Belinda Parker-Brown
elinda Parker-Brown lives and works in
masses. Fannie Lou Hamer. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
the United States of America (U.S.) as a
Malcolm X. Professor Angela Y. Davis. Glimmers of all
community mobilizer which is a noun quite
of these remarkable change agents are regularly seen
different from the verb or action phrase, “community
in Belinda Parker-Brown. To know her is to witness
mobilizing”. By the time that activity gets underway as
how America’s Statue of Liberty would look and seem
part of Parker-Brown’s good government advocacy,
as a walking, talking human being.
she has looked beyond related incidents and seen the pivotal, underlying malfunctions, dysfunctions,
and/or corruption of U.S. government. Her instincts
Belinda Parker-Brown
and vast network of personal contacts then serve
well in solidarity building for solutions. Parker-Brown
Louisiana United International, Inc.
is a visionary and accordingly detects, harnesses,
and orchestrates synergy among stakeholder group
Office: (985) 503-0626
leaders, even when that potential is far from obvious
Cell: (269) 369-4751
to most onlookers.
Email: info@launitedi.org or belindabrownlld@yahoo.com
Phenomenal orchestrating for justice is second nature for Parker-Brown. However, she is as skilled as a seasoned diplomat. With notable ease and accuracy, Parker-Brown translates some of the most complex considerations of history, law, and political science into language and concepts that resonate among the 44 SEPTEMBER 2021 - 28TH ISSUE