The Rebirth

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MAY - JUNE 2020








CAROLINE EMILE Queen of Positivity Read her story on HOW SHE BEAT CANCER
















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Lady Anita Duckworth-Bradshaw

That is why he said "Transformer the Transformation" "Transformer the transformation" says my Prince. As I watch him create different things using his building blocks. I wonder what it would be like for us adults to utilize our imagination to create changes in our lives.

How can we build a better life using a similar system like the little ones?

I have often tried to help him with his constructions, and with resistance he would scream: "Mummy not like thattttt." Hmmmm! Then show me I would say in a defeated voice. And with little or no much effort, he comes up with exactly what he wanted to see as a finished product. When he presented his work to me with smiles on his face, all I could say was: Incredible.

"Life is better read through the eyes of little children."-

Imagine what our lives would become if we tap into our imagination, and refuse to settle for less than we are?

Imagine the health benefit of doing "nothing" for a while - just imagine.

Anita Duckworth-Bradshaw

COVID-19 has changed so many things within a space of four months. Who knows what the "new normal" would look like once the world reopens for business? Thank you for being part of our global mission, as we continue to deliver quality contents through our publication. Stay safe and keep shining.

What can we learn from the little children at this time of global challenges?

Lady Anita Duckworth-Bradshaw

Powerhouse Global Magazine


Powerhouse Global Brand Propagator




Queen of




CE: It’s my pleasure and honour – thank YOU!

East, yet seemed to get more dissatisfied as I progressed in my corporate career. I’ve since become a happiness & fulfilment coach, author and international & TEDX speaker.

PGMAG: So, who is Caroline Emile?

PGMAG: What are you about in the world?

CE: I’m a citizen of the world who was born in Egypt and lived on three continents as a child, currently living in the UK. I originally qualified in business management then trained as a coach after working for almost a decade in marketing communications across various industries in the UK and Middle

CE: My mission is to inspire and empower individuals on every continent to unleash the best – or butterfly - version of themselves, with a view to creating a happier and more conscious world. I believe that we are each born with a unique purpose or role to play in the world, yet society’s perspective

My mission is to inspire and empower individuals on every continent to unleash the best – or butterfly version of themselves, with a view to creating a happier and more conscious world. I believe that we are each born with a unique purpose or role to play in the world.



PGMAG: Thank you very much for this opportunity to interview you today.

of the ‘ideal life’ may discourage us from pursuing what truly fulfils us. And so we can settle as ‘caterpillars’; we are still successful at what we do and may have all the material rewards that reflect this, but something remains missing within us – a feeling that there must be more to our lives (this was me some years ago). Or, in extreme cases, some people can become stuck in chasing the next ‘thing’ or material reward according to society, never truly realising that true happiness & fulfilment comes from unleashing our OWN highest potential and using this to serve the world. So this is what I support individuals with – clarifying what truly makes them happy (not what they’ve been told by parents, teachers, the media, etc.) and equipping them with the tools to master their mindset to breakthrough their fears and unlock the person they were ultimately born to be in the world; in essence, the butterfly. PGMAG: You are one of those individuals who radiate light no matter the storm. Have you always been this positive? CE: I think so! I learnt that happiness is a choice when I was just 15, when my life as I’d known it until then ended.



Caroline Emile at The Powerhouse Global Awards event This was when I moved to an all-girls boarding school in England, which was a HUGE change from the international, mixed, day schools I’d gone to until then in the Middle East, not to mention that I’d never been away from home before. I felt lonely and isolated in a foreign place - a total fish out of water - so to keep me motivated, I started ticking the days off the calendar until I’d return home for holiday. A couple of days into this and it wasn’t enough to celebrate just once a day, so I started ticking off each completed hour in a day, but this seemed

And so we can settle as ‘caterpillars’; we are still successful at what we do and may have all the material rewards that reflect this, but something remains missing within us – a feeling that there must be more to our lives (this was me some years ago)

PGMAG: You have been through a difficult process on your personal journey, and we would love to know how you positively overcame such health challenge.

Caroline and Lady Anita at Dubail Leadership Summit 2020 to frustrate me even more. I soon realised that waiting to escape from my present reality was making me miserable and wondered ‘what if I just tried to enjoy myself here instead?’ So I abandoned the calendar and started decorating my room to make it feel more homelike, and began joining the other girls on weekend trips to the local town to shop or catch a film at the cinema. It wasn’t the best of times, but slowly, things improved and I started to even have a bit of fun on some days and forget the pain I was in, even if for brief periods at first. In due course, I began to

genuinely laugh and settle in to enjoy my studies. So I basically learnt early on in my life that a shift in my external world only happened when I shifted my internal one, and that I could be happy despite of ‘bad’ circumstances. I didn't choose to go to boarding school, yet I figured I still had the choice of how to experience it, and I carried this insight/skill with me throughout my life. PGMAG: How would you describe yourself? CE: I’m warm, friendly, thoughtful and vibrant. I’m

CE: Yes, I was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2017 at the age of 41, which wasn’t something I’d ever imagined possible. A couple of months prior to this, I had written down my top life desires, and first on the list was “to be used by God to fulfill His purpose for me – to maximise my potential to make a positive impact in as many people’s lives as possible”, and so I believed that cancer had come to help make me the person I was truly born to be, rather than to break me. I didn’t know my prognosis at the outset, but I knew that I was meant to seize cancer as part of my mission regardless of whether I outlived it or not, so I immediately launched a public blog to share my journey so that it may serve others (cancer now affects one in two people).



a bit childlike in that I love colours and having fun, as well as Disney or animated films in general (I dislike violence, horror and swearing!). I’m an empath and highly sensitive person so also very deeplyfeeling.

I intended to beat cancer in all cases, at least through my positive attitude, and so I continued being my colourful and fun self, for example I’d still put on my red lipstick and wear my bright clothes to attend my chemo sessions. And since I love taking photos to capture special moments, I still took photos at chemo as I approached it with the attitude of a ‘once-in-a-lifetime experience’. PGMAG: What is your view on COVID-19 and what are the

Caroline doing a TEDx Talk.



three keys to overcoming fear? CE: I view it as part of the ups and downs we all face in life, and although on the surface it’s terrifying, if we look at it closely, it has united the world like no other event that I can recall in my lifetime! We are no longer separated by national borders, race, religion, politics, social class or anything else that previously put up walls between us – we are all united through one common dream (to eradicate COVID-19), and we are all

simultaneously sharing the same fears and experiences, such as the challenges of selfisolation. Through this, we’re literally seeing life through each other’s eyes – which is basically empathy. My top three tips to overcome fear around COVID-19 are: 1) Minimise exposure to the news – don’t sit glued to the TV or have breaking news notifications on. I don’t own a TV since 2017 and don’t ‘pull’ news to me though alerts.

2) Practice the art of reframing – we all know the ‘is the glass half-full or half-empty’ metaphor, however there are two additional reframes we can apply to this: 1) the glass is completely full, half with water and half with air and 2) the glass is refillable regardless of any of the prior beliefs! So in the case of COVID-19, we can remind ourselves that while there are people dying in the world because of this disease, there are also babies being born during the same era; while we may be physically in lockdown mode, we can view it as being in cocoon mode and can use the time to enhance our mental and emotional awareness as well as practical skills; while we may face uncertainty around our jobs or income, we can appreciate the security of having a loving and supportive network of family and friends that we may not have previously prioritised, etc. 3) Actively enhance your happiness as the more

positive you are in any given moment, the less fear you will feel – happiness is ultimately a physical state that’s the result of the release of any of four chemicals by our brain: Dopamine, Oxytocin, Seratonin or Endorphins (the DOSE of happiness). And we can trigger these by, for example, giving ourself a massage, expressing gratitude or laughing by watching a funny show or telling jokes. PGMAG: If you were given an opportunity to address world leaders, what would be your message? CE: My message would be to incorporate personal development as a core subject in schools. Personal development remains optional even as adults, and not everyone invests in it, yet its benefits are infinite, for example, happier and more fulfiled people are scientifically proven to have better immunity, engage less in stress-related behaviours and enjoy more supportive relationships, all of which have wider reaching socio-economic implications. PGMAG: What is the one action you took that changed your life positively?

CE: Investing in my coach training - I can’t imagine how I’d have coped with having cancer had I not had the knowledge and skills that I acquired during my training! I wouldn’t have developed a life-purpose statement (to inspire and empower others like a butterfly to unleash the best version of themselves), which is what kept me anchored throughout my journey, or I wouldn’t have had a highly positive network of other coaches and like-minded people to help me maintain my positive vibe. Without taking this step back in 2013, I don’t believe that I have eventually been recognised as ‘Inspirational Woman Of The Year 2019’ by Powerhouse Global Awards or one of the ‘Iconic Women Creating A Better World For All 2019’ by the Women Economic Forum, both of which reaffirmed to me that I was finally on the path of fulfiling my unique purpose. PGMAG: What would you say to your younger self? CE: You will not only survive it, but you will thrive from it! PGMAG: Who is your role model? CE: My parents, Samir Emile and Nancy Wassef. I learnt



I trust that whatever news needs to reach me will do so organically. Mass media focus is mainly on the number of new cases and deaths, and very little is mentioned about how many people recover or don’t have the virus.

from my dad that we can achieve whatever we want through discipline, drive and determination, and I learnt from my mum that happiness is created rather than found and that colours brighten our life! PGMAG: It has been a pleasure listening to you, and we know your contribution will make a positive impact in the lives of

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our readers. Please share yours link with us. CE: Thank you for featuring me. I’d love to connect with your readers through any of the below: butterflyme.carolineemile/ carolineemile/


TARIQ NIZAMI PGMAG: Thank you Sir for this opportunity to interview you today. TN: My pleasure to meet you PGMAG: What is the CEO club Network all abou? TN: We are a global organisation with the mission of connecting elite CEOs from around the world. We have over 16,000 members and we have expanded into 25 countries since inception. We focus on our members business growth through the

support of our global team. PGMAG: How do you ensure that your membership is sold to the right client group? TN: Because we are an exclusive private organisation, and the only private club to receive the prestigious Award from the Royal Family here in Dubai, we sell our membership not just to individuals but to organisations. "CEOs comes and goes, but companies remains."- Tariq

