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pet rescue magazine

November 2009

local stories...local people...local pets

In this issue

Lap It Up


Dreamcatcher ~ A place where Nature-Assisted Therapy is making dreams come true

Animal’s Count 10 Homless ~ Tips for Street Cat Care


Oscar ~ A Rescue’s Road to Providing Freedom

15 Pet Horoscopes

Rescue Organizations


Edmonton Reptile & Amphibian Society

Me Not Cat 10 Forget Sanctuary


Chinook Winds Greyhound Rescue Foundation

Chance Animal 11 Second Rescue Society


Prairie Animal Rescue Society

Beginnings Rabbit 12 New Rescue


Beagle Paws Rescue

Humane 13 Edmonton Society


Spay/Neuter Action Program

Homeless 13 Whitecourt Animal Rescue Foundation


Northern Alberta Society for Animal Protection

14 Hinton & District SPCA


Fort McMurray SPCA

Animal Rescue 14 Humane Team


Providing Animals with Safety for Life

Cover They named me Nala. It’s certainly 1st class all around here but I’m a copper-colored diva (is my hair in place?) and I can’t understand why I have not been adopted. I am fast, you could call me “Speedy Nala”, in another life I may have been a Formula 1 driver! I want an indoor only home where I will always be safe. For information on me please contact

“We may have found a cure for most evils; but we have found no remedy for the worst of them all, the apathy of human beings.“ Helen Keller At a time when we are facing a crisis with the number of cats and kittens that need to be rescued this quote fits like a glove. Although not all people are part of the apathetic ranks, there are still too many. Everyday calls come in regarding cats or kittens on the streets needing to be removed, needing help, needing an empathetic outstretched hand. The problem is there are no immediate homes for them to go to because there are far too few trying to help far too many. Our “throw-away” society has lost sight of the fact that the cats and kittens living on our streets and in residential yards are living, breathing family units. They feel hunger, they feel pain, the babies are just that, babies, and the mom’s nurse and care for them, just as we care and nurture our own young. We were fortunate to visit one of the feral colonies this past month and watched the protective nature and love shared by the group. They don’t want our fires, they don’t want our homes, they just need our support and that means for some to stop and think about changing some of the priorities of what’s important in life. Children hold curiosity and compassion for all animals, at what stage of growing up do some of us get that compassion “kicked” out of us? It is clear that we need to all come together to help those that can’t help themselves. We should look to their beauty and what we can do for them, so we can share our world as compassionate human beings.

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Mention this ad & get 10% off our boarding services or products 780.662.DOGS (3647) 24 hour staff • several exercise sessions per day non breed specic • special needs accommodated at no extra charge • individual attention

pet rescue magazine November 2009


Dreamcatcher A place where Nature-Assisted Therapy is making dreams come true

control these anxiety provoking thoughts and Jerry says he is feeling better. Thanks to Thorpupy who just thought he was having fun!


oo cold to work outside and no barn yet. Jerry looked at me with big brown eyes and said: “Now what are we gonna do?” Jerry had been coming to see me for a Thorpuppy month. Diagnosed with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Oppositional Defiant Disorder and exhibiting aggressive and violent behavior at home and at school, he was in need of some help from my 20 fur and feathered friends who specialize in helping kids. The horses were all eating at the hay bale. With heads shoved in as far as they could go; chomping away at the sweet green hay. We climbed up into the hay bale to be with the animals while we chatted. My black lab played furiously in the snow at our feet. Thorpuppy was injured by his mommy dog when he was three months old and has brain damage on his left frontal lobe. When he plays, he plays for hours. During the summer in the pond and in the winter in the snow; he has quirky little rituals like dragging his stick backwards into the pond or through the snow until everyone goes home, even if it’s ten hours later. It’s as if he can’t stop. Sitting in the hay bale with the horses munching around us, Jerry told me he was with his youth worker the night before and she kept telling him things over and over again until he got angry and told her to shut up. I asked him why he thought she kept telling him stuff. Jerry changed the subject and asked “What is Thorpuppy doing?” I reminded Jerry about how Thorpuppy had a brain injury and that sometimes he is obsessive about playing and he just can’t stop. Jerry said: “Is that what it’s called? Obsessive? He’s just like me!” “Just like you? How?” I inquired. Jerry went on to tell me how whenever he is doing something, he has to do it four times or else he can’t do something else. He told me that the night before when he was with his youth worker, he had to run through a snow pile four times even though she was trying to get him into the car. Jerry said it happens all the time and he gets in trouble at home and at school for it too. Well, who would have known? Turned out Jerry was just like Thorpuppy and if it hadn’t been for Thorpuppy’s unusual behaviors, we never would have known! We informed Jerry’s treatment team who did an assessment to see whether or not Jerry had Obsessive Compulsive Disorder as part of his disabilities and turned out he absolutely did. Jerry no longer gets in trouble for the things he can’t help and has learned how to tell people what is happening when he feels he needs to complete a ritual. His team has helped him learn to 4

pet rescue magazine

November 2009

Eileen Bona is a Provisional Psychologist and the Owner/Founder of Dreamcatcher Nature-Assisted Therapy Association, a non-profit society using animals and nature to help children, youth and adults who have disabilities or mental health diagnoses. For more information, visit online: or call: (780) 922-1047

