En = hoëpriester; ɧedu = sieraad; anna = van die hemel Deur Pieter Uys Opgedra aan Sheree Rayfield (6 Augustus 2013)
Die Akkadiese/Sumeriese digteres Enheduanna (2285-2250 voor die huidige era) is die heel eerste skrywer in die geskiedenis wat by name bekend is. Sy was the dogter van koning Sargon van Akkad (Sargon the Grote). Haar moeder se naam was Tashlultum. Enheduanna is welbekend uit argeologiese en skriftelike bronne. Sy was hoëpriesteres van die maangod Nanna in the Sumeriese stad Ur. Twee seëls waarop haar naam verskyn, is in die koninklike begraafplaas van Ur gevind. ’n Albasterdisk waarop haar naam en afbeelding verskyn, is ook in Ur gevind, in die Jipar-seksie wat die woonplek van die En-priesteresse was. Dié disk is op die Isin-Larsa-vlak van die uitgrawing aangetref wat op die jare 2000 – 1800 VHE dui. Enheduanna het ’n ryke literêre korpus nagelaat, waaronder ’n versameling wat as die Sumeriese Tempel Himnes bekend staan en deur sommige geleerdes as die vroegste vorm van sistematiese teologie beskou word. Haar werk is steeds honderde jare later op kleitablette gekopieer en in stede soos Lagash, Nippur en Ur bewaar. Onder haar bekendste werke tel Inninşagurra (Die Ruimhartige Meesteres), Ninmeşarra (Die Verheerliking van Inanna) en Inninmehuşa (Godin van Skrikwekkende Magte). Enheduanna het 42 gewyde liedere gekomponeer wat opgedra is aan tempels regdeur Sumer en Akkad, waaronder die tempels van Eridu, Sippar en Esnunna. Die lirieke verskyn op 37 tablette wat by Ur en Nippur gevind is, en wat gedateer word tot die Ur III en Ou Babiloniese tydperke.
Sargon se ryk het die grootste deel van die teenswoordige Irak en dele van Iran, Libanon, Sirië en Turkye ingesluit. Sy dynastie het vir ongeveer 150 jaar geduur. Hy is deur sy seun Rimush opgevolg en daarna deur sy ander seun Manishtushu.
Die ruïnes van Akkad / Agade is nog nie opgespoor nie. Die naam is Sumeries, met die betekenis “Kroon van Vuur” (Aga-de). http://www.theodora.com/encyclopedia/s2/sumer.html
Sargon het vir byna twee millennia daarna as ’n rolmodel vir latere Mesopotamiese heersers gedien. Die Assiriese en Babiloniese vorste het hulself as erfgename van Sargon beskou.
Konings soos Nabonidus / Nabû-naʾid (regeertyd 556–539 VHE) het groot belangstelling getoon in die geskiedenis van die Sargoniese dinastie en het selfs argeologiese opgrawings van Sargon se paleise laat uitvoer.
In die tempelhimnes verklaar Enheduanna: “My koning, daar is iets geskep wat nooit voorheen bestaan het nie.” Die kopiëring van die tempelhimnes is bewys daarvan dat dit honderde jare na die dood van Enheduanna steeds in gebruik was.
In 1927 het die argeoloog Sir Leonard Wooley die Enhuduanna disk in die uitgrawings by Ur gevind. Drie tekste daarop identifiseer die vier figure wat daarop verskyn: Enheduanna, twee hofbeamptes en haar skrywer. Die inskripsie lees: "Enheduanna, zirru-priesteres, vrou van Nanna, dogter van Sargon, koning van die wêreld, in die tempel van Innana.” Die afbeelding van Enheduanna verskyn in ’n prominente posisie teenoor die ander drie. Die inskripsie agterop beskryf Enheduanna as ‘Vrou van Nanna, dogter van Sargon.’
Nin-me-shara, "Die Verheerliking van Inanna", is eerste deur Hallo en van Dijk in 1968 vertaal, en in 1997 deur Annette Zgoll in Duits. Die eerste deel verheerlik Inanna met ’n lang lys eienskappe. Daarna praat Enheduanna in die eerste persoon en bekla haar lot – haar verbanning uit die tempel en uit die stede Ur en Uruk. Sy doen 'n beroep op Inanna om vir haar in die bresse te tree. Na die dood van Sargon het daar politieke onrus uitgebreek waartydens sy uit Ur verban is. Nin-me-sara is ’n beskrywing van haar verbanning en eindelike herstel in die amp van hoëpriesteres.
