3 minute read
University Place School District No. 83........................................................................................ 66
Alecia Cunningham
info@electaleciacunningham.com www.electaleciacunningham.com
Elected Experience: n/a
Other Professional Experience: Director of Corporate Partnership, Girl Scouts of Western Washington, 2017 – Present; Community Engagement Manager, Girl Scouts of Western Washington, 2016-2017
Education: Associates in Business Management, Pierce College
Community Service: Member, Rotary 8 Tacoma; Board Member, Greater Metro Parks Foundation
Statement: I am running because as the parent of two children in the University Place School District, I understand first-hand the needs of our families. Covid-19 has put new pressures on our students, teachers and schools and we are going to need strong leadership as we move back into classrooms. Our school board will benefit greatly from having another current parent leading the way.
I grew up in University Place and attended district schools from elementary to high School. When It came time to choose a place to raise my own family, I chose University Place so that my children would have the same high-quality education I had. My twin boys have both been diagnosed with autism and each has a unique Individual Education Plan. Because of the challenges my sons have faced, I have learned to advocate and collaborate – working with teachers, administrators, and school board members to ensure my boys get the education they deserve.
On the University Place School Board, I will advocate for all families and children the way I advocate for my own - ensuring that each student gets the individualized support and resources they need to thrive.
Scott A. Reisnouer
(206) 409-4817 creisnouer@comcast.net
Elected Experience: Currently serving as Dieringer School District Director (Vice Chairman), District No. 4.
Other Professional Experience: The past 31 years in the facilities management business, starting after high school and throughout college, now serving in leadership within the company. Currently Director of Operations for International Parking Management.
Education: Bachelor of Arts, Political Science from Washington State University.
Community Service: Lake Tapps resident for the past 25 years with two children attending Dieringer schools.
Statement: Since elected to the board in 2017, I have been involved with solutions to address community priorities within our schools. The hiring of a new superintendent, increased salaries for staff, communication improvements, transparency, accessibility to facilities, and review of the administrative office and special education program have been accomplished.
The pandemic created many challenges, and in some cases divided our Dieringer community. The boards decision to follow guidance from local and state officials was not always popular, however due to the communities ongoing support of technology, Dieringer students were better prepared for remote learning than other area districts. I will continue to support the full in-person learning experience.
Challenges the district will face in the future include the recovery of student learning from the pandemic, preparation for population growth, equality, and keeping pace with technology.
Volunteering on the school board has allowed me to serve the community, and be an advocate for what is best for children’s learning. We all have seen real estate listing statements “The Desirable Dieringer School District”. If elected to a second term, I will continue to work in keeping our school district one of the best in the state. I respectfully ask for your vote.
Tiona L. Hunstead
Tiona4DieringerSchools@gmail.com www.tiona4dieringerschools.com
Elected Experience: This is my first time pursuing an elected office
Other Professional Experience: Information Technology Configuration Analyst; Utility Billing Specialist; Customer Solution Analyst
Education: A proud graduate of Washington State Schools
Community Service: Miss Auburn Board, Little Sister’s Program; The Forgotten Children’s Fund Volunteer
Statement: The last year and a half has seen unprecedented changes for students, teachers, and parents. Pulled from the traditional classroom, kids were introduced to a new way of schooling online, only to be returned to an unfamiliar learning environment. This was the reality for kids in the Dieringer School District, and it was not an easy one. It was fraught with social, mental, technological, and educational challenges. The changes were rapid, lacked forethought, and at times difficult to understand. Parents and teachers alike urged the district leaders to slow down and take an analytical approach to decisions impacting the health and safety of our children. Sadly, these voices went unheeded and, as a parent of a child with Autism, ADHD, and ODD, I am familiar with how difficult it can be to get your voice heard by district leaders. I believe a quality and inclusive education is the right of all students. When I am elected, I will make it my priority to listen to the voices of the community as you are crucial in achieving educational excellence.