8 minute read
Edgewood ....................................................................................................................................... 34
Christi Keith
(253) 234-7510
christikeithforedgewoodcouncil@gmail.com www.christikeithcommunityadvocate.org
Elected Experience: PCO 31st District
Other Professional Experience: Strategic leader and organizational change consultant, with more than 35 years of experience in the private, public, and non-profit sectors - 20+ years of which are in the Pacific Northwest.
Education: North Texas State University, Honor English; International Publishing Management Association - Certified Publishing Management; Totally Quality Management - XEROX Training Program Graduate; Southern Methodist University - Graphics Courses; Lean Management Courses
Community Service: Board President & Co-Founder: Tahoma Community Land Trust (Affordable Housing). Non-Profit Fundraiser. COVID relief volunteer. Volunteer mentor. I am a longtime community advocate fighting for education, food security, jobs, healthcare, housing, rural development, and economic opportunities.
Statement: Edgewood is experiencing growth. Our task is to plan, while ensuring Edgewood stays a welcoming place to live, shop, and play with a high quality of life for all. This means protecting community while providing economic opportunities, robust public safety, and managing infrastructure.
I support responsible growth and green spaces/parks to keep Edgewood safe and healthy. Mandated growth and Growth Management Act constrain choices, but working together we can mitigate challenges to lessen growing pains.
At work, I’m a proven leader, change manager, and big systems thinker that brings together divergent and often-competing perspectives and data to weave a transparent and easy to understand narrative. Identifying problems and fixing them is the core of my work. I am a budget hawk and fiscally cautious and am known for directness, consensus-building, transparency, fairness, and fact-based management. I focus on good change that people can actually feel, even when it’s hard.
I’ll also be in Olympia fighting for Edgewood so that surrounding cities have access to transit and freeways. From a farm, I embrace rural perspective and lifestyle, while appreciating neighborhoods and amenities cities bring. I love our town and growth is hard, but with your help, we can manage it wisely.
Jeni Woock
(253) 851-1619 electjeniwoock@gmail.com www.electjeniwoock.com
Elected Experience: Gig Harbor City Council 2018-Present; Public Works Committee, Finance and Safety Committee, Boards and Commissions Candidate Committee, West Sound Partners for EcoSystem Recovery, Pierce County Flood Control Zone District Advisory Committee
Other Professional Experience: Ager Printing and Graphics, Woock Studio
Education: BA, Southern Illinois University
Community Service: KGI Watershed; Students of Distinction Panelist; Meaningful Movies Gig Harbor; Chair, Gig Harbor Sustainability Coalition; 8-year volunteer with GH MultiCare Oncology; Co-Founder Citizens for the Preservation of Gig Harbor; Former Chair, PAL Summer Arts Festival; Former Volunteer Coordinator with Gig Harbor Film Festival; Former member, Rotary
Statement: Four years ago, I promised that if elected I would vote for slower growth, hold developers accountable and always put our citizens first. Since then, high density developments and clear-cutting trees have been reduced, the blue herons’ nesting site and Soundview Forest is preserved. Developers are now paying their fair share of impact fees and special “deals” between developers and the city are gone.
I have given safety a priority: pedestrian crossing lights, sidewalks near schools, dangerous Burnham Drive, and additional police officers. I voted for grants to assist small business, nonprofits and seniors. I voted to forgive $588,000 in utility bills for citizens during COVID.
Preserving our local heritage is a responsibility I take seriously. I will continue to support, Ancich Park for kayakers and local fishermen. Representing you on the council, I will continue to vote for slow growth, transparency, traffic calming measures, Gig Harbor North Village and Sports Complex, along with a fiscally sound budget.
I am proud to be endorsed by Gig Harbor city employees, including supervisors and our police officers, through their union Teamsters Joint Council 28. It is a privilege to serve you. I ask for the honor of your vote. Thank you.
Robert Wiles
(253) 682-8650 robertwiles71@hotmail.com
Elected Experience: National Association of Realtors
Other Professional Experience: I spent 15 years as a commercial fisherman, followed by 20 plus years of professional sales experience, including medical sales. I recently transitioned into the career of my dreams as a real estate agent with RE/MAX in Gig Harbor, which enables me to change people’s lives with a positive outcome.
Education: Peninsula High School
Community Service: I am involved in the Gig Harbor Sportsman Club and Gig Harbor Seiner Association.
Statement: I was born and raised in Gig Harbor and grew up in a commercial fishing family. It has always been my dream to raise my own family here, with my wife Monae and my one-yearold daughter, Parker. It is important for me to ensure that what happens in this city creates a positive and thriving environment for my daughter to grow up in, as well as all families and residents of Gig Harbor.
