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Lap It Up!

Gord Steinke of Global Edmonton talks about Daisy his NASAP rescue dog and the comfort she brought to him during his recent surgery.

“She was and is my guardian angel” says Steinke See page 10 for story PET PROMISE Thousands of years ago, we humans formed a covenant with our companion animals. We wanted them to live with us and to share our lives. Because of this our ‘pets’ lost most of their natural skills to fend for themselves. It then became our responsibility to feed and care for them. While the animals have kept their end of the bargain, we humans largely have not. ~ Unknown

With Spring finally here, we are relieved that the animals forced to live outdoors will get some relief from the bitter temperatures that they have endured over the winter months. However, this does not belittle the needs of the many wonderful animals still in need of help. The rescue groups featured in PRM work continuously to intake as many animals as possible from undesirable situations. Therefore, adoptions are paramount to their success of being able to save more! In this issue we would like to share with you the story of Guiness, a Bull Terrier X, that was rescued from certain death (page 14). This is a story of abuse and only one of many we regularly hear about from rural rescue groups in Alberta. You may find it hard to read, but when we imagine Guiness existing at the end of a rope, we thought it important to acknowledge the rescuer’s compassion and Guiness’ determination, and will to survive. Although we are not able to highlight all the stories of neglect and abuse, we believe it is important for the public to have a glimpse of what rural rescue groups encounter. Guiness has had a tough life and is looking for a good retirement home that can quite literally fix his little world. Please spread the word about Guiness, as we sincerely hope this issue will reach those special people willing to help right some of the many wrongs this poor soul has been made to endure. Thank you for reading PRM and supporting rescue! The PRM Team


pet rescue magazine

March 2009

local stories...local people...local pets

Pet Rescue Magazine Alberta Owned & Operated

Brought to you by the Pet Rescue Team Publishers J. Hunter V. Marando

Contributing Writers Rachel Sentes, Publicist How To Reach Us: We welcome comments, suggestions, article ideas, or questions. Please send them to: Pet Rescue Magazine Box 37099, 8712-150 Street, Edmonton, AB T5R 1E0 (780) 637-0999 email Pet Rescue Magazine is dedicated to saving the lives of homeless animals by promoting adoptions of rescued pets. Our goal is to provide an up-to-date pictorial directory of shelters, humane societies and rescue organizations in Alberta. Deadline for submissions is the 15th of each month prior to publication. Please note that Pet Rescue Magazine reserves the right to refuse or amend editorial pieces at its discretion. Pet Rescue Magazine is published on a monthly basis by Finally Free Publishing, Inc. Pet Rescue Magazine cannot guarantee the health or temperament of any animal offered for adoption through this publication. We try to keep information as current and accurate as possible; however, we cannot guarantee the availability of a specific animal. Prospective pet parents must contact the organization directly to make certain a particular pet is still available or to inquire about the adoption process. Disclaimer: Finally Free Publishing, Inc. does not endorse or guarantee any products, services, or vendors mentioned in Pet Rescue Magazine, nor can it be responsible for problems with their products or services. Also, Finally Free Publishing, Inc. reserves the right to reject, at its discretion, any advertisment. Views expressed by various authors are not necessarily those of Finally Free Publishing, Inc.

Finally Free Publishing, Inc. All rights reserved.

Reproduction in whole or part without prior written consent of publisher is prohibited. Finally Free Publishing is an incorporated company.

EVERYTHING HAS VALUE ESPECIALLY THE TREASURES IN THIS PUBLICATION Please circulate pet rescue magazine to help ensure these rescues get maximum exposure and find new homes. local stories...local people...local pets

In this issue

4 10 12 14 15

Cover Photo by

Tail of the Month ~ “True Story� Tails from Home ~ Guardian Angel

Guilty of Loving ~ Dealing with the loss of a pet

RCMP to the rescue


Pet Horoscopes

Rescue Organizations

Forget Me Not Cat Sanctuary



Fort McMurray SPCA

Hinton & District SPCA













Peace River SPCA

Alberta Ferret Society (AFS)

Edmonton Reptile & Amphibian Society (ERAS)

Northern Alberta Society for Animal Protection (NASAP)

Second Chance Animal Rescue Society (SCARS)

Edmonton Humane Society (EHS)

Spay/Neuter Action Program (SNAP)

Prairie Animal Rescue Society (PARS)

Humane Animal Rescue Team (hart)

Duke & Duchess Animal Rescue Society (DDARS) pet rescue magazine

Parkland Animal K-9 Society (PAKS)

The McDonald Family Animal Rescue

March 2009


Tail of the Month

Rachel Sentes Book Review 8 12 22

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little arf'n annie offers:

True Story by Marty Chan

This month I wanted to do something a little different. I’m reviewing a book that is forthcoming because I love supporting Edmonton authors, and Marty Chan is one of my favourite writers. His new children’s book True Story is being released on April 19th, 2009 and it’s sure to be a hit with kids aged 6-9 everywhere. Marty Chan loves to involve the community with his work and on his facebook page he invited his fans and friends to help him choose the colour of the cover of his new book, and the photo depicted here is the final result. His new book is inspired by his real-life cats Buddy and Max and the illustrations are by Lorna Bennett and look amazing. True Story is about a sneaky kid who blames his two cats Buddy and Max for causing a mess in his bedroom and a disaster in the kitchen. It’s in the tradition of the boy who cried wolf story that is sure to be entertaining. Keep your eyes and ears open for future book signings and readings for this new release, and visit for all the latest news. If you have a book or story that you would be interested in having reviewed in Pet Rescue Magazine, please send us a copy or email us with the details. We would love to read them!

Our advertisers make our efforts to help save lives possible!

Call for Appointment 780.717.8770

Peace River SPCA Hello, my name is Missy and I am looking for a new and active home! I am a Golden Retriever/Black Lab X. I am an awesome dog, if I do say so myself! I am great on leash, play really well with children (I love those little creatures), and I’m always happy. I am definitely your girl! Hi, I’m Phoebe. I am a 1yr old Collie/Shepherd X looking for a family who can give me the attention, affection and time I need. I am young, energetic and active. I am hoping for a new home with room and buddies to run, play and wrestle with. (780) 624-3633 4

pet rescue magazine

March 2009

Fort McMurray SPCA My name is Bonnie and I am a 1yr old Husky/Lab X. I love to be outside and adore other dogs, big or small. I can be a little unsure in new situations so I will need a new family who will have patience and help me gain some confidence. I just need some time to build up trust but in return I will be your very loyal and best friend. Titan is what they named me. I am a young Husky X who arrived here last summer. I don’t understand why I’m still here everyone says I am a great dog. I love to go for walks but need to be reminded who’s walking whom sometimes. Sometimes I just grab the leash and walk myself but that’s just because I am so excited to get out! I like some other dogs (especially the ladies) so if you’re looking for great company and a loving companion for life –pick me, pick me!!! I was found wandering the cold streets of Fort McMurray, which is not a good place for a cat to be. My name is Voodoo and I’m a pretty independent kitty. I like to do what I want and do not seem to mind the other cats, but would likely do better in a home where I can have all of your attention to myself. I definitely need an indoor home so I don’t wander off and lose my way again. My name is Willa and I have been here the longest of all the cats...over two years!!! I am around 5-6yrs old and would really like a quiet home where I can relax. I would prefer to go to a home with no other cats or dogs because I like all the attention for myself!

(780) 743-8997 local stories...local people...local pets

Second Chance Animal Rescue Society (SCARS) My name is Emma and I came to SCARS with my three pups Boss Todd, Little Will and my attention crazed little adventurer Donna. Boss Todd has already found a home, but Little Will, Donna and I are still looking. I am friendly and affectionate with people and other animals. I am fascinated with the cats but have not been mean. I have the most striking and gorgeous pale blue eyes and I am just so excited that it’s finally my turn to be loved and taken care of! My name is Donna. I love to be the centre of the attention and I’m so adorable it’s truly not hard. I’m just being honest, we all have to work with what we got and with a face like mine the spotlight calls! I am cautious but still the first to try anything...I’m not saying my brother is a big sissie or anything... hehehe whoops I guess I just did! If you are ready for some fun, and have sufficient time to adore me, give me a call! Gee...thanks a lot Donna! I am Will... yes that’s right, the little one. I am bold and adventurous like my silly media struck sister, but I’m smart enough to let her try everything first! Brains over beauty you silly pup! I also like to capitalize on my small size to get the most tiny ones are always the loudest and most determined! I do tire quicker than the others...but then again I may just be taking advantage of extra cuddle time!

Whoever says you can not teach an old dog new tricks has never tried! I’m ready and willing!!! I have been with SCARS for over a year and though my foster mom loves me to pieces I need my own family. Why am I still here? Some think it’s because I am 8yrs old (although you’d never know it!), large and male. Sadly for many of us many people prefer the fluffy puppies. If you think there is something wrong with me, that is very far from the truth. I am a loyal and friendly boy. I love car rides and playing with my toys. I have seen many of my SCARS buddies come and go, but I am keeping faith that my turn will soon come. SCARS knows my new family will love me so much it will be worth the wait! My name is Satina. I was wandering around all by my little self up north. I am a 4-5 week old Shepherd X and I really like sleeping in your arms. I will be ready for adoption soon so please call, I would love to have a home waiting for me!

