April 2015 || Keynote Vol. I

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The Keynote April 2015


Volume I

There is Truly Magic in Service



President’s Message


Message from your LTG


Elections & The New Officer Board!




Pennies for Patients


SKIP Readings


Contact Information


EDITOR’S NOTE Hello fellow Key Clubbers, Welcome to the new service year! My name is Katherine Yang and I’ll be serving as your editor for 2015-2016. In this newsletter, I will recap our events from April and introduce you to your new officer board. I look forward to having a successful service year with all of you, so let’s do our best! Yours Sincerely, Katherine Yang 2015-2016 Editor

PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Hello, my fellow Key Clubbers! Welcome to the new 20152016 Service Year! Although we are barely a month into the new service year, a lot of exciting service events have already happened! New officers have been elected to the service board; we get to see some new faces leading the club this year! Key Clubbers have returned from DCON as little experts of Key Club, its divisions, and its roles. Not to mention, we have completed one fundraiser, Pennies for Patients, and have had two ongoing service projects: the Day Care visits (which are monthly) and the SKIP reading visits (which are in two week intervals). Of course, there are some goals that PHS Key Club will strive for in the new service year. The officers and I hope to bolster participation, while giving Key Clubbers the chance to serve the community more frequently in smaller service events. This way, not only can Key Clubbers see the fruits of their labor, but also that they may be inspired by the change that they see happening in the community in which the reside. By giving back, Key Clubbers gain life changing experiences and

PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE memories that can never be taken away. A pretty good deal, don’t you think? :) If you have any questions, comments, or concerns please feel free to contact me, or any of the other officers, either through FB messages, via person, or through the club pthsd.net email. We’ll respond quickly, I promise! Yours in Caring and Service, Yang Fu 2015-2016 Club President

MESSAGE FROM YOUR LTG Hello Key Clubbers of the New Jersey District, My name is Priya Lad from Parsippany High School Key Club and it is with great pleasure to introduce myself as the Lieutenant Governor of Division 20 for the 2015-2016 service year. As a freshman, I entered Key Club at a complete utter lost and confusion. I was unsure of what the major emphasis of Key Club was and believed that we actually made keys. Fooled by the name of the club, I was quite surprised when I learnt a student run organization could have such an impact on my home, my community and world. Through my two years of being a part of the club, I learnt the meaning of giving back to your community and striving to do better. Likewise, I was given the chance to serve my home club as Historian in the 20142015 service year. Working side by side by my fellow officers, I was able to learn the ins and outs of a successful club. For those you are still unsure of who I am, I ensure you that I am a typical high student who stresses on a daily basis to finish my homework and cram for my exams. In my free time, you most likely will find me stuffing my face or sleeping. I also watch an endless amount of TV shows, draw, and paint, run and read books.

MESSAGE FROM YOUR LTG On a serious note, during the upcoming service year, there are some key goals I would like to accomplish as a division. It is key for not only Division 20 to work together, but it will help us make a bigger difference on a worldwide spectrum. Some goals that I would like to meet: -

Meet quorum for at least 2 out of 5 Divisional Council Meetings


Get all the officers trained by the beginning of the school year


Improve the communication and participation within the club


Establish key goals for each club to meet


Help each and every club reach their goal for the service year It is my duty to transfer your message to the district board. I will

not fail you and be right by your side when taking the next step to reach your club’s goal for the service year. Please feel free to ask me any questions or tell me ideas for events which I could convey to all my other peers. I ensure you I will be the factor that will create a difference within our division, the New Jersey district and the world. Yours in caring and service, Priya Lad 2015-2016 Division 20 Lieutenant Governor New Jersey District of Key Club International

PRESIDENT: YANG FU Hello again! My name is Yang Fu, and I am your new club president for the new service year! My role in Key Club is to work with the advisors and officers to make sure all events are show the best and brightest that PHS Key Club has to offer. This year, I hope to create an environment where Key Clubbers see the needs of those around them, and are not afraid to help. One does not have to be participating in a Key Club service even to serve others, and I hope to instill that passion of service. I am currently a junior who has been a proud Key Club member for two years. I enjoy trying the different types of coffee that Starbucks has to offer and dancing awkwardly (ask me about the Penguin Dance! I dare you J). Please don’t be afraid to say hi to me in the hallways! I’m not scary, I promise J

VP: ANNE CHENG Hi everyone! I’m Anne, one of your vice presidents for the 2015-2016 service year. The vice president’s job is essentially to make sure that everything is on track in addition to serving as the right-hand man/woman to the president. Whenever anyone needs help, the vice president should be there to provide support and guidance and to smooth things over. As for me personally, I possess a strong love for good food and daily naps. If you have any questions about Key Club or life in general, don’t hesitate to ask! Welcome to a new service year, and congratulations on making one of the best choices of your high school career by joining this club!

VP: MIKI HANSEN Hi! For those of you who don’t know me, I’m Miki and I’m your other vice president! As vice president, it is in my best interest to support Yang and be her right-hand-woman in organizing events while also attending the concerns and needs of general members and officers. On top of that, as VP, my job is to lead the way in developing service projects, old and new (while my partner-in-service, Anne, takes care of the fundraisers. Personally, my favorite color is tiffany blue and I have a fat cat named Ali ~ Fun Key Club fact: in May of 1925, a group of boys at Sacramento High School, who initially called themselves “Key Boys,” started the first Key Club.

