Everyone says I am a very happy girl who just wants to playplayplay! I am very smart, super sweet and aim to please. Please call NASAP if you would like to meet me. The folks at NASAP call me Murphy. I am a handsome, incredibly smart, 3yr old, Rottie/Shep X. I am good with most dogs but still dominant so I would do best with a more laid back or submissive canine friend. Spending time with people is one of my favourite things to do but livestock and cats are not for me. I am a pretty easygoing fellow who just wants to hang out and be part of a family.


pet rescue magazine

April 2008

local stories...local people...local pets


Parkland Animal K-9 Society (PAKS) Hello there, my name is Dixie and I am a 7 month old, Collie X looking for the right family to come along. I am a wonderful little girl who is a bit scared of my own shadow at first, but I come around. I just need to know that my new people are not going to hurt me. If you have a nice home with lots of love and patience then I am the girl for you! Hello World! I am the very handsome Hudson. I am a 3yr old, sweetheart looking for my own forever home. I was at the pound, but now I’m in a super foster home where they are teaching me what it takes to live in a house full of girls! I love to play ball but do get tired fast as I’m a tad overweight…but I’m willing to work on shedding the pounds if you are!

I may not be a K-9 but I am still part of the PAK! My name is Flower and I was picked up by the pound in -45 degree weather. My big surprise …I soon had 5 kittens born on Feb. 27th! So now I am waiting until my little PAKsters are old enough to leave the den and live with new families. When you talk to PAKS ask about me, Flower, and my little ones June Bug, Petals, Suzie-Q, Far-Out-Frankie and Tommy Trouble! June Bug Petals

Frankie & Tommy

Yoshi here. As you can tell I am a Shiba Inu. I am a 3yr old boy looking for a new home. I am everything you could want in a dog! I am house and crate trained, good with other dogs, kids, and fantastic on leash. If you are looking for the ideal little house dog you’re looking right at him.

Aries: March 21 - April 19 As a fire sign, your passion and energy could work to your detriment this period. Although inviting, stay away from shoes. Your patience, and eagerness to please, should be justly rewarded with the proper teething tools as early as the 14th. Taurus: April 20 - May 20 Why so bull-headed young Taurus? Your family is not going anywhere without you anytime soon, so chillax! Take care of yourself, de-stress with some exercise or cuddle up. Let the patient part of your nature rule the day, the food isn’t going anywhere either. Gemini: May 21 - June 20 As a Gemini you are nimble and active, so why not take your people for a daily walk or two and spend some quality time sniffing stuff and marking territory? Try and make it a daily routine and everyone will feel light as spring. Cancer: June 21 - July 22 Whether they grab your whiskers, pull your tail, sit on your food dish, step on your feet or just harass you for fun -you must be sure to keep it in check with the little ones. They may not appreciate your tolerance now, but it will reflect well in the long run. Leo: July 23 - August 22 Try for some quality time with your people this month, it will be a challenge but well worth your while if you can get their attention. If they can’t make time for you then try “operation laundry”, just steal one sock out of each and every load.


Virgo: August 23 - September 22 Try to start concentrating on the present. The past is holding you back and you’re wasting too much time and energy on yesterday. Think now, think today, and forget about past grievances. It’s time to get over it, and meow on.

(780) 222-PAK9 (7259)


Paws and Claws Animal Rescue Foundation Hi my name’s Remmington (top) and that’s my sister Springfield. We had no home during a cold snap in December and our paws suffered frostbite. Thankfully, some very kind teachers at a school we decided to hang out at called Paws and Claws and they have fixed us up so we’re all fine now. Springfield and I are living for the time being in Sylvan Lake but would love to find our forever homes soon. I am laid-back and mellow and on my first walk at an off-leash park I gave kisses to children whose faces I could reach! I am very unique as I am changing colors; my black coat is turning silver on my shoulders! Springfield is very intelligent and energetic. She was well named, as she truly seems to have a spring inside her! She is also a sweet, people-loving pup. She will likely grow into a mid-sized dog, but I will be bigger. Both of us are 6 mths old, and are accustomed to cats and other dogs. We come vaccinated, neutered and spayed and well on our way to being house trained.

www.pawsandclawsanimalrescue.ca local stories...local people...local pets

What’s In The Stars For Your Pets This Month?

