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local stories...local people...local pets

pet rescue magazine

November 2007

Cover Model: Do I

look Chubby to you? I get to go quading all the time so I don’t know how I got stuck with this name! I am an awesome 8yrs young, super loyal, super good, extra handsome boy. I love pretty well every dog I meet and I have seen hundreds of them come and go here at SCARS. They’re so lucky...where the heck is my new family? I have been here for over 2yrs and longer than any other foster dog around. I am like the captain around here and I take great pleasure in showing all the newbies the ropes. I even have my very own spot at my foster mom’s place called “The Chubbs Run” and only the coolest dogs are allowed to hang at my pad! SCARS just can’t believe I am still around because they say that I am one of the most special boys they’ve had. Please call me at (780) 675-3018 and ask for Chubbs...I am waiting by the phone!

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Lap It Up! Dear Friends, So has everyone battened down the hatches and prepared for our Alberta winter? Hopefully those of you with outdoor pets have winterized their shelters to ensure they have access to a safe, dry, warm and toasty place to sleep during these cold winter months. Speaking of warm and toasty, that’s how we feel about the support received from readers, supporters, writers, and distributors. We are also delighted to be hearing back from rescue organizations, adopters and advertisers of their success with the magazine. Please when thinking about a product or service call our advertisers first, they are all good people who care about animal welfare, and it’s with their support this magazine is printed! Since we started publishing PRM, we have had numerous requests for subscriptions, as well as distribution. We are pleased to tell you we will be offering a subscription in 2008 and are continuing to increase distribution. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for believing in Pet Rescue Magazine! Until next time.... The Team at pet rescue magazine

coming next month in Pet Rescue Magazine

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pet rescue magazine

November 2007

We really appreciate your comments and feedback.Please feel free to email us directly at If you would like to advertise with pet rescue magazine please email

local stories...local people...local pets

Pet Rescue Magazine Alberta Owned & Operated

Brought to you by the Pet Rescue Team Publisher J. Hunter Contributing Writers Erin Gunderson, DVM Rachel Sentes How To Reach Us: We welcome comments, suggestions, article ideas, or questions. Please send them to: Pet Rescue Magazine Box 37099, 8712-150 Street, Edmonton, AB T5R 1E0 email Pet Rescue Magazine is dedicated to saving the lives of homeless animals by promoting adoptions of rescued pets. Our goal is to provide an up-to-date pictorial directory of shelters, humane societies and rescue organizations in Alberta. Deadline for submissions is the 15th of each month prior to publication. Pet Rescue Magazine is published on a monthly basis by Finally Free Publishing, Inc. Pet Rescue Magazine cannot guarantee the health or temperament of any animal offered for adoption through this publication. We try to keep information as current and accurate as possible; however, we cannot guarantee the availability of a specific animal. Prospective pet parents must contact the organization directly to make certain a particular pet is still available or to inquire about the adoption process. Disclaimer: Finally Free Publishing, Inc. does not endorse or guarantee any products, services, or vendors mentioned in Pet Rescue Magazine, nor can it be responsible for problems with their products or services. Also, Finally Free Publishing, Inc. reserves the right to reject, at its discretion, any advertisment. Views expressed by various authors are not necessarily those of Finally Free Publishing, Inc.

©2007 Finally Free Publishing, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or part without prior written consent of publisher is prohibited.

EVERYTHING HAS VALUE ESPECIALLY THE TREASURES IN THIS PUBLICATION Please circulate pet rescue magazine to help ensure these rescues get maximum exposure and find new homes. local stories...local people...local pets

In this issue FEATURES

Moonshine Mutt ~ Misty Creek Dog Rescue.............................................3 Tails From Home............................................................................................3 Tails of the Month - Book Review...............................................................4 One Of A Kind ~ Will the real designer dog stand up?...........................6 An Apple A Day ~ Dogs, Cats & Cancer.......................................................9 City Pet Talk ~ A Responsible Pet Guardian Check List.....................13 RESCUE ORGANIZATIONS 4 PA W S A n i m a l R e s c u e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 G r a n d e Prairie SPCA (GPSPCA)..................................................5 H i n t o n & District SPCA............. ..................................................7 Paws And Claws Animal Rescue Foundation.....................................................7 Feature Group: Alberta Ferret Society (AFS)....................................................8&9 Spay Neuter Action Program (SNAP.)............................................................10 Second Chance Animal Rescue Society (SCARS)...............................12 Prairie Animal Rescue Society (PARS)..................................................13 Safe Haven Animal Rescue Edmonton Society (SHARES)........................14 The McDonald Family Animal Rescue................................................15 Northern Alberta Society for Animal Protection (NASAP)............................15

November Moonshine Mutt

Tails From Home This is a special place for readers to tell us all about their pet(s). Watch to see if your story, poem or drawing is published. This very special poem was sent to us from Brittany.

“My Best Friend... is my Dog” He’s my best friend in the world, He’s been there for me when I need someone to hold, He’s always been there by my side, And not once has he ever lied. Today he’s not feeling too well, Not too good at all, What to do now when he’s in need? I’ll be there for him like he’s been for me, that is my deed. When he cries, I’ll be there, When he needs me, I’ll be there, When he needs to go down the stairs, I will help, So he will have no need to let out a yelp. The day has come, The day I’ve been dreading, It’s time to say good bye, And I can’t help but cry. So as I give him his last kiss, His last hug, His last touch, And say, “Casper I love you so much.” Mail your submission to

Pet Rescue Magazine Box 37099, 8712-150 Street, Edmonton, AB T5R 1E0

MISTY CREEK DOG RESCUE Spencer here and I am a greyhound/ heeler/lab combo who loves bigger dog buddies, couches, people big and small, car rides, and cuddles. I am definitely not a cat kind of guy. If I can run like the wind, play around with my dog buddies in the yard, and cuddle with you, I will be in heaven. You can email mistycreek@ to learn about me and my other dog buddies, or you can call (780) 907-3967 and ask for Spencer.