Vertalings Mistress of the divine, resplendent light, Woman of radiance, righteous and beloved Of An and Urac – Heaven’s Mistress! – breasts Bejeweled; cherishing the headdress of your priestess She who grasps the seven sacred powers! Goddess, protector of the powers, and giver Behold your necklaced hand and fingers. Yours, The gathering of the powers and yours to clasp Against your breast. In foreign lands your breath Is like the dragon’s venom. When like Ickur The earth receives your roar, neither leaf nor wood Withstand you. You are as a mighty flood To foreign lands, the might of earth and heaven, you Are their Inana. 2010 by Patrick Gillespie
Hymn to Inanna O Queen of the Seven Gods, O radiant splendor of light, fountain of life, darling of Heaven and Earth, priest, daughter and servant of Heaven! jewelled and crowned with life, born to be Lord, in your hand are the guardian spirits of the Seven Gods, and you yourself guard and protect the guardian spirits, you have taken them up and tied them to your hands, have gathered them in and pressed them to your breast. You can fill the land with poison like a snake, plants vanish from the earth when you thunder like Anu, at your command the floods come down from the mountain. Supreme in power, Inanna of Heaven and Earth, whose mouth rains sparkles of lightning over the land, mistress of beasts, given the gods’ life-spirits by An, by An given the unfailing Word to speak at his fateful command: who can fathom your glory? ...O wild and rampant, eldest daughter of the Moon, Queen greater than An, who can pay you sufficient homage? Queen of Queens, who in accordance with the spirits were greater than your mother the moment you were born, wise and knowing queen of all the lands, mother of men and animals, I sing your praise... I have entered before you in my holy garments, I the princess imperial, Enheduanna, singing as I carried your ritual baskets, High Priestess of the Moon. But now no longer can I serve the goodly temple that I established, for the day that dawns in Ur scorches my skin and the sand of the Southwind overwhelms me at nightfall, My honey sweet voice is hoarse and strident and all that gave me pleasure has fallen to dust. I, what am I among living creatures! An, An, give to punishment the rebels that hate Inanna, and split their cities’ walls! Enlil, curse them, and let their children perish with no mother there to soothe them! ...The queen of queens, the prop of all the nations, accepted Enheduanna’s prayers. Her heart was again as of old, the day became propitious, Inanna showered her beauty and allure and joy like silver moonlight over our land! Ancient Nanu in wonder and awe, and Ningal her mother, worshiped her at the templ’s doorstep. Priestess, queen, noble commander of gods, destroyer of barbarians, whom An made protector of spirits, Queen, clothed in allure and attraction, Inanna: Praise! http://freeforumzone.leonardo.it/discussione.aspx?idd=7796717
The Exaltation of Inana (English and Sumerian translation) by The University of Oxford Library. The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature. http://www.atour.com/history/4000BC/20110927a.html
nin me car2-ra ud dalla ed2-a 2munus zid me-lem4 gur3-ru ki aj2 an urac-a 3nu-gig an-na suh-gir11 gal-gal-la 4aga zid-de3 ki aj2 nam-en-na tum2-ma 5me 7-bi cu sa2 dug4-ga 6nin-ju10 me gal-gal-la saj-KEC2-bi za-e-me-en 7me mu-e-il2 me cu-zu-ce3 mu-e-la2 8me mu-e-ur4 me gaba-za bi2-tab 9ucumgal-gin7 kur-re uc11 ba-e-cum2 10dickur-gin7 ki cegx(KAxLI) gi4-a-za dacnan la-ba-e-ci-jal2 11a-ma-ru kur-bi-ta ed3-de3 12saj-kal an ki-a dinana-bi-me-en 13izi bar7-bar7-ra kalam-e cej3-ja2 14an-ne2 me cum2-ma nin ur-ra u5-a 15inim kug an-na-ta inim dug4-dug4 16biluda gal-gal-la nij2-zu a-ba mu-un-zu 17kur gul-gul ud-de3 a2 ba-e-cum2 18ki aj2 den-lil2-la2 kalam-ma ni2 mi-ni-ri 19a2-aj2-ja2 an-na-ke4 ba-gub-be2-en 10
