11 minute read
Gig Harbor ...................................................................................................................................... 36
Roger Henderson
Elected Experience: First-time candidate.
Other Professional Experience: Over 30 years as a civil engineer with US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), serving as a technical project manager in environmental engineering and large civil works construction projects. Served on two USACE disaster recovery missions, including Hurricane Katrina, as Lead Engineer and Mission Specialist. Led teams of engineers and scientists to deliver projects within budget and schedule. Currently retired.
Education: BS, Environmental Planning & Management, UC Davis; BS Civil Engineering Oregon State University. California Registered Engineer.
Community Service: Currently serving on the Gig Harbor Parks Commission. Graduated from the Gig Harbor Police Department Citizens Academy course.
Statement: I am committed to maintaining Gig Harbor’s unique character, forests, and history. As a member of City Council, I will work to improve our city services and infrastructure to meet the needs of our residents, including adequate roads, sidewalks, bike paths, water, and waste water. Living in North Gig Harbor, I will communicate the needs of this neighborhood, as I believe all city neighborhoods should be walkable to shopping, dining, schools, and parks.
I have a deep appreciation for our city parks as a member of the Parks Commission. I pledge to protect our city’s natural beauty and to maintain and expand current and planned parks and recreational facilities. I will ensure that all development fits our city’s character.
As a member of the City Council, I promise to be transparent in all decision making and treat our hard-working city staff with the respect and civility they have earned.
I bring my extensive engineering and project management experience to City Council. With no financial ties to any businesses or special interests, I will make balanced decisions that preserve our historic maritime character, support sustainable economic growth, and continue to make Gig Harbor a city worth bragging about! Appreciate your vote.
Mike Brandstetter
(253) 230-5406 csmmikeb@gmail.com
Elected Experience: Lakewood City Council 2010 – Present
Other Professional Experience: College Administrator Bates Technical College 1999 – 2019; US Army, 1969-1999, Command Sergeant Major, US Army Retired
Education: MA, Organizational Leadership, Chapman University; BS Business and Management, University of Maryland University College; Advanced Certificate in Municipal Leadership, Association of Washington Cities
Community Service: Board Member Lakewood Sister Cities Association; Lakewood Multicultural Coalition; South Sound 911; Washington State Armed Forces E9 Association; Member Lakewood First Lions Club and Veterans Legislative Coalition. Former Board Member Tillicum American Lake Community Service Center and Tacoma Area Coalition of Individuals With Disabilities (TACID).
Statement: I have been honored to serve on the City Council. With my council colleagues, we have made strides in improvements in roads and parks; fostering private sector economic development; enhancing public safety; and addressing human services needs. We must continue our momentum on these priorities.
In the next four years, I will focus on making wise allocations of resources helping families and businesses and our community to emerge from the COVID-19 pandemic. I am committed to sustainable programs to maintain capital improvements once built. With regional partners, progress can be made to address street homelessness and needed affordable housing. We must pursue long term goals of a new library and senior center, with community input, quality of life enhancements in our neighborhoods.
I strongly believe in thoroughly studying and understanding all aspects and impacts of issues and actions before the Council. Doing so and acting with integrity is essential to being an effective council member. I commit to these standards. I would appreciate your support and pledge my full energy and best efforts as together we strive to make our community a great place for all to raise a family, work, retire, or base a business.
Malcolm Russell
(253) 970-2568 mmrussell35@hotmail.com
Elected Experience: No Information Submitted
Other Professional Experience: No Information Submitted
Education: No Information Submitted
Community Service: No Information Submitted
Statement: No Information Submitted
Amelia Isabel Escobedo
(325) 513-4355 LACHINGONAAMERICANA@GMAIL.COM www.lachingonaamericana.com
Elected Experience: Precinct Committee Officer for 28-553. I have been watching the Lakewood City Council meetings for a year now and we need change, let us lead together.
Other Professional Experience: I am an Afghanistan War Veteran stationed at Joint Base Lewis-McChord from 2011 - 2017. I taught classes about Sexual Harassment Assault Prevention, mental health, and drug awareness while on active duty. I am a business Co-Owner of CME Rise and Co-Founder of a non-profit called Rise Against Racism.