Libra: September 23 - October 22 Watch out for a golden opportunity this month…it will not be clear at first but when it comes to you be sure to pounce on it quick. It could lead to backyard fame, golden squeaky toys and extra treats if you play your cards right! Scorpio: October 23 - November 21 It’s your turn, you CAN have it all! Wake the family, chat with mom over breakfast, go for walks or romp around with the kids. Get treats from the supper table, curl up on the couch or maybe even the bed a few times once the family goes to sleep. Sagittarius: November 22 - December 21 Sagittarian ferrets consider this your warning! The family is planning an intervention mid month to recover their lost goods. Specifically, don’t let them catch you with house/safe/auto keys, jewellery or Polly Pocket accessories. Capricorn: December 22 - January 19 Cats Beware! It’s spring and you can’t wait to bust loose, but if your people allow you outdoors alone PLEASE use caution. Between antifreeze, vehicles, predators etc, lets just say the safest thing is to stick to your own yard. Aquarius: January 20 - February 18 The stars have spoken, and it’s time to break out of your shell and stretch your wings! Today is the first day of the rest of your life and there are many things you must attend to. Don’t stop now the ball just started rolling...fetch! Pisces: February 19- March 20 Think twice this month before you act, as soon as an idea comes to mind another will be there to replace it. Take it slow, or all you’ll end up doing is chasing your tail.

pet rescue magazine

April 2008


The McDonald Family Animal Rescue

Edmonton Humane Society (EHS) OK, so my bio on the website reads like a novella! I have so much to tell and I’m busy, busy, busy! I’m 18 months old and all in all a great catch being sweet, loveable and perfect for an active person or family. Come look me up on the site and you can read about all my antics. Cheers......Benny So can you believe they teamed me up to be in here with Benny? Well they do say opposites attract. I, unlike Benny, like to laze around and watch the world go by. Which is exactly what I’ve been doing here since before Christmas. It’s an aweful long time to be without a family of my own. My name is Barnes and I’m 20 months old. Come on folks visit the site and read about what a special guy I am.

Check out two new programs at the EHS www.edmontonhumanesociety.com

‘A Senior for a Senior’

This program focuses on placing senior cats (those over six years old) into a home with a senior citizen – free of charge! Knowing how difficult it often is to place the more mature cats and realizing how traumatic it is to go from being part of a long-term loving home to coping in a small confined kennel, EHS came up with this novel concept. Studies have proven that senior citizens live healthier and happier lives if they share their home with a pet that provides them unconditional love and companionship and the pet is dependent on the human to return those favours. A perfect win-win idea.

‘Me & My Shadow’

This program acknowledges that some cats become dependent on each other for companionship. In expanding the EHS policy of preferring to re-home cats together that were originally admitted from the same home (‘bonded’ pairs), this approach is being extended to any adult cats housed together. To encourage two adult cats currently rooming happily together to go to the same new home, EHS has removed the adoption fee for the second cat and it will now be free of charge.