Edmonton Reptile & Amphibian Society (ERAS) Hello, I am in need of a new home. My owner was moving so he just gave me away at the last Reptile show. I am a good eater and I am not quite full grown yet. I am a Bearded Dragon and I really hope to find a new home soon.

I am a Common Boa Constrictor. My boy was getting bored of me and I was becoming quite large so he surrendered me to the Edmonton Reptile Society. I am a little under weight for my size but I eat very well. If you are interested in me please call the number below and ask about me. I would love to meet you! Hi, I need a new home. My owner bought me last year on an impulse and doesn’t want to take care of me anymore because I am going to get too big. I am 5 inches now and I’ve grown out of my old tank. I am a very handsome male River Cooter. Please call ERAS if you are interested or would like more information. (780) 429-0934 local stories...local people...local pets

Pet Rescue Magazine Alberta Owned & Operated

Brought to you by the Pet Rescue Team Publishers J. Hunter V. Marando

Contributing Writers Rachel Sentes, Publicist How To Reach Us: We welcome comments, suggestions, article ideas, or questions. Please send them to: Pet Rescue Magazine Box 37099, 8712-150 Street, Edmonton, AB T5R 1E0 (780) 637-0999 email Pet Rescue Magazine is dedicated to saving the lives of homeless animals by promoting adoptions of rescued pets. Our goal is to provide an up-to-date pictorial directory of shelters, humane societies and rescue organizations in Alberta. Deadline for submissions is the 15th of each month prior to publication. Please note that Pet Rescue Magazine reserves the right to refuse or amend editorial pieces at its discretion. Pet Rescue Magazine is published on a monthly basis by Finally Free Publishing, Inc. Pet Rescue Magazine cannot guarantee the health or temperament of any animal offered for adoption through this publication. We try to keep information as current and accurate as possible; however, we cannot guarantee the availability of a specific animal. Prospective pet parents must contact the organization directly to make certain a particular pet is still available or to inquire about the adoption process. Disclaimer: Finally Free Publishing, Inc. does not endorse or guarantee any products, services, or vendors mentioned in Pet Rescue Magazine, nor can it be responsible for problems with their products or services. Also, Finally Free Publishing, Inc. reserves the right to reject, at its discretion, any advertisment. Views expressed in Pet Rescue Magazine are not necessarily those of Finally Free Publishing, Inc.

Finally Free Publishing, Inc. All rights reserved.

Reproduction in whole or part without prior written consent of publisher is prohibited. Finally Free Publishing is an incorporated company.

EVERYTHING HAS VALUE ESPECIALLY THE TREASURES IN THIS PUBLICATION Please circulate pet rescue magazine to help ensure these rescues get maximum exposure and find new homes. local stories...local people...local pets

Prairie Animal Rescue Society (PARS) My name is Bart and they keep telling me that one day it will be my turn to find a home. I’m now the longest residing rescue here at PARS. It has been a long wait but I know you guys are out there somewhere! I am a well mannered gentleman that is going on 3yrs. I love my foster kids and although I’m not too crazy about the cats, I do listen well and think I could work on that. I hope my turn comes soon! Sweet Milish is what they call me. I’m a beautiful shy and reserved girl until I get to know you. I am very gentle with the kids and mind my manners. Check out my blue and brown eyes! I think I might have a little Wolfhound in me.

My name is Gregor and I have had a rough go of things this last month. I was taken from the pound before I was to be euthanized, adopted & then returned. Now I am back at PARS. I am an adorable and feisty little guy with a HUGE heart. I am also house trained and adore kids…all I need is a stable home to call my own! I am a lover of everyone and everything. Loyal Loyal Loyal…that is me! I will follow you everywhere; just don’t put me in a cage. I am great off leash and a bit of a Houdini but I never leave, I just like to sunbathe! Ask the girls they will tell you all about me. Hoss is the name.