My foster mum calls me the 25lb shortlegged wonder...or just Puddin for short! I am a 1yr old Corgi/Collie X. I am very friendly and I love going for walks and soaking up attention. I especially enjoy following my people around and playing with other dogs. ~ (780) 466-7227

Alberta Ferret Society (AFS)




We’re three times the fun! Our names are Sampson, Isabella and King. We are very bonded to each other –we play, eat and sleep together. Isabella and Sampson are both sables around 2yrs old. She loves to give kisses (with the occasional nip just to make sure you’re paying attention) and Sampson enjoys being held and sleeping with his head hidden. I think he figures if he can’t see us then no one can see him! My name is King and I am a chocolate boy around 4yrs old. I am the cuddler of the group and happiest when being carried around and held close. We’re a readymade ferret family and we desperately want a new home together. Please call about us soon!

My name is Arlo and I’m about 3yrs old. I do have epilepsy, but the doctors say that it is easily managed with medication. My foster family say that I’m a real lover. I love food, love to cuddle and really love to give you kisses. I’m looking for a home that enjoys going for walks. I don’t mind other dogs and ignore the cats in my foster home. Ooops! did I tell you I’m a boy. For more info call SCARS (780) 466-7227 ~ (780) 447-3336 local stories...local people...local pets

pet rescue magazine

March 2009


Spay/Neuter Action Program (SNAP) It’s me Cody! My brother Max and I are 6mo old Collie/Shep X puppies. We live in foster care with an assortment of kids, cats, hamsters, birds and other dogs. I am kennel trained, know my basic commands (come, sit, let’s go pee, bedtime, and especially treats!), and I’m working hard at mastering my house training. I am a big love bug!

They call me Stanley and I’m fairly new to SNAP. Not much is known about me as I’m the tall silent type. I am a playful, happy guy who gets along with most everyone. If you have room in your home and heart for me, come visit me today!

I’m Tiggie and I have a tiger in my tank. I’m so happy to have been rescued from the pound that I can’t stop purring. I’m a big, friendly, Tabby girl that can’t wait to meet my forever family. I have lots of love to give and I’m sitting around here waiting and dreaming of curling up on your lap.

Mona is my name and I’m a 2yr old Tabby with the silkiest coat ever. I’m sweet, affectionate, talkative, and have been waiting for ages to meet my forever family. I don’t understand why all the other kitties keep getting chosen and though I’m trying to be patient, I can’t wait to meet you, so please hurry. I will need a home without other cats. I guess this is why I’ve been with SNAP for over seven months. Please, please, please call today.

Paisley is what they call me and I’m a gorgeous Tortie gal around 1.5yrs old. I came to SNAP as a pound rescue. Although I tolerate the other cats around here I would really prefer to be the only cat in the household. I have a queen bee personality and prefer the company of two legged companions!

Ritchie is my name and ruling the roost is my game! I am about 2yrs old and figure I own this place. I have been exhibiting extreme alpha male characteristics so I am looking for a one cat household to rule! I’m full of life and energy, still stuck in my playful kitten stage and I promise to be a pile of FUNFUNFUN!

Not much is known about me and I’m too shy to talk. I’m teeny, tiny and timid. I love soft gentle caresses and desperately want a quiet home to call my own. I need a patient and gentle family that will give me the time I need to come out of my shell. I would be eternally grateful and you’ll never regret mending my little heart and fixing my little world!

Ernie here! I am a Lab X around 3yrs old. I’m the shy type and not overly friendly until I get to know you, but watch out once I do! Not much is known about my past, but one thing is for sure, I’m a great dog. A quiet, knowledgeable home with lots of love would be the perfect place to help me come out of my shell. ~ (780) 968-0025

Show her how much you care. License your pet today. What if your best friend got lost? Last year City Animal Control received almost 3500 lost dogs. Thankfully, two thirds were licensed and we were able to return them to their families. Licensing is the best way to get your lost pet home. It s fast, simple and affordable.

Show them how much you care. Purchase a licence online at or come in person to the 5th floor, 10250 - 101 Street or Animal Services, 12515 - 128 Street, Edmonton, Alberta.


pet rescue magazine

March 2009

local stories...local people...local pets

Proud Supporter of Animal Rescue

Humane Animal Rescue Team (hart)

Mention this ad & get 10% off our boarding services or products 780.662.DOGS (3647)

My name is Mika and I am a Lab X around 1.5yrs old. I would like to introduce my 8 new puppies. They were born on Dec 27, 2008 and with no real place to call home I was so grateful 24 hour staff • several exercise sessions per day when a kind hearted woman gave us safe refuge. Now I am non breed specic • special needs accommodated at no extra charge • individual attention in a HART foster home in Edmonton where my pups can grow big and strong! I am friendly, enjoy following my beloved people around and never turn down a scratch behind the ears or a hug. I’m getting along well with the resident cat and dog, learn fast and I’m eager to please. I have a lot of energy and will require some training to learn the rules of the house. I tend to just barge into rooms if I think you are in there…even the bathroom! I hope you decide to give me and my puppies a chance! My puppies will be old enough very soon to find their own loving families and that means it’s finally time to find my very own home too!