20nin-ju10 za-pa-aj2-zu-ce3 kur i3-GAM.GAM-e 21ni2 me-lem4 u18-lu-da nam-lu2-ulu3 22nij2-me-jar jiri3-bi u3-mu-ri-gub 23me-ta me huc-bi cu ba-e-re-ti 24i-dub er2-ra-ke4 jal2 ma-ra-ab-taka4 25e2 a-nir gal-gal-la sila-ba mu-ri-du 26igi me3-ta nij2 ma-ra-ta-si-ig 27nin-ju10 a2 ni2-za na4zu2 zu2 i3-gu7-e 28ud du7-du7-gin7 i3-du7-du7-de3-en 29ud gu3 ra-ra-da gu3 im-da-ab-ra-ra-an 30dickur-da cegx(KAxLI) mu-da-an-gi4-gi4-in 31im-hul-im-hul-da im-da-kuc2-u3-de3-en 32jiri3-za nu-kuc2-u3 i3-im-si 33balaj a-nir-ra-ta i-lu im-da-ab-be2 34nin-ju10 da-nun-na dijir gal-gal-e-ne 35su-dinmucen dal-la-gin7 du6-de3 mu-e-ci-ib-ra-ac 36igi huc-a-za la-ba-sug2-ge-de3-ec (some mss. have instead: la-ba-sug2-ge-ec-am3) 37saj-ki huc-a-za saj nu-mu-un-de3-ja2-ja2 38cag4 ib2-ba-za a-ba ib2-te-en-te-en 39cag4 hul-jal2-la-za te-en-te-bi mah-am3 40nin ur5 i3-sag9 nin cag4 i3-hul2 41ib2-ba nu-te-en-te-en dumu gal dsuen-na 42nin kur-ra dirig-ga a-ba ki-za ba-an-tum3 43hur-saj ki-za (2 mss. have instead: kur saj-ki-za) ba-e-de3-gid2-de3-en dacnan nij2-gig-bi 44abul-la-ba (1 ms. has instead: e2-gal-la-ba) izi mu-ni-in-ri-ri 45id2-ba uc2 ma-ra-an-de2 uj3-bi ma-ra-na8-na8 (2 mss. have instead: ba-ra-na8-na8) 46ugnim-bi ni2-bi-a ma-ra-ab-lah5-e 47KA.KEC2-bi ni2-bi-a ma-ra-ab-si-il-le 48juruc a2 tuku-bi ni2-bi-a ma-ra-ab-sug2-ge-ec 49iri-ba ecemen-ba mir i-ib2-si 50juruc cag4-gan-bi cajax(LU2)-ce3 ma-ra-ab-sar-re-ec 51iri kur za-ra li-bi2-in-dug4-ga-am3 52a-a ugu-zu li-bi2-in-ec-am3 53inim kug-zu bi2-in-dug4 ki jiri3-za he2-eb-gi4 54cag4 tur3-bi-ta jiri3 he2-eb2-ta-an-ze2-er 55munus-bi dam-a-ni-ta sag9-ga na-an-da-ab-be2 56ji6-u3-na ad na-an-di-ni-ib-gi4-gi4 57nij2-kug cag4-ga-na nam-mu-da-an-bur2-re 58u3-sun2 zi-zi dumu gal dsuen-na 59nin an-ra dirig-ga a-ba ki-za ba-an-tum3 60me zid-de3 nin gal nin-e-ne 61cag4 kug-ta ed2-a ama ugu-ni-ir dirig-ga 62gal-zu igi-jal2 nin kur-kur-ra 63zi-jal2 uj3 lu-a cir3 kug-zu ga-am3-dug4 64dijir zid me-a tum2-ma gal-bi dug4-ga-zu mah-am3 65cag4 su3-ra2 munus zid cag4 dadag-ga me-zu (2 mss. have instead: me zid) (1 ms. has instead: me kug) ga-mu-ra-ab-dug4 11
Lady of all the divine powers, resplendent light, righteous woman clothed in radiance, beloved of An and Urac! Mistress of heaven, with the great pectoral jewels, who loves the good headdress befitting the office of en priestess, who has seized all seven of its divine powers! My lady, you are the guardian of the great divine powers! You have taken up the divine powers, you have hung the divine powers from your hand. You have gathered up the divine powers, you have clasped the divine powers to your breast. Like a dragon you have deposited venom on the foreign lands. When like Ickur you roar at the earth, no vegetation can stand up to you. As a flood descending upon (?) those foreign lands, powerful one of heaven and earth, you are their Inana. Raining blazing fire down upon the Land, endowed with divine powers by An, lady who rides upon a beast, whose words are spoken at the holy command of An! The great rites are yours: who can fathom them? Destroyer of the foreign lands, you confer strength on the storm. Beloved of Enlil, you have made awesome terror weigh upon the Land. You stand at the service of An's commands.
