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Fire District No. 16 (Key Peninsula Fire
Ballot Title
The Board of Fire Commissioners of Pierce County Fire Protection District No. 16 adopted Resolution No. 04-21759 concerning an increase in the District’s regular property tax levy. If approved, Proposition No. 1 will restore the District’s regular property tax levy for fire and emergency medical services to the previous voter-approved rate of one dollar and fifty cents ($1.50) per thousand dollars ($1,000.00) of assessed valuation for collection in 2022, set the limit factor at six percent (6%) for each of the succeeding five (5) years and use the 2027 levy dollar amount for computing the limitation for subsequent levies. Should Proposition No. 1 be approved?
Explanatory Statement
Pierce County Fire Protection District No. 16 (the District) is placing a property tax lid lift proposition on the August 3, 2021 ballot.
The District responded to the community’s requests for emergency medical care, fire suppression, rescue, and other emergencies, 2,504 times in 2020. This is a 20% increase in calls for service since 2015. However, while firefighters are responding to more calls, the statutorily approved $1.50 fire levy rate is projected to fall to $1.15 in 2022 due to 1% limitations set forth by statute. Passage of this measure would maintain the levy rate of $1.50 per $1,000 of assessed value for 2022 and provide for a limit factor of up to 6% in the succeeding five years. The dollar amount of the levy in 2027 would be used to calculate future levy increase limits.
If approved, this measure authorizes the District to maintain the levy rate of $1.50 per $1,000 of assessed property value as approved by voters. A taxpayer with the average home value of $400,000.00 would anticipate an increased tax of $8.66 per month if this measure passes. Revenue raised by this measure provides sustainable funding for the District.
Ten-Year Investment
District 16 needs your yes vote to renew the current Multi-Year Lid Lift Levy passed in 2015. Renewing this Levy means District services will keep up with current call demand, increasing costs, and the needs of a growing community. Without this support, the District cannot keep up. It’s that simple.
Statement For Statement Against
The District has a 10-Year Comprehensive Plan to bring additional lifesaving, and fire protection resources to all residents. Voting yes assures the District will have the staff, and resources necessary to serve you and your family today, and into the future. No statement was submitted against this issue.
Vote Yes
By Voting yes, your property taxes may increase, as this Levy returns the rate to $1.50 per thousand, the same rate you approved in 2015.
Vote yes for Fire Protection District 16’s Multi-Year Lid Lift Levy. It’s for your safety!
Committee Members: Bill Jones, Zach Koehnke, and Nate Jean 206-200-1567
Shawn Jensen
(253) 225-3151 sajensen@outlook.com
Elected Experience: Parks Commissioner, Key Peninsula Metropolitan Park District (Jan. 2016 – Present); Fire Commissioner, Pierce County Fire Protection District No. 16 (Oct. 2016 – Present); Former Precinct Committee Officer, 26th District
Other Professional Experience: Landscape Architect and Principal at Bruce Dees & Associates located in Tacoma
Education: Phoenix Institute of Technology
Community Service: Former Member, Key Peninsula Fire Department – Citizens Advisory Panel (2016 Secretary); Pierce County Sheriff’s Citizen Academy Graduate (2015); Key Pen Parks, Adopt a Park – 360 Trails; Volunteer, Annual Parks Appreciation Day; Volunteer, numerous other Community and School activities over the years
Statement: Born and raised in Washington State and a resident of Key Peninsula for nearly 30 years, my lovely wife and I have raised our six children in this community. Citizen involvement in local governance is something our family values so, as a regular attendee at Park Board meetings six years ago, I was encouraged to run in 2015.
Entrusted as your representative on the Board, I’ve strived to apply my passion, dedication, knowledge, and experience as a local landscape architect to help guide our District as we expand our parks facilities that we all enjoy. As Commissioners our duty is to understand the history and laws that pertain to governing the District and actively, collaboratively, and respectfully participate in its governance with the other Commissioners to determine levels of service desired and funding necessary to meet those needs; establish goals and policies; approve procedures and budgets; and represent all citizens.
Guided by the Park District’s Comprehensive Plan which is updated every six years, I advocate for your priorities when determining where to focus limited resources to best serve your parks and recreation needs.
It’s been a tremendous honor to serve you and I humbly seek your support for another term.
Ron Hardy
BrightBrass@outlook.com www.brightbrass.org
Elected Experience: No Information Submitted
Other Professional Experience: Seattle Parks consultant; Parks field engineering; Planning Commission consultant; Project Manager; Corporate President; Professional Land Surveyor; Adjunct Professor; Well Driller; Scuba Instructor; Real Estate professional; Precious metals mining operations;
Education: Degree: Software Development. Apprenticeship: Land Surveying. Certifications: Project Management, Cybersecurity Analyst, Security Engineer, Network Engineer, Hardware/ Software Engineer, Cloud Administrator, Server Administrator. Aircraft& Drone Pilot. Scuba Diving Instructor. Amateur Radio (Ham) Licensed all levels.
Community Service: Offleash Dog Park- Key Peninsula Parks. Church buildings, networks, computers, broadcasts. Homeowners Association Architecture Committee Chairman. Coral Reef National Park divemaster. Tacoma Parks. Zions Camp. Radio and Scuba clubs. Widow firewood. Voter Integrity Initiative. Amateur Radio Examiner.
Statement: Proven Record: Seattle Parks project consultant reducing costs of equipment 90%, operation 27%, labor 20%. Working with Key Pen Park Commission, administration, parks field personnel, organizing, and managing more than 30 community volunteers. Business owner, corporate president and officer, President of Peninsula Amateur Radio Association, Kokomo Scuba Club, and Union Steward. Experience managing public and private projects, infrastructure, serving and interfacing with stakeholders, leadership, employees, park managers, project managers, vendors, media. Experience managing buildings, grounds, and infrastructure; Publicizing parks projects, club events; Coordinating between special interest groups, community groups, and government.
Goals: Positively impact KeyPen Parks cost savings to create Recreation Specialist position, providing education, tours, nature walks, museums, fitness, summer youth programs. Pursue available grants for park improvements and expansion, improving usefulness and enjoyment to community. Installing internet access at parks, increasing opportunities for those without. Area parks collaborate. Seek favorable legislation.
Compatibility: Shoulder to shoulder participation with KPP Commission Chair, Ed Robison, who helped our church group build my son’s Boy Scout Eagle Project, KeyPen Gateway Park Offleash Dog Park, and cutting wood for widows and camping facilities.