Ollie is the only boy. He is always smiling, and isn’t as loud as his sisters. He is friendly and does not push his weight around. He is a Shep/Lab X and loves to be cuddled. He also wags his sweet little tail when he runs!

Alice is a large playful Shep X. She is not afraid to announce her presence in the room and put other puppies in their place. She’s also curious and likes to be involved in everything going on around her.

Chloe is a Husky X who is very observant and curious. She is brave and ventures off on her own. She thinks carefully about everything she does, and is very trusting. She also has a unique caramel colouring in her Husky coat.

Lara is possibly a Terrier X. She likes to do everything at her own pace but won’t hesitate to compete for the best spot on your lap to cuddle. She is trusting, vocal when vying for your attention and often has an inquisitive expression.

Marla is the largest puppy and still has lots of growing to do. She is very approachable, paper trained and her current goal in life is to beat all the other puppies to your lap. She isn’t afraid to throw her weight around to reach that goal either! She likes to eat, adores being held, loves to play and especially loves using her big sad eyes to melt your heart.

Leeloo loves to be held and cuddled. She is always quick to welcome a new face and doesn’t like confrontation with the other puppies. However, she does not hesitate to stand up for herself. She is a playful and happy puppy.

Like Leelo and Chloe, Rukia is also a Husky X. She is confident and likes to do just as she pleases. She enjoys cuddles and playing, but she also enjoys exploring on her own. She is partial to sticking her tongue out when she is being cuddled and it can be very hard to resist that sweet face!

Bella could also be a Terrier X, she is my smallest pup but she sure can jump! That’s often how she beats the other puppies to your lap. She is full of energy, playful, and loves to smile and kiss your nose when you cuddle her. She was the first of my puppies to try kibble without thinking twice! ~ (780) 455-4278 local stories...local people...local pets

pet rescue magazine

March 2009


Forget Me Not Cat Sanctuary My name is Dixie and I am about 3yrs old. I like people’s company and being petted but I’m not much of a cuddler. I am very quiet but do still have a playful streak in me. I need to be the only cat in my new home. Maybe it could be yours?

I’m Callie and I am a 6mth old, tortie. My foster Mom calls me a “little darling”. I love playing and am very active. I get along well with other cats and adjust to new people very quickly. I am looking for my forever home. If you are looking for 2 kitties my brother Johnny would love to go with me.

Yes, you got it! I’m Johnny, Callie’s brother. I also love to play and I am very active. I love being cuddled like a baby and have a very good purring motor. I am looking for my forever home too and would love to be adopted with my sister Callie.

Hi, I’m Becky. I am about 1yr old. I’m a tiny girl with the prettiest face and although I was timid when rescued it only took me a few days to come around. Once I did I sure made up for lost time because now I love attention! I love being petted and playing. I get along well with the rest of the gang here but would love my own place.

Hi. My name is Murphy and I am a very handsome dude. I am about 2yrs old and while I tolerate the other cats at my foster Mom’s, I would rather be by myself or with only one other cat. I am so affectionate and love to snuggle in your lap and watch TV or be brushed. I am a very calm and laid back kinda guy. I’m hard not to love!!!

Hi, my name is Fritzie and I’m about 3-4yrs old. After spending a lot of time in the cold, I was very lucky on Christmas Eve to wander right into the arms of a kind lady from the pound. They kept me and my pound buddies warm, fed us and then they sent me to the sanctuary where I grew healthy and strong. I get along well with all the friends I’ve made here but I would love to go live with my very own family. ~ (780) 700-5525 Duke & Duchess Animal Rescue Society Hello, my name is Becky. My brother Dirk and I are really good at finding escape routes and hiding. We can figure almost anything out. And guess who is at the food bowl first. Yep! That’s us. You know, we think we might start our own detective business.

Hmmm...Dirk here. I’m named after that handsome sleuth and renowned adventurer Dirk Pitt (No silly not Brad, Dirk!). Becky doesn’t know it yet but I’m going to hire her to go with me on investigations. Besides, she’s cute too. ~ (780) 483-0931


pet rescue magazine

March 2009

local stories...local people...local pets

Pamela Clark, RMT, SAMT Member of IAAMB

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Hinton & District SPCA Yes, I am still here…my name is Zyra. I am treated very well here but I would really love a forever home. I am a 1yr old Coonhound X and I would love to run and play in my new home in a securely fenced area. I am not very good with other female dogs and I tend to pick my friends (I like males!).

I’m still here too! My name is Teka. I love to boogie! I get along well with other dogs but kids are not my thing, especially little boys –they scare me! I am a 4yr old Jack Russell/Miniature American Eskimo X. I am very afraid in new situations and can be reactive, sometimes I even nip, but once I get to know you I am a snuggle bug.