At your battle-cry, my lady, the foreign lands bow low. When humanity comes before you in awed silence at the terrifying radiance and tempest, you grasp the most terrible of all the divine powers. Because of you, the threshold of tears is opened, and people walk along the path of the house of great lamentations. In the van of battle, all is struck down before you. With your strength, my lady, teeth can crush flint. You charge forward like a charging storm. You roar with the roaring storm, you continually thunder with Ickur. You spread exhaustion with the stormwinds, while your own feet remain tireless. With the lamenting balaj drum a lament is struck up. My lady, the great Anuna gods fly from you to the ruin mounds like scudding bats. They dare not stand before your terrible gaze. They dare not confront your terrible countenance. Who can cool your raging heart? Your malevolent anger is too great to cool. Lady, can your mood be soothed? Lady, can your heart be gladdened? Eldest daughter of Suen, your rage cannot be cooled!
Lady supreme over the foreign lands, who can take anything from your province? Once you have extended your province over the hills (2 mss. have instead: If you frown at the mountains), vegetation there is ruined. Their great gateways (1 ms. has instead: palaces) are set afire. Blood is poured into their rivers because of you, and their people must drink it (2 mss. have instead: could not drink). They must lead their troops captive before you, all together. They must scatter their élite regiments for you, all together. They must stand their able-bodied young men at your service, all together. Tempests have filled the dancingplaces of their cities. They drive their young men before you as prisoners. Your holy command has been spoken over the city which has not declared "The foreign lands are yours!", wherever they have not declared "It is your own father's!"; and it is brought back under your feet. Responsible care is removed from its sheepfolds. Its woman no longer speaks affectionately with her husband; at dead of night she no longer takes counsel with him, and she no longer reveals to him the pure thoughts of her heart. Impetuous wild cow, great daughter ofSuen, lady greater than An, who can take anything from your province? Great queen of queens, issue of a holy womb for righteous divine powers, greater than your own mother, wise and sage, lady of all the foreign lands, life-force of the teeming people: I will recite your holy song! True goddess fit for divine powers, your splendid utterances are magnificent. Deep-hearted, good woman with a radiant heart, I will enumerate your divine powers (2 mss. have instead: good divine powers) (1 ms. has instead: holy divine powers) for you! I, En-hedu-ana the en priestess, entered my holy jipar in your service. I carried the ritual basket, and intoned the song of joy. But funeral offerings were (1 ms. has instead my ritual meal was) brought, as if I had never lived there. I approached the light, but the light was scorching hot to me. I approached that shade, but I was covered with a storm. My honeyed mouth became venomous. My ability to soothe moods vanished. Suen, tell An about Lugal-ane and my fate! May An undo it for me! As soon as you tell An about it, An will release me. The woman will take the destiny away fromLugal-ane; foreign lands and flood lie at her feet. The woman too is exalted, and can make cities tremble. Step forward, so that she will cool her heart for me. I, En-hedu-ana, will recite a prayer to you. To you, holy Inana, I shall give free vent to my tears like sweet beer! I shall say to her "Your decision!" (some mss. have instead: "Greetings!") Do not be anxious about Acimbabbar. In connection with the purification rites of holy An, Lugal-ane has altered everything of his, and has stripped An of the E-ana. He has not stood in awe of the greatest deity. He has turned that temple, whose attractions were inexhaustible, whose beauty was endless, into a destroyed temple. While he entered before me as if he was a partner, really he approached out of envy. My good divine wild cow, drive out the man, capture the man! In the place of divine encouragement, what is my standing now? May An extradite the land which is a malevolent rebel against your Nanna! May An smash that city! May Enlil curse it! May its plaintive child not be placated by his mother! Lady, with the laments begun, may your ship of lamentation be abandoned in hostile territory. Must I die because of my holy songs? My Nanna has paid no heed to me (1 ms. has instead: has not decided my case). He has destroyed me utterly in renegade territory. Acimbabbar has certainly not pronounced a verdict on me. What is it to me if he has pronounced it? What is it to me if he has not pronounced it? He stood there in triumph and drove me out of the temple. He made me fly like a swallow from the window; I have exhausted my life-strength. He made me walk through the thorn bushes of the mountains. He stripped me of the rightful crown (1 ms. has instead: garment) of the enpriestess. He gave me a knife and dagger, saying to me "These are appropriate ornaments for you". 14