"Women are powerful force in the global market." - Tariq Nazami

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PGMAG: What are the three keys to leading successfully? TN: The keys to being a successful leader include: * Value Time * Make the right judgement * Don't vote for today, rather vote for tomorrow PGMAG: How can CEOs break the norm in the challenged business climate? TN: The world is moving fast with technology which happens to be a driving force of growth. What has taken some organisation years to achieve, can easily be achieved in a month. I would expect CEOs to consider these three factors if they want to remain relevant in the market: * Plug into technology *Get the youth aboard * Support women - women are powerful force in the global market PGMAG: If you were given an opportunity to address world leaders, what would be your message? TN: PEACE. If we look around us today there are so many things that bring fear to the human race. How can we create more peace in our world? How can

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Lady Anita with Mr Tariq Nazami at the CEOs Club Regional HQ in Dubai we help more people to reach their full potential? Peace would be my message. PGMAG: What would you say to your younger self? TN: Keep improving yourself, because you learn from your past to grow yourself today for a better tomorrow. PGMAG: What is your message for the youth? TN: The youth are the future and they need to make the right choices, and follow the right path. I currently support over three hundred and fifty children in education through

my charity. PGMAG: Thank you very much once again for your time. It has been an insightful interview and we wish you more succeses on your mission. TN:Thank you for coming and we will be happy to contribute to your business growth. http://www.ceoclubsnetwork. com





T The impact of this pandemic is almost unfathomable. Not only has there been a tragic loss of life, the disruption to daily life will have a knock-on effect for years as our economies recover.

he current global crisis is an unprecedented challenge for mankind. In living memory, we have not been faced with a crisis that has affected our international community so drastically and indiscriminately. At the time of writing, there have been over 1.3 million cases of COVID-19 reported worldwide, and almost every country has been affected. Many countries have imposed restrictions on freedoms that have never been seen before. In the UK we are usually fortunate enough to have a lot of autonomy and freedom, and the shift to

going into lockdown has been a jarring one for many. The impact of this pandemic is almost unfathomable. Not only has there been a tragic loss of life, the disruption to daily life will have a knock-on effect for years as our economies recover. Almost every person has been affected by this outbreak and each will have their own account of how it impacted them. As a final year law student this pandemic has hit at a crucial time in my life and professional development and I am glad to be able to share my experiences and perspectives. MAY-JUNE 2020


Firstly though, my thoughts are with those who have sadly lost their life, a loved one, or have suffered from this illness. I’m also thinking of anyone who finds themselves in a situation where they do not have access to necessary resources, and those who are living in poverty or unsafe environments. This crisis has really made me stop and reflect on how lucky I am to live in a comfortable and safe home where I have access to essential resources. When I talk about the difficulties this crisis has caused me, I am very aware that there are people who have suffered greatly.

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HOW HAS THIS PANDEMIC AFFECTED UNIVERSITY STUDENTS? My experience with the University of Dundee has been that staff have made a huge effort to adapt to this challenge and support online learning. As a fourth-year student I usually attend a mixture of lectures and interactive seminar groups. During this crisis, all the resources I need have been digitised and my classes have been run online, using software that allows students to interact via video and microphone software, or using a typed chat box. Exams will now be run online too, meaning the format

has changed significantly, and graduation ceremonies have been postponed. All of these changes have presented a challenge for me, and I know many of my peers feel the same. Adjusting to online classes has been difficult and the changes to the exam procedures has been stressful, especially for those in our final year. It has been difficult for me to remain motivated and focused in such uncertain times. I have felt a great sense of loss as my final months of University have been completely changed and I feel as though I am missing out on these last experiences. Personally, I was also due

SO, WHAT CAN WE LEARN FROM THIS EXPERIENCE? For me, the COVID-19 lockdown has been like pressing the pause button on life, it has forced me to take a break and reflect. At this crucial time in my life it has made me think about what I can learn from this experience and how resilient to change I can be. I have been able to adapt to these strange circumstances to finish my last semester and make the most of my four years of hard work. I have had to take stock of my feelings and my reactions to stressful situations to learn how I can manage this to remain motivated and productive. My degree has always required a high level of self-discipline, but this lockdown has been the greatest test of that yet. Most employers will ask job

applicants to tell them about a time they have had to overcome a challenge. The graduating class of 2020 will perhaps have the greatest example of this, working through this lockdown at one of the most crucial stages of their professional lives. As a wider community, this global crisis has encouraged a system of support on personal levels and as a global effort by world leaders to prevent the spread of this virus. People have come together to support each other in these stressful and uncertain times. Our essential workers have worked tirelessly to keep us healthy and safe and the gratitude our society has expressed has been heart-warming. I hope that if anything positive can come from this crisis it is that we are all reminded of our humanity. That we continue to acknowledge how interconnected we all are and the importance of our global and local communities. I hope we all stop to appreciate the little things in our daily lives that we so often take for granted and we take lessons from this time to make us more adaptable and resilient to life’s challenges.

to represent Scotland in the Telders International Mooting Competition in the Hague in June as part of my dissertation project. This would have been the biggest event of my professional career so far. My team have worked for months to prepare and I was incredibly honoured and proud to be part of the competition. I have felt a great sense of loss for not being able to participate in the final stage.

About KATE SCARBOROUGH Kate is a final year University student due to graduate from the University of Dundee with a degree in Dual Qualifying Scots and English Law (LLB). She is a very active member of the law school and has represented Dundee University and Scotland in Mooting competitions over the last four years. Kate is particularly interested in criminal law and international law. Linked In- www.linkedin. com/in/kate-scarborough71438b139 Email- Kate_1208@




DURING COVID 19 FARZANA Who could have imagined that 2020 would start with every country in the world dealing with a major pandemic such as COVID-19, all at the same time?


his pandemic will have political, economical, financial, social, emotional, technological, environmental and legal impact across the globe. It also brings along with it a lot of uncertainty for organisations, small businesses, employees and self-employed. On an individual level, people have to find ways to work from home as offices close down temporarily, find innovative and practical ways to help their children with school learning at home as schools close. Some are trying to get their loved

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ones, stranded in other parts of the world back home safely. Trying to run a home without going outdoors, having to manage everything from food shopping, repeat prescriptions for medication to dry cleaning all online as effectively and efficiently as possible. All this change in such a short span of time whilst trying to juggle everything, being confined at home, can bring about a lot of emotions, stress and anxiety for many of us. If you are feeling tired, stressed, anxious or lonely, you are definitely not alone. We

On an individual level, people have to find ways to work from home as offices close down temporarily, find innovative and practical ways to help their children with school learning at home as schools close.

Here are our top 10 tips on how to better manage and maintain your mental well-being during these trying times: 1. Connect with Family/ Friends Have a video call with family/ friends at least once a day. Call on family and friends you have lost touch with. Call on family/friends you have not spoken to for a while. Share with each other the way you are each handling this new temporary way of life, because it is temporary. Share tips with each other. Be there for each other, especially if one of you is finding it tougher or having a bad day. Just listening to someone will help them and make your realise too that it is ok to be not ok, and that we are all going through the same emotions and feelings. 2. Mentor/Coach – If you are lucky to have a coach or a mentor, talk to them regularly. Share what works, what does not work, how you are feeling, any challenges you are facing, as a mentor they will listen and share tips and guide you. Your coach will listen and

re-direct your thoughts and feelings to help you be calmer, more in control and help you with tangible goals to work on, overcome challenges and be an improved you. This will enable you to work from a higher self and be able to separate self-worth from output whilst celebrating working with true intention. 3. Meditation/Exercise Pray, mediate and/or do yoga/ exercise at least once a day. It is so important that despite gyms being closed and yoga classes cancelled, you continue to exercise. There is a wealth of free classes and exercises online that you can take advantage of. Even if you are not a religious person, you can meditate and do simple breathing exercises to release the negative energy to help you feel lighter and calmer. Fresh air also does wonders if you are feeling a little claustrophobic being indoors, consider taking a walk in the garden, if you can’t exercise. 4. Gratitude – Lets be content and grateful for what we have, we are still blessed to be in the comfort of our homes, with our loved ones, be it spouse, child(ren) or pet(s). We have food, water, clean air, a roof over our heads.

Many people don’t even have these. Being thankful for what we have also brings about an improved self-awareness and self-management towards a positive mindset. If we allow ourselves, we can actually be grateful for this pandemic, as it has given us time to connect with our child(ren) on a whole new level, can help us strengthen our relationship with our parents, make us feel grateful for all the luxuries we previously took for granted, reminded us of the love we have for our spouse, and most importantly, helped us to slow down the fast pace of life, be really ‘present’ and enjoy the little moments. 5. Positive Mind set Review your terminology when talking to yourself or others, especially children, who may or may not understand the seriousness and the reasons for staying at home during this pandemic. Try to avoid phrases such as ‘stuck at home’ and instead say ‘safe at home’ instead. Talk with your children. Rumour and speculation can fuel anxiety, use reputable sources for information only. Limit social media. Connect with your near and dear ones whom can uplift you, give you perspective and be grateful to be surrounded by incredible



are all going through the same challenges, feeling the same emotions and having the same concerns.

supportive and positive people. 6. Lifelong Learning This is a great time to review your areas of strengths and weaknesses as a person, a professional or indeed as a leader. There are a variety of free short courses online you can undertake and upgrade your technical and/or soft skills. Learn a new language, or learn how to play an instrument or take up a hobby such as painting, calligraphy or sketching. Learn more about yourself and how to be more mindful perhaps. If you have a garden, do some gardening, learn about some of the plants you have, or research a plant some new plants or trees, gardening can be quite

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therapeutic too. Develop an action plan and set SMART goals for yourself, i.e. (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time bound). 7. Managing your Money If you have had to take unpaid leave, or take a pay cut or have unfortunately lost your job, you will need to find ways for your money to go further. Review your incomings and outgoings. Review and reduce your unnecessary outgoing expenses where possible. If you have savings, with stock markets and currencies taking a plunge, perhaps it’s a good time to invest in stocks and shares. If you have a mortgage or loans, speak to your bank and see if there is a way you can

This is a great time to review your areas of strengths and weaknesses as a person, a professional or indeed as a leader. There are a variety of free short courses online you can undertake and upgrade your technical and/or soft skills.