My name is Ezra and I am just too darn cute!!! I am a 4mth old Malamute X and I love to cuddle. I adore everybody and I can’t wait to find a family to love me forever and ever. I am not very coordinated quite yet, it is going to take me a while to grow into my feet!

My name is Troika and I am a pure bred Husky. I am fairly young and love to ride shotgun so I can watch everything as we drive by. My leash skills could use some work but over all they are not bad. Give me a chance you won’t be sorry!

I am Bowie, Zyra’s brother. We love to play! I am a Yellow Lab/Coon Hound X and I love to go for walks. I do however suffer from separation anxiety so when I am left alone I need to be in a safe area such as a crate.

I’m Barkley and I’m around 13yrs old. The vet said I needed to lose a few pounds and after a crash exercise program I am lookin’ real good! I get along well with Teka and most everyone else. I will be getting a hair cut soon – how much does hair weigh? ~ (780) 865-2800 My name is Snoopy. I’m 5yrs old, really smart and love to cuddle. I’m friendly and would love to have another doggie to play games with and keep company. If you’re looking to add a snuggle bunny to your family then look no further. Please visit to find out more about me.

local stories...local people...local pets


pet rescue magazine

March 2009



uardianAngel TAILS




hen it came time to look for a new dog for his family, local broadcaster Gord Steinke decided he would look for a rescue dog. A friend of his recommended looking at the Northern Alberta Society for Animal Protection (NASAP) as an association who could perhaps help him find the type of dog he was looking for. Gord and his wife met with a volunteer from the organization and described their needs, and they were excited about the prospect of adding a new member to their family.

A few months after they adopted her, Gord would realize just how valuable Daisy was when he underwent a painful back surgery and was bedridden for almost four months. Daisy was instantly by his side and stayed with him through his long recovery. She became so protective of him that Gord’s visiting nurse was viewed as a trespasser and Daisy refused to let her into his room. “Once we introduced Daisy to the nurse she relaxed a little, but she still wasn’t keen on having the nurse in the room. It’s amazing how you get attached so quickly to these little animals. Recovery would have been a lonely undertaking had it not been for Daisy. She was by my side every minute. She was and is my guardian angel.” says Steinke. Gord is effusive with his praise for the rescue organization. “I want to give a big hats off to the folks at NASAP. They are doing a wonderful job. We were blown away that for about $200.00 you get everything you need. Your animal receives a spay or neuter, a foster home’s evaluation that takes the guesswork out of the process and a lifelong friend. What they say is what you get and that’s great.” Daisy and NASAP has made such a good impression on Gord that he is thinking of adopting another dog for his family. 10

pet rescue magazine

March 2009

Photo courtesy of Photography by Tracey

They were soon introduced to Daisy, a four month old Tibetan Terrier who had been abandoned for five days in an apartment with no food. She was dehydrated and traumatized from being abandoned. The foster family with NASAP looked after all her needs, worked on housetraining and her severe separation anxiety in their home for two weeks. When Gord and his wife met Daisy they had a feeling that she might be the perfect fit for their acreage. She was high energy, charming, empathetic, and adorably cute.

Gord and Daisy at their acreage home

NASAP is one of the many rescue organizations that offers foster homes as an alternative to facilities with cages. In foster homes animals can be assessed in an environment that will help the animals adjust to living with their new family members. Foster homes are able to monitor behaviour or medical issues, feeding and training needs, and can determine whether the animals are suited to homes with or without children or other pets. Their evaluations can make all the difference to a prospective new owner and is often invaluable in lessening the trauma that animals may go through when waiting for a new home. If you are interested in fostering an animal or donating to a rescue organization, please give one of the many rescue organizations in Pet Rescue Magazine a call. local stories...local people...local pets

Northern Alberta Society for Animal Protection (NASAP) My name is Marabelle! I’m an adorable lap cat who is very quiet. I love to look out the window and I’m quite sociable. I am easygoing in new situations and friendly with dogs and other cats. I hope my beautiful green eyes win you over!

Hello, my name is Benjamin and I am 2-4yrs old. I’m a slightly timid fellow but I love to be talked to. I purr up a storm when I get attention! I would be happiest in a stress-free environment without dogs or small children, although friendly cats would be fine.

Hi, I’m Kermit! I’m 2-5yrs old and I’m sporting a handsome tuxedo. I’m affectionate, love to be close and absolutely adore being fussed over. I do not care for other cats and would be most comfortable as the only pet in my new home.

Hi there, they call me Leon because they think I look like a Leonberger. Not very original but it kinda suits me! I’m a friendly, affectionate boy who is good with other dogs and travels well in the vehicle. Although I am a fairly large and strong dog nobody has bothered to teach me much, but I’m ready to learn! I’ve already learned about walking on a leash and going in a crate. I’m like a big teddy bear really with a lovely bronze coat.