My goals as a representative of Gig Harbor are common sense fiscal budgeting, historical preservation, which encompasses less development in city limits and maintaining original sense of character and community. And most importantly, accountability, transparency, and communication between the community and council members.
Scott McCarley
(253) 651-5361 Spmccarley@protonmail.com www.VoteScottMcCarley.com
Elected Experience: First Office Sought
Other Professional Experience: 30+ Years Business Management; Automotive Repair/Maint, Construction, & Medical Appliance Fabrication; Various Career Oriented Certifications
Education: Modesto Jr College, Ca
Community Service: I am a working class father who has worked very hard to provide for my family. While it would have been nice to be more philanthropic, I have donated hundreds of hours of sweat equity into local charities such as support for our veterans, environmental causes, as well as our local football/ cheerleading groups. I hope to serve the community more on the City Council
Statement: Gig harbor is a very unique place, a place that I am proud to call home for my family and friends. I’m blessed to have raised my son here and now I will work hard to preserve that for the next generation.
You gain a sense of peace when you cross the Tacoma Narrows coming into Gig Harbor. It is that way here because as a growing community we continue to provide for each other. We need to protect our local business and economy.
We need someone who will put Gig Harbor first instead of the Seattle Elites who only seek to exploit our beautiful town.
Our town and community is Beautiful. I will work hard to keep it that way!
John Skansi
(425) 591-8809 touchdown32721@gmail.com
Elected Experience: None
Other Professional Experience: Educator; Commercial Fishing- Alaska- San Juan Islands- Oregon- California- 23 Years
Education: University of Washington, Seattle 1984- B.A-History Endorsements: Political Science- Social Studies; University of Washington Football- Head Coach- Don James- 1981, ‘82, ‘83- Strong Safety- Rose Bowl, Aloha Bowl (2)
Community Service: Skansie Netshed Foundation-SNF- Board Member-2015- Present- Finance Committee 2016; Gig Harbor Parks Commission 2013-2017 Vice Chair 2017; Pen Met Youth Football Coach- 2008, ‘09, ‘10, ‘11; Peninsula High School Volunteer Assistant Football Coach- 2009, 2010; Young Life Leader- 1996-2003
Statement: Working together for the good of the Gig Harbor Community means everything to me. Community unity is a work in progress, and I intend to work diligently as a true public servant for the people of Gig Harbor.
I have spent many hours visiting and listening to all types of folks and and different types of businesses from small to large in the Gig Harbor Community.
From downtown Gig Harbor to Uptown and all around, I have been listening, and I am especially listening to Gig Harbor’s working families, the elderly, the less fortunate, and the small and mid-size business owners and their needs, and I am finding a need among the people for smaller, smarter government that better serves the people, more local control for the Gig Harbor Community, protecting the character of downtown and the view basin, and smarter economic development that better serves all of us, and does not cater to the special interests.
I believe that good leadership is lacking at City Hall, and it is only through better leadership that better and great things can be accomplished for all the people of Gig Harbor. Elect Skansi for City Council. Thank you!
David (Dave) Ozier
(253) 625-4291 daveozier@yahoo.com www.votefordaveo.com
Elected Experience: I have served as a volunteer community leader in various positions and with many groups n Gig Harbor, It is my privilege and honor to serve our city as your council member.
Other Professional Experience: Former active-duty Coast Guard officer – served as a financial analyst monitoring Federal project funds and insuring accountability; Public high school teacher, Peninsula High School -, taught government, history & vocational career planning.
Education: Bachelor of Arts in Government, Chapman University; Master’s in education, City University of Seattle
Community Service: Previous Home Owner Association President; boating safety instructor: church volunteer vocational instructor and job placement counselor.
Statement: My wife and I raised our family here in Gig Harbor. Through the years, we have experienced the rich full family life atmosphere of our community. Two of our children attended Peninsula High and the other two children attended Gig Harbor High. All four of our adult kids returned here after college to start their families.
As much as Gig Harbor contributed to our family members and friends, it is now my turn to give back by serving as one of your city council members. I filed for City Council on day one. I was not a last-minute entry. I want to serve the City I love! I will not be party to political maneuvering.
I will focus on the best use of tax revenue (your money) to benefit all our citizens. I want to insure our City has the resources in place to maintain our roads and their capacity, find ways to connect our sidewalks and bikeways, maintain capacity in our water and wastewater utilities, complete our parks, and expand recreation fields. We owe this to all of you to accommodate the hometown lifestyle that has always made our community special.