8. Legacy Have you organized your finances and paperwork so that if god forbid something happens to you, (Coronavirus or not), are your dependents going to be looked after? Do you have a will in place? Do you have life

insurance/critical illness cover in place? Having a plan and being organised ensuring your dependents well being and future is secure reduces stress for your dependents in the future. Reducing risk is reducing anxiety. Have you thought about the type of legacy you want to leave behind? Perhaps start planning this now that you have some free time. 9. Solidarity/Giving Back – Do you know anyone in your circles who is prone to anxiety and depression? Do you know someone who is alone, a single parent perhaps, or someone with a spouse working overseas? Someone who has been or can be a potential risk of domestic abuse/

violence? Someone who is in recovery from drugs/alcohol/ gambling perhaps? Check in on them, talk to them, listen to them, be supportive and be approachable and available for them to reach out to you if they need, as this may be a particularly tough time for them or be at a higher risk due to isolation. Perhaps mentor someone you know that is struggling. If you personally need support, don’t hesitate to reach out for help. There are dozens of support outlets and groups available online and by phone. 10. Reflection – When we are busy with work, home, family, children, we sometimes complain we don’t



take a ‘mortgage holiday’ for a few months to help tie you over. Find out if there are any government benefits, insurance policies you can claim on based on your circumstances, take advantage of them. If you are saving on gym membership, commuting expenses now that you are at home, put this money separately into perhaps a savings account and let that grow for a ‘rainy day’ or a treat later in the year.

“There are all kinds of things we can do in this world to make it a better place, but we must start with ourselves.” Richard Bandler

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have enough ‘me time’, or don’t have enough quality time with the children, or that we don’t have enough time to call and talk to our elderly parents. Well now, with a little bit of extra time, either due to reduced commuting to work time, or less business travel, or less work stress, you can relax a little. You can take a step back and review what is important and re-connect with what and who is important in your life. Reflect on your life, your relationship with your loved ones, your relationship with your faith (if you are that way inclined), and your relationship with yourself. This is a great time to press your ‘reset’ button and be true to yourself. Are you treating yourself well, are you happy, are you making the best out of your life? Plan and make it happen today, you owe it to yourself, if no one else.

About FARZANA Farzana is an award winning Human Capital Leader 2018 and Woman of Substance Award winner 2020. She is a Chartered Fellow of CIPD, a qualified NLP Master Coach, ICF Coach, a Board Executive of the International Coach Federation (ICF) UAE Chapter, as well as Founder, Executive Coach and HR Consultant at Trailblazer Consulting and Founder of Trailblazer Women Network. Farzana has over 22 years of experience in developing people, strategies and businesses across a variety of industries including Telecom, Engineering, Manufacturing, Healthcare, Agriculture, Education and Information Technology. She is also a mentor for Cherie Blair Foundation for Women, is an international speaker and an advocate for women empowerment. To know more please visit



he world of our dreams is appealing, attractive and amazing. We all live in a unique own world where we all dream a lot based on our individualistic perceptions about our future goals, plans and endeavours. This classic world of dreams is kaleidoscopic but challenging in practical life. Despite all these challenges, we still dream unbelievably, think desperately and plan deliberately to achieve those cherished goals by attaining the dizzying heights in our personal, professional and social careers. In the process of

We must try to understand the language of own heart first and then identify our goals with lot of deliberations. pursuing these cherished goals, we come across many hurdles, obstacles and challenges but our extraordinary determination, unwavering commitment and indomitable attitude enable us to overcome these wonderfully.

UNDERSTAND THE LANGUAGE OF YOUR HEART Most of us fail to understand the language of own heart and get carried away with the unrealistic and impractical thoughts. We must try to understand the language of own heart first and then identify our goals with lot of deliberations. Identification of own goal is paramount in life to move on the right path with the right momentum and in the right direction. Many people are unable to identify own dreams perfectly and correctly which at later stage turns out to be time consuming and



waste of energy and efforts. We must chase our dreams. We must first believe in our guts, strengths and inner calling before we set on the journey of chasing of own dreams. Though the journey of pursuing own dreams may be enthusing but it requires passion, zeal and perfection to keep moving ahead and attain the desired heights. SHED THE FEAR OF DEFEAT The fear of defeat would always be the main cause of withdrawal from the battle of chasing own dreams and finally deviating you from the right path. One must be fully focused and undoubtedly

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determined on own goals despite impromptu hurdles in routine life. One must believe in own guts so that it would empower you to be more confident and energetic while pursuing your ultimate goals. You must recharge your instincts and fuel them appropriately to render required level of momentum which would keep you always enthused and energised to encounter any obstacles and enable you further to overcome the fear of defeat. The fear of defeat incapacitates us and makes us weaker.

PRACTICE MAKES A PERSON PERFECT The old saying of practice makes a person perfect, still holds good. You must make your efforts to ensure that you achieve expected perfectness. The repeated practices would make you feel stronger and the periodic rehearsals would further empower you unbelievably. You must enrich your vocabulary which must add value to your written as well as verbal communication skills. The better ideas only come to the minds of those who have better vocabulary. You must read a book in a week and the relevant magazines to enhance your vocabulary

THE PARETO PRINCIPLE (80/20 RULE) The 80/20 rule indicates that only 20% people do things differently and achieve the desired goals in their professional as well personal lives. Remaining 80% are the just passengers who tag along with the 20% people who render the required leadership to any organisation. Also

those great leaders in the world who have excelled in their own fields, have done things differently. You must make a habit to read at least one biography/autobiography in a year to remain energetic, enthused and motivated every time. We must remain always empowered, enthused and energetic in attitude so that we can win over the difficulties in life at each stage. BE ADAPTIVE IN ATTITUDE IN THE CHANGING TIMES

The repeated practices would make you feel stronger and the periodic rehearsals would further empower you unbelievably. You must enrich your vocabulary which must add value to your written as well as verbal communication skills.

The world is undergoing accelerated changes in the socioeconomic fabric. These rapid changes require adaptive nature and positivity in attitude to adjust and adopt the paradigm shifts taking place in the world. We must swiftly



level and remain updated with the ongoing changes in the emerging Fourth Wave Society. It is desired to be always well informed and socially connected rightly. Those who don’t adjust and adapt to the ongoing paradigm shifts taking place in the socio-political as well as socioeconomic fabric, later feel left out and isolated.

align with the emerging trends and adjust in the changed scenario. Never lose your originality and unique pattern of doing things differently. The successful people always have their own style of achieving the desired results and doing the same thing in a different manner which eventually make them great and successful in this world. DESIGN THE PITCH OF YOUR LIFE Designing the pitch of own life is an essential task to move ahead and keep an account of own periodic progress. We must design our own pitch of life by marking the realistic milestones to be achieved in a particular time line. This would keep us always focused and centric as well vigilant to keep performing seamlessly in pursuance of own dreams. These milestones can be documented in the form of Micro Goals, Short Term Goals, Mid Term Goals and Long Term Goals. Once the periodic gaols have been set, you must pursue these with passionate zeal and perfect precision. But one must be fearless and firm while pursuing the pitch of own life.

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IMBIBE LEADERSHIP ATTRIBUTES Our thoughts constitute our future action plans and compel us to think and behave in a particular fashion. We must always think like a leader and keep enhancing our skills and competencies. A leader must always think passionately, positively and progressively to render the appreciable leadership. There is an urgent requirement in this rapidly changing world to be an adaptive leader rather than being a line manager to excel socially and professionally. REENERGISE, REJUVENATE AND REDISCOVER YOURSELF In the changing time we must be adaptive, resilient and flexible to achieve our goals. We have to be dedicated and committed with an indomitable attitude to achieve expected excellence to attain dizzying heights. Our sustained contributions and seamless efforts would definitely enable us to chase our cherished goals in life. In the process of achieving this, we need to reinvent ourselves by reenergising our emotions, rejuvenating our spirits and rediscovering ourselves.

About BHAGWAN SHEKHAWAT Bhagwan Shekhawat is a futurist, corporate consultant and a sociopolitical analyst residing in Jaipur city of the Indian subcontinent. He takes immense pride in enthusing, empowering and enhancing the leadership skills of the young global leaders in pursuance of creating a cascade of competent leaders. In addition, he expresses his invaluable, inspiring and dynamic views on the emerging Fourth Wave Societies which are reshaping a new geosocial world order. A keen reader and a progressive ideologist who amazingly advocates about the impending global waves of change and the ongoing paradigm shifts taking place in the contemporary socioeconomic and geopolitical spectrum. Twitter: @Colbhagwan


Ms. Denisa is Ambassador of Peace to Cad bridge Corporation, USA. Ms. Gokovi is an honoured member of the “International Royal Academy” of the United Nations, also the Ambassador of Culture and Art for the “International World Peace Committee “.

GLOBAL REGIONS: Europe, Asia, USA BUSINESS SECTOR: Humanitarianism, Politics, Arts & Entertainment EXPERTISE: International Politics, Arts & Entertainment, Music, and Philosophy. Ms. Gokovi is the Global Goodwill Ambassador at the Canadian non-profit, FAAVM. She is also the Ambassador for Human Rights & Peace. Ms. Denisa is Ambassador of Peace to Cad bridge Corporation, USA. Ms. Gokovi is an honoured member of the “International Royal Academy” of the United Nations, also the Ambassador of Culture and Art for the “International World Peace Committee “. She is also the Ambassador for Arts and Humanities in the “Royal Society Group” and an Ambassador for “African Child

Projects” .An accomplished musician and composer, Gokovi has studied piano since the age of six. She often performs live concerts and donates time performing for benefits supporting underprivileged communities and children. She also aids young artists in their professional development and training. Ms. Denisa was recently nominated in 2019 for the Global Humanitarian Award by the World Peace & Diplomacy Organization. She has been appointed to her role as Chairperson & Speaker for Albania in the Women's Economic Forum, India and also in the Global Ambassadors' organization of Human Rights. Ms. Denisa is member of the ECO LEAGUE Forums team & Cher Eco City - Singapore (2019-2021) Ms. Denise Gokovi is also Goodwill Ambassador to the



eminent organization where she promotes human values and commitments "Noble World Records” India. She is also Goodwill Ambassador & Speaker of the non-profit USA organization (GGA) on a global audience well known on the professional social network LinkedIn. Ms. Denisa is Dame Grand Officer of the Holy Order of Protection & Education for women children and families (H.O.P.E). She is also General Coordinator for “Wisdom International Festival” in Albania. H.E Denisa Gokovi is appointment as National Brand Ambassador of Albania from “International Non-Olympic University” & Adviser of INOU Peace – Mission. Experienced Brand Representative with a demonstrated history of working in the non-profit organization management industry. Skilled in Non-profit Organizations, Public Speaking, Song writing, Dynamic Speaker, and Writing. Strong sales professional with a Master of Arts - MA focused in Music Theory and Composition from Artistic Academy.

disadvantages but the projecting power of vital destiny develops challenges to human vision. She has studied at the Academy of Arts for many years in her role as a pianist and has won several national awards in her performances. She was born in the City of Shkoder, where he is otherwise called the "Cradle of Culture" for the tradition and taste of civilization of a people with passion and art. Her determination and courage make her a career enhancer, influencing the categorization of some cells as basic knowledge of professional structures. Ms. Gokovi came from a very difficult life and economically difficult family history mentioning the rivalry of the last thirty years, during an uneasy periodic transition that has deeply affected Albania in the fatality of big corruption and human injustice. This crucial fact in emotional transformed the survival powers into an extraordinary experience in a dominant focus of Ms. Denise’s role. Creativity as a multifaceted quality in her management function, empowered efforts towards new opportunities.