PET PROMISE Thousands of years ago, we humans formed a covenant with our companion animals. We wanted them to live with us and to share our lives. Because of this our ‘pets’ lost most of their natural skills to fend for themselves. It then became our responsibility to feed and care for them. While the animals have kept their end of the bargain, we humans largely have not. ~ Unknown

pet rescue magazine

November 2007


Photo Competition Winner This is our cat Pilchard--we rescued him as a kitten and have loved him madly ever since----this aquarium was a Christmas present to our kids, but Pilchard has gotten the most enjoyment out of it. The only thing he likes more is to watch hockey on TV!! Charlene Pisani


big thank you to those of you who submitted photo entries for PRM’s “Picture Your Pet In Paint” contest (September issue). We really enjoyed all of the entries and shared many smiles and laughs trying to decide on a winner. Congratulations goes out to Charlene Pisani for her entry of the winning photo that features her wonderful curious cat named Pilchard checking out their aquarium. Pilchard’s family will receive a 11”x15” painting of this picture courtesy of Sarah Nadhazi a local Edmonton artist. Visit Sarah’s website at Watch for “Pilchard in Paint” in our December issue of Pet Rescue Magazine

Tails of the Month



Sweet, loving and cuddly –that’s me! My name is Dahlia I enjoy long walks; unfortunately that is how I ended up in a pound. I was enjoying this little vacation until I began to hear the word euthanize –a lotand I believe being directed towards me. Even cats know this is not good! So I turned on the charm and I was able to convince the nice guards to send me to 4Paws so I would find a new home. I am currently living with a foster family and they say my new parents should be picking me up any day now- if you think that could be you please call (780) 895-2195!

We Desperately Need Volunteers and a Volunteer Coordinator

If you have some time for this worthy cause, please enquire by e-mail via our website

Be The Pack Leader is dog guru Cesar Milan’s eagerly anticipated second book, following The Natural, Everyday Guide to Understanding and Correcting Common Dog Problems. Cesar continues his narrative style of tips and tricks interspersed with friend’s success stories. He attempts to address criticisms that arose from the previous book, mainly the lack of step by step instruction that people were expecting. Cesar addresses those requests by stating clearly that he is NOT a dog trainer, he merely rehabilitates unstable dogs. So if

Rachel Sentes is a local Publicist and avid dog lover. 4

pet rescue magazine

you were looking for a quick fix, then this is not the book for you. Instead, Be The Pack Leader works on key points on strengthening the bond between dog and owner, including how to use collars and leashes properly, breed selection, and the discussion of the calm assertive energy that is needed to succeed. It also delves further into how to master the walk (with a good colour chart to aid in timing) and a nice section on jobs for dogs. Cesar’s take on dog psychology is engaging, but one hopes in the future he may address those families with 2 - 3 dogs, or how to master the walk on a slippery snow laden Canadian sidewalk, but for fans of Cesar Milan’s methods, you won’t be disappointed.

November 2007

local stories...local people...local pets

Grande Prairie SPCA (GPSPCA) My name is Duke and I am a 1-2yr old Collie X. I know some tricks and I clearly take fantastic pictures! I don’t bark much because I don’t really think I need to, but I will always let you know I am happy to see you. I wag my tail all the time and have a really happy-go-lucky personality. If you need a new addition to your family give the girls here a call at (780) 538-4030 and ask for the friendly fellow in the back! Ring around the rosie, pocket full of posies... Hello there! My name is Rosie and I am still a baby, just 3 months old. I was rescued by another animal shelter who brought me into the GPSPCA. My brothers, my mom, and I, were found in a kennel with no food or water. We were really hungry and thirsty, but with a lot of love and TLC we all pulled through. I am the only one left who has not found a forever home though, so I am doing my best to be the greatest kitty I can.

Hmmm.... from up here you look like you might be my new owner! Kooky is the name. Boyz Rule!! I am 5 months old and I love to play. I can sometimes be a little rambunctious, but don’t all little boys get a little rowdy now and then? No worries, I’ll eventually grow out of that. Currently I am chillin’ here at the GPSPCA just waiting for my new family to come and adopt me.

My name is Tanner. Have you ever seen a very fuzzy, very happy puppy? Well, I’m not really a puppy, I’m actually 7yrs old. But don’t they say you’re only as old as you feel? That is totally me...and besides I am still true blue fuzzy and happy! I love to run, play and just act like a frolicky young pup! My previous owners never had me neutered so that is my number one request when I do find my new family. Well I must get back to playing now, so I will see you later gator!!

For more information please call (780) 538-4030 or Visit Us Anytime at that you? It’s me, Baloo! I have been secretly scoping out potential new families. Some of the qualities I am looking for in my home are: lots of love and attention, a devoted responsible family and a soft bed or couch for me to snooze on. I will also require lots of ear scratching and tummy rubbing. I don’t really mind other cats, but being a feline I can certainly handle having all of the attention to myself!