Its kitten and puppy season…always! Here we are all adorable and cute but it’s important to remember we are the lucky ones. We made it to rescue and so many do not. PARS has many litters of kittens and puppies please come visit us all at the website below for more information. ~ (780) 536-3868

Chinook Winds Greyhound Rescue Foundation Howdy! I’m Howie! Would ya like to share your digs with a happy-go-lucky dude? I get along with everyone: men, kids, all kinds of dogs, and I REALLY like the ladies! Heck, even cats are OK as long as they don’t ask me to chase them…because I can’t help but oblige. Folks say I’m 9yrs old, but I don’t believe ‘em. I’m way too handsome and fun to be an old geezer!

My name is Neice. Sometimes people make me nervous but with people I trust I am happy, playful and I love cuddles. I also LOVE cookies and will do tricks or just about anything you ask me to for a treat. I like all kinds of dogs and cats are nice too. I’m looking for someone who really understands me and is fine with letting me choose my friends. (780) 988-9876 pet rescue magazine

November 2009


Spay/Neuter Action Program (SNAP) I’m just hanging out waiting for you to come and get me! My name is Freddy and I think it’s time I moved in with you! My life had a really rough beginning, my siblings and I were dumped in the middle of a road last winter when it was really cold out, but SNAP came to our rescue. I am very loving and I adore getting attention, but I never want to be abandoned again. Please make sure you are ready to make a commitment for life before you adopt me...I can’t have my heart broken again.

Hi my name is Treats…no wait actually it’s Mandy, but I do love my treats! I enjoy going on walks and car rides. I love people, other dogs, cats, birds, kids -you name it I like it. I can’t wait to show you how lovable I am. Call about me today!

Hello everyone! We are 3 of the many, many…MANY kittens that SNAP has available for adoption. We are all loving & playful kittens who need good homes. If you are considering adopting a kitten please contact SNAP and help one of our friends find their forever home.

Hello, Princess Emmie here…and I’m still here waiting for you! I am the most beautiful cat you have ever seen and my bright blue eyes are exquisite!!! I am always a little shy when I first meet people but I warm up really fast. A princess like me doesn’t deserve to be in foster care, I deserve my own forever castle!

Hello, Max here. I am a Short-haired Chihuahua. I am house trained, leash trained and an absolute sweetheart. I am currently in foster care with cats, dogs & children -I love them all! My old family had some unforeseen life changes and was no longer able to keep me but SNAP has promised to find me the best new forever family possible…could that be your family? I’m just hanging out waiting for you to come and get me! My name is Freddy and I think it’s time I moved in with you! My life had a really rough beginning, my siblings and I were dumped in the middle of a road last winter when it was really cold out, but SNAP came to our rescue. I am very loving and I adore getting attention, but I never want to be abandoned again. ~ (780) 968-0025

Beagle Paws Rescue Hello, my name is Daisy and I have a little story to tell you. I lost my family and I don’t know where they are. I looked and looked but I could not find them anywhere. It was really scary but then I was taken to something called a foster home. It’s fantastic fun! I get good food, lots of walks and doggy friends to play with. There’s even a doggie door, can you imagine? It’s great here but I’d really like to have a home of my own. ~ (780) 488-4636 6

pet rescue magazine

November 2009

local stories...local people...local pets

Northern Alberta Society for Animal Protection (NASAP) I’m adorable, don’t you think? My name is Tom and I’m a fluffy, cuddly 12wk old kitten. I was born in the pound with my two brothers who have since been adopted. I love to play but once I’m tuckered out, I’m a real cuddler with quite the motor!

I’m Ginger and my foster parents think I’m a complete doll to have around. I love belly rubs and get along well with dogs. I’ve had too many homes in my life so I would love nothing better than a permanent, loving home to be warm and safe in.

Good day! I’m Benjamin, a 1yr old boy who loves to be cuddled and talked to. I can purr up a pretty big storm! I love to chase string and toys to stay in touch with my kitten side. I enjoy the company of other friendly cats and dogs but would do best in a house without small children.

I’m Kiki, a 10mth old sweetheart who showed up pregnant in the yard of a NASAP volunteer. I had 5 kittens and was a great mother. They have all been adopted and it’s my turn to find a home now. I’m independent, affectionate and love to sit in the sun or just hang out beside you on the couch.

I’m a friendly 7mth old Australian Shepherd named Roadie. I am quite submissive, eager to please and very energetic so I need a home where I will get lots of daily exercise. I am also very intelligent, I don’t mean to boast but I gotta tell it like it is! I need to be taught some manners but I should learn quickly. I’m a real cuddle bug.

I am a petite 4yr old Jack Russell Terrier named Tex. I have good recall, a good temperament and I’m not hyper but I do love to chase a ball. I get along good with cats and other dogs too so long as they treat me with respect. I’m housetrained and love to cuddle; I’ll sleep under the bedcovers with you if you let me!

They call me Pinto. I am a 1yr old Lab/Collie X and this is not a great photo but I hope you can at least see my beautiful eyes. I was lost and ended up in the pound. I am a submissive pup who is eager to please. I am not rambunctious and will lie quietly and watch you as you go about your work. I also get along just fine with other dogs.