Denise Gokovi's historical integrity begins with a life loaded with immense

Ms. Gokovi currently lives in the Albanian capital, Tirana, where she integrates

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her dreams and selfconfidence. The first steps have been extremely tricky as a consequence of careful selection, high expectations, status of success and differentiation of ideas where her announces selfconscious competition in career development. Ms. Denise has been part of many charity activities, and has also donated her imagination and image, productive ideas and ongoing consulting to her philosophy on improving people's psychological well-being. Vitality of life is evidence of efforts to socialize motivational hopes in human pride. Ms. Denise has shown that volunteering is an opportunity, a form of rebellion and a confidential freedom. She started writing philosophically at the age of 17. She had always believed in her vision and the unconditional belief of people that potentially one day the world would hear her story. Ms. Gokovi is now fully dedicated to the realization of her first philosophical book, explaining the ethics of the dark world in human passions, the pragmatism of political force, the ignorance and passivity of mistaken protagonism, the vital roles of great change within a game that governs fortunes of

Her perspective, imagined for the tangible reality in Albania, influenced various innovative spaces, such as the humanitarian model of youth tolerance and spirit, integrating their vision into a fair advantage over the right choices. Ms. Denise has been a member of several national and international associations, mainly to protect the rights of women and children. Protecting a story requires not only facts, but emotional experiences that bring attention to the truth. Ms. Denise completed her music studies and focused on philosophy, while pursuing professional practice in various marketing areas. She then alternated with her passions by collaborating with one of the oldest and most recognized associations in Albania, the Association "For the Benefit of Albanian Women" in which we work as a team for women's rights, integrity and development potential. & their economic. In this association there is also a branch of music where are trained in music education, non-pre-planned and abandoned children. Our focus is on social awareness and the changes needed to improve the psychosocial and economic-social status of

people. Her work is followed over the years, creating profiles and engagements with great human and social responsibility. Her creative goal created collective awareness through various conferences that were organized several times, who she as invited in several important world organizations , respected her dimensional personality, as a strong voice representing Albania. She currently lives with her family, which consists of two parents and two brothers. Nurturing responsibility for family values is the key to living life by sharing positive interests with people who are frustrated by family welfare status. She also dedicates her time to different social level of people, she is very loving and dedicated to them. Ms. Denise has been part of various national and international interviews, cited by TV, magazines and newspapers. One of the most successful cases has been the NYC radio show "In the Hearts of People" which invited various personalities from the world of culture and humanity. I've had a lot of impact on my career. Also various magazines and blogs that have supported my global initiative by working independently and competitively in the

international market. A few days ago Ms. Denise had a dignified presentation at a conference and festival in Albania, where she collaborated with a young dancer, the very talented Ms. Geraldine Gryka who inspired many young people with her human and artistic talent and attractiveness. This collaboration managed to be appreciated in the national audience and considered in one of the best independent and professional presentations in Albania. The day-to-day activity of providing collective wellbeing, solutions and creative opportunities for young people is the model of teaching and professional orientation making the energy of our youth to create the complex knowledge system of high international qualifications. This is one of the current goals that include Ms. Denise's dedication and commitment. Abilities of the exploratory powers and training, education of our youth. The case of Ms. Geraldine that show her experience as a young girl with ambition has challenged her family's difficult history by initiating experimental exchanges in her profession as a dancer & speaker referring especially to her family's story




who have represented the history of democracy in Albania and in many countries that are partners in politic with Albania. Mutual cooperation with Ms. Geraldine has begun through artistic and philosophical language, already building on the following priorities and collaborations as a multipurpose large platform, where are enable and promote young talents with a great deal of entrepreneurship and influence as she is valued internationally in France, Greece, Italy, Germany etc. Denise has poured her potential into this new venture, where she has developed in recent years to represent the culture and model of national success in the international arena through the extraordinary talent that our young people receive. Confidence and integrity is the desire and passion to promote internationally quality relationships, achievement style, reflection of success, specially selected programs as well as the highest ratings with valuable humanitarian objectives worldwide. Ms. Denise's Conceptual campaign, has been subject to various objectively acceptable price ratings by some important personalities, including

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the most affected areas of poverty mentioning countries such as Africa, India and a significant portion of Asia in social interaction and independent voices. in global initiatives. Its progress has been further highlighted in the style of psychoanalysis, summary and political codes in various business and technology enterprises. All of these elements represent development and institutional change on theories and objectives important for establishing the ideas of diplomacy and the public sector. In this category of volunteering and principled

dreams, it is worth emphasizing that Ms. Denise comes from an unusual story of infiltration and torture that imposes corruption on the underdeveloped tasks of transition countries as they deviate for even greater interests in diplomatic structures, so Denise has decided to stimulate her work through creativity and balance. to be a safe destination for the national history of her country as well as a qualified image in the essential functions of social change that precisely need promotional roles, targeting the major problems, claims and mental spaces of illegal exploitation, based on

embrace knowledge, political and religious consensus, and to fund programs combating the destruction of objectives by perfecting arguments for freedom of residence from the processing of falsehood to the necessary elite mediation on the competition of social levels that project the future and destiny of the people. The stated call for cultural innovation, structural leadership, sharp diplomacy and important human positioning are a clear identification of the values that possess different perspectives on her individuality.

Mission of Ms. Denise progresses in the long journey of very important relationships, that she could through faith , to be able and create radical changes in the activities that interpret the culture of different countries by promoting young people through humanitarian objectives. Success story is a tested experience of heroes, greatness of truth, individual ability and human attitude. In the near future, her activism will focus on the field of entertainment and humanism, focusing on the priority of simplicity and sacrifice as a human experience, with the courage and discipline to

The struggle for survival is the key to the sacrifice of her promises, the kind of protagonism, the influence of thought that will follow in some international works, through the realization of her philosophical books, the elaboration and collective interventions on intertwined institutional confidentiality and numerous engagements such as leaders in spiritual science, human idealization, and global leadership. The magnificence of fate is the dazzling light of social imposition as an individual right where great changes can be made by certain personalities, and this image of human equality brings

great global opportunities in the illuminate experiences of humans. this intellectual and humane responsibility will accompany Ms Gokovi in all her endeavours to make history by representing various countries of the world affected by war with important subjects of the most demanding diplomatic discussions in the international arena. Dreams are the existing power of self-confidence as an important element of hope and the human spirit in the various world disciplines. The historical and human power of leadership is the confidant of global justice, the energy and courage of Ms. Denise will turn her story into a human work as the right of poor populations over a code of intelligence by self-reliance on the support and greatness of large, globally influential enterprises. Human inspiration is the key to the success of global history. BY H.E DENISE GOKOVI ALBANIA

DENISE GOKOVI Global Goodwill Ambassador for Art &Culture International Speaker -PianistAdviser -Model- ComposerWriter & Philosopher



immigration, violence, social and racial equality. A large number of objectives that Ms. Denise is totally involved in the main protagonism of global creativity. Ms. Denise has sought to document major changes as well as enable influential efforts in various sectors by organizing members of various boards of international organizations on fundraising objectives to open children's, women charity centre, by proposing balancing agreements between countries that plan social education campaigns and improve the economic situation.

MR. MARIO GRYKA His excellence, Mr. Mario Gryka under the name that founded peace and stability in Albania. He has been part of some very prestigious events related to his humanitarian engagement in the social and sports fields. His contributions enumerate some authoritative awards and assessments of institutional exchanges on international relations. He has participated in several international conferences where he has spoken on various topics and has invested in various disciplines in the field of humanities by interacting with

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international organizations UN. His position as Humanitarian Leader helped Albania through the most difficult, dark times of emigration in the 1990s. Mr. Gryka contributions in both the social and economic fields have been established by touching on the importance of the events of that time through the national association "Azem Hajdari". Mr. Gryka is the Founder and President of the nonprofit association “Azem Hajdari”, where he managed to implement various social projects by offering integration

opportunities for Albanians. His involvement in countries like Greece, Italy, Belgium, France and the USA have been instrumental in organizing the most important humanitarian status events. His awards hold the title of “Hero of Democracy” and “Personality of the Year” in Albania. Mr. Gryka has been “Ambassador of Culture and Sports” Greece. “The best Boxing Trainer” France . His advantages have shown mutual cooperation

His passion is Boxing and has pursued this profession since his youth. The challenges of life turned him into a Hero of humanity representing Albania. He began his career as a humanitarian mentor and continues this professional project by training many boxers in Europe, ranging from offering children free training to boxing professionals, where they have come to be valued at important international competitions. Under the of his non-profit association “ Azem Hajdari” , he succeeded in liaising with several humanitarian projects as an advisor also to important personalities in humanitarian organizations, and benefited from his position to bring substantial material assistance to provide broadbased education and sociality in different levels of people. Mr. Gryka has repeatedly been invited to international delegations, where she has spoken about corruption and actuality in Albania, denouncing Albanian politics over their policies. He has developed an independent and intellectual position, contributing to

through foreign embassies in Albania where a few years ago He was honoured with the "Honour of the Nation" Award.

fundamental changes in international initiatives for Albania. Mr. Gryka is an honorary member of nonprofits organizations in Albania, Greece and Italy. He has also consistently contributed to national security. Mr. Gryka is Global Ambassador in the field of sports, as one of the best boxing coaches in Europe. He is also a Human Rights Ambassador to the “World Peace Committee” for 202 countries worldwide. He cultivates his passion in the global arena by shaping young people's ability to learn the importance of

sport in our lives. Sports education is an important and functional criterion for many voluntary objectives in life. The throat takes special care of unprotected and orphaned children by offering free training as well as a highly valued boxer. His humanitarian preferences are: Perspective , Success and Power. Mr. Gryka ,historic name as a personality, where reputation arises as a cause of humanitarian masterpieces, his potential brings protagonism to people's lives and vicariously defends their human rights.





