3 minute read

Eatonville School District No. 404 ................................................................................................ 78

Ashley Sova

(253) 720-1720 sovafamily5@hotmail.com

Elected Experience: No Information Submitted

Other Professional Experience: My husband Marian and I opened Sova Auto LLC. 20 years ago, starting from the ground up. Our business began as an Auto Body and Service Repair Shop and we have since been able to expand to multiple retail locations.

Education: Bethel High School: Graduated 2002

Community Service: As a dedicated active member in our community, I organize efforts and volunteer my time to Concerned Citizens of Pierce County, Eatonville ``Food Is Free”, and Veteran support groups. I personally work and donate to families that have lost a Service Member in action. I am involved in organizing community-lead recreation/learning programs for our youth.

Statement: I am running for Eatonville School Board Position 2 to focus my compassion, knowledge, and professional skillset to make a positive impact on the Eatonville School District. After residing in Eatonville and being active in the community for the past 17 years, I developed a passion for engaging in the positive development of our youth.

With concerns about the direction the School Board has taken in the past, our family chose to homeschool our three children successfully, since 2014. My goal is to re-introduce my children to a school system that promotes a partnership between parents and educators.

With your support, I will strive to promote a system that is free from divisive and pseudoscientific race theories that turn our schools into social experiments, and centers for indoctrination. Our strategy must focus on mathematics, history ,geography , science, health, fitness, and the arts.

Our children deserve the best in education. As your advocate, I will put my skills as a local business owner and long-time community organizer to work to promote an education system that prepares our children for the future. Together, we will endeavor to safeguard the conservative values and principles of the people of Eatonville in our schools.

Ballot Title

Will East Pierce Fire & Rescue be authorized to impose regular property tax levies of fifty cents ($0.50) or less per thousand dollars ($1,000.00) of assessed valuation for emergency medical services for each of ten (10) consecutive years to be collected beginning in 2022?

Explanatory Statement

For many years, East Pierce Fire & Rescue has asked the voters repeatedly to renew its emergency medical services (EMS) levy. Under current state law, however, the Fire Department can ask the voters to extend this levy for a 10-year period.

The Board of East Pierce Fire & Rescue has passed a resolution requesting an election to authorize a property tax levy in an amount not to exceed fifty cents per $1,000.00 of assessed valuation, each year for ten (10) successive years. This levy would re-establish the voter-approved EMS levy at 50 cents and would provide sufficient EMS revenue to fund the district’s Paramedic program, including the salaries, equipment and medical supplies of firefighter paramedics, and the cost to deliver critical advanced life support care and emergency ambulance transport service.

Approximately 75% of the calls for service by the district are EMS calls. Growth and call volume have increased during the last several years since the voters first approved an EMS levy. The regular property tax levy does not provide funds for an adequate level of emergency medical services. Without this levy approval the district would not be able to maintain its current excellent level of service.

Statement For

This is not a new tax! This is a request to reauthorize your previously approved Emergency Medical Services (EMS) levy rate of .50 cents per $1,000 assessed valuation.

Your support of the EMS Levy has allowed the District to hire paramedics and support a fully staffed Advanced Life Support (ALS) program. In addition, the citizens of East Pierce Fire/Rescue enjoy the benefits of Medic Unit transport to the hospital with no out of pocket expenses.

Continue the highest level of emergency services that you authorized with the previous EMS Levy. Please join us in voting yes to maintain this quality of service to you and your loved ones.

Committee Members: Bill Sandlian, dad1073@yahoo. com

Statement Against

No statement was submitted against this issue.

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