I’m Trucker. I’m a young smart & energetic Australian Shepherd X who came to NASAP with Roadie. I am a little calmer than Roadie though. I need to be taught some manners but, hey, I’m young, smart and willing to learn. If you have an active lifestyle and would enjoy some company on your long walks please call.

CAUTION DOGS AT PLAY ~ (780) 922-0250 local stories...local people...local pets

pet rescue magazine

November 2009



One of 32 Huskies saved from a life at the end of a chain Terra Mcl


t was a year ago when I answered a call from a retired recreational sledder looking to re-home 32 Alaskan Huskies. My heart skipped a beat; thirty-two of any breed is more than I could handle at one time. Over the following few days, I worked at securing placements for the majority of the dogs in other rescue groups. The current owner had promised if I was successful that he would deliver the dogs to them. Unfortunately, after hours and days of work on my part he failed to do so, and worse still he stopped returning my calls. Disheartened and frustrated, all I could do was hope that there would be an ounce of compassion towards the dogs’ welfare. I didn’t hear anymore about the dogs until July this year. It was a usual day filled with chores, when my phone rang. It was one of the Northern pounds telling me there were three Huskies that needed placing, I received two more calls from them that day, with the eventual result being three Huskies, followed by two followed by 20 plus. My rescue was full, moments of panic ensued before I remembered the sledder from a year ago. I questioned the pound only to find out this was the same person. Although he had moved away and left the dogs on chains, they were adjacent to another member of the family’s property and they were providing food and water, so there was no case for criminal abandonment. However, what I was about to hear next made me shudder inside. It was explained to me by bylaw that the retired sledder was told he could not surrender his dogs to the pound as the municipality would have to cover the cost of humane euthanasia. His options for dealing with the situation were as follows: 1) by-law would work with PARS if we were willing; 2) Move the dogs himself; or 3) by-law would dispose of the them with a bullet, the latter being completely legal. During this time I also contacted the Alberta SPCA, who had responded to complaints in the past, but under the law the dogs were being provided adequate food, water and shelter. Under the “rescue” law and my opinion they were suffering and completely abused by languishing on 5 foot chains with only plywood boxes without straw or insulation as their shelter. 8

pet rescue magazine

November 2009

I knew I had to see this for myself, so I contacted the sledder to get his perspective on the situation before making the trip to see the dogs. My visit was filled with empathy for these dogs. I spoke with the sledder’s relatives only to find out that he had not sledded in years and that, by the look of the chain marks on the dogs’ necks, the senior dogs appeared not to have seen the end of their chains in years. I knew that I would never sleep peacefully if all these dogs that had existed for years on the end of a chain would succumb to a bullet. My mind was racing with thoughts of what to do next, but I kept returning to the thought of after the first shot was fired every dog would know exactly what was happening to them next, die in extreme fear, without ever coming off the chain. After leaving the yard, I immediately went to the pound and took the five dogs out, the rest I left waiting on their chains. I started calling the rescue groups I know, SCARS, PAKS, EHS, and with the help of some of their volunteers, posters and emails were flying through cyberspace within hours to raise awareness of the dogs’ plight. The rescue was tiring and emotional. To be totally honest, throughout the whole ordeal I went back and forth on my decision and PARS’ decision to help the dogs and not just throw my arms up in the air and walk away. I thought every day ex-sled dogs get destroyed (usually by bullet) when they are of no use to the sledder anymore; such is any commercial industry, why were these dogs any different? Why should I or PARS be exhausting the efforts of volunteers and rescue groups, and for what to take dogs that were extremely unsocialized and try to adopt them out? And every time, believe you me every time, a group called and said the dogs they took were not working out they would have to go, I was completely sure it was an effort in futility and a waste of everyone’s time and energy. What saved me from making the wrong decision was the collective support of the rescue groups. Even though they were experiencing their trials with Continued on page 15 local stories...local people...local pets

Fort McMurray SPCA Ok, to say I am an independent girl is an understatement! My name is Anastasia. I like my space and I like to do my own thing on my own time. It’s been hard to find just the right person that gets it! If you think you have the patience and time for a girl like me please call!