Adoptions: (780) 491-3500 12

pet rescue magazine

April 2008

Is there a good heart out there looking for a senior companion? My name is Lily and I am a Devon Rex X. I was on the street for a long time, weak from hunger and thirst. For quite while all I did was eat & sleep, but now I am healthy and happy. I am about 14yrs old, and I have those kinky Rex whiskers, as well as the long tail which usually points straight up! I have a very silky and sparse coat. I would prefer to go to a home without young animals or children; I would just love to relax in safety and love for the rest of my life. My name is Birdy and I’m Maroon Bellied Conure. My owners have a new business overseas and I get moved around lots while they’re gone. They realize that this is very hard on me and they just want me to be happy. I have so much personality; I am confident, fun, lively and I’m always muttering under my breath! My feathers are in rough shape as I have been plucking and over preening due to stress, but usually, I am quite lovely. Please do some research on me before contacting the McDonalds. Hi, I’m Roxy, and I’m looking for a loving family to call my own! I was born as a stray and rescued by a loving woman who chose not to ignore my plight. I am learning to trust people and have really grown to like cats! I love flopping down beside them to relax and chasing them throughout the house…they know whose boss here! My adoption fee includes my spay surgery, as 80% of female rabbits die of ovarian cancer, which is virtually eliminated by spaying...and of course, I never want to be a mother! Don’t you love the beautiful cooing a dove makes? If you adopt the 2 of us, Vida and Mira, you will be able to hear this lovely sound in your own home. You must have a cage large enough for us to spread our wings and fly as well as the ability to let us out to fly in your house. We do love finches, so we could be housed in a large finch aviary. We really love each other, so we have to stay together forever…do you have a home for us?

Congratulations to The McDonald Family Animal Rescue for being granted their Charitable status Keep up the good work!

www.themcdonaldrescue.com (780) 452-1744 local stories...local people...local pets

Safe Haven Animal Rescue Edmonton Society (SHARES) Cinderella, Cinderella, Cinderella…. geeesh you’d think I would have found my fairytale ending by now but so far no luck! I was found under a pine tree with my 8 siblings when we were around a month old. Now I am 6 months old and my sister Aerial and I are the only ones left. I am a very good-natured, sweet, calm and easygoing pup looking for a good home. I am quite laid back and loved being adored. Can you make my fairytale come true? My name is Aerial and Cinderella and I are the last of our litter. I am about 6 months old now and everyone says I am a nice, calm, and easygoing pup. I am good with other dogs and cats and can’t wait to find a family to spend my puppy days and adult years with. Like any pup I will require training and patience to be the best dog I can be.

My name is Wendy and I am housetrained, quiet, and have great recall off leash. I like kids, adults and get along pretty well with other dogs…although I do like being the boss! I respond well and will make an excellent agility or flyball dog because I’m quick, smart and ready to go!!! My name is Mondae and I am an extremely sweet, 6 month old, smart and social, little girl looking for a family to call my own. Everyone keeps asking me where these ears came from…like I would know! All I know is they must be good ones because everyone just loves them! I am good with other dogs, cats and bunnies. I love to play, love to please, and love to love. Howdy, the name is Duke. I am 3yrs old, sweet natured, know my basic commands, and I’m great in the car. I love being outside and think an acreage or a large backyard would be fantastic. I love to give kisses and I’m fine with large dogs. I like everyone but think I might knock down the little ones too much so older children/adults would be best.

Thank you to Daniel’s Pet Sitting (780) 907-3967 for highlighting my spot

(780) 707-5753 www.sharesrescue.com local stories...local people...local pets

Pamela Clark, RMT, SAMT Member of IAAMB

14228-95 Avenue

Edmonton AB

www.infinitepawsibilities.com www.infinitepawsibilities.co ttepawsibili tepawsibilit w iit es.c es.com co om

Pet First Aid Classes, Dog Training Classes, Small Animal Massage Therapy

Edmonton Reptile & Amphibian Society (ERAS) (Edmonton Reptile and Amphibian Society is a non profit society that was formed in 1994 to properly educate individuals on the care of reptiles and amphibians. We work together with Edmonton Animal Control to rescue abandoned or neglected animals and find permanent homes for them. In 2007 we received 326 calls on our phone line and placed 61 animals. This brings our total number of animals rescued to date (since 1999) to 478. My name is Jezabelle and I am the most majestic little girl around…but I’m going to be big, up to 200 pounds!!! I am a 1yr old, Sulcata Tortoise and I will require a substantial amount of space for an enclosure.