Most precious lady, beloved by An, your holy heart is great; may it be assuaged on my behalf! Beloved spouse of Ucumgal-ana, you are the great lady of the horizon and zenith of the heavens. The Anuna have submitted to you. From birth you were the junior queen: how supreme you are now over the Anuna, the great gods! The Anuna kiss the ground with their lips before you. But my own trial is not yet concluded, although a hostile verdict encloses me as if it were my own verdict. I did not reach out my hands to the (1 ms. has instead: my) flowered bed. I did not reveal the pronouncements of Ningal to anybody. My lady beloved of An, may your heart be calmed towards me, the brilliant en priestess of Nanna! It must be known! It must be known! Nanna has not yet spoken out! He has said, "He is yours!" Be it known that you are lofty as the heavens! Be it known that you are broad as the earth! Be it known that you destroy the rebel lands! Be it known that you roar at the foreign lands! Be it known that you crush heads! Be it known that you devour corpses like a dog! Be it known that your gaze is terrible! Be it known that you lift your terrible gaze! Be it known that you have flashing eyes! Be it known that you are unshakeable and unyielding! Be it known that you always stand triumphant! That Nanna has not yet spoken out, and that he has said "He is yours!" has made you greater, my lady; you have become the greatest! My lady beloved by An, I shall tell of all your rages (1 ms. has instead: daises)! I have heaped up the coals in the censer, and prepared the purification rites. The Ecdam-kug shrine awaits you. Might your heart not be appeased towards me? Since it was full, too full for me, great exalted lady, I have recited this song for you. May a singer repeat to you at noon that which was recited to you at dead of night: "Because of your captive spouse, because of your captive child, your rage is increased, your heart unassuaged." 15
Das Lied der Hohepriesterin En-hedu-Ana an die Göttin Inanna. (Sprache: Sumerisch, deutsche Übersetzung: Prof. Dr. Annette Zgoll, Göttingen) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-xhZzkdj3PQ
Mistress of the uncountable ME (=Divine Mights), who brightly stepped out, dynamic woman, carrying the brightness of terror, beloved by An and Urash, ruler of heaven, who has the great coronets of reign, who loves the mighty crown of Aga, which is important for being a High Priest, who has taken possession of ths Seven ME, my Mistress! You are the Keeper of the great ME, you elevated the ME, you held the ME in your hand. you collected the ME, you pressed the ME against your breast. Like a dragon you gave poison against the hostile land. Whenever you roared against a land like Ishkur (the weather-god), Ezinam (the grain-goddess) was not there (any more) for this (land), you deluge, who avanlanches against such a foreign land, the Outstanding, the Inana of these (the lands) art thou.
You fire, ever relumed, crackling down to the land of Sumer, who was given the ME by An, Mistress who rides on beasts, who speaks the wrods of An, authorized by the fate-making words. Which of the great rites are yours -- who knows? Destroyer of the hostile lands, you gave power to the storm. Beloved by Enlil, you imposed fright on the land (of Sumer). You were available for the assignments of An. My mistress! All hostile lands bow to your roar! Whenever humankind horror-stricken and closemouthed has stepped towards you for the glint and beam of terror and storm, -- you had taken the most terrible of the ME for yourself -then the sill of lament has been opened for you, then they run to you on the lane of the house of the great lament. Already before the battle all things had been torn away for you. My mistress! Your power -- it crushes every flintstone. You dart by like the storm darting by, you howl with the howling storm, you thunder with Ishkur, with the dreadful thunderstorm -- do you get weary by this? (No,) your foot never gets weary, so that they begin a lament-song with the harp of lament.