I’m Jack! I’m not originally from around these parts but since I’ve been here I have really gotten to love everyone around me! I may appear shy at first but I am really a friendly guy that loves the outdoors. If you are looking for someone that is willing to listen and have a good time you’ve found him! ~ (780) 743-8997 Paws For Life (PAWS)

My name is Elly and I am 1-2yrs old. I’m frightened of loud noises like the vacuum cleaner but can be convinced to come close. Although I absolutely LOVE to cuddle up, I am very tentative and even cower a bit when I ask for attention. My babies just opened their eyes so they will need me for several more weeks, but, then I’ll be ready for my fresh new start with my furever family. To meet me call SCARS at 780-466-7227

Hi there, my name is Sadie and I am a little shy. I need some time to get to know you before I am willing to trust you but if you give me some space we will be best friends in no time! I am a Bull Mastiff X and I’m roughly 1.5yrs old. I always aim to please and require a family that is patient and willing to work with me. I love playing with balls, shaking a paw, and playing with my friends. Hi there my name is Beans and I just want to say that this photo does not do me justice! I am a Rotti/Doberman X around 7yrs old. My name is Beans because I am known to have beans in my pants. I need a family who is willing to go through puppyhood with me and guide me through adolescence.

My name is Zipper and I have the short legs of a Corgi, but the brain of a Terrier. I love to be the center of attention and require a family that has experience dealing with the Terrier breed. I have not yet had the opportunity to live in a foster home but spent the weekend camping with a volunteer and had tons of fun!

I am a young Border Collie X named Trigger and I am one handsome devil! I would be a great dog for a family that could give me a “job” to do. I love playing dog sports and recently competed in a disc competition where I was judged to be the most improved dog throughout the competition!

Hi there, my name is Timmy because I was really timid when I first came to PAWS but now I am the life of the party. I love playing with my dog friends, getting cuddles from everyone, and being the center of attention. I need a little time to trust new people, but once I know you everything is OK!

(780) 471-2275 local stories...local people...local pets

pet rescue magazine

November 2009


Forget Me Not Cat Sanctuary Hi, I’m Brody and I’m from a beautiful litter of six kittens who were born in early June in an old abandoned trailer on a piece of property which our mom did not know was home to some very large dogs. The kind lady who lived there discovered us about two weeks later and before we could be hurt, we were all whisked away to the sanctuary. My brothers and sisters have already been adopted and I am looking forward to my turn. I’m a playful, sweet and affectionate little guy who would make a wonderful addition to a loving family.





I’m Bentley and I’m the spokesman for a gorgeous litter of four kittens who were born in mid-August in a little lean-to building in the Rollyview area. We can be adopted now but we will not be able to leave the sanctuary for our new adoptive homes until mid-December when we will have been spayed/neutered and fully vaccinated. I love to be cuddled like a baby and can purr up a storm. I’ve been giving eating lessons to an underweight little kitten here named Baby Mocha which explains my round little shape. After lessons and playtime, I love to curl up and sleep. My brother Dusty and sister Liza are both affectionate and have good purring motors. They love to be held and are always on the lookout for a friendly lap. Our little sister Lulu is still a little timid, but has made great progress in a very short time. As you can see, she is a real dark-haired beauty.





Hi, we are the Grady Bunch! We are a beautiful litter of kittens who were born in early July and we are now ready to go to our very own adoptive homes. We were delivered to the pound without our mom, but she was very loving to us while we were with her and she taught us to have kind, gentle, trusting hearts. Therefore, we are the most affectionate bunch of kittens that you ever met. We love to climb up a human’s chest and just lay there and cuddle and purr our little hearts out. We are all very playful, but not in a hyper way, and we are mostly peaceful and quiet and get along with everyone. ~ (780) 700-5525 10

pet rescue magazine

November 2009

With winter on our doorstep, please don’t forget those that call the outdoors their home. They matter no less than those that curl up on our lap or snooze by our fires. They are the ones that need our support, they are the ones that need our compassion, the ones that were abandoned to live on the streets. They ask nothing of us, yet survive regardless, but please open your hearts to them and support them. With regular food, water, a warm shelter and a tiny plot of real estate they can call their home, our cold weather will not be such a challenge. They deserve to live the lives they know; we as compassionate humans need to help them do that. Tips for Street Cat Care Food & Nutrition: The amount of food a cat needs depends on the size, the weather, and what other food sources are available. Expect an adult feral cat to eat roughly 5.5 ounces of wet (canned) cat food and 2 ounces of dry food daily (increase to a half cup if only feeding dry). Cats vary in their needs, and so some will eat more food, others less. Water: Outdoor cats need clean water daily and during all conditions. Throughout the winter months, here are tips to keep the water from freezing: - If possible, refill the bowls with hot or warm water. A pinch of sugar stops water from freezing as quickly, and provides an added energy boost. - Use heated water bowls (if near an electrical outlet). - Keep water in the sun and use dark colored bowls that will absorb the sun’s heat. - Use wider and deeper bowls. - Insulate the bowls. - Use double-layered bowls—they have an insulated air layer between the surface the water touches and the surface against the ground. - Place the water dish inside a small styrofoam cooler to slow the freezing. - Shield the bowl from wind. Information courtesy of Alley Cat Allies

local stories...local people...local pets

Second Chance Animal Rescue Society (SCARS) Hi there, my name is Ace and I am a Boxer/Collie X weighing in at about 55 lbs. I am a very friendly dog with people but can be somewhat selective with my dog friends. I need to learn some manners and I am still really skinny but I love my food so I will catch up soon enough!

