Thecia Jenkins
hecia Jenkins is an international speaker,
law enforcement, healthcare providers, educators,
trainer and coach and is passionate about
corporate, clergy, social services and communities to
working with women and organizations
raise awareness about recognizing, responding and
whose mission to equip girls and women to live a life
referring victims of domestic violence to increase
without violence, have access to options that lead to
access to services and safety.
economic security and experience happiness. As a gender-based expert, she consulted on the For the last thirty years she assisted women heal
reality show “The Book of John Gray” on the Oprah
from the trauma of domestic and sexual violence as
Winfrey Network and is an expert witness on
an advocate and coach. She has developed programs
domestic violence cases.
focusing on self-esteem, starting a home based business, and healthy relationships.
She was a featured speaker at the inaugural Emotional Intelligence Summit in Ghana (West Africa)
She is the owner of I Am BOLD, LLC, a personal and
and is currently co-authoring EQuip To Lead which
professional development company. Thecia works
will be released this fall.
with non-profits and small businesses internationally and provides training on gender-based violence,
She is a graduate of Texas Woman’s University and
emotional intelligence, diversity, and public speaking.
hold certifications in Diversity, Emotional Intelligence,
Thecia Jenkins is the Training Director with the
DiSC (behavioral styles), Mediation and Coaching.
Harris County Domestic Violence Coordinating
Her favorite quote is “No significant learning occurs
Council in Houston. She oversees curriculum
without a relationship.” by Ruby Payne, Educator.
development, community outreach and training for www.powerhouseglobalmag.com