Steilacoom - Council Position No. 1
Pete Franklin
Elected Experience: Councilperson, Town of Steilacoom, WA, 1 Jan 2014 - Present
vote at home
Other Professional Experience: 32 years United States Army; Vice President, Raytheon Education: Bachelor of Science, Aerospace Engineering, Virginia Tech; Masters Degree in Guided Weapons Systems Engineering, Royal Military College of Science, Great Britain Community Service: Past President and currently a member of the Steilacoom Historical Museum Association; President Elect, Steilacoom Kiwanis Club Statement: I am honored to serve as a Town Councilperson for Steilacoom. If re-elected, I will continue to be active in all aspects of Steilacoom operations. I will continue to apply my leadership and professional experiences in financial and infrastructure management, as well as my considerable experience in the establishment of detailed plans. I understand what it takes to be successful in the profit and loss arena and will continue to support our local businesses. Driving into Steilacoom, with its tunnel of trees and beautiful vistas of the Puget Sound, is special and I am committed to maintaining our unique environment and our parks and recreation facilities. I want to ensure that our Public Safety is the very best though recruitment, retention, training and equipment. The most important quality I bring is the willingness to listen to the people of Steilacoom and apply common sense to decisions that need to be made. I would welcome the opportunity the opportunity to continue to serve in this position and I am asking for your vote