fter more than a decade dedicated to leadership development in 13 countries, helping hundreds of Executives from different multinational organizations and their teams to develop new mental models and practices, I experienced my most difficult conversation when my four-year-old son asked me, "Daddy, What is that thing you call Leadership that you do in your work? ”. I said: “Leadership is the quality some people have that through what they do, they help others to be better and achieve their goals,” he replied, “And can I be a leader, dad? Yes, please, please, what do I have to do? That moment led me to revisit everything I knew about leadership, through studies, readings, and conversations with thousands of leaders I´ve had, in order to respond to my son. Today I want to share the main learnings from that exercise. The first thing I will tell you is that the day I wrote this article I found 1,010,000,000 page results on Google

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FERNANDO DADA Once we embody our Purpose and Vision then the second skill that plays a fundamental role in your effectiveness is to develop a Systemic Perspective. for “leadership skills”. That tells me that we know a lot about it, but we understand very little. Something I have learned is that we can dive into each of the topics related to leadership, but there are some characteristics and skills that have been statistically shown to be the basis of driving leadership effectiveness and that over 90% of leaders today recognize that they could develop. I will start with the most powerful element of leadership based on my experience. PURPOSE AND VISION. An Elegant Leader must have the ability to incorporate his purpose and vision in ways that inspire others. All their actions and decisions are aligned 100%

of the time with the care of this purpose. The leadership of any person is born from the search for something greater than any economic and selfish reason, a reason for being that combines vocation, profession, mission and passion. Perhaps the best task you can take away from reading this is just reflecting on the purpose of your organization and the purpose of your leadership. Once we embody our Purpose and Vision then the second skill that plays a fundamental role in your effectiveness is to develop a Systemic Perspective. A system is a set of interrelated things that have a common purpose or function. The Systemic Perspective in Leadership then is the ability to understand everything that is connected in a specific context - the stakeholders -, the characteristics of those connections, and the differences that exist between those parts. As a leader develops his or her Systemic Perspective, then he or she is able to make decisions with greater awareness of the impact that these will have and

When you become a manager or leader of a team, you naturally require engaging in different conversations. These conversations can make or break us, reason why several professionals have developed models and methodologies to strengthen our communication capacity. Without a doubt, the most important element to master is the ability to develop others and drive their performance through a Constructive Feedback conversation. The best gift that one

person can give another is the opportunity to develop personally or professionally and this simple act of constructive feedback fulfills just that purpose while caring for the atainment of the organization's goals and objectives. An Elegant Leader is capable of having a simple, punctual and powerful conversation that invites the receiver of constructive feedback to modify certain behaviors due to understanding the impact these have on the system and how they hinder performance. Considering that the world today is a world of volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity, Agile and

Collaborative Execution as part of Elegant Leadership is the key to delivering results with committed teams even under the mentioned context. An Elegant Leader is capable of generating sufficient trust, accountability, autonomy and discretion in his teams to be able to learn from mistakes, work with cadence and discipline; and, quicly and successfuly adjust course in front of constant change. Agile and Collaborative Execution requires transparency of all the relational elements of a team (tasks, responsabilities, roles, KPIs, results, challenges, etc). An Elegant leader must operate on the principle of shared



how they will affect or benefit his stakeholders. They will gain consciousness.

knowledge. Elegant Leaders are clear on how Knowledge Transfer takes teams to performance levels never imagined before. We have grown making sure to protect what we know and protecting it from reaching the "opponent",our partner or family. The complexity that we live in today can be navigated and resolved more easily from a space with greater knowledge. The more knowledge we have and the more perspectives we integrate, the more we will be able to feed our information intelligence and make more effective and precise decisions. An Elegant Leader not only promotes knowledge transfer, but also understands that it also means being open to learning from others. He or she walks as an apprentice of every moment in life. I have also learned that each of these skills are enhanced with practices that complement us as an integral being. These practices should focus on improving three fundamental elements: your presence, your emotional competence and your body (physical, subtle and causal). In summary, the fundamental qualities/skills to be developed

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by a leader who aims to generate results with inspired and committed teams are Purpose and Vision, Constructive Feedback, Agile & Collaborative Execution, Systemic Perspective, and Knowledge Transfer; all of these enhanced by comprehensive integral practices that strenghten your Self.. Not to leave the story unfinished, I share with you my answer to my son: “darling, in order to be a good leader you must be authentic, be who you are from the heart and invite

those who share your passion to achieve it together. � Since then, my relationship with my children has changed my practice as a consultant, coach, and leadership development facilitator. I have come to understand that simplicity will lead to applicability. Find your purpose and lead the construction of a more promising future that gives you a sense of accomplishment and passion. Transform your leadership into Elegant Leadership, a simple and powerful practice.

About FERNANDO DADA Fernando Dada is an experienced coach and consultant in organizational and commercial evolution focused on solving business challenges within complex organizations. Since 2004 he has accompanied various organizations to modify behaviors and practices that result in individuals with greater personal well-being that promote a working community to achieve business objectives efficiently and reliably. Originally from Cuernavaca, Morelos, Mexico has always focused on better understanding businesses and levers to achieve each person's purpose. After completing an MBA and an MSc in International Marketing in 2004, he began his work in Austin, TX as a consultant when he was invited to the FUMEC program called Techba, in which he supported the internationalization of

Understanding the relevance of people and processes within a business, he decided to do two postgraduate degrees in competitive strategy at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München and various certifications in Coaching, Leadership, Culture, Emotional Intelligence and learning methodologies.

around the world. He currently lives in Querétaro with his wife and two children. Always enjoys a good game of tennis or a good bike ride, as well as being able to cook and prepare a meal that generates a culinary experience leading to an unforgettable moment. Twitter: @FernandoDada

His experience includes business strategy, business development, organizational change leadership and management, and leadership development projects with Fortune 100 companies such as Exxon Mobil, Verizon, Home Depot, Microsoft, Citigroup, State Farm Insurance, Johnson & Johnson, Dell. Technologies, FedEx, Cisco Systems, Delta Airlines and 3M. He seeks to impact the planet by strengthening visionaries who want to change the rules of the game and implement disruptive business models. His medium-term focus is to develop business relationships that allow the Hitos Consulting & Tribe University community to expand conscious practices



Mexican small and mediumsized technology companies that have an innovative value offering to compete in global markets.




he world and her people are currently facing incredibly difficult circumstances. The global health impact stemming from COVID-19 is truly tragic and the economic fallout is being felt across most industries. Sadly, things are going to get worse on both fronts, before they get better. Another area that is being impacted, is mental wellbeing. The seismic shifts in our lives, our routines, our behaviours, coupled with the worries that come with these changes, all

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create new stresses on our central nervous systems, and our minds. It’s crucial, more so than ever, to take conscious action to look after and improve, our mental wellbeing. In times like these (and to note, this is of great value even when things in life are more ‘normal’) it is incredibly empowering to categorise things into two sections – what is CONTROLLABLE and what is UNCONTROLLABLE. Here are some examples for each:

In times like these (and to note, this is of great value even when things in life are more ‘normal’) it is incredibly empowering to categorise things into two sections – what is CONTROLLABLE and what is UNCONTROLLABLE.

UNCONTROLLABLE - How long the COVID-19 situation will last. - Other people’s behaviour. - The impact to stock markets and the economy. - Predicting what will happen. - What people’s motives are.

The more clarity we have on this, and then consciously deciding to put ALL of the uncontrollable elements to one side and ONLY focusing on what we can control, leads to a happier, more positive, more empowered mindset. Being happy and positive is a state of mind, not a set of circumstances.

short lives (100 years if we’re lucky), and to take action. There are lots of techniques we can use to develop our mindsets. In addition to the controllable vs uncontrollable model, I’m going to share another three with you:


Scientists estimate that the odds of being alive are a staggering 420 TRILLION to one. Every single new day that arrives is truly a gift of monumental value…I’d say it’s lottery win, even though the difficulties of life sometimes make it not feel that way. So, building a powerful mindset that can operate effectively, not only when life is going well, but also when our external environment is filled with adversity, is so crucial.

Having a positive mindset is a hugely valuable asset and it’s not something that just happens.

If you’re already on a personal development journey then that’s fantastic, keep up the good work. If not, now is a great time to begin.

• Write down a list of uplifting mantras that when you read and say them, makes you feel good. • Repeating these statements back to yourself on a regular (can you do daily?) basis will yield some powerful results. • If you’re looking for inspiration, you can use positive quotes, journal on

Either way, the current situation is an opportunity for us all to look inward, at what we can work on to improve ourselves, to become clear on what truly is important in our

A conscious effort must be made for a prolonged period of time, and at some point it will “drop down” into the subconscious (where the thought process becomes automatic). Below are the simple steps for this exercise:



CONTROLLABLE - What I choose to focus on. - Whether I choose to learn new skills. - Whether I choose to take action on the important things. - How I invest my resources (time, finances, energy, emotions). - How I treat my customers / clients. - How I treat my staff - How I treat my family, friends and people in my communities. - How much news I consume. - Whether I follow government advice on health guidance. - Limiting my social media consumption. - What constructive changes I make to my business and/or life, and how fast. - Adapting my thought and behavioural patterns in such a way, that benefit me and those around me. - How proactive I am in utilising appropriate government financial support schemes that can help my business and my personal circumstances during this time.

your days and highlight the good stuff, and for those more daring, search for the upsides even in the difficult experiences (there is almost always at least one).

2. PHYSICAL EXERCISE Exercise is proven to have a significant positive impact on mental wellbeing, too. It… • Aids growth of new brain cells (neurons), improving learning and memory, whilst helping protect against degenerative conditions such as dementia. • Lowers stress chemicals. • Increases feel good, happy chemicals. • Helps combat against (and treat) depression. • Aids in the reduction of anxiety. • Reduces the risk of serious health conditions such as heart attack and stroke, as well as lowering inflammation which is linked

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to other conditions like cancer and diabetes. • Helps us to relax. • Increases energy, concentration and focus levels. • Grows confidence as our perception of how we feel and look improves.

3. GRATITUDE & APPRECIATION Retraining our brains is done by regularly changing the focal points to what we want be or do, rather than what we don’t. One way to utilise this concept is by implementing the below: • Every day, write down 3-5 things that you are grateful or appreciative of. • These can be big, tiny and everything in between. • Periodically go back through your list and really revel in the great feelings of all those wonderful things. The more consistently you do

these exercises, the stronger and more stable the benefits become.