My name is Delzen and I made a long journey by air from Snowdrift, NWT where I was rescued. I am a 1.5yr old Lab X, weigh about 60lbs and my picture does not do me justice. I travel well and so far I am calm with kids and get along fine with other dogs. I even helped walk one of my foster siblings to kindergarten! I would do fine in a home with dogs as long as I was introduced properly. If you think you could end my journey and bring me home for good please call. Archie here, and if you love the large guys then I may be the one for you! I’m a little shy at first but I come around pretty quickly. I am just a big lovable pup, so I may have some more growing to do. I’m still new, but for more recent information you can visit the website below.

I’m an older guy, maybe four or five years old, but who really knows. I’m a very friendly Shepherd cross, but I can be protective in my yard. My ideal home would be an acreage or farm, as I prefer being outdoors. I’m a loving guy and I am always thrilled to get hugs. This adoption message is in memory of my friend Gordon Morash. Writer, singer, editor, Gordon went to the Rainbow Bridge August 28 and met his four waiting Airedales, his beloved Welsh terrier Lucy and those wonderful cats. Heaven needed Gordon’s rich bass voice in the celestial choir. He is so missed. ~ Lasha Morningstar

Everyone calls me Monkey. Bylaw picked me up in Athabasca and I must have owners out there somewhere. I was found injured, unmoving, with my sweet face scratched up but I am doing just fine now. I am an older dog hoping to make it home. If you recognize me, please give me a call! I’m a great guy and love attention but I miss my family.

My name is Diva and I just arrived, so I’m a little shy right now. I’m a beautiful girl, with gorgeous colouring. It looks like I have had puppies not too long ago. I will tell you all more once I settle in. Sniffs ‘n Kisses! ~ (780) 466-SCAR local stories...local people...local pets

pet rescue magazine

November 2009


New Beginnings Rabbit Rescue My name is Noel. I was born around Easter but us bunnies have the life expectancy of a dog so I’m not just an Easter fling! Some call me “Teddy Bun” because I love cuddles. I have had lots of handling and I am litter trained. I am a constant delight and truly a champion at New Beginnings because my mother was saved from sure demise as a pregnant feral rabbit. Please consider us house rabbits as a pet…I always say you ain’t seen nothin’ until you’ve seen a rabbit binky! My name is Capone and I was rescued in Sherwood Park. I like veggies a lot, particularly carrots with their tops still on! I am pretty friendly, enjoy head rubs and have the most outgoing personality of the six feral bunnies here at the shelter. I was given the name Capone because during the first week I was here I busted out of my cage, I am a pretty smart bun! I would do great with rabbit experienced people. As I, like Bella, came from a feral upbringing, patience is a must.

Hop To It ~ Give A Spot: I am sponsored by the Seibert family ~ Thank You

My name is Bella & I am called the “jewel of the rescue.” I am the biggest bunny here weighing in at almost 10lbs. I was rescued from an industrial park in Sherwood Park last winter. I would be best paired with a male partner as I am quite submissive. I am very shy and would love to have you as my only best friend. My new home HAS to be rabbit knowledgeable and I would do best with people who have owned HOUSE bunnies. My name is Moses (AKA Tiny) & I too was born last Easter. I came from a large litter of nine. Although I am the runt of the litter, do not be fooled by my small size as I have the biggest personality. I like to run about & kick my legs as I play.

My name is Cupid and I was born in February. I came from a large litter of eight so we were all named after the 8 reindeer. I can be really friendly at times but also fairly shy when it comes to interacting with new people.


pet rescue magazine

November 2009

local stories...local people...local pets

Whitecourt Homeless Animal Rescue Foundation (WHARF) My name is Luna and I am so very happy to have some time to myself! I came with my 8 puppies and then kindly adopted an additional 7 Rottie pups. WOW, was that ever a lot of work, but fortunately I was strong enough to feed and clean them all. Now it’s finally my turn to be cared for and I can’t wait to just play, eat and be your very best friend!

Hi there! My name is Goat and this is Ferret and Smudge. Our mother was feral and we were bottle babies that were very lucky to be saved. I love to flop in your arms for belly rubs and Ferret loves to curl up in laps and purr up a storm. Smudge likes to give kisses until your face is wet and we are all super duper special!