Is this my good side? My name is Patches and I am a 2-3yr old, handsome Heeler X. I know I am a good boy because everyone here tells me so all the time! If they say it, it must be true! I would love my new home to have a really big yard or acreage so I could explore to my hearts content. If you know anybody who is interested in me they can give the Grande Prairie SPCA a call at (780) 538-4030. local stories...local people...local pets

pet rescue magazine

November 2007


one of a kind Will the real Designer Dog stand up?

by Rachel Sentes Publicist and Contributing Writer Snorkies - $850.00, Schnoodles - $950.00, Puggles- $ 1050.00, LabraDoodles - $1200.00, and the list goes on. Designer Dogs are the latest trend in pets, and people are spending exorbitant amounts of money for these new breeds. Only these are not new breeds and those who are creating them are setting a precedent that could affect millions of dogs in the future. Designer Dogs are Hybrids. They are an intentional mix of more than one purebred dog that has a documented history. The difference between a hybrid and a mutt is that a mutt has an uncertain ancestry. That’s it. There are no genetic standards, and no guarantees that the qualities of the dogs sought after will appear. Currently, there is a demand for dogs mixed with Poodles for their hypo-allergenic qualities, only it takes up to 6 generations for those mixes to develop non-shedding qualities, if they show up at all. Breeding is supposed to be done only with first generation dogs, but this is not happening. It’s very common for some breeders to engage in multi-generation crosses. No monitoring is done for this cross breeding phenomenon, and unfortunately, no regard for the dogs they are producing. Health issues and genetic abnormalities are disregarded for a 6

pet rescue magazine

quick buck, and so called registered papers are bought easily from a number of registry services. After spending an evening with some reputable breeders, I was happy to hear that most of them agreed that it was wrong to produce designer/hybrid dogs. There are so many genetic and health issues to consider that it would be a good idea to question any breeder that encourages the sale of these dogs. It seems that often the puppy mills and backyard breeders are the culprits behind the breeds. They are breeding more and more combinations, and the average consumer doesn’t understand how breeding works, and will shop around for the best price, picking two breeds and having them made to order. When the desired result isn’t achieved, these dogs end up in rescue associations just like every other dog that didn’t live up to their expectations. These flavour of the month dogs are gaining in popularity, at a tremendous rate, but as it is with most trends, once the novelty wears off, many of these hybrids will end up going the way of the 101 Dalmatian dogs, the Beethoven St. Bernard’s, and the Paris Hilton Chihuahuas; unstable, unloved, and homeless. Do you remember the wolf/dog hybrid rescue shelters? Well add to that these new designer mutts, and

November 2007

more shelters are overflowing unable to keep up. It is becoming difficult to place the mixed breeds and mutts without giving them a whimsical name. However, it is important to inform the public that they need to make their choices carefully when considering a new addition to their home. When considering a pet there are many breed specific rescues that can be considered as alternatives to hybrid dogs. Please consider adopting a mutt and saving a life rather than ordering a designer dog. You’ll be glad you did! Pictured above is a Designer LabraDoodle. Below is a crossbreed named Diesel a Rescue ....Can you tell the difference?

local stories...local people...local pets

Hinton & District SPCA Bailey is my name and wiggling is my game! I am a Lab/Rotti X and I am always ready for a run! I am not bad in the vehicle and my leash skills are improving – learn more about me and all my other friends at

Hello...what’s your name? They call me beautiful Belle and I am a 1yr old Lab X who loves to talk! I also like to pick my friends and love to run at the park. My recall abilities need some work but I promise I am well worth the time!

Could I be any cuter? My name is Delilah and I am a very sweet, approximately 9yr old Shep/Basset X... they think! I have a short stature and a big heart! I am excellent off leash, love to ride in the car, (especially shot gun), good with other dogs and seriously enjoy my treats. I can be quite vocal when I am excited and I’m full of love to give. However my short legs do create a little trouble with some stairs particularly laminate.

My name is Nevada and they tell me I am a Malamute/Golden Retriever X. I have a nice temperament with humans but I’m not always keen on other dogs –I like to choose my own friends thank you! My leash training needs some work but they think with a gentle leader I will improve really quick.

My name is Jasmine and I am a 1yr old lab X. I can be a little timid, but I’m super duper sweet. I have spent time around children, love my walks, and ride well in vehicles. I am looking for a gentle family who will play with me forever! Seriously folks –check out this grin!!! My name is Molly. I am a 5yr old, beautiful, Akita X and I’m not a big fan of small dogs. I am good with older children but I can be a bit of an escape artist. I am beginning to suffer from kennel stress so I really need to find a new home soon!