WITHOUT THIS STEP, IT’S WORTHLESS. It’s important to note, and to remember, that information without action is close to worthless. In order to get the true benefits of any information, we must also back it up with action. It is not enough to just know, we must do. Please stay safe and look out for those around you. Best wishes, Dan. Our aim is to support as many people as we can during this difficult time. So we would like to ask you the question, "what can we do to help you?". To get in touch, please email us on or visit http://www.

DIGITAL MARKETING ANTHONY MILSTON DISCOVER WHAT SMART BUSINESS OWNERS LIKE YOU CAN DO TO SAFEGUARD THEIR BUSINESSES Being in a lockdown situation doesn't mean the end of the world! Believe it or not, for those of us being forced to stay at home offers both the perfect time and a safe place to get things done. Without the usual distractions most of us experience in our busy daily lives, it’s the ideal time to quietly reflect on

Being in a lockdown situation doesn't mean the end of the world! making new and achievable goals to help ensure your business is ‘not lost in the dust’ when this crisis is all over, and it will be over! YOUR BUSINESS HEALTH AND WELLBEING: Let me quickly introduce myself. I am Anthony Milston founder of Bluesky Multimedia - a digital marketing agency

established in 2006. The sole aim of my business is to help my clients get the best results possible from their digital marketing. During this extraordinary time, you can be quietly working away in the background on projects that may release extraordinary hidden value within your business to the benefit of your clients, customers and of course you! LET ME GIVE YOU A KEY EXAMPLE AND WHY SHOULD YOU CONSIDER THIS?



Invest time in learning a new skill or updating ones you already have. Check to see if in your particular field of excellence are there eLearning courses where you can skill - up on the latest thinking in your field or even study to gain a new qualification in a synergistic or adjacent skill to offer alongside your primary services? A platform for video eLearning that I frequently use is Udemy – they run offers from time to time so keep an eye out for their discounts which can be substantial.

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Why consider this? - It lessens your reliance on just one primary service. - Promoting a new service that does not rely entirely on a face to face consultation could prove very timely and encourage new clients or customers to take you up on your new offer and from a safe distance. - Similarly, you can promote the same to your existing clients or customers, thus opening up the prospect of doing more business with them. - New service brings you the perfect opportunity to write articles and pre-emptive blogs and social media posts while you are learning your new

skill. Blogs that are written to include relevant keywords and added to your website can improve your search engine optimisation and rankings. Not dissimilar to the financial crash of 2008 – it is unlikely there will be any immediate return to business as normal. Momentum will start to build slowly and probably in line with an overall feeling of rising confidence. So in the light of this here are several other actionable ideas you may want to consider. - Produce top tips, a how-to guide or perhaps a series of successful case studies taken from your archives. Several tools on the market allow you

to quickly and easily format professional high-quality and engaging eBooks or eGuides directly from a word document and at an extraordinarily low price. I have placed a link to the tool I use in the author bio below. I believe this is available at a big discount currently (at the time of writing) and there is another link to my example using the tool- see GMB in the bio area. Creating helpful guides can bring you many benefits including; kudos, establishing yourself as a credible expert, encouraging visitors to your website to provide you with their email and other details in return for your –eBook or

guide. You can then re-market to them with newsletters or other useful information in the future. - Consider creating information products such as audio or video training courses based on your unique expertise. Producing video training is incredibly easy these days and you don’t even need to be in front of a camera. Again, please refer to a link to the software I use in the footer. You can then extract the audio file from the video using the free online tool Audacity, and sell both the video and the audio training formats directly from your website by way of an email marketing campaign. You can also sell

on affiliate channels like Click Bank. Affiliates can then sell your courses to their lists of customers. See a link to Click Bank in the footer. This could provide you with an extraordinary valuable income during the pandemic and possibly lead the way to more opportunities to rinse and repeat the process in the future. - If you can offer your services via a video app such as Zoom, then make every effort to share this information with your current clients and customers and make a strong promotional announcement on your website and social media to encourage



new clients and customers. During this time it is vitally important that you spend time on marketing your business in any way you can. You need to be seen to be ready at the starting gate when this phase passes. Additionally to help ramp up the power and potency of your marketing look closely at local search engine optimisation. This is not as complicated as it may sound and to help you get a strong competitive advantage I have produced a free guide (see link in the footer) that will walk you through the process of optimising your website for Google’s local search results which are where most of your new clients will find you online. This pandemic will reset the thinking of many businesses and how they will pick up on the other side of it. So make use of this time, review your business, your website, your digital marketing and get ready. You will be open for business again, and so will many of your competitors, all fighting for custom. You need to stand out from the crowd, so use this time to get ready.

About ANTHONY MILSTON Anthony Milston is an Internet marketer, website, video and content producer and publisher. He has been practising in the digital marketing space since 2006 following a long career in the finance industry. Since then, he has worked with many businesses across a wide spectrum helping them to achieve their online goals of local market dominance. He is available to advise both new and existing businesses on making the most of their digital marketing opportunity. Anthony has a long association and special interest in the self-help, personal growth and development fields and a close affinity with the complementary health sector. Resources: Software to simply create eGuides, eBooks, currently on offer designrr-special-offer-2019/ Software to create Video for training courses or website, social media video with a 7 day free trial: https://www. Here is the link to a free download guide to claiming and optimising Google My Business. https://gmb. You can see an example of my eGuide from this link. Here is the link to the affiliate platform where you could make sales from your video training course. ClickBank

42 MAY-JUNE 2020



y name is Saf Buxy. I am a motivational speaker, a recovered addict, a radio presenter, an abuse victim, and above all a survivor.

My mission is to give everyone a message of hope and help people transform their lives in a peaceful, powerful and positive way. To help people become mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually free and in turn survive overcome and thrive. Once we have these freedoms, we can truly be a force for good and impact lives positively.

My mission is to give everyone a message of hope and help people transform their lives in a peaceful, powerful and positive way. To help people become mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually free and in turn survive overcome and thrive. Once we have these freedoms, we can truly be a force for good and impact lives positively. I act as a motivational speaker, a mentor and as someone who understands how to rebuild a life, even if you think there's no way back.

About me: addiction, survival and recovery Even a loving husband and father with a great family can find himself ensnared by addiction and I am a living example that it doesn’t discriminate. I could use multiple excuses for the things I did. I was adopted. I was abused physically, racially, verbally and sexually. I was diagnosed as bipolar. I suffered wounding bereavements, I had an inferiority complex and I could have blamed my circle of friends, but ultimately it all came down to fear and survival. I don't know if I was born an addict but I do know that I am



an addict. After 33 years of using, I hit what I thought was rock bottom several times, only to find new depths to sink to. I was bankrupt: emotionally, physically and financially. My mental health, selfdestructive behaviour, dishonesty, selfishness and irritability made my life unmanageable, but eventually led me to recovery. Acceptance is the answer to all of my problems today. It was scary for me to ask for help, but in all honesty it was more scarier to continue to do what I was doing. I find that it helps enormously to talk about my trauma, mental health & addiction and subsequent recovery and my philosophy is that if I can spare even one person from going down the path I did, then everything I do will be worth it. If I could do this I know anyone can too. Once you accept you have a problem, that's your first step to a new way of life free from drinking and using. It's empowering to know and see what I have accomplished. I now work as a volunteer speaker for “The Children's Society”, I have my own radio show called “Saf’s Surgery”

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which is dedicated to trauma, mental health and addiction, I’m a Trustee of Aspire2Be Recovery Community (A charity that helps people in recovery from addiction and mental health who have suffered from trauma), I’m an Drug and Alcohol Practitioner, I’m a Counsellor, I’m a mentor, I’m a motivational speaker, I’m studying a Master’s in Addiction Psychology, I’m an author of an autobiography

“Out of the Madness”, I perform ‘Spoken Word’, I help talented artists who have experienced trauma, mental health and addiction to express their talent in a way they find comfortable to them and I intend to spend the rest of my life helping others to overcome, survive and ultimately thrive.



S Like every other woman who emerged as a winner, Suman’s life has been through several ups and downs. She had to fight misogyny, stereotypes, and cognitive dissonance to get where she is today.

uman is an Oscar winner, whose story of grit and determination has inspired many women to address and fight-off taboos plaguing their life and the society they live in. Like every other woman who emerged as a winner, Suman’s life has been through several ups and downs. She had to fight misogyny, stereotypes, and cognitive dissonance to get where she is today. Her life is an example that when life throws lemons at you, better make some lemonades!

Hailing from a small Indian village, Suman was leading an ordinary life up until her women’s welfare group “Mahila Sabla Sangh”, associated with the NGO, asked her to participate in the project that required her to educate women in the village about menstrual health and hygiene, as well as, help in manufacturing sanitary pads. It was a huge call, especially in the society that didn’t find it acceptable to say the word ‘period’ out loud. Suman set up a small sanitary pad manufacturing unit in her House and shifted to a rented house with her family. Then she set upon the herculean MAY-JUNE 2020


task of convincing local women to start using sanitary pads. After constant rebukes and resistance, women finally came around to her idea. Women relatives like her sister-in-law Sneha joined her and thus, this small initiative turned out to be a significant movement of resilience. The documentary, Period. End of Sentence is based upon the real-life challenges of Suman and how she had to move mountains to make sanitary pads accessible for women around her. The documentary follows a group of women in India in their quest to set up an affordable sanitary pads manufacturing unit. It won an Oscar in 2019 under the Best Short Documentary category. and also Win’s thirty five awards around the world before and after oscar, & “19 Most Important Moments for Women in 2019” around the world of @ELLEmagazine.

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Carevanta Foundation Suman has now set upon an even bigger journey to spreadawareness about female hygiene and menstrual health throughout the country. As a woman who finds great joy in supporting other women to live a life of connection, health, and wellness, Suman has worked passionately with women across various economic sections and regionalities. She has been awarded hundreds of prestigious awards in India and most prestigious awards for women in India Devi award by the Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh, shri Yogi Adityanath Ji. Suman and Mavayna’s efforts have earned them the welldeserved nickname Pad Women of India. Regards Suman "Women of Wisdom" Co-founder,

Mobile:- +91 9818525511 Email:- suman.oscerwomen@ Email:- manavmavayna@gmail. com theoscarwoman MavaynaManav mavayna-manav-1060ab19a php?id=100035188590186 title/81074663


Lavanya is from Cambridge, UK and born in India. She persued her Electronics and Communications Engineering degree and Masters in Strategic Engineering Management.