Die Verheerliking van Inanna Luister op YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-xhZzkdj3PQ
Inleiding Ninmé şarra ú dalla éɖa Meesteres van die sewe hemelmagte, skynende vlam Monu ziɖ melim gurru kiyaŋ an uroşa Bron van lewe, regverdige beminde van hemel en aarde Nügeŋ anna súɧkeşe galgalla Dienaar van die hemel met die magtige sierade Aga ziɖ kiyaŋ nam enna tumma Bekroon met lewe, as priesteres van hemel en aarde bestem Me ümönbe şusa ɖuga In jou hand is die herders van die gode Niŋgu mé galgalla Magtige meesteres van die hemelliggame Saŋ keşebi sayemen Jy wat hulle bewaak en beskerm Me müyelí me şuzüşő muyelá Jy het hulle opgelig en in jou hande gehou Me muweyúr me gabasá bitap Jy het hulle versamel en teen jou bors gedruk Uşomgalgen kurre uş bayeşum Soos ’n draak verskroei jy die buiteland Işkürgen kişe giyasá Wanneer jy soos die dondergod brul Aşnan laba şigal Verwelk bome en plante Amáru kurbita edde Stroom vloede teen die berge af Saŋkal an-kiya dinana bimen Heerser van hemel en aarde, dis jy Inanna.
BRONNE http://www.angelfire.com/mi/enheduanna/ http://www.angelfire.com/mi/enheduanna/Enhedvisual.html http://www.angelfire.com/mi/enheduanna/Meador.html http://www.angelfire.com/mi/enheduanna/Ninmesara.html http://enenuru.net/visuals/enkur/ogi/Inanna%27s%20storm%20copy%209.jpg Beaulieu, S. after Meador 2000:38,13a. http://www.matrifocus.com/SAM04/spotlight.htm http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_JK8mviw_3e4/SNP2troxizI/AAAAAAAACr0/5xuKC64rfhA/s400/akkad.jpg http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_RgYyITO8eJg/TBrSt8_8vII/AAAAAAAAA5w/-Ymai2If0gg/s1600/Ancient_Akkadian_Empire_large.png http://blustil.wordpress.com/blue-steel-magazine-lists-ten-of-the-greatest-poets-that-ever-lived/ http://www.calyxpress.org/Humming.htm http://www.cassdalglish.com/humming_the_blues_115576.htm http://blustil.wordpress.com/blue-steel-magazine-lists-ten-of-the-greatest-poets-that-ever-lived/ www.chickhistory.com/2011/04/enheduanna-high-priestess-and-worlds.html The Enheduanna Society http://www.zipang.org.uk/ The Exaltation of Inana (English and Sumerian translation) by The University of Oxford Library. The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature. www.atour.com/history/4000BC/20110927a.html http://houseofgold.blog.com/files/2010/09/artempiresbabylon.jpg www.polyvore.com/enheduanna_princess_priestess_poet/set?id=36357026 http://poemshape.wordpress.com/tag/ninmesarra/ www.sibyllineorder.org/sacred_texts/sw_enheduanna.htm www.transoxiana.com.ar/0108/roberts-enheduanna.html#ref_pie
BIBLIOGRAFIE Dalglish, Cass (2008). Humming The Blues: Inspired by Nin-Me-Sar-Ra, Enheduanna's Song to Inanna. Oregon: CALYX Books. ISBN 978-0-934971-92-8. De Shong Meador, Betty (2001). Inanna, Lady of Largest Heart: Poems of the Sumerian High Priestess Enheduanna, University of Texas ISBN 0-292-75242-3 De Shong Meador, Betty(2009). Princess, priestess, poet: the Sumerian temple hymns of Enheduanna, University of Texas Press, , ISBN 978-0-292-71932-3 Hallo, William W. and Van Dijk, J.J.A. (1986). The Exaltation of Inanna, Yale University Press. Roberts, Janet (2004). Enheduanna, Daughter of King Sargon: Princess, Poet, Priestess (2300 B.C.), Transoxiana 8 [2] Sjoberg, Ake and E. Bermann, E. (1969). The Collection of the Sumerian Temple Hymns, Locust Valley, J.J. Augustin. Sjoberg, Ake (1975). In-nin sa-gur-ra: A Hymn to the Goddess Inanna by the en-Priestess Enheduanna, Zeitschrift für Assyriologie und Vorderasiatische Archaeologie 65: 161–253. Zgoll, Annette (1997). Der Rechtsfall der En-hedu-Ana im Lied Nin-me-sarra, (En-hedu-Ana's legal case in the hymn Nin-me-sara) [Ugarit-Verlag, Muenster], 1997