flurin.it - Menü EN 13. Januar 2023

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White polenta × Mushrooms × Poached organic egg × Curly cale

13,50€ | 18€

Buffalo milk × Hay × Linseed × Toffee


Romaine lettuce × Spring roll × Duck or squash × Soy

13,50€ | 19€

Eton Mess × Lemon × Meringue × Matcha


Fagottini × Porchetta × Sauerkraut × Horseradish

13,50€ | 18€

Goat cheese × Prune × Walnut


Beetroot × Smoked trout × Tapioca × Lemongrass

13,50€ | 20,00€

Salmon trout poke × Oats × Quince × Sesame

13,50€ | 20,00€

Main courses

Complete menu Menu consisting of three courses from the menu With cold or pasta main course

45€ 41€

Menu consisting of four courses from the menu (two starters)

55€ 65€

Cappelletti × Savoy cabbage × Stracciatella × Leek

13,50€ | 18€

Menu consisting of five courses from the menu (three starters)

Lamb shank × Falafel × Yogurt × Pomegranate


flurin is dedicated to the creation of seasonal dishes using regional products from local suppliers.

Char × Celeriac × Capers × Dill


* If certain substances or products provocate allergies or intolerances to you, we ask you to inform our staff when ordering. They will be glad to give you further information.

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