4 minute read
Auburn ............................................................................................................................................ 14
Hanan Amer
info@voteamer.com www.voteamer@com
Education: Bachelor Degree of of Chemistry, Benghazi University – Libya
Occupation: Chemist in Aerospace Company
Statement: I’m running for City Council because I want to create an environment where everyone feels empowered to speak up and engage in the community. The demographics of Auburn have been changing, and every person should feel like they belong in Auburn from the moment they move to our city. My passion is helping others, and I want to work on finding a solution to homelessness that works for all involved. I will continue to support small businesses and will work with local business leaders to help support the growth of the new and existing local economy. I was born in Oklahoma and raised in Libya, and in 2008, I moved to Auburn, and I’ve been an active member of the community through volunteering.
I started at White River Museum & later transitioned to volunteering at the Auburn Library. 2010 I’ve been an active volunteer with the Auburn Police Department.
Yolanda Trout
(253) 939-5707 Ylebp@comcast.net
Education: Walla Walla High School/Walla Walla College with an Early Education and Para-Education Degree
Occupation: Auburn Council Member
Statement: I am running for a third term, simply, I love the people and this city. Serving as your councilwomen for the past seven years has been a learning experience while building those partnerships.
We were presented with challenges unforeseen in our lifetime due to the COVID Pandemic, I am committed to continue working to ensure my commitment to server everyone, especially while supporting public safety, economic growth, roads, parks, racial equity, social justice, and affordable housing. I am dedicated to making the city a place where our students can learn and be prepared for their future, while keeping our economy strong by supporting our businesses, educational opportunities, so our graduates can stay in their hometown to pursue their careers and earn a family wage job.
You can count on me to be an independent servant leader who will listen, with compassion. I would be honor to have your VOTE!
Neil Johnson, Jr.
neiljohnsonjr@comcast.net www.thinkbonneylakefirst.com
Elected Experience: Mayor, City of Bonney Lake 2006 to present; City Councilmember 2002-2005
Other Professional Experience: Sales Manager Rotary Offset Press 2004-present, AWC Advanced Certified Municipal Leader, Councilmember 2002-2005. AWC Trustee, Leadership Training, National League of Cities, 30 yrs. experience with retail advertising, owned various small businesses (Furniture, Espresso, Hydro-seeding)
Education: General Business Administration
Community Service: Johnson Cancer Foundation 2015-Present; Beautify Bonney Lake 2004-20013; BLS L.L Girls Fast Pitch 20012008&2013. Sumner Soccer Club 1998-2004 & 2012-2015; BL Days 2003–2017. Chamber of Commerce 2004-05. Girls Basketball 2000-2005.
Statement: These past nearly two years has been a challenge for everyone. Although city offices have been closed, we successfully managed the COVID-19 pandemic and ensured the safety of our employees while maintaining essential and necessary services to the public. We also created a small business grants program by reinvesting $500,000.
Even with COVID-19, we fared very well. With diverse businesses, our sales tax has continued to increase year after year, even during the pandemic. Prior to the opening of Costco development of the surrounding area, the City was receiving about $4 million per year in sales tax revenue. We have seen a minimum of a 7% increase in sales tax revenue every year since 2016. These increases has allowed $2.8 million to go towards the Allan Yorke Park turf field and Fennel Creek Trail, with an additional $3 million set aside for reserved savings.
Your city is in great shape. We need to continue running the city as a business, be efficient with resources, bring more jobs to Eastown, work on getting Transit back and continue implementing the parks and trails plan.
I am honored to be your mayor and look forward to the future.
Tom Watson
(253) 348-7995 watson.tn@gmail.com
Elected Experience: Bonney Lake City Council 10 years
Other Professional Experience: Kmart and Office Depot Store Manager for 37 years
Education: Associated Degree in Criminology and American Management Association graduate
Community Service: Past Member of Bonney Lake’s Mayor’s Citizens’ Advisory Council, Lions Club member, President, and Vision Chairman. Beautify Bonney Lake Board member and past Chairman. I’m a member of the Adopt-A-Street program reducing street-side litter and improving the general appearance of our City. Member of Bonney Lakes, The Chamber Collective. Member of the Coalition for Families with the Sumner-Bonney Lake School District.
Statement: My family has lived in Bonney Lake since 1995. It’s been my pleasure serving the citizens of Bonney Lake for the last 10 years as your Council Member. As your Mayor, I represent a new source of energy and enthusiasm for protecting the best interests of the community of Bonney Lake, its citizens, and its businesses. I will look for cost-saving measures for your water and sewer bills.
I will work to find solutions in providing more parks and trails for young adults and seniors. As a member of The Communities For Families Coalition (CFF), I work with other groups to improve the health and well-being of children, families, and our community. I will continue to work to have smart growth in our community and bring family-wage jobs to our community. I strive to find solutions that move our city forward so that we can be a community that so many are proud to call home. I will be available to listen to your input, combining it with my experience and commonsense approach for decision-making. Thank you for your trust and support over the last 10 years and I would be honored to have your vote.