With the constant development in the startup ecosystem,more and more women are chasing the entrepreneurial dream and succeeding in their ventures. Lavanya Sarikonda is the founder of Sarikondas Curry On and also the founder and CEO of Oblivion Solutions Ltd.She has a professional experience of more than 13 years in various software organizations.

persued her Electronics and Communications Engineering degree and Masters in Strategic Engineering Management. "We women need to Speak up, Stand out and Shine our light"

Lavanya was a courageous lady who was at the top of her career in software and a busy mum when she made a decision to persue a much larger goal in starting her own venture while working full time, she chose courage over comfort,she went through various ups and downs in life before achieving the success she enjoys today. Lavanya is from Cambridge, UK and born in India. She MAY-JUNE 2020


LEADERSHIP AUTHENTICITY… WHAT IT REALLY MEANS ROSS SWAN There is a lot of talk now about leaders needing to be authentic. But what does that really mean? I have heard people misconstrue the meaning. They take the word authentic, to mean, I can just be myself. But just being yourself is not that simple. There can be a difference between being truly authentic and just being yourself. The question here is, what is driving ‘being yourself’? Are you being a reflection of your inner self or are you a reflection of the people around you? Authenticity is a continuous connectivity between the head, the heart, and the soul. Understanding, and then living that, makes one truly authentic. If you continually see yourself through the eyes of others, then that will change the equation. Seeing yourself through others means you become a person who is not staying true to 48 MAY-JUNE 2020

Don’t get me wrong, you can be influenced by others, having mentors and role models are healthy learning opportunities. themself, but a person staying true to other’s expectations. How often do we see executives continually rate themselves against others for the wrong reasons? Playing office politics, winning at the expense of others, and the list goes on. Don’t get me wrong, you can be influenced by others, having mentors and role models are healthy learning opportunities. But that’s just it, it is for your personal development, not for you to be a replica of someone else. Competition is healthy also, but not at the expense of others. A behaviour which also leads to misalignment of strategic objectives.

So the being an authentic leader is something that comes from within you. When your heart, soul and inner self are connected you will have good thoughts. Over the years coaching numerous executives, I have never met anyone, that once they are connected their to inner self, that is, recognising their deep feelings about themselves, have they wanted to treat people badly. Where thoughts to compete, seek revenge, I am better than him/her etc., come when they are in their head space, not when they are connected with their inner feelings. An exercise I have done may times as a coach is to help people get in touch with their inner self. Its amazing how much people get out of that exercise. It quite often liberates them. They like the energy that it provides, and they work hard to be more in this mode of behaviour. That is taking regular time out to meditate and reflect. So, with continual

But I will admit, some bounce back to their old behaviour of headspace living and stay there for a variety of reasons. Luckily, they are the minority I have worked with. A very important outcome of being one’s true self, is that you are more conscious of your impact on others. It’s not, “I need to be myself so I can say what I want.” Yes, you need to say what needs to be said, but in a more diplomatic way. Its just takes a little patience and discipline, something you

have more of when that desire comes from within. Keeping in touch with your own feelings enables you to better understand other people’s feelings. That’s what tends to motivate you to be conscious of others. A heightener for your emotional intelligence. The last point regarding authenticity I want to make, is about ego. To me, we have two aspects of ego. Your inner and outer ego. Your outer ego is fueled by your thought’s, not your feelings. It gets back to what I mentioned before, the desire to compete and feel superior to others. That’s head space

thinking only. You may think you are feeling it, but no, you are thinking it. The feeling you are getting is only a reflection of your thoughts, such as: “yes I am better than they are, yes aren’t I good”!!! In their mind, an Olympic athlete does not compete against others, they compete against themselves and strive for their personal best. Yes, physically they compete, but mentally they are not. They do not outwardly think they are the best, but they definitely do inwardly. It’s that inner strength that gives them the drive to compete day after day. The same is for authentic leaders. To be authentic



encouragement and selfdiscipline they start to change. It may be a long journey for some but at least they have started.

you need to have that inner strength not to bow to other people’s opinions as to how you should be leading. Yes, your need to be open minded to other ideas but not a direct reflection of them. Your inner ego comes from being confident and feeling that you are okay and that you can stand tall in any crowd. But that should come from your inner self, not an outer expression where you feel the need tell everyone. Your inner self does not compete with others it competes only with yourself. That is the foundation of being authentic. So how do I work on my authenticity? Firstly, you need to desire which comes from within, not a desire driven by the outside environment. That is, “authentic leadership is what I am reading about so I must become one.” The problem here is that as soon as you meet a roadblock you will move to another fad because it may be easier to do. Your desire needs to come from within. You can do this through meditation or mindfulness. The key here is to just take the time out to reflect on how you want to behave as a person and are you doing that, not how you

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think you should behave, but how you really feel. When you compete with yourself you win, only when you compete with others do you loose. Taking that regular time out is fueled by the desire from within. If it’s difficult to find the time, then question where

your desire is coming from. Your inner being or your outer thoughts. Get that right and you can be truly authentic So, to summarize, true authenticity is about feeling it not thinking it.

About ROSS SWAN Ross is a perceptive and responsive leadership consultant, coach and trainer, with broad experience in varied industries worldwide, including financial services, construction, energy, beauty products, logistics, distribution, retail, engineering, hospitality, airlines, and manufacturing. Ross is also a dynamic speaker and podcaster with outstanding skills in communication, presentation, training, teambuilding, and interpersonal relations. He works internationally, spanning a variety of industries around the globe with his projects encompassing many diverse cultural backgrounds. Throughout the years, Ross has developed a growing desireto put an ongoing emphasis on bringing more soul into business and he believes that the most effective leaders are soul inspired. You can catch Ross at


people lives using my talents and gifts.

Hello! My name is Britney Baker. I am the CEO of L’arome Factory, Inc (Est. 2016). which produces a line of NICHE/ premium fragrances and more scented products. I am also a preacher, mentor and public speaker. I am a complete enthusiast and creative. I love empowering and impacting

2. What makes you a Visionary? I believe my ability to be creative in the midst of chaos and to see something great in moments when there does not seem to be nothing to build from. A visionary should be able to see the finished

masterpiece on a blank canvas. That is actually when my vision awakens. I like to help lead people into the better version of themselves by helping them awaken their own vision. 3. What inspired you to create your premium fragrance company called L’arome Factory?



L’arome Factory was started in 2016. L’arome is “Aroma” in French... I was sitting in the DMV with a friend of mine and we begin to talk about fragrances. I begin to tell her how I couldn’t wear certain fragrances because I have sensitive skin. I remember walking out of the DMV with her that day and meeting up with her husband in the parking lot and I just burst out and said, “I AM GOING TO START MY OWN FRAGRANCE LINE!”. That was in 2015! So, I did a full year of research, found a perfumer, saved money and gathered all necessary resources and information. When 2016 came I launch a fragrance line that was harsh alcohol free. I could wear my fragrances and others with sensitive skin could wear my fragrance line also. It’s been a blessing and a journey of growth and learning in the fragrance industry. 4. Congratulations!!! Britney on your new signature fragrance called “31” Eau De Parfum that sold a large amount in 30 minutes of launch. Please tell us more about it and how readers can support and purchase? Thank you! When I originally started my fragrance company

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in 2016, I launched 2 perfumes (Fervent and Amour Grace) ... After selling out of those inventories I discontinued those fragrances and wanted to start fresh because of so much I had learned about the fragrance industry, branding, marketing, trail and error. I decided to rebrand with a new signature fragrance. I had already told my mom that my 3rd fragrance would be called 31 after the scripture in the bible Proverbs 31 that talks about a “Virtuous woman” and it reminded me so much of my own mom strength, but kind nature and that is were “31” Eau De Parfum “A soft scent, for a strong woman” came from. It is a nice soft oriental scent and this time you can buy either the travel size, the full bottle (available soon) and/ or the matching scented lotion. It can be purchased at www. LaromeFactory.Shop

5. What are the key steps that helped you achieve your goals? For me it is simple. I practice discipline because nobody will accomplish my goals but me. My tribe (the people I have around me) are important to me because it is important to have like-minded and positive people around to keep you encouraged. I refuse to quit; I study and remain a student of what I want to accomplish and I congratulate myself when I accomplish getting one step closer to my goals. 6. What can we expect from you in 2020? I am currently working on my book releases 2020 and I am also looking forward to producing a cologne for men as well.


Britney Baker is a vibrant and driven 31-year-old inspirational mentor, pastor, motivational speaker and businesswoman. She is a current resident of Florida, but she is setting an example for women all around the world. Britney has been a public speaker 11 years’, workshop facilitator, seminar teacher and personal mentor. She is also the CEO of a thriving premium fragrance company called L’arome Factory. Inc. Britney is also an ambitious author with books entitled “10 Keys to start a business with NOTHING!” and “Thinking in High Definition” due to

be released 2020. Britney is always in awe of opportunities to mentor and guiding promising individuals to awaken their creative ability, find their identity, maximize their purpose and guide them in the right direction of becoming the world’s next great innovator. Many people reach out to Britney for her experience in starting businesses, her creative direction and to help them turn a good idea into a great idea. She is a true voice in the marketplace. Britney has received the ACHI Magazine “Editor’s Choice Award” out of 100

phenomenal women and The Eddy Awards “Providence” Award. She has appeared on various TV networks, magazine covers and articles such as the cover of Glambitious Magazine, the cover of MizCEO Magazine, featured in SwagHer magazine, and Courageous Woman top 30 speakers to book. She is a highly sought-after speaker and business mentor who has mentored individuals like Olympic Gold Medalist and more. In addition to all of her accomplishments, Britney loves helping others. She is determined to use her gifts to help change lives of dreamers all over the world.


