3 minute read
Bethel School District No. 403 ..................................................................................................... 76
Terrance Mayers, Sr.
(206) 832-6203
Elected Experience: Bethel School District 403, Current District 4 Director
Other Professional Experience: Project Manager for King County Office of Emergency Management, Small Business Owner
Education: Rutgers University Management Program, Associates of Applied Science from Renton Technical College, Culinary Arts & Restaurant Management Diploma from The International Culinary School, Vancouver, BC, Canada, Kent-Meridian Senior High School Graduate
Community Service: My Brothers Keeper Alliance, AmeriCorps
Statement: I am passionate about ensuring that the children of the Bethel School District have the very best educational opportunities we can provide.
I know and respect many of the citizens of our community who invest their time, money, and talents to improve our schools. Recently appointed as the Director for District 4, I’ve had the pleasure of working with our board members and administrators who garner a culture of listening to citizens’ concerns, fostering their ideas, and respecting their ingenuity and contributions.
We have a strong school district with outstanding students, teachers, staff, and parents. I feel compelled to continue an active role in further enhancing the education of Bethel School District students through service on the school board. I am confident that my experience, knowledge, commitment, and problem-solving skills will serve the community well.
I would appreciate your vote and the opportunity to continue working on your behalf to improve Bethel School district schools for our children.
Sarah Cole
sarahcole4esd@gmail.com www.sarahkarlincole.com
Elected Experience: Proudly running to serve the greater Eatonville community for the first time
Other Professional Experience: Freelance Graphic Designer
Education: BA in Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences, UW, Tacoma; AA, Pierce College; Eatonville High School Graduate
Community Service: Active Eatonville School District and community volunteer for over 20 years; Eatonville Family Agency Board, current Second VP; Ida Karlin Healing Center for Youth Board; Eatonville Daffodil Festival Float Committee Chair, EHS Senior Surprise Auction Chair; American Cancer Society Relay for Life of Eatonville Co-Chair; Aid the Agency Campaign Committee; EHS Band Jazz Night and Santa Breakfast Committees, Weyerhaeuser Elementary PTA Secretary, Dollars for Scholars of Eatonville Committee
Statement: I fully support the district’s Whole Child Initiative which upholds the idea that every student should feel encouraged and valued in the classroom and in all places that reach beyond. This philosophy and practice is critical because students are most successful when they are engaged in inspired learning while also having their basic needs met. Another essential element of this plan is for our graduates to be equipped for the rigors of college, trade school, military service or any career in order to accomplish their life goals and be fulfilled as individuals.
The unique challenges that Covid presented revealed areas where we can better serve our students. An increased focus on communication and social emotional well being is needed. That process begins with listening. I will be a director that responds in thoughtful and proactive ways to meet the needs of not only our students but staff and community as well. Everyone’s voice should be heard if we are to effectively care for the whole child.
I’m enthusiastic to serve our district in a greater capacity and confident that my board experience and community involvement have prepared me with the leadership and collaboration skills necessary to serve our district well.
Jack Philbrick
(253) 380-8969 jackphilbrick@hotmail.com
Elected Experience: None
Other Professional Experience: Medical Doctor of Urology 1976 to Present; Lieutenant Colonel in the United States Army 19691979; Chairman of the Washington; Medical Association Political Action Committee; Board of Directors Washington State Medical Association
Education: Southwestern University graduated in 3 years with honors; University of Texas Southwestern Medical School of Urology; Residency 4 years at Tripler Army Medical center Honolulu, Hawaii; Volkshockschuler 2 years night classes to learn German. Frankfurt, Germany
Community Service: Lecturer on Urology given to the public through Hospital Outreach; Taught Sunday school First Baptist Church Robstown, Texas; Provided Prostate Cancer screening free to the public; Covid-19 immunization clinic volunteer Eatonville clinic
Statement: If elected to the school board I will endeavor to give the taxpayer value for their dollar and give students value for their time. I will push for that.
It is critical that we prepare our students for a world that we can not predict. To do that they will need the tools to make well reasoned choices and the skills to be lifetime learners. I will push for that.
Academics should be recognized on par with athletic excellence. I will push for that.
We need to teach students why they are in school. Teach all students a skill. Offer all students a path to self worth. I will push for that.