Come to where there‛s mountains of love or call (780) 865-2800

Paws And Claws Animal Rescue Foundation We are the Weeds and we have spread to Red Deer! We are fat, sassy and thriving! My name is


Ragweed and I am the only boy in the weed crew. I am the social butterfly, always happy, outgoing, and fun! Thistle is my little sister, and everyone thinks she’s just the sweetest thing around...she’s ok I guess. My other little sister Dandelion is cute, cute, cute, but she also talks a lot...some people like that but I don’t think it’s anything to write home about personally. Chickweed is my biggest sister, she is very pretty and loves everyone and everything. We are around 3 months old and looking for a place to bed down if anyone out there thinks they can provide a good home for us to put down some Thistle Chickweed permanent roots please contact Paws & Claws soon! local stories...local people...local pets

pet rescue magazine

November 2007


November Feature Group


he Alberta Ferret Society (AFS) is a non-profit, charitable organization, operated by a province-wide network of devoted ferret-wise volunteers. The primary objectives of the Alberta Ferret Society are: • To promote the health and well-being of the domestic ferret (mustela putorius furo). • To provide a rescue and adoption service specifically for ferrets, in order to compliment and lessen the strain on other animal welfare organizations. • To find safe, healthy and caring adoptive homes for sheltered ferrets. • To provide medical treatment, rehabilitation or when necessary, long-term care for sheltered ferrets that are too traumatized, elderly or ill to be easily adopted. • To provide education on the care and handling of the domestic ferret to all people, organizations and businesses with an interest in ferrets. • To promote proper veterinary care for ferrets through contact with veterinary clinics and associations. • To represent and promote the best interest of ferrets at a provincial and local government level. The Alberta Ferret Society was officially founded in July 1997 and was the first and only charitable ferret rescue in Alberta at that time. What began with a handful of ferret lovers has blossomed into a multi-member organization of professionals dedicated to the health and welfare of ferrets. ight from the beginning, the AFS took the time to establish a strong foundation that would be capable of sustaining it into the future. Since then it has grown into Alberta’s foremost authority on ferret care and rescue. Today, the strength of the Alberta Ferret Society comes from the remarkable diversity of its many volunteers and their determination to achieve its objectives. The AFS does not maintain offices or a free-standing shelter. Ferrets that arrive are housed in member-approved homes until permanent adoptive homes can be found.


To become a member, get information about surrendering, adopting or fostering, please contact the AFS toll free at 1-877-FERRET-0, in the Edmonton area at (780) 447-3336 or visit their website,

YumYumYum!! I just love eating... sometimes I eat just for the fun of it and ingest things that are neither edible nor digestible! As a result, I have suffered through a number of painful blockages (four to be exact –like I could forget!). Many ferrets like to chew on rubbery items and I am a perfect example. BUT...I am a wonderful ferret and only 1yr old. I am also sweet, easy going and get along well with other ferrets and cats. I will make a wonderful companion in any household, I just need a home where those tempting rubbery things (e.g. erasers, latex toys remote controls) are kept well out of reach or behind closed doors.

My name is Fergie and I am a petite little girl. I was an only ferret in my previous home and would like to remain the only pet in my next one too. I can be timid and shy at times... when surprised I like to run for cover and then take sneak peeks of you from my safe spot. I really love to be close and enjoy being held and carried around. I am only 2.5yrs old and want a home that understands how precious I am and can provide a quiet, peaceful, house with a regular routine.

Sarah the spectacular sable! That’s me! I am bunking with Hobbs lately but I have had so many homes in my short five and a half years. I really want my next family to love me forever and be my last. I am quite playful and active but I do like to play the ‘lick, lick, chomp’ ferret game!

Hey what is that thing you’re pointing at me??? My name is Brutus and I’m the handsome, young, sable on the left. I am only 1yr old. The cinnamon girl on the right is Noel and she is 2yrs old. She’s always bugging me about respecting my elders!

For more information call


An Apple A Day

dogs... cats & Cancer Piecing Together The Puzzle Erin Gunderson, DVM Hobbs is my name and going with the flow is my game! I am very laid back and get along well with everyone, including other animals. I have had a few too many homes already and I’m only 4yrs old. So, I am looking for some stability, my fair share of security, lots of love and a whole lot of commitment.

My name is Cloe and I love hanging with my gal pal Sarah. We get along well, but we don’t have to be adopted to the same home. I have the sweetest little face, a gorgeous sable coat and I am about 2yrs old.

Bubby here! Yep that’s my name and I am a 6yrs young, male. I am comfortable around people, dogs and even those smaller things they call cats! I will make a fantastic companion.

Dr. Gunderson is a practicing veterinarian at Whitemud Creek Veterinary Clinic, Edmonton


ancer is a topic of great interest today in both humans and pets because of its increased prevalence and devastating effects. Being such a complex topic, we are unable to cover the vastness and intricacies of the disease but hope this will cover some of the basics.

My name is Sarah and I am about 2yrs old. I am extra special because I have an enlarged heart...I am just that full of love! However, as a result I do require medication. One of my favourite things to do is cuddle up and have my neck massaged.

What is cancer or neoplasia? Cells are the basic units in living things that make up tissues in the body. They normally divide and reproduce at a constant rate, as they are needed in the body, to replace old cells. Cancerous cells divide at an increased and uncontrolled rate, creating excessive tissue and masses (tumors) amongst normal tissue. Not all tumors are cancerous. There are two types of tumors:

My name is Tiki and I am a 2yrs old, beautiful blaze coated female. I am comfortable around people and other animals including dogs and cats. As you can see I also have that ‘cute factor’!