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HOPE KEVIN HILL Hope is an optimistic state of mind that is based on an expectation of positive outcomes with respect to events and circumstances in one's life or the world at large.


e are living in a unique time that the world has never experienced before and may never experience anything like it again. Most of the world is in lockdown and fear is running rampant. However because there is so much

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uncertainty, we need "HOPE" more than ever before.

outcomes with respect to events and circumstances in one's life or the world at large. As a verb, its definitions include: "expect with confidence" and "to cherish a desire with anticipation." › wiki Hope - Wikipedia Here is my definition of HOPE for this time. HAPPY, OPPORTUNITIES, PEOPLE, EXPECTATIONS

Wikipedia defines "hope" in the following way.:


Hope is an optimistic state of mind that is based on an expectation of positive

People are saying that at this time you need to be happy. Everyone one wants to be

I want to challenge you not to be happy but to discover "Joy". Joy is a deep seated joy that goes beyond happiness, feelings and situations. Even in the most dire, miserable and darkest of situations you can have joy. Whereas any happiness has evaporated at this point. Joy remains because

it is not based on feelings. It is based in your gratitude and knowing who you are. Knowing your identity. When you are steadfast in having an Attitude of Gratitude and the knowledge of who you are you can have hope and face today, no matter what is thrown at you. Hope will rise in you for today and for tomorrow. In my opinion this is the birthplace of hope. When you are joyful in the world no matter the circumstances then real hope can arise. OPPORTUNITIES I spent ten years living in

Taiwan. The first bit of advice I received was this: "You need to be flexible and adaptable like water". Now people are confined to their homes. Thousands of people have lost their jobs. People are in shock. Governments may be able to help some for a short time but it will not be able to sustain that level of help. You need to be flexible and adapt to the current situation. I have adapted and many opportunities have opened up for me. There are many opportunities out there even in the midst of this pandemic. There is a TV show called "Once upon a time". In one



"Happy" and although that is a noble pursuit in and of itself; happiness is fleeting. You see "Happy" is a feeling. That means one small thing can make you happy and just as quickly one small thing can make you unhappy. Just like that, in an instant your happiness has gone.

episode one of the seven dwarfs had made candles. However no-one was buying his candles. So he gets his pickaxe and destroys the electricity box plunging the whole town into darkness. When asked "Why"? He replied something like, "I am creating my own opportunities." If there are no opportunities opening up for you then create your own opportunities. Now is the time to do this.

will come into play. I would like to suggest that you can instead be like pebbles. The small stones are made smooth by the water washing over them. The rough edges are smoothed away by the water and pebbles coming onto contact with each other. Just like these pebbles we in our homes can smooth out any rough parts in a much more gentle way than clashing with each other all the time. Who wouldn't want the gentle way?

PEOPLE With most of us housebound due to the lockdown in our country this could go two ways. One way is where we will go stir crazy and our household will drive us mad. Another way is that we can use this time to build better relationships with our family. You can have family times where you play games together. You could watch a movie but if like my household (I have four kids) no one can decide what movie to watch as our movie tastes are all completely different.

Don't see this time as time served in prison but a time to deepen your relationship with your family. It does not have to stop with your household. Do check up on other family and friends. Check in on them to see how they are doing. Also you could offer to help if you can. Go buy their food, collect their medicine and other things. Show your love and support to people including those working on the front line to stop this virus.

EXPECTATIONS In the Bible there is a verse that says "Iron sharpens Iron". That means there is conflict and sparks fly. With everyone cooped up on top of each other I know tempers will fray and the whole iron sharpening iron

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During this time manage expectations. These include expectations you put on yourself as well as those put on you by other people. Some people are now working from

home so there are expectations from your boss. These you will need to do if you want to keep your job. Children have some expectations from their teachers to do some work and to some degree these too need to be met. On social media some people are saying if you do not come out of this time with new skills then you have wasted your time. Please do not put yourself under this heavy yoke. If you want to learn new skills then great, well done you. If you need this time just to rest up then great well done you. DO NOT GIVE INTO ANYONE FORCING YOU DO MORE THAT YOU NEED YOU. your health and wellbeing is paramount at this time and do not be guilted into do anything you cannot handle. Let HOPE arise in you during this time. Embrace it for this too will pass. This state of lockdown and the virus will not last forever. Live and walk in HOPE.


A great leader is highly aware of vision, values, ethics, passion and what s/he stands for, is forthright, communicates with soul and recognises that every person has a gift.


e are in unpresented times and never before since world wars one and two has leadership been so critical. I perceive leadership to be about creating space for people to be their best thus maximising potential. Leadership is about being: very aware, flexible, empathetic, courageous, communicative with excellent relationship skills and with vision for the future underpinned with optimism. A great leader is highly aware of vision, values, ethics, passion and what s/he stands for, is forthright, communicates with soul and recognises that every person has a gift. The challenge of leadership is to be: strong, able to think with the heart, feel with the head, humble but not timid, acknowledge one’s achievement without arrogance and learn from mistakes. Great leaders remember that expectations determine outcomes. Currently, most of the world is in lock-down and leaders need to be emotionally intelligent

demonstrating high levels of flexibility, leading through uncertainty, balancing strategic planning with contingency planning and caring for the workforce. The world is calling out for Integrity in leadership. So how might leaders lead with integrity? Firstly, in the current climate leadership demands leading with purpose and passion to save lives. We see first responders in health and community services risking their own lives in order to save the lives of others. “The supreme quality for leadership is unquestionable integrity. Without it, no real success is possible.” – Dwight Eisenhower Leading with integrity requires leaders demonstrate distinctions between what is right and what is moral. An action could be the right action but not moral. In the self-isolation, is it moral that an elderly person within a




nursing home with symptoms of COIVID-19 be left to die without available medical intervention? Your leadership requires you to inspire, empower and unite people. In your leadership role you are creating a culture that is exciting, value driven, effective, fun and worthwhile in your enterprise. Outstanding leaders go out of their way to boost the self-esteem of their personnel. For decades there has been discussion on flexible working, some organisations and businesses have made varying progress. Suddenly, the lock-down require us to work flexibly from home, while in some cases supervising the education of children. Are leaders sufficiently aware of the social and domestic issues that are faced by some employees? Sadly, the reports are rising on domestic abuse during this pandemic Leading in the current pandemic requires leaders to lead through a period of uncertainty. That requires courage, By courage I mean the ability to face down those imaginary fears and reclaim the far more powerful life that you've denied yourself. A leader sometimes needs to go

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down the untraveled path. Imagine if you will, you being courageous. "The original definition of 'courage' is from the Latin word 'cor,' meaning 'heart.' The earliest definition was to show you who you are by telling your story with your whole heart. Are you holding back from taking the courageous path because of fear? • Where in leadership in business and in your life do you need to be more courageous? • How is this current COVID-19 storm affecting your business, work or personal life? Where do you need to be anchored? • Do you have the courage to

follow your intuition? • Do you have the courage to be flexible and adaptable and to let your creativity shine? Leading your business and your life requires courage. Yet you may not be achieving your full potential because of fear. Marianne Williamson says: Our Deepest Fear - is not that we are inadequate... Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us….. A Return To Love' (1992) by Marianne Williamson Courage is the key to excellent leadership. Excellent leaders demonstrate bold reasoned

Most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary. • Steve Jobs, Stanford commencement speech, June 2005

judgment, spirited but calculated risk-taking and a confident reflective disposition. Aristotle called courage the first virtue, because it makes all other virtue possible both in business and in life.

There are times when you may find that you allow fear to rob you of your courage.

being alone, fear of humiliation, fear of public speaking, fear of being ostracized by family and friends, fear of regret and fear of success.

Fear of failure, fear of rejection, fear of going broke, fear of

Within your life or within your business, is there a catastrophe

waiting to happen because you lack the courage to do the right thing? It takes courage ... to endure the sharp pains of selfdiscovery rather than choose to take the dull pain of unconsciousness that would last the rest of our lives. • Marianne Williamson Listen to your staff and care for them. Your people are your greatest resource; listen to their feedback, ensure that you as a



leader do everything to enable their safety. This may mean speaking truth to power. To lead people, walk behind them. • Lao Tzu Lead with communication in your strategic contingency planning, listen to people and seek to understand the issues, understand what is needed for innovation, what is working well, what is not working, how resources can be better utilized and harnessed. Effective communication is base of all relationship building. An excellent leader and a master communicator not only has the mastery over the functional skills of communication but also mastery of personal qualities such as interpersonal communication which involves interaction between persons.

An effective communicator 60 MAY-JUNE 2020

always adapts to global audiences. When you invest time in listening to people’s concerns and ideas you fuel your leadership with communication because you remember that communication is a two-way process. In so doing you are also leading with recognition, valuing and treating people the way that makes them feel valued; as well as leading with connecting for when you surround yourself with quality

connection to people and you invest time in building genuine relationships, you then extend your leadership beyond your personal strengths.

Dr Neslyn Watson-Druée CBE FCGI FRCN M: +44 (0) 7768000321 Awarded Best 100 Global Coaching Leader International Professional Speaker Dr Neslyn’s Published Books:
















62 MAY-JUNE 2020

POWERFUL GLOBAL WOMEN FOUNDATION COVID-19 FEED THE CHILDREN PROJECT This mission was lead by the Vice President of Powerful Global Women Foundation (Mrs Josephine Itsuokor) and her team. Our first point of call was an ophanage home followed by visitation to families with children. We are so grateful to have been able to achieve this during this time. We will continue to reachout to others with the support of our Global partners.




Powerful Global Women Foundation (Powerhouse Charity) was founded in 20l6 in Nigeria, West Africa, by Lady Anita Duckworth-Bradshaw. The core objective of this organization is to transform the lives of women and children, through various projects centred around the need of the service group. In 20l6 Lady Anita single handedly fed over 400 children as part of “project feed l000 children globally”, and held an empowerment conference for the women. Through this project, so many women have gone to do great things with the knowledge they gained from the event. She recently held a life transforming event for women in Lagos, Nigeria as part of International women’s month celebration 20l8. The turnout was very encouraging. She is working towards supporting more families to keep their children and wards in school through” project back-to-school” starting in September 20l8. We are seeking for global support from individuals and organisations who would love to be a part of this service to humanity. Meet the African Representative of Powerful Global Women Foundation (Mrs Evelyn Emeka). A woman with the heart of putting smile on faces of others. A great entrepreneur in the network marketing industry. She is also a Powerhouse Speaker. To support us, please visit: or email or

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Charity Project: As part of our Global Annual commitment, we were able to successfully complete project feed the children 2019 mission. Over 150 children were fed at this year’s event. Powerful Women Global Foundation (PGWF ) is a charity set up by Lady Anita Duckworth-Bradshaw in 2016. The service users are women and children. To support PGWF, please email



1 0 0 P O W E R F U L D A I LY A F F I R M AT I O N




THEME: REDEFINING LEADERSHIP IN THE NEW GLOBAL ECONOMY 21st and 22nd September 2020 Time: 9 AM - 4 PM DAILY Networking continues until 5.30 pm on both days VENUE: JURYS HOTEL CROYDON, CRO 9XY

Benefits Exibition Panel Sessions Masterclass Book Launch Talks Networking Opportunity to Feature in Powerhouse Global Magazine Food and Drinks

PARTNER WITH US TO MAKE THIS EVENT A SUCCESS Please email: 66 MAY-JUNE 2020 To Book Your Ticket (Speakers and Delegates), Please Visit EVENTBRITE

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