Hello, we are Bearded Dragons and we were found in a back alley last summer. My name is Yellow Belly, I am of course the handsome yellow fellow! My buddy here is called Red Belly. I had to have my right hind leg amputated to the knee, have part of my tail amputated and my right eye removed, due to my injuries from living on the city streets. I have recovered very well, so we are both now ready to find our permanent home together.

(780) 429-0934 www.edmontonreptiles.com pet rescue magazine

April 2008



Prairie Animal Rescue Society (PARS)

Hinton & District SPCA

Ladies, ladies, ladies, do you have a hubby that comes home late? Well lets teach him a lesson, take me home and that fella will sleep outside all night cause he ain’t gettin’ by me! That’s right, just ask my foster dad he thinks twice before he just strolls in at any old time. I will not let strangers around without sounding the alarm, and typical to Heeler nature I will protect when necessary. My name is Lucky. Lucky in love, Lucky at the tables, Lucky to be alive...I am the latter of the three. I am Lucky to be here, I came from a town that has no animal bylaw. I am Lucky to have escaped with my hide in tact from a dog attack, and Lucky to be so well mannered! I seem to be a fairly good fella. I am housetrained, great with kids, love going for vehicle rides and good with cats indoors -but if that same cat is outside it needs to be chased....just cuz’.

Cute, compact and only 4yrs old. My name is Sophie and I am a Lab/Boxer X who is just as sweet as can be. I am athletic, muscular and weigh about 45 lbs. So far, I like people of all kinds, have been very well-mannered and I’m also pretty good on leash too. I do have a high prey drive, so I’m best suited to be the only pet in my new family, especially when it comes to cats. I am very intelligent, so ongoing training should be a priority to keep me happy and intellectually stimulated.

Can you say “perdy fella”, cause that’s me. My name is Hootie and I am tall, lean and gorgeous. I am new here and so far I seem to get along well with all the residents. I have not yet had a chance to meet the cats nose to nose, but so far through the fence they don’t seem to interest me. I am about 1yr old and crate trained. My foster mom says she doesn’t even have a good guess as to what breed I might be. So you can just call me Handsom Hootie...part nice fella, part plain ol’ good guy! Well, don’t everybody get too excited about the words Great Dane. My name is Molson and it’s true, I am a Great Dane, but I act as though I have had a very tough, very abusive life. I really like other dogs but I am scared silly of you two-leggers. I am only around 1yr old, so I am not too old to learn to trust you folks, but I will probably never be the outgoing, say hello to everyone at the park, kinda guy. So if you are ok with a quiet dog, have patience and tlc to spare, and can understand I’m a little scared when you first meet me... then I just may be your guy. Thank you for your consideration, Molson.

(780) 536-3868 www.prairieanimalrescue.org 14

pet rescue magazine

April 2008

Howdy! I’m Buster and I am around a year old. I am clearly one of the finest-looking boys around and I’m looking for a home to call my own. I can be a little shy but I love attention. They tell me I am a Collie X, but all I know is I can’t wait to feel safe and secure with my new family. Big, handsome, affectionate, strong and smart...if you love German Shepherds then you’ll adore me. My name is General and I came very underweight, but I’m now enjoying a healthy diet and exercise which should have me tip-top soon. I have potential to be successful in many different areas, given the right trainer and opportunity. I love fetching my squeaky red rubber ball and showing other squeaky toys who the boss is. I am currently learning how to walk nicely on a leash, I have a pretty good recall, and I’m a tonne of fun to play with! My name is Sinbad, but I’m not a pirate and the only thing I’ll steal is your heart! I am very charming, sweet and try my best to always be a gentleman. I am searching for treasure...a family and home is worth more than all the gold and riches of the world to me. I hope my hunt will end soon, I’m ready to go home!

www.hintonspca.com (780) 865-2800 local stories...local people...local pets

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local stories...local people...local pets

pet rescue magazine

April 2008


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