Education: Associate of Arts Pierce College; Currently a senior at the University of Washington Tacoma pursuing a bachelor’s degree in Political Science Law and Policy.
Community Service: Organizer
Statement: The first reason I am running and asking for your vote is I am committed to keeping our community safe and inclusive for all our children. On May 1st, 2020, Said Joquin was shot and killed by a Lakewood Police Officer. My creator guided me to this case, I helped organize multiple rallies for the injustice and life taken.
The second reason I am asking for your vote is I put people before business. I believe we should have public fishing docs on every lake. I also believe we should build a recreation center on Fort Steilacoom Park. Our current Lakewood city manager and mayor were both against the $4 and hour hazard pay for grocery workers.
The third reason I am running is because our current City Council members are living in the “Foot Loose” ages. They do not allow night clubs, you are not allowed play loud music on Edgewater Park, and we are losing millions in tax revenue from lack of marijuana dispensaries.
Jason Whalen
(253) 606-4937 jason@whalenforcouncil.com www.whalenforcouncil.com
Elected Experience: Lakewood City Council Member, 2010 to present (Deputy Mayor since 2013); Pierce County Charter Review Commissioner, 2006.
Other Professional Experience: Attorney and Partner, Ledger Square Law, P.S., 2015-Present (business and real estate law); Attorney and Partner, Eisenhower Carlson PLLC, 1993-2014; Law Clerk, Washington Supreme Court, 1992-1993; U.S. Army, Field Artillery Officer, 1985-1989; U.S. Army Reserves, 1989-1992.
Education: Gonzaga University School of Law, JD; Gonzaga University, BA.
Community Service: Commissioner, Pierce Transit; Economic Development Board for Tacoma-Pierce County; Pierce County Regional Council; Lakewood Rotary (President 2022-23); Board Member, Lakewold Gardens; Member, Downtown Tacoma Partnership; Council Liaison, Lakewood Arts Commission; Member, Community Engagement Leadership Team (supporting local students).
Statement: I am honored to serve our diverse community. I am seeking reelection to the Lakewood City Council to continue the significant progress we have made together. I am proud of our major investments in roads, sidewalks, and parks, including new facilities that make Lakewood a more livable place for families. Working together with community leaders, state and local officials, and dedicated staff, we have lowered crime rates, increased parks and recreation facilities, and have invested in housing and mental health services, all within a balanced budget!
I support continued human services funding to those most in need, including housing and mental health services. I will direct COVID relief monies to those residents and small businesses most impacted by the pandemic.
I will work to increase our housing supply, to attract and retain family-wage jobs, to increase investment in mental health services, to lead on responsible climate change policies, and to continue investment in sidewalks and parks to make Lakewood a more vibrant, livable community for all residents.
While we put our lives and businesses back together after these challenging times, we need experienced, responsive leadership! With your support, I will continue to deliver results for you on the City Council.
Siabhon Ayuso
(254) 383-4004 Vote4ayuso@gmail.com
Elected Experience: Former Democratic Precinct Committee Officer for 29-636, Current Democratic Precinct Committee Officer for 29-644, Current Executive Board Member for the Pierce County Democratic Central Committee for Legislative District 29
Other Professional Experience: Founder of Sisters in Solidarity, Founder of Access253, I also bring a unique perspective having worked within the service industry. This insight has given me an understanding of what it means to listen to, and be of service to my community.
Education: Attended Pierce College
Community Service: Organized community clean ups, Involved in the construction of community gardens, Volunteered time at food pantries and Food is Free, Lakewood.
Statement: Lakewood needs people who are passionate about the people, on its City Council. As a member of City Council, I will bring the passion and the tenacity to create a space where the people of Lakewood feel safe and heard. The communities of Lakewood deserve to have a government that involves everyone in the proposed changes for our city. The people of Lakewood deserve a government that will prioritize their needs over the beautification of our streets. The current council has pontificated over spending $100,000 or $150,000 on statues instead of spending that money on much needed social services. The current council spends your time and your money on frivolous trinkets instead of creating a stronger economy. As a City Council member, I will prioritize our people. Just as I have always said, the people of Lakewood have the vision to create the city they want to live in, if given the chance. As your council member, I will bring the power back to the people.
