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Clover Park School District No. 400 ............................................................................................ 70
Andrea Caldwell
Elected Experience: Elected PCO
Other Professional Experience: Worked for over fifteen years in the Early Childhood Education field. Worked at a variety of centers, including centers on JBLM. All of these centers provided me with the opportunity to work with a diverse group of families.
Education: Graduated Bethel High School 1997. Attended Community College with focus on Early Childhood Education.
Community Service: Volunteered with my children’s schools, working as a chaperone on field trips. Volunteered with Mason County Literacy in the homework room to support children of immigrants attending literacy classes.
Statement: As a parent of three children currently in the Clover Park School District, I have encountered many issues of concern. I see a district that has become distracted by politics; a board that has abandoned its students and families for political agenda instead of listening to families and children who are not being challenged by the current curriculum. While graduation rates increase, test scores go down. Our children are spending thirteen years in school and graduating unprepared for the world, no matter what path they take. We need to step outside of politics and come together to take a hard look at what our families need to have an excellent education that properly prepares our students for the next step, whatever that may look like. Our children are not merely faceless members of some racial or ethnic group: they are individuals. Each individual child has their own needs and abilities. We need to be sure we are giving each and every child the best education possible. I look forward to working with you to improve our district and give each child an amazing education.
David G. Anderson
(253) 988-2536 communitymattersweb@gmail.com www.electdavidanderson.com
Elected Experience: President, Tillicum Woodbrook Neighborhood Association, 2006 to present.
Other Professional Experience: Owner Operator, Bill’s Boathouse, since 2004. Tacoma Lakewood Police Chaplain and Pastor.
Education: Graduated from Lakes High School, 1968. Attended University of Washington, 1969-1973. Graduated from Northwest Baptist Seminary, 1987.
Community Service: Helped Tillicum children attend summer camp for several years. Established Tillicum Pony League baseball. Mentored Tillicum children, partnering with Communities In Schools in Lakewood, AmeriCorps, and afterschool programs. Supported Lakewood’s Initiative and Referendum. Cofounder, current member, Lakewood Cares. Led team to put first Initiative in Lakewood’s history on ballot. Frequent Suburban Times and Lakewood JBLM Patch contributor, informing residents on community matters.
Statement: The greatest assets of any organization are the people it serves. There is no more important task for the Clover Park School Board than to come alongside the district’s 11,000 students and their families to shepherd children toward academic and occupational success, irrespective of their social, economic, or cultural background. In that regard, CPSD academic statistics are alarming and require immediate attention.
School district political activism has no place in our schools but rather detracts from academic excellence.
Parents want their children to realize their potential. As your school board representative, I will ensure that best practices for education are researched, recommended, and regularly reviewed for effectiveness. I will advocate for listening sessions to be held with citizens of my district. I will err on the side of transparency. I will insist that public board meetings be characterized by open, forthright, and informed debate.
These changes will give voters good reason to trust that their representatives are not simply presiding but rather pursuing that for which they were elected: the best interests of our children. A change in the direction of the Clover Park School District can only come with a change in leadership. Thank you for your vote.
Linda Ader
(253) 293-5614 www.votelindaader.com
Elected Experience: First office sought.
Other Professional Experience: I’ve spent 30 years as a national corporate Environmental Science Consultant in a male-dominated STEM industry. I led teams of professionals (chemists, geologist, engineers, biologists) in addressing a wide array of contaminated sites. Success involved diplomatically achieving buy-in from State/Federal agencies, Tribal entities, and municipalities on project goals while completing work on-budget and on-schedule.
Education: University of Hawaii, Bachelor of Arts - Environmental Studies; IHMM, Certified Hazardous Materials Manager (former); FSCC, Associates - Arts and Sciences
Community Service: Volunteer experience includes “Serve the Children” non-profit, Elementary School Reading Program, Kitsap County Hospice, Purdy Women’s Prison, St. Joseph’s Hospital patient visitor.
Statement: When one of my children fell behind in school, I faced challenges similar to those faced by parents today as a result of COVID-related educational impacts.
What’s more, the general heavy emphasis on college career pathways has reduced the likelihood of success for all students that would come from robust vocational and business training options. We should provide our children with relevant, high quality curricula and career choices. To this end, I’ll work to expand our District’s Career and Technical Education and Business Development programs.
As Martin Luther King advised, our children should be judged by the content of their character, not the color of their skin. Critical Race Theory (CRT) teaches kids to divide themselves based on their race and then view themselves either as perpetrators of wrongs they didn’t commit, or as victims of wrongs they haven’t experienced. There’s nothing that is unifying or empowering in this ideology; hence I’ll work against implementing CRT in our District.
Instead, it’s vital that we teach students to improve their positions in life through hard work, merit-based advancement, and strong characters. Social cohesiveness comes from these virtues which build common ground between all types of people. Vote for Linda Ader
Erik Johnson
(253) 307-6273 ejohnson@commonsense-curriculum.com www.commonsense-curriculum.com
Elected Experience: No Information Submitted
Other Professional Experience: 20 Years in Banking and Marketing. 12 years as a dedicated father.
Education: Masters Degree- Information Technology Project Management
Community Service: Community coach who love’s working with kids to bring the best out of them.
Statement: I throw my hat in the ring, not out of political ambitions, but out of concern for the direction of our children’s curriculum. Should our schools prepare children with a skill upon graduation? Should our youth graduate fluent in a programming language? Should our students have the option to learn a trade in school prior to graduation? Of course the answer to these questions is yes. Lets spend more time teaching these students to thrive and less time teaching them to divide people by class, race and creed. We are at a cross roads in our country and I believe in the American way. I believe our community should move mountains for these kids. We can and should be active participants in shaping the future of our children, our community, and our country. I ask you today if you are happy with the direction of our school curriculum? If you believe, like I do, the answer to that question is no, then vote for me and together we will plant our flag, for our kids.