RECORDING SECRETARY: CHRISTINA XU Hey everyone! My name is Christina Xu, and I am currently a sophomore. I love eating watermelon and strawberries, and I may or may not be slightly obsessed with my dog. I can spend the whole day watching song covers on YouTube and I loveee pizza J Now that you know a little bit about me, let’s talk on a more serious note. I am your Key Club Recording Secretary. As recording secretary, I am in charge of each member’s hours and organize attendance for every event. Each month, there is also a CMRF (Club Monthly Report Form) sent to our LTG, Priya Lad, which records the service and fundraising events our club participates in. I personally love keeping everything in order, so I love this position dearly. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me. I can’t wait to share a fun and exciting service year with you guys!

CORRESPONDING SECRETARY: MARINE-AYAN IBRAHIM AIBO Hi everyone! My name is Marine and I’ll be a senior during the 20152016 school year. For anyone who was wondering, my position essentially consists of talking to people outside of Key Club, whether they be school administrators, restaurant owners, or communications directors of various volunteering organizations. I mainly work to set up volunteering opportunities for general members! I look forward to working with all of you over the 20152016 service year. Fun fact about me: I spend a lot of my evenings practicing taekwondo! Martial arts is honestly one of the best stress relievers out there, but if I’m not kicking a punching bag, I can also be found playing some Bach on the viola.

TREASURER: SPENCER HUANG Hello! My name is Spencer Huang and I will be your 2015-2016 Key Club Treasurer. My primary role is to create and maintain a budget for all Key Club expenditures. I also make sure all district and national dues are paid on time and by every member of our organization. In my free time, I swim competitively, and I love listening to and creating music.

WEBMASTER: JENNIFER HUANG Hi guys, my name is Jen Huang and I’m the Key Club Webmaster for the 2015-2016 service year. As the webmaster, it’s my job to update the website every week in order to keep everyone updated. Hours, the calendar, contact information, and more are all included on the website which I created, so make sure to check it once in a while! A little fun fact about me: I love the color teal/blue and chocolate chip cookies!!!

HISTORIAN: STEPHANIE SHEN Salutations, Key Club members. I hope you’re all enjoying the new service year so far! For those of you who don’t know, I’m Shen. Stephanie Shen **puts on shades** and I’m your 2015-2016 historian. My primary job is to capture this year’s best service moments, from DCON to Relay for Life to Redstock, with the click of my camera. A NikonD3100, to be exact. With my Instagram-obsessed phase falling low like my GPA, I strive to take more authentic real-life pictures of those doing what they love (servicing, duh) for the beauty of preserving the memorable moments we will create. Look out for photos of our recent events in the PHS Key Club monthly newsletters as well as the bulletin board next to the big trophy case in our hallway. I’m so excited to a part of this wonderful club as an officer and I hope you all have as much fun as I do! Thank you and have a lovely day.

EDITOR: KATHERINE YANG Hey everyone, it’s me (again). I introduced myself in the Editor’s Note, but once again I’m Katherine Yang and I’ll be your new 2015-2016 editor! It’s my job to boost communication through the club, mainly through what you’re reading now: the newsletter. I’ll be keeping you guys updated on past events of the months as well as future ones, so make sure to take a look at my future newsletters! (It’d make me really happy if you did ♥) When I’m not frantically trying to salvage my GPA, you will most likely find me procrastinating or juggling all my extracurriculars and stressing out. I’m a big fan of unhealthy food, copious amounts of sleep, and – of course! – servicing. That being said, I look forward to a fantastic year with you guys, PHS Key Club of 2015-2016!

DISTRICT CONVENTION This year marked New Jersey’s 69th Annual District Convention, held from March 28th – March 30th at the Ocean Place Resort in Long Branch, NJ. Key Clubbers enjoyed workshops as well as two dances over the course of three days. This year’s theme was ‘the magic in service,’ also transitioning into our new service project: the Federation of Food Banks.

As for awards, Lily Peng won first place for the Impromptu Essay Contest, Eric Lai won second in the Video Contest, Miki Hansen was awarded the Golden Service Award, and Aleena Kazmi was awarded the Robert F. Lucas scholarship award. Be sure to congratulate them if you see them!



Pennies for Patients is an organization that supports children suffering from leukemia and lymphoma. Our club has already completed its first round of canning for this organization. Don’t forget to check out the “penny jar” posted on the bulletin board next to the trophy case, and keep your eyes peeled for the next opportunity to volunteer and fundraise for this cause!

SKIP READINGS The idea of SKIP readings is to foster a love for reading in younger students, which is why Key Clubbers will visit elementary schools to read to students from kindergarten to fifth grade. This is a great way for high schoolers to bond with the elementary students of our district as well! .


CONTACT INFORMATION PRESIDENT Yang Fu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . yfu16@pthsd.net VICE PRES. Anne Cheng. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . acheng16@pthsd.net VICE PRES. Miki Hansen. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . mohansen17@pthsd.net RECORDING SEC. Christina Xu. . . . . . . . . . cxu17@pthsd.net CORR. SEC. Marine Ibrahim Aibo. . . . . . . . mibrahimaibo16@pthsd.net TREASURER Spencer Huang . . . . . . . . . . . . sphuang17@pthsd.net WEBMASTER Jennifer Huang. . . . . . . . . . . . jhuang17@pthsd.net EDITOR Katherine Yang . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . kyyang17@pthsd.net LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR Priya Lad . . . . . . . ltg20.lad@gmail.com

Our Website: http://parhighkc.webs.com/ Our FB Page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1020765727951123/ NJ District Key Club http://njkeyclub.org/ Kiwanis of Greater Parsippany: http://parsippanykiwanis.org/


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