1. “Benign” tumors do not invade other parts of the body. They can usually be removed and won’t come back. 2. “Malignant” tumors are cancerous and may invade local, normal tissues. They may also move to other parts of the body, causing problems at multiple sites. The spread of cancer to distant sites in the body is called a metastasis (pl. metastases). Different types of cancer Although “cancer” is often thought of as a single disease, there are many continued on page 11

Spay/Neuter Action Program (SNAP) Siegfried and Roy are our names and we’re brothers, who like many of the kittens at SNAP, didn’t get adopted while we were still tiny and cute. Hopefully many of you out there will see us for the wonderful young kittens we still are. After all, all kittens grow up to be cats, and we all need love and affection. We are around 4 months old and currently residing with our mom Emma. We are playful, sweet and would ideally love to go to one home to continue our shenanigans as the dynamic duo.

snap Spay Neuter Action Program

Simply Irresistible! I am one of over 85 kittens SNAP is currently looking after and hoping to find permanent homes for. You’d think spring had sprung by the high numbers of us still being born this late in the year. We come in all shapes, colors, sizes and personalities -and we all really need your love. Please contact SNAP and consider adding one or two of us to your family today. We’re the ginger sisters and we’ve been here quite awhile, but we are still patiently waiting for our family to come and find us. We were abandoned on a country road, and thanks to the kindness of strangers and a loving vet we found our way to SNAP. We adore each other and must be adopted as a pair…us girls got to stick together ya know! I am the sweetest little kitty you’d ever like to meet. I’m a 1yr old female and I was rescued from the pound by the SNAP crew. I have a quiet, loving disposition and get along with other cats and kids. Please call and arrange to meet me, I promise you won’t be disappointed.

Our names are Kiwi and PeeWee and we’re both long-haired tuxedo cats. I am a little girl and PeeWee is a boy. We were adopted several years ago, but were recently returned to SNAP through no fault of our own. My brother and I are quiet, inquisitive and very easy going. Ideally we would love to be adopted together.

If you have an extra large lap and love to share, please call SNAP right away!

Feral cats are the wild offspring of domestic cats who exist as a result of irresponsible pet owners who did not spay or neuter them. A pair of un-neutered cats and their offspring can exponentially produce over 400,000 cats in 7 years. Feral and homeless cats are a huge part of the pet population problem .Though many people think cats can survive using their natural instincts, they do not. Most die from disease, starvation, accidents or end up as food for a predator. The majority of those that find their way to shelters are euthanized due to their lack of human/animal bonding and therefore the inability to be placed with families. SNAP is one of the few rescue groups who are working tirelessly to trap, spay /neuter and release these cats into an environment where they will be given warm shelter, food and water. Therefore, we are in urgent need of suitable warm barn homes for these animals.

If you or anyone you know can help please call SNAP at 968-0025. Please spay & neuter your animals 10

pet rescue magazine

November 2007

local stories...local people...local pets

An Apple A Day

continued from page 9

types of cancer that occur in our pets. The type of cancer that develops is named after its organ or cell of origin. For example, cancer originating in the lungs would be called lung cancer. What are the symptoms? Symptoms of cancer will, of course, vary greatly depending on the type of cancer, its location and progression. However, most cancers will cause the pet to exhibit subtle and non-specific symptoms. These include weight loss, decreased appetite, decreased energy levels, and decreased drinking. How do you diagnose cancer? First, you have to find it. Sometimes a tumor is felt or is actually visible. Your veterinarian can find tumors on physical examination: one reason why an annual physical examination is very important. X-rays may show tumors in the chest and abdomen, and occasionally, other areas of the body. Ultrasound can pick up some tumors that an x-ray cannot. Rarely, cancer can be identified in a blood sample. “Leukemia” is cancer of blood cells, causing abnormally high numbers and an unusual appearance to the cells in blood samples. The only way to diagnose a tumor definitively is by taking a sample of tissue from it (biopsy) and sending it to a pathologist. As you can imagine, biopsying can be difficult to impossible, depending on the location of the tumor. Staging Cancer Once a tumor is found, your veterinarian will recommend staging. The “stage” of a tumor is a description of how much the cancer has spread. This involves determining the tumor’s size, invasion of adjacent organs, and metastasis to lymph nodes or other organs in the body. What kinds of tests are involved with staging? A basic physical examination, x-rays of the chest and abdomen, and ultrasound are used to identify metastases and characterize the primary tumor. Blood work is used to identify involved organs or concurrent illnesses. Fine needle aspirates of tumors and lymph nodes (less invasive than biopsies, but usually less rewarding) or surgical biopsies are used to identify metastases and to grade the tumor (i.e. how advanced the cancer is). Finally, advanced imaging modalities like a CT scan or MRI (usually available only at referral veterinary practices), can identify the invasiveness of a tumor and any metastases that may not be detected by x-ray or ultrasound. Why does staging matter? The stage is important in determining your pet’s prognosis (length and quality of life) the most appropriate treatment(s). It is only after performing most of the tests described above, that a stage is accurately described. local stories...local people...local pets

Treatment Options The success rate of treatment available to your pet will depend on the type of cancer, its location, and stage. 1. Surgery Surgical removal of a tumor can occasionally be curative. However, surgery is usually used to “debulk” a tumor (decrease its size). Debulking is often used in conjunction with other treatment modalities (i.e. chemotherapy and radiation therapy) to increase their effectiveness. Surgery is also an effective way of preventing some cancers. Spaying or neutering your pet can prevent certain cancers (especially breast cancer) and other serious diseases (i.e. uterine infections). 2. Chemotherapy Chemotherapy is usually used to treat cancers that have spread. Effects of chemotherapy in pets are much different than in humans. It is not usually debilitating (severe nausea/vomiting, diarrhea, and decrease in energy levels) like it is in humans, although some side effects still exist. Most owners are pleasantly surprised at how well their pets do while undergoing chemotherapy. 3. Radiation Therapy Radiation therapy is used to reduce the size of a tumor or eliminate cancer cells remaining after surgery. It is usually only available at referral veterinary clinics. There are mild to moderate side effects that can occur shortly after therapy is finished, or months to years afterward. 4. Complementary Therapy Principles of acupuncture, homeopathy, massage therapy, physical therapy, and nutraceuticals can be applied and integrated with traditional cancer therapies. These alternative therapies should only be continued on page 13 pet rescue magazine