My name is Sophie and I am a little Terrier X who was found sitting by the road in the countryside. I was very scared at first but I have come out of my shell and I now like to greet everyone politely even though I am only about six months old. I get along with other dogs just fine and love to play.

Hi there, I’m Diesel and I am a 2yr old Shepherd X looking for a new home to call my own. I am house trained, get along with everyone, obedient and well behaved. I’m a big dog, very tall, but I know my manners and I’m no trouble in the house. I enjoy being outdoors but also like to cuddle up with my family in front of the TV. Watch, out I’m coming through…mind the tail…watch your drink… oops!!! Yes that’s me, Cooper, larger than life and twice as friendly! I am a 10mth old Coonhound/ Rhodesian Ridgeback X. I need a new family who will teach me some manners and make sure I am able to run and play. I’m quite the ball of energy and I’m very strong. Not for the fainthearted but if you want a challenge and know a bit about training a big goofy dog, then please be my leader! I want to learn I just need direction. I’m friendly, great with kids and don’t mind other dogs.

I’m Mojo. I came to NASAP after being hit by a car, my front right leg was broken and my back hip was dislocated, but I am now fully recovered. I am a friendly young Border Collie with lots of energy! I love to play with other dogs, all my toys, and to snuggle with my stuffed monkey. I know the basic commands but would still benefit from obedience classes, and despite my previous injuries I think I would love agility. Oh, and did I mention I am quite handsome? I also have one blue eye and one brown. ~ (780) 922-0250

Edmonton Reptile & Amphibian Society (ERAS) Hello everyone! I am an Albino Striped California King Snake. I do not have a name or a history attached to me as I came to ERAS through Animal Control. We usually grow around 3-4’ long and can live 15yrs+ in captivity. I have no problems eating, although I can be food aggressive and it’s not really in my nature to pal around with other snakes. I am also feisty when being handled. If you are interested in learning more please call about me soon!

Hello my name is Delta and I am a Box Turtle. My owners were not spending enough time with me so they gave me up to ERAS rescue to find a home with a new family who has more time. I do need to work on my diet, I have been a little spoiled with inappropriate food. However, I am a handsome and healthy boy around 27yrs old...but that’s hardly middle aged as we Box Turtles can live many, many years! ~ (780) 429-0934 local stories...local people...local pets

pet rescue magazine

March 2009


life and the sad reality is that no matter how well you care for your pet, their lives are short compared to their human companions. People will look back and replay the days and weeks leading up to their animal companions death, trying to think of things they should have done. It is ok to wish that things had gone differently, but in the end we only have so much control, and can only work with the information we have, when we have it. As a pet owner, none of us like to think that the day will come, when we must say good-bye to our pet. It seems only natural that they would be with us forever. Though we know that they will one day die, it is seldom considered until the time arrives and when it does, we are never ready. Sadness, loss, loneliness and anger are common emotions that people feel after a loss. It is ok to feel them and grieve for as long as you need. At the same time, you need to ensure that you are grieving in healthy ways so that grief doesn’t turn into depression and that the other important parts of your life are not negatively impacted. Misdirected guilt can cloud the healing process and make it difficult to remember all the positive things you did for your pet.

ByAshley Friesenhan


should have done more”, “It’s my fault”, “I should have known something was wrong” These are common sentiments expressed by people whose animal companion has passed away. Feelings of guilt often plague the hearts of even the most committed animal lover. Mourning the loss of an animal companion is often an already complicated process due to the lack of common supports that are available for other kinds of bereavement. Add in the burden of guilt and it is an almost unbearable situation for many people. I have been working as a bereavement group facilitator for The Pet Therapy Society of Northern Alberta for the past two years. Every month people who have lost an animal companion or are in the process of preparing for a loss, come in and share their stories with the group. I am always amazed at the level of commitment and depth of love that each of these people has for their pet and also how deep the pain of their loss goes. A common theme in our discussions is guilt over the events leading up to the death. Whether it be a sudden loss, a long illness, old age or a tragic accident, I hear story after story of tests, vet visits, days home from work, late nights, extra treats, special food, medications and so on, but for people who are so deeply connected to their pet, it is never enough. It is a great irony that the people who put the most effort and love into their relationships with their pets feel the greatest amount of guilt over their death. Guilt should be reserved for those who purposefully cause harm to another and it is obvious that the people who take such wonderful care of their animal companions do not deserve to feel guilty. However, this is easier said than done. In order to work through this part of their grief, I try to get people to reframe their feelings of guilt into ones of regret. Regret refers to the sense of loss one feels around the death of the pet, but does not carry with it an implication of fault. In the end, the death of a pet is no one’s fault. It is part of the cycle of 12