I am Jack, and I know, you must think that I am the cutest guy alive. I am 2yrs old and was abandoned on a farm…what were they thinking when they just left me behind? I need to be on a couch where I can snuggle under your arm and roll over so you can pet my tummy, or at the end of your leash where I can prance around and show off to the other dogs! I promise to put the biggest smile on your face every time you come home.

They call us Oakley, Rogue and Booker. We were living under a building and found very weak from not eating. We were all bones and could barely walk but now all we do is run, play and munch all day! We used to be scared of people but now we love to sit in their laps for cuddles and kisses.





We are in desperate need of Foster Homes if you can help, please call us at the number below

My name is Wendel and this is Elsie, Hunter and Lexi. Our mother nursed 15 of us, seven of which were our adoptive siblings. We are big balls of cuteness! My foster mom laughs at me because I like to throw my head back and bark whenever I see her. Lexi is the sweet one, Elsie is known to run around biting everyone’s tails and Hunter is the largest in the crew with beautiful black spots on his back. OK…intros are over let’s play! ~ (780) 778-5299 or (780) 204-0264

Edmonton Humane Society (EHS) My name may be Romeo but I’m not looking for my Juliet, I’m looking for my forever home! I am a 3yr old boy who came to the EHS in May because I didn’t get along with the other cats. But, I am currently living in a cat chalet, with many other cats, and we seem to be getting along just fine! I am handsome, friendly, curious & playful, and I really enjoy a good head scratch.

If a sweet and affectionate dog is what you’re looking for, then I’m your girl. I’m Punky, a 10yr old Dalmatian. I am a calm and loving girl who would do well in a home with children of any age. Although I came into the shelter with another dog from my previous home, I do not care much for other dogs. I have a lot of energy, and still love to run & play!

Hey everyone, I’m Kinder the ferret and I have slinked my way into the shelter. I am a curious 2yr old girl who is hoping for a new home to snuggle in. Unfortunately my previous owners were not able to keep me when they relocated. I love to cuddle and I am hoping that you will consider me to join your family! ~ Adoption Line (780) 491-3500 local stories...local people...local pets

pet rescue magazine

November 2009


Humane Animal Rescue Team (hart) I’m Leila. I am a 14mth old Collie/Shepherd X and I get along with kids and other dogs. I love everyone I meet and give lots of kisses. I am good with my commands – sit, stay and leave it are a piece of cake. I am an active chewer, but I know to only chew my beloved toys. Can my toys and I move in with you?

My name is Sting. I am 8mths old, weigh about 60lbs and they tell me I am a Shepherd/Lab X. I listen well (even when I’m at the off-leash park!), know some of my commands and have been told that I am well behaved. How about you let me prove it to you?

I’m Saige and tell me I am a 4mth old Heeler X. I am still healing up from 6 fractures that were caused by being grabbed and thrown out of a house. My doctors are confident that I am going to heal just fine but it will be a few more weeks before I am splint free. Not only that, but I have learned that people are great –you just have to live with the right ones! ~ (780) 455-4278

Hinton & District SPCA My name is Charlotte and I am a HIGH energy Shepherd X. I love my time at the off leash park. I really want to play but I have too much energy for most of my friends! I also love to chase a ball!

I am pretty shy but very sweet! My name is China and I am a Coon Hound X. I am still young and have been learning to play with my new friend Rosie… although she is often more interested in chasing her ball!

I am a cute little Jack Russell/Miniature American Eskimo X named Yankee. Don’t be taken in by my small appearance, I have the attitude of a BIG dog! I do not like going in my kennel, in fact I hate it and get very upset with anyone who tries to close my kennel door.

Tar is my name and chasing a ball is my game! I am a Lab X and I have been very busy learning my manners. I have made great progress! I get along well with most other dogs and I am looking for an active family who can meet my daily exercise requirements.

I’m Loca, don’t you think I’m gorgeous? I am a total love and very people dependent. I do not like other female dogs but I am fine with most of the boys! When I am stressed I like to talk –doggy style!

Aren’t I handsome? My name is Rocket and I am a handsome Husky X. I have good manners and I’m great on leash. I really enjoy spending time with people and hope to have a new home soon with a securely fenced yard!

They call me Shasta. I am a 7yr old Golden Retriever/German Shepherd X who is looking for a forever home. I just came back from a week of doggie aggression therapy and I am doing so much better! I love to romp in the park and play tug-o-war (incidentally I usually win!).

My name is Rosie and I am full of energy! I am a fetching machine and I adore romping around at the park with my buddies. I can be shy in new situations but I adapt quickly. Can you find some time to play fetch with me or what? ~ (780) 865-2800 14

pet rescue magazine

November 2009

local stories...local people...local pets

Horoscopes What’s In The Stars For Your Pets This Month? Aries: March 21 - April 19 You may want to ride the high horse, but times are tough! Don’t bother keeping up with your neighbours, if your pack has a warm den, good health and regular meals count your blessings and help someone less fortunate. Taurus: April 20 - May 20 Often Taurus pets have trouble communicating with their two leggers. Don’t give up, you are not alone. Keep faith they are paying attention, and try to avoid destructive behaviour in your frustration.