My top priorities are: Income Inequality, Housing and Houselessness, Sustainable Investing, Lifting the Prohibition of Cannabis in Lakewood
I am honored to be of service to you, and thank you for your vote.
David Howarth
Howarthforlakewood@gmail.com www.howarthforlakewood.com
Elected Experience: Working class and first-time candidate, not a career politician.
Other Professional Experience: I believe hard work makes you who you are. I have worked all around Washington, drilling and sawing metal, loading trucks, stocking grocery shelves during the pandemic, and cleaning homes after fires. I’ve worked as a disaster restoration technician at ServiceMaster of Tacoma, night shift grocery clerk at Fred Meyer, cashier at Office Depot, truck manager at Amazon, and metal fabricator at EZ-ACCESS.
Education: BA in political science from Central Washington University/Bellevue College, Sammamish High School.
Community Service: Volunteer for Jani Hitchen’s Pierce County Council campaign. Student Legislative Advocacy Committee at Central Washington University.
Statement: Lakewood is a beautiful community with plenty of wealth but not everyone feels like they share in it. As a lifelong Washingtonian, I’ve seen the same issues across the state. I watched my father struggle with addiction and saw firsthand what poverty and housing insecurity looks like.
I want to stand up for progressive values and put power into the hands of the workers and small businesses. In the greatest country on Earth, no one should be too poor to live.
If elected, I will fight to revitalize low-cost activities such as parks, sport fields, and other community events. We need to invest in our infrastructure to meet the needs of our growing economy - rebuild our roads and grow our digital infrastructure.
I understand how hard living off $13 dollars an hour is. Raising the minimum wage to a living wage of $15 is vital. Families are struggling to find homes, Lakewood must commit to increasing affordable housing. Lastly, I believe term limits are essential in a democracy. No one should serve more than 12 years on the City Council. The potholes never change and neither do the people representing us. Please vote Howarth for Lakewood City Council!
Gene Drawhorn
(503) 752-9108 gene.drawhorn@outlook.com
Elected Experience: No experience with either campaigning for elected office or being involved in one. My work experience is that of an Electrical Engineer specializing in the tech world of micro electronics and software. I have worked for decades, and for a variety of tech firms. My projects range from helping put satellites into orbit, to helping lift the Boeing 787 off of the ground, to working in the world of consumer electronics. I have two children, one of which is currently studying physics at Oregon State University. Both children, public school all the way!
Other Professional Experience: No Information Submitted
Education: No Information Submitted
Community Service: No Information Submitted
Statement: No Information Submitted
Patti Belle
info@pattibelle.com www.pattibelle.com
Elected Experience: Current Lakewood City Councilmember
Other Professional Experience: Patti has 20 years of experience in the communications and marketing industry and 14 years of municipal government experience. After more than 8 years with the Tacoma News Tribune, Patti transitioned into public service and currently works for the City of Kent as their Multimedia Manager, where she leads a national award-winning team.
Education: Bachelor of Fine Arts from Pacific Lutheran University; Project Management Certificate from University of Washington.
Community Service: Patti has served as a member of the Lakewood Arts Commission, is a member of the Idlewild Elementary PTA, and has volunteered with several community organizations.
Statement: I’m running to retain my seat on the Lakewood City Council so I can continue the work I’ve started and deliver real results for Lakewood families.
It’s been amazing to see how our city has grown, and I’m proud to be raising my family in our beautiful city.
I’ve worked with people that come from all kinds of cultural backgrounds, ages, abilities and perspectives, and I know that one of my strengths on the council is bringing people together, building consensus and moving Lakewood forward.
I’m committed to ensuring that our community recovers from the coronavirus pandemic and that we build back stronger than before while we prioritize more opportunities for residents and increase our transparency and accountability. Our community has so much potential, and I’m confident that I have what it takes to deliver for everyone that calls Lakewood home. I love our city, and I’m prepared to hit the ground running and use my years of municipal government experience to do what’s best for our residents, businesses, industries and community organizations. Serving you has been an honor and privilege. I’m looking forward to continue being your voice and advocate at city hall.