pet rescue magazine

March 2009

I often ask people to answer these 3 questions: “Did you love your pet?” “Did you give your pet a good life?” “Did you do everything you could to ease their suffering in death?” I have never met a person who did not say yes to all of these questions and it helps remind them that regardless of what happened in the end, it is the journey that matters most. One of the things you can do to remind yourself of your devotion and truly see how much you did for your pet is to make a list of all the things you did to make the life of your pet comfortable, joyful and fun. I know that for many people this is a long list and it can often provide a reminder of how much you really did. While your pet surely gave back the happiness and joy it received, it is still an effective way of identifying some of the actions that you took. Another way to help process grief is to write your pet a letter. It can say anything you want, and never has to be read by anyone else, but it can help express some of the feelings you are having in a very focused way. Sometimes framing your feelings on paper can help with processing some of the complicated emotions you are experiencing. One of the many things that pets teach us is to live in the moment. They never dwell on the past or the future because for them, the present is too wonderful to pass up. It is this attitude that I think all of us must strive for when working through the grieving process. Taking each moment as it comes and appreciating that grief is a long and winding journey. Often the best thing you can do is remember the love that you shared with your pets, and to share that love with the people around you. Ashley Friesenhan offers counseling through the Paws for Remembrance program with the Pet Therapy Society of Alberta. If you are interested in Pet Loss support please contact the Society at or visit local stories...local people...local pets

Edmonton Humane Society (EHS)

WE ARE MOVING IN MARCH! Our new address will be:13620 - 163 Street.

My name is Brian. I’m a male Shepherd/ Collie Rough X. I’m just over 1yr old and very shy. I was all alone wandering the streets of Bruderheim when I was rescued. I can be a little bit nervous, so I’m looking for owners willing to go slowly and be patient to help me adjust to my new home. It’s recommended that I be in a home with children 7yrs+. I’m a goofball -I like to be happy and play all the time. I want to work on building up my confidence and becoming a more sociable dog. If you’re interested in adopting me, please bring the whole family to help ensure the best adoption match. Hi, my name is Griffin and I’m a longhaired male cat. I’m 1.5yrs old. I’m a very playful cat and take pride in looking cute with my grey, downy soft fur. I’m an indoor cat, litter box trained and prefer eating dry cat food. I’m waiting for my forever home with owners who would love to spend time cuddling and playing with me. I’m a fun, curious cat with lots of love to offer.

Hi, my name is Dilton and I am a Lop Eared rabbit. I’ve been in the shelter since December 18, 2008. I was lost, but thankfully I was found and brought to the Edmonton Humane Society. I hope to find my forever home soon. I’m a very clean bunny and always use my litter box to keep my cage looking neat. I promise to be a good bunny for you! Adoption Line (780) 491-3500 local stories...local people...local pets

pet rescue magazine

March 2009


RCMP to the

Rescue And Look At Me NOW!

Top: Guiness enjoying a overdue meal. Bottom left: The sad and sunken eyes of a starving dog. Bottom right: To remove the noose surgery, stitches and a drain was required. Right: Guiness one week after arriving at PARS

Prairie Animal Rescue more than lived up to their name when they got a call from a RCMP officer that had been called out to shoot a dog, barely existing, at the end of a rope in a Northern Alberta community. The officer took pity on the starving dog that was slowly being strangled by the noose firmly embedded in its neck. Rather than shoot the dog, as he was found to be very friendly, the kind officer rushed Guiness to a vet and called on PARS for help. This sweet Bull Terrier cross is around eight years old and has been affectionately called Socks o’ Guiness. “Guiness was half the weight he should have been, but he has responded well to treatment” says Terra McLean, President and Founder of PARS. Guiness will require ongoing medical care until the wound around his neck heals. Nevertheless he is already working his way up to a healthy weight at which time adoption can be considered. It is difficult to hear, let alone read or see what this poor dog has been through, but fortunately none of us have to live it as poor Guiness did. We are hoping by featuring this gentle fellow, and sharing his story, a wonderful and loving retirement home will be found. Thank you to the RCMP officer that responded and had a heart big enough to give Guiness a chance at life. PARS is a volunteer operated rescue organization operating out of the High Prairie area but they come to Edmonton often for adoption events. Please contact PARS directly if you would like to help by adopting a rescue, volunteering for events, transporting rescues, fostering or contributing to their extensive veterinarian costs. ~ (780) 536-3868 14

pet rescue magazine

March 2009

Other PARS dogs looking for homes Could I be more picture perfect? My name is Sue and I am such a good girl. Good with kids, dogs, cats, you name it -I am good with it! I love to just hang out and do what ever you do. If I am the woolly 2yr old Shepherd girl for you give PARS a call.

Bartholomew, that’s me! Part Boxer part handsome devil and a whole lotta happy fella! I am an excellent companion, canine friendly and I love kids -especially when they drop food! I am 2yrs old and have a great outlook on life; sniff it, chase it, play with it, or pee on it...there’s an answer for everything!