November 2007


Second Chance Animal Rescue Society (SCARS) Vinny here! This new foster home is great. I have lots of space, my sister Kinny, 2 kids, and 2 resident dogs. I am a 10 week old female Border Collie X. If super active and funloving describes you, then I’m your gal! I love to play with my foster Mom and the kids. I play with all kinds of toys and balls, even a water bowl is great entertainment. When it’s quiet time, I love to be snuggled and loved by the kids or whomever is nearest. I am a really great little girl. Please call (780) 967-3492 but not after 9pm as I need to get my beauty sleep.

Hi! I was abandoned with two other dogs in a volunteer’s personal yard...very unfortunate for the volunteer as there was no place to put us. I was tied to a fence post and by the time the volunteer got home from work, two of us were so tangled up in chains that we couldn’t move and the third was running loose!! Good thing the resident dogs were not out, what a cruel predicament to be placed in. The people who dumped us (on an already heavily burdened volunteer) left a note, but no name or phone number. According to that note I am a 2yr old Pyrenees X. According to SCARS I am a wonderful, wonderful boy who deserves so much more! If you value loyalty as I do, and think you could commit for life, please call (780) 675-3018 for more information. SCARS would like to thank the volunteers who stepped up to squeeze these dogs in so that the dogs that were next, in a very long line waiting for intake, did not have to be euthanized as a result. Animal rescue work for any organization is a constant and heartbreaking challenge. Please promote adoption of rescued animals and spay/ neuter your’s a small start towards doing your share for these wonderful, innocent, and dependant animals.

Well I obviously don’t need to tell you how cute I am since I now have my glamour shot posted. My name is Katie and I am a beautiful 11 week old Collie/Shep X. Like all good looking ladies I have some demands from my future family: I require lots of hugs and attention, a big comfy bed, toys, and somebody to play with. And a lady likes to be told how lovely she is every day so please add that to my list. Oh, and a doggie brother or sister would be great too as I may wear you out. I have tons of energy, a wonderful disposition, and would be a fantastic addition to your family, so call and find out more about me...(780) 462-8482 woof..woof This is Whitney signing in. I’m a young, (under 2 yrs old) female Shepherd X. My 45lb. body holds a real people lover! I’m very sweet and smart. I know how to sit, shake a paw, and will cuddle all day if you let me. Unfortunately, I’m not a real dog lover. Hey! Don’t write me off just yet! I like some dogs and dislike others (you’re probably the same with the people you meet) If you have a dog, we’ll have to get together to determine if we’re compatible. If you don’t have a dog.....what are you waiting for? Cats are for chasing....simple. You can get hold of me at (780) 619-1206.

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pet rescue magazine

November 2007

Jinx here... everyone says my name has nothing to do with my nature but I have been here so long I’m scared maybe they ‘jinxed’ me with the name! If you are the ones for me, hurry up and prove them wrong!!! I am around 2yrs old now and I can be a bit dominant the odd time but for the most part I just ignore other dogs. I am trying to ignore those crazy cat things too... but I’m still working on that! I am pretty active and not too bad on the leash either. My foster mom calls me a “People Pleaser” and hopes someone out there will see me very soon for the gem I am! Please call (780) 675-3018 for more info on my sweet face of fur! Hi folks, I’m Mya and I am a very, very, extra sweet girl. The kids here all argue over who gets to walk me because I never pull on the leash and always have lots of love to give. I would prefer to be the only dog in the family, and I want to tell you why. When I was found I had been beaten up very badly by some other dogs. It hurt really bad and I had to have many stitches, so I’m sure you can understand why other dogs scare me and make me a little defensive. Do you have room for a sweet girl like me? I just want to be safe in a new home and loved forever. If you think you could keep me feeling safe please call (780) 675-3018. Hi folks, I’m Skittles and I gotta tell you, I am seriously gorgeous! My foster mom says that I am the ABSOLUTE best lil’ pup around...and she’s pretty smart so I must be! I just love to run and everyone loves to watch me. I also love belly rubs and snuggles too. I have tons of energy, even for a 6 month old Border Collie X, but I also like to just take it easy and sprawl out on the floor with the kids too. I’m housetrained, crate trained and not too bad on a leash either. Please call (780) 619-1206. local stories...local people...local pets

Prairie Animal Rescue (PARS) Yabba Dabba Du!!! Freddster here THE Freddster that is, from the Flintstone gang. I am a 3 month old, Shepherd/Lab/ Collie X, and I lovelovelove life. I plan on being medium to large, and I firmly plan on pooping, chewing, and digging...any complaints? Yah, to the paw people -or talk to the people that don’t fix their dogs. I am totally puppy, 100% love and completely entertaining! If you have a family ready for some puppy love, give us a call here at PARS and ask to talk to Freddster I’ll tell ya if your good enough to let me run your house....

