4 minute read
Eatonville......................................................................................................................................... 28
Peter Paul
Elected Experience: No elected experience.
Other Professional Experience: 20+ years in Information Technology positions both with the National Park Service and Department of Army. Four years as senior level manager for the Network Enterprise Center, JBLM, serving about 35,000 soldiers and civilians where I gained experience in personnel management, planning, budget, and communications. Adjunct Associate Professor, UMGC, School of Cybersecurity and Information Technology 2016 – present.
Education: B.S. – Business Administration – Devry University ; M.S. – Information Security and Assurance – Western Governors University; M.B.A – Information Technology Management – Western Governors University
Community Service: P.T.A. President, Eatonville Elementary School. EYSA Sports coach.
Statement: I have been a resident of Eatonville since 2000 and have raised four children here. As a council member, my priority will be to retain the small-town qualities of Eatonville that make it our home, while allowing for the growth and change that are vital to our community. I will work to invite solutions, ensure equity, and collaborate constructively to reach positive outcomes that will serve our community interests for years to come.
I believe that attracting new businesses to the downtown core, while supporting and growing our existing businesses, is key to our town’s success. I see many opportunities for capitalizing on the untapped potential of our community spaces and public facilities in support of our town, visitors, and businesses.
I support reasoned and rational, data-driven decision making. Working with the mayor, members of the town council, and the community, I will strive to find consensus in implementing timely and meaningful solutions to the town’s needs.
Ken Farthing
Elected Experience: Edgewood Code Enforcement Board, representing the City of Edgewood as Alternate Position 5 on the Code Enforcement Board; August 2020-Present.
Other Professional Experience: Bridgestone/Firestone, 15+ years managing teams, Customer Service, Goal Setting, Environmental Protection, Continuing Education; 1993-1997 and 20032013; Royal Life Center, Drug and Alcohol Addiction Therapist, Support clients in all levels of substance abuse treatment; 20182020.
Education: Puyallup Senior High School; Graduated 1993, Pioneer Pacific College; Graduated with honors 2002 with a degree in Criminal Justice.
Community Service: Edgewood Code Enforcement Board, representing the City of Edgewood as Alternate Position 5 on the Code Enforcement Board; August 2020-Present.
Statement: Ken Farthing, a retired/disabled father, partner, resident of Edgewood, had never envisioned a life of pride and integrity. Having spent 25+ years in active addiction, Ken lived in the shadows, not wanting anything to do with anything other than himself. Having just shy of ten years clean and sober, Ken now enjoys spending time with his family, his community, and most importantly, himself. Ken’s recent involvement with his local city government has opened his eyes to a world of opportunities and involvement.
Ken can be found most days in his yard tending to his vegetable garden or his flowers. Ken’s campaign has nothing to do with winning or losing, only being heard. Ken has been involved in his local city government since moving to the city of Edgewood nearly seven years ago. He was instrumental, along with many neighbors, in getting their small country road of Dechaux turned into a one-way street. The community of Dechaux is an extension of his family. From the depths of addiction to city government in the span of a decade fills Ken with pride and a sense of accomplishment. Ken looks forward to the opportunity to be a voice for his community and himself.
Joshua Shulkind
(253) 583-6907
joshshulkindforedgewoodcouncil@gmail.com www.joshshulkindforedgewoodcouncil.com
Elected Experience: HOA, Edgewood View Estates; North Pierce County Community Coalition; Vice-President, HOA, Estates of Bradley Lake; Vice-President, HOA, HOA in Snoqualmie Ridge; Philanthropy Chair, Alpha Sigma Phi
Other Professional Experience: US Senator Internship. Caseworker, Congressman’s Office. Worked for YMCA for 6 years. A class on Dr. King inspired me to live and work among homeless families for 5 years, navigating them to community resources. I worked for Edgewood’s community center and am now the Executive Director of Thrive Center, a nonprofit organizing communities to support families and individuals.
Education: Princeton University, Public Policy Classes; University of Washington, Bachelor’s in Political Science
Community Service: 25 years serving Washington
Statement: I am running for city council to build thriving communities in Edgewood through care, connection, completeness, and calling.
Care: Serving basic needs through bringing together leaders in our city to identify gaps in their service area, such as a lack of jobs, and creating innovative solutions to those gaps using strategic partnerships and shared resources. I will seek to build the infrastructure needed for future development and economic growth while also ensuring we are intentional in our growth to maintain a sense of community and small-town charm.
Connection: Providing opportunities to connect to others through a town square, sidewalks, developing parks, and organizing citywide or multicultural events.
Completeness: Growing services for our city to thrive. I will partner with organizations to bring educational opportunities for people to grow their personal and professional skills. I will focus on our city’s health, seeking federal, state, and private funding as well as partnerships to provide creative solutions to traffic and grow the full range of services we need to thrive as a city. I will also work to bring services into schools to better support them. Calling: Service projects and a leadership program to help people find significant ways to serve.