Oscar Continued from page 8

the dogs, all agreed the dogs deserved better and were fully on board to help make that happen. In the end with some shuffling between groups all of the dogs were placed. The question of whether I had done the right thing would not leave my head until one particular day. I still had five Huskies at PARS, three still in my care and two in fostercare. One of my Huskies I had named Oscar. Oscar seemed so lifeless and vacant. Oscar although free from a chain, continued to circle and circle and circle some more. I decided to move him in with a pretty girlfriend, Diamond, (fixed of course) and this did little to improve his state of mind. The day in question, my son and I were watching Oscar and my son said “Let’s let him out Mom” now this was something I wasn’t about to do. I just imagined a white streak bounding out of our yard with me in chase. However, my son in his innocence was persistent and convinced me none the less. I opened the latch to the kennel and Oscar tentatively stepped out and sniffed, he checked out the other dogs that were waiting to go for their daily run with little to no interest. What did catch his attention was a tree in our yard that he immediately began to “water.” I started up my quad, the other dogs were bounding around waiting to go, but Oscar just surveyed the situation unsure of what was to come. As I slowly local stories...local people...local pets

moved the quad forward Oscar started to almost “tip-toe” and then he started rocking back and forth in a jerking motion as he tried to move forward. I didn’t understand, he’d walked fine in his run. As I moved the quad he moved too, his “tip-toeing” and rocking motion became faster and soon we were out of the trees and into the field. Oscar started jogging, looking side to side, and I realized at the start of our run he had been waiting to hit the end of the chain, he still couldn’t believe he was free. Oscar had figured it out, and he started running with a big doggy smile on his face and his tongue flapping in the breeze. Since that day, I rarely see Oscar without his huge smile especially if I let him out of the kennel, where he greets me enthusiastically at the gate. I fooled myself into thinking he is excited to see me, but he is excited for his freedom, which he gets every day. That day Oscar learned what freedom felt like and I learned too, that no matter how hard a day it has been I will never second guess if PARS or any of the rescue groups involved did the right thing for the Huskies. We all did it for Oscar, for Willow or Fjon and the rest. We may not always be successful in our endeavors to save lives, but all I have to do is look at Oscar and I know if I didn’t do it for anything other than him it was all worth it. I no longer cover up in bed at night and hope I did the right thing, I know I did, I just think of the moment Oscar knew he wasn’t on the chain anymore. prm

Gemini: May 21 - June 20 It’s time to let go and liberate the anger in your heart that keeps you chained. Very challenging at the best of times we know. Focus on yourself, instead of everyone else, and you will find harmony far sooner. Cancer: June 21 - July 22 It’s a good possibility many of you may be seeing more competition. Whether it’s a new pet or a visiting pet you may have to share your people. Do not concern yourself about toys; it is already out of your paws. Leo: July 23 - August 22 Gentle Leo, your family is always going to return to you and you must learn to relax when left alone. Try to ground yourself with meditation, yoga, a nature walk or just curling up alone in your kennel. Virgo: August 23 - September 22 With all of the flus & colds around cabin fever is getting the best of you this month. Don’t fret; your two leggers will have you out running again soon. Until then try to hold your horses and stop chasing the cat! Libra: September 23 - October 22 Things have been moving pretty quick for you these days. Sometimes it can be very overwhelming but hang in there; soon you will be whining and howling about life moving at a snail’s pace. Scorpio: October 23 - November 21 Good News! You could be in for a really great treat if you behave yourself and try to help others out. Try to be cooperative and avoid upsetting anyone without reason. Your good deeds will be well rewarded. Sagittarius: November 22 - December 21 This month your Sagittarian charisma could serve you very well! You’ll be shocked how accommodating others will be to your requests. Be gracious and you will be heading into December grinning like a mule eating briars! Capricorn: December 22 - January 19 Try to close any business negotiations as soon as possible this month to avoid potential loss. Investors appear to be favoring the pet industry and the cost of squeaky toys & toy mice may rock the market in the New Year. Aquarius: January 20 - February 18 The kids have been back to school for awhile now and life suddenly seems rather slow. This is a good time to get back on your schooling too so remind your people that you need ongoing training to be the best dog you can be! Pisces: February 19- March 20 Although you always mean well, often Pisces pets can be a little too persistent. Try not to push anyone too far this month or you might just open a can of worms you may not be able to close.

pet rescue magazine

November 2009


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