City Pet Talk

Well I’ll tell ya how it works here, my name is Spartan and I am a large, 18 month old, Akita X. When I walk through the doors around here everyone backs up, my foster mom raises her eyebrow, and we take it slow. That’s because us big guys can often be a little pushy and hard to handle, we often try to play boss or act like a teenage boy without manners. But I surprised her let me tell you, I let the kitty curl right up next to me and even let it eat out of my food dish. I don’t mind the other resident boys here at all and I love to talk to the ladies! Someone has been circulating a neuter rumour around here, apparently the ladies become less interesting after that. Beats me, but if you could love and care properly for a cuddly, large, bundle of fluffy wrestling and wiggles, I’m your guy. Any chance you have a lady friend for me? I mean really folks...I sure like the ladies -how much difference can this neuter thing really make?

Our names our Bayler and Vegga and we are 6 month old, female, Lab X puppies. We are both very sweet, but unfortunately we were given away as a pair. Not unlike having twins, two puppies are a LOT of work and together we would often listen more to each other than our previous owners...predictable and typical behaviour for us pups but I guess that’s how we ended up at the pound. Sadly, we were recognized but still no one stepped forward to claim us as their responsibility. We are very bright, intelligent girls, although sometimes we can be a bit on the shy side. Hopefully we can both find separate loving and committed homes to care for us forever. or call 780-536-3868 An Apple A Day

cont. from page 11

implemented with recommendations by a licensed veterinarian. 5. Palliation When the detriments or cost of treatment outweigh the benefits, supportive therapy can be instituted to reduce pain or other symptoms caused by cancer, that may be decreasing local stories...local people...local pets

your pet’s quality of life. When cancer cannot be cured, the goal of treatment is to extend your pet’s quality of life. The advantages and disadvantages of treatments should be weighed carefully when choosing them. Your veterinarian will be instrumental in helping you make these important decisions.

A Responsible Pet Owner Check List


hen you choose to adopt a pet, you make a commitment. As an animal’s guardian you are responsible to sustain its life and safety in the human world. Consider the following checklist.

• Does the pet you are considering to adopt really suit your lifestyle, health and income? Research the animal’s size, habits and needs before you adopt so you avoid surrendering the animal to a shelter. • Can you provide adequate food and shelter? Food, shelter and healthcare costs can really add up. Work out the yearly cost to properly care for this animal before you adopt it. • Can you attend to your pet’s grooming needs? Animals like to be clean, so regular bathing, brushing and nailtrims are necessary. • Do you regularly take your pet for veterinary check ups? Pets can develop life-threatening illnesses and need basic medical care. • Have you spayed or neutered your pet? Thousands of unwanted animals are euthanized yearly because agencies cannot find homes for them. • Does the pet require identification within your municipality? The City of Edmonton requires cats and dogs to be licensed (and encourages ID chips) to assist agencies to reunite lost pets with their owners. • Do you know the local bylaws? The City of Edmonton requires dog and cat licences and regulates dog parks, picking up and nuisance behaviours such as barking. Dogs and cats are part of our community, so it’s important that they are well socialized and accepted by our neighbours.

pet rescue magazine

November 2007


Safe Haven Animal Rescue Edmonton Society (SHARES) Everyone calls me Momma Brown and I was found at a local dump. I have had many litters in the past but I am now spayed and ready for adoption. I am very affectionate and sleep quietly in my crate at night. I am good on the leash, potty trained and very patient with the little pugs in my foster home. Silly little guys are always stealing my bones but I let them, I’m just that loving! I am quiet, laid back and will be a great addition to any family. Everyone around SHARES calls me Ally and I am an 11 month old, very friendly and outgoing girl. I love to be close and cuddle on the couch or bed. I am only around 2ft tall and 40lbs. I am very quiet, house and crate trained, good with other dogs and fine with cats. I am also fantastic off leash with great recall.

My name is Taffy and I came from a pound with a broken pelvis but I am feeling way better now! I am about 5yrs young and if you are looking for a quiet, loyal, companion that likes the laid back kind of lifestyle...then I am your girl. I like going for walks and relaxing around the house. I do not chew and I am not a big fan of toys. All I want is to be close to my people so I can watch over them and I am loved always! I have a sweet disposition and get along with other dogs as long as they have a fairly relaxed temperament like me. I can get annoyed with playful dogs or puppies sometimes though. I am very devoted and with my loyalty comes a protective nature for those I love and value most. I will need to be kindly kept in place but I’m worth it -I would go to the ends of the earth to protect you.

My name is Purdy and I originally came to SHARES pregnant last winter. My babies all found great homes and now it is my turn! I am a good natured girl who is quite petite for a Shepherd. I am kennel and potty trained and happy to say I am also now spayed. I am a well behaved girl who deserves a great new home to call my very own.

I am the perfect friend to snuggle with! My name is Bosco and I am about 4yrs old and I LOVE to cuddle and play ball! I am very friendly to everyone I meet, housetrained, crate trained and tolerate small children very well...even the 3 year old in the foster home gives me snuggles! I get along fine with dogs of all sizes and love car rides! Lately I have been really enjoying going for quad rides. I understand basic obedience commands and I am good off leash, but I still would really appreciate a fenced off acreage to call home. My name is Corky and I am only 2ft tall and around 25lbs. I am 3yrs old, good with other dogs, cats and even travel well in the car. I am also crate and potty trained. I am a smart little guy who wants to please and I will win you over with my foxy little grin and excited twinkly eyes, especially when I know there is a walk coming my way! I love to fetch a ball or Frisbee, give kisses, shake a paw and in general just try to please you. I come well when I am called too!