Our names are Billy Martin and Rob Roy. We are two of three pups found wondering the streets. We were brought to PARS but sadly we carried the deadly parvo virus and our brother died shortly after we arrived. We are feeling good and ready for adoption. We are likely Lab/Chow X...with a little Shepherd thrown in for good measure! Cute, cuddly, and healthy puppies is all you really need to concentrate on. local stories...local people...local pets

Parkland Animal K-9 Society (PAKS) Can you believe that I am still here? My name is Daisy and I know you’ve seen me before but we just know someone is going to see how special I really am this time around. I am around 10mths old and beautiful inside and out. Despite my size I am very gentle with my people and play well with the dogs here. My name is Chickie and I could be your special Easter friend. I am a 1.5yr old Rough Collie girl. There are so many great things about me; I am good with cats, crate trained, do well at the groomers and ride well in the car. Skip is my name and fetch is the game. I came from the local pound after being picked up for loitering on the streets. Surprisingly, no one came with the bail money so PAKS took me in. I am about 2yrs old and in the words of my kind bailiff “I ROCK!” I already know how to sit and come. I am as smart as they come and handsome too! (780) 222-PAK9 (7259)

I am Maddy and I just turned 2yrs old. I am great with kids, cats and other dogs. I really love (if you’ll let me) crawling under your bedcovers to keep your feet warm! There’s nothing like a cuddly Beagle in bed in the morning to start the day right! I’m not great at coming back when I’m called so off leash romps might be tricky, but I’d be a great running companion as I’ve got great stamina. I’m a good calm girl indoors though it’s best to crate me when you leave me in case I get bored! For more info on me call NASAP (780) 922-0250

I am sponsored by the Siebert family. Thank You!

The McDonald Family Animal Rescue Howdy, my name is Harvey and this here is Stan. I was surrendered but Stan here was rescued from a petting zoo. I am around 6mths old but we are not sure how old Stan is. He is missing one of his eyes due to bullying at the zoo, but he doesn’t let it stop him from enjoying life! We get along great and always hang out and run around together. Our names are Todd and Wallace. We are under 1yr old, and sweet curious boys. We’re always happy to see you and willing to follow you around...who needs a dog anyways?

Horoscopes What’s In The Stars For Your Pets This Month? Aries: March 21 - April 19 Aries your leadership skills will be shining bright this month if you can access your generous spirit. All you need to do is watch for opportunities and treat everyone with respect...don’t worry it won’t kill you to share your stuffies! Taurus: April 20 - May 20 Time for a journey...maybe it’s cause Alberta weather is warming up, or perhaps it is plain old spring fever. Be sure you stick close to home and don’t cook up any trouble adventuring outside of the home mid month. Gemini: May 21 - June 20 Gemini pets are often full of energy and the lot of you are no different! It’s important to keep up your exercise so you don’t start destroying the home. Too bad you can’t tell your people another way just how lonely and bored you get. Cancer: June 21 - July 22 Cancer pets...we know you love your friends and hate to be alone, but you can’t always be relying on others throughout life. If your buddies are unkind and the pack starts to lay in to you –you must learn to walk away. Leo: July 23 - August 22 If it isn’t chicken, it’s feathers. With some two leggers there will always be a problem one way or another. If you own one of these types try to take it all in stride and remember it’s not personal. Virgo: August 23 - September 22 Lucky dawg...that’s you (unless of course you’re a cat, ferret, bunny or something). Hit Vegas, play the slots and when you win try helping someone who needs it. You will come out the true winner every time! Libra: September 23 - October 22 Walk the fence with the balance of a feline and they call you a cat, grab a book and they’ll call you a book worm! No matter what you do someone will always make assumptions and judgements so be careful not to judge others. Scorpio: October 23 - November 21’s finally time to let the cat out of the bag! That’s right it’s time to come clean and freshen up your conscience for spring. Be honest, and defend your cause, but don’t be surprised when there is understandable upset. Sagittarius: November 22 - December 21 This is a good month to do what you do best...entertain to bring happiness to others! Be sure to use your talents with family and new friends because someone is going to appreciate your efforts in their misery. (780) 633-7117

Capricorn: December 22 - January 19 Capricorns like to get along with everyone whether they have scales, feathers or fur. Being very social and eager to please is in your nature and it will serve you wonderfully in March. Watch for others being left out. Aquarius: January 20 - February 18 Gees, one little mistake and everyone notices. Be sure you keep your eyes clean this month especially near the end. Many are quick as rabbits to judge and you don’t want to establish a bad rap in the neighbourhood! Pisces: February 19- March 20 Usually due to excitement Pisces is always a handful when it comes to training. Try to stay focused and concentrate on making your people happy. Training gives time to bond, helps boredom and especially helps to keep you safe!!!

local stories...local people...local pets

pet rescue magazine

March 2009







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