1 minute read
Land Acknowledgement
by Johann Pacheco-Veissiere
The Plumber’s Faucet is located on unceded indigenous land. Well, actually, the Plumber’s Faucet is nowhere; we don’t have a location. But the university that funds it is located in an important historic meeting place for the Kanien’keha:ka peoples to meet with other indigenous nations. The Kanien’keha:ka peoples were the easternmost members of the Haudenosaunee confederacy. The founder of the confederacy, Hiawatha, was a member of the Kanien’keha:ka peoples, and therefore another Montrealer we can and should be proud of.
Furthermore, McGill is located on the unceded Q:uebe’cois land, where traditional practices of domestic terrorism and saying fake swears were practiced for generations.
The Plumber’s Faucet recognizes and admires the history of the peoples from which’s land we publish from, and we admonish with great vitriol anything brought about from the later conquerors of this land (Br*tish).
We recognize the futility of our attempts to reconcile what the Br*tish peoples did to this land, and although this land acknowledgment cannot ever remedy such horrid acts, we assure all readers that in our day-to-day we at the Faucet fight Br*tishness at any opportunity we have.