Call (780) 707-5753 to learn more about these wonderful pets or visit


pet rescue magazine

November 2007

local stories...local people...local pets

The McDonald Family Animal Rescue

My name is Sabra and I’ve had a tough life…like so many others of my kind, I was dumped onto the streets to fend for myself. The nice folks at The McDonald Rescue were told of my plight and they came to the pound and took me home. Everything was going so well for me in my new foster home…but one afternoon, I started feeling pain in my face…my eye was protruding and itchy. My foster dad noticed right way, and rushed me off to the emergency room! After some vet visits it was confirmed I had an abscess. I was so worried that I might end up losing my eye. My foster parents were so kind and diligent with me…they gave me my medicine, took me to my checkups, and made me feel as comfortable as possible until my surgery. The next week, they took me to the vet again. This time was different….one minute I was sitting on a table, surrounded by Drs…and then, I woke up, groggy, a dull pain in my face. My eyelid was stitched up, but I heard them say that I’d see again, they’d saved my eye! The McDonalds came and picked me up October 17th, and this picture was taken a few hours after I got home. I’m getting ‘round the clock supervision, in a small cozy hospital enclosure and having my eye flushed out regularly…It hurts, but I’m taking my pain medication regularly and I know that I’m going to feel a lot better soon…and I’m so happy that I still have my eye! Now, once I’m all better, all I’ll need is a permanent home, a family to call my own forever. If you think you are the right family for me, please contact The McDonald Family Animal Rescue. I’ll be waiting for you! *Special thanks to the kind staff at the Southside Animal Hospital who made me feel safe, kept me comfortable, fed me veggie baby food when I felt too weak to eat myself, and encouraged me when I gathered the strength to eat on my own.

To Spay & Neuter is a Gift of Kindness to Your Pet local stories...local people...local pets

Northern Alberta Society For Animal Protection (NASAP) They call me Angel and I am a gorgeous, 9yr old sweetheart. I was abandoned at a vet clinic, but now I am with NASAP to find the best possible forever home. I have a sweet disposition and love getting attention. I am also fairly inquisitive about my surroundings, but generally stay calm and quiet. I am always a bit wary of new cats at first but once I get to know them I settle in fine. Hi, I’m Misty and I am a wonderful, quiet, 7yrs young girl with lots of energy. I am well mannered, walk nicely on a leash (which I love to do!) and I am gentle with cats. I get along great with dogs and love kids too. I love to play fetch and REALLY enjoy the water. Beware though....if you are having a bath, I will jump in if you do not shut the door!! I also sleep like a dream, without fuss, in my kennel. If you are looking for an energetic, middle aged, lady who settles well on the couch for snuggles, then you might be my match! My name is Dolly and I am a 12yr old, affectionate girl that came to NASAP from an abandoned farm. When I was rescued, I was very pregnant and gave birth to three healthy kittens the very same morning – while in transit! My three little ones are named Dixie, Artemis and Scrump and once they are weaned and I reach a healthy weight I will be spayed (Yahhh!) and ready for adoption. I love other cats and stay very submissive...I do demand my cuddles though. If you want a family cat who will sleep with you, sit on your lap and just enjoy living in a warm, dry, home with good company please call NASAP today.

My name is Eddie and I’m a very sweet, not to mention young and handsome, tuxedo cat. I was rescued with my buddy Alanna from the Nisku area where a woman was trying to cope with a large number of abandoned cats. We were both a bit timid at first but given time and patience in foster care, we completely trust people again and have wonderful personalities! I just love to cuddle and will lay and roll around in your lap to soak up all the love and affection you can provide. I am pretty quiet but when I do meow it’s a very cute and high for purring, I am a machine whenever someone pets me! I need a quiet and strictly indoor-only home where I will have time to settle in. I get along very well with other cats and in a perfect world I would be adopted with my good buddy Alanna at a reduced price. The only requirement is that we be spoiled rotten by our new pet parents! Please email NASAP for information on Alanna and me! Hi, I’m Darwin and I am around 6yrs old. I was brought into NASAP by the Leduc pound. Before the pound took me in I was fending for myself on the streets, so I came in with matted fur and really bad teeth. I have now been shaved, had some teeth pulled out and adapted well into my foster home. Sometimes I get into these playful moods where I run around the house pouncing on anything that gets in my way and other times I really just like to lay in my bed! And then there are the times where I like everybody to pay attention to just me. Uh oh...feeling that coming on right now –quick stop looking at any of these other rescues and come check me out! Please ADOPT me and LOVE me forever! or call (780) 922-0250 pet rescue magazine

November 2007


Why was created to help fulfill a dream of my little girl when she was 6 years old. For over a year she kept telling me how she wanted to help animals but did not know what she could do. The one thing she came up with was to join the David Suzuki Foundation as she had watched him on TV and on some videos. About once a month she would continue to express this need to assist animals. It started me thinking as I really did not know how to answer her. For about 6 months the idea of percolated in my head until I decided that it was time to do something.

Why sell ink?

3D-Marketing Inc. is in the business of selling ink to both dealers and end users across Canada. This was a perfect match for our business and my daughter’s dream to assist animals. donates $1.00 from every inkjet cartridge sold and $2.00 from every toner cartridge sold to a animal charity of your choice. During the checkout procedure you can select any charity that has signed up to be part of our network. If your favorite charity is not listed you should direct them to so they can join up. There is no cost to them.

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